totonicapan in guatemalaex: wheat. food produced by a family for its own needs. anything extra,...

Download Totonicapan in GuatemalaEx: wheat. Food produced by a family for its own needs. Anything extra, usually very little, may be sold for important supplies

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Crops grown to be sold coffee, tea, rubber, cocoa, etc. Rubber Tree Cocoa pods on cacoa tree Ex: Sugar Cane


Totonicapan in GuatemalaEx: wheat Food produced by a family for its own needs. Anything extra, usually very little, may be sold for important supplies like cooking oil, or clothes. This kind of agriculture uses little, if any, machinery. Crops grown to be sold coffee, tea, rubber, cocoa, etc. Rubber Tree Cocoa pods on cacoa tree Ex: Sugar Cane Market-Oriented Agriculture Farmers specialize in growing crops that other people want to buy = sell for profit Advanced commercial farming= Agribusiness Agribusiness = the operation of specialized commercial farms that are highly mechanized and occupy large tracts of land Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Follow the life of toothpicks through the four levels of economic development: Primary Industry Directly uses resources and raw materials Ex: Agriculture, Forestry, Mining Mining for gold in Nicaragua Forestry in Brazil Secondary Industry Takes goods from primary industry and changes the goods into products useful to consumers. Ex: Manufacturing, dairies, bakeries, etc. Tertiary Industries Provides services to primary and secondary industries, to communities, and to individuals Ex: retail stores, restaurants, banks, insurance, public transportation, utilities Quaternary Industries Provides specialized skills and knowledge to tertiary, secondary, and primary industries Ex: Information research, management, administration