trends in small business marketing -e-mail-social media-blogs-30 minutes

Matt Davidson LOGO Dynamics [email protected] (804) 241-1152 Trends in Small Business Marketing: E-mail, Surveys, Events, Social Media and Blogs Results of A Failure to Keep a Car in Tune Is It Time To Tune-up Your Business?

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Matt DavidsonLOGO Dynamics

[email protected]


Trends in Small Business Marketing: E-mail, Surveys, Events, Social Media

and Blogs

Results of A Failure to Keep a Car in Tune

Is It Time To Tune-up Your Business?

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Who is Matt Davidson?Small Business Owner, 20 years Involved in Sales for over 27 years as salesperson and sales trainer Known the highs and lows of retail sales

What Happened to Save My Business Expanded e-mail marketing with Constant Contact Renewed Commitment to Excellence in Customer Service

Key Thought: Hope That Things Will Change is Not An Acceptable Strategy Likewise: Doing the same things time after time and not seeing results is an example of stupidity.

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PARTICIPATION•Join the conversation•Engage in protecting and enhancing reputation

AWARENESS•Public reviews and customer opinion•Monitoring reputation / brand association

HOME BASE•Hang a “digital” shingle•Publish / Broadcast your message

ENGAGEMENT•Encourage and reward actions •Foster conversation•Grow customer base•Permission marketing

DIGITAL HUB•Aggregate social / web channels•Publish content across services

CUSTOM COMMUNITY•Branded experience•Own and control content and data•Co-Publishing and UGC•Run promotions•Create connection based on topic

Where does Internet fit in to marketing a small business?

Build an Audience—Distinguish Yourself from the Competition

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Copyright © 2008 Constant Contact, Inc.


Two Different Approaches-E-mail Marketing

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Some say, “Content is King”

While Content Needs to be RelativeTo the Audience, By Itself It is Not Complete.

Engagement Marketing Is the Way to Build a Business in the 21st Century.

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Surveys: A Key to Business Growth

• Customer Satisfaction• Market Research

• Social Media Research• Customer Service Enhancement

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Event Management Sets Your Business Apart from Your Competition

Every Business Needs to Organize and Promote EventsOpen House or Product IntroductionSpecial Invitation Only Events for Loyal CustomersCommunity Service Oriented Events that Show You Care

Can be ActualAlso Can Be Viritual

You Develop the Event—We give you the tools to manage it.

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PARTICIPATION•Join the conversation•Engage in protecting and enhancing reputation

AWARENESS•Public reviews and customer opinion•Monitoring reputation / brand association

HOME BASE•Hang a “digital” shingle•Publish / Broadcast your message

ENGAGEMENT•Encourage and reward actions •Foster conversation•Grow customer base•Permission marketing

DIGITAL HUB•Aggregate social / web channels•Publish content across services

CUSTOM COMMUNITY•Branded experience•Own and control content and data•Co-Publishing and UGC•Run promotions•Create connection based on topic

Where does Internet fit in to marketing a small business?

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Power of Social Media Campaigns

Simple Share puts your communication on Social MediaGoogle “reads” your message and looks for relevant

contentGoogle includes your content when searches are madeConstant Contact can help you get noticed on FaceBook,

Twitter, and LinkedIn

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Business Blogging for ProfitWhat Business Blogging is Posting Relevant Content About Your

Business “Overflow” from E-mail Communications Opportunity for Engagement, especially with


What Business Blogging is Not Endless Details of Your Day Political or Religious Platform Opportunity to Attack Your Competition

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“Facebook with Pictures”

Nothing better than riding down the Chincoteague

Channel in our boat

Places to Go in Virginia What’s Happening with Imprinted Items

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Recap and Summary

The Internet is here to stay. Better learn to use it effectively.

Develop a Strategy and Marketing Content that sets you and your business apart from your competition.

Find the Internet Tools that work for you and learn to use them.

E-mail, Surveys, Events, Social Media, and Blogging are all keys to help you implement your Strategy.

Low Cost Resources are available to help you grow your business .Networking Opportunities like the ChamberSeminars either online or with a leader

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Resources E-Mail Marketing

Constant Contact— Options

Do it entirely on your own-webinars onlineTake a free seminar from a local expert

“E-mail Marketing-Leveraging Social Media” (90 minutes)

“Social Media Made Simple” (90 minutes)

Matt Davidson• E-mail me and request to be added to “We Put Your Logo to Work”• Free Seminars announced on• Also offer other seminars, “A Marketing Tune-Up”, 90 minutes • Additional information on• Sign up for 60 day free trial—portal on my blog• Additional award winning support at 866-289-2101• Presentations and Consulting available on request

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Next Steps--OptionsDo NothingDevelop A Plan

Review this presentation at the following address: Need Help, Contact me

(804) 241-1152 [email protected]

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What do you see?

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Some People See

“opportunity is no where”

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But what they really see is

“opportunity is now here”

The choice is yours. Choose wisely.