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35 MILLIONAIRES MINDS The Secrets of Mastering Your We Top 9 Tips to Develop A Wealthy Mindset and Attitude Surach Nair

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MILLIONAIRES MINDSThe Secrets of Mastering Your Wealth

Top 9 Tips to Develop A Wealthy

Mindset and Attitude

Surach Nair

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MILLIONAIRES MINDSThe Secrets of Mastering Your Wealth

The Millionaire Mindset is powerful thing. It has helped launch careers, muti-national corporations , and big

dreams and ambitions

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The cool thing about it is that it’s not exclusively for current

millionaires. Regular people like me and you can also harness the power

of the Millionaire Mindset

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With the right attitude, anyone can take on a millionaire mindset! Read this article and find out just what it

is and how it can help you.

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Tips # 1 : Your Fate is in your hands.

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Millionaire believe that they control their own destiny. That’s why little

things like poverty, lack of education and poor connections

don’t daze them as much

Tips # 1 : Your Fate is in your hands.

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While these factors do have a hand in their quality of life, the

millionaire mindset pushed them to overcome all obstacles and come

out on top.

Tips # 1 : Your Fate is in your hands.

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MILLIONAIRES MINDSThe Secrets of Mastering Your Wealth

Not all millionaires were born with money in their cribs. In fact, a good

percentage of the really rich are self-made millionaires. What make

you think you can’t be one, too?

Tips # 1 : Your Fate is in your hands.

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Tips # 2 : Be on the lookout for opportunities.

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Having a millionaire mindset means that you’re constantly on the watch

for any and every opportunity to increase your wealth. This means that where other people see only

garbage, you see gold.

Tips # 2 : Be on the lookout for opportunities

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Most people only run after opportunities that present themselves. If you have a

millionaire mindset, you don’t just chase after the obvious

opportunities; you also look for what is invisible to others

Tips # 2 : Be on the lookout for opportunities

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You also don’t just limit yourself to one small idea; you come up with a

dozen or so big ideas

Tips # 2 : Be on the lookout for opportunities

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Tips # 3 : Love what you do.

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Most millionaires are passionate about their life. For you to follow that same path, you must at least

love what you do.

Tips # 3 : Love what you do

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Are you stuck in a dead end job that doesn’t even do much to improve

your mood? Then perhaps it’s about time that you focus all your energies into doing what you love

to do instead!

Tips # 3 : Love what you do

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Tips # 4 : It’s always been you.

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MILLIONAIRES MINDSThe Secrets of Mastering Your Wealth

The millionaire mindset is more internal that external. So all along, it’s always been you. You’re always been the one responsible for your life. And

unless you yourself believe in your own prowess, you’ll never really make

it all the way to your goal.

Tips # 4 : It’s always been you.

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Don’t listen to the voices around you saying that you cant do it or that you’ll

never achieve what you want to achieve. And don’t let external factors get in the way of you doing your own

thing as well!

Tips # 4 : It’s always been you.

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Tips # 5 : Focus on the positive.

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The millionaires mindset pushes you to think positive. There’re no room for self-doubt or negative

thoughts on this bus!

Tips # 5 : Focus on the Positive

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When the monthly electricity bill arrives, for example, don’t think

about how high your bill has gotten and how much you have to shell

out this month.

Tips # 5 : Focus on the Positive

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Instead, think about how money simply make its rounds around town and how it will soon find its way back into your hands again. As you hand over your

payment to the collector, think about how soon you’ll see that same amount

back in your wallet again!

Tips # 5 : Focus on the Positive

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Tips # 6 : Be Happy.

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Life is too short to spent the rest of it as a sour puss. Take a page from millionaire’s handbook and allow yourself to feel happiness. Being happy opens you up to a lot of

opportunities and new experiences and keeps you going in life

Tips # 6 : Be Happy

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Tips # 7 : Be Thankful.

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Hand in hand with being happy is being thankful. By being thankful,

you’re more or less releasing feelings of gratitude out to the universe.

Tips # 7 : Be Thankful

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These feelings then translate into “I’m very grateful with the money I have,” which then encourages the universe to shower you with more money back just for that thought.

Tips # 7 : Be Thankful

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Tips # 8 : Affirmations Help.

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Positives reinforcement is but one of the many things you can do to attract

millions. Choose a mantra like “I’m wealthy, healthy and steady” and

recite it to yourself everyday.

Tips # 8 : Affirmations Help

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Or post this affirmation on your cork board so you’ll always be visually

reminded of that fact.

Tips # 8 : Affirmations Help

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Tips # 9 : Avoid the green-eyed monster.

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MILLIONAIRES MINDSThe Secrets of Mastering Your Wealth

The millionaire mindset is not all about who has the bigger yacht or the grander mansion. You don’t have a reason to be jealous of other people and there’s also no need for you to compete with other

people either

Tips # 9 : Avoid the green-eyed monster

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Envy only causes feelings of lack and when your focus spirals down to that, then the universe will take it as a sign

that your millionaire streak is now over.

Tips # 9 : Avoid the green-eyed monster

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The millionaire mindset has proven itself to be effective time and time again. Now that you know how a

millionaire thinks, you have the rest of your life apply them all.

Tips # 9 : Avoid the green-eyed monster

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Best regards from :Surach Nair