trade. tll Übt. sali·:. new-york tribune.a parents · 2017. 12. 14. · tiitrm'ng...

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.a OAKLTLE Bv ?a» t J. ?? te μ_l'or Tbe Tribune. Tn« painter ß ß«»??? hai given lo ibis etili lire A Heaven «»( fediti,» bmI a world of thought. the ahM "»'en an earneetne·· we tra«*e. \V uh BatBBI Itspsh aiul truthlnl Btsajtlg «ranglii. T»> octal the tin.» Ir-auli«·· tl ihn ninni-- G,' (khi thaiu lue ami breathe ou ihr calm brow, Milli her» with line. harnu»in«»u· graie lesici ed ?? the skilift artist In those trnn.juil rye· Are «et the »<>ul s sublime simuli,ones Unni« ?«/ life ami raelualv of mind All that BM make Iftss groatly goti I ami wite It in thy true and noi·!«· tell ?*??·??p??>?1. «>h evvarinij mt«»i\vt Mil speed thy Muht Ouvi ard ami up to Heaven s aurcnest hight ! Vrw-l.-rl, Af«r*A IMI. Fáltatera* flub Mira·, tal Mi-cilne (' Tuesday. JHh. in accordarne with a previ- raal] .ipraratd Resolution, aa tilrt tuMtlog ol* th« Ciak »m t»evoked fot tke Mtlneiblo poipoM of eon· .i«»ilo|bow for atonntoj workt oo Apicoltore thould b* ·.·. ? ».' aad lliai« .«i||*tltoD· fo'ia wrd » Amartelo for- M«r«* atasaseetea io th« Otebi l'an«·« tka nii»e»llen*oae hour. Tk· BSCBlTitv read a thort orlici· relative t.. Bernia- a»- iti lerilitlt» for A|pcu.turi. ood tt· prodocu-n- naclto from e loie onwbtr of th» tetad (mette The ».ill·! itoteli« lb·' Bermuda i:*rd oot eovet tht allvrr «t..fMtia*a t btt!*i thon thtte ali· hit .0 her own «»»..«.? Htr ?»· araphtaal pagata·· her ci mite, her toll. Bar gr>a»mlt] lo iati· and rapidi] gru» io< cui«··, give ber «a tdraatag· in tiitpoiiPi «I her intik*'.»*'!* l'i· lucri. ihti the tSi-tt end ort o! Man ctooot «untenet. Hernán dt aalt·*, ta t r*»»i*tlthlt dr|r*«. p«ilnpt BaCfS than IO] .«..moa o/ th· gtoba, ehirocteiituot of lh» torrid tnd lem f«i»ie toma* Kroll· lupaostd to be peculiar 10 e«ci. «kMifuoV |i-pw la her toil Truly it ? ty be »nd, thit wfci'» *·.·»»>hv»nng rrtioot or· bootd with lea, aad cover¬ ed with enow, her ei ll it .·*·?, quiek md pio.ino ¡? Ui* t»»l fiuit» of Bta *»rth Tir wriler hod ch'etly in oniurt lh« ftoit. «hot at into th· ktlolon. grttr. fat: green .???. «ad ·»?.] kind of |r**o llnng ihvl o bri« cultivóte -IMI·*·, «ou!it1.'W«r. ruroiubei·. tobboge. turni·;·, bratta. **i*ry, a«p«'igni. potalo··, »»wni, melon·, pumpkin· »,·. .·???. tomoli ?«. e Le The santoni in Bermtid»»re lwo lo advine* ol the Militi· Ond Eastern .States B»r ti'.udt rttr· ood gather!, wheo the] tow ood plint -S. to* TiitrM'ng ttoiiit'c. were given bv the writer, tkowial that oa o gu«rt«r ·/ «m «oi, in 1 15, thoia were r»iM3 I root of «urow-roo! and oni-.ol »inoanlin« to more Ihon d-able the worth of th* lon«l--or ot th« rot* ol obout Sil·' ..a* «.'»rtf ?*' aer, Er*n if * man can only clear ?»??«? ame, h. tasta «ot to giambi* ood hero te an ereiaye «vi .».? ·*»«? uni·· tl al ami ani. A tatast WM i-*td from Mr Del li » i<«r. ea ? rtitinning lt*B|r«aa f,.r t Depirtment of Agriculture In the ? pio- U,m of Ut Siinntr tod rr.tinheriuf Ih· loitilote-an ofien .rd fbvoribl» expressed, the writer heartily tgrem Mr ??»»« iikew'ie rninintin'ciled a p»p*r on ihe Hr-e»···) M'imo, incoieiitviiy u*»"t (t ol ilo-ep la · . · papar ovili to it» grtit lenglh. wm not it»<! »tv* ¦ v.ry tmaìl portion, conveying nolhiog Dtw. Mi àtniri. being ahieot. »»nt to tbe meetìnr « BtatbmBaa d«ied »t Phrodelplilo. in which he tre et» ss will to »??. ?·? vatiou· mitten perti' lo tht Cinb. t.m of the oete&iib.e lubjeet· of ihe day It wai m fol- , PHtt.Aiirl »tua, Mr.rch .1, II »A» i'tuitrnaa tj lAr Sen·· It·· Pta mt ..' tat A tiidd·· toll lake· p?* t | Biüur-ore.t!·· it would hive t»«n at agreeolil· m odifyiogto heir tins view» it ll «-tour ood other· oo Ihe qoedioo. treiiiar vogue end as* ramata, M tt «Hun to tie.? " H·<«. ti Kur petn wotki on AmiCBilor· mo] beairpíiid in fAii roua.··»/ " To tin· III* Bvtarti aaiwer woold MOB to to At form tKrymeuy- f,,emhU Not ie it easy to ee« h,w n«, n. .ver himself caa more a p*g farther uni.! he dtß'.es Au «...of noi, otti be 1-aKlV.a ¦ pari)«*,·, woik,. r it oik·, on »omr pert'.cu- iar »abject ? aad ¡hu» pieien.· th* intjulrrr »omethiiit tn g-appi*. OltorwlM. tOM it not ireui much ike «aklng a p?», Sir, wh«! do job lh:uk <·/ rung, in gloriai'' Il be i'.e*n worka on Agricollurel Chemtetry, on Botin], on tbe Priacip M of Vegelo'.ioo, on ibe Breed» of Chille And .*0»*p and Hortrt, oa the constituent pu ia of til tht Fer¬ ii, tira, Ml of Oroiue, Orttaet »od Pianti: are tl.ey not ihe ?vn»· io» counlt] M io euothsr But if he men · Mi« am tir».'..- ¿.-»et. lu whijf) ore can tec ir t'l.ti· SB mend. ptrtHUlar rrey..·, not auited '. ? our market, or la whieh «mr cimate ill adapted , ihen it ebould have to 11 pay« tad ia -.?« quMllon ti ven out and then there arma i have ba**a B'n.r.biii lontible lo examine ood diecu·· II. la ahor*, the cho'ict-r ui New-Y· rk Parasen u involved la tnd r*»poii,.ti.e for th* qncationa and proceeding » iieh opinar io iheir nani*, then na: MSpcctfa Ij haha f at proctien men, I wjul.l IsbBll whether IB »a a ammana· mattai not be propouLded alter die ile!'. aratioa. led the proceeding· had upon them bo io taf re· Viewed, ilk· thoM of other bod.«·, m to bo ..rnnouoced tsAtSaaetallf occuitt* end reatonobl] full Wool l*«e well to »¡»point o Committee, to roniltt of it .ea : tuo Ig ? art,cui fainuri, to doeide oa on<4 puniiih 0 aeri»«· »t «eatlooa for the aeaooo. fjf each of wliloli port-en V dive ihould «Mia-ned, end ell publnlied at one*, tnd lb.« !ei the Clob enfio* itaeif to th· epecitic quMtioo. oad lioith thit hefort ttkln« np ooj other ' fot lottane«, what hat beeoone of tbe " Stock, ocd par- I'ealorl] Lombo,'' Maigoed for a former meeting, ini Ol Ito lati to roed lotie it ??ß??? »f »hit ct'tiîll laiton ni tb· Tear between ·· jay and grit·, '.«· ftrmeri cul ll ' Thie cot* of Stoek.tnd ptititnl-riy Lamh» Hell,·»· liaml ty the eoiapreSeoiive lenti H tt, hone· ond atoek of tl! kindt. or oxea.or dairy itoci?.grazing cuita oo the m .ut.loin». or fat null in the meidowa '.r r Mi-.M at tbe tow'· foot, or whot ! for the "cam Bl lombo' .tbe frit cart, on* wonld thinl, »hould be to keep th«m clear of w.lvee ood dor·, then bata tkieVM, in · iti e StttM, that " breik in and et*t. " Th* oiro of Btoek, aid particular y Lio'b«." doet it om Winteröl Sum ».r. ia the houie.· alntllabtf With tb« atta itr<elrr . om, 1 would Mk ««eve io .agt*.t that qoeetlooe «I,ml,I i*k« a mor« proci.eoi «.tie meet·· «i.upe. to be uod'Titn-'d aad *oMider«d by ploip, p.clleai iarmn«. \\..hi!l ee« what laasM in il.e ·¦ ? t*ï;nl rapCtt'OI f^in workt " That 'fi»ie nil] he error, u ihe !>e-t oi t£.«.Bo taaatpmeaj »· hoi ever y b dy know» Tu* ir ¡· fin· tutu Tb· betl a lo al ?. noi tre* from chill, Int Science. tod Ranéalo Se. »nee oi that- hot demonstrated that ».ven Dm ito villi* la ooMtooatioa with fl«x-a*«d and other . ?' «.»n. '« «· G I r »tork. Book« »ometlnie· racOM- aBMBd m-Qf· of mptvem»ol. ·· in, beyond the c.tiot .»' Ar.n.-.fii Karmeri r.-nt-rtily.but lha! prOVta thaiir wantof tapini ond notili« i ne!!»! lull tie« of the w rk, if tbty could accomplit!' it laCat ten··» the Hud*m at tf«· J»t»*j metduw».whot o mine of weoitb, if liit-ir owoer» hid th» m«tni to drom ted »mhank them oi in Holland Wonld It he leoeontbie to lejeet a voluibl* Buoi taiciiiM it cootoiued torn* tiling· not tpplietble. u -f* ] bacoat« it wm European ' About tt reoiomh,* Mil a-ra'dto refOM to pick up a wilniit or ehotout be com· tb·] are coveied with uaeleee bull· and fini y bori' lottetd of d',tconri|ÌDg the introduction of woikt whieh l»ve done »n muclt for Européen Agi ical'ure ond for the renown if their author», let rather »tlmulat* our ]ooa| men to acrumultte tod read nil that roñara in fA#ar uwyce fleu profeaona. to exerci·* llieirown jodg· and * bold on opon ? bat which it good." Aiw.yi eoxloui to Itero, for which the lon.ett life ? toashatt. I bare tokeo the liberty to expíala tbe coutd of what other·i«e woold rot bove been oba«rved.the oh- mom tf -Tuur oh't terv t, J. »SKINNER ? >' -Should the qottli in of on .If· n lUfaial Collrgr «. mt op igiin. I mi] reipectfolly refer to on BgCBBiHBglJ weil-wrllleo ß·??a,-..*?|?«! piper lu the ??????',?, murivi! ».· eiroBgl] and eo worthily roeommondtd by the venera¬ ta« Seeieitry ot the lottitatt. Al th· eoneiutii-o cf tblt leitet, Mr ?e?««? remiiktd thst bo liked to heir membei» tpeak out thttr thoualiia plainly, without fear or fiver.but be did not like to I tve it aadaritied the'· the writer of ihe cnimun'cation mat rood knew more of prMtieol Agriculture then ouj oot . i·· Ht (Mr M hid iib-jred M hird with hit nwn hiodt M toy other moo. ard mi|hi e Bate to know lomething of Agneeltore. of gardening- of the nitore of tout.and of tb· eboir« end qaallnee of ee*d. Fifty jeore ego, Mr. M. saturated the Tomato m the tomato, ood ate it under the »am« of tomato.aud tny gentlemen knowing aovtiitni »bom ibe matter koowt thtt wot ¦ greit while ogo lor lb« Tomato.ll bat ouly been io tbitmorket about ¿S yeirt_ Mr. M coo ti ?ood lor acme time tu reply t.. va- ... »... tloot tomorklog thot ho epoke thut tocoote It would eeem la, to laeinuated that there weie very tow It on« good fir Dtrt pneeni At to tbt »tody ef Agrimltartl Chemis¬ try ood,. uoirerstlly »skoowledged thit every tmramt who con r*»,i oor longo·!* oon eo»ily gsio o knowf- .dg· of (ham. and that they «r* euentiolly necetetry in I'lafin'. Agricoltor· tt tguelly ucditputod. -Mr WiltMi» mated lhat the plan prigioaliy ??- Btiuoeavd et lh· t..»m«tinn or tke Cmb to r«od to the u.*«t- log, whorecpoo Mr. Mr.!«.» look oeeMioo lo obMrve thot tb* ODodoot of lb« Club involved giett labor.ho hod him- Mlf ooireeted or written ont from note» ?,?? peg·· o HB..oad h* hod before received tuoh »»» m hod Bmb jueteuboilitto to the meeting that all this ta ta no ß?»?| thai they hor* orrived ot few OMful U*m.ihot Ik*] know ao'hlog of Atncullu.e- did not kcow how ?,. ÎiopoM «.oeetloni. and weit no former» Agami! III·. Ir M. ranter:y iQveiibed. rtmarking thai d'doleretled aad uat«e.impen*ed lokorioBi duty wm geuerolly nutcoo- ttioM by tomi. Mr. Wiest·»!· ? >i!owed ?? a .lmilor itrtm the Club it Bot a bed j of tcttntlAe moo It it not proper for them to dttld* on any qoeetloo Varmore like the voilety ot He ¦UMttnge. ood adopt rath M shall beet ogre* with their owa nperiMM, ot which tbty hod epplleabie w their BiMotof eolttvotloo It would be improper to decide tt into f»n aoy qtattloo op bafor* one mooUng- lor at the boxt there mlgbi to tn.iitn«· moov. ood their opinion» .nlgbt apMt tba piwviou» ur,·.u Thi. ? tho wer they so oo. oad thi· ie lb· weg u.*y lotoad to proceed, li ha. B**n ooaeid*r*d the moot tppropriot·.aod olwoy» tirrted wiihoot odlMcntiog voice. Mr W wa* ful y awaie thai Mr ? lander*d advice from good motive·.bot he c.riaio- I] kaaw hltle of the oSairt of tb* lottilot*. He it op- goead to th* Colla.a-th* Iniiunt· are thank fu! for In. ad¬ vice, but cui follow It; tht »ubj»ct ha» »ready teMufoli] dlMBiasd snd folly uuderato d Or. UivocsHiii be had uod»rttoa>d Mr. Bkiooer had oepeeled to bit jadgmeoi oa the lubjeci of Oroioaage. would trouble ike Clob for bot every few aaomeote After toni« prefatory rtmarki htfhl·* ooru giiiitotory to Mr. S theipeaktr laid he thought the MiUon wnbin booed· thot the iwampe now lying «otitely a*aJ*M la tbt But* of New-York -yet raadii] reelairoib * b] thorongh dialing.will etuouat to m moch et hilf of Klaodt I «land, air an· the whole of u.etui from thi· ho PMted to t bnrf «ootiderailoB of tho aubjeot ol tbe dor. Vt'Htnmtrtculturai murki He remarked that th* oMer Slav!*· of ibi· ki'nlon -c> ntpriitn.· o vati .urlone c*f th· .»..try. vMikoD. ???-eigbihe. panlculan» NewY.nk, KewJeieey, He.aware, oad Mtrylocd-'.n t great propor¬ lioa do oei nqu.ra »raining m procliced id K-oglard tbe VMl wmn· ia oariyiog oot ihei dioiotge would not be maaaaaatem by Iba ai«··. There le l*i» rata. too. Bar* lha* ia k-aelaad aod lb* North of Kar ope aod th* a*af I. ftr grMt.i ia th« ? Dit*d St.t*. th«o tn tb« North of Karapa take lh· Mídele »cd Southern portion· of oor .oeiatr] aad fh«y are uatk w»rui«r-th* tvaporltiot» H loftolt·'] gr««t«r.Hie» io kingltnd Tbe ipMkei olioded inore poi tie alai'] to Eoiloon, twcua »be bai p.»ct'c«d tkle ikiog the iii»et thoiougblr. Bad moot ef tb* worl» oo tkie »object teeae from th· Bntieh prM*. end drat, lot movo follotrto end prMtiecd la Ku|iud thio ob ih· Coa- tiaent of Larop* oo comparitco H* would »ay tk«t wtiOld like lo ea« eve: J «wimp Md ·*<*·**· it»»». mil· la th· Null ] draioed , mio j p.ecM of laüil oajtbt to to eral··«) acd thi» it the oaiy pertioaler appiieouoa of dralBBga to thit ooaotry What U Iht eooatquecct d lh* »«·! qaattlty if mo!«· tara la Uiul tutolo Ktapoi otiou it | .01 oa eon« y - and without dittoed· the heot will ont deeeend mkv aitati] Ihroogh the mont earth to reteb tod Importiti Mvivifyiog luBueoct to the noti of pliot». Plant to or?tot a in Begiead m you «roald plant tua tore, aad it woold sot to wonh uoo· trae* would he to d«wp 1o Ike toll, if pior.ted U wt aiuaMy pilot them. t. at the *oi « ray· eould »ot reach their r-xite_Tti* pt*a*ta>Ömg ii.if in Ualt couotiy it from the We·, poBios ovar our dry pralriat, oad brtagtngoo mnietorawttk it in K..gland tt b.ow· from lb« Allaatlc, boing c neUuntlymoitt aad the niellici le« itili farther North coatribat· egoio to the ¦toiitaie of the country O' If would oui oppio»! I twttplng .ranirr of the »?- plica»..? of Atiicu,turai work» from E eg lead if Bay .opt ttoan without BaBklogdae olloweaee fordiSeieoMof .Untai·, they saoaui more leía·] than ck·, '·« ·?,«t ?? .or farmeli«. The u-d. r of reeding foregn agricultura, woiki hiaVjbun Wonderfully damped by reading end pr«*liC!n«M|· dirertt,, , f tho·» work« without dB· di·- crlnilBBtiaajtO thli dtftetence of cJimat·. Still Dr. l: ·*?ßt?? conatint and careful discrimination »h'eh »··«!'>"« ancet f.r thee» difference«, a man well M.inalatesi Willi Uie snbjeet may |et facts.un nuior.ri » > »Boating, plowing, »nd other firm opera¬ tion». which will be very useful to him in hi» «frieultar·1 experi.nce tn thi· cunii ? Ae to rtr>»n'.ni our Atrt-ultunl Inte.toct, men of Ul· rn ? ,ay diltrr aome cf lh· br.gbtMt ornement· f the o, uniry, who occupy l.igh poeition«, and are in nor Lefia Istui«·, d'.ffe.- Tt » genilen an t. whom he rod been re¬ ferring, wlibed, undoubted y t d «cover the best mode of rpenteg thi« Agricultural Mini Kuropet »'ready p??ß· In th· m»tt»r Is not this tata·«· Ibera etajtatand, so 'at from deir«dln». the n*io»t er,i b leg and r»hle pu'irnt of Mao _I'· hoped la ·»» tt.,· purtuit e. .-rafted on Bl Pnblll Weh·« It must be dote and will be doee as sur· as th· I'lht of BtateaU d:»f,pate· th· dark ne·» nf libo· tante and K.iror from o" th» fiae of the land !>r D was great y la fen r "f lh··; he w!«h»d to Me every bloMoru on the tree of Agriculture bud in th« henign »trooephar». tod to «ee doe lnt«lle«tual vigor caule il to ope« like th· iute li not, taid M Agrien.tuia! College, established at lh· lnitanee of thi· country like ir-fusiog tbe right kin·* of noutuhment and vlior leti thi· tie« of Agr'.cu.terii Knowledge' Mr Wll.l" tsoF« thought the remark« of Mr Skinner ob the atfairs of the Institut« perfect.] trat, Firmen com» frema diitanc· to hear « certain «u-.ject ,iecu.i"d,,acd find it paated over Ireqaeotly .a ulenee |Mr. W con¬ tinued for »»ver»I minute« in lh·· »tram but, ? though we hive note» of tin», at of other observation· during the »it¬ imi, we are'.blued to curtail them. ti-n i°ti»\[ii.i.» aast Mr. Wituaason, with Mr Mur- »i»n. very d:»rut»ed,»ti farther, this and kindred ·., a ate »t much length. A' r wMeli. Mr. Hkibv siplsioed» Chart »h"i· !,»«» tt Healih of Ictetl g»n-e, of Love Ie Hod. »nd Pevtearveitaa of H»ai'h lw« ? sM aat peraarra us «p- « .,, to the object· i'f t'.e Inititu'e- AitlcuitBral ,ui p.? \»ii,»nt ) Ôa Bkaltna · t»/ l^ttteeg. April I ; mbjetat, f-cuainr I.nw I otirt»..>\ r.u*f «o,,. a ? it win be lecolirci-d ioti t,,*s hark l.i.rei··, Capt Theodore Lit- ttotieid. w it c» in Jar, .siy l»»t ' ft R" Janeiro by the I' »dr. Unsi! ye. and m ' apt L «riettrd Tne veiielVa· b«en libeled, Bad aow His «t the '«m toll io ·: '. hat». li-P'ity Mirihal Sroith. The .iiiniiiationol Cipt Litt.»..«id .·. it, n»ticed yeeierday, Mr U.den Huffman appear.?.« in In« behalf, aud Mr Butler Districi Attor, ey f,,r thr Ul l'eri "«tate· r»gTf«tn nâiijjma« »I ti.» Oatakpe. tastiate thai IVii.g At Rio he reee.ved order»from the comm»nee'of the .n sqsdron to follow the Linrens lo ses II Itali ..--,, e »od esali, ,- »xietrd ai ti, h.rb-iug lataaded fot the s.av» iiatìe. «V»rh«al«d »nd h .? ed her the »»in» nlgi.t Wlien l.r»; hailed »he nitri» n «teli »« il lo /et awey ard I was obliged to hois: ad¬ dition«' canvas to k»rp up with her ; threatened to fire. VataB ata00BBOBU| »enl Lieut Well« »nd »citt,g matter in two no»'.», with I" men each, tootitnli.e her, « hue t'.ey were on lh«ir way t;apt 1. came on boird ¡i with «u men, urlai he aedeiattad the balito ¦n en bond be Broagbt papen, which I ihlp'l papera lo .eid he had on hovd îls' csak». rich cr.ntii Blag « f iliooi «. »t»r, i.nd el G- gi i and » rr, in «»«« f.irut. itviii toit'tied to bavia| boarded ti.» I. p |i-r»-,-i« ·¦ taort b» the «spiala ¡ two »a d they were «««er »-»?«, one a Hrasiilin an III» other a Pcrtu«u-»6 i.e laid tie w·· «up-rcargo and tl.» other thai he wm .gent of the owner found no Cargo »»rent water I .uat·,! the w»ter in live or Ma ca»k», »nd f .und it fr»»l. it wu »aid »oine hid aa:t water fnii.-l chtr'i of the Houli, I ern Cors·, uso of th» Kail Baa kk *-»t Ceaetl ot Africa, and me of the Cape ?( »teed 11,,·. hut none of the Chi· nrj« Ree» found u aim« BOJ manic.»« th» «i. p*i docu OH nt. v.·»!» proouced trey purported that tbe ve»»el we» ouni f.r HaUv.s tftllxnm A Jark.on te»:::.»d that he shipped it Rio ai ma'e of the Laurent. k'rwl'»p: I. wlien esilili* between V - V k and Liv.r.n·,, Hapt Roger» hrnuiht tlie ve»· -el t. tilo after eai,u>g. »nd »beut »n h«ur and a ha f he¬ lor· being bosrded by the linkahje, the Portogueae pa» ¦enger uted ice how I »I B«ld like to gj to tne Coatt et At risai I »ai 1 I Ihouaht I al.t old like to go be tli-? stated that the vessel wss tanta there be tad he writ going out to log the veeerl home he wa» going oo the east la«' Alt ra for »lave» ; 1 »aid II tint wm tie rei» I did n't thtah Capt. l.ittlelield knew It he maria do tei ly I hart .hipped oc a ? jag. to Batavia and supposed we »wert goiagtb·!·. but after this uaveraai m itaeehl we w«rs ·. .mil f.,r Ihe Ct ait of Air fa he laid lie hid hern two M three time· on ihe ceait .or slave·, »nd had i,wr.)i beeu ?ß?G????ß!| lu «»id the »lur-tiarie wm a «ery piolita!.Ie 'rade for a yourg in»*· that willed to go late it. that he o,d Bail S ',,», in one trip 'he envrraal'on wal while we were welkin« Ihe leek, ? lies captain at Ihe time UÍB| Belava the ve«·»! t..,k mi hoard at Rio lot to IM pun le ·· -?«. 1 o! tl.-,-, ·- «r« I »all u stri, ???,??? fr»th water it beir-r to cerry than tallaat) I ki, ·» ol a voyage ana veas.l whirh water and llave«, ard tl ? · d rag te pu tu I bava mid wit er t' ere, the e M alio a quantity ol rice atri f«| ·.- .·, i, .arri Ita lag a*w the ? it.uue«· conceal raperà when th» venei wa» a.-d ad th»\ w.te llaaoverod ¡The »bove are ?'?ß principa, point· of the taOttataaj G lie e limili a', jn will he con'.u.D» 1 today. OoDBaaaoaoH Uailboad..Tho Bottât Daily '.In tutrot Wed ?·)I ita'ei that ß meei.ii« ef Itat Director» of ihe Cnuipsny had beae li»ld »t Hinten, and tie molt energetic messuie» tsken fog the early comple- tlon of the whole woik. Th« la»t ( hi rt ? ?.ile» of the ea»t end of the road to Ronae'« l'oint were located, and the «tel« lln« frtro Ogdcntbtugh t.. Champlain il U"W rend y.and tn tiie hind» of etacieut contractor·. Blktbonsaad ton« of rail» have heen pnrchas» i. in be delivered the iiret of October ntït The tlmtat »I t"·». lence«, br ha» been ptirehs·»,). at d also the cl,ans and spikes T»i Irsi rial» engines I,ave Ini aoattactad f r. BiXty t lice .In· mai Will retejfol ti"* mi)· the »srlypart ? aateaetama [Mr.ntreai P.iot Diatm t,i Capt. LinetttToa optmb LfLoanu \ taller teOor. Mo»eley ?* Kl »rida, dated It Vera Crag, Stab all a ?, une· «the death of Cap' R ß ?, v.i.gnon. at Pert t¿ ? r hia. on theBtha ·» « wool d received a.-^ulr .1 I». Cap'. I. liad received a ittMItary edncstiou at e·' l'nint, was »n ac .oinplishid it'cer and latelltg·«! gen'lrman. and wa» highly eaten ad by In« aamarons fooat» and a-.;u» ateeom la I ?. r all atablo »nd gcneroui linpnlaet DttATR OF Lr BLOTMBTI -In .lanuary lait ua,· telltar, and tate ether oantaia, with aa est drsgoons, a rnt t > pay a lisil ? <?-? vVotjl While on iheir wav thrre, Lnii Bl,idg»tt, fomierly Teller of tii» Petal " Bank ,,t Balata, mei aith an accident, wblob « death in three dsyl »I nr. te «?··» riding in-g. ?|.??,? in his own hinds wu arcdentslly oil tin hs.l from wblch ei,t»r»d hu leg, inflicting » w.ui i caused his deaih ¡Koch Daily AdveMlser. SriaMH.xi LfAVMATlOB BJtaOMBO 01 I.akk Mirini.»? .The artival oi the Sam Ward, from Chicago, laat evening, and her departure fiere Shehoygan. rieOWl 'hat the navigation haa tony i-utiiiii'iieed OB thi» Lake The large number of f »»»»ngers which the Ward Isnded, »how» that Itaveleri finn, tt« Krut »is already on tloir way bere. I Milwaukee Wi»con»in. 171ii. .iure «I Ilia» .»lorlt Kxrhnne«*.· .March i..r s ta -·?7. itesi Nate».MUÍ rio.bli'.IUIj ?,?? ? Y S·, un .','shi Kentucky m... ¡t....(Si m Kund Bri«. li IJBJt Ind Dollar Bd·... t1· Mt II] Inte'ett Bd» .. I".!·" Ponna .'a.b3 13 do. lai (sai ds. T.'·. i.'s-i Resding Bd» · 7c». do. M] Il Bk ef America. "t-s A Tnut. I " Kann True*.· U". Monili".nal. ??? M ?*.·. do.ia 1", Cin'.oo Co. il» IM rio.;n} «".' Harem Rd. M do.U". -l'I IH do. M Ita Loni l»t»nd Rd. I M do.· IM rio.snw ;u G" i«.I , IM Ke»ding Kd.s-, tta. do.MI BM do.Mi su*S}«t9 4M' do.·· · IM do.»' M M dt.StriV.j .»m du.·6"31', 25 Krie Kd, old stock... Sii Il d·, new full.tu. ircoMti botki). M Karnieti ... i ai Hai lem Rd. do. do. Mi ."..OlaiTre»»Note«.«iiw.lici .SO··«! de..?·.·» I .a .·»¦ Lu g la and he.? M de.etitlM Morns Canal. ¦ do.I MARI NE J 017 R ? ? t. POUT OF ? K.W YORK. Arriseli Sehr Th cat Patee, Uaikill, Richmond I d·, tal ur. .Ve. to matter. Seht Meetaliuc. Sinteuton, Thomait, ri, Me. IH di, l'uie. lo muter. llruiornnila -The packetthtp Maiiaret l'.vant, te portad on Vk edne»d»y »· having «ailed fer Liverpool, ws» detained, »nd towrd out of the river yrateiday. Auk» lh» .hip Nlattar». fir Nthieant S »IK OF Till: BON DM UK THK >K»V YORK AND BBIB KAll.ROAl» ? ??1??V.-te«!· .d propoial« will he received hy the under» .·ned, A.rnt or Ita »ale of the» ol the New-Yon and Krie Rill- ad Company, nntil the ilttdiyof M»rch mit. at the Mechanic· Bank. No M Wallte New-York, foi the tabi if the further »um of »l'in»·' of ihe Hundí of laid Com· .'any. being a portion of tb« Three Militen« authorised by the Act 11 the Legulalure, pa»»ed May II. ] 18 The«e Bond» »re ueurd in f»v, r. the State of New-York; »re ? filtered In the Urtilo of th· Secretary «,( Stale, »nd are · tuet lien upon tll th« properly of the Company, and will be,-,! by the Controller to th» pkrl'e» whose stris may be »eeepted Tb» Bonds »re issu.-d In sumsot l.iK'i'eaeh, piyable in twenty ye»re from the let dsy ol* July last, »ud bear to¬ leren at the rate of «even per »sat. per snnum, by cou¬ pons »tuthed In ihe KoEds. Th· laureai from the d»*e .>! amignment to th» Uth day of May. ISAl, la required by !»w to be depot.t.d with -.he Ctmtroller, and will be paid to the bondholder· by him in the City or Ne» Tori at it become· due. Propoeal» will received from any number of th· ade. from eoe lo ere hundred and tiny, but no bid at ee» than parean he e..nuderei. Perton· makiug j r.-p.-t« . »re req/iMled to end ree ,n the naaa !'???.·«?· ?..· pur- .tiitt .t tl,e ???.,??, ? the New·York and K: e Railroad ? tinpaey." Pir.iei who·· bid· may accepted, will be noti' d f the and will be requued ta t»ke the Boa ·· and pay for thuai «a, ou or before lh« I. th .lay of April j urli. j Cop·»» ? f the Act. »nUuir.i ng the imi;,· and ·»'· of tb· j Rondini·] be obtained of tha Agent at the Mechanic« ¡tank. New-York, snd at the Ortke of the Company. 45 Wallet PR.ANCiS \\ EDMONDS New-Yoik. Ma I uilTul! t\ A ? ? 11 ? K K S ? .IBI .ísifñ E ?_t7?""·?«7? hT " v »t.Dr TRAI.!. cow rclargii'i hi· asoommua·- ti, ne tor psti.i te Several »oditlot»! room·, will a gym· nuiuiu for m-door «tetcl»·, will U tilted up previou» to 'tutu*! I .at! Dr. T. applie« tin »yttem to both acute and ehr >n,e o.ieuri generally In iever» of ail kind» the WMer treatment pr,.«a,t »od e»riain. Mo»t of the com- plaiat» in coinuiou «nd «rhctng t.» female« at· «peedily and pen .areut.y reikrvrd. Children predupoied to dt» earn trom organic uialfortnattoa, and young perwons who bate scquired »ach piedtspositioB by erroneo»· hab :a, m»y be serprisii'giy iinpr, ved aad tnvigiira·*· by · btetatasti our·· ol t »alm-nt eon*.b:sed with » correct r»giua»n ai d pbyiioloiie··. ? B .lu m·',::·- il. fir»t Mydr"pa.h:c tasti latin· 'a America, aud nkving devoted eeveral year» fo mitai, th¬ ug ibe »y«t«t ? in thi· city on · »cientific basil, Dr ? d'i- caito· ill eonuieticD or «ympitby with io·« pirudo hy- tiopath«. aliuiuediral «osci». wf:o getap boarJms? u·«» ¦indar ih» satn« I Wotot Cu*·, snd whenever thenitelve« .t fbtriiìle· ar. »,ek, exp«··» nei· ignorane« or bypocriiyi nyjreonlBf after doctor· i.f tbe old «chool·. toIR im* £ ri'KNpïlT BK iMiaìÉLfi ? A ? ????????^? uAWRKÍ·· '' nCanai-et by seUtag »legaot patterns .f Brutasls (".»rneting at utoniahloily lo* pnee«. ?1 .o threepiv IngiatB »U k nut'.'ajt Carpetin«. Druggeu. hi Ciotte, Btaír todi, Lenp Mei·, neh Window Shed··. be. be. Hudaoiae Bramii Stair Carp»f, neenniBrely ebe«p__ a.y> IwUbltW* C' ??-* OK 'lA-NlLÌ.A ItOPtt wa.'ed tor whltl. I ihe lii»-be*t pi lea in sub. will aa paid by .w l 1 tal II W Fltl.l. « CO -I He.» , C\ KIM W. Kill A HI. KA', VVARHMI -| t| Bsteraao ? Nsw Yoik a>a* .'» SCHOOLS. PEHTII ????? SEMINARY. PARENTS HA» INO S'l.NB of ten« heb tl f whom ». .1" pr*p»r»t. ,n f r c tior.O'Oi. »re rMOeetfulaj lovittd to !0",uire after tbe mei- ltaof thia lntti'.ntioo. Theioetlion. oflordms fae.itlei ' u t»t ¦!. a a «,.· .tat md proverbially hatlthfol. md daily ?ßßßß·· e to New-Tote tnd Phrtde ph 11 hy ateomboat and rulrood T*rn.a t"*-F*r a·»« ¦ .'.uitioo, win. oae of booka r « lieh ·· ·"- ea The Summer Setti, ? w*':! wmmioe« on Uedoeiloj. May 1 , Uieu'art with firtiitr parllcoltrt Md iMtln « « »T ? ? ntd »t lloddt bookstore. Brick Chorci, Cbtpil. or of oca li alee mad« ito lam.!]ff tee Ce ?ßß?ß? Divtd Mine D.D.i BSV. Nicholas M or rey. DU EllMbethtown R«··»,·'''1' tp0't' r»q. Perert-jn Rev. Jime· W Aiextnde». l> l> K·.· ( ht.!*tS'.ewtrt. K»r Dunoso Dublep. Ber »t m A Mi- lock B»v Jieob A'.botl. Rtv. Gorhom D .Abbot:. --«,. ?? li R *vv.-.-.or·. Etg O.C stolsmtoe, l..', BenM*:.*r Havaat Eat* Chirle. F.. P-er.on M ?) ? Hibr.iid. M D., New York Nithini»! lit» r.q Bojrtoti. R*v John McDow* !.DD .Robert B. Potter r..q Phtla- dtlchil «m r! Wbitebetd. F.«j. Hottolk. »a Joho L. Deomt, E.q Wignm. Md (l«a. Oli for!. ?? New Orieaas; Rev J B. Strolton. Nstehti. Rev. Abraham il eh'-.w. Pt._._n INSTITL-TION'OK MESBES JACOB ANO ???? S. C. ABBi'TT. ·. ai roi BC «DIS», e il ottoa-tt. Mew-Vork. .l'HK fil of thi. lottitalioo will I .«ermeneeon Moodo], Anni 17 on·! c« wilhout intermKiit.ii nntil tk* la·! f.f Jnr.e Oa tka ¡tt f May the bt .--moved to Ble»..k-i-.t a few aonri » ia»_ '??????.1?>?!?? --Il a M. :'HNt* A SCHOOL, (for ladt Bad youag i-etAletMB,) a: Pir.-p- pin],Mor: « ( o N J m 'On l.i.f an kt ??? dr'.v* of the Kt.ex and Drver ? .mad. la io fo to the:).·- i. Classes ara Ib ptograe· is Ar'.!hm*!ie. Algtbrt ·- »id prie· ci th« Lolla «d French Lorfiar»· Philosoph], Pravceetive Di». sreat· and ener· Siaatwia ·- * e plemitit. !.-·« * waidi, w|i»re their phyiica!, m-n- til tnd rr.'.rtl tivedueel are ??¬ ?.led to «att'lifl menee on Mnoday. ?: «peaking «·? Wedrt*c»v. tl . Theft.·, rabto sulk if the | *a '''* propne'or !" rnntticl forno.? of ii*l.oo:-r'^ir.)i indepen¬ dent of lli^ mim edifice,tobe finuhed for u«e by the fir»t IV... Expeaara for the8 bbctI u-iinr board, todgtog, waal eg, tl.t. and oraiaary taitim. Bioo, pvja'ie quiileily la adyi-iCe French. Mone tnd Drew· ini. exlit ., W.C ? Wid'ell.K.sq r.nren* Boti·!. !*.·,-, le à Oeo-rge T. Cobb. r»q Dr. C A Ue.BaaaiaalaCwe t («ratte H«-de. Eft lev. ?- ß yraiMM ?,D.D Naw I '. ? 't H L H N Biiotmede.Ü D Newark K-- - -¡Jud^o k p«nippaov C renivi, wi!, 1#'urniahrd on oppli.'v'.l.-n. poatpiid, to tba pr.-pi* SILAS Mr'.Tf'AI.F, or to hi· Aaaoclato IBLE3 DBOWH. ? ?. To- i aeamsBtooa bartriay M -y I Pah '¦'] I*» I (Tttttmi ii ifl.r /' tliétml In» Huren / Ut. i 11 Ml he» had char.· Ac aderny f-.r many veera »nd diacharred bl· G all ia ? imtlema 11 huhrhirocter a - .-.»ry wiy em- taeatly qaallS« · ? ?. VAN Bl BEN. Ltottoawold, Aasott 3. HÜ7,_SBfJ t'AMlLV BOAHDINi« «CHOOL Kent CL.Tbil Sch.ol loi it»d tn ¦ pieman' Siraailpoa tbaltoaortba ll asal ate Bai hoc·, sta botar riffe Itorn ?»» York The Summ»! tota » li ?ßß?· menee Ita] I Tie nuinh*r al putii.a luni'ed ? r ·.·.'. », OBd tteh ?ßß BBdar the in in »di ite rare f.f th» Pria Is cow in the c.'.y. a ? ·!,» toan ß? 12 M end J o'cloi'k ? M et ibe New-E glead Hoaae, Broad will call .m ih .·« .-ai og thalf oddreaa tt 4¿ ? e«: Wank piare ( ircular», »with r-f»re:n··. Ac may h»d it Pt book-ttor·, II ·· Broadwiy, or hy iddre»»inr the Principa, ?»?· CI ,, ,., lw' ASHBEL PI I.!.Kl'. A M Pi pei aal ? ??? 1)1 M. -»( ?????, BOB ??!»- '' » CoBBMticol G? » ? o Bta large -The pupi ire taiitlii by the Pnnripii Dally oral »aragivea .«me«» end practical cliaractrr Stearnb· »t tnd Itage hn* direct to the «,-h. ,.! Pare for boy» V I . at baadrt i pai ·¦--¦¦ 8. I ,,. ? 1 ??!- 1. WIIITI.Oi ? .Principal. Win ? He Ig w kern .n l'iki ? · ? Y p UOAKDiNI« Nt'HOOI« Irving I otti tute, la ISrowri ? \ The riammer Term wtl ope« M day, th« Iat of May wiikeaewead UapiovedorgaoUotloo of ih*, c'a·«··» A lavai le Dt et ? of «-.··, a ? sesto ·,, ibi lattiteli ? -i gaardiaasli impart! vited loll thit ?- G the | troasof tjta laatllato, ol ? nk \ Au«tm. i. Iway.orol Ite ondsniin.d. WM LTOB, ? M Piinstpil s|, ? 'ir me pi*»ent term w ·,· bald at the lattita te os Priday, lisi Mareh,eo n, irò u « tteamb at which le»«·· filato! < ben l.-rs-it.oi 7 o'elnck AM. The public ore ro«p»e'i vired to »»'-?? |kt\ ? ?????. tid-r ih* dli I tot the Sacred Heart, ·? Kleriker. .r. Lacram *fba LadlMol* the Sacred H-ari have 11.r ··¦·«· they bava m nstoracd to th-u kind reqii ·«! f r 111· ttobllshB er t ? day tclrr in il,* Ityoi Boa V ¦" The syetan ' "" · pen th»i adopted li ?!?* lidie· ili be prepared to receive) pupila No child mil be tt .u yeara ,.f ea, ,¡i atie.r. in «r. I' * v! ·- .^r color· *!·'. do m ??»*» Kit il .t WKMT M I - Stamford, ? ai M on M »day BOStl I ?* h »d ny »ddr*««.iu Mtn Bti ippllecttoa M Stamford, Ci Marcii .?. I. ???? AI.1JKR INSTlTIITK Litebl ?? ' »ß p-r.rd tin ti.* I'.ih day f Ifav, ? a boardtag sahool fei ' ft, » lev E » INDREVV'S Cirru tr» containing fall InformationarBri references Vc may be olitalned tt th» b<Kik«t· re nf M«*«l'K. II NEWMAN A CO ? Bro»dw»],»!»obj»ddre»»in»ltic) Prinrtpal at I orawoll Hr'd»», Cor.o_in'JI Im' ? ?I V ? ??G~'ïIjTiïît.- A trtduoie who hM hed asperleae· la traafr.ntwiii matrurt two boy· (foi c«., ?*»* or tabu atoa) in »nue ptotaeal family jt City il w LEATITT. TBOW A CO IBI Brcadwat PIANO POBTES ANO PIANINOBOF IIKNIll il«' Hua il» la Vie'., re, !'»"< Qeoaral Agaaei Amelie«, .? Broadwiy ^jpam*ejf»-\^ 11 K. KlltST INVOU I' of l«-||uare Pier, -.· ..¡A..j.-^r^Bli rima, veti ich Mr, H»iz in,p.irt» to ibis ."Wr^TjPTaj^llr nn'ry. h»» he· n J J m J li'· eh," m II iv r». and the in»t see ha ama m the aatos ? >m et* tba Agaaey, Hro» t- «:_??.·* tu· ?. IL GALF .? CO'S ^tpmj*B*»**-i PIANO PORTE WABEAOOMS ik^maa»r ??\\? " TI ud-ivioua. erner ta *!*fnrTll''''l'll,',t· J 1 W J ? _mil if l'i k*Hr**'l»KTh*a. "- . ' . Pianos trill I »dtra¬ it B. G I ¦·.·:'·. « .«.ly.) i I' v..« e o ? '.«·. «.·!, a ' ·· : ? pievae asset ?**.«?· «opp.tjd oa HI il! «,,·.- «I all.l'.'ilH CI llalli1 rdsmtentam«. ^fSn^tjtWaW jlafTî l'IAM» KO HT ? »???G??4 IH KV Pulton «t. - ait ?, Broa-.? ? ? entire'? Bear Bittoto »viant » o tono tnd lo keep lo tane tne il ? . alea a ¡incollar nirp Inn:· to metal: si.aiy li e e««] be witaí-e'd «Cl! aot'i ifoahu »re rernovd. |»r than ay otivalin] ine object'.oe to mettile pelala« A wrl'.teo gnatanly will he given with each 1..'iiucio»t, tod «h »lj '.a···,! «a t. their qov,.:y It eipa-eeeed. ibe poynie i ?????,?? k K iCIlRk. ?·? If If tot at »a»» ·' B. adway DBESS BOOTS, JOT THI PI AST QUALITY r handind to rh» !»'»·' French it) lei Drowinti talen of the Itat, ind latta beat esateealy far aaek cuaromer. The 11 · ¦·.. without trouble S'.ran««ia haairi t'-ir ?????? when in the city coo h tv» I h-ir t le Mal ·.: ani litui- ? ?.?- · »uy part of the Stab · ft· allei' »od children · boo!·, gtiitit sad ? « P. á Sou'.hern md W*.-e:n ,.r,lrr« pjn tutlly fiend- .dio |BIO 1 Bisso! 1 JOHN ?. «? ATKINS. 114 PulUio-tt. "BOOT·* AM» -nui ., ( m- if gatot-BlsiloP. .·? Oraad. c ra« Oi will opeo h't gieit boot and SBM ».'.ob'iihm»nt on Sotordoy, March IS, mih s very urie and atten¬ tive Bisorlmeot of hoot» and BBBBS l.r th* Spr Summer Irade. Ladea'fine gtilei« :'· end ma; for hut- kin« ?··. and Si for ·????«G·4·. toajaltai lor bet lui morocco baotl f ? mr.-ii'« ·. IBs, !.. li »id 1m. for extra itvred ."a. tht Bad .1« for boy·' bo.·· I aod Ita 1 fes jor-thi'?·. ?? tnd til. for men'· brogin· · tod IB; tot tape* taagaat "? ood «^. Cheap, aaoapeat. Con.* tnd »ee whot birgoin«. im* kbiBooT·*: -PKKMirn hoot·» - ..imported Freien Calf Bon·· of th* bett qoolity ar· ^¦.eiiiog at Si io asme 'y ai i *7 Ai»á· riue fa.f «.?*»· Boot» of hi» own make for «Sri M, »uch m ara »old in other »lor»a for Si V) »cd ** Puent Leather Boote. Sbeee tnd lauert. In great vtriety. ein t.* und ll the e ruer ta Kul·on and ata. opooai'e tbe Herold Ofrice Light exp«n««t and itriiul*« lie r-inr. thtt ]ou cao lar and cheaper Boot« al VOl'N'J'.S tino elMwber* niaTl lin.«*e>d'_ mjB- ·??«. ll\IIT(»> :«.«r».·-.· re, aV..· ¦tafl aray.Empatifelly ittottaatbe todìb \\WEF\ -k and it· vicinity, thtt »he hM on hind » falli- t*a!jB> lonshl« Mtoi:ri«ui af Mllliaary nd Ma» Bon- . a. .i solieltS »roniinoiEce of Ite pil-oui«:' ? . I' er ..·, w* fil *?\ MOI HA Tl f«Kt.!«T.r ,!·« ? ? oíd" ««SaLv-sv. (Howard H toll «re Hjv pr*pv¡el lo ntf-r the Bprtagatytoe/gaats' liait, which ore r till y i' -a fu' «nd eupei'.or article. Call aod evitnint oor H»·« a Omehtol wer ibtn toy other team .? taesBBBl _m3o iti·· fi] 1' ? ? ? ? ; PÄNfi G??.-Ja.t fini.h.d the truxt ^^«pieodid oitltlt ever ofleicd. elegiot French SU liar» »t the mw prie« of Si, o»uol!y »old ti Si Aleo, ar »niele al S.' ·'»' ard S. 2». n*at 11 au a! *J mil lin" BRiiWN 11· l anal ·« -.-,-, IIAKOWAItL, KOi.r.-liioi.w, ? HABLES I LITTLE, maeama» U) 0»horo li I.mie. lu p.irl«r »r.d«l,-r . tal Deaacr in >'.c.n»h, »iermtn tod Ai:erir«n Hird»««r. Cattery, F^lg·· f.«oli, ko SS Fu t r »? (-potile ih* l'niied Si·!·· Hotel, New York, ottei» fot »ole, et th* lowed market rote», tosió« tílleles genera:!] faBBd lo hard a ara «toro*. b'peer'e mul, pit »?? co .. rot-.sws; Bortlo« m»chiu»., biMk le»d po'«»nd ««rd r.-juiblra leni J»!p« porr ? · wills to.! sistemi, hydrsolle rami; f»*oi*h ars Ayr. Mit··.uri tod Atsaams oll ttone tv>oB«r·' ton!·. to A bar· a, ( r«»· Ucttaa, Barton k Beiden ond « wiiiinledi cuB-rhti.'Ok*!·' ?.? It, t'H)»»r·' trust , .·/-··. toce· ood «h.pcir pentere' 1. I"»' >«'-, lh· k all fanalai Md mrêam . a Bolvaro«! ? -.«'luoie , eaktoet «·? ¦siagsi h:u·* ar d «hip uitdar·'bardwBi» hriM. co[.p»r and iImI wire »h««i In»·· ftthieg teoSi* ho k». I' l'on na Hoi Um til mílk»lml)i»»i»''ii'V (???? pata (..r B»l» ? folli·»· '?? ? - (»¦¦»·· Oeaay Räumt« ?ßß??ßß ««? * , . ... ? t Bali« tr KL ß ?? Plhl.L k t" »4 Beeko.MOl ? BOOK TRADE._ A 0NIVEB3A1. HISTORY, Arfr | \ . «.uailati e e«»«U of »II .,,, . μ. ri lb« pr - , e complete IllaUry f the »» ? Prica2S«*ata .. sods of . ».ry one wno wi»h·· to o Itala « th,.lough kaowls.ig· of H.d· mead ptaeaattee ; el · ¦ b. ,0 ,b« ... 1 < -, :»e.i. »II »re Isnare»»««] ta guardia·· »garnit liiat dreUfui niaïady « Th« Beeret B»t nt the Innsilli«. · Romaec· by Duma· Prie· I Arthur W «d,«'.ih · Rotear;» ¦( th· batile-Aeldeof M·»- ,. by R beri r Ore« »y Prl ·· «ß et· The Buckiüci. by tb· iunior ut Etbin Al.aa Pr.«· . (iay Fawki». M Tb· Uuopowder TiaBft.a. by W H. Ai-sworth Pi - Iti -¦-dor» of \ «rea -a Tt.» Hunter· of Kentucky Pnce »'. et« ."-.».seer»!» r,f Moon: F.«no. or Mother· Mv»t»rt»·. M American Romans·, by lee»e Conni. Fio, Piiee."<ei·. The WsskiBsti.B Mooum.ot aetigned I·] kk lloaro Wal- lace. Pnce M Ml Tb« eraey of New· tart.who ttapere eta ¦ »· they wer* Pi - c»nt» IN PRF.ns ? .ein« ? eetsTtotfaad l'.--:g:oa. hy Hun J.hc««.. BtfJ Adami, ime innslia il Pries cu · IV U iKAHAM. Tribune Bulldlngi NEW BOOKS IMPi>tTi:i) rea STI »MER CAI G IONIA- UEOEOE ? ?G???? s·· firm f Wiley i. Pa'aam.) ? Ini lair " »dwtv. N«w I F.oayelope-disof M«auf«ci stoartholae's Ca . « . . * .··: d. P«-¦ y' ? rol urch Tappet · Pi Ms v - ton». Botcher na Eds sili ? »«- ut ud Modera Anhiteel * « II s of L ¡r.don. ? »? . ·' 111 · BIN I MUI .in A lupplv of new si - Batti -,» received per itsamai Call ·, rut from the V»«t m»nufacturtr« in K ¡.g! «mi. Im.'Vi 2m| ¦· TNAM. 1 CHCISINGS AFLOAT AND ABHÖBE Ni itela B F. H Ko it!) s. CO. S ? ? . -1 »nd offer for from the prlrat· log I Baal I M] r »· »cd Mi »»r »a Aleo, for «a f Bed I .·.-.·.ve-i by lb« Caleduia » Apr ¡.and ail I thi e. '»retting inteiil- . . ita Bac: Damai. eta .- . I Ara' ¡? Mystarlc« »· · A so s «Ct liti t-apli Mr I t.anfrau and M:·» Tiylir in th» '. I · sta. Kor la.- ·,··> ,, ·. il . \?·. ' H nOVET'S MAGAZINE OP lloR'Mt . INI u fa! Dli il »i «..-, Im pi ··.·¦« Barn (¦'«¦« ., al "r ',,· : iBBBtri IMIhal this r»w volun.r hsa bOOB n.-»d Badar Ibi «nasi fivoiible »uepicee, with »? incresaed net of fii-i. ia all part» af the country, «rd « greller number iBtalltgeal r «rr»«p t,d»n · Weh «rhiet 't hai r«««tv«d 'Or I·""·' !" "' " '··*"·· Mr a I way THE OWL CREEK LETTERS AND OTHKR ? ORRKJPO.NDENCl °.y kk P u h a h e ,1 Thi« » · y. ? ?t? II,. ..·-.. Letter· « I, tbat arm tsl« a s ? « -i f taitorial I - ua ft BAKER CB1BNER. 3d Pari . su·»· THE NETa/.tNGLAlVD HI ÍTEB : rJAJ «Irli ??, pagri,. mi " ?' .aa .,· Ilhtd ,n tht« ·. ENGRAVINGS AT WHOLESALE. Sill KN( IBH HERMAN »NU II (I.i AN E OAMBART k CO M Rue iBBistr·, Hart». 29 Ber'i»r» «, Oxford fita ? ·« r «ri·_E. ANTHONY, Aseat. Ill Ars' GUIDE BOOKS. AND 8???????G?!. »»URI . variaty, for «a (tall by it,. ? DIM ?: ? l 1.1 2 R-,alw«] GUTTA rURCHA SOLES PUT un Km G ? -.'? RHOE· ??? L WATKINB. Ili Puimn-n pai A ICE G?? SALE. Bai« ? II: Il ¦'¦ M-A.IT- lit «. BOM DR. ELLIOTT. Is hoars ofatUBdtaes a ? tre ae« from It IVtei SANFORD BROTHERS, C'A -II II -.;.»· BUI ll-n'dOrlice. .... rtmsal will m·.!· to er·!-. al v-rv r -.· I e. ~~JL7b. MARVIN. I IM Milli, ENULISH. FRENI IL 01 KMAN aNu AMI.UH ?? BTATIONEE· Hill »1 II· >wr--i\ Miidrn tua a'il loen »I FTtNULISH AND PBENl il LETTER ANU NOTE l'A JPf.ll. · H'Utnl Board», Partitilo». Pump md eiu· labst«ad». I'.I Pana, Tiaeaparsal S.ates. ("rayon i'.tr tisi·· Col ,-. Bate Box··, Water Cupi.Twine Beau, Pmt ohe- ? »e«. ?, li»»d Beate. Osta Calca· r. is « ry, li u »nd w.·,,.·. 'A'rring lata, . French Carmina Ini, Biar.k N«tat «ud Drift·, li aa··!;». R,,!e ol « '. '. I ? LAMP DEPOT," NOI 134 AND IMI LTUN-ST. BUN BU1LDIN08 Jo. PAT u rete ».i ir ? ili« manu'ictory of . J H M'ft-tt. a tuli and mo«t «plecd'd BSBBTt I aarraatrd perfect; unequalled in style and h-auty -.? palien a. the hand· s«ir. end the cheapeat L»" t> New York, m..* Im'.· TO HOUSEKEEPERS ÏCNF.BAL.Jnstru ivte .. m J »upp.y afPraael .A ,oW»ar».c uauttng of l'r»v»ling, Wor« k.,« F' ? sat al· I · thai ? ktmrtetaal tf Housekeeping articles, tin and J»t uesa » sre Al»o. tor sale » vsriet] of Birds, Ioni »ud ihoi: ClBBriSS of all eoi or·, from »l lo a'·' » · ',··· Moebial Btrdi in th» ctv also, a variety of Cages, be o.a. |m«'rtl"f| W HINK. IS Third « ? DOMESTIC GOODS. IbtWI.F.Y ·'. Ft RM AN C-lar it. to I ".; Liberty»! where p?·? be found · large »lock of broa·? and bleached S:»»-in»·. Northern d I 1 srn. Limp and Chandler'· Wie«.. Twine, hloat't Ptten'dj Ua it * g «.arpe! \( »rp, B«tt«: almi < No. II black t'i'ion 1 irn Ul uf which wit· bastelt Bl the I. writ market pitee». f»r cash Dealers ire parrieulsrly invtted to es.l sod eian.ine the «tri. whether they pur· . haaerrnr,·.. DAWIaEY FIRMAN" ·· _21 Liberty-»!. ORGANS AND PIANOPORTES. ¦??? L'NDI »· «'u1 f.r Ita rem I cor r to inform h,a ». t ? ·?| . «? ' ¿»?,»·,-.-.-, net he h«» Btata arraagia --¡»brated manufacturera m tbia ciy 'y » tta at ate . - rric»*e. warranted io tritn· . sta. O -are si »¦..-ry ute ReerenJ g-ntlemen builatr.g .gin·, will eave Ih» · . mach tr a',?ß hy «r.dr.ialng the lub·,'. r. Piano· in « - .? ? from Bl.V» to ?."'. ·? ud t\ from >.s I eterei from tS2S to Bi"«'. Tli« tn· . iati will iwsys be eareiuily pa-k.d under l.'a otri Inspection »o tha they will reach their de·. »??·',! er by land or water In perfect »afety and In tune lie -ct hi5r»Mf,.re. ¡n»trumenl» from »ny maker in the city tha! bis frieads msy d»sifn«te. Pleaie d'r»ct tu tre «nt>seriber»t !··( Prarl··· N Y WM ARDU, ?'rmer'y Prof»·« ¦ dji «ic at Mo'int St. Mary'» vollcg», Emoift»o-rg. Md. now of Ht J ho ? College. Pordham, ? V Por th« benefit ?,f .ho»e who ir· not perdonali] a- ed «..ih him h* refer» to tbe following geutlemea: The m it R-v Arch Buhop of Bilflni ire ; Kt Rev. B.thop Purea.i f · Rev J hu Met ittrry. Preet Mt Bt Mary·!' Il«g«, EmmiUborg; v»r« R»v Dr Th»b»ud, ¦tobt M Raubsvi I. 1 A.t'r ·? ??: eue K*a. M erren Canada. I Is»* -~-_ ,-?.???? (.m (:' KX.I.l-II MKMKII». ije^a^r·» » rtgtaa ·.· guame artlata lai the ewe of lleavee, other r, of th« r.tptrt·, ty ·,·¦ piritut. ari d'iingement tl th» d.«»»tive fuurii in the ? Rianaaim sTtatassalPs haera Tswdsis it ii wtrrai·- '..ytateln ill e see·, «·:,, a remenee th» n ..... . ...per than «' ¦' it» lltatloal whi-h »re ve ng "rruiata.· thron,t > '- I pot up isr· as cary ette el II-« . tj .. , :r*a»e if va. It talan · . -'.»d imr *ii«or«i. to« .gy !r rauh rtdaate. »ad '- ·-*··-.¦¦ »ty ?-»?.?· » |. MIMI » Hal by pai - r warm »»a th»y »reak ot: I la IU I «nd« of II »»?'in lived (rem lutare umouedrr·· if. t»h»n the Intuye: r wh»»rl»g'.¦¦*»»«rv»d.afr wd.nee of ?h· ?a;trr«a · Haars ? is» ?»·· ·?. uid '¦» admÍBujt«r*d Thi-v li« vi. , »radicate re.»..t Heat·« at UehiaaatiB OatuT Miáis. Penna· rb· Beare Itatraanal " m »m». . ftaad miai .tal ai thl« «se«ai Ti.»y ·' .ni,, raet 1 the luperflnoui hall et» n·«· li sy Iween th· hld» g·»« s |iiiy ap peartace to th· rxiat. pr.,t»il agama: diaeaae they ale··, from thilr tin« t leuaf n.d i«·' ·,*¦··.· BawBTB, pOlttj ar.d reouvala to· iyil«sn, arbtsb II '»e» i»|u ·- et 1Mb met ss SB] f tta hunes« rat»· a « preparati, ? -,f .»r.· SI«I« tb» ft'l ·· tur d lit to ti.· riling« ,f tvr,'l,., wnirh. le tb» Bartes «firn« « ar," a, «· «vali »·»··%. bl· llf·. Parso·« .ho va <¦· BM I Relata will nevar *.· ·* Ithioit a aapni y A II HO' fjlf b ! .' . . DI-,pi ?.·.,. A'·., formi« «? ? * ?ß·?.?·.?·. ?·??ß Mate, a t ?., ? ,l«av >e.·; .- ( 'IHIIIVA |> ? ??????.??·" mi l'I» Iwili '¦f' ' i(| ,. ,, . .n»»r»-t ' . , . ,., ?,.,,., .;.,.., (.., si r. p«r .|o... ,.h erarvi '».1 ·· ,?.., · G·?·? ?, ?, r' ·"·¦·· s < · >, .. .».. · I,.»,..?,.,, '·,...,: ... ,t ... ?, .IP1"' · ti I MM I |l WIM 11 ··¦·¦ · * · u e»i a, istway tei«·· l*.»i.k·,· aui Haii.ani ad» lai. M EmoINES. DB. TOVVNSENDS SABBArABILLA taajri .- f la naf I tke Afe TI,» a' ., voi ». «1 · Woi I I ikiaae,, f.e» ·? ' I trarr· Mcaspt · B m·li ·¦ tktmt tmuttmt ? «·¦ ?·»<, '.il,· til 'gillr. ORr.AT Br.AI TY AN¡i**i ¦·, RK »HIT Y of tula 1 Hireeper ». »»r oli ol tr Btadl '». «li»! whll* It »radicai*· iba diMOM. il invilirai«« t' a ·.,.!] ll il one of the vary beet SPAINO AND Sl'MMF.R Mr DU I.V1 V .-r kn wn il oot ooly ptir-t.«» !i»· .hoia «y·»»*'!! BM .fr»i.«i'i»n» UM pCima a**J -'*". fureand m.A « p. wer p. mit»·! by no .»th*r medi, ice And in -, - «-and MCrtt ot .1* Wood«r!ul SCCOOB patfertned. with.a ??ß ,o»l t:ï* year· . «erert cues of dit*».· »t I-·*' BCarsble It bMMvtotto liVMof more IhlO .·»«! tbildnea doriog tbs twi paa; ·· · IO.IMMI « v- - SURAL Df.BII.ITT AND WANT OF BBBTOCa ENKRiJY. Dr Tett*MBad'*Boraacaí ? Îavïgramra Boa orbatagm> tern fmtn «r.»i t ? ß toara who hive leal ih·.· en»rgy by ih· mimata f aedtetaa or iadltirt tad m y ·..,·...- Is i*nce nf ih« aaaBtoae, tnd hrooiht on ? generi, pi ft ·» rr i'ra'ion of the oer- voo« «7«tem. ItMiiuil*. * >> | imbattoa, flioting i*nt»· tloo·. premiture d*-»y lad d*cllne, htattnlng toward th« fttn a'.·*»«·, Cnftf.inp·! n.-cin ta eatiraly real » lb:·', remedy Thi· Stiaaftr..,· a fir tup'.-'.ir to ?? INVoitiRVTlNai CORDIAL ?? It rentwt tnd mu«, met ti.e tyiieui ' ' muieu'ar «]ale'in. n B Weit . ilrMrdioory RED. I'lraawaarf >'<ifagrv- . «, 111 Catarri ve Keil. ¦ ' '»'»'I ·"·' I' .NO ??,??? Dr.TearsssBi · - tarraparllle lilt been Iba life. I hiv» for «ever«! paart ht»i 1 had eonih. aa, ... an ·. - · « ?"*« °l . »nd did aot oapect ta> live. I have yum SsiBiitiille a slam limt nd thin hn » ·» change been vroaght in m* 1 on« oow ohle to »it ill niy coagh tag ereil imitine tb·' I un ihankful I .; t.t ·.':. Vi M RUS4EI ' St. RM ?? ?????? a ? oaa of atora thm et«»· f at Dr. T.:wii«».id · tfaraaparilla I at tere-o aod chronic caaea im weekly eradicated by in ? Jin.ea« , Beati la IBS Batto A·].um. I » ««« I « ntnd, la 'he gentleman apokeo of ite foil ·. .( taf Pt.«fewssaao Juran tir Ih«»* tafferad torrikly for olue jeer« with the Rheamatitm c.)n»id»r»hle of th« . ero at an I ·' d < Ir BMib g pai aa, aad ? « f sa beva asea I r botti·! ir SerMptrille,ei»dl ore It liberty to u·* thit f..r t.. Yoort, IMEB UM" KIT-«' F! ¡* r I Dr T'iwn«-cd. Bal havin« te«! a I trille in . - «urpuaed to receive ! ?! f :*nt ti.d retpeclable Fumer in VA int] KaiaoniM, Aurmt Dr T'»v»-n»end D-ar Sr-I ho. a little tiri «evtn j*ar· f ne. who bat h-*n leverai y»ir· attì ? ? Pitsi «a ? foi ?'"G bat wf ·...·« ., Lara fai tsm te bara, wa ttamght, m the wm la very deutete health, ma woe Id glvg ¦meaeerilla, aad are vert glad ae aid, t r it aot oalVra· toi itrenlh I I ihe Fit», ·;·»··¦»¦· ; - She ii fitt I I ruaged »r.d h*ar'v. .r it bleb wo ft t »refill. Your«, respectfully. JOHN BITLF.R, Jr PBMALI HBDIl ¦- Dr Town'.nd · l"»r»ap»riii» ?? a · v».-,:tn ani »need] r laeijtltal (?????????'.?,?, H«ri*iiii*i«, G . ? ? ··:. or F.Ihn. nf ih· »Vi ·»«. Pila·, L·» Corri ev Og WbltM. libati ?Iliad »I di'fceuit Mentir .alioo. laeoatlaaaoeel Uriae, ? e thereof, -, wh*t' ? ¦·» or ctu·»». by 'rrti . ·· ? '.»a . ». | V«»nr» the Bit stata, pnrl»d l'i.« In« TO MOTHERS «t II ? fai l.¦ a) li·'.' «li· i.,! regir et lo taki II, et il li a esitala pravi * naBereoe ai . al Miia ?- - ef life . .mg Mo .traili :r Y ,1 ,1 ir u ·?·- lot II .* ? 11' tri' . t is ,·?G ,t»d la miai Botare, '.y i,i)· ,'-,.· -a ,t ? » lytaaB 1 ·>- tot »il Ih· deiu-al·· dia »« tu ? !.. ii ni ?. ? ars raatoet. ·« .. « - solari og ih* Impariti not · is to | n steh i«i!·· · weakio m aad dit thi· . IND CHILDREN Il te the taf«· In» ·\ »· ... · M i ir think ?. ,? h ?-? rt ?.nib », plias ait ·?". swbIIIbi m | oain in tb· loia· ?,. «e Beine, berne ri ige, sad in ? / ih· ·*· cr»tu>m ara «quai'/t iccaal T m gra »' toas ] of thi« the 1.1.uf delicata u»» I - any other medici- e. in ·????» o Hule Catto! Oil, nr » oeofal K.xeir!·* in lb·« open air, ant Unlit . k this Badtatae, will always asaraasa/as ¦·> r.,R .netneiit. BKA! TV AND IIK.ALTI! Coaraetlca.chalk, and a variety of preparation« general¬ ly in u«e. when applied to the face, very «o.,u «po.l ll of ?? heautv. They alora the poraa of the akm. tnd check ISO emulation, whteh, tien Botara ia nul lha rtoi y Stoeamorpowcar, w the «kin laamaad by the »ikoliot Uted In eo'.pe, hi autuiei Its ot ri pr, ,lui 1MB In the " loi· min face divine," ·· well »a m th* «arden of rieh and da· , I aad ?a iited flowere A free, Mtlve aad healthy cireulaticn af the Sa I I th« Coair«int of the pure, rich Mood ta the as Hat, it ihvt wait a tbs mo,t a».?? · :e beauty. It that wbieb iBBertttbaiadaMrioeblaenodM and il.-li». Ham that all si Ire, bat ß ia eon datai. it Ihe erl.prinir G aaa ; / Is aot a 1 s sad bet »here nn If tl » It·!/ fair at drive-ii SCOW, If tht , 11 ? tnd act' - ¦> the thieht, and . that fiacina'inr ??.? wtiy ¡r:« I .n'hern. »nd MBCeiallp ilia iSpaniih le¬ di*», ara ao much idtiu 'en Ladlm ta the North ari hui ¡lie exem«*, (,· ar* conlin*rt tn elo.e room«, or have thalr complexión· the oppUeatioo of nui inUture«, 11 t!i»y WÍBB ri<»in *ia»!ici!y rf «tep, kBoyaat spirits, tpsrilu.« ejes ead toeatif·* ? lid asa Or. Town·" I la. riionandt IVO tried it are more than «a «bled. Lad lea of eve ? y i'.racrioi o o crnwd nor oMice ila: y notici; t? p?? laoibs. Th· ß» that imitate l> ? .»vnaend't Sariaperill«. htve la- ..»lied their »tuff agrint far Veniules, Ac baas copied our bill« a -. , wh eh relate to Iht plalBIS ·. BOB, WOtd fcl act·.-olher who put up «i*dicir.e. have, «loee th» irett ???????? Dr TowMer.d'· Hont pan It Ine rir lalnta ine r"Coinm»nd*d iheir·' slth m^h prtvu.'iily tii»y did not. A number of tho.« Mix'urea, Pill·, i.e. ore inj'irion· to I.«- mi!*·. at th*f »itriTtiediieaie, »nd underuuntj ibe coo- a.iiul.oD SCROFl'LA Cl ¡IED. ? . lari -?· cor ,-luaively prove« that thit Sariiparll- ho» totlaaia d:·· the HI id Three ptr*t:a rur»d In one houae I den'-ai THBBB CHII-DRFN Da ? yoo thi» three tv« toan cared Berol .to by tba bm of yoar aaMllatat mad . er· :y vt ·! bv.1 ???? livv. II t... a tl.'in vw»y, great obligation. Your«. r»«| ec'fal y, I4AAC W. i|l\ r«. OIINIONS OF PHTBICIABI Dr Ti.wna»rid uilmott daiy r-celv:i| ordere from phy· .iei-r.· ?d it»'rt.: pot· of the (.'nun. This to to certify tritt we. the onderttgned, Phytfcltnt ly of Albany, have In num*r, SS ·:«*· « ? Dr. Town.*nd · fi»ri»|a.-:il«. »nd be.leve 't Iota ' lh» ii.oit viiuabi« praparolioM la th· riarket II ? PI UNO. M ) WILSON. M D It. H BBlOOS M I) A i.any April 1,1 ?: P. F. ELMENDOAF, ,\i u. « ?? ROB Otrtag ?·-\· surces« tnd Immense »il* ui Dr. To*.-n»»nd'· fitriapar.l'e, · number ta niai, wt,., war« Or· in*rl] our Agenli, ha» ta maini Hariaparill» « Eltairs, B:"«r·. Kxlract», f YbIi'.iw I) ,ck. lie Th-y t*n*ral!y pot ll up ;n ih* .ama «hiped bottlM, .in litre etnloti »nd tv>pi»d our-tiiiHitian· ' - ¦ tfiey »re oui] wnrlhle«. uiillallon.. in I a o,u d b* » Pr ncip»! ofFc*. ?? Fn ton at Ban Bu'l.llnt, ? Y R«J. ? .s,,..«, ?,. ¦» rtb .delphlo.H > II oo a. Druaiut. Untltnor» ? M I .hen, I I,»' -··, , «? .? ,| < lii;tr»l ll. I-, . .«and Meraboal« itaatil t thtooa Bta »·· to -a tod v.- t,« m ·· 'G???. Khl'l>T I.HI ? G » IHK IN BONTON I r .triet li rn a ? .«ton j,, ., f «laiotday lati W » ..I« ot two ! V«. wioch were ? tb« n y M-«·· Dsmrs ? Moora ware feaad to k* la a perfatt itat« I t ¦ I- Bet ¦« »od pe»»r·. * on, ·« none] wae top ? , I tato- Th» obo.» »-aa poklltbed aller lettatt0| Ibe llrg* ¦ meni.! .In, lb] an elteai . inn In ?.,··???? n F 'il.y ol ImI ·'»«, whloh bn k. nut in lh* *it** printing -·>«»., thin'nt ol Mewi· DomroN k M.ejl* No. .'and I Waahinil.m ·« a.ol wl ¦via!" munie» ,..? w«re Uilellj dMlrnyaS, «.ido.! »n..ih«i lam»,, ,?] ?., ?),« ImpoilMt« .eroiln| iitnat) »ml leiBorlaai ?,.,.»., papan and voloehlean ..· la them braly StaSaSan a ...?.., ,o », i,. ,. lareaasMrtaieai il·· Wilder« rot··! a*]*aiM '·" H»'·· aad mol . .«, ,·... r, , Boole aad Jeweler«. « le ara lavliad Mil «nd «ainiua at Ilo I, . Bofe ·*|·. ? ? · I'T.ol I., 1\«?»?·? |at|a 7wl)kttW| alili, lit: BEINO lUlU NOTI! ? TO Ubiti 111*«···*. ISIS. 1 ''to. li.tama* .'¦· of o.» f,,.t ,...i »leu ..r tt*. ?»..··»??«.? aiao.t 'h., loi wai.l ··· of ...., bl '·· ., tn. M .,?.,? « »?..:, ai ·'· ? r,.. ,,.,,.,·..,,.,, ,,? a, ,H|# iettata* Impari · ?? waul»·. .,.·, lv« ?.?) *·*"''' ' . . ·· ..g raax all .aa!. Th»| tr· will ..., .. .irl ., I. . IM .·«...f.!.· « .1 ?...« .,, , .,.. I....I. .., alo... .I..u,«,4 f., ib. VI .?? »«:..,. ?, , -··.·«,. r,,.|.., , i.p.,1 aaa.4 taalag «ha« . ·"» I·· ... ., ..... ,. ,., ,., ,., .«llWiMkk«··...! ..». .- .«all .' .r.,.j i,.».,..i,ir.... , ,, ,, eS * » a I- r ...?.»! u>'s«« ?? t»«« »rae· s·· ? · «? ¦ f IIOI SI'.S Tll ÜBT. ÊTII I.K.T Tl,· i". ilt'T ba«ern»»l add stuc b/tsb l.oiM tt ll,w»rd»t i.»«r Br.«ilw»y, wilb l»fg« .l.r. ·· Api 'IH u L il \N|i ·..' «- ". Ill »t. >.»f,'*· K \ M r'sf,»' I P M «-» ¦«· «ate TU I.KT G??μß?ß???ß gi»·,. »·t.Tb« ¦ te··»"'' ¦' "'"t·" l''" »meri- Bta.c4 .. g, ...... aR. ·"¦·· ? ,. .,.. ·. R«nt lot» Apply t" I WIL vM V ?.' ¦, »r;ii'«ud»iil A mancan All ? Ma ? MIMMI"· WAMTKII le a bona i| -? by« » «Uli« Bl rooms for »r· «p.<t«b.a . .·-.n, u !.,·.*» ilred of br,«rd .. Ba«·!· from « refectory tha , -? r, Tm» · g-'d "pfoitunily I r » r.»| eria'.ie family having «UM r ,n thin th«y »ithout tikmi bosr.trr» Reference« . Ity, Addir., lAMEl", throubta« ? -, ·""·"·- « TO I.KT Th« ·· Atkeret oorner of Una·, tbeboesa II lienryet tne boas»» end ·'. ie |l Hester et eorn.r f Noifoll, t good etind fot i ime··] «· rapita u *a«h for a aamtaref pur·; ¦¦< patt af b.u»a l<ki Dilancy st near Bidg- '.,» ? i-c Hilauey et Ih« upper p»rt of IU upper ? MPI Wl ·¦«- Apply to F » J r. IIFATH. R»Bl E«tel« Ag«Bt» - · - · ·' a»am«m, r al · gad from 7 tolle the evening m »· It." ty. MTB » >l ??*? ? ? Jam tight i,·-·"·. u. »i'ie·* ? itithaiu .iiuiri». Po»iatti«u ¦"."¦.oo tbe lit of April In·, "."!«·. R >. I'l.a'hlir, · TO I.I. G 1 'I "¦» '»«r ?·. Lauren· «' »etlabi« f. r a « » · ¦' - ? ? - Marcii at t-' , \ \( ,·»? I «ed \\ ? M_m« Im* TO I.HIIl KH*i-T'i Lrt.lhe ai «e »tor· corner N««r«rh aveaaa, hnmailj «tora ti·», largai I e m»y h.d with , .-·,,·-¦ ?. « loquir· ef ÜA\ II' . ¦· sto··. ÊTO I.KT i' ': lam ? , ih« '·« s r-r- .,.. the n»*t-«t ii.sniter. wi'ïi iiiirhla »p»ak!.g trat ' »¦ Il s pump of pure, »..ft spr'ng wa»e'-»'t«clt»d to a ti ground ion*·, ini foi ? v«|«table 01 ,·,,. enei,led wi!h III- h 'Ueee >.· a p»r« ii Hat the aboie teaath «f the Tarrua Oa ,-y Baal ».. ·. tatable a A;p y to E COLE8, |.· : M Btg itnsry II l-,iey( Ity. ÊA MTOMK TO I.BT In ·??» vllsg· of H ;. p II a \-.iy d»»ir»s|e loeatlOB fr a «tenersi Tl » forsnu icrnpant (»i»lv .)·- ? flrat-rate ,t at« .7 N.T. la" -, ( tint, -»¦-a- .,...· , M . |*t f.r ·· -uf JOHN BAKKR. 1' ho st af · ? ri TO I.KA*SK-F. r a trrmof v»i'·, an fon to lodry '.t¡.· s in r. et and Truth sis and p.iiaeieion M ·) neit. r-o.v i.ccuptrd hy Mu. ». Salt Je Ri'chte, mi s fol operation. Apply to NORMAN KRAN' lt. 7 Du Ék TO I.KT l'ir'·o a handsome cij I, ¦' ? Mt Pearl·« h ·* tier.I d"or Ninth »v«oue. talli h tat on m der«'» . tabe, lafoteeiu leajBlied htautestatas M 'v said house ! w' M ?? ?,?? To Lii'iaty. Moral and R-l>«·· il § . ·,» ,;»u ? ....ant »id roaverii»o' Lecture 131 AI -n «t -Cm had a me s»»· k llt'i.lii» « ot Temperance .rill last tt a ptaasaet ttkam ia whtah ta tall th after· · ." ;·· ÊTO I.KT »i H ¦ « brick «« -ce« tn tarata » at the ? ÊTO ? l'I', ti · . ? Icon tre-· a- ,1 lib sad I tb ¦ I pal« Mint.-.khi.? »???? toi ?.?·, TTTTi hy Ibe IB .,·!·, -, r ,M - « reliar dry and r laid the east e Il LES 2 Brotews . Il« ÊIIOt'MR ?? ?,?? Tyrant] ¦·' «· tatsvua the Ninth and r-mh s«» noe», oppitela the Thaologteal Xreiliiary. Fontaiatai kltahan rang«, I iaaduld «rater halb, staaw tati and .t»- in *li» priaelpal rham· '.er» Inquire of J. PIMI KN. .. Wall-al. corner ., un a; b t·.. --n '. and .' ? ?? M TO I.I. i' " i BTÄ G?? ÎSÎ VN!» ? ita,··· tes, ·»,!»·. with st»Me, n»sr Ih · »,,?? Ha.bor ninno g r .m« on e»eh s · and sellai Tba ginaiid ? us rad «. t·, frali t ·¦··. «I ¦ . . u Tht far '».,d f.» »» ? '.i'h .,.·.· \y tpply ta J ,N. BALESTIER, .'_ .»l'a, st ??? »I s r<» |,|.'|· Des ,·, ,. ,-. dance« lor ¡Hui ? '»ate ti ? 11·-» Reo! ?,?» boema er« . im « ·· il bet we·· f ¦ · -,'iy ??,··> are lu eouplete oril· ·· .-,.« tita·) p ay. tuy c ? s t·- ,, ., sates A h VAN; ii · *.· nd !.. ·>.!.¦«»» . City i. - Ita .y**, n il.-s ??? haìjèT, ?^?, , ?.·? ,·.· ? .,,·?,? ,? giveu..Tba oaw faetory build¬ ing· and we'er prlvileg»«. sltaetod <.n Mirderer'· U ? · BtaM af N'»w-V..rk. Ulag .ne -noe m ?«, ? ?,,,I» ,r ao,I Cornwall Landing, lour il,il-e frein g, aad a c-asrter of a mile frota tloop navigation. well known .·, ti,» Souri Milli. i-oiüiti ol' cu sere» of land a new S »k ry '¦rick build'ng 100 Irei hy 4n, a luge dwelling hou·-, l.,th put up l-t »eiaon under the superintendeuue and liiiec- Mr t I.··, i.s'.l. at ? «Mt $t.. ant good ..s fir wirk hand» or for otli.r purpow·, and fiuit tree« of all amd« on the premi«··» The whole will be sol,! a harga'n or will be I- f ivorable term· lint Iniprovem-ots are going on 1,, the G tta lliica.n River tat N»«/-Yo:k S. ally, and when tiiii.h'd wi.l II ¦¦ c Bl i.i ?: no Iron, the u.'ll« the city of a. The premiee« can '·ß »e»n at any tune, and it nut pnti-ha»e srlthoal «naminiat tha ? a («rlhcr¡t on is .t.emeri uotkSCei'Bry. ? aad oi parngalari apply it Bill tf ??.? U II .MILLI·:« » CO IM Water e! ? Y HOUSES fou »sali;. tate FOU «S.» I * .«ntry reeld- ||::j, M y per»on wuhuig to r*rc\« in tiie oejntry and do .s ? II ,r» it ii'uated on the rt: ver, wiuin hilf a mil« . liana Y.inker» Ou the place il a g.> ite. fruit of all kind·, II irr., f lead Por partUalar·leqalrsof Mr ???? R tsH.TOitl). at il.« steam hai «aedlag, or of Mr PBEDE&1CK BROWN, ·«??? We«· Seveuteenth »t. N Y. mil ;·' M ??? siALK.A l.eiutiful reddence in ne village of Huntington. L. I. »ittiate at thd head ol the r'. «y. a good twogiory dwelling house, tarn end ether y outbuildings, ga'den »tock»d with p-t. pini ire««, strawberry, grape vm-s.-Ite »Dout \2 acre» of la d ?a high »late of cultivation ag can be made. Mom land d»'ach»i If want.«d For particular» inquire 'A VLTFRá. on the premile·, or ol (»OOUHI'LL .7 Froi.t-·'.. Now-Terk. ? ????,?????. mi loieod* MA IIOI'wK A.MO I.KA1K for mm. corner of Wastnnit ? it·..the ¡«ate rot twenty-one |,',????'.????)?-?' laQBtraai \A I iw AB, IIIIMKHV MAI.K-Th» new thr». «* y ¦ il ite loi Ne i Writ Thirtemthtt. i,'«· ibs Piftl avuaa, faraUbsd ta tas '···¦ ¦ »»ara . a lalaru aotaptsta Tbel · VI f»»t and the lot IM tup fats ita Bate.«rill N' .r ?*al II l'I ' ·.' ri· listige. Inquire of MOSE! I THORN, il· tea »»I I.I.I A »issili ??.?? I'KUPKUTY for sata Bfta vary tow Um lw. »t ry »r.d 'a i..u·· In i^in- ^"^ iraVet »r t.y |0A, h him .'. feri hy Bl, nearly u w. a. -.ii n'ug 11 roen:· ||,IM -four hundred can remain on mortgage. A so one new twi-«lory snd stile h 'tue with kifcli-i led OU Oil Ott tati of «round. Of Kw»n and Alali·· ·1 neu lb« I Ol l> MANJER. crnet of Ur»ud »ni Fourth ·*· Wi,- « . urgli. m'l Im* .mai MIK MAI.?, in th» village et Huntington, U I. a jHj vrry deaira.le r.iuotrr teeiden·· Th· hou«e "" " n»«rly u»w snd treautlfilily located la the «ntrsl fart of th· village. There oto on ih· p lac· th· tiuittreeiof eli variti»« (elected with the great- ret otre, swell of th· b»et.,( water ·( tba door ani ¦ u«.-i Isoiii etregtn passing t rough the gaiden Apply lo M. ¦· SMITH la Hie v.I..g« or to A. O. BAOLi'Y b CO. IK «da tv. N Y m.., ?»· arm it Rit» ii »va» propkrtv foTäaää· ». mis I a pramtam HI Broadway. haMi'g l-aen oreupad hy the lahurltat u « e,ibli:«t furti.lur· inuufUt^iy f o il,« ¡«et 11 y»ar». Kr. .n the eeiitrtl loeatlon tt offert advar.tasee for Ih· Otta t M » .!< ·. Il- I. ,-r any large I tr ... arti h attarmnaaeli tnqu.i· of wm ß siiipmam. oa the pi·' · i.»f if ÊKOR «s»l.h Tll I.KT. luioalcl ,. ., (bad ?·· FiUiange ·? A »».y ·. . ~ g ¦»!./. .rotini r '«w ... SUM «· a . , .,-.,,»·!· un f tt»ii-a day le New Y'ira I. .11 pert.e' ,,,,1-r, « . » la· view of i.e Hud·.,n River The oliatele .f shoal lisif an sor·. well ataaasoetal and Itali t·*»·. and ehtu'ihrry. il ?»?,·? I,,», I bain1 «r· .1 ¦«-·,« ,.- ,. ..ti g «· b«l| p »et ? ,, ,·..,, k f. ir tlBg Mug. n nd i.tiii 111 tl,« ·· ,,· al ·, ??.,,,,? F,,i temía, be sp ply lo ? ? BRADFORD, Feo Nawa.i . ·. .rtnMi > i: Ml ItOI.S. ,t«,i ihe landing it Stia - . ,. the kny ol »lie p.e.· »·· iw.· ·?,.?· r,.·,m. ;; tavstatb e ApplylitWM H IU SSF.I.l,. .. r ·..· it ., 1..«·.· ÊTO »IKItlTI tNTM, UK! II »Ml M tad M.n ,..,·.,,.,,. M< rsbuts wi.:, ,g .,.,. . ¦.it.. m·. Manica ant itisttiifail .1·,· dwelt ms ul «1 !.. «.· ,-|u..:.,l 1 Uriigate ai .' \\·?·? Un» 11 ..,',..I aad F «h'eantli el llai.en,. B»h«i eile.» »ai« a mita nnttl .1 paieel» «ad ..' ai.1,1« . «-.r ·,»·,! ulna m .1 1....,ai. tara»· ? ?' » « ia .lie ?.led S lieg II» ? tbe Maie ad »aal·«·· »· <>"« ?·· ?'.??» ..i.iai.-l u a »? B hour's ltd· by iBi'eats ·" ·'·««-· ,. baal .us,* !·' ""· svuild Ha «,?,??«, (utr· ar "'·'· be»t,i.« :,«« , .. ... . ((rai UV lg«A .e»· ·>· . «Mule ,.? it,.. laigaMal·»» »1 I.I.e. ? ci t I li. tal un .1·· · ' ' ' ci renei.e · I (tat ? Ih ..a. · ··' wnli··«·! ?··» ..ig tiie aw. ÜMMf'aelM »· e«a have ha.Mini· 1.??> ·*· « ..,.!.!« leiwti M..,ea.« will lie.l plenty -? -,.,» ,, ib· ·.r ? Haleta (by .¦.,,.,e,M,«l 1.1 I. I . '«.I liali.t .1 I.« Ill· .katae * ll DO! illll'V a ?. , is, ,?.» UaUtte ana Twimy ?,,????, ·, ·«, ??.,.,,.?.? IM« ¡«a·.·.! fi FARMS FOR SALI·:. ,1 WO FA HUH, one of tb.m to ?»«,, «eg oa,fc - ateaIalaad, «ear PooAicrmood f»r»y I OK -tl.K I IIKtP, 4 Dee.rea .1 va.atti,teg lltaoled w'tlin two Bill·« if ibe vniagat of Port 'Mi'ch»l. Md waff l.ik*. iBaftaae. Ti oay ptreoa .reasat*Batti af totee Watt, in » » rara opporteatiy The liti« bel'« InduptiUthl* Md th« pttipartl In «o», V*' -lar» ao, il« u, NATHAN ORKFN ? ? ? ? , ß???"*??.? 4 ri 7ar~t*i m imi ih· hap ef M«wter|B eootaiaiog BtoCI S astea. Tka boara, (which tt ,1. ,' isa oaibol I los aad foosss. eta aavt Tbe pfate eo'iUin« « «·:··« ft ait· tod! giaaii.aad tec «its· m the I o. It oniotBMeed For parlicuiar», loqoireer EDW'D ? V TTON it th» premie·» .1 T s BARAF.rr rail '«w.w· SAT FKIVATK faAl.k A Babai Farm ot a, a.-tra ¦ utr.i f lemptv.wn. N»wl*rt*r The tactils ihe tagbata «·.!· f eoll'vtllnr t flat peo-h cfchtrd. ·.'» vary tine quote IrMt, e lerg« ttrt* t* ??-*r* ou the pitee ? ·' -y t..d whi-t etOBI ho«M wllh 1 orni oo lha grcood floor; ß (erg· lira .'?"1 (tot; fimtaweU ta frase mator t ta raltoa atoa Newark »?»a·· runotog lo and from tw,c* a »·] Triar· ar» m th· vlílege thre· Charehra, SVhoni». ie. Part of . i u'c':»«·» ato··] e»o r«m»io r,c be.od »t d aiajrttage | dei:r*d For panic liar« apply to A J BI.KKCKKR ?.1 !wAaaBtaiir, 7 Broad-et S ??? it Mi. OK TO 1.1.? « lob ..prrTpTTty .1 M «nli«i »o».Ke, con« ·' nt eflblCC Iji. of |roa»d, Bl.ajinlngd.'» road t d cor of Osa Iles d Twtnty sli'h It On Ib» .«rae v matta SI d tad ap for a atom A » i.' i'orj fremi , . , 'e., kr Ih· tar i «ni 'or terry. inr on » It"· tea wi. d, !eed, te Tag . Albio] Kturoad pa··*· r e ,r premlett, , . I - · ? r d whirr a . « fat "rit · «.r eppl« > th« I I. KNAi ? A | s vv»«iei artall HALB OM IMHkM.F. * M Citi Pr». -1 y A ·' act»», i.y a ?«;·«>rt.··. .- (e ft. m 'he ell] h] roll » < ate, klc!:»n »-oieg <··.,·.- u »·*? ot tie dtor. m . t p*ari toil ejiíio·**·. and · vine!» of ihru l.erv '. ¿*u,»r »i.h ihe rropt Boa· th. m ney c »n remain on » - a · laamire ·· .'. w.uld ht let leer to o good uoitt -,. im· a KA HU KOK BALI F't oath or txtl.Mge for ttliyif tn.i, hi«· pr..p*rt» in »leatrh*· tiri . ? w ÍWven ai·! New-York R ? SpAl SBal · ,n Oe « horchet tnd ichóolt of Niw R,'Ch*lie. aoalalBlag «I 1er*». I ta which Umher e*tr ?- hou»e »nd »'ia h«: »ni-* BMBataaV tn.i r'"W Und und·« « high coltivati..a. ou u it t gaed Scolila«, nriiu· ? IBM,bere and thai ? k .·-·'». ? - liirdi mit m. fruì», »nd oue peach otchiri of .G0" I'»*» Apply tu vivi BMITH ee tac prarataB ?.· K f. «»vtiTH. ?, trass. _mil ?·· 2 VA ? VI KOK MALE, . n L*«, ih* railroad t >ppiogpiMa> ai ? »¦ »? ll'-'kaway, near ? ' « telai a darelllag hnua«, boi» - -r*· lf «vi od | a··., ? a ai ·1 a, lo »...d '»?«· li-rote «»?·*··, verv ? *a*aot»ij . "'¦·» in ber il the lorn.r'· «hop. »·'.' R*».b tt or or o OBOE w irai·., ,,. ti mi; ?*· TREES : TREES ! ! TREES!|| Sa ?. »?;..? LOT OP AILABTHlln mu Pettk of auk aaaaj ether varieties«»! Ft n't and Ore» men» ??- ·· ». -.· A.|i«'«iu· R>> u.~ Apply to Mr, u M STEWART. c/»r One fl i.dr.dtal rw*-,ly titth ond F.tahth avenu*, «nd JOS I- PH I.OHOI iiuraervniiri at .i Lead«.· Oarúamar, Merrtettne0» pot, ianer'aa N. \ S H J L io aekBowltogiag gm ·, ? a tot fia cootlnott pltiiling end litiagmi city ind tuhurbvo rOtoaslCB d*rn»!v'e in2ft to· iiKi.AI« ??t? t>. Oil..·* f tn* Irnh Kmlirtnt «4???»?], ? Ni ? o.k. Mareh, |e|.« { ?G< 4???????. TO TIIK ????? TK laaaoeeSM mat» and irovnied. n-ll.'l it hereby giveo ihtt tt ?.· oli '»·«. and m*tnh*rt o «- ¦> f lh· Ineh Emigri « .···»·, Neu-York fc, t* hold a! !h» S :* ef IOC Sneleij .i «Ipr. ·· | ». M. f 4|] f Apr I. I · -n .-k la the 111 ta tk at in oit MU Ut,' DILLON, Pr'.tdtiit »"? G ?I·. Hl' · ? ? Kl' ad »... ' il * ? io,·. air.. .Mfailvbyth* y ti * by Brnadw») ·'. · » ? ·;»» ? ? v'id C. IOBMB '-liy ?- ? · i»-iaril d iti'uia in »neh CM» provided ihn the mid ? · ??» r iM,«rm»» f lb* I ? » « Urtata mal, ? ? , stete ..» ?*»··· « a -··,-¦ « .? ??» Mid C Ili I·. hold ty llallla the CHyof N«w-T rk on tk· Srat Mob- iir -raai (tolog tea third day of April.) ? » ? o-, on Biat day, ot m tao· >h*r«ili*r . be !ie|-d, ',., ll.« SPpolatBaWBl Con ron ». t y ¦· ? «? aid A«· al » · -i.'iiltd that Bra aatara ted eateat of the im.· raasmlb ?··? rl Broadway 'li.rn Twenty !'·««! itre-t ? ·-· ·, cuhiic pli·» »nuoded norther iy by Twent »¦».».-.»ii*et. e -rlv by tl » Fifth iveote and F.vlT«»nh Wtrr. f «« ,1 I'lty -lit fork, Kehrovry. |l ml \ WILLIS Ml to th· Corp. nli ,ii lt\ OUÒKM -f ? " * Itrsi ii.a I S.i aN'-iv V"i.. Common PI, ??, - ·¦·· '·»/ ,··»*.. to the pro- ie . f ·· atlUloS an?? ?\? it I a ?- ?. l*«'deiii . ? , ·.· ill» «.ll·»*.·! VII) ? «?1.!,, ? ret m .·: Ihe Bla ·· wee, Md a . :.·??»,?ß· a .... , erga turn an ich.?, » e iiini .? ,aw wallon alna moi.m. nom the Brei paaBra Ihm Iba ?««, meni of any dr'.t» due ti hia, n . Biet« »-ni ib*di Uval y la , 'any property, ri or rasai, within iht* Iba transfer otmny tatb emp ; itiw, ami tre ? » 11 III '«..(? e.. DAVICa, |v:4 I»w')i», Ai'nrni ? 'or AlUrhlns Cri'iliu·.· NOTII'M la poiaaanM of an i.nln ef Andr*w ? ??'???···, Et ** irrogol· of tiie County ta l.inga, noli e Ioti by riti' r, a parSOM hiving i-lllin. Miniai NATHABlKL NORTON, lai· ol tbeCity af Brooklyn, ia .aid l'oun'y, d'-cfMed, to preient the »ime with th» VoaeheiS Iharaol to one or the »iiliecriber· at hi» ottico Nu 21 Simili «treet. in ih» Illy of New-York, ori or before Iht twentieth day .f Airi!. ? Od II, ? WALTF.H - ORIFFITH.) »....,.,,.,. oli ltawotd CZABOI ? M NO, ? himmkmtmt ? t> PL'KMUANCE "t »? ord«i of lha láñetela "i ids County ol New-afsrfc, Batto» « h»r»by given in »11 p*r .oi.· having el»tm« «gain·! TilADDKL.·» S. BF..NF.DICT. I. ... ./ er .L J.-J · _. .L. la'e ol the City of .Nrw-Yo'k. deceased, to prêtent tin eouit» wuh tie v. u her« thereof to the MBaaritog, It hit nlfice, No I Walmeei, la th« i.'ity of New-York, ot or at eia'olli dty ol July oext Dated New· Y.rk.tiit elx'il da] of January, l"li j. l,n· ,.· r.PWARD A LAMBERT. E «Malar I\ ????? ANCB o! to order ?? u * Barrocci* af tal v ni NtWsYoik n, »lee is hereby riv»n to s ? per .obi liavleg ololmt eeeiaet DANIEL Bl LLIVAB, iat* si New Y ,iW, der-ea«-il. to pi*tent the some witt th* vt.tirher« thereof to the lohrartberi, »t the »toritf George McBri·'-. .Ir ? Vi ?-? « lite City of ???¬ at kef re ihe rwenneth ?»; of «-September ueit Da>d New Yora. tbt Huh dav of March. ·?? HAIIVKY. JACOB IIAHVKY. KxerlJlori OfcOROE M.-HRIDE. I- { r.xe. oiort pero ? per ttnrtui.-i. ciacula'ed from ih» I lth day of bar, I >'. to ?? · day of peyin.u' Orhee bo umfi "in to^P M Oll'ica H>c»w»r..»Tii*e, NewCta] 11* I, ISAM ..^'1,1's/k liilltiJ »??G?? DI'NNINO Receiver of Tuh. KAKK KK0I G???-?? MONDPOLT 1. .»?. nt .in« f. Aibeny thfouih dtreti 1 o'claick from the Pier tool of Robin·»*· .t tirât above «»relay. St*»m-r KIP VAN WINKLE. C«p' Bunuel ti heyler, will !*iveon Monday, Wednatdt] and Friday, at o'cloak, ? M For pataage orfi«ight«|- p!y oo board, or ?? o J STANLEY, »t the oo tbt dock. Al. per»ir.» »re forbid fruiting thit bjlt withvit ? «vtlt· ??« ciptoln. mVMf »HIKNINi; LINK »t 7 ocloek fa ¡Albany etal the fuitowlag imdinit.Ci·· 'well·. Wata Pint. Ne»vhiir»h. HsmptM. Milton, Poagbkeeaato, Mvde Poik. Illiin«h»tl, !'p(*r Bta Hook, Iritti Ceuklll, lit boa, CoiMcki» »nd Kinder . Hr*.kl«*i tnd Dinner in Beard Ih« boa».Tbt bl ROOEB WILLIAMS, ,r»pt »V'nu!·*], will laavs lh· «teariih, at pi«r foci at B»rcl«y »'. Tuiniif Tbunday and Saturday it 7 OfctooS, A M Ret.irr.iB· - t ai-y M i.'day. W*'iii*«dvv and P.r p«»»»gt or fie'thl, »pp!y on board, oi »t th« Ofllte ob tht whirf* MKW.YOKK, ??.???? ANDTROf 'Line for Albany »m Troy- Thiooih Pi Trat final the pi«r foot Bl Cortleodiet Th« eteomer F.MPIHF., Com H W. Tapper, thie eve¬ ning at S o'c' ek. Regoltr Day» Ta*ed«/, Mweb fl Thur.dty «nd ft'ardoy. Preltht mu«! be pot le charge <*< ;h· Freight Ag of, or the Cirnptfl] will oot toiaepoe·!»!· ai f r pai.a.·» or freisol, spply oo boord la» b"·* or it the ortica on ihe whirf_B»*f ? TIIK PKOItlKTOKNOFrtS*B«t*> ¡«??G? wuhing Kail· ?,?,? «Vfe'd ¡ß 'w*ll ?.· piy · on hoo.d in» trea·»***· Niagara, M»oot*in»er, O .»«r»or, Thooia« Powell, Job» Admiral, Boy Stola, Ae k». aid »leoUM ? llaatar*! Improved Paient dm« B*ll. ..p.e'ally adeeta« ,r «t.anl-OAta por up nei' tod It rung, tnd werranitd ft .??» year A »er -'yol th··« Halla will coaetaatl] kept on bind for the acroinm««rle'i· n of ripíala« ir d pi" t»ri»· living «io dl.ioie·. t.y H li ü or ¿? Ann-el ?'* V.ik ? ? -? ?*»»· ? Mtbettaaa u, eootrott (o »."! in my nom». I « land B H m p«r»on b»«]J"· l!Mo._l'ITTilll HI.Il TKAVU.. ¿A**,· ( IN« IN ??? AND PITTSai'ROH D4l ?? STEAM PACKET f.iNK Th« ?·- ?», » ? .»"t ?.?.» ta tteauitri itaowcne.· .Mt.swifta· h»«t fin «hiad Md to'i'.abee/' . tan if th· *V»*»· Ti·* iltha· waces am paid Iht th* «*rv e-· rnt ib* »«??μ? ipailaaoad m»n Oactoad la Iharlvarb ma*M Tht l .uahatto'D ia oparattoa foi «i« y*v«, h«s*vn:ed n**r | l| w i,.olí in.i.l p»,pl«, wiil'.ititd.'l.gín* llifhlMt injtr] ·. Th· proprietor« rlisllenie comparito» SS ? lü» ? ?.????? .ifr-yrt-ilarll] ??.lip.·«! All thai mon.» «-*· ? oeure hM ?·*? provided ..r lh* «al.iy. Oaw.foit ·¦"¦ «ouveekauM of paeaMgart. G?·· t»»il« lea»· Piitsliwg·« ·"» t'IBCianati as ftainws >f««i,t*»/ etuNi'iViflAllk.l.A. I tttoa* IVe.f.i.« niair'.BNI A, No 2. John khMfeliar i"i"x¡;' ?.··? rNOUND Nn I, Soiueclltate 5w«lnT (IHII.LIANT.B J Or«c» ? ,?,? *'.'..l.-I.IPPF.B. No. 1. ? ««rw»/·» ·· .MKSSEMOKB, l»«C«mp _ »...«.» ..ISAAC NEWTON. A o. Mraae Mf_to UOI ·» t G??? RAILROAD, The »loonier NU ¿A ? I. I »pi».? I Br.K.ka. Ir will leav. N«w York fn¦ taB .1 Market »treat. DAILY at «4 odoek A ¦ .lauday. ne», ta tllllDOFi'ORT. whet* ?**»* t»i* lak* il:» riant and r. mttitxiioa* ear« of tto **"¦ .ai.'.ie Kalroad air,vine "¡la!. Lin« it :!¦·«! M< ·" l'a M .?(««*··«·.? : ie tar« ti *-*a*»«st*ea|. ? ?.«a ?,I», WlBit*«l and ?«»?*?ß?· SI·· lo ?.??.??'?.;.!. Wt».!·· ii). !»»uhu»y »nd B.'bal · Uf- Na. .».ni .1 una «inipony euiho» *»' ta» |,. f S|»««le, Bank ?·«1>·, or «ral·«·!!· JP·' ,·. .ut ilion« fot trtuiiOii'tion ou in] eooil·. S i.a*tv*d »t Ih* dèpaM. of MorSot · 'f» ?? l'I.'rk 4 M llllh.r-eloet ? M Positiv·!] «eSa..«'im* buoi O M PEBAY Ageal Otara «a Ut r»»«

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Page 1: TRADE. Tll ÜBT. SALI·:. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE.a PARENTS · 2017. 12. 14. · TiitrM'ng ttoiiit'c. were given bv the writer, tkowial that oa ogu«rt«r ·/ «m «oi, in 1 15, thoia were


Bv ?a» t J. ?? teµ_l'or Tbe Tribune.

Tn« painter ß ß«»??? hai given lo ibis etili lire

A Heaven «»( fediti,» bmI a world of thought.I« the ahM "»'en an earneetne·· we tra«*e.

\V uh BatBBI Itspsh ?« aiul truthlnl Btsajtlg «ranglii.T»> octal the tin.» Ir-auli«·· tl ihn ninni--

G,' (khi thaiu lue ami breathe ou ihr calm brow,Milli her» with line. harnu»in«»u· graie lesici ed?? the skilift artist In those trnn.juil rye·Are «et the »<>ul s sublime simuli,onesUnni« ?«/ life ami raelualv of mindAll that BM make Iftss groatly goti I ami wite

It in thy true and noi·!«· tell ?*??·??p??>?1.«>h evvarinij mt«»i\vt Mil speed thy MuhtOuvi ard ami up to Heaven s aurcnest hight !Vrw-l.-rl, Af«r*A IMI.

Fáltatera* flub Mira·, tal Mi-cilne(' Tuesday. JHh. in accordarne with a previ-

raal] .ipraratd Resolution, aa tilrt tuMtlog ol* th«

Ciak »m t»evoked fot tke Mtlneiblo poipoM of eon·

.i«»ilo|bow for atonntoj workt oo Apicoltore thould b*

·.·. ? ».' aad lliai« .«i||*tltoD· fo'ia wrd » Amartelo for-

M«r«* atasaseetea io th« Otebil'an«·« tka nii»e»llen*oae hour.

Tk· BSCBlTitv read a thort orlici· relative t.. Bernia-

a»- iti lerilitlt» for A|pcu.turi. ood tt· prodocu-n-naclto from e loie onwbtr of th» tetad (mette The

».ill·! itoteli« lb·' Bermuda i:*rd oot eovet tht allvrr

«t..fMtia*a t btt!*i thon thtte ali· hit .0 her own

«»»..«.? Htr ?»· araphtaal pagata·· her ci mite, her toll.Bar gr>a»mlt] lo iati· and rapidi] gru» io< cui«··, give ber«a tdraatag· in tiitpoiiPi «I her intik*'.»*'!* l'i· lucri.

ihti the tSi-tt end ort o! Man ctooot «untenet. Hernán

dt aalt·*, ta t r*»»i*tlthlt dr|r*«. p«ilnpt BaCfS than IO].«..moa o/ th· gtoba, ehirocteiituot of lh» torrid tnd lem

f«i»ie toma* Kroll· lupaostd to be peculiar 10 e«ci.«kMifuoV |i-pw la her toil Truly it ? ty be »nd, thitwfci'» *·.·»»>hv»nng rrtioot or· bootd with lea, aad cover¬

ed with enow, her ei ll it .·*·?, quiek md pio.ino ¡? Ui*

t»»l fiuit» of Bta *»rth Tir wriler hod ch'etly in oniurtlh« ftoit. «hot at into th· ktlolon. grttr. fat: green.???. «ad ·»?.] kind of |r**o llnng ihvl o bri« cultivóte-IMI·*·, «ou!it1.'W«r. ruroiubei·. tobboge. turni·;·, bratta.

**i*ry, a«p«'igni. potalo··, »»wni, melon·, pumpkin·»,·. .·???. tomoli ?«. 4» e Le The santoni in Bermtid»»relwo lo advine* ol the Militi· Ond Eastern .States B»rti'.udt rttr· ood gather!, wheo the] tow ood plint -S. to*

TiitrM'ng ttoiiit'c. were given bv the writer, tkowialthat oa o gu«rt«r ·/ «m «oi, in 1 15, thoia were r»iM3I root of «urow-roo! and oni-.ol »inoanlin« to more Ihond-able the worth of th* lon«l--or ot th« rot* ol obout Sil·'..a* «.'»rtf ?*' aer, Er*n if * man can only clear ?»??«?ame, h. tasta «ot to giambi* ood hero te an ereiaye «vi.».? ·*»«? uni·· tl al ami ani.

A tatast WM i-*td from Mr Del li » i<«r. ea ? rtitinning

lt*B|r«aa f,.r t Depirtment of Agriculture In the ? pio-U,m of Ut Siinntr tod rr.tinheriuf Ih· loitilote-an ofien.rd fbvoribl» expressed, the writer heartily tgremMr ??»»« ?« iikew'ie rninintin'ciled a p»p*r on ihe

Hr-e»···) M'imo, incoieiitviiy u*»"t (t ol ilo-ep la ·

. · papar ovili to it» grtit lenglh. wm not it»<!»tv* ¦ v.ry tmaìl portion, conveying nolhiog Dtw.

Mi àtniri. being ahieot. »»nt to tbe meetìnr «

BtatbmBaa d«ied »t Phrodelplilo. in which he tre et» ss

will to »??. ?·? vatiou· mitten perti' lo tht Cinb.

t.m of the oete&iib.e lubjeet· of ihe day It wai m fol-

,PHtt.Aiirl »tua, Mr.rch .1, II

G» »A» i'tuitrnaa tj lAr Sen·· It·· Pta mt ..' tatA tiidd·· toll lake· p?* t | Biüur-ore.t!·· it would hive

t»«n at agreeolil· m odifyiogto heir tins view» it ll«-tour ood other· oo Ihe qoedioo. treiiiar vogue end as*ramata, M tt «Hun to tie.? " H·<«. ti Kur petn wotki on

AmiCBilor· mo] beairpíiid in fAii roua.··»/ " To tin· III*

Bvtarti aaiwer woold MOB to to At form tKrymeuy-f,,emhU Not ie it easy to ee« h,w n«, n. .ver himselfcaa more a p*g farther uni.! he dtß'.es Au «...of noi, otti

be 1-aKlV.a ¦ pari)«*,·, woik,. r it oik·, on »omr pert'.cu-iar »abject ? aad ¡hu» pieien.· th* intjulrrr »omethiiit tn

g-appi*. OltorwlM. tOM it not ireui much ike «aklng a

p?», Sir, wh«! do job lh:uk <·/ rung, in gloriai'' Ilbe i'.e*n worka on Agricollurel Chemtetry, on Botin], on

tbe Priacip M of Vegelo'.ioo, on ibe Breed» of Chille And

.*0»*p and Hortrt, oa the constituent pu ia of til tht Fer¬

ii, tira, Ml of Oroiue, Orttaet »od Pianti: are tl.ey notihe ?vn»· I· io» counlt] M io euothsr But if he men ·

Mi« am tir».'..- ¿.-»et. lu whijf) ore can tec ir t'l.ti· SBmend. ptrtHUlar rrey..·, not auited '. ? our market, or lawhieh «mr cimate 1« ill adapted , ihen it ebould have to

11 pay« tad ia -.?« quMllon ti ven out and then there arma ihave ba**a B'n.r.biii lontible lo examine ood diecu·· ahor*, the cho'ict-r ui New-Y· rk Parasen u involvedla tnd r*»poii,.ti.e for th* qncationa and proceeding» iieh opinar io iheir nani*, then na: MSpcctfa haha f at proctien men, I wjul.l IsbBll whetherIB »a a ammana· mattai not be propouLded alter die ile!'.aratioa. led the proceeding· had upon them bo io taf re·Viewed, ilk· thoM of other bod.«·, m to bo ..rnnouocedtsAtSaaetallf occuitt* end reatonobl] full Wooll*«e well to »¡»point o Committee, to roniltt of it .ea : tuo

Ig ? art,cui fainuri, to doeide oa on<4 puniiih 0 aeri»«·

»t «eatlooa for the aeaooo. fjf each of wliloli port-enVdive ihould b« «Mia-ned, end ell publnlied at one*, tndlb.« !ei the Clob enfio* itaeif to th· epecitic quMtioo.oad lioith thit hefort ttkln« np ooj other '

fot lottane«, what hat beeoone of tbe " Stock, ocd par-I'ealorl] Lombo,'' Maigoed for a former meeting, ini

Ol Ito lati to roed lotie it ??ß??? »f »hit ct'tiîll laiton nitb· Tear between ·· jay and grit·, t» '.«· ftrmeri cul ll' Thie cot* of Stoek.tnd ptititnl-riy Lamh» Hell,·»·liaml ty the eoiapreSeoiive lenti H tt, hone· ondatoek of tl! kindt. or oxea.or dairy itoci?.grazingcuita oo the m .ut.loin». or fat null in the meidowa '.r r

Mi-.M at tbe tow'· foot, or whot ! A· for the "cam Bllombo' .tbe frit cart, on* wonld thinl, »hould be to keepth«m clear of w.lvee ood dor·, then bata tkieVM, in · iti e

StttM, that " breik in and et*t. " Th* oiro of Btoek,aid particular y Lio'b«." doet it om Winteröl Sum».r. ia the houie.· alntllabtf With tb« atta itr<, 1 would Mk ««eve io .agt*.t that qoeetlooe «I,ml,Ii*k« a mor« proci.eoi «.tie meet·· «i.upe. to be uod'Titn-'daad *oMider«d by ploip, p.clleai iarmn«.\\..hi!l ee« what laasM in il.e ·¦ ? t*ï;nl rapCtt'OI

f^in workt " That 'fi»ie nil] he error, u ihe !>e-toi t£.«.Bo taaatpmeaj »· hoi everyb dy know» Tu* ir ¡· fin·

tutu Tb· betl a lo al ?. noi tre* from chill, Int Science.tod Ranéalo Se. »nee oi that- hot demonstrated that ».ven

Dm ito villi* la ooMtooatioa with fl«x-a*«d and other. ?' «.»n. '« «· G I r »tork. Book« »ometlnie· racOM-aBMBd m-Qf· of mptvem»ol. ·· in, beyond thec.tiot .»' Ar.n.-.fii Karmeri r.-nt-rtily.but lha! prOVtathaiir wantof tapini ond notili« i ne!!»! lull tie« of the w rk,if tbty could accomplit!' it laCat ten··» the Hud*m at

tf«· J»t»*j metduw».whot o mine of weoitb, if liit-irowoer» hid th» m«tni to drom ted »mhank them oi in

Holland Wonld It he leoeontbie to lejeet a voluibl*Buoi taiciiiM it cootoiued torn* tiling· not tpplietble.u -f* ] bacoat« it wm European ' About tt reoiomh,*Mil a-ra'dto refOM to pick up a wilniit or ehotout becom· tb·] are coveied with uaeleee bull· and fini ybori' lottetd of d',tconri|ÌDg the introduction of woiktwhieh l»ve done »n muclt for Européen Agi ical'ure ondfor the renown if their author», let u» rather »tlmulat*our ]ooa| men to acrumultte tod read nil that roñara in

fA#ar uwyce fleu profeaona. to exerci·* llieirown jodg· and * bold on opon ? bat which it good."Aiw.yi eoxloui to Itero, for which the lon.ett life ?

toashatt. I bare tokeo the liberty to expíala tbe coutd ofwhat other·i«e woold rot bove been oba«rved.the oh-mom tf -Tuur oh't terv t, J. »SKINNER? >' -Should the qottli in of on .If· n lUfaial Collrgr

«. mt op igiin. I mi] reipectfolly refer to on BgCBBiHBglJweil-wrllleo ß·??a,-..*?|?«! piper lu the ??????',?, murivi!».· eiroBgl] and eo worthily roeommondtd by the venera¬

ta« Seeieitry ot the lottitatt.Al th· eoneiutii-o cf tblt leitet, Mr ?e?««? remiiktd

thst bo liked to heir membei» tpeak out thttr thoualiia

plainly, without fear or fiver.but be did not like to I tve

it aadaritied the'· the writer of ihe cnimun'cation mat

rood knew more of prMtieol Agriculture then ouj oot

. i·· Ht (Mr M hid iib-jred M hird with hit nwn hiodtM toy other moo. ard mi|hi e Bate to know lomething ofAgneeltore. of gardening- of the nitore of tout.and oftb· eboir« end qaallnee of ee*d. Fifty jeore ego, Mr. M.saturated the Tomato m the tomato, ood ate it under the»am« of tomato.aud tny gentlemen knowing aovtiitni»bom ibe matter koowt thtt wot ¦ greit while ogo lor lb«Tomato.ll bat ouly been io tbitmorket about ¿S yeirt_Mr. M coo ti ?ood lor acme time tu reply t.. va- ... »...

tloot tomorklog thot ho epoke thut tocoote It would eeemla, to laeinuated that there weie very tow It on« goodfir Dtrt pneeni At to tbt »tody ef Agrimltartl Chemis¬try ood,. uoirerstlly »skoowledged thit everytmramt who con r*»,i oor longo·!* oon eo»ily gsio o knowf-.dg· of (ham.and that they «r* euentiolly necetetry in

I'lafin'. Agricoltor· tt tguelly ucditputod.-Mr WiltMi» mated lhat the plan prigioaliy ??-

Btiuoeavd et lh· t..»m«tinn or tke Cmb to r«od to the u.*«t-log, whorecpoo Mr. Mr.!«.» look oeeMioo lo obMrve thottb* ODodoot of lb« Club involved giett labor.ho hod him-Mlf ooireeted or written ont from note» ?,?? peg·· o

HB..oad h* hod before received tuoh »»» m hodBmb jueteuboilitto to the meeting that all this ta ta no

ß?»?| thai they hor* orrived ot few OMful U*m.ihotIk*] know ao'hlog of Atncullu.e- did not kcow how ?,.

ÎiopoM «.oeetloni. and weit no former» Agami! III·.Ir M. ranter:y iQveiibed. rtmarking thai d'doleretled

aad uat«e.impen*ed lokorioBi duty wm geuerolly nutcoo-

ttioM by tomi.

Mr. Wiest·»!· ? >i!owed ?? a .lmilor itrtm the Club it

Bot a bed j of tcttntlAe moo It it not proper for them to

dttld* on any qoeetloo Varmore like the voilety ot He

¦UMttnge. ood adopt rath M shall beet ogre* with theirowa nperiMM, ot which tbty hod epplleabie w theirBiMotof eolttvotloo It would be improper to decide tt

into f»n aoy qtattloo op bafor* one mooUng- lor at theboxt there mlgbi to tn.iitn«· a» moov. ood their opinion».nlgbt apMt tba piwviou» ur,·.u Thi. ? tho wer theyso oo. oad thi· ie lb· weg u.*y lotoad to proceed, li ha.B**n ooaeid*r*d the moot tppropriot·.aod olwoy» tirrtedwiihoot odlMcntiog voice. Mr W wa* ful y awaie thaiMr ? lander*d advice from good motive·.bot he c.riaio-

I] kaaw hltle of the oSairt of tb* lottilot*. He it op-goead to th* Colla.a-th* Iniiunt· are thank fu! for In. ad¬vice, but cui follow It; tht »ubj»ct ha» »ready teMufoli]dlMBiasd snd folly uuderato d

Or. UivocsHiii be had uod»rttoa>d Mr.Bkiooer had oepeeled to bit jadgmeoi oa the lubjeci of

Oroioaage. h· would trouble ike Clob for bot every fewaaomeote After toni« prefatory rtmarki htfhl·* ooru

giiiitotory to Mr. S theipeaktr laid he thought the a·

MiUon wnbin booed· thot the iwampe now lying «otitelya*aJ*M la tbt But* of New-York -yet raadii] reelairoib *

b] thorongh dialing.will etuouat to m moch et hilf ofKlaodt I «land, air an· the whole of u.etui from thi· hoPMted to t bnrf «ootiderailoB of tho aubjeot ol tbe dor.Vt'Htnmtrtculturai murki He remarked that th* oMerSlav!*· of ibi· ki'nlon -c> ntpriitn.· o vati .urlone c*f th·.»..try. vMikoD. ???-eigbihe. panlculan» NewY.nk,KewJeieey, He.aware, oad Mtrylocd-'.n t great propor¬lioa do oei nqu.ra »raining m procliced id K-oglard tbeVMl wmn· ia oariyiog oot ihei dioiotge would not bemaaaaaatem by Iba ai«··. There le f« l*i» rata. too.Bar* lha* ia k-aelaad aod lb* North of Karope aod th*a*af I. ftr grMt.i ia th« ? Dit*d St.t*. th«o tn tb« Northof Karapa take lh· Mídele »cd Southern portion· of oor

.oeiatr] aad fh«y are uatk w»rui«r-th* tvaporltiot» H

loftolt·'] gr««t«r.Hie» io kingltnd Tbe ipMkei oliodedinore poi tiealai'] to Eoiloon, twcua »be bai p.»ct'c«dtkle ikiog the iii»et thoiougblr. Bad moot ef tb* worl» ootkie »object teeae from th· Bntieh prM*. end drat, lot i«

movo follotrto end prMtiecd la Ku|iud thio ob ih· Coa-tiaent of Larop* oo comparitco H* would »aytk«t h« wtiOld like lo ea« eve: J «wimp Md ·*<*·**· it»»».mil· la th· Null ] draioed , mio j p.ecM of laüil oajtbtto to eral··«) acd thi» it the oaiy pertioaler appiieouoaof dralBBga to thit ooaotryWhat U Iht eooatquecct d lh* »«·! qaattlty if mo!«·

tara la Uiul tutolo Ktapoi otiou it | .01 oa eon« y- and without dittoed· the heot will ont deeeend mkvaitati] Ihroogh the mont earth to reteb tod ImportitiMvivifyiog luBueoct to the noti of pliot». Plant to

or?tot a in Begiead m you «roald plant tua tore, aad itwoold sot to wonh uoo· trae* would he to d«wp1o Ike toll, if pior.ted U wt aiuaMy pilot them. t. at the

*oi « ray· eould »ot reach their r-xite_Tti* pt*a*ta>Ömgii.if in Ualt couotiy it from the We·, poBios ovar our

dry pralriat, oad brtagtngoo mnietorawttk it in K..glandtt b.ow· from lb« Allaatlc, boing c neUuntlymoitt aad theniellici le« itili farther North coatribat· egoio to the¦toiitaie of the countryO' If would oui oppio»! I twttplng .ranirr of the »?-

plica»..? of Atiicu,turai work» from Eeglead if Bay.opt ttoan without BaBklogdae olloweaee fordiSeieoMof

.Untai·, they saoaui I« more leía·] than ck·, '·« ·?,«t ?·

?? .or farmeli«. The u-d. r of reeding foregn agricultura,woiki hiaVjbun Wonderfully damped by reading endpr«*liC!n«M|· dirertt,, ?« , f tho·» work« without dB· di·-crlnilBBtiaajtO thli dtftetence of cJimat·. Still Dr. l:

·*?ßt?? conatint and careful discrimination »h'eh»··«!'>"« ancet f.r thee» difference«, a man well

M.inalatesi Willi Uie snbjeet may |et facts.un nuior.ri» > »Boating, plowing, »nd other firm opera¬

tion». which will be very useful to him in hi» «frieultar·1experi.nce tn thi· cunii ?

Ae to rtr>»n'.ni our Atrt-ultunl Inte.toct, men of Ul·rn ? ,ay diltrr aome cf lh· br.gbtMt ornement· f theo, uniry, who occupy l.igh poeition«, and are in nor LefiaIstui«·, d'.ffe.- Tt » genilen an t. whom he rod been re¬

ferring, wlibed, undoubted y t d «cover the best mode ofrpenteg thi« Agricultural Mini Kuropet »'ready p??ß·

In th· m»tt»r Is not this tata·«· Ibera etajtatand, so 'atfrom deir«dln». the n*io»t er,i b leg and r»hle pu'irntof Mao _I'· hoped la ·»» tt.,· purtuit e. .-rafted on Bl

Pnblll Weh·« It must be dote and will be doee as sur·

as th· I'lht of BtateaU d:»f,pate· th· dark ne·» nf libo·tante and K.iror from o" th» fiae of the land !>r D was

great y la fen r "f lh··; he w!«h»d to Me every bloMoruon the tree of Agriculture bud in th« henign »trooephar».tod to «ee doe lnt«lle«tual vigor caule il to ope« like th·iute li not, taid h» M Agrien.tuia! College, establishedat lh· lnitanee of thi· country like ir-fusiog tbe right kin·*of noutuhment and vlior leti thi· tie« of Agr'.cu.teriiKnowledge'Mr Wll.l" tsoF« thought the remark« of Mr Skinner ob

the atfairs of the Institut« perfect.] trat, Firmen com»

frema diitanc· to hear « certain «u-.ject ,iecu.i"d,,acdfind it paated over Ireqaeotly .a ulenee |Mr. W con¬

tinued for »»ver»I minute« in lh·· »tram but, ? though wehive note» of tin», at of other observation· during the »it¬

imi, we are'.blued to curtail them.ti-n i°ti»\[ii.i.» aast Mr. Wituaason, with Mr Mur-

»i»n. very d:»rut»ed,»ti farther, this and kindred·., a ate »t much length.A' r wMeli. Mr. Hkibv siplsioed» Chart »h"i·

!,»«» tt Healih of Ictetl g»n-e, of Love Ie Hod. »ndPevtearveitaa of H»ai'h lw« ? sM aat peraarra us «p-

« .,, to the object· i'f t'.e Inititu'e- AitlcuitBral ,ui

p.? \»ii,»nt )Ôa Bkaltna · t»/ l^ttteeg. April I ; mbjetat,f-cuainr

I.nw I otirt»..>\ r.u*f «o,,.

a ? .» it winbe lecolirci-d ioti t,,*s hark l.i.rei··, Capt Theodore Lit-ttotieid. w it c» in Jar, .siy l»»t ' ft R" Janeiro bythe I' I· »dr. Unsi! ye. and m ' apt L«riettrd Tne veiielVa· b«en libeled, Bad aow His «t the'«mtoll io ·: '. hat». li-P'ity Mirihal Sroith. The.iiiniiiationol Cipt Litt.»..«id .·. it, n»ticed yeeierday, MrU.den Huffman appear.?.« in In« behalf, aud Mr ButlerDistrici Attor, ey f,,r thr Ul l'eri "«tate·

r»gTf«tn nâiijjma« »I ti.» Oatakpe. tastiate thaiIVii.g At Rio he reee.ved order»from the comm»nee'of the

.n sqsdron to follow the Linrens lo ses II Itali..--,, e »od esali, ,- »xietrd

ai ti, h.rb-iug lataaded fot the s.av» iiatìe. «V»rh«al«d»nd h .? ed her the »»in» nlgi.t Wlien l.r»; hailed »he nitri»n r» «teli »« il lo /et awey ard I was obliged to hois: ad¬dition«' canvas to k»rp up with her ; threatened to fire.VataB ata00BBOBU| »enl Lieut Well« »nd »citt,g matter

I« in two no»'.», with I" men each, tootitnli.e her,« hue t'.ey were on lh«ir way t;apt 1. came on boird ¡i

with «u men, urlai he aedeiattad the balito¦n en bond be Broagbt papen, whichI ihlp'l papera lo .eid he had on hovd îls' csak».

rich cr.ntii Blag « f iliooi «. »t»r, i.nd el G-

gi i and » 1« rr, in «»««f.irut. itviii toit'tied to bavia| boarded ti.» I. p

|i-r»-,-i« ·¦ taort b» the «spiala ¡ two »a d they were

«««er »-»?«, one a Hrasiilin an III» other a Pcrtu«u-»6i.e laid tie w·· «up-rcargo and tl.» other thai he wm

.gent of the owner found no Cargo »»rent water I

.uat·,! the w»ter in live or Ma ca»k», »nd f .und it fr»»l. it

wu »aid »oine hid aa:t water fnii.-l chtr'i of the Houli,

I ern Cors·, uso of th» Kail Baa kk *-»t Ceaetl ot Africa, andme of the Cape ?( »teed 11,,·. hut none of the Chi·nrj« Ree» found u aim« BOJ manic.»« th» «i. p*i docuOH nt. v.·»!» proouced trey purported that tbe ve»»el we»

ouni f.r HaUv.stftllxnm A Jark.on te»:::.»d that he shipped it Rio ai

ma'e of the Laurent. k'rwl'»p: I. wlien esilili* betweenV - V k and Liv.r.n·,, Hapt Roger» hrnuiht tlie ve»·

-el t. tilo after eai,u>g. »nd »beut »n h«ur and a ha f he¬lor· being bosrded by the linkahje, the Portogueae pa»¦enger uted ice how I »I B«ld like to gj to tne Coatt et Atrisai I »ai 1 I Ihouaht I al.t old like to go be tli-? statedthat the vessel wss tanta there be tad he writ going outto log the veeerl home he wa» going oo the east la«'

Alt ra for »lave» ; 1 »aid II tint wm tie rei» I did n't

thtah Capt. l.ittlelield knew It he maria do tei ly I hart

.hipped oc a ? jag. to Batavia and supposed we »wertgoiagtb·!·. but after this uaveraai m itaeehlwe w«rs·. .mil f.,r Ihe Ct ait of Air fa he laid lie hid hern two Mthree time· on ihe ceait .or slave·, »nd had i,wr.)i beeu?ß?G????ß!| lu «»id the »lur-tiarie wm a «ery piolita!.Ie'rade for a yourg in»*· that willed to go late it. that heo,d Bail S ',,», in one trip 'he envrraal'on wal whilewe were welkin« Ihe leek, ? lies captain at Ihe time UÍB|Belava the ve«·»! t..,k mi hoard at Rio lot to IM pun le·· -?«. 1 o! tl.-,-, ·- «r« I »all u stri, ???,??? fr»thwater it beir-r to cerry than tallaat) I ki, ·» ol a voyage

ana veas.l whirh water and llave«, ardtl ? · d rag te pu tu I bava mid wit er t' ere, the e

?« M alio a quantity ol rice atri f«| ·.- .·, i, .arri Ita lag a*w

the ? it.uue«· conceal raperà when th» venei wa» a.-dad th»\ w.te llaaoverod¡The »bove are ?'?ß principa, point· of the taOttataaj

G lie e limili a', jn will he con'.u.D» 1 today.

OoDBaaaoaoH Uailboad..Tho Bottât Daily'.In tutrot Wed?·)a» I ita'ei that ß meei.ii« ef ItatDirector» of ihe Cnuipsny had beae li»ld »t Hinten, andtie molt energetic messuie» tsken fog the early comple-tlon of the whole woik. Th« la»t ( hi rt ? ?.ile» of the ea»t

end of the road to Ronae'« l'oint were located, and the«tel« lln« frtro Ogdcntbtugh t.. Champlain il U"W

rend y.and tn tiie hind» of etacieut contractor·. Blktbonsaadton« of rail» have heen pnrchas» i. in be deliveredthe iiret of October ntït The tlmtat »I t"·». lence«, brha» been ptirehs·»,). at d also the cl,ans and spikes T»iIrsi rial» engines I,ave Ini aoattactad f r. BiXty t lice

.In· mai Will b» retejfol ti"* mi)· the »srlypart ?

aateaetama [Mr.ntreai P.iot

Diatm t,i Capt. LinetttToa optmb LfLoanu\ taller teOor. Mo»eley ?* Kl »rida, dated

It Vera Crag, Stab all a ?, une· «the death of Cap' R ß?, v.i.gnon. at Pert t¿ ? r hia. on theBtha ·»

« wool d received a.-^ulr .1 I». Cap'. I. liad received a

ittMItary edncstiou at V» e·' l'nint, was »n ac .oinplishidit'cer and latelltg·«! gen'lrman. and wa» highly eaten

ad by In« aamarons fooat» and a-.;u» ateeom la I?. r all atablo »nd gcneroui linpnlaetDttATR OF Lr BLOTMBTI -In .lanuary lait

ua,· telltar, and tate ether oantaia, with aa estdrsgoons, a rnt t > pay a lisil ? <?-? vVotjl While on

iheir wav thrre, Lnii Bl,idg»tt, fomierly Teller of tii»Petal " Bank ,,t Balata, mei aith an accident, wblob

« death in three dsyl »I nr. A· te «?··» ridingin-g. ?|.??,? in his own hinds wu arcdentslly oil

tin hs.l from wblch ei,t»r»d hu leg, inflicting »

w.ui i caused his deaih ¡Koch Daily AdveMlser.

SriaMH.xi LfAVMATlOB BJtaOMBO 01 I.akkMirini.»? .The artival oi the Sam Ward, from Chicago,laat evening, and her departure fiere Shehoygan. rieOWl'hat the navigation haa tony i-utiiiii'iieed OB thi» LakeThe large number of f »»»»ngers which the Ward Isnded,»how» that Itaveleri finn, tt« Krut »is already on tloirway bere. I Milwaukee Wi»con»in. 171 ii.

.iure «I Ilia» .»lorlt Kxrhnne«*.· .Marchi..r s ta -·?7.

itesi Nate».MUÍrio.bli'.IUIj

?,?? ? Y S·, un

.','shi Kentucky m...¡t....(Si m Kund Bri«. liIJBJt Ind Dollar Bd·... t1·Mt II] Inte'ett Bd» ..

I".!·" Ponna .'a.b3 13do.

lai (sai ds. T.'·.i.'s-i Resding Bd» ·

7c». do. M]Il Bk ef America. "t-s

A Tnut.I " Kann True*.·U". Monili".nal. ???M ?*.·.do.ia

1", Cin'.oo Co. il»IM rio.;n}«".' Harem Rd. 4ÜM do.U". -l'IIH do. MIta Loni l»t»nd Rd. IM do.·IM rio.snw ;uG" i«.I ,

IM Ke»ding Kd.s-,tta. do.MIBM do.Mi

su*S}«t94M' do.·· ·

IM do.»' MMdt.StriV.j

.»m du.·6"31',25 Krie Kd, old stock... SiiIl d·, new full.tu.

ircoMti botki).M Karnieti ...

i ai Hai lem

Mi."..OlaiTre»»Note«.«iiw.lici.SO··«! de..?·.·»

I .a

.·»¦ Lu g la and he.?M de.etitlM Morns Canal.¦ do.I

MARI NE J 017 R ? ? t.POUT OF ? K.W YORK.

Arriseli Sehr Th cat Patee, Uaikill, Richmond I d·,tal ur. .Ve. to matter.Seht Meetaliuc. Sinteuton, Thomait, ri, Me. IH di, l'uie.

lo muter.llruiornnila -The packetthtp Maiiaret l'.vant, te

portad on Vk edne»d»y »· having «ailed fer Liverpool, ws»detained, »nd towrd out of the river yrateiday. Auk» lh».hip Nlattar». fir Nthieant

S »IK OF Till: BONDM UK THK >K»VYORK AND BBIB KAll.ROAl» ? ??1??V.-te«!·

.d propoial« will he received hy the under» .·ned, A.rntor Ita »ale of the» ol the New-Yon and Krie Rill-ad Company, nntil the ilttdiyof M»rch mit. at the

Mechanic· Bank. No M Wallte New-York, foi the tabiif the further »um of »l'in»·' of ihe Hundí of laid Com·.'any. being a portion of tb« Three Militen« authorised bythe Act 11 the Legulalure, pa»»ed May II. ] 18The«e Bond» »re ueurd in f»v, r. the State of New-York;

»re ? filtered In the Urtilo of th· Secretary «,( Stale, »ndare · tuet lien upon tll th« properly of the Company, andwill be,-,! by the Controller to th» pkrl'e» whosestris may be »eeeptedTb» Bonds »re issu.-d In sumsot l.iK'i'eaeh, piyable in

twenty ye»re from the let dsy ol* July last, »ud bear to¬leren at the rate of «even per »sat. per snnum, by cou¬

pons »tuthed In ihe KoEds. Th· laureai from the d»*e.>! amignment to th» Uth day of May. ISAl, la required by!»w to be depot.t.d with -.he Ctmtroller, and will bepaid to the bondholder· by him in the City or Ne» Toriat it become· due.Propoeal» will b· received from any number of th·

B« ade. from eoe lo ere hundred and tiny, but no bid atee» than parean he e..nuderei. Perton· makiug j r.-p.-t« .

»re req/iMled to end ree ,n the naaa !'???.·«?· ?..· pur-.tiitt .t tl,e ???.,??, ? the New·York and K: e Railroad? tinpaey."Pir.iei who·· bid· may b· accepted, will be noti' d f

the and will be requued ta t»ke the Boa ··

and pay for thuai «a, ou or before lh« I. th .lay of Aprilj urli.

j Cop·»» ? f the Act. »nUuir.i ng the imi;,· and ·»'· of tb·j Rondini·] be obtained of tha Agent at the Mechanic«¡tank. New-York, snd at the Ortke of the Company. 45Wallet PR.ANCiS \\ EDMONDSNew-Yoik. Ma I uilTul!

t\ A i·?? 11 ? K KS? .IBI.ísifñ E ?_t7?""·?«7? hT" v »t.Dr TRAI.!. !· cow rclargii'i hi· asoommua·-

ti, ne tor psti.i te Several »oditlot»! room·, will a gym·nuiuiu for m-door «tetcl»·, will U tilted up previou» to'tutu*! I .at! Dr. T. applie« tin »yttem to both acuteand ehr >n,e o.ieuri generally In iever» of ail kind» theWMer treatment t» pr,.«a,t »od e»riain. Mo»t of the com-

plaiat» in coinuiou «nd «rhctng t.» female« at· «peedilyand pen .areut.y reikrvrd. Children predupoied to dt»earn trom organic uialfortnattoa, and young perwons whobate scquired »ach piedtspositioB by erroneo»· hab :a, m»ybe serprisii'giy iinpr, ved aad tnvigiira·*· by · btetatastiour·· ol t »alm-nt eon*.b:sed with » correct r»giua»n ai dpbyiioloiie··.? B .lu m·',::·- il. fir»t Mydr"pa.h:c tastilatin·

'a America, aud nkving devoted eeveral year» fo mitai, th¬ug ibe »y«t«t ? in thi· city on · »cientific basil, Dr ? d'i-caito· ill eonuieticD or «ympitby with io·« pirudo hy-tiopath«. aliuiuediral «osci». wf:o getap boarJms? u·«»¦indar ih» satn« I Wotot Cu*·, snd whenever thenitelve«.t fbtriiìle· ar. »,ek, exp«··» nei· ignorane« or bypocriiyinyjreonlBf after doctor· i.f tbe old «chool·. toIR im*

£ ri'KNpïlT BK iMiaìÉLfi ? A ?????????^?uAWRKÍ·· '' nCanai-et by seUtag »legaot patterns

.f Brutasls (".»rneting at utoniahloily lo* pnee«. ?1.o threepiv IngiatB »U k nut'.'ajt Carpetin«. Druggeu.hi Ciotte, Btaír todi, Lenp Mei·, neh Window Shed··.be. be. Hudaoiae Bramii Stair Carp»f, neenniBrely

ebe«p__ a.y> IwUbltW*

C' ??-* OK 'lA-NlLÌ.A ItOPtt wa.'ed tor whltl.I ihe lii»-be*t pi lea in sub. will aa paid by

.w l 1 tal II W Fltl.l. « CO -I He.» , .·

C\ KIM W. Kill I» A HI. KA', VVARHMI -|t| Bsteraao ? Nsw Yoik a>a* .'»


PARENTS HA» INO S'l.NB of ten« heb tl f whom». .1" pr*p»r»t. ,n f r c

tior.O'Oi. »re rMOeetfulaj lovittd to !0",uire after tbe mei-

ltaof thia lntti'.ntioo.Theioetlion. oflordms fae.itlei ' u t»t b» ¦!. a a «,.·

.tat md proverbially hatlthfol. md daily ?ßßßß·· e to

New-Tote tnd Phrtde ph 11 hy ateomboat and rulroodT*rn.a t"*-F*r a·»« ¦ .'.uitioo,

win. oae of booka r « lieh ·· ·"- ea

The Summer Setti, ? w*':! wmmioe« on Uedoeiloj.May 1 ,

Uieu'art with firtiitr parllcoltrt Md iMtln « « »T

? ? ntd »t lloddt bookstore. Brick Chorci, Cbtpil. or of

oca li alee mad« ito lam.!]ff tee Ce ?ßß?ß?Divtd Mine D.D.i BSV.

Nicholas M or rey. DU EllMbethtown R«··»,·'''1' tp0't'r»q. Perert-jn Rev. Jime· W Aiextnde». l> l> K·.·

( ht.!*tS'.ewtrt. K»r Dunoso Dublep. Ber »t m A Mi-

lock B»v Jieob A'.botl. Rtv. Gorhom D .Abbot:.--«,. ?? li R *vv.-.-.or·. Etg O.C stolsmtoe, l..',BenM*:.*r Havaat Eat* Chirle. F.. P-er.on M ?) ?Hibr.iid. M D., New York Nithini»! lit» r.q Bojrtoti.R*v John McDow* !.DD .Robert B. Potter r..q Phtla-dtlchil «m r! Wbitebetd. F.«j. Hottolk. »a Joho L.

Deomt, E.q Wignm. Md (l«a. Oli for!. ?? NewOrieaas; Rev J B. Strolton. Nstehti. Rev. Abraham


S. C. ABBi'TT.·. ai roi BC «DIS»,

e il ottoa-tt. Mew-Vork..l'HK fil of thi. lottitalioo willI .«ermeneeon Moodo], Anni 17 on·! c« wilhout

intermKiit.ii nntil tk* la·! f.f Jnr.e Oa tka ¡tt f May thebt .--moved to t« Ble»..k-i-.t a few aonri

» ia»_'??????.1?>?!?? --Il a M. :'HNt*A SCHOOL, (for ladt Bad youag i-etAletMB,) a: Pir.-p-pin],Mor: « ( o N J m 'On l.i.f an kt ??? dr'.v* of theKt.ex and Drver ? .mad. la io foto the:).·- i. Classes ara Ib ptograe· is

Ar'.!hm*!ie. Algtbrt ·-

»id prie· ci th« Lolla «d French Lorfiar»·Philosoph], Pravceetive Di». sreat· and ener·

Siaatwia ·- * e plemitit. !.-·« *

waidi, w|i»re their phyiica!, m-n-

til tnd rr.'.rtl tivedueel are ??¬?.led to «att'liflmenee on Mnoday. ?: >·

«peaking «·? Wedrt*c»v. tl .

Theft.·, rabto sulk if the | *a '''*

propne'or !" rnntticl forno.? of ii*l.oo:-r'^ir.)i indepen¬dent of lli^ mim edifice,tobe finuhed for u«e by the fir»tIV...Expeaara for the8 bbctI u-iinr

board, todgtog, waal eg, tl.t. and oraiaary taitim. Bioo,pvja'ie quiileily la adyi-iCe French. Mone tnd Drew·ini. exlit .,

W.C ? Wid'ell.K.sq r.nren* Boti·!.!*.·,-, le à Oeo-rge T. Cobb. r»q Dr. C AUe.BaaaiaalaCwe t («ratte H«-de. Eft lev. ?- ß

yraiMM ?,D.D Naw I '. ? 't H LH N Biiotmede.Ü D Newark K-- - -¡Jud^ok p«nippaovC renivi, wi!, 1#'urniahrd on oppli.'v'.l.-n. poatpiid, to

tba pr.-pi* SILAS Mr'.Tf'AI.F, or to hi· AaaoclatoIBLE3 DBOWH.

? ?. To- i aeamsBtooa bartriayM -yIPah '¦'] I*» I

(Tttttmi ii ifl.r /' tliétml In» Huren /

Ut. i 11 Ml he» had char.·Ac aderny f-.r many veera »nd diacharred bl·

G all H» ia ? imtlema 11huhrhirocter a - .-.»ry wiy em-

taeatly qaallS« · ? ?. VAN Bl BEN.Ltottoawold, Aasott 3.HÜ7,_SBfJ

t'AMlLV BOAHDINi« «CHOOLKent CL.Tbil Sch.ol 1« loi it»d tn ¦ pieman'

Siraailpoa tbaltoaortba ll asal ate Bai hoc·, sta botarriffe Itorn ?»» York The Summ»! tota » li ?ßß?·menee Ita] I Tie nuinh*r al putii.a luni'ed ?r ·.·.'. », OBd tteh ?ßß BBdar the in in »di ite rare f.f th» Pria

Is cow in the c.'.y. a

? ·!,» toan ß? 12 M end J o'cloi'k? M et ibe New-E glead Hoaae, Broad will call.m ih .·« .-ai og thalf oddreaa tt 4¿ ? e«: Wankpiare ( ircular», »with r-f»re:n··. Ac may b» h»d it

Pt book-ttor·, II ·· Broadwiy, or hy iddre»»inrthe Principa, ?»?· CI

,, ,., lw' ASHBEL PI I.!.Kl'. A M Pi peiaal

???? 1)1 M. -»( ?????, BOB ??!»- '' »

CoBBMticol G? » ? o ?« Bta large -The pupi ?ß

ire taiitlii by the Pnnripii Dally oral »aragivea.«me«» end practical cliaractrr Stearnb· »t tnd

Itage hn* direct to the «,-h. ,.! Pare for boy» V I. at baadrt i u· pai ·¦--¦¦

8. I,,. .· ? 1 ??!- 1. WIIITI.Oi ? .Principal.

Win ? He Igw kern .n l'iki ? ·

? Y p

UOAKDiNI« Nt'HOOI« Irving I otti tute, laISrowri ? \ The riammer Term wtl ope« Mday, th« Iat of May wiikeaewead UapiovedorgaoUotlooof ih*, c'a·«··» A lavai le Dtet

? of «-.··, a ? sesto·,, ibi lattiteli ?

-i gaardiaasli impart!vited loll thit ?-

G the | troasof tjta laatllato, ol ? nk \ Au«tm.i. Iway.orol Ite ondsniin.d.

WM i· LTOB, ? M Piinstpils|,? 'ir me pi*»ent term w

·,· bald at the lattita te os Priday, lisi Mareh,eo.· n, irò u « tteamb at which le»«·· filato! < ben

l.-rs-it.oi 7 o'elnck AM. The public ore ro«p»e'ivired to »»'-??

|kt\ ? ?????. tid-r ih* dliI tot the Sacred Heart, ·? Kleriker. .r. Lacram*fba LadlMol* the Sacred H-ari have 11.r

··¦·«· they bava m nstoracd to th-ukind reqii ·«! f r 111· ttobllshB er t oí ? day tclrr in il,*Ityoi Boa V ¦"

The syetan ' "" ·

pen a« th»i adopted li?!?* lidie· a» ili be prepared to receive) pupilaNo child mil be tt .u yeara ,.f ea,

,¡i atie.r. in «r. I' * v! ·-

.^r color· *!·'. do m

??»*» Kit il .t WKMTM I -

Stamford, ? ai M on M »day I·BOStl I ?* h »dny »ddr*««.iu Mtn Bti ippllecttoa MStamford, Ci Marcii .?. I.

???? AI.1JKR INSTlTIITK Sni.nlLitebl ?? ' ȧ p-r.rd tin ti.* I'.ih day f

Ifav, ? a» a boardtag sahool fei ' ft, » lev E »

INDREVV'S Cirru tr» containing fall InformationarBrireferences Vc may be olitalned tt th» b<Kik«t· re nf M«*«l'K.II NEWMAN A CO ? Bro»dw»],»!»obj»ddre»»in»ltic)Prinrtpal at I orawoll Hr'd»», Cor.o_in'JI Im'

??I V???G~'ïIjTiïît.- A trtduoie who hM hedasperleae· la traafr.ntwiii matrurt two

boy· (foi c«., ?*»* or tabu atoa) in »nue ptotaeal family jtCity il


Hua il» la Vie'., re, !'»"<Qeoaral Agaaei Amelie«, .? Broadwiy

^jpam*ejf»-\^ 11 K. KlltST INVOU I' of l«-||uare Pier, -.·

..¡A..j.-^r^Bli rima, veti ich Mr, H»iz in,p.irt» to ibis

."Wr^TjPTaj^llr nn'ry. h»» he· n

J J m J li'· eh," m II iv r». and the in»tsee ha ama m the aatos ? >m et* tba Agaaey, Hro» t-

«:_??.·* tu·

?. IL GALF .? CO'S^tpmj*B*»**-i PIANO PORTE WABEAOOMSik^maa»r ??\\? " TI ud-ivioua. erner ta*!*fnrTll''''l'll,',t·J 1 W J ? _mil if

l'i k*Hr**'l»KTh*a. "- . '

. s« u» Pianos trill I »dtra¬it B. G I ¦·.·:'·.

« .«.ly.) iI' v..« e o

? '.«·. «.·!, a'·· : ?

pievae asset ?**.«?· «opp.tjd oa HI il!«,,·.- «I all.l'.'ilH CI llalli1


^fSn^tjtWaWjlafTîl'IAM» KOHT ? »???G??4 IHKV Pulton «t. - ait ?, ?» Broa-.?? ? entire'? Bear Bittoto »viant »

o tono tnd lo keep lo tane tne il ?. alea a ¡incollar nirp Inn:·

to metal:

si.aiy li e

e««] be witaí-e'd «Cl! aot'i ifoahu »re rernovd.

|»r than ayotivalin] ine object'.oe to mettile pelala« A wrl'.teognatanly will he given with each 1..'iiucio»t, tod «h»lj '.a···,! «a t. their qov,.:y It eipa-eeeed. ibe poynie


?????,?? k K iCIlRk.?·? If If ?· tot at »a»» ·' '· B. adway


rh» !»'»·' French it) lei Drowinti talen ofthe Itat, ind latta beat esateealy far aaek cuaromer.The 11 · ¦·.. without trouble

S'.ran««ia haairi t'-ir ?????? when in the city cooh tv» I h-ir t le Mal ·.: ani litui- ? ?.?- · »uy part of the

Stab · ft· >· allei' »od children · boo!·, gtiititsad ? «

P. á Sou'.hern md W*.-e:n ,.r,lrr« pjn tutlly fiend-.dio |BIO 1 Bisso! 1 JOHN ?. «? ATKINS. 114 PulUio-tt.

"BOOT·* AM» -nui ., ( m- ifgatot-BlsiloP. .·? Oraad. c ra« Oiwill opeo h't gieit boot and SBM ».'.ob'iihm»nt on

Sotordoy, March IS, mih s very urie and atten¬tive Bisorlmeot of hoot» and BBBBS l.r th* SprSummer Irade. Ladea'fine gtilei« :'· end ma; for hut-kin« ?··. 7» and Si for ·????«G·4·. toajaltai lor bet u· luimorocco baotl "« f ? mr.-ii'« ·. IBs, !.. li »id 1m.for extra itvred ."a. tht Bad .1« for boy·' bo.·· Iaod Ita 1 fes jor-thi'?·. ?? tnd til. for men'· brogin· ·tod IB; tot tape* taagaat "? ood «^. Cheap, aaoapeat.Con.* tnd »ee whot birgoin«. im*

kbiBooT·*: -PKKMirn hoot·» -

..imported Freien Calf Bon·· of th* bett qoolity ar·

^¦.eiiiog at Si io asme 'y ?· ai i *7 Ai»á· riue fa.f«.?*»· Boot» of hi» own make for «Sri M, »uch m ara »old inother »lor»a for Si V) »cd ** Puent Leather Boote. Sbeeetnd lauert. In great vtriety. ein t.* und ll the e ruerta Kul·on and ata. opooai'e tbe Herold OfriceLight exp«n««t and itriiul*« i» lie r-inr. thtt ]ou cao

lar and cheaper Boot« al VOl'N'J'.S tino elMwber*niaTl lin.«*e>d'_mjB- ·??«. ll\IIT(»> :«.«r».·-.· re, aV..·¦tafl aray.Empatifelly ittottaatbe todìb\\WEF\ -k and it· vicinity, thtt »he hM on hind » falli-t*a!jB> lonshl« Mtoi:ri«ui af Mllliaary nd Ma» Bon-

. a. .i solieltS »roniinoiEce of Ite pil-oui«:' ?

. I' er ..·,w*

fil *?\ MOI HA Tl f«Kt.!«T.r ,!·« ? ? oíd"««SaLv-sv. (Howard H toll «re Hjv pr*pv¡el lo ntf-r the

Bprtagatytoe/gaats' liait, which ore r till y i' -a

fu' «nd eupei'.or article. Call aod evitnint oor H»·« a

Omehtol wer ibtn toy other team .?taesBBBl _m3o iti··

fi] f» 1' ? ? ? ? ; PÄNfi G??.-Ja.t fini.h.d the truxt^^«pieodid oitltlt ever ofleicd. elegiot French SU

liar» »t the mw prie« of Si, o»uol!y »old ti SiAleo, ar »niele al S.' ·'»' ard S. 2». n*at 11 au a! *Jmil lin" BRiiWN 11· l anal ·«

-.-,-,IIAKOWAItL, KOi.r.-liioi.w,

? HABLES I LITTLE, maeama»U) 0»horo li I.mie. lu p.irl«r »r.d«l,-r. tal Deaacr in >'.c.n»h, »iermtn todAi:erir«n Hird»««r. Cattery, F^lg··

f.«oli, ko SS Fu t r »? (-potile ih* l'niied Si·!·· Hotel,New York, ottei» fot »ole, et th* lowed market rote»,tosió« tílleles genera:!] faBBd lo hard a ara «toro*.b'peer'e mul, pit »?? co .. rot-.sws; Bortlo« m»chiu».,biMk le»d po'«»nd ««rd r.-juiblra leni J»!p« porr ? ·

wills to.! sistemi, hydrsolle rami; f»*oi*h ars

Ayr. Mit··.uri tod Atsaams oll ttone tv>oB«r·' ton!·.to A bar· a, ( r«»· Ucttaa, Barton k Beiden ond

« wiiiinledi cuB-rhti.'Ok*!·' ?.? It, t'H)»»r·' trust,.·/-··. toce· ood «h.pcir

pentere' 1. .· I"»' >«'-, lh· k all fanalai Md mrêam. a Bolvaro«! ? -.«'luoie , eaktoet «·?¦siagsi h:u·* ar d «hip uitdar·'bardwBi»

hriM. co[.p»r and iImI wire »h««i In»·· ftthieg teoSi* ho k». I' l'on na Hoi Um til


(???? pata (..r B»l» ? ?· folli·»· '?? ? -

(»¦¦»·· Oeaay Räumt« ?ßß??ßß ««? *

, . ... ? t

Bali« trKL ß ?? Plhl.L k t" »4 Beeko.MOl



Arfr | \ . .· «.uailati e e«»«U of »II.,,, . µ. ri lb« pr -

, e complete IllaUry f the »» ? Prica2S«*ata..

sods of

.».ry one wno wi»h·· to o Itala « th,.lough kaowls.ig· of

H.d· mead ptaeaattee ; el · ¦

b. ,0 ,b« ... 1 < -, :»e.i. »II»re Isnare»»««] ta guardia·· »garnit liiat dreUfui niaïady

« r»

Th« Beeret B»t nt the Innsilli«. · Romaec· by Duma·Prie· IArthur W «d,«'.ih · Rotear;» ¦( th· batile-Aeldeof M·»-,. by R beri r Ore« »y Prl ·· «ß et·

The Buckiüci. by tb· iunior ut Etbin Al.aa Pr.«· .

(iay Fawki». M Tb· Uuopowder TiaBft.a. by W H.Ai-sworth Pi - Iti

-¦-dor» of \ «rea -a

Tt.» Hunter· of Kentucky Pnce »'. et«

."-.».seer»!» r,f Moon: F.«no. or Mother· Mv»t»rt»·. MAmerican Romans·, by lee»e Conni. Fio, Piiee."<ei·.The WsskiBsti.B Mooum.ot aetigned I·] kk lloaro Wal-

lace. Pnce M MlTb« eraey of New·tart.who ttapere eta ¦ »·

they wer* Pi - .· c»nt»IN PRF.ns

? .ein« ? eetsTtotfaad l'.--:g:oa. hy Hun J.hc««.. BtfJAdami, ime innslia il Pries 5» cu

· IV U iKAHAM. Tribune Bulldlngi


? ?G???? s·· firm f Wiley i. Pa'aam.) ?Ini lair " »dwtv. N«w I

F.oayelope-disof M«auf«ci e·stoartholae's Ca . « .

. * .··: d.

P«-¦y' ? rol


Tappet · PiMs v - ton».

Botcher na Eds sili ?

»«- -· ut ud Modera Anhiteel * «

II s of L ¡r.don.? »?

. ·'

111 ·

BIN I MUI .inA lupplv of new si - Batti -,» received per

itsamai Call ·, rut from the V»«t m»nufacturtr« in

K ¡.g! «mi. Im.'Vi 2m| ¦· TNAM. 1


CO. S ? ? . -1 »nd offer forfrom the prlrat· log

I Baal I b« M] r »· »cd Mi »»r »a

Aleo, for «a f Bed I .·.-.·.ve-iby lb« Caleduia » Apr ¡.and ail

I thi e. '»retting inteiil-.

. itaBac:

Damai. ?» eta.- . I


Mystarlc« »· ·

A so s «Ct liti t-apli Mr I t.anfrau and M:·»Tiylir in th» '. I · sta.Kor la.- ·,··> ,, ·. il . \?·. ' H .·

nOVET'S MAGAZINEOP lloR'Mt . INI u d· '¦ fa! Dli

il »i «..-, Im pi ··.·¦« I« Barn (¦'«¦«., al "r ',,· : iBBBtri

IMIhal this r»w volun.r hsa bOOBn.-»d Badar Ibi «nasi fivoiible »uepicee, with »?

incresaed net of fii-i. ia I« all part» af the country, «rd «

greller number iBtalltgeal r «rr»«p t,d»n · Weh ?·«rhiet 't hai r«««tv«d 'Or

I·""·' !" "' " '··*"·· Mr a I way


°.y kkP u h a h e ,1 Thi« » · y.

??t?II,...·-.. Letter·

« I, tbat arm tsl« a

s .¦ ? « -i -« f taitorialI - ua ft

BAKER CB1BNER. 3d Pari. su·»·


: rJAJ

«Irli ??, pagri,. mi"

?' .aa .,· Ilhtd ,n tht«·.


E OAMBART k COM Rue iBBistr·, Hart».29 Ber'i»r» «, Oxford .·

fita ? ·«

r «ri·_E. ANTHONY, Aseat.IllArs' GUIDE BOOKS.

AND 8???????G?!. »»URI . variaty,for «a (tall by

it,. ? DIM ?: ? l 1.1 2 R-,alw«]


??? L WATKINB. Ili Puimn-n



Bai«? II: Il ¦'¦

M-A.IT- lit «. BOM


Is hoars ofatUBdtaesa ? tre ae« from It


SANFORD BROTHERS,C'A -II II -.;.»· BUI ll-n'dOrlice.

.· .... rtmsalwill b« m·.!· to

er·!-. al v-rv r -.· I e.

~~JL7b. MARVIN.I IM Milli, I«


V» Hill »1II· >wr--i\ Miidrn tua a'il loen »I

FTtNULISH AND PBENl il LETTER ANU NOTE l'AJPf.ll. · H'Utnl Board», Partitilo». Pump md

eiu· labst«ad». I'.I Pana, Tiaeaparsal S.ates. ("rayoni'.tr tisi·· Col ,-. Bate Box··, Water Cupi.TwineBeau, Pmt ohe- ? »e«. ?, li»»d Beate. Osta Calca·

r. is « ry, li u »nd w.·,,.·. 'A'rring lata,. French Carmina Ini, Biar.k N«tat «ud Drift·,

li aa··!;». R,,!e ol« '. '. I ?


Jo. PAT ^« u rete ».i ir ? ili« manu'ictory of. J H M'ft-tt. a tuli and mo«t «plecd'd BSBBTt

I aarraatrd perfect; unequalledin style and h-auty -.? palien a. the hand·

s«ir. end the cheapeat L»"t> NewYork, m..* Im'.·

TO HOUSEKEEPERSÏCNF.BAL.Jnstru ivte .. m J »upp.y afPraael

.A ,oW»ar».c uauttng of l'r»v»ling, Wor« k.,« F' satal· I · thai ? ktmrtetaal tf Housekeeping articles,tin and J»t uesa » sre Al»o. tor sale » vsriet] of Birds,Ioni »ud ihoi: ClBBriSS of all eoi or·, from »l lo a'·' » G» ·

',··· Moebial Btrdi in th» ctv also, a variety ofCages, be o.a. |m«'rtl"f| W HINK. IS Third « *« ?

DOMESTIC GOODS.IbtWI.F.Y ·'. Ft RM AN C-lar it. toI ".; Liberty»! where p?·? be found · large »lock ofbroa·? and bleached S:»»-in»·. Northern a· d I

1 srn. Limp and Chandler'· Wie«.. Twine, hloat'tPtten'dj Ua it * g «.arpe! \( »rp, B«tt«: almi <

No. II black t'i'ion 1 irn Ul uf which wit· bastelt Bl theI. writ market pitee». f»r cash Dealers ire parrieulsrlyinvtted to es.l sod eian.ine the «tri. whether they pur·. haaerrnr,·.. DAWIaEY !» FIRMAN"


¦??? L'NDI »· «'u1 f.r Ita remI cor r to inform h,a

». t ? ·?| . «? ' ¿»?,»·,-.-.-, net he h«» Btataarraagia --¡»brated manufacturera mtbia ciy 'y » tta at ate

. - rric»*e. warranted io tritn·. sta. O -are si »¦..-ry uteReerenJ g-ntlemen builatr.g.gin·, will eave Ih» · .

mach tr a',?ß hy «r.dr.ialng the lub·,'. r. Piano· in« -.? ? from Bl.V» to ?."'. ·? ud t\

from >.s I eterei from tS2S to Bi"«'. Tli« tn·. iati will iwsys be eareiuily pa-k.d under l.'a otriInspection »o tha they will reach their de·.»??·',! er by land or water In perfect »afety and In tune lie

-ct a« hi5r»Mf,.re. ¡n»trumenl» from »ny maker inthe city tha! bis frieads msy d»sifn«te. Pleaie d'r»ct tutre «nt>seriber»t !··( Prarl··· N Y WM ARDU,

?'rmer'y Prof»·« ¦ dji «ic at Mo'int St. Mary'»vollcg», Emoift»o-rg. Md. now of Ht J ho ?

College. Pordham, ? VPor th« benefit ?,f .ho»e who ir· not perdonali] a-

ed «..ih him h* refer» to tbe following geutlemea: Them it R-v Arch Buhop of Bilflni ire ; Kt Rev. B.thopPurea.i f · Rev J hu Met ittrry. Preet MtBt Mary·!' Il«g«, EmmiUborg; v»r« R»v Dr Th»b»ud,

¦tobt M RaubsviI. 1 A.t'r ·? ??: eue K*a. M erren Canada.

I Is»*-~-_

,-?.???? (.m (:' KX.I.l-II MKMKII».ije^a^r·» » rtgtaa ·.· guame artlata lai the ewe

of lleavee, other r, of th« r.tptrt·, ty ·,·¦piritut. ari d'iingement tl th» d.«»»tive fuurii n» in the

? Rianaaim sTtatassalPs haera Tswdsis it iiwtrrai·- '..ytateln ill e see·, «·:,, aremenee th» n .....

. ...per than «' ¦' it» lltatloalwhi-h »re ve ng "rruiata.· thron,t > '- I

pot up isr· ascary ette el II-« . tj .. , :r*a»e if

va.It talan· . -'.»d imr *ii«or«i. to«

.gy !r rauh rtdaate. »ad '- ·-*··-.¦¦ »ty ?-»?.?·» |. MIMI» Hal by pai - r warm »»a

th»y »reak ot: I la IU I «nd« ofII »»?'in h» lived (rem lutare umouedrr·· if. t»h»n theIntuye: r wh»»rl»g'.¦¦*»»«rv»d.afr wd.neeof ?h· ?a;trr«a · Haars ? is» ?»·· ·?. uid '¦» admÍBujt«r*dThi-v li« vi. , »radicate re.»..t Heat·« atUehiaaatiBOatuT Miáis. Penna· rb· Beare Itatraanal "

m »m». . ftaad miai .tal ai thl« «se«aiTi.»y ·' .ni,, raet 1 the luperflnoui hall

et» n·«· li sy Iween th· hld» g·»« s |iiiy appeartace to th· rxiat. pr.,t»il agama: diaeaae they ale··,from thilr tin« t leuaf .» n.d i«·' ·,*¦··.· BawBTB, pOlttj

ar.d reouvala to· iyil«sn, arbtsb II '»e» i»|u ·-

et 1Mb met ss SB] f tta hunes« rat»· a« preparati, ? -,f .»r.·SI«I« BÌ tb» ft'l ·· tur d lit to ti.· riling« ,f tvr,'l,.,wnirh. le tb» Bartes «firn« « ar," a, «· «vali a« »·»··· llf·. Parso·« .ho va <¦· BM I Relata will nevar *.··* Ithioit a aapni yA II HO' fjlf b ! .' . . DI-,pi ?.·.,.

A'·., formi« «? ? * ?ß·?.?·.?·. ?·??ß Mate, a t ?, ? ,l«av >e.·; .-

( 'IHIIIVA |> ? ??????.??·" mi l'I» Iwili'¦f' ' i(| ,. ,, .

.n»»r»-t ' . , . ,., ?,.,,., .;.,.., (.., si r.p«r .|o... ,.h erarvi '».1 ·· ,?.., · G·?·? ?, ?,r' ·"·¦·· s < · >, .. .».. · I,.»,..?,.,,

'·,...,: ... ,t ... ?,.IP1"' · ti IMM I |lWIM

11 ··¦·¦ ·* · u e»i a, istway tei«··l*.»i.k·,· aui Haii.ani ad» lai.


I« taajri .- f la naf I tke AfeTI,» a' ., voi ». «1 · Woi I

Iikiaae,, f.e» ·? ' I trarr· Mcaspt ·

B m·li ·¦ tktmt tmuttmt ? «·¦ ?·»<,'.il,· til

'gillr. ORr.AT Br.AI TY AN¡i**i ¦·, RK »HIT Y of tula1 Hireeper ». »»r oli ol tr Btadl '». :· «li»! whll* It

»radicai*· iba diMOM. il invilirai«« t' a ·.,.!] ll il one of

the vary beetSPAINO AND Sl'MMF.R Mr DU I.V1

V .-r kn wn il oot ooly ptir-t.«» !i»· .hoia «y·»»*'!! BM

.fr»i.«i'i»n» UM pCima a**J -'*". fureand m.A

« p. wer p. mit»·! by no .»th*r medi, ice And in

-, - «-and MCrtt ot .1* Wood«r!ul SCCOOB -«

patfertned. with.a ??ß ,o»l t:ï* year·. «erert cues of dit*».· »t I-·*'

BCarsble It bMMvtotto liVMof more IhlO .·»«!

tbildnea doriog tbs twi paa; ·· ·


Dr Tett*MBad'*Boraacaí ? Îavïgramra Boa orbatagm>tern fmtn «r.»i t ? ß toara who hive leal ih·.·

en»rgy by ih· mimata f aedtetaa or iadltirttad m y ·..,·...- Is i*nce nf ih« aaaBtoae,tnd hrooiht on ? generi, pi ft ·» rr i'ra'ion of the oer-

voo« «7«tem. ItMiiuil*. * >> | imbattoa, flioting i*nt»·

tloo·. premiture d*-»y lad d*cllne, htattnlng toward th«fttn a'.·*»«·, Cnftf.inp·! n.-cin ta eatiraly real »

lb:·', remedy Thi· Stiaaftr..,· a fir tup'.-'.ir to

?? INVoitiRVTlNai CORDIAL?? It rentwt tnd mu«, met ti.e tyiieui '

' muieu'ar «]ale'in. n B Weit. ilrMrdioory RED.I'lraawaarf >'<ifagrv-

. «, 111 Catarrive Keil.


' '« '»'»'I ·"·' I'

.NO ??,???

Dr.TearsssBi · - tarraparlllelilt been Ibalife. I hiv» for «ever«! paart ht»i 1 had eonih.aa, ... an ·. - · «?"*« °l


»nd did aot oapect ta> live. I haveyum SsiBiitiille a slam limt nd thin hn » ·»

change been vroaght in m* 1 on« oow ohle to »it illniy coagh tag

ereil imitine tb·' I un ihankfulI .; t.t ·.':. Vi M RUS4EI ' St.

RM ?? ??????a ? oaa of atora thm et«»· f

at Dr. T.:wii«».id · tfaraaparilla Iat tere-o aod chronic caaea im weekly eradicated

by in ?Jin.ea« , .· Beati la IBS I·

Batto A·].um. I » ««« I « ntnd, la 'he gentleman apokeoof ite foil ·. .( I· taf

Pt.«fewssaao Juran tir Ih«»* tafferad torrikly forolue jeer« with the Rheamatitm c.)n»id»r»hle of th«

. ero at an I ·' d <

IrBM ibg pai aa, aad ? «f sa

beva asea I r botti·! ir SerMptrille,ei»dlore It liberty to u·* thit f..r t..

Yoort, IMEB UM"KIT-«' F! ¡* r I

Dr T'iwn«-cd. Bal havin« te«! a I trille in

. -

«urpuaed to receive ! ?! f :*nt ti.dretpeclable Fumer in VA int]

KaiaoniM, AurmtDr T'»v»-n»end D-ar Sr-I ho. a little tiri «evtn

j*ar· f ne. who bat h-*n leverai y»ir· attì ? ?

Pitsi «a ? foi ?'"G bat wf·...·«

., Lara fai tsm te bara, wa ttamght, m thewmla very deutete health, ma woe Id glvg¦meaeerilla, aad are vert glad ae aid, t r it aot oalVra·

toi itrenlh I I ihe Fit»,·;·»··¦»¦· ; - She ii fitt I I

ruaged »r.d h*ar'v. .r it bleb wo ft t »refill.Your«, respectfully. JOHN BITLF.R, Jr


Dr Town'.nd · l"»r»ap»riii» ?? a · v».-,:tn ani »need]r laeijtltal (?????????'.?,?, H«ri*iiii*i«, G .

? ? ··:. or F.Ihn. nf ih· »Vi ·»«. Pila·, L·»Corri ev Og WbltM. libati?Iliad »I di'fceuit Mentir .alioo.

laeoatlaaaoeel Uriae, ? e thereof,-,

wh*t' ? ¦·» or ctu·»».

by 'rrti.


? '.»a

. ».

| V«»nr» the Bit stata,pnrl»d l'i.«



fai l.¦

a) li·'.' «li· i.,! regiret lo taki II, et il lia esitala pravi * naBereoe ai

. -» al Miia ?- - ef life. .mg Mo

.traili :r Y ,1 ,1 ir u ·?·- lot II .* ? 11' tri'. t is r» ,·?G ,t»d la miai Botare,

'.y i,i)·,'-,.· -a ,t ,· ? » lytaaB 1 ·>-

tot »il Ih· deiu-al·· diaa« »« tu ? !.. ii ni ?. ? ars raatoet.

·« .. « -

solari og ih* Imparitinot · is to |n steh i«i!·· ·

weakio m aad dit thi·.

IND CHILDRENIl te the taf«·

In» ·\ »· ...


M i ir think?. ,? h ?-? rt

?.nib », plias ait ·?". swbIIIbi m| oain in tb·

loia· ?,. «e Beine, berne ri ige, sad in ? / ih· ·*·

cr»tu>m ara «quai'/t iccaalT m gra »' toas ] of thi«the 1.1.uf delicata u»» I -

any other medici- e. in ·????» o Hule Catto! Oil, nr

» I· oeofal K.xeir!·* in lb·« open air, ant Unlit. k this Badtatae, will always asaraasa/as ¦·>

r.,R .netneiit.BKA! TV AND IIK.ALTI!

Coaraetlca.chalk, and a variety of preparation« general¬ly in u«e. when applied to the face, very «o.,u «po.l ll of?? heautv. They alora the poraa of the akm. tnd checkISO emulation, whteh, i» tien Botara ia nul lha rtoi yStoeamorpowcar, w the «kin laamaad by the »ikoliotUted In eo'.pe, hi autuiei Its ot ri pr, ,lui 1MB In the " loi·min face divine," ·· well »a m th* «arden of rieh and da·

, I aad ?a iited flowere A free, Mtlve aadhealthy cireulaticn af the Sa I I th« Coair«int of thepure, rich Mood ta the as Hat, it ihvt wait

a tbs mo,t a».?? · :e beauty. It I» thatwbieb iBBertttbaiadaMrioeblaenodM and il.-li».Ham that all si Ire, bat ß ia eon Ihe erl.prinir Gaaa ; /

Is aot a 1 s sad bet »here i« nn

If tl » It·!/ 1· fair at drive-ii SCOW, If tht,

11 ?tnd act' - ¦> the thieht, and

. that 1« fiacina'inr??.? :· wtiy ¡r:« I .n'hern. »nd MBCeiallp ilia iSpaniih le¬

di*», ara ao much idtiu 'en Ladlm ta the North arihui ¡lie exem«*, (,· ar* conlin*rt tn elo.e room«, or have

thalr complexión· b« the oppUeatioo ofnui inUture«, 11 t!i»y WÍBB !· ri<»in *ia»!ici!y rf «tep,kBoyaat spirits, tpsrilu.« ejesead toeatif·* ?

lid asa Or. Town·" I la. riionandtIVO tried it are more than «a «bled.

Lad lea of eve ? y i'.racrioi o o crnwd nor oMice ila: ynotici; t? p?? laoibs.

Th· ß» that imitate l> ? .»vnaend't Sariaperill«. htve la-..»lied their »tuff agrint far Veniules, Acbaas copied our bill« a -. , wh eh relate to

Iht plalBIS ·. BOB, WOtd fcl act·.-olher whoput up «i*dicir.e. have, «loee th» irett ???????? DrTowMer.d'· Hontpan It Ine rir lalnta ine

r"Coinm»nd*d iheir·' slth m^h prtvu.'iily tii»y did not. Anumber of tho.« Mix'urea, Pill·, i.e. ore inj'irion· to I.«-mi!*·. at th*f »itriTtiediieaie, »nd underuuntj ibe coo-a.iiul.oD

SCROFl'LA Cl ¡IED.? . lari -?· cor ,-luaively prove« that thit Sariiparll-

1» ho» ?· totlaaia d:··the HI id Three ptr*t:a rur»d In one houae ?« Iden'-ai


yoo thi» three tv« toan cared by tba bm of yoar aaMllatat mad

. er· :y vt ·! bv.1 ???? livv.II t... a tl.'in vw»y,

great obligation. Your«. r»«| ec'fal y,I4AAC W. i|l\ r«.

OIINIONS OF PHTBICIABIDr Ti.wna»rid uilmott daiy r-celv:i| ordere from phy·

.iei-r.· ? d it»'rt.: pot· of the (.'nun.This to to certify tritt we. the onderttgned, Phytfcltnt

ly of Albany, have In num*r, SS ·:«*· « ?Dr. Town.*nd · fi»ri»|a.-:il«. »nd be.leve 't Iota '

lh» ii.oit viiuabi« praparolioM la th· riarketII ? PI UNO. M )WILSON. M D

It. H BBlOOS M I)A i.any April 1,1 ?: P. F. ELMENDOAF, ,\i u.

« ?? ROBOtrtag ?·-\· surces« tnd Immense »il* ui Dr.

To*.-n»»nd'· fitriapar.l'e, · number ta niai, wt,., war« Or·

in*rl] our Agenli, ha» ta maini Hariaparill»« Eltairs, B:"«r·. Kxlract», f YbIi'.iw I) ,ck. lie

Th-y t*n*ral!y pot ll up ;n ih* .ama «hiped bottlM,.in litre etnloti »nd tv>pi»d our-tiiiHitian·

' - ¦ tfiey »re oui] wnrlhle«. uiillallon.. in I a o,u d b*»

Pr ncip»! ofFc*. ?? Fn ton at Ban Bu'l.llnt, ? Y R«J.? .s,,..«, ?,. ¦» rtb

.delphlo.H > II oo a. Druaiut. Untltnor»? M I .hen, I I,»' -··, , «? .· .? ,| < lii;tr»l ll.

I-,. .«and Meraboal« itaatil t thtooa

Bta »·· to -a tod v.- t,« m .· ··

'G???. Khl'l>T I.HI ? G » IHK IN BONTONI r .triet li rn a ? .«ton j,, ., f «laiotday lati W »

..I« ot two ! V«.wioch were ? tb« n y M-«·· Dsmrs ?Moora ware feaad to k* la a perfatt itat« I t

¦ I- Bet ¦« »od pe»»r·. * on, ·«

none] wae top ? ,

I tato-Th» obo.» »-aa poklltbed aller lettatt0| Ibe llrg*

¦meni.! .In, lb] an elteai. inn In ?.,··???? n F 'il.y ol ImI ·'»«, whloh bn k. nut inlh* *it** printing -·>«»., thin'nt ol Mewi· DomroNk M.ejl* No. .'and I Waahinil.m ·« a.ol wl¦via!" munie» ,..? w«re Uilellj dMlrnyaS,«.ido.! »n..ih«i lam»,, ,?] ?., ?),« ImpoilMt« .eroiln|iitnat) »ml leiBorlaai ?,.,.»., papan and voloehlean ..·

la them braly StaSaSan r· a ...?.., ,o », i,. ,.

lareaasMrtaieai .· il·· Wilder« rot··! a*]*aiM'·" H»'·· aad i· mol . .«, ,·... r, ,

Boole aad Jeweler«. « le ara lavliad t» Mil«nd «ainiua at Ilo I, . Bofe ·*|·. ? ? · I'T.ol I.,1\«?»?·? |at|a 7wl)kttW| alili, lit:BEINO

lUlU NOTI! ? TO Ubiti 111*«···*. ISIS.1 ''to. li.tama* .'¦· of o.» f,,.t ,...i »leu ..r

tt*. ?»..··»??«.? aiao.t 'h., loi wai.l ··· of ...., bl '·· .,

tn. M .,?.,? « »?..:, ai ·'· ? r,.. ,,.,,.,·..,,.,, ,,? a, ,H|#iettata* Impari · ??

waul»·. .,.·, lv« ?.?)*·*"''' ' . -· . ··

..g raax all.aa!. Th»| tr· will ..., .. .irl ., I. .

IM .·«...f.!.· « .1 ?...« .,, , .,..

I....I. .., alo... .I..u,«,4 f., ib. VI .?? »«:..,. ?, ,

-··.·«,. r,,.|.., , i.p.,1 aaa.4 taalag «ha« .

·"» I·· ... ., ..... ,. ,., ,., ,.,.«llWiMkk«··...! ..». .- .«all .' .r.,.ji,.».,..i,ir.... , ,, ,, eS * » a I- r ...?.»!u>'s«« ?? t»«« »rae·s·· ? · «?


IIOI SI'.S Tll ÜBT.ÊTII I.K.T Tl,· i". ilt'T ba«ern»»l add stuc b/tsb

l.oiM tt ll,w»rd»t i.»«r Br.«ilw»y, wilb l»fg«.l.r. ·· Api 'IH

u L il \N|i ·..' «- ". Ill »t. >.»f,'*· K\ M r'sf,»' I P M «-» ¦«·

«ate TU I.KT G??µß?ß???ß gi»·,. »·t.Tb«¦te··»"'' ¦' "'"t·" l''" »meri-

Bta.c4 .. g, ...... aR. ·"¦·· ?,. .,.. ·. R«nt lot» Apply t" I WIL

vM V ?.' ¦, »r;ii'«ud»iil A mancan All? Ma? MIMMI"· WAMTKII le a bona i| -? by« » «Uli« Bl rooms for »r· «p.<t«b.a. .·-.n, u !.,·.*» ilred of br,«rd

.. Ba«·!· from « refectory tha,¦ , -? r, Tm» ?» · g-'d "pfoitunily

I r » r.»| eria'.ie family having «UM r ,n thin th«y r·

»ithout tikmi bosr.trr» Reference«. Ity, Addir., lAMEl", throubta«

? -,·""·"·-

« TO I.KT Th« ·· Atkeret oorner ofUna·, tbeboesa II lienryet tne boas»» end ·'. ie

|l Hester et eorn.r f Noifoll, t good etind fot i

ime··] «· rapita u *a«h for a aamtaref pur·;¦¦< patt af b.u»a l<ki Dilancy st near Bidg- '.,»

? i-c Hilauey et Ih« upper p»rt ofIU upper ?

MPI Wl ·¦«- .· Apply to F » J r.

IIFATH. R»Bl E«tel« Ag«Bt» - · - · ·' a»am«m,r al ·

gad from 7 tolle the evening m »· It."

ty. MTB » >l ??*? ? ?Jam tight i,·-·"·. u. »i'ie·* ? itithaiu .iiuiri». Po»iatti«u¦"."¦.oo tbe lit of April In·,

"."!«·. R >. I'l.a'hlir, ·

TO I.I. G 1 'I "¦» '»«r

?·. Lauren· «' »etlabi« f. r a « » ·

¦' - ? ? - Marcii at t-', \ \( ,·»? I «ed \\ ?M_m« Im*

TO I.HIIl KH*i-T'i Lrt.lhe ai «e »tor· corner

N««r«rh aveaaa, hnmailj«tora

ti·», largai Ie m»y b· h.d with

, .-·,,·-¦ ?. «

loquir· ef ÜA\ II'. ¦· sto··.

ÊTO I.KTi' ': lam

? , ih« '·« s r-r-.,.. the n»*t-«t ii.sniter. wi'ïi iiiirhla

»p»ak!.g trat ' »¦

Il s pump of pure, »..ft spr'ng wa»e'-»'t«clt»d to

a a« ti ground ion*·, ini foi ? v«|«table 01,·,,. enei,led wi!h III- h 'Ueee >.· a p»r«ii Hat the aboie teaath «f the Tarrua Oa

,-y Baal ».. ·. tatablea A;p y to E COLE8,

|.· : M Btg itnsry II l-,iey( Ity.

ÊA MTOMK TO I.BT In ·??» vllsg· of H;. p II a \-.iy d»»ir»s|e loeatlOB fr a «tenersi

Tl » forsnu icrnpant (»i»lv .)·-? flrat-rate

,t at« .7 N.T. la"

-,( tint,

-»¦-a-.,...·,· , M . |*t f.r ··

-uf JOHN BAKKR. 1' ho st af · ? ri

TO I.KA*SK-F. r a trrmof v»i'·, an fon to lodry'.t¡.· s in

r. et and Truth sis and p.iiaeieionM ·) neit.

:· r-o.v i.ccuptrd hy Mu. ». Salt Je Ri'chte,mi s I« fol operation. Apply to

NORMAN KRAN' lt. 7 DuÉk TO I.KT l'ir'·o a handsome cij I,

¦' ? Mt Pearl·« h ·* tier.I d"orNinth »v«oue. talli h tat on m der«'»

. tabe, lafoteeiu leajBlied htautestatasM 'v said house ! w'

M ?? ?,?? To Lii'iaty. Moral and R-l>«·· il §. ·,» ,;»u ? ....ant »id roaverii»o' Lecture

131 AI -n «t -Cm b» hada me s»»· k llt'i.lii» « ot Temperance.rill last tt a ptaasaet ttkam ia whtah ta tall th i· after·

· ." ;··

ÊTO I.KT »i H ¦ « >· brick

«« -ce« tntarata » at the

?ÊTO ? l'I', ti · . ? Icon

tre-· a- ,1lib sad I tb ¦

I pal«

Mint.-.khi.? »???? toi ?.?·, TTTTihy Ibe

IB .,·!·, -, r ,M - «

reliar 1· dry and r laid the east V»e

Il LES 2 Brotews . Il«

ÊIIOt'MR ?? ?,??Tyrant] ¦·' «· tatsvua the Ninth and r-mh s«»noe», oppitela the Thaologteal Xreiliiary. Fontaiatai

kltahan rang«, I iaaduld «rater halb, staaw tati and.t»- in *li» priaelpal rham·

'.er» Inquire of J. PIMI KN. .. Wall-al. corner., un a; b t·.. --n '. and .' ? ??

M TO I.I. i' " i BTÄ G?? ÎSÎ VN!» ?ita,··· tes, ·»,!»·. with st»Me, n»sr Ih ·

»,,?? Ha.bor r· ninno g r .m« on e»ehs · and sellai Tba ginaiid ? us rad

«. t·, frali t ·¦··. «I m·¦ .

. u Tht far '».,d f.» »» ? '.i'h.,.·.· \y

tpply ta J ,N. BALESTIER,.'_ .»l'a, st

??? »I s r<» |,|.'|· Des ,·, ,. ,-. dance« lor¡Hui ? '»ate ti ? 11·-» Reo! ?,?» boema er«

.im « ·· il betwe·· f¦ ·

-,'iy ??,··> are lu eouplete oril··· .-,.« tita·) p i·

ay.tuyc ? s t·- ,, ., sates A

h VAN;ii · *.· nd !.. ·>.!.¦«»». City i. - Ita

.y**, n il.-s ??? haìjèT,?^?, , ?.·? ,·.· ? .,,·?,? ,? giveu..Tba oaw faetory build¬ing· and we'er prlvileg»«. sltaetod <.n Mirderer'·U ? · BtaM af N'»w-V..rk. Ulag .ne -noe

m ?«, ? ?,,,I» ,r ao,I Cornwall Landing, lour il,il-e freing, aad a c-asrter of a mile frota tloop navigation.

well known .·, ti,» Souri Milli.i-oiüiti ol' cu sere» of land a new S »k ry'¦rick build'ng 100 Irei hy 4n, a luge dwelling hou·-, l.,th

put up l-t »eiaon under the superintendeuue and liiiec-Mr t I.··, i.s'.l. at ? «Mt OÍ $t.. ant good..s fir wirk hand» or for otli.r purpow·, and fiuit

tree« of all amd« on the premi«··»The whole will be sol,! a harga'n or will be I-

f ivorable term· lint Iniprovem-ots are going on 1,, theG tta lliica.n River tat N»«/-Yo:k S.

ally, and when tiiii.h'd wi.lII ¦¦ c Bl i.i ?: no Iron, the u.'ll« u» the city ofa.

The premiee« can '·ß »e»n at any tune, and a» it I» nutpnti-ha»e srlthoal «naminiat tha

? a («rlhcr¡t on is .t.emeri uotkSCei'Bry.? aad oi parngalari apply it

Bill tf ??.? U II .MILLI·:« » CO IM Water e! ? Y

HOUSES fou »sali;.tate FOU «S.» I* .«ntry reeld-||::j, M y per»on wuhuig to r*rc\« in tiie oejntry and do

:· .s .· ? II ,r» it ii'uated on thert: ver, wiuin hilf a mil«

. liana Y.inker» Ou the place il a g.>ite. fruit of all kind·, II irr., f

lead Por partUalar·leqalrsof Mr ???? R tsH.TOitl).at il.« steam hai «aedlag, or of Mr PBEDE&1CKBROWN, ·«??? We«· Seveuteenth »t. N Y. mil ;·'

M ??? siALK.A l.eiutiful reddence in ne villageof Huntington. L. I. »ittiate at thd head ol the r'. «y.a good twogiory dwelling house, tarn end ether

y outbuildings, ga'den »tock»d with p-t.pini ire««, strawberry, grape vm-s.-Ite »Dout \2 acre»of la d ?a a» high »late of cultivation ag can be made.Mom land d»'ach»i If want.«d For particular» inquire

'A VLTFRá. on the premile·, or ol (»OOUHI'LL.7 Froi.t-·'.. Now-Terk. ? ????,?????.

mi loieod*

MA IIOI'wK A.MO I.KA1K for mm. corner ofWastnnit ? it·..the ¡«ate rot twenty-one

|,',????'.????)?-?' laQBtraai \A I iw

AB, IIIIMKHV MAI.K-Th» new thr». «* y¦ il ite loi Ne i Writ Thirtemthtt.i,'«· ibs Piftl avuaa, faraUbsd ta tas '···¦ ¦ »»ara

. a lalaru aotaptsta Tbel ·

VI f»»t and the lot IM tup fats ita Bate.«rillN' .r ?*al II l'I ' ·.'

ri· listige. Inquire of MOSE! I THORN, il·

tea »»I I.I.I A »issili ??.?? I'KUPKUTY for sataBfta vary tow Um lw. »t ry »r.d a· 'a i..u·· In i^in-^"^ iraVet »r t.y |0A, h him .'. feri hy Bl, nearlyu w. a. -.ii n'ug 11 roen:· ||,IM -four hundred canremain on mortgage. A so one new twi-«lory snd stileh 'tue with kifcli-i led OU Oil Ott tati of «round.Of Kw»n and Alali·· ·1 neu lb« IOl l> MANJER. crnet of Ur»ud »ni Fourth ·*· Wi,-

« . urgli. m'l Im*.mai MIK MAI.?, in th» village et Huntington, U I. ajHj vrry deaira.le r.iuotrr teeiden·· Th· hou«e i«"" " n»«rly u»w snd treautlfilily located la the «ntrsl

fart of th· village. There oto on ih· p lac· th· ehoic.tltiuittreeiof eli variti»« (elected with the great-

ret otre, swell of th· b»et.,( water ·( tba door ani ¦u«.-i Isoiii etregtn passing t rough the gaiden Applylo M. ¦· SMITH la Hie v.I..g« or to A. O. BAOLi'Y b CO.IK «da tv. N Y m.., ?»·arm it Rit» ii »va» propkrtv foTäaää· ».mis I a pramtam HI Broadway. haMi'g l-aen oreupad

hy the lahurltat u « e,ibli:«t furti.lur· inuufUt^iyf o il,« ¡«et 11 y»ar».Kr. .n the eeiitrtl loeatlon tt offert advar.tasee for Ih·

Otta t M » .!< ·. Il- I. ,-r any largeI tr ... arti hattarmnaaeli tnqu.i· of wm ß siiipmam.

oa the pi·' · i.»f ifÊKOR «s»l.h Tll I.KT. luioalcl ,.

., (bad ?·· FiUiange ·? A »».y·. . ~ g ¦»!./.

.rotini r '«w ... SUM «· a . , .,-.,,»·!· un

f tt»ii-a day le New Y'ira I. ,· .11 pert.e' ,,,,1-r,« . » la· view of i.e Hud·.,n River The

oliatele .f shoal lisif an sor·. .· ataaasoetal and Itali t·*»·. and ehtu'ihrry.

il ?»?,·? I,,»,I bain1 «r· .1 ¦«-·,« ,.- ,. ..ti g «· b«l| p »et ? ,, ,·..,, k f. ir tlBgMug. n nd i.tiii 111 tl,« ·· ,,· al ·, ??.,,,,? F,,i temía, be spply lo ? ? BRADFORD, Feo Nawa.i . ·..rtnMi > i: Ml ItOI.S. ,t«,i ihe landing it Stia - .

,. the kny ol »lie p.e.·»·· iw.· ·?,.?· r,.·,m. ;; tavstatb e

ApplylitWM H IU SSF.I.l,. .. r ·..· it ., 1..«·.·

ÊTO »IKItlTI tNTM, UK! II »Ml M tad M.n,..,·.,,.,,. M< rsbuts wi.:, ,g .,.,. .

¦.it.. m·. Manica ant itisttiifail .1·,· dwelt ms ul r· «1!.. «.· ,-|u..:.,l 1 Uriigate ai .'

\\·?·? .· Un» 11 ..,',..I aad F «h'eantli el llai.en,.B»h«i eile.» »ai« a mita nnttl .1 paieel» «ad..' ai.1,1« . «-.r ·,»·,! ulna m .1 1....,ai. tara»·? ?' » « ia .lie ?.led S lieg II» ? tbe Maie ad»aal·«·· »· <>"« ?·· ?'.??» ..i.iai.-l <· u a »?

B hour's ltd· by iBi'eats·" ·'·««-· ,. baal .us,*!·' ""· svuildHa «,?,??«, (utr· ar"'·'· be»t,i.« :,«« , .. ... '¦ . 1« ((rai UV lg«A.e»· ·>· . «Mule ,.? it,.. laigaMal·»»»1 I.I.e. ? ci t I li. tal un .1·· · ' ' '

ci renei.e · I (tat ?Ih <· ?· ..a. · ··' wnli··«·! ?··»

..ig tiie aw.ÜMMf'aelM »· e«a have ha.Mini· 1.??> ·*· «

..,.!.!« leiwti M..,ea.« will lie.l plenty-? -,.,» ,, ib· ·.r ? Haleta (by

.¦.,,.,e,M,«l 1.1 I. I . '«.I liali.t .1 I.«Ill·.katae * ll DO! illll'V

a ?. , is, ,?.» UaUtte ana Twimy?,,????, ·, ·«, ??.,.,,.?.? IM« ¡«a·.·.!


FARMS FOR SALI·:.,1 WO FA HUH, one of tb.m to ?»«,, «eg oa,fc'· - ateaIalaad, «ear PooAicrmood f»r»y

I OK -tl.K I IIKtP, 4 Dee.rea .1 va.atti,teglltaoled w'tlin two Bill·« if ibe vniagat of Port'Mi'ch»l. Md waff l.ik*. iBaftaae. Ti oay ptreoa I».reasat*Batti af totee Watt, in » ?« » rara opporteatiyThe liti« bel'« InduptiUthl* Md th« pttipartl o« In«o»,

V*' -lar» ao,il« u, NATHAN ORKFN?? ? ?,

ß???"*??.? 4 ri 7ar~t*im imi ih· hap ef M«wter|Beootaiaiog BtoCI S astea. Tka boara, (which tt,1. ,' isa oaibol I los aad foosss. eta aavt Tbe

pfate eo'iUin« « «·:··« ft ait· tod! giaaii.aad tec «its·m the I o. It oniotBMeed For parlicuiar», loqoireer

EDW'D ? V TTON it th» premie·».1 T s BARAF.rr rail '«w.w·

SAT FKIVATK faAl.k A .· Babai Farm ot a,a.-tra ¦ utr.i f lemptv.wn. N»wl*rt*r Thetactils ihe tagbata «·.!· f eoll'vtllnr t flat

peo-h cfchtrd. ·.'» vary tine quote IrMt, e lerg« ttrt*t* k« ??-*r* !· ou the pitee ? ·' -y t..d whi-tetOBI ho«M wllh 1 r· orni oo lha grcood floor; ß (erg·lira .'?"1 (tot; fimtaweU ta frase mator t ta raltoa atoaNewark »?»a·· runotog lo and from tw,c* a »·] Triar·ar» m th· vlílege thre· Charehra, SVhoni». ie. Part of. h» i u'c':»«·» ato··] e»o r«m»io r,c be.od »t d aiajrttage |dei:r*d For panic liar« apply to A J BI.KKCKKR

?.1 !wAaaBtaiir, 7 Broad-etS ??? it Mi. OK TO 1.1.? « lob ..prrTpTTty

.1 M «nli«i »o».Ke, con« ·' nt eflblCC Iji. of |roa»d,Bl.ajinlngd.'» road t d cor of Osa Iles

d Twtnty sli'h It On Ib» .«rae :· v matta SI dtad ap for aatom A » i.' i'orj fremi

, . , 'e., kr Ih· tar i «ni 'or terry.inr on » It"· tea wi. d, !eed, te Tag

. Albio] Kturoad pa··*· r e ,r m« premlett,, . I - · ? r d whirr

a .« fat "rit · «.r eppl« > th«I I. KNAi ? A | s


artall HALB OM IMHkM.F. *M Citi Pr».-1 y A ·' act»», i.y a ?«;·«>rt.··. :· .- (e ft. m 'he ell] h] roll» < ate, klc!:»n »-oieg

<··.,·.- u »·*? ot tie dtor. m. t p*ari toil ejiíio·**·.

and · vine!» of ihru l.erv '. ¿*u,»r »i.h ihe rropt Boa·th. m ney c »n remain on

» - a · laamire ·· .'.w.uld ht let leer to o good uoitt

-,. im·

a KA HU KOK BALI F't oath or txtl.Mge forttliyif tn.i, hi«· pr..p*rt» in »leatrh*·

tiri . ? w ÍWven ai·! New-York R ?SpAl SBal · ,n Oe « horchet tnd ichóolt of Niw

R,'Ch*lie. aoalalBlag «I 1er*». I ta which ?· Umher e*tr?- hou»e »nd »'ia h«: »ni-* BMBataaV tn.i r'"W Und und·«

« high coltivati..a. ou u it t gaed Scolila«, nriiu·? IBM,bere and thai ? k .·-·'». ? - liirdi mitm. fruì», »nd oue peach otchiri of .G0" I'»*» Apply tuvivi BMITH ee tac prarataB ?.· K f. «»vtiTH. ?,trass. _mil ?··

2VA?VI KOK MALE, . n L*«,ih* railroad t >ppiogpiMa>

ai ? »¦ »? ll'-'kaway, near ?' « telai a darelllag hnua«, boi»

- -r*· lf «vi od | a··., ?

a .· ai ·1 a, lo »...d '»?«·li-rote «»?·*··, verv ? *a*aot»ij

. "'¦·» in beril the lorn.r'· «hop. »·'.' R*».b tt or or

o OBOE w irai·., ,,. ti mi; ?*·

TREES : TREES ! ! TREES!||Sa ?. »?;..? LOT OP AILABTHlln mu Pettk of

auk aaaaj ether varieties«»! Ft n't and Ore»men» ??- ·· ». -.· A.|i«'«iu· R>> u.~

Apply to Mr, u M STEWART. c/»r One fl i.dr.dtalrw*-,ly titth ond F.tahth avenu*, «nd JOS I- PH I.OHOIiiuraervniiri at .i Lead«.· Oarúamar, Merrtettne0»pot, ianer'aa N. \ S H J L io aekBowltogiag gm·, ?» ? a tot fia cootlnott pltiiling end litiagmi

city ind tuhurbvo ?« rOtoaslCB d*rn»!v'e in2ft to·

iiKi.AI« ??t? t>.Oil..·* f tn* Irnh Kmlirtnt «4???»?], ?

Ni ? Y· o.k. Mareh, |e|.« {?G< 4???????. TO TIIK ????? TK laaaoeeSM

mat» and irovnied. n-ll.'l it hereby giveo ihtt tt?.· oli '»·«. and m*tnh*rt o «- ¦>

f lh· Ineh Emigri « .···»·, Neu-York fc,t* hold a! !h» S :* ef IOC Sneleij

.i «Ipr. ·· | ». M. f 4|]f Apr I. I · -n .-k la the

111 ta tk at inoit MU Ut,' DILLON, Pr'.tdtiit

»"? G ?I·. Hl' · ? ? Kl' '·ad »... ' il *



.Mfailvbyth* y ti * by Brnadw»)·'. · » ? ·;»»

? ? v'id C. IOBMB '-liy?- ? · i»-iaril d iti'uia in »neh CM»

provided ihn the mid ? · ??» r iM,«rm»»f lb* I ? » « Urtata mal,

? ? , stete ..» ?*»···« a -··,-¦ « .? ??» Mid C Ili I·. h· hold

ty llallla the CHyofN«w-T rk on tk· Srat Mob-iir -raai (tolog tea third day of April.) ? »

? o-, on Biat day, otm tao· >h*r«ili*r. be !ie|-d, ',., ll.« SPpolatBaWBl Con ron

». t y ¦· ? «? aid A«· al » · -i.'iiltdthat Bra aatara ted eateat of the im.· raasmlb

?··? rl Broadway 'li.rn Twenty !'·««! itre-t ?·-· ·, cuhiic pli·» »nuoded norther

iy by Twent »¦».».-.»ii*et. e .· -rlv by tl » Fifth iveote andI· F.vlT«»nh Wtrr. f «« ,1

I'lty -lit fork, Kehrovry. |lml \ WILLIS Ml to th· Corp. nli ,ii

lt\ OUÒKM -f ? " * Itrsi ii.aI S.i aN'-iv V"i.. Common PI, ??, - ·¦·· '·»/ ,··»*..

to the pro- ie . f ·· atlUloS an?? ?\? it Ia ?- ?. l*«'deiii

. ? , ·.· ill» «.ll·»*.·!VII) ? «?1.!,, ? ret d« m .·: Ihe Bla ?· ·· wee, Md

a . :.·??»,?ß·a .... , erga turn an ich.?, » e iiini

.? ,aw wallon alna moi.m. nom the Brei paaBraIhm Iba ?««, meni of any dr'.t» due ti hia,

n . Biet« »-ni ib*di Uval y la, 'any property, ri or ?· rasai, within iht*

Iba transfer otmny tatb emp; itiw, ami tre ? »

11 III '«..(? e.. DAVICa,|v:4 I»w')i», Ai'nrni ? 'or AlUrhlns Cri'iliu·.·

NOTII'M la poiaaanM of an i.nln ef Andr*w ???'???···, Et ** irrogol· of tiie County ta l.inga, noli e

i· Ioti by riti' r, a parSOM hiving i-lllin. MiniaiNATHABlKL NORTON, lai· ol tbeCity af Brooklyn, ia.aid l'oun'y, d'-cfMed, to preient the »ime with th»VoaeheiS Iharaol to one or the »iiliecriber· at hi» ottico Nu21 Simili «treet. in ih» Illy of New-York, ori or before Ihttwentieth day .f Airi!. ? Od II, ?

WALTF.H - ORIFFITH.) »....,.,,.,.oli ltawotd CZABOI ?MNO, ? himmkmtmt ?

t> PL'KMUANCE "t »? ord«i of lha láñetela "i idsCounty ol New-afsrfc, Batto» « h»r»by given in »11 p*r

.oi.· having el»tm« «gain·! TilADDKL.·» S. BF..NF.DICT.I. ,· ... ./ .· er .L J.-J · _.'e ol the City of .Nrw-Yo'k. deceased, to prêtent tin

eouit» wuh tie v. u her« thereof to the MBaaritog, It hitnlfice, No I Walmeei, la th« i.'ity of New-York, ot or

at eia'olli dty ol July oext Dated New· Y.rk.tiitelx'il da] of January, l"li

j. l,n· ,.· r.PWARD A LAMBERT. E«Malar

I\ ????? ANCB o! to order ?? u * Barrocci* af talv ni NtWsYoik n, »lee is hereby riv»n to s ? per

.obi liavleg ololmt eeeiaet DANIEL Bl LLIVAB, iat* siNew Y ,iW, der-ea«-il. to pi*tent the some witt

th* vt.tirher« thereof to the lohrartberi, »t the »toritfGeorge McBri·'-. .Ir ? Vi ?-? « lite City of ???¬

at kef re ihe rwenneth ?»; of «-September ueitDa>d New Yora. tbt Huh dav of March.

·?? HAIIVKY.JACOB IIAHVKY. KxerlJloriOfcOROE M.-HRIDE. I- { r.xe. oiort

pero ? per ttnrtui.-i. ciacula'ed from ih» I lth day ofbar, I >'. to ?? · day of peyin.u' Orhee bo umfi "in

to^P M Oll'ica H>c»w»r..»Tii*e, NewCta] 11* I,ISAM

..^'1,1's/kliilltiJ »??G?? DI'NNINO Receiver of Tuh.

KAKK KK0I G???-?? MONDPOLT1. .»?. nt .in« f. Aibeny thfouih dtreti1 o'claick from the Pier tool of Robin·»*·

.t tirât above «»relay. St*»m-r KIP VAN WINKLE.C«p' Bunuel ti heyler, will !*iveon Monday, Wednatdt]and Friday, at o'cloak, ? M For pataage orfi«ight«|-p!y oo board, or ?? o J STANLEY, »t the oo tbtdock.

Al. per»ir.» »re forbid fruiting thit bjlt withvit ? «vtlt·??« ciptoln. mVMf

»HIKNINi; LINK »t 7 ocloek fa¡Albany etal the fuitowlag imdinit.Ci··'well·. Wata Pint. Ne»vhiir»h. HsmptM.

Milton, Poagbkeeaato, Mvde Poik. Illiin«h»tl, !'p(*r BtaHook, Iritti Ceuklll, lit boa, CoiMcki» »nd Kinder

. Hr*.kl«*i tnd Dinner in Beard Ih« boa».Tbtbl ROOEB WILLIAMS, ,r»pt »V'nu!·*], will

laavs lh· «teariih, at pi«r foci at B»rcl«y »'. TuiniifTbunday and Saturday it 7 OfctooS, A M Ret.irr.iB·

- t ai-y M i.'day. W*'iii*«dvv and P.r p«»»»gtor fie'thl, »pp!y on board, oi »t th« Ofllte ob tht whirf*

MKW.YOKK, ??.???? ANDTROf'Line for Albany »m Troy- Thiooih PiTrat final the pi«r foot Bl Cortleodiet

Th« eteomer F.MPIHF., Com H W. Tapper, thie eve¬

ning at S o'c' ek. Regoltr Day» Ta*ed«/, Mweb flThur.dty «nd ft'ardoy. Preltht mu«! be pot le charge <*<

;h· Freight Ag of, or the Cirnptfl] will oot toiaepoe·!»!·ai f r pai.a.·» or freisol, spply oo boord la» b"·*

or it the ortica on ihe whirf_B»*f ?

TIIK PKOItlKTOKNOFrtS*B«t*>¡«??G? wuhing Kail· ?,?,? «Vfe'd ¡ß'w*ll ?.· piy · on hoo.d in» trea·»***·

Niagara, M»oot*in»er, O .»«r»or, Thooia« Powell, Job»Admiral, Boy Stola, Ae k». aid »leoUM ?

llaatar*! Improved Paient dm« B*ll. ..p.e'ally adeeta«,r «t.anl-OAta por up nei' tod It rung, tnd werranitd ft

.??» year A »er -'yol th··« Halla will b« coaetaatl]kept on bind for the acroinm««rle'i· n of ripíala« ir d pi"t»ri»· living «io dl.ioie·. t.y H li ü or ¿? Ann-el ?'*V.ik ? ? -? ?*»»· ? ?« Mtbettaaa u, eootrott (o»."! in my nom». *¦ I « land B H m p«r»on b»«]J"·l!Mo._l'ITTilll HI.Il TKAVU.. ¿A**,·

( IN« IN ??? AND PITTSai'ROH D4l?? STEAM PACKET f.iNK Th« ?·-?», » ? .»"t ?.?.» ta tteauitri itaowcne.·.Mt.swifta· h»«t fin «hiad Md to'i'.abee/'

. tan if th· *V»*»· Ti·*iltha· waces am paid Iht th* «*rv e-· rnt ib* »«??µ?

ipailaaoad m»n Oactoad la Iharlvarb ma*M Tht l.uahatto'D ia oparattoa foi «i« y*v«, h«s*vn:ed n**r | l|w i,.olí in.i.l p»,pl«, wiil'.ititd.'l.gín* llifhlMt injtr]

·. Th· proprietor« rlisllenie comparito»SS ? lü» ? ?.????? .ifr-yrt-ilarll]

??.lip.·«! All thai mon.» «-*· ? oeure hM ?·*? provided..r lh* «al.iy. Oaw.foit ·¦"¦ «ouveekauM of paeaMgart.G?·· t»»il« lea»· Piitsliwg·« ·"» t'IBCianati as ftainws

>f««i,t*»/ etuNi'iViflAllk.l.A. I tttoa*IVe.f.i.« niair'.BNI A, No 2. John khMfeliari"i"x¡;' ?.··? rNOUND Nn I, Soiueclltate5w«lnT (IHII.LIANT.B J Or«c»? ,?,? *'.'..l.-I.IPPF.B. No. 1. ?««rw»/·» ·· .MKSSEMOKB, l»«C«mp _

»...«.» ..ISAAC NEWTON. A o. Mraae Mf_toUOI ·» t G???

RAILROAD,The »loonier NU ¿A

? I. I »pi».? I Br.K.ka. Ir will leav. N«w York fn¦ taB.1 Market »treat. DAILY at «4 odoek A ¦

.lauday. ne», ta tllllDOFi'ORT. whet* ?**»*t»i* lak* il:» riant and r. mttitxiioa* ear« of tto **"¦

.ai.'.ie Kalroad air,vine a« "¡la!. Lin« it :!¦·«! M< *· ·"

l'a M.?(««*··«·.? : ie tar« ti *-*a*»«st*ea|.

? ?.«a ?,I», WlBit*«l and ?«»?*?ß?· SI··lo ?.??.??'?.;.!. Wt».!·· ii). !»»uhu»y »nd B.'bal ·

Uf- Na. .».ni .1 una «inipony ?« euiho» *»' ta»

|,. f S|»««le, Bank ?·«1>·, or «ral·«·!!· JP·',·. .ut ilion« fot trtuiiOii'tion ou in] eooil·. i.a*tv*d »t Ih* dèpaM. of MorSot · 'f»

?? l'I.'rk 4 M llllh.r-eloet ? M Positiv·!] «eSa..«'im*buoi O M PEBAY Ageal Otara «a Ut r»»«