toronto cross web 2006 1

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CCrrossLink gets a new loossLink gets a new look!ok!

CCheck outheck out T Tororonontto Ro Red Ced Crross poss postoster inside!er inside!

Canadian Red Cross

Winter/Spring 2006

CrossLink  Your link to what’s happening at Toronto Red Cross

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Winter 2005/ 06 has been a time of exciting change and growth at the Red Cross in Toronto. Weare continuing to expand our Disaster Management program, providing the Greater Toronto Areawith first-class disaster preparedness and response services on which they can rely in times ofcrisis. Whether it is a natural disaster or a house fire, the Red Cross is ready when you need us.

We are also responding to the needs of Torontonians through our settlement services,homeless

and underhoused services,first aid and water safety programs,international services and homesupport programs. We are particularly thankful for our community funders who help us provideso many valuable services to those in need.The Red Cross in Toronto has a rich history incommunity support and we are continually evolving to effectively meet the ever-changingneeds of Torontonians into the future.

Our recent March is Red Cross Month campaign brought Torontonians together. They supportedus by purchasing Red Cross ribbons,the proceeds of which help us carry out our work.

National Volunteer Week is April 24-28 and we would like to take this opportunity to thank allvolunteers who gave generously of their time in support of Red Cross services. Please join us forour Toronto Region Annual Meeting on May 8th, and help us plan our future. We look forward toworking with all of you in the months to come.


Bob English Linda HoffmanDirector Regional Council President

Bob English


Linda Hoffman

Region Council President

Hello from Bob and Linda

Canadian Red Cross

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Volunteer Spotlight T  

im St



Canadian Red Cross

 Second Career: Committed V  Second Career: Committed V olunteer olunteer 

New Disaster Management Chair Offers Leadership, Gains InspirationNew Disaster Management Chair Offers Leadership, Gains Inspiration

Toronto Volunteer to As

sist Gr 

enada Red Cr 




Bridget Stirling

Although volunteer Bridget Stirling has only been

with the Red Cross in Toronto since October, she is

already a mainstay with the Street Relief program. As

part of Street Relief,she serves up Monday morninghot breakfast,and works as a Team Leader for the Out

of the Cold program,a winter outreach initiative for

the homeless and underhoused in Toronto's

downtown core.

Stirling is set to share her spirit of volunteerism with

the national Red Cross Society in Grenada. Through

an organization called

Youth Challenge

International,she is

headed to theCaribbean to help the

Grenada Red Cross with

community development projects.

Stirling must raise $4500 to support her mission in

Grenada,which begins May 15.If you'd like to help,

email her at [email protected].

"I’m a realistic kind of guy. The Red Cross deals with real problems.

People sleeping on a grate somewhere is a real problem,and us

wishing they were home somewhere isn't a real solution."

When Tim Steele retired at 57,he knew he wanted to contribute to

the solution.

"I wrote a book about my family history,I spent a lot of time at my

cottage,but essentially,I wanted to give something back." Steele

began volunteering with the Red Cross disaster management team

in Toronto."I fell in love with it," he said. "I started spending 70 hours a week

running around this city helping people who needed help."

Recently, Steele became the Toronto Red Cross Disaster Management Chair. It is a leadership volunteer

position,where Steele will be instrumental in consulting with staff on how to recruit and retain great disaster

response volunteers,and improve partnerships with other organizations in the field of disaster management.

"We are very good at what we do," said Steele, "but we can be even better, and that takes work. It takesleadership on all levels."

Steele is committed to offering this kind of leadership, whether it’s in his new role as Disaster Management

Chair,or as a Red Cross-trained first aider. In late February,he saved the life of his neighbour, who began choking

and collapsed outdoors. Steele quickly performed CPR and rescue breathing, and the 78-year-old victim was

revived. Although he modestly downplays his recent heroics,he does admit that the impact of saving a life feels

similar to that of his volunteer efforts. "What a feeling to be able to help a stranger. That's pretty special."

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Toronto Red Cr 



s Disaster Manag 


What happens when the flames go out? That

was the question for Mgeni Mgambo and her

three small children when they were burned out

of their Toronto townhouse on January 14.

When fire strikes in Toronto, Red Cross Disaster

Management volunteers are there to provide a

safe temporary home, food and clothing,and

help families like the Mgambos start to rebuild.

"Our volunteers get up in the middle of thenight,go to the scene of a personal disaster,and

make sure that a family isn't left out in the cold,"

said Red Cross volunteer Kathy Ross-Waugh,"I've dried tears,found hotel rooms,arranged transportation,and

sadly, even helped to plan funerals. Sure, I've helped hurricane victims in the US, but we give the same

comfort right here in Toronto when personal disaster strikes at home."

What’s in a name?

Our Disaster Services program is now called Disaster Management. Why the change?Well, as you know, Red Cross doesn't just provide services following a disaster. We helppeople prepare, respond and rebuild -that's management! And that's why we're nowcalled Disaster Management.

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Toronto Red Cr 



s Fundr 

aising Updates

Canadian Red Cross

March is Red Cross Month Campaign

Toronto Firefighters and Toronto Red Cross volunteers headed to

Union Station on the morning of March 1,but there was no

disaster. They were there to kick off the annual March is Red

Cross Month campaign by selling Red Cross ribbons to

commuters.The group raised $6444.80 for Toronto Red Cross

programs in just one morning!

Thanks to the Toronto Professional Firefighter's Association and

our dedicated volunteers for making this annual campaign aresounding success.

Red Cross Updates Smallest Tsunami Donors

Red Cross is accountable to all donors, large and small. That's why on December 16, 2005, the Red Cross

visited grades four through eight students at Toronto's St.Cyril Elementary School. St. Cyril students raised

$5000 for tsunami relief.

"We really want the students to understand why their generosity was so powerful," said St.Cyril principal

Darquise Leroux."Our students are excited to hear how the Red Cross is using their contribution to make a real

impact on the lives of people affected."

The students heard a presentation by Ole Flyng,anOntario delegate who worked in Indonesia as a program

manager. Flyng oversaw plans to rebuild housing in

Aceh province. Now that he has returned to Canada,

Flyng wants to use his experience to educate Canadians,

such as the students at St.Cyril Elementary.

Over 1.7 million tsunami survivors have received some

form of assistance from the Red Cross movement.The

Canadian Red Cross is committed to working in the

region for up to ten years.

For more information about Red Cross projects in the

affected regions visit

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Recently at Red Cr 




Rescuer saves life - second day on the job

Talk about testing your knowledge. Arvin Gjoni was on his way to

day two of his Red Cross Standard First Aid course,when he

witnessed a car accident near Jane and Finch. Gjoni called 911,and

 jumped out of his car.

Gjoni realized immediately he was going to have to use his new

rescue skills. The driver of one of the vehicles was slumped over the

steering wheel,unconscious.With the information he learned only

the day before flooding back to him,Gjoni gently lowered the victimto the ground.

The victim had a pulse, but was not breathing. Gjoni began rescue

breathing and continued until the ambulance arrived,when

paramedics took over.With Arvin Gjoni's help,paramedics were able

to get the victim breathing again.

You can be a hero too - Ensure your first aid training is current.

 Volunteers Making Volunteering Better 

 Toronto Red Cross’s Volunteer Resource Committee

Staffing Toronto Red Cross with enough volunteers to deliver meals,respond to house fires,and fill all the

many other functions that keep our organization running is a big job - bigger than staff alone can handle!

The Volunteer Resource Committee,a group of seasoned Red Cross volunteers,is helping to make this


Volunteer Committee Chair Sue Berlove explains that the purpose of the committee is to make the

volunteer experience at Red Cross the best it can be."We want to create a forum where Red Cross staff 

and volunteers in Toronto can exchange ideas that will make changes or improvements, " says Berlove.

If you're a volunteer or staff member,and have a suggestion on how we can improve the Red Cross

volunteer experience,the Volunteer Resource Committee wants to hear from you. Contact the Committee

Chair with your ideas, [email protected]. If you would like to become a volunteer, email Kara King at

[email protected].

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Annual Volunte


r Re




 tion Eve


National Volunteer Week is coming up April24-28,and the Red Cross wants to say thank

you! We invite all Toronto Red Cross

volunteers to join us for an evening of 

awards,entertainment and goodies.

Monday, April 24, 7:30p.m.

North Memorial Centre

200 Eglinton Avenue West - (Yonge and Eglinton)

R.S.V.P. to Lucille Dent at (416) 480-0195

ext.2218 by Friday, April 14.

 Toronto Red Cross

13 th Annual Meeting 

Toronto Red Cross extends a warm invitation

to all volunteers and staff to our Annual


World Red Cross Day, May 8, 2006Ramada Inn Hotel - 300 Jarvis St.(Jarvis/Carlton)

5:00p.m. Registration

5:30p.m. Annual Meeting

6:00p.m. Dinner

6:30p.m. Presentations and Speakers

R.S.V.P. to Joyce at (416) 480-2500 by Friday,

April 28,2006.

All S

 tar Char 


 y Sho

otout: T 


e Clas

h of the Char 



The Red Cross in Toronto is excited to be involved in the All Star Charity Shootout. Thebasketball game will showcase 20 of the brightest amateur basketball stars in the country.

Each team plays on behalf of a charity, and Toronto Red Cross is one of them. The winningteam gets the bragging rights,but all the non-profit organizations get funds and awarenessfor their important programs.

In order for us to win this Clash of the Charities,we need you there to cheer on the players,

and support the Red Cross.

May 6, 20063:30 p.m.Humber College North Campus

Order your tickets online at

Canadian Red Cross

Upcoming Event


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CrossLink Canadian Red Cross

1623 Yonge Street

Toronto, ON M4T 2A1

Tel: (416) 480-2500 Fax: (416) 480-2777

Editor-in-Chief  Bridget Brown

Graphics and Layout Sandra Cabral

Cover Photo Credit Marcy Collins

The programs of the Canadian Red Cross are made possible by the voluntary services of 

the Canadian people. The red cross emblem and designation ‘Red Cross’are reserved in

Canada by law for the exclusive use of the Canadian Red Cross and for the medical units

of armed forces by the Geneva Conventions act,R.S.C.1970,C.G-3.

National Library of Canada 502476D

Charitable Number 0017780-11

(c) 2006 Canadian Red Cross

A t i U it d W

Dates to Remember

April 24 - 28 National Volunteer WeekMonday, April 24 Annual Volunteer Recognition Event

Tuesday, April 25 HSS Volunteer Recognition Event

April 2006

Monday, May 8 World Red Cross Day

Monday, May 8 Toronto Red Cross Annual Meeting

May 7 - 13 Emergency Preparedness Week

May 20 - 26 National Safe Boating Week

May 2006

June 4 - 10 Water Safety Week

 June 2006