u nusual b argains...vol. xxiv. matawan, n. j., saturday. july 9, 1892. no. 1. £ » f * » f « t u...

VOL. XXIV. MATAWAN, N. J., SATURDAY. JULY 9, 1892. NO. 1. £ » f* » tu l i t A T E M P L E T O N ’S C O L U M N . | «r omoi or HSKa. W. DAYTON, s Ornwri n i Hank, N.J. J K B 0 P. APMWtOAT*, , ATTOBNEV AT LAW, VkUfit, MJ, 0 Ae«t (wo doorf abort tbe M tUvu Hoots. KHY 0. TEBUBNE, 4TT0A1BY A'iiP OOUNSIIXOB AT LAW, SSUOSfOS rnmi* U lta n flUIOBti m a r rusuo, •Am lo Kothaehlld BaUdiat, eypotlte IUIl- tecbl, Im lv V r L tif Iru tk. H . Jjm D E M C I PARKIK, ' * CODHSKLLOB kT JAW, OOm , coreer Vais U d Tlreek*ertee fe e tifc F lU M U , tf. J, W. AMOWMIT*, . krr«SMST 4T LAV, S&UCItOB 4*8 MAMS* IB OBUMBST, f|IUOL»i New ^LFW l) VALUKO, Ja„ OOUMEMAIt AT U V , liihikT, M. J* ilUu4*d to lit w f 9»vt of Ito County or Stale. II, OUDKN, * OOUMHKUjOK AT I.AW, MAtTBS IH t>*AN««SY, NlifAhl H/SIJO, iMtuwi*Mr>«rn o t usii>d, «, i., Ksfvoar, . . . m«« Janay, lAUKtWS, U. )>„ ' * NTIIItr, U*TA*4W. Olthw tl till rwhtaars, I’lealjUrlaa <UivuvK. oflWe tlmtret U O to M.SO *. tu„ la.W tu 1 , tml Y iu V \\iu, | ^ 11. ll, KNKOIITi MUfHK’UN AND tUHUir.ON, Ofltaa i t u n n i —7.IU tu 9 a, tu,, |,u )o I j», m,, i |u • V* '»• OBra tl LU TMliUa<*« two itoou lialow I YrasbylerUn Uburoli, Maim Hraair, IUtavam* Nv J, J. P. UKHAN, DBNTIttY* IISOOII.TN, NSW T«BI. A u: ItAUIIKUTHOM, ■uotfeeaer lodlllrtrl MdthrnioM* |«otrtl ajenl In VIHR IHHltHAHOK AND HKAfi NMTATR.--- lluuaaa aud tatt for lUnl tint Hah, Hslaao? jirojHirty nn tQimnlaslon suholtad, I 'i KOIKII W. ItKM,, MAHTKB IN UlUNOKtlT, ooHWiMinMia er artrr or mw nmt. ■[tcHal aUetiUtMl |I*PU ta dreeing li*4»*e, ll*fita, M»rt|*«ri, Wllli, fin. Offlrt ti ih* U nu Hlorr, Ih* Matawan Him**, Tt, i. | HAAO W. UKUI.R, ~ justice or t iir mux, tuua or ot.tam'i oaooaar, mitawar. AulUutlsatl U> tot In inatWra vertatuhif tu iwmtocs, |9”IU|WQlal and prom^l sttantion given io ot»* tu lit* uflW. Tfc| AUTIN T. 1UURKI.1., JUBT10 K o r THK K'KAOIK, kotait iu»i.to, OD«Hitttniia» or uaici, oot.* i*»!toa ot rtKituai am» ui.aimb, a«&i< wt*t» I4vi k*v vita t«tva*»ua Aimnot, Dm ! ooiu|ita)M rfl|irwut*l amt lowtat ntti. OBot it DliaeU’a J^tiriiltnr« fftrriojrtii, Mtltntn. K, AllllOWftWlTII, w UWUTY OOUON KU /o a MATAWAV, ROLUnRL AMU MiMI.bOtO TOVNtail**! tilttMtt UudtiUkliii \Vtr«ruoiu« ot Amwaiutth Brutktrt, UkTAWAH, V. J , vmrit,I.iam H, M.itva "" ' yy iU»rii'K ur viih i'*:ah»;(h.iia«» I'lm.ii’. I'lvutiun vltlini » ti^olnlty. I rMjwtfiilly itlTf'thiy «i tv(o«i r^rUu HTtun'iiiUm nf IheMrUltna wllli Iho AKiirmimt tint I uii.ti'i»l*nit tbo |<rartto«i tiiit ciii lluTflnn1 mvn Irnulit^ mul i>i* l^uw, Ntf. V. N. J, Unusual Bargains -AT- *Oar AaN-|*aa Unana Itowr lo farallli Thia^" FURNITURE. ViBitora to Now York An; coullully inviu d tu tall niul inspcct our titork tint) nrircK. I.ittycst tlisplny ol' Kiilialilu iM iriiituro to lie hcou in Atiictii:;!. rifti^nMho# ...... wllh Ih* ItlMl i>Hnlna III* Vumli'li* AH it I!|<IiiiIn<»i/ An* (mill H ik fnili ti ><r 1 - u »'"* >niMtrt, ttM 'iU 'Uui lltV'i »f «n? imit iiiHiiDtai'liirn. P»U> • ll^ l>» (nttiUliM ftoilM'Mr tM l »»*o|lnii>tit, In aii)! »| jli« lull tUu ol ltit«U<h IUUHH tit.l limK MM ITKAliH (llUf UWII llllK'f lllliK'llKltKII I Atl tit lltlln fltAul**. m 4 (ha |tt«a«l IkHl >’» for «wudM •rat«n4«rd 'Utility, K, J. Hornor &(lo,, ritt'MHiii’*' M « •»•<»•■ »*■•< lH i| io r l» i» , Ci, 63, (i'j Wont a3 St,, N, Y. ^••TB.-Tli# r « n t r h >*<*1 h*n of uut ••Ubliilimint ^•U iq i ld*u tiuii#) in»kaa It taiy atkiHHlrtii MlftrMaltMtiV' T E M P L E T O N ’S TH IS W E E K A N D N E X T ! W ASH GOODS SPECIAL. Challies, fast colors, 5 c. Organdies, fast colors, 8 c. Cosmos Cloth, fast colors, 10 c was 15 c. Crape Cloth, fast colors, 10 c was 18 c. Indin Linen, 8 c, ioc, 12 c, 15 c, 16 c, and up. Velour Lawns, 8 c, 10 c, tac, 150 , 250 , Nainsook Lnwns 20 c and 25 c. Black Embroidered Lawns, 50 c was $ 1 , Black Serges, yard wide, 10 c, worth double, Lace Muslins, 12 ( 0 , was 14 . l'luid M uslins, 8 c, ye, ioc, u je . Ladies’ White Aprons, tac, worth 35 c. ONE WAV OF PROPOSING. >* MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Sweeping reductions In millinery, On Saturday we will display a big assortment of Ladies' new Sailor I lnls in white, blue, brown ami black. , JO H N T E M P L E T O N , Oonover Building, Front Street, K E Y P O R T * N .J . CARPETS & FURNITURE! Odds, Ends and Remnants Al Your Own Price. 75 c. down and 75 c. weekly on $10 worth $ 2.50 down and 75 c. weekly on 25 worth 4.00 down and If 1.00 weekly on 50 worth 6.00 down and 1.35 weekly on 75 worth 8.00 down nnd 1.25 weekly 011 100 worth 12.00 down mul 1,50 weekly on 150 worth 16.00 down nnd 2.00 weekly ou 200 worth STS,000 worth of CAKI’KTS and FLIKNITl/RE at Cost to close out the balance of Spring Stock. CARPETS. 35 pieces Tapestry Brussels Carpel, reg. price per yard 75 c., reduced lo 00 c. 35 pieces Hody Brussels Carpel, reg. price per yard $ 1 . 15 , re- duced to $ 1 .0 5 . 25 pieces vi'ly Carpel, reg. price per yard $ 1 , reduced to 75«- 25 pieces all-wool Ingrain Carpet, reg. price per yard 75 c., re- duced lo 00 c. Low-I'i iced Ingrain Carpet per ynrd, only 35e. BEDROOM SUITS, 25 Antiipie Oak Bedroom Suits, leg. price $ 30 , reduced to $«2.50. , . , , 25 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, teg. puce $ 35 , reduced to $81' PARLOR SUITS, •25 I’m lor Suits in plush covei ing, 1 eg, ptice ^.| 5 , reduced to ' $3D' . . , , , l'atlor Suits iu rug covering, reg. price H.50 , reduced to $40.DO. ____ __________ O h ild ro n ’s C iuT iaK oa, nofritfovators, F an cy Mat- tinir, linages, Ao., all at roduood prloos. Jiiv Notice full name, AMOS 11, VAN HOUN, and No. 73 , before enteriiifj llie stoie. Orodll, Olvon. Tuluphono 680. -5 Kkmitor to Evory Floor, O IIHllM liCMVI'IIICh IKI'.K Ml'' DIIAHfUl l«> AM, J'AlllH OK 'l lir M ’l'A’I'H, Amos H. Van Horn, 73 Market Street, near Plane St., N e w a rk, N . J . Over (be bnluiitora benda a fnee, Darliitvly awuot mod bfttfuUlnif; flouiclwdy ttaadn la uaroU** ur&to, Aud WHtcliua tli 4 ) ploiurc,unlling. Tired and a)«epx* «‘Hb drouptog head, I woDtlur wby ahe IlDgerti Add wbvQ all tb« good nlgbta are tald« Whf eocnelMdr Uokbtier ftugvra. Hold* bet fluffera and drawa her down, ttuddenly growiptf bokler. Till ber (owe batr dropa tta nn»t-t brown Uke a mantle ©ve* b|a abouUtr. Orer Utabaluateraoll^aBda fair Driuh bta vbeaka like a feathers Bright brown ireaaeeasd dutkr hair UiMit and tuiugla togakbev. Tbere’e a queatkw aafc l, IW t1 ! • tvlTi carcaa, Bba baa flowo IthaaW rt from tbo hAU* w*r. . Bui orer tba WluaUra Aropa » Tea Tbat eball hrigbUa, the vorld Coe hla tlivay, . -'Boelon Globa. A BURGLAR'S GHOST. EU w u a gboat, aadfiobted^. As loon u I a w htm, lying fall length ubdor the drooping br*ticlMB#t« mountain aalt, with iu vividly gvwa, Imvm took' log curtounly lulo tut Mocklug f»wv-, 1 kuaw ihiU lit wm. wA ft creature of toUd parta, Wliy, aa I MoM, m etrluktu), a few jranla away, I oouttfffi Uut gruuml ou which ba waa lying tfaiar tliruugh Mnv Ilo waa abeolutulf trfuuipareut lie cvl* doutly enjorwl my Wrror, uttd a atiwiritig iiullotlm t iip|iliMlOverhli wltolti form, from top Uy lHittoni( (irorcMl tliat, In hla ghuttly w af, he rojoiotnl In bla unvAUtty appvnr- bikw, and would not kara Uh>u AvtU mul blowl If iie ooultl The cold iitoonllgfet funtnl Ua wity lliroiiglt tbu ImiiglngMUNUirauf Uiaviiatlmt duiwiiMul tnmt thu hraitohi'a uf Ihu immu* t;fn aali« mid ao«nto«l to aheil a cotiwnlul glow ovur the ah«lcwr preaauttt alirli lit'd on tho grtvnawanl, Tlia glow waa uhllly, bill II aulttvl tlm ghoat. Y our avm-HUti ghuat d(x» uot a|)|>rwlat4> DhiwrfMiut^. fclUiur in the nIhi|w of llghf< tir lumt, nml though Llila |initluularg!iii«tilllTi‘r««l fnnu hia ftmowa In thnt li« dli) not illwlaln {lie troiufoti ot * (xwllloj), it I* nvt- aouid))s to au|i|xm« that hu tth'fcrrvd lo Imvo hla tim'i't-luiii oittlllira tnnrkiHl liy tlie and blue whllti tin# of tiiiua'K rnyn, IhNhwul of bolng Nhown up tn tliu ruiy glow of uu early tiiornlng h>iii. I OftOtO U|MIII hlUl lllliM|Hiu|ltl|)r. TIjouVuiiIiiu wmm atilt youiiK, Im i In llm UtuBoirii'inW lUvadrtrkiH'M" fi»ll<<ovrrllii» wttb vt>ry auihliiiiiyf aod a lnr«M iiiihiiiIhIii nth Ihnmn it lumvy aluiitow. | do mil know thut I hmt uuy rr«l n>ti*M>iit4ifHi|NHi'' tirUM. 'I'hoiMh grtiw In tin* lu'uri (if n ili(ttk»iaiitm>dUtatn«ifnmi ibv hmmI. mih) If llglxw l witM lolMft«tMt.Niiy>vtu<r« In tho UtK". uUmt>ly yvihhImI gfnntHlM Hiirrouinllng <K»iomd Ulnton'n ntt« •M lumoitoii, auraly tliia Wim thu iiltM* Wt wonhl imtnmlly uUoomi fnr Ida Imutik.. Yhvro wna nn ag gi\taaWttailvm^w>tlilia|>w»toiM>vm tn r+ tba fftlivl.A ilin g nt |k» W th* mountain Hkh-prttmiUig tb» »)h»C 'I'ha liavk of the trv<« wm ruul ittlo l^ u h v of utmlut iuul uihkhI at tlm Itt' trm W llkw tiuitiiha. Kvuii the kntyiUiW aud Imllfitiga tlml oowiMouitlly burst Into viih u cut tlm lr I'ltiuurkit ntim t hmIf upjuvwi^ hy thu uuimrol i|ii|uiudu. I I1H 4 I oft««u iiullioil the moimtulit aah frtini a fur, nud Iuul atvu thut Ua lirlght gnuui h'uvon wnvihI tiiouiufiiUy ut tlmea Whim I waa not n*iue of Ihu |m<Mtuo«of a bmir.il, I hail woinh'hwl, In 111 'ttrvlwa way, wlmt |mwi<r it waa llm t Ni«ut the liravy oliielora lo uud fm aa imnioto- iioiialy nml |H>mMiiijily na the iHiudiilum ofn Ihiloh iilmtk. I tuny lmve i*v«n umi jontilliNl im to tlm <> ji| hI i > u< io of a NU|i«r untiirnl y lu tlm vh’lnlty, lint imt'or for lontf. Wlicnuvi'r I liml ocutilnu lo |iaM llirouuh ('oloiii'l lllnlon’a |turk m y ml*- •lull tvitM ouu hIIdhi'IIht dUlliM't from tlicr dr«<ad lulluniM'oof uiyatrrioija rniiwai ovrr f ruwiMiiim oltji'i'l", lotil Ihu wclid ii'atillaof rraka by iiukiiown fom*a of the ui'llu'r world. I went to krrti 11 lovu tr>«t, Hwui'l Ni'lllu Jllulon nml I Iuul met lu ttit ri'guhilloii uuy nt n imrty. Wuli.ul Immii fornmlly lulrodurisl, Imd talked, Iuul tlrtiicwl ainl—luu) uivt iignlu. I du not know iixnoliy how It nutiu alMiut, hut one lovuly AugiiHt t'vi'nhigi tvlmn Im*i' ftuni »<w very ciiw«t lo inhu*, ita wu w«UwmI-mio oou|de iimoiiji iicrlmiHt fifty- nt a ho|» iu a t)hiiulaiii|im hiiU'l, I loM Imr tlml lo which onu ghtmxi from hnn*vw (itmiiglug vlolrl •yv* wan Hutllcii'iit nn|Hiiiwt, and 1117 love rumiuito hmt fooimniin-fl. TIhtw wminii ri'iwuii why we aholiM not Imvut^tlil Imr futhiTat om «> , TIm> rohmv) Itktnl Du>, nml ihnuuh I Vncw lm would not wllftl) llm Idra of twirling with Nidll*. who wm lohlm wl(» and tlinmlilorlo mm, I wim eurohuvfould tml mUr any uhhtLllmi to u\« on thn nvoro of worldly vonaldumtlunn, Our fomlllvn wonnm nntlUmi Ilnl thun It wan very pUwiMwa lo mwit Nvlltu usm’lly lu tliia of tlto Umlor llm Irvt'H, wllh tin' tlfililHof her liwuntt JhhI vlnlhln throunli Ihw folium1, aod tu ima^lim tlint all tin* world wmt a^iih **l on. (K ciKimi U wiui t'UIU'Ulmm, hut I hmvii It to any youiiK lovi'n* If It wtm not natural. Iiovtt without iioi'HomilUm U lull u laui« affair nfler ull. uud I verily helluva thut I ihoulil havo hi'on iiIcuhhI tof(i>’iHip{H»(ltluu for NuIIIuh Naku alwaya |iiuvli|i<i| lim l 1 would heroically uvcrcmmi ll al la«t, Wnliad nt<vi-r foiiml ijiiincIvi'i ncflr Ihu niounlaiu imli iMifm-c 'I’lu'io ivim Himm wllil ilncyafliialllml tli» waaIiimiijIihI; tlial an aiiii'Mlur of llmiMlmml'H liml 01111 ul«M roiiml a liui^lar In lir»UMot nml M u g of a d m lfrli' illH|>imllloN, hail cJmHcil him Into liu* if r<«v" and M ini him ilcud wit h 0110 hlmv i*f liln flut umlcr liu* iimiin lulu mill, Tlicii' I lm dead nmfi had lain all iiltfhl, with lil« "I'l"’ "liht MllHimihig In tlm dim llitld for Im Imd tokim oir IiIh mint nml vision colciliiM llm Inman nod timm III* ulii'«t o an In lm iMC(iH|mmll> pckii t'viir nflonvanl, m cmdlug lo |»oimlnr Irmll Du (IiIh I’VMilnif Nidllo and I had Uiin^l to mci l ntidi'i' Iho iminuliiln nih, m Ihu h* null of 11 hiiiuliluij 1'niiuk Him had mmlu im lu Ihu hmghii'a ghoHt. Nidllmr iff ua In llnvid III hla 1'i.lnli'on*, and w.* hod in Pi.lv. it lo miMl him In IiIk !"‘'"it nud "lay1* film Ciiiinor SVIll’ll I HHW tho lotm, almdnwy 'I'hlnjf, } »to)!)>ud ahmt, wlilli* a wava of rntd, llm t I know nuiiQ fn»o thw glu»*t,nalf ho had Itvi'alhi^l Ui my dltwthm, nonl- a wldvnr llmmuU no* from owid tol-ml, WUh nn rlToit1 iw i;i n>d mywdf and tuowd n»m lul«'ly forward. “I' hIuiwlM I anld iiluiid, “W lmt a ftvm>rlM "Kaucjl'’ nrlh'ulatod ft kuihIIuk aatlmnhoat Io»Iu h I lu wlmt Imr «( thoaa jM'cullur atullei tlml anUatwl lilm ftom mm mul to Ihu idhm. "IW y.ttin If Well, I llko thal I llal 1ml Imi" 1 iMtiNtHiiy that I hn tflunl'a laUMh w«w n IiumI iiiitih'a"aiil llilnu Nnl I hat It Wun loud or Imndi, Imt ll ((avinmo llm lmi»h<" hFiui llmt Im Implied fr"in a forun of lnl.lt <<mtnmU*d In tlm Holi, ami not IxuaUMii It afforded lilm any idoaaure In hla liivavul tnjmaUrliU alate. , "JTauoy, « u I f 11J>« M p iil** I hod by tlda time reju-’bad that n itre s Uy of aujwrnatural fuir which rcacta up^D itself nml bccomca bravery—or a very good tmttuttau. So 1 nnswered boldlyi “Ywv, you arc fancy of courtw. Do you moan to Uo tbvre and Udl me thut you aro really tbe dtuombodicd aplritof a mao duod In tbe flciib? 1 admit tbat my eyea Udl mo you ara a gboat, but tuy common sense will uot listen to aucb an abaurd notion, und 1 aay tbat when 1 proceed to iuvcHlitfute you *a I Intend to do ut ouce, 1 shall Und tbat you arc, literally, mero uioouahlne." Agalo 1 atepped forward, aud again the Tiling atouped ui«. “Holdl" TbervWM a hlwlng tu his voice aa he Issued bis command, while a certain trembling In hla Uige, which Uy atrulght aud ao eloee together that they looked like one, niade me thluk he waa going to gut up. “Why akonld I boldp” I demanded tu* dlgnantly, for I wsj beginning to loae uiy temper. Dealdea 1 expottal KelUeovery mlutita. "Decauae you cannot bolp youraelfl Hal kai hal Uoe’l you know who 1 auit Vou cannot meet your Nellie tonight.M 1 secretly rcsvutud hia spoaxlng ao famll* larly of niy Iwtrotbtid, hut 1 bottled uiy wrath and altnjily salds *’Wby nolfM HDeeauae I will Dot lut either of you paaa mu.’* “IthtlculmiHl” I rotorui'il hotly, "You talk aa If you controlled thutramuof thia park. Iluw do you menu to nlo|i na^M “Virv eaully. I am thu Uhout of ltu»< alng Water, and niy very iinturu give* me a power In n|ilrltlaui1 that uooiuu an with- eland, Don't you know that agliiwt enn- uot oruM a running atroam?” 1 mw llmt the »|wU>r had thoughtlusNly tuado a Iivjho In hU loglo, und It wan wllli a ring of trUunph In iny voli o tlmt I naldi "Uhoala m'tun lo l«o hoihiiIIuidh troiihli<d with uari'uwtnlml™} vluwn an with nn mor- tal*, I huvu hwinl that la'ingx of your kind aro sIui^hM In iholr |H>r»mtmhitioii« aud tulwhU'f hy a running mrunm, aud doulitluM your Imlng tho tlhont of linn* nlug Wntorglvva you a grunt deal of lu* (lui'ueo ki your ajdwrti. ltut yun aimdy dou'l «opiKiwilmt you van—aftvr fnllllUng yum* ii\ImIou ou uui-th, ua I imunimo you dhl-'cmillnuu lu lulorfuro with iiuttjdo who aru ait J11 struggling nloug lu IhW umttur uf frtct tvurM^" ’l'he ghiMt waa almut to ruoly wlu<n aud- dulily I auw a vvhltu, tllmihaiuniH ilrtnn glinting through thu truoa, aod Ihu iu'xt mlniilu my Nidllu wua lu full vlvw, HUu smlhid ioymmly an alia omighl nl^lit of ims vvlduiilly uot notli’lug Ihu alm^iu ou tliu ground. Only fora accond, howuvor. W llh a Imv ury of ti i rni’, i>alnand do- •pair, nlm fult and ■iiccumln'd to tltahiy aliuoaplium uf tlio Hlmnlly iniwncn, om, sirutulilng Imr arma aii(i|dlt’iilliiKly towntd Hlu, ahu full tu-oHlralti hy thaHldunf thu grinning ImuinUirlatUm. I whh no ovurt'ouiu hy tlm |u<rll of my Nellie that I omild uot nrnvu nt flrHl. Then I rwovurm) nnd aprang fonvard joal aa thu ghoat airetchod hl« clammy arms and no lually drew her Into Ida uinhrnow, Wllh a (UmudlwM al bin sldo, while tlm long, wet Itmvmi of thu iimunliilu aali rittp(K»d apltufully In uiy facn, aa If they, I ihi, were laklngjiart wllh the lupocimtiinil pim'ura agaluMt mu, "(Ihoat, mortal or ditvlll 1 cam hot uhut vmi and" I um'iihhI na I trl«i| lo m<l^i lilm l»y thnthront, mdlutf ready to hravu llm himli of Imdi* llnclf for Nellli^a Nnku. Tlm tnyhtcrhiUN, Icy finding I have nt' ft'hM to U'forn ran thi-oouh my velna, us If niy Ufa hli*»l had I'ongualHl, aa I tried to tuar Nvllla from hl« fearful uliwp, Tlmu— “I forgot all alauit thia hnnik nnd I imtu allv walkvMt right Into ll/ 1 wna Nelllu'a half luughlng, half crying tdnlnt, mt I ruhtod her t«* her fci't and lud hur towiml llm ImuMtt to got rid of wt't olothing. "Vea, dunr,“ 1 rupllwl, "|»ut I must ri*r- taluly wu 11 pliyHlclait, for my tmrveN nru lu II trrrlhlu coudltlou, 1 huvu outlitdy tm> nniuh liimi(luathm. I am afraid I havo (wu working and studying too much lately." "I am anr* rnu have, duur. You look aa though you Imd Juat awti a ghmt," waa Ntdllo'e nwiKihac, na ahu forgot her own iincoiuforlahle plight lu Imr aollcltudu for nm. I wonder how 1 mine lo tnlalaka a llltlu stream of wntcr in thu moonlight fur the biiigtur's ghtailP—(Jeorgo U. JeiiM iu 1'llla burg H ii IIuIMl Tail mil*. Orncral lion Muller formnrly owuM a large imwllir, who Imcame faumua fur win- tlnuiyl dcprHlatlonM 011 vnrloiia Imlc.mi varta im tliu/ (iiouhmI through tho fctm'ta of liowcll on liitdr murnlng ivunda. 'I'lmdnn waa nufiirocloHN tlmt tm ouu dared attack ll, so for a tlmu hcwiunjuHu muat or of tliu nIIuiiIIiiii. Finally) onu victim derided to approuuh the general 011 thu auhjKt; su mm murnliig, nci'oallng him on llm Klient, ho aald, "(Jciicrul Jlullcr, If a man1* dog steal* meat from my butcher curt, wlmt would you dof” “Why,” Hald thu lawyer, "1 Hhould niiikn him nay fur ll," “Very well,” cmilliiui'd tlm mitf’her, “ynnr dug him Ntnlcu fJ.W wuilh of meat, from my cart and I want you tu pay fnr lt.M "l.’ci lalnly," nald (leii- I'lid holler, "hut I ahall have hi elmrguyou live iliiUarw for iirufiwdmml advlco." fl fx aald llm cmmii waa mtl piivnwl.—Him Krau clm u Argoimnt. A 14Mowing ling, 1 mini knew a IlMln fox Imrler of luai val otta InleltlgciH ii - hla mini ivnh1 peL I liavu tii’i'ii him, when Im waa hu|inllent to gn mil n vvalklmt, Niiddmily appear wllh her IhiuIh In hla mmuh, which ho would throw down ut h**r fi't'll rmtid them tm a 1.1 lei lilt I, or ctnild laouuaiiii nuovi" muiel 'l'ohl lo "fulch alh'kn," Im riiNli Inti* a IIowit ln«dMini pull up a Mthdiorlwn to wldnh the llowiMi \oi|n tvulned, atnl letiiro wllh them. I Imvuevi'O Hero 0 dog who hioim, or wIki otiulu luiitnda like tdtutlnit. wlmn hn waa aiiug Ui.- t’ovcy li’li/umnld in tlmdla mau'a Klauaaluu. Nww Kuglniul aHjH'tnlUliiun, A Now llaiupihlu*i'm» f"i »mo thront. (h t4i wear altnut thn mvck a kU I, Imt, It' the tiMi uf which Kptduto lum hen* H*>d, cording to a Malim litdh'f a iiiiimi'i! pU'vrcd aod IdiUK <m a Httluj? uMmod (h« ne< k ptti VcUli* huila, cmup and oeiHtiluhv 'Ch» i>f furt uf a I 'nliuccl(cut WikhIi'H lUltlovg la linkiiown.-- Wauhhigtmi Mint, 'III* hltiMiniMta. 'I'ha fatgcN’, dlamuiut lo thu world lullm llraganra -weight, I,'*-41 catal" U foil lid In lliai>li lo Mil au<i U now " 0< till) I'liltllgllCdli IIMMVO ji'Oi'1‘1 Mill !' duuhl Mlala 101 l<i lln hcliig a geonhiu illituomd, llio giivclnoiouk imver Imvlnit ulluwcd It to IwlMcd, Hi. 1.011 !«• Kepilldm. Thuuattitila of <*hnrcli Nliigma. Tliciu me nhuiit IV’IN) mIoio’M and lOdur- gaol*ilN In thi* ell lc<i of New Yoilt. llcmdilyu and JeiHey (!tly who aie legularly eogagt>d III chinch work. Them* llgtirea do not lu- elude iiHHlataiit (irgaulstM, ptiivehlora or lurMTliutik GIAU8 WITHOUT SENSE. A Meu Who Thin Ita Young W om n gkeaM Ue Prepared for gati|m laa. “Propriety und inodiwty and reeerve are all right in their proper places,” Baid a sensible, outspoken man tbe other day. But there hi such a thing ns carrying oven the cardinal virtues too far. t waa out yachting with a party of invited gucuta and n littlo ac- cident happened that might, but for tho preunco of mind of ccrtain mem- bers of the company, have been a very sorious aiTfllr. As It woj, uo harm wad douo> boyoud a few bruta* and scratches; but there wero aonio exhibi- tions of femlntno peoullarHiea whioh were quite cow (0 we, and which inada no little Itnpresilon on mo,.-aa well ajt on a number of tho membora of tlie party. “Something iitppenbd lo Ihe hU>ami apparatus, and a pii*>#ot out of order. At onoe the steaiu outue rushing Into thn wiloon and toward Iho stulorooins. Hoveral of tbo men rualiod through tho almost blinding vapor to th» reaene of tlu) Indies, Tlu> llmt and Hceoud cumo out all right, uUhough thoy wtint just taking thuir bounty ulcop, na It was half (umt 11 in thn nvonlng. Thu tltinl stateroom was oocupUnt by a rnthor quiot young woman, and when wo rnpiHul imd i>mindod nt tlm dtKir, she wreim'd to think Mint we como ou aonin orrund of nvil, Inapitoof ull our oiplnniilioua uud unfnwilluN thut aim o|noi tho dtmr, aim only Mi'i'oumod: '(lo ivwnyl Uo nwnyl' Hlumta nf Tirol' nnd 'Wo will al) U* burned tinh’Mtli)'didn't ihkmii to lmve tho livwt ufTnot oil hor, and nt lost tlm host, ungry mid dlagufttnilv put hla ■Imtlldor ngiiliist tho door, f«*^vd thr. took, ruHhod Into lh« rtnnn, nnd, uniting ivhvrgo tthmk und blanket, tmrrlod tho young womnii, sorfiiiutng ami nugry, fo a phiou nf aiifoly, *"liy llila llmo tho afoniu wua aomo tiling dromtfut; our vory lunga won' uluuud w’nlded. 1 had inom tlmn imlf n mind to anggnat louvlng Iho girl to Inko harnhnnooa wllh lifo, but aim wna n rolnllvn nf llm ImM nml I didn't llko tumiy amdin filing. IIohIiIhm, It wouldn't Ihi iihm, yoi't know, (ti lonvo iho glri to bo aimuu onuKod in n nlnloroom. I iinnily oimoludod tlml alio iiiunI lm mil uf)mr imnw'N uml would hu ull right noil, day. “ Ilnl, Judgo of my lodouhdnuont wlmn, nu mooting hor tlm noil mnrn- lug, I apnkn nf tho nooldont. und or prowaod u Impo that ahn hud sufror«d no liuionvontoiioo, aim dolllHirnloly Inm M It#^ hMiftf to tlio aud afond hHik- Ing nt n hit of brio u Inum >>u u almlf, I hml almwu hut* Mouto ullonllon and really hint ixdmirod hor vory niimli, but my lohnlrutlon tiirnod to ii I imiiIii U dla> gual, nt hor oombriit nml I Imvaalimn lut Imr alono aovoroly. i4Thla aim nvldoully wna not pmpurod fur, mul Ih, I uudovtdnnd, dooply grlovud, und fooU hurt that 1 dn not numw my dovollon to her. Hut really I ounimt do If, it aooma lo um llmt u woman who cun ho ua ullly ua thut (11 sin'li nti cmorgoimy hm't anfo tu Im trunted (it llm tunny )torp|oilng nnd trying ulTnira of lifo. Tlmro la mmd of u groat don I of prunllonlgoml «m*o nnd n'oaou In Dm ooinploi dclnlla of donma tin ufTftira, und It aooma to mo (hut every woman uud girl should 1 m tnught •oinothing of tho noomwllloa of onmr- genolon, nnd above nil should liuvo n illllo good iHUJinmii umian Ingmlnod Into h«r mlml from hor youth up." - New York i/odgor. Nuiu* lrt*n«’h ri|UI«r«. 'I'lm hlalory of Krunoo In full of grant llghiertt, nil thn wny up lo Nupolooii, tho gontlomau >^10 Imvoled ovor Ihi* ropo, owning ll ua lm wont, and leav- ing rolallvi'H and frlondaoii ooiivoulout throuoH. If uuy ono rovivoa tho thoory thnt Napoleon wna not )> ’renrh, but renlly un Itnllun, ronilnd him (hut Ihu inon who followed Napoleon nnd did thn fighting wore Fnuioh anyhow, Kvory American would Imvo Invod I Mtguoaoitu. Think vvltut n I Vonnhumn lm wim. Ho rntild bout anybody nt nny kind of lighting und kept ut It nil thn Hum. Wlmn Dm Hpanlnhla lmld him pri'iiMu’r Im whllod uway Iho llmo ohullongiug uud Killing olf young Hpim hints. Hpuln lot him go pretty amm. Uow onn wo ludp roHptt<«tlng tlm rtuin Iry llm t rnhiud hiigiU'Nfdlnt Or do ymi IIJ10 (pilot liorolmii, with nobody locliooi 1 uml no IimoI pluylugf Thou oomddei' (ho citun of (hot 'hovallor d'AitnMH. With mdiuily nonr Imi half it hutohod fid’ll wiih ftjient* ul lili broil'd, ho ahmitud warning lo hliiahmplng 00m 1-ndoH UlitII lliu uooiiiiiulallmi of npeai llouda In hla throat liuoln If. uocnnnary for him (o atop. Kuimau ('Uy Tlmon. I -11 iii'i ahta «t| V«lu»>, Mmotnlda of vahm lm\ n boon nmiier oiiNiy louml hi Aloiundoi’ooiinly, N, They an* dhicoveiml lit pmdiofalu llm II iu It mul n onm|"*f>y f-r i<'gul;ir!> <>i;;ao trod al Hinny I'nlut fnr working (ho mltioH (horu, ilmim Imnullfni Imryla Ilo* «Muott\h| Ih n vmhdy of itoiyl bavo |i»i>n auonrod In tlm uolgliborhiiod uf lladdam, Dunn., und llio hnjjcid, lioryla tu flm world aio ohininod ul tfmfton uml Aownrlbt N. I(. I'Vniit llm forumr luoullly n. oryahil ovur all hml long waa <|mttilnd, nnd nnu'hor weighing two uud 11 Imlf lima. Tlmao woiidorful eryal-ula nm nf 11 pnm ifiuoo oolnr, lliicli apoolumim rarely Imvn finnipuri !)1 .apnhl an lui go na fi* 11 Mow (Im out! lug of oven iHMiuull gotu. Wmditnglun Him, Ui,t»*lUlii| In n riftton, 'i’bo UuoHt Huw'h lld'il l<’ciir dot huauduyl Hloppotl Imm u yeunigo nml puld only half llmt muoh. j Tlm Proprietor 111 nI ao, Tlimi It wna (hu MotUuula luvvrtt. t Now lt’< tliu llolel MoUlnuli,—rittAurn HulU- tUk, I llAiivfiotinn to Coitetl tbt liw . It fa proposed by a Dumber of mantt/ae* tarere to conUst the legality of Ibe lav pawed by the laat LegisUtore nukiDg nftydWe uoon s legal week’s work. A maunfaatorer, wbo cot oily hu mills in New Jersey but io tbe twootbor States, Rhode Ialaud and MaMaebnaettar said recently: "The flrat tbiog tbe manufacturers propose doing is testing the constitutionality of the law. As a preliminary, the opfuiooa of eminent oouusel are being obtained at tbis time* W e tbiuk it is vulnerable 00 the gtouud of discriminsting against some indostriea and iu faror of others. Tbe provision excepUcg the fruit oaoniog sod glasa* making industries from tbe operation of the aot ia olearly a discrimination. Theru are othei industries which are aa muoh e u titled— if any ean be~to aoefa c x m p. tiou. Tbe paper-making trade, for in> stance, offeo has to ran all night io eon* amuenee of the nature of the mannfaot* uriug, aod if this law should remain in force it must eouaiderably cripple tbat industry. "Auotlier ground upoo wbioh we thluk we way lm able to oontest the oou> atitutiauality of the law is tbat it places the manufacturer* uf New Joraer at a great disadvantage aa oompaml wllh thoae of New Engjaud. We think tbat auoh Motion must bu found U> be io oou* Uiflt with tho oouatltutinu of Ihe Htale, although the proolae clause u |mu whldi thu oonUmtion will 1h» founded has uot I hm> u aeluoted, While Massschusetta and llhtale Island have proeurllMMl tlie griwa tmutbor of hours which ah nil oouatitiitu a weok’h work, not tmm they have gnno so fai‘ nn to a|moify riaotly what hours of each day ahall I m working hours. Now thia uniat oporutu to our disad- vantage ia plain uiomgh. Nuw Jctaay luiiataidi iiuiuufrtotiirud w**\* iu cotup<t« tiou with Now KngUiul, and rigid tnwa, suoii m thia one, must uodoaaarTty ham* per us. Itm lim ifi^ ((ut hnura id SxUir, uf ixiurae, hioroasoa (hu (xwt of the arllolo. Now llnglnud (a fmdiug thoclToot of corn* lmtitlou with tho Hmitliorn HU(»\e, whom tlmro fi uo luhor luglsUtion at ail, amt whoro thu tioiirs In tho faotorfne aro Ihirloott aud over, iuul Imw onn New Jorsoy, under atudi roaiviollvo laws aa ato Itcing forced upon na, ootnpeln with Now lluglaud mid thn Houlh? Oom|M'- titiou in nuw ao sharp that iimniifaolur- ora are working on 11 vory small margin of prollta, and tn raiao llm oust of au er* t(oii) oven a llltln will lu many liialanooe umko thn ditTfroiuai hotween a pm fllahio and nn utiprnlllahh) Iuisiikwb. **l)nn r 1 wull of tlm now law ia that many Ooimorua hnvo already |x«tod tmtlmis that aftar -Inly I wage* will he ooniputa) by (ho hour, Inalead nf bv tlm day of wees, aa ia nuw Iho rule. Thia, ofiiotirso, luvsiis a M’diiotion uf wages, so that In nun wsy 11 will (WftaTuly hurl lliofti for whism Iwiiofll ll was du* slguod, And II Is Mffl to say Itiat al least 7U imv spfll nf the operatives Ih Iho fftA« lories of New .forsoy omuo uudnr the op* oration of thn law. luoal of thmu Imiug boy* aud wnmou, — Newark Journal, Mtsllsf ef ttlsnwMd'a AU»al. Thn suivunl nioetiug of tlie Ahttunl As* souiathm of (II oiivohmI limtitnto waa hold •lulled, IHU'J. In tlm ahaounnof Mlaa Johuaoii, M laa(lornn waa *>|nntod atom* tarv pro tnui, Thn iHutiinilh>o ftpnnlidod In draft a oohatltvttioh umdn tlmlr loport,whiuh wns aooeplod aftor atrlhlug nut one eoollnii. It la tm follows i AHliriv, t, Hama »im 1 o|i)«rl, (Ot lloiil. ’Itila W ka>i«a aa "The flMiwiioil AliMiuil AmimMiku,'1 Hieilnii 'J, III •hall U lo |>riiiiinla Ilia »»l- far* nt U}«tiifiMHl InaiihiiN •ml lo •ii<«iiiriff<| hilar* I'litiiM »i«nti>a U* ItUO'ta aiiillnnuar attitUiila, Atntnt.r, it. M«ii!*ni, H m'U<> h t. TU* n>»inUr«lilp ul thta surkly Hull eninUI uf •nidi uiiaaul er funiin tru«t«*a, ..rsr linf* *ir •lmt#ril« uf III* m» i «mI finUOll# sa, ha*« twii rM"niitiain|M lu ilia pitvlaiy lijllnwiMmilt- l«t mi MiftU I * liy a in*j<iruy »«.tu <•( Um iMHiihm pffattiil«( aiif Mtatltif, AltriOt.Kltl, Odnata. 'I lit (iffli’wra nf (lila itirMy ititll I m t flea j'rcalf^iil, a»(tr»laiy sml lrtaatir#r (niiiibliinl|. Imi aanUlaul a^'foUrli1* iinl iin rulogltl, w|n> aliall tW« itiuftl it«lUa et aiifli ufflrara. Atvt inf.u tv, 'J'lu* r»niilar iHiinmili^r* uf Uda loolvijr •l»*ll t* au • irdiillin ciiiiMiilUnn of not Im* lliali lliraa mamlMrs, iwnol mlioin atiall Ip« llm •■irrlail aiul (ilMlilanl, «tt<i *li*M ho titialHtia»,anri s ixminallaauii ■t»Mil*»r- ulilp, vliti'li iliall 10 ; ul un l**a Uiati tUfia uiiiu* Iwiia nnr 11101 a Hull acrfli. Allf’IOI.K V, Aiiiaiuhnriita, ‘I )lla«'<iiiii||liiUnil limr l>» alOrmt, aiiiMi«Wil nf ail*. twiidfU h» * m»)•-Ml 1 mtn nt Un maitibxa |>r*Miil al any itnff api«>liil»-l tiic^tluil, Thu oluotiou of tdlhmnt wns held nnd roiuilltulnn follows : (‘tnliUiil WMJllu, I, '|>(>iiiti«, 'I blid VIihi I’(('«Ii Im (I IIIim N*mla Van Ualar. frituiOi Vt> i) t'l•■•lih'iil Uimi' k< i n. )l»l>arl, M<- i> i flarr tml Titaauinr OU* Auwl« A,WliUtt>»'fc. A••1*1 mil Mi>t>i«'larit>«i i -iliit iiil..tiii»,fciiii«f Uafaii. li.einl.'Km Mlm Nflllo UldllKk, Tho fiillowlMg mimmlttflcK wero np* poinlod ! i KMiill.n l .iHHiiltlxo l|l»a m-MII. If««ry Vaii Oh-af.MlM Half n.Ill'll, b lo •••M.I wllli Ilia |.(ual- vh hl Ilnl M.'H l.f |», OmiiI<«i»IiIii 0m|UU<'0i« ll, W. hthitMi, Mini II 11 I1 U |i<-,*( |t|iaiiu« 1 li.liI|i4i,i4 lllialiliklllf, lloi<«, W. |i«;lnii, Tlm loiniN'latloii loljouriiihl |o lutHit at H o'oluok 011 tlniuriioumiumut liujr *1 lllimwiniil ni'it jri'iir. iiiiIii.* olliurwtwi ■Itilnliiil lij llio limit.illvn iHMMiulUatf, llemllil for • lltail Town. 11 , 11 . Vim, I'unti. Hiiit|i. IMtitnuy. ItnlllmU, M urnlltj. It» niiiijf. <linill«l!ty. 'full* AlHiiitll, W flln«U m l II. eiii'H|. |i>ii|mOr, H|'ii»t< wull lur ll, II mIi ' In liuimitii II. AilTcrll.it In lln li.lHim, < liin.l I'Kiml r> I r li.iilat r. 1 ‘Htr.iiilr.i 11m nintoliiiiiU, I'lh'iil iii >1»1 iiimi In ultliw. II 1O1I nil imlilln i'iili'r|irl«'* lli .... nl i.iini|iiillllim In |irlimi, M 11I 111 ll.a Hlniiviilirrn limllliT. Ii’ullli nihlM lnl I'r K"1"! "">»<• l^lni nil limfi'ri., I'rtiillmlit 1. 111I tlpi.il lii'lil, i,i<l .ruin iiliji'Kl lm llm tri'lfiiin, Mi"*ll> nml jiriiiniilliill i»f t‘»nr luwn mill ll« |w*»■ jilii, Hpi'nk tii'll i’f llm |Milillo »|ilrllw1 .nitii, mnt ftl.ti lm i'll.' jnilrmilf,— M .li.' fl»M Il.iu,

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  • V O L . X X I V . MATAWAN, N. J., SATURDAY. JULY 9, 1892. N O . 1 .

    £ » f * » f « t u l i t A T E M P L E T O N ’ S C O L U M N .

    | « r o m o i o r

    H SK a . W. DAYTON, s

    O rn w r i n i Hank, N .J.

    J K B 0 P. APMWtOAT*, ,


    V k U f i t , M J ,0 Ae«t (wo doorf abort tbe M tU vu Hoots.

    K H Y 0. TEBUBNE,


    SSUOSfOS rnmi* U l t a n f lU IO B t i

    m a r rusuo,

    •A m lo Kothaehlld BaUdiat, eypotlte IU Il-

    te c b l, I m l v V r L t i f I r u t k .


    . J j m D E M C I PARK IK ,

    ' * CODHSKLLOB kT JA W ,

    OOm , coreer V a is U d Tlreek*ertee f e e tifc

    F l U M U , tf. J ,

    W. A M O W M IT * ,

    . k rr«SM S T 4T LA V ,

    S&UCItOB 4 * 8 M AM S* IB OBUMBST,

    f | IU O L » i • • New

    ^ L F W l ) V A L U K O , J a „

    OO U M EM AIt AT U V ,

    l i ih ik T , M. J*

    ilU u4*d to lit w f 9»v t o f I t oCounty or Stale.

    II, OUDKN,


    MAtTBS IH t>*AN««SY, NlifAhl H/SIJO,

    iMtuwi*Mr>«rn o t usii>d, «, i.,

    K sfvoar, . . . m« « Janay,

    lAUKtWS, U. )>„

    ' * N T IIItr , U*TA*4W.

    Olthw t l till rwhtaars, I ’lea ljU rlaa

    niMtrt, ttM'iU'Uui lltV'i »f «n? imit iiiHiiDtai'liirn. P»U> • ll̂ l>» (nttiUliMftoilM'Mr tM l »»*o|lnii>tit, In aii)! »| jli«

    lu ll tU u ol ltit«U’ » fo r «wudM•rat«n4«rd 'Utility,

    K, J. Hornor & (lo,,ritt'MHiii’*' M « •»• AM, J'AlllH OK 'l l i r M’l'A’I'H,

    A m o s H . V a n H o r n ,73 Market Street, near Plane St.,

    N e w a r k , N . J .

    Over (be bnluiitora benda a fnee,Darliitvly awuot mod bfttfuUlnif;

    flouiclwdy ttaadn la uaroU** ur&to,Aud WHtcliua tli4) ploiurc,unlling.

    Tired and a)«epx* «‘Hb drouptog head,I woDtlur wby ahe IlDgerti

    Add wbvQ all tb« good nlgbta are tald«Whf eocnelMdr Uokbtier ftugvra.

    Hold* bet fluffera and drawa her down, ttuddenly growiptf bokler.

    Till ber (owe batr dropa tta nn»t-t brown Uke a mantle ©ve* b|a abouUtr.

    Orer Utabaluateraoll^aBda fairDriuh bta vbeaka like a feathers

    Bright brown ireaaeeasd dutkr hair UiMit and tuiugla togakbev.

    Tbere’e a queatkw aafc l , I W t 1! • tvlTicarcaa,

    Bba baa flowo IthaaW rt from tbo hAU*w*r. .

    Bui orer tba WluaUra Aropa » Tea Tbat eball hrigbUa, the vorld Coe h la

    tlivay, •. -'Boelon Globa.

    A B U R G L A R 'S G H O S T .

    E U w u a g b o a t , a a d f i o b t e d ^ . A s lo o n

    u I a w h t m , ly i n g f a l l l e n g t h u b d o r

    t h e d r o o p in g b r * t i c lM B # t « m o u n t a i n aa lt,

    w i t h i u v iv id ly g v w a , Im v m to o k '

    l o g c u r t o u n ly l u l o t u t M o c k lu g f»wv-, 1

    k u a w i h iU l i t w m . w A ft c r e a t u r e o f toU d

    p a r ta , W l i y , a a I M o M , m e tr lu k tu ) , a

    fe w jr a n la a w a y , I o o u t t f f f i U u t g r u u m l o u

    w h ic h b a w aa l y i n g t fa ia r t l i r u u g h M n v

    I l o w a a a b e o lu t u l f t r f u u ip a r e u t l i e cvl*

    d o u t ly e n jo r w l m y W r r o r , u t td a a tiw ir it ig

    i i u l l o t l m t i ip | i l iM lO v e rh l i w lto lt i f o rm , fro m

    t o p Uy lH itto n i( (irorcMl t l i a t , In h la g h u t t ly

    w a f , h e ro jo io tn l I n b la unvA U tty appvnr-

    b ik w , a n d w o u ld n o t k a r a Uh>u A v tU m u l

    blowl I f i ie o o u l t lThe cold iitoonllgfet funtnl Ua wity

    lliroiiglt tbu ImiiglngMUNUirauf Uiaviiatlmt duiwiiMul tnmt thu hraitohi'a uf Ihu immu* t ;fn aali« m id ao«nto«l to aheil a cotiwnlul glow ovur the ah « lcw r preaauttt a lir li lit'd on tho grtvnawanl, Tlia glow waa uhllly, b ill II aulttvl tlm ghoat. Your avm-HUti ghuat d(x» uot a|)|>rwlat4> DhiwrfMiut^. fclUiur in the nIhi|w of llghf< tir lumt, nml though Llila |initluularg!iii«tilllT i‘r««l fnnu hia ftmowa In thnt li« dli) not illwlaln {lie troiufoti ot * (xwllloj), it I* nvt-aouid))s to au|i|xm« tha t hu tth'fcrrvd lo Imvo hla tim'i't-luiii oittlllira tnnrkiHl liy tlie and blue whllti tin# of tiiiua'K rnyn, IhNhwul of bolng Nhown up tn tliu ruiy glow of uu early tiiornlng h>iii.

    I OftOtO U|MIII hlUl lllliM|Hiu|ltl|)r.T Ijo u V u i i I i iu wmm a t i l t y o u iiK , Im i In llm

    U tu B o ir i i ' in W lU v a d rtrk iH 'M " fi»llti*M>iit4ifHi|NHi''t i r U M . ' I 'h o iM h g r t iw In tin * lu 'u r i ( if n

    i l i ( t t k » i a i i t m > d U t a t n « i f n m i ib v hmmI. mih) I f l l g l x w l witM lo lM ft« tM t.N iiy > v tu < r« In th o

    U tK " . uUmt>ly yvihhIm I g fnntH lM H iir ro u in lln g

    «t,Hwui'l Ni'lllu Jllulon nml I Iuul met lu

    tt it ri'guhilloii uuy nt n im rty . W uli.u l Immii fornmlly lulrodurisl, Imd talked, Iuu l tlrtiicwl ainl—luu) uivt iignlu. I du not know iixnoliy how It nutiu alMiut, hu t one lovuly AugiiHt t'vi'nhigi tvlmn Im*i' ftuni »’iHip{H»(ltluufor NuIIIu’h Naku alwaya |iiuvli|iimllloN, hail cJmHcil h im Into liu* if r pckii t'viir nflonvanl, m cmdlug lo |»oimlnr Irmll

    Du (IiIh I’VMilnif Nidllo and I had U iin ^ l to mci l ntidi'i' Iho iminuliiln n ih , m Ihu h* nu ll of 11 hiiiuliluij 1'n iiuk Him had mmlu im lu Ihu hm ghii'a ghoHt. Nidllmr iff ua In llnvid III hla 1'i.lnli'on*, and w.* hod in P i.lv . it lo miMl him In IiIk !"‘ '" i t nud "lay1*

    film CiiiinorSVIll’ll I HHW tho lotm, almdnwy 'I'hlnjf, }

    »to)!)>ud a h m t , wlilli* a wava of rntd, l lm t I know nuiiQ fn»o thw glu»*t,nalf ho had Itvi'alhi^l Ui my dltwthm, nonl- a wldvnr l lm m u U no* fr o m o w id to l- m l , W U h nn rlToit1 iw i ; i n>d mywdf and tuowd n»m

    lul«'ly forward.“ I 'hIuiw lM I an ld iiluiid, “ W lm t a ftvm>rlM"K auc jl'’ nrlh'ulatod ft kuihIIuk

    aatlm nhoat Io»Iu I« h I lu wlmt Imr «( thoaa jM'cullur atullei tlm l anUatwl l i lm ftom mm mul to Ihu idhm. " I W y . t t i n I f Well, I llko thal I lla l 1ml Imi"

    1 iMtiNtHiiy th a t I hn tflunl'a laUMh w«w n IiumI i i iit ih 'a "a iil llilnu N nl I hat It Wun loud or Im ndi, Im t ll ((avinm o llm lmi»hr had thoughtlusNly tuado a Iivjho In hU loglo, und It wan w llli a ring of trUunph In iny voli o tlm t I naldi

    "Uhoala m'tun lo l«o hoihiiIIuidh troiihlir»mtmhitioii« aud tulwhU'f hy a running mrunm, aud doulitluM your Imlng tho tlhont of linn* nlug W ntorglvva you a grunt deal of lu* (lui'ueo k i your ajdwrti. ltu t yun aimdy dou 'l «op iK iw ilm t you van—aftvr fnllllUng yum* ii\ImIou ou uui-th, ua I imunimo you dhl- 'cm illnuu lu lulorfuro w ith iiuttjdo who aru ait J11 struggling nloug lu IhW umttur uf frtct tvurM^"

    ’l'he ghiMt waa alm ut to ruoly wlu nniuh liim i(luathm. I am afraid I havo (w u working and studying too much lately."

    " I am anr* rnu have, duur. You look aa though you Imd Juat awti a ghm t," waa Ntdllo'e nwiKihac, na ahu forgot her own iincoiuforlahle plight lu Imr aollcltudu

    for nm.I wonder how 1 m ine lo tnlalaka a llltlu

    stream of wntcr in thu m oonlight fur the biiigtur's ghtailP—(Jeorgo U. Je iiM iu 1'llla burg H iiIIuIMl

    T ail m il*.

    Orncral lion Muller formnrly owuM a large imwllir, who Imcame faumua fur win- tlnuiyl dcprHlatlonM 011 vnrloiia Imlc.mi varta im tliu / (iiouhmI through tho fctm'ta of liowcll on liitdr murnlng ivunda. 'I'lmdnn waa nufiirocloHN tlm t tm ouu dared attack ll, so for a tlmu hcw iun juHu muat or of tliu nIIuiiIIiiii. Finally) onu victim derided to approuuh the general 011 thu auh jK t; su mm murnliig, nci'oallng him on llm Klient, ho aald, "(Jciicrul J lu llcr, If a m an1* dog steal* meat from my butcher curt, wlmt would you do f”

    “ W hy,” Hald thu lawyer, "1 Hhould niiikn him nay fur l l , " “ Very well,” cmilliiui'd tlm mitf’her, “ ynnr dug him Ntnlcu fJ.W w uilh of meat, from my cart and I want you tu pay fnr lt .M "l.’ci la ln ly ," nald (leii- I'lid ho ller, "h u t I ahall have hi elmrguyou live iliiUarw for iirufiwdmml advlco." fl fx aald llm cmmii waa mtl piivnwl.—Him Krau clm u Argoimnt.

    A 14 Mowing ling,

    1 m ini knew a IlMln fox Imrler of luai val otta InleltlgciH ii - hla mini ivnh1 peL I liavu tii’i'ii him , when Im waa hu|inllent to gn mil n vvalklmt, Niiddmily appear w llh her IhiuIh In hla m m uh, which ho would throw down u t h**r fi't'll rm tid them tm a 1 . 1 lei lilt I, or ctnild laouuaiiii nuovi" muiel 'l'ohl lo "fulch alh'kn," Im riiNli Inti* a IIowitln«dMini pu ll up a M thdiorlw n to wldnh the llowiMi \oi|n tvulned, atnl le tiiro wllh them. I Imvuevi'O Hero 0 dog who hioim, or wIki otiulu luiitnda like tdtutlnit. wlmn hn waa aiiug Ui.- t ’ovcy li’li/um nld in tlmdla mau'a Klauaaluu.

    Nww Kuglniul aHjH'tnlUliiun,

    A Now lla iu p ih lu * i'm » f"i »mo thront. (h t4i wear altnut thn mvck a kU I, Imt, It' the tiMi uf which Kptduto lum hen* H*>d, \» cording to a Malim litdh'f a iiiiim i'i! pU'vrcd aod IdiUK ^10 Im vo led ovor Ihi* ropo, ow n ing ll ua lm wont, and leav

    in g rolallvi'H and fr lo nd ao ii oo iivoulout

    throuoH. If uuy ono rovivoa tho thoory

    th n t Napoleon wna no t )>’renrh, b u t

    renlly un Itn llun , ron ilnd h im (hu t Ihu

    inon w ho followed Napoleon nnd did

    thn fighting wore F nu ioh anyhow ,

    Kvory American w ou ld Imvo Invod

    I Mtguoaoitu. T h ink vvltut n I Vonnhumn

    lm wim. Ho rntild bout anybody nt

    nny k ind of ligh ting und kept ut It nil

    thn Hum. W lm n Dm Hpanlnh la lmld

    h im pri'iiMu’r Im whllod uway Iho llmo

    ohullong iug uud K illing o lf young Hpim

    hints. Hpuln lot h im go pretty amm.

    U o w onn wo ludp roHptt i;;ao trod a l H inny I'n lu t fnr working (ho

    mltioH (horu, ilm im Im nu llfn i Imryla

    Ilo* «Muott\h| Ih n vm hdy of ito iy l bavo

    |i»i>n auonrod In tlm uo lg liborh iiod uf

    l la d d a m , Dunn ., und llio hnjjcid, lioryla

    tu flm world a io oh in inod ul t fm fto n

    um l A ow nrlb t N. I(. I'Vniit llm forumr

    luoullly n. oryahil ovur a ll hml long waa

    a t i t u t i a u a l i t y o f t h e la w is t b a t i t p la c e s

    t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r * u f N e w J o r a e r a t a

    g r e a t d is a d v a n t a g e a a o o m p a m l w l l h

    t h o a e o f N e w E n g ja u d . W e t h i n k t b a t

    a u o h M o tio n m u s t b u f o u n d U> b e i o o o u *

    U if l t w i t h t h o o o u a t l t u t in u o f I h e H t a le ,

    a l t h o u g h t h e p r o o la e c l a u s e u |m u w h l d i

    t h u o o n U m t io n w i l l 1h» f o u n d e d h a s u o t

    I hm>u a e lu o te d , W h i l e M a s s s c h u s e t t a a n d

    l l h t a l e I s l a n d h a v e p ro eur llM M l t l i e g r iw a

    t m u tb o r o f h o u r s w h ic h a h n i l o o u a t i t i i t u

    a w e o k ’h w o r k , n o t t m m t h e y h a v e g n n o

    s o fa i‘ nn t o a| m o ify r i a o t l y w h a t h o u r s

    o f e a c h d a y a h a l l Im w o r k in g h o u r s .

    N o w t h ia u n i a t o p o r u tu to o u r d is a d

    v a n t a g e ia p l a i n u io m g h . N u w J c t a a y

    l u i i a t a i d i i iu iu u f r to t i ir u d w**\ * i u co tupa U* ItUO'ta aiiillnnuar attitUiila,

    Atntnt.r, it.M « ii!* n i,

    Hm'Uh t. TU* n>»inUr«lilp ul thta surklyHull eninUI u f •nidi uiiaaul er funiin tru«t«*a, ..rsr linf* *ir •lmt#ril« uf III*m» i«mI finUOll# sa, ha*«

    twii rM"niitiain|M lu ilia pitvlaiy lijllnwiMmilt- l«t m i MiftU I * liy a in*j(>iiiti«,

    'I b lid VIihi I ’(('«Ii Im (I IIIim N*mla Van Ualar. frituiOi Vt> i) t'l•■•lih'iil U imi' karl,Mi flarr tml Titaauinr OU* Auwl« A,WliUtt>»'fc. A••1*1 mil Mi>t>i«'larit>«i i -iliit iiil..tiii»,fciiii«f Uafaii. li.einl.'Km Mlm Nflllo UldllKk,

    Tho fiillowlMg mimmlttflcK wero np*

    po in lod !i KMiill.n l .iHHiiltlxo l|l»a m-MII. If««ry Vaii

    Oh-af.MlM Half n.Ill'll, b lo •••M.I wllli Ilia |.(ual-vh hl Ilnl M.'H l.f |»,


    H|'ii»t< wull lur ll,I I mIi ' In liu im it ii II.

    A ilTcrll.it In lln li.lHim,< liin.l I'Kiml r> I r li.iilat r.1 ‘Htr.iiilr.i 11m nintoliiiiiU,I'lh'iil iii>1 »1 iiimi In ultliw.

    I I 1O1I nil im lilln i'iili'r| irl«'*l l i .... nl i.iini|iiillllim In |irlimi,

    M 11I111 ll.a H ln iiv iilirrn lim llliT .Ii’u llli n ih lM ln l I 'r K"1"! "">»

  • fBtatatoan jo u rnal.rn n u H iiK it Kvrnv m xtvuda t a t



    B E N J . F . S. D R O W N .

    (On* oopr, I )«*r............................|I 1T U M < O m v >|7 , 6 tunotiia .......................... I

    (O t« o.'j/j, 9 tuoolha........................... 1K4e|U orijrtw, a cvuu.

    Adratttafof r*tM oo L*t*l adrcr-Using »t r»u* tlluaml l>j lav.

    T«*rtf |>rafi>Mk>aal aud IluaJfiM* Card* tr t pay. abl* * 1 U » m*4 ol «la luouUta.

    H itf f t V l j tad j ia i f ) kl«6t(iMiseDia a n »■*»• U U QVUTULT.

    l l i w Iho Pnd ilb l*

    t io u National Couvohtnm iHMniuatod

    (l« n c ra l J o h n H M nol) of ('n liforn in for

    1‘rra idpn l ou Ih* tlr«t bwlloU llo rx''

    0 0 W M WJO w>U« tm i of n total of U74, 4H8

    vuUm iM'iitg ntsywary for n ohnioo. Tlio

    oouvru tion coutinttod io 'omIom Ioiik **f-

    ta r U)idi)i>tbl and nt an oarty Im nr tlio

    fo llow ing m orn ing l>r. ( ’ no illll ot Tvaaa

    rm oivo il n ine inon ' volo* than ouongli to

    v iu Uio nom ination for Vioo l'ri>aulont

    A jd a lfonu waa atlopli»iif b ’i t only aftor

    a wtvoro atrngglc, llio ptino lpal il nnd Inrifl planka

    Cfaprsl Wm w For rm ld e n t .

    T tia IV 'p U 'a thirty lu'M a iHMiroiitton

    o u M oth la t in tualia Riul itilopbsl llu 'tt

    }datfiwm h>r tlu» >s'iuit'K ohvtiou nnd iHKniuatixl Jano# It \Vi>nvor lor 1 'rrai d cuL Tbi*ro wrn* 1 JS7 diOogato* r r p r w u t iu p sltuoat t vory S lafo in tlm I ’ u iou,

    t\a V w 1'n^idiM il Jamo* 0 . r io h l,

    au ^t-CV'ttfiHirrati* of V irg in i",

    rrr#4v s l T.V1 aiul Honjmuiti 'IV iri'll o f Texas M l . Tho N rw jo ra ry >b*h>

    gat«s n*Usi fhu procootl logs, b n t to tb090 wbo had to repair tbe

    damages it was of a more serious uature

    T he participators ia thoso prooeadings

    sboiiid haro moro regard for tho welfare

    of others and loavo undisturbed tba t

    whieb docs uo t belong to them . I f ooni'

    p la in t were made agaiuat one or two ud

    gagod in (heso un law fu l prxctioos they

    would Boon bo stopped, and tho oelobra*

    tinn nf the Fourth would be enjoyed by a

    larger number than at present.

    A bout all the firework**, etc., pro

    vided by our storokeopors wero disposed

    of early in the day aad the small boy aud

    g ir l d id their part in oelebrating. I o

    tbe afternoon Aabury Park was (be

    Menc^ of a o i im W of our people,

    wbile a fow visited M onm outh Park and

    hun t *tb«*ir wont io Tuing *li*;'\ch onfl

    A abm y lV rk . A num ber also trout tu


    Tbo Jodies of tbo Motbodist ohuroh

    bod a Ruoooasful suppor and festival iu

    tho evoaiug, uottiag abou t $80. T bo

    O itizeus' baud, upou tho ir roturn froai

    A sbury Tark, playod m suy pioooa at tbo

    ohnrob to tho great oujoym ont of thoao

    prcaout aud those liv iug uear by.

    A rra iU a l Monmouth Park.

    T ho raoenat M onm outh Park on J u ly

    i wore a ttond^f by /ibout 25,001) |>ooplo,

    aud Ibo duy pained w ithout nny nrroaU

    bo ing mado, O u Tuunduy, Imwu-’or, tbo

    lii\w nud Ordor TiUnifiio upon infortiiatiou

    obtnfii(Ht thu proviotu d«y tmtiNod l! *o

    9 1U0 bail vaoh.

    tlie M kury Park AudUerlum.

    T lio prograiutnn for noxt Hmnlay ia n

    draw ing uuo, tbo attrition iu tbo m orn ing

    boingproanhiHl by llov, H .Kdwurd Young,

    Ida wuhjoot bolug u T lio S tiopbonl K in g / '

    A t U.HU oVItK'k « Habbrtlh Hohool w ill bn

    bo ld , eonduptod l»y prom inout workers

    frtnn Vitrhma pnrla of Iho (HMiutry, I’lio

    N ntioual Hftrvloo, nt 4 o'olook, w ill bo

    addivaaod by Ih iitod Htntoa Honator Al-

    (rod I I . O ohp iitt, of Ooorgla, w bo is ouo

    o t tbo moat b r illian t orator* of Ibo Honth.

    T lio Yonng 1 Vo|>1o'm Mooting nt lltUO w ill bo oouduotiHl by Uhitrha Ij, Ohspitt,

    o f Krttmtw ('i>y, M o,, and Iboaoriuon nt

    7:210 oVIook w ill lw dolivounl by H ot.

    T Ihu . P k tn i, J r . , pnalor of tho2;M h trro t

    llnp tiat t-burob, of Now York O ily , wbo

    hna born ao prom inout U'foro tho jHS>plo

    nvvn tly , thrtuigb b ia altaoka on Tam-

    m nuy H all. Tho m nsio during Ibo di\y

    w ill bo rondorod by Ibo llrown Vuivor-

    alty U l»o tt lu b , of t'rovidom v, H. I.

    The Owners Glad of ll,

    O no of Iho (pilokvat tr lpaorcrtundoby

    a wHwliug vomvI wns rvocntly m ado by

    tbo Mchoouur flo u ry H. L ittle . Tho

    schooner sailod fi\>m Jlangor, Maino,

    w ith 1,04'J Iona of itv for I ’h ilndolph in,

    I V , on J u n o Hat 10:40 n, m. Hho nr*

    rivt^l al 1 'hilndolpbiti ou Tuonday, Juno

    14. nt (I 4i> a. m, dinohnrgiHt tho tao atul

    loadis) 1 , »01 tons i>f ixml aiul n rr irrd at anchor otT I'aat ltiw tou nl H H O p.

    Tucoduv, Ju n o ‘J1, Tito lim o fn tiu nrrivul

    iu r iuh ido li'hn t lo nrrivat iu H i«b m Mitti

    tbo hautlliug of plonaod

    Ut loam of b«r abort aud aiuvooafnt tri|>«.

    H it Anklet Discolored.

    Jb>ri»tf !hi> h ra ry sbowrr of Hiiltdsy

    nfloriUKUt, lVn\v HvhvI'ot, ngod nltoul 10 yt^ra, buu of HjM’m v r H.ndtoy, wn* ly ing

    m t Iho louugo at bia itouin w iU t lt la f i^ l

    U|*»o ibo Mindow aill. A /li r n ah a ip llaah

    f ligh tn ing Imd pmwod bo fo il * num b

    itraa in bo th lila t»vU Alt oxauduallon

    a|io«isl U o tilaok arh'aka atnMil two and

    ••h a lf Mf.io tijHMi Im th axklM ,

    • bioh diaappcatod whon a olotb i^aa a)v>

    p t l^ l lo ttu'in. No lu rlho r iviatka of tbo

    It^h ln iu g «aa fo«ind and lV roy ‘a MOa|m

    U oonaidom f \«iy pnM idon iia j.

    W»al t i l a t # T ram fire .


    (Wadu nut buld fur anyflrva of opUiUiCM vaiirrsM^i lu tb* ruHiitiuuib-aKvaa of our OLirro>|>uuu tu Matwnnit t^wiiphii* ;

    Jo h n Jt Ih iJ lo ia , p| al, K n a to rh r lw1*. IM a n . lot M a layan , 91

    l'lo*t*o / , (toiAU and husband to V, A. tloun, l«d Mal'^an, |N*V

    ........... Myt>m I'. iMabT lo t 'h a rbd l* R Hut'o(tf4i i!« l| 'b iu , lot M 'tu v a o , £1.000.

    T ba lu lU'tluaiil agaiuat t>t Aaw*oddy<

    Piatt 'tinAUM l*i>nu, a lsflrf * 1 tha u J u l t 1. )*|;un

    aas rbarg ia l w ilh aM lng aud alw tting in ka^p ing a di»»td prt*!:n.oo i.f business be cou ld uol leuvo Kuw VtifK before flnnday. Thu alternative was

    theu oflVrcd h im of taking a S unday nf- teruoou traiu aud h a n d in g two uigbts

    on tho road, or o f w ading u u til Monday

    morning und tnk iug the Chicago L im itod , which would laud him in Obicngo a t U;45 on Tuesday m oru iug . •

    Tbo conioqueuoes m ight possibly be

    serious i f the L im ite d should bo lato in ronohing Chicago; but, trusting to its

    woll enrnod reputation for bo ing always on tiiuo, tho New Yorker docidod to tnko

    it nnd run tlio risk. Tho roanU showed

    that his coutldouao wna uot m ip ia m l.

    Jixuotly otU;45 on Tiumdny m orn ing tbo

    liliu itcd rullod in to tho Union ntatiou at Oliioiigo. J u m p in g into ii oub w ith h i«

    wifo Ibo lawyer wim drlvuu n tiu ig h l to

    tho tomplo o/ juatioo, whoro Ju d g o (Iron- ham pitfaidud. l lo u:.iclicd it i'« »lj*M

    minuteH, nud n fow momonta later waa in tho oourt-room. Th> court upouod

    >rompi)y nt ton o'olook, am i bia cuao wan

    Irat ou tho lint,

    J u i t twouly-four hours nftor Imtving Now York lio wna m ldrcM ing tho court

    in Oliioitgo, fotOiiig tta froah uud vi|f»r«*ua nftor hia lnu ir ionri frlj* nn if ho hnd junt oomo from hi:* homo, It m ight mid to tho

    story to aity tlm t uf tor oouobnling Itia

    argomoul ho t >i>k nunlhor tra in bnok to Now York, nnd wan In court thote ou

    Wodnoadity, na u n iu i, hut ho d idn 't, llo atnyod in Ohii'iigo lo ao.- tho Uotnoornllo Oonvontiou.tiiid otoiio baok at bis lo lmro ,

    W hnl Iho McKltilpy Dill is Doing.

    W illiam Hoborta, n wiHtlon mAiiubuv tnror, from llrndfovd, Knglnud, him just

    (VtinplottHl n Inruo m ill in (torgou County oppoaito Pnaaiilo, l l w ill omplny 150 linuibt, T lio m ill nnd a hm g cuw o l (Htttngoa for opondivo* biv« Im'oii bu ilt

    iiudor lila d irooiion, nml Improvotl lonm* mnl otbor mm'l'lni'ii lor iho mnimhiotuio

    of Iho Hui'nI giu>loH of wiMtlon gtHtda nro

    boing lim it, M r. Uoborln bwum tly did n Itirgvi buaini'aa " i ih tho Ih titod Hbdof*,

    nil hU gotnla boing phtood dirootly on tho mnrkot horo. Aftor tho |niaHiigti of tbo

    M o luu loy b ill ho nrrangod to transport hia

    lorit>a will lm b rought lono in tho aumo wtty. llo nlao Intouda lo grontly nidargo

    Ida tmalnoaa und wtll employ Amorloan

    labor tia far ita pitasibh'.

    Junior MfohAnlui.

    Tho roport of tho iintlomd council of

    tho Ju n io r Order of Ifn itod Amorloan Moobanhvi ahowa that on Doootnbor 111 , IH'.M, ih rro w«iid, 8 'J 18,0.11 ; bid unco iu tionaun-. S?«H7,'J01. I J ; inorcsao

    in tnotnbotahip U0 ,U'-l> of whioh I'oiiitnyb vauin ooutribulod 'J0,7'i0, nm l Now .for*

    soy il,Wi*. O rd im ling tho withdrawal*,

    sna|M*udod nnd doooaaod momboiw, tho uol iuoiH’aao wna tM.ONd • 'J,,kVI woih ro.

    iuatidod nud ndmitlotl ttv cau l.

    I l Your K ertrj S teadyOr do yon trombto uud f»«'l Ut il you

    *ra broaking ; that >our norv.uH anatom \* giving way. If you havi* n wonk norvou* Hvatom tbo vory boat thing you oan do Is to t«'g(n to thvy ualug Hr. Ifnlo'a flou«n. hold 'Voa. It la tho t\uo Allan-

    lio H igh land* nud couuoot* with tho

    trnlna of tho Now Jersey Houtbern Hail- wny.

    A risotvo ir la lo bo b u ilt on tbo llitto u

    Park propiMinu of tho

    llnnrd ot t kMllintnn|ouers,of lau tg llraoivb,

    Thts com pany’s b id wna not tho low ita I handed In, yet the (mntrart ana given litem I tec a nan Ihe v oomplti*d w ilh Ihe spM'ilbifitions b> m ak ing ll.

    The vsry boat th in g for hi'adschn and t ieu rsb is , I'houy 's Caffoiu p{||«t On

    i l l s a l B la lt t ’a d rug atora,

    N e w V o j tK ,

    July .|th,

    ’ r i n ' i i : is p r o b a b ly not store

    in New Vork that can show so

    large a variety of Straw Ilats

    ns we have at caehufour tlncc

    stores. Prices ln ^ in at 50cents

    for the cheapest boys' hats anil

    rise acconliiif; to age and m( for |m»l v^n>Mia^r,) M'iwiom Yio* Vt>r> Uiilly,

    YANCKY ANDV'HHON,I’r^iil Ml., Main, Kr)|mrt, V, J.

    W E H O L D O U R T R A D E .H aving been engaged in the groceiy business for more tlmn 15

    years 111 this place we have, by careful attention to it, by

    politeness and fair dealing lo all, risen from a small begin

    ning to the position we now bold as the

    L e a d in g G ro c e r o f H a t a w a n .Our goods maintain that same high grade of superiority

    which has heretofore acted as the medium for bringing to our store our present large trade, and our prices are as low as those

    asked in other stores for the b«5st goods.

    O ur F lour is as cheap as the cheapest; our Butter better

    than the best sold elsewhere; our Eggs the freshest; our

    Spices the purest; our Ham s the sweetest; and in fact every

    th ing sold in our establishment is of the B E S T Q U A L IT Y .

    B E N . E . G R IG G S ,T h e P o p u l a r G r o c e r ,

    C o m m e rcial B lo c k . M a ta w a n .GOODS DELIVERED FREE.

    A R K Y O U IN N E E D O F

    P a in t in g M a t e r ia l ?A R E Y O U IN N E E D O F

    F a r m a n d G a r d e n Seeds ?A R E Y O U IN N E E D O F

    F A R M I N G I M P L E M E N T S ?IF V O U A R E ,

    EDWARD FARRY & GO.,Main Street, Matawan,

    I lave the Largest and Best Stock in town, and ure selling

    these goods ut prices which defy competition.

    A n inspection of goods and prices will prove the Iru lh of

    tbis assertion.

    and il would l'o well for you to remem- hrr Unit now ia tho time to Imvo

    your Iiouhi'h wirvd for

    B u r g l a r A l a r m s , E l e c t r i c B e l l s ,

    E t c . , E t c .Wo am n reli.ddo Ihm uml gunrantee

    satisfaction,am i our prices arc roasonnblo.

    In tim ates and (u ll purlienUrn can be hnd by addressing

    NAFTAL & HtNHCnSON, Cftotrloinni,

    I:iiI«-i|mI«i> lltrlit)11>v, - I t >' 1 |>oiI. >},


    THE KEYPORT JEWELER,la m aking


    G O L D W A T C H E Sr o i ; THC NEXT TEN UAY8 ,

    lum iiK boon fo itunnle in buy ing Iho K»-

    tfn ( V e * of n innnnfsclnrorat n dj«oouut.

    latok for D iamond advt, n o it ,

    T O L I C I T , " '

    AA T H K O W N T O W N ,

    i t ’l’l.Y TO

    O, H, WARNS.

    K S T A B L l S I U f l J P 1 8 5 7 .

    E . F R A N K C O E ’SS T A N D A R D

    B o r b F E B T I I j I Z E B I SA S P O P U L A R T O -D A Y A M O N G T H E F A R M E R S

    A S A T A N Y IM iR IO I) IN T l i l i l R

    P A ST 1I 1ST O R V .

    I bese I1 eilili/ers will be found at l i. Frank Coe's ware

    house nt ihe Propeller dock. Mr. James V an C lief will attend to all patrons in my absence. For sale by


    FREDERIC LUPTON, Jr. , will receive orders until Mr. Thomas Lupton's return.



    S h e P a l a w a n f a i i t n a l .

    ^ I V V, 1° ",11 Kiwi I'l 'llll i 'i i l m in i, nm l ill» in im | ,nm iif ll iu ilny n"| nw iiitrt n Nsliuiirtl J>,tiriii«r, lu w lilltlnn Ui (Imt uii|i|ilM hy ||iolr u « u Im’Hl im|Kr.

    lo lin 'd tllio ttitnt ao hnvo euloied lu lu a eonliitrl with Ihe

    SH^ N E W Y O R K W E E K L Y T R I B U N E , *Tho Load ing Ropublioan Papor of thu United Status,

    .......................... ,«■.» «> . . t ^

    F O R O N L Y 1 1 . M ) C A S H I N A D V A N C E . /

    ,^."w ' l' , *< 'V w k l j : T tllm iii ', iVHiilnr prli'n imr ynnr.............. *|,0(l ^Ih o Matawan Jourim l, •• •• •< .................................. ‘ l i l


    W E FURNISH BOTH PAPERS ONE YEAR FOR $1.50.flubdtfrlptluiw nwiy begin nt nny (hue,

    evoryJ w " « r " i l l1. j " u r l l I E I m ;,rT,‘r I" 0.n I'liltm l HIiili'i'. Itn.t1 lM JUUr" ' 11 " 'liftiilim o ut It nt .moo, A iIiIium n llon lum tu

    T H E JO U R N A L , M ataw an, N i J

  • [atntonn Journnl

    U A T U it lU Y , J VIA' !>, isos. r -- ' .. ~

    O a r M H t a w a n P o r t f o l i o .

    (Tun Jo will I* fmh.it »n »«/ at ifw iu-w.-lU udtt llio iliUuti, nt Frnirli'fl BilJuliiliiK tim l«*t- (ifbflM, t t fcjrg'a in’ *# * 1 * 1 1 1 1 am i > 1 t li» unic* of )>ul>-

    . . . .W ith th is isaiie bn lio ^ iu Velum o Twuuty-fuiir of tlio J ui;iisa l ,

    . , « .V red F, Hohook him a substantial

    bloyule o f thu Colum bia pattern,

    . . . .T lm Propnilur WyekulT timo tublo

    for J u ly w ill bu found uu Cliju pajjtf.

    .. . .N V . W . D idb rov Is lu iviug m : o t

    (lu roof |»ut ou hia raddeuco on Mu.'n

    •treot, .

    . . . .W i l l i a m I I . W ywbs sent the flr jt

    erata nf tomatoes tbia setvaou witU tbo . W yokoff od J u ly i.

    . . . .W h i l e a now koof Is being put od the |ilano faotory tbo hand* bavu

    been la id oflffor a abort time.

    . . . . H o ly comm union w ill tie colobrat* t t l a t Tr/nity Kpfooopal Church ucxt

    Buoday m o ix itig at 8:30 o'clock.

    , . . .T b e installation c f oncers of

    Knickerbocker Lodge, 1. 0 . O . l\, will take plaoo ou J u ly 18, lnatead o l tbo l l t b as previously annouuocd.

    , , , .CbarloB A . Gurun Inw bought of

    Mra. D r . J . 1\ Quran of llrook lyu tbe

    throe lota ad jo in ing biB rcsideuoo on the s o u tb for 8500. Thoy wore each 85x190 feet.

    . . . . A l l parties in tore* led ia tbo estate

    o t tbe late Naooy Dorsotthaveboeo cited lo appear before Judge Couover a t Froa-

    h o ld ou J u ly 18, wheu tbo w ill be of*

    ferod for probate.

    * . . . . O a Tuesday eveuiug, J u ly 12, a law n partv w ill bo bold at Marlboro on

    tb e g rounds o f H. 8 . Vandorveer, uudor auspices o f tho Y , 1\ B. 0 . E . ot the Ito- form ed church of that place,

    . . . .T b e B a o ra m o u to f tboL o rd 'aH up*

    pe r w ill be ariministorod iu tliu Presliy.

    te rlan ohuroh next Babbntb m orning by

    th e pastor. Preparatory lecture ou But u rd ay afteruoou at 4:30 o'clock.

    . . . .V an 11 runt's stages d id nn oxoel le n t business on Haturduy um l ttio

    .Fourth , tho num ber otporsonsoouiiuK in lown and go ing out on those days boing

    largo ly lu exoess ut those on prevlnim


    . . . ,Th© grocery stock of Cloorgo It.

    O la rk wab moved to-duy to Lonim rd uvo. H tiltlon on thn A lhud ie IligbtAudn ICuil•

    road . A luiudnoino atnro nud u good

    flu id awaits tlio arrival nt M r. Uhtrkunnd

    lila tlook.

    . . . .A n order Inis boon made by .Tudgo

    Conover to sell tho Poor House pm norty Jo in tly owned liy Muhiwnn, llo hm b 'l iuul

    lla r fta n township*, on Friday, AukmnI

    12, Tbo tmle w ill tuko plum* ut tlio Aber

    deen ilo to l in thin t. t l. Ityer, A . M . lmmb'trlfton, O. I I . W nrdoll, T.

    I j i ip to n nm l I f . A rrnwm nHh; Atiditoru J I , I t , l/0 iig»tr«)0t, (). A, Uornn nm l K. A , Hm ith.

    . . . . between (I aud 7 o ’eloek on Mon day ovoning ono of onr oili/mm liv ing

    Hear tho rnllrnud Hlntion oonnttMl 110 ))AMol)gor coaolum rolurning fnun tho

    TAoca, Undonbtod ly u spent tbe

    Fourth with M r. aud Mra. F . L u p to u .

    Mrs. 0 , O, Norwood of W aahiogtoi),

    D . C .,'ia v iailiug at Oaahiet \V. U . Tut- bill'll.

    Aror.i Dom io ick baa aecured a position w ith M nnu Brothora, olothiors. in NowYork.

    Miaa K atharine Colyer ot Brook lyn waa the guest of Mra. G . A. F o un ta in tbia woek.

    ±;tou homeaUiad for

    tint r.mumor.

    Mina Mtiry Kjuutu Zano o f b o n g

    Hriiuoh, ilnughtt'r ot liov . \V. H. /*nuo u

    forinrr paNtor lioro, waa m nrriod on Wml- noailuyuf bint wook to H. H tungor ly./.ard,

    u Prlnooton oollcgo gradunto.

    M orifA nv iU o I lo in a .


    Obituary N o t e i ,

    Tiila Van Dorn , lu fnnt dnugbt^r of

    W illiam A. and Hnrah N. Vuu Dorn, dlt'd tm J u ly 5th fio tu obolnrii iu lnn ttnn , ngod 7 m onth*. T bo funernl aervieoa wero

    ho ld o t the hom o of tlio puruntaTiiurttdny (ifteriiouiu inturiuetit be ing iu l to n o j/ i l i


    M o lv lna lln rr ia , wifo of Kdwnrd Unr-

    rla, d iod on Wodnpadny, ngrd 2 t> y«‘nr« O n J n u o 2 i Mra. IlnrTln gnvo b irth to n

    daughte r w liiob lived b u t four duva nnd

    wna buried un Bnturdny luat, Hno hnd ho ru Uio m other of nix oh ildron, twiun ho ing tiorci to hor ou tw o ooo/iNiona, nil

    of w hich d ied iu tbeir itifutioy. Mm. H urr la wua o f Houtburn b irth nnd the

    fuuoru l aorviocR woro ooinluotod tu no

    eordnneu w ith Iho oualoni provuiliug tlioro. Tbo body wna lmrh>d h i ttio A. M . 13. ZUm ohiirohyard on TbnrHduy. a fear rciunrkfl being pri'vlouHly oH'i'ri'il hy Itov. O. Ti. Poroy. T lio regular

    fuuornl seivieos w ill bo ho ld at u futuro iluto,

    H a w 's T /tls T

    W o olTor O no J!iimlr«n| |)o !)h m Ho

    ward for nnyenxoo f ( 'o lu rrb thnt oun

    no t lio ow ed by Inking H uII'h ( 'a t itn li Ouro,

    J . Chonov \ (Jo, PmpH., Tnloilo, (I.W o ,tbo iiihV ih Iku i'iI, Imvo known I1’..!.

    Obaney tor tho bint lr» yrnrn, nnd hWiovo h im porfeotly honornb'ln in a ll bunlncHH trntiauatloiiH, und llm iurlully nl tin to emry n n t uny obllgntiouH nim ln by tho ir Him .

    W ea t A T runx, W lmiooido hniHH l^^p

    W a ld ln g , K ln in in & M n iv ln , W lKdcuulu |)thi, Tolndo, Ohio.

    l lu ll 'a (Juturrh Ouio in taUon intnrnully ftetlng d iloo lly upon tho blood uud mu- Anna aurfnmm of tlio uvuhmi, I'i Inn TTn*.

    |Hir bottle . Hold by all dlM|U’,h«tii.

    A N ew ttlnyn lloulu.

    A atngo mtikca du lly trlpn botwoun

    M orgnuv illo ntation nnd liuvnupo it'n ,

    litmr I'SngliHidown, (»'f thn

    tio il n f guonlM who ntop thoro.- - ♦ * «•-

    A t te n t io n , K n rn irra

    Tbnmna IjUptun rnOla I1). Frnnlt (too'u

    fertlllner nn iihiiuI, muum' jn l i ’i tt. T lioy

    (tro Iho boat gnoilH foi tbo iihoiiov.

    Tho im ity wlm

    ■ i Tb.room ily tnnh tbo

    oarpet from Iho bund lo im i hod boltor n*

    tu rn l l, aa thoy nro know n und w ill br jituaeouli'il uub'Hti tlioy d o ho im u ii’>llg.

    Walter N iviaon hna been ongugod to

    tench Iho pub lio aobool boro for tho on*

    hiiiug your.

    Tlio ohureh looks very pre tty iu ita

    nuw dniaa of w bllo uud greoii. J , II,

    Klliaon ia do ing tbo work.

    Mra. W illinm tlo ttnd l met w llli a vory pnlnful noo idontou Woibieaduy, llu v ing oenualou to go up in thu wagon lunino ahe

    fell from the top of tlio laud ing und hroko throo ril>a, H h» )a (M^nllnod to hor bod.

    Fu lly one-half tho pooplo nf tldavlc in* ity wont to Froohold to aon tbn purado

    nml llreworka on tbo Fourth , b u t many •'turned in tune to utloud Iho fontlv.il

    hold nt tiio ohuroh. Tho net prooooda

    tu tho ohuroh wero OM,

    i'lio UHUnt lurgo num ber n f guoat* wore

    horn Irnm tbo ohloa to apond tlio l^onrtb,

    »m»»ng whom woro notlnod M r, Johnn ie

    H tu llK u u d u nulnber of frionda from llrooklyu nt lom ia Htullr.'a, nnd Thoiuna

    lla rpor imd wife at W illinm (io ruo r ’a,

    O l i f f w o o d N o t o * .

    The acfinof /fag wna rnitwd ou fudo* pundenoo Pny.

    Afian Annu J., Johnaon is ajmnding

    her uauul m ention hero.

    M r. J o h n F it* n f Now Vork apont tbu Fourth w ith W ilm or T. MHmr.or,

    3 !r. Peter K lln tg o f llrklyu a|H)iit thu Fourth w ith W illio Htotoalmry.

    Mra, Chnrlca llonaer n ldnpod forty crntoa o f rnapborrlea W oducaduy,

    Mr, 11. I I . Ktoleabury nud'ftttiiily apont

    Hundiiy umi Monday at tbe ir aummer


    M ike A iiti.oeli, nn employee n f AveryjA IbmlineirM, ia aulToring from a aovoru

    burn (Ntuaod by ign iting i» roekot wbllo

    In hia bnud on tlm Fourth . Uo waa

    nmuRing aoum eblldien,

    C itinp mooting nervieea w ill bo held In

    Avorv A Hnalim-d'a k iln abed ou noxt Humfnv nfternoon. Kev. W iilh ttn Huott will tnliu ohnrgo nf thoaorvieoa uHiii«tcd

    t>y nthor loeni jujkuiIjoivi.

    H u . H . E . W e U n n i i ,

    N o. 2 U n u HI , Ja iiu av lllo , W la ,, undor

    (tatn of Jm m HI, w rllea tb o fo llo w ing i

    K enyon A T bo iuaa , H im I wua m i l ln e d

    l«i my bed fou r m nu tlia w ith In ihu itm uM oii

    u fltm rlK h l ovary, had a ...... I pliyt*l"luumul DIimI yonr Hr. Ilalu'a IlniiHeholil (Mnt- nieot ubm it four nmutha u k u . It Ihh doua woiuhua for me. J run do (jidbi a d«,)'»i work. I huve eveiv reiiHoti to Imltnvn Jt tv|II ou tb id )1 eor.i iim. I am ulao ualim your Dr. Ilalolutany t i w ill go in to ram p at

    f J i^ t for ono wnelc Hiitnr bo KHeii < lumtluud, baa boon liv ing them ua donning a wife.

    O n Huluiday (le lnv iu Jenn luga eitiuo to

    Keyport uud m uduueom pliilu t o f mini Uuy beiore J nut leu W m nor iiKiihiHt W IIKum J . •lennliiga and F,Ibui Oepidund aud tbey

    wnro both arrra lrd nnd in defau lt nf ba ll eoiunilttod to the m utily Ja il, II, It,

    ( Igdeu, aa agent lor Mrs. Jenn ie Dobson,

    hna begun proenodhigH iiKuniat ihm ulnga

    aud Itiippnr tn avoilre piNiaeNnlun of tho property.

    Oenrgo M uxm aynr, J r ,, Ima bough t a

    Hook of nhu iil WI ap tlng Iniiiha uf Jn h u H . Huinnkof H oliudu l, slid ia prepared

    S H O E S !F u r l l i u picsciil I am selling

    Children's Spring Heel,

    Dongolu K id Shoes for

    50 ccnls and up.

    Children’s heavy Solar

    Tips at 90 cents.

    M cn 'sC a lf W ork ingShocs

    at $1.25.

    A large assortment of La

    dies Ties from $ i up.

    A handsome Ladies Shoe

    patent leather tips and

    Com m on Sense, $1.75.

    I also have a large line of

    finer make at higher priccs.

    No T ro u b le to S how G oods.

    T O T H E P L O P L E O *

    Monm outh and M iddlesex C o u n tie s :. H a v i n g opened the Store

    Opp. the F. & M. Bank, Matawan,

    with a New and Fresh Stock of Choice

    4 r ' t « ( E R I E , S ,

    we are offering many inducements not to be found elsewhere.

    tu supply the entire town w ith llila oiiolee

    ‘ nt Int a t th is aaon, tiae Tar and W I ,

    m ul M) nts. For sale tiy F. K . HlwUr

    i H i f i o l m u n J i 4 f t n « f . r t d t t r

    O f tlm Itro ok ly n , N . V ., I'o ltim Fnrun, Rlrti||j»

    b ' l t l l l n tu t lm i t u u lt o f l lu n d 's H un iA parllla .

    ) l l« tvlfa U k o i l l fo r O l i i l u im a u i l bull|i*»t(i»i»

    a n d Itw orH s ehn rin tiiu lv , " T l io o lill ilrn n nMu txka U w ill) ur on t ln uu illt . It t t w lll im it d n u l i t a tiiii^t P in i 'l lr u t t lilu u fo r T h « | i r « « | .l a g , 1 (i)icnrtiilly roooiniiio iul

    Hood’s Sarsaparillaand Ihxiil'i* r u n to overy uue wlm to hivolienlth sml cumtort." (let IH M H i’H.

    H o o d s Huia ooro iimr it i« . r«m itiv»ti'*i», bUloimmi, Jaiiiullo*. mul link livaiUciia,

    * jO M M n jU roN C K K 1 /M M :,

    1 AiM'lli''tthnii "f lUthl O. llynr, 1 riMili * I'. (!!>!

    “T» mI i i i k»»ii * in l f.K Rt«f*m*k'1, A l l| w J « i i i i m n a f»»»,

    In (oiyuiefif fur numht |Miro)m»i'ti nt 9 l» hIiohu of nny nf Hot uoMrloutU iimiii'd Lit.

    iov|lti, til t i •, n .H * ^ ,•)•>.II I 1 1 1.1k, Mi ■1 1l|. . 1 h , . | , *1 n'- *1,11 ............... ft\> n I'.u- 1 , O 1 1, tt«*'ll«H " 1 *.

    rn a. I'i >|t|(««*.K H UIO. i In iiiul»l,SV II Mimxi 1 l li.li.Hl ..... ... ll **kIn 1 1 * 1* * I'- .llo, t'< • I.. I.iiiolu r, r ii>m ,»»«

    It Fi V I 't) ll I'i

    V H, vv... liml,I Il'.I'. lU * ! I , \>ll ll|«l>li.

    V. *1. |, »|0


    . r'lll'lfallMlf (Hvd ll,'.,la * Hho»« iu t iln.,.1* MUUiorv, I »|, il< ».i.l |rioH(|to«,

  • craou aud fam ily , death of his little boy of flvo yours, aud cxtromo poverty, wore aomo of tho trials experiouocd by Afr. Curoy during the first few yours of hia atay iu lud ia . For a timo l>oth lio and hia ooUcaguo HiiporiutendiHl Indigo faotoriea whilu oogaginl on tho language

    aud iu preuehing.O f tlio forty-ono long yearn of Carey'a

    niiaaiouary lif in lu d iu , uubrokou by any return lo K urland , I acureely ktiov' what to aav, that ia to b ring it w ilh iu hound*, tlinw u it tho work of u pioneer; vory un like thu? of tho m iM ioim iiea of tho pruMuul day on thu oalutillahod llehln. A lihough hu lont uo opportunity for itin- orating , his timo wus mostly oooupiod iu

    triiHHlutiuK and prouolung at slulod pIlUMut.

    I jn »»irt !>*u n e iuo iO td H io ior for pardon and salvation, and to seek n aya- letu of doetrlm * in the wot I ol (1«kI.A b « m l I M * a * ;n nH ehu ieh « » * t io lo j j lorm ^d ii. 5...,id)le miH*ting house al llarkteU 'U, and n f m*n\e o* tho oonfer

    elirt'a f niey would openk, and lie anys lila “ fr» uda beintf lnoorant, auietimes S p ld audM ” to his "tlO 'n l In ju ry ."

    llo ioiw bo was twenty yeaia of n^o lie w y unfortMuately im ir iled ihuo tbv INaeket. the aiMter of tbe wife t'f hm em ployer, but although ahe had veiy liltlo «jlii|tathy with h u tiuto*, aod her pro disposition t*» ineotid diM>s*e nun the oasioti of nu istnnt nn iie tv , be ever treat od h rr w ith noble li nden im *.

    t h i August IU, ITtCi, be was sent hy fix ' rhu roh at iMuoy "U* jTeneh the ro»- |arl wbereier (UkI ia h i* p ro tuh nee tttiaht c«U h itu ." In l«im K ittrr in it U> Sorthnmp* ton) -hr rw iT w l only A'H* Jht atinutn w itii au m idiliotipt laler from a f ind to Jjoudnu. lu order to mool Itia fanii ly's urods he atieni|>t(s) tesehio^, uuvtie m anfu lly , howewr, lor as ht> humorously atid , “ W heu I kept tho aohool tlio tn>yi

    kept n a "As a U»t reaort he r » a m u * l the trade

    o f shi^emaker, sud oboe* a fo rtn igh t the villsgv pastor w ight havt* b««eu seen U udfliug along Ih# road w illi b is bag of Utota, *od Uiimi tv lurtib ig w ith a freah supply of leather, l in t by this lim o hU m iud and heart were twHVtmiuR ougnwatHl w ilh the great udiauuntry idea. Tiio m ot* hn brooded over ths rtdigioits crmddloo of Itie world, the tuiMO eon viiwxvl he ItMaine lhat a a>demu r*'#t*,n- s tb ilily im ted ujx*u iM itlstians lo fiend JotUi a knoalt'dti*1 ef lb e ^ lad tidingi How this (Nutild Im tion** eauie n u * lo I tlie pn>t>b m o l h u e mstAUt thought l l was w ilh tiiiu a* lu> U o jjh t in lila and aa be «o ik i> l eit Ills Ih*neb l l gave tone l h it M’fm oiu , m it bm>b>nrd hisurwyoia. i tvu iriiil’Oj, anus one, iu |to-

    loi( tu lbe i\«mu wlieiv tia riupl«>;Nltiim- MMf al lit* btutheM, I krw bauRiug up against the w ill a i n y Is i^e iUsp, m n

    awttag id aov#ral »li«^ta ol p«|*rr paateil Itigetlier bv btinsdf, ou * W h ha hail drawn w ith a j*m» a pla«^' foi r u i) nailou til Ihe known wotld, and i-nteiist Into it w h tlrv r r ha bad mcl w ith in h s d ii M iv l aU vsto its iwligion, p>*pn!stion. ete.

    At a i^lnistnis* iio 'tIiok s i N oitham p

    ftou lu 17MI when M l t siey wsa a»k*d Is) jm ^toun tl a quesinut fur HeoMal dia eaaaitMi and ftste,"\\ in Ho i ttm iHtiinusnd glveil to the •JkwUk l«i ti s e l l sll m«((. >.,«W a * l io t o t d lg s lo l l m i n i l u t liiI s l e t a t«» th e «*i»d »•! I l* « »«•«!.I, I t i s l( l i e |>i«>«iifcr t.| rf niiw inusiuw and llie tiia liuno'ut ta iu ly uoitlitig rviil.lt..* d i’iie tK'feio «n> ( of diffusing tool a nhtifltons k u o a h ^ r «U ier I enteoiwl, s n l H .1 t.e N m »n.-| ; «ih»*»|*|| h ia im i.trn iia iis itia than has fab.ui n ila rv a ld itrn liius ias l « .k io K mvU a . |,t ibu hd i»l sny Ind iv idual si his* the Ita question * foisu*li.Mi. A Man » b n Vflle* w illi the

    W r. i u i ie r a i the aame time si tn|*a•< r io f„uud and v a r M attab .m ent.,

    H i ImhI w ilh Iiiin and rtww.mMn-oded him ’ ||,e frn o r ol an rvsiitfefad, the p le lr o ftopU rtU a h is lin|u(llea. 1 be ....... of # M |n|t i lu | u,„ «|W|>n»|«t (4 a elidd,'•v a iils waa uow fSJ'ldly tu n v iu i lo a a id .

    Ib a fo r » a t i< « o f I lia m tasiouary aiMltty, | B a ln « f ib « for Um J o v n i U

    A Q E S t l t A L H S l i O K

    Harness, Blankels and WhipsA I.W A Y fl ON IU N I ) .

    Clinui> BiiiKlu IIuruesH. O rders for hambmsdoharniwa promptly attended to. Itopuiriiiff douo at short uotico, aud

    rousoimhlu niton.

    E a t f t b l i s b c d 1 8 3 0 .

    QEO. WTWELSHT& I i i H l i K N W K I I S T . ,

    Cor. ltnrolny Ht., N K W V O ltK ,

    E l o v a t o d R a i l r o a d S t a t i o n

    AT T H K DtJOU .

    H r*lnv iti'« attention io ni* liniuenie Moi'k spoi'hi! harHutns und varied iixAOilnieuL cf


    SILVER nil PLATED WADE.A a|«v»i\l line of low ptred , 'ubHluntla

    faney ueodn, siutahle for l elh He.M’H.

    Wilt eh lle jm lrin^ and .lohl.ln« nf all kinds

    K V l'U Y A U l lC l iK W A U U A N T K O .

    A K R 0 W S M 1 T H B R O S . ,

    .lh'K«* took him regularly to C ideult he n|tr«'}iuatfP«nt dia- loot*.

    O tio M ii havn »nmn h leao f Ihoa lreng lh

    of hU ohnrnetor when knowing that bis i diiMiu lUhlio.d and lib 'vaiy h.h.ir* wero

    performed In tho u e it ri*otu but onn to w hero h i ' iintnnn wifo waa wnm«ht up to a atnte of the mtvd ilialreaaiiiK e ieltemeiil. She waa iamoved by death iu IHD7. Ill tin* fid low ing year he umrried u Ihtuinh lady of hi)ih tiirth, win* livod thhtoou yenra, and us fur as her health would |*ermit wna of ureat uaai^laneo to him tu hia woik. ‘l io ' Hr"! reform whioh t'nrey hel|M*d t« elTeot was the prohitd- b ition of tho atioriHi*# of ehildreu at tho ttrvat nununl fi*«liv>d. Another aliominn- Hou whieh he alt>'inptod to nholinh was tho Hultisi, or the burn ing of wi.lonn on the pde of their dead hunlniuda, Thi*, howi-ver, t»Kik twenty four yenra. The l digeut ra re n taand tho uus«v>lnriati S ir> sm|H>re ('ollejje, nnun lv for the Ita im tig

    of n nslivo m in isli v, wore nil indebted to Idm . O f Ids rank na * geolo^M nud horlnnilturnlis i timo and apiiee forbid mention.

    D u ring his hu t dnya he wit* visilod by lords, Isdioii, binhops and men of uolo. Mr, DutT, a voung Hooteh utisniouary herealter lo Iski* so im|M>rtiuit a part iu Ihe isbifvitiiuial and rtdigioua pro^nuta of lu d ia , was among Ihoao who hispr«'*onee; he »|>enl aome time U i'd u ehitiu w hupennl •‘ P fsy ," I'titV knoil and prayed, uud theu anid h ie , pu lp it ol P.atvey I.sne (Misp< l, I^M t^ t^ r , thus iv fefs III a fniiarsl mmuioii for Dr. Ih la iu l to his pr^lf^'Tswor ? * * I ty none w ill lhn«l I n* m ow dm^dy ItvJ| limn by «tur tuis«(enni |i« in

    lu>lla, ea|N^Uliy by th*» vm oiable C»*»o* wtn*ai ha w u tha meaiia of iutit«il»nl«lu|s, ||it<


    M A T A W A N ,___ N . J .

    Whole outfit imw and iln l iJaM. Pile reiv-onalile ICverj thing m p iin s l for tuner* als, from tho plalmwl It* the monl elnboiate, constantly ou hand. Have 11U0 u Htock of uew ioltiing elmirs for fnui'ial aud other puip«ist4i.

    Prompt attention day or night


    GENTS' MNIS1IIHGSd l lS T H K l’H lVK l> AT

    W i l l i a m M i l l o r ' s , M a i n S t ,

    A huge fm h 'ty in denli'dde eoh>ra of

    Tioa, S c a r fs and B o w sto select from. Also now alytaa iu

    Oollnrs, Outfs, & c., & c

    AT CLIFFWOOD, N. J . ,

    Now O p For the Season.Dauoing on Wi'dnosday nnd Hatnrday,

    and thvvl Mttsio ererv evening.Ibdreahineuts am i i'euiperanee Driu!

    tm ssle.

    Pieuio parlnw nro reipn-nted b> notify the pieprtetor a f«'v> dayn iu ndt.mco.

    lh»atlng am i goovl bathing fneililios, Addnwa d A M I'S P IK H S O N ,

    Kevjm rl, N , d.

    N EW P O O L R O OM .H a tin g I'pem'tl a nexr

    POOL nnd BILLIARD SALOONiu thi> O ld l lo lr l lln ild iu u ,

    I wouM rospeettullv i'*V tlio piili>-mi(;i' of the pub lio New tittdi'a, now biiils

    and i'oo* um l e« i'i}th lug ln t f;ht and fie«h

    Ntt bar allatdied,

    J o h n W n n d m 'llo lt .

    Be J u s t and Fear None.

    YIINKKH'S RHANGH HAKKllY,N K X T iM tt'll TO 1‘U ST O P F K 'K .

    f rv ik Dread. Cukes aad H ss Cvvry Pay


    W rite for Cata*

    E x e c u t o r s ' S a leO F

    R E A L .E S T A T E !Tbe aubsoribors, executors of W illiam

    8pador, doo , oiTor at privato ssle tbo fo llow ing proiHirtivs:

    A bonao and lo t on Jnokanu street,uow

    iu iKiasesiiiun of Joaeph Wslkor.A farm conta in ing 17 sores lu tho Dor-

    otiffh o f^ la law au .Three lota ou Orchard slrflot, ad jo lu iug

    Obsrles A. (lorau .Three lota ou A lluulio nveuuo, Koy

    port, uoar (Ireon (Irovo Muualou.d O l lN U. D u llO IH , O l lA l lM lH A .d K U A N .


    FARMS FOR SALE!, lllllv I fI nnifltor

    ti. f « j,i«ii.'j n f u iin .iri'i.- Js, mil

    M ornim U lo •Isllon ;

    um ltnruftiivllti* tls-

    (Is llu ti ;

    M.iriiaimllta ■UllMtl J

    M ISS M A R T McDOALlias pu t in a new slock of

    Dry Goods, Hosiery, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS

    in t h i :

    POSTOFFICE BUILDING,whoro n il thn l l uliua need iu lhat liuo oan

    olwnya bo found. ■

    AGENCY FOR TROY CITY LAUNDRY1 ulao liavn a Inrgo nud varied assort

    m ent of p ln iu uud fancy Candies,

    THOMAS B.DEATS,M #Buf*clur*r of Otiutrv KUvurs uf

    leu Cm ai Water Ices,M A I N S T R E E T ,

    M ATAW AN, N. J .Churches and Festivals supplied at

    abort notice.

    NUt. /I M-r. t t|-r. 4

    t»»f »>( |ir*)or f-»r Hotnvl*. Hi'i'omt fi'fiu pn»l*.T l i ln l ’|V I i'i W'aahlnutoiiV UuMt.tay, T li ln l IVn it Kn la.K o iu lt) I'toiu I*t0 ll« .

    i ‘« l I I I li i ’O , ,1*.

    Iorii 0>»l III* a*«*.'ioila i nM «t'v4*Mil, 1

    • H^.iv.l »>-i i U Im I I * IItS l i t ) t*|^tt lt,'iili.tf our Ixrrrl* l>) rail* rnstla nr ulni r Uln a will U- In l«l itta|ioi1X ”5 . .

    Q l b a r i n

    R c a m K c n c H T j'

    o r I n rtMia - V * ............f

    O ' : } 5 r f v c >:MT DOOR Z . j-_ r io M C T . :

    5 c r v k c ^ r r n - n iRcDMn i'oiiikI 0t>urti

    T rrsniu-iil. Itiat tr iihti* llisn Iwii lf jfaro Iboimati.U of |>»H"iti liau< 1-. . it Itt kUd sud o».l oiii> ltion«aiid |di)«l« laha liavn itsotl It and rvi'um msadrd I I—a »pr) »1*ut»loiia tn-,-i>.>ii* .onto ■'•Uii.ji llll 'lr |in-|l Il« )< i ti, o fli n■ |i||irl«Ui>H our li itiin.oiiala ami llif o* tnir |a tvinnk’lUu.1 Util ativ tulxlaiur made rl»r»li>‘iv, or I'j Dlltvl. and t«llp>l I'ouiiHtiiu.l Otjiii n. I* Bi«iirn>iia.

    •'lV»i|vtimd Owiifn Ila M.>.li>t'l AclMii and U«■ till. . ’* l i |li lllll' id a IsH-k nf JIHI I’llV U«tml l'» Nl»iki> a I'a't'ii, w hli It Hivr. to aU In* •oilrU. lull Oil.'it»'*Oiui »> to Oit* i«n â ’i'iil. and a o't^'rd •'( .ioi'il»lnt< t un «ldrraii|[« >*f t hixnli' rani a- uuitv ol 111. nl sUfr l>.ili|r ahan.lonrtl l>> ili^ lti>alt'iatia. Will W tiiAlir.l lo any I,!..-|.|loa'lon.

    DRS 8TARKKY & PALEN ,l>.‘il Vtl('ll H I'., I'll 11.1 , t’KNS.

    I‘li*»»' tii.Milli'it IM»

    J ^ X Y P O & T B T E A H B O A T CO.

    OH AND AyTKIL UAY U.lairl,

    The Steam er M inn ie Cornell.C a p t . J . A I . W i l c o x ,

    W’lll leave Voyporl t t 7 *. m. and New Yurk, foot or Wrst 10th 8L, at 4 |i. tu. Hsltirdaya t t 9 p. ni.

    Kicursion Tickets, 60c. hiugle Tlcktda, 3Uc.

    p B H I f S Y L V A J l A f lA IL B O A P .

    Oaaodsftsr Msy W .1IO , tratsson tbs


    •ftbe Penns. HtUroid wIllroDsslollows: L K A V K 11AH W A Y , for Trenton indfliU-

    sdsl|>bis.l:19, T:0S, S:0T, 9:13. s. m.;19:0T,t;«7. ^•M, and 8:Ul p .m . Od Sundays. J:ia, 7:06.I.13,10:90,s. tu., s:4», 1;IB snd 0:49, p.m . for Trenton only, 7:30 s. m ,, oo WMk-dsys. tor Daltliutirs sod Wssbtii^ton, l:ta, 7:06, 0-19, a.ni.tlsAT, p .m .; Huudsvs.lsia, 7:S*63 7 (Ti 7 It), 1,10,9,1)9,10,03ami ll:tlS j». i».

    L E A V E M A T A W A N

    - «^or » ;w, 10.OU, », m„ a (ii0,99,1)93, p. tu. On Mmulay, 10.00 a. tn.,0.90, u ai

    «!Iwiii5!,iWI,' l(' ' ‘rt B,ul N,w Vorfc. ™.u 'ii, to (hi s. iu,, -j ut. a jm ti 9:1, lift-; IH, un Husday, 10 IM* s. in., o XI, t> f.T j».

    I«rsviy.Hita*HI. wunk days. 1IBf’ Du not aiuy at Aabury I'ark on Huudaya.Oiks K. I’nuti, j , a ivo.m,

    tloil'I.Uaiiaurr. Oon'I.I'aaa'r.AMrut

    K W - Y 0 M K A t . ' I ) M ) N a - I i H A N U UH A II .K O A II ,N

    a n m m w m w **' i ’ i a i io r , t u t . i i ,

    OOMMKNUINU ,11'Ni: '.'II, 1811!)

    S T A T I O N S IN N E W Y O R K , 0 S N T S it .il. II .u v N s w - Jk u k h , I 'u o tor L is s a t i

    H rrtvfci,I 'a iS U L f ASIA It I I , , K n u r . w. huu-d a ja , a in . w.4A a Mi, a .is r m .

    1/mtp Malawau lor Vui s , al fl/Jft,7.W1 I M . ? 4J a ss, w 'J l, V !i:i h»,ikj, h i ^ u.>,s, a .m ., i m 9 «.i *R 1 19, 9(1, 11 a, n ., 4.10 i* y

    M arkM-al. H lalltM i, ;LSU. 7 90, » #H a. M ., l'J* Jf l. I oa, 4 tt , ft ua, 7 irt r , m. Mtnulsys, a 4.1, IS,la .a. m., a.:ui i>. m.

    I.favit M a ta v a iifo r N s v a r k .0,9.1, 7.00,7. Mil, 7 49. a .w .tij ii, s.13 iii.oo, III9h, i t . 4a *, m., i ao, t»ik%, i iiti, in ..* , 11 . in a m , i j .m 1 -si, 9 jm, am , 4 .no ,« ii.n .ao, t .juo y, u. nun- day»,T.Hi, l»,iUl a u . , 4.*11, A nu. H jo , i» ail-, m.

    f.t'atit I 'o llil I'U aaa lil fo r klalaMali, a AH.tl.'JA, 7,It a oa, s 4ft, iii ao a.m ., 19.40,14a 9, 90, h .i.i, a.oa m u r . M, Huudaya. 7.10, H A0 a. M., 4.1V, A.IU t>. H.

    t^ *H n in l« y VralitM do u u t i lu it a I O i'esti tlruve kaluity I 'a rk .

    Hlascanuoifi'l St IIM Uank.io f * port m .l t 'A tr tlav ra .

    For tm tlif r particular* ar «• Tlm Pl'slilsst tlatlott, UoveH IIi u n m t t , Hop’l.

    II. I*. IKt.Pwi!t, A«a’| tlen'l, l'a*s. A jim t.O . l l . lt . u f S . J . iM.t lltvidliiti It. II. Oo. 1,«ittn |ioil and .Ml in Iti' Illlli Umla, tl il I ft 7 44.

    9.3), a.m.; 19.31, 9.:. m.. 6.IH v. M.

    k'or KaiHiUitidalr, t.akcwuod, Ar., A.a.', II.'JO a. m.; J .«H, A 'Vrt v. M.

    Knr Toma Hirer atnl 1ltriii||at at ft.M, 0,90 a. w,; 9 Uft, A n v m.

    Hsturntng Trains, l.xatr Nrw Volk A, H.iil.tu V. II,n9, a, M,; 31 A.i.MI, 4.70, .> 10 ft 41, 0.9ft I', M. Hilllda)*, U.'Jll, II (‘J , A. M.. 4.07 I'. M

    I . Atr Kirxdiold.T.IA. N.I0, 11.13 A.S.40 i>. u. Hitudayo 4 H> p. hi.

    I.i avs Allanlli' MImIiUiiiU, 0 7 1ft, tt.tft a.m.; 1 It, 4,a«i.a i'l*il fll r. M, Kiindayn,? Am. w.,4 !iA I* w.

    l,ra\o i^krw.x-d, 7 ift 10 4ft A. M.J 4.H*, 7,IHl I*. U llai htvat. a :«*i, a.so a. m.; 9 4%. A m n, m

    \. M. l.l oli, |’n>. autl lli n t MaiiamT.IV (1. II VM'iH’K, tlt ii‘1 l'at>« \||l, t’lil'ft.

    II. I'. lUH'IHN, A.i't tlru'l t'aaa, \M'I, S. vt T.hV.

    CAHHIAGE V w A O O N M A K K l l ,M A IN HTUKUT , M A T A W A N , N, ,1.

    Pn in ling , T ilm u iln g , I ’.tiv, promptly nt- lelulod to at tho ah.irlt-Hi nolicc,

    llRrAIHlNi) NUATt.Y I'ONH.

    W . S. N IV I SONwill servo yon w illi fiflRh

    Fish, Oysters & Cl,ams,n l lo w es t p rleea ,

    K lp iin ^ T ith n h *.

    I I I T u b . i h v t i ' im o cotle.

    KipitnH T ith u h 's p ro lo n g llfo .

    T iihu le r t enre iinn>llio itu^ I it lio lc i cure uno^eit. \ illpmiK Tahtiloa euro ilin litn sa . 1

    N ^ B H s s n s c 3 :

    iJlOillll ENGINEMATAWAN, N. J.

    A ll kinds uf (!arristtsi. Waguus nltd ktaclilnrry tuaris «ed r e t ir e d , aud u a k rr uf U r ick ya rJ Huppllus.

    H o l m K n im t tb* »«rvt»..ii» I ... i i,i \\ i-rtnl■!>at.ittl.lng hiu riik t .oi i wii tipi.iiftiitii *1110,1 Kiniiii’i.it.nr all tmtr iima tmlirwi'ik I lii» amlirlv nor lo-t.l lulnut womUifal me. fo«» tn *.■•!« w«.kvi llri'liin. i * in,, cm >,1 ,,tf inxnlSIIA «■•*A4» ft* --ok ainlm«Mi.n .ml ....... alura llltT*fi|i«

    tit (Jif»H«it y.iinhiit«m|,iii.ima«i|-mUarIiyug 1 " Uilnjn, and l i f i . I*

    • l lm t r v.U i, In lliu

    iu.t.!• ............. ........-.•-i-.-i iiiin .., ana n .i* i«amiUifi Br.M, >i«p(id K.>alil< pitimrwnnilar. U raa lit la iT. L7 .V ' ........ i>*rat»ryii« ars,amt W lillvti'l I nil M'A llnlnu t >'ii ti' iml |., lointf alitiiil llili

    .....">' Oi»i>iiiri,miiM«y Im l lo

    1 IR|i I . tit H i , t llita. 4IH), .................. M u tu r ,

    Qolontlfh) Am erloaa Aae nov fa r f

    T R A n a M A R K S .

    o d ^ o ^ V .V j.w,'t f " 0 ttandlwiok writs to

    M t'N N A t O.. WI l in n \oh a V, NKW VoitK. Oldoat tmrvKu for a i'f iiiiiiu tmtmita lit A itm r li^ Mrsry Valnut tnhioi i ,i: \,j na U hm uvlil l.i'lnm tho |iuMU t»y n Hollo© nlvoii ftru nJ t-linriig In lliu

    ^ m c v i c m t

    I-arwcit rlroiiliillun of nur arii-nliiic |tn| r̂ In (tio woiTil. HnlinidiillT llliipitrali'd. Nn tnt*t||Until alionld lio n llliin il || ■;|,|Tl> iirsr i ll.ro nil ...... A.\dii..»M|i’N ^ A t” ».l'l'ii| .n .u»:im ,;»,i Urn,tilnnj, Noit Voilt. '

    M R H A L l 'CCNrr.AL liClllLITY '

    A M i

    A L L S T O M A C H T R O U B L E S

    C O L E S ’



    A V i g i l a b l o S i i b i l l l n t s ( o r Q u ln ln a .

    ̂ aOLD IIY ALL nuunoifiTa. ,

    frico, 60 w i l l and /IOrt-IM OiHHiHI S t