trumpet / brand is music / agency presentation


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Trumpet agency presentation about what we do best - digital, BTL and Direct marketing with tips on how to talk to the new consumer - X and Y generation. Done by Ket Katarina Popovic, Creative director, Nikola Guberinic Head of digital, and designed by Vukasin Markovic.


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MARKET IS:a) Price driven?b) Politically driven?c) Too small?d) Too problematic?e) Packed with wrong customers?

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BoringThis presentation is for internal use only. All trademarks and other intellectual properties in thispresentation are owned by Trumpet or are used with perrmission. 2012 ©

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We have adopted a simple

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...but not all things.

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COREGA Post office is a place where brand found customers on the spot.Not the other way around.

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TELENOR CUSTOMER CAREA book – customer care bible for thehighly stressed people –Business care info center workers.Instead of dull rules, it was createdto be loved, read and re- read.

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SAMSUNG SERIES 9Rules we broke forthe love of Brand.

Event was in the evening because it is a style and status item,even though journalists prefer daylight events

Event was at the gallery, because the product is such a workof design and art, even though it is a hard- tech product

Event was expensive, even though it was done on a small budget

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I’d rather have anarrow niche than acomfy ditch.

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A MESSAgE fRoM ThE Y gEnAppeAl To our ego, our pArenTs, AnD THen our senses. Another reason these brands have been so successful is because their strategic choice ofmusic, lighting, color palette, layout and visual merchandising appeals to Generation Y.

MiniMize THe Television ADs. We were glued to the tube as kids. We’ve learned to tune out traditional advertising meth-ods. Convey your funny or emotional messages to Generation Y via guerilla, viral and social media marketing first, then supplement with traditional advertising. Another tip: We love word-of-mouth referrals and celebrity endorsements.

offer A new TAke on proMoTions. Find out where we hang out and talk to us on the spot (cross promotions, too).

*by Epps Consulting - Christine Carter

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A MESSAgE fRoM ThE x gEn1. forgeT long Copy ADs2. invesT in BrAnDs – ConTinuously3. sell online This genaration made eBay what it is now.

4. wHAT workeD for BABy BooMers won’T work for THeMAge has only made them more skeptical and distrustful of institutions. 

5. THey Don’T TAlk To sTrAngersUnless they know you they won’t even listen to you, let alone make a purchase from you.

6. THey MAnAge loTs of inforMATionThey sort through information quickly and don’t let techniques like repetition influence them nearly as much as previous generations. 

7. THey AppreCiATe ConvenienCeGen-Xers want their lives to be simpler, faster and smoother. When they want something, especially information, they want it immediately.

Gen-Xers do it their way and they do it by themselves.This presentation is for internal use only. All trademarks and other intellectual properties in thispresentation are owned by Trumpet or are used with perrmission. 2012 ©

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Business Philosophy

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You are worthwaiting for.

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So gLAD WE Pedžet 11Beograd011/ 26-62-527

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