tumor-associated macrophages (tam) and inflammation in ... · the characterization of the most...

ORIGINAL PAPER Tumor-associated Macrophages (TAM) and Inflammation in Colorectal Cancer Marco Erreni & Alberto Mantovani & Paola Allavena Received: 10 May 2010 / Accepted: 6 August 2010 / Published online: 17 September 2010 # Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010 Abstract Experimental and epidemiological studies indi- cate a strong link between chronic inflammation and tumor progression. Human colorectal cancer (CRC), a major cause of cancer-related death in Western countries, represents a paradigm for this link. Key features of cancer-related inflammation in CRC are the activation of transcription factors (e.g. NF-κB, STAT3), the expression of inflamma- tory cytokines and chemokines (e.g. TNFα, IL-6, CCL2, CXCL8) as well as a prominent leukocyte infiltrate. While considerable evidence indicates that the presence of lymphocytes of adaptive immunity may positively influ- ence patient survival and clinical outcome in CRC, the role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and of other lymphoid populations (e.g. Th17, Treg) is still unclear. In this review we will summarize the different and controver- sial effects that TAM play in CRC-related inflammation and progression of disease. The characterization of the most relevant inflammatory pathways in CRC is instrumental for the identification of new target molecules that could lead to improved diagnosis and treatment. Keywords Colorectal cancer . Tumor-associated macrophages . Inflammation . Cytokines . Chemokines Introduction Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent human neoplasia and the third cause of cancer death in industri- alized countries [1]. The pathogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC) is a very complex process that involves interactions among environ- mental influences, germ-line factors dictating individual cancer susceptibility and accumulated somatic changes in the colorectal epithelium [1]. The majority of colorectal cancers are sporadic, arising from dysplastic adenoma- tous polyps. A multi-step process leads to the accumu- lation of genetic alterations that confer a selective growth advantage to the colonic epithelial cells and drive the transformation from normal epithelium to adenomatous polyp and finally to invasive colorectal cancer. These alterations are the consequence of mutations in genes involved in cell growth regulation (gatekeepers), such as tumor-suppressor genes (e.g. APC, Smad4 and p53) or oncogenes (e.g. K-Ras, c-myc, c-neu, c-src)[2]. About 10% of CRCs develops in the setting of well-defined hereditary syndromes. The two main forms are hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) [3, 4]. FAP is an autosomal- dominant disease, due in about 80% of cases, to a germ- line mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC)[1, 4]. HNPCC is an autosomal-dominant disease, caused by the alteration or epigenetic changes of genes that maintain genetic stability, such as DNA nucleotide mismatch repair genes (hMSH2, hMLH1, PMS1, PMS2, hMSH3) [57]. This abnormality results in extensive instability in repeated nucleotide sequences called micro- satellites, hence the term microsatellite instability (MSI), in opposition to cancers that show microsatellite stability (MSS) [5]. MSI colorectal carcinomas are usually associ- M. Erreni : A. Mantovani : P. Allavena (*) Department of Immunology and Inflammation, IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Via Manzoni, 56, Rozzano, Milan, Italy e-mail: [email protected] A. Mantovani Department of Translational Medicine, University of Milan, Milan, Italy Cancer Microenvironment (2011) 4:141154 DOI 10.1007/s12307-010-0052-5

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Page 1: Tumor-associated Macrophages (TAM) and Inflammation in ... · The characterization of the most relevant inflammatory pathways in CRC is instrumental for the identification of new


Tumor-associated Macrophages (TAM) and Inflammationin Colorectal Cancer

Marco Erreni & Alberto Mantovani & Paola Allavena

Received: 10 May 2010 /Accepted: 6 August 2010 /Published online: 17 September 2010# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract Experimental and epidemiological studies indi-cate a strong link between chronic inflammation and tumorprogression. Human colorectal cancer (CRC), a major causeof cancer-related death in Western countries, represents aparadigm for this link. Key features of cancer-relatedinflammation in CRC are the activation of transcriptionfactors (e.g. NF-κB, STAT3), the expression of inflamma-tory cytokines and chemokines (e.g. TNFα, IL-6, CCL2,CXCL8) as well as a prominent leukocyte infiltrate. Whileconsiderable evidence indicates that the presence oflymphocytes of adaptive immunity may positively influ-ence patient survival and clinical outcome in CRC, the roleof tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and of otherlymphoid populations (e.g. Th17, Treg) is still unclear. Inthis review we will summarize the different and controver-sial effects that TAM play in CRC-related inflammation andprogression of disease. The characterization of the mostrelevant inflammatory pathways in CRC is instrumental forthe identification of new target molecules that could lead toimproved diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords Colorectal cancer . Tumor-associatedmacrophages . Inflammation . Cytokines . Chemokines


Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent humanneoplasia and the third cause of cancer death in industri-alized countries [1].

The pathogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC) is a verycomplex process that involves interactions among environ-mental influences, germ-line factors dictating individualcancer susceptibility and accumulated somatic changes inthe colorectal epithelium [1]. The majority of colorectalcancers are sporadic, arising from dysplastic adenoma-tous polyps. A multi-step process leads to the accumu-lation of genetic alterations that confer a selective growthadvantage to the colonic epithelial cells and drive thetransformation from normal epithelium to adenomatouspolyp and finally to invasive colorectal cancer. Thesealterations are the consequence of mutations in genesinvolved in cell growth regulation (gatekeepers), such astumor-suppressor genes (e.g. APC, Smad4 and p53) oroncogenes (e.g. K-Ras, c-myc, c-neu, c-src) [2]. About10% of CRCs develops in the setting of well-definedhereditary syndromes. The two main forms are hereditarynon-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and familialadenomatous polyposis (FAP) [3, 4]. FAP is an autosomal-dominant disease, due in about 80% of cases, to a germ-line mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli gene(APC) [1, 4]. HNPCC is an autosomal-dominant disease,caused by the alteration or epigenetic changes of genesthat maintain genetic stability, such as DNA nucleotidemismatch repair genes (hMSH2, hMLH1, PMS1, PMS2,hMSH3) [5–7]. This abnormality results in extensiveinstability in repeated nucleotide sequences called micro-satellites, hence the term microsatellite instability (MSI),in opposition to cancers that show microsatellite stability(MSS) [5]. MSI colorectal carcinomas are usually associ-

M. Erreni :A. Mantovani : P. Allavena (*)Department of Immunology and Inflammation,IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas,Via Manzoni, 56,Rozzano, Milan, Italye-mail: [email protected]

A. MantovaniDepartment of Translational Medicine, University of Milan,Milan, Italy

Cancer Microenvironment (2011) 4:141–154DOI 10.1007/s12307-010-0052-5

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ated with a more favourable prognosis, less lymph nodeinvolvement and reduced occurrence of metastasis [8–12].

Besides the occurrence of genetic or epigenetic abnormal-ities, also the formation of an inflammatory microenvironmentplays a pivotal role in colorectal cancer development. Hall-marks of the reactive tumor stroma are the presence of aprominent leukocyte infiltrate, a florid network of bloodvessels, matrix proteins, as well as an abundance of cytokinesand chemokines [13–15].

In this review we will discuss the pivotal role thatinflammatory cells and mediators play in the constitution ofthe tumor microenvironment in colorectal cancer. Inparticular, we will focus our attention on the controversialrole of tumor-associated macrophages in the progressionand clinical outcome of colorectal cancer.

Inflammation and Cancer

Cancer-associated inflammation affects many aspects ofmalignancy, including the proliferation and survival ofmalignant cells, angiogenesis and tumor metastasis [16–21].The connection between inflammation and cancer can beschematically viewed as consisting of two pathways: anintrinsic pathway, driven by genetic alterations that causeinflammation and neoplasia (such as oncogenes); and anextrinsic pathway, driven by inflammatory leukocytes in thecontext of chronic infectious or persistent inflammatorycondition that increase cancer risk. Epidemiological studieshave shown that a number of chronic infections predisposeto various tumor types. For example, infection by Helico-bacter pylori is associated with gastric cancer and mucosallymphoma; viral infections are related to cervical and livercancer. Other non-pathogen triggers of chronic inflammationare autoimmune diseases (e.g. inflammatory bowel disease),chemical irritants (e.g. asbestos, cigarette smoke) andinflammatory conditions of unknown origin (e.g. prostatitisassociated with prostate cancer). Accordingly, treatment withnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents decreases the inci-dence and the mortality of several tumors [22, 23].

A number of recent studies connected the activation ofoncogenes to inflammation (intrinsic pathway). In additionto promoting cell autonomous proliferation, several onco-genes activate down-stream a cascade of inflammatorymediators. For example, components of the RAS-RAFsignalling pathway induce the activation of the transcriptionfactor NF-κB and the production of several inflammatorycytokines and chemokines [24, 25]. The oncogene MYCencodes a transcription factor that is over-expressed in manyhuman tumors and promotes cell proliferation; in addition,MYC is involved in neo-angiogenesis and in remodelling ofthe extracellular microenvironment, with inflammatory cells,IL-1 and chemokines having important roles in this process

[26]. A further example is offered by the tyrosine kinaseRET, a prototypic transforming oncogene in humanpapillary carcinoma of the thyroid (PTC). Borrello et al.[27] demonstrated that RET/PTC activates, in primaryhuman thyrocytes, an inflammatory programme leading tothe build up of reactive microenvironment, including theexpression of colony-stimulating factors (CSFs), interleukin-1 (IL-1), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) and chemokines attract-ing monocytes and dendritic cells (CCL2 and CCL20).Recently, we provided evidence that the oncogenic fusiontranscript FUS-CHOP also activates an inflammatoryprogramme in human myxoid lyposarcoma [28]. Co-operation between oncogene-derived transformation andexogenous inflammation has also been reported. In a mousemodel of pancreatic cancer, cerulein-mediated chronicpancreatitis is required in concert with K-Ras mutation toinduce pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and invasiveductal carcinoma [29].

Also the inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes mayresults in the production of inflammatory mediators. In amouse model of breast carcinoma, inactivation of the geneencoding the type II TGFβ receptor stimulates theproduction of the inflammatory chemokine CXCL5 and ofCXCL12 [30]. The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor(VHL) is a component of the molecular complex thattargets the transcription factor of hypoxia-inducible factor1α (HIF-1α) for degradation. HIF1α interacts with thetranscription factor NF-κB, resulting in the production ofTNFα and of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in renal-cellcarcinoma cells, as well as in other malignancies [31, 32].

The Inflammatory Microenvironment in ColorectalCancer

Colorectal cancer represents a paradigm of the cancer-related inflammation. Patients affected by inflammatorybowel diseases (IBD), such as ulcerative colitis (UC) andCrohn’s disease (CD), are at increased risk of developingneoplasia [33, 34], with an extended incidence rate of 2.75and 2.64 of CRC in patients with UC and CD, respectively[35]. Interestingly, in Helicobacter pylori-induced gastrictumors, pro-inflammatory signalling by TNF-α can induceβ-catenin nuclear accumulation even without mutations inthe APC gene. To the same end, activation of NF-κB andAkt pathways by pro-inflammatory signalling can promoteβ-catenin activation and favours colorectal cancer progres-sion (extrinsic pathway) [36].

During colorectal carcinogenesis, colonic epithelial cellsaccumulate genetic mutations that confer a selective growthadvantage to the neoplastic epithelial cells, leading to thetransformation from normal epithelium to adenomatouspolyp and finally to invasive colorectal cancer. This

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progression includes activation of the oncogenes K-ras andB-Raf, as well as inactivation of tumor suppressors, asTGF-β receptor (R)II, activin receptors, p53, and the pro-apoptotic protein Bax. Transformed epithelial cells are alsoable to secrete several inflammatory mediators that act onvarious types of pro-inflammatory leukocytes, endothelialcells and fibroblasts to establish a tumor promoting reactivemicroenvironment (intrinsic pathway): among these arecytokines such as TNFα, IL-1, IL-6, cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2), innate immunity receptors and signalling mole-cules (Toll-like receptors (TLR)-4, MyD88, and thetranscription factor NFκB.


Since their discovery, the chemokine system has beenstrongly connected with cancer biology: tumor infiltrationby macrophages has served as a paradigm of thechemokine-mediated recruitment of leukocytes at tissueperipheral [37–41]. In the last decade our knowledge inchemokine functions has dramatically expanded and nowincludes the promotion of the angiogenic switch and directeffects on tumor cells survival, proliferation and dissemi-nation [13, 42]. Among several chemokines, CCL2 plays apivotal role in CRC. Popivanova et al. [43] demonstratedthat the blocking of TNFα/TNFR axis resulted in reducedCCL2 mRNA expression, decreased macrophage infiltra-tion and slower CRC progression. In addition, CCL2antagonists inhibited COX-2 expression, attenuated neo-vascularization, and eventually decreased the number andsize of colon tumors. We have recently analyzed theexpression of a large panel of chemokines and theirreceptor in human CRC [44]. Several chemokines, such asCCL7, CCL20, CCL25, CXCL1 and CCL26, and chemo-kine receptors, such as CCR8, CCR6, CXCR2 are stronglyup-regulated in tumor tissues. In particular, CCL3 andCCL4, both chemotactic for monocytes/macrophages andT-cells, are significantly over-expressed in tumors incomparison to normal colonic mucosa, as well as CXCL8,a chemokine involved in neutrophil recruitment and in neo-angiogenesis processes. Intriguingly, CXCL8 mRNA levelscorrelate with osteopontin (OPN) mRNA expression: thesetwo mediators share some important functions such as cellmobility and cell survival via integrin activation. Chemo-kines and chemokine receptors are suggested to play a rolealso in tumor metastasis: clinical studies indicate that theexpression of CXCR3, CXCR4 and CCR7 in primary CRCsignificantly correlates with tumor recurrence, patientsurvival and lymph node or liver metastasis [45–48].Studies using cell culture systems indicate that CXCL10,CXCL12 as well as CXCL1, CXCL2 and CXCL8 stimulatecolon carcinoma cell migration and invasion [46, 49, 50]. Afurther demonstration of the importance of chemokines in

colorectal cancer comes from a recent study on thechemokine receptor D6. This is a promiscuous decoyreceptor that scavanges several inflammatory CC chemo-kines. D6-deficient mice showed an increase in tumorburden in a model of colitis-associated cancer (CAC) [51].


TNFα is a member of the TNF cytokine superfamily and isa key molecule regulating inflammation and host defense.Activation of TNF receptors (TNFRs) can trigger NF-κBand downstream survival pathways, or can activate caspase8 and the associated apopotic signal [52]. TNFα inducesthe expression of chemokines from different cell types,such as epithelial cells, fibroblast, endothelial cells andleukocytes. This cytokine has been shown to have contro-versial roles in cancer, serving as a tumor-promoting ortumor-destructive factor. The contribution of TNFα in thedevelopment of CRC has been recently investigated in agenetic mouse model lacking the type 1 TNFR-p55 [53]. Inthis study, the abrogation of TNFα signalling in miceresulted in a significantly reduced colitis after treatmentwith azoxymethane (AOM) and dextran sodium sulfate(DSS), with decreased tissue damage, inflammatory cellinfiltrates and cytokine production in the mucosa. Inaddition, a strongly reduced tumor formation was ob-served. Further, the administration of a specific TNFαantagonist in AOM/DSS-treated mice obtained similarresults, underlying the potential of an anti-TNF therapeuticapproach.


NF-κB is a key regulator of innate immunity andinflammation. While in normal conditions NF-κB is keptin an inactive form, in various types of cancer, includingcolorectal carcinoma is constitutively activated. Greten etal. [54] demonstrated that the functional abrogation of NF-κB in intestinal epithelial cells in mice did not affect theextent of inflammation, but resulted in a dramatic reductionin tumor numbers as a consequence of enhanced epithelialcell apotosis during early tumor development. In contrast,the conditional inactivation of NF-κB in myeloid cellsstrongly reduced the expression of many genes involved inthe inflammatory response, such as IL-1β, TNFα, macro-phage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2), COX-2 andintercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM). Also these miceexhibited a significant reduction in tumor size, althoughtumor number was similar or slightly reduced [54, 55].Thus, NF-κB activation controls both the survival oftransformed cells (intrinsic pathway) as well as theleukocyte-driven inflammation (extrinsic pathway) thatprovides signalling molecules that sustain tumor growth.

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Toll-like Receptors

TLRs play a major role in sensing gut microbiota andactivation of these receptors is required to maintainintestinal homeostasis. Genetic or functional disregulationof TLRs may be linked to chronic inflammation and tumordevelopment. For example, polymorphisms in TLR4, areceptor required for innate immunity to gram-negativebacteria, have been associated with UC and CD [56]. Inaddition to their involvement in IBD, evidence is mountingto support a role for TLRs in carcinogenesis. Aberrant TLRsignalling may contribute to the tumor-promoting activityof NFκB. Recently it was shown that a deficiency inMyD88, the TLR adaptor protein, significantly reducestumor number and size in the APCmin mouse model ofintestinal tumorigenesis [57]. Moreover, mice inoculatedwith colon cancer cells in which TLR4 was silenced showedan increased survival and tumors of significant smaller sizein comparison to control mice [58].


TIR8, also known as single immunoglobulin IL-1R-relatedmolecule (SIGIRR), has been identified for its TIR domain,which is structurally conserved and shared with othermember of the IL-1 receptor/TLRs family [59]. TIR8inhibits signalling from TLR/IL-1R complex, possibly bytrapping IRAK-1 and TRAF-6 [60–62]. Epithelial cells ofthe digestive tract express TIR8 and there is evidence for itsnon-redundant role in the gastrointestinal mucosa inflam-mation [63]. In a mouse model of colitis-associated cancer,TIR8-/- mice showed a strong increase in inflammation-related cancer susceptibility in comparison to wild-typemice [64]. These results unequivocally demonstrate theimportant role of inflammation in CRC progression.


COX-2, the enzyme involved in the synthesis of prosta-glandins and prostacyclins from arachidonic acid, isstrongly related to colorectal carcinogenesis. COX-2 is notconstitutively expressed in the colon mucosa; severalstudies have shown that it is already up-regulated in mostadenomas and in virtually all colon carcinoma [65]. Indeed,overexpression of COX-2 in mice tumor xenograftsenhanced tumor growth due to a proangiogenic effects.On the other hand, its absence inhibits the development ofcolorectal poyps in mice, and the use of selective COX-2-inhibitors in clinical trial showed a reduction in the numberand size of colorectal polyps [66, 67].

Polymorphism in genes regulating inflammatory pro-cesses may alter the risk for neoplasia. Several poly-morphisms in the flanking regions of COX-2 have been

described, but their association with the risk of CRCremains unclear. However, one COX-2 variant (c.3618A/G polymorphism) possibly affecting RNA stability wasassociated with the presence of clinical features of goodprognosis and higher survival rate of patients. [65, 68, 69].Further studies, with higher number of patients, are neededto clarify whether genetic polymorphisms of COX-2 mayaffect colon cancer risk and if specific variants can reallyhave prognostic value.


A special consideration should be recognized to the role ofIL-6 in inflammation-related colorectal cancer. IL-6 isconsidered a major key player in the transition betweenacute and chronic inflammation as well as innate andacquired immunity [70]. IL-6 binds to soluble ormembrane-bound IL-6 receptors (IL-6Rα) that interact withthe membrane-associated gp130 subunit, and trigger theactivation of Janus Kinases (JAKs) and downstreameffectors STAT3, Shp2-Ras and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt [71] (Fig. 1). IL-6 modulates theexpression of chemokines and adhesion molecules thussuppressing neutrophil infiltration, promoting the accumu-lation of mononuclear leukocytes and leading to theresolution of acute inflammation and the activation ofacquired immunity [72, 73]. Evidence of the role of IL-6 inintestinal inflammation comes from the demonstration thatthe inhibition of IL-6 signalling affects chemotaxis andapoptosis of lamina propria mononuclear cells, improvingdisease outcome in animal models of colitis [74].

In the last years, the involvement of IL-6 in colorectalcancer has been deeply investigated. Several studiesindicate that IL-6 stimulates the growth of colon cancercells in vitro [75], increases invasiveness of colon cancercells and likely promotes secondary tumor formation [76,77]. Moreover, serum levels of IL-6 in colorectal cancerpatients are higher than in healthy controls, and signifi-cantly correlate with tumor staging and poorer survival rate[78]. Michael Karin’s group drew attention to the elevatedlevels of IL-6 in murine models of colitis-associated cancer(CAC) [54] and later reported that the gender bias in livercancer susceptibility could be addressed to the higher IL-6serum levels in male mice [79]. In more recent years, thesame group [80] clearly demonstrated that IL-6, producedin an NF-κB-dependent manner in response to intestinalinjury by innate immune cells within the lamina propria,regulates the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells(IECs) and their preneoplastic derivatives during acuteinflammation and CAC. In addition, exogenous adminis-tration of IL-6 in mice during tumor initiation resulted in anincreased number of tumor foci, while IL-6 administrationduring the late stages of CAC growth increased tumor

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burden. Therefore, IL-6, mainly produced by myeloid cells,is considered an important player in the leukocyte-driveninflammation that promotes colon carcinogenesis (extrinsicpathway).

Formal evidence has been provided that IL-6-activatedJAK-STAT3 pathway is also of major importance. STAT3induces the expression of genes important for cell cycleprogression (such as cyclin D and PCNA), and suppressionof apoptosis (Bcl-XL, Bcl-2 and Mcl-1), eventually promot-ing cell survival and proliferation during colitis-associatedtumorigenesis (intrinsic pathway) (Fig. 1). Specific ablationof STAT3 in intestinal epithelial cells suppresses cellproliferation and reduced tumor incidence in both a DSS-induced colitis model and CAC model [80, 81].

Further, Bollrath et al. [81] used gp130Y757F/Y757F mice,which express a mutant gp130 receptor molecule withenhanced STAT3 activity, to demonstrate a role forincreased STAT3 activation in the acceleration of colorectalcancer. All together, the capacity of STAT3 to supportintestinal cell proliferation not only facilitates healing aftercolitis-induced tissue injury, but also promotes mutagen-triggered transformation. An important aspect is that in IL-6-deficient mice, as well as in mice lacking STAT3, aconsiderably higher acute mucosal inflammation wasobserved [82]. This finding may be explained with highertissue damage induced by DSS, in the absence of theSTAT3-mediated ability to resist to apoptosis. Alternatively,as in the absence of STAT3 the IL-10 signalling is alsoimpaired, it is likely that this increased inflammation is due

to the lack of the well established anti-inflammatory andprotective role of IL-10 on the colonic mucosa [83].Intriguingly, this inflammatory burst did not increasetumorigenesis but rather was linked to a lower cancerincidence and tumor load. It may be possible that this acuteinflammation, at variance from the smouldering inflamma-tion of chronic conditions, may restrain tumor proliferation.

STAT3 may also influence the type of inflammatoryleukocytes: in Grivennikov’s study, the number of regulatoryT-cells increased and Th17 cells decreased in an IL-6dependent manner. This observation is in accordance withseveral recent studies that linked IL-6 to Th17 differentiation.

Tumor Infiltrating Leukocytes in CRCs

A leukocyte infiltrate is already present in benign adenomaand is markedly increased in CRC tissues. Immune cells arelocalized both at the periphery and in the tumor stroma,occasionally invading cancer cell nests. Most representedleukocytes are T lymphocytes and macrophages, althoughsome eosinophils, mast cells, NK cells and rare DC can befound [84–88].

Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL)

As for other neoplastic tissues [15], an abundance of CD3+

T cells in colorectal cancer is usually associated with morefavourable prognosis. Indeed, the most convincing results

Fig. 1 TAM-derived IL-6promotes tumor cell survivaland proliferation. IL-6 bindsboth its membrane-bound andsoluble-form receptor, leading tothe dimerization of gp130expressed by tumor cells and theactivation of the JAK tyrosinekinase, which phosphorylatesSTAT3. Translocation of STAT3into the nucleus induces genetranscription. In colorectal can-cer, STAT3 induces the expres-sion of genes important for theproliferation (cyclin D andPCNA) and the suppression ofapoptosis (Bcl-XL, Bcl-2 andMcl-1) strongly promoting neo-plastic cell cycle-progression

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of a protective anti-tumor effect of CD3+ lymphocytes havebeen provided in human CRC.

Several studies confirmed that high rate of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), in particular located intra-epithelially, is beneficial for patient outcome, beingassociated with earlier tumor stage, decreased local recur-rence rate after surgery and improved overall and disease-free survival both in metastatic and non-metastatic patients[89–91]. Galon et al. [92] analysed, by gene expressionprofiling and immunohistochemistry, the type, density andlocalization (invasive margin or tumor center) of TILs in alarge number of CRC cases. They identified a dominantcluster of genes involved in Th1 immune response thatinversely correlated with tumor recurrence. Moreover theyevaluated the levels of CD3+, CD8+, granzyme B andmemory CD45RO+ T and demonstrated that adaptiveimmunity promotes patient survival, prevents tumor recur-rence and that this beneficial effect may persist throughouttumor progression (stage II and III). Pages et al. [93]analysed TILs focusing on early metastatic invasion.They found an increase in mRNA levels for products andmarkers of Th1 effector T cells (CD8, T-BET, interferonregulatory factor 1, interferon-γ, granulosin andgranzyme-B), and this increase is associated withprolonged survival and the absence of pathological signsof early metastatic invasion (vascular emboli, lymphaticinvasion and perineural invasion, termed VELIPI). More-over, the presence of effector memory T cells within thetumor, defined by the presence of CD3, CD8, CD45RO,CCR7, CD28 and CD27 markers was associated withVELIPI-negative tumors. In a recent study, our groupinvestigated the levels of CD3+ T cells at the invasivemargin of tumor at stage II and III colorectal cancer [94]. Inline with the above studies, it was clearly demonstrated thatCD3+ cells at the invasive front are associated with a lowerrisk of metachronous metastasis and a consequentlysurvival advantage. However, this holds true only innode-negative patients (stage II) and loses statisticalsignificance in stage III patients [94].

Tumor-associated Macrophages (TAM)

Macrophages are usually the most abundant immunepopulation in the tumor-microevironment [95–97]. Al-though early studies demonstrated that appropriately stim-ulated macrophages are able to kill tumor cells in vitro, it isnow generally accepted that tumor-associated macrophages(TAM), conditioned by the tumor-microenvironment, haveno cytotoxic activity [97–99]. Indeed, most studies haveshown that TAM exert several pro-tumor functions [19,100, 101]. TAM derive from monocytic precursors circu-lating in blood and are recruited to tumor site by severalmolecules, such as the chemokines CCL2 and CCL5,

vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), TGF-β andcolony stimulating factors (GM-CSF and M-CSF) [39, 96,102–104]. Recruited monocytes differentiate into maturemacrophages within the tumor-microenvironment. Thecapability to express distinct functional programmes inresponse to different micro-environmental signals is atypical biological feature of macrophages [105–107].Factors such as M-CSF, PGE2, TGF-β, IL-6 and IL-10have the potential to modulate and polarize monocytesmainly into M2 macrophages (Fig. 2). Along a currentconcept, M2-polarized myeloid cells promote tissueremodelling and angiogenesis and secrete several growthfactors [99, 108].

In the tumor context, TAM resemble M2-polarizedmacrophages and have been shown to influence fundamen-tal aspects of tumor biology [99]. Among the welldocumented pro-tumor functions of TAM is the productionof a large array of growth factors for tumor cells and for thenascent blood vessels, which are essential for tumorproliferation and the neo-angiogenesis switch. Theseinclude for instance epidermal growth factors (EGF),TGF-β, VEGF. Further, TAM produce several proteolyticenzymes such as MMPs and cathepsins that incessantlydegrade ECM proteins, thus favouring tumor expansion,motility and invasion [95, 97, 109–112]. The role of TAMin promoting tumor cell invasion and vessel intravasationhas been documented by imaging techniques [113]. Inaddition, myeloid cells have been shown to play a key rolein the construction of a pro-metastatic niche by favouringthe new environment for seeding and growth of tumor cells[114, 115]. Another important pro-tumor function of TAMis repression of adaptive immune responses, which ulti-mately have an important impact on disease outcome [116].Other myeloid cells potently contributing to immunesuppression are myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC).These heterogeneous myeloid cells are characterized by thephenotype CD11b+Gr1+ which includes CD11b+F4/80+

(likely macrophages) and CD11b+F4/80− cells. MDSC areincreased in tumor tissues and in the spleen of tumor-bearing mice and potently suppress the proliferation andcytotoxic activity of T cells via the production of reactiveoxygen species (ROS) and NO [117–119]. In the last years,MDSC are raising interest, since several studies havereported their presence in tumors and in inflammatorydiseases. Recently, MDSCs have been involved in theprogression of dysplasia in a mouse model of intestinalneoplasia [120].

In line with the above evidence, high density of TAMhas been significantly associated with poor prognosis in themajority of tumors [17, 97, 101, 121]. For instance, animportant study in Hodgkin lymphoma patients reportedthat a high CD68 macrophage count is strongly correlatedwith resistance to treatment and decreased survival [122].

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TAM in Colorectal Cancer

In spite of an abundant literature on the many pro-tumorfunctions of TAM in several tumor types, their role incolorectal cancer is controversial (Fig. 3). Some studiesindicated that macrophages in CRC appear to have anti-tumor activity and are associated with improved disease-free survival [123, 124]. On the contrary, in other studiesthere is evidence that a massive macrophage infiltration iscorrelated with tumor progression, growth and diseaseaggressiveness.

TAM Pro-tumoral Activity in CRCs

TAM of colorectal cancer have been shown to secreteVEGF, thereby promoting angiogenesis and metastasis[125]. In an in vitro study, cytokines produced by TAM(IL-1, IL6, TNF-α) induced NFκB activation in coloncancer cells and production of VEGF [126]. Monotherapywith the anti-VEGF antibody bevacizumab was shown toinduce neuropilin 1 (NRP1) expression in macrophages.Although the function of NRP1 in TAM is currentlyunclear, this molecule is considered an M2 marker [127].

A recent study showed that TAM promote removal ofapoptotic colon cancer cells that express the sulfoglycoli-pids SM4s. During the process, the phenotype of TAM ismodified, with an increased expression of TGFβ and IL-6,putatively contributing to further activate the angiogenicprocess [128]. As discussed above, IL-6 has a crucial rolein colon tumorigenesis and TAM are the major producers ofthis cytokines. In addition, TAM-derived IL-6 inducesSTAT3-mediated IL-10 production in tumor cells, whichhas been correlated with poor prognosis [129]. Moreover,TGF-β, which is produced by both tumor cells andmacrophages, plays a key role in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), an event usually associatedwith tumor progression and metastasis [130, 131]. Coloncancer cells can also stimulate the production by macro-phages of MMP2 and MMP9, promoting cell invasion bydisrupting extra-cellular matrix and cleaving cell-adhesionmolecules such as E-cadherin [132–134].

Another indication of the putative pro-tumoral action ofTAM in CRC has been provided by Kaler et al. [135]: thisstudy reported that TAM, through IL-1β, promote Wntsignalling in colon cancer cells, supporting tumor growth.The role of Wnt-β-catenin signalling in colorectal cancer

Fig. 2 M2-macrophage polarization in the tumor microenvironment.Blood monocytes recruited by chemoattractants secreted by tumorcells (CCL2, CCL5, VEGF, M-CSF) differentiate in the tumormicroenvironment. Tumor-derived IL-6, IL-10, TGF-β and PGE2

promote the polarization into M2-like macrophages with pro-tumorfunctions. By producing growth factors (e.g. EGF, FGF, VEGF, IL-6)

and matrix-degrading enzymes (MMPs), TAM favour the neo-angiogenesis switch, tumor cell proliferation and invasion ofsurrounding tissues. By secreting chemokines (e.g CCL17, CCL18and CCL22) TAM recruit naïve and Th2 lymphocytes, ineffective inmounting a protective anti-tumor immune response

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progression has been extensively demonstrated [136, 137].Pancione et al. [138] reported that reduction or loss of β-catenin and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ(PPAR-γ) expression was strongly correlated with massiveTAM infiltration, increased COX-2 and tumor aggressive-ness. Bollrath et al. also suggested that STAT3 mayenhance nuclear localization of β-catenin, and it would beof interest to further investigate the crosstalk between theWnt/β-catenin and the IL-6/gp130/STAT3 pathway [81].

TAM Anti-tumoral Activity in CRCs

Other studies have correlated the presence of infiltratingmacrophages with good prognosis in colorectal cancerpatients. Considering the effect of TAM in colon cancer,their localization appears of primary importance (Fig. 3).Ohtani et al. demonstrated that the expression of co-

stimulatory molecules (CD80 and CD86) and ICAM-1were increased in peritumoral macrophages while TAMfrom cancer stroma had significantly reduced expression[139]. Sugita et al. [140] supported this concept, showingthat macrophages along the tumor margin were able toinduce apotosis in cancer cells by a Fas ligand-dependentmanner. The number of macrophages correlated with thenumber of apoptotic cancer cells; further, the degree ofcancer cell apoptosis was inversely correlated with hema-togenous metastasis, underlining the protective role ofTAM. This anti-tumor effect of TAM was confirmed byother studies correlating macrophages infiltration andprognosis. Khorana et al. [141] analysed the presence ofVEGF-expressing TAM, finding a significant associationwith favourable outcome in a multivariate analysis. Funadaet al. [142] demonstrated that high levels of macrophageinfiltration at the invasive margin correlated with an

Fig. 3 TAM-regulate immune network in colorectal cancer. The roleof TAM in colorectal cancer is controversial as both anti-tumor andpro-tumor effects have been reported. TAM accumulation at the tumormargin has been most frequently associated with longer patientsurvival. Although not formally demonstrated, TAM at invasivemargin are likely to be less susceptible to the suppressive tumormicroenvironment and may produce cytotoxic molecules (ROS, NO

and TNF-α). TAM secrete key factors that affect lymphocytedifferentiation into Th17 cells (IL-23, IL-6, IL-1β, TGF-β) or Treg(TGF-β, IL-10). While Treg inhibit anti-tumor adaptive immuneresponses, they may also have beneficial effects by decreasing theproduction of inflammatory cytokines. The role of Th17 cells in CRCand more in general in human tumors is still an open issue

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increased overall survival rate. Patients with low levels ofmacrophages infiltration had more advanced disease, higherrate of vascular invasion and lymph node metastasis.

More recently, Forssell et al. [123] demonstrated that adense macrophage infiltration at the tumor front positivelyinfluenced prognosis in colon cancer and that directmacrophage-to-tumor cell contact was required to manifestthe anti-tumorigenic activity. In agreement with these data,Zhou et al. [143] showed that high density of TAM at theinvasive front was associated with lower occurrence ofhepatic metastasis and improved prognosis of colorectalcancer patients.

In contrast with the studies mentioned above, Bailey etal. [144] found that, counting macrophages not only at thetumor margin but in all areas within the tumor, includingnecrotic areas, macrophage accumulation was not a goodprognostic indicator. Macrophage counts significantlyincreases in malignant tissues of all stages compared withnormal tissues and there is a trend for greater accumulationwith advancing stage.

Overall, these data highlight a controversial role ofmacrophages in the progression of colorectal cancer, andsuggest that the anti-tumor or pro-tumor activity of TAMmay depend on their localization within cancer tissue.Peritumoral macrophages are likely to have less exposureto tumor-derived cytokines and are located in less hypoxicarea: thereby they may differentiate into a tumoricidal ratherthan pro-tumoral phenotype. The mechanism behind apotential anti-tumor effect of TAM is not clarified and couldpotentially be due to the presence of a significant number ofM1-polarized macrophages, able to mediate killing of tumorcells. In addition, it is reasonable to figure out that themacrophage balance may have different effects at differentstages of tumor progression [145]. At early stages, the innateresponse, including macrophages, may be effective in theelimination of tumor cells and in the activation of adaptiveimmunity; at advanced stages, when tumor cell have escapedimmuno-editing and adaptive immunity is ablated [146],newly recruited macrophages are likely to shift toward M2-polarized cells with pro-tumor function.

TAM and Modulation of Immune Responses

Activation of innate immunity is indispensable for thestimulation and orientation of adaptive immune responses,and macropages are key players in this crosstalk. In thetumor context, TAM and related myeloid cells have beenmainly characterized as inhibitors of T-cell activation, viasecretion of different suppressive mediators, such as IL-10,TGF-β and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) [147].

In the last years, several studies focused on theinteraction between macrophages and two CD4+ T cellssubsets in CRCs: Th17 and regulatory T cells (Treg).

IL-23 and Th17

TAM produce IL-23, althought at lower levels than M1-macrophages and DC. IL-23 is a crucial cytokine for thepolarization of Th17 lymphocytes, in concert with IL-1β,IL-6 and TGF-β [148–153]. Earlier studies identified IL-23as anti-tumor cytokine: the inoculation of murine colorectalcancer cell lines transfected with IL-23 resulted in reducedtumor growth [154]. More recently, Langowski and col-leagues [155] instead demonstrated that IL-23 expression isstrongly increased in different types of cancer, includingcolon adenocarcinoma; IL-23 promoted tumor incidence andgrowth by stimulating inflammatory responses, up-regulationof MMP9, increased angiogenesis and reduced CD8 T-cellinfiltration. In support of the hypothesis that IL23 maypromote tumor development, human colorectal cancerexpressed higher IL-23 mRNA levels compared to thecorresponding cancer-free mucosa [156].

As mentioned above, IL-23 plays a pivotal role in thedevelopment and survival of Th17 cells. Th17 lymphocytesproduce IL-17 and related cytokines (e.g. IL-21 and IL-22),which are important mediators to maintain mucosalhomeostasis [157]. The role of Th17 cells in tumorpathogenesis is still not well defined. In a subcutaneousmodel of colon cancer, tumor growth and lung metastasiswere enhanced in IL-17-deficient mice and accompanied byreduced IFNγ+ NK cells and IFNγ+ tumor-specific T cells,detected in tumor-draining lymph nodes. These resultssuggest that IL-17 and/or Th17 cells may promoteprotective tumor immunity [158]. In a different set of invitro experiments, Lee et al. [159] showed that IL-17inhibited the expression of Th1-recruiting chemokines(CXCL10, CXCL11 and CCL5) in a colon cancer cell lineand simultaneously increased the expression of CCL20, achemokine acting on Th17 cells. These latter results suggestthat expression of IL-17 at tumor sites may amplify therecruitment of Th17 cells and inhibit or delay therecruitment of Th1 effector cells.

TAM and Regulatory T Cells (Treg)

Th17 cells are reciprocally related to Treg cells. The earlydifferentiation of Treg and Th17 cells from naïve CD4+ Tcells shares a requirement for TGF-β, indicating substantialplasticity in the development of these lymphocyte subsets[160, 161]. TAM are a major source of TGF-β, as well ascancer cells, and can directly induce Treg by cell-cellinteraction via membrane-bound TGF-β [162]. Treg cansuppress the cytotoxicity of CD8+ anti-tumor effectors and,indeed, are considered to importantly contribute to tumorimmune evasion [163]. Different studies have analyzed therole of Treg in colorectal cancer, highlighting—once more—contrasting results.

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Loddenkemper et al. [164] investigated infiltrating Tregin human CRC and found significantly higher numbers intumor tissues compared to normal mucosa. However, noassociation was found between Treg density and patientsurvival. In contrast, Salama et colleagues [165] demon-strated that Treg were associated with better survival andshowed even stronger prognostic significance than tumorinfiltrating CD8+ and CD45RO+ T cells. As a confirmationof their potential protective effect, adoptive transfer of Treginto APCmin mice resulted in prevention of intestinaladenoma, as well as regression of some established tumors[166]. Notably, the French group that reported on theprotective role of memory CD8+ lymphocytes in CRC [93]also looked at FoxP3+ cells and found no association withpatient survival.

Very recently, a new regulatory T cell populationcharacterized by the expression of CD8+ CD25+ andFoxP3+ (T8reg) was identified in blood and tissues ofCRC patients [167]. Interestingly, T8reg cells were signif-icantly elevated and were able to suppress the proliferationand cytokine production of conventional CD4+CD25− Tcells ex vivo. T8reg numbers correlated with levels of IL-6and TGF-β, as well as with tumor stage and micro-invasivestatus [167].

Taken together, despite evidence that Treg inhibitadaptive immunity and promote tumor progression inseveral neoplasia [168], distinct results are found in CRC.A possible explanation of these opposite effects is thatTreg, by contrasting the production of inflammatorycytokines, may limit inflammation-dependent cancers, asare most CRC. On the other hand, in spontaneous andinflammation-independent cancers the predominant effectsof tumor-induced Treg may result in suppression ofprotective adaptive immunity.


The connection between inflammation and cancer is nowgenerally accepted, and colon cancer represents a paradigmof this connection, as especially in this tumor type there isclear evidence that persistent inflammation is linked tohigher cancer risk and tumor development. In this review,we have extensively discussed the pivotal role that theinflammatory microenvironment plays in disease progres-sion. Although genetic and epigenetic alterations drive thekey initial transformation of normal enterocytes, cells of theinnate immunity—and macrophages in particular—arestrongly involved in several processes that eventually leadto tumor development, such as enhanced cancer cellsurvival and proliferation, neo-angiogenesis, matrix remod-eling, as well as tumor cell invasion and distant metastasis.Cytokines, chemokines and growth factors produced by

both transformed epithelial cells and TAM act on varioustypes of pro-inflammatory leukocytes, on endothelial cellsand fibroblasts, to establish a tumor promoting inflamma-tory microenvironment. With this evidence, it is clear thatanti-inflammatory treatments may be beneficial both fortumor prevention and in therapeutic settings. Over the pastdecade, a number of compounds or antibodies inhibitinginflammatory mediators have been developed. Initialclinical trials have been performed in human chronicdiseases (e.g. TNF in rheumatoid arthritis). Now that therelevance of inflammation in neoplasia is recognized,biological drugs are being and will be tested in oncologicalpatients. Prolonged usage of non-steoidal anti-inflammatorydrugs, and in particular the new generation of anti-COX2compounds, has already clearly demonstrated a protectiveeffect on the risk of developing colon cancer [22]. Althoughlimited by considerable toxicity, these compounds havefulfilled the role to serve as proof of concept that reducinginflammation is indeed beneficial for cancer prevention.Given the central role of IL-6 in colorectal cancer,monoclonal antibodies directed to IL-6 or its receptor, orinhibitors of IL-6 signaling should be considered forclinical efficacy.

Leukocyte infiltration is a key point in the process ofcolorectal carcinogenesis. There is strong evidence thathigh T-cell infiltration is a favourable prognostic element incolon cancer. On the other hand, the role of myeloid cells isquite controversial. Unlike what happens in most solidmalignancies, where TAM usually have a pro-tumor pheno-type, TAM from CRC where reported to be associated eitherwith a more favourable prognosis or with disease progres-sion and metastasis. The different localization of TAMwithin the tumor (invasive margin vs tumor stroma) andconsequent influence of the tumor microenvironment may inpart explain these different effects. Therapies targeting TAM(e.g anti-CCL2 antibodies) are under way, but their use incolorectal cancer must wait a more precise definition of thefunctional role of these myeloid cells.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by AssociazioneItaliana Ricerca Cancro (AIRC) Italy to PA and AM; grants from theEuropean Community FP6 Project ATTACK-018914; Ministry ofHealth and Istituto Superiore Sanità Italy (Project oncology 2006 andAlleanza Contro il Cancro).

Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflictof interest.


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