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November 2014

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Editor’s NoteAppearances matter. Whether it’s your website, reputation or listings, clients want someone who’s got it all put together. This issue is all about brushing up your presence in person and online.

Today’s market is all about who can sell their brands best. It’s not always easy to do when you’re the brand. Balancing online and in-person interactions is key to making it work. I’ve put together some of the best ways to make yourself look good to your clients while avoiding becoming a slave to your phone.

Not that you should put down the phone entirely, of course! You’ll get plenty of use out of it when you’re not meeting with clients and other players in your sales. I find many real estate agents are surprised what - or, perhaps more accurately, who - might make the sale for them. Make sure you maintain connections with your clients, new and old, and follow up on leads they send you. A little loyalty on both sides goes a long way.

Finally, I suggest taking a critical look at your own listings and online presence. It’s been my experience that how you’re perceived online can make or break a real estate agent. Sure, those pictures and graphics might look great, but do you have the context for them? Try to look at your sites like a potential client, and you might just find something to improve. Even if it looks good to you, I hope you take advantage of the tips outlined on making your listings the best they can be.

I’m glad to have you with me for this issue. If there’s anything that you’d like me to cover in the future, don’t hesitate to ask!

Contact Me!Feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like your peers added to the distribution list.

Paul StiversSenior Loan OfficerHomeFirst Mortgage Corp.NMLS Originator ID: 853982NMLS Company ID: 2929

207 S. Alfred St.Alexandria, VA 22314(703) 549-3400 (office)(703) 942-9141 (direct)[email protected]

HomeFirst Mortgage Corp. NMLS Company ID: 2919.

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6. 7 Secrets To Winning More Buyers

4. Get Your Listings in Shape

8. The Shocking Truth Behind Client Loyalty

10. Self-Balance in a Tech Crazy World

12. 4 Tricks to Blowing Up Your Online Presence

14. Staging With Glamor: Ensuring Your Listing Photos Shine!

This magazine is published monthly. Entire contents are protected under copyright law where applicable. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. All images are copyright protection of and its photographers.

16. Step Back Into the Past: The Charm of Older Houses

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Get Your Listings in ShapeWorkouts, training sessions and yoga classes aren’t just for your body anymore. Not only do you want to maintain a high level of physical health in your life, but you also want to provide healthy doses of real estate medicine to your listings.

Instead of falling to the bottom of the ranks in town, try these tips to build a substantially larger client base this year.

Beef Up Your Marketing

While your goal is to market houses to potential buyers, you also need to market your own services. Check out places where people frequent often and are interested in real estate.

For example, hanging up some posters at a venue for local mom groups might catch the eye of a woman whose family is looking to upgrade from starter house to forever home. Make sure your website and social media accounts are both active and up-to-date.

Revive Old Listings

Going through different listings of houses for sale in the area can drive you down the road of ones that have expired.

A decent chance exists that the owners of these houses would still love to sell their properties, but they may have lost the steam

to do so after too many failed attempts.

Reach out to them and let them know that you would like to take on their case. If you are able to solve the family’s puzzling house-selling enigma, you can bet that the benefits of your service will travel to others via word-of-mouth.

Don’t Forget New Homes

While you are busy trying to breath life back into stale listings and market toward individuals who want to take a step into the home-buying process, don’t forget about new developments in the area.

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When you hear about a new house being built or see one springing into life in the community, work to establish a connection with the person funding this mission.

Building a bridge between you and a potential client early is a smart way to get to know a lot about the property and the goals for it and to ultimately get the listing.

Update Your Listings

You want to make sure you are providing all accurate information to people who might be interested in buying one of the houses you are currently listing. Otherwise, you could get a poor reputation in the field.

Check with the people who own the houses to find out if any of the details of the property have changed. For example, they might have added an extension onto the house.

You should check out your files first to make sure you aren’t missing any crucial details. You don’t want to appear unreliable to your clients as this could destroy your reputation.

Revamp Your Photos

Remember, people are often attracted to a house in the first place because of visual appeal. Unless they have driven by the houses themselves, the only way that they know what the homes look like is through the listings on your page.

Flip through the pictures of your listings to see if you have the best representations of the property. The quality of the photos is also important. They might need to be made clearer or have the colors amplified for optimal quality. You want your listings to catch the eyes of the potential buyers.

Help the Owners

Some of the issues with the listing might be that you don’t have clear photos or that you have not been updating the listing properly. However, some of the issues could stem from the house itself.

Meet with the homeowners to chat about why the house is not selling. Some of the problems could be safety hazards in the house, closets that are overstuffed with belongings, cabinets that look as though they have no room and so forth.

You may also need to suggest to the owners that they stage the

photos so that the pictures on your website are more appealing.

Remember the importance of curb appeal too.

Ask for Advice

No matter how hard you try, you might not be able to figure out what is wrong with your listings.

This can be a common issue. Often, it is most difficult to criticize your own work, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.

While asking a competitor for advice is probably not the best idea, you can look to the person at the head of your real estate company. Never be afraid to ask to learn more because that is the way that you can get to the top of your game and really start to sell those listings.

Going through all of your current listings helps you to see the issues that they have and to be better prepared for the new listings that will hopefully come your way.

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The prospective home buyer of today is more prudent than ever before. These individuals are looking for great deals, ample background information and a greater level of guidance and support from real estate agents.

It is not enough to show homes and discuss the general perks of living in a specific neighborhood. As an agent, you must go above and beyond to show that you’ve done your research and to share with people the real benefits and drawbacks of investing in a particular home, joining the local community and choosing a specific property style.

1. Maintain An Online Presence

Your first order of business is to make sure that you have a good web presence. Your website should be accessible on various devices including tablets and mobile phones.

People are currently using these tools to limit their footwork, establish their buying goals, determine true ownership costs and learn their options. The more that you help consumers out with this process, the more trust you will invariably gain.

2. Know Your Territory

Many agents make the mistake of spreading themselves too thin. A small amount of success in a concentrated area inspires these individuals to branch out until they are covering numerous neighborhoods and even cities.

This limits the amount of specialized information that prospective buyers have access to and it also increases agents’ response times.

Rather than attempting to increase your revenue by taking on more territory, focus instead

7 Secrets To Winning More Buyers

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on being the best in a small but bustling region. This will fuel more word of mouth advertising, foster greater levels of trust and give you the ability to spout facts and statistics that will incite positive buying decisions.

3. Come With Visuals

Make sure to bring plenty of neighborhood-specific visuals to your open house. These can include handouts with photos of local schools, restaurants and other community features.

If any of these organizations have marketing brochures of their own, offer to distribute these at your open houses.

Appealing to the community-specific interests of your clients can increase the appeal of a property that has been slow to move. You can also stress that while nearly all property features can be improved upon, the location is the one feature that cannot be changed.

4. Appeal To The Nose

Many real estate agents and sellers are so concerned with how their properties look that they fail to consider how these properties smell upon entering them.

Those who have been living in these homes could find it difficult to identify foul odors, given that they have grown accustomed to them. Ask for second opinions before showing a house and

always open units up and air them out before inviting people in. Not only do unpleasant odors indicate potential problems such as mold growth, plumbing issues and rot, but they also fail to put prospective investors in the right frame of mind for making positive buying decisions.

5. Provide Resources Unavailable on the Web

Go beyond simply printing out facts that anyone can gain through the use of a search engine.

Find out why local schools are appealing and whether or not special programs such International Baccalaureate programs or college readiness courses exist.

Print maps of alternative commute routes for accessing major city areas.

Offer buyers detailed price information for similar properties in the region and share the names of contractors that have performed work on the home in the past.

6. Simplify The Purchasing Process

The best real estate agents practice assuming the mindset of prospective buyers. They are able to step away from industry jargon and put things into layman’s terms.

They can assist in the creation of purchasing plans that are easy to understand for those who are new to this process. Their web pages offer tools for determining overall ownership costs.

These professionals are also capable of assisting buyers in the development of strong purchasing teams by networking with successful loan officers.

7. Stay With Buyers Until The Very End

Once people have decided to make offers on your properties, make sure that you stay with them through closing.

They will likely have a number of questions to ask during this time and shouldn’t have to fight to hunt you down simply because they’ve already made a commitment. Your continued support will ensure greater word of mouth advertising and this is the cheapest and most effective form of marketing out there.

Revamping the way you approach the sales process can have a significant impact on the results you’re getting.

By using these seven strategies you can develop a strong network of satisfied buyers and sellers who are willing to promote your services for you.

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The Shocking Truth Behind Client LoyaltyLike many other entrepreneurs, real estate agents should understand the true reasons that result in clients remaining loyal. And for real estate agents, loyalty is essential to survival in a highly competitive industry.

When 20 percent of your business comes directly from your existing database of clients, you can’t afford not to cultivate and maintain these relationships to ensure your future is sustained. The potential to increase your business while actually cutting costs by attracting repeat customers is off the charts.

Loyalty Factor Surprises

Most real estate professionals believe that by being diligent, honest and hard working that they will earn their client’s trust.It would seem that the client’s satisfaction in levels of service provided by the real estate agent would be the deciding factor when it comes to loyalty.

According to a recent study, satisfaction definitely plays an important role in repeat business, but there are other reasons that factor into loyalty too:

• The client’s perceived obligation to sticking with their real estate agent.

• The client’s perceived notion that the expense of using a different real estate agent will increase.

• The client has an emotional tie to the real estate agent and doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

The study’s authors were surprised to learn that a majority of respondents said the most important factor that contributed to loyalty was the obligation clients believe they developed with their agent.

Explore Relationships

Clients who stick by you through good and bad times provide a benefit -- most of the time. But there are instances when repeat clients can be difficult and a detriment to your business.

When your relationship with this client starts to fall apart, communication is difficult. And even though the client remains loyal on the surface, the seeds of discontent have been planted and could cause your business irreparable harm.

The repeat customers who maintain obligation as their sole motivation for being loyal might

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Grab Your Free Copy!be sticking by you for the wrong


An unhappy client is one who might hamper your marketing efforts with negative referrals. Today’s digital age allows this person to have far-reaching effects at a click of button. In addition, this client never will be happy and you might find yourself bogged down by unreasonable requests, wasting a lot of valuable time.

From an emotional standpoint, this type of client can exact a vicious toll.

Loyalty and the Internet

When questions arise and the process gets complex and confusing, your client is more apt to stick with you instead of finding another real estate agent because of your ability to solve problems quickly and in a fashion they understands.

Clear, concise communication is essential and today real estate agents rely on social media avenues and the Internet to maintain relationships.

More than two-thirds of professional agents have personal websites and more than 90 percent of real estate firms have an online presence. Email has overtaken the telephone as the preferred method for building a loyal base.

Some of the most powerful tools that real estate professionals rely on to help build long-term, loyal

relationship involve social media vehicles.

Facebook, Twitter and Instragram allow “real time” communication. And as the numbers of younger real estate professionals continue to proliferate, nearly 20 percent of all professionals are under the age of 44, these have become the preferred method of communication.

Marketing Effect on Loyalty

It’s been proven over time that those buyers and sellers who stick with their agent over time spend more money as a repeat client. They also are fantastic sources for referring more business.

These repeat customers also reduce your cost to conduct business because often these types of clients make fewer demands on your time. They’re familiar with your style of doing business and they know what to expect from you.

The successful real estate pros have developed marketing programs geared specifically to their loyal clients. They never assume that they have created a life-long relationship.

Understanding loyal customers’ characteristics is integral in building for the future. Make yourself and your services available in an attractive manner to strengthen the bonds you already have with your clients.

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Self-Balance in a Tech Crazy World

Social media and cell phone use is so common today that it is simply second nature for us to constantly check our cells or other accounts. Cell phones are so prevalent in fact that they have almost become part of our arm. We start to panic if we’re not able to answer an Instagram right away or check in on Facebook or Twitter regularly.

However, is being so tuned in taking a toll on our client relationships? Being so focused on the tech side of things may well be taking away from the human aspect. It bears thinking about.

Some behaviors actually border on rudeness and yet we are often

blissfully unaware. You might ask yourself the following questions:

• When you are with clients, do you excuse yourself to answer your cell phone if it rings or immediately check when you get a text?

• Are your Facebook posts knowledgeable and interesting? Do you share things others want to know or just things that are important to you?

• Are you able to keep personal and professional posts separate?

• Do you give the reader something they can use?

If you said yes to the first question, this might signify to

your client that they aren’t your main focus. The proper thing to do is turn off the phone and stash it in your pocket or purse.

Posting in a professional way is key to keeping clients interested. Review your posting strategy and make sure it is more about them than you. Clients view you as a professional and expect useful information from you.

Finding the Balance

Technology is a tool we use in our lives and our jobs. It is up to us to decide how we use these tools in our personal and professional life. The key is finding balance which is a challenge in our chaotic tech-savvy world.

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Turning off the phone means missing calls. In the eyes of a real estate professional missed calls can mean missed sales. Ditto with social media, if we don’t answer immediately it means we are slackers, right? In fact, this is not true. These are expectations we’ve put on ourselves and as a society let happen.

We’ve come to feel it is an unspoken rule that we are available wherever we are and when-ever someone wants to get in touch. This simply is not true and no one expects it of us.

If we consistently answer phones and questions immediately it sends the wrong message. Picking up the phone when it rings relays a message that we don’t have enough to do. If we are always available, does that mean we’re not good at our job?

See where this is going? Sometimes it might be better to let voice mail pick up a call or wait to reply to a post until we have adequate time.

We lead busy lives and it is likely that our clients don’t expect us to pick up the phone or reply to a post right away.

Consider structuring your schedule by setting specific hours for your calls and social media. As long as you send a clear message with the times you are available clients will accept it.

Keeping It Professional

Just as important as being available on a regular basis, within reason of course, is keeping your calls, texts and posts professional. After composing texts or posts, always proof the message for spelling and grammar mistakes before sending. Mistakes and poor compositions can make one look unprofessional and can actually lead to lost opportunities.

Keep the tone conversational and don’t take short cuts with your messages. Be sure to call the person by name and add your signature. Answer questions or concerns fully even when it could be answered by a simple yes or no. People like to know why it is a yes or no answer.

Always turn off the phone and put it in your pocket or purse

when talking with others. If not, you might lose the respect of those you are talking to.

Making It All Work

So what exactly do real estate clients want? Chiefly, they want factual information and statistics. They want a courteously professional and knowledgeable agent. Someone they can trust for correct and timely information.

While it is possible to meld personal and professional Facebook posts or tweets, unless you can do this seamlessly it is best to keep them separate.

List features can help allocate who gets sent what. That way professional posts go to clients while personal items go to family and friends with no one the wiser.

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In today’s cutthroat market, real estate agents need whatever advantages they can get – and the easiest way to do this is with a strong online presence.

Online visibility means you can be found more easily by tech savvy users, which are the majority of the people looking for homes today. With the number of online tools available to help consumers compare prices, it pays to be the agent that stands out among the rest.

Here are four sure fire ways to blow up your online presence so that you get noticed.

Mobile Optimization

The mobile market is quickly gaining momentum as more

consumers shop and browse from their phones. Think back to the most recent real estate commercials – how many of the people depicted in them browsed for homes from the comfort of a coffee shop somewhere?

Almost everyone uses their mobile phones to find information these days. Only when they are intent on doing extensive research do they resort to a desktop computer.

Studies report that nearly 68 percent of users browse from their mobile phones now, which means that if your content isn’t optimized to work on a mobile platform, you’re alienating a large part of your user base.

A site that is optimized for mobile

use should be easy to read and provide the information in small, bite sized chunks. Mobile users want information quickly and easily; they aren’t interested in reading a dissertation.

Relevant Content

The biggest problem plaguing websites today is the amount of content that has nothing to do with what users want. When your potential customers browse your page, they should not have to sort through piles of drivel to find that single gem of useful content – all the content should be useful!

Quality content means users can return time and time again. You can provide relevant content by linking to articles and

4 Tricks to Blowing Up Your Online Presence

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publications that are useful to readers, as well as providing your own insights. An article about how to save money while house hunting or how to pack up for a move can be very useful.

Don’t be afraid to link to your own website within newer articles. Write evergreen content that will remain relevant for years to come, and you’ll have a strong basis on which to optimize your site for search engines.

Local SEO

While optimizing for a global marketplace is the path taken in business, real estate follows a different path. Optimizing based on local terms will net more results; for instance, if you are a real estate agent in New York City, then you’ll want to optimize for the terms “New York City homes for sale” or “NYC homes for sale.”

The majority of users will start their search with those terms,

and it pays to rank highly for them. In addition, make references to local institutions that people will recognize; this demonstrates that you aren’t just using those terms for search purposes and actually know the area well.

Using local terms not only helps with SEO, but also builds trust between you and your reader. When they believe that you know the area well and can help them find a great deal on a home, they’re more likely to come to you for business.


If the only purpose for your blog is advertising your services, then you’re going to lose readers. Your blog should be a place for you to share your knowledge and expertise with your readers.

Writing about topics such as new trends in the real estate industry, ways to evaluate a home’s potential, what to look for in a

first home, and other interesting topics will net many more readers than an article that says, “I sell houses, check me out!”

If you’re stuck, look to other successful real estate blogs for ideas. There’s no harm in nabbing an idea or two from other sources, as long as you don’t copy it.

Do your own research, but dig deep into your own expertise. If you provide useful content on your blog as well as your site, you’ll see an increase in the amount of web traffic on your page.

A real estate agent that can effectively build a web presence is a real estate agent that is well on the way to success. By following these four tricks, you’ll be able to sit back and enjoy the benefits as your online presence explodes.

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Staging With Glamor: Ensuring Your Listing Photos Shine!

A listing for a home is a piece of art, and unless you are putting effort into the photographs you take, you’re sunk!

There are blogs on the Internet that are designed to mock real estate agent photos, and though you won’t likely end up on one, there is a huge difference between “not terrible” and “actually good.”

When staging photos for a listing, make sure that you consider the essential steps making the photos exciting and enticing!

Clean It Up

Dirt shows. It’s always a little awkward asking the family in the home to clean up, but nothing turns off a buyer like a dirty house.

Clutter needs to be eliminated, but if there are years of cigarette smoke on the walls and dirt ground into the carpet, ask them to bring in a professional cleaner.

When you are starting with a clean foundation, all of your photos look much better!


We all know that a real estate agent wears many hats when he or she is looking to move a property, but one hat that you might not have considered is that of a props manager.

Some homes are lucky enough to be well-decorated with plenty of interesting knickknacks to hold the attention. Many homes, however, are fairly bare or have nothing to offer in the way of interesting goods.

Give yourself a budget from 50 to 100 dollars, and head to a discount home goods store. Pick up things like shower curtains, cute baskets, soaps and utensils to give the home a pop of color and a point of interest.

As more and more real estate agents are looking to move

vacant homes, this is a great investment for you and many of these props can be used over and over again!

Consider lifestyle staging, where you make the home look as if people live there. Towels on the racks, a sweet toy on a window sill, and a bit of swim equipment near a pool can draw in the eye and really put people in a buying mood!

Compose, Compose, Compose!

You are not just taking a snapshot of the bathroom. You are giving a prospective buyer an idea of what it might be like to walk into that bathroom every morning.

Remember that you are going for shots that feel inviting, that say to the buyer that they could live there for years. Don’t just stand in the doorway and grab a quick two shots. Instead consider composition. Make sure that the

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photos you take are attractive and that they frame the excellent features that you are trying to sell. If you take these pictures quickly, it will show, so be patient and take good shots.

Take Lots of Shots

Real estate agents who have been in the game for years know that they can spend hours getting the house shots. Part of the reason why it takes so long is that you simply need to take a lot of shots.

A lot of these shots are going to be relatively identical, but you will still have the option of choosing when you are putting the listing together. Do not get stuck having to choose between a blurry shot of the home or no shot at all. When you take lots of shots, you will get the best of the best.

Taking the Shot

When you want to take a good shot of a room or feature, remember that you do not want to misrepresent the property and you do not want to distort the lines.

Even digital cameras can make this a little tough, so remember that to take a good shot, keep the camera’s sight line parallel to the floor. Shooting up at something or down at something is unavoidable sometimes, but in general, get on the same level with the thing that you are photographing. This gives the viewer a clear idea of what they are looking at without worrying about distortion.

Playing With Exposures

When you are dealing with photography, exposure refers to

the amount of light in a shot. You can try for different exposures by playing with the flash, by turning on or off a light or by simply waiting for a different time of day for the photography sessions.

When you want to really find the look that works best for the home you are trying to move, experiment with different exposures.

Sometimes it is hard to say whether a home will look wonderful in the fading light of a summer sunset or in the vivid crisp light of a winter afternoon. Vary the light settings, and be willing to experiment and spend some time with it.

Take some time to consider what your options are when it comes to properly staging your listing photos and taking the shot. This will all pay off in the end!

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The Girl Scouts song tells us to make new friends, but to keep the old ones. That’s a great thing for friends, but what about houses?

The conventional rule in real estate has always been that newer homes sell better than old ones, but the tide is turning and some of those old houses are moving quickly.

What do you need to know about the trend in old houses, and how can you sell your best?

Old Houses Endure

In a day and age where newer is always better, it is sometimes hard to remember that newer homes do not actually have every

Step Back Into the Past: The Charm of Older Houses

advantage. A newer home is likely one that was put together very quickly, and in some cases, that speed was produced due to poor materials and poor construction techniques.

While old houses can be prone to the same thing, it can be seen that an old home on the market has obviously withstood the test of time. If a home has stood for one hundred years, good care and maintenance may mean that it will stand another hundred years. This can be a wonderful selling point to a family or a young couple.


While there is nothing wrong with a basic blueprint, many

people shopping for their homes complain that all new homes look alike. When clients are tired of the same plan and the same bedroom layout, they may be searching for an older home without even knowing it.

An old home has charm. The floor plan might be a little eccentric, and there may be dozens of different touches that will delight a buyer. Remember that an older house will be impressed with the touch of everyone who lived there previously, and that this type of personal connection is amazingly charming to some people.


According to Eye on Housing,

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the average age of a home in the United States depends on where the home is. If the home is in Nevada, the average age of the home might range from 19 to 39 years. However, if you are looking at homes in Connecticut, homes tend to be between 50 and 60 years of age.

Not all homes have history, but plenty of buyers wish they did. Some of them want to hear about generations of family that came before them, and some are morbidly delighted by homes with troubled pasts. The history of the home is as much a feature as the stone wall that lines the property or the freshly renovated kitchen, so make it a point to mention how long the house has been around.


Location has always been an important part of the real estate game, but old houses often come with a benefit that is often overlooked. An old house is usually located in an interesting neighborhood or area that has a great deal of personality.

When you are selling a house, you are selling a lifestyle, and the location is a part of that. Is the home in a historic district? Are there events going on around the town that have been going on for decades? For people who want to feel as if they are part of a community, an old house is a great start.

Easy Rehabilitation

When people think of old houses, they are often worried that they will be spending thousands of dollars just to get it livable again. What they do not understand is that an older house, one that has been properly maintained and taken care of, is something that is no more of a monetary risk than a new house. Old houses have had to be brought up to code, and that often keeps the house’s renovation costs low for new buyers.

Stress the recent renovations to your clients, and offer to run estimates for them based on the fixes that might actually be necessary. If someone has been living in a old house for a while, the house is likely in great shape.

Beautiful Bones

An old house is often said to have

good bones. This means that the details that went into the home’s construction were of a high quality, and that they endure to this day. Make sure that you point out things like leaded glass windows, hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures and lofted ceilings complete with intricate molding. There was a great deal of work that went into these old houses, and most of it is still in great shape today.

Make sure your clients understand that getting these details in a new house would be very expensive, and in many cases, the work would simply not be as good!

Take a moment to think about any old properties that you have been dreading. Chances are good that they are far more salable than you think, especially once you view them in the right light.

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Relationships Matter!What You Can Expect from Working with Me

…A Better Quality of LifeImagine working with a Mortgage Specialist, who returns your calls promptly, provides 24/7 loan status reports, closes loans on time, and most importantly, is concerned about your future success.

…A Profitable AllianceStrength in your business comes from dependable relationships with key vendors. It takes teamwork to create wealth and success.

…Quality Customer CareWorking in concert assures a positive experience for the buyer and yourself. Repeated consistently, you’ll enjoy less stress with steady, predictable outcomes.

Here’s the Best Part…How we work is by spending the appropriate time it takes to learn about your business. Unlike many loan officers who seem to only care about how many deals you’re sending them, I focus on how to help grow your business.

My philosophy is built around guiding principles:

1. Customers Are Serviced For a LifetimeDoes your daily routine make it difficult to stay in touch with your customers? If you work long hours, which is common for many career-oriented agents, chances are you’re not keeping a message in front of your customers to create a stream of new and repeat business.

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If so, how much is this costing you annually?

Not only do satisfied customers provide a valuable source of repeat business, they are your best source of referrals. They have relationships with family, friends, co-workers and business professionals that could one day be your customer. However, this can only happen if you are able to cultivate the relationship over time.

Service is the backbone of my business. I enjoy a strong referral base of customers because of the commitment I’ve made to servicing and keeping in touch with my clients.

I can help you cultivate relationships by keeping you in the forefront. I execute timely and predictable campaigns that help you cultivate relationships with little effort and can add to your income annually.

2. Both Parties Need to be Trustworthy & Accountable

Example: Loan Officer who isn’t accountable

You’ve been told that the status of your customer’s loan will be approved. Then in the eleventh hour, lender conditions pop-up and cause you and your client to scramble to provide what’s needed. As the Close of Escrow date fast approaches, the loan documents are not delivered to the Title Company as promised. The entire experience causes stress for your client

and embarrassment for you. No matter how well you try to explain things, it’s quite painfully obvious not to expect any future referrals from the customer.

Can you see how much income this is costing you?

What if you could work with a Mortgage Specialist, who was trustworthy and accountable?

What if you could work with someone who communicates during the entire process and delivers what is expected?

How much would that be worth to you? I believe in a united alliance in front of the client.

3. Success Means Constant and Never-Ending Improvement

Most people who enter real estate sales ultimately leave it because of lack of success.

You don’t earn a salary while you’re trying to figure out how to crack the code to success. Yet, here you are in a highly competitive industry and have found a way to survive.

You see the kind of dollars the top agents earn, and you wonder how they do it. Because you are experiencing some success, you may not be afraid to change.

You say to yourself, “Well, at least I’m generating some business, and doing some business is better than doing no business,” or, “I’m working so hard now

that, gosh, I should see better results!” Still there is the fear factor.

If you could learn to change for the sake of betterment and be confident that you’d see steady, predictable results, would you do it?

How much income would a few new customers provide monthly?

How many more referrals would you enjoy?

What the impact on your self-confidence?

Top agents depend on predictable systems to produce results, and they don’t work any harder than you do - they just work smarter!

Let me show you how we can work together to stay in touch with your customers to generate the referrals you deserve! Call me today!

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Build a Loyal Following, Attract Fame & MoneyStop chasing prospects and wasting money on advertising. Get all the referrals you deserve today and start enjoying the real estate business!

- Become Recognized as a Leading Authority

- Build Your Reputation So It Goes Viral

- Create a Line of Prospects at Your Door

It’s the perfect solution for new agents getting started or for experienced agents who need to differentiate over competitors and dominate their area.

Contact me today for more details...act now before it’s too late!

Beat the Odds, Overcome Resistance and Conquer Real Estate!

Paul StiversSenior Loan OfficerHomeFirst Mortgage Corp.207 S. Alfred St.Alexandria, VA 22314

(703) 549-3400 (office)(703) 200-7303 (direct)

[email protected]