trestleboard november 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Trestleboard November 2010



    FFrroomm tthhee EEaasstt.. 11

    FFrroomm tthhee WWeesstt.. 33


    EEddiittoorrss CCoorrnneerr 22

    SSccoouuttss 22

    PPaarrttyy 33

    EEdduuccaattiioonn 44

    PPooeemm//HHuummoorr 55

    FFaammoouuss MMaassoonn 66

    CCaalleennddaarr 77

    OOffffiicceerrss 88


    A few things occurred the

    month of October, Billie and I

    traveled to Missouri for a week

    and had an opportunity to see

    how the rest of our greatcountry is doing.

    The Lodge, after 50 years, has

    finally had a Flag Pole installed.

    Many thanks to John Bowley for

    donating 25ft pole; to Joseph

    Pennington for asking if anyone

    had a pole to donate and also

    picking it up; to James Minyard

    and Seth White for doing the

    grunt work; and to the Hall

    Association for the cost ofMaterials, which were approx.


    rom the EastBro. Joseph Romero, Worshipful Master

    Also, The Worshipful Richard F.

    Davis, PM has been selected to

    be the Inspector for 830th

    Masonic District, replacing

    Worshipful Mert Gayler, who

    has been our Inspector for theDistrict for the preceding few

    years. Thanks, Mert, for your

    service; and welcome aboard

    to you, Richard.

    Although few were in

    attendance for our Masonic

    Education Evening, I believe it

    was one of the best, not only

    for fellowship but also for the

    enthusiastic participation by all

    who were present. PS, weenjoyed Pizza and Salad and


    Due to the generosity of o

    Treasurer, Mark Clark, and

    members, the sum of $31was collected for the

    Firemans Explorer Volunt


    Elections will be held our

    November Stated Meeting

    please plan to attend. Als

    the Installation of Officers

    be Sunday December 5th a

    12:00pm. The California

    Grand Master MW William

    Bray will be the installingOfficer.


    Joseph Romero, WM, PM

    A newsletter serving the Masonic and affiliated bodies of the high desert

    Yucca Valley Lodge #802

    Yucca Valley California

    November 2010Trestleboard

    Trestleboard - a draftsmans designing board; that on which a Mason draws his designs for his character and spiritual growth;

    that on which the Worshipful Master lays out his designs for the workmen; a Lodges newsletter and calendar of events.

    Do you want to get

    the Trestleboard

    sooner? Sign up for

    email delivery and

    youll get it before

    the 1st

    ! Send an

    email to the editor

    to sign up.

    FFoollllooww uuss oonn FFaacceebbooookk,,wwhheerree yyoouu ccaann uuppllooaaddssttoorriieess,, pphhoottooss aanndd nneewwsseevveennttss!! YYoouu ccaann aallssoo ffiinnddMMaassoonniicc eedduuccaattiioonn..

    PPlleeaassee sseenndd ssttoorriieess,, pphhoottooss,,ccoommmmeennttss oorrccoorrrreeccttiioonnss ttootthhee eeddiittoorraatt::TTCCDDoowwddeenn@@rrooaaddrruunnnneerr..ccoomm

    OOuurr 5500tthh

    YYeeaarr iinn YYuuccccaa VVaalllleeyy

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 Trestleboard November 2010


    Yucca Valley Trestleboard Page 2 of 8

    A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

    Thanksgiving is the holidaythat we dedicate to showingappreciation to God for allthe blessing we enjoy as


    Last month, the Scottish Rite

    celebrated the Feast of Tishri,

    which is an obligatory feast.The origin of the Feast is

    described in the Book of

    Leviticus, where it is said that

    the Lord spoke unto Moses

    saying that on the fifteenth day

    of the month of Tishri of the

    Hebrew civil calendar ye shall

    have gathered in the fruit of

    the land, ye shall keep a feast

    unto the LORD.

    The Feast of Tishri, therefore, isthe Hebrew equivalent of

    Thanksgiving or Harvest

    festival. In observing the Feast

    of Tishri, Masons reaffirm our

    dedication to human concord

    and the brotherhood of all men

    in a world of peace. We

    resolve to build, through

    harmony and cooperation, our

    own temple ever seeking peace

    for all mankind.

    Thanksgiving is the holiday that

    we dedicate to showing

    appreciation to God for all the

    blessings we enjoy as

    The Editors CornerBro. T.C. Dowden

    Americans. It can also be

    considered a Masonic

    holiday. Consider the

    similarities; the Pilgrimscelebrated the first

    Thanksgiving, and Master

    Masons may travel to

    foreign countries pilgrims.

    The Pilgrims left England for

    religious tolerance. We, as

    Masons, teach tolerance of

    religion through inclusion of

    all religions in our

    brotherhood. They sought a

    more egalitarian society;Masons meet on the level.

    The Pilgrims had a mutual

    support compact; Masons are

    deeply involved in helping

    others and their community.

    The most telling connection

    between Thanksgiving and

    our fraternity is this: the first

    Thanksgiving holiday was by

    historic proclamation

    declared by Brother GeorgeWashington during his first

    year as President. It sets

    aside Thursday, November 26

    as "A Day of Publick

    Thanksgiving and Prayer.


    I know that we have had

    some decline in participa

    in the Masonic Education

    Working Group, especial

    with me being called awa

    for work. However, we a

    still meeting on the 3


    Thursday and Im prepar

    pithy topics for discussio

    There are no restrictions

    what brothers can

    participate, so wed love

    see participation by the

    Fellow Crafts and Entere

    Apprentices. For that

    matter, any of our more

    reclusive brothers that

    receive this newsletter awelcome to come and en

    the fellowship.

    Paramedic/Fireman David

    Faller of County Fire Station 41

    accepts a check from Joseph

    Romero, Worshipful Master of

    the Yucca Valley Masonic

    Lodge #802, on behalf of Scout

    Explorer Post 41.

    The donation, raised on the

    floor of the Lodge at a recent

    meeting, will be used to send

    members of the Station's Sco

    Post to the Regional

    Fire Explorer Academy at Fort

    Irwin, California.

    The Academy provides

    professional training in fire

    response and suppression

    techniques to Explorer Scouts

    anticipation of their careers in

    firefighting service.

    Lodge Helps Fund Fire Explorer Scouts

  • 8/8/2019 Trestleboard November 2010


    Yucca Valley TrestleboardPage 3 of 8

    A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

    Sisters & Brethren,

    Please advise as soon as possible: Do you want a joint

    Christmas party to continue? We have two dates available: 1Dec 10th, or 2) Dec 17th, 2010 from 10:00am to 1:30pm at Helen

    Gray Library at 6601 White Feather Rd Joshua Tree, CA 92252-

    6607. Cost for room $150.00 ($30.00 ea body) and dinner

    should be about $20.00. We need to know as soon as possible

    to make arrangements. Contact me for more info.

    Fraternally, Bill Hawthorn

    How many times have you

    paused to consider the

    question....Why did our ancient

    brethren choose the modest

    materials and tools of a

    builders trade as the basis in

    creating a system of moral and

    philosophical teachings we

    know today as Speculative


    There are dozens of Human

    endeavors that could have

    been used to create a systemof morality veiled in allegory,

    seafaring, metalwork,

    carpentry, agriculture, to name

    a few. The Stonemasons trade

    however, and his material

    stone have profound, far-

    reaching and universal

    significance which may be the

    reason it has survived so long.

    Stone was perhaps the firstmaterial used by man to create

    lasting tools to cut, hammer,

    and grind. Stone has also

    proven to be the material of

    choice for building and

    adorning important structures

    where solidity and permanence

    are paramount considerations.

    Stone has also becomeindicative of stability, hardness,

    and endurance in all languages

    and bears a wealth of symbolic

    meaning, with many

    associations. Within the major

    religions of man, stone has

    played many significant roles,

    alters, monuments, the

    measure of one's importance, it

    doesn't require deep study to

    find examples.

    The ancient stonemasons left

    us with mysteries that even the

    most diligent scientists cannot

    fully explain and others that

    have not been deciphered,

    monuments of human

    accomplishment, that cannot

    be replicated today even with

    all the advantages modern


    Testimony of a craft which

    outlived civilizations, and left

    behind a record of its


    rom the WestBro. Joseph DuPont, Sr. Warden

    CCoommbbiinneedd CChhrriissttmmaass PPaarrttyy!!

    Balloting forthe next slateof officers ison Nov 4!

  • 8/8/2019 Trestleboard November 2010


    Yucca Valley Trestleboard Page 4 of 8

    A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

    Masonic Education

    The Triangle

    The triangle, with its three sides

    has played a great part in thetraditions of Asia, in the

    philosophy of Plato, in Christianity;

    indeed, in all religions and all


    It has ever been regarded as the

    image of the Supreme Being.

    Neither the line nor two lines can

    represent a perfect geometrical

    figure. But three lines, by their

    juncture, form a triangle, the first,

    the primal perfect figure. This isone reason why it serves to

    symbolize the Eternal Who,

    infinitely perfect in His nature, is

    as the creator, the first being,

    consequently the first perfection.

    There are three essential degrees

    in Masonry, three secret words of

    three syllables each. There are

    three grand masters. There are

    three principal officers of a lodge.

    This continual reproduction of thenumber three, of which I have

    given only a few instances, is not

    accidental nor without profound

    meaning. The same is to be found

    in all the ancient mysteries.

    The Square

    The square as an emblem is

    geometrical and not mechanical in

    its origin according to authorities,who trace it back to the ancient

    Egyptians, who in solemn

    processions carried the cubit of

    justice, by which perpendiculars,

    right angles and squares might be

    laid out, its form being that of one

    arm of a square, with the inner

    end cut to an angle of 45 degrees.

    The close analogy between

    justice and that which is perfectlyupright is so obvious as to have

    become universal. The terms an

    upright manand a just man are

    in nearly all languages

    synonymous, hence the scriptural

    phrases: The way of the just is

    uprightness; thou, most upright,

    dost weigh the path of the just;

    He that walketh uprightly and the

    admonition to walk uprightly

    before God and man. Besidesthis, the square was used in Egypt

    to redetermine the boundaries of

    each mans possessions when, as

    frequently happened, the

    landmarks were swept away by

    the inundation of the Nile, thus

    recovering to every man his just

    rights. The Egyptian land-measure

    itself was an aroura or a square,

    containing one hundred cubits.

    The square representing thefourth part of a circle, has a direct

    allusion to division of the ecliptic

    and celestial equator into four

    equal parts, indicative of the

    solstitial and equinoctial points,

    and the division of the year into

    four seasons. By it we are also

    enabled to divide the circle of the

    horizon into quadrants, and by the

    aid of the sun in the south to

    correctly mark out the four

    cardinal points of the compass. In

    not only geometry, but astronomy

    also, the use of the right angle is


    The 47th

    Problem of Euclid joins the

    square and the triangle in

    Geometry, in Masonry its done

    with the Apron!

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    Yucca Valley TrestleboardPage 5 of 8

    A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

    Illustration reprinted fr"Superman Adventures34." Fighting Fate.August, 1999. DC ComNew York, NY. MarkMillar,writer; Mike

    McAvennie, editor; FraBerris, Asst. editor. p. colour, 24 page plusgloss cover.

    Thanksgiving time is again here once more,

    Now lets get together and tally the score:

    No bombs fell down on our homes this year,

    No earthquakes or floods to give us a scare.

    Our tongues were not swollen because of thirst,

    Our hearts were not broken or likely to burst,

    No distended bellies from hunger or cramp,

    Our feet were not aching because we must tramp.

    No plague, blight or pestilence to spoil our days,

    To wipe out our neighbors in devious ways,

    No rattle of gun-fire; nor loud cannon roar;

    No cruel henchmen to break down the door.

    No one will come bar or seal up the Church,

    Nor enter our homes and wantonly search,

    No one did despoil the ones whom we love,

    So thanks be to God up in Heaven above.

    We all are well cared for, we all are well-fed,

    Warm dwellings to live in, a comfortable bed,

    Our daily toil brings an adequate check,

    The doctor and nurse give a routine check.

    There are many today, there outside our land,

    Who are seeking and needing a helping hand,

    But we in this country are sitting just right,

    Just take a look 'round and see the plight,

    The chaos, the hardship, the dread and the fear,

    The poverty, distress, and the undried tear,

    While we have everything, best of the best,

    With this world's goods we are truly blessed.

    Yes, Thanksgiving time is here once more,

    Did you sit right down and tally the score?

    If you did, like good Masons youll start from here

    And practice your teachings without let or fear,

    The distinguishing mark of a Mason, you know,

    Is to give of his best in a charitable flow;

    For almighty God in all His benignity

    Has given for certain to you and to me,

    Now give what you can, and then start to pray,

    With real, true sincerity: THANK GOD TODAY



    Platinum Sponsors $50.00Gary Mason

    Joe DuPontGold Sponsors $25.00

    TC DowdenJoseph Romero

    Silver Sponsors $20.00Wayne Stuart

    Sponsors $15.00

    Annual TrestleboardSponsorships help defray theannual cost of printing andmailing the Trestleboard to

    those Brothers and friends ofthe Lodge that are not adept atelectronic publications. If youcan afford to sponsor, please

    see TC Dowden.

    The Masons CharacterFreemasonry has always been true to its name, and the real Mason is the

    builder of the temple of his own character. Its mission is to furnish high

    ideals for the individual, which may be reflected in his actions towards h

    fellow men. The Masonic ideal teaches that moral and spiritual

    attainments are far more important than the material and physical.

    Rule and LineThe rule directs that we should punctually observe our duty and press

    forward in the path of virtue, neither inclining to the right or left. The lin

    teaches moral rectitude, to avoid dissimulation in conversation and actio

    and to direct our steps in the path which leads us to immortality. The

    plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our station, to hold the scales

    justice in equal poise. The Square and compasses are emblematical of th

    mathematical sciences and useful arts.

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    Yucca Valley Trestleboard Page 6 of 8

    A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

    Famous Mason: Roy Rogers, Actor, Singer, Cowboy, Freemason

    Brother Roy was one of the best

    known and most beloved persons

    in the rich heritage of Western

    entertainment and culture.

    Illustrious Brother Roy Rogers,

    33, was a super hero to millions

    of children and adults around the

    globe for over fifty years. Roy

    always personified the good guy

    who triumphed over evil. He was

    the same person off-screen as he

    was on-screen. He always said it

    was easy to act his parts because

    he was only playing himself, "I

    am what I am."

    Born Leonard Franklin Slye on

    November 5, 1911, in Cincinnati,

    Ohio, he moved with his family to

    California in 1930. After several

    jobs, he decided to try his luck as

    a western singer. He performed

    with several groups, and in 1933

    formed the Pioneer Trio that

    became the legendary Sons of

    the Pioneers in 1934. In their

    first recording session for Decca

    Records, they recorded 'TumblingTumbleweeds" which became

    their trademark theme song.

    Republic Pictures signed Len Slye

    to a movie contract in 1937 for

    the sum of $75 a week. He

    changed his name to Roy Rogers

    in 1938 and went on to make

    more than 100 films.

    Roy Rogers and Dale Evans first

    worked together in 1944. Roy

    was every boy's hero, and Dale

    became Roy's bride in 1947.

    Sharing adventure and song

    under Western skies, they rose to

    glory as one of America's most

    famous couples. They continued

    working together as a team in

    movies, live performances, and

    on television.

    There was a great need for family

    value programs in the then new

    medium of television. Roy and

    Dale moved from movies to NBC

    Television in 1951 to become one

    of the first successful family

    oriented programs of the 1950s.

    They continued on NBC until

    1957 and made more than 100

    episodes. The program was put

    into syndication, and it is still

    seen today in the USA and

    several foreign countries around

    the world. Roy and Dale then

    moved to CBS and continued the

    show until 1961.

    Roy starred in 87 musical

    Westerns for Republic Pictures,

    and for 12 consecutive years in

    the 1940s and ' 50s he was the

    number one Western box-office


    His top rated half hour TV series

    ran on NBC for six and a half

    years and then moved to CBS

    where it ran for three more. It

    was then repeated through

    syndication for an additional

    three years and is still seen in

    American and foreign markets


    His radio show on Mutual

    Network aired on more than 500

    stations and was heard by more

    than 20 million people each


    Roy and the Sons of the Pioneersrode the range and sang many

    great western songs around the

    campfire. The Sons were the first

    country and western musical

    group to achieve national


    Roy's picture appeared on 2.5

    BILLION boxes of Post cereals.

    Roy Rogers comic books sold

    more than 25 million copies e

    year, and his newspaper com

    strip reached more than 65

    million readers each week.

    Roy is the ONLY performer to

    elected the Country Music Ha

    of Fame TWICE. He has four

    stars on the Hollywood Walk

    Fame, one each for movies,

    radio, records, and television

    Roy and Dale were also well

    known for their charitable

    appearances, more than 6,00

    all, including visits to Shriner'Hospitals for Children all over

    the country.

    Roy Rogers inevitably took a

    stand for right, and right alwa

    won out in the end. This is w

    he believes and what he

    exemplified in his daily life.

    Brother Roy was raised a Ma

    Mason in 1946 in Hollywood

    Lodge No. 355, F. & A.M.,

    Hollywood, California. He

    became a member of Long

    Beach Valley of Scottish Rite

    1950 and AI Malaikah Shrine

    Temple, Los Angeles, also in

    1950. He received the K.C.C.

    of the Scottish Rite in 1975 an

    was coroneted a 33 in 1979.

    also became a member of the

    York Rite, Harbor Council No.

    Royal and Select Masters, and

    San Pedro Commandery No. Knights Templar of California

    Roy received the DeMolay

    Legion of Honor.

    He also received the Californi

    Grand Lodge's Golden Vetera

    Award for 50 years of

    continuous membership in


  • 8/8/2019 Trestleboard November 2010


    Yucca Valley TrestleboardPage 7 of 8

    A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

    Yucca Valley Masonic Center

    November 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Scorpio Sagittarius

    31 1Oasis of Mara

    Stated Meeting29 Palms 7:30 pm

    2Hall Association

    Mtg. 6 PM

    Finance Board6:45

    3 4Stated Mtg 6 PM

    Dinner 6:30Open Mtg 7:30

    5 6Breakfast

    8-10 AMGalaxy Club 10 A

    7 8Eastern Star 6 PMYucca Valley


    rdDegree at

    Oasis of Mara29 Palms

    10Marine CorpsBirthday

    11VVeetteerraannss DDaayy2

    ndDegree 6:30


    Flags Along theHighway

    12 13Breakfast8-10 AMOasis of Mara

    14 15 16 17Scottish Rite inPalm Springs

    Daughters of theNile11:00 AM

    18MasonicEducationWorking GroupDinner 6:30 PM

    19Shrine Club11:00 AMYucca ValleySizzler

    20Officers Schoo

    of InstructionCoachella Lodge

    21 22Eastern Star 6 PMYucca Valley

    23 24 25TThhaannkkssggiivviinngg

    26 27

    28 29 30

    Lodge Calendar OOuurr 5500tthh YYeeaarr iinn YYuuccccaa VVaalllleeyy

    Special thanks for excellent service and color prints to:

  • 8/8/2019 Trestleboard November 2010


    Yucca Valley Trestleboard Page 8 of 8

    A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

    Yucca Valley Masonic LodgePO Box 686

    Yucca Valley, CA 92286

    PHONE:(760) 820-4499

    FAX:(760) 820-4499


    [email protected]

    Trestleboard Editor:

    T. C. Dowden 418-5236

    [email protected]

    Were on the Web!

    See us at:


    Yucca Valle , CA 92286

    Grand Master of the State of


    Most Worshipful William J. Bray III

    Worshipful Master Joe Romero, P.M. 228-2515

    Senior Warden Joseph DuPont 808-3888

    Junior Warden Vacant

    Treasurer Mark Clark 367-7246

    Secretary Oscar Rodriguez 449-0147

    Chaplain David Glenn 660-5736

    Senior Deacon Joseph Johnson PM 365-5764

    Junior Deacon Joseph Pennington 362-2785

    Marshal Wayne J. Stuart 364-4586

    Senior. Steward James N. Henley 366-2527

    Junior Steward Brian L. Slack 365-6245

    Tyler Vacant

    Officers Coach William Shirley

    Inspector 830th Masonic Dist Richard F. Davis

    Telephone Chair

    Adriana C. (Tina) Bergamin 365-5523

    Lodge Officers 2010

    Facebook[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://