tsmad20/dipwg2-08.2a s-100 symbol model dipwg-2 may 2010


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Page 1: TSMAD20/DIPWG2-08.2A S-100 SYMBOL MODEL DIPWG-2 May 2010



DIPWG-2May 2010

Page 2: TSMAD20/DIPWG2-08.2A S-100 SYMBOL MODEL DIPWG-2 May 2010

Taking into account the previously proposed model, the new implementation does not deal with the graphic definition of shape’s symbols.

The FIRST objective for the register is to be able to generate the equivalent of the current S-52 “symbol addendum” with a minimum of information (metadata, bounding box, pivot point, colors used, line style used, etc.)

Manufacturers can build their own “library” of symbols in conformance with information supplied by the “symbol addendum.”

The portrayal catalog will supply metadata information for symbols used by the portrayal function.

The S-100 Symbol Model

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The S-100 Symbol Model defines symbol structuretaking into account their type :

“Color Symbol Part”“Simple Line Style Symbol Part”

“Shape Symbol Part”“Point Symbol Part”

“Complex Line Style Symbol Part”“Pattern Symbol Part”

“Text Symbol Part”

The S-100 Symbol Model

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The S-100 Point Symbol Part

Graphic elements do not become part of the model, only bounding box, the pivot point ,colors referenced and an overview of the shape’s symbol will be supplied, as they are in the current addendum)

The model
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Note that Complex Line Style and Pattern Symbols use PointSymbolGraphicInstructions.
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The S-100 Color Model

RGB color graphic is optional and if given must e considered as a default value.For ECDIS must be configured taking account characteristics of screen or graphic cards
Transparency is an option when you refer to a color symbol by setting a value from 0 to 1. Make a reference to PL S52 Library
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The S-100 Color Model(Color Graphic Instructions)

A S100_ColorSymbol may be defined in two color spaces (at least one) with the help of ColorGraphicInstructions elements.

The CIE color definition and the RGB color definition.

The ideal encoding is to definite it with its X, Y, Luminance CIE coordinates and let the ECDIS manufacturers convert CIE to RGB color coordinates, following the color calibration of the CRT monitor.

The ColorGraphicInstructions enables linking color definitions to an illumination condition (this attribute is mandatory).

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The S-100 Color Model(Reference)

The reference for color symbol enables the possibility of specifying a transparency value.

float value [0-1] EXAMPLE

0 means no transparency0.25 means 25% transparency0.50 means 50% transparency0.75 means 75% transparency1 means a full transparency

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The S-100 Simple Line Style Model

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The S-100 Simple Line Style Model(Graphic Instructions)

Only basic definitions (SOLD, DASH) of simple line style are registered in this version

The definition of a “DASH” line style has been improved by addingthe possibility to define a sequence of graphic marks:

•DashGraphicMarkLength - the length of dash segments.•DashGraphicMarkSpace - the space between two dash segments.•DashGraphicMarkStart - the space for starting the first dash segment (== offset).

Extract from PL 3.4 (7.3.5 Parameters) Here the definition of the unique dash line in the current PL: 'DASH' (‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑) dash: 3.6 mm; space: 1.8 mm'DOTT' (.........) dot: 0.6 mm; space: 1.2 mm

comparison to previous versions in which all combination :Basic Definition (sold, dash)Color ReferenceWidth
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The S-100 Simple Line Style Model(Reference)

To reference a simple line style you have to specify :

1.Color Reference (mandatory)2.Width (mandatory)

The reference has been improved to allow for rendering the aspects of cap and joined segment

Defined in the width unit (mm)
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The S-100 Point Symbol Model(Overview)

The graphic definition (path, polygon, circle) is replaced by an image overview of the shape of the symbol.
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The S-100 Point Symbol Model(Point Graphic Instructions)

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The S-100 Point Symbol Model(Shape ,Point Symbol and Reference)

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The S-100 Pattern Symbol Model(Overview)

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The S-100 Complex Line Style Symbol Model

A complex line style is defined as a point symbol, composed of sub point symbols placed along a line. To be drawn correctly a complex line style needs the correct bounding box of each sub point symbols.
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The S-100 Text Symbol Model

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The S-100 Coordinate Reference System For Graphics



Pivot Point

Bounding Box


The S100_Graphic Coordinate Reference System.

The coordinate of pivot point and the coordinates of graphics (used by graphics to define a shape) must reference a common “Coordinate Reference System” named S100_GraphicCRS :

•The “S100_GraphicCRS” has two dimensions (X,Y)•The xAxis originates from the left side of the bounding box. The direction is DISPLAY_RIGHT. The unit is 0.01 mm (eg 100 = 1 mm)•The yAxis originates from the top side of the bounding box. The direction is DISPLAY_DOWN. The unit is 0.01 mm (eg 100 = 1 mm)

•The unit for « width » of line style is 1 mmn.

There is a necessity to add an interior bounding box.