
By: Moises F. Molina Cadenillas

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Transportation

By: Moises F. Molina Cadenillas

Page 2: Transportation

The history of the automobile begins as early as 1769, with the creation of steam-powered automobiles capable of human transport. In 1806, the first cars powered by internal combustion engines running on fuel gas appeared, which led to the introduction in 1885 of the ubiquitous modern gasoline- or petrol-fueled internal combustion engine. Cars powered by electricity briefly appeared at the turn of the 20th century but largely disappeared from commonality until the turn of the 21st century, when interest in low- and zero-emissions transportation was reignited. As such, the early history of the automobile can be divided into a number of eras based on the prevalent method of automotive propulsion during that time. Later periods were defined by trends in exterior styling and size and utility preferences

Page 3: Transportation

They used to walk around all the streets to go to their destiny or go by bike to be more easy

Page 4: Transportation

They will be more actual like the Metropolitan and the planes. Also the motobikes and the new cars

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I think it will be with more technology and with more devices like a gun on the car, a voice control car, etc.