twilight; edward and bella humans

Twilight: Bella and Edward as Humans Love Edward Point of View When I saw her just sitting there I couldn’t just walk away could I? Or should have I. I walked over to her, she was just sat there crying I didn’t no what to do. “Are you okay?” I asked in a quiet voice but she seemed to hear me, she looked up, and as soon as she did it was like my whole world stopped, she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. “Not really, I haven’t got a home, my mum and dad just died and I don’t know what to do” as she said this she began to cry “Aw I’m sorry to hear that, I no some where you can say. Imp adopted so imp sure my mum and dad wouldn’t mind looking after you” as I said this I felt a bit guilty depending on emse and Carlisle so much, they already had 5 of us of course we was all adopted. “Are you sure?” she asked quietly “Yes, follow me and I will take you too them” I started to walk away and noticed she started to follow me. “So what’s your name?” I asked curiously “Isabella, but I prefer Bella” she said with a bit more confidence than before “yours?” “Edward.” I said proudly, I just realised that we was at my home, I opened the door she looked even more scare now “Carlisle Emse” I shouted through the door, “Yes” emse replied in a quiet voice, I turned my head to Bella “oh” she said with a big smile

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Twilight Edward Bella


Page 1: Twilight; Edward And Bella Humans

Twilight: Bella and Edward as Humans


Edward Point of View

When I saw her just sitting there I couldn’t just walk away could I? Or should have I.

I walked over to her, she was just sat there crying I didn’t no what to do.

“Are you okay?” I asked in a quiet voice but she seemed to hear me, she looked up, and as soon as she did it was like my whole world

stopped, she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.“Not really, I haven’t got a home, my mum and dad just died and I

don’t know what to do” as she said this she began to cry“Aw I’m sorry to hear that, I no some where you can say. Imp adopted

so imp sure my mum and dad wouldn’t mind looking after you” as I said this I felt a bit guilty depending on emse and Carlisle so much,

they already had 5 of us of course we was all adopted.“Are you sure?” she asked quietly

“Yes, follow me and I will take you too them” I started to walk away and noticed she started to follow me.

“So what’s your name?” I asked curiously“Isabella, but I prefer Bella” she said with a bit more confidence than

before “yours?”“Edward.” I said proudly, I just realised that we was at my home, I

opened the door she looked even more scare now “Carlisle Emse” I shouted through the door,

“Yes” emse replied in a quiet voice, I turned my head to Bella “oh” she said with a big smile

“Do you mind if she stays here she has no where to go?” I asked knowing they could never say no to her

“Of course we don’t Edward, come on in dear” she replied to me in a shocked voice, Bella started to walk into the house when Emmett

Rosalie alike and jasper came into the room“too so who this Edward” Emmett joked, but as he did Bella went

bright red, his booming laugh shook the whole house I think Bella was a bit frightened so I had to say something

“ Bella she is going to be staying here from no on,” I turned to Bella “ don’t worry about him that Emmett” I said pointing to Emmett she

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shook her head “ and that Rosalie and Alice” pointing to them alike and Rosalie walked over and gave her a quick hug

“Welcome Bella, I hope Emmett didn’t scare you” Rosalie said Bella looked astonished like a goddess had just touched her alike just stood

there and smile “And this is jasper” jasper walked over

“Nice to meet you Bella”Bella blushed again it was cute in a funny way, she looked at me and

when she did my heart stopped she had the most beautiful smile in the world, no one had ever made me feel like this before it was like

nothing else matter apart from being with her. But yet I was nothing to her yet, just some one who gave her a home to live in, I guess she owed me but I didn’t care as long as she would feel the way I feel about her, there was just something that was special about her.

“Come on ill show you your new room” I said indicating that it was time to leave the room she nodded and followed me.

The Drive to School

Bella’s Point Of View

Who was he? He looked like he just stepped out of a magazine.

“ morning Sleepy” Edward said as he walked into my room, I blushed I did this quite a lot when he spoke to me, he just laughed obviously

finding it amusing, I giggled along with him, he smiled at me“School today how do you feel?” he asked laughing a little bit“Scared I guess.” I said with a confused face “wait, what I am supposed to wear?” I asked him “I haven’t got any clothes”

“That why imp here” a little bouncy girl walked into my room I remember Edward calling her alike she piled some clothes onto my

bed “I was hoping you wouldn’t have clothes” she said with a big grin on her face

“This is alike. She loves shopping, so you’ve just gave her a reason to go” Edward said laughing “get ready and I will come and see you again

before we go” he said as he walked out of the room.He was gorgeous, and he was speaking to me, but I was so plain and

boring. I got dress as I tried to find out reasons why some one like him would speak to me. He knocked on the door “Hello” he said with an

amazing voice “are you ready?” I was shocked he was still here hadn’t he realised I was just a plain and boring average girl

“Yes” was all I could get out, he was so breathe taking. “ come on then” he said gesturing to the door “ ladies first” he

laughed, his laugh was amazing I walked though the door, and into the

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car he pointed at, it was just me and him in the car, and we didn’t wait for anyone, was I dreaming this, just to make sure I pinched my arm “Ouch” I said that actually hurt. Note to self never do that again. I

couldn’t help but laugh “What so funny” he asked confused obviously he never saw me, what

was I supposed to say“How did you find me” I asked hoping he wouldn’t ask again why I

laughed“I was just walking around and saw you, I couldn’t just let you sit

there” he said it looked like he started to blush but he quickly turned the side so I couldn’t see

“But why did you come over most people just let me sit there” I asked again.

“There was something about you that pulled me over, and then you look up at me and I realised” he said embarrassed

“So you like me?” I asked confused, how could someone like him like me?

“Well yes. But I guess you don’t feel the same it was a stupid thing to say anyway” he said turning to the side to look out of the window

“ no I do like you” was all I could get out I was astonished that some one like him would like me, I look out of the window we was nearly at

school, I felt weird to be scared but I was.“Well, that came as a bit of a shock, I didn’t think you would like me”

he said quietly.“How could I not like you, your beautiful” as I said this I felt

embarrassed, he was beautiful though like some think I had never seen before.

He looks at me, gazing into my eyes, I’d never notice before but his eyes were almost as beautiful as him a deep emerald colour. He

leaned forward and kissed me, I never accepted that, I kissed him back with the same amount of passion he was kissing me with. It felt wrong

to be kissing a complete stranger, but in a way he was my hero, without him I would still be living in the streets.

“Wow,” he said, “I now we have just met but I really like you Bella,”“I really like you too.” I said back too him,

“Will You Go Out With Me ?” he asked, wow that was a shocker, I didn’t know what to say of course I wanted to say yes but I couldn’t get it out,

“y-y-y-yes” I stuttered, I guess he found it amusing, as he started to giggle.

“There’s no need to be nervous around me Bella. “He said politely.We were at school, to my shock I felt sick, the first day at a new school was always the worst, but at least I would have Edward there with me.

3. She Actually Liked Me?Edwards Point of View.

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How could she like me, I was nothing special?

Bella looked at me the way you see it in the movies, so romantic, and all I could do was sit there and wonder why she didn’t like Emmett or

jasper. She was beautiful, and way to pretty to be with me, but yet she was, and she blushed whenever I speak to her.

I sat there thinking of all the reasons why Bella would like me, then “Edward Cullen”

“Yes sir? “ I answered I didn’t realise the register was being called out, oops my bad, Bella was sat next to me, she turned to look at me and smile, I smiled back, thinking about her again. She was stuck in my

head, like one of those catchy song, we was walking to dinner.“I love this song” Bella said out of the blue.

And here we go again with all the things you said and not a minute spent to think that we'd regret so we just take it back, these words and hold our breath forget the things we swore

we meant

I didn’t know what song it was but it was catchy and very good. “What song is that?” I asked, maybe she would know “Paramore – here we go again.” She replied back to me, well at least she knew it was really good, maybe we liked the same music, I wasn’t sure I’d only known her for 2days. And we were already going out there must be something wrong with me, of course it wouldn’t last long with all the boys around here.“Hey you must be the new girl.” Speaking of boys, this was Eric he had come over to Bella and put his arm around her and was walking.“Yes,” she replied, looking at me obviously wanting me to say something to him*cough cough* maybe that would catch his attention, he looked at me, and I looked to his arm, and he quickly removed it from Bella’s shoulder.“Oh, Sorry.” He said, and walked away.“Thanks.” She mouthed to me.“No problem.” I said back to her, and put my arm around her. Obviously she felt more comfortable with me doing it instead of Eric. We walked to our first class, we had gym, and Bella wasn’t looking forward to it.“Don’t worry, Ill be there and Alice too.” I said as she walked into the girls changing room. As I walked into the boys, Emmett was in this class so I didn’t have to worry about being alone, the only people who weren’t in this class was jasper and Rosalie, but they were older than all of us.

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4. Gym Class wasn’t so good, but as least he was here.

Wow, he was amazing he actually made me want to go to gym.

I walked through the door and saw alike sat waiting for me. She smiled when she saw me.

“Hey Bella.” She said, everyone in there looked at her and started to whisper.

I started to think, I was a girl from phoenix I was suppose to be really sporty, blonde maybe, and tanned definitely. But I wasn’t I was clumsy,

brunette and ivory skinned, why would Edward like me?I got into my gym kit, and I and Alice walked out of the changing

rooms, and I saw Edward and Emmett sat over the far end of the gym. He waved to me. I waved back smiling, and blushing again.

“Well if it isn’t the new girl waving to Edward Cullen” some one said from behind me.

“He’s never going to like you, so just give up.” Another said.I turned around to see who it was. But I had never seen them before.“Jessica Lauren Shut up wills you” Alice said, I don’t think Alice’s likes

them.“You shut up Alice, were just saying the truth.” the first one said.

I thought I should say something.“Well if he won’t like me then how come I’m with him?” I asked

sarcastically.The both just looked at me and started too laugh, by this time Edward

and Emmett had came over.“Hey what’s going on babe?” Edward asked me.

“They don’t think you’re with me,” I said back to him, and they both looked at each other stupidly, knowing they were wrong, and walked

away. Alice started to laugh.“Wait your together.” She said then screamed. “Oh-my’s-god, since

when.”“Earlier Alice.”

The teacher blew her whistle, imp guessing it was time to start the lesson, we was doing volleyball, something I couldn’t do, Alice seemed

pretty good at it, and Jessica an Lauren, but me, well that was a different story.

As soon as class ended we went into the changing rooms and got changed back into our clothes, I walked out the door of the changing

rooms, and noticed Edward waiting for me.

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“ hey” he said, we had science next so we walked there together swell, Edward was really sweet to me that day, but I just couldn’t wait to go

home, I didn’t really like school.

5. Home time, the best part of the day.

Bella’s Point Of View.

Well at least I was home now, no one to worry about.

Sometimes I couldn’t help but burst out in tears, Edward kept telling me it would be okay, as he had lost his parents when he was younger,

but I didn’t know weather it would be okay.“Hey, so what do you want to do?” Edward asked me as we got in.“Rum, imp not sure.” I replied I seriously didn’t know what to do.“I know.” Alice said from behind us. “Let’s go shopping for Bella.”

Edward, Jasper And Emmett Moaned.“Yes. Lets go shopping” Rosalie said, I didn’t really know Rosalie but I

guessed this would be a go time to get to know her.“Okay how about we three go and you lot stay here?” Alice asked,

knowing that was probably a good idea.“Okay, what time will you be home” Edward asked Alice.

“Rum, well it shopping so imp not sure.” She said laughing, while she walked to the car, and I and Rosalie followed,

“Bella” Edward shouted, to me.“Yes?” I asked, as I did he kiss me on the lips.“Oh.” I said, and started to blush. He giggled.

I Cant believe he likes me, I just a plain person, I mind shouldn’t a guy like that at least be with Jessica or Lauren ?

But He Wasn’t He Was With Me ? “ hey bella, where do you want too go first ?” Alice asked me, I didn’t really know many shops around here, so I didn’t know“urm im not sure.” I said quietly, Alice and Rosalie laughed.“how about the mall Alice.” Rosalie said, Alice nodded and turned on the radio.

he and I is something beautiful but so dysfunctional it couldn’t lastI loved him so, but I let him go but I new he would never love me back

Maybe that’s what will happen with me and Edward, I hope not. I really like him.

6. Bella’s Gone and Emmett Wants to Play Truth and Dare.

Truth and dare Emmett style was not good.

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“Emmett do we have to ?” jasper asked, he didn’t want to play either, Emmett makes up some crazy dares, one time he got jasper locked up

for the night.“yes, come on it will be fun, plus the girls have gone shopping for the afternoon, so what are we supposed too do ?” he said he did have a

point but I still didn’t want to play.“Okay Then” jasper said, Emmett looked at me

“sure.” I said, knowing if I said no they would make me play anyways,“I wanna go first” Emmett said, and point at jasper “you can dare me” “Okay, I dare you to go to the school and write “Rosalie Hale Is a Slag”

over the lockers in paint” jasper said, Emmett’s faced dropped.“You cant make me do that Rosalie will kill me” he said, he had appoint

she would literally kill him. That Would be funny. But He did it; right over her locker as well. It will be funny on Monday when Rosalie sees

it. Emmetts going to be in trouble.“Jasper Go” Emmett said, I now feel sorry for jasper as Emmett will

make up a really good dare for him to do.“Oh Joy” jasper said.

“I dare you too… go to the super market and cause a big scene till the security guards kick you out or call the police” he said with a big grin

on his this is going to be funny. We went to the supermarket and jasper went down the toy isle and saw a little boy playing with a light saber, and picked one up and started fighting with him. Until his mum came

and took the little boy away which was so funny you seriously wouldn’t believe it. Then he went down the sweet isle and started throwing all the sweets around the shop, then went to the electronics’ department

and ask how much a iPod was.“110.00 dollars, sir” a lady behind the counter said.

“I’ll take it” he said handing her a 200 dollars, “ but I would like my change in quarters please.” He said. She looked at him very confused but did it anyways, handing him the bucket of quarters jasper started screaming, and throwing them around the shop, shouting “it’s raining, quarters. I hope there’s a rainbow” me and Emmett were on the floor

in hysterics at jasper, then the security guards came over and escorted jasper out of the building

“but my money and the rainbow, nooooooooooooo” me and Emmett ran out of the store to find jasper sitting on the curb,

“hello, Mr Rainbow” I said laughing, Emmett joined in.“its not funny” jasper said getting angry.

“Oh it is” Emmett said still laughing, “ anyways lets go home its Edward turn now.

“oh man” I said quietly I seriously didn’t want to play.

7. Shopping’s over now time to spend with Edward

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at least shopping was over, I never new people who could shop like that.

Serious, Alice and Rosalie could shop for ever. I was glad to be home though, seeing Edward was a relief. I was still worried it was all just a

joke… why would someone like Edward want me? But you never know. I walked though the door, and Edward came straight to me.

“hello.” He said, “ how was shopping?”“hello.” I said back. “ and not so good, Alice and Rosalie can shop

forever” he started to laugh, I guess he already knew that.