toward a reliable, automated method of individual alpha

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Toward a reliable, automated method of individual alpha frequency (IAF) quantification Andrew W. Corcoran 1,2 | Phillip M. Alday 2,3 | Matthias Schlesewsky 2 | Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky 2 1 Cognition and Philosophy Laboratory, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2 Centre for Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 3 Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Correspondence A. W. Corcoran, Cognition and Philosophy Laboratory, Room E672, Menzies Building, 20 Chancellors Walk, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia. Email: [email protected] Funding information University of South Australia Ehrenberg- Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship (to A. W. C.), Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT160100437) (to I. B. S.) Abstract Individual alpha frequency (IAF) is a promising electrophysiological marker of inter- individual differences in cognitive function. IAF has been linked with trait-like differences in information processing and general intelligence, and provides an empir- ical basis for the definition of individualized frequency bands. Despite its widespread application, however, there is little consensus on the optimal method for estimating IAF, and many common approaches are prone to bias and inconsistency. Here, we describe an automated strategy for deriving two of the most prevalent IAF estimators in the literature: peak alpha frequency (PAF) and center of gravity (CoG). These indi- ces are calculated from resting-state power spectra that have been smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay filter (SGF). We evaluate the performance characteristics of this anal- ysis procedure in both empirical and simulated EEG data sets. Applying the SGF technique to resting-state data from n 5 63 healthy adults furnished 61 PAF and 62 CoG estimates. The statistical properties of these estimates were consistent with pre- vious reports. Simulation analyses revealed that the SGF routine was able to reliably extract target alpha components, even under relatively noisy spectral conditions. The routine consistently outperformed a simpler method of automated peak detection that did not involve spectral smoothing. The SGF technique is fast, open source, and available in two popular programming languages (MATLAB, Python), and thus can easily be integrated within the most popular M/EEG toolsets (EEGLAB, FieldTrip, MNE-Python). As such, it affords a convenient tool for improving the reliability and replicability of future IAF-related research. KEYWORDS alpha rhythm, EEG, individual alpha frequency, oscillation/time frequency analyses, posterior dominant rhythm, Savitzky-Golay filter 1 | INTRODUCTION Alpha is the dominant rhythm in the human EEG, and its importance for cognitive processing has been recognized since Hans Bergers seminal work in the early 20th century (Berger, 1929; cf. Adrian & Matthews, 1934). Interindividual differences in the predominant frequency of alpha-band oscillations (i.e., individual alpha frequency; IAF) have been linked with variability in cognitive performance since the 1930s (see Vogel & Broverman, 1964; for a more recent review, see Klimesch, 1999). More recent research has revealed that IAF predicts performance on a variety of per- ceptual (e.g., Cecere, Rees, & Romei, 2015; Samaha & Postle, 2015) and cognitive (e.g., Bornkessel, Fiebach, Frie- derici, & Schlesewsky, 2004; Klimesch, Doppelmayr, & Hanslmayr, 2006) tasks. Individuals with a low IAF process information more slowly (Klimesch, Doppelmayr, Schimke, & Pachinger, 1996; Surwillo, 1961, 1963), and show reduced performance on memory tasks (Klimesch, 1999) and general intelligence measures (Grandy, Werkle-Bergner, Chicherio, Psychophysiology. 2018;e13064. V C 2018 Society for Psychophysiological Research | 1 of 21 Received: 13 September 2017 | Revised: 22 November 2017 | Accepted: 19 December 2017 DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13064

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Page 1: Toward a reliable, automated method of individual alpha


Toward a reliable, automated method of individual alphafrequency (IAF) quantification

Andrew W. Corcoran1,2 | Phillip M. Alday2,3 | Matthias Schlesewsky2 |

Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky2

1Cognition and Philosophy Laboratory,Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria,Australia2Centre for Cognitive and SystemsNeuroscience, University of SouthAustralia, Adelaide, South Australia,Australia3Max Planck Institute forPsycholinguistics, Nijmegen, TheNetherlands

CorrespondenceA. W. Corcoran, Cognition andPhilosophy Laboratory, Room E672,Menzies Building, 20 Chancellors Walk,Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800,Australia.Email: [email protected]

Funding informationUniversity of South Australia Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science,Australian Government ResearchTraining Program (RTP) scholarship (toA. W. C.), Australian Research CouncilFuture Fellowship (FT160100437)(to I. B. S.)

AbstractIndividual alpha frequency (IAF) is a promising electrophysiological marker of inter-individual differences in cognitive function. IAF has been linked with trait-likedifferences in information processing and general intelligence, and provides an empir-ical basis for the definition of individualized frequency bands. Despite its widespreadapplication, however, there is little consensus on the optimal method for estimatingIAF, and many common approaches are prone to bias and inconsistency. Here, wedescribe an automated strategy for deriving two of the most prevalent IAF estimatorsin the literature: peak alpha frequency (PAF) and center of gravity (CoG). These indi-ces are calculated from resting-state power spectra that have been smoothed using aSavitzky-Golay filter (SGF). We evaluate the performance characteristics of this anal-ysis procedure in both empirical and simulated EEG data sets. Applying the SGFtechnique to resting-state data from n5 63 healthy adults furnished 61 PAF and 62CoG estimates. The statistical properties of these estimates were consistent with pre-vious reports. Simulation analyses revealed that the SGF routine was able to reliablyextract target alpha components, even under relatively noisy spectral conditions. Theroutine consistently outperformed a simpler method of automated peak detection thatdid not involve spectral smoothing. The SGF technique is fast, open source, andavailable in two popular programming languages (MATLAB, Python), and thus caneasily be integrated within the most popular M/EEG toolsets (EEGLAB, FieldTrip,MNE-Python). As such, it affords a convenient tool for improving the reliability andreplicability of future IAF-related research.


alpha rhythm, EEG, individual alpha frequency, oscillation/time frequency analyses, posterior dominant

rhythm, Savitzky-Golay filter


Alpha is the dominant rhythm in the human EEG, and itsimportance for cognitive processing has been recognizedsince Hans Berger’s seminal work in the early 20th century(Berger, 1929; cf. Adrian & Matthews, 1934). Interindividualdifferences in the predominant frequency of alpha-bandoscillations (i.e., individual alpha frequency; IAF) have beenlinked with variability in cognitive performance since the1930s (see Vogel & Broverman, 1964; for a more recent

review, see Klimesch, 1999). More recent research hasrevealed that IAF predicts performance on a variety of per-ceptual (e.g., Cecere, Rees, & Romei, 2015; Samaha &Postle, 2015) and cognitive (e.g., Bornkessel, Fiebach, Frie-derici, & Schlesewsky, 2004; Klimesch, Doppelmayr, &Hanslmayr, 2006) tasks. Individuals with a low IAF processinformation more slowly (Klimesch, Doppelmayr, Schimke,& Pachinger, 1996; Surwillo, 1961, 1963), and show reducedperformance on memory tasks (Klimesch, 1999) and generalintelligence measures (Grandy, Werkle-Bergner, Chicherio,

Psychophysiology. 2018;e13064. VC 2018 Society for Psychophysiological Research | 1 of 21

Received: 13 September 2017 | Revised: 22 November 2017 | Accepted: 19 December 2017

DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13064

Page 2: Toward a reliable, automated method of individual alpha

L€ovd�en et al., 2013), in comparison to their high-IAF coun-terparts. IAF is a trait-like characteristic of the human EEG(Grandy, Werkle-Bergner, Chicherio, Schmiedek et al.,2013), which shows high heritability (Lykken, Tellegen, &Thorkelson, 1974; Malone et al., 2014; Smit, Wright, Han-sell, Geffen, & Martin, 2006) and test-retest reliability(Gasser, Bächer, & Steinberg, 1985; Kondacs & Szabo,1999; Näpflin, Wildi, & Sarnthein, 2007). However, IAFtends to decrease with age from young adulthood onward(Chiang, Rennie, Robinson, van Albada, & Kerr, 2011;K€opruner, Pfurtscheller, & Auer, 1984); hence, lifelongchanges in IAF accompany the decline of many cognitiveabilities in older adulthood (e.g., Hedden & Gabrieli, 2004;Salthouse, 2011). Taken together, this evidence highlightsthe utility of the IAF as a neurophysiological marker of gen-eral brain functioning (Grandy, Werkle-Bergner, Chicherio,L€ovd�en et al., 2013; Grandy, Werkle-Bergner, Chicherio,Schmiedek et al., 2013).

In addition to quantifying individual differences in theproperties of the dominant alpha rhythm, IAF can also beused to derive individualized estimates of the canonical fre-quency bands beyond the alpha range (Klimesch, 2012).Such empirically driven approaches to frequency band defi-nition have been proposed to sharpen the precision offrequency-domain analyses more generally (Klimesch,2012). Indeed, using the IAF to distinguish subregions of thealpha band has revealed functional dissociations betweenlower- and higher-frequency alpha rhythms (e.g., Klimesch,1997). However, despite the potential advantages of deploy-ing the IAF as a reference point for various kinds of individ-ualized spectral analysis, no clear consensus on the optimalmethod for quantifying IAF currently exists. This paper thussets out to develop a rigorous, automated strategy for esti-mating two of the most widely reported indices of IAF: peakalpha frequency (PAF) and alpha frequency center of gravity(CoG). We begin by briefly describing some of the mostcommon strategies for extracting these estimators and someof their attendant problems.

1.1 | Peak alpha frequency

IAF estimation typically depends on the delineation of a sin-gular, prominent spectral peak within the alpha bandwidth(standardly defined as 8–13 Hz; Noachtar et al., 2004). Inmany cases, the PAF can be easily discerned upon visualinspection of the power spectral density (PSD) from eyes-closed resting-state EEG recorded over parieto-occipital sites.However, this strategy can be complicated by the presence oftwo (or more) alpha-band peaks (so-called split peaks;Chiang et al., 2011) or the lack of any obvious peak-likedeviation from the characteristic 1=f scaling of backgroundM/EEG spectral activity (the “inverse power law,” Pritchard,1992; see Figure 1). Under such circumstances, subjective

PAF estimation may be prone to bias and inconsistency(Chiang et al., 2008), thus posing a significant challenge toreplicability. While conservative approaches to PAF identifi-cation in the context of ambiguous spectral conditions mayhelp to reduce bias, this may result in high rates of attrition(see, e.g., Bornkessel-Schlesewsky et al., 2015).

One approach for improving the objectivity, replicability,and (for larger data sets) practicality of PAF estimation is toimplement an automated peak-detection algorithm. Whilethis strategy does not solve the basic problem of deciding thecriteria by which valid PAF estimates are discriminated fromsplit peaks or spurious background fluctuations, it at leastapplies such criteria consistently across all subjects. Simplealgorithms may, however, introduce new sources of bias. Forinstance, a basic routine that searches for local maximawithin the alpha band may arbitrarily assign the PAF to thelower bound of the search window in the absence of anynotable deviation from the inverse power law (since the high-est power estimate will be the supremum found at the lowestfrequency bin spanned by the window). A more sophisticatedapproach such as the first-derivative test (in which the firstderivative of the PSD is searched for downward-going zerocrossings; cf. Grandy, Werkle-Bergner, Chicherio, Schniedeket al., 2013) avoids this problem, but is still incapable of dis-tinguishing substantive peaks from split peaks or arbitrarilysmall deviations from background spectral activity. Suchroutines may therefore be too liberal with regard to the spec-tral features they classify as alpha peaks.

1.2 | Alpha-band center of gravityand reactivity

The alpha mean or CoG frequency (Klimesch, Schimke,Ladurner, & Pfurtscheller, 1990) has been proposed as analternative method of IAF estimation that circumvents someof the difficulties posed by the absence of a dominant alphapeak (Klimesch, 1997; Klimesch, Schimke, & Pfurtscheller,1993). This estimator computes a weighted average of thepower contained within the alpha band, thus rendering asummary measure that is sensitive to the spectral distributionof alpha components. Given that the span and location ofalpha-rhythm activity vary across individuals (Bazanova &Vernon, 2014), Klimesch and colleagues (1990) recom-mended computing the CoG using bespoke frequency win-dows designed to capture such variation. However, thedefinition of such individualized alpha-band windows(IAWs) poses a nontrivial challenge, and may rely on subjec-tive assessments or arbitrary criteria (Bazanova & Vernon,2014). One principled solution to this problem is to derivethe IAW from reactivity-based contrasts between two condi-tions (e.g., eyes-closed vs. eyes-open resting states, Kli-mesch, 1999; pre- vs. peristimulus presentation, Goljahaniet al., 2012). This approach is not immune to bias, however,

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since alpha rhythms are not always substantially attenuatedby opening the eyes (Ga�al, Boha, Stam, & Moln�ar, 2010;Kreitman & Shaw, 1965), and may only be partially attenu-ated (e.g., Klimesch et al., 2006)—or even enhanced (e.g.,Rihs, Michel, & Thut, 2007)—during experimental tasks.

1.3 | Curve-fitting approachesto alpha-rhythm quantification

One promising approach to spectral peak quantification thatavoids many of the issues highlighted above applies iterativecurve-fitting techniques to parameterize the statistical proper-ties of the PSD (e.g., Chiang et al., 2008; Lodder & van Put-ten, 2011). The practical utility of such methods is clearlyapparent from their application to large n data sets (e.g.,Chiang et al., 2011; van Albada & Robinson, 2013), whilecomparison of Lodder and van Putten’s (2011) algorithmwith human scorers revealed a high degree of estimatoragreement. It is thus puzzling why such methods have notbeen taken up more broadly within the IAF literature (cf.Haegens, Cousijn, Wallis, Harrison, & Nobre, 2014, for anotable exception). One possibility is that investigators aregenerally unaware of these approaches, given that they havemostly been applied in the context of spectral modelingrather than IAF-focused research (indeed, neither Goljahaniet al., 2012, nor Bazanova & Vernon, 2014, mention theexistence of curve-fitting methods in their reviews of IAFestimation techniques). Alternatively, investigators may beput off by the perceived burden involved in accessing theseprograms (which we have been unable to locate online) andintegrating them within existing analysis pipelines (whichmay not be compatible with such algorithms). We suggestthen that one of the critical steps toward achieving a more

widespread adoption of automated IAF estimation techniquesis to make these tools openly available in formats that canbe easily assimilated within popular methods of M/EEGanalysis.

1.4 | Aims of the present study

In sum, common methodological approaches to IAF estima-tion are either (a) time consuming and vulnerable to inconsis-tencies arising from subjective evaluation, or (b) at risk ofproducing spurious or biased estimates under certain plausi-ble spectral conditions. More recent innovations that addressthese problems via the application of sophisticated curve-fitting algorithms have so far found limited uptake within thebroader IAF literature, perhaps on account of practical bar-riers pertaining to software access and implementation. Con-sequently, we sought to develop an automated method ofalpha-band spectral quantification that provides fast, reliable,and easily replicated estimates of the resting-state IAF in twomajor programming languages: MATLAB (The MathWorks,Inc., Natick, MA) and Python. This goal is consistent withrecent proposals to make the analysis of electrophysiologicaldata as open, transparent, and amenable to replication as pos-sible (Cohen, 2017).


Our approach aims to emulate Klimesch and colleagues’(1990) original attempt to characterize individual profiles ofresting-state alpha-band activity by means of a relatively sim-ple, nonparametric curve-fitting technique—the Savitzky-Golay filter (SGF). The basic strategy runs as follows:First we extract PSD estimates from preprocessed, fast

FIGURE 1 Empirical examples of problematic cases for peak alpha frequency identification. Standard alpha-band interval (8–13Hz; Noachtar et al.,2004) indicated by shaded column. Left: Multiple peaks resolvedwithin the alpha-band interval. Center: Split (bimodal) alpha peak. Right: No discernablealpha peak. Note differences in y axis scaling

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Fourier-transformed EEG signals. Second, we apply the SGFto smooth the PSD function and estimate its first- andsecond-order derivatives. Third, these derivatives are ana-lyzed for evidence of a distinct spectral peak within thealpha-band region. Finally, the first derivative of the PSD isreanalyzed to locate the bounds of the IAW, from which theCoG is estimated. Our main focus here will be to assess theefficacy of this approach in the context of both empirical andsimulated data. For a more rigorous account of the calcula-tions implemented in the algorithm, see the Appendix.

It should be noted from the outset that our approach doesnot set out to discriminate fine-grained differences in alpha-band activity at the source level. Although recent research(e.g., Barzegaran, Vildavski, & Knyazeva, 2017; Haegenset al., 2014; van der Meij, van Ede, & Maris, 2016) has borneout earlier intuitions that alpha rhythms detected over posteriorscalp regions comprise a mixture of overlapping oscillatorycomponents (see Başar, 2012; Klimesch, 1999), our main con-cern here was to develop a method for deriving reliable sum-mary estimates of the dominant alpha rhythm for analyses ofinterindividual differences in cognition (see Section 4.3 Limi-tations and Future Developments for further discussion).

2.1 | Savitzky-Golay smoothingand differentiation

The SGF is a least-squares polynomial curve-fitting procedurespecifically designed to aid the detection of spectral peaksamid noisy conditions (Savitzky & Golay, 1964). The SGFhas a number of properties that make it well suited to the taskof smoothing PSD functions, not least of which is its capacityto render smoothed curves that conserve the height, width,position, area, and center of gravity of the underlying spectralstructure (see Ziegler, 1981). SGFs work by centering a sam-pling window of length Fw on a portion of the input signal andcomputing the least-squares fit of a specified polynomial toeach ith data point spanned by Fw. The window is then shiftedone point along the input signal, and the polynomial fit recal-culated accordingly. The center value of the polynomial fit istaken as the filter output at each iteration of the sliding windowcalculation, and these values are concatenated to render thesmoothed estimate of the input function. For a more detailedtreatment of the SGF and its technical performance properties,the interested reader is referred to Schafer (2011).

We propose using the SGF in order to attenuate randomfluctuations in the PSD (and thus improve signal-to-noiseratio, SNR) without substantially distorting the spectralparameters of interest in IAF analysis. Eliminating such fluc-tuations should reduce the number of spurious local optima inthe derivatives of the PSD, thus improving the overall accu-racy and reliability of the first-derivative test. Conveniently,SGFs constitute optimal (or near optimal) differentiators(Luo, Ying, He, & Bai, 2005), and hence can be deployed to

simultaneously estimate both the smoothed PSD and its deriv-ative functions.

2.2 | Implementation

All functions developed in order to conduct the analysesreported here are open source and available (along with sam-ple data sets, tutorial, and simulation materials) from <>. The following reportfocuses on the MATLAB implementation of the algorithm,which is dependent on the Signal Processing Toolbox. Thepipeline (Figure 2) relies on MATLAB’s pwelch.m imple-mentation of Welch’s modified periodogram method (Welch,1967) to derive PSD estimates. This requires the selection ofa sliding window function of length x, which determines thefrequency resolution of the analysis. (Note that alternativemethods of PSD estimation could be coupled with the SGFroutine, but are not explored here.) The following parametersmust also be specified in order to execute the algorithm(examples of what we consider to be reasonable values areoutlined in Section 2.3.4 IAF Analysis Parameters):

� Fw, SGF frame width (longer5more smoothing; Bromba& Ziegler, 1981);

� k, SGF polynomial degree (higher5 less smoothing/peakheight attenuation; Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, &Flannery, 1992);

� Wa, the domain of the PSD searched for evidence of peakactivity;

� minP, the minimum power value that a local maximummust exceed to qualify as a peak candidate (defined as 1SD above the power estimate predicted by a regressionmodel of the log-transformed PSD);

� pDiff , the minimum proportion of peak height by whichthe highest peak candidate within Wa must exceed anycompetitors to be assigned as the PAF;

� cMin, the minimum number of channel estimates necessaryfor computing cross-channel averages.

Since channel spectra may be differentially contaminated bysignal noise, our algorithm evaluates the relative “quality” ofchannelwise PAF estimates prior to cross-channel averaging.To this end, we extend the logic of the first-derivative test toextract second derivative estimates of the inflection pointsbounding the PAF. These points are used to define the areaunder the peak (in normalized power units), which is thendivided by the frequency span of this area. The resulting quan-tity (Q value) thus affords an indication of the relative qualityof the resolved peak in terms of how well its distributionalcharacteristics conform to the ideal of a highly powered, lessvariable (i.e., narrower) peak (as opposed to broader and/orshallower counterparts). Within-subject channel estimates are

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scaled in proportion to the peak with the highest Q value, andthe (weighted) cross-channel average computed (hence, chan-nels with the strongest evidence of PAF detection contributemore information to the mean estimate of the PAF). We con-sider this strategy (which only influences results when channelestimates fail to converge) an acceptable trade-off betweenloss of information (incurred by higher rates of channel exclu-sion) versus loss of precision (incurred by treating all estimatesas equally indicative of the estimand).

2.3 | Empirical EEG data

2.3.1 | Participants

Sixty-three right-handed (Edinburgh Handedness Inventory;Oldfield, 1971), native English-speaking adults (42 female,

mean age5 35 years, range5 18–74 years) with normal (orcorrected-to-normal) vision and audition, and no history ofpsychiatric, neurological, or cognitive disorder, participatedin the study. All participants provided written, informed con-sent, and were remunerated for their time. This study waspart of a larger research project investigating EEG responsesto complex, naturalistic stimuli, and was approved by theUniversity of South Australia Human Research Ethics Com-mittee (Application ID: 0000035576).

2.3.2 | Procedure

Participants were seated in a dimly lit, sound-attenuatedroom for the duration of the session (2.5–3 hr). Two sets ofresting-state EEG recordings were acquired approximately90 min apart at the beginning and end of an experimental

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2 Flow diagrams summarizing key steps of the analysis pipeline. (a) Processing of channel data. (b) Cross-channel averaging, assuming asufficient number of estimates from (a). See main text/Appendix for details.PSD5 power spectral density; f range5 frequency bins included in analysis;P5 power estimate;minP5minimum power necessary to qualify as a candidate peak; pDiff5minimum power difference necessary to qualify as a PAFestimate;Qweights5 quantification of relative peak quality (scaled Q value); cMin5minimum number of channel estimates required for cross-channelaveraging; IAW5 individualized alpha-band window; f1 and f25 lower and upper bounds of IAW; PAFM5mean PAF estimate;CoGM5mean CoG esti-mate; IAFM5 PAFM or CoGM; IAFGA5 grand-averaged PAF/CoG estimate

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procedure. This experiment involved watching approxi-mately 70 min of prerecorded television programming, fol-lowed by an old/new cued recall task. As per our standardlaboratory protocol, both sets of resting-state recordings com-prised approximately 2 min of eyes-open EEG followed by 2min of eyes-closed EEG. Participants were instructed to sitstill, relax, and avoid excessive eye movements during thistime. Note that only data from the eyes-closed component ofthe resting-state recordings are reported here (see online sup-porting information for equivalent analysis of eyes-opendata). We favor eyes-closed resting-state data on the basisthat it demonstrates (a) greater interindividual variability inalpha power (Chen, Feng, Zhao, Yin, & Wang, 2008), and(b) higher within-session reliability and test-retest stabilityof IAF estimates (Grandy, Werkle-Bergner, Chicherio,Schniedek et al., 2013) than eyes-open data. Eyes-closedrecordings may also be advantageous in reducing ocularartifact.

2.3.3 | EEG acquisition and preprocessing

EEG was recorded continuously from 64 cap-mounted Ag/AgCl electrodes via Scan 4.5 software for the SynAmpsRTamplifier (Compumedics Neuroscan, Charlotte, NC). Theonline recording was digitized at a rate of 1000 Hz, band-pass filtered (pass-band: 0.05–200 Hz), and referenced to thevertex electrode (AFz served as the ground electrode). Eyemovements were recorded from bipolar channels above andbelow the left eye and on the outer canthi of both eyes. Elec-trode impedances were maintained below 12.5 kX.

EEG data acquired from eyes-closed resting-state record-ings were preprocessed in MATLAB 2015a (v8.5.0.197613).All EEG channels were imported into MATLAB viaEEGLAB, v13.6.5b (Delorme & Makeig, 2004) and rerefer-enced to linked mastoids. Each data set was then trimmed toretain only the electrooculogram (EOG) and the nine centro-posterior electrodes constituting the region of interest for thisanalysis: Pz, P1/2, POz, PO3/4, Oz, O1/2. These channelswere subjected to zero-phase, finite impulse response high-pass (pass-band: 1 Hz, 26 dB cutoff: 0.5 Hz) and low-pass(pass-band: 40 Hz, 26 dB cutoff: 45 Hz), Hamming-windowed sinc filters (implemented via pop_eegfiltnew.mfrom the firfilt v1.6.1 EEGLAB plugin). Automated artifactdetection routines were then applied to identify regions ofchannel data (segmented into 2-s epochs) that containedexcessive deviations in the frequency domain (frequencyrange: 15–40 Hz, spectral threshold: 10 dB). Channels thatexhibited an improbable signal distribution (kurtosis z score-> 5) were excluded from analysis. EOG channels wereremoved following artifact rejection, and remaining channelswere downsampled to 250 Hz in preparation for spectralanalysis. Data sets exceeding 120 s were trimmed to this

duration in order to reduce variability in the quantity of dataanalyzed per participant.

2.3.4 | IAF analysis parameters

Initial parameters for the IAF analysis were determined onthe basis of preliminary testing on an independent data set(collected as part of a separate EEG protocol). We imple-mented pwelch.m with a 1,024-sample Hamming window(i.e., four times the sampling rate raised to the next power of2; window overlap5 50%), yielding a frequency resolutionof �0.24 Hz. SGF and peak detection parameters weredefined as follows: Fw 5 11 (corresponding to a frequencyspan of �2.69 Hz); k5 5; Wa 5 [7, 13 Hz]; pDiff5:20(meaning that the largest peak detected within Wa had to beat least 20% higher than any other peak to qualify as thePAF estimate); cMin5 3. minP was automatically deter-mined for each channel spectrum according to its distribu-tional characteristics.

2.4 | Simulated EEG data

2.4.1 | Single component simulations

As an initial proof of concept, we analyzed the performanceof the SGF routine in extracting target alpha frequency com-ponents embedded within noisy time series. These compositesignals were created by combining a sine wave oscillating attarget frequency Fa with a 2-min “pink noise” signal (i.e., arandomly sampled signal with a frequency distribution scaledin accordance with the 1=f inverse power law). SNR wasmanipulated by varying the length of the target signalembedded in the composite time series (e.g., for SNR5 0.50,the first half of the signal would comprise the convolution ofthe alpha and noise signals, whereas the second half wouldcomprise only the noise signal).

We examined PAF estimation at SNR5 0.05, 0.10, 0.15,0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.40, and 0.50, generating 1,000 simulatedsignals for each SNR level. In addition, we ran a null simula-tion (SNR5 0) with signals comprised of randomly sampledpink noise only. These SNR levels were arbitrarily selectedto explore estimator performance characteristics across a rea-sonably fine-grained range of relative signal strengths. Thetarget frequency was randomly sampled (with replacement)from a vector ranging from 7.5 to 12.5 in iterations of 0.1.We compared the SGF routine’s capacity to extract these tar-get peaks with that of a simple peak detection routinedesigned to locate the local maximum (LM) within Wa. Toavoid spurious estimates from suprema at the lower bound ofWa, this routine evaluated whether the LM exceeded thepower estimates of adjacent frequency bins (thus making itfunctionally equivalent to the first-derivative test). Thisapproach to peak detection—which we consider more robust

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than simply relying on the LM alone—was recently reportedby H€ulsd€unker, Mierau, and Str€uder (2016) and Milton andPleydell-Pearce (2017).

Since we are unaware of any automated procedure forestimating the resting-state alpha CoG on the basis of indi-vidualized frequency bounds, we were unable to compareour implementation of this estimator to any previouslyreported standard. All CoG results are therefore reportedalongside those of the PAF estimators.

2.4.2 | Mixture and multichannel simulations

Next, we investigated the performance of the SGF routineunder more ecologically valid spectral conditions. Thisinvolved creating alpha signals that comprised a set of neigh-boring frequency components from different channels. Thisconfiguration was designed to emulate empirical evidencethat alpha peaks detected at surface sensors are the productof a distributed network of alpha generators, each oscillatingat different frequencies (Barzegaran et al., 2017; Haegenset al., 2014; van der Meij et al., 2016). We did this by sam-pling an actual/measured alpha frequency per channel from atruncated Gaussian distribution centered at the randomlysampled target Fa (selected as for the single component sim-ulation) for each simulated (sub)component (targets chosenuniformly from the standard alpha band, as above). The tailsof the Gaussian were truncated6 2.5 Hz from its mean/targetfrequency. Alpha signals were thus constructed by creating aweighted average of frequencies within this distribution; inother words, a Gaussian blur was applied to the frequency-domain signal in order to generate a mixture of alpha wavesin the time domain.

The area of the Gaussian distribution used to sample themixed alpha component frequencies was systematically var-ied by manipulating its a value (i.e., the reciprocal of thestandard deviation). Higher a values correspond to narrowerdistributions, thus rendering composite signals with relativelyhigher concentrations of frequencies proximal to Fa. Westratified our simulations into three a levels: 1.0, 2.5, and 4.0.

Constructed alpha signals were again combined withpink noise signals at a specified SNR. For these simulations,however, each composite alpha signal was replicated ninetimes and combined with an independently sampled pinknoise signal. This yielded a data set of nine synthetic “chan-nels,” each comprising identical alpha signals embeddedwithin stochastically varying background noise. This enabledus to examine how our algorithm’s channel exclusion andaveraging procedures performed under varying levels ofSNR and peak dispersal.

As per the preliminary analysis, we compared the accu-racy of SGF-generated PAF estimates against those producedby the LM procedure. For the latter, the optimization func-tion was applied to the mean PSD calculated for each set of

simulated channel data. The simulation of broader alpha-band components also afforded the opportunity to assess theperformance of our SGF-based CoG estimator.

Finally, we repeated the multichannel simulations using aset of alpha signals sampled via a bimodal Gaussian window.This analysis was designed to replicate troublesome empiricalcases in which IAF calculation is complicated by the presenceof a split peak—either through poor resolution of a singleunderlying component, or where dominant activity across mul-tiple alpha generators results in the detection of distinct compo-nent peaks at the scalp. This analysis likewise investigated theeffect of modulating the composition of the alpha signal, andthe SNR of the combined time series, on IAF estimation. Asthe bimodal sampling window introduced the possibility ofmore extreme peaks (since peaks necessarily fell either side ofthe window center), the span of Wa was extended to [6, 14Hz]. This exception aside, all simulation analyses were imple-mented using the exact same set of parameters as thosedescribed in Section 2.3.4 IAF Analysis Parameters.


3.1 | Empirical EEG data

3.1.1 | Global performanceof the SGF routine

Postexperiment resting-state recordings were missing forthree participants. A total of 11 channels (all from separaterecordings) were excluded on the basis of excessive kurtosis.This left a total 1,096 PSDs to estimate across the sample(pre5 561, post5 535). Of these, a total of 944 PAF(pre5 480, post5 464) and 1,003 CoG (pre5 507,post5 496) estimates were extracted. As Figure 3 indicates,the estimation routine extracted a high proportion of PAFand CoG estimates across most individuals. Two participantsfailed to surpass the cMin threshold for both recordings andwere therefore excluded from the PAF analysis. Visualinspection of channel spectra confirmed the absence of anyconsistent alpha peak. The CoG was, however, estimated forone of these individuals.

3.1.2 | Statistical properties of IAF estimates

Mean IAF estimates were centered about 10 Hz, with themajority falling in the range of 9 to 11 Hz. Both esti-mators were similarly distributed in both sets of recordings(see Figure 4a). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC3;k:PAFM5:96; CoGM5:98) indicated that variance in PAFMand CoGM estimates was predominantly attributable to inter-individual differences across the sample, rather than intrain-dividual differences between recordings (see Figure 4b).These data are therefore in accord with previous reports of

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the IAF’s high temporal stability (at least within the samerecording session) and interindividual variability (at least inthe context of eyes-closed resting-state EEG).

Kernel density estimation of grand-averaged alpha peakand gravity estimates (PAFGA and CoGGA, respectively) sug-gested that the probability density function underlying bothestimators was well characterized by a Gaussian distribution,although CoGGA was rather more heavy tailed. Despite this

difference, PAFGA and CoGGA produced remarkably consist-ent results (ICC3;k5:97; R25:90). This finding, whichextends that reported in a smaller sample by Jann, Koenig,Dierks, Boesch, and Federspiel (2010), lends weight to theclaim that these two estimators tap into the same fundamen-tal oscillatory process(es).

As a final point of comparison with previous findings,we examined the relation between age and IAF (Figure 4b).

FIGURE 3 Stacked bar chart displaying number of channels fromwhich PAF (lower) and CoG (upper) estimates were derived across participants.Estimates are further divided according to EEG recording (pre/post). Totals normalized to account for excluded channels. Postexperiment data were miss-ing for three participants (indicated by hatching)

FIGURE 4 Statistical properties of PAF and CoG estimates. (a) Histograms displaying distribution of mean PAF and CoG estimates across pre-/post-experiment recordings. (b) Scatter plots showing correlations between pre-/postexperiment IAF estimates (left), and grand-averaged IAF estimates and age(right). Broken line indicates perfect positive correlation; solid curve indicates 2nd-degree polynomial fit

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Both estimators showed a similar trend toward reduced IAFas age increases beyond the fourth decade. However, thisassociation accounted for a rather small proportion of thevariance (R2 5 .05 and .04 for PAFGA and CoGGA, respec-tively). This is consistent with previously reported findingsfrom much larger data sets (e.g., Chiang et al., 2011).

3.2 | Simulated EEG data

3.2.1 | PAF estimator performanceas a function of SNR

Preliminary analysis of synthetic EEG data focused on thenumber of PAF estimates extracted at each SNR level, andhow well these estimates approximated the ground truthstipulated by the frequency of the alpha signal embedded inthe synthetic time series. In the null simulation, the SGFtechnique correctly rejected all 1,000 pink noise signals. Fol-lowing exclusion of 134 peak estimates that failed thesuprema check, the LM routine erroneously returned 866peak estimates on account of spurious fluctuations in thepink noise distribution. For a summary of the results from allother SNR levels, see Table 1.

The SGF technique failed to extract PAF estimates forapproximately one third of simulations at SNR5 0.05;however, the proportion of estimated alpha peaks rapidlyapproached ceiling as SNR increased beyond 0.10.

Average error (RMSE) was generally low for all levels ofSNR, suggesting that alpha peaks were consistently esti-mated with a high degree of accuracy when detected by theSGF analysis routine. One per cent of PAF estimates in theSNR< 0.15 conditions deviated from their target frequen-cies by> 0.24 Hz (the approximate frequency resolution ofthe analysis). Given the general absence of such binShiftdeviations in the higher SNR conditions, and the relativelylow magnitude of discrepancies when they did occur, itseems that the SGF technique exhibited near-optimal per-formance at SNR � 0.30.

The LM routine returned PAF estimates for all simulatedspectra; however, 15 estimates in the SNR5 0.05 conditionwere discarded as lower bound suprema. Even with these esti-mates removed, LM detection was associated with a 12-foldincrease in average estimate error in the SNR5 0.05 conditionas compared to the SGF method. Of the 224 estimates thatwere shifted by more than one frequency bin from their corre-sponding target frequency, 42 deviated by 1 to 2.5 Hz, whilea further 56 deviated by>2.5 Hz. All of these extreme errorsconstituted underestimates of the target component. The LMprocedure was also markedly less accurate in the SNR5 0.10condition, where it registered more than double the RMSE ofSGF-resolved peaks. Average LM estimation error convergedwith that of the SGF technique in higher SNR conditions,although the magnitude of worst errors (maxDiff) remainedelevated relative to SGF-generated PAF estimates.

TABLE 1 Summary statistics characterizing PAF estimation as a function of estimation method and SNR

SNR 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50


PAFLM 985 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

PAFSG 659 955 997 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000


PAFLM 1.06 0.22 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07

PAFSG 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07


PAFLM 5.42 4.83 0.70 0.50 0.50 0.23 0.22 0.14

PAFSG 0.62 0.75 0.75 0.31 0.26 0.18 0.13 0.13


PAFLM 224 70 29 8 4 0 0 0

PAFSG 7 14 3 2 1 0 0 0

Note. PAFLM5PAF estimated via the local maximum detection method; PAFSG5 PAF estimated via the Savitzky-Golay smoothing method; n PAF 5 total numberof PAF estimates extracted from 1,000 simulated time series; RMSE 5 root mean squared error; maxDiff 5 maximum absolute difference (Hz) between estimatedand target frequency; binShift5 number of estimates that diverged from their target frequency by> 0.24 Hz.

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To give a flavor of how smoothing may have influ-enced the PSD estimates generated by pwelch.m at eachSNR level, a selection of simulated PSD functions is illus-trated in Figure 5. Both techniques return identical PAFestimates at the highest SNR levels. The SGF also tends toattenuate peak height, as would be expected of a smooth-ing procedure. The SNR5 0.30 panel reveals one instancewhere the application of the smoothing procedure to asomewhat blunted component structure results in the erro-neous ascription of PAF to a neighboring frequency bin.The advantages of the SGF technique are thrown into relief,however, by two scenarios in which the LM estimator errs. Inthe SNR5 0.05 panel, the LM routine identifies a spuriousfluctuation at 7.57 Hz as the PAF (Fa5 9.9 Hz). Here, theLM technique is disadvantaged by its inability to evaluatewhether the detected LM constitutes a substantial deviationfrom background noise. In contrast, the SGF routine findsinsufficient evidence of peak activity within the alpha searchwindow, and thus does not return any estimate of PAF. Thesecond scenario arises when the target component is subopti-mally resolved by pwelch.m, resulting in either a broad struc-ture featuring two maxima (SNR5 0.10) or a more clearlydefined split peak (SNR5 0.20). In both cases, smoothing

helps to recover the shape of the peak component underlyingthe spectral data, thus culminating in more veridical PAF esti-mates than those derived via the LM method.

In sum, this preliminary analysis provides compellingevidence that the SGF method generally furnishes accurateestimates of the PAF when a singular alpha component ispresent within the PSD. Such accuracy is maintained even atrelatively low SNR levels, although the extraction of low-powered peaks amid background noise becomes more chal-lenging when SNR drops below 0.15. The more conservativenature of the SGF method (as compared to LM detection) inthe context of low SNR may, however, be advantageous inprotecting against inaccurate PAF estimates issuing fromspurious background fluctuations.

3.2.2 | Multichannel data set simulations

Given that the PAF estimators approached ceiling per-formance at moderate levels of SNR in the previous analy-sis, we limited multichannel simulations to a low (0.15)and a moderate (0.40) SNR condition. A total of 100 datasets, each comprising nine synthetic EEG channels, weresimulated for each level of alpha component dispersal in

FIGURE 5 Channel spectra randomly sampled from each SNR condition. Solid blue functions represent PSD estimates generated by pwelch.m. Bro-ken red functions indicate the effect of smoothing these estimates with the Savitzky-Golay filter. Target alpha component frequency Fa indicated by verti-cal line. a.u.5 arbitrary unit

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both SNR conditions (yielding a total of 5,400 PSD esti-mates). The results of this analysis are summarized in Fig-ure 6 and Table 2.

Across all Distribution 3 SNR conditions, the SGF rou-tine failed to generate average PAF estimates for 11 datasets. Eight of these instances occurred in the low SNR condi-tion (7 a5 1.0; 1 a5 2.5), while the remainder occurredwhen attempting to recover broad component structures(a5 1.0) in the moderate SNR condition. By contrast, boththe LM and the CoG estimators rendered estimates for all600 simulated data sets.

All three estimators demonstrated consistent reductionsin error as alpha component dispersal diminished (i.e., astarget peaks became narrower). This finding is congruentwith the intuition that, irrespective of SNR, recovery ofbroader component structures poses a greater challenge forautomated estimation procedures than the recovery of nar-rower, sharper peaks. Further, there was some indicationof a Distribution 3 SNR interaction effect, such that errorindices for a given a level were more elevated in the low(as compared to the moderate) SNR condition. Althoughthis effect was somewhat marginal (and not entirely con-sistent) for the PAF estimators, it was more clearly appa-rent for the CoG estimator. These general trends (i.e.,

improved estimation accuracy with decreased componentdispersal and increased SNR) were mirrored by both theaverage (median) number of channels that contributed toPAFSG estimation, and the degree of variability (SD) in thenumber of channels retained by the SGF procedure forIAF estimation in each set of simulations. This is to saythat a higher proportion of channels rendered PAF esti-mates as SNR increased and peak dispersal decreased,while volatility in the number of channels selected formean PAF/IAW estimation correspondingly declined.

As per the single component analysis, PAF estimatesfrom low SNR simulations were more accurate on averagewhen estimated with the SGF procedure. Unlike the prioranalysis, however, the RMSE of PAFLM failed to convergewith that of PAFSG in the moderate SNR condition (indeed,RMSE of the former was more than double that of the latterfor both intermediate and narrow peak estimates). The magni-tude of worst estimate errors (maxDiff) was likewise consis-tently elevated for PAFLM as compared to PAFSG-generatedestimates. Perhaps most notably, PAFLM produced consider-ably more estimate errors in excess of6 0.5 Hz than PAFSG(27% vs. 11%). This contrast was most stark at a � 2.5,where the error rate associated with PAFLM was 14% (com-pared to< 1% for PAFSG).

FIGURE 6 Box plots summarizing spread of estimator error across simulation conditions. Center marks indicate median error, edges indicate inter-quartile range (IQR), whiskers indicate approximately 1.53 IQR. Zero estimate error (broken horizontal line) corresponds to extraction of the target alphapeak frequency. Negative error indicates underestimation of the target frequency, positive error indicates overestimation. SNR set to 0.15 in (a), 0.40 in (b).Dispersal of the target alpha component broadest in the left column (a5 1.0) and narrowest in the right (a5 4.0). LM and SG5 PAF estimated via thelocal maximum and Savitzky-Golay routines, respectively.CoG5CoG estimated via the Savitzky-Golay routine. Y axis scaling varied acrossa levels toaid visualization

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Comparison of SGF-generated estimates of PAF andCoG discloses an interesting interaction between estimatorperformance and SNR. While the PAF estimator resulted indiminished RMSEs, lower maximal deviations, and fewerestimation errors6 0.5 Hz in the low SNR simulations, thispattern was inverted (with the exception of one RMSE value)in the moderate SNR condition. This latter result providesencouraging evidence in favor of our method’s capacity toaccurately localize the beginning and end of the IAW (at leastwhen the embedded alpha signal is not too weak). Interest-ingly, even though the CoG performed less consistently whenSNR was low, it still tended to be more reliable than thePAFLM estimator. For instance, the CoG method resulted in a16% reduction in substantial estimate errors compared to theLM method. While CoG may therefore be more susceptible tobias than its PAFSG counterpart when channel spectra containrelatively high degrees of background noise, it may still offertangible advantages over LM-based peak detection strategies.

3.2.3 | Split-peak simulations

Finally, we repeated the multichannel data set simulationswith composite signals constructed using a bimodal samplingwindow. This window comprised two overlapping Gaussians(a5 2.5), the right-most of which was scaled equal to, 0.25,or 0.50 times larger than its counterpart. The frequency offsetbetween the two Gaussian peaks was equivalent to 1.6 Hz.The results of this analysis are summarized in Figure 7 andTable 3.

PAFSG failed to find evidence of a distinct peak in 11% oflow SNR data sets (equal5 14, 10.255 7, 10.505 11), and2% of moderate SNR data sets (equal5 3, 10.255 4,10.505 0). Median number of channel PAF estimateswas also reduced as compared to the corresponding SNR con-ditions in the single-peak, multichannel simulations. PAFLMand CoG returned estimates for all 600 simulated data sets.

Across all conditions, PAFLM returned more variable andextreme results than PAFSG, although interpretation of thisobservation is complicated by the presence of a (somewhat)dominant peak in the 10.25 and 10.50 conditions. As SNRand peak differences increase, PAFLM shows stronger migra-tion toward the higher frequency peak than either of the SGFestimators, although note that it is still more prone to errone-ously ascribing the PAF to the secondary (lower frequency)peak (see Figure 7). On the other hand, PAFSG is less liableto spurious fluctuations in the PSD, tending instead to curbPAF estimation toward the center mass of the double compo-nent. This might suggest that marginal local maxima areabsorbed within the recapitulation of a broader peak structureas a consequence of spectral smoothing. As SNR and peakinequality increase, PAFSG estimates cluster in closer prox-imity to the dominant peak. This explains why RMSEincreases relative to the center frequency: as SNR improvesand the split peak becomes more asymmetrical (and hence,one peak more dominant over its competitor), more evidenceaccrues in favor of an underlying PAF.

The CoG estimator demonstrates an intermediate level ofvariability compared to the PAF estimators under low SNRconditions, but is markedly less variable under moderateSNR conditions. The box plots in Figure 7 also indicate thatthe CoG estimator performed similarly across the differentdegrees of peak inequality within each SNR level. Irrespec-tive of peak scaling, CoG estimates were substantially moreprecise when SNR5 0.40. Indeed, compared to the othertwo estimators, CoG is both remarkably stable and closelycentered around the center frequency of the window function(which coincides with the true CoG in the context of equalpeaks, and closely approximates it in the unequal condi-tions). As such, this finding provides compelling evidencethat our implementation of the CoG estimator renders anaccurate summary of the underlying alpha componentdistribution.

TABLE 2 Estimator performance as a function of SNR and alphacomponent distribution

SNR 0.15 0.40

a 1.0 2.5 4.0 1.0 2.5 4.0


PAFLM 0.72 0.38 0.30 0.63 0.38 0.26

PAFSG 0.47 0.21 0.15 0.48 0.17 0.10

CoG 0.57 0.45 0.27 0.34 0.16 0.12


PAFLM 1.53 0.90 0.73 1.84 0.86 0.62

PAFSG 1.24 0.59 0.38 1.29 0.68 0.31

CoG 1.45 1.21 0.73 0.86 0.46 0.27

% Dev

PAFLM 63 17 14 42 22 3

PAFSG 30 2 0 33 1 0

CoG 42 30 7 18 0 0

n chans

PAFSG 5 (1.81) 6 (1.53) 8 (1.23) 5 (1.52) 7 (1.27) 9 (0.70)

CoG 9 (0.79) 9 (0.36) 9 (0.10) 9 (0) 9 (0) 9 (0)

Note. a5 1.0 corresponds to a broad peak, a5 4.0 a narrow peak.PAFLM5 local maximum PAF estimator; PAFSG5Savitzky-Golay filter (SGF)PAF estimator; CoG 5 SGF CoG estimator; RMSE 5 root mean squarederror; maxDiff5maximum absolute difference (Hz) between estimated and tar-get frequency; % Dev 5 percentage of estimates that diverged from the targetfrequency by> 0.5 Hz; n chans 5 median (SD) number of channels furnishingPAF/IAW estimates per simulated data set.

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We have proposed a novel method for estimating the twomost prevalent indices of IAF in the literature. This methodpairs a common approach to the automated detection of localmaxima (i.e., searching for first-derivative zero crossings)with a well-established method of resolving spectral peaks(i.e., Savitzky-Golay filtering) to derive an estimate of PAF.It also extends the logic of the first-derivative test to estimatethe bounds of the alpha peak component, thus enabling cal-culation of the (individualized) alpha-band CoG. Like otherautomated curve-fitting algorithms reported in the literature(e.g., Chiang et al., 2008; Lodder & van Putten, 2011), thismethod addresses key limitations of visual PSD analysis(e.g., proneness to subjective bias, inefficiency, poor replica-bility), while improving upon alternative automated app-roaches that may be prone to various artifacts (e.g., failure todifferentiate a single dominant peak from competing spectralpeaks or spurious fluctuations, reliance on alpha-band reac-tivity). Unlike these algorithms, however, our method isopenly accessible and easy to integrate within existing MAT-LAB and Python-based analysis pipelines.

Our results demonstrate that the SGF technique canextract a high proportion of IAF estimates from an empirical

data set, and that the samplewide properties of these esti-mates (intraindividual stability, interindividual variance, age-related trends, etc.) are consonant with prior reports in the lit-erature. Furthermore, application of the technique to simu-lated data sets verified its ability to render accurate estimatesof peak location, even under highly degraded SNR condi-tions. When extended to more complex simulations, the SGFtechnique was shown to recover target values with greaterprecision than an alternative peak detection method. Webegin by considering the key findings of our analyses, beforereflecting on present limitations and potential directions forfuture research.

4.1 | Estimating IAFs from an empiricalEEG data set

Savitzky-Golay filtering of pwelch.m-generated PSD func-tions resulted in the extraction of a rather impressive numberof IAF estimates from a moderate-sized data set. This sug-gests our technique offers substantive benefits in terms ofdata retention in comparison to subjective analysis, whichcan result in high rates of attrition if dominant peaks cannotbe confidently distinguished from background noise (e.g.,Bornkessel-Schlesewsky et al., 2015). We note also that our

FIGURE 7 Box plots summarizing spread of estimate deviation from the center frequency of the sampling window. Center marks indicate mediandeviation, edges indicate interquartile range (IQR), whiskers indicate approximately 1.53 IQR. Zero deviation (broken horizontal line) corresponds to esti-mating the midpoint between the two components. Peak locations indicated by dotted horizontal lines. Left: Schematic of the sampling window used toconstruct composite alpha signals simulated in corresponding row. Discrepancy between simulated peaks (higher relative to lower frequency bins) rangesfrom 0 (top to10.50 bottom). LM and SG5 local maximum and Savitzky-Golay PAF estimates, respectively.CoG5 Savitzky-Golay CoG estimates

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SGF method furnished a higher proportion of PAF estimatesthan that produced by the Gaussian curve-fitting procedureimplemented by Haegens and colleagues (2014). It may bethe case that our nonparametric approach, which attempts tosmooth the PSD rather than fit a specified function to it,retains more data by virtue of its capacity to accommodate abroader range of alpha-band distributions.

By the same token, it is reassuring that neither of the twocases in which the technique failed to extract PAF estimatesdemonstrated compelling evidence of any concerted alphapeak activity on visual inspection of their respective PSDplots. It is also worth pointing out that the diverse age rangeof participants within this study is likely to have posed anontrivial challenge to any automated alpha-band quantifica-tion routine, given the typically reported changes in bothspectral power and distribution associated with older adult-hood (e.g., Dustman, Shearer, & Emmerson, 1999). That ourtechnique was able to extract estimates from the vast major-ity of sampled individuals, and that it did so using a fixed setof parameters defined a priori on the basis of preliminarytesting in an independent data set, speaks to its capacity toderive resting-state IAF estimates across a broad spectrum ofthe healthy population.

Comparison of grand-averaged PAF and CoG estimatesrevealed a high degree of intercorrelation, despite certain

differences in their distribution. Although this might promptconcerns of redundancy, we interpret this finding positively:the CoG seems to tap into a similar underlying neural pro-cess (or set of processes) as the PAF. Although not necessaryin the present analysis on account of the high proportion ofPAFs that were extracted across participants, this findingsuggests that the CoG estimator might warrant deploymentas an alternative marker of IAF in cases where the PAF can-not be obtained. In any case, given the dearth of researchdirectly comparing these two measures (most IAF-relatedresearch involves some variant of the PAF, perhaps onaccount of the additional complexities involved in calculatingthe CoG), we suggest it would be informative if investigatorsadopted the policy of reporting both indices in parallel.Should it be the case that PAF and CoG track one anotheralmost identically, then only one of these measures need beselected for the remaining analysis (see, e.g., Jann et al.,2010). However, if it turns out that PAF and CoG divergeunder certain circumstances, delineating such cases mighthelp improve our understanding of the IAF (and alpha-banddynamics more generally). It is, of course, a notable advant-age of our method that it enables investigators to rapidlyderive samplewide estimates of PAF and CoG simultane-ously, thus furnishing a convenient means of estimatorcomparison. To the best of our knowledge, no previously re-ported automated technique provides this functionality.

Although the analysis parameters we implemented in theSGF routine worked well for this data set, we do not insistthat these settings ought to be the default standard in allfuture analyses. Rather, parameters should be thoughtfullydefined in accordance with expectations about the generalcharacteristics of alpha-band activity under study-specificconditions. For instance, filter settings (Fw and k) willdepend on the anticipated noisiness and dispersal of alphacomponent activity, while peak detection (minP and pDiff)and channel averaging (cMin) criteria will depend on theamount of available data and the trade-off between liberaland conservative detection thresholds (a problem that isintrinsic to traditional methods of PAF estimation). Somedegree of exploratory analysis may therefore be necessary inorder to tune analysis parameters to the data at hand. We donot see this as inherently problematic so long as the distinc-tion between exploratory and confirmatory modes of analysisis respected. As with any form of data processing, we urgeinvestigators to be transparent about the rationale motivatingtheir choice of parameter settings, and to apply such settingsconsistently across the data set prior to inferential statisticalanalysis.

4.2 | Estimation of simulated IAFs

Our preliminary simulation analyses indicated that the SGFtechnique approached an optimal level of performance when

TABLE 3 Estimator performance as a function of SNR and rela-tive weighting of bimodal peaks

SNR 0.15 0.40

PeakDiff 0 10.25 10.50 0 10.25 10.50


PAFLM 0.69 0.69 0.75 0.84 0.79 0.76

PAFSG 0.40 0.44 0.51 0.38 0.45 0.55

CoG 0.62 0.56 0.51 0.14 0.12 0.15


PAFLM 1.40 1.62 1.40 1.47 1.25 1.30

PAFSG 0.93 1.03 1.04 1.10 1.03 1.03

CoG 1.77 1.17 1.47 0.33 0.29 0.32

n chans

PAFSG 4 (1.52) 5 (1.49) 5 (1.68) 5 (1.36) 6 (1.64) 6 (1.31)

CoG 9 (0.46) 9 (0.48) 9 (0.51) 9 (0) 9 (0) 9 (0)

Note. Right-most Gaussian function was either 0, 0.25, or 0.50 times largerthan the left (PeakDiff). PAFLM5 local maximum PAF estimator;PAFSG5 Savitzky-Golay filter (SGF) PAF estimator; CoG5SGF CoG estima-tor; RMSE5 root mean squared error (relative to center frequency of sampledcomponents); maxDiff5maximum absolute difference between estimates andcenter frequency of sampled components; n chans5median (SD) number ofchannels furnishing PAF/IAW estimates per data set.

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2-min synthetic signals consisted of approximately 36 s ofalpha-band oscillations (SNR5 0.30). Indeed, the peak de-tection routine performed reasonably well when signals con-tained as little as 12 s of alpha-band activity, with fewer than6% of simulated alpha components going undetected or erro-neously estimated by the equivalent of more than one fre-quency bin (i.e., > 0.24 Hz).

Interestingly, our analysis shows that less sophisticatedapproaches to peak estimation can result in substantial errorat relatively low levels of SNR. It is likely that most of theseinaccurate estimates derived from spurious local maximaoccurring due to random fluctuations in background spectralactivity (indeed, this is the only possible explanation for falsepositives in the SNR5 0 simulation). The LM method’s pro-pensity to underestimate PAF in low SNR conditions sup-ports this interpretation, since the inverse power law (whichis not generally taken into account by LM detection meth-ods) increases the probability of spurious local maxima atlower frequencies within the search window. Such artifactsare undesirable not only for the obvious reason that theyintroduce additional noise into IAF-related analyses, but alsobecause such errors diminish confidence in automated analy-sis methods more generally (after all, such errors would pre-sumably have been avoided had spectral data been subjectedto visual inspection). Indeed, we consider it preferable thatan automated peak detection routine should reject spectrashowing inconclusive evidence of any concerted alpha-bandactivity, rather than generate highly deviant estimates of theunderlying (albeit weak) signal. Thus, it is a strength ofthe SGF technique that it applies more stringent criteria inthe evaluation of candidate peaks.

In addition to demonstrating that the SGF technique con-sistently outperforms the LM approach in low-to-moderateSNR conditions, our analysis also confirmed that the app-lication of this smoothing procedure did not cause excessivedistortion of PAF estimates. Furthermore, our analysis high-lighted that discrete Fourier analysis methods (such asWelch’s modified periodogram) might precipitate artifactualsplit peaks, and that such cases can be ameliorated by meansof a smoothing procedure. Consequently, the single compo-nent simulation analysis stands as a basic proof of conceptthat the SGF method is capable of (a) extracting a high pro-portion of underlying peak frequencies without introducingsystematic bias, and (b) improving upon existing techniquesof peak resolution and estimation, thus helping to maximizethe number of IAF estimates that can be obtained from agiven data set. We acknowledge, however, that the estima-tion of sharply defined, single-frequency alpha componentsmay well be unrepresentative of genuine electrophysiologicaldata in many contexts. While it is encouraging that the SGFtechnique performed well under these reasonably favorableconditions, it was necessary to demonstrate its capabilities

when confronted with more complex, ecologically validsignals.

The multichannel simulation analyses were designed tobe more faithful to empirical resting-state EEG data, in asmuch as each target signal comprised a range of alpha com-ponents embedded within a variety of nonidentical (buthighly correlated) time series. These simulations also enabledus to examine the performance characteristics of the SGFroutine’s CoG estimator, which was expected to closelyapproximate the PAF in the context of Gaussian-distributedalpha components. The critical finding across all simulationconditions was that the SGF technique rendered PAF andCoG estimates that almost always improved upon LM-derived PAF estimates from averaged channel spectra. Thisfinding held irrespective of whether estimator deficits werequantified in terms of the average error across simulated datasets, magnitude of worst (i.e., most deviant) estimate errors,or percentage of estimates in the data set that deviated fromthe ground truth by more than6 0.5 Hz (a threshold previ-ously used by Lodder & van Putten, 2011, to evaluate theperformance of their peak detection algorithm).

Leaving aside the superiority of the SGF over the LMdetection routine, one might still raise the concern that itsperformance falls somewhat short when applied to broadlydispersed alpha component structures. Indeed, the RMSE ofthe PAF estimator in both SNR conditions of the single-peakanalysis approaches the6 0.5 Hz threshold demarcating sub-stantial estimate deviation, while the CoG exceeds this limitwhen SNR is low. Correspondingly, low-a multichannelsimulations returned a much higher proportion of estimatesexceeding the6 0.5 Hz error threshold (as compared to sim-ulations involving higher a levels), especially in the case ofthe PAF estimator. It ought to be borne in mind, however,that all simulation analyses were performed using SGFparameters identical to those used in the empirical analysis.This is pertinent because it is likely that the filter frame width(Fw511) was suboptimally narrow for the purpose ofsmoothing such broad peak structures. Indeed, post hoc anal-ysis (not reported) revealed that simply doubling the lengthof the filter frame can halve the number of simulations thatfailed to produce PAF estimates, as well as reduce substantialestimate deviation by one third under moderate SNR condi-tions. Corresponding improvements were not realized, how-ever, in the context of low SNR; hence, the recovery ofbroadly dispersed, relatively weak alpha signals remainstechnically challenging.

Of the three IAF estimators examined in these simulations,the CoG was most sensitive to manipulation of the SNR. Thatlow SNR simulations should inflict notable performance dec-rements is hardly surprising, however, given that CoG calcula-tion depends upon the spectral characteristics of the entire(individualized) alpha-band interval across all available chan-nels. Not only does low SNR pose nontrivial difficulties in

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defining the bounds of the alpha interval (thus threatening tointroduce noise by either including extraneous data frombeyond the alpha interval, or excluding portions of the alphaband from analysis), the relative weakness of the alpha signalmeans that a higher proportion of background noise contrib-utes to CoG calculation. This scenario may be compoundedby the fact that the traditional method of computing CoG esti-mates averages across all available channels, not just thosethat contributed to calculation of the IAW (although note thatthe average number of channels selected to infer this band-width remained high even in the doubly challenging condi-tions posed by the low SNR 3 broad component dispersalcombination of the single-peak analysis). It might be the casethen that the central tendency-like properties of the CoG,which may have underpinned its strong performance in themoderate SNR simulations (where, of the three estimators, itwas the least prone to substantial estimate deviation), render itmore vulnerable to error when alpha-band activity is relativelysparse. Consequently, it could be useful to investigate whetherthe performance of the CoG estimator in relatively noisy con-ditions can be augmented through the development of morerobust methods of calculation.

Taking the results of the single- and split-peak simula-tions together, it is tempting to conclude that the PAF estima-tor outperforms its CoG counterpart in the former scenario,while the opposite is true in the latter. Even under relativelyfavorable spectral conditions, the CoG estimator tended tounderestimate the target frequency in the single-peak simula-tions. Indeed, CoG estimates increasingly deviated from thecenter frequency of the target component as the latter becamenarrower, which seems counterintuitive if such peaks oughtto be less difficult to resolve and parameterize. We suggest,however, that this tendency derived from the skewness intro-duced into the Gaussian-distributed target components whenthey were combined with the pink noise signal. This observa-tion thus reinforces the point that PAF and CoG estimatorssummarize different features of the spectral distribution, andthat they need not always converge. Analysis of the split-peak simulations suggests, however, that the SGF methodmay still be somewhat prone to PAF estimate distortionwhen the underlying pwelch.m routine fails to consistentlyresolve dual subcomponents across channel spectra. Thisfinding suggests a more stringent cMin criterion may beadvisable to avoid PAF estimates that might in fact reflect amore CoG-like average across channels that, due to randomnoise fluctuations, resolve only one of two (or more) under-lying components. In our view, the fact that the SGFapproach to PAF estimation does not fully eliminate themethodological and conceptual challenges posed by splitpeaks is not so much an intrinsic shortcoming of our tech-nique in particular, but reflects rather a problematic attributeof the PAF in general. These data thus lend weight to the

argument that the CoG, insofar as it avoids these difficulties,might be preferable to the PAF.

4.3 | Limitations and future developments

We aimed to design an accessible, fast, automated routinethat calculates reliable PAF and CoG estimates from posteriorchannel EEG data recorded during short periods of relaxed,eyes-closed wakefulness. Although limited in its currentscope, we believe that the algorithm could be adapted forapplication across a broader range of empirical contexts (e.g.,quantifying spectral dynamics across various frequency bandsduring task-related activity; quantifying peak characteristicsacross different topographical regions). It may prove morechallenging, however, to accurately resolve estimates of IAFunder conditions that are less conducive to the manifestationof a dominant alpha peak (or indeed, in populations known tomanifest spectral characteristics that differ from those of neu-rotypical adults). Further research would therefore be requiredto establish the utility of the SGF technique for applicationsbeyond the rather circumscribed conditions examined here.

Notably, any attempt to extend the SGF techniquebeyond its current scope must acknowledge the simplifyingassumption (shared by many conventional approaches to IAFestimation) that alpha activity is meaningfully characterizedby a single summary statistic (moreover, one that is biasedtoward the strongest alpha generator). This approach dis-counts the possibility that the neuronal sources that contrib-ute to the posterior alpha rhythm possess functionallydistinct properties. For instance, Gulbinaite, Ilhan, and Van-Rullen (2017) recently showed that the modulation of an illu-sory percept is strongly predicted by prestimulus activity inparietal (but not occipital) alpha components. This findingsuggests that IAF-related analysis of individual differences intask performance might benefit from strategies that are sensi-tive to potential disparities across distinct sources of alphaactivity. One promising possibility would be to combine ourspectral smoothing approach with a method of sensor-levelcomponent decomposition, such as independent component(e.g., Gulbinaite, Ilhan, & VanRullen, 2017; Gulbinaite, vanViegen, Wieling, Cohen, & VanRullen, 2017), parallel factor(e.g., Barzegaran et al., 2017), or phase coupling-based (e.g.,van der Meij et al., 2016) analysis.

One aspect of performance that was not investigated inour analysis was whether the accuracy and precision of IAFestimates depend upon the method used to derive underlyingPSD estimates. In its present implementation, our algorithmrelies upon Welch’s method to estimate the PSD that is ulti-mately subjected to the SGF’s smoothing and differentiationoperations. It may therefore be worthwhile to investigatewhether alternative methods of PSD estimation (e.g., themultitaper method, continuous wavelet transform) can be

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exploited in conjunction with the SGF technique in order tofurther improve IAF estimation.

Another potential opportunity for optimizing the per-formance of the SGF routine would be to develop a functionthat automatically adapts the Fw (filter width) and k (polyno-mial degree) parameters in accordance with the approximatespan of the dominant frequency component located withinthe search window Wa. This could be achieved via an itera-tive fitting procedure, where the empirical features of thealpha-band component are initially parameterized in order toscale Fw and k. Once these parameters have been determinedfor the data at hand, smoothing and estimation procedurescould proceed as described above. Not only would this pro-cess potentially increase the number of IAF estimates thatcan be accurately obtained from a given data set, it wouldreduce the number of free parameters that must be defined inorder to implement the algorithm.

Finally, it would be desirable to create a package thatincorporates the MATLAB implementation of the SGF rou-tine within the EEGLAB graphic user interface. Not onlywould this help to make the procedure accessible to thebroadest possible range of EEGLAB users, it would also pro-vide a convenient platform for integrating visualizations ofthe spectral analysis that may (for instance) assist in the diag-nosis of suboptimal parameter settings. We intend to explorea number of these possibilities in future work.

4.4 | Conclusion

We have developed a free, open-source program for auto-matically estimating individual alpha frequency in resting-state EEG data. This program has been shown to performmore accurately than a common approach to automated peakdetection, and may return a higher proportion of empiricalIAF estimates than techniques relying on parametric curve-fitting procedures. Furthermore, this method is not dependenton phasic changes in alpha-band reactivity, which may pro-duce biased IAF estimates. In addition to its obvious advan-tages in terms of efficiency and replicability, our simulationsindicate that this method could help to improve the accuracyand precision of future IAF-related research. This techniquemay also open up new lines of methodological inquiry, inso-far as it facilitates the direct comparison of two prevalentindices of IAF that have, for the most part, been investigatedin isolation of one another.


We thank Jessica Gysin-Webster and Daniel A. Rogers fortheir assistance with data collection. We would also like tothank the reviewers for their thoughtful criticisms andinsights. This work was partially supported by funding fromthe University of South Australia Ehrenberg-Bass Institute

for Marketing Science. This funding supported A. W. C.while he collected and analysed the empirical EEG data setreported in this manuscript. The Institute had no influence onthe design, analysis, or interpretation of the reported study.


Andrew W. Corcoran M. Alday Schlesewsky Bornkessel-Schlesewsky

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Additional Supporting Information may be found online inthe supporting information tab for this article.

Appendix S1Table S1Figure S1Figure S2

How to cite this article: Corcoran AW, Alday PM,Schlesewsky M, Bornkessel-Schlesewsky I. Toward areliable, automated method of individual alpha fre-quency (IAF) quantification. Psychophysiology. 2018;e13064.

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This appendix gives a more formal account of the estimatorsimplemented in the algorithm.

Peak alpha frequency

Peak alpha frequency (PAF) can be formalized in terms ofthe local maximum within the alpha band:

PAF5arg max

f2alpha bandPSD fð Þ; PSD fð Þ2PSD f 'ð Þ � u 8f 0 6¼ f

undefined; otherwise

8<: (1)

where argmax returns the frequency bin (or subset of bins) fcontaining the maximal power value maxPSD fð Þ registeredwithin the set of frequency bins spanning the alpha band.Note that, for the output of arg max to qualify as an estimateof PAF, it must return a single frequency bin f with a corre-sponding power spectral density � u, where u defines theminimum threshold value differentiating a substantive spec-tral peak from background noise.

First- and second-derivative tests

Derivatives describe the relative rate of change in the depend-ent variable or function g xð Þ given some value of the inde-pendent variable x. The first derivative of a vector of PSDestimates thus provides point estimates of the (instantaneous)rate of change in the amount of spectral power estimated foreach frequency bin resolved in the analysis. This relationshipcan be formalized as

g0 xð Þ5 limDx!0

Dg xð ÞDx

; (2)

where g' xð Þ is the first derivative of the relative change in thepower estimate g xð Þ at frequency bin x.

Another way to conceptualize this relationship is to construethe derivative as describing the slope of the tangent line to thePSD function g xð Þ at any given frequency bin x. From this per-spective, it becomes clear that the first derivative will be zero(i.e., the slope of the tangent will be horizontal) at any point inthe function corresponding to a peak or trough. In the caseof the former, the derivative will change from a positive value(as the function ascends toward its peak) to a negative value(once the function begins to descend) as the tangent traversesthe local maximum. As such, positive-to-negative sign changes(i.e., downward-going zero crossings) within the first derivativeoffer a convenient index of local maxima. Conversely, signchanges in the opposite direction (i.e., upward-going zero cross-ings) can likewise be used to identify local minima.1

The second derivative of the PSD is derived by differenti-ating the first derivative:

g00 xð Þ5 limDx!0

Dg0 xð ÞDx

; (3)

where g00 xð Þ is the derivative of the first derivative g' xð Þ atfrequency bin x. In other words, the second derivative is sim-ply the rate of change of the first derivative of some functiong xð Þ. Second derivatives are useful for evaluating whether thecurvature of a function is concave up (i.e., convex) or con-cave down at any given value of x. The transition of a curve’sdirection between concave up and concave down is character-ized by an inflection point, which registers a second deriva-tive value of zero. Consequently, inflection points can beidentified by applying the same zero-crossing proceduredescribed for locating optima in the first derivative.

Quantifying peak quality

Having defined both the height and width of the putativealpha peak by means of the first- and second-derivative test,relative peak quality is quantified as


Ð i2i1PSD fð Þ dfi22i1

; (4)

where Q is the scaled average power within the peak intervali1; i2½ �.2 (In a very strict sense, Q is the mean value of thepower spectral density function on the peak interval as givenby the mean value theorem.) Note that the inclusion of thedenominator ensures that spectral width is taken into accountwhen calculating Q.

Center of gravity

The center of gravity (CoG) is the PSD-weighted mean alphafrequency, which can be expressed as


Ð f2f1PSD fð Þ � f df

Ð f2f1PSD fð Þ df

; (5)

where f1 and f2 index the frequency bins bounding the alpha-band interval.

1A lack of sign change (e.g., a positive derivative going to zero and thenbecoming strictly positive again) corresponds to a plateau.

2Notice that the interval bounded by i1; i2½ � is distinct from that boundedby f1; f2½ �, the estimated span of the individualized alpha-band window.The former yields a narrower frequency range than the latter, and doesnot take into account secondary peaks within the alpha band.

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CoG calculation follows the standard procedure describedby Klimesch and colleagues (1990, 1993), with the exceptionthat the bounds of each channel’s alpha interval are detectedautomatically. The analysis routine derives these bounds bytaking the left- and right-most peaks within Wa (i.e., thosepeaks in the lowest and highest frequency bins, respectively;these may coincide with the PAF), and searching the firstderivative for evidence of the nearest local minimum (a) priorto the left-most peak (f1), and (b) following the right-mostpeak (f2).

3 Since some spectra show a relatively shallow roll-off as the edges of the alpha peak diminish, and thus do notculminate in a local minimum for several frequency binsaway from the main body of the component structure, werelaxed the requirement for an upward-going zero crossing(i.e., evidence of a local minimum) such that the transitioninto a prolonged shallow gradient is taken as sufficient evi-dence of the individual alpha bounds f1 or f2. This criterionwas formalized as

f15arg maxf<PAF

jPSD0 fð Þj < 1; (6)

f25arg minf>PAF

jPSD0 fð Þj < 1: (7)

f1 and f2 estimates from each eligible channel are averaged toyield the individualized alpha-band window. This windowdefines the index of summation (i.e., frequency band cover-age) used to calculate the CoG across all available channels.

Summary statistics

If a sufficient number of channels (as stipulated by cMin) fur-nish PAF and individualized alpha window estimates, channelPAF and CoG estimates are averaged to generate IAF

summary statistics. Mean PAF (PAFM) is a weighted averagethat takes into account the Q values associated with eachpeak estimate:


c51 PAFc � kcPCc51 kc

; (8)

where c identifies the channel drawn from the set of all avail-able channels C, and kc is the channel weighting derived bydividing Qc by the maximum Qc in C (such that


In contrast to PAFM , all CoG channel estimates contributeequally to the calculation of mean CoG (CoGM). If there arean insufficient number of channel estimates to satisfy cMin,no PAFM or CoGM estimates are returned (in some cases,cMin will be satisfied for CoGM , but not PAFM , on accountof the latter’s more stringent criteria).

Since pre-/postexperiment recordings may not be equiva-lent in terms of quantity of information rendered, grand-averaged IAF estimates (IAFGA) are calculated using aweighted mean that takes into account the proportion of chan-nels that contributed to each constituent summary statistic:


b11b2; (9)

where either PAF or CoG are substituted in place of IAF, bconstitutes the weighting afforded to the channelwise meanestimates derived from each recording, and subscript indicesindicate the identity of the EEG recording. For PAF esti-mates, b is the number of channels used to estimate PAFM

divided by total number of channels included in the analysis.For CoG estimates, b is the number of channels used to esti-mate the mean individualized alpha-band window divided bytotal number of channels included in the analysis.

3This contingency allows for the individualized alpha-band window, andthus the CoG, to be estimated even in cases where there is no clear PAF(e.g., in the presence of split peaks).

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