u, ayer's ague cnre · orange (;outl obskrver. c., t--e a--xr w pride jones, clerk of the...

THANK ORANGE (;OUTl OBSKRVER. c. , t -- e a- - xr W STATE NEWS. Pride Jones, clerk of the sape-ri- or court, cost in case State ' T3 M Sykes, fall term, 18&4, half fee $ 10 72 Pride Jons, clerk of the supe AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Ko other complt.int4i are so intddiotM In tbetr tauiek mm ifcoM affeettng the throat and loot: none ao trifled with by the majority of offer-er- a. The ordinary eough or eotd, resulting perhaps from a trifling or uncontcw -- pocore, ia often but the beginning of -- a imtxl arckaeea. A YEB Chiut PecTOf- -L afc well proren iu efficacy to a forty J fibt -- rith throat and lung dtaeat, -- d houkl M Waeu in all eaaaa trithool delay. A Terrible Comgtt Cared. RiTluugt. I bad a terrible cougn, aufl panea niirht after night frltboat eleep. The doetorf gare me op. 1 tried Avkk'i CntHi Pc-Tub- al, which reliered twjr luup. Induced sleep, and affonled me the reet uei ar7 for the recovery of my ikreiigt1' " eontinned use of the Pectokj.1. perma-ne- ut enre wm effected.- - 1 am now 62 year old, hale and hearty, and an eauaaad yomf " Chckky Pbctoai. sared ne. V -- Horace FairbMothib. Itoekingham, Vw, July 16, 1SSS. Cronp A Mother'i Tribote, " While in the country laat winter my little) boy, three years old, wa taken illwiih rronp; as if he would die from Strang lallon. One of the family suggested the tit of ATaa's Cherry PkctobaU a bottle of which was alway kept In the bouse. This was tried in small and frequetit lies, and to our delight iu 1cm titan half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc tor said that the CurKRV hcromi. had tared my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude ? Sincerely yvurs, Mks. Km ma (IKWT.V 15s West 12Sth St., New Vork, May 16. Iff2. I hare nsed Aver's Cmfbrt Pkiioral In my family for several yeair, and k not heit.ile to pronounce it the i.ioat elK-rtua- t remedy for coughs aud colls wc have ttrr trio.1. A...t,tiANr." lkc Crystal, Minn.,' March 13, I uff.'re.l for eight years from Uronrhltls, and after trying mane remedies with no ue-c- ;, I was cured by the me of Arrn' CnrR-r- v I'ki tiu u dosri u WaldcK." liyhalia, Ali?n., April C, lcti I crtiot say ehouch in praise of Avfr's CnrKiiv Pk tmkaI., beHcTtuc as I do that b it : r it. ue 1 should lohgslnce have died frn n imur troubles F. BuaoikjS." Taurine, Tcxa. April 22, lth2. N'" oas, of an affection of the threat or hv:.- - oxists which cannot be greatly reliered by tii us of Avr.R's Cuebrv Pectoral, n I r i!l nlirrt'jt enrt when the disease la tot uli beyond the control of medicina. REARED BY Dr. J. C.Aycr &. Co., Lowell. Mtlt. Sold by all Druggist. WILLIAM LYNCH, J-R- . DENTIST, Will visit rbupol Hi!l th first Monday In each month, ami icmain two weeks. All calls left with Dr. A. G. Kobeipnn or D. MeCauley, Ksq., will be promptly attenileu to. He will also visit llillsboio the third Mondav in oach month. Otlice next door to Lynch! jewelry store. AYER'S Ague Cnre IS WARRANTED to enre all eaMS of " Jarial disease, such aa Fever and Agae, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Bemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Billons Fever, and Ltrer Cam plaint. In case of failure, after doe trial, dealers are authorised, by oar ctrculajroC July 1st, 1882, to refand the money. Dp. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maw. SoUTpyaUDrogsltts, v" Select IJou g Ac Day kSctiool lot Young Xtm- - iiiets nud Ilttlo Oirls9 HILLSBORO, N. C. MISSES NASH AND MISS THE will resume the exer- cises of thr School on Friday, 1st ol August, 18S4, and close them the 18th of December (20 week.) Circulars sent on application. t ir jk C E L i II I LLSBO ROUGH, N ATi"i:i.v V Nov. iss-t- . JOSEPH A. HARRIS, Editor and 1'ropi ietor. i Kmc red at the Post Office at Hills- - ji borough, N. C, as second class matter.! i ' V' . Congress meets Monday. I'rcsil nt Arthur has invited Gov. Cleveland to make the White House hi- - home while preparing for f she ceremonies of inauguration, lit i r.ally begins to look like Cleveland wuh elected pure enough. There nill not he lc6 than 100,000 people in Washington when Cleveland is inaugurated. After then it is estimated by a competent and far seeing individual that there will be. Ii0(),00) people seeking office. The Hoard of Canvassers of the State t New York have com pletcd the canas of the returns of the Electoral vote. The highest Democratic Klcctor received 563,154 volep, and the highest Republican fG00.; Democratic plurality 1,149, One day bst week a large representation of business men of New York city accompanied Yice I'resident-e'ec- t Hendricks to Al- bany. The object of the bnsmess men wm to tender their services to President elect Cleveland as ft body guard on the occasion of his inaugu- ration. The Annual report of the Commissioner of Pensions tor the fiscal year ended Juno 30th, shows that there were at the elo.se ot the year o.-,7- f6 pensioners. The aver- age annual value ot each pension at the close of the year was $106 75, and the aggregate annual value of all pensions was 834,4.r)G,G0, an in- crease over the previous year of ( minis, ioncr Loring, of the Agricultural Department at Wash ington, iu his report, says : ''With good prices the current production of. the agriculture of the United States can be little short cf four bil lions of dollars. The pieaeut year's cotton crop promises to exceed six million bales : corn avetages twenty-fi- x bushels per aero; whent has made a yield of fully 13 bushels per acre and a product exceeding five hundred millions. The supply ot cereals will average fully 50 bushels for each person. Does this look like starvation ? 180D TO 1SS5. KX tiON. 1IULDEN DECLARES II1S Pl'IIPOSK TO WRITE A HISTOIIV. If my health will permit I pro- pose to wiite a history or sketch of North Carolina, from 1SG0 to 18S5. I will bo. greatly obliged to persons who will suul mo documents or fuels in to ruin and events ii) the Stale tor the last thirty years. 1 feel deeply the responsibility I as-rtui- ne iu attempting such a work, and bh:i!l need all '.lie encouragement that may be kindly ottered. W;l! ii-- v brother editors through out tho Stale copy this notico, and heud mo a copy ot the paper con- taining it. W. W. 1IOLDEX. Ayer's t'iils are a convenient rem- edy to have always at hand. They are sngai coaled, easy to take, otle'c-fiv- e to operate, sure to bring relief and cure. They are effectual in a wide range of diseases which ariee from disorders of the stomach and digestive organs. Some one wants Gen. Bob Vance for Postmaster (leneral. Some one elsf prefers Cu.v." Jarvis. And Mill ome one else wants ance in the t abinet thai K. II. latl!e may get ances place in the Senate, lint ( le eland will have a II inal sav and . , . . i. i i i ua'A i ii' TiMiiii ii ,L' ill iaL-- ; - - - rv-''- k .1 IV n liailll III : ance s sticr.ssur one cf these days. H iimi7i,j(on Star. . 1 HE DotTOtt S SECRET. Showing the amount allowed to va- rious persons by the Board of Com-mifesione- rs of Orange County, from Dec. 1st, 1683, to Dec. 1st, 1884. It correct as copied from the pro- - ceedings of the Board, and is pnb- - IihJlC(i as squired by the Code of North Carolina. JOHN LAWS, Clerk. Johnson Crumpacker, for extra work and repairs on bridge at New Hope $ 15 00 C M Parks, supplies for poor house US 61 VVm II Barley. Supreme Court rierk; bill of cost iu case of State vs Wm Bray 19 GO Mrs Surah Garrard, amt allow- ed her for support of children for 3 months, from 1st May 10 00 Ephraim Cates, ain't allowed for hi v support for 3 mouths from if f:iv. 181 1Q 00 Mi Iiailev and iter, . am't al- - - - lowed for supporiior a mona m nor March 1. IKS4 6 0l tlU AMt mm a j John Paul, support of self and wife, for H months 6 00 Bar&heba Clark, support of hus- band and family 4 CO Joseph A Harris, advertising in Orange. County Observer s 25 00 John Lawn, clerk of the board for attendance and lees 14 15 Miss Bailey, support for 3 moil's ending 1st June, 1SH4 6 00 Dr TJ Wilson, medical aecV for poor hoii.sg 80 00 Dr T J Wilson, washing ma- chine for poor hou3e 15 00 W W Allison, for listing prop- erty in Ced-i- r Grove Township in iss4 42 00 G A Walker, serving 3 road or- - ders in Hillsboro Township 1 80 Merritt Cheek, listing projerty in Chapel Hill Township in 18-J- l 50 00 James Jones, am't allowed him for support tor 3 months from 1st Jiilv.Jsis)! 3 00 Kdwfird iirhy, expenses in con- veying Kdith Craig to the asylum 20 45 Samuel Pal iter. Jirh't allowed hii i tor support lor 3 months li om l?t July, 3 00 n M & G Laws, making 2 cof- - tins for M:iy Lee and Mary Morrow 3 50 Jnlin Laws, Keister of Ieeds, nee"t for 1 record book, 2 tax book' and merchants blanks 12 00 T V Ilradshaw beretlt of Wm MePherson and family for 3 months from 1st July, 1S84 9 00 John Laws, clerk ot the board for attendance, lees and mak- ing out merchants list 14 80 Wm Barton, juror ticket, fall terra, 1:5 1 00 A T Finley, making 4 coffins for Henry Cooper 12 00 Rev J L Currle, meeting teach- ers ami conducting teachers institute, &c, 54 00 Mrs Sarah Garrard, am't allow- ed for support of children for 3 month from 1st March 'S4 10 00 X I) Bain, mutton for poor h'se 2 90 N D Bain. IMing taxes for 1884 in Hillsboro Towmhin 50 00 (; M l'arks, supplies for poor house 187 91 John l'auh his support for 3 mon.hs, from Aug 1, 1HH4 6 00 Kphraiiii Cates, his support for 3 months, from Ang 1, 18S4 10 00 J W MeKerall. officer, cost in vase of State vs Julius Me- mory 1 10 A L liolden, listing pnperty in Little River Township in '84 20 00 SS Webb, listing property in Bingham Township iu 1884 32 00 Jno W MeKerall, otlfccr, cost in case State vs Geo Turner 65 Wm Iloleman, cutting ami split- ting rails at poor house. 2 25 Barsheba Clark, support of self and husband tor 3 months Irom 1st Sep, 1SS4 4 00 Skilly Bailey and sister for sup- port 3 months troin Sep 1, '34 G 00 M L KlT t,nL sawing lumber and fciirvejimi at poor house 4 15 Joseph A Harris, for publish- ing proceedings, &c 8 90 Moreland Jackson, superintend- ent poor house, his salary to Oct 1, Is'Sl. and for the hire ot two horses 150 00 J 11 McCnicken, 1 stack hay 5 00 Wm Iloleman. cutting 41 cords , wood at ioor house 1 10 L -- o G A Walker, serving 3 road order 1 60 G A Walker, cost in e.a?e ol the . Suite vs Kd Crabtree 1 50 SS Webb, j p. cost in case of State vs J Morris and Shaw 1 05 John MeKerall, cost In case of State 4 Dennis Parker and summoning witnesses 1 00 I V Pkkaid (or benefit of Wra MePherson an 1 tainily 9 00 Mrs Sarah Garrard, for suppoit of children 3 mouths to Oct 1 10 00 Owen Lloyd, for benefit ot his son. Ay-ariah Lloyd, lunatic 20 00 John Law, cltrk of the board for extra work, abt-traet- . sta- tionery, wood. Jce, 2 months from 1st Sept, 1SS4 125 0M James Jones, hit supiort for 3 months, from Oct l.- -t is4 3 00 Mi Sarah Garrard. fr support of s.lt and family 10 00 Wm lloh'inar:. cutliutr wood at : poor hou-- e 0 T." Jehu L Craoken, for cotlin and : work at poor house 33 t) Jolio II Adaxu. uptort for 6 ni,,n;h. ,rom Ul luv. lsvt J coj F.uoeh Mubl ii:- -. vutlin for Pol. I Jy Ho ige 3 00 M"n l'ul. support, for sell" and I wifp '(r ,; month trom Nov 1 2, 00 l . . , 'tios'pii a ii:ims, aAiverusjn r:,;j pul-il-hin- roetHslings 1G Ot i J J M KeruU, officer, for tak- - ; ii.g care of jury iu e;is of Dimock s Turner Jones 2 00 E,)braim Cat ;U!, eupi)0rt for 10 00 Wm Bray, fall term, LSS4, b'Utees 7 20 Pride done-- , clerk of ihesupeii- - or court, cost in cac of tate vs Frsnk W Harris, fall tens, 3 S2 7 There are 26 military companies in North Carolina 24 white od 2 colored. r meen uuiiumgi were aesiroyeu ao incediary fire at Wilson, N. C, last week. Loss $25,000. The United State Circuit Court in session at Raleigh. Judges Bond and Seymour presiding. Durham Tobacco Plant : We learn that Mr. Joho W. Carr And lady, of Chapel Hill, will spend the wioter in Florida. . - The Raleigh Aetc and . Observer thinks General Scales will not be in aogurated as GoTernorefore the 15th day of January. A volunteer company has been or ganized at Bingham Schdol" to visit New Orleans in December next aud compete for the prize of $3,000 offered tothe best company. The N. C Conference is in ses- sion at Wilmington. Bishop 'Parker is presiding. The Star says that the Bishop preached two exceHeat ser- mons in that place last Sunday. There will be in the Grcneral As- sembly of North Carolina, which contains 170 .members. 29 Republi cans and 141 Democrats.. Ia the Senate the Democrats will have 43 members and the Republicans 7. Iu the House the Democrats will have 08 members, and the Republi cans 22. Roxboro Conner : Person county 'rill be well represented at the pent tentiary at this term of the court as follows : Jake Bureb, larceny years ; Add Lawson, larceny, 1 year ; Jerry Horner, larceny, 4 years; Bur well Allen, larceny, 4 ycfars ; Dutch Street, manslaughter, 5 years ; Thos Mitchell, larceny, 4 years. Wilmington Star: (General Cox receives the largest majority of. any Representative over 5,000, and Col. Green is next 4,653. Henderson's majority in the Seventh is 3,417. Johnston's majority in the Ninth is 1,478. Reid beat Edwards in the Fifth by 2,618. Edwards carried one county, CasweM, by 15 majority- - Mis own county, Granville, vent against him bv 57 majority Kd wards has probably been beaten oftener than any man living in the State. Edward A. Oldham, publisher of the Sentinel at Winston, will, in a few weeks issue a mammoth edition containing handsomely engraved por- traits and biographical ske'ehes oj the. newly, elected Denorili: Con-g;e-sm- eii from, this Stale. As4his number will reach upwards of fifie n thousand readers, it will proe ilselH a valuable mcdiuin for advert isinn, and advertisements will bo taken a the. rates of $1.00 an inch,. 75.cen.ih each additional inch Parties wi.sh ing copies of this issue tdiould orde' now, enclosing five cents in stamps Newsdealers throughout ihe Slate uill be allowed a special discount aud arc requested to write them for particulars. Hi B. Daily, Sturdevnttt, '.Ala., says : I was suffering with my back, hips, aud spine, when got a bottle of Ramon's Relief and ucd it. It relieved me Instantly, and I ciu re- commend it very hiuhly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST A TE M E N T . Iu accordance with Section 713 of the Code, I, John Laws, Clerk of the Board of .County Commissioners of Orange County, do hereby certify that the following is a true and cor rect statement, for the year ending Nov. 30th, 1884, of the amount, items and nature of all compensation 'audited by the Board to the mem bers thereof severally : the number oi days the Board was in session, and the distance traveled by each member.: x NELSON P. HALL. To 45 days attendance on Board, at $2 per day. $ 90 00 To 190 miles, at 5 ct 9 50 Total, $ 99 50 JOHN F. LYON. To 45 days attendance on Board, at $J per day, $ 90 00 To 190 miles, at 5 eta 9 50 Total, $ 99 50 D. f. morrow. ! To 41 days'atterj dance on Board, at f2 per day, $ 82 00 To 326 miles, at 5 cents, 16 30 -- B Tatt TEK OCCASION OF moving into our NEW STORE to rettro thanks to our friendi for their rery liberal patronage iD ih past, Mid hope to Berit andreceivt a greater share ia the future. We are just receiving a very Stock of ; GOODS, which you will find on inspection very cheap. We invite yonr special attention to FARMERS FRIEND GUANO, TENNESSEE WAGONS A5iO UNION GRAIN DRILL. The only Drill with a real FORCK FEED FERTILIZER ATTACH- MENT, on the market. Come and co u, ami if you do not find omethini to suit yon, COME AOAINt JAS. WEBB, JR. & WHO. , i FALL A IN 13 WINTER MILLINERY GOODS. i TUB VERY LATKST STYLE ! MATT IF. TAYLOR, "YJ-RS- . M ILLIN ER HILIaSBO RO, N. C , H receiving; hT Fall anif Wiutt i Mil-liue- rv tieiwl. tc. Ac. JKWELI.Y pretty and cheap. NOTION? a compu te Ihir-- . BrTTEKICK FATTKUNS on haul r ordered for cuoUiuer.s. She would be p!eaed t have the pul-H- e to examine her gtx and will do her beet to pleaae. Having received 'a liberal khare ol jMiironage in tfee a-t- . she hopee to deserve a contlnnaiK-- e of the SDimsW in Twm riirnrti. E H It A T E D AT 2 MEAD. e s T i c TO This cut nhows the New gtj.c ci Wood-wor- k thai the Vowyf is now iiilroducini. ARTISTICALLY BEAU TIFUL. viTiim:r a prei: IN ITS MECHANICAIi CON-S- T RUCTI UN IT ILS NO RIVAL. The new line- - of Attachment-tha- t are now beii'g placed wdh each Domestic are sped sit it No other machine hat thrn. These Attachments and the N,w Wood work mske in -- Domwi-ic" oort ibaa ever, without juca- - t THE ACKNOWLKIMlKf'STAM'-ARDOrEXCKLLLXcE- . . Grots N. C. Aeents wanted In on- - rior court, cost in case state , 117 lit. ., ,1 ll'hlta fi 11 form 13&4, half fees - Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- rior by court, cost in case of State vs Pink Lockley, fall term, 1884, half fees 26 93 Pride Jones, clerk of the supe is rior court, cost in case State vs John Bailey, fall term, 142 81 Pride Jones, clerk of theBupe-- f nor court, cost m case btato vs Abe Hoft'naan, fall term, "S4 hall fees 14 72 Pride Jone?, clerk of the supe- rior court, cost in case State vs And Woods, fall term, 84, bail fees C 03 Pride Joues, clerk of the supe- rior court, cost in case State vs Maititia Svkes, fall .term, 1884, half fees" '13 00 Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- rior court, coat in case State t vs M. Sykes, fall term, 1884, t half fees - , I 9 50 Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- rior court, cost in case State vs Sykea and Sykes Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- rior court, cost in case State' rs Davis A Davis, fall term . 1884, half fees ' 3 40 Pride, Jones, clerk of the supe-- ;; rior court, cost in ease State -- vs ' Whitfield & Bavnes, fall term, 1884, half fees" 2 32 Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- rior court, cost in case State vs Mary Merritt, fall term,' 84 9 99 Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- - rior court, cost in ca.e Sfite vs Evans & Lawson, fall term, 1884, half fees 2 82 Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- rior court, cost in case State vs Thos Parker, 3 45 5 The cholera epidemic in Paris is considered at ao end. -- Cleveland's majority in Sontb Carolina was only 48,160. The shock of an earthquake was felt in New Hampshire last Sunday morning. The Raleigh Farmer , and Mechanic says : "It is rumored that the friends of Hon. Thomas Ruffin aro preparing to support him . for Senator against Gov. Vance." The above is Tines to us, and we thiuk it will be mews to Judge Rof- - fin and his friends. There ia.no man in North Carolina who would more worthily represent the State in the United States Senate. ARSENIC FILLS BY THE PINT. J. A.' Smith, a Gainesrille, Ga., merchant, says years I was a victim to the combined effects of Erysipelas and an aggravated type oi eczema, inai oamea. an medical skill. I consulted the very be3t physicians in the United States to no good purpose. I gave every paleut med icine that was recommended a faithful trial and received no benefit. I took large quantities of potash, and a piut cap full of arsenic pills. The patent medicine, pills, and potash mixtures fed instead of curing" the disease. They destroyed my appe- tite and wrecked my system I lost flesh and energy I lost three years from my business and spent $2,0u0 in a fruitless effort to regain my health. At last, when I began to consider my case hopeless, I ommenced taking S. S S., and iu a short time, I was entirely cured. I waited a year after a cuic was "e- ffected, and continued to take Swift'w Specific off and on as a sort of safe- guard, before I was willine to make public this marvelous cure. Being assured beyond the possibility of a a doubt that the cure was perm a nent, I wrote this history of my case tor tne beneht ol my fellow-meu- . My skin is now as smooth as it 1 1 T . was wiibu a ooy. i weign more than I ever did in my life, and my general health was never better. I passed through last winter (which was an unusually cold one,) without losing a single day from my busi- ness. For the last twelve months I have had no return of the erysipelas in any shape or form, or any toauh of eczema." Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis-- i eases mailed free. '.; The Swift Specific Co., Draper 3, Atlanta, Ga., 159 W. 23d St.; . . Nd "X -- k sm a 1. i., ana luo, JUe8tnut t.f Phila THINGS TO TELL PUPILK : 1. That the water power of xWth Carolina would turn 140,000,000 j spindles, thirteen times the number now in operation in the entire Uni- ted States. 2. Timothy, the widely known farm crass, crows indigenouslv in the Albemarle section and was first discovered there. 3. John Lawson, the first histo- rian of North Carolina, was burned at the slake by the Tuscarora Indi-- . . om 1 ic : 1 t v- - au.- -, auuui io mues auove xew Bern, on the Neuse, 1,711." 4. The first book published in North Carolina was the "Yellow Jacket,1 a code of the State's laws, from the prctsi of James Davis, of New Bern, 1752. 5. North Carolina was the first State to declare, as a Slate, for Inde- pendence, April 12th, 1776, at Hal- ifax. Al C. Teacher. Mia M. Brown, rickent, S. (?. says : "1 dout think I ooald live without Dr. CiarVa Blood and Liver Pills. Since using them I have had' better health than I have for tea? J. P. NISSEN WAGON ia not kept for sale in Orange County. Go and see JOHN L MARK-HAM- , the Aoknt at Durham. They stand above any Wgr.n in the State. GEORGE K. NISSKN A CO., Makufictubim, Salcrn, N. C. IT KTA IN I3H TilK LIGHT-RUNNIN- G 1 rc baL'y no new development ' months, mini 1st Nov, is4 will more KUtprl.se the public, than 1l ' Jones, chrk of thesnperi-.- .. i . .. fv court, cost in caiofMate r o , vr 1 For Sale by T. C. ELUS. Cedar occuoied territory. Addresn seam iue sirri oi success or C tain leadinir !iysicisns. Whenthoy have a difficult vao cf throat crlun diheaM that buttles their scienlitic skill, they prescribe Dr. King's New Discovery lor Ccnsumption, Coughs :le jo;ies clerk of the gur,e- - aud t oUD.having it disguised in a, rior court, cost in case State preripticn bottle, with their own ! vs Duncan Cain, iall term, 4 tlircctioi s and name attached. The halt tee?, patient is cured, ard thev get the'' lv,.,w 'K,uef' vkrtk, oI couru cost in Mate nor case ! ciedit. Jnbwic. .- -v .Id by ,11 drug- - V5 sy Carev Aml olht.r fall ' ' t'-rm- . 1SS4, h;dl fec Domestic Sewing Macbino Coop'7 Ricbm.'Hl, Total. $ 98 30 ( CO years be for. !

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Page 1: u, AYER'S Ague Cnre · ORANGE (;OUTl OBSKRVER. c., t--e a--xr W Pride Jones, clerk of the sape-ri-or STATE NEWS. THANK court, cost in case State ' T3 M Sykes, fall term, 18&4, half

THANKORANGE (;OUTl OBSKRVER. c. , t -- e a- - xr W STATE NEWS.Pride Jones, clerk of the sape-ri- or

court, cost in case State '

T3 M Sykes, fall term, 18&4,half fee $ 10 72

Pride Jons, clerk of the supe

AYER'SCherry Pectoral

Ko other complt.int4i are so intddiotM In tbetrtauiek mm ifcoM affeettng the throat and loot:none ao trifled with by the majority of offer-er- a.

The ordinary eough or eotd, resulting

perhaps from a trifling or uncontcw --

pocore, ia often but the beginning of --a imtxl

arckaeea. A YEB Chiut PecTOf--L afc

well proren iu efficacy to a forty J fibt--rith throat and lung dtaeat, --d houkl M

Waeu in all eaaaa trithool delay.

A Terrible Comgtt Cared.

RiTluugt. I bad a terrible cougn, aufl paneaniirht after night frltboat eleep. The doetorfgare me op. 1 tried Avkk'i CntHi Pc-Tub- al,

which reliered twjr luup. Inducedsleep, and affonled me the reet uei ar7for the recovery of my ikreiigt1' "eontinned use of the Pectokj.1. perma-ne-ut

enre wm effected.- - 1 am now 62 yearold, hale and hearty, and an eauaaad yomf"Chckky Pbctoai. sared ne. V --

Horace FairbMothib.Itoekingham, Vw, July 16, 1SSS.

Cronp A Mother'i Tribote," While in the country laat winter my little)

boy, three years old, wa taken illwiih rronp;as if he would die from Strang

lallon. One of the family suggested the titof ATaa's Cherry PkctobaU a bottle ofwhich was alway kept In the bouse. Thiswas tried in small and frequetit lies, andto our delight iu 1cm titan half an hour thelittle patient was breathing easily. The doctor said that the CurKRV hcromi. hadtared my darling's life. Can you wonder atour gratitude ? Sincerely yvurs,

Mks. Km ma (IKWT.V15s West 12Sth St., New Vork, May 16. Iff2.

I hare nsed Aver's Cmfbrt PkiioralIn my family for several yeair, and k notheit.ile to pronounce it the i.ioat elK-rtua- t

remedy for coughs aud colls wc have ttrrtrio.1. A...t,tiANr."

lkc Crystal, Minn.,' March 13,

I uff.'re.l for eight years from Uronrhltls,and after trying mane remedies with no ue-c- ;,

I was cured by the me of Arrn' CnrR-r- v

I'ki tiu u dosri u WaldcK."liyhalia, Ali?n., April C, lcti

I crtiot say ehouch in praise of Avfr'sCnrKiiv Pk tmkaI., beHcTtuc as I do thatb it : r it. ue 1 should lohgslnce have diedfrn n imur troubles F. BuaoikjS."

Taurine, Tcxa. April 22, lth2.N'" oas, of an affection of the threat or

hv:.- - oxists which cannot be greatly relieredby tii us of Avr.R's Cuebrv Pectoral,

n I r i!l nlirrt'jt enrt when the disease latot uli beyond the control of medicina.


Dr. J. C.Aycr &. Co., Lowell. Mtlt.Sold by all Druggist.



DENTIST,Will visit rbupol Hi!l th first MondayIn each month, ami icmain two weeks.All calls left with Dr. A. G. Kobeipnnor D. MeCauley, Ksq., will be promptlyattenileu to.

He will also visit llillsboio the thirdMondav in oach month. Otlice nextdoor to Lynch! jewelry store.


Ague CnreIS WARRANTED to enre all eaMS of

" Jarial disease, such aa Fever and Agae, Intermittent or Chill Fever, Bemittent Fever,Dumb Ague, Billons Fever, and Ltrer Camplaint. In case of failure, after doe trial,dealers are authorised, by oar ctrculajroCJuly 1st, 1882, to refand the money.Dp.J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maw.

SoUTpyaUDrogsltts, v"

Select IJou g Ac DaykSctiool lot Young Xtm- -

iiiets nud Ilttlo Oirls9HILLSBORO, N. C.

MISSES NASH AND MISSTHE will resume the exer-cises of thr School on Friday, 1st olAugust, 18S4, and close them the 18thof December (20 week.)

Circulars sent on application.

t ir jk C E Li


ATi"i:i.v V Nov. iss-t- .

JOSEPH A. HARRIS, Editor and1'ropi ietor. i

Kmc red at the Post Office at Hills- - jiborough, N. C, as second classmatter.!


' V' .

Congress meets Monday.I'rcsil nt Arthur has invited

Gov. Cleveland to make the WhiteHouse hi- - home while preparing for


she ceremonies of inauguration, lit i

r.ally begins to look like Clevelandwuh elected pure enough.

There nill not he lc6 than100,000 people in Washington whenCleveland is inaugurated. After thenit is estimated by a competent andfar seeing individual that there willbe. Ii0(),00) people seeking office.

The Hoard of Canvassers ofthe State t New York have completcd the canas of the returns ofthe Electoral vote. The highestDemocratic Klcctor received 563,154volep, and the highest RepublicanfG00.; Democratic plurality 1,149,

One day bst week a largerepresentation of business men ofNew York city accompanied YiceI'resident-e'ec- t Hendricks to Al-

bany. The object of the bnsmessmen wm to tender their services toPresident elect Cleveland as ft bodyguard on the occasion of his inaugu-ration.

The Annual report of theCommissioner of Pensions tor thefiscal year ended Juno 30th, showsthat there were at the elo.se ot theyear o.-,7- f6 pensioners. The aver-

age annual value ot each pension atthe close of the year was $106 75,and the aggregate annual value ofall pensions was 834,4.r)G,G0, an in-

crease over the previous year of

( minis, ioncr Loring, of theAgricultural Department at Washington, iu his report, says : ''Withgood prices the current productionof. the agriculture of the UnitedStates can be little short cf four billions of dollars. The pieaeut year'scotton crop promises to exceed sixmillion bales : corn avetages twenty-fi- x

bushels per aero; whent hasmade a yield of fully 13 bushels peracre and a product exceeding fivehundred millions. The supply otcereals will average fully 50 bushelsfor each person. Does this looklike starvation ?

180D TO 1SS5.


pose to wiite a history or sketch ofNorth Carolina, from 1SG0 to 18S5.I will bo. greatly obliged to personswho will suul mo documents orfuels in to ruin and eventsii) the Stale tor the last thirty years.1 feel deeply the responsibility I as-rtui- ne

iu attempting such a work, andbh:i!l need all '.lie encouragementthat may be kindly ottered.

W;l! ii-- v brother editors throughout tho Stale copy this notico, andheud mo a copy ot the paper con-

taining it.W. W. 1IOLDEX.

Ayer's t'iils are a convenient rem-

edy to have always at hand. Theyare sngai coaled, easy to take, otle'c-fiv- e

to operate, sure to bring reliefand cure. They are effectual in awide range of diseases which arieefrom disorders of the stomach anddigestive organs.

Some one wants Gen. Bob Vancefor Postmaster (leneral. Some oneelsf prefers Cu.v." Jarvis. And Millome one else wants ance in the

t abinet thai K. II. latl!e may getances place in the Senate, lint

( le eland will have a IIinal sav and. , . .i. i i i ua'Ai ii' TiMiiii ii ,L' ill iaL-- ;- - - rv-''- k .1 IV n liailll III:ance s sticr.ssur one cf these days.

H iimi7i,j(on Star..


Showing the amount allowed to va-

rious persons by the Board of Com-mifesione- rs

of Orange County, fromDec. 1st, 1683, to Dec. 1st, 1884. It

correct as copied from the pro- -

ceedings of the Board, and is pnb--

IihJlC(i as squired by the Code ofNorth Carolina.


Johnson Crumpacker, for extrawork and repairs on bridge atNew Hope $ 15 00

C M Parks, supplies for poorhouse US 61

VVm II Barley. Supreme Courtrierk; bill of cost iu case ofState vs Wm Bray 19 GO

Mrs Surah Garrard, amt allow-ed her for support of childrenfor 3 months, from 1st May 10 00

Ephraim Cates, ain't allowed forhi v support for 3 mouths from

if f:iv. 181 1Q 00Mi Iiailev and iter,.

am't al- -- -

lowed for supporiior a monam nor March 1. IKS4 6 0ltlU AMt mm a j

John Paul, support of self andwife, for H months 6 00

Bar&heba Clark, support of hus-band and family 4 CO

Joseph A Harris, advertising inOrange. County Observer s

25 00John Lawn, clerk of the board

for attendance and lees 14 15Miss Bailey, support for 3 moil's

ending 1st June, 1SH4 6 00Dr T J Wilson, medical aecV

for poor hoii.sg 80 00Dr T J Wilson, washing ma-

chine for poor hou3e 15 00W W Allison, for listing prop-

erty in Ced-i- r Grove Townshipin iss4 42 00

G A Walker, serving 3 road or- -

ders in Hillsboro Township 1 80Merritt Cheek, listing projerty

in Chapel Hill Township in18-J- l 50 00

James Jones, am't allowed himfor support tor 3 months from1st Jiilv.Jsis)! 3 00

Kdwfird iirhy, expenses in con-

veying Kdith Craig to theasylum 20 45

Samuel Pal iter. Jirh't allowedhii i tor support lor 3 monthsli om l?t July, 3 00

n M & G Laws, making 2 cof--tins for M:iy Lee and MaryMorrow 3 50

Jnlin Laws, Keister of Ieeds,nee"t for 1 record book, 2 taxbook' and merchants blanks 12 00

T V Ilradshaw beretlt of WmMePherson and family for 3months from 1st July, 1S84 9 00

John Laws, clerk ot the boardfor attendance, lees and mak-

ing out merchants list 14 80Wm Barton, juror ticket, fall

terra, 1:5 1 00A T Finley, making 4 coffins for

Henry Cooper 12 00Rev J L Currle, meeting teach-

ers ami conducting teachersinstitute, &c, 54 00

Mrs Sarah Garrard, am't allow-ed for support of children for3 month from 1st March 'S4 10 00

X I) Bain, mutton for poor h'se 2 90N D Bain. IMing taxes for 1884

in Hillsboro Towmhin 50 00(; M l'arks, supplies for poor

house 187 91John l'auh his support for 3

mon.hs, from Aug 1, 1HH4 6 00Kphraiiii Cates, his support for

3 months, from Ang 1, 18S4 10 00J W MeKerall. officer, cost in

vase of State vs Julius Me-

mory 1 10A L liolden, listing pnperty in

Little River Township in '84 20 00S S Webb, listing property in

Bingham Township iu 1884 32 00Jno W MeKerall, otlfccr, cost in

case State vs Geo Turner 65Wm Iloleman, cutting ami split-

ting rails at poor house. 2 25Barsheba Clark, support of self

and husband tor 3 monthsIrom 1st Sep, 1SS4 4 00

Skilly Bailey and sister for sup-port 3 months troin Sep 1, '34 G 00

M L KlT t,nL sawing lumber andfciirvejimi at poor house 4 15

Joseph A Harris, for publish-ing proceedings, &c 8 90

Moreland Jackson, superintend-ent poor house, his salary toOct 1, Is'Sl. and for the hire ottwo horses 150 00

J 11 McCnicken, 1 stack hay 5 00Wm Iloleman. cutting 41 cords

,wood at ioor house 110


--oG A Walker, serving 3 road

order 1 60G A Walker, cost in e.a?e ol the

. Suite vs Kd Crabtree 1 50S S Webb, j p. cost in case of

State vs J Morris and Shaw 1 05John MeKerall, cost In case of

State 4 Dennis Parker andsummoning witnesses 1 00

I V Pkkaid (or benefit of WraMePherson an 1 tainily 9 00

Mrs Sarah Garrard, for suppoitof children 3 mouths to Oct 1 10 00

Owen Lloyd, for benefit ot hisson. Ay-ariah Lloyd, lunatic 20 00

John Law, cltrk of the boardfor extra work, abt-traet- . sta-

tionery, wood. Jce, 2 monthsfrom 1st Sept, 1SS4 125 0M

James Jones, hit supiort for 3months, from Oct l.--t is4 3 00

Mi Sarah Garrard. f r supportof s.lt and family 10 00

Wm lloh'inar:. cutliutr wood at:

poor hou-- e 0 T."

Jehu L Craoken, for cotlin and: work at poor house 33 t)Jolio II Adaxu. uptort for 6

ni,,n;h. ,rom Ul luv. lsvt J cojF.uoeh Mubl ii:- -. vutlin for Pol.I Jy Ho ige 3 00M"n l'ul. support, for sell" andI wifp '(r ,; month trom Nov 1 2, 00l . . ,'tios'pii a ii:ims, aAiverusjn

r:,;j pul-il-hin- roetHslings 1G Ot i

J J M KeruU, officer, for tak- -; ii.g care of jury iu e;is of

Dimock s Turner Jones 2 00E,)braim Cat ;U!, eupi)0rt for

10 00

Wm Bray, fall term, LSS4,b'Utees 7 20

Pride done-- , clerk of ihesupeii- -or court, cost in cac of tatevs Frsnk W Harris, fall tens,

3 S2


There are 26 military companiesin North Carolina 24 white od 2colored.

r meen uuiiumgi were aesiroyeuao incediary fire at Wilson, N. C,

last week. Loss $25,000.

The United State Circuit Courtin session at Raleigh. Judges

Bond and Seymour presiding.Durham Tobacco Plant : We learn

that Mr. Joho W. Carr And lady, ofChapel Hill, will spend the wioter inFlorida. .


The Raleigh Aetc and . Observerthinks General Scales will not be inaogurated as GoTernorefore the15th day of January.

A volunteer company has been organized at Bingham Schdol" tovisit New Orleans in December nextaud compete for the prize of $3,000offered tothe best company.

The N. C Conference is in ses-sion at Wilmington. Bishop 'Parkeris presiding. The Star says that theBishop preached two exceHeat ser-mons in that place last Sunday.

There will be in the Grcneral As-

sembly of North Carolina, whichcontains 170 .members. 29 Republicans and 141 Democrats.. Ia theSenate the Democrats will have 43members and the Republicans 7.Iu the House the Democrats willhave 08 members, and the Republicans 22.

Roxboro Conner : Person county'rill be well represented at the penttentiary at this term of the court asfollows : Jake Bureb, larcenyyears ; Add Lawson, larceny, 1 year ;

Jerry Horner, larceny, 4 years; Burwell Allen, larceny, 4 ycfars ; DutchStreet, manslaughter, 5 years ; ThosMitchell, larceny, 4 years.

Wilmington Star: (General Coxreceives the largest majority of. anyRepresentative over 5,000, and Col.Green is next 4,653. Henderson'smajority in the Seventh is 3,417.Johnston's majority in the Ninth is1,478. Reid beat Edwards in theFifth by 2,618. Edwards carriedone county, CasweM, by 15 majority- -

Mis own county, Granville, ventagainst him bv 57 majority Kdwards has probably been beatenoftener than any man living in theState.

Edward A. Oldham, publisher ofthe Sentinel at Winston, will, in afew weeks issue a mammoth editioncontaining handsomely engraved por-traits and biographical ske'ehes ojthe. newly, elected Denorili: Con-g;e-sm- eii

from, this Stale. As4hisnumber will reach upwards of fifie nthousand readers, it will proe ilselHa valuable mcdiuin for advert isinn,and advertisements will bo taken athe. rates of $1.00 an inch,. 75.cen.iheach additional inch Parties wi.sh

ing copies of this issue tdiould orde'now, enclosing five cents in stampsNewsdealers throughout ihe Slateuill be allowed a special discountaud arc requested to write them forparticulars.

Hi B. Daily, Sturdevnttt, '.Ala.,says : I was suffering with my back,hips, aud spine, when got a bottleof Ramon's Relief and ucd it. Itrelieved me Instantly, and I ciu re-

commend it very hiuhly.


ST A T E M E N T .

Iu accordance with Section 713 of

the Code, I, John Laws, Clerk of

the Board of.County Commissioners

of Orange County, do hereby certify

that the following is a true and cor

rect statement, for the year ending

Nov. 30th, 1884, of the amount,

items and nature of all compensation

'audited by the Board to the mem

bers thereof severally : the number

oi days the Board was in session,

and the distance traveled by each

member.: x


To 45 days attendance onBoard, at $2 per day. $ 90 00

To 190 miles, at 5 ct 9 50

Total, $ 99 50


To 45 days attendance onBoard, at $J per day, $ 90 00

To 190 miles, at 5 eta 9 50

Total, $ 99 50

D. f. morrow.!

To 41 days'atterj dance onBoard, at f2 per day, $ 82 00

To 326 miles, at 5 cents, 16 30


moving into our

NEW STOREto rettro thanks to our friendi for

their rery liberal patronage iD ih

past, Mid hope to Berit andreceivt

a greater share ia the future.

We are just receiving a very

Stock of;


which you will find on inspection

very cheap.

We invite yonr special attention






The only Drill with a real FORCK


MENT, on the market.

Come and co u, ami if you donot find omethini to suit yon,COME AOAINt








H receiving; hT Fall anif Wiutt i Mil-liue- rv

tieiwl. tc. Ac.JKWELI.Y pretty and cheap.NOTION? a compu te Ihir-- .

BrTTEKICK FATTKUNS on haulr ordered for cuoUiuer.s.

She would be p!eaed t have the pul-H- e

to examine her gtx and will doher beet to pleaae. Having received 'aliberal khare ol jMiironage in tfee a-t- . shehopee to deserve a contlnnaiK-- e of theSDimsW in Twm riirnrti.

E H It A T E D


e s T i c TO

This cut nhows the New gtj.cci Wood-wor- k thai the Vowyfis now iiilroducini.


viTiim:r a prei:IN ITS MECHANICAIi CON-S- T


The new line- - of Attachment-tha- t

are now beii'g placed wdheach Domestic are sped sit itNo other machine hat thrn.These Attachments and the N,wWood work mske in -- Domwi-ic"

oort ibaa ever, without juca--



Grots N. C. Aeents wanted In on- -

rior court, cost in case state, 117lit. ., ,1 ll'hlta fi 1 1 form

13&4, half fees -

Pride Jones, clerk of the supe-rior

bycourt, cost in case of State

vs Pink Lockley, fall term,1884, half fees 26 93

Pride Jones, clerk of the supe isrior court, cost in case Statevs John Bailey, fall term, 142 81

Pride Jones, clerk of theBupe-- fnor court, cost m case btatovs Abe Hoft'naan, fall term, "S4

hall fees 14 72Pride Jone?, clerk of the supe-

rior court, cost in case Statevs And Woods, fall term, 84,bail fees C 03

Pride Joues, clerk of the supe-rior court, cost in case Statevs Maititia Svkes, fall .term,1884, half fees" '13 00

Pride Jones, clerk of the supe-rior court, coat in case State t

vs M. Sykes, fall term, 1884,t

half fees - , I 9 50Pride Jones, clerk of the supe-

rior court, cost in case Statevs Sykea and Sykes

Pride Jones, clerk of the supe-rior court, cost in case State'rs Davis A Davis, fall term .1884, half fees ' 3 40

Pride, Jones, clerk of the supe--;;

rior court, cost in ease State --


Whitfield & Bavnes, fallterm, 1884, half fees" 2 32

Pride Jones, clerk of the supe-rior court, cost in case Statevs Mary Merritt, fall term,' 84 9 99

Pride Jones, clerk of the supe- -rior court, cost in ca.e Sfitevs Evans & Lawson, fall term,1884, half fees 2 82

Pride Jones, clerk of the supe-rior court, cost in case Statevs Thos Parker, 3 45

5 The cholera epidemic in Parisis considered at ao end.

-- Cleveland's majority in SontbCarolina was only 48,160.

The shock of an earthquakewas felt in New Hampshire lastSunday morning.

The Raleigh Farmer , andMechanic says :

"It is rumored that the friends ofHon. Thomas Ruffin aro preparingto support him . for Senator againstGov. Vance."

The above is Tines to us, and wethiuk it will be mews to Judge Rof--fin and his friends. There ia.noman in North Carolina who wouldmore worthily represent the State inthe United States Senate.

ARSENIC FILLS BY THE PINT.J. A.' Smith, a Gainesrille, Ga.,

merchant, says years I was avictim to the combined effects ofErysipelas and an aggravated typeoi eczema, inai oamea. an medicalskill. I consulted the very be3tphysicians in the United States to nogood purpose. I gave every paleutmed icine that was recommended afaithful trial and received no benefit.I took large quantities of potash, anda piut cap full of arsenic pills. Thepatent medicine, pills, and potashmixtures fed instead of curing" thedisease. They destroyed my appe-tite and wrecked my system I lostflesh and energy I lost three yearsfrom my business and spent $2,0u0in a fruitless effort to regain myhealth. At last, when I began toconsider my case hopeless, I ommenced

taking S. S S., and iu ashort time, I was entirely cured. Iwaited a year after a cuic was "e-

ffected, and continued to take Swift'wSpecific off and on as a sort of safe-

guard, before I was willine to makepublic this marvelous cure. Beingassured beyond the possibility of aa doubt that the cure was perm anent, I wrote this history of my casetor tne beneht ol my fellow-meu- .

My skin is now as smooth as it1 1 T .was wiibu a ooy. i weign more

than I ever did in my life, and mygeneral health was never better. Ipassed through last winter (whichwas an unusually cold one,) withoutlosing a single day from my busi-ness. For the last twelve months Ihave had no return of the erysipelasin any shape or form, or any toauhof eczema."

Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis--ieases mailed free. '.;

The Swift Specific Co., Draper3, Atlanta, Ga., 159 W. 23d St.;. .

Nd"X --

k sm a 1.

i., ana luo, JUe8tnut t.f Phila

THINGS TO TELL PUPILK :1. That the water power of xWth

Carolina would turn 140,000,000j spindles, thirteen times the numbernow in operation in the entire Uni-ted States.

2. Timothy, the widely knownfarm crass, crows indigenouslv inthe Albemarle section and was firstdiscovered there.

3. John Lawson, the first histo-rian of North Carolina, was burnedat the slake by the Tuscarora Indi--

. .om 1 ic : 1 t v- -au.--, auuui io mues auove xewBern, on the Neuse, 1,711."

4. The first book published inNorth Carolina was the "YellowJacket,1 a code of the State's laws,from the prctsi of James Davis, ofNew Bern, 1752.

5. North Carolina was the firstState to declare, as a Slate, for Inde-pendence, April 12th, 1776, at Hal-ifax. Al C. Teacher.

Mia M. Brown, rickent, S. (?.says : "1 dout think I ooald livewithout Dr. CiarVa Blood and LiverPills. Since using them I have had'better health than I have for tea?


ia not kept for sale in Orange County. Go and see JOHN L MARK-HAM- ,

the Aoknt at Durham. They stand above any Wgr.n in the



Makufictubim, Salcrn, N. C.



1 rc baL'y no new development ' months, mini 1st Nov, is4will more KUtprl.se the public, than 1l ' Jones, chrk of thesnperi-.- ..

i . .. fv court, cost in caiofMate

r o , vr


For Sale by T. C. ELUS. Cedaroccuoied territory. Addresn

seam iue sirri oi success or C

tain leadinir !iysicisns. Whenthoyhave a difficult vao cf throat crlundiheaM that buttles their scienliticskill, they prescribe Dr. King's NewDiscovery lor Ccnsumption, Coughs :le jo;ies clerk of the gur,e--aud t oUD.having it disguised in a, rior court, cost in case Statepreripticn bottle, with their own ! vs Duncan Cain, iall term, 4tlircctioi s and name attached. The halt tee?,

patient is cured, ard thev get the'' lv,.,w 'K,uef' vkrtk, oIcouru cost in Matenor case!ciedit. Jnbwic. .-

-v .Id by ,11 drug- -V5 sy Carev Aml olht.r fall

' 't'-rm- . 1SS4, h;dl fec

Domestic Sewing Macbino Coop'7Ricbm.'Hl,Total. $ 98 30 (CO years be for. !