triangular trade route. trading goods the thirteen colonies all grew and produced goods that they...

Triangular Trade Route

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Triangular Trade Route

Trading Goods The Thirteen Colonies all grew and produced goods that they traded between on another. They also traded their goods with other countries. This practice not only provided them with goods from other places that they were interested in, it also a good way to make money.

Goods Produced by 13 Colonies

New England

Middle Colonies

Southern Colonies

- Fish- Whales- Timber- Oats- Wheat - Ships- Metal


-Fur-Meat-Grains -Flour-Iron

- Cotton- Tobacco - Indigo - Corn- Rice- Clay

Trade outside of the 13 Colonies

O Export: a product sent to another country to be sold.

O Import: a product brought into one country from another.

Examples:Nike sneakers made in China are exported to many other countries.

The United States imports Nike sneakers from China

The Triangular Trade Route

The Triangular Trade Route was established between the 13 Colonies, England & Europe, Africa, and the West Indies. Each area was known for the goods that were grown and produced there. Soon, a trade relationship was set up among the four areas. Each exported goods they produced to the other areas while importing goods they wanted from one another. The trade routes formed a sort of triangular shape, which is where it got its name.

Location Exports Imports

British Colonies (including West Indies)

- Furs- Lumber- Sugar- Fruit- Whale oil- Dried fish- Grain- Coffee- Toabacco- Molasses- Iron products

-Cloth-Shoes-Paper -Tea-Spices-Wine-Slaves -Gold

England + Europe

-Cloth-Tea-Spices-Iron products-Silver

-Furs-Lumber-Tobacco-Rice-Coffee-Dried Fish-Whale Oil-Molasses

Africa -Slaves-Gold

-Iron Products-Silver