town to get no benefits - digifind-it•jitem. the repub-' —with the exception adams—noisily...

oodbridge Stores Open Tomorrow Night and Every Night 'til Christmas I_NO. 44 letness and .ight ES E. GREGORY \l push further in ide for fair assess- Jl property in our My, I think I ^'relieve a lot o Publlshtd Weekly On T h r t WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,1959 J want the 128.51 i-Slffany diamond offered at prac a discount-house 11800,000. It is true was cut—the dia- the discount after a year' that It has 9i Which give it deej ' brilliance. Some i always wante> with 92 facet; figure I am get far along now mind abou it things, So who reads thi; : had planned or at 90-facet jo Hocking, skip it. * * • that if Tiffany i been so impatient, ~ studied the prob- two years instead r one, ft might have Up with something " want. After all, \ more teeny-weeny lan't much to ask. * •. * * [utj b get back to the ltnt»r«l u 2nd CUn Mall Al P. O., WoMlbrtdft, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS 1960's Best 17-Year Old Girl is Chosen by DAR First Among WHS Seniors as WOODBRIDOE ionor was paid -- A signal Miss Lydla Santos, a 17-year-old senior of Woodbrldge High School when she was named this year's 'Good Citizen" by Janet Gage Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Each year, the chapter selects a senior girl who, according to her teachers, has the best qualifications for dependability, leadership, service and patriot- ism. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santos, 199 Pa- tricia Avenue, Colonia, Lydia was guest of honor at the chapter meeting at 82 Green tend another DAR session February 15 and In the Spring she will be chapter guest at the State DAR convention in Tren- ton where she will meet Gov- irnor Robert B. Meyner. Lydia was accepted Into membership of the National Honor Society in her Junior year and now serves as treas- urer of the society. She is also circulation manager of the All- HI News, student publication at the high school and a member iof the Spanish Club. During the recent football! season, Lydia served fts captain of the cheerleaders. , The Colonia girl has evevy ; intention of continuing herwould like to major In sociology Budget Concern Of GOP LYDIA SANTOS (W\s Prior Study o{ Nfw Administration; Duff Says He'll Stay i W()(IHBRIDGK - T h r new Ro j publican administration which will |Bier offico on New Year's ,I)R,V will work [ill weekend on the l!)fiO Township budget,! Mayor -elect Frederick M. Adams said today. j "We are goliiK to do our very best to cut the budset." he told Town to Get No Benefits From«136,900 Expenditure Until 1961, Query Reveals Street. She will also at-|«tudles but hasn't definltelyiand minor in Spanish and hopes iThe told decided upon the college. She [some dny to go into social work. Christmas Fund Battles Alone Gallant Woman Fights Tragic Fight WOODBRIDGE Life hasiout siege before he can be re- not been easy for Mrs. X. All her life, it seems, she has been struggling to make a place for herself. Her parents died when she was a child and she and her brothers and sisters were placed In foster homes., At she grew older and ob- tained employment, Mrs. X managed to get her family to- gether. It was hard going, but they were a family at long last. Then Mr, X came along. They married and for the first time the young woman thought thatjagain, The husband, who the leased as cured. Mr. X will be permitted to come home for couple of days to observe Christmas, but since all fi- nances are exhausted, it will not be much of a Christmas unless this little family is helped through The Indepen- dent-Leader Christmas Fund (Case 461. 'hristmas. Are you going to make sifre lhat she gets her heart's desire? Are you golng| ney Nathan Duff, whose term to make certain that the infant still has another year to RO, in- perhapt her luck was changing. A baby was born, a lovely youngster, and 1Ue seemed complete. But, then, Ulnes* struck. Mr. Then there Mrs. Y— is the young case of woman. a mother of a pre-sehool child and soon to be a mother Welfare Department has de- scribed as "just no good," has deserted and all efforts of the authorities to find him have proven futile.' Tlie pre-school X has been a patient In a hos-'child, a little girl, te expecting' pltal for sometime now and itja big doll, with blue eyes and is goto* to 'to "••ionftr. dtawn-|blond hair "that can (iuri" for * • • • an our news- to get sotae sent about re-valuation ! conceived in the ; purpose of placing share of the cost of| ittag our community OUT SChOOls Upon all; WOODBRIDOE—The Chan- jT-OWners has[ nm organization. New York, tit surprisingly mea-'the firm that had hoped to formation For somepnsu-uct a **oo store for I Klein's at the intersection of Independent-Leader. "We all department hends toi have preliminary figures in by] today, and then we will Rd to work in earnest. 1 ' Mr. Adams also said no de- cision had been reached on ap- pointments to be made nn New Year's Day. "We are too concerned about the many problems that are facing us, and they are increas- ing dally," he stated. "We still have time to make final de- cisions on appointments." Meantime, Township Attor soon to come into this worldj has a layette? If you want to help, send your donation to The Independent-Leader Christmas Fund (Case No. 49). The story of desertion seems to be a common one, but it brings with it heartache for the mothers and bewilderment for the children. And because hey are children they cannot understand why they cannot have the things that their play- mates take for granted. Now that Christmas is coming their playmates are full of tales about Santa and all the things they are going tb get for Christ- mas from skates, to radios. The, dicated yesterday he Intends to tay ,on after the first of the year. He stated that he had been "approached" with "sug- Kestions" that he resign as "the best thing.he could do." "I have never run away from fight," he said, "and if they impose restrictions on me for the purpose of getting me out, I will see to It that my succes- sor abides by those restrictions. I hope to be around t" see what ,hey do." At the same time, Mr. Duff said ne saw the need for an assistant Township Attorney. "I have made the recom- (Continued on Page 2> (Continued on Page 2) Klein Still Wants Site Here; Edison Puts Out Welcome Mat no vigorous |O Wipe out the ap- Iiti not easily appar-| Kleln 8 at uie iniersecilon 0I eia no vigorous ^ indep^ndent-I^dw' yes- terday that "it still hopes very d p p terday tha t hp y Inequities which much to build In the Wood- i q y exist in our tax- •jitem. The Repub- ' —with the exception Adams—noisily vo- the recent election suddenly have ptrlcken with an fl Of tongue-tied- its, last week adent - Leader ! 8 distressing .state While through iths it had been Insurance of deep 1 ,t*the $139,000 was finished, 'for implementa- i Town Commit- to Perna Hearing Tonight Suspended Magistrate's Clerk, Gets Chance To Tell His Story to Public bridge area". John Severance, public rela- tions man for the organization, said: "Mr. Irwin S. Channin told me to tell you that Klein's would like to stay in the area but only if it is a wanted child." Mr. Severance also indicated that $50,000 has already been expended on'surveys on popu- lation, buying power and avail- ability of sites. Asked if staying in the area meant Woodbridge or Edison Township. Mr. Severance had! "no comment". Meantime Mayor Anthony Y. Yelencsics, Edison said he had no official word from Channin but he knew they were "looking at sites in Edison." "I can tell you sincerely", he declared, "that we are going to fight to get Klein's for Edison. WOODBRIDQE William Perna, suspended clerk of the Magistrate's Court, will ap- pear before the Town-Com- mittee 'at public hearing to- night at 8 o'clock at th« Mu- nicipal Building. A previous hearing was de- clared invalid because the resolution called for a closed hearing. The complaint against Mr. Perna deals primarily with charges that his "books were not kept properly." Township Attorney Nathan Duff will represent the mu- nicipality and Joseph Fine- berg, Rahway, is counsel for Mr, Perna. Pretty Voices Sing Sweet Music As Welcome Rock 'n Roll Relief Christmas Qund OlfU This Week Donation* of (474.79 have brought u the total of The Ihdependent-Le»der|area. By RUTH WOLK WOODBRIDOE Three Avenel girls— pretty. »entle and talented— hqye the center of the stage at'Woodbrldse High School these days for they have formed one of the most popular singing trios in the Christmas Fund to »l,220.89. A minimum or $3,600 Is needed to take care of 100 families This week's donations arc us follows: 130.29 White Birch Men's CUih (from containers, uddltlonal). U5.00 Frederick M Adanis. Everett G, Held. Woodbrldge Uons Club, Ameri- can Federation of State, County und Municipal Employees, hoc 1099; Township of Woodbrldge Em- ployees Association. J20.00 Dr. Leroy Homer, Merry Christm $18.00 Woman's Club ot Avenel. f 15.CH) Dr. Fred Kessler, Dr. and Mrs Henry A. Bolalsky SID.IKl Mr. mid Mrs. Wllliun Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tamilian Woman's Club of Iselln. Sophie and Anna L, Johnson. Raymond Ander son. Dorothy L. Btlnsoh, Mr. mid Mrs. Jack Laden, Mr. and Mr: Prank Hlrth, Fords Pharmacy. A Friend, A. W. Eckert, Dr. Mortlmei Cowen, Sisterhood ot Congregation i Continued on Page 2> SONGBIRDS: The Three J's, Janet Ruesch, Joyce Krrekes »nd Jane Campbell, all of Avenel, are one of the sought-after slnglnu trios In the Township. They are shown above with Mrs. Klizabeth F. Musacchia, vocal music instructor at Wondhrldgr Web who has given them encouragement along thr way. Revaluation Lacks Data And Drive WOOOBR1DQE — It Is no» definite lhat. thr revaluation pmiunm will not be completed until next year—and the delay hns broiiRht quick criticism limn Mayor -elect Frederick \1 Atlams. • Committt'Pman R. Richard I IKnuiss, Povds, who Is chairman| !<>f the administration commit- tee, srtld today the programl could not be completed in tlmal |tn net the books to the Mlddle-I .sex county Board of Taxation| at the deadline. January 10, be- cfiusp "dUcutKionj are still gn-l nw on with larger Industnesi which arr belnn told how theyf nre beniR revalued." We me trying to reach al fair agreement," Mr. Kraus«| said Mayor -elect Adams was bit— tcv about the delay and said "all the Democratic adminis- tration is doing is giving the biR people a year of grace, at the expense of the little people " "Many home owners," Mr. Adnms SRI(1. "had hoped for* some relief through revalua-l lion, with everyone payinn 1 jjust share. We desperately need| The youiw ladies— all 16 years old and all juniors— are Janet Ruesch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruesch, 47 Fifth! Avenue; Joyce Kerekes, 275 Remsen Avenue and Jane Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell. 67 Dart- mouth Avenue. Strange as it may seem these days to those of ntf flrho decry; the tight bluejeans and black leather types which for some unexplained reason seem to be popular with a large portion of the teenage population, these three misses are anything but the rock-'n-r.oll type. Their repertoire these days consists of all the holiday songs and! DOK" kind of Kon«. one sighs with great relief, is missing Art" to "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas." The "Hound revaluation, everybody wanted! It and we don't have It evenl from their portfolio of songs, 'though we An interest In singing has bound yiic Rirls together into a wonderful friendship which Is J136,000 to have date. paid some Who ever heard of payinu 99 per cent of a contract for something you wlwn they sing— they i haven't got?" enjoy it and they en.ioy each; DiscussinR i n d u s t r y , Mr.| other. Adams said "It is g known tact It all started last, year when j that industry in the Township| they banded together to sing In i the Sophomore Variety Show and were so successful they de- hymns from "How Great Thou|eided to continue. Joyce, Ker- ekes Is a pupil of vocal' music (Continued on Page 2) Illegal Dumping Police Problem, Bailey Avers WOODBRIDGE—"All the signs in the world won't keep people from dumping in vacant lots, only police action aan cure it," Health Officer Harold J. Bailey told the Board of Health Tuesday. The subject was brought up when Commltteeman Leon Blanchaid complained cardboard signs put up in Fords have deteriorated and suggested metal signs be used. Mr, Bailey pointed out that Pornography ¥ • I AT I Jails INJ /oy, Wonder, Betief of Child, 5, MakeIdeal Qualities for Yule Happiness, Says Teacher (36,900 in cash [the data per- 1 ^valuation of Bperty in As of the last fie vital infor- least 7,500 aerty was in *• or the hat — sers. All we at this isn't jld be — in 'our Board of appraisers, id so many was done, that it isn't Information be on those riould be in i Township on work- pan't do any spending QOQ con- Page 2) ffranscription .., pllcates the opi- lWe want them - We welcome out to be the[i heni ' Based on . the W.OOO.OOO jfiKure you had m your paper, it will mean $120,000 In taxes * * Townshipjwould have meant more for you people as your tux rate is higher. "We have recqmmended two sites for the store,—both are in- dividually owned and of course they will have to do business first with the owners. We will be in there pitching to try and make things as pleasant for them as we can." Last week, the Board of Ad- justment rejected an applica- tion for a variant* after a marathon hearing of 14 ses- sions, A request by the Klein attorney for permission to'with- draw the' application was de- fied, TOOBAD WOODBRIDGE—June Parr, 621 Linden Avenue, reported to the police 'Poesftfty she tart a blue leather wallet containing $21.99 In the vicinity ot Main School and Pearl Streets. &TBWPED skirtJTwere Guys from HartlBon, Tuesday, Walter Lee, Staten Island, re- ported to police Tuesday, PROUD O*' THK SANTA THKY'Ri: MAKING THEMSELVES are these children in the Kewaren School kindergarten elsuu: (left to rig lilt Jiuneh Lucas, Sally Amlersdi, Melody Cotter, Janet Davit* and Jeffrey Muran. Santa, whosv bnse is crossed broom handles and wads of newspaper and cloth, appeared first this year tt» a scarecrow, then a T^nkh (ivtn« Indian, and lit now being turned into St. Nick himself, Bj( BARBARA BALFOUR "There is all the joy. wonder and belief at this WOODBRHXJE—Two fender Ithe perfect age to enjoy Christ- SBWABWf-Jive years oW ia|^T»ys. "'The atorles, legends off hucw|mai" This ii t}» oon8ldere4|freth." while It was parked at Two'opinion of an expert on tlve«j year-olds, Mw. Margaret Tay- School. and "We believe in him abso- lutely," MTE. Taylor affirms. F^ur'l J m"aiwaVB'"care~lul"to|tihie*reai Santa"ciaus, becauaejthft^the* bejncluded ln^the No question arises in the Se- waren kindergarten about be- Claufc Pole getting. ready for Chrltt- mas Eve. Nobody has ever seen and in department stores <arejwhen everyone is* asleep,' Santa's helpers, not the real at* the lief ill' or existence of Santa Santa at all. He's too busy uplbrought on by. the Yuletidesea- At hie workshop at the North and songs are all new and point out that the Banta he only comes over the rooftops teachers' salary guide as it is Clauses we see on the aide-walk with his Bleigh Mate at night more lucrative. metal signs cost about |U each and "they will be no cure." •'If the people know they will be arrested by the police and !lned, there will be no dumping anywhere in the Township," he, declared. Mr. Blanchaid then suggest- ed the Board of Health "en- force the no dumping signs." "What do you think we do 365 days in the year?" Mr. [Bailey declared. "We bring people iu every week. But we jhave to catch them first." Thf Health officer said the Board of Health cannot expect the health officer to erect a i unc! "then sit down and wutcli it." James O'Neill, Mr. Bailey's assistant, pointed out he lost four cast's in court because he mild nut testify he had seen ho individuals dumping al- though there was sufficient t'viduiKT that the materials .lumped belonged to those per- sons. Committeeman R. Richard iContinued on Page 21 Nilrsfs. Janitors To Ash Wage Boost WOODBRIDGE ••• Budget time has arrive)} for the Board of Eduvutiuii and its first prob lem i.s to discuss salary "ad- juatimints." With the teachers now on firm salary guide, the problem far a$ they are concerned fhas solved lt»elf. However, U has been leanisd that the nurses, who have a guide of their own, have asked on 2) The Janitors, too, are The only,kindergarten faultlseeking raises and have asked for a meeting with the person- nel, ooramltter WOODBRIDGE—A correction fficer at the New Jersey Prison 'arm in Avenel was arrested \iesday night by Woodbrldge 'olice and a United States ostal Inspector for allegedly assessing pornographic mate- ial In violation of state Jaw. Held under $1,500 bail for .ctlon of the Grand Jury when ,e appeared before Magistrate \ndrew D. Desmond yesterday! as Orlando De Rasmi 33. 312' Gordon Avenue, Fords. He was ticked up by Postal Inspector Ernest Lewis, Detective Sgt. Vrthur Donnelly and Detective ohn Waldman who said they ound pornographic pictures artoons, books and 8mm movie 'ilm in his home. Police said that De Rasmi's activities have been under in- estlgation by the postal au- horlties for the past two months after a Philadelphia sstablishment was raided and ;orrespondence found from the 'ords man. De Rasmi, police said, did not sell the material ie just exchanged it with other ntereited persons. under-assessed." Hr that new assessments placed on industry "right now, for this comlrig year'! books without waiting for the completion of the revaluation program." The Independent-Leader re-| vealed last week that although the Realty Appraisal Company,! West Ncw York, has recelvndl its J 139,000 contract" to date, only half the work has been completed as far as the| records in the Assessors' offic are concerned. Although investigation by| |jndependent-Leader showed the program will not be complete this year as called for in the (Continued on Page 2) How to Donate Contributions to The Independent Leader Christmas Fund should be addressed to the fund 18 Green Street, Wood- bridge, Checks should be drawn in the name of Independent - Leader Christ ma* Fund. The Woodbridge Pub- lishing Company bears the cost of administer- ing the fund. Every pen nyidonuted goes directly to aid the needy. Good, clean used clothing and workable toys will be accepted at the Independent-Leader office at ' the above address. . Hit by Car, Woman Diesl WOODBRIDGE Funeia iervlces for Mrs. Elizabeth Sulymos, 16, 116 James Street J who died yesterday morning Perth Amboy General Hospitu after being struck by an auto] on Green. Street, will be held Sunday at 1:30 P.M., from thej Greiner Funeral Home, 44J Green Street and at 2 P,M.| in. the Hungarian Rcfornn- Church, School Street. BuintS will be in the Clovfiieaf Patiq emetery. Woodbrldge. A resident of Woodbridse lorj 61 years, M|\s. Sulymos wit.^ member of the Hungarian H n formed Church, its Larii- Auxiliary and a member ot Pun Grove, Supreme Forest, Wonrl- man Circle of Woodbricixc She is survived by her hiis-| band, John: three daugli Mrs. Andrew Dusa, Mrs. Wil-I liam Jelicks. both of Wunci-I (Continued on Page 2> Session to Discuss New Master / WOODBHIDGI-Tlie ninii Board will meet with I he Town Committee wiUiin tin next 10 days to present t ha first draft of thr Master PlunJ Norman Taiuman clmiruwn (jtho forui#r,body«jsaW today. 'Public hearings on the pre- liminary draft of the proposedl joning ordinance," Mr. Tan/.J man said, "will be held shortly] alter the first of the year. Wv. Will listen to suggestions a mil criticisms and after reviewing them we will enter the flnalf draft feu adoption."

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  • oodbridge Stores Open Tomorrow Night and Every Night 'til Christmas

    I_NO. 44


    .ightES E. GREGORY

    \l push further inide for fair assess-Jl property in our

    My, I think I'̂relieve a lot o

    Publlshtd WeeklyOn T h r t WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1959

    J want the 128.51i-Slffany diamond

    offered at praca discount-house

    11800,000. It is truewas cut—the dia-

    the discountafter a year'

    that It has 9iWhich give it deej' brilliance. Some

    i always wante>with 92 facet;

    figure I am getfar along now

    mind abouit things, So

    who reads thi;: had planned or

    at 90-facet joHocking, skip it.

    • * * •that if Tiffany

    i been so impatient,~ studied the prob-two years instead

    r one, ft might haveUp with something

    " want. After all,\ more teeny-weeny

    lan't much to ask.* •. * *

    [utj b get back to the

    ltnt»r«l u 2nd CUn MallAl P. O., WoMlbrtdft, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS

    1960's Best17-Year Old Girl is Chosen by DAR

    First Among WHS Seniorsas

    WOODBRIDOEionor was paid

    -- A signalMiss Lydla

    Santos, a 17-year-old senior ofWoodbrldge High School whenshe was named this year's'Good Citizen" by Janet GageChapter, Daughters of theAmerican Revolution.

    Each year, the chapter selectsa senior girl who, according toher teachers, has the bestqualifications for dependability,leadership, service and patriot-ism.

    The daughter of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Santos, 199 Pa-tricia Avenue, Colonia, Lydiawas guest of honor at thechapter meeting at 82 Green

    tend another DAR session

    February 15 and In the Springshe will be chapter guest at theState DAR convention in Tren-ton where she will meet Gov-irnor Robert B. Meyner.

    Lydia was accepted Intomembership of the NationalHonor Society in her Junioryear and now serves as treas-urer of the society. She is alsocirculation manager of the All-HI News, student publication atthe high school and a memberiof the Spanish Club.

    During the recent football!season, Lydia served fts captainof the cheerleaders. ,

    The Colonia girl has evevy;

    intention of continuing herwould like to major In sociology

    BudgetConcernOf GOP


    (W\s Prior Study o{Nfw Administration;Duff Says He'll Stay


    W()(IHBRIDGK -Thr new Ro jpublican administration whichwill |Bier offico on New Year's,I)R,V will work [ill weekend onthe l!)fiO Township budget,!Mayor -elect Frederick M.Adams said today. j

    "We are goliiK to do our verybest to cut the budset." he told

    Town to Get No BenefitsFrom«136,900 ExpenditureUntil 1961, Query Reveals

    Street. She will also at-|«tudles but hasn't definltelyiand minor in Spanish and hopesiThetold

    decided upon the college. She [some dny to go into social work.

    Christmas Fund

    Battles AloneGallant Woman Fights Tragic Fight

    WOODBRIDGE — Life hasiout siege before he can be re-not been easy for Mrs. X.

    All her life, it seems, she hasbeen struggling to make a placefor herself. Her parents diedwhen she was a child and sheand her brothers and sisterswere placed In foster homes.,

    At she grew older and ob-tained employment, Mrs. Xmanaged to get her family to-gether. It was hard going, butthey were a family at long last.

    Then Mr, X came along. Theymarried and for the first timethe young woman thought thatjagain, The husband, who the

    leased as cured. Mr. X will bepermitted to come home for

    couple of days to observeChristmas, but since all fi-nances are exhausted, it willnot be much of a Christmasunless this little family ishelped through The Indepen-dent-Leader Christmas Fund(Case 461.

    'hristmas. Are you going tomake sifre lhat she gets herheart's desire? Are you golng|ney Nathan Duff, whose termto make certain that the infant still has another year to RO, in-

    perhapt her luck was changing.A baby was born, a lovelyyoungster, and 1Ue seemedcomplete.

    But, then, Ulnes* struck. Mr.

    Then thereMrs. Y—

    is theyoung

    case ofwoman.a

    mother of a pre-sehool childand soon to be a mother

    Welfare Department has de-scribed as "just no good," hasdeserted and all efforts of theauthorities to find him haveproven futile.' Tlie pre-school

    X has been a patient In a hos-'child, a little girl, te expecting'pltal for sometime now and itja big doll, with blue eyes andis goto* to 'to "••ionftr. dtawn-|blond hair "that can (iuri" for

    * • • •an our news-

    to get sotaesent about

    re-valuation! — conceived in the; purpose of placingshare of the cost of|

    ittag our communityOUT SChOOls Upon all; WOODBRIDOE—The Chan-

    jT-OWners — has [ n m organization. New York,tit surprisingly mea-'the firm that had hoped toformation For somepnsu-uct a **oo store for

    I Klein's at the intersection of

    Independent-Leader. "Weall department hends toi

    have preliminary figures in by]today, and then we will Rd towork in earnest.1'

    Mr. Adams also said no de-cision had been reached on ap-pointments to be made nn NewYear's Day.

    "We are too concerned aboutthe many problems that arefacing us, and they are increas-ing dally," he stated. "We stillhave time to make final de-cisions on appointments."

    Meantime, Township Attor

    soon to come into this worldjhas a layette? If you want tohelp, send your donation to TheIndependent-Leader ChristmasFund (Case No. 49).

    The story of desertion seemsto be a common one, but itbrings with it heartache forthe mothers and bewildermentfor the children. And becausehey are children they cannot

    understand why they cannothave the things that their play-mates take for granted. Nowthat Christmas is coming theirplaymates are full of talesabout Santa and all the thingsthey are going tb get for Christ-

    mas from skates, to radios. The,

    dicated yesterday he Intends totay ,on after the first of the

    year. He stated that he hadbeen "approached" with "sug-Kestions" that he resign as "thebest thing.he could do."

    "I have never run away fromfight," he said, "and if they

    impose restrictions on me forthe purpose of getting me out,I will see to It that my succes-sor abides by those restrictions.I hope to be around t" see what,hey do."

    At the same time, Mr. Duffsaid ne saw the need for anassistant Township Attorney.

    "I have made the recom-(Continued on Page 2>

    (Continued on Page 2)

    Klein Still Wants Site Here;Edison Puts Out Welcome Mat

    no vigorous|O Wipe out the ap-

    I i t i

    not easily appar-|Kleln 8 a t u i e i n i e r s e c i l o n 0I

    e i a no vigorous ^ indep^ndent-I^dw' yes-terday that "it still hopes very

    dp p terday tha t h p y

    Inequities which much to build In the Wood-


    y exist in our tax-•jitem. The Repub-' —with the exception

    Adams—noisily vo-the recent election

    suddenly haveptrlcken with anfl Of tongue-tied-

    its, last weekadent - Leader

    ! 8 distressing .stateWhile through

    iths it had beenInsurance of deep1 ,t*the $139,000

    was finished,'for implementa-i Town Commit-


    Perna Hearing TonightSuspended Magistrate's Clerk, Gets Chance

    To Tell His Story to Public

    bridge area".John Severance, public rela-

    tions man for the organization,said:

    "Mr. Irwin S. Channin toldme to tell you that Klein's wouldlike to stay in the area but onlyif it is a wanted child."

    Mr. Severance also indicatedthat $50,000 has already beenexpended on'surveys on popu-lation, buying power and avail-ability of sites.

    Asked if staying in the areameant Woodbridge or EdisonTownship. Mr. Severance had!"no comment".

    Meantime Mayor Anthony Y.Yelencsics, Edison said he hadno official word from Channinbut he knew they were "lookingat sites in Edison."

    "I can tell you sincerely", hedeclared, "that we are going tofight to get Klein's for Edison.

    WOODBRIDQE — WilliamPerna, suspended clerk of theMagistrate's Court, will ap-pear before the Town-Com-mittee 'at public hearing to-night at 8 o'clock at th« Mu-nicipal Building.

    A previous hearing was de-clared invalid because theresolution called for a closed

    hearing.The complaint against Mr.

    Perna deals primarily withcharges that his "books werenot kept properly." •

    Township Attorney NathanDuff will represent the mu-nicipality and Joseph Fine-berg, Rahway, is counsel forMr, Perna.

    Pretty Voices Sing Sweet MusicAs Welcome Rock 'n Roll Relief

    Christmas QundOlfU This Week

    Donation* of (474.79 have brought uthe total of The Ihdependent-Le»der|area.


    Avenel girls— pretty. »entleand talented— hqye the centerof the stage at'WoodbrldseHigh School these days for theyhave formed one of the mostpopular singing trios in the

    Christmas Fund to »l,220.89. Aminimum or $3,600 Is needed to takecare of 100 families

    This week's donations arc usfollows:

    130.29White Birch Men's CUih (from

    containers, uddltlonal).U5.00

    Frederick M Adanis. Everett G,Held. Woodbrldge Uons Club, Ameri-can Federation of State, Countyund Municipal Employees, hoc1099; Township of Woodbrldge Em-ployees Association.

    J20.00Dr. Leroy Homer, Merry Christm

    $18.00Woman's Club ot Avenel.

    f 15.CH)Dr. Fred Kessler, Dr. and Mrs

    Henry A. BolalskySID.IKl

    Mr. mid Mrs. Wllliun JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Norman TamilianWoman's Club of Iselln. Sophie andAnna L, Johnson. Raymond Anderson. Dorothy L. Btlnsoh, Mr. midMrs. Jack Laden, Mr. and Mr:Prank Hlrth, Fords Pharmacy. AFriend, A. W. Eckert, Dr. MortlmeiCowen, Sisterhood ot Congregation

    i Continued on Page 2>

    SONGBIRDS: The Three J's, Janet Ruesch, Joyce Krrekes »nd Jane Campbell, all ofAvenel, are one of the sought-after slnglnu trios In the Township. They are shownabove with Mrs. Klizabeth F. Musacchia, vocal music instructor at Wondhrldgr Web

    who has given them encouragement along thr way.

    RevaluationLacks DataAnd Drive

    WOOOBR1DQE — It Is no»definite lhat. thr revaluationpmiunm will not be completeduntil next year—and the delayhns broiiRht quick criticismlimn Mayor -elect Frederick\1 Atlams.

    • Committt'Pman R. Richard IIKnuiss, Povds, who Is chairman|!f the administration commit-tee, srtld today the programlcould not be completed in tlmal|tn net the books to the county Board of Taxation|at the deadline. January 10, be-cfiusp "dUcutKionj are still gn-lnw on with larger Industnesiwhich arr belnn told how theyfnre beniR revalued."

    We me trying to reach a lfair agreement," Mr. Kraus«|said

    Mayor -elect Adams was bit—tcv about the delay and said"all the Democratic adminis-tration is doing is giving thebiR people a year of grace, atthe expense of the little people "

    "Many home owners," Mr.Adnms SRI(1. "had hoped for*some relief through revalua-llion, with everyone payinn 1

    jjust share. We desperately need|

    The youiw ladies— all 16years old and all juniors— areJanet Ruesch, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Carl Ruesch, 47 Fifth!Avenue; Joyce Kerekes, 275Remsen Avenue and JaneCampbell, daughter of Mr. and

    Mrs. David Campbell. 67 Dart-mouth Avenue.

    Strange as it may seem thesedays to those of ntf flrho decry;the tight bluejeans and blackleather types which for someunexplained reason seem to bepopular with a large portion ofthe teenage population, thesethree misses are anything butthe rock-'n-r.oll type. Theirrepertoire these days consistsof all the holiday songs and!

    DOK" kind of Kon«. one sighswith great relief, is missing

    Art" to "I'm Dreaming of aWhite Christmas." The "Hound

    revaluation, everybody wanted!It and we don't have It evenl

    from their portfolio of songs, 'though weAn interest In singing has

    bound yiic Rirls together into awonderful friendship which Is

    J136,000 tohavedate.

    paid someWho ever

    heard of payinu 99 per cent ofa contract for something you

    wlwn they sing— they i haven't got?"enjoy it and they en.ioy each; DiscussinR i n d u s t r y , Mr. |other. Adams said "It is g known tact

    It all started last, year when j that industry in the Township|they banded together to sing In ithe Sophomore Variety Showand were so successful they de-

    hymns from "How Great Thou|eided to continue. Joyce, Ker-ekes Is a pupil of vocal' music

    (Continued on Page 2)

    Illegal Dumping PoliceProblem, Bailey Avers

    WOODBRIDGE—"All the signs in the world won't keeppeople from dumping in vacant lots, only police action aancure it," Health Officer Harold J. Bailey told the Board ofHealth Tuesday.

    The subject was brought up when Commltteeman LeonBlanchaid complained cardboard signs put up in Fords have

    deteriorated and suggestedmetal signs be used.

    Mr, Bailey pointed out that

    Pornography¥ • I AT IJails INJ

    /oy, Wonder, Betief of Child, 5, Make IdealQualities for Yule Happiness, Says Teacher

    (36,900 in cash[the data per-1

    ^valuat ion ofBperty in

    As ofthelast

    fie vital infor-least 7,500

    aerty was in*• or the hat —

    sers. All weat this isn'tjld be — in

    'our Board ofappraisers,

    id so manywas done,

    that it isn'tInformationbe on thoseriould be ini Townshipon work-

    p a n ' t do anyspendingQOQ con-

    Page 2)

    ffranscription ..,pllcates the opi- lWe w a n t them- W e welcome

    out to be the[ i h e n i ' B a s e d o n . t h e W.OOO.OOOjfiKure you had m your paper,it will mean $120,000 In taxes

    * * forusbasedpnourtaxrate.ltTownshipjwould have meant more for you

    people as your tux rate ishigher.

    "We have recqmmended twosites for the store,—both are in-dividually owned and of coursethey will have to do businessfirst with the owners. We willbe in there pitching to try andmake things as pleasant forthem as we can."

    Last week, the Board of Ad-justment rejected an applica-tion for a variant* after amarathon hearing of 14 ses-sions, A request by the Kleinattorney for permission to'with-draw the' application was de-fied,


    621 Linden Avenue, reported tothe police 'Poesftfty she tart ablue leather wallet containing$21.99 In the vicinity ot MainSchool and Pearl Streets.



    Guys from HartlBon, Tuesday,Walter Lee, Staten Island, re-ported to police Tuesday,

    PROUD O*' THK SANTA THKY'Ri: MAKING THEMSELVES are these children in the Kewaren School kindergartenelsuu: (left to rig lilt Jiuneh Lucas, Sally Amlersdi, Melody Cotter, Janet Davit* and Jeffrey Muran. Santa, whosv bnseis crossed broom handles and wads of newspaper and cloth, appeared first this year tt» a scarecrow, then a T ^ n k h

    (ivtn« Indian, and lit now being turned into St. Nick himself,

    Bj( BARBARA BALFOUR "There is all the joy.wonder and belief at this

    WOODBRHXJE—Two fender Ithe perfect age to enjoy Christ-SBWABWf-Jive years oW ia|^T»ys. "'The atorles, legends

    off hucw|mai" This ii t}» oon8ldere4|freth."while It was parked at Two'opinion of an expert on tlve«j

    year-olds, Mw. Margaret Tay-


    and "We believe in him abso-lutely," MTE. Taylor affirms.F^ur'lJm"aiwaVB'"care~lul"to|tihie*reai Santa"ciaus, becauaejthft̂ the* bejncluded ln^the

    No question arises in the Se-waren kindergarten about be-


    Pole getting. ready for Chrltt-mas Eve. Nobody has ever seen

    and in department stores

  • TWO11 'Wff X

    Program of Thankfulness JmiA f iGiven by Pupils to PTA T« I X

    '.-i< minw sal w - i*"* M * 1 *Tm. Mflii'* •«•( sanflt M"f 3*̂ 6 * *

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    itm TS.TTU. » ',aa »IK i t it- __; ̂ ĵ g, f tJWI 7zxs&m navsataao* r̂ii» 'TJ* tat mac j_ r̂ ii*' PE> EVERY MCHT TIL 10!


    •TO. !1 P J*.



    Mfcrtao |

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    Dumping " - - • I a n d Decoration,nevamation 1

    | Call I V -| ME-44H*1 Well Ddhn-


    ' Opel.

    DOORT* Mm


    Advertisingm CM


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    ower• WOOMBIDGI

    £*•»« ate. t

    Santa Savs it's

    See Our Selection of



    SAVERS SCOREDon * ta opportunity post you by .

    bt teady «pfh 0 OHM r««r»«.

    Put thoMt vporc d»lort

    that now iiip iWoudh yowr

    *n«f e rttey U refliy c«rt«

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    waicfa«aiolbe nwed lot MI

    mw»m *£»*** l « uewwed for«s

    Maio iUmt,

    | Utg OVBLATAWAT TUW « • - *

    Opm ET«7 Nigk Til ( i m u w u - Free

    U i l l v . M « ( t i NO


    [e MusicChoirs

    WHS Students to PresentYuletide Musical Festival

    The. four choirsFirst, Presbyterian

    |;under thr direction offtumnrm, minister of

    (111 present a Chrtst-tam Sunday at theinspiration service.

    pHalleluJnh Chorus ofah," by Handel, will

    by thr combinedjrtl and WestminsterIflololatR will be Mrs.

    Miss Normajiand Mrs. DRIC Scott. A

    the Misses Joyce_ Jane Campbell andusch. will participate

    he Carol nnd Crusader

    tgest sum over raisedAvenel Presbyterian

    pledged duringi fund campaign. Sid-Sam, canvass chalr-

    | announced over $100,-en pledged for 1960.

    '/total, a considerable"; 1960 will b(< set aside

    building which theplanning.

    jition, an extensive be-program, including a

    fund and aid to[,'fttid forelsn missionst underwritten.

    WOODBRIDOE — The VocalMusic Department of Wood-bridge High School, will presenta Christmas Music Festival De-cember 22, at 8 P.M, in Wood-bridge High School Auditorium.

    Some of the numbers to besung by the A.M. Choruses andGlee Club, under the directionof Mrs. Elizabeth FarrlngtonMusacchia with piano accom-paniment by Miss Joy Mat-thews, are: "Carol of the Bells'by M, Leontovlch and arranged

    Aid Fetecember 20th

    by Peter J. Wilhousky; "SleighRide" by Leroy Anderson; and"Christmas Story" by PaulmeWalsh; "AdeBte Pldeles" ar-ranged by Kreckel gmd "Hal-lelujah Chorus" by George P.Handel.

    the AM. Girls' SpecialChorus will sing Franz Schu-bert's "Ave Maria" and theA cappella Choir will sing "TheFirst Christmas" by Samueland Al Lohr, "Lo! How a RoseE'er Blooming" by Praetoriusand "Sing Ye Noel" an oldFrench carol.

    The P.M. Choruses and GleeClub under the direction ofJohn Schraeder will offer "ThiMusic of Life" by Noble Callsung by the Advanced Chorus:"The Dream of Olwen" byWilliams, "Coventry Carol,'"The Twelve Days of Christmas" and "Glory to God In thiHighest" by Pergolesi, sung b;the Vocal Music ChorUB. Truentire ensemble will end tb

    3E—The Ladlesof the Hungarian

    program by singing "The BattHymn of the Republic" ar

    Churchsupper Sunday, De-

    30, at 6 P. M. in the|'Sail. Mrs. Steven Simon,

    Kopemyl, Mrs. An-and Mrs. Andrew

    ID be in charge of theAn exchange of gifts

    (place.'Sodety members have

    new kitchen equip-M coat of $505. A do-

    ' ISO was given to the

    7te r a n « e d b" P e t e r 3- WilhouskyTickets may be purchased!

    from Mrs, Musacchia, Mr.Schraeder, any of the muBlcstudents or,may be purchasedat the door.

    Guild to InductSlate Jan. 21st

    WOODBRIDGE — Anthony'. Eckert, director of Perth

    \mboy General Hospital, willIristall the slate of the recentlyreorganized Woodbrldge Branch

    the Perth Amboy Generalhospital Woman's Guild, onFanuary 21 at the WoodbrldgeJmergency Squad Building, it

    was announced at a Boardmeeting held at the home ofthe president, Mrs. G, E, Dak-ton. Barron Avenue.

    Mrs. Leslie Egry will be incharge of the program andMrs, Walter Puckett will serves hospitality chairman.Plans were made for a chil-

    dren's fashion show in Marchwith Mrs. Joseph Caso as chair-man. Mrs. Dalton announcedthat an invitation has been re-cevled from the Perth AmboyGuild to attendashion show at

    March 5.

    a luncheon-The Pines,

    Mothers Club to HoldParty on WednesdayW O O D B R I D G E - The

    Mothers Club of Boy Scout

    Barr to Head3rd Ward GOP

    AVENEL — Election of offi-cers of the Third Ward Repub-lican Club resulted in the election of Norman Barr as presi-dent; Mrs. Warren Cllne, vicepresident; Mrs. Charles Peter-sen, recording secretary; Mrs.Ralph Miranda, correspondingsecretary; Louis Declbus, treas-urer and Charles Petersen,trustee.

    The installation dinner 'willbe January 16 at the Log CabinWoodbrldge, with Mr. Decibus,general chairman.

    Announcement was made byMrs. Petersen, chairman, thatfinal plans have been made for

    SENIOR CLASS PLAY CAST: "The M»n Who Camp to Dinner" will be presented tonfcht »nd tomorrow ni«ht by the Senior Clam of WoodbrldfeHigh School in the school auditorium. Curtain time is 8:30. First row, left to right, Miwlyn Turner, Gary Sehonwsld, Tina Schonwald, Al Fiorello,Nancy Frohwein, Donna Carrol, Andre Apostol. Olga Senesy; second row, Les Warren, Ronald Dolan, Robert Base, Edw»rd Water*, Unny Culffred*,

    Dennis ChrlstenMn, David Kallmh, Judy Boimlsky, Bert Kali, coach; Stuart DyUhwsUl.

    Christmas Fund BenefitsFrom Club Auction Sale

    School as a Christmas T™°P 37 will hold a Christmasi the group, and a do-

    ,WU also given to theHome orphanage in

    Officers of the; Iffll Visit shut-In mem-

    ! the Christmas holi-wlth the pastor,

    Btry. Each shut-inpresented a basket of

    Next meeting will be' 3 at 2:30 P. M.

    AVENEL — A Chinese auc-tion was conducted at the re-cent meeting of the AvenelWoman's Club for the benefitof The Independent-LeaderChristmas Fund. The sum of$18 was raised.

    The American home depart-ment, Mrs. Joseph Radowski,chairman, presented "Put aLittle Fun in Your life" forthe evening's program.

    A donation was made to theMiddlesex County Tuberculosis

    party for the scouts Wednes-day at the VFW post home atPearl Street.

    The boys will exchange giftsand mothers are asked/ to con-tribute baked goods. After theaffair, the mothers 'will holdtheir own Christmas party andgifts will also be exchanged. Allmothers are requested to at-tend.

    the annual Christmas partywhich will be held at Mrs. Mi-chael Galamb's, 98 SummitAvenue, Sewaren. AssistingMrs. Petersen are Mrs, Mi-randa, Mrs. Cline, Mrs. DonaldCampbell and Mr. Petersen.

    An open house party will beheld at the Log Cabin January1 after the newly-elected mem-bers of the Town Committeeare sworn into office. Mr. De-clbus Is In charge, A victorydinner will take place Febru-ary tt at the Hungarian Hall,

    League. Cupswere donatedColonla First


    and teaspoonsto the Avenel-Aid Squad, at

    Perth Amboy, with StanleyKnopkek, chairman.

    John Hughes, newly-elected

    whose headquarters the clubmeets the first and thirdWednesdays of the month.

    The annual Christmas partywill be held Wednesday at theregular meeting place withmembers as guests. Gifts willbe exchanged. Reservations areto be made with Mrs. JohnMahon. A buffet supper will beserved.

    Mrs. William Hansen, presi-dent, Introduced Mrs. Margaret Hill and Mrs. MadelineAndre, guests. Hostesses were


    Third Ward Committeemanaddressed the group. EdwardMalone was welcomed intomembership. M o v i e s wereshown of various club activities.

    Mrs. Vernon Johnson wonthe dark horse prize. Hospi-tality was arranged by Mrs.Norman Lower, Mrs. HaroldWitt and Nels Kjelden.

    Mrs. Samuel Albrecht, Jr. andMrs, Charles Miller.


    (Formerly Blackie's Tavern)

    Corner of William and New Streets



    Shop in WoodbridgeWhere

    You Get

    Teachers to MeetAt WHS on Monday

    WOODBRIDGE — Wood-bridge Township FederationTeachers will hold a meetingand social at Woodbrldge HlgSchool Monday at 8 P.M. Anexecutive board meeting isscheduled for 7:30 P.M.

    A special report on the 22ndannual convention of the NewJersey Federation of Teacher!will be given.




    Woodbridge Stores


    TBLIC NOTICE Iupholstery and wall-to-wall carpet shampoo teams are

    solidly through December.

    ration* are now being taken for in-the-home shampoo

    ointments during January and February, 1960.


    sey Volunteer Fire Chiefs wilhold its meeting Sunday,10:30 A.M., at WoodbridgiFire House, School Street. Alformer members may be reinstated by calling Edward Kennedy, 10 East Green Street.




    Miller'sGIFT SHOP

    11H Main St.. Woodbridf*

    late InductedBy Democrats

    AVENEL—Installatlon of of-lcers of the Third Ward SixthMstrict Democratic Club was:onducted Saturday by Edwardieyler, ^Democratic Municipal'hairrtan, at the Log Cabin.Inducted were Jack Schultz.

    resident; Joseph Zurich, viceresident; W a l t e r Sobieski,

    treasurer; Mrs. Francis Tobln,secretary and Mrs. HermanPetz, good and welfare.

    Department chairmen werelamed by Mrs. Schultz as fol-ows: Jack Mclver, program;Joseph Accardi, membership;Mrs. Sobieski, publicity; MrsKitty Dick, hospitality andJoseph Manzion, legal advisor.

    A welcome address was givenby Mr. Mclver. Former Com-mitteeman George Mrffe wastoastmaster; Mrs. William Mes-sier gave the invocation. Com-mitteeman Elmer Dragos pre-sented gifts to the retiring offi-cers on behalf of the club.

    Honored guests from the

    Troop Receives CharterAt Recent Honor Court

    ! ;DinnerArrange

    WOODBRIDGE — Thenullify Guild. Hungarian.ffinned Church, will hold It)• annual Christmas dinner partiSunday at fl P. M. In the ParJjlsh Hall Scripture readings an|;rarol singing will be led by th"oflierrs. Mrs. Joseph Dobos wiflshow slides o' the recent

    i Ma lint ion of Guild officers.Plans for the evening wer

    mnfir at R recent meeting| the proup. New member* Introducrd were Mrs. Benjamin Endrlyl and'Mrs. A. L. Neal. MilAndrew N»gy reported on th

    ipnrkngos sent to overseas and,U 8-bawd servicemen. Mr-iThrodnrp Slpos said that th

    I proceeds from the sale'Christmas candy will go tc! wards the church building fundj The Oulld will present candy to the

    (School during its Chrlstmaparty which wilt take plaqSunday. December 20, at 3 P.NIn the Parish Hall.

    Eight members have volunteered to serve In theAmboy General Hospitalmembers of. the Woodbriibrnach of the Hospital Gull*They are Mr«. Brdelyl, MrStephen Stopen, Mrs. NeMrs. Sipoe, Mr*. Andrew Novak, Mrs. Anthony AnMrs. Stephen Futo, Mra. JoDobos.

    WOODBRIDGE--The annual we of the Raritan Council

    COMPLETES COURSE: Air-man Paul T. Cole, of Mrs.Paul Cole of 878 RahwayAvenue, Avenel, has com-pleted his initial course ofAir Force basic militarytraining at Lackland AFB,Texas. He has been selectedto attend the technical train-ing Specialists at Lowry AFB,Colorado. Airman Cole la agraduate of Woodbridge High


    charter of Boy Scout Troop 33was presented to Charles Wil-liams, vice president of theMen's Brotherhood of the FirstPresbyterian Church, sponsorsof the troop, at a recent Courtof Honor held in the churchmeeting rooms. Rocco Trimboll,northeast district commissionerof the Raritan Council, madethe presentation.

    Fred McElhenny opened themeeting with an Invocation.John Tetley, chairman of thetroop committee, welcomed theboys, their parents and guests.He presented registration cardsto Norman Kllby, scoutmaster;Edward DeCarlo and LawrenceKatasoha, assistant scoutmas-ters; Edward Galvanek, JamesMcCabe, Maynard Winston, MrMcElhenny, Sheldon BowenFred Linn and Ernest Glauke,troop committee-men; and toWesley Helselberg, instltutlonarepresentative.

    Scoutmaster Kllby held t

    Third Ward County Committeewere introduced by Mrs. Mrozas follows: Mrs. James Hoplerand Henry Kennedy, seconddistrict; Harry O'Connor, third;Peter Floersch, fourth; Mrs.Benjamin Weinsteln, f i f th ;Mrs. Elmer Dragos and Mr.Mclver, sixth; William Reiliy,:lghth and Lou Coyle, ninth

    district. Mr. Reiliy and JamesO'Neil, members of the AvenelBoard of Fire Commissioners;

    Children to ConductSabbath Services™*?*1^. «nve*itu«

    AVENEL - Children of the m ° n y t o r e l g h t n e W

    Bar and Bss Mltzvah classeswill conduct tomorrow night'sservices at 8:30 PM. at Con-gregation B'nai Jacob, accord-


    Scouts: Robert Ellis, Bruce,Kilby, Charlis McCabe, JamesMcCabe, Guy Nemara, WalteiSadowski, Richard Turner andRonald Turner. The Scouts

    Philip Brand. Sol Slotnick willassist the Rabbi.

    The Oneg Shabbot will besponsored jointly by Mr, andMrs, Slotnick and Mr. and Mrs.Milton Kushner in honor oftheir wedding anniversaries.

    !"0 ° n n o " n «emeI!fc ,b3f ,Rab)?! demonstrated knot tying anfire with flint and steel undeithe direction of Sandy Grelner, senior patrol leader. Mr,Kllby conducted the Court oHonor at which second classawards were presented by MrBowen to S a n d y Grelnei

    Tuesday the deacons will meet committee meeting held at tt

    A change has been made In Thomas Galvanek and Rogeithe time of tonight's adult edu-cation classes to 7 P.M. This Isdue to a congregation board

    James McHugh, life member of m e e t l n B «* f ° r 9 P-M. at Hythe Avenel-Colonla First AidSquad and James Atkinson,secretary of the Iquad, "werealso guests.

    Dinner, dancing and refresh-ments were featured. Me Mc-lver was chairman of the af-fair,

    Farer's, 175 Mldfield Road, Co-lonia.

    Saturday junior congregationwill be held at the center at

    Olesen. Mr. Tetley presenteeMerit badges to John Eppen<stelner.

    Mrs. Andrew Ellis, presidenof the former Mothers Clulspoke to the parents about thbenefits of having such a cluA meeting to organize a Moth

    Nonjiletto HonoredBy Shell OU Co.

    AVENEL — Fred Monfiletto,owner of Meco Oil Heating Co,of Avenel, was awarded a spe-cial plaque in honor of his 10years as a Shell fuel oil jobber.

    The award was made by J.K.Wells, Shell's district manager,Newark and B. C. Astrup, di-!vision manager. New York,kind was tsiven to Mr. Monfi-k'tto at tile Newarker Restau-rant, Newark Airport. Mr, Mon-fih'tto, is married and the jlather of three children.

    9:30 AM-, Mrs. Joseph Herz-era Club will be held in thifeld reminds the youth of the Scout meeting rooms Decembe;congregation of the sports and 18. William Bressler, field ex&ewspaper groups meeting Wed-tnesday at 7:30 P.M. at theflcenter.


    Night Bridge Club met recently [at the home of Mrs. ThomasDoherty, Canterbury Lane. Mrs.Louis Biggio, of Long BeachIsland, sister of Mrs. Doherty,'was a guest. Others present wereMrs. Edward Partenope, Mrs.Frank Poley, Mrs. John Patter-son, Mrs. Ang l̂o Pellegrino,Mrs. Carl Crawford, Mrs. JohnFelz.


    From Waodbridge Mu-nicipal Building to Menlo Park Terrace, at EP. M. Monday throughFriday. {One person,)

    Please Call

    LI 9-3925

    iscribed how Lord Baden-swell of England started the:outlng movement and told of

    history. Refreshments wererved by the men of the Troopmnmlttee.

    Missionary UnitiHolds LuncheoiWOODBRIDOE — The mil

    slonary group of the LadieAuxiliary, T r i n i t y EpiscopChurch, held a recent luncheand Christmas pajty meet inat the Parish House. Devotionwere led by the Rev, WilliaSchmaus. A business meetinfollowed. Mrs. Percy Huiickported the recent card partysuccess.

    ^ ^ _ ira = Mrs. Otis Kiel, devotloeek~at"the First "presbyterTari chairman, reported on a worl

    shop and conference she haattended in Trenton. Mrs. c . 'Conley announced that a pan«ake supper Is being planneMrs. William Finn, presidensaid that the group would e\vChristmas gifts to eight bojlin the Annandale home. ^meeting will be January 4 wit!Mrs. Joseph Qarrls, hostess.

    lany ActivitiesAt White ChurchWOODBRIDGE — Activitiesis Sunday and through next

    hurch have been announced& follows by the pastor, Rev.Hex N. Nemeth:

    S u n d a y : Sunday School,30, Morning Worship, 11. In-

    ant baptism will be admlnis-red at the 11 KM. service,unior Christian Endeavor willneet at 3 P. M. Junior HighInlted Presbyterian Youth willeet at 6:30 P.M. in the church

    asement. Senior High Youthmeet at 7 P.M. In Fellow-

    hip Hall.Monday the White Church

    Guild will hold a covered dishupper and Christmas party at

    P.M. in Fellowship Hall.

    Trip ArrangementsMade for Pack 1

    COLONIA — The Chrlstmt)party of Cub Pack 130 willheld Tuesday at 7:30 at Schoo2 and 16, It was decided at

    X 8 P.M. in the church office.The Ladies Aid Society will

    lold a covered dish luncheonit 1 P.M. Wednesday in Fel-lowship Hall, where the Men'sBrotherhood will meet at 8 P.M.

    Thursday the Women's Asso-ciation will meet in the hall at8 P.M. Installation of officerswill take place and a Christmasdrama will be enacted. Fridaywill have junior choir rehearsalat 6:30 and senior choir at 8'P.M.

    Curbs on raw materials ex-ports asked.

    home of Mrs, Thomas DohertPlans were discussed for forning a Scout' troop for gradiatlng Cubs and for a Pack trlto Pennsylvania later in tlwinter.

    The Cubs hope to takeday's trip to New York socafter Christmas to visit ttNBC studios and the NaturHistory Museum. Busses for tlCubs and four station wagoifor the parents are expectedbe used|pn this outing whichfinanced by the boys' salecandy this fall.

    IP̂ W *^w ̂ ^B ̂ WK^fl^ JW9t



    Oak (Him.Evening p r ..„

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    '1:17' 1 ^ 1 7 'MftlStft

    Facial rnmi








    ROUND ROAST 7 7JV-er

    Mor* »

    T«|i SirtowCwnedBeef

    C rasa

    r « * « of »t . M«4 Mr»B e r e t - d f * . Wortfc



    *-*-1^' Slked Bacon S - 4 3 1FRUITS t VEGETABLES! £


    trsPiamSWftY 0f»

    Grocery Buys! ™?w»« o uPASCAL CELERY


    ht-HolidaREYNOLD'S WUIM^WRAPGERBER'S - - 10 9 3BUMBLE BEE " W " 2 ~ 69 SR«GES

    2 632

    KELLOGG'S «*nMm 2 - 33cTOMATO SOUP - 2 : 3 3 c


    SWHT J A #

    iiv¥bRAN6ES 9 49-- * 5i45e


    ibk-k tan iro mm WHTMU

    DEL MONTE FI6S 2 :. 5 5 ' PRETZELSV S h i w

    SALTED PEANUTS 2 59^ HYDROX COOKIES " i T J iUNmrrtSfrtai ^ J L: * $tar*WTm r — ''—'Saiaa Arttre • . • 2fUyallelstia *—«-' 4RtyalfelstiiKm Irani ftrmRki

    Pastel PipitsLa«ir| Sop

    A*PMan otM^t—wcre n b ^ i > i i m OOOTCD*kace! That'i what the new 'Jumbo-Su*A*P Intfznt CoSee cfien 70a! Same tapabfxah larw. Reach for the Jumbo Jar todsf!




    Marie M. McLoughlln Suchy; chtnsky, Woodbridge and Mrs.wo daughters, Mrs. Caslmlr

    Ballnskt, Toms River and Mrs,Nicholas Homyock, Oarwood;

    UE ROTHi— Mrs. Emllle Roth,

    a»ant Avenue, died, Perth Amboy Oen-al aftor H lonn HI-

    of Alsace-Lorraine,lived In New York

    ) moving to Iselln twoShe was the widow

    lite Ferdinand Rothvlved by a son, Rob-

    services were heldrom Thomas J. Cos-eral HOmr, Green

    Cooper Avenue,at St. Cecelia's

    here a Requiem Mass


    — Joseph E. SuchyStreet, died Satar-

    L brief lllnrss.employe of the

    Is Metal>i Hnrt Re-| Cwteret. Mr. Suchy

    Bunlcant, of St. An

    He Is survived by his widow,

    member of SobraUa. CartcretBranch 71 and Greek CatholicUnion, Lodge 702, Port Read-Ing.

    The widow of Michael Ho-mlch, she is survived by twodaughters, Mrs. Joseph Sek-

    a brother, Edwin W. Casey, Jr.,and a sister Miss Mary Harriet;«sey, also Of Woodbrid«n.

    two grandchildren; a sister,Mrs. William Baler, MountVernon, N. Y., and three broth-ers, Leo, Chicago, 111., Edward,New York City and Frank,Liberty, N, Y.,Funeral serviceswere held yesterday fromGrelner F u n e r a l Home,Green Street, Woodbridge andat St. Andrew's Church. Burialwas In St. Gertrude's Cemetery.


    Carl Sobraskey. Cleveland, O.,a son, Port Reading, 12 grand-children and 22 great-grand-children.

    Funeral services will be heldat 9 o'clock this .morning fromGreiner Funeral Home, 44Green Street and at 9:30 at StEllas Greek Catholic Church.Burial will be In St. JamesCemetery, Woodbridge.


    Feher, 39 Louis Street, died

    WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Anria


    61, 9 Robert Street, died Fridayat Perth Amboy General Hos-pital.

    A resident of Sewaren for 34years, he was a former residentof Perth Amboy and a native ofHungary. He was a communi-cant of Our Lady of Mt. CnrmelChurch, Woodbridge and em-ployed by Ichabod T. Williams

    !o.,' Carteret.Surviving are his widow

    Ethel; a daughter, Mrs. JohnGrega, a son. Victor and onegrandchild, all of Perth Amboy

    Funeral services were heldTuesday at her home after alingering Illness, She was the

    Homich, 80, 325 Berry Street,! J J 0 * / * Q e 0 W W l W - A **died Tuesday at the home 0fLB5 B res |dent of the Townshipher daughter after a brief Ill-ness.

    A resident of Port Readingand Woodbridge for the past35 years, Mrs, Homich was acommunicant of St. Ellas Greek. M r s ' I r e n e U r . P e r t h AmboyCatholic Church, Carteret andn member of the Mothers Clubof that church. She was also a


    Monday morning at Our Ladyof Mt. Carmel Church.


    for the past 31 years. She wasa member of the First BaptistChurch of Perth Amboy,

    Surviving are three daugh-|tcrs, Msr. Margaret BZarek and

    and Mrs. Madeline Polanski,Fords; six sons, Muchael, PerthAmboy; George, Metuchen; Ste-phen, Iselln; J o s e p h andCharles, Fords and John withthe U. S. Air Force In Englandand eight grandchildren Fu-neral services will be held to-morrow morning at 11 at The i WILLIAM H. HOY

    346 Crows Mill Road, dipd Sun-da'y In Roosevelt Hospital, Edi-|son, after a short Illness.

    Born In Austria, he had re-sided In Fords for 4o years. Hewas a member of the lady ofPeace Church and of St, Mat-thew's Branch, First SlovakCatholic Union.

    He is survived by a daughterMrs. Mary Kocslk, Fords, threegrandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

    Wealth Hints «PARAGRAPHSHierarchy

    A Jnjrnus Christen** In the business world, an

    Ii is *vnu>tnmatlc of our executive knows something

    illmcs that once parents used »b,out everything, a technician

    jtn send ttiru grown children knows everything about some-

    jnir ton social evening with thejthmi, and the switchboard

    llnMliKmt admonition. ••Hsvelknow* mryUi ln f . -Worce i t e ritnnd time, children!", th*y

  • ^ PACK mx.T H U R S D A Y . P E C E M B F K :••


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    Fru E100 FREE


    For the /inert Produce . . . all >ou n*ed remember is Sa/etcav'


    Juicy Fresh Floridasextra large size fruit

    Indian RtYer. Famous Qualitywhite or pink medium size




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    5 • •

    Florida Oranges5 39 10 75

    Florida Grapefruit5 39 10 75

    i We Dare You to Try! The World's Finest White Meat Tuna FishDOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK!*. But a ran of S tvATIUDKR Solid I'ack White Meat; J Una. ff von do not â r«-


    • »

    ERSATIONAI, PRINTS that are three-season fa-Authenlio university styled button-down model*

    colorful selection of run-proof prlnti. Wash beautl-y, need lHUr or no Ironing. Men'i ilxes small, medlam1 larrr. ROBERT HALL priced at 2.89 and 3.89. B071',


    fame Committee to Startflans for Youth Program

    3NIA—Plans for a chll-lholiday party and a re-'

    ; on the proposed Colonla-I youth program were heard

    | j | meeting Tuesday night of ji Shbrecrest Civic Associa-

    at School will take place1

    December 19, atI 32 from 2 to 4 P. M.. All

    at children are Invited,ere will be gifts, refresh-movies and an appear-

    of Santa Claus.of the evening waij

    Lawrence Prledland, Co-, resident and chairman of

    i services committee of(National Council of Jewish

    This gToyp recentlya survey of recreational

    i available for youth in, Roselle, Clark, Rahway

    I Colonla. Rahway and ClarkI being adequately served, ac-

    to the study, but Co-t has a great need of actlvl-

    t the }3 to 18 age uroup,Mrs. Prledlana o l̂d that in

    |«or» communities, teen-ager group activities such as drama

    art, automobile, dress - mak-ing, Judo Clubs, etc.. are extraCUjylCUlar program* In the

    (or and senior high schools.however, the community

    stages, the discussion touchedon whether a youth program boxing gloves?"should work first on a recreatlonal program or towards geting a Community Center bulkng to accommodate activitli

    adequately. It was felt thatfirst, If school authorities aprove, clubs could meetneighborhood school!.

    In a brief business meetinthat preceded the speaker, Mr

    wo InitiatedInto Fraternity

    NEW BRUNSWICK — Twoudents from this area have

    initiated Into Tau Beta PI,lationai honorary engineeringatemity, at Rutgers Unlvert,y. They are Peter B. Juhl ofr Dunbar Avenue, Fords, andpnnnth J, Torok of 585 Oar-•n Avenue, Woodbrldge.The fraternity, which select*.1 members on the basis ofiholarshlp, Integrity, breadth' Interest, adaptability andinsclflsh activity, requires eachandidate to submit a paper on

    non-technical subject. Estab-shed at the State University

    n 1934, the fraternity wasounded In 1885 at Lehigh Unl-ersjty.

    son of Mr. Bende Juhl,uhl Is a senior mechanicalengineering major. He Is araduate of Woodbrldge High

    School, and is a member of PI'au Slgman, national honorary

    mechanical engineering fra-ternity, and the American So-;lety of Mechanical Engineers.

    Also a graduate of Wood-irldge High School, Torok is asenior electrical engineeringmajor. He is the son of Mrs.Esther Torok and the late Mr.Torok. Torok holds a scholar-ship from the Jersey CentralPower and Light Co., and is amember of Eta Eappa Nu, na-tional honorary electrical en-gineering fraternity, and theAmerican Institute of ElectricalEngineers.


    617 Wetl8ewara

    —A Christmas musicale willbe held Wednesday at 2 P.M.when the Sewaren History Clubmeets at the home of Mrs, Jo-seph Thomson. Mrs. HerbertRankln, music chairman, hasannounced that Warwick Tel-ton, a baritone, will sing a pro-gram of Christmas music. Mr.Felton Is a Colonla resident.

    —Mr. and Mrs. RichardMayer, East Avenue, are mov-ing this weekend to their new]home on Robert Street, the for-mer Qortvay residence. TheMaytrs have four children-Richard, Elizabeth, George andCatherine,

    —Donald Balfour celebratedhis eighth birthday Sundaywith a party at his home.Quest* included Robert Rich,Gregory Mazar, Anne and BillyHenry, Bonnie Brookwell, Bar-ry Burns, Erin Wllverding,Barry Johnson, Richard Mayerand Donald's brother and sis-ter, David and Margaret.

    —The Sewaran Democrats

    and Civic Club will meet Mon-day at 8 P.M. at the SewarenSchool. A movie, "Olft fromthe Earth," the story of nat-ural gas, will be shown by Wil-liam Pavlosky. .

    -Mrs , Olive Van Identlnewas a guest of her sister-in-lawand brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wll-Uam Turner of areenlsiandl1™1" Heraey : "D«kne« andlast weekend and enjoyed a dayat Atlantic City.

    —The Sewaren Home and

    the Dawn," Costaln; "This Is!My God." Wouk; "Candidates

    980," 8mreld; "The Haunt-

    Christmas party Tuesday at 3P.M. In the school auditorium.There will be an exchange of$1 gifts, carols will be sung andrefreshments served. The chil-dren's parties will be held Tues-day afternoon, December 22,with the room mothers tncharge.


    cratic Women's Club will holda Christmas party Saturday a7 P. M. at the Phoenix GroveEdison. There will be a gift exchange. Reservations may be,made with Mrs, John Sabal,VA 8-2053.

    tend," Chalmers; "How to MAYOR TO BE GUEST 1 1 , . H , , _ J - . L #Watch a Parade," McComens; WOODBRIDGE-The Wood- nr9' tturaa>n

    '"Where Ar* t h e mQltn-" M«--bridge VFW Junior Drum andf Ho»test

    COLONIA—Many new bookslave been purchased lately forhe Colonla Library. A largelumber of books to replace old,rorn copies of books in theihldren's section has also beencqulred.New titles Include: "The War

    Contract In a Nutshell," Goren;fOrvltle and Wilbur Wright,"

    mertcan series; "What DoesScientist Do?," Newcomb;

    'American Words," Matthews.

    The Rack," Ellis; "TheyTalked to a Stranger," O'Con-

    Tnor; "The Results ofBreaking Point," Du Maurler"The Province of the Heart,'McGlnley; "Poor No More,"Ruark; "Help Moon Haven,'Russ; "It's Good to Be Alive,'Campanella; "From Hiroshimato the Moon," Lang; "SavageStreets," McQlverh; "Again*the Law," Wildeblood; "DearTeen Ager," Van Buren; "Caretaker,". Daniel.

    Also, "George WashingtonBoy Leader," Fanorie; "Leadenof New Nations," Kenworthy"The Cat Who Liked to Pre.

    at the clubhouse, Pearl Street, its Christmas party andFriday, December 18, at 8 P, M.ling Monday at 8 P.M, atAll parents have been Invited home of Mrs. Charles Bi,and Mayor Hugh B, Qulgley 185 Mary Avenue.

    Avenel 'March'Chairman Named

    AVENEL — Mrs. KathrynCogglns, 348 Prospect Avenue,has been appointed chairmanof the New March of Dimes tnAvenel, it was announced to-day by M. Joseph Duffy, Mid-dlesex County Director,

    She will head volunteer work-ers who will campaign for fundsIn January for the NationalFoundation's broad attack onthree major crippling diseases:birth defects, arthritis andpolio.

    Mrs. Cogglns Is a mother olPolio patient. She will be seirIng her first term as Dimeschairman in Avenel.

    has been Invited to speak. Wal-ter Kelly, president of the Jer-sey Shore Area Junior Drum

    Co-hostesses are Mrs.Balasz and Mrs. SteveThere will be a gift excti

    and Bugle Corps Council, willprospectlve and previous :be present, and will assist mib e r s a r e invitedthe presentation of the stateflag. There will be music for! Chain store sales up 7.4 |dancing and refreshment*. Icent in October.


    G Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-yearsubscription to:


    To be sent to1




    They Art"How do you like my new

    "They're knock outs!"

    Ray Kirschbaum asked thatanyone willing to do volunteerwork at Muhlenberr Hospitalcontact her. The door prize, aturkey, was won by Mrs. JackWllk. There was a gift grab-bag, and refreshments wereserved.

    ~Srpparel Center Of Union and nliddleL


    mutt vonsor such youth groupsif they are to be available,

    A steering commuter, withtwo delegates from each parti-

    . cipating civic group, will meetTuesday nlsht at the ColoniaCivlo Improvement Club to startpreliminary organization. TheBhorecrest Clvie Associationvoted to send two lemesenta-

    f"—, to cooperate on later

    -raising and to supplytwhmteers for tin' variousmm.'the discussion that fol-id Mrs. Frledland's talk, It

    stressed that nny future. activities would not sup-

    t present groups. It is mere-1 to have a wide cross-of young ppople In-

    1 and to avoid narrow, sec-i groups.

    still In the early

    KNIT that PersonalGIFT for Christmas!





    We have them in yourfavorite material andcolor!

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    S H O P P E R S . . .PLEASE NOTE

    For every name In Santa'sbook, we've gifts galore, eachsure to score on Christmasmorning! So . . . If choosinggifts la up to you, put all yourproblems up to us. Whetheryou're playing Santa Claua toa tiny t o t . . . or a graciousgrandmother . . . we have allthe answers!

    for Grandpa

    FREE!Beautiful Christinas

    Gift BoxesWith Purchase

    MARKS HARRIS"Lhrutnuu Gift Headquarters for Family Apparel Since 1907"

    Main Street Rahway, N . l


    Education Association Church to HelpPlans Christmas Dinner Children's Home

    WO0DBRIIX3E—Tr.f- annual hat been arranged under tbe i n g ofparty of ire Wood- direction oi Thoma* Comrains.-of -

    iBrigade will meet at 7 30 P-Mtomorrow. William Butters an-jnounced Jhat One ArthurSabattno i a s promoted toLance Corporal of The FifingEagles

    GOP Sets DateFor Celebration

    Arenel Lions AidTttv \wdv families W



    . mrvt ta«ies Squad.

    Oospel ;

    tKH part ffrtAn«ri U«m Ctah

    A pairUi

    *J* ! WOODBJUDGE - Tne wc-„ , ond mertmii oi tlw »oman<

    WoodbrHee Lodge 6

    COUNCIL TO MEETCOLONIA — Colonia Council

    of Civic Association* will meetMonday at 8:30 P. M. In School17. A report *U1 be made onthe Council'* representativesmeeting in Trenton about theappointment of John Jewketas cafeteria ropervleor In the


    chairman. OUwr member^ of ̂ g ^ k , t the Sunday School meet at 6 00 P.Mthe committee .re Winifred h 0 U TsundaT. Accompanying the chu«n rooms.MdlL and Katherine M a n ^ i J i l d l Mmrtnp. o

    Patricia iOn

    NORTONtrfcia Dern. dau,rary Dern. 2 So-the Ute Mn On-to t member ofRuahlight. whp(


    Mi» B'iri>ara Varo".». chair-man. ! m announced that a .... .targr ^presentation of local Medalis and {Catherine Man-^"r"

    < will be or, hand Sor the " ' " ~"'~r.» af)o:i Each person

    i reqjfJted to brin?!or the r.f

    h* honoredwill be Patrick A Boylan. Su-perintendent oi S c h o o l s ;


    iThe «»--Tbf


    music.gierd; decorations, and Chris- d r f n f r o mtine Camarda _,si


    .ScAoof Honor RoW:KeR u n a * ** ?o r t '

    NEW BRUNSWICK - Pouri ^ ^ ^ n ^ awaMjepriBf.

    Jain CDonHU prfiUent. an-M M H Kay CTMt will betke


    Plans are being made for aninstallation dinner with Mrs.Marge Baio M chairman.

    ! Charter membership will bedosed at the next meeting;January 11, in Trinity Church:

    — . ru-ii Membership is open only•David SiroU. Fourth Ward R*-; . ^ n ; " ^ - g of membership Elk*


    ^oblican: Dand Mflfrr. u d l PTC is incre«:ne policW " " * ^o f ™ l W e , o r roeffl.

    John Eranko. Pitth Waul !of trade. A U vtTwm__l —

    Jenk»— What's - — -•... „.JlrJu — H you're standing columnist for the . v

    •ange _ you need an paper and a m̂ rr,umbrella. Senior Dramatic c:'— Later in the •,.-.berahlp are a*ked to attend the loin the m t of \Y:next meeting for the election of;celebrating ihP i:-.officer.. . *"* o f Whwtor.


    s a substitute ^ ^ f ;Mr. William BuUens and Mr

    Feotum BookedAt Amboy* l)rir*4n

    SATRBVUIE — "A Swnmer- coupled with "West

    Story1* on one program.Hound Doc Kan" teams.



    with •


    . , ,featured.

    : to haveat least 80.

    ^ ^


    (Member T-D-Si (Phone F T 8-6110)

    "We Deliver Around (he Corner or ATVUIHI the World"

    RONALD SCHOFIELD, FLORIST105 Lake Avenue, Colonia

    and Mrs.ror Children Bronx.

    Tonight at 8:00. the annual' —Mr. and Mrs.Chritmas meeting of Thei**11* a™1 children.Women's Association will bej»"l and Stephen, James Place.ilheld in the home of Mrs. R u n - I 1 ^ guests of Mr. and Mrs.1

    vor. Ernst, 596 Barron Avenue, Chester GottshaU. Brooklyn.—Mrs. Walter Kronert, Wood

    Avenue as guestlladies of a social club, attendedta performancejRound" in New'group dined at tbe China Bowl.

    j t Hats • Handbags • Cuddle CapsI • Btadtd Evening Bags • Clutch

    B « s • Leather & Fabric Glows• Acc«sori« • Knitted Hcadwear

    Clearance on BetterWINTER MILLINERY









    with Miss Mae MacAuslan>n-hostess. Mrs. John D"Kliawill be the devotional leader,and a special Christmas pro-gram will be presented. Gene

    ill lArthur will play aviolin solo, "Tway in A Manger'j _ -Miss ^ * a » _ ^ | _

    w » a

    accompanied by Mrs. Thomwa c c o m p e yI Burns at the piano. Memberswill bring gifts to be given toThe Home of The MinisteringFriends in Brooklyn.

    The ChristUUi Service Boyslbridge.

    Avenue and Walter Brady, Co-lonin, attended U» Christmasparty given for the employeesof Colonia Pood Pair Super-market in VFW Hall. Wood-

    So our employe^ canenjoy as much of thehappiness of the holi-days in their homes,and with their families,a s p o s s i b l e o . » •)>•

    These Perth Amboy banks

    will have

    Be Sure To Visit Us For YourChristmas Piano Shopping

    You will save money on a famooB warfd-fcgown namepiano. You will get a piano that is made to ael M theprice asked for i t You wiM get Griffith Service. Thepiano will give satisfaction in the yean to come, it mil

    guaranteed by both Griffith and i t* manufacturer.

    Evening Hoursduring the weeks Christmas and New Year's occur

    Thus, during the weeks of December 20th andDecember 27th, these banks will be open ONLYduring their regular day-time hours and be closed

    on Christmas and New Year's Day.


    featurestarring James Caai^y. Vir- •ginia Mayo, Gordon MacRa* *

    , HATees BAR

    it Main St.. WoodbriAte

    TJnited States Wl rate

    Prices begin at '495for a Brand New full-scale Spinet «r Console rV»>

    Trrma and down payment Hill be arranged to wit

    Griffiths exclusively represent in North Jersey the following world-famous pianos:


    and the


    STEINWAYAn Uimrd ibr world over ai the batt\ piano Bide.

    CHICKEKLM;Tbe fast piaM wmAe m America.

    WINTEROne of Amcrka't foranMt make*.

    WURLITZERMore of the«c pianot are mid in the I'. S.

    than tfaotc of aoy other oauw.

    jiRsr BANK AND TRUST COMRWY >J Perth Amboj;

    Hours-Lobby 9 A. M. to % P. M. — Curb Teller 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.

    Perth Amboy Savings Institution

    • T I A I off COWON a a o w - n u our ANP MA&-TOQAYI

    • Cenlkmea: I am iotenaUd in:D A N n Spiortpr Coiuole Piu«D ANew BibyCiiflJPunoD A l)ui Mi) Craad PiaooO APUyerKuwD Yew E^aUSueiuM PUaO

    M, TO 3 P. M.

    "The Mutk Center of New J*r$ey"


    , ' if


    605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2,50 Kindvrkamock Rood, Oradell, N. J.

    627 Park Av*nu«, Plo!nfi«ld, N. J.OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAi


  • T H U R S D A Y , DKCKMBER 10, WM PAQK N I N 1

    Welcomesatlicr (iitis

    en hnvi' n sirnna vrnon'< aufi fi-rl nf f(nrWlilrli. of

    • I " world nf iPnthriT nil HIP way fnrnil l l tol( | l ' i nn rapo-l l f p nf " I f t i i v In-

    t)1"1 mnlp s'tln nf

    U-*.man «im trnvpls.

    ,'» hrKP vnrlPtr nf newI Shflpps In leather biasrno"i''. ll'jlit nn HIP

    illd 'thanks In moriprnmethods1 resistant In

    "arfi nnd •'oil

    jj,|lltlri!iltn In n mnn'f "If!of mntchcd Icntlipr

    tvpleni prt indiitlP1 fl(iit.or. twn-suitpr nnd

    hue. Alv travplcr?iwv nnp nf r immhPl •

    \, rnmnnct. lca thrr Vin^: under nn nirilne spfit.1

    of tlie slim.'fftglit nttfiolio rase.'

    sections: one fnr nrianRe of imrWwar.

    'an accordion envelope

    gifts for men aboundif' leather bar of any;

    'foods or department£ slim slnsle or doublrr Qllps in Morocco, leather

    t, tooled leather jewel-hflndsome brush and,

    kit sets, soft, leather-all sorts nf desk

    and of course. *of billfolds and

    ,gecretarlef.bids »re now specializedCh their users. For ex-,

    | | there Is one with an ac-fold style picture scc-

    i which a man can Inserttire collection of cards

    Watlon at one ulance.'tier, the pass case sec-

    I m«de like an envelope," Vldual acetate pockets!

    | | ; . ; |K removable slnRly

    secretary, whichas a coal wallet,(or the man who

    in collwtlni! a raft ofi, letters and reminders;

    pocket. It can be had,sections, separate!

    for cards and stamps.

    irah Anne's|j Cooking

    i recipes are repented byauest.

    White Plum Puddingt, $ipt flourt taftxxnui baking powder

    ft'^iwocm ol cinnamonH *M«eon of nutmeg% Blip shortening

    1 to 1 cups

    1 cup milk1 cup chopped citron

    '•/a clip onnge peel2 Mbleipoons shredded can-

    died ptaeappieReserve k little flour for

    [fruit. Sift the remain-wlth baking powder, cln-

    and nutmeg. Rub insiting and add sugar. Beatlightly, add to milk andInto the dry Ingredients.

    I'dndfed fruit to the batteri lnto a greased mold, cover

    and steam 3 to 3 l j ', TttTft out and serve with

    following saure:Sauce

    CUp butterpowdered »UK;U

    •tittp creamtablespoon wine

    butter and sugar to u•WMlp cream until stiff.;t>UUei and su^m. 8rt

    •Water and beat whileWhen almost smooth

    [f-.thlck add wine. Serve

    Caviar Spread18 of bread toasted on

    . onion.

    I Of greeti pepperRtoasted side of '^ each

    «ad the minced oniont other half with caviar,.Itrlp of green pepperde the two mixtures.

    Dried Bt*r Roll*r Of dried beef

    cheesebeef ID even slices.

    f |$ th cream cheese whichhighly seasoned. Roll

    IET PAC'l1

    tlted States and tlu1

    lion have signed anfor a cooperative

    ,of nuclt'iir research.jie projects to be con-t the construction of a

    smasher for use byf all the world,eement «ill be part

    ural exchange pro-Dved in Moscow re-

    * C L I M B

    jited States Consumer[ lose to uniitlu'r rec-d-Octob/'r. the sixth

    lllhs.d servictis thai cost

    IllMKe-eai'iiei1 mid mod-f worker $10 inI were priced at $10.02

    A year ago they


    jls a du

    aU'-conditioned IWflfiU. Oak!





    Yes, you always do save more at Mutual! You save on brands you knowand trust! You save on the finest fruits and vegetables that gardens andorchards can produce! Plus you always save on simply delicious meats!Prove it to yourself.. * Shop Mutual and you'll agree you always SAVEmore at Mutual!




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    LEGS» 49c WINGS , 29c BREASTS»59c




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    Morton's DINNERS CHICKEN, TURKEY ll-oior POT ROAST pkg. 49Pizza Pies £. T 59c Beef Steaks K . ' £ 55cHaddock Fillet::,.;., 49c Cod Fish Cakes&£33c

    Center Cut Ham Steaks

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    oaconFlorida Pink Fancy Shrimp


    Ib All prim «lf«cliv« thru iilurdiy nighl, Dacambti I ] , 1*59. W« ri«/»t iht right to limit quintititi. Mtmbfr Twin County Orson.

    CLOVfUOALf |i]-lh. roll



    New Yorktr 8-01.

    BRAND Stick 29

    Sliced or Chunk

    Muenster Cheese ,;15c• Appetizing Savings •

    Fresh Potato Salad», 19cSmoky Joe Whiting». 49c



    Ib. or ev«r


    Phonr Co.

    rs Pavin' iitt of

    t i e Crow's NestAt the

    o DER:and


    r , . ' IF- t

    ;« ; "if n


    With (TO• .

    Trial of 2 h Set

    tot30. aw. of M' rni V » V>-ia*:Jt Ma!EWW*fc, 5M topj? A T -niu* W'.i'.ufcii )dE» r*»)Pt̂ -b ar- ry^

    I or. Oinr.BTi srrf a so*1 » K:.-I!»:

    H? *a* px.piTTe

    th* «*rri f';p(i by Ptfrolman Wend*.] tuine, Santa t u ~ . -

    DoSl »nd Robert Tune and Lee B Btr.iit PV«- -Cv»:lf-« Younger, Jr. M. New- t̂ a tabk *»••• v-<

    by Patrolmen Jo- Mrs. PrH Bnee'i*nd Edward Re»- Next i»ffunf ,••? •

    y l be January i; »; ..

    • U*e 8a»th«. *hfr* vEtSlTfE TEEN RANGES j o h n j r j o , ; n t ,

    CObOlrtA—Te*n-ate dance* q ^ reiadenu --.tTill rwwne tomorrow nlfht at Summit «inSchool 30 at 7:J0 P. M Refi»- «hd* on tfteir rf^tration ha» already clos«l rwidmw abr«roth» MeGuirc In


    Announcing the Opening ofJERSEY ELECTRONIC

    SUPPLIES, Inc.Woodbridge414 Auihov Avenue

    Phone ME 4-6200

    OPENING SPECIALS t e r e o S y s t e m K i t . . .

    Consists of

    2 — Coaxial 12 Hi-fi Speaker*

    1 - 2 0 watt Stereo Amplifier

    1 - Stereo Cartridge

    1 — Four Speed Stereo Changer and one

    •hottn i l M i and p. M

    SPECIAL KIDDIE SHOWSaturday, December 12,

    at 1:45 P. M.



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    WS,, MON., TUK8.DEC. 13, U, IS

    The Fabulous"FABIAN" n


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    For Inlonnallon Call ME 1-9797

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    786 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge, N. J.


    ME 4-0125 WOODBRIDGE, N.J,




    Why not bay the BEST? It mlittle mare, bttttfiwM to*'

    ooataQty Hall and_the MutualSte«.

    Mon and Fri. 8fl0 to5:30 • Tuee., W«d, and Thur*. 8flO to 5f» • Sat ftOO to Moon


    THURS. T H » C SAT.

    'The JajMiers'With Jeff Cfcantier and

    F m Patter

    'The RiaHig MN(WHk FaUaa and Caral


    Sl'XDAY THRl

    'Rye Gates to Hell1With Nerill* Brand

    "THE OREGON TRAIL"With Fred M»c.Murr»T



    Chnttnufc Day, Continuout Show

    R1T2 TheatreCarter* V J. U 1-SMI

    NOWDEC II 11.


    It. U. 14. 15



    Miuat* Sit. u4 »•». M I M .


    "Five Sites t i Hell"and


    Miiuwe S«t»r*»7 n I f. M.

    SIT*.. MON\ TITS.DEC. U, Zl. tt

    "RETl'RN OF THE FLY"and


    tUttlKC Son**, at 1 T. M.

    fip! fiMi INUIA' lOme THMDlSCGUNTStOitS1


    DOLL SALE!You ve never seenanything like thisanywhere' P r i c e sarc lo»er th&n dis-count!! Why paymore? Shop andsave at manufac-turer's doll ware-h o u s e !You'll savemore! 3,004dolls at lowest prices in 'the USA!




    9 P.M.SI NIM1


    &»: As Bit u > Krai

    25' Driik&WetD O L LShe drinks! Sh* »eu>! You dalmoht expect her to move .she's that realistic. Vinyl bodithat feete like skin. She's a lov-able, huggable bundle of j o y -all 25 inches ol her.

    Regular Ducount Hou&ePrice 13.M

    Fully Joinud. llo«-

    Booled Hill. 8!. (UeaMd In•.wo - plect knltttil•.'lift ind p»nU,

    » " VIMYLDrtnliW(l-Tw

    »»b> Dot]Rciiuldr DlKoustHOUM Prtu t»»


    & ceroplttt lute of36 cool pinion doll*,tn< >lu> of • \hnt-year-oid child. Withrooted s»t»li hair Inhi 1 fr1.vifeK. construct-ed *!'.!) non-coi-lkp«;bl«. m o l d e db u d } . £lquUluty>tyied uid dreued.

    Et«^ul*r DucouutH u n * Price 11*95




    LlJt • W« ,1U • UUwuii Hi.rn.iiu eyet.tii.iy Jo:nijfd. uhlo-Uit ruitrd li»lr.toi lette »lth pto-llt* U.irfi fl

    (trtM mid lucki

    DOLLHOUM Price 112 M


    Nationally Advertis«l at 11 35We wtrt foruiddfu u> u.cutioii Nut.,.Toul) r»c(«ulw UiU clilld wutK t'..iU i iUact Pull w , nil vmyi. witi.htr Ujiut bluude rwltd rurl» b«uu-luliy dreued.


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    Our regular 7.95 to 10.95


    Most have Orion-pilelinings and hoods!


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    t Iridrt WOVM cotlM MM Udrom cortw thwm'it wovtn cotlM|lahM

    • F«r-«rf1 Orton-pil h M p ! Warm «|«lttd

    • Iraid, luil mi imihkolor trims! Wo«t*l colon1

    t Many tompltttly mshobU! Sim 7 to '<

    H u r r y . . . scoop »hem up /or

    whl/e our price is tptdoll



    WOODBRIDGE»' R o u l "Green 8t. Clrtle (UcUn


    S BUcka Wwt at taJlwa4 St*tl»

  • (Eartetet

    Mltw and Publisher———————.«_„_^^_

    •t-Ualln ana Ulwa fownitt*-pnbllihcd wMklf on mrandja

    i Qrwn Strwt KB-4-UUWoorld|«. N«w j a r M T

    r n a pnhUitiM weekly onATennt El-i-MM

    N«w I

    IE PUBLISHING COMPAN1B. Oreiorj, President

    Lawrence F. CampionPresident and Treasurer

    (UUrerj, II emu p« wr»Mt b) mm, tnelndlni pMttp.

    . d i monthi, tl.23; ttaw mimtBi,I «opl«i by miil. is einta. All bl*

    enee exists—and we will suffer becauseof it.

    We hope —all over agjftn — thatpretty soon more of us will take moreseriously our role as responsible citi-zens. Until we do, we deserve everything we get.

    Shocking Revelationflbt the entire community was

    I as were we to learn the ex-of our $139,000 revaluation

    — sitting in various placesdust.

    |>,fue8tkm has been asked manylast Thursday what has

    fate of other expensiveI wt have undertaken in recent

    projects which have cost usI of thousands of dollars. Until

    : evidence to the contrary, weiafbme that the revaluation

    tk an exception and that we havelull value on all other ex-

    regardless of size.the revelations that up until

    s Wednesday, at least, we have re-l only half the data for which we

    «(already paid $136,900 of the totalcontract fee, are the stuff of

    •ertous suspicion is born. It isto understand the apathy

    i would make us so free with ourand so careless with assuring

    dves we have received everythingphave bought. The size of our cur-

    tax bills does not make us verytiuslastic about such indifference.

    did it happen that we paid so>» per oentage of the total fee and(received, relatively, so little? Howit happen that we have lost all

    iterwt In making constructive use ofInformation which supposedly

    eliminate the gross and glaringjulties which exist in our assess-at lystem? How did it happen thatcourage we were promised whencontract was let has suddenly

    ited into thin air, and thewe were given that the re-

    figures would be used as aOf taxation, apparently been, away on the North wind.

    what has happened, anyway?the responsibility for a

    Uplanation rests squarely withation, and we hope it will

    I promptly and without equivo*If the administration is un-

    , before it leaves office, to com-which it said it was upder-

    |lltt all good faith but which itto place on the shoulders

    § Incoming administration, then, to know that, too.

    flaVe it — one way or the

    The Tax Bills are ComingFrom Washington, D. C, to Main

    Street, governmental budget makerscurrently are wielding pencils in theannual battle to bring governmentalspending plans and anticipated reve-nues into line.

    At this stage of the battle, the budgetand finance officers are scrutinizingthe spending requests of the variousdepartments. Later these will be pareddown and reviewed for incorporationinto the official budget recommenda-tions for the new year,

    At Washington, there will be thevoluminous budget message which thePresident transmits to the new sessionof Congress. At the State House, it ithe Governor's budget message to th1960 Legislature. The respective legis-lative bodies, in turn, review the rec-ommendations through their committees and ultimately adopt appropria-tions bills embracing spending au-thority for new fiscal years beginningJuly 1, 1960.

    In the case of municipal and countygovernments, operating on the calen-dar year, the budget process begin:officially with tentative governingbody approval of the new year's budgetrecommendations starting January 1.Publication of the budget, and a publichearing follow after which the govern-ing body adopts the final budget .toprovide a workable blueprint of thenew year's spending, A similar pro-cedure is followed in local school dis-tricts starting early in 1960. In somelocalities, known as Chapter VII schooldistricts, the people are permitted tovote approval or rejection of the schoolbudgets.

    Although many will blissfully ignorethe whole budget process until the ul-timate arrival of tax bills, New Jersey-ites have a vital stake in the entirebudget procedure, For,' as the NewJersey Taxpayers Association pointsout, it is the spending programs adopt-ed in the next few months that leadto the tax bills of the future. Numer-ous guides to better citizen under-standing, participation and control ofthe fiscal affairs of government areavailable through the Taxpayers As-sociation.

    How About Showing Some Christmas Spirit, Amigo?Your New

    Social SecurityBr ALLAN A. BARS,

    Q. My hnnband died tn 195!.I have no children, I tvctlvtda tamp »um death payment. The«oclal security office told meat that time that I could aimret monthly payment* when Iwas «S. Recently 1 read that the

    waa changed and thatwidows without children cannow *rt checks at age it. Isthis true? I'll be t t nett month.What shall I brim to the so-cial security office?

    You are right. The lawbeen changed to permit

    eligible wldbwB to get monthlypayments beginning with age

    3 Out of Every 4 RepublicansIn State Prefer Nixon for1960 Presidential Nomination

    By KENNETH FINK, Director,Princeton Research ServicePRINCETON—Vice President

    Nixon holds an overwhelmingmargin—a better than threeand a half to one



    FORDS — "ChrisUnat Ciro'isarid Cwtoms" u s lh» n b ^ iol ?. program hrid at ?Ji»Christmas nwtlrsj r! Vr.tPriscilla M-uionar? C;::'.? cfOur R e d e e m f : U;th*mr.Church Monday st Fordf Pub-lic Library.

    Th» progrtm m prwr;*db* Mr? Char>! Wad: d^ria*Norraber ha« b*en packed snd1» ready for fhjpraer.'.

    Items for layout* to t>» sentto the Far Ea*t irf rt:'! b*!n?r»c*:T»d bt Mrs V t r n * yThompfcr.. chairman.

    Mr* Sigra'a Skev Till !x Ineharze o? a CTOT:P which wi!V*=w drape? for *h» Tir.dOTj Inth» neir ed-jcat'.on iwiMlns.

    Mrs. G*cr?e IOTTV was Ttl-fomed Into membership by theprenldent, Mrf. Walter Relde!.

    Members will donat* cuprakes U>\ht children's Chrlrt-mas party December 19 Spon-rored by the Cosples CVjb theparty T!1I be held in Stf-.ool 14at 3 P M, rV-freshrser.ts x:l! beserved and gifts exchanged.

    u The next meeting of thePriscilla Missionary Circle willbe held January 4 at 8 P-M.

    Democrats Invite PublicTo Zoning Plan Meeting

    Club Flood First Automatic Li/(itlvfContes t A^eptedbySi

    WOODBRIDQE Th t i t f



    F\>RD> Acv.n: BiiUd-.r.t-j-:v;- - Fdaerd Pryler and.rr.T. "ffT.'r. Err.f-t Blancr;-£ •••• i P. Riohard Kra-.w.

    ••• ".(! W a r d . «•;'! b» t h e p:: : i -

    :-.a" s^afcTf at :or,::hi'?.f::" L r' ihr S « o n d Ward.\rd:ne to Peter Cass:dvT.t. the main topic «-."d]«--.;s«lon of the MastfT? plan which «ii! be pff-

    v n f d HWT; for publir hearings-T:.r jjollcy of the Democrats'Pa::y tOTard ihe r r . a w plsr,wi:! also be d i . v u w d

    Mr Cassid? alfo «.aid thatsir.''" !;••'' ek;b was or.? of thrIIVI.V.- •••ipports ol the "Com-m.'!'~ for trie Prcser.'

    dcr.tial Neichborftoodf"j t to combat a

    » for K>ir;'? D»part-ore thr 'act' preyr.'rd

    may have torr." «:r-nifka'^p for et'.-s oppos.'ior. orsupport of ;r.f p^an

    All reside"** f>; thr S>? endWard arr :nv;;ed to st:rr.d



    Rutfters ProfessorAddresses PTA 14

    Mrs. GurovichJoins V FW Unit

    HOPELAWK — Mr». MaryOurorich was welcomed as anew member at a meeting ofIndies Auxiliary of HopelawfliMemorial Post. V.P.W., at thepo6t home with Mrs. HelenAdamlee presiding

    The auxiliary Is presently;conducting a candy sale withMr«. Clalr Toth In charge.

    P r e l i m i n a r y arrange*merits were made for a bazaarIn March at the post home, theauxiliary to be assisted by postmembers.

    Mrs. Adamlec will represent;the auxiliary at a banquet Inthe home of Mrs. Gertrude R.Rhlnd, national president, atthe Robert Treat Hotel, New-wark.

    Special award went to Mrs.jBess Diem. Hostesses were Mrs iBertha Kocsur, Mrs. Jean Bul-vonski, Mrs. Helen Yuhasz, Mrs.Margaret .Galtcsj and Mrs.;John Kozak. i

    IT NOW BELONGS TO HISTORY: "Banjo," the firstAutomatic tighter, manufactured bj Ronson Corporationof Woodbridit, is being examined br C. Malcolm W»tkin»,utinc cantor, division of cultural hisUfr of the Smith-unian Irutitote, Washington, before pUcinf it with acollection of various trp^s of lithtinj equipment. LooUnc

    on is !«oi« V. Aronson. II. president of Roriion.

    | FORDS — Dr. Fran* S'.cver,iprofpssor at Rutgers University,spoke on "Your Child and TV"at a recent meeting of School14 PTA. He discussed the ef-fects that TV programs tsaveon children and answeredquestions from the audience.; Mrs. Kelly's second grade]won the attendance prize, andriis bfir? sorted by a largeipreaentfd to C. Malcolm Wat- M n mcommittee, l***- «""« ^ ^ **«** new lesf motif. Thesepieces are superbly madewith a rich, Luting overlayof 14 Kt Gold.

    S M OUT new selection dmany distinctive designs.

    NOTICEMrs. Gilda Kress, oar re-

    porter for Fords, Hopelawnand Keasbey, has been 111 forthe past two weeks. Untilfurther notice residents olthose areas are asked to sendin their news to Independent-leader, 18 Green . Street,Woodbridge or call ME 4-1111.




    K 0

    • The Friendly Bank of Fords, .\ew Jer$ey |MEMBER FEDE31AL RESERVE SYSTEM





    Thn IJ KOI tn ejer oj thin utuntiujar mU. Tit 4" >' • * * >*') h «*« Pniptttui.



    Middlesex Water ComplnyCommon Stock

    (Wiihout PIT Value)

    The Company U offering to the holdcn of iti Frciarcd Sttxk ind its CocitnoJ Stock'the light tolubicribe fof 29.534 *ddition»l slurci of Common Stock at $16.75 per ilure at the rate of ode lhartlot each thrtt shara of Preferred Stock or of Common Stock held of record at the dote of buiinesiDecember 2, 1959, with privilege of ova-iub»criptioo, wbicct to aUotment,'u Kt forth in thel'rojpcctm. buUcriptioa Warrant! evidencing such rigbo will expire at 3 JO V&L, New York Time.

    D b I* 1959

    New slim-styledAll-Wool Sport Coats

    Newest shades and patterni.. .in medium and darktones ... in Ivy stripes, pUidi,bouclet, muted cbecb,hoptacb, 3-button model withflap pockrti, cmtfT vrnt.

    Subscription Price $16.75 per Share

    Luxury WesterAll-Wool Flannel Slacks

    Finely tailored in regularpltttod and Ivy styles...witfc separate waklbandj,hookey* closures. Mediumtad duMoal shades of gr*>•nd btown solids or rtripci. 7

    TUmwlcnmtef a»Mreal,iMbj»ct*it«tau coaditkiot, H pnrckut » anHPStribed

    I ibua and, dutUg m *ha the sabsamdoa period, mq oter skam oi Comes* SlockM sst faith b ifa* ?tD$ptttm.•

    For AmericaViadastri'a] eorpoiations, New Jersey is the tontineau) |ttcwif tothe world's greatest imJiutrial Ind consumer nuriwu.

    The r u t Uaosportatiaa ficilitiet at the Crossroads of tie East. . , ikeluduuthe finest in shipping by rail, water, highway and air . . . an iasporUat t« tkesuccess of channelling all types of goods by New Jersey masilficturers to the**pest markets at home and abroad.

    The easy accessibility to these important markets is on* vital sd*«ntsg* to thesuccess of all types of business active at our great statr. It is noteworthy that SOof the 70 largest American corporations hive operation! in New Jersey.

    Cmplete alteroat no extra CIM

    USI OUR UY-AWAY P U N . . . NO I * ™ *



    iool 22

    II A Mrs.zblckt was

    thfi nrwly-mnan-i 22 PTA at a recentsided nve.r by Mrs.lahnn, president ofex County PTA.Alter was chnir-nominatiiiR com-

    liOfflcers elected wereBrown, first vice

    Mrs. Stanley Lee,president; Mrs.

    third vice;. Mrs. Vernrm Harsell,

    secrctRry; MissFrltsche, recording

    {• Robert Clioon, trcits-officers wore In-

    1 Mm. McMnlion. By-

    Crirl Scouts, HrowniesPlan Hig Yule PartyNIA — The District

    4 Girl Scouts and Brownieswill hold a Christmas partyFriday at 7:30 P.M. In School22, New Dover Road. About150 leaders are expected toattend.

    Mrs, Mori Glniger Is chair-man, with Mrs, Edwin Van-dewater, co-chairman.

    Committee members areMrs. Rosemary Barber, Mr*.Ethel Leach, Mrs. ShirleyOtty. Each troop will put onan act, and there will be a(trab-ba* clft for all.

    Men or ah Trip to Las Vegas for 2 Yllle HopT b C P

    COLONIA—, president ofchapter, B'nai BTlth Women,iVeKfts f o r t w o ' l s b e l n « P l f l n n e d


    by Mrs. Alter,approved as

    ft AugusWne, prin-the orgsnlza-

    SChool library andthe PTA to co-

    donations of books.! Witt was appointed

    Rite SetLeo Gross-the Sinai

    To be Card Party Prize p Q rCOLONIA —

    party, at whichwill

    A galathe top


    • Of the library com-tlng her will beGrutta, Mrs. Ar-

    .Mrs. Fred Shutz-Jacob Wllk. Mrs,

    i appointed member-

    4-H TeenettesTo Help Needy

    ISELIN—The Iselln Teenettes4-H Club met at the home ofMrs. Joseph Rapacloll, leader,Dow Avenue, and discussedplans for their Christmas partyDecember 21 at Mrs, Rapacl-oli 'shome. Eileen Martin andKathleen Sturcke were ap-pointed to trim the tree.

    The girls will distribute bas-kets of food to needy families

    ISynagogueServices Listed

    — Rabbiit Will conduct


    (tomorrow at 8 P.M.atlon Beth Sholom.

    topic will be "A

    r Anger."congregation servicesp3*c« Saturday at 10

    the Rabbi willGrow, Martin Gold-

    E p s t e i n , ScottBruce Form, Bruce

    flQut Janlne Weinstcin.a general mem-

    December 22,The Middlesex County 4-H

    awards dinner will be held Sat-urday in Monroe School, Mon-roe Township. Two Iselln girlswill receive awards, ElizabethCwlekalo, citizenship, and Ju-dith Kummler, child care andsewing, Mr. and Mrs. Rapacloli,Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cwiekaloand daughters, Joan and Linda,and Mr. and Mrs. RudolphKummler will accompany theaward winners.

    Mrs. Rapacloll announcedyouth program will be heldJanuary 18 i t School 15 PTAmeeting. Mrs. HapacioH, JoanCwlekalo and Kathleen Fetterlywill represent the club.

    has announced that a candle-light ritual featuring a "livingMenorah" will be part of a pro-gram of induction and welcomefor 28 new members of thechapter Wednesday at 8:30 P.M. In School 17. Sinai chapter,chartered less than three yearsago, now has a membership of140 women.

    Initiations will take placeunder the guidance of MrsLeonard Chakrln and Mrs. JackMiller. Mrs, Bernard Dickmanmembership chairman, Is hav-ing the following entertainmentfor the evening: a choral pres-entation, "Sentimental Jour-ney," narrated by Mrs. MurrayHeller and her daughter,Sherry, will describe the 50thanniversary of B'nal B'rlthWomen; the choral group,under the direction of Mrs. Irv-ing Landers will present selec-tions. Individual solos will besungjby Mrs. Monroe Berger in"8ome "of These Days," MrsArthur Bergenfeld In a self-written parody of Davy Crock-ett; and Mrs. Bergenfeld andMrs. Landers in a take-off on"Whoopee." Mrs. Ralph Lesserand Mrs. Howard Rood will per-form "The Charleston" and thefollowing members will dance'The Hora": Mrs. A. L. Trueherz, Mrs. M. Rubinstein, Mrs.M. Rubinstein, Mrs, M, W,Singer, Mrs, E, Taffet, Mrs. D,Llebesklnd,' and Mrs. L. Glasser.Piano accompaniment will beby Hy Jacobs.

    New members to be inducte

    moll, Mrs. Arthur Basso, Mrs.William Burns. Mrs. Criarlrs' I8ELIN Chain O'Hills

    be a week's trip to La^H07Fmpa, Mrs, Thomas Dohnr-i Woman's Club, which sponsors

    In February by the ColonlaOaks twig of the Rahway Hos-pital Auxiliary. This will aid |the group's new project otraising money for the cardi-ology department. Other prizeswill Include some of the beauti-ful hand-made ceramics—clockcases, tea services, etc—which

    ty. Mrs. Mark Gregps, Mrs Jo- the teenage dances at Schoolseph Plcurn, Mrs. Charles Bum; 18. announced today that Itand Mrs. Richard Solomlta.

    the Colonla Oaks membersmake themselves.

    At last week's meeting of thegroup puppets were made to bedistributed for Christmas giftsDecemberchildren's

    21 Inward.

    the hospital'sMrs. Edward

    Plans CompleteFor Yule Party

    COLONIA — Mrs. PeterRapier, Montrose Avenue, was

    Oscar A. Wilkerson, III OfficersTo Wed Short Hills

    plans Christmas holiday fes-tivities for the young folks.

    A "Jingle Bell Hop" will beheld December 18 at the Schoolon Indiana Avenue. The teen-agers will dance to the musicof the "Swlngtones." a bandmade up of local boys. Refresh-ments will be served,

    Stnce the dance will be ahostess at a recent fX(Vutlvej..spPdBi B , f a l r / . M r s constant•ommittee meeting of the Co-

    COLON1A — Mr, and MrsGeorge Arthur HodgklnsonShort Hills have announced theengagement of their daughter.Miss Mary-Plercy Hodgklnson,to Ensign Oscar Albert Wilker-son. 111. O8NR, son of Mr. andMrs, OscarJr., Woods

    Garber, Mrs. LeonardMrs. Jack Gold, Mrs.

    i meeting Sunday at 8:30discuss the cormrega-

    1 system. The Battensmagicians, will al-

    SALE-The Ladies Aux-

    First Aid Squad,[ an all-day cookie sale

    |>Kt Poodtown, Inman Ave-will go towards

    of the Squad and the

    Cancer DressingsMade by CloverbellesI8ELIN — The Cloverbelles

    pre 4-H Club met a t t h e homeof its leader. Mrs. Joseph Ra-pacloll, Dow Avenue and madecancer dressings.

    Plans were completed for aChristmas party and a gift ex-change. Linda Agnew and Don-na Bobak were appointed toarrange and fill baskets for theneedy.

    The Cloverbelles have de-voted three and three-quarterhours so far this month to

    I making Cancer dressings.

    are Miss M. L. Gold, Mrs. Arnold Berson, Mrs. HermaiCohen, Mrs. Jerome CryBtalMrs. Joel Dlugasch, Mrs. JackDorfman, Mrs. Arthur Fishman,Mrs. Morris Fridson, Mrs. H. L.


    Gruber, Mrs. Louis Jacobs, MrsSol Kaplan, Mrs. Bernard KayeMrs. David Klarfield, MrsDavid Krell, Mrs. MauriceLuth, Mrs. Herbert Miller, MrsArnold Minkoff, Mrs. Stanle;Needell, Mrs. Irving PeckermanMrs. Arnold Platt, Mrs. BarrjPrince, Mrs. Herman SchatellMrs. Michael Weiss, Mrs, Lou!Worman, Mrs. Bernard Zimme'

    lartenope is the Colonla Oakspresentative on the Hospitaluxlliary. Also helping make

    puppets were Mrs. Jule LI-

    Christmas PartyPlans Complete

    ISELIN —The pack commlt-;e of Cub Pack 48 met at Firsttesbyterian Church of Iselln,fith Mrs. Warren Rees asiostess.Plans for a Christmas party

    anight were completed. A ma-tician will present a program,t was announced that theIhristmas candy orders will beelivered December 18 and 19.The boys will sing Christmas

    :arols at the Veterans Home,P. M. December 19. They

    will meet at the PresbyterianChurch parking 16t at 1:30

    '. M. for transportation.It was announced a training

    course for den mothers will beheld at every pack meeting. ARound Table will be held De-cember 14 In Carteret.

    A new den mother, Mrs. Don-ald Walters, was appointed forDen 2, and George Albertson isa new committeeman.

    Present were Mrs. Walters,Mrs. Carl Luna, Mrs. HaroldL'Hotta, Mr. and Mrs. Hamil-ton Billings, Jr., Mrs. SamuelDeBella, Mrs. Robert Jumper,Warren Rees, William Roach,Myron Snyder, William Leavy,Earl Ossenfort and Mrs. JamesO'Rourke.

    Ionia Village Civic Associationat which plans were completedfor the group's adult CljTlstmasparty Thursday. December School 20, Hoffman Boule-vard.

    Mrs. Donald De Groat is Inchm-ge of the door prize whichwill be awarded, and Mrs.Rapier Is chairman of thepar