transforming the world by living out christ’s courageous love

Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love May 26, 2020 | 6:30pm Virtual Zoom Meeting Lindsay Klatzkin, Chair David Nolan, Vice Chair Assembly Agenda Welcome and Call to Order Lindsay Klatzkin Opening Prayer David Nolan Approval of January Assembly Meeting Minutes Lindsay Klatzkin Reports: Senior Minister Report Russ Peterman Service Awards Russ Peterman Ministry Division Updates: Outreach Ministry Jessica Vacketta Children’s Ministry Kera Watts Youth Ministry Jamie Plunkett Congregational Care Ministry Shannon Moore Administrative Committees Reports Finance Mark Alland Endowment Tod Miller Board of Stewards Report Goals for Congregation Lindsay Klatzkin Action Items Vote to Approve BOS Slate and Officers CLG/Lindsay Klatzkin Vote to Approve Ministry Division Leaders Lindsay Klatzkin Moment of Appreciation Lindsay Klatzkin Closing Prayer Russ Peterman Adjournment Next Assembly Meeting: Tuesday, Oct 27, 2020 | 6:30pm – Walker Hall The Board appreciates the presence of UCC members as visitors to its meetings. If a visitor wishes to speak to the Board, you are asked to sign in and limit your remark or question to three minutes. If a member desires action on a matter brought before the Board, the matter must be submitted to Betsy Ferguson at least two weeks before the scheduled Board meeting, including a summary of the facts and a draft motion.

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Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

May 26, 2020 | 6:30pm • Virtual Zoom Meeting

Lindsay Klatzkin, Chair

David Nolan, Vice Chair



Welcome and Call to Order Lindsay Klatzkin

Opening Prayer David Nolan

Approval of January Assembly Meeting Minutes Lindsay Klatzkin


Senior Minister Report Russ Peterman Service Awards Russ Peterman

Ministry Division Updates:

Outreach Ministry Jessica Vacketta

Children’s Ministry Kera Watts

Youth Ministry Jamie Plunkett

Congregational Care Ministry Shannon Moore

Administrative Committees Reports

Finance Mark Alland

Endowment Tod Miller

Board of Stewards Report

Goals for Congregation Lindsay Klatzkin

Action Items

Vote to Approve BOS Slate and Officers CLG/Lindsay Klatzkin

Vote to Approve Ministry Division Leaders Lindsay Klatzkin

Moment of Appreciation Lindsay Klatzkin

Closing Prayer Russ Peterman


Next Assembly Meeting: Tuesday, Oct 27, 2020 | 6:30pm – Walker Hall

The Board appreciates the presence of UCC members as visitors to its meetings. If a visitor wishes to speak to the Board, you are asked to sign in

and limit your remark or question to three minutes. If a member desires action on a matter brought before the Board, the matter must be submitted to Betsy Ferguson at least two weeks before the scheduled Board meeting, including a summary of the facts and a draft motion.

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January 28, 2020 | 6:30pm • Walker Hall

Lindsay Klatzkin, Chair Presiding

Assembly Meeting Minutes


Call to Order was done by Chair, Lindsay Klatzkin, at 6:34 pm. Quorum present. Opening prayer was given by Judy Stempel. Approval of October 29 Minutes A motion was made by James Chaffin and seconded by Danyelle Ackall to approve the October 29 minutes as submitted. The motion passed by vote of the Assembly.

Approval of BOS Vacancy—Pam Miller

Lindsay Klatzkin reported that an open position on the Board of Stewards has officially been filled by Pam Miller and was approved per email vote. Appreciation was expressed to Pam for her service. Orlew Lager, representative of the CLG, reminded us that the CLG is now seeking recommendations for Elders and Deacons. Nomination forms are available online or at the reception desk. Assembly members are encouraged to submit names to be considered for new Board of Steward members. February 15 is the deadline. Board of Steward Report was given by Lindsay Klatzkin. Lindsay reported good news related to our financial situation. We are $147K over budget in pledge, contribution, and offering income. Also, our total overall income for 2019 was $367K ahead of 2018. Appreciation was expressed to Michelle Ingram and Mark Alland for all of their hard work on our finances.

Lindsay also reported that our “Taking the Next Step Campaign” had great success under the leadership

of Pat and Harold Muckleroy. UCC has 71 new givers to the campaign for a total of $317K. 245 givers increased their pledges for an estimated $210K. Total anticipated giving is $2,494,000. Lindsay Klatzkin encouraged us to think about where we go from here. How do we show our generosity which is one of our core values? Lindsay was happy to report that we have approved a UCC staff cost of living raise and we are thrilled to show our appreciation in this way. Lindsay expressed gratitude to David Nolan, BOS Vice-Chair, for his expertise and guidance in recent months.

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Finance Report Mark Alland referred us to the written Finance Report and also expressed gratitude for the numbers reported by Lindsay Klatzkin with regard to our current financial status and estimates of giving for 2020. On page 3 of the Finance Report, Mark presented the written overview of the 2020 Operating Budget. The Finance Committee and Board of Stewards brings a recommendation to the Assembly to approve the 2020 Operating Budget. A motion was made by Bill Proenza and seconded by Sean Strange to approve the 2020 Operating Budget as presented. The motion was approved by vote of the Assembly. On page 3 of the Finance Report, Mark presented highlights of the 2020 Capital Budget. The B&G Committee, Finance Committee and Board of Stewards brings a recommendation to the Assembly to approve the 2020 Capital Budget as as presented. A motion was made by Susan Hill and seconded by Sean Strange to approve the 2020 Capital Budget as presented. The motion was approved by vote of the Assembly. On page 4 of the Finance Report, Mark explained the motion for Budget Amendment Authority, brought to us by the Board of Stewards. A motion was made by Jerre Tracy and seconded by Bill Proenza to approve the motion as presented. The motion was approved by vote of the Assembly. Safety/Security Plan John Andrus presented the extensive Safety and Security Plan for UCC. 2 1/2 years ago a Risk Assessment Committee was formed to deal with situations of risk to persons or the facilities at UCC. Steve Mosher, Coni Hennersdorf, John Andrus, Michelle Ingram, Renee Hoke, and Winky Hix have served on this Committee. John Andrus reported that the comprehensive Safety/Security Plan for UCC is about 90% complete, and will serve as our facility emergency plan. The goal is to develop a plan that is implemented and used, that this is a unified plan for all at UCC to use, and that there is familiarity with the plan. John continued to explain that there needs to be simplicity of the plan to deal with potentially complex needs. Training is key. The recommendation is to implement the plan, increase our police

presence, and to increase our familiarity with AED’s. Additional needs are wireless public address

system, an improved camera system, improved door control, and to refine and improve the plan as needed. John suggests the following: implement the plan soon, engage UCC in training, review and train annually, update our security team, research low/no cost enhancements, seek funding for facility improvements. This is a foundational plan with more to be enhanced in the future. John reported that FWPD and Homeland Security have reviewed this plan and updates made based on their feedback. Winky Hix is working to formulate a plan for the use of police officers at UCC. We have increased coverage to 4 officers on Sundays. New Members and Hospitality Lee Nelson and Russ Peterman expressed thanks to Stacy McCoy for her efforts to promote radical hospitality. Russ has started greeting people in the Gallery after services rather than the Narthex. There is a new welcome desk in the Gallery. Also, a welcome center is now in place outside Walker Hall. We continue to provide cinnamon rolls on the third Sunday of each month. A fellowship area has been added after Simple Service. The Arches has been given a welcoming facelift with updated furnishings and paint. Lee reported that we currently have a five week class for new or prospective members. We had seven new members/families in January. New members were reviewed and introduced to us by Lee Nelson by way of a slide presentation.

Senior Minister Report see attached

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Senior Minister’s Report January 28, 2020

Thankful to be fully recovered from my bout with typhus last month. Incredibly thankful to the staff – especially Renee & Shannon – who filled in for me during an already incredibly busy time. They were fantastic. Speaking of staff, Jessica Vacketta celebrated 10 years of ministry here at UCC this month! Excited to welcome Christy Speed as our new Director of Communications. Shannon to discuss Congregational Care Ministries.* Lots that I can talk about tonight, but I want to focus on the work of our Strategic Discernment Committee that recently completed their work with our consultant, Mike Bonem. Presented their final report / recommendations to the BOS in December. They were unanimously / enthusiastically received and approved. Team identified and focused on six priorities that fall into three categories:

Grow Younger

Grow Deeper

Grow Outward Grow Younger: Reaching the next generation is essential for any church that wants to continue to have a vibrant presence. While UCC has had some success in this area, focused attention is needed to reach and engage with young adults and youth. With that in mind:

1. Launch a new worship service in an alternative style. I said a year ago that we are the only congregation that I’m aware of that has only 1 style of worship. We are missing reaching out to a major segment of our community that may really welcome our theology and welcoming spirit, but not connect with our high church style of worship. Simple Worship (averaging 70 people) shows that there is a desire/hunger/longing for an alternative service!

2. Develop programming, special events/opportunities, and a vibrant Sunday morning experience that will reach young families and young adults and that will engage them more deeply in the life of UCC. Some of the work that Stacy has done that you just heard about is along those lines.

3. An in-depth reimagining of youth ministry, similar to the recent revamp of children’s ministry. Will be putting together a task force on that very soon.

Grow Deeper: A primary role of the church is to help people grow deeper in their faith journey. As this happens, members become more committed and connected. We recently identified discipleship as one of our core values. We need to focus more

4. Develop robust and intentional programming for faith formation for all adults, with a special emphasis on young adults.

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5. Develop and articulate a discipleship strategy. At UCC, we have programs, but not a discipleship path. In the same way, we don’t communicate well what is expected of our members—nor what the members can expect from the church. To that end, we need to clearly articulate what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus.

Grow Outward: Outreach is one of UCC’s hallmarks but it is relatively fragmented. There is an opportunity to be more focused in the church’s approach to missions and to have greater impact in the community. This can be accomplished by:

6. Launching a school literacy initiative and making it one of a small number of “signature” outreach ministries of UCC.

Plans are great. Implementation is the key! In order for this plan to succeed, the strategic priorities need to be true priorities. This has several important implications. These have been approved / will continue to be discussed by the Board of Stewards.

Pastors and staff need to have time to develop and lead the strategic priorities. This does not negate the important role that volunteer leaders will also play. It does, however, mean that pastors and staff will have less time available for some other programs that are outside of the strategic priorities. The senior minister and executive minister should be responsible for adjusting the priorities and time allocation of staff based on the strategic priorities, subject to approval by UCC’s Personnel Committee.

Communication should emphasize announcements and stories related to the strategic priorities. A model of communication in which “all things are equally important” will undermine implementation efforts.

Finances need to support the strategic priorities. As we move forward on these priorities, UCC’s leaders should be prepared to reallocate budget funds, release funds from reserve or designated accounts, or raise new funds.

Leadership support for the strategic priorities is essential. This begins with the approval of the plan, but it doesn’t stop there. The Board of Stewards should have a high level of ownership in the plan. They should monitor the progress of the plan and hold UCC’s leaders accountable. When changes are made, the Board should be prepared for some level of pushback and should not allow this to derail the implementation of the strategic priorities.

Thank Team Members: Want to thank the team that worked tirelessly for several months: Ray Brown, John Clay, Stacey Connor, Meredith Garcia, Jeff King, Lindsay Klatzkin, Cheryl McDonald, Taylor Morton, Zach Muckleroy, Cathy Taylor, and Dusty Wallace, along with Renee and myself. *Shannon Moore reported that we are planning to establish a Congregational Care Ministry, modeled from the Church of Resurrection in Kansas City. In this model, lay members are trained and empowered to assist clergy to care for our congregation. Training will take place on February 7 and 8. 50 people have signed up, 40 from UCC. After training, the process calls for a period of discernment (application, interview with Shannon, Renee, Russ, discernment of calling, commissioning). There will be more training in the future. Contact Shannon for questions or interest.

Closing Prayer was given by Russ Peterman and Meeting Adjourned.

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Assembly Written Report Summary May 26, 2020 – 6:30 pm via Zoom

Finance Update as of April 30 by Mark Alland, Finance Chair Consolidated Balance Sheet – (Page 11) As of April 2020 operating cash balance is positive at $1,398,651. For purposes of comparing to last year, the PPP Loan proceeds of $548,700 are deducted and use the cash balance total of $849,951. Operating cash balance is down comparatively to April 2019 by $118,609. UCC Equity is positive at $650,959 which is down $108,296 comparatively from 2019.

4/30/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2019 12/31/2019 (Unaudited)

Operating $1,399,000 $936,000 $969,000 $742,000

Restricted $645,000 $657,000 $728,000 $926,000

Capital $189,000 $181,000 $219,000 $112,000

Endowment $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000

Consolidated $2,233,000 $1,774,000 $1,918,000 $1,782,000

Unified Budget Report - (Page 12-13) Pledges, Contributions & Offering (PCO Income) is behind budget for the month of April by (12%) $30K which was expected in light of shelter in place order due to COVID-19. YTD PCO is behind budget by $13K but continues to be ahead of YTD April 2019 by $27K which is encouraging. Total overall income is behind budget by $126K mostly due to the loss of WDS tuition and ministry participant fees. Highlights:

Personnel – variance under Leadership & Administration is due to the increased overtime for staff positions particularly in the Communications/Media department.

Admin General – variance due to reduction in supplies.

B&G – variance due to reduced cost for electricity (savings of $6K YTD), contract services and security expenses.

Communications – variance due to reduced printing/advertising/journal expenses.

Music – variance due to reduced instrumentalist for Easter and new music purchases.

Congregational Life – varied reduced expenses across those ministry departments due to rescheduled/cancelled program events and reduced supplies.

Net overall operating income is $3K positive variance to budget.

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CARES Act - Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) The Board of Stewards established a small task force consisting of BOS Chair, Vice-chair, administrative committee chairs and senior staff to navigate critical financial/personnel decisions related to UCC’s response to the pandemic. As recent legislation was rolling out and being updated by the hour, we reached out to our church attorney to get some guidance as to the best course of action. Highlights:

Applies to small businesses of 500 or less employees.

No personal guarantee.

The loan covers specific operating expenses for a period of 8 weeks -

o Payroll & benefit costs

o Utility expenses

o Mortgage/rent/interest on debt

The loan max is 2.5 times the average monthly payroll cost (or up to 10m).

Loan proceeds used for eligible purposes over an 8-week period will be forgiven.

Remaining loan balances, if applicable, will be a 2-year maturity at .5% interest.

After careful consideration, the BOS & Assembly approved application for the PPP loan. UCC

applied and was approved for a total of $548,700!

Annual Audit update – This year’s annual audit is still underway, all remotely, as the Shelter in Place order came directly before our Audit was scheduled to begin. Gratefully our auditors have been flexible and we’ve all done our best despite the challenge. The audit has gone well so far. No real issues to report. Here are a couple of highlights to date:

There are new reporting requirements again this year (in addition to the new ones from last year). In response to a heavier than usual workload on staff, Brian Gibson graciously agreed to help with the new Revenue Recognition requirements. Praise him!

We moved our Fixed Asset schedule (currently kept in Excel) to our auditors in house software per their recommendations last year.

We have had one audit journal entry, a reclassification of realized and unrealized gains on our investment side related to the Johnson Remainder Trust distributing fully.

The final audit report is not currently available. The reality is working remotely on such a large project just takes a little longer on both sides. The report will be available in July. Contact the Business Office if you’d like an update at that time.

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WDS Tuition update – A plan for tuition refunds was developed in collaboration with WDS staff. A form to all WDS families was sent to offer them the option of requesting a partial refund for March tuition and Discovery fees (and April if applicable) or to donate their fees to support the school if they were able to do so. As of last week, WDS has received approx. 114 responses. Refunds totaling $14K was requested and $20K was allocated as donations to the school. What a wonderful gift from those families! Additionally the school received a gift of $5K in the mail. Thank you to all WDS families for caring so much for their school and teachers. Our teachers continued to stay in touch with students and families providing fun activities and support throughout the closure. Below are two photo collages - the first contains some ideas they shared with families on learning activities they can do at home with their little ones, the second are some screenshots of teachers reading stories, teaching lessons or children sharing some of their work they have done at home. What an amazing staff we have!

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Outreach Budget and Special Emergency Allocations – (Page 14-15) As a congregation embracing generosity, UCC’s Outreach & Finance Committees and the Board of Stewards approved special emergency allocations, on your behalf, in response to the needs in our community during this pandemic: Emergency needs - $20,750 Community Food Bank - $5,000 Tarrant Area Food Bank - $15,000 International Newcomer Academy - $5,000 Refugee Services of Texas - $2,500 Rippling Hope - $4,825 Reserved for response to additional emergency needs - $27,500 Total emergency response YTD: $80,575

Your generosity hard at work in our community and beyond!

*Outreach total annual budget: $625K

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During February, the Outreach and Outreach Finance Committees approved budget allocations from available funds for the 2020 Outreach Budget. (Page 14-15)

*Outreach total annual budget: $625K *note: the outreach finance report reflects an annual total of $524K. This is due to the format of this report that nets restricted income sources against spending in UCC Ministries. This helps the committee see the amount allocated by Outreach. You can find the total Outreach spending on Unified Budget. Income sources: 10% of all unrestricted gifts, Restricted Gifts, Endowment Income and special allocation of emergency funding from equity. Highlights: New allocations: $20,000 - Fortress Youth Development $500 – Fortress Youth birthday parties $2,400 – Benevolence $20,000 – Literacy United $5,000 – Reach Beyond Mission $1,500 – Volunteer Appreciation Continued allocations: $125,000 – Disciples Mission Fund $20,000 – Division of Overseas Ministries $25,000 – CCSW $5,000 – Juliet Fowler Home $7,000 – Galileo Church $10,000 – Bethany Fellows $27,000 – South Central Alliance of Churches $8,000 – Tarrant Churches Together $5,000 – Northside Inter-Community Agency $75,000 – UCC Children’s Closet (total spending with Endowment & gifts $127,000) $2,000 – UCC Page Scholarship (total spending with Endowment & gifts $27,000) $3,000 – UCC Homeless Ministries (total spending with gifts $5,000) $3,100 – UCC Kids Hope (total spending with gifts $3,500) Increased Support: +$2,500 - CCSW +$15,000 - Children’s Closet

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Fund 2 Restricted Reserve Report – (Page 16-17) See detailed report for reserve balances and activity highlights. Capital Budget Report – (Page 18) Jan – April Income Highlights: Contribution $100,000 (generous donation to pay for architectural plans) 1st QTR Endowment earnings $54,467 Fillingim Trust $1,420 Expense Highlights: Architects Consulting fees Parking lot & grounds lighting Discovery Kids classrooms Assisted listening updates Media/AV supplies Flat roof repair Capital Fund balance remaining for projects is $162K.

UCC Endowment Update by Tod Miller, Endowment Chair Endowment Committee update (Pages 19-25) UCC’s Investment and Endowment Committee meets quarterly. The following are important updates from the recent meeting held via zoom in May. Annual Endowment Report: The Endowment Committee members are hard at work authoring the next edition of UCC’s Annual Endowment Report. Please watch for this stand-alone piece to be received some time in August. The report will contain inspiring stories of faithful giving and an update on current market results for UCC’s portfolio. The report will also be available on UCC’s website once published.

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New Endowment Funds: The following new endowment funds were approved by the Committee and the Board of Stewards between November 2019 – May 2020: - Harold Johnson Endowment Fund (use: General) - B.E. and Marjorie Minor Endowment (use: Worship) - John and Olive Mullen Endowment (use: Worship) - Joy Ann and Bob Havran Endowment (use: Pastoral Care)

New Legacy Society Members – (Page 19) Please see attached detail in your packet to learn how you can join these faithful members by

leaving a lasting legacy at University Christian Church.

We dedicated and blessed the following new Legacy Society members between November 2019

- May 2020.

Patsy D. Gurley

Gay and Urbin McKeever

Kathy and Cecil Eppers

David and Anita Minor

B.E. and Marjorie Minor

John and Olive Mullen

Joy Ann and Bob Havran

Rick and Susan Hill

Pamela Atchison If you would like to be included on the beautiful donor wall or would like more information on how to establish a named Endowment Fund, please see attached details in your packet or contact Michelle Ingram at [email protected] to learn more.

March 2019 – March 2020 Endowment Activity – (Page 20-22) Total new gifts: $159,906 Total distributed income for ministry spending: $599,278 Market Value: $12,640,585

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1st QTR Investment Activity: (Page 23-24) Market performance during 1st QTR was down (18.41%) bringing the current Endowment value to $12,640,585 (significantly down from $15,615.784 last QTR). Thankfully, April market performance brought some recovery with it. March Returns: April Returns: Beasley – -13.757% Beasley – 9.792% Common – -11.140% Common – 8.047% Campbell – -15.253% Campbell – 9.013% Brown – -6.721% Brown – 5.559%

During 1st QTR we distributed $153,015 earned income for Ministry spending, invested $5,685 in new gifts this quarter. Distribution calculations are based on a rolling 12 QTR average which helps offset particularly poor quarters. As for expenses, we paid $1,000 for quarterly fees for Fundriver management software. Underwater Funds: Any fund that has a market value under the amount of the historical gift is considered “under water”. This can occur during particularly bad market performance like what happened during 1st QTR. Our policy provides for a routine review of underwater funds each QTR within our Endowment Committee meetings. If any fund falls below our threshold of 85%, it warrants a suspension of distribution and prompts a review and approval to continue distributions. See report for details. (Page 25) Total distribution amount from underwater funds is $58,868. Total Cagle Endowment distribution income earnings: $54,669 Total remaining Endowment funds distribution income earnings: $4,199 Because the two Cagle Endowments are Board Designated and have a larger financial impact, the Endowment and Finance Committees and the Board of Stewards approved continued distributions from those two funds only for 2nd QTR. Distributions will be suspended on remaining funds under the 85% threshold for 2nd QTR. Therefore, distributions next QTR will total $147,268 for ministry spending. Fund balances and distributions are monitored on a quarterly basis.

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Giving Statements Statements are emailed quarterly (mailed to those with no email on file) and will include all charitable giving and non-charitable payments. End of year statements for tax purposes are mailed in January each year. We do send giving summaries for informational purposes only. We understand everyone gives in different ways and at different times. Year to date statements are coming soon. Football Season Reserved Parking – Renewals for the upcoming football season parking are currently on hold. Updates will be provided to season parking pass holders as available.

ONLINE RECURRING GIFTS Whether it is a one-time gift or recurring monthly gift –

Online Giving is easier than ever! FAQ: Q: How do I set up a recurring gift to UCC? A: Visit Click -

Q: I need to change my credit card number or amount to an existing recurring gift? A: Visit, click “Make a Gift or Schedule a Recurring Gift Here” link to sign in to ShelbyGiving. All changes can be made to your giving account after signing in. You can also contact the Business Office for assistance. Q: I have a recurring gift already scheduled, will it run indefinitely? A: Only if you set it up that way. It will not renew automatically if an ending date was selected. Please call the Business Office to confirm what your schedule is set to or to renew your recurring gift. Q: I don’t remember my password, what can I do? A: From the sign in page, ShelbyNext includes a “forgot password” link. Click that to have a new password emailed to you. The Business Office does not have access to passwords.

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Q: Can my gift come from my bank account instead of a credit card? A: Absolutely! You are given a choice of credit or debit card or bank account while setting up your recurring gift. You will need your bank routing and your bank account number. Q: Can the Business Office use my card on file to make a gift? A: The Business Office does not store cards on file. Your card information is stored with a safe and secure PCI Compliant merchant. You can call us and we’ll be happy to make your gift online for you over the phone. Q: I don’t like fussing with all this computer stuff, can I give the Business Office my information to set up my recurring gift? A: Absolutely! Please call us any time, we are happy to set everything up for you!


[email protected] [email protected]

Thank you for participating in this giving program. Together we build this community of faith and make pretty amazing things happen. Thank

you all so much for your continued generous giving.

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Consolidated Balance Sheet April 2020










FUND Total All Funds


Cash Accounts

Frost Checking 870,770 394,631 (61,303) 246 1,204,345

Frost ACH 29,647 0 0 0 29,647

Petty Cash 3,400 0 0 0 3,400

Payroll 0 0 0 0 0

Frost High Interest MM 215,481 0 0 0 215,481Church Ext Demand Note 279,353 250,000 250,000 0 779,353

Total Cash Accounts 1,398,651 644,631 188,697 246 2,232,226

Current Assets

Accounts Receivable 460 0 0 0 460

Prepaid Expenses 22,490 0 0 0 22,490

Children's Closet Inventory 71,627 0 0 0 71,627

Beneficial Interests in Trusts 0 0 0 1,000,298 1,000,298Investments at Market - CCF 0 0 0 11,640,316 11,640,316

Total Current Assets 94,577 0 0 12,640,614 12,735,191

Capital Assets

Depreciable Assets 0 0 16,544,569 0 16,544,569

Less Accum Depreciation 0 0 (9,961,873) 0 (9,961,873)

Land 0 0 1,324,205 0 1,324,205Other Assets 0 0 148,769 0 148,769

Total Capital Assets 0 0 8,055,668 0 8,055,668

Total Assets 1,493,228 644,631 8,244,365 12,640,860 23,023,085


Deferred Revenue

Deferred Revenue - WDS Prepaid 49,700 0 0 0 49,700

Deferred Revenue - WDS Spring Party 0 0 0 0 0

Deferred Revenue - Outreach Mission 0 0 0 0 0

Deferred Revenue - Memorials 0 0 0 0 0Prepaid Weddings 2,800 0 0 0 2,800

Total Deferred Revenue 52,500 0 0 0 52,500

Accounts Payable

Salary 64,770 0 0 0 64,770

Accounts Payable 32,984 281 5,158 0 38,423

Accrued Sabbatical Leave 78,136 0 0 0 78,136

Salary Related Benefits (8,763) 0 0 0 (8,763)Other Payables: CARES - PPP Loan 548,700

Total Accounts Payable 715,828 281 5,158 0 172,567

Total Liabilities 768,328 281 5,158 0 225,066


Reserve Funds Equity 73,942 644,350 26,321 0 744,613UCC Equity 650,959 0 8,212,886 12,640,860 21,504,705

Total Equity 724,901 644,350 8,239,207 12,640,860 22,249,318

Total Liabilities & Equity 1,493,228 644,631 8,244,365 12,640,860 22,474,385

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Budgeted Financial Statement for Period 4 - April

2020 Unified Budget Report

Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2020


Actual for


Budget for


Variance for


YTD Actuals


YTD Actuals


YTD Budget


YTD Budget




2020 Annual


Annual %



Pledges $188,733 $211,563 ($22,829) $871,435 $888,194 $907,935 ($19,741) 98% $2,319,448 38%

Non Pledge Contributions $22,070 $23,389 ($1,319) $71,021 $86,684 $73,945 $12,739 117% $369,096 23%

Offering $0 $5,541 ($5,541) $11,849 $5,777 $12,968 ($7,191) 45% $37,571 15%

Christmas Offering $0 $0 $0 $550 $1,150 $0 $1,150 0% $45,000 3%

TOTAL UNRESTRICTED INCOME BEFORE WDS $210,803 $240,493 ($29,690) $954,856 $981,805 $994,848 ($13,043) 99% $2,771,116 35%


WDS Tuition & Fees $7,443 $94,367 ($86,923) $379,421 $312,698 $396,138 ($83,441) 79% $969,579 32%

WDS Restricted Income & Reserve Transfers $0 $0 $0 $594 $617 $614 $3 100% $15,015 4%

WDS Personnel Expense ($78,236) ($78,065) ($170) ($231,001) ($261,060) ($259,929) ($1,131) 100% ($733,219) 36%

WDS Operating Expense ($1,690) ($9,952) $8,262 ($21,534) ($20,951) ($26,201) $5,251 80% ($82,899) 25%

TOTAL WDS INCOME (NET) ($72,482) $6,349 ($78,832) $127,481 $31,304 $110,622 ($79,318) 28% $168,477 19%

TOTAL UNRESTRICTED INCOME (FOR OUTREACH FUNDING) $138,321 $246,842 ($108,521) $1,082,337 $1,013,109 $1,105,470 ($92,361) 92% $2,939,592 34%


Church Usage Fees $140 $2,208 ($2,068) $11,715 $10,265 $9,375 $890 109% $26,500 39%

Parking Lot Fundraising Income $0 $7,596 ($7,596) $10,650 $0 $7,600 ($7,600) 0% $38,000 0%

Embry Trust Income $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0% $35,000 0%

Interest Income $385 $333 $52 $1,943 $1,544 $1,333 $210 116% $4,000 39%

Mineral Income $3,753 $5,583 ($1,830) $22,013 $24,995 $22,333 $2,662 112% $67,000 37%

Lease & Rental Income $4,758 $4,581 $177 $18,174 $16,074 $15,826 $248 102% $54,971 29%

Miscellaneous Income $0 $50 ($50) $1,064 $35 $200 ($165) 18% $600 6%

TOTAL PROPERTY ASSET INCOME $9,036 $20,352 ($11,316) $65,559 $52,913 $56,667 ($3,755) 93% $226,071 23%


General Endowment Income Allocated to Operations $0 $0 $0 $47,922 $50,581 $49,888 $694 101% $200,882 25%

Restricted and Designated Endowment Income $0 $0 $0 $36,524 $38,416 $38,111 $305 101% $153,203 25%

Restrictions Satisfied (Reserve Transfers) $19,100 $23,099 ($3,998) $141,857 $104,040 $106,953 ($2,913) 97% $293,530 35%

Program Participant Income ($3,888) $15,409 ($19,297) $99,111 $44,252 $69,906 ($25,654) 63% $178,215 25%

Restricted Income $888 $2,083 ($1,196) $9,614 $7,196 $9,333 ($2,138) 77% $29,600 24%

TOTAL ENDOWMENT AND RESTRICTED INCOME $16,100 $40,591 ($24,491) $335,027 $244,484 $274,190 ($29,706) 89% $855,430 29%


TOTAL INCOME $163,457 $307,786 ($144,329) $1,482,923 $1,310,506 $1,436,327 ($125,821) 91% $4,251,647 33%



Leadership & Administration $104,615 $99,266 ($5,349) $274,265 $298,907 $299,006 $98 100% $869,590 34%

Worship, Music & Weddings $42,635 $42,640 $6 $117,160 $132,639 $132,791 $151 100% $380,500 35%

Singers & Musicians $4,980 $4,228 ($752) $11,740 $13,800 $12,682 ($1,118) 109% $31,000 45%

Congregational Life $53,583 $53,489 ($94) $121,079 $160,264 $160,975 $711 100% $467,315 34%

Childcare $2,998 $3,104 $106 $10,720 $12,234 $12,415 $181 99% $65,350 19%

Payroll Taxes $9,423 $9,261 ($163) $23,481 $28,595 $29,437 $841 97% $89,629 32%

Pension $11,730 $11,886 $156 $46,350 $46,576 $47,472 $896 98% $142,561 33%

Healthcare $11,963 $11,772 ($192) $43,210 $43,680 $45,592 $1,912 96% $135,302 32%

Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) $0 $2,167 $2,167 $0 $1,473 $8,667 $7,194 17% $26,000 6%

TOTAL PERSONNEL $241,928 $237,812 ($4,115) $648,005 $738,169 $749,037 $10,868 99% $2,207,247 33%

Update coming regarding status of refunds/donations. WDS has operating reserve of $50K

Email sent to parking pass holders - postponing renewals for now

Variance due to numerous program disruptions - summer fun, VBS, camps, fellowship, mission etc.

Increased OT in Media/Communications depts.

Business Summary Page 12

Page 18: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Budgeted Financial Statement for Period 4 - April

2020 Unified Budget Report

Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2020


Actual for


Budget for


Variance for


YTD Actuals


YTD Actuals


YTD Budget


YTD Budget




2020 Annual


Annual %



Administration General $41,835 $49,859 $8,025 $80,104 $102,178 $109,349 $7,170 93% $252,318 40%

Building & Grounds $32,768 $45,382 $12,614 $166,920 $165,180 $190,171 $24,991 87% $562,015 29%

Kitchen Operations $0 $2,125 $2,125 $10,360 $286 $8,500 $8,214 3% $25,500 1%

Capital Transfer $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0% $0 0%

Communications $1,221 $6,643 $5,422 $24,519 $12,095 $26,573 $14,478 46% $79,720 15%

Endowment Administration $1,000 $1,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 100% $4,600 43%

TOTAL LEADERSHIP & ADMINISTRATION $76,824 $105,010 $28,186 $283,903 $281,740 $336,593 $54,853 84% $924,153 30%


Worship $284 $1,371 $1,087 $3,755 $3,286 $5,483 $2,197 60% $17,585 19%

Worship Music $1,489 $11,046 $9,557 $26,869 $83,895 $95,283 $11,388 88% $131,235 64%

Music Trips $0 $0 $0 $112,500 $0 $0 $0 0% $0 0%

Church & The Arts $0 $142 $142 $1,751 $92 $1,517 $1,424 6% $2,900 3%

Boar's Head Yule Log Festival $0 $0 $0 $26,117 $19,100 $19,100 $0 100% $19,100 100%

TOTAL WORSHIP & SPIRITUALITY $1,773 $12,558 $10,786 $170,992 $106,374 $121,384 $15,009 88% $170,820 62%


Evangelism & Membership $0 $1,246 $1,246 $714 $253 $2,383 $2,130 11% $5,150 5%

Fellowship $0 $954 $954 $2,492 $8,015 $3,817 ($4,198) 210% $14,950 54%

Pastoral Care $0 $1,979 $1,979 $4,865 $11,724 $15,092 $3,368 78% $31,688 37%

Adults $0 $1,435 $1,435 $3,663 $1,728 $6,729 $5,001 26% $18,200 9%

Children $601 $3,836 $3,236 $2,909 $5,125 $8,770 $3,645 58% $25,700 20%

Youth $15 $2,143 $2,128 $5,573 $12,128 $15,655 $3,526 77% $107,050 11%

College $0 $910 $910 $861 $1,643 $3,642 $1,999 45% $21,905 7%

New Ministry Opportunity $0 $8,333 $8,333 $0 $4,204 $33,333 $29,130 13% $100,000 4%

TOTAL CONGREGATIONAL LIFE $616 $20,838 $20,222 $21,077 $44,819 $89,420 $44,601 50% $324,643 14%


Outreach - UCC Ministries

Children's Closet $0 $208 $208 $62,179 $42,107 $42,363 $256 99% $127,337 33%

Prom Dreams $0 $0 $0 $289 $41 $0 ($41) 0% $0 0%

Christmas Angels $0 $0 $0 ($2,599) $26 $0 ($26) 0% $30,000 0%

Homeless Ministries $0 $0 $0 $5,185 $2,573 $2,500 ($73) 103% $5,000 51%

Mission Trips $0 $0 $0 $16,815 $0 $750 $750 0% $28,000 0%

Page Scholarship Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0% $25,000 0%

Mayor's 3rd Grade Reading Initiative $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0% $0 0%

Other $2,609 $2,858 $249 $385 $3,356 $3,783 $427 89% $25,450 13%

Total Outreach - UCC Ministries $2,609 $3,067 $457 $82,255 $48,103 $49,396 $1,293 97% $240,787 20%

Outreach - Agency Support

Denominational $0 $0 $0 $85,815 $61,161 $64,062 $2,901 95% $207,000 30%

Ecumenical $0 $87 $87 $27,471 $47,113 $45,138 ($1,975) 104% $97,606 54%

Other $5,000 $5,375 $375 $4,028 $17,715 $18,572 $857 95% $40,155 78%

Total Outreach - Agency Support $5,000 $5,462 $462 $117,315 $125,989 $127,771 $1,783 99% $344,761 40%

Outreach - General

Outreach General Designated for Future Use $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0% $39,236 0%

Total Outreach - General $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0% $39,236 0%

TOTAL MISSION & OUTREACH $7,609 $8,528 $919 $199,570 $174,092 $177,168 $3,076 98% $624,784 31%

TOTAL EXPENSES $328,750 $384,747 $55,997 $1,323,546 $1,345,194 $1,473,600 $128,407 91% 32%

TOTAL NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ($165,293) ($76,961) ($88,332) $159,378 ($34,688) ($37,273) $2,586 $0


Variance due to reduced electricity, contract services and security exp.

Variance due to reduced printing/advertising and journal

Variance due to reduced supplies

Variance due to reduced instrumentalist and new music

Reduced expenses due to moving ministry to online productions and cancelled events

Business Summary Page 13

Page 19: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Budgeted Financial Statement

Outreach Summary Report 2020 -

updated 5/23

Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2020

Description2019 Actual





2020 YTD




Budget% of






Disciple Support

58764 - Disciples Mission Fund $125,000 $125,000 $31,250 $125,000

58770 - Division of Overseas Ministries $20,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000

58771 - Rambo Foundation $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Disciple Support $145,000 $145,000 $31,250 $145,000 34%

Local Disciple Support

58778 - Brite Scholarships/Other $0 $0 $0 $0

58816 - CCSW $22,500 $22,500 $6,250 $25,000 Replaced by CCSW/Increased support

58733 - Juliet Fowler Home $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 - 19/20/21

58734 - Disciple's Crossing $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0

58739 - Galileo Church (new Church start) $7,500 $7,500 $7,000 $7,000 $7K - 20 / 21 / 22

58740 - Bethany Fellows $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10K - 18/19/20

58743 - Reach Beyond Mission $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 2020 only

Total Local Disciple Support $50,000 $50,000 $33,250 $52,000 12%

46% DOC Support Target = 45%-55%

Local Community/Church Support

58773 - South Central Alliance of Churches $27,000 $27,000 $6,750 $27,000 UCC Member Involvement $210

58775 - Covenant Memberships $500 $600 $0 $700 Include Texas Impact - $100 - this year

58815 - Tarrant Churches Together $26,620 $26,620 $4,000 $8,000 $4k per first and second quarters only

58732 - Rippling Hope $0 $0 $0 $4,825 Emergency Allocation 2020

58757 - Fortress Youth Development Center $0 $0 $5,259 $20,500 2020 only / $500 for birthday events

58756 - Literacy United $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 2020 only

58736 - Northside Inter-Community Agency $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 - 19/20

58774 - Emergency Relief Support $0 $0 $3,861 $22,650 Benevolence & newly allocated emergency assistance $3,040

58819 - Refugee Services of TX $273 $0 $0 $3,000 Emergency Allocation 2020 $3,584

58737 - Tarrant Area Food Bank $0 $0 $5,000 $15,000 Emergency Allocation 2020

58818 - International Newcomer Academy $0 $0 $0 $5,000 Emergency Allocation 2020

58742 - Community Food Bank $0 $0 $0 $5,000 Emergency Allocation 2020

Total Local Community/Church Support $64,393 $64,220 $49,870 $136,675

32% Local Faith-Based Support Target = 10%-20%

UCC Ministries

58822 - Caring for God's Creation $0 $750 $0 $0

58824 - Mayor's 3rd Grade Reading Initiative $15,000 $25,000 $0 $0 No seed funding 2020 / re-allocating to FYDC and LU

Total UCC Ministries $15,000 $25,750 $0 $0 0%

Children's Closet Net

Children's Closet Income ($60,421) ($67,750) ($586) ($52,337)

Children's Closet Expense $110,884 $117,750 $42,107 $117,637

Children's Closet Bulk Uniforms $9,537 $10,000 $0 $9,700

Total Children's Closet Net $60,000 $60,000 $41,521 $75,000 18% $80,466

Prom Dreams Net

Prom Dreams Income ($5) $0 $0 $0

Prom dreams Expense $2,505 $2,500 $41 $0

Total Prom Dreams Net $2,500 $2,500 $41 $0 0% $1,457

Mission Pilgrimage NET

Mission Pilgrimage Income ($19,250) ($23,416) ($1,283) ($23,000)

Mission Pilgrimage Expense $20,307 $35,416 $0 $28,000

Total Mission Pilgrimage NET $1,057 $12,000 ($1,283) $5,000 1% $16,129

Page Scholarship NET

Page Scholarship Income ($23,000) ($23,000) $0 ($23,000)

Page Scholarship Awards $25,000 $25,000 $0 $25,000 *Note: Scolarships are paid in July

Total Page Scholarship NET $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 0% $31,480

Homeless Ministry NET

Homeless Ministry Income ($5,389) ($9,500) $0 ($2,000)

Homeless Ministry Expense $5,889 $10,000 $2,573 $5,000 Includes $2500 Mayor's Breakfast approved Jan 2020

Total Homeless Ministry NET $500 $500 $2,573 $3,000 1% $10,669

Kid's Hope Ministry NET

Business Summary Page 14

Page 20: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Budgeted Financial Statement

Outreach Summary Report 2020 -

updated 5/23

Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2020

Description2019 Actual





2020 YTD




Budget% of





Kid's Hope Ministry Income ($185) ($400) $0 ($400)

Kid's Hope Ministry Expense $3,285 $3,500 $60 $3,500

Total Kid's Hope Ministry NET $3,100 $3,100 $60 $3,100 1% $1,887

TOTAL UCC Ministries NET $84,157 $105,850 $42,912 $88,100 21% UCC Ministries Support Target = 25%-35%

Outreach Administrative Expense

Administrative Expenses (volunteer/food/supplies) $1,373 $1,300 $0 $2,800 *added volunteer appreciation acct

Total Outreach Administrative Expense $1,373 $1,300 $0 $2,800

TOTAL ALLOCATED EXPENSES $344,923 $366,370 $157,283 $424,575 100%


Special Offering

Disciples Special Offering TOTAL $16,952 $16,000 $1,661 $16,000

Gifts of Hope - Outside Organizations $18,194 $18,194 $11,736 $11,736

Thanksgiving Baskets $4,904 $4,528 $2,022 $2,000

Christmas Angels $20,846 $30,000 $26 $30,000 $55,780

Heifer (Wild Women) $534 $500 $0 $500

Total Special Offering $61,431 $69,222 $15,445 $60,236

Outreach Passthrough Expenses

Outreach Passthrough Net $0 $0 ($200) $0

Total Outreach Passthrough Expenses $0 $0 ($200) $0

Total Non-Budgeted/Passthroughs $61,431 $69,222 $15,245 $60,236


Unallocated Funds $51,282 $9,670 $0 $39,236 Unallocated Funds + balance of special emergency allocation

Total Unallocated Funds $51,282 $9,670 $0 $39,236

GRAND TOTAL OUTREACH EXPENSES $457,636 $445,263 $172,528 $524,047


Endowment Income $85,546 $86,590 $22,066 $88,076

Outreach General Reserve $25,620 $25,620 $26,600 $31,425 $21,775

10 % from Operating Income $284,766 $263,480 $108,442 $293,959 *10% allocation of unrestricted income

Special Allocation from Equity $0 $0 $50,000 Special Emergency allocation from equity

Restricted Non-Budgeted Transfers $61,703 $69,222 $15,419 $60,236

Participant Fees $0 $350 $0 $350

Misc Income $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL OUTREACH INCOME $457,636 $445,263 $172,528 $524,047

Business Summary Page 15

Page 21: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Designated Fund Summary for Period 4 April


Fiscal Year: 2020










Weekday School Board Designated $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000

Sr. Minister Advised Fund $23,942 $0 $0 $23,942




Adult General Reserve $210 $0 $0 $210

Children's General Reserve $3,467 $290 $0 $3,757

College General Reserve $297 $0 $0 $297

Music General Reserve $26,665 $100 $9,000 $17,765 *General Ministry transfer

Chancel Choir General Reserve $38,061 $12,892 $0 $50,953

Music Youth General Reserve $42,113 $3,413 $0 $45,525

Boar's Head General Reserve $58,564 $24,546 $19,100 $64,010 *2020 Program transfer

Pastoral Care General Reserve $3,569 $25 $3,000 $594 *CCM program transfer

Women's General Reserve $328 $0 $0 $328

Prayer Shawl Ministry $5,012 $25 $0 $5,037

Women's Ministry Quadrennial Reserve $2,685 $0 $0 $2,685

Youth General Reserve $46,924 $3,798 $25,000 $25,721 *General Ministry transfer

Student Activities Reserve $40,452 $2,600 $5,920 $37,131 *Camp payments

Weekday School Fundraising Reserve $73,478 $3,087 $10,706 $65,858 *Fundraising Expense

Kitchen Operation Reserve $2,500 $0 $0 $2,500

TOTAL MINISTRY GENERAL RESERVES $344,324 $50,775 $72,727 $322,372


God Talk Class Reserve $40 $0 $0 $40

Seekers Class Reserve $891 $267 $201 $957

Genesis Class Reserve $1,223 $0 $150 $1,073

Koinonia Class Reserve $1,815 $1,014 $52 $2,777

Moudy Class Reserve $133 $0 $0 $133

Round Table Class Reserve $436 $0 $0 $436

Logos Class Reserve $50 $289 $50 $289

Peoples Class Reserve $1,540 $397 $50 $1,887

Chancel Choir Council Reserve $1,851 $63 $29 $1,884

TOTAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS RESERVES $7,978 $2,030 $532 $9,476


Carpenters Reserve $1,517 $150 $130 $1,537

Wild Women's Book Club Reserve $116 $78 $0 $194

Rose Circle Reserve $319 $0 $25 $294


Business Summary Page 16

Page 22: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Designated Fund Summary for Period 4 April


Fiscal Year: 2020










Habitat for Humanity Reserve $101 $0 $0 $101

South Central Alliance Reserve $210 $0 $0 $210

Christmas Angels Reserve $51,775 $4,006 $0 $55,780

Gifts of Hope Reserve $11,736 $0 $11,736 $0 *2019 Gifts of Hope $20,211

Thanksgiving Baskets Reserve $2,022 $0 $2,022 $0

Mission Pilgrimages Reserve $16,089 $40 $0 $16,129

Homeless Ministry $10,209 $460 $0 $10,669

Community Garden Reserve $2,591 $0 $0 $2,591

Kids Hope Reserve $1,762 $125 $0 $1,887

Outreach General Reserve $51,552 $279 $26,600 $25,231 *2020 Allocations

Refugee Services of TX $3,584 $0 $0 $3,584

Emergency Relief $2,135 $1,905 $0 $4,040

Children's Closet Reserve $64,936 $15,530 $0 $80,466 *New gifts

Prom Dreams Reserve $1,457 $0 $0 $1,457

Mary Louise Page Scholarship Fund $24,021 $7,459 $0 $31,480 *New gift and 1st QTR End

Week of Compassion Offering Reserve $490 $1,675 $490 $1,675

Easter Offering Reserve $0 $100 $0 $100

Pentecost Offering Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0

Reconciliation Offering Reserve $221 $100 $221 $100

Thanksgiving Offering Reserve $825 $0 $825 $0

Christmas Offering Reserve $125 $0 $125 $0

Other Special Offering Reserve $767 $0 $0 $767

TOTAL SPECIAL OUTREACH RESERVES $246,607 $31,679 $42,019 $236,267


Johnson Organ Endowment Reserve $893 $1,204 $0 $2,096

Foltz Endowment Reserve $1,339 $0 $0 $1,339

Davis Endowment Reserve $30,797 $1,062 $0 $31,859

Lawrence Endowment Reserve $6,476 $163 $0 $6,639

Needlers Reserve $1,908 $212 $0 $2,120

Youth Alumni Scholarship Fund $8,266 $611 $0 $8,877

TOTAL ENDOWMENT RESERVES $49,679 $3,251 $0 $52,930


Time Restricted Pledge Income $242,934 $0 $240,859 $2,075 *Pre-paid Pledges

Library Fund Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0

Anna Harriett Library Reserve $7,504 $0 $0 $7,504

Lilly Grant - Clergy Renewal $11,702 $0 $0 $11,702


TOTAL RESTRICTED RESERVES $912,680 $87,962 $356,292 $644,350

BALANCE CHECK FUND 1 $73,942 $0 $0 $73,942

BALANCE CHECK FUND 2 $912,680 $87,962.27 $356,291.60 $644,350

Business Summary Page 17

Page 23: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love


Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2020

Capital Budget Report

Account # Description





Cash Balance as of 12/31/2019 $111,658 $111,658


Contributions $100,010 $100,000

Net Rental Income $0 $0

Misc. Income $0 $0

Trust Income $1,432 $6,000

Game Day Parking Income $0 $5,000

TCU Parking Lease Income $0 $0

Transfer from Operating $0 $0

Endowment Income $56,467 $224,993

Gross Income $157,909 $335,993

Non Budget Misc. Expenses

Misc. Purchases and Repairs $19,104 $82,000 *Refund from Horizon's contract

Net Columbarian/Memorial Rm ($400) $0

Total Non Budget Misc. Expenses $18,704 $82,000

Net Operating Income $139,205 $253,993


Ministry Areas $0 $0

SS Classes $0 $0

Weekday School $0 $0


TOTAL INCOME $139,205 $253,993


Site $4,969 $4,717 *Parking lot lighting

Structure $26,640 $110,740

Interior $0 $5,300

Elevators $0 $0

Mechanical $0 $10,774

Electrical $0 $0

Plumbing $0 $0

Fire & Safety $0 $0

ADA $0 $0

Furniture & Fixtures $5,096 $2,500 *Discovery Kids furniture

Technology $10,942 $32,580 *Technology supplies for online media production

WDS Projects $0 $0

Total Other Capital Projects $47,647 $166,611

Accounts Payable - expenses from prior year ($19,677)

Accounts Payable - April ($5,158) $0

Cash Balance to GL $188,697 $199,040

Less Restricted/Deferred Reserves

Restricted Reserves (Memorial Rm) 26,321 $26,299

Net Cash Balance $162,376 $172,742

Business Summary Page 18

Page 24: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

How to join the UCC Legacy Society

We are thrilled to provide more information regarding leaving a lasting legacy at University Christian

Church (UCC). There are numerous ways to join UCC’s Legacy Society. Summarized below are some of

those ways. Contact Michelle Ingram in the Business Office to discuss further.

1. Remembering the church in some way as part of your Estate Plans. There are numerous ways to

accomplish this, some examples are:

o Beneficiary from an insurance policy or retirement plan

o Outright bequest gift of any amount

o Bequest for $5,000 or more to establish a named endowment fund.

Confirm with UCC’s Business Office that you have arranged to remember the Church as part of your

plans. It’s that simple. We don’t require copies of any confidential detailed information (some choose to

send a copy of the specific bequest for the file, but it is not required). UCC’s Business Office will follow

up with arrangements for installation of a new name brick on our beautiful wall display. If you are

interested in further Estate Planning assistance, we would love to connect you directly with Bobby

Hawley, Vice-President of Christian Church Foundation. He is happy to review Estate Planning options

with you that the Foundation offers as well.

2. Establish a new named endowment fund (can be gifted immediately or over a 5 year period) or make a minimum gift amount to an existing fund. The minimum amount for either is $5,000. Your new named endowment fund of $5,000 or more can support any one of these ministry areas of your choice:

o General Endowment (60% Operating, 30% Capital, 10% Outreach) o Capital Endowment o Adult Christian Education o College Christian Education o Youth Christian Education o Children Christian Education o Church & the Arts o Evangelism o Music o Operations (all ministry areas except Outreach) o Outreach o Pastoral Care o Worship

We do install and reveal new name Legacy Society members every All Saints and Pentecost.

For all inquiries, please contact Michelle Ingram, Director of Operations, [email protected] or 817-


Page 25: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


12175 Embry Trust

12176 Heyer Trust

12177 Johnson Remainder Trust

30194 Valerie & Ben Hogan Endowment Fund

30260 UCC General Endowment (Designated)

30261 UCC General Endowment (Restricted)

30287 Frances Jennings Endowment Fund

30290 Christine Cagle General Endowment Fund

30297 Paul & Martha Youngdale General Endowment Fund

30313 Rev. Ora Shelton Endowment

30317 Edgar & Laura Keltner General Endowment Fund

30326 Lee & Linda Brookshire Endowment Fund (R)

30329 Butler Family Endowment

30331 Marcia & Paul Cato Family Fund (D)

30332 Marcia & Paul Cato Family Fund (R)

30333 Hanley Family Fund

30338 Marilyn & Freddy L. Jones Endowment Fund (R)

30344 Sandra and Ronald Kennedy Endowment Fund

30352 Charles J. & Sarah M. Fraley Endowment

30354 Bert & Marjorie Nunnallee Endowment

30356 Jimmy & Lanelle Phipps Endowment

30364 Paul & Judy Clinkscales Endowment Fund

30370 Jay and Barbara Lesok Endowment Fund (R)

30372 Harold Johnson Endowment Fund (R)

137,016.96 (328,499.80) 7,176,416.54

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


12179 Fillingim Foundation

30140 Building Fund Endowment (Designated)

30141 Building Fund Endowment (Restricted)

30192 Harold & Beulah Johnson Building Endowment Fund

30196 Florence Kerr Building Endowment Fund

30285 Iris E. McGaugh Endowment Fund

30292 Christine Cagle Building Endowment Fund

0.00 (123,245.67) 2,620,610.32

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30110 Boar's Head Endowment

30170 Hanging of the Greens Endowment

0.00 (1,363.77) 25,969.21

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30120 Leigh Ann Brown Endowment

30150 John B. Craddock, Jr. Endowment

30200 Lisa Kurz Endowment

30321 UCC Youth Alumni/ae Scholarship Fund (Designated)

0.00 (4,125.47) 79,477.26

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


University Christian Church

Total Transaction Summary Report

For Period 4/1/2019 Through 3/31/2020

General End

Pastoral Care




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Page 26: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

University Christian Church

Total Transaction Summary Report

For Period 4/1/2019 Through 3/31/2020

30130 William A. and Lou Buttram Endowment Fund

30197 E. Jean White Endowment Fund

30240 Charles F. Kemp Pastoral Care Endowment (Designated)

30241 Charles F. Kemp Pastoral Care Endowment (Restricted)

30280 Suzanne Elise Yarbro Memorial Endowment Fund

30295 Clyde & Mary Gene Foltz Endowment Fund

30320 Lawrence & Rosemary Alland Endowment Fund

30362 Rev. Dr. Charles H. & Anne M. Sanders Pastoral Care Endowment

30374 Joy Ann and Bob Havran Endowment Fund (R)

7,674.17 (7,616.65) 151,100.86

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30155 Hilda & Gilbert Davis Endowment Fund

30309 Brian and Kristie Gibson Adult Education Endowment

30342 McCoy Family Endowment

1,898.00 (4,747.53) 98,158.92

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30159 Vera T. Edelbrock Endowment Fund

0.00 (2,425.83) 46,192.80

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30160 Doris Evans Student Ministry Endowment Fund

30220 Frieda McMahon Endowment

0.00 (362.44) 27,283.96

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30180 Helping Hands Endowment

30185 Elizabeth C. & Edwin H. Winton Endowment Fund

30198 Charles F. Kemp Outreach Endowment

30210 Bob McMahon Endowment

30225 Josie and Joe Minyard Endowment

30235 Needlers Endowment (Designated)

30236 Needlers Endowment (Restricted)

30307 Children's Closet Endowment

30310 Mary Louise Page Scholarship Endowment

30311 Mary Louise Page Outreach Endowment

30318 Gaile H. Aston Endowment Fund

30319 Susan McAdams Harrell Endowment Fund

30323 Lynn C. Cross Endowment Fund (Designated)

30324 Lynn C. Cross Endowment Fund (Restricted)

30340 Cyndy W. Twedell Endowment Fund

30346 Walter & Patricia Echols Endowment Fund (R)

2,550.00 (70,425.26) 1,350,367.43

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30190 May Henson Endowment

30250 Jo Taylor Endowment

0.00 (402.47) 7,663.94

Children's Ministry



Building & Grounds

Adult Education

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Page 27: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

University Christian Church

Total Transaction Summary Report

For Period 4/1/2019 Through 3/31/2020

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30193 Carolyn V. Zaepfel Endowment Fund

30226 James M. & Lucille Moudy Endowment

30315 Chet & Sally Werst McKeen Endowment

0.00 (34,615.20) 659,632.67

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30205 Beulah Johnson Organ Endowment Fund

30230 Mary Ingle and Gentry Shelton Music Endowment (Designated)

30231 Mary Ingle and Gentry Shelton Music Endowment (Restricted)

30305 Ronald L. Shirey Chancel Choir Endowment Fund (Designated)

30306 Ronald L. Shirey Chancel Choir Endowment Fund (Restricted)

30327 Dee J. Kelly Endowment Fund (Designated)

30328 Dee J. Kelly Endowment Fund (Restricted)

30348 Charles & Carolyn Dowell Music Endowment

30350 Jack & Jackie Shrode Endowment

30360 Music Endowment Fund

30368 Bill and Jan Proenza Endowment Fund (R)

7,230.00 (17,023.76) 330,952.49

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30270 Weekday School Endowment (Designated)

30271 Weekday School Endowment (Restricted)

30308 W. A. & Gail Landreth Weekday School Endowment

30358 Meryle and Ernest Fincher Endowment Fund

0.00 (2,432.13) 46,526.46

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30300 Ken Lawrence Memorial Endowment (Designated)

30301 Ken Lawrence Memorial Endowment (Restricted)

100.00 (643.07) 12,361.58

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30335 Helme Family Fund (D)

30336 Helme Family Fund (R)

0.00 (232.00) 4,664.05

Gifts Distributions

Ending Market


30366 Joyce A. Valentine Endowment Fund (R)

3,437.29 (47.29) 3,206.72

Grand Totals : 159,906.42 (599,278.73) 12,640,585.21



Church & the Arts

Weekday School



Business Summary Page 22

Page 28: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Assets Manager Market Values


Market Values


Market Values


Market Values


Market Values


Embry Trust 746,648.97 767,127.05 767,790.54 772,926.53 650,994.12

Fillingim Foundation 297,876.79 302,558.26 302,111.91 307,988.49 273,641.22

Anna Heyer Trust 83,285.05 85,368.55 85,899.27 86,050.24 75,662.76

Harold Johnson CRT 129,314.65 127,308.85 126,540.70 - -

Total Trust 1,257,125.46 1,282,362.71 1,282,342.42 1,166,965.26 1,000,298.10

CCF Beasley Fund 4,077,799.02 4,211,419.40 4,221,548.85 4,520,216.44 3,597,452.16

CCF Brown Fund 2,034,221.87 2,117,839.95 1,997,045.77 2,155,249.09 1,846,101.16

CCF Campbell Fund 4,767,290.16 4,909,031.15 4,903,541.96 5,236,783.28 4,085,419.63

CCF Common Fund 2,469,862.20 2,389,204.55 2,396,356.96 2,534,036.00 2,111,342.65

Due To/From Managed Investments - - - 2,533.56 (28.49)

Total Managed Investments 13,349,173.25 13,627,495.05 13,518,493.54 14,448,818.37 11,640,287.11

Total Asset Market Values 14,606,298.71 14,909,857.76 14,800,835.96 15,615,783.63 12,640,585.21


Investment Return

for Qtr. 3/31/2019


Investment Return

for Qtr. 6/30/2019


Investment Return

for Qtr. 9/30/2019


Investment Return

for Qtr. 12/31/2019


Investment Return

for Qtr. 3/31/2020

CCF Beasley Fund 10.04% 3.28% 0.24% 7.07% -20.41%

CCF Brown Fund 6.13% 2.97% 1.30% 2.88% -8.13%

CCF Campbell Fund 10.27% 2.97% -0.11% 6.80% -21.99%

CCF Common Fund 9.71% 2.87% 0.30% 5.75% -16.68%

Total Weighted Average 9.34% 3.01% 0.27% 6.13% -18.41%

Endowment Fund Investment Performance

Managed Investments

Fillingim Foundation

Heyer Trust

Johnson Remainder Trust

Managed Investments

University Christian Church

Summary Report For Endowment Assets

For Period 4/1/2019 Through 3/31/2020

Embry Trust

Business Summary Page 23

Page 29: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Manager Name

Dividends and





Fees Net Cash Flow

Ending Market


CCF Beasley Fund 43,848.18 -967,317.24 704.78 0.00 3,597,452.16

CCF Brown Fund 13,180.35 -185,467.66 337.54 -145,728.80 1,846,101.16

CCF Campbell Fund 53,894.36 -1,206,073.31 815.30 0.00 4,085,419.63

CCF Common Fund 23,196.70 -446,287.69 397.64 0.00 2,111,342.65

Church Extension Term Notes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Due To/From Managed


0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,562.05 -28.49

Total 134,119.59 -2,805,145.90 2,255.26 -148,290.85 11,640,287.11

*cost recovery adback **Due to/from flow due to Johnson CRT

from CCF receivable at 12/31 and revised

distribution total for 3/31

*1st QTR distribution

*Fundriver QTRLY Fees

*1st QTR new gifts

Income to Principal -39.18

Difference 0.00

Distribution 153,015.03

Expense 1,000.00

Gift -5,685.00

Investment Pool Level Amount

Net Cashflow By Managers -148,290.85


2,533.56 0.00 0.00

14,448,818.37 8,530.64 0.00

2,534,036.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

2,155,249.09 8,530.64 0.00

5,236,783.28 0.00 0.00

Beginning Value Realized Gains Difference

4,520,216.44 0.00 0.00

Manager and Investment Pool Reconciliation

Managed Investments

For Period Between 1/1/2020 And 3/31/2020

Investment Manager Level

Business Summary Page 24

Page 30: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

GLID Endowment Name




Amount Net Spending

Avg Market

Value Market Value Historical Gift

MV as a %

of Gift

30292 Christine Cagle Building Endowment Fund 79.96 % Distribute

30290 Christine Cagle General Endowment Fund 79.96 % Distribute

Total Distribution: 54,669.39 0.00 54,669.39 4,859,500.88 4,157,917.68 5,199,726.52

30235 Needlers Endowment (Designated) 84.25 % Suspend

30295 Clyde & Mary Gene Foltz Endowment Fund 81.49 % Suspend

30240 Charles F. Kemp Pastoral Care Endowment (Designated) 81.79 % Suspend

30319 Susan McAdams Harrell Endowment Fund 83.52 % Suspend

30326 Lee & Linda Brookshire Endowment Fund (R) 83.11 % Suspend

30342 McCoy Family Endowment 82.14 % Suspend

30344 Sandra and Ronald Kennedy Endowment Fund 84.73 % Suspend

30346 Walter & Patricia Echols Endowment Fund (R) 83.60 % Suspend

30348 Charles & Carolyn Dowell Music Endowment 84.21 % Suspend

30350 Jack & Jackie Shrode Endowment 83.60 % Suspend

30352 Charles J. & Sarah M. Fraley Endowment 83.60 % Suspend

30354 Bert & Marjorie Nunnallee Endowment 83.64 % Suspend

30358 Meryle and Ernest Fincher Endowment Fund 82.47 % Suspend

30368 Bill and Jan Proenza Endowment Fund (R) 83.79 % Suspend

30370 Jay and Barbara Lesok Endowment Fund (R) 83.79 % Suspend

30372 Harold Johnson Endowment Fund (R) 80.46 % Suspend

30374 Joy Ann and Bob Havran Endowment Fund (R) 80.46 % Suspend

30297 Paul & Martha Youngdale General Endowment Fund 83.72 % Suspend

Total Suspended Distribution: 4,222.04 22.98 4,199.06 375,290.15 407,797.72 494,005.53

Total 2nd QTR Distribution: 147,288.89 21.01 147,267.88 13,467,636.87 12,640,585.21 14,461,393.62

University Christian Church

UDR - Estimated Spending

For Period Ending: 03-31-2020


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Page 31: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Board of Stewards


David Nolan, Chair Kalen Ruiz, Vice Chair

Meredith Garcia, Secretary

Term Expires 2021 Term Expires 2022 Term Expires 2023

Greg Farr James Chaffin Kristi Hoban

Gay McKeever Meredith Garcia Jeff King

Pam Miller David Nolan Don Mills

Alice Phillips Kalen Ruiz Amanda Stallings

Jerre Tracy Bill Shelton Tim Taylor

Leslie Dell, Chair of Elders

Lauren King, Chair of Deacons

Page 32: Transforming the world by living out Christ’s courageous love

Ministry Division Leaders


Ministry Division Leader Staff Liaison

Adult Taylor Morton Rev. Dr. Zena McAdams

Carpenter’s Charles Kendall Rev. Jamie Plunkett

Children’s Beth Zemkoski Rev. Kera Watts

Church & the Arts David Frick Janet Pummill

College Mark Tentinger Rev. Jessica Vacketta

Congregational Care Gay McKeever Rev. Shannon Moore

Food Fellowship Rev. Renee Hoke Rev. Renee Hoke

Men’s John Andrus Rev. Jamie Plunkett

Music Bill Proenza Rev. Dr. Todd Prickett

Outreach Monty Phillips Rev. Jessica Vacketta

Women’s TBD Rev. Dr. Zena McAdams

Worship Life TBD Rev. Shannon Moore

Youth Lea McCracken Rev. Jamie Plunkett