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February 28, 2016 Our Mission Equipping Christians to Engage and Evangelize our World LIFE

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February 28, 2016

Our Mission Equipping Christians

to Engage and Evangelize our World



Ronnie W. Rogers, Senior Pastor Ext. 101 / [email protected] / Ronniewrogers@TBCNorman / Randy Presley, Pastor of Worship Ext. 103 / [email protected] Ryan Polk, Associate Pastor Ext. 105 / [email protected] Chris Haynes, Collegiate Minister Ext. 107 / [email protected] Jim White, International Ministries Pastor Ext. 108 Kathy Presley, Elementary Ministry Director Ext. 128 / [email protected] Gina Rogers, Preschool Ministry Coordinator Ext. 114 / [email protected] Kara Polk, Preschool Ministry Director Ext. 109 / [email protected] Anita Charlson, Pastors’ Assistant Ext. 101 / [email protected] Kim Pitt, Financial Secretary Ext. 102 / [email protected] Mandy Latham, Church Secretary (wed-fri) Ext. 100 / [email protected] Nancy Wood, Church Secretary (mon-tues) Ext. 100 / [email protected]


Although we have many staff and volunteer ministry leaders, below is a list of our staff that may be able to help you if you are new to Trinity. Call the Church Office at 405.321.2000 and request the appropriate person, or visit our website at To contact the Here I Grow Learning Center, call 405.321.0736.

Trinity Pastors: Max Barnett, Ronnie W. Rogers, Randy Presley, Larry Toothaker, and Billy Wolfe

February 28, 2016

WELCOME We extend a warm greeting of Christian fellowship to you. May you feel Christ’s presence, hear His Word proclaimed, and be blessed. Pray for Ronnie Rogers as he speaks in the morning worship, and Randy Presley as he leads us in Praise and Worship.

The Trinity of God

Verbal, Plenary Inspiration of Scripture

Total Depravity of Natural Man

The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ

His Blood Atonement

His Bodily Resurrection

Personal and Imminent Return of Christ

Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

Eternal Security of the Believer

Freedom of Religion

The Autonomy of the Local Church

Worldwide Missions—the Obligation of Every Church

A Regenerated Church Membership

Personality of Satan

Justification by Faith

The Reality of Heaven and Hell

The Priesthood of the Believer

Two Ordinances Only: Baptism by Immersion and the Lord’s Supper

Church Discipline


HEARING IMPAIRED Pocket-sized receivers with ear buds are available to be checked out during the Worship Service from the sound booth at the rear of the sanctuary.

ELDER INVITATION Following morning worship, the elders will be available to members and guests for prayer and ministry. Simply come to the front of the sanctuary where we will be glad to: pray for your personal needs, lead you in receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior, discuss church membership.


ESPECIALLY FOR OUR GUESTS We are glad to have you worship with us today. You are worshiping with people who experience the same difficulties of life as you. We have nothing to boast about except the God we worship. Please relax and focus upon the Lord Jesus who loves you and desires for you to follow Him. While God has surely led you here, you likely still have a number of im-portant questions about us; how to get more in-

volved and connected in meaningful relationships, or about your own personal or spiritual needs. If so, please allow us to help you by com-pleting the guest registration inside the back cover or by coming for-ward during the invitation time. —Ronnie W. Rogers

Requirements for membership at Trinity Baptist Church

—Receive Jesus Christ by faith —Attend all four Discovering Trinity sessions —Be baptized by immersion —Be presented to the church —Turn in membership commitment form

SERMONS Do you want to hear a sermon again? Did you miss a sermon? You can listen several ways:

•Purchase a CD / cost is $3 To purchase a CD, use the enve-lope located in the back of the pew or in the Welcome Center. Place the request in the offering plate. •Listen at, church name trinitynorman For helpful information on a variety of current issues, visit Pastor Ronnie’s blog:


Interested in joining or learn-ing more about how Trinity functions or what we believe? Discovering Trinity is designed for anyone consider-ing joining Trinity. Attending the class is for your infor-mation and does not obligate you to join, but is a prerequi-site to becoming a member. You must attend all 4 sessions. Upcoming sessions of Discovering Trinity 101 are: TODAY, February 28, 5-

6 p.m., FH1, session 3 Sunday, March 6, 5-6

p.m., FH1, session 4 Wednesday, March 30,

6-8 p.m., FH1, sessions 1 & 2

Wednesday, April 6, 6-8 p.m., FH1, sessions 3 & 4

February 28, 2016

WEDNESDAY EVENING MEALS Did you know you can eat dinner here on Wednesdays from 5-6? Menu this Week:

Sloppy joes, tater tots, salad, and cookies for dessert PRICES Adult: $3.00 Baked potato or salad only: $1.50 Child (under 12): $1.50 Max $12 for immediate family College: free—paid by college ministry




March 6—Team 6 Kuyler Johnson Jamebo Wilson Bo Maynes

February 28—Team 5 Mike Snowdon John Kiosterud Andy Blackford


March 6 Welcome Ctr.: Chris Haynes North: Maynes family, Kaed Petroski After service: Chris Haynes family

February 28 Welcome Ctr.: Mandy Latham North: Devero family, Paul Lawrence After service: Yokley family


DEACON OF THE WEEK The New Testament describes the role of a deacon as a servant. Deacons serve by meeting needs so that elders can equip and the church body can be prepared to minister. Needs can be someone’s car won’t start after church, someone asks for help, or any of a variety of issues. For February 28-March 5, David Peetoom will be the Deacon of the Week. You can locate him in the building.

2/21/16 Offering $16,491.50

Offering for Month $55,483.46

Offering YTD $139,026.87

Budget YTD $135,327.52

Balance $3,699.35


WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY 9:15 a.m. Campus Groups/Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Morning Worship—worship center Preschool Praise & Worship—room 211 K!dz Worship—room 201/205 4:00 p.m. 1VOX—choir room 5:00 p.m. Discovering Trinity, session 3—FH1 AWANA 7:15 p.m. Prayer Time—Led by Greg Hughes, FH3 MONDAY 11:00 a.m. Preschool Playdate—Lyon’s Park 6:30 p.m. Living in Truth—Rogers home 7:00 p.m. Prayer Time—Pray at home TUESDAY 9:30 a.m. Precept Bible Study—FH Living in Truth Study—room 111 Shirer Study—room 115 12:30 p.m. TCF Women’s Bible Study—room 115 6:30 p.m. Dickinson CG—Yokley home 7:00 p.m. Prayer Time—Pray at home VanDyke CG—Banks home 7:30 p.m. College Basketball—gym WEDNESDAY 5:00 p.m. Food Pantry—room 116 Fellowship Meal—gym 6:00 p.m. Honeybees—rooms 103 & 211 Starz!—choir room Bible Study—FH Engage Family Groups—3rd floor 7:00 p.m. Starz Drama Practice—worship center 7:15 p.m. Prayer Time—Pray at home Adult Choir—choir room Engage Bible Study—3rd floor 8:30 p.m. Pursuit CG—Chris Haynes home THURSDAY 12:45 p.m. Brookhaven Extensive Care Ministry 2:00 p.m. Rambling Oaks Assisted Living Ministry 3:30 p.m. Brookhaven Mansions Indep. Living Ministry 6:30 p.m. Zumba—gym 7:00 p.m. Prayer Time—Pray at home 7:30 p.m. College Basketball—gym FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. Dress a Girl Around the World—FH 12:30 p.m. CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00 p.m. Prayer Time—Pray at home SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. Prayer Time—Led by Mike Tinney, FH 3 9:00 a.m. AWANA Games

February 28, 2016


CELEBRATE MARRIAGE Congratulations on these wedding anniversaries:

Richard & Paula Knapp-21 years Brady & Kasey Stewart-5 years

“Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, and how He delights to

hear the prayers of His redeemed people. Think of your place and

privilege in Christ, and expect great things!”


WEEK TO PRAYER? Sunday 7:15 p.m., led by Greg Hughes, FH3 Monday 7:00 p.m., Pray at home Tuesday 7:00 p.m., Pray at home Wednesday 7:15 p.m., Pray at home Thursday 7:00 p.m., Pray at home Friday 7:00 p.m., Pray at home Saturday 8:00 a.m., led by Mike Tinney, FH3


Imagine a world where every little girl owned at least one dress! What if that dress were made by YOU? Join us March 4, 9-5, in the FH as we sew simple pillowcase dresses for girls in need. Bring a snack, and come and go as your schedule allows. We need several portable sewing machines and seamstresses, ironing boards and irons, and scissors. If you can’t attend, but would like to help, we need fabric, double bias tape, and elastic. See small bulletin board for more info. No sewing ability required to help!

HAITI NEEDS The Spring Break trip to Haiti is gear-ing up, and this is a list of items that they need to take with them. If you can donate one or more items, please bring them to the Welcome Center by Sunday, March 6. Large boxes of individually

wrapped snack items (granola bars, fruit snacks)

We need 500-600. Large packages of individu-

ally wrapped suckers (dum dums, mini tootsie roll pops)

Paint brushes and roller co-vers

Post it notes Black sharpies Blue pens Small bottles of bubbles Stickers Bath & hand towels Deodorant Soap Shampoo Toothpaste & toothbrushes Twin sheets Crayons & markers Clear plastic thread for bead-

ing Small beads for making jew-

elry (they sell it as a fund-raiser)

Old magazines or thin card-board boxes (cereal boxes, etc)(used for making paper beads)



Do you shop online? You can make an effortless donation to

Trinity Baptist Church at the same time. Simply go to and search for Trinity Baptist Church, Norman,

OK and select our church. And then just shop as usual. If you had picked another charity, it

will show when you’re logged onto smile. You can change it by

logging into your account and going to Settings and Change

Your Charity. Then just log onto for future


Don’t forget to pass out your cards!


DISCIPLESHIP If you are interested in disciple-ship materials, go to

FOOD PANTRY needs addi-tional volunteers to help love on our clients. We need adults, college students, youth, and chil-dren who can sit and visit and share the gospel with those who visit us on Wednesday nights. Contact Chris Haynes or Tara Elmegreen for more info.

The Nursing Home Ministry is studying The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. If you have a copy of this that you no longer need, they would love to put it to good use. Contact Jerry or Janice Campbell.

Save the Date Eden Clinic Fundraising Dinner

Thursday, April 7, 2016

TRINITY MEMBERS If you’re a member of Trinity and would like to access our online directory through the website, email [email protected] for the password you need to con-nect. You’ll need an email to stay current as the password will be changed often. We don’t have pictures of everyone yet, so feel free to send us new pictures once you’ve had a chance to look around.

DID YOU KNOW that you can give online with your bank’s online billpay? It’s easy! Log on to your bank’s website, find the bill pay, and enter Trinity’s name and address (801 N. Peters Ave, Norman, OK 73069). Tell them how much to send, and they will mail us a check.


March 31, 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall

Dad—$8, Daughter—$6 Sign up begins March 6,

ends March 26

February 28, 2016

TEC SPRING 2016—SUNDAYS 5:00 p.m

Preparing Kids for the Future—led by Ryan Polk & Tristan Martin FH 2 & 3, 1/24-3/6 How do we parent in a way to prepare our kids to best engage the world they live in? This class, for both students (youth) and parents of kids of all ages will explore these questions and offer practical answers.

Discovering Trinity Membership Class FH 1, 2/7-3/6 This four week class will provide an introduction to the life and practice of Trinity Baptist Church. You will learn about our purpose, doctrine, leadership, and ministries. Discovering Trinity is required for membership at Trinity.

Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage—led by Randy Presley Choir room, 2/21-4/10 Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley explore the traits of a healthy and thriving mar-riage. Based on research of thousands of strong couples across the country, the twelve essential elements outlined are not only biblically based; they also chart a course for a romantic adventure that will last a lifetime. Greg and Erin guide couples to find ways to work around roadblocks in their current relationships and to intentionally create communication patterns that will take them to emotionally safe places. Marriage can have its twists and turns, but the detours don’t necessarily have to lead couples off course. Greg and Erin help couples map out a journey for their marriage so that they can enjoy the passionate and intimate relationship that God has promised.

The Attributes of the Triune God - led by Ronnie Rogers room 115, 4/10-5/1

The Connected Child—led by Ryan & Kara Polk FH 2 & 3, 4/10-5/8 The adoption of a child is a joyous moment in the life of a family. Some adop-tions, though, present unique challenges. Welcoming these children into your family--and addressing their special needs--requires care, consideration, and compassion. Written by two research psychologists specializing in adoption and attachment, The Connected Child will help you:

Build bonds of affection and trust with your adopted child Effectively deal with any learning or behavioral disorders Discipline your child with love without making him or her feel threatened




February 28, 2016


Verse of the week:

Daily Bible Readings for the Week:

Sunday: Lev. 19-20, Ps. 55, Luke 19 Monday: Happy Leap Day! (aka Catch-Up Day) Tuesday: Lev. 21-22, Ps. 56, Luke 20 Wednesday: Lev. 23-24, Ps. 57, Luke 21 Thursday: Lev. 25, Ps. 58, Luke 22 Friday: Lev. 26, Ps. 59, Luke 23 Saturday: Lev. 27, Ps. 60, Luke 24

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17, NASB

Book Recommendation

One Nation Under God, by Bruce Ashford Is it possible to be passionate about the gospel and care deeply about politics? Can we engage in politics responsibly, confidently, gracious-ly—even Christianly? When it comes to politics, Christians today seem lost and confused. Many Christians desire to relate their faith to politics but simply don’t know how. This book exists to equip the reader to apply Christianity to politics with both grace and truth, with both boldness and humility. Politics is not an evil arena to be avoided. Neither is it our only avenue for impacting society. The reality is much more complex and, oddly enough, much more promising.



1VOX YOUTH CHOIR TODAY at 4:00 in the choir room.

COLLEGE BASKETBALL Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., gym [email protected]

SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES, 9:15 Theology—Terry Garner Hosea—Richard Carpenter Song of Solomon—Adam Westerman I’m Glad You Asked—Greg Hughes Life in Community—Chris Haynes & Stephen Tomlinson

PARADIGM — Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., 1320 W. Lindsey

PURSUIT COMMUNITY GROUP - Wednesdays, 8:30 p.m., 301 Towry Dr.


We are sponsoring a young boy from the ministry in Guatema-la, CASA ALELU-YA. Please bring $1 on the first Sunday morning of each month to pay for the $35 per month sponsorship fee.

February 28, 2016




March 5 109-Paul & Krista Jones 105B-Kim Pitt & Anita Charlson 105C-Curtis & Beth Corcoran 101-Dee & Jazzy Burdick 102-TBA 103-Curtis & Emily Winkle 211-Gray family

February 28 109-Yamei Hou 105B-Gilleland family 105C-Brady & Kasey Stewart 101-Whalen family 102-Autumn Craig 103-Carpenter family 211-Elise Haynes & family


AWANA TONIGHT, 5:00, F.R.O.G. night. Tonight is the last night of RESTOCK THE PANTRY MONTH. Bring non-perishables to help minister to those in need. We will weigh the items and keep track by teams.

Honeybees Preschool Choir Wednesday, 6-7 p.m. Young 3’s—room 103 Older 3’s thru PK 5— room 211

PRESCHOOL PLAYDATE February 29—Meet at Lyon’s Park at 11:00. Bring your lunch!

THIS Saturday, March 5, we host the AWANA BIBLE QUIZ, SPARKS-A-RAMA, and AWANA GAMES! This is an all-day event full of fun competition. See Abigail Black-ford for Bible Quiz details, Hunter Camp for Sparks-a-Rama info, and Doug Gray about AWANA Games. STARZ! Join us as we continue

work on our musical “Big Shot—Facing Down our Giants, Looking Up to God!” Wednesdays, 6-7 p.m. in the choir room. Drama practice is Wednesdays, 7 p.m. in the Worship Center for all with assigned speaking parts. Solos have been assigned. Performance is Sunday, April 24, 6 p.m.

K!DZ WORSHIP WORKERS Kathy Presley, Don & Lori Gordoni, Shoshana Presley


March 31, 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall

Dad—$8, Daughter—$6 Sign up begins March 6,

ends March 26



If you have a spiritual, physical, or personal need that you would like the elders and staff to be aware of and praying for, please let us know. You may call the office at 321-2000 or email us at [email protected]. Prayer Requests: If you have a prayer request, please fill out this form and place in the offering plate. Please pray for:


February 28, 2016






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GUEST REGISTRATION February 28, 2016

Thank you for being a guest of Trinity Baptist Church. Help us get to know you better by providing us with some information about yourself:



City, State, Zip_____________________________________________

Home Phone Cell Phone__________________

Birth date____________________ Single or Married (please circle)

Undergraduate Student _________ Graduate Student ______________

e-mail address ____________________________________________

Names and birthdates of children, and grades if school age: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

I am interested in visiting with a member of Trinity about the topic I’ve checked below: __ becoming a Christian __ being baptized __ joining Trinity Baptist __ joining a Bible Study group __ other (please describe) __ being contacted by a pastor _________________________________________________________


Please fill out this form or the guest form in the back of the pew and place in the offering plate. We’re so glad you joined us for worship today!


801 N. Peters Ave / Norman, OK 73069 / 405.321.2000 /