tuesday, september 17, 2019 w.b. doyle board room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 roofing...

Board of Education Saskatoon School Division No. 13 Meeting of the Saskatoon Board of Education TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – 21 st Street East - 7:00 p.m. Please Note: All public Board meetings are audio recorded AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Playing of O Canada 4. Agenda 4.1. Adoption of Agenda Proposed Board Motion: Move approval of the agenda. 4.2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest 5. Celebrating Excellence: Saskatoon Public Schools’ Early Registration Day 6. Consent Items The Chair will ask for a motion to receive the items, which are starred (), and to approve all recommendations contained therein. Prior to approving the motion, any trustee may request a star(s) be removed. Proposed Board Motion: That the following consent agenda items be approved as presented. 7. Reports from Administrative Staff 7.1. School Opening Update Proposed Board Motion: That the Board receive the School Opening Update for information. 7.2. Academic Excellence Update: Literacy Proposed Board Motion: That the Board receive the Academic Excellence Update: Literacy for information. 7.3. Facilities for Learning Update Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive the Facilities for Learning Update for information. 7.4. Report of Tenders Approved over $150,000 During Summer 2019 Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive the Report of Tenders Approved over $150,000 During Summer 2019 for information.

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Page 1: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including

Board of Education Saskatoon School Division No. 13

Meeting of the Saskatoon Board of Education


W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – 21st Street East - 7:00 p.m.

Please Note: All public Board meetings are audio recorded

AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Playing of O Canada

4. Agenda

4.1. Adoption of Agenda Proposed Board Motion: Move approval of the agenda.

4.2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest 5. Celebrating Excellence: Saskatoon Public Schools’ Early Registration Day

6. Consent Items

The Chair will ask for a motion to receive the items, which are starred (), and to approve all recommendations contained therein. Prior to approving the motion, any trustee may request a star(s) be removed. Proposed Board Motion: That the following consent agenda items be approved as presented.

7. Reports from Administrative Staff

7.1. School Opening Update Proposed Board Motion: That the Board receive the School Opening Update for

information. 7.2. Academic Excellence Update: Literacy Proposed Board Motion: That the Board receive the Academic Excellence Update:

Literacy for information. 7.3. Facilities for Learning Update

Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive the Facilities for Learning Update for information.

7.4. Report of Tenders Approved over $150,000 During Summer 2019 Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive the

Report of Tenders Approved over $150,000 During Summer 2019 for information.

Page 2: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including

7.5. Financial Results for the Period September 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019 Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive

the financial results for the period September 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019 for information.

8. Minutes

8.1. Approval of Minutes – June 18, 2019 and September 3, 2019 Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board approve the minutes of the Committee of the Whole and Regular Board meetings held June 18, 2019 and the Special Board meeting held September 3, 2019.

9. Delegation

10. Business Arising from the Minutes

11. Unfinished Business

11.1. Items Arising from the Committee of the Whole 12. Correspondence (a-b) Individual Items 13. Reports of Committees and Trustees

14. New Business

14.1. Premier’s Board of Education Award for Innovation and Excellence in Education Proposed Board Motion: That the Board nominate Saskatoon Industry Education Council for the Premier’s Board of Education Award for Innovation and Excellence in Education.

14.2. Secure Destruction of Records Proposed Board Motion: That the Board approve the secure destruction of one box

of paper records of contractual agreements, 10 boxes of employee records, and 35 boxes of finance files that are eligible for destruction as per SSBA Records Retention and Disposal Guide (Dec 2012).

15. Comments/Concerns/Questions from the Public

(Maximum 5 minutes per speaker; 20 minutes total; must be related to a specific agenda item)

16. Notices of Motion

17. Questions by Trustees

18. Adjournment Proposed Board Motion: That the Board Adjourn to the call of the Chair or the Board meeting of Tuesday, October 8, 2019.

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FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [ ] Decision [ ] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [] Other: Celebrating Excellence

BACKGROUND Academic excellence, character, engagement, and well-being of students are at the heart of Saskatoon Public Schools’ five-year strategic plan. The plan highlights our vision of each student being known, valued, and believed in. It emphasizes Saskatoon Public Schools' commitment to creating learning experiences that inspire all students to reach their potential and the importance of relationships, equity and accountability. The idea of an early registration day stemmed from opening new schools in Evergreen and Rosewood. Last year on the Thursday before Labour Day a trial run of an early registration day took place at Sylvia Fedoruk and Collette Bourgonje schools to welcome all new families. CURRENT STATUS Saskatoon Public Schools’ early registration day on August 29, 2019 was a resounding success. New families and students were able to see the school, ask questions, and meet some of the staff in a calm, inclusive, and informative way. New families were offered individual tours and were given the time and attention to make them feel like they were already a part of the school’s family. This was one way that schools could begin to fulfill the commitment to fostering relationships and welcoming families to a new school in a joyful way. Presenting on their experience with the early registration day will be four members of the Sylvia Fedoruk school community: Mrs. Miranda Low, Principal; • Sandra Weedmark, Educational Assistant; Claire Staines, Parent; and a grade 5 student. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Shane Skjerven, Deputy Director of Education September 11, 2019 None Ms. Charlene Scrimshaw, Superintendent of Education


Page 4: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including


TOPIC: SCHOOL OPENING UPDATE FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [] Decision [] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND CURRENT STATUS Saskatoon Public Schools is celebrating the start of another school year. Division staff members were busy preparing for the return of students and families when classes resumed September 3, 2019. Some of the highlights of the preparation include: • Our Saskatoon Public Schools family made up of more than 2,500 gathered with colleagues at their

schools and offices to watch our School Opening video. For the third year, this medium was used for delivering our school opening message, followed by opportunities for discussion and collaboration. This year’s video introduced the new strategic plan and featured footage and pictures from several our schools, as well as students delivering our vision. As always, the video included a slideshow from the division’s Day in the Life project. Both videos are available for viewing on the division’s YouTube channel.

• With a five-day start up to the school year, school staff were busy with professional learning opportunities and preparing for students. The annual STA convention was also held during the last week of August, with many of our staff not only in attendance but also leading presentations.

• New Teacher Orientation was held in August with Saskatoon Public Schools hosting 32 teachers for the one-day event.

• For the first time, a one-day convention/celebration was held for the division’s educational assistants on August 27. The focus was on their valuable work and the day’s activities provided professional development and peer support.

• On August 29, our elementary schools hosted the first Early Registration Day for families new to schools who had yet to register. The day offered an opportunity to tour the school, ask questions and register in a calm environment. Feedback from both staff members and families indicate the day was beneficial for all and reduced the lineups and congestion on the first day of school.

• Our facilities staff worked diligently over the summer to prepare schools for our growing number of students. Some of the initiatives included:

a. Two new portable classrooms installed at Willowgrove School; b. Extensive roofing replacements at various schools; c. Creation of an additional classroom at John Dolan School to increase capacity; d. Boiler replacements at Marion Graham Collegiate and Royal West Campus; and,


Page 5: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including

e. Painting Plus program at 22 elementary schools, which included large amounts of flooring

replacement and painting. • The Newcomer Student Centre, located at Central Office, has assessed more than 380 students since it

opened this August for the new school year. • With the continued growth of French Immersion, a new K-8 French Immersion program was launched at

École Silverspring School and the program at École Dundonald School expanded to grade 8.

PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Barry MacDougall, Director of Education September 17, 2019 None RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion: That the Board receive the School Opening Update for information.

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TOPIC: ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE UPDATE: LITERACY FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [] Decision [] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND In the 2018-19 school year, instructional practices for reading in Saskatoon Public Schools were expanded to include emphasis on five key components, known as the Five Pillars of Reading. This approach includes both word recognition skills and language comprehension strategies that strong readers demonstrate. Implementation of these key components was supported through professional learning processes starting in fall 2018. New assessment tools that align with the renewed instructional approaches were developed and tested for division-wide use. CURRENT STATUS The literacy results from 2018-19 are our first opportunity to gauge the emerging impact of the renewed approach to literacy instruction in Saskatoon Public Schools. In particular, results from the new assessment tools that were piloted give us an early indication of the impact that we expect over the long term. Members of the staff development team will share results from various literacy assessments. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Shane Skjerven, Deputy Director of Education September 10, 2019 None Mr. Dave Derksen, Superintendent of Education RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion: That the Board receive the Academic Excellence Update: Literacy.


Page 7: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including


TOPIC: FACILITIES FOR LEARNING UPDATE FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [] Decision [] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND The Board receives a facilities for learning update periodically for its information and reference. CURRENT STATUS Attached please find a copy of the updated facilities 2018 – 2019 work plan with schools listed alphabetically, as well as a more detailed update on other significant projects. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Stan Laba, Superintendent of Facilities September 10, 2019 - Facilities for

Learning Update - Work Plan RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive the Facilities for Learning Update as information.


Page 8: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including


1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects: Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including École Alvin Buckwold, Dundonald, Confederation Park, École Forest Grove, Holliston, John Dolan, Lester B. Pearson, Prince Philip and Wildwood schools, and Aden Bowman and Nutana Collegiate is well underway. There are no time or budget related issues to report at this time.

2. Phase II Painting Plus Program:

Painting Plus Projects at 22 existing schools including Brunskill, Buena Vista, City Park, École Dundonald, École Forest Grove, Greystone Heights, Hugh Cairns, James Alexander, John Lake, Lakeridge, École Lakeview, Lawson Heights, Mayfair, Montgomery, North Park Wilson, Queen Elizabeth, École Silverspring, Silverwood Heights, Sutherland, École Victoria, Wildwood and W.P. Bate schools are largely completed, with only minor items remaining at a few schools. There are no time or budget related issues to report at this time.

3. New Portable Classrooms for Willowgrove, École Alvin Buckwold and Ernest Lindner Schools:

New portable classrooms, two for Willowgrove and one for Ernest Lindner schools are in place and occupied by staff and students. The new portable classroom recently approved by the Ministry of Education for École Alvin Buckwold School is being tendered. A completion/ occupancy date is to be confirmed for early 2020.

4. Partial Window Replacement at Three Schools:

Partial window replacements at Caroline Robins, Howard Coad and Hugh Cairns Schools are largely completed, with the additional work at Hugh Cairns well underway. There are no time or budget related issues to report at this time.

5. New Senior Playground at Ernest Lindner School:

The new senior playground at Ernest Lindner School is currently being installed. It is expected to be complete by the end of September 2019. There are no time or budget related issues to report at this time.

6. Site Upgrades at Two Elementary Schools:

Localized site improvements to alleviate chronic overland flooding issues at École College Park and Wildwood Schools are largely complete. There are no time or budget related issues to report at this time.

7. Small Gymnasium Upgrading at Mount Royal Collegiate: Flooring and lighting replacement work in the small gymnasium at Mount Royal Collegiate is largely complete. The gymnasium is available for use by staff and students. There are no time or budget related issues to report at this time.

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8. New Electrical Service for Brevoort Park School:

The main electrical service at Brevoort Park School has been replaced, with very minor work items left for completion. The new service has been operating effectively since late August 2019. There are no time or budget related issues to report at this time.

9. Multi-purpose Sportsfield Upgrade at Aden Bowman Collegiate:

The City of Saskatoon is undertaking a major upgrade to the multi-purpose Sportsfield at Aden Bowman Collegiate. Work began in mid-summer, and is expected to continue well into the fall of 2019. There are no issues to report at this time.

10. Renovations to Provide Additional Montessori Classroom Space at City Park School:

Renovations regarding this priority work was undertaken during the summer. The classroom was ready for occupancy late August 2019. There are no issues to report at this time.

11. Renovations/Retrofitting to provide Two Additional Classrooms at Ernest Lindner School:

Renovations/retrofitting for this priority work was undertaken during the summer. It includes the provision of temporary partitions, shelving and lockers to create self-contained classrooms in two existing break-out/flex spaces at the school. The two classrooms were ready for occupancy late August 2019. There are no issues to report at this time.

12. Renovations to Provide Additional Classroom Space at Dr. John G. Egnatoff, École Alvin:

Buckwold, John Dolan, and North Park Wilson Schools Renovations to provide additional classroom spaces at Dr. John G. Egnatoff, École Alvin Buckwold, John Dolan, and North Park Wilson Schools were undertaken during the summer. All of the spaces were ready for occupancy in late August 2019. There are no issues to report at this time.

13. Infrastructure Improvements at Various Schools:

Work continues on providing a variety of infrastructure improvements and upgrades to existing schools. Refer to the facilities work plan provided as part of this board file.

14. Flooring, Painting and Miscellaneous Upgrades at Various Schools:

Work continues on providing flooring, painting and miscellaneous upgrades at various schools. Refer to the facilities work plan provided as part of this board file.

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Facility Description Status Notes

Aden Bowman Castle theatre lighting upgrade Completed

Aden Bowman Build wall to separate classroom from corridor Deferred

Aden Bowman Remove folding wood dividers in main gym Deferred

Aden Bowman Exterior façade upgrades Deferred

Aden Bowman Roof replacement section #10 Construction completed

Aden Bowman Replace main 60 ton roof top unit Completed

Aden Bowman Replace castle 40 ton roof top unit Completed

Administration Ave I Site improvements  Completed

Administration Ave I Create parking lot/usable space Deferred

Administration Central Office Print centre buzzer Completed

Administration Central Office Create wall to IS storage Completed

Administration Central Office Create hallway to Indigenous Learning Centre Deferred

Administration Central Office Infill manhole in back alley Deferred

Administration Central Office Locking Administrative Council offices Completed

Alvin Buckwold One portable addition In progress

Alvin Buckwold Millwork repairs Completed

Alvin Buckwold Site remediation Completed

Alvin Buckwold Enrolment increase renovation Completed

Alvin Buckwold Front siding to match new side on one wing previously completed  Cancelled 1

Alvin Buckwold Roof replacement section #13 In progress

Bedford Road Library flooring replacement Deferred

Bedford Road Commons room floor repair Construction completed

Brevoort Park Electrical replacement  Construction completed

Brightwater Structural inspection of bridge Cancelled 2

Brownell Upgrades to FLS personal care spaces In progress

Brunskill Playground (committee portion) Construction completed

Brunskill Playground (facilities contribution) Completed

Brunskill Repairs to gutter on roof section #4 Completed

Brunskill Relocate Pre K with access to personal care space Cancelled 3

Brunskill Stage front Deferred

Brunskill Large gym painting Deferred

Brunskill Multipurpose painting Deferred

Brunskill Stage flooring Deferred

Brunskill Painting Plus Program Construction completed

Brunskill Purchase of pots and plants for front entrance upgrade Completed

Brunskill Roof replacement section #7A and 14 Completed

Brunskill Roof replacement section #9, 10 & 11 Completed

Buena Vista Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Caroline Robins Key systems upgrade Completed

Caroline Robins Structure investigation of octagon area Deferred

Caroline Robins Window replacement for 20 units of the school Construction completed

Caswell Stage front, gym painting and stage drawers Cancelled 4

Caswell Replace windows in Prekindergarten classrooms Deferred

Caswell Remove powerline and sensor/lights on exterior over main doors Deferred

Caswell Electrical replacement  Deferred

Caswell Replace lift Deferred

Caswell Structure repair of beam Completed

Caswell Painting Plus Program: Painting, flooring and lighting Completed

Centennial Portable restructure  Completed

Centennial Exterior portable painting Deferred

Chief Whitecap Playground (facilities contribution) Completed

Chief Whitecap Playground (committee portion) Approved

City Park Painting Plus Program and classroom upgrade Construction completed

City Park MMS daycare upgrades  Completed

City Park Tarmac (committee portion) Construction completed

City Park Sidewalk repair Cancelled 5

City Park Playground/Tarmac (facilities portion) Completed


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Page 11: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including

Facility Description Status Notes

College Park Stage flooring Construction completed

College Park Structural Repair Completed

College Park Repaint gym lines Deferred

College Park Exterior grading to prevent flooding Construction completed

Confederation Park Roof replacement section #1 and 2 In progress

Confederation Park 50 ton DX original roof top unit  Completed

Confederation Park Front door replacement Completed

Dr. John G. Egnatoff Replace roof section #1A, 1B, 1C, 8 & 14 Completed

Dr. John G. Egnatoff Investigate portable structure Deferred

Dr. John G. Egnatoff Roof repair   Completed

Dr. John G. Egnatoff Enrolment increase renovation Completed

Dundonald Insurance upgrade flooring Completed

Dundonald Painting Plus Program  In progress

Dundonald Insurance upgrade to exterior sign In progress

Dundonald Repairs to masonry, flashing and windows Deferred

Dundonald Repair rubber flooring in 1106 gym Deferred

Dundonald Roofing replacement section #17 and 14 In progress

Ernest Lindner Sr. Playground (committee portion) In progress

Ernest Lindner Temporary fence Completed

Ernest Lindner Enrolment growth upgrades In progress

Evan Hardy Roof replacement section #3 & 14 Construction completed

Evan Hardy Structural repairs  Completed

Evan Hardy Masonry repair Deferred

Evan Hardy Install an accessible push button Completed

Evan Hardy Masonry repair Completed

Evan Hardy Asphalt repair Completed

Evan Hardy One new boiler Deferred

Evan Hardy Hallway and locker painting Deferred

Evan Hardy Install barriers to keep cars off field Deferred

Evan Hardy OH&S improvements in the international office Completed

Evan Hardy Exterior grading Completed

Fairhaven Mechanical replacement on roof section #3 Deferred

Forest Grove Roof replacement section #3A, 3B, 3C & 3D In progress

Forest Grove Relocate two portables (from Lakeridge) Construction completed

Forest Grove Potential portable project consulting Completed

Forest Grove Senior boot room new entrance doors Completed

Forest Grove Moisture remediation In progress

Forest Grove Enrolment review Deferred

Forest Grove Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Forest Grove Front entrance upgrade Completed

Greystone Heights Roof replacement section #2 Completed

Greystone Heights Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Holliston Roof replacement section #5 Construction completed

Holliston Gym line painting Deferred

Holliston Paint exterior window trim Completed

Holliston Front entrance painting Completed

Holliston Painting Plus Program: Flooring and painting Completed

Howard Coad Window replacement phase 1 Construction completed

Howard Coad Portable investigation Completed

Howard Coad Exterior painting   Deferred

Howard Coad Classroom painting Deferred

Howard Coad Gym painting Denied

Hugh Cairns Window replacement phase 1 In progress

Hugh Cairns Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Hugh Cairns Upgrades to FLS personal care spaces Deferred

James L. Alexander Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

John Dolan Roof replacement section #5 & 12A In progress

John Dolan Playground (committee portion) Construction completed

John Dolan Gym flooring Deferred

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Page 12: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including

Facility Description Status Notes

John Dolan Gym painting Deferred

John Dolan New boilers Deferred

John Dolan Lock hardware upgrade Deferred

John Dolan Sr. Autism support program upgrades Deferred

John Dolan Infrastructure updates Deferred

John Dolan Classroom renovation 1208 Construction completed

John Dolan Painting Plus: Flooring, painting and ceiling tiles Completed

John Lake Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

King George Replace flooring in nutrition room Deferred

King George Painting Plus Program: Flooring, painting and miscellaneous items Completed

Lakeridge Interior painting Deferred

Lakeridge Roofing North portable hallway and portables Deferred

Lakeridge Replace three roof top units Deferred

Lakeridge Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Lakeview Painting Plus Program  Construction completed


Front entrance push button and additional circuits from boiler 

room In progress

Lawson Heights Painting Plus Program  In progress

Lawson Heights Asphalt repair Cancelled 6

Lawson Heights Ceiling tiles Deferred

Lawson Heights Library flooring Deferred

Lawson Heights Remove canopy from front entrance Deferred

Lester B. Pearson Roof replacement section #11 Construction completed

Lester B. Pearson Masonry repair Completed

Lester B. Pearson Stage front Deferred

Lester B. Pearson Large and small gym flooring Deferred

Lester B. Pearson Replace 70 ton DX original roof top unit Deferred

Marion Graham Site improvements  Completed

Marion Graham Library lighting upgrade to LED  Deferred

Marion Graham Shower in FLS washroom Deferred

Marion Graham Roof replacement section #7 Deferred

Marion Graham New boilers Completed

Mayfair Painting Plus Program  In progress

Mayfair 100th Anniversary Completed

Mayfair New programming In progress

Montgomery Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Montgomery Exterior painting of portable 48 Deferred

Montgomery Lockers and counters painted in 1304 Deferred

Montgomery Expansion of staff parking lot Completed

Mount Royal Small gym upgrade  In progress

Mount Royal Power drop for Pow wow Completed

Mount Royal Front door replacement Deferred

Mount Royal Cafeteria floor requires replacement Deferred

North Park Wilson Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

North Park Wilson Enrolment increase renovation Completed

North Park Wilson Small gym improvements  Deferred

Nutana Roofing Replacement Section #1D Completed

Pleasant Hill Gym flooring and 1200  and 1113 vestibules and S2‐1 stair Cancelled 7

Pleasant Hill Classroom flooring  Cancelled 8

Pleasant Hill Second floor windows in school Deferred

Pleasant Hill New security components installed Completed

Pleasant Hill Roof replacement section #8 Completed

Prince Philip Roof replacement section #7 & 8 In progress

Prince Philip Key systems upgrade Completed

Prince Philip New boilers Deferred

Prince Philip Stage front Deferred

Prince Philip ASP enclosed hallway  Deferred

Prince Philip Exterior asbestos panels to be removed Completed

Prince Philip Painting Plus Program: Flooring and painting Completed

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Page 13: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including

Facility Description Status Notes

Princess Alexandra Painting Plus Program: Exterior site upgrades Completed

Princess Alexandra Gym floor Cancelled 9

Princess Alexandra Gym painting Deferred

Princess Alexandra Stage front drawers Deferred

Princess Alexandra Lock hardware upgrade Deferred

Queen Elizabeth Painting Plus Program  In progress

Queen Elizabeth Gym painting Completed

Queen Elizabeth Gym flooring Deferred

Queen Elizabeth Stage fronts Deferred

Queen Elizabeth Clips on panels around entrance rusting out Deferred

River Heights Glulam repairs Completed

River Heights Roof replacement section # 11 Completed

Roland Michener Quiet room upgrades Deferred

Roland Michener Stage front Deferred

Roland Michener Large and small gym painting Deferred

Roland Michener Large and small gym flooring Deferred

Roland Michener Repointing on roof Deferred

Roland Michener Replace 70 ton DX main roof top unit Deferred

Royal West Epoxy paint coat added to floor in room 1105 Deferred

Royal West Gym flooring Deferred

Royal West Stage front Deferred

Royal West Boiler replacement Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Key Fobs  In progress

Saskatoon Public Schools Painting plus consulting fees Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools

Annual Ministry asbestos registry updating from 2017/2018 

projects Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools P3 consulting for playgrounds (junior and senior) In progress

Saskatoon Public Schools Sports field maintenance Construction completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Castle school audits Construction completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Review LED Lighting potential Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools MSDS Online  Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Delineator posts Construction completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Various Schools accessibility upgrades In progress

Saskatoon Public Schools Update AED machines, pads and batteries Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools 2019 annual roof assessments and warranty inspections Construction completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Annual playground audits (2019) Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Tarmac repairs Completed

Saskatoon Public Schools Metasys into portables Deferred

Saskatoon Public Schools Hardwood floor refinishing/repairs In progress

Silverspring Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Silverspring Replace linoleum flooring in dance room Deferred

Silverspring French Immersion signage Construction completed

Silverwood Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Sutherland Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Sutherland Enrolment review Deferred

Tommy Douglas Exhaust fan above copier Completed

Victoria Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Victoria Remove old carpet in various rooms Deferred

Vincent Massey Insurance millwork upgrade Completed

Vincent Massey Flooring in all hallways replaced Deferred

Vincent Massey Interior painting    Deferred

Vincent Massey Corridor flooring Deferred

Vincent Massey Hallways slab in front of Library and correct drainage Deferred

Vincent Massey Replace exterior windows phase 1 Deferred

Vincent Massey Asphalt repair  Completed

W.P. Bate Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Walter Murray Roof replacement section #10 Completed

Walter Murray Insurance upgrade condensing unit In progress

Walter Murray Design review Home Economic Lab Deferred

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Facility Description Status Notes

Walter Murray Site upgrades construction Deferred

Walter Murray Preliminary collegiate renewal consulting  Completed

Westmount Painting Plus Program: Flooring and painting Completed

Wildwood Roof replacement section #2 Construction completed

Wildwood Painting Plus Program  Construction completed

Wildwood Landscaping and exterior masonry repair  Construction completed

Wildwood Painting small gym and stage fronts Deferred

Wildwood Remove carpet from BALANCE classroom Cancelled 10

Wildwood Install irrigation Deferred

Willowgrove Roof repair section #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 Completed

Willowgrove Two new portable classrooms In progress

Willowgrove Repair sidewalk Completed

Willowgrove Lexan for windows in FLS space Deferred

Status Definitions:

Cancelled: Project not required


10. Wildwood carpet removed during the painting plus program summer 2018

Deferred: Project work was not able to be completed this year

In Progress: Contractors are on site

Review: More information required to determine scope

1. Alvin Buckwold siding was completed under the roof replacement project

4. Caswell made the Ministry of Education's Top 10 Major Capital Priority List

2. Brightwater bridge isn't on Saskatoon Public Schools property

3. Plans to relocate cancelled

5. City park sidewalk repair was denied by City of Saskatoon to have the ramp mid‐street

6. Lawson Heights tarmac was completed under various tarmac improvements project 

7 and 8 Pleasant Hill made the Ministry of Education's Top 10 Major Capital Priority List

9. Princess Alexandra made the Ministry of Education's Top 10 Major Capital Priority List

Approved: Finalizing tender documents, no contractor has been awarded the work

Completed: Project work and billing completed

Construction Complete: Project work on site is completed

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FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [] Decision [] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND At the June 18, 2019 Board meeting, Administration was authorized to approve tenders over $150,000 during summer 2019 based on a variety of conditions as summarized at that meeting, including reporting back to the Board in September 2019 on all such awarded projects. The Board motion read as follows:

1. That the Board authorize Administration to approve tenders and contracts in 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 provided specified budget limits are not exceeded. Where specified budget limits are exceeded, Administration consult with KDL consulting, or others if applicable, to determine good market value and ensure that the total 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 budgets are not exceeded.

And 2. Administration report to the Director and/or Chief Financial Officer of any such tenders or contracts

exceeding $150,000 for their approval prior to award, and that Administration report to the Board at its first Board meeting in August 2019.

CURRENT STATUS There were no facilities or information services projects greater than $150,000 approved during the summer of 2019. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Stan Laba, Superintendent of Facilities September 10, 2019 None Mr. Jason Dunk, Chief Technology Officer RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive the Report of Tenders Approved over $150,000 During Summer 2019 as information.


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FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [] Decision [] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND The attached financial information shows the school division’s year-to-date financial position. CURRENT STATUS Attached are the following documents:

1. Memorandum regarding Financial Results to July 31, 2019 Pages 1-3 2. Statement of Financial Activities to July 31, 2019 Page 4 3. Cash Flow Requirements Page 5 4. Capital and PMR Project Status Page 6 5. Internally and Externally Restricted Surplus Page 7

Trustees with specific questions are asked to contact Mr. Garry Benning prior to the Board meeting. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Garry Benning, Chief Financial Officer September 6, 2019 Financial Results Memo RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board receive the financial results for the period September 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019 for information.


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M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 5, 2019 TO: Board Trustees FROM: Garry Benning, Chief Financial Officer Krista Wei, General Manager of Financial Services Jilleen Kaal, Senior Accountant RE: FINANCIAL RESULTS TO JULY 31, 2019 See Schedule 1 and 2 for financial information as of July 31, 2019. The following is an explanation for the main revenues and expenditures: Revenues a) Property Taxes

$0.2 million of property tax revenue has been recognized as of July 31, 2019. This relates to treaty land entitlement property tax revenue which was not budgeted. This compares to $39.8 million and 99% in 2017-18. As of January 1, 2018 property tax revenues flow directly to the provincial government and funding was received solely from the provincial grant in 2018-19.

b) Provincial Grants $213.5 million and 92% of the provincial grants have been recognized for the year, compared to $171.0 million and 90% in the prior year. The current year is higher because in 2017-18 grant revenue was lower in the first four months as property tax was being collected until December 31, 2017.

c) Tuition and Related Fees

Tuition and related fees consist of revenues from the international student program (ISP), as well as federal tuition for First Nations students. $1.8 million and 106% of budget has been realized as of July 31, 2019, compared to $2.3 million and 112% in 2017-18. The current year will decrease slightly once the tuition received from ISP students for 2019-20 is deferred and therefore is expected to be on budget.

d) Complementary Services

Complementary services relate primarily to prekindergarten funding, as well as alternative funding grants. $4.6 million and 106% of budget has been realized so far in the current year. This is higher than 2017-18 of $3.0 million and 92% of budget. The current year is expected to be higher than budget as we received additional program funding but will correspond with higher complementary services expenses.

310 – 21st Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 1M7 Tel: (306) 683-8200 Fax: (306) 657-3900

www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca Barry MacDougall, Director of Education

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Financial Results to July 31, 2019 2 | P a g e e) External Services

External services consist of funding for associate and alliance schools, as well as cafeteria revenues. As of July 31, 2019, $6.0 million and 85% of budget has been recognized. In 2017-18, $7.0 million and 106% of budget had been realized for the comparable period. The current year will be lower than expected due to a change in the Whitecap funding, effective April 1st, which will no longer flow directly to SPSD but will correspond with lower external services expenses.

f) School Generated

School Generated revenue relates to student fees and grants at the school level. Revenues of $4.3 million and 86% of budget has been realized in the current year. This is slightly lower than 2017-18 levels of $4.4 million and 89% of budget but will correspond with lower School Generated expenses.

g) Other

Other includes mainly investment and rental income. Other revenues of $1.5 million and 108% of budget has been realized in the current year. This is higher than the prior year of $1.2 million and 85% of budget as deferred rental revenue is no longer calculated on a monthly basis. Once the deferred revenue entry is complete, we are expected to be slightly higher than budgeted.

Expenditures a) Governance

Expenses related to governance total $0.9 million and 135% of budget as of July 31, 2019, compared to $0.5 million and 86% in the prior year. The current year is higher due to the timing of membership fees and funds placed in trust.

b) Administration

Administrative costs are $5.7 million and 95% of budget as of July 31, 2019. This is higher on a percentage basis than 2017-18 levels of $6.1 million and 94% and is expected to be slightly over budget.

c) Instruction

Instruction expenses total $192.0 million and 99% of budget as of July 31, 2019. This is comparable to the prior year of $189.5 million and 99% of budget.

d) Plant

Plant expenses are currently at $34.0 million and 78% of budget compared to $33.4 million and 88% in 2017-18. The current year is lower on a percentage basis due to the timing of the Preventative Maintenance and Renewal expenditures.

e) School Generated Expense These expenses currently total $4.0 million and 80% of budget. This is lower than 2017-18 levels of $4.2 million and 85% of budget but will correspond with lower School Generated revenues.

f) Transportation

Transportation expenditures amount to $6.1 million and 95% of budget as of July 31, 2019. This compares to $6.1 million and 94% of budget in the prior year which was $0.3 million under-budget.

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Financial Results to July 31, 2019 3 | P a g e g) Tuition and Related Fees

These expenses relate primarily to disbursements to homebased students and fees paid to other divisions/agencies for education. These expenses currently total $0.4 million and 109% of budget. This is higher than the prior year of $0.3 million and 99% of budget because we received funding for a few students who decided to attend a separate institution.

h) Complementary Services Complementary services expenditures relate primarily to prekindergarten and alternative funding grants. Expenses are currently $4.6 million and 107% of budget which is higher than 2017-18 levels of 90% and $3.0 million. The current year is expected to be higher than budget as we received additional program funding.

i) External Services

External services include expenses related to the associate schools, cafeterias, donations, Whitecap and the foundation. These amount to $5.8 million as of July 31, 2019 and 80% of budget. This is lower than 2017-18 levels of $6.6 million and 98%. The current year is expected to be lower than budget due to the change in Whitecap funding.

j) Interest/Allowances

Interest expenditures are currently $0.3 million and 106% of budget. These are lower than 2017-18 levels which were $0.4 million and 124% of budget. Last year was over budget due to interest charges on cash flow deficits. The current year will be slightly over budget as there are additional interest charges in relation to the new technology loan.

Capital Expenditures The attached schedule (Schedule 3) provides information regarding the unaudited financial status as of July 31, 2019 for capital and Preventative Maintenance and Renewal projects which are considered in progress or have had financial activity during the year. This includes the inception to date costs and budget. Internally and Externally Restricted Surplus There are no significant changes to the restricted surplus accounts other than budgeted allocations and allocations from funds outside the operating fund. See Schedule 4 for more information.

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Financial Results to July 31, 2019 4 | P a g e Schedule 1

Saskatoon Public SchoolsConsolidated Statement of Financial ActivitiesFor the Eleven Months Ended July 31, 2019

2018-19 2017-18Percentage of Percentage of

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated ConsolidatedActual Budget Actual Budget

RevenuesProperty taxes 200,845$ 39,808,099$ 99%Provincial grants 213,484,358 92% 170,972,549 90%Tuition and related fees 1,838,865 106% 2,267,092 112%Complementary services 4,620,850 106% 3,012,474 92%External services 5,964,808 85% 6,987,509 106%School-generated 4,261,867 86% 4,429,747 89%Other 1,531,589 108% 1,217,882 85%

Total Revenues 231,903,181 92% 228,695,352 92%

ExpensesGovernance 924,394 135% 546,880 86%Administration 5,713,750 95% 6,143,328 94%Instruction 192,039,924 99% 189,452,525 99%Plant 34,000,605 78% 33,401,640 88%School-generated 3,967,860 80% 4,188,531 85%Transportation 6,085,525 95% 6,078,198 94%Tuition and related fees 378,082 109% 309,200 99%Complementary services 4,615,532 107% 2,969,114 90%External services 5,750,696 80% 6,632,917 98%Interest/allowances 295,379 106% 395,241 124%

Total Expenses 253,771,747 95% 250,117,575 96% Surplus/(deficit) (21,868,566) (21,422,223)

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Financial Results to July 31, 2019 5 | P a g e Schedule 2

Saskatoon Public SchoolsCash Flow RequirementsFor the Eleven Months Ended July 31, 2019

Actual Annual Budget2018-19 2018-19

Surplus/(deficit) (21,868,566) (15,694,524)


Tangible capital assets:Purchases (5,884,177) (1,061,000)

Long term debt:Repayments (879,080) (958,996) Debt issued

Non-cash items included in surplus/deficit:Amortization expense 14,235,833 15,530,000 Employee Future Benefits expenses - 362,500 Pension Plan Adjustment - -

NET EXCESS (REQUESTED) CASH (14,395,989) (1,822,020)

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Financial Results to July 31, 2019 6 | P a g e Schedule 3

Saskatoon Public SchoolsCapital and PMR Project StatusIncludes Capital Projects (all) and PMR Projects (budgets > $150,000)As of July 31, 2019

Project Name Actual Budget Variance

PMR ProjectsBrunskill Roof Replacement #7A,14 155,536 * 167,100 11,564Evan Hardy Roof Replacement #3,14 167,291 213,700 46,409Greystone Heights Roof Replacement #2 217,079 248,800 31,721Pleasant Hill Roof Replacement #8 153,061 * 173,300 20,239Walter Murray Roof Replacement #10ACD 405,553 * 471,500 65,947Willowgrove Roof Replacement #1,3-6,7,10 70,352 * 60,300 (10,052)John G. Egnatoff Roof Replacement #1ABC,8,14 312,781 * 367,300 54,519Hugh Cairns Window Replacement 16,657 300,000 283,343Mount Royal Small Gym Upgrades 15,742 250,000 234,258Holliston Roof Replacement #5 8,514 160,500 151,986Confederation Park Roof Replacement #1,2 13,396 347,800 334,404Alvin Buckwold Roof Replacement #10 235,211 381,100 145,889Forest Grove Roof Replacement #3ABCD 13,706 815,500 801,794City Park Painting 17,917 169,780 151,863Lester B Pearson Roof Replacement #11 22,947 156,400 133,453Prince Philip Roof Replacement #7,8 36,055 199,900 163,845Wildwood Roof Replacement #2 24,880 163,800 138,920John Dolan Roof Replacement #5,12A 12,981 242,000 229,019Infrastructure Emergencies 5,844 408,120 402,276Total PMR Projects 1,905,505 5,296,900 3,391,395

PortablesLakeridge/Forest Grove 366,379 * 500,000 133,621Willowgrove 385,079 720,000 334,921Total Portables 751,458 1,220,000 468,542

Other DepartmentsP3 Furniture and Equipment 8,025,261 * 8,260,000 234,739Computer Hardware 2,451,345 * 3,007,690 556,345Special Tech Aids 189,640 * 219,605 29,965Total Other Departments 10,666,246 11,487,295 821,049 * Includes multiple years (actual cost = total project spend to date)

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Financial Results to July 31, 2019 7 | P a g e Schedule 4

Saskatoon Public SchoolsInternally and Externally Restricted SurplusAs of July 31, 2019

Internally Restricted Opening Balance Additions/Transfers As of July 31, 2019Civic Elections - -

School Generated Funds 2,531,606 294,007 2,825,612

Facility Rental Reserve 276,953 15,000 291,953

System Application Reserve 1,125,000 1,125,000

Governance Reserve 43,000 43,000

Facility Operating Reserve 252,201 252,201

Curriculum Renewal Reserve 460,000 460,000

Technology Renewal Reserve 2,450,000 2,450,000

Mount Royal Facility Partnership Reserve 169,486 169,486

Staff Professional Development Reserve 800,000 800,000

Secondary Security Camera 50,000 50,000

School Carry Forwards 1,164,758 1,164,758

Alternative Funds 126,853 64,687 191,541

Whitecap 21,427 21,427

Total Internally Restricted 9,471,284 373,694 9,844,978

Externally RestrictedDonations 496,793 31,800 528,593

Foundation 1,147,350 1,147,350

Total Externally Restricted 1,644,143 31,800 1,675,943

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TOPIC: APPROVAL OF MINUTES FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [ ] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [] Decision [ ] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [] Other: Approval of Minutes

BACKGROUND CURRENT STATUS Attached are the minutes from the June 18, 2019 Committee of the Whole and Regular Board meetings and the Special Board meeting held September 3, 2019. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Garry Benning, Chief Financial Officer September 6, 2019 - Minutes RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion (if removed from consent items): That the Board approve the minutes of the Committee of the Whole and Regular Board meetings held June 18, 2019 and the Special Board meeting held September 3, 2019.


Page 25: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 W.B. Doyle Board Room 310 – … · 1. 2019 – 2020 Roofing Repair/Replacement Projects : Partial roofing replacement work at 11 existing schools, including

UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF A MEETING: of the Board of Education of the Saskatoon School Division No. 13 of June 18, 2019 Saskatchewan, held on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Donna Banks, Ms. Charmaine Bellamy, Ms. Kathleen Brannen, Ms. Holly Kelleher, Mr. Vernon Linklater, Ms. Colleen MacPherson, Mr. Ray Morrison, Mr. Cameron Scott, Mr. Ross Tait, Dr. Suzanne Zwarych Ms, Banks joined the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Following discussions in Committee of the Whole, Dr. Zwarych moved that the Board rise and report.


The meeting adjourned at 5: 34 p.m. Secretary of the School Division Board Chair

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UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF A MEETING: of the Board of Education of the Saskatchewan School Division No. 13 of June 18, 2019 Saskatchewan, held on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Ray Morrison (Board Chair), Ms. Donna Banks, Ms. Charmaine Bellamy, Ms. Kathleen Brannen, Ms. Holly Kelleher, Mr. Vernon Linklater, Ms. Colleen MacPherson, Mr. Cameron Scott, Mr. Ross Tait, Dr. Suzanne Zwarych Mr. Ray Morrison, Board Chair, called the meeting to order, read the roll call into the minutes, and acknowledged the meeting was being held on Treaty Six territory and traditional homeland of the Métis people.

Agenda: Mr. Tait moved approval of the agenda. Agenda


Celebrating Excellence: Unified Basketball: Celebrating Mrs. Donnalee Weinmaster, Superintendent of Education, introduced Ms. Deanna Doherty, Alternate Education Excellence: Work Study teacher and two student athletes, Jeremy and Jake. The group shared their team’s successes and Unified the valuable experiences gained through their involvement in unified sports. Basketball Consent Items: Ms. MacPherson moved that the following consent agenda Consent items be approved as presented. Items Human Resources Report: Ms. MacPherson moved that the Board receive the Human Resources Information

Report for information. Services Report


Financial Results for the Period September 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019: Ms. MacPherson moved that Financial the Board receive the financial results for the period September 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 for information. Results for the Period September 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019


Approval of Amended Minutes: Ms. MacPherson moved that the Board approve the amended minutes Approval of of the Regular Board meeting held April 9, 2019 Amended Minutes


Approval of Minutes: Ms. MacPherson moved that the Board approve the minutes of the Committee Approval of of the Whole and Regular Board meetings held June 4, 2019. Minutes


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UNAPPROVED Unfinished Business: Approval of the Director’s Annual Evaluation: Mr. Scott moved Approval of that the Board approve the Director Evaluation Report as developed during the evaluation workshop of the Director’s June 11, 2019 as an accurate accounting of the director’s performance for the period June 1, 2018 to Annual June 1, 2019, and further, that the Board authorize the Board Chair to make any required technical edits Evaluation and to sign the report on the Board’s behalf.


Saskatoon Board of Education Annual Board Self-Evaluation 2018-2019 Saskatoon Mr. Tait moved that the Board approve the Board self-evaluation report as developed at the facilitated workshop Board of of June 11, 2019 and that the Board Chair, be authorized to monitor the priorities and suggestions agreed to and Education bring items forward for Board consideration as deemed appropriate. Annual Board Self-Evaluation 2018-2019


Out-of-Scope Compensation Report: Ms. Banks moved that the Board Out-of-Scope approve the recommendations contained in the document “Out-of-Scope Compensation – 2019 Recommendations”. Compensation Report


Partnership Agreement – Saskatoon Public Schools and Saskatoon Tribal Partnership Council: Ms. Bellamy moved that the Board approve the Memorandum of Agreement titled “Reconciliation in Agreement - Education Partnership Agreement” with Saskatoon Tribal Council, subject to minor edits. Saskatoon Public Schools and Saskatoon Tribal Council


Board Subcommittee Minutes: Ms. Banks moved that the Board approve Board the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting of December 11, 2018. Subcommittee Minutes


Correspondence: Dr. Zwarych moved that the Board receive the Correspondence correspondence from the Committee of the Whole, as listed.

CARRIED (10) Reports of Committees and Trustees: Reports of Committees

• Trustee Banks reported on her attendance at the Saskatoon Industry Education Council cardboard race event, Tommy Douglas Collegiate’s colour day award presentation, the graduation ceremony for fire cadets, Tommy Douglas Collegiate’s dance recital, Marion M. Graham Collegiate’s math fair and Saskatoon Public Schools’ long service awards banquet.

• Trustee Scott reported on his attendance at several community events in Ward 4 and his upcoming attendance at the Royal West farewell on June 26 and Mount Royal Collegiate’s graduation on June 27.

• Trustee MacPherson reported on her attendance at SSBA Public Section meetings on June 6 and 7, the celebration of learning assembly at Brownell School and her upcoming attendance at the Canadian School Boards Association Annual conference in Toronto in July.

• Trustee Brannen reported on her attendance at SSBA Public Section meetings on June 6 and 7, Saskatoon Public Schools’ long service awards banquet, Buena Vista School’s band concert, a farewell barbeque at École Victoria School, and the tour of John Dolan School with NDP MLAs. Ms. Brannen also reported on her upcoming attendance at Nutana Collegiate’s graduation and the unveiling of the bus shelter designed by Nutana Collegiate students on June 20.

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• Trustee Tait reported on his attendance at Saskatoon Public Schools’ long service awards banquet, John Dolan School’s graduation and the tour of John Dolan School with NDP MLAs.

• Trustee Zwarych reported on her attendance at SSBA Public Section meetings on June 6 and 7, meetings with the Commission of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Saskatoon Public Schools’ long service awards banquet and the Board’s Audit and Risk subcommittee meeting.

• Trustee Bellamy reported on her attendance at SSBA Public Section meetings on June 6 and 7, the June 11 Board/Director Evaluation session, and Saskatoon Public Schools’ long service awards banquet. Ms. Bellamy also reported on her attendance at Walter Murray Collegiate’s graduation on June 26.

• Trustee Kelleher reported on her attendance at the Board’s Audit and Risk subcommittee meeting and many year-end events in Ward 1.

• Trustee Linklater reported on his attendance at Reconciliation Saskatoon meetings, the June 11 Board/Director evaluation session, Saskatoon Indian and Métis Friendship Centre graduation gala, Pleasant Hill School’s community pow wow, Saskatoon Public Schools’ long service awards banquet, and Pleasant Hill School’s year end barbeque.

• Board Chair Morrison reported on his attendance at the graduation ceremony for fire cadets. He also reported on his presentation/discussion with education students at the U of S. Mr. Morrison also took some time to reflect on school division events in 2018-2019. New Business: Approval of the 2019-2020 Budget Report – Annual Operating and Approval of Capital Budget Estimates: Ms. Kelleher moved that the Board approve its annual operating and capital the 2019-2020 budget estimates for the fiscal year September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020, as detailed in the Budget Report Budget Report September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020, subject to minor edits.


Literacy for Life and Collegiate Renewal: 2018-2019 Reports: Literacy for Ms. Brannen moved that the Board approve the Literacy for Life: 2018-2019 Report to the Board and Life and the Collegiate Renewal: 2018-2019 Report to the Board to be included as part of the evidence of the quality Collegiate indicators for the Director’s annual evaluation. Renewal: 2018-2019 Reports


Audited Statements – Pension Plan for the Non-teaching Employees: Audited Mr. Linklater moved that the Board approve the audited statements of the Pension Plan for the Non-teaching Statements- Employees of the Board of Education of the Saskatoon School Division No. 13 of Saskatchewan for the Pension Plan fiscal year ended December 31, 2018. for the Non-teaching Employees


Preauthorization of Contracts Over $150,000 during Summer 2019: Preauthorization Ms. Bellamy moved that the Board authorize Administration to approve tenders and contracts in 2018-2019 and of Contracts 2019-2020 provided specific budget limits are not exceeded. Where specified budget limits are exceeded, Over $150,000 Administration consult with KDL consulting, or others if applicable, to determine good market value and ensure during Summer that the total 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 budgets are not exceeded. 2019 And Administration report to the Director and/or Chief Financial Officer for any such tenders or contracts exceeding $150,000 for their approval prior to award, and that Administration report to the Board at its first Board meeting in August 2019. Ms. MacPherson offered a friendly amendment to the motion, in that Administration report to the Board at its first Board meeting in the fall, not specifically August 2019.

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UNAPPROVED The friendly amended was accepted and the following motion was presented: That the Board authorize Administration to approve tenders and contracts in 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 provided specific budget limits are not exceeded. Where specified budget limits are exceeded, Administration consult with KDL consulting, or others if applicable, to determine good market value and ensure that the total 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 budgets are not exceeded. And Administration report to the Director and/or Chief Financial Officer for any such tenders or contracts exceeding $150,000 for their approval prior to award, and that Administration report to the Board at its first Board meeting in the fall.


Board Policies: Ms. MacPherson moved that the Board approve the Board housekeeping changes to the preamble – Strategic Plan in the Board’s Policy manual. Policies


Comments/Concerns/Questions from the Public: A Saskatoon Public Comments/ Schools’ grade 7 student addressed the Board over concerns with the elimination of the current Home Concerns/ Economics/Industrial Arts program for grade 8 students. Questions from the Public Mr. Tait moved that the Board adjourn to the call of the Chair or the Board meeting of Tuesday, August 27, 2019.


The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. Secretary of the School Division Board Chair

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UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING: of the Board of Education of the Saskatoon School Division No. 13 of September 3, 2019 Saskatchewan, held on Tuesday, September 3, 2019

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Ray Morrison (Board Chair), Ms. Charmaine Bellamy (via conference call) Ms. Kathleen Brannen, Mr. Vernon Linklater, Mr. Cameron Scott,

Mr. Ross Tait, Dr. Suzanne Zwarych

Board Chair Morrison called the meeting to order and acknowledged Trustee Bellamy would participate in the meeting via conference call in accordance with The Electronic Meeting Procedures Regulations described in Board Policy 6: Board Operations.

Mr. Scott joined the meeting at 11:02 a.m.

Whitecap Dakota First Nation Tripartite Education Agreement: Whitecap Mr. Morrison moved that the Board of Education approve the Whitecap Dakota First Nation Tripartite Education Dakota Agreement between Whitecap Dakota First Nation, The Saskatoon Board of Education of the Saskatoon School First Nation Division No. 13 of Saskatchewan, and Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada (Canada), subject to Tripartite minor edits. Education Agreement

CARRIED (8) Ms. Banks moved that the Board adjourn to the call of the Chair or the Committee of the Whole Board meeting of Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 3:00 p.m.


The meeting adjourned at 11:04 a.m. Secretary of the School Division Board Chair

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TOPIC: CORRESPONDENCE FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [] Correspondence [] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [ ] New Business [] Decision [ ] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND The following correspondence is included in this file for the information of the Board: (a) Correspondence from J. Robert Currie, Deputy Minister of Education, regarding Saskatoon Public

Schools’ estimated revenues and expenditures for the 2019-2020 school year. (b) Correspondence from Michael D. Boda, Chief Electoral Officer, Province of Saskatchewan, regarding

elections and education. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Barry MacDougall, Director of Education September 10, 2019 Correspondence Documents RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion: That the Board receive the correspondence as listed.


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4s'!+:*R €i€trl. 'rc

LJune 14,2019 Electionsfll

Mr. Ray MorrisonBoard Chair - Ward 10

Saskatoon Board of Education31 0-21 st Street East

Saskatoon, SK S7K 1M7

Dear Mr. Morrison

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for engaging with me after my Friday, June 7presentation to the Saskatchewan School Boards Association.

As you will recall, my presentation focused on four issues:

. lncreasing civic education in our schools;o Facilitating the use of high school students as election workers;o Continuing to use schools as voting locations and alleviating any concerns

that may exist; and. Provisionally registering 16 and 17-year-olds in our register of voters.

I am hopeful that you and I can meet, either in-person or via telephone to continue thediscussion on these four issues and to see how we could make tangible progress in

advance of our next election. Could I ask that you have your office contact mine toschedule a meeting date and time? lf so, please have them in be in touch with my

assistant, Joa n Kuhn at oceo.admi [email protected] or 306.7 87 .4290.

Thank you again and I look forward to connecting with you soon.


;,2,JoG,r.--Michael D. Boda, D.Phil., Ph.D

Chief Electoral OfficerProvince of Saskatchewan

Eledlon! SaakatdEwan

'301 - 3303 Hillsdale StreetRegina, SaskatchewanCanada S4S 6W9

TelephonG: 306.787.4000Toll Fre.: 1.877.958.8683F.xr 306.787.4052

Email: [email protected]: elections.sk.ca

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TOPIC: PREMIER’S BOARD OF EDUCATION AWARD FOR INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [ ] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [] New Business [] Decision [ ] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND The Saskatchewan School Boards Association awards the Premier’s Board of Education Award for Innovation and Excellence in Education at its fall convention annually. With this recognition comes a $3,000 award provided by The Document Company – Xerox. Saskatoon Public Schools has received this award four times for the Royal West program (November 2003), the Board’s Literacy for Life priority (November 2006), the Okiciyapi Partnership (November 2007) and Collegiate Renewal (November 2011).

CURRENT STATUS Administration recommends that the Board co-nominate with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, Prairie Spirit School Division, and the Saskatoon Tribal Council, the Saskatoon Industry Education Council for this year’s Premier’s Board of Education Award for Innovation and Excellence in Education. For the past two decades, the Saskatoon Industry Education Council (SIEC) has bridged the gap between youth and employers, providing experiential learning and career-development opportunities. As a registered not-for-profit organization, the SIEC works in partnership with three school divisions (Saskatoon Public Schools, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, and Prairie Spirit School Division), the Saskatoon Tribal Council, community-based organizations, government agencies, and employers, to help nurture the workforce of tomorrow. In 2018-2019, SIEC connected with more than 29,000 youth, 1,600 educators and career practitioners, and over 2,000 business and post-secondary representatives to co-create 40 programs and events. Over the last five years, more than 75,000 youth took part in SIEC programming. SIEC and their partners help youth find a career that connects their passion and natural talents with current and future workforce needs. As outlined in the strategic intent within the Education Sector Strategic Plan, schools across Saskatchewan work to support students in preparing for their future: in education, in employment, in their community and in life. Our partnership with SIEC supports the actualization of this intent. Through innovative programming, students find their passion while engaging in authentic learning experiences that provide them with opportunities for career exploration and, in some cases, credits toward graduation. These learning opportunities support our provincial, division and school level goals to achieve increased graduation-rate outcomes for all students. PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Barry MacDougall, Director of Education September 10, 2019 None Mr. Shane Skjerven, Deputy Director of Education Mr. Brent Hills, Superintendent of Education

RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion: That the Board nominate Saskatoon Industry Education Council for the Premier’s Board of Education Award for Innovation and Excellence in Education.


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TOPIC: SECURE DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS FORUM AGENDA ITEMS INTENT [] Board Meeting [ ] Correspondence [ ] Information [ ] Committee of the Whole [] New Business [] Decision [ ] Reports from Administrative Staff [ ] Discussion [ ] Other:

BACKGROUND Based on Administrative Procedure 175: Preservation and Disposal of Records, and the Saskatchewan School Boards Association’s (SSBA) Records Retention and Disposal Guide (Dec 2012):

- Section 2.1 Agreements/Contracts, paper records of contractual agreements are eligible for destruction (seven year retention after expiration/termination)

- Section 5.1 Employee Files are eligible for destruction (seven year retention after expiration/termination)

- Section 1.1 – 1.14 Finance (seven year retention) Saskatoon Public Schools has a contract with Crown Enterprises for secure destruction that adheres to the policies and guidelines of both our school division and the SSBA. CURRENT STATUS A motion is required to securely destroy one box of paper records of contractual agreements, 10 boxes of employee files, and 35 boxes of finance files that are eligible for destruction as per SSBA Records Retention and Disposal Guide (Dec 2012). PREPARED BY DATE ATTACHMENTS Mr. Jason Dunk, Chief Technology Officer September 1, 2019 None RECOMMENDATION Proposed Board Motion: That the Board approve the secure destruction of one box of paper records of contractual agreements, 10 boxes of employee records, and 35 boxes of finance files that are eligible for destruction as per SSBA Records Retention and Disposal Guide (Dec 2012).