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Page 1: Tomahak Tw-9010 En



Two Way Car Alarm System

Page 2: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

USER MANUAL 1. System M ain Features

c* 5-button 2-side program m able trinket w ith LCDor LCD back ligh t■r V ibration m ode& A nti-scanner

A n ti-g rabber

Program m able trinkets (up to 4tiems)ut V isual and sound confirm ation o f functions perform edwf A rm ing w ith siren d isab led

S ecured rem ote engine start-up /cu t-o ffIn sta lla tio n option for cars w ith autom atic or m anual transm ission

In sta lla tion option for cars w ith gaso line od iese l engines

C abin tem peratu re contro l£* A ux iliary tem peratu re sensorof A utom atic engine w arm -up to specified tem peratu re* D aily (1, 2 ,4 , 12-hour) au tom atic start-upV D efective area bypass w ith v isual and sound confirm ationV Tw o-zone shock sensor

Rem ote shock sensor d isab ling/ P ro tec tion against m is-operations

s ' S e lfd iagnostic sV 3 ex tra channels* “A n ti-h ijack” m odeV “P an ic” m ode4 “V alet” m odeé D oors, hood and b oo t security

T rinket-pagerbattery charge ind icationđ T rinket-pager ba ttery pow er-saving m ode/ “D river ca llin g ” featu rewt C ar searching

C lock, a larm -clockand tim er bu ilt in trinket-page rY System status LED ind ication* C entral lock b u ilt- in relayaf S tatus m em oryaf Two-step d isarm ing

Two-step cen tral lock opening

E ngine lockingy A utom atic pager ac tive area contro ltf Turbo tim er

Page 3: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

2.Remote Control Trinkets

* m q

03H H

Page 4: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

1. LCD Features

i . (<*

Fig. 3

-security mode indication

M2. - "silent seurity” mode indicationo

3. H -closed central lock indication

4. -open central lock indication

5. ~ w -open door(s) indication

6. -open hood indication

7. w w -open boot indication

8. ~ w -parking lights flashing indication

9. -trinke - tpager transceiver operation indication

Page 5: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

0 Tl'" -indication for presence in active zone

1. w -power-saving mode indication

«2. - "driver call indication"

3. ^ -warm-up to specified temperature mode indication

4. -daily auto start indication

5. -light shock indication

6 ' -strong shock indication

- ¿ ¿ h * ,g a m7.1 marm -shock sensor warning zone disabling indication

-shock sensor disable indication

X8. ~ - “ A nti-h ijack" mode indication

9. -vibration mode indication

z z20. - "Valet" mode indication

«CD»2 j b r a k e _hand-brake disengage indication

Page 6: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

22. - started engine indication

23. - battery level indication

24. — - timer switch-on indication

à25. - alarm-clock switch-on indication

„ Z I 8 S 8 . .26. - clock

h27. ~ - temperature measurement units (C or F)

4. ArmingMode

To arm a car, It is necessary to press button f i 1 tim e. Parking lights w ill flash 1 tim e;

siren w ill sound 1 “C H IRP”to confirm entry in security m ode, doors and w indow s w ill close ( if

connected). LCD w ill disp lay icons and ^

In case w hen siren sounds 3 “CH IRPS ”, it m eans that the system detected and disabled a

defective zone (open door, hood, boot or hand brake disengaged). The system w ill au tom atically take this zone for pro tection as soon as the zone is repaired (door, hood, boot closed and

hand-brake engaged).

5. Arm ing Mode with Siren Disabled ^To arm a car w ithou t siren sounds (all m essage s and confirm ations w ill be sent by the system

Page 7: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

to the trinket-pager only), press b u t t o n l j ( 1 tim e. Parking lights w ill flash 1 tim e to confirm

entry in security m ode, doors w ill close. LCD w ill d isp lay icons X and £ }

You can also sw itch this m ode ON and OFF while in security mode.

6. Auto Arm ing and Re-arming

I f the auto arm ing function is enabled, then: w ith ignition OFF, after all doors are closed the

system w ill a lert w ith 1 long “ C H IR P” and w ill sw itch security mode ON 10 sec la ter (see

Program m ing Table).Auto re-arm ing function is always enabled in the case w hen after disarm ing none o f the

doors open w ith in 30 sec.

7. Im m obilizer M ode

The im m ob ilize r m ode is enab led au to m atica lly 30 sec afte r ign itio n cu t-o ff (see

Program m ingT ab le). LED in d ica to r glow s co n tinuously in th is m ode. In th is m ode, eng ine

start-up w ith ign itio n key is no t p ossib le .

To ex it the im m ob ilize r m ode, p ress b u t to n f i l 1 tim e o r sw itch ign itio n O FF and p ress

bu tton O V E R R ID E 1 tim e.

8. D isarm ing

To d isarm veh ic le , p ress bu tto n 1 tim e . P ark ing ligh ts w ill f la sh 2 tim es; s iren w ill

sound 2 “CHIRPS” ( i f the system is n o t in secu rity m ode w ith siren d isab led ) to confirm

d isarm ing doors w illopen and ligh ting w ill go in ( i f connected ). LCD w ill d isp lay icon £]}

9. Door O pening/C losing w ith Engine W orking

I f the ca reng ine w as s tarted w ith ign itio n key, then you can open and c lo se doors w ith

bu tton LCD w ill d isp lay icons and 0 respective ly .

10. Two-step Door O pening or C hannel 3

These functions are not available at the same time! Use Programming Table to select one thereof.

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1. Two - step door opening function is selected.

P ress button A to d isarm and open the dri v e r ’s door. Second press and hold o f th is button

w ill open o ther doors.

2. A uxiliarychanne l function is selected .

Press and hold b u t t o n f i t o enable anauxiliary(supple m entary)channel.

ATTENTION!These functions require additional connection while installation.

11. Turbo Tim er

TWO-WAY CW 9010 p rovides a turbo function for vehicles w ith turbo engines. I f this

fu n c tio n s enabled , the engine keeps on running after ign ition OFF for 1, 3 or 6 m in (see Program m ingTable).

12.Rem ote Engine S ta rt-u p

P ressbu tton * • © Parking lights w ill flash 3 tim es; siren w ill sound3 “CH IRPS’.’ LCD

w ill d isp lay the fo llow ing icons:

i 5t - eng inestart-up attem pt.

2. SP - i f engine fails to s ta r t for any reason.

3. _ engine started (accom panied by trinket-pager m elody)

The engine w ill run during p re-p rog ram m ed tim e (see P rogram m ing Table), a fter w hich w ill

stop au tom atically .T he run tim e can be pro longed u sing bu ttons and A by 5 m in after each press, to 20 m in m axim um LCD w ill d isp lay tim e before engine stop.

ATTENTION!Rem ote engine start-up cannot be done in the case if:

1. G ear lever is not in neutral position.

2. Ignition sw itched ON.3. The hood is open.

4. The hand-brake isnot engaged.

In any o f these occasions, siren w ill sound 4 “CHIRPS’at a rem ote start-up attem pt.

Page 9: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

13. R em ote E ng ine S top

In the case w hen the engine was started using rem ote s ta rt-u p , you can stop it by pressing

button *” 0 Parking lights w ill flash 4 tim es; siren w ill sound4 “CHIRPS”. LCD w ill hide


icon and a m elody w illp lay .

14. W arm ing-up Engine to Specified Tem perature

TWO-WAY provides for an auxilia ry tem perature sensor for insta lla tion under the hood (see

D iagram No. 10). I f this sensor is insta lled , engine start and w arm -up is perform ed by this

sen so r’s data, o therw ise by the cabin tem perature sensor data.

To enable this functionpress and hold buttons and sim ultaneously. Parking

lights w ill flash 1 tim e and siren w ill sound l “ C H IR P”to confirm enabling the function. LCD

w ill disp lay icon ^ and the specified tem perature for w arm -up sw itch-on (program m able ,

see Program m ing Table) accom panied w ith a m elody. W hen tem perature reaches the specified

value f a autom atic w arm -up sw itch-on, the engine w ill start for previously p rogram m ed tim e

(see Program m ing Table).

To d isab le th is function , p ress b u ttons and Ifl*. P ark ing ligh ts w ill fla sh 2 tim es

and siren w ill sound 2 “ CHIRPS” to confirm d isab ling the function . LCD w ill h id e ic o n ^

and a m elody w ill play.

N ote:

A utom atic eng ine w arm ing -up to spec ified tem pera tu re shou ld be m ade six tim es p e r tw o

hours as m axim um .

T em peratu re fo r au tom atic eng ine w arm ing -up m ay be set a t-5 °C ,-1 0 oC ,-20oC ,-3 0 °C (see

P rogram m ing Table).

15. D aily(l, 2 ,4 ,12-hour)Automati<Start-up

To enable th is function , p ress and h o ld bu ttons " 0 and < K sim ultaneously . S iren

w ill sound 1 “ C H IR P”to confirm enab ling the function . LCD w ill d isp lay icon and a

m elody w ill p layA fter th is function is enabled , beg inn ing from the next day, the system w ill au tom atica lly

Page 10: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

s ta rt eng ine at the tim e o f enab ling .

SH ) a n d ^ NTo d isab le the d a ily s ta rt-u p fun c tio n , p ress bu tto n s “ a n d W . P ark ing ligh ts w ill

f la sh 2 tim es and s iren w ill sound 2“ C H IR PS ”to co n firm d isab lin g the func tion . LCD w ill h ide

icon and a m e lody w ill p lay

To enab le 1, 2, 4 and 12 h ou r s ta rt-u p , it is n ec essa ry to enab le the d a ily s ta rt fun c tio n and

th e n d u rin g 5 secondsto p ress the re sp ec tiv e bu tto n on the trin k e t:

O - fo r h o u rly s tart,

- fo r s tart-up ev e ry 2 hou rs ,

- fo r s ta rt-u p ev e ry 4 hou rs ,

- fo r s ta rt-up eve ry 12 hours.

16. Rem ote S ta tu s Scanning

To perform remote status scanning, press button . Parking lights will flash 3 times to

confirm data transfer to the trinket-pager receiver; tem perature in the cabin, security status, etc.

17. R em ote Boot O pen ing

To re m o te ly o p en th e b o o t, p re s s an d h o ld b u tto n 1 5 . P a rk in g lig h ts w ill f la sh 3

t im es to

c o n firm th e b o o t o p en in g . L C D w ill d isp la y ico n


This function requ ires aux ilia ry connection w hile insta lla tion .

1 8 .2-nd A u x ilia ry C h an n e l

Toenable th is fu n c tio n , p re s s an d h o ld b u t t o n j J ^ . P a rk in g lig h ts w ill f la sh 1 tim e , s iren

w ill so u n d l“ C H IR P ” to co n firm e n a b lin g th e fu n c tio n .

ATTENTION!This function requires aux ilia ry connection w hile insta lla tion .

Page 11: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

19. C ar Search

To enable th is function , press and ho ld bu ttons ^ i a n d sim ultaneously . Park ing

lights w ill flash 6 tim es and siren w ill sound 6“CHIRPS”to show car location .

20. Rem ote Shock Sensor C u t-o ff

To enable th is function , w hile in security m ode p ress and ho ld buttons C | and < *

sim ultaneously . LCD w ill d isp lay icon to show tha t the shock sensor w arn ing zone is

disabled. Second p ress on the buttons w ill d isable the shock sensor com pletely and LCD w ill

d isp lay ic o n * * ” .

To enablethe shock sensor, press bu ttons f l and m once again.

21. A la rm Modes

On triggering the shock sensor m ain zone (strong shock), the system w ill enable alarm mode

for 25 sec. LCD will display icon « j^ a n d an alarm signalw illsound.

On triggeringany other zone, the system w ill enable alarm m ode for 30 sec. LCD will display an iconcorresponding tothe triggered zone(see page 3)and an alarm signal w illsound.


To disable the alarm signal, press b u tto n f i. This will cut the alarm mode off but the car will

remain secured.

22. “ P an ic” M ode

To enable this function, press and hold buttons C l and sim ultaneously, engine must

not be started. Parking lights w ill flash 3 tim es and siren w ill sound 3 “CHIRPS” to attract attention to your car.

23.“ A n ti-H ijack” Mode

To enable this function, press and hold b u tto n sC | and sim ultaneously. Parking lights

w ill flash for 30 sec, then the system w ill enable alarm mode, engine starter w ill be locked. LCD

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w ill display icon and an alarm signal w ill sound.

To disable this mode, press button f i .

This m ode can be also enabled using button “A nti-h ijack” . Press button “A nti-h ijack” (car engine must be started). Parking lights w ill blink for 30 sec, after which the system w ill enable

alarmmode, engine starter w ill be locked. This mode w ill not be disabled before button is

pressed. You can also exit this m ode by holding button “A nti-hijack”for5 sec.

24. “Valet” Mode

To enable this function, press and hold buttons and «HO sim ultaneously

Parking lights w ill flash 4 tim es and siren w ill sound 4 “ CH IRPS” to confirm Valet mode

enablingLC D w ill display icon z z , and a m elody w illplay.

In this m ode, only service functions are availab le, such as auxilia ry channels, car search, call

driver, etc. A lso availab le are-rearm ing function and p rogram m ing mode.

To d isable this function ,again press 1 5 , and sim ultaneously. Parking lights

w ill flash3 tim es and siren w ill sound3 “CH IR PS’to confirm Valet m ode disabling.LCD w ill

hide icon , and a m elody willplay.

3 5 < Call D river

To enable this function, press call button located on antenna-transm itter. LCD w ill display

icon , and a m elody w illp lay .

26. “O verride” Button Functions

Some o f TWO-WAY functions can be enabled w ithout contro l trinkets. To entfcr this m ode,

do the follow ing:

1. Sw itch ignition OFF2. U sing “O verride” button to select required function:

A) “V alet” m ode-3 tim es

B) D aily auto s ta rt-4 tim esC) A uto w arm -up to specified cabin tem pera tu re- 5 tim es

Page 13: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

3. S w itch ig n itio n ON

4. The sy stem w ill con firm the se le c ted fun c tio n w ith s iren C H IR PS and LE D flashes:

A) “V ale t” m o d e - 3 C H IR PS and flashes

B) D ailyau to s t a r t - 4 C H IR PS and flashes

C) A u to w arm -up to sp ec ified cab in te m p era tu re - 5 “ CHIRPS” and fla shes

5 T o en ab le /d isab le the fu n c tio n s , p ress bu tto n “O v err id e”

6. T he system w ill con firm en a b lin g /d isab lin g the fu n c tionw ith siren“ CHIRPS” and LED


1 “CHIRP” and fla sh - function enabled

2 “CHIRPS” and flashes - function d isabled

1. Sw itch ign ition OFF.

NOTE:I f the daily au to sta rt function is enabled , the engine w ill s ta rt up im m edia te ly a fte r ign itio n is

sw itched OFF. U se your rem ote con tro l trin k e t to stop the engine.

27. Em ergency Arm ing/Disarm ing

1. For em ergency arm ing:

A) Sw itch ignition ON (engine m ust not be started)B) Press button “O verride” 8 tim es

C) Switch ignition OFF

Parking lights w ill flash 1 tim e and siren w ill sound l“CHIRP” to confirm the function

enabling. 20 sec la ter the system w ill enable security mode.

NOTE:I f 20 sec a fte r em ergency arm ing any o f secu rity zones is trig g ered , the system w ill a le rt y ou w ith 4

p ark ing light flashes and 4 siren“ chirps’’pro v id ing you 20 sec to d isarm the car. I f d isa rm ing does not

take p lace, the system w ill enable alarm m ode.

2. For em ergency d isarm ing:

A) O Sw itch ignition O N (engine m ust not be started)

B) Press button “O verride” 4 tim esC) Switch ignition OFF

Page 14: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

Parking lights will flash 2 times and siren will sound 2“CHIRPS” to confirm the function


NOTE:Remote control trinkets remain functioning after emergency arm ing/disarm ing.

28. Remote Start-up Preparatiorfor Cars with Manual Transmission

To ensure capability o f remote start-up for cars w ith manual transm ission, the gear lever

should be in neutral position.Before stopping car engine, perform the following procedures:

1. Enable car hand-brake (engine should be started)

2. Press button " V , LCD w ill display icon , and a melody w ill play.

Perform step 3 and 4 w ithin 30 sec

3. Remove key from ignition lock (engine should keep on running)4. Open the door, get out the car and close the door

If all the steps are performed correctly, the system w ill autom atically stop the engine, if not

capability o f remote start -up w ill be disabled.

29. Programming A uxiliar^rinkets

TWO-WAYprovides for recording up to 4 remote control trinkets in its memory.To record,

perform the following:

1. Switch ignition ON (engine should not be started)2. Press and hold button“O verride”3. Wait for 4 “CHIRPS” to confirm entry in the trinket program ming mode

4. Release button “O verride”

5 .Press and hold buttons 1 5 and before you hear s iren“ CH IRPS,’’confirming

memorization o f a new trinket (1 “CH IRP” for first trinket, 2“CHIRPS”for second trinket, 3 “ CHIRPS ’’for third trinket and 4“CHIRPS” for fourth trinket)

1 .The system will autom atically exit the trinket program m ing mode, if it does not receive

signals from the trinket w ithin 6 sec.

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ATTENTIO N !A ll un-p rogram m ed trinke ts w ill be erased from the m em ory.

30. LED Ind icato r O peration Modes

The system disp lays its status using LED indicator when car ignition is sw itched OFF.

System status N um ber of flashes1. Rem đe sta rt-up m ode and Im m obilizer m ode G low ing con tin u o u sly

2. C ar d isarm ed D isab led *

3. C ar arm ed 1 flash

4. D aily auto s ta rt m ode 2 flashes

5. A uto warm up to specified tem perature m ode 3 flashes

6. D aily auto sta rt m ode and A uto w arm -up to specified tem pera

ture m ode

4 flashes

7. “V alet” m ode 5flashes

31.T rinketpager B attery Replacem ent

I f battery charge indicator looks like that 1» J , it m eans the battery is low and needs prom pt replacem ent.

1. Open trinket -pager battery cover

2. Rem oveusedbattery

3. Press button

4. Insert new battery

5. C lose trinket -pager battery cover

6. Press button

B attery type: AAA. A lkaline batteries are recom m ended.

32 . P rog ram m ing M ode

T oen ter the p ro g ram m in g m ode, p e rfo rm the fo llow ing :

1. S w itch ig n itio n O N (en g in e sho u ld n o t be s ta rted )

2. P ress b u tto n “O v err id e” 6 tim es

3. S w itch ig n itio n O FF (6 s iren “ C H IR PS ” w ill co n firm en try in p ro g ram m in g m ode)

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U se b u tto n “ O v err id e” to se le c t req u ired fu n c t io n E a c h p ress m eans change to the n ex t


The system will indicate selected function with siren“CHIRPS”: Short“CHIRP”- 1 Long “CHIRP”- 5

EXAMPLE:14 b u tto n “ O v e r r id e ” p r e s s e s - 2 lo n g an d 4 s h o r t“ CHIRPS” - fu n c t io n 14 is s e le c te d

See numbers and descriptions o f functions in Programming Table

Page 17: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

33. P ro g ra m m in g T rin k e t> ag erF u n c tio n s

B uttons used F unctions perform ed Notes

©Backlight switch On Disabled automatically after 5 sec

a + ©Power saving mode swit ch ON Trinket-pagerreceiver switched

OFF automatically 2 min after


*»■ © + QSound/Vibration mode toggle


Clock, alarm-clock and timer setting mode

*Setting hour/minute forward.

Hold forfast scrolling.

*Setting hour/minute backward.

Hold for fast scrolling.

Clock setting mode - hour

^3̂ 1 time

Clock setting mode-minutes

2 times

Alarm clock setting mode-hour

G 3 timesAlarm clock setting mode- minutes

^ 0 ^ 4 times Alarm clock setting mode- ON/OFF

5 times Timer setting mode- hour

^ 9 ^ 6 timesTimer setting mode- minutes

O 7 timesTimer setting mode- ON/OFF

K + QAlarm clock setting mode

« + © -Timer setting for 10 min

^ + O 2 timesTimer setting for 20 min

+ © 3 times

Timer setting for 30 min

*K + © 4 timesTimer setting for 60 min

^ + G 5 timesTimer setting for 90 min

Page 18: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

34. P rogram m ing Table

N u m b er of

“ O v e rrid e ”


C o n firm »


D e scrip tio n o f func tion a1








1 tim e 1 sh o rt“ C H IR P ” T im e to sto p e n g in e a fte r rem o te s ta r t (m in) 5 1Û 15 20

2 tim e s 2 sho rt “CHIRPS" S p e c ified eng ine te m p era tu re fo r au tom atic w arm -up(°C)

-5 -20 -30

3 tim e s 3 sh o r t“CHIRPS” S ta rte r op e ra tio n tim e fo r rem o te s ta r t-u p (m sec) 800 1200 1800 3000

4 tim e s 4 short*’CHIRPS" E n g in e o p e ra tio n co n tro l on o rder: V cr.l Ver.2 Ver.3

5 t im e s 1 long“C H IR P ” T im e fo r enabling-2nd a u x ilia ry ch an n e l (sec ) 2 J 10 30 co n stan t

6 tim e s 1L + IS “ CHIRPS’ S iren im pu lse d u ra tio n (m sec) 100 10 15 20

7 tim e s 1L+2S“ CHIRPS” C ab le IG N 2 (O N /O F F ) / D oor c lo sin g a t rem ote

s ta rt-up

V er.l Ver.2 Ver.3 Ver.4

8 tim e s 1L+3S“ CHIRPS” S tarter O N delay before gaso line/diesel engine start


I 10 10 10

9 tim e s 1L+4S‘*CHIRP?' D ura tio n o f c en tra l lock o p e n in g /c lo s in g im pulse

(sec )

V er.l Ver.2 Ver.3 V er.4

10 tim e s 2 long“ CHIRPS” T w o-step d o o r o p e n in g o r 3 rd aux ilia ry

c h an n e l/im m o b iliz e r

V er.l Ver.2 Ver.3 Ver.4

11 tim e s 2L +1S“ CHIRPS” Safe d r iv in g fu n c tio n O FF V er.l Ver.2 Ver.3

12 tim e s 2L +2S “ CHIRPS’ A uto a rm ing V er.l Ver.2 Ver.3

13 tim e s 2L +3S “ CHIRPS” C ab in lig h t in g de lay co u n t (sec) I 15 30 45

14 tim e s 2L+4S “ CHIRPS” T im e fo r c ab in lig h t switch ON/window raising (sec) V er.l Ver.2 Ver.3 Ver.4

IS t im e s 3 lo n g “ CHIRPS” T em peratu re m e asu re m en t un its /ty p e o f lock ing

(b lac k and w h ite cab le)

V er.l Ver.2 Ver.3 Ver.4

16 tim e s 3L + IS “ CHIRPS" T urbo -tim er QFF 1 m in 3 m in 6 m in

T he system confirm s se lec ted fu n ctio n s usin g siren “CHIRPS”: L -longf‘CHIRPy S - short“CHIRP”

F u n c tio n is c o n firm ed u s in g the fo llo w in g s ire n “CHIRPS”:

A - 1 “CHIRP”, - 2 “CHIRPS”, IS - 3

“CHIRPS”, < K - 4 “CHIRPS”

ATTENTION!F ac to ry s e ttin g s fo r p ro g ram m ab le fu n c tio n s a re u nderlined .

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1. D e s c r ip t io n of P r o g r a m m a b l e Fu n c t io n s

1.Time allo tted fo r engine running after rem ote s tart-up : 5 /10 /15 /20 min.

2. Engine tem pera tu re w hen au tom atic w arm -up is sw itched ON ( i f the function is enabled):

- 5% 10% 2 0°/3 CPC.

3.Tim e for sta rte r opera tion w hen rem ote start-up function is enabled: 800/1200 /1800 /3000


Tim e fo r the first start-up attem pt is specified . I f firs t attem p t fa ils , the system w ill increase

tim e fo r each three subsequen t attem pt by 200 m sec.

ATTENTION!Set s ta r te r o p e ra tio n t im e for 3000 m sec o n ly w hen eng ine o p e ra tio n is c o n tro lle d b y tachom eter.

4. E ng ine opera tion con tro l versions:

V ersion 1 - by veh icle netw ork voltage.

V ersion 2 - by o il p ressu re sensor.

V ersion 3 - by tachom eter

ATTENTION!I f you choose 3rd version o f engine o pera tion con tro l, it is necessary to p rogram id le run

R PM as follow s:

1. D isconnect all pow er users on the v eh ic le(such as cond itioner, rad io and tape recorder,

am plifier).

2. S w itch ign ition ON and press bu tton O V E R R ID E 9 tim es.

3. S w itch ign ition OFF. S iren w ill sound 9 “ CH IRPS” and LED w ill g ive 9 flashes. W ait

fo r the LED to glow.

4. S tart eng ine w ith ign ition k e y .

5. A fter engine speed reaches 500-1500 RPM and the engine is w arm ed enough, go to the

nex t step.

6. P ress and ho ld bu tton O V E R R ID E 1 tim e. I f the p rocedure is successfu l, the system

w ill sound 1 “ CHIRP ”, o the rw ise it w ill a lert w ith 4‘ C H IR PS” o f the necessity to repeat

the p rocedure .

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5. E nab ling im pulse leng th for2nd aux ilia ry channel: 0 .8 /10 /30 /constan t.

6. S iren im pulse (k laxon) duration : 100 /10/15/20 m sec.

7. W ire IG N 2 O N /O FF (see w irin g d iagram ) and door au to c lo sing at rem ote start-up:

V ersion 1 - IGN 2 O N , locks do no t close au tom atica llya t rem ote sta rt-u p ;

V ersion 2 - IGN 2 O FF, locks do n o t c lo se au tom atica lly a t rem ote start-up ;

V ersion 3 - IGN 2 O N , locks c lo se au tom atica lly at rem ote start-up;

V ersion 4 - IGN 2 O FF, locks close au tom atica lly at rem ote start-up.

8. S ta rte r sw itch-on delaybefore rem ote eng ine start-up:

2 sec - fo r gaso line eng ines

10 sec-fo r diese l engines

9. E nab ling im pulse leng th fo r cen tra l lock:

V ersion 1 - C lo sin g im pulse - 0.8 sec, open ing im pulse - 0.8 s e c ;

V ersion 2 - C losing im pulse - 3.6 sec, open ing im pulse - 3 .6 s e c ;

V ersion 3 - C losing im pulse - 0.8 sec, 2 open ing im pulses - 0.8 s e c ;

V ersion 4 - C lo sing im pulse - 30 sec, open ing im pulse - 0.8 sec ;

10. C hoice o f functions3rd au x ilia rychannel o r tw o - step door open ing /im m ob ilize r:

V ersion 1 - 3rd au x ilia rychannel,im m ob ilizer O F F ;

V ersion 2 - Tw o-step door open in g ,im m o b ilize r O F F ;

V ersion 3 - 3rd aux ilia ry channel, im m ob ilize r ON;

V ersion 4 - Tw o-step door open ing , im m ob ilize r ON.

11. S afe d riv ing function :

V ersion 1 -D oors do n o t close and are au tom atica lly open a fte r ign ition ON and OFF

respectively .

V ersion 2 - D oors are au tom atically locked 10 sec after ign ition ON and open

im m ediately after ign ition OFF.

V ersion 3 - D oors are au tom atically locked 30 sec after ign ition ON and open

im m ediately after ignition OFF.

12. A uto arm ing.

Version 1-OFF;

Version 2 - ON w ithou t locking doors

Version 3 - ON w ith lock ing doors

Page 21: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

13. Cabin lighting delay count. The system w ill secure doors after the specified period (1

sec/15 sec/30 sec/45 sec) after pressing button A .

14. Tim e for closing w indow s after vehicle arm ing or sw itch ing cabin ligh ting ON after

d isarm ing.V ersion 1 - Sw itching cabin lighting ON for 20 sec after disarm ing

Version 2 - S w itching cabin lighting ON for 30 sec after disarm ing

V ersion 3 - C losing w indow s 20 sec after arm ing

V ersion 4 - C losing w indow s 30 sec after arm ing

15. S election o f cabin tem peratu re me asurem ent un its d isp layed on trinket-pager:°C or °F /

engine aux ilia ry b locking type (b lack and w hite cable).V ersion 1 - M easurem ent units °C, auxilia ry b locking norm ally open

V ersion 2 - M easurem ent units °F, aux ilia ry b lock ing norm ally closed

V ersion 3 - M easurem ent units °C, aux ilia ry b locking norm ally closed

V ersion 4 - M easurem ent un its°F , aux ilia ry b lock ing norm ally open

16. Turbo timer function


1. Basic In sta lla tion Principles

TW O -WAY veh icle alarm system has a classic connection arrangem ent. F irst o f a ll,befo re

in sta lla tion d isab le veh icle pow er system (d isconnect “ - “ba tte ry te rm ina l). To choose places

fo r alarm system units, follow the princ ip les as below:

Secrecy o f insta lla tion

- A bsence o f heat and m oisture em itting sources near the units- A llow fo r m inim al m utual in terference betw een standard vehicle elec tron ics and alarm units

ATTENTION!Em itting antenna should be installed at a distance from alarm and vehicle control units. Try to

minimize length o f cables.

2. Choosing Locations for M ain Units

1) An electron ic un it for alarm con tro l is insta lled inside the cabin (passenger com partm ent). To achieve m axim um range, com bined “R F” antenna fo r the cab inet should be p laced at the

h ighest poin t, w ithou t contact w ith m etal parts and elec tric w ires.

2) S iren is insta lled in the engine com par tm ent, at a h a rd -to -re ach p lace. I f you use an


Page 22: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

independent siren , ensure access to serv ice key slot. The siren should be insta lled w ith horn

dow n to escape m oisture entry. W ire connections should b etter be done inside cabin for less corrosion .

3) A ll strong curren t c ircu its (pow er supply,lights, cen tra l lock, etc .) should be pro tec ted w ith

respective ly rated safety fuses.

4) H ood and boot triggers are cu t in p laces pro tec ted against m oisture, inaccessib le w ith hood

and boo t closed . T riggers should be o iled period ica lly to avoid jam s and corrosion

5) The shock sensor is insta lled in the cabin, an ideal p lace m ight be the vehicle centre, and

secured to the car body m etal w ith self-driv ing screw s or pasted.

6) It is recom m ended to so lder con tacts in connections o f ign ition , starterand o ther circu its.

3. W ire Connections

6 PIN Remote Start-up PowerSocket

1. Black and yellow w ire s tarter sw itch-on w ire(+12V ).

This is an output signal +12V to starting relay.

It is connected to igniti on lock w ire w here +12V appears in the “S tarter” key position . This

signal is for engine start-up. C onnect th is w ire to b locking relay.

2. B lue w ire-A n output signal +12V ACC - aux ilia ry equipm ent.

It is connected to ign ition lock w ire w here +12V appears in the “A C C ” and “Ignition O N ” key position .

3. T h in red w ire -sy s tem pow er supply w ire (+12V )

It is connected to ignition battery “+ ” term inal v ia 1OA fuse.

4. T h ic k red w ire-rem ote start-up c ircu it pow er supply w ire (+12V )It is connected to ign itio n b a tte ry “+%” term inal v ia 40A fuse.

5. Yellow w ire-IG N 1 w ire, ou tpu t signal +12V.

It is connected to ignition lock w ire w here +12V appears in the “ Ignition O N ” key position

and does not d isappear in the “ S tarter” position .

6. Green w ire-IGN 2 w ire, ou tput signal +12V.

It is connected to ignition lock w ire w here + 12V appears in the “ Ignition ON^’ key position

and d isappears in the “ S tarter” position , i f th is w ire is availab le on the vehicle w here the system is insta lled .

Page 23: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

6 PIN Remote Start-up PowerSocket

1. B lue w ire - c e n tr a l c o n ta c t fo r c e n tra l lo ck o p en in g re lay

2. Blue and g rey w ire -n o rm a lly o p en co n ta c t fo r c e n tra l lo c k o p en in g re la y

3. Blue and b lac k w ire - n o rm a lly c lo se d co n ta c t fo r c e n tra l^ o c k o p en in g re lay

4. G reen w ire - ce n tra l c o n ta c t fo r c e n tra l lo c k c lo s in g re lay

5. G reen an d grey w ire - n o rm a lly o p en c o n ta c t fo r c e n tra l lo c k c lo s in g re la y

6. G reen and b ack w ire - n o rm a lly c lo se d co n ta c t fo r c e n tra l lo c k c lo s in g re lay

18 P IN M ainSocket

1. B lack w ire - sy stem “

(E n s u re re l ia b le c o n tac t)

2. Blue w ir e - w ir e fo r ca b in lig h t O N o r w in d o w U P

- 300m A w h en d is a rm in g /a rm in g sy stem (p ro g ram m ab le )

3. B lack an d red w ire-IG N 3 o u tp u t

-3 0 0 m A w h ile rem o te s ta r t -up p ro c e d u re , fo r a rra n g e m e n t o f a u x ilia ry ig n itio n

c irc u itsT h is w ire m ay b ec o m e n ec essa ry , i f ig n i tio n lo c k o f v e h ic le w h e re th e sy s te m is

in s ta lle d has m o re th a n tw o ig n itio n c irc u its , o r fo r en a b lin g im m o b iliz e r b y -p a ss m o d u le s .

4. B lack and ye llow w ire - s ta r te r lo c k re la y w ire .

- 300m A a f te r a rm in g sy stem a n d /o r rem o te s tartup p ro c e d u re and /o r in “A n ti-h ijack ”

m ode .

ATTENTION!B locking relay should only be used for blocking starter to p reven t engine stop w hile m ovem ent.

Page 24: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

5. Y ellow a n d re d w i r e - 2 n d au x ilia ry channel w ire (-300m A ).

6. G rey and black w ire - in p u t fo r ta c h o m e te r w ire or o il p ressu re sensor.

C onnec t to ta ch o m ete r s ignal w ire o r o il p ressu re senso r w ire (p rog ram m ab le ).

7. Blue and red w ire -“+” inp u t fo r door sensor.

8. O range and w hitevire- in pu t fo r boo t sensor.

9. Violet w ire- “A n ti-h ijac k ” fu n c tio n sw itch ON w ire.

“A n tih ijac k ” fun c tio n is sw itched ON w hen “ - “ appears on th is w ire.

10. G reen and b lack w ire -p a rk in g lig h ts p ow er supp ly w ire.

It is co n n ec ted v ia7 .5A fuse.

11. G reen and y e llo w w ire -p a rk in g lig h ts p ow er supp ly w ire.

It is co n n ec ted v ia7.5A fuse.

12. B lack and w hite w ire - p ro g ra m m a b le au x ilia ry b lo ck in g (n o rm a lly c lo se d /n o rm ally


300m A (p rog ram m ab le ).

13. G rey w ire - s iren o u tpu t

(1 .5A )

14. Yellow and blue w ire - 3rd au x ilia ry channel w ire o r tw o-step door open ing w ire

(p ro g ram m ab le )

A ) 3rd au x ilia ry c h a n n e l- “ 300m A .

B) Tw o-step doo r o p en in g - “ 300m A .

15. Yellow and b lack w ire -w ire fo rrem o te bo o t open ing

(- 300m A , 1 sec)

16. O range and violet w ire-hand b rake w ire.

It is connected to “-“ hand-brake sw itch (fo r m anual tran sm ission ) or to stop ligh ts (fo r

au tom atic tran sm ission ) (see d iagram s 8,9) depend ing on car bundling .

17. Blue and black w ire-“-“ inpu t for door sensor.

Page 25: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

18. O ra n g e a n d g rey w ire “ inpu t for hood sensor

4 PIN shock sensoBocket

Socketfor shock sensor.

2 PIN “Override ” buttosocket

S ocket fo rb u tto n “O verride” .

2 PIN LED indicatOEOcket

Socket fo r LED indicator.

5 PIN combined antenna socket

S ocketfor com bined antenna.

4. Selection of A utom atic or M anual Transm ission

Selection o f au tom atic or m anual tran sm ission in TWO-WAY is done u sing jum perl (see

w iring diagram ).

Ju m p er closed - au tom atic tran sm ission

Ju m p er o p e n - m anual tran sm ission

5. C onnection of C en tra l Lock

TWO-WAY has in -b u ilt pow er re lays fo r cen tra l lock con tro l. W iring fo r c onnection

o f cen tra l lock is m ade in a separa te six-p in socket W ire co lou rs and w iring d iagram s

are show n in d iagram s 1-4.

ATTENTION!Please note that im pulse duration for central lock control is a program m able function.

Page 26: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

6. S etting Shock S ensor

Setting is the last insta lla tion s ta g e ofTW O-W AYalarm system. Set shock sensor sensitivity to minimum . G radually increase sensitivity and knock the car body w ith your palm to check triggering threshold.

ATTENTION!Excess sensitivity may result in a great number of false trigger actions; you will be forced to desensitize sensors.

Wire onnections

18 PIN main socket

4 PIN shock sensor socket

2 PIN “Override” button socket

2 PIN LED indicator socket

5 PIN combined antenna socket

6 PIN central lock connection socket

Jumper 1Closed - automatic transmission Open - manual transmission

Fig. 4

6 PIN remote start-up power socket

Page 27: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

6 P IN R e m o te S ta r t-u p P ow erS ocket

Diagram 1


Connect blocking relay socket according to diode polarity shown in diagram 1.

Ignition key position


Off ACC Ignition Start

System power supply wire+ + + +

Starter wire+

IGN 1 wire+ +

ACC wire+ +

IGN 2 wire+

Power circuit supply wire + + + +IGN 3 wire 4 .

27M B

Page 28: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

6 P IN c en tra llo ck c o n n ec tio n so ck e t

BlueG reen

Blue and greyG reen and grey

Blue and blackG reen and black





18 PIN m a in so ck e t

BlackGreen and black

BlueGreen and yellow 7.5A

Black and red

► To size lights; “+”

► Cabin light or window UP; 300n

► To size lights; “+”

------------- ► IGN 3; 300mABlack and whiteBlack and yellow

Auxiliary programmable normally closed/normally open blocking; 300mA

GreyStarter blocking relay; “-n 300mA

* Yellow and redYellow and blueGrey and black

Yellow and blackBlue and red

Orange and violetOrange and white

► 2nd auxiliary channel, 300mA

3rd auxiliary channel; “-!1300mA/ 2-step door openingTo tachometer o f oil pressure sensor

► 1st auxiliary channel; 300mA

"̂ ff1 | Doors ^ + 1 2 V

► Hand brake sensor,

____M l Boot

Blue and blackViolet

Orange and greyAnü-hijack”


"H ood-

D iagram 2

Page 29: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

4 PIN shock sensor socket

Shock, sensor

2 PIN “Override” button socket

“Override” button

2 PIN LED indicator socket


5 PIN combined antenna socket

Combined antenna

D iagram 3

Page 30: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

C onnection of au x ilia ry e lectric d riveC o n tro l tim e 0 .8 sec

87A NC


87A NC

30 COM



Blue and black


Blue and grey

Green and black


Green and grey

D iag ram 4


5 7


Wire 15A +12V

C en tra l lock positive con tro lC on tro l tim e 0.8 sec

87A NC Blue and black Central lock

1 ^ 3 0 COM Blueblocking

Opening1 NO Blue and grey


87A NC £ Green and black

î^ JS O COM GreenClosing

i NO Green and grey


Wire 1 - 3A +12V ---------- ~

D iagram 5

Page 31: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

C en tra l lock negative con tro lC on tro l tim e 0.8 sec

87A NC Blue and black Central lock

1 ^ 3 0 COM Blueblocking

Openingi NO Blue and grey


87A NC Green and black

^ 3 0 COM GreenClosing

1 NO Green and grey


Wire 1 - 3A -12V ---------- -------------------»

D iagram 6

Pneum atic cen tra l lock (A udi, M ercedes)C on tro l tim ô .6 sec


87A NC


87A NC

t ^ C Q M



Bhie and black


Wine from driver’s door

Blue and gray

Green and black


Green Wire 1 - 3A

Green and gray

D iag ram 731

Page 32: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

Hand brake

D iag ram 8


Orange and violet



D iag ram 9



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Page 34: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

Engineering data

Rated voltage + 12VCurrent consumption 15mA

Allowable current:

6 PIN remote start-up power socket

In power supply circuit thick red wire30A (limited with fuse)

In power supply circuit thin red wire 1OA (limited with fuse)

IGN 1 ,“+” (yellow wire)


IGN 2, “+” (green wire)


IGN 3 , “-”(black and red wire)



Page 35: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

Starter wire, “+” 30A(black and yellow wire)

6 PIN central lock connection socket

In contact relay circuitfor central lock control 20A

(limifedwith fuse)

18 PIN main socket

Blocking relay contacts

Blocking relayservice output, “ - (black and yellow wire)

Siren power output,(grey wire)

Auxiliary channel 1 output,“- “ (yellow and black wire)


“ 300mA



Page 36: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

Auxiliary channel 2 output, “-“ 300mA (yellow and red wire)

Auxiliary channel 3 output,“-“ 300mA (yellow and blue wire)

Size lights power supply outputs, “+“7.5A (green-black and green-yellow wires,

limited with fuses)

Output to cabin light, 300mA(blue wire)

Temporary intervals:

Service output, “-“permanently armed (blac k and yellow wire)

Auxiliary channel 1 output,“-“ 1 sec (yellow and black wire)

Page 37: Tomahak Tw-9010 En

Auxiliary channel 2 output,“-“ 0.8 sec (programmable) 10 sec

(yellow andredwire) 30 sec


Auxiliary channel 3 output, 0.8 sec(yellow and blue wire)

Impulse duration for central lock control 0.8 sec

(programmable) 3.6 sec30 sec

This device meets weather requirements under GOST 15150for UHL 2 version (installation inside cabin). This device meets electric compatibility requirements under GOST R50789-95.

Made in China