truth about the existence of vampires

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  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth Aboutthe Existenceof Vampires

    Bernabe, Avon Lucky P.

    Carrable, Kriselle Ann D.

    Cuizon, Ian Bon Jobert B.

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

    What are vampires?

    Vampires are mythological or folkloricbeings who subsist by feeding on the

    life essence (generally in the form of

    blood) of living creatures, regardless of

    whether they are undead or a living


  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    What We Already Know:

    Blood is their basic food.

    There are bad and good vampires.

    They have fangs which are used to drink the blood

    of their victims.

    They would burn, or sparkle (like what was shown in

    Twilight) if they are exposed to sunlight.

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Vampires have eternal life. They do not age andthey do not die easily

    Vampires are also believed to have cold body

    and pale skin.

    They are said to have risen from the dead.

    They have unbelievable strength and humans

    are no match to them

    What We Already Know:

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    What We Want to Know:Because of the popularity of vampire movies, we

    became very curious about vampires andwe had so many questions in our minds.

    Do they really exist?

    Where do they live?

    Why is blood their basic food?

    What do they get from it?

    What kind of living do they have?

    Do they also have a community?

    Why do they come out only at night?

    Are they afraid of people?

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires




    exist?BELIEVE THEM

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Vampire Sightings

    A Vampire in England

    In 2007 in Hockerill, England, a 43-year-old man

    was putting out his trash late at night, and was

    suddenly attacked from behind by someone

    who tried to wrap his teeth around his neck

    and bite. The man wrestled with the attackeras the attacker snarled like an animal. The

    attacker ran away after a few minutes, and the

    man immediately called the police.

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    In 2006, archaeologists in Italy had a unique vampire

    sighting of their own; they discovered the very real

    remains of a female vampire with a brick forced into

    her jaw. Italian forensic archaeologist Matteo Borrini

    reported the find to National Geographic and other

    news outlets when the discovery took place.Researchers were investigating a 1576 mass grave of

    medieval plague victims of the Venetian plague at

    the time of the discovery.

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Two teenage convent girls were walking by andspotted bodies climbing out of the graves.

    One couple spotted a strange shadow creature just

    behind the gate

    Multiple sightings of the creature were eventuallysupported by evidence - animals were discovered

    with their bodies completely drained of blood.

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires




    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Porphyriais a medical condition wherepatients suffer from very pale and

    flaky skin, and they are extremely

    sensitive to sunlight. The condition is

    caused by an enzyme deficiencythat can lead to changes in physical

    appearance, such as receding


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires



  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

    Interview with the Vampire, one of the

    best-selling fictional books of Anne Rice, was

    published by Ballantine Books in 1976. We saw

    this book after searching through OPAC (Online

    Public Access Catalog) of the De La Salle LipasCollege Learning Resource Center under call

    number FIC R489i 1976. It is a story of a man:

    from He as a normal being up to He as a vampire

    that kills.

    Interview with the Vampire

    Anne Rice

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

    Real Vampires by Daniel Cohen

    published on Dutton, New York by Cobblehill Books

    in 1995. We found this book in the PRO Section of

    De La Salle Lipas College LRC with call number

    398.45 C678r 1995. This book contains differentstories of vampires and vampire-related incidents

    that occurred in some places around the world.

    Real Vampires

    Daniel Cohen

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

    The third book is the Twilight Saga

    specifically the Twilight. It is a book of Stephenie

    Meyer published last 2005. It is a book telling a story

    of a lady named Bella and his emotional attachment

    to this guy named Edward. Falling in love with a

    unique being is very hard for her especially onadjusting and appreciating his uniqueness and their



  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires



  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

    With these words - vivid, beyond a doubt Bram

    Stoker plunged the fangs deep into the consciousness

    or readers the world over.

    Caught the attention of Rudyard Kipling - a relativeof the painter - who was moved to write a rather bad

    piece of verse, also called 'The Vampire,
  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    A TranscriptStephen Martin, Ph.D.:The vampire represents thedarker side of human instinct. The vampire represents

    the semi-animal-like quality that is part of our nature.

    That which in the cultural process of global

    development we've had to forego. Ordinary people go

    see vampires because they identify with a certain

    collection of characteristics that they don't live out, and

    which are ignited in what we would call the

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Christine Byrom
  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires



    Truth About the Existence of Vampires


  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Mr. Teody Alday

    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

    Mr. Teodoro

    Alday, Med is a


    professor of De

    La Salle Lipa

    interviewed by

    Ms. Carable.

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Kian: Do you think vampires really exist?

    Sir Teody: I think they do not exist. What I know is that werewolves are the onesexisting.

    Kian: Do you know some incidences regarding them?

    Sir Teody: I dont have any.

    Kian: What do you know about vampires?

    Sir Teody: Ahmm They are bloodsuckers, right? For me, they are doing a Satanic

    movement because they kill people. And as we all know thats a violation against

    Gods Commandments.

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Kian: Have you watched some films concerning them?

    Sir Teody: Yes, actually Im watching Imortal( a soap opera in ABS-CBN). I have also

    watched the movie Dracula,too.

    Kian: Could you share something about those movies?

    Sir Teody: In Imortal, there are two groups of vampires, one is the bloodsuckers

    and the other one are the non-bloodsucking group. The latter group is the good

    ones. They are just like humans, they eat fruits and vegetables. The other group,

    the bloodsuckers, is those that kill people and drink their blood. Matteo, the main

    character in the story was once a member of the non-bloodsucking group. The

    reason he turned to a bloodsucker is when he was about to die and the only way to

    save him is to drink blood, a human blood.

    Kian: Thank you for sharing sir. Last is, if given a chance, would you want to be avampire? Why or why not?

    Sir Teody: Definitely not. As Ive said earlier they are conducting a Satanic

    movement. They are devils and I dont want to be like them.

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Avon: Do you think vampires really exist?

    Amanda: No, I dont believe in their existence.

    Avon: Do you know some incidences regarding them?

    Amanda: No, I havent heard of any.

    Avon: What do you know about vampires?Amanda: The things that I know about them is all the things I watched in the

    Twilight Saga. For example, vampires sparkle.

  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


  • 7/31/2019 Truth About the Existence of Vampires


    Truth About the Existence of Vampires

    Based on our view and on our

    research, we are more convinced that vampires

    dont really exist. However, there are people

    who consider themselves as vampires. We

    concluded that considering yourself a vampire is

    only a psychological effect or a disease.Because we, ourselves, do not know or havent

    experienced any vampire incidents.