top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in dubai

Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai Due to the many benefits that foreign entrepreneurs and investors obtain when they are setting up a company in the United Arab Emirates, there are now more of them looking forward to establishing their businesses in the country. The business environment encourages new investors to start a variety of small businesses. In this article, you will learn about our top 10 small business ideas in Dubai that can help you select the best choice for you to start running your own company in the country. Moreover, you will be able to obtain certain benefits to boost your company formation when setting up a company in any favourable location of the country. Let’s observe: 1. Digital marketing / Web designing and development / IT consultancy. 2. Real estate agency. 3. Health and well-being. 4. Restaurant / Coffee shop. 5. Tourism and travel. 6. Beauty and hair salon. 7. Day-care and childcare services. 8. Maids and cleaning services. 9. Construction. 10. Grocery store. 11. How can Connectfz help you set up your company in the United Arab Emirates?

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Post on 29-Dec-2020



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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At Connectfz, we want to help you achieve your goal of setting up a business in one of the many UAE Free Zones. The UAE is one of the top destinations for foreign investment, having over 40 Free Zones, each with different rules and benefits. Our service will help you choose the right free zone for your business. Visit:


Page 1: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

Top 10 small business ideas for setting

up a company in Dubai

Due to the many benefits that foreign entrepreneurs and investors obtain when they

are setting up a company in the United Arab Emirates, there are now more of them looking

forward to establishing their businesses in the country. The business environment

encourages new investors to start a variety of small businesses.

In this article, you will learn about our top 10 small business ideas in Dubai that can help

you select the best choice for you to start running your own company in the country.

Moreover, you will be able to obtain certain benefits to boost your company formation

when setting up a company in any favourable location of the country. Let’s observe:

1. Digital marketing / Web designing and development / IT consultancy.

2. Real estate agency.

3. Health and well-being.

4. Restaurant / Coffee shop.

5. Tourism and travel.

6. Beauty and hair salon.

7. Day-care and childcare services.

8. Maids and cleaning services.

9. Construction.

10. Grocery store.

11. How can Connectfz help you set up your company in the United Arab Emirates?

Page 2: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

1. Digital marketing / Web designing and

development / IT consultancy.

Learning how to start a business in Dubai free zone or mainland is the first step to shape

your future in the country, and when you learn how to do it, you will realize the existence of

limitless opportunities and a variety of business ideas available. Let’s start with the most

common and successful business activity for investors in the UAE.

Online businesses could be the best beginning for a foreign investor to start setting up a

company in the United Arab Emirates. This type of business provides two main benefits;

first, you will not need to possess a physical office space to start, and second, you will not

need employees during the first phase of your company’s development.

The combination of proper technical skills and massive efforts could give as result lucrative

income. Besides, there are countless opportunities in the digital world for web

professionals, and now there are even more due to the current times in which the e-

commerce stores are thriving every day more.

Page 3: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

2. Real estate agency.

Since there are more ex-pats in the country every year, the real estate industry has been

increasing its numbers every year more, becoming a lucrative business for investors

specialized in property dealings. As the number of ex-pats increases, the demand for

property management increases as well and provides many opportunities for investors and


In order to establish your real estate company successfully, you will have to get in touch

with the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA), the pertinent authority that provides the

permit you need to run this type of business. Before doing it, you will need to receive

professional training and a certificate that proves you have completed the required training.

In case you have a college degree related to this career, you can apply for the Real Estate

Certified Practitioner’s training course. On the other hand, you can register for the Real

Estate Executive Diploma program in case you do not possess a degree. If you need more

information, you can always visit the RERA website.

3. Health and well-being.

Page 4: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

Another important business activity that you will discover when you learn how to start a

business in UAE free zone is related to the healthcare and medical sector. In the UAE, the

population cares so much about their well-being and health, and the government makes

sure that healthcare businesses obtain everything they need to work properly.

This situation provides many opportunities for those who are healthcare

professionals. Setting up a company related to this sector will ensure a bright future for

your business. You could be a trainer, a vitamin and supplements trader, a therapist, or any

other businessperson related to this business category.

You will need to get approval from the DED (Department of Economic Development) and

the DHA (Dubai Health Authority). In case you desire to achieve success even faster, you can

choose to set up your company in Dubai Health Care City Free Zone (DHCC), a free zone that

was specially built to be home to hospitals, clinics, and many healthcare-related companies.

Here you can learn more information and a detailed guide to set up your business in the

UAE successfully.

4. Restaurant / Coffee shop.

Since UAE residents count on good purchasing power, most of them go out frequently for

lunch or dinner. According to several statistics, around a third part of the UAE population

eats out at least two or three times a week, and for around 17 percent of the population, it is

already a daily routine.

In order to open a restaurant or any related business, two main licenses are required; the

trade license and the food license. The first one is provided by Dubai’s Department of

Tourism and Commerce Marketing, and the second one is provided by the Food Safety


Opening a restaurant or a coffee shop will not require a huge initial investment, making this

idea a perfect solution for setting up a company in the UAE, and if it is done correctly, it

could be a very lucrative business for you. And just like restaurants and cafeterias, mobile

food trucks are also an excellent alternative to start your business in the country.

Page 5: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

5. Tourism and travel.

Another thriving business in the UAE, and especially in Dubai, is the tourism business. Since

the emirate is known for being a globally recognized hotspot for tourists, the tourism

industry increases its numbers every year by registering a massive number of travelers who

visit the country annually.

Planning to set up a tourism business in Dubai is probably the best choice for you if you

want to run a successful company, but you will need to consult with a professional business

partner. Take into consideration that the tourism license is required for this type of

business, and you can obtain it by registering your company in the DED and the Dubai

Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing.

Learn more about export and import procedures in Dubai free zones.

6. Beauty and hair salon.

Even though a spa would be more interesting for some residents in the UAE, a hair salon

will never be a bad decision when it comes to setting up a company in the country. If you

Page 6: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

set up your hair salon in a strategic location in Dubai or any other city, you can be sure that

it will be a very profitable investment.

This type of business is an investment that does not require much and the employees you

might need can be easily found and hired. Generating a stable client base and reputation can

be easy if you use the correct tools, including advertisement in social media and affordable


7. Day-care and childcare services.

Someone must take care of the children while their parents are working, and requesting the

services of a day-care center is undoubtedly the best choice. According to statistics, most of

the UAE adult population requires day-care services to satisfy their children’s needs when

parents are not home, making this the perfect opportunity for day-care companies to

achieve their goals.

These services are known for being among the most popular business activities for

freelancers, and for requiring a low-cost initial investment. However, you must make sure

to follow safety measures and guarantee a transparent relationship with parents to obtain

positive feedback and increase your popularity.

Selecting the best location is also a key factor to make this business run. Be aware of the

competition and the locations that request these services more frequently, this way you will

surely find more clients and, therefore, your business will be more profitable. Investing in

the necessary equipment to ensure a learning environment for kids is also a wise

recommendation you should follow.

Here you can learn how to find a reliable sponsor in Dubai for your company.

8. Maids and cleaning services.

Cleaning companies and maids are very profitable businesses too since most of the UAE

residents are busy with work and do not have time to clean their places. These cases make

cleaning services and maids the best option for them to maintain their places in perfect

conditions without having the need of cleaning.

This gives you the opportunity to start setting up a company related to these types of

services and ensure its success in no time. To achieve your goal you must follow certain tips,

Page 7: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

like being aware of the market demand and hire fully-trained maids to obtain positive

feedback from your clients (this will increase your reputation and positive reviews).

9. Construction.

As the country grows modern, you will realize engineers, architects, real estate developers,

and other related professionals can find limitless opportunities in Dubai and the UAE,

including the opportunity of setting up a company related to their field. Although this type

of business requires a higher initial investment, the results are worth it.

New buildings are being erected in the country every day due to the rising UAE population,

making the construction sector a very profitable business for those who want and decide to

start a successful business. You can complete your company’s registration process at the

DED (Department of Economic Development).

Keep in mind that before establishing your company in any location, you must evaluate

every option, whether it is about a free zone or Dubai mainland, and select the one in which

you find more activity regarding this sector, that way you will obtain better results in less


Here you can learn about choosing between free zones and Dubai mainland to set up your


Page 8: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

10. Grocery store.

As a final business idea, opening a grocery shop could bring you an opportunity to make a

lucrative business by selling a wide range of small products and goods related to food and

other small items. Besides, it will not be necessary to hire a large number of employees to

run this type of business.

With an appropriate investment, full time attendance, and efficient home delivery, your

business would be able to become more profitable every month. To start this type of

business you will need an area with at least 130 square feet and the commercial license. If

you obtain the grocery license, you will only be able to sell grocery items (it does not

include cosmetics or medical/pharmaceutical items).

11. How can Connectfz help you set up your

company in the United Arab Emirates?

Once you have decided to start setting up a company in Dubai or any other location in the

UAE, you should ask for professional guidance first, this way, you will be able to get higher

probabilities of success when forming and running your business. Having a business

partner like Connectfz will undoubtedly increase your chances of succeeding.

Besides obtaining more relevant information regarding the company formation process and

useful tips to achieve your goal, you will also be able to request and obtain our many

services, which are essential to boost a business and perform vital functions. Among our

services you might need, you can request our tax advisory services, banking services, and

many more.

Page 9: Top 10 small business ideas for setting up a company in Dubai

If your company is already large enough to hire employees, you might also need more

services like recruitment services, payroll services, staff outsourcing services, and many

others. Feel free to contact our Connectfz team to receive the services you need to fulfill

your business requirements at any time.