uca yarra ranges parish healesville,wandin/seville,yarra ... · morning tea ryle & del rodrigo...

The Grapevine 10th September 2017 UCA Yarra Ranges Parish Healesville,Wandin/Seville,Yarra Glen Please send all roster changes or articles to Hilary by 9pm Wednesday night Email: [email protected] or Phone 0458 818 100 Website www.healesville.unitingchurch.org.au HEALESVILLE Stewards Marilyn K & Heather H Communion Elders Scripture Jeff Shrowder Prayers of The People Marian Shrowder Childrens Activities IN WORSHIP Music Alan Honeycombe Sound System Toby Jeffs Morning Tea Ryle & Del Rodrigo Flowers Coral Jeffs Church Cleaning Glenda Robinson DHC Cleaning Margaret Blair Lawns WANDIN/SEVILLE Door Steward Don Janetski Scripture Mark Edmonds Morning Tea Wendy Bartsch Flowers Elizabeth Harvey Church Cleaning Elizabeth harvey YARRA GLEN Cleaning Barbara Franklin Bookings for DHC Hall Beth Honeycombe 5962 5493 Minister Rev Jennie Gordon 0416 152 051 Healesville Church Office 5962 4128 Healesville Congregational Secretary Heather Hysted 5962 3031 Wandin Seville Contact Don Janetzkji 5964 7591 Yarra Glen Contact June Bennett 9730 2247 ROSTER 17th September ———————— ——————————————————————————————————————— Todays Scripture Readings Exodus 12:1-14 Psalm 149 Romans 13:8-14 Mathew 18:15-20 Welcome . . . to anyone visiting today or worshipping for the first time. After worship please join us for a bbq lunch. TRADE WIINDS Fair Trade Tea and Coffee Can be purchased at Healesville UCA See Jeff Shrowder ————————————–————————— Next Weeks Scriptures Exodus 14:19-31 Psalm 114 Romans 14:1-12 Mathew 18:21-35 Next Week . . . 17th September Worship Leaders YG Rev Jennie Gordon W/S Paul C HV Rev Jennie Gordon ————————————–———–—-—–———————————————————-- God of the pilgrim people, you call us from our individual lives and our separate commu- nities into the Community of Christ to be one people, your people. As we gather, your people in your holy presence, affirm in each of us the good that you have created; remove from each of us the evil that works against you; reform in each of us the life that we have through Jesus. May your Spirit enliven our worship and enlighten our under- standing of your will. Encircle us in your love and so enable us, in return, to love you and one another. Amen. ——————————————————————————————————————— ————————–—–———–———————–—————————————————-

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Page 1: UCA Yarra Ranges Parish Healesville,Wandin/Seville,Yarra ... · Morning Tea Ryle & Del Rodrigo Flowers Coral Jeffs Church Cleaning Glenda Robinson DHC Cleaning Margaret Blair Lawns

The Grapevine 10th September 2017

UCA Yarra Ranges Parish Healesville,Wandin/Seville,Yarra Glen

Please send all roster changes or articles to Hilary by 9pm Wednesday night Email: [email protected] or Phone 0458 818 100

Website www.healesville.unitingchurch.org.au


Stewards Marilyn K & Heather H

Communion Elders

Scripture Jeff Shrowder

Prayers of The People Marian Shrowder

Children’s Activities IN WORSHIP

Music Alan Honeycombe

Sound System Toby Jeffs

Morning Tea Ryle & Del Rodrigo

Flowers Coral Jeffs Church Cleaning Glenda Robinson DHC Cleaning Margaret Blair



Door Steward Don Janetski Scripture Mark Edmonds Morning Tea Wendy Bartsch

Flowers Elizabeth Harvey

Church Cleaning Elizabeth harvey


Cleaning Barbara Franklin

Bookings for DHC Hall

Beth Honeycombe 5962 5493

Minister Rev Jennie Gordon 0416 152 051

Healesville Church Office 5962 4128 Healesville Congregational Secretary Heather Hysted 5962 3031 Wandin Seville Contact Don Janetzkji 5964 7591 Yarra Glen Contact June Bennett 9730 2247

ROSTER 17th September






Today’s Scripture Readings

Exodus 12:1-14 Psalm 149 Romans 13:8-14 Mathew 18:15-20

Welcome . . . to anyone visiting today or worshipping for the first time. After worship please join us for a bbq lunch.


Fair Trade Tea and Coffee

Can be purchased at Healesville UCA

See Jeff Shrowder ————————————–—————————

Next Weeks Scriptures

Exodus 14:19-31 Psalm 114 Romans 14:1-12 Mathew 18:21-35

Next Week . . . 17th September

Worship Leaders

YG Rev Jennie Gordon

W/S Paul C

HV Rev Jennie Gordon —





















God of the pilgrim people,

you call us from our individual lives and our separate commu-nities into the Community of Christ to be one people, your people.

As we gather, your people in your holy presence, affirm in each of us the good that you have created;

remove from each of us the evil that works against you;

reform in each of us the life that we have through Jesus.

May your Spirit enliven our worship and enlighten our under-standing of your will.

Encircle us in your love and so enable us, in return, to love you and one another. Amen.



Page 2: UCA Yarra Ranges Parish Healesville,Wandin/Seville,Yarra ... · Morning Tea Ryle & Del Rodrigo Flowers Coral Jeffs Church Cleaning Glenda Robinson DHC Cleaning Margaret Blair Lawns

10th September Sunday 14th September Thursday

Wandin 10am Wandin/Seville Church

Parish Service

BBQ lunch to follow

HV Church Council Meeting 7.00pm DHC

11th September Monday 15th September Friday

HV Sing a Song Sixpence 11am DHC

12th September Tuesday 16th September Saturday

HV Dinner at Darron’s 5.30pm DHC

HV Aurrum Service 3.30pm

13th September Wednesday ***** Coming Up *****

W/S Wandin’s Music Time 10.00am

HV Being Together 10.00 Cherry Tree Cafe YG Midweek Communion Service

at Yarra Glen UCA at 2pm.

Please contact Jennie if you would like transport.

W/S Church Council Meeting 7.30pm

Just Because 2pm September 20th

At June Bennett’s Home

RAR Wednesday 20th September

7pm DHC

UC Kids Hot Dog Footy Night

22nd September See notice opposite

W/S AGM of the Congregation

September 24th after short worship.



AGM of the Congregation

on Sept 24th

after a short service of worship


Friday 22nd


To be held at the home of

Ross Honeycombe

70 North Road, Lilydale

Time 6.30pm Cost $2.00 per person

Wear your favourite footy colours/clothes. Bring a friend. Enjoy footy food, games and live footy finals.

Please reply to Ross 0409 533 362



























is vitally important for everyone

connected with our PARISH.

Please try to attend as we

need to comply with govern-

ment regulations and synod

directions and are keen to

make sure our churches are

safe places for everyone:




Jennie is conducting the train-

ing straight after worship at

Healesville UCA

Sunday 17th September

12.15 to 2.15pm

Light lunch will be provided.

Contact Jennie if you need

more information.

0416 152051

This is for everyone!

UCAF Next meeting will be

Monday 25th September

We will be visiting the Immigration Museum in the city

Catching the bus from Healesville at 9.30 Arrive at Southern Cross station at 10.55.

Either walk or catch a tram to the museum, probably have a snack on our way.

A couple of hours in the museum then back to Southern Cross station to catch the 3.30 bus home.

A few things to check, Myki card, seniors card , free travel , apparently you organise this at Lilydale railway station. I’m sure we will all know what is involved by the date.

My phone no is 0408908243 Glenda.