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CANVEY ISLAND Newsletter Dec 2019 – February 2020 https://u3asites.org.uk/canvey Registered Charity No. 1173536

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    Newsletter Dec 2019 – February 2020


    Registered Charity No. 1173536


  • CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE It’s hard to believe that Christmas is almost here – where

    did 2019 go!

    Throughout this year our U3A has provided members

    with numerous activities to participate in and the opportunity to make new

    friends. May I, on behalf of the committee, take this opportunity to thank

    everyone who has worked hard to make this possible, we couldn’t do this

    without you.

    At the 2020 AGM on the 16th March there will be five posts on the

    Committee up for election, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer,

    Membership Secretary and Catering Administrator. I have to stress that to

    ensure the viability of our U3A it is essential that these posts are filled. I urge

    you to give serious consideration to putting yourself up for election. If you

    would like to discuss any of these roles in more detail, please do not hesitate

    in contacting me or any of the committee members.

    The first national U3A Day will be held on the 3rd June 2020, U3A’s across

    the country are being asked to take part in marking the day by hosting eye

    catching events which showcase and celebrate what happens in their U3A.

    Please put the 3rd June 2020 in your diary and in the New Year we will start

    planning for the day, contributions and ideas from members are welcomed.

    May your Christmas be filled with moments of love, laughter and goodwill,

    and may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy.


    Christine Watts - Chairman

  • NOTE



    Merry Christmas

    and a happy and

    healthy New

    year to you all!

    Once Christmas is over, I

    cannot wait for Spring to

    come as I don’t like the

    cold, dark damp days.

    There are many who

    dislike the winter

    because it keeps them

    housebound and lonely

    and it always concerns

    me to think that there

    could be something I can

    do to help if only I knew.

    Keep your eyes and ears

    out for those around you

    who could be helped in

    some small way. Perhaps

    even your company for

    ten minutes, or a phone

    call would make all the


    If getting to a U3A

    event is difficult for you

    then let your liaison or a

    committee member know

    and we will try to find a

    solution for you.

    Whatever you do, stay

    safe and warm!!

    Elaine Mitchell - editor

  • Our Annual General Meeting takes place in

    March 2020

    Dear Members,

    The Annual General Meeting is the time when our current

    committee members stand down from the committee, at the end of

    their period of office and new committee members are proposed,

    nominated, and voted onto our committee. The positions available

    this year are: -




    We need to ensure that all posts are filled.

    We Need You!

  • We are contacting all our members who have

    advised us of their email address, to inform them

    of the new arrangements for our AGM. As you will be aware, in

    the past, we have handed out your AGM pack at the monthly

    meetings or posted them to you which is a costly and time-

    consuming exercise. This year we intend to digitally send you

    your AGM pack via email. The pack contains 5 documents which

    will all be available for you to view via your smartphone, tablet,

    laptop or PC. You will also be able to print the documents if that

    is your preference. If you are unable to view documents from your current equipment please let me know, as soon as possible.

    AGM packs will be handed out or posted, as usual, to those who

    do not have email access.

    The timetable for the AGM is as follows: -

    Your AGM pack will be emailed or handed or posted to you on

    14th January 2020. Completed nomination forms will need to be

    returned to me by 11th February 2020. The AGM will be held on

    16th March 2020. If you have any issues regarding our intentions please do not hesitate to contact me, as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, if you would like to find out how the committee

    works, or you feel that you would like to become involved in the

    management and development of our vibrant and forward-thinking

    U3A, come and have a chat with me or any Committee Member.

    Mike Collett Canvey Island U3A - Secretary

  • This group has been established for a number of years, we are

    not competitive (well maybe just a little bit) but play for the

    enjoyment of the game, it is a fun way of keeping fit and making

    new friends.

    We are happy to welcome new members, don’t worry if you have

    never played before or haven’t played for many years you will be

    made welcome. If you would like to join the group please contact

    Christine Watts the Group Liaison.

    Like all Liaisons and Committee Members, contact details for

    Christine are found at the back of every Newsletter.

    All up to date information can be found on the Website


  • Just a thought…….

    Before the main meetings start – why

    not turn your chair to face the

    speaker on the stage – you can turn it

    back to chat to your friends over


    The Bobbin Lace Group This group continues to meet whenever we can fit it in, usually once a month. Lace making is an extremely slow process and large projects can take months or even years, as with a table-cloth I've been working on for approximately 10 years. Obviously, I haven't been throwing the bobbins about on a daily basis, mainly because I've so many other groups I go to and other commitments. It's also due to the biscuit and drink breaks and putting the world to rights. We enjoy our meetings even if there is very slow progress. The equipment to make lace can be expensive and not easy to find these days so it's not for everyone but once started it can be very addictive. Anyone that may have visited Bruges has probably seen lace being made. There are many types of lace including Torchon a simple pretty lace which can be used to make book marks, paper weights, pictures and mats, Honiton which needs even more equipment and is a lightweight lace, and Tape which basically looks like a long, thin bandage with twists and turns. If anyone is interested in seeing some lace making just get in touch.

    Submitted by Zena James – Group Liaison

  • Essex Association of U3As Study Days Over the next six months the Essex Association of U3As are running three interesting Study days to which you are invited. Geology

    Sunday 1st March 2020 at Broomfield Village Hall, 158 Main Road,

    Chelmsford CM1 7AH

    Start time 10.00 am

    Cost of the day is £15.00 which includes lunch.

    Prepare to have your mind stretched by geological time and take a tour of

    Britain through time-travel spectacles.

    We shall look at rocks, fossils and minerals that help us to interpret the

    scenery and to work out what Britain was like in the past.

    There will be illustrated talks and hands on activities.

    Advanced Genealogy

    Thursday 2nd April 2020 at St Cedds Hall,

    Start time 9.30 am

    The cost of the day will be £15.00 which includes lunch.

    Toni Nobard is a genealogist with over 40 years experience in the field. She

    has had two books published on the subject and until recently had a business

    researching other people's family history.

    Topics for the day:

    Getting the most from the Census

    Breaking down 'brick walls'

    Dating old family photographs

    Introduction to DNA for family history

    The Study of Trees at the Arboretum

    Monday 11th May 2020 at Marks Hall, Coggeshall, Essex, CO6 1TG.

    Start time 10.30 am

    The cost of the day is £10.00. (lunch NOT included - bring your own lunch)

    Please note the Marks Hall will be closed to the public on this day.

    The Arboretum forms an enviable collection of trees originating from every

    temperate area of the world and miles of leafy woodland walks to explore and


  • The Senior Arborist will be taking you through the differing areas of the

    world's trees.

    Please note that this day will be on uneven ground, it will also involve

    steps and grassed areas which may not be suitable for those with reduced

    mobility or wheelchair use

    The above Study Days are open to U3A members of Essex Association

    of U3A's only. Application should be made through their website.

    Ever thought about speaking to someone you have never

    spoken to before at the next U3A Meeting – it could make

    their day – and be the start of a wonderful friendship for you


    Cards For Fun 1

    This long running group meets

    regularly to play all sorts of card

    games. Much more than playing

    cards it is the opportunity to get

    together once a month, have a

    good chat and laugh. As the

    only male member Alan does well to keep his sanity some

    months when the sugar in the biscuits takes effect on the

    ladies! Since we cannot get any more people around our table

    a second group has started that meets where there is more

    room, so contact Cards for Fun 2 if you too would like to have

    a fun time playing cards and making friends.

    Submitted by Elaine Mitchell – Group Liaison


    2020 WHEN – FRIDAY 24TH APRIL 2020


    STARTS AT 7.30PM









  • Group Coordinator’s News

    Christmas will soon be with us so I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and

    a healthy Happy New Year.

    The next Liaisons meeting will be held at Smallgains Hall on Friday January 24th at

    1.30pm. This year is a special time for the U3A as it will be holding its first National

    U3A day on Wednesday 3rd June 2020. We will be discussing this event at our

    Liaisons meeting and finding ways to promote what our U3A does and how we can

    show some of the fantastic activities and groups to our new members and also the

    public. I would urge you all to attend the January meeting so you can be involved

    with ideas and suggestions on how you could promote your group for this special

    day in June.

    We have had suggestions for new groups given to me recently, including

    Technology, Gardening and Calligraphy and many others, there is a list of these on

    the Groups Notice Boards which you can read at the monthly meetings and also at

    our social afternoons at Smallgains. If you are interested in any of the groups please

    enter your name on the sheets provided or for more information email me via the

    links on the website. We still need people to help start the new groups up so if you

    think you have some experience or something to offer and could help other people

    learn a new craft or skill or just be able to organise, then we really need your help.

    Jan Collett – Groups Co-Ordinator

  • Merry Christmas to all the members

    from your committee

    Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a

    happy and healthy New Year come from

    these members

    To All members - Best Wishes from Georgia and Derek

    To everyone. Best Wishes from Barbara Taylor

    Wishing everyone happiness and good health - Linda M

    To all members from Eileen Sharp

    To all our friends at U3A Maureen and Fred

    To U3A friends, Love and best wishes Val N

    Ten Pin Bowling – Greetings from Christine

    To all my friends at the U3A from Maureen Wood

    To all my friends in the U3A Chris P

    To all members. Best wishes from Gill B xx

    To all our friends at U3A from Sheila and Pete

    To all my friends at U3A from Iris Eagle

    To all our friends from Michael and Mary

    To all our friends at the U3A from Al and Jen B

  • Best wishes to all at the U3A, from Marge

    Badminton – Merry Christmas from Christine

    To all my friends at the U3A, love from Pearl H

    To U3A Friends, Love & Best wishes Val Nelson

    To all my friends in the U3A. Best wishes Chris

    Best Wishes for the New Year to all from Pauline D

    Best wishes to all at the U3A.Happy Xmas – Rita

    Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas – Ann R

    All the Card Groups–Very best wishes from Elaine

    To all members who know me – Kath Darwood

    Wishes for peace and good health to all – Carol N

    To all our friends in the U3A. Best wishes Mike and Jan

    All our Friends Old and New from Reg and Jan

    To all my U3A friends – a Joyous Noel, from Julia

    Holiday Spanish ‘Feliz Navidid’ from Christine

    Knit and Natter – Greetings from Christine Watts

    From Joan and Hugh Greetings to all U3A Folks

    Quizzers and Snappers – from Alan (and Elaine!)

    Committee – Relax and Enjoy – Christine

    Thanks to Barbara (and Carol) for selling these Greetings

  • Can you these cryptic birds. For example – Hole digger would be a myna (or mynah) bird.

    The answers are on page 18

    . Good Luck -

    1. Regal angler.

    2. Batman’s sidekick.

    3. Female sailor.

    4. Change direction.

    5. Cavalier in strong wind.

    6. Dogs do this.

    7. A replete mother.

    8. Rolling tobacco.

    9. Margarine.

    10. Silent big white bird.

    11. Often found on building


    12. You would tie this.

    13. Breathless.

    14. Cut-throat William.

    15. Done after chewing.

    16. Speedy.

    17. Fairgrounds often have a

    big one.

    18. It is illegal to walk in this


    19. Little Margaret pastry.

    20. Black hair.

    21. Extra chicken.

    22. Moan.

    23. Cutlery invoice.

  • Ten Pin Bowling

    Fun, friendship, competition and exercise they are some of the

    reasons why you should join our U3A’s Ten Pin Bowling group.

    Amongst our group we have some excellent high scoring players and

    a few, like myself, who just enjoy the game and are thrilled with an

    occasional strike. We play monthly at the Hollywood Bowl at the

    Festival Leisure Park, Basildon, the current price is £6.40 for two


    As well as having fun there are health benefits from playing, it burns

    calories, strengthens muscles, improves flexibility, balance and hand-

    eye coordination. The best part is: there are almost no limits on who

    can bowl, it's a low impact, easy-to-learn sport, making it great for all

    fitness levels.

    So, if you already love bowling, or are looking for a new way to have

    fun and stay fit why not give Ten Pin Bowling a try.

    To join the group contact Christine Watts, the group liaison.

    N.B. If you know of any member who is

    unwell, or has recently suffered the

    bereavement of their partner, or just needs a

    friendly call to see how they are feeling,

    please contact our Members Liaison, Georgia

    Draper. Her contact details can be found on

    the back page of this newsletter and she will

    follow up on your suggestion with a card or telephone call.






    U3A PRICE £48.00

    COACH £15.00

    FROM 12.45pm



    Great long running show at Her Majesty’s Theatre.






    FROM 12.45pm

    16TH - 20th DECEMBER

    Visit some of Essex’s villages, stop for refreshments & lunch on route, then on to Perrywood Garden Centre.





    PAY ON DAY £8.00)

    FROM 12.45pm


    Step back in time as you walk the beautiful traffic free lanes of the village. Visiting open gardens, craft barns, marquees and stalls.






    FROM 12.45pm


    Columbia Road is well known for its flower market where you can

    purchase anything from border plants,

    garden ornaments to full grown trees, and

    then on to Covent Garden.




    PRICE £29.50

    FROM 12.45pm

    16TH MARCH

    Leeds Castle will be putting on a medieval show where If you wish you can dress up for the occasion.





    FROM 12.45pm

    20th APRIL

    Some of Rye’s cobbled lanes date back to medieval times, where you will find half-timbered houses. Also, great Antique shops. Then on to Tenterden.





    APPROX £7.00

    FROM12.45pm 18th MAY

    Visit Ely where there is a very large market and Cathedral, housed in the Cathedral is the stained-glass museum.

  • IMPORTANT – Wherever possible and especially for the higher priced

    outings could you please pay by cheque made payable to Canvey Island

    U3A. This saves the need for anyone to handle large amounts of cash

    and will be much appreciated by the Bookings Team.

    Remember when booking you may book two tickets for yourself and two

    tickets for someone who is not able to be at that meeting (although not

    for someone who is coming later, as that is not fair to your fellow

    members.) You may only be able to book two tickets for yourself when

    tickets are limited.

    If you are not able to get someone else to get tickets for you then

    please call Kay or Lynne immediately after the main meeting to see if

    tickets are still available. Thank you. Quiz Answers from Page 14

    1. Kingfisher.

    2. Robin.

    3. Wren.

    4. Tern.

    5. Nightingale.

    6. Wagtail.

    7. Fulmar.

    8. Shag.

    9. Stork.

    10. Mute swan.

    11. Crane.

    12. Knot.

    13. Puffin.

    14. Razor bill.

    15. Swallow.

    16. Swift.

    17. Dipper.

    18. Jay.

    19. Magpie.

    20. Raven.

    21. Moorhen.

    22. Grouse.

    23. Spoon bill

  • COFFEE/SOCIAL AFTERNOONS The Committee believe that our members continue to enjoy the opportunity

    to have more social time with other members and to make new friends. So,

    we will continue with the monthly Social meetings. This also gives us an

    opportunity to keep open an on-going booking with the Smallgains Hall in

    line with any contingency plans, should the Paddocks cease to be available

    to us.

    It was felt that Members would get more benefit from the Main Meeting

    and the Coffee Social afternoon being better spaced apart in the month.

    There will be no Coffee Social Afternoon in December but the schedule for

    2020 is as follows: -

    31st January; 6th March; 3rd April

    Thereafter it will be held on the

    first Friday of the month.

    Doors open from 1.3pm to

    3.30pm at Smallgains Hall

    Coffee, tea and biscuits will of course be available free of charge

    We believe this will give us an ideal chance, from time to time, to invite

    providers of useful information to give us a very brief talk and to be available

    to members for them to ask their questions on a one to one basis, pick up

    literature etc. It is also an opportunity to play board games etc. so if you

    have any ideas let a Committee Member know. This is your meeting so let

    us work to make it what you want…speak to any Committee Member.



    So far, this new group have had three very successful outings, the

    last of which was to Maldon. This went like clockwork; the buses

    were all to time and we arrived in Maldon just in time to find

    ourselves somewhere for lunch. The weather was perfect, and we

    found ourselves a lovely little café tucked away in a side street, sat

    in the sun and had our lunch. After this we walked down the High

    Street to the River and walked along looking at the boats, then into

    Maldon Promenade Park for a lovely stroll.

    Our return trip was the same, buses were all on time. Eight of us

    went on this trip and we all said we would like to go to Maldon

    again, perhaps including a short boat trip next time, probably next

    April or May.

    Our next trip is going to be to Chelmsford, this will only involve

    two buses, on arrival there will be a choice of fresh air in the local

    park with a walk; culture in Chelmsford Cathedral, where on a

    Friday lunchtime they have short musical interludes and also there

    is a cafe; and/or shopping.

    I have had to close the list for this group as it is not feasible to take

    too many on buses, there would be a problem if we could not all get

    on the same bus, plus keeping everyone together would sometimes

    prove a little problematic. Obviously a second group could always

    be formed if anyone is interested in leading this.

    Speak to the Groups’ Co-ordinator Jan Collett.

    Submitted by Jean Duffield – Group Liaison

  • Local Theatre Group

    I want to thank ALL the group members who have

    participated in local theatre trips this year, where would our U3A be

    without you! Bless you all. I am looking forward to another year of fun,

    laughter, singing along, clapping, jigging up and down and the

    creation of special memories with our fellow U3A Theatre Group

    friends. Seasonal good wishes to you all and may the New Year be

    blessed with lots of happy moments we can share together.

    If you are not a group member and wish to come and join us, all the

    information is on the Canvey Island U3A website or give us a call. My

    email address is on the Groups list.

    Chris Summers – Group Liaison


    Third Monday of the Month -unless it is a Bank Holiday

    Meetings are at 1.30pm with doors opening at 12.45pm

    and at The Paddocks unless otherwise published

    (These dates can also be found on the reverse of your membership card)

    ‘Free Spirit’

    Kate Cole will give us a talk entitled "Essex Witches". Kate's talk puts the

    witchcraft trials of Essex into their legal and historical context and explores local

    Essex cases to explain why there were so many witchcraft court-cases within Essex.

    17th February Roger Dorking will be presenting his humorous talk entitled "Tales From The





    January 2020


    February 16th

    March AGM


    April 18th




  • 16th March Canvey Island U3A AGM including the election of five committee posts.

    The AGM will be followed by entertainment from "Scott Elvis". Scott is a

    popular Elvis tribute act.

    John Field will give a talk on Tommy Cooper

    Polite Notice We would respectfully ask that you turn off your mobile phones during the

    meetings. If you are likely to need to leave during the speaker’s presentation

    kindly sit at the back of the hall and leave quietly.

    - Thank you


    Back in the summer, after using my routine bowel screening kit, I was

    diagnosed with bowel cancer. This came as a complete shock, as I had

    experienced NO symptoms at all, and I considered myself as being fit and

    healthy. I am not overweight, I have never smoked, enjoy healthy eating

    and keep active, so not a likely candidate for this condition, so I thought!

    When I asked my surgeon “How long has the tumour been there?” his reply

    was “About a year”. The tumour was successfully removed and I have since

    thought to myself, if I had not had the screening, I could still be walking

    around completely unaware of its existence and by the time it had grown

    enough to cause problems, my future could have been much more

    uncertain. So, when you get your next screening kit through the post, please

    use it and don’t throw it in the bin!

    Roger Summers

  • Membership renewals Membership Renewals for 2020 are nearly completed and should be so by the end of December. After this time there should only be Membership Cards for collection at subsequent Meetings. If you have not collected your card by the time the AGM paperwork is posted out it will be included with that. All other Cards will be posted after the AGM. There is a lot of work involved in the renewal process so it should be done before the end of December 2019. If you still have not renewed you may do so in one of these ways. You may hand your form and payment to me or, if you prefer to post your renewal, you may do so by using a cheque and sending to me, Elaine Mitchell, at 41 Crescent Road, Canvey Island. SS8 7JZ All cheques should be made payable to Canvey Island U3A If you prefer to make a Bank Transfer – the directions are on the form – but remember that you still have to complete the form and return it to me. After managing to hold the Membership Fee at £18 since 2015, your committee have decided that it is necessary to increase the Membership fee for 2020 to £20. This is in line with our increased expenses. Please note that the Membership Fee for 2020 is £20.00

    RAFFLES The raffles held at the main meetings help to fund

    both the special prizes at the Christmas meeting and the refreshments provided at various times

    throughout the year. Please buy a strip of tickets whether you are planning on staying to the end of the meeting or not so we can continue to

    provide the quality of prizes and provide added refreshments.