trailer production


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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Trailer production


Page 2: Trailer production

The software I will be using in the construction of my trailer will be Adobe Premiere Pro, a video editing program.

This program will allow me to edit my bulk of raw footage down into a manageable amount of approximately 1 minute.

I will also be able to incorporate video transitions and effects along with audio transitions and effects to change the content at my will.

My aim will be to create a dark, thrilling, gripping trailer that will engage the audience and entice them to watch the film. I will intend to use many of the conventions such as dark lighting I found in my research to make the final piece more relatable to the audience and my genre. I will also keep a mind on the production of my Movie Magazine and Poster; whilst I am constructing my trailer I will think of themes or shots that I can include to make each text more relatable to one another. I intend to use short, quick clips together with sounds such as the ‘Heartbeat’.mp3 on the system. I will also use intertitling ass a form of narration instead of a voiceover narration.

Page 3: Trailer production

An example of the interface of Adobe Premiere Pro can be seen to the left.

As the editor, it is imperative I know this interface well.

The raw footage is detailed in this window.

The completed version being constructed is shown in this window.

Clips and sounds in the constructed version are shown here.

Two key controls; they set the start and end of the clip that you wish to import into the timeline

The timeline details what clips and sounds have been added to the final construction. Up to three sounds and clips can be overlapped so, for example, two sounds can play at once.

Page 4: Trailer production

I have now completed the production of my trailer after initially shooting with my partner, 6 actors and a make up artist. In total we collected 04:07 of raw footage to edit and cut down.

We finally managed to cut our raw footage down to a total of 01:07:03 and included a number of video effects and transitions to edit the base content and make it more suitable to my genre such as the ‘Darken’ effect that allowed me to darken the brightness of selected clips.

An example of this is shown to the left as the screenshot in the window is much darker than the original.

In this screen shot you can also see the sounds, effects and transitions I have added to clips.

These transitions included Fade to Black, Dip to Black, Dissolve and more.

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Further screenshots from Adobe Premiere Pro after trailer construction completion.

The Urban Media Company, the institution myself and my colleague have created is shown here at the start of the trailer.

Fade transitions are used on the entrance and exit of the clip.

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A second institution, Zulu Productions, also features at the start of the trailer.

Fade transitions are used in the entrance and exit of the clip.

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The date of my film release is shown in a compressed, numerical format with bullet dividers. The website is underneath, reflecting a opportunity for the audience to go online and find out more about the film.It is shown at the tail end of the trailer to stick in the memory of the viewer.

A fade to black transition is at the exit of this clip.

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The title, Rise Of The Dead, is shown here. The title dominates the screen space, yet it is a short clip. It is an example of how I was able to incorporate text into the trailer.

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An example of intertitling can be seen in this screenshot.

The colouring of the text was changed to red to symbolize danger and blood.

It also makes reference to my movie poster which contained a similar reference to another film.

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This screenshot highlights the use of video effects on a clip. The original can slightly be seen here.The video effects folder allowed me to add a ‘grayscale’ black and white effect. I also added the term ‘rec’ so the shot could act as a cctv image.

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This screenshot highlights my ability to use a ‘blur’ video effect to distort the image in the clip.

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This screenshot highlights the use of video effects on a clip. I have used the darken effect to darken the clip and make it more suitable to my genre.

Page 13: Trailer production

I am quite happy with the overall construction of my teaser trailer. With the brief of creating an engaging, intriguing trailer with suspense to keep the viewer interested, I feel we have been very successful.

As seen in the timeline posted alongside, we included a number of short clips, snippets, to show brief, varied action. However, we did have to ensure that this action was long enough to keep the clip interesting enough.

In this specific area, you can see that I have coordinated the Heartbeat.wav sound effect with the clips to create a harmony on screen with the sound and audio simultaneously.

I found myself quickly at ease with using the program; the interface was easy to use after a brief tutorial from my tutor and I easily found the ability to use effects and transitions. I also found it easy to add text to the trailer as shown.

Overall, I believe my trailer is a suitable trailer for the Horror genre. Through the research and analysis stage of my pre-production I was able to see different conventions used in horror trailers such as fades into darkness, quick cuts, dark lighting, brightness alteration, close ups, the use of make up and more. I believe I have included all of the above factors in my final product.