trampas para moscas

Upload: xavierguarch

Post on 24-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Trampas Para Moscas


    Trampa para moscas realmente efectivaOk, so I had a FLY problem! I got on the computer and looked up how to make a

    homemade fly trap. I ended up finding a lot of homemade fly traps. I used all the ones I

    saw with no success so I figured I would try and come up with something. Within

    seconds, my fly problem was no longer!

    I used a pop bottle and cut the top off or inches from the lid. "hen I took sugar,

    honey, #inegar, watermelon $uice, and $elly. I mi%ed the sugar, #inegar, watermelon and

    cooked it in the microwa#e for & minutes to melt it together. I used about a half of a cup

    of sugar, & tsp. of #inegar and tsp. of watermelon $uice, and also tsp. of $elly. I took

    the $elly and the honey and a spoon and put the honey and $elly all o#er the top half of

    soda bottle 'the top piece you cut off( then put the water mi%ture in bottom half of soda

    bottle 'the bottom of the piece you cut in half(. "ake the top half and turn it upside down

    and put it into the bottom half of the bottle. )ake sure water is not touching the bottleso there*s enough space between the water and top piece, so flies will be able to get

    stuck and die. +ow take the tape and tape around the top edge of the bottle so the flies

    wont get out.

    #entually the flies will drown and they are not smart enough to figure their way out. If

    they do, they will be back, -lso the #inegar keeps the other insects that like sweets away

    so you end up killing insects you don*t want to.

    Otros cebos

    - Dark molasses- Milk souring along with a little raw meat- Blood and bone meal that you put on the garden. Mix it with water for

    a couple of days just swirl it as it tends to settle at the bottom. Adding

    cabbage leaves will attract a dierent !y or a "shy smell with attract

    other types.- Mix #$%-cup syrup and #$% cup apple cider vinegar and pour into

    container. &ill to halfway with water and put on cap.- # inch of sugar water and added a piece of ham

    - 'on (cido b)rico* se intoxican

    Vinagre y azcarna me/cla de #inagre y a/0car tambi1n atrae y mata moscas. 2ierte una ta/a de

    #inagre en un bol y a3ade dos cucharadas de a/0car. -grega un componente opcional de

    frutas, como una c4scara de naran$a o un pl4tano en roda$as, como cebo e%tra. 5uando

    la mosca se mue#e hacia la fruta, la combinaci6n de #inagre y a/0car hace 7ue sus alas

    se tornen pega$osas y e#ita su escape. 5on el tiempo, morir4 en la trampa de cebo.

  • 7/25/2019 Trampas Para Moscas


    Papel adhesivo contra moscas

    & 5. milk

    & ". black pepper

    & ". white sugar

    & ". brown sugar

    8rown paper bags, cut into strips. 8oil milk, pepper, and sugar together for minutes.

    9immer unco#ered minutes longer, until thickened, and then let cool.

    Wind the brown paper strips into a tight roll and drop them into the milk mi%ture. Let

    them become completely saturated. :ewind the strips gently and let them air dry on a

    cookie sheet. "hey are ready to hang when they are sticky to the touch. "o use, suspendthe strips up and out of the way where#er flies are a problem.

    Trampa de los Amish"ry the -mish trick, it works, we ha#e used it for se#eral years with great success, it

    works for flies, wasps, hornets, and other flying pests.

    You will need;

    & litter cola bottle, empty and rinsed out

    < cup #inegar

    < cup sugar

    < banana peel

    9trong piece of twine or cord

    sing a funnel place #inegar and sugar in the bottle, remo#e funnel and carefully slip

    pieces of the banana peel into the bottle. "hen fill the bottle to &=> full with water. ?lace

    lid on bottle and shake well to mi%. sing a strong piece of twine or cord tie the bottle

    to a tree limb lea#ing it about or feet off the ground, then remo#e lid so that bugs

    can crawl or fly inside bottle. It takes about a week for it to ferment and start working,

    but it will work for months, or until the bottle is full of flies, wasps, hornets, and

    mos7uitoes. It is ama/ing to see all of the pests this trap will contain.

    Cebo muy potente

    # cup of granulated yeast* #$+ teaspoonful of ammonium carbonate. Mix in

    warm water ,#$+ gallon* put a lid on it for days. /emove lid after days

  • 7/25/2019 Trampas Para Moscas


    and let sit an additional 0 to 1 days to ferment. Best !y attractant 2 ever

    used. 3raps are "lled to capacity. 4ery cheap to make too.

    Otro desde Hawaii

    2 used some smooshed cheese bits* soy sauce* water* and -% orange

    segments* with the skin broken so the juice can come out. 3otal volume

    came out to about a #$% cup. 56-507 of !ies were gone in less than +%

    hours. 8o fermentation time needed ,maybe the cheese or soy sauce speed

    up fermentation.

    I used a small glass $ar 'like baby food si/e( and 9aran wrap with rubber bands to make

    the lid. I poked