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Pag. 1/18 Sintetiche riflessioni sulla evoluzione della tecnologia e dell’Industry A cura di CT.TA.STC Numero 1 – 8 gennaio2019 L’Archivio delle Triggering News è a questo link 5G, FutureNet e Tecnologie Nokia Replacing Huawei in Vodafone's German Core LG Opens 6G Labs at KAIST Vodafone and Telefónica UK expand network sharing deal to 5G AT&T sees record-breaking mobile data traffic at Super Bowl DT targets integrated SIM for IoT (eSIM) Servizi e Terminali Report: Free to play games bring in $88B in 2018 Deloitte predicts 50k 5G smartphone in the UK by 2019-end Orange targets home telesurveillance market, with launch of new JV in France TMobile, AT&T e Sprint vendono i dati di localizzazione degli utenti senza chiedere il consenso Amazon working on streaming gaming platform - report Apple rolls out iTunes app on Samsung TVs AT&T launches mobile '5G+' (70$ per 15 GB/mese) Trattori a guida remota in giappone

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Sintetiche riflessioni sulla evoluzione della tecnologia e dell’Industry

A cura di CT.TA.STC

Numero 1 – 8 gennaio2019

L’Archivio delle Triggering News è a questo link

5G, FutureNet e Tecnologie

Nokia Replacing Huawei in Vodafone's German Core

LG Opens 6G Labs at KAIST

Vodafone and Telefónica UK expand network sharing deal to 5G

AT&T sees record-breaking mobile data traffic at Super Bowl

DT targets integrated SIM for IoT (eSIM)

Servizi e Terminali

Report: Free to play games bring in $88B in 2018

Deloitte predicts 50k 5G smartphone in the UK by 2019-end

Orange targets home telesurveillance market, with launch of new JV in France

TMobile, AT&T e Sprint vendono i dati di localizzazione degli utenti senza chiedere il consenso

Amazon working on streaming gaming platform - report

Apple rolls out iTunes app on Samsung TVs

AT&T launches mobile '5G+' (70$ per 15 GB/mese)

Trattori a guida remota in giappone

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5G, FutureNet e Tecnologie -

T-Mobile's Mayo: Edge computing is ‘not as imminent as maybe the hype cycle would suggest’ | FierceWireless


T-Mobile's Mayo: Edge computing is ‘not as imminent as maybe the hype cycle would suggest’ by Mike Dano | Oct 18, 2018 1:38pm

T-Mobile's Dave Mayo, left, speaks with Mobile Exerts' Joe Madden. (Mike Dano/FierceWireless)

DALLAS—A top T-Mobile executive said that edge computing could well bloom into a major opportunity, but not anytime soon.

“Edge compute is early days from my perspective,” said T-Mobile’s Dave Mayo, SVP of the carrier’s 5G and IoT businesses. Mayo spoke here at the FierceWireless Next Gen Wireless Networks Summit. “It’s not as imminent as maybe the hype cycle will suggest.”

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Mayo first explained that the latency available on LTE networks is already as low as 20 ms, and he said that figure could decline to 5-10 ms on 5G networks. He said those latency speeds will be suitable for most applications in the near term. (Latency is the time it takes a byte to traverse a network—like when you say, “hey Alexa” and it responds with a “yes?”)

“The need to broadly deploy edge compute diminishes” as those latency speeds decline.

However, Mayo said that some select applications could make use of edge computing capabilities in the next few years. Specifically, he pointed to oil and gas operations, where providers might need local computing capabilities in order to keep all their data local to a specific geographic location.

“That’s a great use case where edge compute is absolutely required,” he noted.

Mayo also pointed to other edge computing use cases like manufacturing or medical uses that could rely on super low latency speeds. He added that T-Mobile will continue to look for opportunities to deploy edge computing operations.

“We’ll go looking for those opportunities,” he said.

Indeed, Mayo noted that T-Mobile operates 60,000 locations where edge computing could be deployed—likely a reference to the number of cell towers T-Mobile operates around the country.

Interestingly, Mayo also said T-Mobile wouldn’t build its own cloud in order to deploy edge computing, and will instead work with existing cloud providers.

Despite Mayo’s comments, some industry players continue to talk up the edge computing opportunity. After all, people are using increasingly complex data services like Siri, Alexa and virtual reality. An edge computing design—where queries are processed in a data center geographically closer to an end user—can make those communications go faster by lowering the network latency.

This would represent a major change from most of today’s computing designs, where queries are sent hundreds or thousands of miles away to be processed in a data center.

Nonetheless, Mayo said that, as 5G gets built out on a wide scale basis, developers and others will likely create services and business models that could make use of edge computing. For example, he pointed to drones that could have edge computing capabilities on board, allowing those drones to analyze video in real time rather than streaming that video elsewhere to be analyzed.

“It will come to play over time,” he said. “I think it will happen. It’s a matter of what pace and rate.”

He added that “we just can’t even contemplate some of the things that will be required” in the future, and that edge computing demand will be “application specific.”

But Mayo cautioned that it could take decades for the edge computing opportunity to fully develop—he mentioned 2035 as a possible timeframe for when edge computing might turn into a major opportunity.

“It will be a fun future,” Mayo said.

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Mayo isn’t the only top wireless executive to throw cold water on the edge computing noise.

“There’s a lot of excitement about it [edge computing] … It’s talked about like crazy,” acknowledged Alex Gellman, CEO of Vertical Bridge, the largest private owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure in the United States. But, he added, “I’m not sure that edge data centers are coming.”



Chinese university recruits ‘patriotic’ students to build AI weapons Tags: Cybersecurity


un segno della guerra informatica ...

A university in China has recruited 27 boys and four girls to become the world’s youngest AI weapons scientists.

All of the students are under 18 and were picked from a list of 5,000 candidates by the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).

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Beyond academic prowess, the BIT sought other qualities in the candidates.

“We are looking for qualities such as creative thinking, willingness to fight, a persistence when facing challenges,” a BIT professor told the South China Morning Post.

The recruitment of students from such a young age marks a new point in the race to weaponise AI, primarily led by the US and China.

Students on the ‘Experimental Program for Intelligent Weapons Systems’ course will be mentored by two senior weapons scientists.

Following their first semester, the students will be asked to choose a speciality field in order to be assigned to a relevant defence laboratory for hands-on experience.

The course is four years long and students will be expected to progress onto a ...PhD at the university to lead China’s AI weapons initiatives.

Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasised his country will be putting a much greater focus on military AI research.

AI News reported back in July that China is planning for a new era of sea power with unmanned AI-powered submarines. The country hopes to have them operational by the early 2020s to patrol areas home to disputed military bases.



AT&T completa la vendita dei suoi data center iniziata nel 2017 - AT&T sells 31 data centers to Brookfield Infrastructure for $1.1 billion Tags: Data Center Source:

Il mestiere dei data center è sempre più specializzato, AT&T completa la vendita dei suoi (aveva iniziato nel 2017) e cosi' ha fatto anche Verizon. Si vedrà se l'EDGE invertirà questa tendenza

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AT&T completed the sale of its data center colocation operations and assets to Brookfield Infrastructure and its institutional partners for $1.1 billion. This includes 18 Internet Data Centers (IDC) in the United States and 13 outside the United States. The colocation data center operations serve a diversified customer base of more than 1,000 companies. Brookfield has established a wholly owned company, Evoque Data Center Solutions ("Evoque"), to own and operate the assets. Customer contracts, employees supporting the colocation operations, fixed assets, leases, and specified owned facilities have been transferred to Brookfield. Evoque joins AT&T's global colocation ecosystem program where AT&T will offer Evoque's colocation services to business customers. The ecosystem program offers business customers access to 350+ data centers around the world. AT&T said it will use the $1.1 billion to advance its goal of reducing its net-debt-to-EBITDA-ratio to the 2.5x range by the end of 2019.

Apple to Spend $10B on US Data Center Construction Over Five Years Tags: Data Center


AI, BigData, FTTH, Larga banda e 5G vogliono cloud e data center ... proprio mentre i telcos come AT&T lasciano i data center .

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Apple Apple said Thursday it plans to invest $10 billion in US data center construction over the next five years. It expects to have spent $4.5 billion of the ten this year and next. The company revealed the plan as part of a broader investment in staff and facilities expansion across the US. That broader plan includes a new 133-acre campus in Austin, Texas, expected to eventually have enough room to house 15,000 employees and make Apple the largest private employer in town.

Amazon activates AWS Europe (Stockholm) Region: milion of servers Tags: Cloud computing


60 availability zones e 12 in attivazione (tra cui Italia) in cui ci sono almeno un data center per zona da l'idea della dimensione di amazon ... milioni di server!

Amazon announced the opening of the AWS Europe (Stockholm) Region with three Availability Zones. AWS Regions are comprised of Availability Zones, which are technology infrastructure in separate and distinct geographic locations with enough distance to significantly reduce the risk of a single event impacting business continuity, yet near enough to provide low latency for high availability applications. Each Availability Zone has independent power, cooling, and physical security and are connected via redundant, ultra-low-latency networks.

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With Stockholm online, AWS now provides 60 Availability Zones across 20 infrastructure regions globally, with another 12 Availability Zones and four regions in Bahrain, Hong Kong SAR, Italy, and South Africa all coming online by the first half of 2020. The AWS Europe (Stockholm) Region is AWS’s fifth in Europe, joining existing regions in France, Germany, Ireland, and the UK.

What is Society 5.0? Japan’s model for a digitally-inspired ‘imagination society’ Tags: Digital Transformation


Da Industria 4.0 a Society 5.0 ... 4.0 non basta più!

What is Society 5.0? Japan’s model for a digitally-inspired ‘imagination society’

James Blackman • � December 10, 2018 • � Share 0

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“The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux.” It is a phrase written for a different time, and another sphere – a generation ago, which seems like a lifetime, to mark a political transformation, which now seems so slight Because the future is coming into view, fast, and society is being transformed. The only question is how the transformation will finish – and, to paraphrase, how the pieces will settle, as the world is reordered around us. “The world is facing a great tide of change,” comments the World Economic Forum (WEF) in a recent report, which sets out six priorities to avert global crisis from society’s digital reboot. Sixty per cent of global GDP is expected to be digitised by 2022, with little distinction between the digital economy and the economy, or between digital society and society, it reckons. The yawning divide between the digital ‘haves and have-nots’ is being mapped onto society’s old inequalities. “The trend of digital transformation cannot be stopped and is drastically changing aspects of society including private lives, public administration, industrial structure and employment,” says the WEF. The WEF puts focus on one model for change, from Japan, using the de-facto point-zero nomenclature of other tech movements: ‘Society 5.0’. It warrants a closer look. Last month, the Japanese Business Federation, known as Keidanren, positioned the concept as a future vision for a fair society, enabled by digital technology – emerging from change to its every facet, including its politics, economy, and culture. Keidanren calls it the ‘imagination society’. “Digital technologies and data should be utilised to create a society where people lead diverse lifestyles and pursue happiness in their own ways,” it says. “In the future, humans will require imagination to change the world and creativity to materialise their ideas. Society 5.0 will be an Imagination Society.”

Pag. 10/18 Really, Society 5.0 is a parallel to the Industrie 4.0 concept, which originated in Germany, aligned with the transformation of the enterprise market – and describes the evolution from steam power, to electric power, to computer power, to a higher machine intelligence. The difference is Society 5.0 attempts to define the society’s broader transformation, going back to hunter-gatherers, and on through agrarian society, industrial society, and information society, to arrive at this unknown place. But is it unknown? Keidanren describes the mindset and opportunity afforded by new digital technologies. “The aim is to bring about a society where anyone can create value anytime, anywhere, in security and harmony with nature, and free from various constraints that currently exist.” This last part is key. It describes society after all the technological and cultural barriers have been removed, and new business models emerge. It describes smart cities and zero-touch factories, staffed by robots and geared towards environmental and economic sustainability. Keidanren references the United Nations’ ‘sustainable development goals’ (SDGs) for cities and regions, disaster prevention, financial systems, and public services. It describes the transformation of industry, as per the German vision, around new industrial structures and practices, and decentralised power, both political and electrical. “Society 5.0 is not something to come, but something to create. Keidanren will reform itself to take the initiative in transforming Japanese economy and society. It will discuss, present and execute specific measures to realise Society 5.0 in partnership with diverse domestic and foreign stakeholders.”

DE-CIX Internet Exchange tedesco raggiunge i 43 Tbps Tags: futurenet Source:

43 Terabits al secondo di traffico ... da un'idea dei volumi di traffico Internet

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DE-CIX announced that Internet Exchange (IX) in the New York metro area has exceeded a key milestone of 200 unique Autonomous System Number (ASN) networks. This makes it the largest Carrier and Data Center-Neutral Internet Exchange in New York, according to the company. “200 networks is a significant milestone to achieve and especially nice to have accomplished in just four and half years. It is a testament to how the neutral exchange model, with its partnership opportunities, can transform a market. Our model has allowed DE-CIX New York to become the leading platform in New York and the second largest exchange on the entire eastern seaboard,” comments Ed d’Agostino, Vice President and General Manager, DE-CIX North America. “Our focus on data center enablement – along with enhanced service capabilities has allowed our customers to add significant additional connectivity that the New York market has ever experienced. We are well on our way to helping make New York the premier interconnection location in North America.” The company also notes that customers connected to DE-CIX New York can peer with networks locally connected on DE-CIX European Internet Exchanges without having to buy transport, a remote port or even a local cross-connection. Specifically, networks connected in New York via a local Point of Presence (PoP) or connected over transport to the New York IX can:

• Reach DE-CIX Frankfurt, the world’s largest IX by peak traffic, extending access to more than 850 networks

• Benefit from extended reach to other DE-CIX Internet Exchanges including Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, Marseille and Istanbul—enabling connectivity to hundreds of additional networks

Servizi e Terminali -

Sapere la posizione esatta di un consumatore vale 21 miliardi - Wired Tags: advertising, Localization Services, Mobile


Un mercato che in Italia vale 200 Mni€

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Il mercato della pubblicità basata sulla posizione degli utenti è in crescita. Alimenta non solo il marketing. Ma ci sono dei rischi Posizione (Getty Images)

È un business da 21 miliardi di dollari all’anno (18,5 miliardi di euro). Ci

investono soggetti come la banca di affari Goldman Sachs e Peter Thiel, co-

fondatore di PayPal assieme a Elon Musk. Benvenuti nel mercato della

posizione: ovvero, come vendere i posti dove siamo stati e dove andremo.

Ovviamente, a nostra insaputa o quasi.

Perché il mercato della posizione è basato sul rilevamento fatto in tempo reale

dagli smartphone, soprattutto Android ma, come spiega il New York Times, in

parte anche quelli Apple. Solo negli Stati Uniti ci sono un centinaio di aziende che

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tracciano la posizione di circa 200 milioni di utenti, rilevando gli spostamenti

almeno 14mila volte al giorno (ovvero una volta ogni sei secondi circa).

Vuzix Blade, occhiali da vista con Augmented Reality Tags: AR


occhiali da vista con AR, ma che prezzi (oltre 1000€)

Vuzix lance la commercialisation de Blade, ses lunettes de réalité augmentée grand public

A un anno dal loro annuncio, gli occhiali realtà aumentati di Vuzix Blade sono finalmente in vendita Un prodotto apparentemente destinato al pubblico in generale, ma che potrebbe avere difficoltà a trovare il suo mercato.

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Vuzix lance la commercialisation de Blade, ses lunettes de réalité augmentée grand public © Vuzix A LIRE AUSSI Vuzix annonce Blade, des lunettes de réalité augmentée pour le grand public

North achète les brevets d'Intel pour ses lunettes connectées Focals

Le fabricant de lunettes de réalité augmentée ODG vend ses brevets et actifs

Le spécialiste de la réalité augmentée Vuzix avait profité du CES 2018 pour présenter des lunettes destinées au grand public, les Vuzix Blade. Un an plus tard et ces dernières sont enfin en vente pour la modique somme de 1099 euros.

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Google si espande sempre più verso apparati per la Smart Home Tags: Smart Home


Google si espande verso la Smart Home, previst 20 B$ di fatturato entro il 2021 ... già oggi il 6% del fatturato Google è nell'HW!

Google, an increasingly heavy weight in electronic equipment RIDHA LOUKIL HARDWARE , GOOGLE

PUBLISHED ON 03/01/2019 AT 2:15 PM

Smart thermostats, smartphones, connected speakers, video decoders ... Google is extending its grip on electronic devices. According to RBC Capital Markets, its turnover in these activities could exceed $ 19.5 billion in 2021. What weigh more weight than Chinese TCL and almost match the Dutch Philips.

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Due famiglie su cinque negli USA hanno uno "smart speaker" Tags: AI Source:

due famiglie su cinque negli USA, e una su 3 ha amazon Alexa in casa ... se non è impressionante questo!

41% of US consumers own smart speakers

RBC Capital Markets calculates that 41% of US consumers now own a smart speaker, with penetration for Amazon Alexa-enabled devices reaching 31% this year. Apple's HomePod saw minimal growth this year and controls only about 5% of the market, RBC reports. TechCrunch (12/28)

Amazon's Echo Dots (Stephen Brashear/Getty Images)

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Google's AI tool recognizes over 1 billion products Tags: AI, Image Recognition Source:

riconoscere un miliardio di oggetti specifici (da una certa auto a una sedia a un orecchino) cambierà il mondo ... ed è solo l'inizio!

Google's AI tool recognizes over 1 billion products Google Lens, the company's AI analysis tool which debuted in 2017, is now capable of recognizing over 1 billion products. The company was able to grow the recognition capabilities of the Lens by feeding millions of labelled images through Google's open source TensorFlow machine learning framework. VentureBeat (12/19)

Global IoT Spending to Hit $745B in 2019 – IDC | Light Reading Tags: IoT


estrapolando: italia 7b€ nel 2019. Ma solo il 9% è connettività ... FRAMINGHAM, Mass. -- Worldwide spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) is forecast to reach $745 billion in 2019, an increase of 15.4% over the $646 billion spent in 2018, according to a new update to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Semiannual Internet of Things Spending Guide. IDC expects worldwide IoT spending will maintain a double-digit annual growth rate throughout the 2017-2022 forecast period and surpass the $1 trillion mark in 2022. Worldwide spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) is forecast to reach $745 billion in 2019, an increase of 15.4% over the $646 billion spent in 2018, according to a new update to the IDC Worldwide Semiannual Internet of Things Spending Guide.

The industries that are forecast to spend the most on IoT solutions in 2019 are discrete manufacturing ($119 billion), process manufacturing ($78 billion), transportation ($71 billion), and utilities ($61 billion). IoT spending among manufacturers will be largely

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focused on solutions that support manufacturing operations and production asset management. In transportation, more than half of IoT spending will go toward freight monitoring, followed by fleet management. IoT spending in the utilities industry will be dominated by smart grids for electricity, gas, and water. The industries that will see the fastest compound annual growth rates (CAGR) over the five-year forecast period are insurance (17.1%), federal/central government (16.1%), and healthcare (15.4%).

The IoT use cases that will see the greatest levels of investment in 2019 are driven by the industry spending leaders: manufacturing operations ($100 billion), production asset management ($44.2 billion), smart home ($44.1 billion), and freight monitoring ($41.7 billion).

IoT services will be the largest technology category in 2019 with $258 billion going toward traditional IT and installation services as well as non-traditional device and operational services. Hardware spending will be close behind at $250 billion led by more than $200 billion in module/sensor purchases. IoT software spending will total $154 billion in 2019 and will see the fastest growth over the five-year forecast period with a CAGR of 16.6%. Services spending will also grow faster than overall IoT spending with a CAGR of 14.2%. IoT connectivity spending will total $83 billion in 2019.




That’s all Folks!