tw mag february '15

Issue 30 – February 2015 Events Calendar Notice Board Local Events Confidence Strategies Strawberry Hill House Food & Drink Local History | Events | Community News | Local Businesses | Features TW AG In this issue The Independent Magazine for Strawberry Hill

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TW Mag is a glossy A5 magazine, distributed free of charge every month to a minimum of 5,000 homes within the South Twickenham/Strawberry Hill area. TW Mag delivers an interesting read for the residents. Each issue focuses on local editorial content including relevant and interesting feature articles. The issues provide an informative and helpful magazine that becomes a valuable source of information to residents and an important reference point for sourcing local goods and services. TW Mag celebrates what is special about Strawberry Hill/South Twickenham for those who live and work here and provides an inexpensive but effective platform for the local business community. Published by TW Magazines.


Page 1: TW Mag February '15

Issue 30 – February 2015

Events CalendarNotice BoardLocal Events

Confidence Strategies Strawberry Hill House

Food & Drink

Local History | Events | Community News | Local Businesses |

TW AGIn this issue

The Independent Magazine for Strawberry Hill

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TW MagazinesTel: 07952 [email protected] @TWmagazines

Are you looking for an effective way to promote your business? TW Mag for Strawberry Hill and TW11 for

Teddington are each distributed to over 5,000 selected homes and businesses every month.

With rates to suit all budgets – we can also help create artwork

F EBRUARY, the final month of winter. While it may not be warm outside, Valentine’s

Day is a timely opportunity for some much appreciated heart-warming.

If Cupid the god of desire, love and affection is making you feel particularly romantic see page 20 where local life coach Monica Castenetto gives some great advice on how to remain confident when asking someone out.

While Tony from Arthur’s on the Green delves into Cupid’s other job as patron saint of beekeepers to inspire his selection of recipes.

With our regular columns and expert advice to keep you entertained and informed. I hope you enjoy this edition of TW Mag and look forward to seeing you again next month.

This monthConfidence StrategiesTo Ask Someone Out Page 20

Advertise in a TW Magazine

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20 | TW MAG – February 2015

Self Development

SO YOU’VE MET THIS great person. Maybe you even have a little crush on them. You know they’re not in a relationship, and you’d love to get to know them better and perhaps see whether something beautiful can happen for you both. So you just go and ask them out and take it from there. Simple, right?

It can be, but often it’s not! As you think about asking them out, you start feeling nervous. What if you don’t find the right moment? What if the right words elude you and you turn into a stuttering wreck? And what if they say no? Oh, the awkwardness, the embarrassment of it! So doubts creep in, and you put it off. But the longer you don’t make up your mind, the bigger a deal it becomes. And as your confidence withers away, you slowly convince yourself that maybe it’s better to play it safe after all. It takes courage to ask someone out. Being nervous about it is normal - at any age, really. And yet sometimes, in order to move something worthwhile forward, we need to get through our nervousness and fears, and take a leap of faith.

Now, if you’re not feeling ready, or need to unlock deeper emotional barriers first, by all means take your time. But if you want to overcome your nervousness and ask that great person out, here are five strategies to help you build the confidence to do it.1. INVEST IN YOURSELF – INSIDE AND OUTTreat your body well – eat healthily, sleep and move enough. Do what you can to look your best. Do things you enjoy and are good at. Notice any negative inner self-talk, and start acknowledging positives about yourself too. Stop comparing yourself to others: You are a worthy human being, warts and all. Making an effort in this way shows you (and others) that you care about yourself. And feeling good about yourself inside and out supports your confidence. So you can take that leap of faith. And not be crushed, if

the outcome isn’t what you hoped for.2. BUST YOUR FEARSFear is a normal response when we’re about to stretch ourselves. Be gentle with yourself, but don’t let it stop you: It’s getting over your fears again and again, that over time, will strengthen your belief in yourself and your ability to do things. So prepare yourself to ask that great person out: Which could be a good moment? What could you ask them? How could you say it? What would make it easier for you? And remind yourself of a similar situation you mastered in the past, despite being nervous: What did you do then that could help you now? 3. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE Practise taking a chance on things – big or small. Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable. And find your own ways of getting through the nerves. Have you heard of the guy who practised asking lots of women out (nicely!), one day in a café? If that’s not your cup of tea (whether you’re a man or a woman), start a conversation with someone you don’t know at a social event. Or learn talking to strangers: Smile, say hello, hold doors, offer help to lift a buggy... Keep it light, have fun, flirt if it feels right. And don’t worry about what people might think of you.

4. JUST DO IT!Preparation, practice, and waiting for the right moment are good, but don’t over-think it. The longer you wait, the harder it gets, because: ‘Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but

Five Confidence Strategies to Ask Someone Out


Welcome – Page 1

Events Calendar – Page 2

Notice Board – Page 4

Food & Drink – Pages 6 & 7

Events Pages – 8, 10 & 12

News – Page 14

Children’s Activities – Pages 16 & 18

Personal Development – Pages 20 & 21

Councillor’s Update – Page 22

Strawberry Hill House – Pages 24 & 25

Page 4: TW Mag February '15

11th 13th

20th 21st19th18th

24th 26th 27th

Deadline to

book an ad in

TW Mag or

tell us about

an up-coming



Farmers Market

Every Saturday

Book Club see p8

Dead Parrot

Society see p4

Blue Bishops see p10

Alfie 1st - 7th March

see p12

Dead Parrot

Society see p4

Richmond Film

Society see p8


WI see p8


Richmond Film

Society see p8

Art Exhibition see p12

2 | TW MAG – February 2015

Events Calendar February 2015Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

5th 6th 7th












Concert see p12

Fiver Fest Starts

Until 1st March

see p10

Kast-off Kinks

see p12

Wedding Fair

see p24

Concert see p10

Inspire a Child see p4

Schubert Recital see p10


see p10

Kat & Co see p8

The Government Inspector see p4

Family Show see p10

Wedding Fair

see p8

Screen on

The Green see p8

Fire & Ice see p4

ARThouse Applicatin Deadline see p14

Screen on

The Green see p8

Screen on The

Green see p8

Screen on The Green

see p8Friends of Strawberry Hill see page 25

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Computer generated image depicts London Square Teddington. Details are correct at time of going to press.

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This prestigious new address, set back from Waldegrave Road, is within walking distance of Teddington High Street, Teddington station, and beautiful Bushy Park. The buzzing town centres of Richmond and Kingston are quickly

reached by car or train.

Page 6: TW Mag February '15

Notice Board

4 | TW MAG – February 2015

Dead Parrot SocietyFriday 6th February Guest MC – Harriet Kemlsey, Jay Cowle, Joe Jacobs, Henry Von Stifle

Friday 27th FebruaryGuest MC – Harriet Kemlsey, Abi Roberts, Chris Coltrane, Abigoliah Schamaun, Gatis KandisDOORS OPEN 8.00 - 11.00, FIRST ACT 8:30pm TICKETS: £10.00

The Anglers, 3 Ferry Rd, TW11 020 8977 7475

The Government Inspectorby Nikolai Gogol, adapted by D. J. Campbell, directed by Vicky Hancock & Stella Gheury de Bray

Thurs 19th – Sun 22nd FebThursday to Saturday 7.45p.m. Sunday at 3p.m.This comedy satirises public life in Imperial Russia, showing all the local officials as being corrupt and self-serving. However, the themes of the play are still all too relevant to our modern world. Farce arises from confusion over the identity of the visiting inspector. Will the Inspector realise the true situation in the town and purge the corrupt, or will he succumb to their blandishments?

Senior Youth Theatre productionBookings open on 9th February. Box office: 020 8744 0547 (10am – 7 pm only) The Mary Wallace Theatre, The Embankment, Twickenham, TW1 3DU

Thursday 26th February, 2pmCould you inspire a child to read? Volunteer reading helpers from literacy charity Beanstalk will be giving a free talk. If you’d like to learn more about becoming a reading helper in a primary school just come along on the day.

Twickenham Library, Garfield Road, TW1 3JT

Fire and Ice: Storytelling for adults

Ice in the Blood, Fire in their Veins. Ancient sagas and traditional tales

interwoven with themes from today. Celebrating National Storytelling Week,

Ghislaine Walker will share the stories that Disney only dare to hint at. This is

Frozen for grown-ups. Those ancient tales are the stuff of nightmares. You will

recognise some but there’s always something new to be found in these tales!

Ghislaine has been telling traditional tales for more than 20 years.

Tickets £2.00

Tuesday 3rd February, 7–8pm at Teddington Library

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Affordable. Local. Creative. | 0208 546 4311

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Page 8: TW Mag February '15

6 | TW MAG – February 2015

Food & Drink

NO FEBRUARY EDITION would be complete without at least a fleeting reference to St

Valentine. Saints are expected to keep busy in the afterlife and are therefore given a wide range of holy duties. St Valentine is no exception and his spiritual responsibilities include watching over the lives of lovers of course, but also for interventions regarding beekeeping and travelling, as well as being against epilepsy, fainting and the plague. Quite an all-rounder. But who invented St Valentine’s Day? Chaucer it seems, because around 1375 he referred to February 14th when he wrote ‘For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate,’

So if we have St Valentine’s Day and lovers we must also mention Cupid. Poor Cupid was stung by bees when he stole honey from their hive. He cried and ran to his mother Venus complaining that so small a creature shouldn’t cause such painful wounds. Venus laughed, and pointed out the poetic justice: he too is small, and yet delivers the sting of love. In time Cupid turned himself into a bee. He lurked beneath the carnations and roses and when a maiden came to pick them, he flew out as a bee and stung her.

Honey has been collected by humans for at least 8,000 years. Not only was it used for cooking but also as a preservative, talisman and for embalming the dead.

Today we use it mostly for cooking. My favourite dish is based on one of Claudia Roden’s recipes who I happened to be sitting next to at a dinner a few years ago. The spices work really well with the sweetness of the honey.

CHICKEN ROASTED WITH HONEY AND SPICESDivide a large free range chicken into quarters – breast and wing, leg and thigh. In a large bowl,

mix the chicken pieces with 2 coarsely chopped onions, 4 tbsp olive oil, 2 tsp grated fresh ginger, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, a pinch of saffron threads, juice of a lemon, splash of cold water, 2 tsp coarse sea salt, 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper. Leave to marinate overnight in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 375F / 190C / Gas 5. Spread 100g unskinned almonds on a baking sheet and bake for a few minutes until lightly browned. Chop coarsely.

Place chicken pieces (skin side up) and marinade into a baking dish and roast for 35 minutes.

In a bowl mix 100g honey, 2tbs rose water and chopped almonds together. Take the dish of chicken out of oven and spread each piece with the paste. Return to the oven for 5 to 10 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and the nuts are golden brown. Transfer to a serving dish, garnish with chopped spring onions and serve with couscous.

Honey is also great for making flapjacks as it keeps them gooey and chewy. I have given a basic recipe but it can include any favourite fruits and nuts. Figs, dates and apricots are delicious

February – a month we dedicate to St Valentine, Chaucer, Cupid and... honey

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Tony Rowe is Owner of Arthur’s on the Green. Tel. 020 8893 3995

as are pistachios and hazelnuts to give some crunch. The flapjacks can be kept simple or made luxurious with a drizzle of melted chocolate over the top.

HONEY FLAPJACKSPut 200g unsalted butter, 200g Demerara sugar and 200g honey in a saucepan and heat gently, stirring until the butter has melted and sugar dissolved. Add 400g good quality porridge oats and 100g of fresh or dried fruit and nuts of your choice. Mix well.

Spread into a greased shallow cake tin. Press down with the back of a spoon. Bake in a preheated oven at 350F/175C/Gas 4 for 15-20 minutes, until lightly golden around the edges, but still slightly soft in the middle. Let cool in the tin, then turn out and cut into squares.On a local note there are several amateur beekeepers in the Twickenham area and we

are often given jars of delicious honey from appreciative customers. I must admit I don’t cook with this honey but have a spoonful neat from the jar in the mornings.

If you’d like to know more about beekeeping we are very fortunate to have the Twickenham and Thames Valley Bee-keepers’ Association whose aim is to educate the public in bee-keeping.

As always if you would like any hints or advice about cooking then just pop in to Arthurs and I’ll try to help. Might be best to phone first though.

Domestic and Commercial We offer a personal service and have worked

in the area for over 20 years.

All aspects of internal and external painting and decorating works undertaken including

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Specialists in wallpapering.

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Page 10: TW Mag February '15

Richmond Film Society Tuesday 10th February, 8pmGood Vibrations (2012) - Directors Lisa Barros

D’Sa/Glenn Leyburn

Tuesday, 24th February, 8pmThe Patience Stone (2012) - Director Atiq Rahimi

Films are shown in Room G5 (the Pete

Postlethwaite Theatre) at St Mary’s University

College in Waldegrave Rd, TW1 4SX on alternate

Tuesday nights at 8pm. Tickets on the door £6

(students £4). Telephone 020 8893 3503,

E-mail: [email protected]

Arthur’s Screen on the GreenSunday 1st FebruarySummer in FebruarySunday 8th FebruaryLike Water for ChocolateSunday 15th FebruarySome Like it HotSunday 22nd FebruaryThe GraduateTony creates a menu around

the subject of the film.

£25 per guest.

Booking: [email protected] or

phone Arthur’s on 020 8893 3995

Arthur’s on the Green, The Green, TW2 5AB

Thursday 5th FebruaryKat & Co.With magnificent American blues vocalist, Kat

Pearson. Kat & Co. is a vibrant collaboration

between Kathleen Pearson, guitarist Francesco

Accurso and pianist, Federico Parodi with

Ettore Virgillito on bass and Nicholas Owsianka

on drums. Between them they have created

a contemporary image to The Blues with an

authentic personal sound that creates an

infectious energy that enthralls their audiences.

£11 (£9 Members). £5 Students (Photo ID


Tel. 07732 322610,

[email protected].

Eel Pie Club, The Patch, 67 London Rd, TW1 3SZ

Sunday 8th February, 10.30am – 3.30pmSpring Wedding FairEverything you need to plan the perfect

wedding, including florists, photographers,

bridal and men’s wear, jewellers, cake designers

and much more. The highlight will be two

fabulous fashion shows making this a must-visit

day for all the wedding party.

A Landmark Fundraising Event.

Admission: £4 / LAC members & U16s free

Contact: [email protected],

020 8977 7558,

Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Rd, Teddington, TW11

Wednesday, 11th February, 8pmTeddington WICake Decorating

Contact: [email protected]

Constitutional Club, 5 Stanley Rd, TW11

Friday 13th February, 1pm Book Club In association with Waterstones, enjoy informal

discussions led by Waterstones’ staff with the

latest in literature, topics and trends. Book club

questions will be forwarded when booking

your ticket. Tickets: £5 / £3.50 concs

Contact: [email protected],

Continues on page 10.

Dates for your Diary


8 | TW MAG – February 2015

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Open MorningsWhole School - 10.00am-12.30pm Introductory talk at 10.00amSaturday 7 FebruarySaturday 14 March

For further information, tel 01372 473624 or email [email protected]

Claremont Fan Court SchoolAn independent co-educational school for pupils aged 2½ to 18 years

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020 8977 7558,

Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Rd, Teddington, TW11

Saturday 14th February, 7.30pmL’Elisir D’Amore, Villa In Canto This lighthearted comedy is always a favourite

with audiences and a perfect show to celebrate

Valentines Day with its humorous treatment

of love and deception leading unusually to a

happy ending.

Tickets £20 and £16 conc.

0333 1212 300

Normansfield Theatre, Langdon Down Centre

Saturday 14th February, Meet 11amFriends of Bushy & Home Parks Walk,Explore the Woodland and Water Gardens with

David Ivison and Pieter Morpurgo.

Meet at the Welcome Centre, Bushy Park

Sunday 15th February, 7.30pmRecital of Vocal and Piano MusicWith Bassist Christian Fellner and pianist

Viacheslav Poprugin, music by Franz Schubert.

Tickets: £10, call 0333 1212 300

[email protected],

Normansfield Theatre, Langdon Down Centre, 2a

Langdon Down Centre, Teddington, TW11 9PS.

Sunday 15th Feb – Sunday 1st March Fiver Fest Fortnight The ever-popular Fiver Fest Fortnight returns

with 40+ superb offers from local, independent

traders in Teddington. Bargains priced at £5

are on offer giving the ideal opportunity for

a face to face chat with one of the wonderful

traders who keep Teddington vibrant and to

re-evaluate current shopping habits. Look

out for posters in participating shops and see for offers.

Tuesday 17th February, 1.30pmDecomposed! My Brother’s Turning into a Zombie A fantastic show for all the family. Can Will

overcome his ego and save his brother Igor from

turning into a gaming Zombie? A moving story

told in a very silly way with soundtrack by the

London Symphony Orchestra, this family show

takes you on a fun journey through classical

music. Ages: Suitable for children 6 years and

older. Approx 60 mins.

Tickets: £5 children / £7 adults /

£20 family ticket

(2 adults + 2 children)

Contact: info@,

020 8977 7558,

Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Rd,

Teddington, TW11

Thursday 19th February The Blue Bishops This band work at the rocky end of the RnB and

Blues spectrum. Yet, at the same time they are

acknowledged for the sensitivity and dynamics

of performances that can go from a whisper to

a roar in just a few moments. A career spanning

over 15 years has seen them perform in every

kind of venue and situation from Holland and

Hungary to Belgium and The Bahamas.

£10 (£8 Members). £5 Students (Photo ID


Tel. 07732 322610, [email protected].

Eel Pie Club, The Patch, 67 London Rd, TW1 3SZ


Continues on page 12.

10 | TW MAG – February 2015

Page 13: TW Mag February '15

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24th August • 12 nights • on board Liberty of the Seas®Fly from London to New York before your transfer to your 4* boutique hotel in Manhattan where you will spend 3 nights on a bed and breakfast basis. Here you can experience an exciting FREE helicopter tour of Manhattan before you transfer from your hotel to embark Royal Caribbean, Liberty of the Seas® for a stunning 9 night cruise around Canada & New England on an all inclusive basis with your drink package and gratuities included in the price! Enjoy a last glance of New York with a tour of the city before being dropped off at the airport for your flight back to London.

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12 | TW MAG – February 2015


Friday 20th - Saturday 21st February Friday 6 - 8pm; Saturday 9.30am - 10pm

World Within Without ExhibitionAn extraordinary show of large surreal art

comprising site-specific works, limited edition

prints, paintings, sculptures, ceramics and

jewellery, plus the ‘Art Vendor’ - limited edition

artwork-in-a-box for the extraordinary price of

£4! Have your portrait taken in 3D by Mad Jack

or sit in ‘The Chair’ - a Surreal Victoriana photo

booth where instant portraits are streamed

live to the Surreal Vintage facebook page., Admission: Free

Contact: [email protected],

020 8977 7558,

Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Rd, Teddington, TW11

Thursday 26th February, 7.30pmKathryn Roberts & Sean LakemanVoted ‘Best Duo’ BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2013,

Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman have created

a superb new album Tomorrow Will Follow

Today, their boldest musical statement to date.

Kathryn’s sublime vocals merge seamlessly with

Sean’s deft and inventive guitar work. ‘English

folk’s Buckingham-Nicks’ – The Independent On

Sunday; ‘Bright and attractive 21st Century folk

music’ – The Herald, Scotland.

Tickets: £15 / £14 seniors /

£13 LAC Members & U18s

Contact: [email protected],

020 8977 7558,

Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Rd, Teddington, TW11

Sunday 1st March - Saturday 7th MarchSunday 4pm, weekdays 7.45pm

AlfieA tale of a cockney lothario and his amorous

affairs by Bill Naughton, Directed by Asha Gill.

Alfie Elkins: the working class Don Juan of the

East End - the man about

town with the world at

his feet. And a new bird

every Saturday night. But

all good things must come

to an end and when his

no-strings-attached life

starts to come apart at the

seams, it’s time for him to

wonder ‘what’s it

all about?’

Special Event: Post-show discussion with

director Asha Gill on Sunday 1st March. This

special event is free for ticket holders of that

day’s performance.

Ticket Prices: £8.00 & £10.00

Teddington Theatre Club, Coward Studio,

Hampton Hill Playhouse

. Online:

Box Office: Tel 0845 838 7529 (10am – 8pm)

Thursday 5th MarchThe Kast-Off KinksLegendary and world class band which contains

three actual members of The Kinks. Original

drummer, Mick Avory, who joined The Kinks

1964 and is still regarded to this day as the

backbone of the original Kinks, is joined by John

Dalton, bassist with The Kinks from 1969 until

the late ‘70’s, and keyboard player, Ian Gibbons

who was with The Kinks for 17 years and still

plays and tours with Ray Davies. The fourth

member and only non-KINK, is Dave Clarke (ex

Noel Redding Band), taking the place of the

Davies brothers.

Tickets: £13 (£11 Members),

Tel. 07732 322610, [email protected].

Eel Pie Club, The Patch, 67 London Rd, TW1 3SZ

Page 15: TW Mag February '15

View our credentials at

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Page 16: TW Mag February '15


14 | TW MAG – February 2015

ARTHOUSE IS RICHMOND upon Thames’s annual Open Studios festival celebrating the variety

of creative talent that exists within all corners of the borough.

With an estimated 500 artists joining together and exhibiting their work across two summer weekends, 26th-28th of June and 3rd-5th of July, ARThouse provides a chance to see the unique environment in which their art is created. Visitors are able to meet local artists and learn about their artistic processes in settings as exciting and diverse as boathouses, churches, classrooms, gardens, cafés and listed buildings.

ARThouse 2015 will be the borough’s 20th open

ARThouse 2015

studios festival, coordinated by Richmond Arts Service and hopes to once again featured a fantastically diverse range of artists, artist groups and venues. ARThouse 2014 showcased artwork ranging from printmaking to portraiture; wood sculpture to mosaics; nail art to bag making; ceramics; jewellery; stained-glass windows and photography.

The deadline for artists to apply to take part is the 27th of February.

For details about the festival, application forms and entry guidelines see

THE TWICKENHAM VILLA of one of Britain’s greatest landscape painters is to be saved and

restored, thanks to a grant of £1.4m from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

Sandycombe Lodge was the country retreat of JMW Turner from 1813 to 1826. The painter, who originally trained as an architect, designed the house for himself and his father and, although subject to later alteration, it remains the only surviving property in this country designed by a major artist for his own use. It is currently on English Heritage’s ‘Heritage at Risk’ register but, thanks to the HLF grant, the Grade II* listed structure will now be sensitively restored by Turner’s House Trust.

Later additions to the early 19th century property will be removed to return it to Turner’s own design. Period furnishing will be minimal presenting a number of thought provoking themes for visitors, including Turner the painter, his personal and domestic life, Turner the architect and the historical context of the period in which the artist lived.

Mr Turner’s Twickenham Home Receives Heritage Lottery Grant

Visitors will in future have the benefit of state-of-the-art digital technology providing information via a new website and through mobile devices while those with restricted mobility will be able to enjoy a 3D virtual tour of the first floor and basement of the property.

Blondel Cluff, Chair of the Heritage Lottery Fund London Committee, said ‘Interest in Turner has never been greater, as reflected in the success of the recent biographical film and the current exhibition of his work at Tate Britain. The restoration of this modest, classical property introduces us to Turner, the architect, adding a whole new dimension to our understanding of this great artist.’

At present The Lodge is only open to the public one afternoon per month and for special events with group visits booked by arrangement. After the restoration is completed in 2016 it will be open for 46 weeks per year.

The project calls for the recruitment of more than 60 volunteers to carry out a range of roles including stewards, hosts, tour guides and gardeners.

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If you are interested in attending any of these activities, please

phone first to check the details.Children’s Activities

Continues on page 18.

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Ballet for ChildrenClasses for 3 years upwards.Established 1982. Fully registered and qualified. Contact: Geraldine Maguire, ARAD020 8894 3991 St. James’ Hall, Radnor Rd, Twickenham

Catch-a-ballsThursdays: various times and ages. Fun games and activities including ball handling skills, bat and ball techniques and agility. Develop balance and posture, co-ordination and spatial awareness and social skills. Book your free trial class now.Contact: 020 8398 3034, [email protected], The Crossway, St Stephen Church, 306 Richmond Rd, Twickenham, TW1 2PD

Cheeky Monkey’sEvery Tuesday, 10am till noonUnder 5’sA friendly drop-in for parents and carers with pre-school children. Good quality toys with plenty of space for the children to play and a singing time. Tea, coffee, soft drinks and biscuits available.To find out more, contact the church office [email protected], 020 8892 5258The Crossway, St Stephen Church, 306 Richmond Rd, Twickenham, TW1 2PD

Classical BabiesFriday 13th February, 11-11.45am, parents and up to 3 years45 minutes of music by professional musicians in a family friendly environment. Contact: Nadine Andre on 07732 058705 or [email protected] Arts Centre, Ferry Rd, TW11 9NN

Dragon Drama Improvisational theatre, storytelling, acting, movement, mime, magic and mayhem! Workshops for preschool – eighteen years old. Contact 07590 452 436 or [email protected].

Dramacube Saturdays, 9.30-11 (for 4-6 year olds) and 9.30-12.30 for 7-11 year olds.Creative 90 minute and 3 hour acting, singing and dance clasess. Free taster session available.

St. Mary’s University, Waldegrave Road, Contact: Lucy on 07931 138 353, [email protected],

Fairtrade FridaysEvery Friday, 10-noonFairtrade cafe with tea, coffee and snacks served. All welcome – toys available for the children.Teddington Methodist Church in the main hall, 1 Stanley Road, TW11 8PT

Footie TotsThursdays and Fridays, 2∞-8 years.An Introduction to the world of fitness and football for children. Teaching basic ball skills, scoring lots of goals and having fun on the way.Contact Andy on 07931 707720 or [email protected], Trinity Church, Vicarage Rd, TW2

Frankie & Flo’s Play CafeTues/Weds/Thurs, 2.30-5pm5 years and under, older siblings welcome. A friendly environment with bouncy castle, ride on toys, craft activities, baby area, dressing up clothes, play shop, roller coaster. Professional children’s (and adult) haircuts. Beauty therapist Cost: Under 1 year £2, 1 yr and over £3.501st Sibling £2, additional siblings £1.Contact: Cassie on 07803 594786St Mary’s Parish Hall, Langham Road, Teddington TW11 9HF

Jo JinglesMondays: 9.30am walking-2yrs; 10.25am 2yrs+; 11.20am 3mths-walking.Also TuesdaysMusic, singing and movement classes for babies and pre-school age children from 3months to 5 years of age.Contact: 020 8241 8139 twickenham.jojingles.comHoly Trinity Church, Vicarage Rd, TW2 5TS

Little Wrigglers Dance, Perform & PlayMonday 2-2.45pm 2-4 yearsThursdays: 9.45-10.30am, 3-4 years, 10:30-11am, 2-3 years.

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Issue 43 – March 2014

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If you are interested in attending any of these activities, please phone first to check the details.Children’s Activities

18 | TW MAG – February 2015

Toddler TimeEvery Friday, 10am-noonDrop-in group for Parents, carers with babies, toddlers. More information contact Charlotte 07879606852 or [email protected] Reformed Church, First Cross Road, Twickenham, TW2 5QA

Tempo TotsMondays and Fridays. Time according to age. Music making with singing and dancing. Each week there’s a different theme. Contact: 07956 447118, [email protected], tempo-tots.comThe Hyde Room, York House, Richmond Rd, TW1 3AA and The Maple Room, The Crossways, St Stephen’s, 306 Richmond Rd, TW1 2PD

Twinkle Toes BalletThursdays, 1.15–1.45pmAges: 2–4 yearsMagical Ballet classes that provide a great introduction into the dance world. Classes incorporate the use of props and fairy tale storylines and are suitable for both boys and girls.Contact: Gemma Querino on 07847 323655 [email protected].

Twins’ Club PlaygroupEvery Wednesday, 2.30pm - 4.30pm. Enjoy a cuppa and talk to other parents/carers of multiples whilst the children play with lots of lovely toys. Tea,coffee, snacks and fruit provided. Cost £2 per family (members), £3 per family (non members). They also run a fortnightly Bumps & Babies group as well as social events for the grown ups. Methodist Church, Queens Road, TW1 4EN.

Who Let the Dads Out?2 Saturdays per month, 10-11.30amFor dads with 0 to preschool aged children so they can spend more time with their kids. Tel: 020-8977 8000. Baptist Church, Church Rd, TW11

A creative mix of dance, music and mime to inspire your child to move to music.Contact: Rachel 07817 691660 [email protected], Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Rd, TW11 9NN

Monkey MusicTuesdays, United Reform Church, First Cross Rd, Wednesdays, St Stephen’s, Crossway Times according to age group. Age: 3 mths-4 yrs. Small, tailor-made classes to encourage children to learn through songs and games. Contact: Claire Slade 020 8847 4031,

Story Time @ Twickenham LibraryTuesdays: 3.45pm. Free weekly story time for the under 5s. Tel: 020 8734 3340, Garfield Rd, TW1 3JT

See SawFriday morning, Under 5’sPlay and explore in multi-sensory sessions designed to encourage creativity, curiosity and develop skills in communication, co-ordination and social interaction. Drop-ins welcomed. Contact: 020 8831 6000, [email protected] House Gallery, Riverside, TW1 3DJ

Teddington Dance StudioBallet, modern, tap, street jazz and melody movement, musical theatre, tinny tappers. For ∞ to 16 year olds.Contact: Natalie 07887 353950, [email protected]

Tiny Teddies Second and fourth Friday of the month: 10.30-11am. Bounce and rhyme for babies and toddlers. Contact: 020 8734 3340. Twickenham Library, Garfield Rd, TW1 3JT.

Tiny TunesThursdays 10-10.40am and 11am-11.40am3 months-5 yearsNew term starts 4th September. £5 per child/£2.50 siblings. Contact: Lisa 07977 585020, [email protected], Twickenham Library, Garfield Rd, TW1 3JT

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Self Development

SO YOU’VE MET THIS great person. Maybe you even have a little crush on them. You know

they’re not in a relationship, and you’d love to get to know them better and perhaps see whether something beautiful can happen for you both. So you just go and ask them out and take it from there. Simple, right?

It can be, but often it’s not! As you think about asking them out, you start feeling nervous. What if you don’t find the right moment? What if the right words elude you and you turn into a stuttering wreck? And what if they say no? Oh, the awkwardness, the embarrassment of it! So doubts creep in, and you put it off. But the longer you don’t make up your mind, the bigger a deal it becomes. And as your confidence withers away, you slowly convince yourself that maybe it’s better to play it safe after all.

It takes courage to ask someone out. Being nervous about it is normal - at any age, really. And yet sometimes, in order to move something worthwhile forward, we need to get through our nervousness and fears and take a leap of faith.

Now, if you’re not feeling ready, or need to unlock deeper emotional barriers first, by all means take your time. But if you want to overcome your nervousness and ask that great person out, here are five strategies to help you build the confidence to do it.

1. INVEST IN YOURSELF – INSIDE AND OUTTreat your body well – eat healthily, sleep and move enough. Do what you can to look your best. Do things you enjoy and are good at. Notice any negative inner self-talk, and start acknowledging positives about yourself too. Stop comparing yourself to others: You are a worthy human being, warts and all. Making an effort in this way shows you (and others) that you care about yourself. And feeling good about yourself inside and out supports your confidence. So you can take that leap of faith. And not be crushed, if

the outcome isn’t what you hoped for.

2. BUST YOUR FEARSFear is a normal response when we’re about to stretch ourselves. Be gentle with yourself, but don’t let it stop you: It’s getting over your fears again and again, that over time, will strengthen your belief in yourself and your ability to do things. So prepare yourself to ask that great person out: Which could be a good moment? What could you ask them? How could you say it? What would make it easier for you? And remind yourself of a similar situation you mastered in the past, despite being nervous: What did you do then that could help you now?

3. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE Practise taking a chance on things – big or small. Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable. And find your own ways of getting through the nerves. Have you heard of the guy who practised asking lots of women out (nicely!), one day in a café? If that’s not your cup of tea (whether you’re a man or a woman), start a conversation with someone you don’t know at a social event. Or learn talking to strangers: Smile, say hello, hold doors, offer help to lift a buggy... Keep it light, have fun, flirt if it feels right. And don’t worry about what people might think of you.

4. JUST DO IT!Preparation, practice, and waiting for the right moment are good, but don’t over-think it. The longer you wait, the harder it gets, because: ‘Action is a great restorer and builder of

Five Confidence Strategies to Ask Someone Out

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confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but also the cause of fear’, according to Norman Vincent Peale. So tap into your courage, find your ‘Just do it’ attitude, and take the plunge. Deliberately taking on an open and confident physical posture will help you feel more confident, too. And breathing slowly into your belly will relax you, and take the edge off your nervousness.

5. KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVEAfter all, you’re asking that great person to go out with you, not to marry you. But what if they say no? Don’t let it be a blow to your self-esteem. Think about it: their no has a lot to do with them, not you. They might not be open to meeting someone, or are just having a bad day. And even if they are not interested in you, they are entitled to their opinion. No need for you to let this affect the way you see yourself. Keep trying, because, in the grand scheme of things, when you’ll be

with another great person who is interested – what will this matter? Happy practising!

Monica Castenetto is a life coach. She hosts monthly Life Masterclasses at Heart Twickenham.

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22 | TW MAG – February 2015

Councillor’s Update

The number of residents with a learning disability is expected to increase slightly over the next few years and it is important to ensure the best possible provision for current and future needs. Particular attention will be given to Supported Living Services for young people with multiple physical and mental health needs. Accessible accommodation is required for residents with learning and physical disabilities.

The Council will initially commission and outsource the remaining services provided by the Council and new provision required to meet the needs of young people with a learning disability who are currently in transition to adult services. Both these areas are priorities for the Council in achieving the strategic directions of the Council and in meeting the needs of young people within their community.

For the residential and supported living services currently provided by the Council, the Council is committed to maintaining the current level of service quality. The services for young people will provide additional supported living and support up to 24 hours a day for individuals with a higher level and complexity of needs. Local community services will enable family and friends to keep in touch. Good communication and engagement is vital at every stage.

The council needs to ensure that it fulfils new duties placed on it by the Care Act. One of these is the requirement to demonstrate that the Council is taking the individual’s wellbeing into account when making any changes to the provision of services.

THE COUNCIL HAS recently reviewed its provision of services for people with learning disabilities

who live in care homes or supported living settings. Some 500 residents are supported in this way so that they can live as full and valued lives as possible. People with learning disabilities rightly aspire to have the same life experiences as everyone else and in Richmond we work hard to ensure that people are supported to live as active citizens.

The Council’s strategy is to ensure that people with learning disabilities are supported to enhance their quality of life through increased choice and control. Our vision is to provide services that promote ‘good health, independence, choice, control and wellbeing’. Independent living does not mean living on your own or having to do everything yourself. All disabled people should have greater choice and control over the support they need to go about their daily lives; greater access to housing, education, employment, leisure and transport opportunities and to participation in family and community life.

The employment rate of disabled people in Britain overall has risen steadily to about 48%, but employment of people with learning disabilities is much lower – just 10% for people receiving adult social services. Over the next three years services will be reviewed, needs examined and services commissioned or decommissioned to meet the needs of residents and their carers. The Council has already carried out wide consultation.

The main messages are very clear. We must provide a personalised approach, where citizens:Are empowered to have more say and control in all aspects of public life and participate as active and equal citizens; Have maximum control of their lives, including control of their own health and social care needs; Have a choice and control so that any support they may need fits the way they wish to live their lives. Cllr David Marlow

Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Health [email protected]

Supporting People with Learning Disabilities

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S T R A W B E R R Y H I L LHorace Walpole ’s Gothic Cast le

S T R A W B E R R Y H I L LHorace Walpole ’s Gothic Cast le

THE WEDDING SHOWCASE returns to Strawberry Hill House and St Mary’s

University on Sunday 22nd February from 11am – 3pm for couples considering getting married.

This is the second year the Wedding Showcase has been held and the popular free event is an ideal chance to view the facilities at both historic venues for wedding ceremonies and receptions. There will be an opportunity to meet photographers, cake makers, local florists and other wedding services, whilst the catwalk features latest bridal fashions from Twickenham based, Emma Elizabeth Bridal.

The rooms at Strawberry Hill House and St Mary’s University provide ideal venues for wedding ceremonies and parties. At Strawberry Hill House, the Gallery is hung with rich crimson damask with an intricate gilded gold leaf ceiling, and the room can accommodate up to 95 guests, making it a unique setting for special occasions. In contrast, the Round Room is available for more intimate settings with the room hung with rich crimson silk. The joint grounds with St Mary’s University allow for perfect photographic opportunities.

St Mary’s University features a grade-I listed Waldegrave Suite which features ornate high ceilings, stone fireplace and Venetian flooring. The room can accommodate 120 guests to a sit down meal, with capacity to invite more guests for the evening celebrations, whilst the adjacent rooms provide stunning settings for the dance floor and bar.

‘The Wedding Showcase is a special event as it gives couples a great chance to view

The Wedding Showcase – The Ultimate Day Out For Inspiration

Strawberry Hill House and meet a number of wedding suppliers for inspiration and creativity for their very special day. We look forward to welcoming visitors on 22nd February’ said Valerie Beard, Functions Manger, Strawberry Hill House.

For more information about the exciting event, visit

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TW MAG – February 2015 | 25

THIS FEBRUARY THE Friends of Strawberry Hill are celebrating their

15 year anniversary with our first ever Members’ Week!

Join as a Friend for as little as £25 a year to book tickets for our exclusive events – our personal favourite is our Antiques Roadshow-inspired ‘Bring Your Bling’ evening, complete with Prosecco and canapés!

Twilight tours of the newly restored rooms, specialist collection lectures, the Annual FoSH Quiz and ‘Bring Your Bling’ are just a few of the exciting events we have on offer!

To find out more, follow:

Friends of Strawberry Hill – Members’ Week, 16th – 21st February

2015 WILL SEE THE unveiling of Horace Walpole’s newly restored private

rooms, unseen to the public since the 18th-century. We are looking for dynamic, friendly and welcoming people with excellent communication skills, confidence and a passion for history and heritage who are keen on perpetuating Walpole’s legacy.

If you are interested in joining the Strawberry Hill team as a volunteer or to find out more e-mail [email protected]

Volunteer and Share the Unique Heritage of Strawberry Hill Strawberry Hill House, 268 Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, TW1 4ST

Telephone: 020 8744 1241

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