to serve u.s.ambulance girl allies to huns united sms … · 2017-12-20 · during a short truce...

0 TO SERVE UNITED SMS » Enlistment of Fomnlcs Releases M.*ii for Service in Corps' Front Lines. CAN RENDER BIG SERVICE i~JArs. Opha M. Johnson Was First v?v"Prlv«te In Feminine Division of K Famous Organization.Now llu$ - ...- Other Companions-in-Arms. *¦'" WASHINGTON. August 31..She's iro- ,'J lng to be dressed in forest green: her > skirt is going to be an appropriate " length, and she will wear one of those f snappy little overseas hats. And (he j'.'tjat will bear the emblem that one day was in the muddy trenches on one side Chateau-Thierry, and on another day was in the muddy trenches.on tlui other side of Chateau-Thierry. [4 ' But this is but one sicte of the story; Sur-ihe other Is that the murtnes.the devlt dogs.have succumbed to femininity, and that Mrs. Opha SI. Johnson was the first woman private in the famoux ot- ganlzation. She now has feminine com¬ panions in arms, as it were, Tor other women are being enlisted for service in ;1 U\© marines. s»:i Mrs. Johnson's coming and that of <£hcr sister-marines was welcomed 111 Washington, as it means that there will '' Be yet other "marinesses" and that eacn one will release a healthy, two-fisted, rr fighting marine for duty at the front, r'ft. 18 estimated there are nearly 1.000 marines at the capital and in other [i. parts of the country, who have been kept from the tiring line ror necessary 1 Clerical work at home. L'. Private Johnson has gone to work. hard work, too, but she. lias wanted ;;y-to get into active service tor a long time. She was employed as a clerk in S the Interstate Commerce Commission ^before joining the soldiers or the sen, and now they say she's a rull-lledged irhember of'the outfit. That she Is can best be Judged by what she said Vheif her frldnds gathered round to congratu- late her. They said: ft "We're so glad to hear you've joined." And she replied: fi "Tell it to the marines." £>>' Aside from this, however. Private Eh" Johnson has set a good example to r many of her sex. There have been many applications for enlistment by Women and girls since she entered the .. service. So strintient are the physical requirements, though, that as yet com¬ paratively few have been accepted. ; The action of the marine corps com¬ manders in enlisting women follows similar action by the navy, which now has many "yeowomen" doing yeoman sorvlce. It is expected that the army will follow suit, and thus release hun¬ dreds of soldiers who are kept in tills country to perforin clerical tasks. War is constantly enlarging the possibilities for women and gradually shunting Into oblivion the term "weaker sex." For instance, how dues that term shape up in connection with these occupations.railroad tank paint¬ ing. hardware industry processes. garage management and ranch work? Yet the Department of Labor to-day announced women were working at these trades and industries and filling the bill every time. The railroad which employs girls to paint Its tank cars says their work compares favorably with that of men. Processes In hardware industries in¬ clude the work of screw machine hands, spot welders, pas welders, dip . » braziers, drill press and bench work. All this work was formerly executed i. by men and boys. These, however, do not complete the ^.¦llst. Firms are n.»w advertising --"women wanted" for baggage porters, ushers, aircraft part assemblers, tele¬ graph operators and photographers. RED SOX CLINCH HOLD ON AMERICAN PENNANT (Continued From First Paire.l ler. Stolen base.Sisier, GriccR. Sacri¬ fice hit.Johns. Double plays.VItt and Griggs (2). Left on base.Detroit, 11; St. Louis. 5. Bases on Kallie, v -2; off Kogci-8, 4. nit by pitcher. TVeach). Struck Ilogeis, 1!. Wild pitch.Kallio. £.;. NATIONALS BEsTyANKS [By A*noeiated Press.] - WASHINGTON. August 31..A triple T.::)>y Lavan with the bases tilled in the first inning gave Washington a lead ".7 "In to-day's gatne which Now Vork was unable to overcome, and the local team 72r'"Won the contest, « to 3. The score: JVew York ¦Sjiitk.- AB. II. O. A. K. Se-TrWalter, rf f> l ¦> ft i Lr-4.1Huinmel. cf 2 0 4 o oi i^lJ^Baker, Sb 4 2 2 4 u -^iiPratt, 2b I o i i Oi itecr-Fournier. lb 4 ;t n l i.rgrii'Wyatt. If t o oo ; .i=i~.5?eckinpaugh, ss 3 n i 4 tt .^Jf-'Hannah, c l t l 3 u B2j&£i£ove, p «» 0 it o 0; t'v£4"iSanders, p ;t o o i o *Mogride v. . l o tt o 0 T. Totals 34 7 1'4 14 1 V. Washington ;ai An. H. O. A. E. "Shotton, if 2 l 3 o o ..Foster. 3b 3 1 0 1 0 Judge, lb 2 1 8 0 0 ->-MiIan, cf 4 1 4 1 0 ''"-Schulte, rf 3 1 2 0 0 XTShanks, 2b 3 1 2 3 0 t Lavan, ss 4 2 0 2 1 '.^-vPlclnleh. c 2 0 s 0 0 [' ji^haw, p 4 0 0 0 0 ¦.M'f Totals 27 S 27 7 1 "Batted for Sanders in ninth. ; Score by innings: It. .;,-New Vork 00 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 S r - Washington . 1 " 0 o 2 0 00 . 1 Summary: JJuns.Walters, ilummell, Fecklnpaugh. -Shotton, Foster. Judge. Milan, Schulte. Shanks Two-base bits ..Baker, Hannah. Three-base hit I,avan. Stolen base.Shotton Shanks, Hannah. Sacrifice hits.Judge i'ici- nich. Double play.Milan to Shanks. Left on bases.New York, 7: Washing- j tor., 6. liases on I.ove, 3: off Sanders, 4; off Sliaw, 3. Hits.Oft'1 Love, 2 in 1 inning. Struck out.By Shaw, 7; Sanders, J. .Losing pitcher. ^ Love. % PHILLIES AND BRAVES DIVIDE DOUBLE BILL (Continued Frum l-'irst Page.) Daubert. Left on base.New York, 9; Brooklyn, 3. Bases on Grimes, 1. Grimes. * in 7 in¬ nings. Struck Toney, i; Grimes. 2. Losing pitcher.Grimes. . sk( om) a \mi:. Brooklyn. AB. II. O. A. R. Johnston, rf 4 2 2 0 0 Olson, ss 4 l 5 r. 0 ft'SPaubcrt, lb 4 i 12 it 0 , Wheat, if 4 0 11 ii 0 [yers, cf 3 i 1 0 0 'Mara, 3b 3 0 1 0 >oolan, 2b '3 0 0 4 0 [iller. c 3 <1 6 3 (1 frnith, p 3 0 0 1 0 Totals 31 5 27 13 0 New York. AB. II O. A E Burns, cf 1 ! 3 0 0 -Young, rf 4 l 0 0 .0 is pOyie, 2b 4 0 1 7 0 Fletcher, ss 3 1 2 i <1 K#i®|mmermaii, 3b 3 2 1 :: Kyv Cornpton. If 3 0 0 <. <1 *>>"f:Klrke. lb 3 1 17 1 0 narlden, c 3 tt a tt i Ferrltt, p 3 0 tt 4 0 I Totals 30 C 27 is E Score by Innings: It. c V:- Brooklyn 00020000*. -._» New York 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0. 1 p' s Summary: Runs.Johnston. Olsen. Burns. Double play Pollan. Olson ami Daubert. Left on base.New Y'.rk. 2 '^'Brooklyn, 2. "Struck cut--l»y Perritt X 8; Smith, 8. Call Off Anhrvllle (iamri. A8HFJVILLE. N. C. August 31..Bain iterfored A*lth the finals in the ladies' ngles In the tournament at th»* Ashe- ® Country Club this mnrnlhg. and j^ame was called before it was ipleted. No other, play was al¬ lied. U. S. Ambulance Girl . Tells About Germans A'o Rule for 7 eulons-For Most Part Do Not Work Atrocities, but Humane at Times. NEW YORK, August 31.-."Ono mln- utc the Germans tire on American stretcher bearers and the next they dress the wounds of Americans lying on the battlefield." salil Miss Rosalie Moran, Bernardsville, N. J., yesterday. She has just returned from six months' service overseas as an ambulance driv- er for the American Committee for I)o- vastated France. She Is staying at the Waldorf. "There is no rule for the Germans." she continued. "For the most part they do not work the atrocities you hear about on this side. *1 know that they fire on hospitals, for I have been with women and children refugees who were tired on. and yet now and then you hear of some isolated instance of humanity. "I will cite one case. During a short truce between the lines for the pur¬ pose of picking up the wounded the Germans suddenly stopped bringing in their own wounded and turned their guns on our stretcher bearers. Yet when our line advanced that evening they found American wounded living with their wounded dressed in the pro¬ tection of shell holes. They said the Germans had fed them and promised to return for them. "German food, however, is a doubt¬ ful blessing. 1 have seen a lot of their war bread, and it is all black and damp and has a fearful smell. 1 don't see how human beings can eat it. "The French crops between the Aisno and the Marne have not all been de¬ stroyed," Miss Morgan said. "Har¬ vesters have been sent into the recap¬ tured country ahead of the rest of the population, and the American commit¬ tee has opened canteens to furnish them with one meal a day." Miss Morgan was slightly injured in a collision between her motor truck and a war truck. She said that she did not consider this a "wound," how¬ ever. WAR COLLECTING HEAVY TOLL AMONG ATHLETES Kn^l'iud, Franco nnd Italy Have l,o»t .Many, and America Is Following. NEW YORK, August 31..The heavy mailed fist of war has been keenly felt in athletic circles abroad. England, France and Italy have seen some of their greatest athlets fall on the battle fields of France and on other fighting fronts, and their loss to tno athletic world abroad cannot Lie measured. And now the hungry tentacles of the war god are reaching out toward America, many of whoso hoiis of athletic fame are serving the colors in the light for democracy. The first great loss In the ranks of American athletes came with the death of Johnny Overton, who was killed in action in the second great battle of the Marne, where American troops covered themselves with glory. Overton was a lieutenant in the United States marine corps, having en- listed within a few months after Uncle Sam officially tossed hi> hat into the big ring. His death came on the morn- ing of July lft, when the marines went over the top in the face of a storm of' spiteful "German steel, lio died glori- ously, and was buried on the field where ho fell. Overton's loss is keenly felt In ath¬ letic circles, for he was undoubtedly one of the greatest collegiate track stars- brought out in this country in fifty years. Few runners who have worn the blue of Yale have covered themselves wltn as much glory as did Johnny Overton. Ho was a wizard in long-distance events. He held titles in track events from the 1.Otto-yard sprint to the six- mile run. and in the latter event. Hans Kolehittaincn stands lorth as the only athlete who made faster time, and Hans t was then at his best, while Overton was chock full <>f possibilities as a record crusher. His greatest collegiate rival during the past two years was .loie Ray, of Chicago, and these two thrilled great crowds on several occa¬ sions by their wonderful running. Uverton's death came as a sad blow to followers of athletics, hut his memory will live on, for he was made of the stuff that conquers, * FANS RAPIDLY LOSING INTEREST IN BASEBALL Am Scn.inn Nenr* ICnil, Atlrnitiini'r Knll* Oil' Seriously at Hip: I.fustic l'ark.N, NEW YORK, AU{rust 81..That base¬ ball funs ar»> fast losing: Interest in the national game was proven recently by tlie estimated Attendance for one day at the major league parks. It is esti¬ mated that less than 10,000 fans wit¬ nessed the panics played by the major league clubs on August 20. This num¬ ber is much less than the attendance at n single pa me played at the Polo Grounds on the same dates Tor several years back. Tin: figures prove more than anything else that interest in the game is practically dead. True enough, there was only one game played in the American l.tague, but that gumV was between the two warmest contenders for the American league pennant, and was on of the "crucial" games of the season. This gamo alone drew twice as many spectators as the entire four games played in the National .League combined. Here are the estimated figures of the attendance at the major league parks on August 20: "-American I.rugur. Cleveland at Boston C.S00 \ntioniil League. New York at 1'lttshurgh 2.100 ltmoklyn at Cincinnati 800 Boston at Chicago 3f<0 Philadelphia at St. Bouts 275 Total attendance 9.S25 ? . ARMY AND NAVY BOTH KEEN FOR FOOTBALL lloth Annapolis and West Point Au¬ thorities VnxioiiH /or Contest. ANNAPOB1S, August 31..The mid¬ shipmen are anxious to stage a grid¬ iron battle with their army rivals this year. There is every indication here ..hat a strong team could be put on he field. The army athletic authori¬ ties would be glad to revive the con- teat, according to reports from West Point. As matters stand now, the game can¬ not be played unless Secretaries Baker and Daniels let down the bars. There is no r.niclal order prohibiting the game, ut the rule that all athletic contests n which either school engages must played at home makerf it impos¬ sible. It is not Impossible, however, that the authorities will make provision for the one violation of the rule by one r the other team. MUST REMAIN HOME Anton Sleelier'n Wile Snyn lie Must Stay to llrlp Mintl the Tv» Inn. FftKMONT, NUB., August 31..Anton Steeher, brother and trainer of Joe Sterher. the well-known wrestler, will not go to war now.unless Mrs. Anton changes her mind. Anton and .loe secured releases from their draft board at Itodue and caine hero to com¬ plete the formalities. All whs com¬ pleted except Mrs. Anton slirnniL: I ho papers. At the last moment she de¬ cided that her husband should stay at home and tuk<: eyre of their twin babies until he was called in the course of the draft .loe left for the Great Bakes naval training station and Anton re¬ turned home with his wife. International l,ei|Kiir. At Jersejj/ylty: Newark, 7: Jersey City, 2. At Binghamton: Baltimore 0; Bing¬ ham ton, ;t. At Toronto: Buffalo, S; Toronto, i. Hamilton at Rochester two games postponed rain. BANKHEAD PATHFINDERS WILL INSPECT HIGHWAYS Due to Arrive In Itlchmond on Septem¬ ber U for InMpeetlon of l'c- trniburR Itond. BIRMINGHAM. ALA., August 31..At the recent meeting of the board of di¬ rectors of the HunKhoad National llign- w ay Association, at Charlotte. N. C.. the ollleial route was adopted from Washington via Fredericksburg, ltleh- 11 ond, Petersburg, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte, Greenville to Atlanta. The board of directors decided to adopt as a feeder, or branch, a naval road from Petersburg to Norfolk, and one from Raleigh to Norfolk. A pnthlluding party will start Sep¬ tember 2 for the purpose of inspecting i»nd logging these two branch routes. This party will be headed by Colonel T. S. Plowman, of Talladega, Ala., presi¬ dent. and J. A. Itountreee. secretary of the Hankhead National Highway. They will leave DirmIngham Sunday, Septein- bcr 1, and arrive in Haleigh Monday, September 2. In Kaleigli Messrs. Plow- n an and Routitree will 1>« joined by Morris Eldridge, United States govern- nient engineer from Washington; C. M. Vanstory, director at large Hankhead National* Highway, from Greensboro, and Colonel Hennehan Cameron, of Ha- leigh. All live will go by train to Williamston, while Highway Kngineer W. .<. Fa lias and Maintenance Kngineer I). H. Winslow, of the North Carolina highway department, will go by auto tc Williamston. , Monday niglit, September 2. there will be a great good roads meeting. The following morning the mapping of tho route will benin, the pathfinders heading for Raleigh. Rocky Mount will provide a luncheon for the path¬ finders and there will be receptions and speaking that day at Roberson- ville. Bethel. Tarboro, .Nashville, Spring Hope an«l Zebulon. The same night the Chamber of Commerce of Raleigh will entertain the party. On the morning of September 4. ttie start for Norfolk will bo made. There will l>e receptions at Franklinton, Warrenton and Dittletan. and luncheon at Henderson. The night will be spent at Roanoke or Weldon and next day slops will he made at Jackson, Murfreeshoro (where lunch will be served). Franklin, Holland and Suffolk, the party going to Norfolk for the .>iKht of the fifth, where the Rotary Club. Chamber of Commerce and Tide¬ water Automobile Association will bo hosts. September filh the route from Nor¬ folk to Petersburg 'and Richmond will be mapped out and the following day that from Richmond to Newport News. SILVER WATER SERVICE FOR CAPTAIN SHEPPARD Police of first District ShOTr Affection and llespeet for Transferred Captain. As a token of their affection nnd respect for the man who has labored with them (or so many years as patrol¬ man. sergeant and captain, tho police¬ men of the First District Station last night presented to Captain .luck W. Slieppard a silver water pitcher and cup at the moment of his leaving that station for similar duties in the Second District. Sergeant Cliff M. Johnson, dean of tho district, made the presentation speech, and drew a touching response from Captain Jack, who, perhaps, stands closer to his men than does any other captain of the department. Captain Sheppard had had no intima¬ tion that the tnen were thus to honor him, and when Sergeant Johnson called him Into tho little, room, where the pitcher had been kept since early after¬ noon. he was a much surprised captain. The pitcher is of solid silver, stand¬ ing eighteen inches high, and Is pivoted on a base and handle which permits easy tipping. The base also has a space for the cup, which in itself is i thing of beauty. The cup, too, is of silver, lined with gold. Captain Sheppard left the First Dis¬ trict Station at midnight. To-day he wl|l take up his duties at the Second District Station, succeeding Captain Zimmer, who goes to the Third Dis¬ trict. Captain McMahon. of the Third District, will succeed Captain Sheppard at the First District Station. TWO GRIPS OFLIQUOR FOUND ON CURBSTONE Ardent Ilrvrrnjtc Cntisen I'tillccmrii to III- Suspicious of All Kinds of lliiKgUKe. Richmond c«j>s Had the ardent bev- ft'ntii! ill mom any old place in tliosu days of threatened universal prohibi- tion. Tins perhaps is responsible for t)>e attitude most of them tuke toward all kinds of baggage, whether it be in the hands of banker or boozer. Just to show how easy It Is 10 pick up liquor, Policeman C. A. wandered into Canal Street, near Seventh, yes¬ terday afternoon and nonchalantly picked up two grips some one hud earejessly left sitting near the curb, He found them to contain eight quarts of whisky when they were opened at the First District Station. M.-io, this attitude toward the inno¬ cent grip was responsible for Police¬ man Davis's landing a bag of loot taken from the Bachracii store in Broad Streot Saturday morninc;. lJa.vis saw a negro toting a hand hag. It aroused ft is suspicion. He thought he smelled liquor. The negro grew uneasy. When the cop approached, he dropped the grip contained liquor and carried it grip contained liquor an dearried it to the station. It really contained fifteen revolvers and a quantity of Jewelry belonging to Baehrach. R EG ISTRATION CARD~ FOR BIRTHDAY PRESENT >oki-o Hoy Situs I'p for Miiltnry Ser¬ vice on l)ny lie Im 'rnenty- Ojic Yenrs Old. A little shrimp of a negro sidled into the ofllce. of local Board No. 2. Just fifty-eight inches tail and weighing a bare fraction of a pound over the 100 mark. Chairman Ellerson express¬ ed doubt whether he could he twenty- one years old. "Ynssjir, 1 had my birthday last Sat¬ urday." said the negro. "I got a birth¬ day present, too.a blue registration card." he continued. The boy had be¬ come twenty-one on the very day set for registration of those who had come of age since June 5. Me was disquali-I lied on physical grounds. There is said to have been but one previous case with the local hoards where a registrant registered for ser¬ vice on the very day he became of age. DUE TCPD EFECTIVEBRAKES Coroner'* Jury IJlnme* Car Company for Ilentli of John II. Fari-er. "We. the Jury, say that John H. Farmer came to his death August 28 as the result of injuries received in a collision between the street car and a freight train on the Chesapeake and f»hin railway. We believe that the ac¬ cident was caused by defective mechanism of the street car." That was the verdict of the Jury called by Coroner Whitfield to deter¬ mine the cause of the accident tn which John 11. Farmer lost his life and several others were injured when a trolley car collided with a freight train of the Chesapeake and Onto Kailway at Seventh and Byrd Streets Wednesday morning- Through the verdict Motorman W. II. Harris is exonerated from blame. BEGIN SKIP-STOP :FtO DAY funster Service In I'rom Ised an Result of Fuel Conservation >love. To-day the Virginia Railway and Power Company will inaugurate its system of skip-stops on the electric lines in the city in accordance with the ordinance recently adopted by the City Council. Some discomfiture will necessarily greet the new system until patrons become ufced to the stops. Improved and faster service Is the assurance given by the street-railway officials which Is calculated to tnako up for inconveniences thnt may bo caused.v To nil a position or net n posltloiu to liny, rell or exelmnge, Tlmes-Dls- fintch Want Ad* lend In nctusl results. ALLIES TO FOLLOW HUNS HOME VIA TWO VALLEYS J \ \ Seemingly Irresistible Thrust of American and French Eastward of the Chavigny-Juvigny Front to Be Continued on High Ground. WASHINGTON. August 31..Ulti¬ mately the Americans and their Euro¬ pean allies arc to follow the Germans home via the valleys of the Moselle ayd the Meuse. The seemingly irresistible thrust of the Americans anil French eastward of the Chavigny-Juvlgny front is to bo continued on the high ground they have won and probably will be the tlrst operation to turn the left of the German army. In this major operation the Americans have lite predominating military power in men, Runs and muni¬ tions. The German army is not able to con¬ centrate ut any point on the flfty-inlle front, on which they are incessantly attacked, so that it is the whole Ger¬ man army that is being driven back followed closely by several Held armies, which are urged on by the impetus and spirit of unchecked success. OllieijU intimations came from Gen¬ eral March to-day that there will ba soon somewhere on the great battlo line all American field armies and groups of armies. J These are the salient points of view of the continuous battle which is rag¬ ing from the north of the llindenburg line to the German troops, which are lighting to-day rear-guard actions against the advance of the Americans from Chavigny and Juvigny. With the exception of the tlrst proposition, which Is from a strategic source, the state¬ ments made to-day are Justified by an examination of the military maps at the War Department. General March, because of pressure of work, was not able to see the news¬ paper men to-day, but the lines and masses of stickers on the charts of action show clearly the retrograde of the Germans from day\ to day, and the swift pursuit of the victorious allies and Americans. MIHIAHV KXI* 10UTS CKIITAIN wixc;s will. uto ltot.i.Ki) ur The deliberate Judgment of statf of¬ ficers to-day is* that nothing can now prevent the rolling up 'if the German1 wings. The point is made by these authorities, who talk from the dally record of positions and purposes of thoi enemy, that neither the crown prince nor Prince ltupprecht now has the ability to throw any great mass of troops at any point against the general advance toward the llinden¬ burg line. That point, which seems to throw a flood of light on the de¬ pressing situation, from the German point of view, has not been made bo- fore because It is only within the past few days that it has become ap¬ parent even to the military observers here. The fact is, however, of tre¬ mendous present and future conse¬ quence and boars directly on tho prop¬ osition that tho Germans will be fol- WILL DISCUSS PLANS TO AID SOLDIERS CRIPPLED IN WAR ("onvolition Oprn.i In Cotorndo nnd Will He Attended liy Hundred* of .Mine OineialM. [By Associated Prers.) NEW YORK, August 31..To use sol- dler-cripiples in * preference to anyone else, wherever possible after the war, will be one of the plans discussed at the war work meeting of the Arneri- can Institute of Mining Engineers, which opens in Colorado on September 1 and continues for six days. The eon- vention will be attended by several hundred prominent mining companies of the country. Mining engineers are taking a spe- j cial interest in the problem of the em- plo.vment of cripples after the war, and each of the fifteen sections of tho na- tional institute Is undertaking work tending to prevent the cripplrd soldier from being a charge on tho' least so far as the mining industry is concerned. The work js being done in direct co-operation with the govern- ment through some of the hundreds of American Institute members con¬ nected with war work departments at Washington. PENNSYLVANIA MINERS SHATTER COAL RECORDS Illntrlct of Norton, Vn., Alno Mndo (.reut Showing for the Week. WASHINGTON. August 31..The big- pest coal production this year, and con¬ sequently a coal production reocrd has been made by the Central Pennsylvania coal fields, the fuel administration an¬ nounced to-night. The output for the week ending Au¬ gust 24 was l,30fi.075 tons, which was 7.007 tons more than the highest pre\> ions week In the present coal year. The Clearfield Rituminous Coal Corporation shows the progress being made by the miners in that field by the following figures: ( In May the percentage of absentees wns 20.OS; in Juno it was 12.5 and in July it was 9.3. Compared to this the tonnage a man per day, rose from 4.S in May to 5.4 in June and 5.C in July. The district of Norton, Va.. also made a fine showing for the week, the dis¬ trict output being 202,035 tons not, which Is 1,100 not tons more than in any previous week of the coal year. The mines worked to 05.t! per cent capacity. War Worker* Given Cornet*. LONDON. August 31..Corsets are war essentials. During the hearings of an appeal before a local tribunal on behalf of three men by ;i firm making steels for corsets, it was stated that the "ministry of munitions had recog¬ nized that to ~et efficiency In work from women munition workers it Is necessary to see that they have cor¬ sets, and despite great scarcity of steel, had released 1,500 tons for making corsets. lowed to the Rhine at least over the two great roads on which they burst Into Belgium and moved toward Verdun. According to the experts who went over the immediate present In the ab< sence of General March, the movoment that is attracting most attention is that of the Americans east of Chavlgny and Juvigny. The conditions of a forward thrust have been radically changed here in favor of the . Ameri¬ cans. They now are enabled to follow the Germans on the plateau running approximately east from tholr furthest salient because of the brilliant, Hteady advance of other American units op¬ erating in the region of Fisines and Flsmette. It is predicted that the Germans, having tailed to move the Americans from the Fisines sector, now will be obliged to yield dally to the American thrust along the plateau and valley extending eastward from Cha- vlgny, FRENCH KOIK ES CONTINUE STOIOllNti (iKIlJlAX CK.VTKH With the French storming away at the German center near Noyon and the British doggedly pushing on over the Hindenburg line ind now detlectlng thoir main body southeast. It Is stated to-day that any important gain by the Americans now northwest of Rhciins (and it is hourly expected), will en¬ danger the German center. That cen¬ ter, It is pointed out, has become a thin line fighting rear-guard actions, which are intended for delny while the armies that are left to the German staff are digging In somewhere on the Mouse or somewhere hack of the vaunted Hindenburg line. According to General March, who had conferences to-d;iv with Senators at the Capitol, the time is near at hand when all of the American forces will bo consolidated. The brigades and other units which have been operating for training with the British arc being withdrawn to till up the all-Amerlcau corps, which are to form the future field armies and "groups of armies" to be eventually under the imtnediule, but not independent, command of General Pershing. General Foeh. it seems, will he the leader and commander until peace has been won. Army officers took pains to point out to-day that the advancing armies still are a lonp way from the Rhine. Prog¬ ress in that direction, however. Is de¬ scribed as "eminently satisfactory." For the present they say the Interest must be concentrated on the battle front which stretches in Its most acute form from the British wedge southeast of Arras to the American battle front ail ;he way from the Flstnes section to the Juvigny-Chav' .iy salient, with the French plunging ahead against the center of the German retreat. HEIDELBERG MAN TO PROVE GERMAN PROSPECTS GOOD Went Is Drrnylnj;, He Siijh, While the i Rant In the Hudrilnc Future. LONDON, August 31.. Or. Hans K. Henhrenburg. of Hoidelherg. has set i ut to prove that the prospects of Ger- many are really quite good at the! present time. Writing in the Vossischc Zeitung. he says: "The West is for us almost the prov¬ ince of the world. There we can only live In future on tolerance. Hut In the Fast we a»e the pioneers of life, the chosen leaders of history. "On the West, on the Atlantic, on America, wo shall henceforth turn opr backs. Our gaze shall henceforth ho directed toward the Kant. "The West is decaying. The Fast ir. rising. The West is the withered past. The Fast is the budding future. Our Western orientation was the. Amer¬ ican Ideal of intense production and ever-advancing technique. The ideal of the East is education. Here lies the mission of Germany." ROBBERIES REPORTED Three Resiliences Kntrrrd . Dctrey Crawford Is Held na Suspect. Three burglaries were yesterday ! added to the long list of similar crimes; reported to the Police Department dur- \ Ing the past fortnight. These reports] were from Harry M. Smith, Beverly Street and Boulevard: James T. Hiekey, I Park Avenue, and Mrs. J. M. Lewis, J 1713 First Avenue, Highland Park. I For the last named crimes' Dewey I Crawford, wanted also for his alleged robberies at the home of Mrs. George W. Kemper, Barton Avenue, where jewelry was stolen, and rt the South¬ ern Express Company warehouse, where cigars and cigarettes were stolen, was arrested by officers Way- mack, Tiller, Macsin, Thuriimn and Atkinson. Mr. Smith reported the theft of a paper cutter and a thermometer from his home, Mr. Hlckey the theft of a tire, and Mrs. Lewis the theft of $7.75 in cash. P. W. Goodman also reported three attempts to enter his home, 1507 First Avenue. Highland Park, durlryj the past tw# weeks. Doe llltes Itln^Kold Hoy. DANVILLE, VA. August 31..Harvey llerndon, the eleven-year-old son of Mr. und Mrs. D. L. Herndon, of Iting- L'old, was attacked and bitten a few days ago by a dog. The animal was killed and the head analysis in Wash¬ ington gave positive indications of rabies? ItiiKsInns Are Drtren Ont, ZURICH, August 31..Large numbers of Russians have been expelled from Kiev, according to a dispatch re¬ ceived here to-day and the hetmans palaco and German staff quarters there have been isolated. "U-conserve" by buying the best! What excuse has any man for buying two cheap'suits when one good one, well made, will long outwear those two? Material! Labor! "U-conserve" by buying the best!.Rogers- Peet Suits, for example. OFFICERS' UNIFORMS 605 East Broad Street* DRAFTEES AT CAMP MEADE ARE TAUGHT TO BITE BOCHE Alao Are Shotvu IIoot to Deliver ¦ Knee Kick. That Will be Mure Knock- x Out. CAMP MEADE, MD. August 31.. MaJor-GcnertU Jeaso Mcl. Carter, coin- niundcr of the Eleventh Division, a Vir¬ ginian. hat> picked as bin aid a young Virginian athlete, football pluyer, Itox- er, and wrestler, who will l>o able to deal with any Hun in a hand-to-hand struggle for lire. The aid if Liouton- ant C. S. Grant. Lieutenant Craut has worked with Tom Gibboim. the boxer who is going after Dempscy. (ribbons and Lieutenant Grant have ways to break a Hun neck, even If the Hun happens to be big, and the Amer¬ ican adversary only half as big or as strong. Gibbons and Grant aro teaching a wjky aS v"Uug teot.V. *»» w*v!A and of delivering a knee kick that will be a sure knock-out. A little study of anatomy goes along with the co(irse so that the soldier will know where to Indict the most suffering and thus get the enemy where a death-blow can be dealt. The Idea is lx> make it certain that when one Gcrmavn and one American meet and one must die, the German must be th*t one. SURRENDER CHARTER Two Thousand Plumbers and Stfain- llttera Will Upturn to Work Monday. Illy Associated Press. 1 NEW POUT XKW.S, VA. August 31.. The strike of approximately 2,0<10 plumbers and steamlitters employed ait the various military camps and otheu" government contracts in this section, which has been in effect two weeks, was declared oft to-day. The men will ...turn to work Monday. It is stated the" men decided to forfeit the charter of llieir union here and to allow each of Us members to return to work a* a patriotic duty. The forfeiture was necessary as the pay the men will re¬ ceive is less than that allowed by the union regulations, it Is said. They will receive 75 cents an hour, with double pay for overtime. Instead of S7'/a cents and double pay for overtime, as de¬ manded by the strikers. Government activities, which include camp construction work and erection of houses for shipyard workers, has been held up pending settlement of the strike. The resolution to return to work as a duty to the government was not adopted until after a stormy fight. In which several of those championing the plan came to blows with those who Insisted on continuing the strike. MEMBERS OF STUDENT ARMY TO MOBILIZE ON OCTOBER 1 Will Be Itrovldeil With l'nlform» nnd ItntloiiN nnd Will Itecrlve Pny of Privates. WASHINGTON, August 31..Members of the students' army training corps, onslsting of youths between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, will he mobilized October 1 at more than 300 colleges selected for that purpose ny the SVur Department, according to de- tatls of the plan announced to-nlglit. The members of the students' army training corps will be "soldiers on ac¬ tive duty.' 'n statement Issued by the War Department says, t.'pon their In¬ duction Into service their subsistence, quarters, clothing anil tuition will be provided by the. government, and the student-soldiers will receive the Hay or privates in the army. High school graduates will be eligi¬ ble to the collegiate training «ll>* -'on of the corps anil Kiammar school I# 1 - uates may enter the vocational si .on. The War Department In its state¬ ment advises youths ready for college entrance or already enrolled in a col¬ lege to adhere to their plaits and ob¬ tain voluntary induction into the corps. MACHINISTS STRIKE Six Thousand .Mm Km ployed nt Bridge¬ port, Conn., Plant Are Mill I,||e. [By Associated Pre»n.l rminOEPOUT. CONN., August 31.. With all union machinists and tool- makers in every plant in this city ex- cept the Lake Torpedo-Moat. Company! out on strike, there was no change in the situation at the munitions plants, here to-night. Union leaders said that 6,000 men were on strike, while thb manufacturers declared that no more i than 4,000 had walked out. Officers of sheet-metal trades union held a meeting to-day anil decided to leave the question of Joining the strike, with their national oflicera. No effort is expected to be made to end the strike until after Labor Day. j Attempt to Kill (ienrrnl. IjONDON, August 31..An attempt upon the life of a British general has I been made at Murmnn. according to a j dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph, Copenhagen, quoting a Moscow tcie- gram. ' OPPOSITION HALTS SENATE ACTION ON PROHIBITION Senator Keuyoti, of Iowa. Proposes to Strike jtrm* From Hill Ag- KrrKiitliiK WUO.IHH). (By Awoclalcd 1'rtn.] WASHINGTON, August 31..Opposi¬ tion to ©inergcncy agricultural prohi¬ bition Items in tho bill carrying' the amendment for national prohibition beginning next July prevented tho Sen¬ ate from disposing of the measure to¬ day. anil postponed final notion until next week. , Tho measure, according to arrange¬ ments-made lato to-day by Spnate lead¬ ers, will not be called up again until Tuesday, as Monday is a holiday and the only huttings proposed then is me¬ morial services for tho lato Senator Newlands, of Nevada. Senator Kunyon, of Iowa, proposed to-day to strike out items In the hill '\an SoQO.OOO. which he said aro totaiiy uuiwuLury in stimulating food production. Senator lohnson. of South Dakota, declared tho 'Measure proposed an extravagant out- lay, and he could support It only be¬ cause of the prohibition provision. . Failure of the food administration to .revent extortion was charged by Sen¬ ator Sherman, of Illinois, who said the administration's only real attempts were In regulating flour and a few other prices. * (°4inninK r)riupnntratlon. The following schedule of classes in food conservation given by the homo demonstration agents In the demon¬ stration plant at tho Sixth Street Mar¬ ket was announced yesterday for this week: Tuesday. Jellies, marmalades, preserves; Thursday, canning; Friday, home drying; all at 10 o'clock. Itol.ibrvik Furred Start Drtl, PICKING, Thursday, August 29.. General Semen off. the antl-Bolnhevik leader, yesterd-iy captured Boersia Sta¬ tion. The Bolshevik forces are re¬ treating along the Oiioii Kivcr, burn¬ ing villages and destroying bridges. * Itrgiirdrd I'ro-Amrriran. BOGODA, i 'Mi J 'M HI A, August 31.. Dr. Marco Tie-del Squares, the presi¬ ded of Colombia. Is regarded here as anti-German and pro-American, and in this respect is believed to enjoy the confidence of the greater part of the Colombian people. Dr. Suarez is a member of the Na¬ tionalist party, one of tho two par¬ ties Into which the old conservative party lias split. The other wing of tho former conservative party Is known as tho Old IliRtoricas composed main¬ ly of the olcrlcais. The Colombia clergy arc believed to be almost en¬ tirely pro-German. To till n pnnlMon or get o ponltloni to buy. m e 11 or exrhnnge, Timri-Di*- Iftcli Want AiliiJ^ad to nrtual rroulta. . K HAT Ohe. CIhe finest, hats made, worn with a feeling <f prick &- confidence. Exclusively Here jMm§®Iws QUALITY STOP- 705 EBBQAD* BY SPKCIAIj ARRANGEMENT SAM LIEBERT and Company In tho Screamingly Fnnny Comedy Playlet "TOBLITZKY" EXTRA FEATURE GEORGE ARMSTRONG "THE HAPPY CHAPPY" EXTRA ATTRACTION DAVE GENARO and ANN GOLD IN "WANTED.A MODEL" Countess Verona The Jordan Girls Tho Genins of the Czimbalom A Comedy Trio of Wire-ists NEW HEARST-PATIIE NEW COMEDY FEATURE Special Labor Day Festival.Matlneo and Night, Holiday Prices A GREAT KEITH FESTIVAL. PROGRAM Coming . Thursday Konny and Hollis, tho Sharrocks, the Misses Chalfonto, Clifford and Wills, tho Great Rich¬ ards, etc. -FREE MOVING PICTURES Every Night at FOREST HILL PARK This Park, With All Amusements Running, Will TO-MORROW,.T1* ESDA V.WEDNESDAY * MATINEE EVERY DAY

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Page 1: TO SERVE U.S.Ambulance Girl ALLIES TO HUNS UNITED SMS … · 2017-12-20 · During a short truce between the lines for the pur¬ pose of picking up the wounded the Germans suddenly


» Enlistment of Fomnlcs Releases M.*iifor Service in Corps'

Front Lines.


i~JArs. Opha M. Johnson Was Firstv?v"Prlv«te In Feminine Division ofK Famous Organization.Now llu$- ...- Other Companions-in-Arms.*¦'" WASHINGTON. August 31..She's iro-,'J lng to be dressed in forest green: her

> skirt is going to be an appropriate" length, and she will wear one of thosef snappy little overseas hats. And (hej'.'tjat will bear the emblem that one daywas in the muddy trenches on one side

Chateau-Thierry, and on another daywas in the muddy trenches.on tluiother side of Chateau-Thierry.[4 ' But this is but one sicte of the story;Sur-ihe other Is that the murtnes.the devltdogs.have succumbed to femininity,and that Mrs. Opha SI. Johnson was thefirst woman private in the famoux ot-ganlzation. She now has feminine com¬panions in arms, as it were, Tor otherwomen are being enlisted for service in

;1 U\© marines.s»:i Mrs. Johnson's coming and that of<£hcr sister-marines was welcomed 111

Washington, as it means that there will'' Be yet other "marinesses" and that eacnone will release a healthy, two-fisted,

rr fighting marine for duty at the front,r'ft. 18 estimated there are nearly 1.000marines at the capital and in other

[i. parts of the country, who have beenkept from the tiring line ror necessary1 Clerical work at home.L'. Private Johnson has gone to work.hard work, too, but she. lias wanted

;;y-to get into active service tor a longtime. She was employed as a clerk inS the Interstate Commerce Commission

^before joining the soldiers or the sen,and now they say she's a rull-lledgedirhember of'the outfit. That she Is canbest be Judged by what she said Vheifher frldnds gathered round to congratu-late her. They said:

ft "We're so glad to hear you've joined."And she replied:

fi "Tell it to the marines."£>>' Aside from this, however. PrivateEh" Johnson has set a good example tor many of her sex. There have beenmany applications for enlistment byWomen and girls since she entered the

.. service. So strintient are the physicalrequirements, though, that as yet com¬paratively few have been accepted.

; The action of the marine corps com¬manders in enlisting women followssimilar action by the navy, which nowhas many "yeowomen" doing yeomansorvlce. It is expected that the armywill follow suit, and thus release hun¬dreds of soldiers who are kept in tillscountry to perforin clerical tasks.War is constantly enlarging the

possibilities for women and graduallyshunting Into oblivion the term"weaker sex." For instance, how duesthat term shape up in connection withthese occupations.railroad tank paint¬ing. hardware industry processes.garage management and ranch work?Yet the Department of Labor to-dayannounced women were working atthese trades and industries and fillingthe bill every time.The railroad which employs girlsto paint Its tank cars says their work

compares favorably with that of men.Processes In hardware industries in¬clude the work of screw machinehands, spot welders, pas welders, dip

. » braziers, drill press and bench work.All this work was formerly executed

i. by men and boys.These, however, do not complete the

^.¦llst. Firms are n.»w advertising--"women wanted" for baggage porters,ushers, aircraft part assemblers, tele¬graph operators and photographers.


(Continued From First Paire.ller. Stolen base.Sisier, GriccR. Sacri¬fice hit.Johns. Double plays.VItt andGriggs (2). Left on base.Detroit, 11;St. Louis. 5. Bases on Kallie,

v -2; off Kogci-8, 4. nit by pitcher.TVeach). Struck Ilogeis, 1!.Wild pitch.Kallio.

£.;. NATIONALS BEsTyANKS[By A*noeiated Press.]

- WASHINGTON. August 31..A tripleT.::)>y Lavan with the bases tilled in thefirst inning gave Washington a lead".7 "In to-day's gatne which Now Vork was

unable to overcome, and the local team72r'"Won the contest, « to 3. The score:JVew York

¦Sjiitk.- AB. II. O. A. K.Se-TrWalter, rf f> l ¦> ft iLr-4.1Huinmel. cf 2 0 4 o oii^lJ^Baker, Sb 4 2 2 4 u-^iiPratt, 2b I o i i Oiitecr-Fournier. lb 4 ;t n li.rgrii'Wyatt. If t o o o ;.i=i~.5?eckinpaugh, ss 3 n i 4 tt.^Jf-'Hannah, c l t l 3 uB2j&£i£ove, p «» 0 it o 0;t'v£4"iSanders, p ;t o o i o

*Mogride v. . l o tt o 0

T. Totals 34 7 1'4 14 1V. Washington

;ai An. H. O. A. E."Shotton, if 2 l 3 o o..Foster. 3b 3 1 0 1 0Judge, lb 2 1 8 0 0

->-MiIan, cf 4 1 4 1 0''"-Schulte, rf 3 1 2 0 0XTShanks, 2b 3 1 2 3 0t Lavan, ss 4 2 0 2 1'.^-vPlclnleh. c 2 0 s 0 0

['ji^haw, p 4 0 0 0 0

¦.M'f Totals 27 S 27 7 1"Batted for Sanders in ninth.

; Score by innings: It..;,-New Vork 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 S

r- Washington . 1 " 0 o 2 0 0 0 . 1

Summary: JJuns.Walters, ilummell,Fecklnpaugh. -Shotton, Foster. Judge.Milan, Schulte. Shanks Two-base bits..Baker, Hannah. Three-base hitI,avan. Stolen base.Shotton Shanks,Hannah. Sacrifice hits.Judge i'ici-nich. Double play.Milan to Shanks.Left on bases.New York, 7: Washing- jtor., 6. liases on I.ove, 3:off Sanders, 4; off Sliaw, 3. Hits.Oft'1Love, 2 in 1 inning. Struck out.ByShaw, 7; Sanders, J. .Losing pitcher.

^ Love.


(Continued Frum l-'irst Page.)Daubert. Left on base.New York, 9;Brooklyn, 3. Bases on balls.offGrimes, 1. Grimes. * in 7 in¬nings. Struck Toney, i;Grimes. 2. Losing pitcher.Grimes.

. sk( om) a \mi:.Brooklyn.

AB. II. O. A. R.Johnston, rf 4 2 2 0 0Olson, ss 4 l 5 r. 0

ft'SPaubcrt, lb 4 i 12 it 0, Wheat, if 4 0 11 ii 0[yers, cf 3 i 1 0 0'Mara, 3b 3 0 1 0 <»>oolan, 2b '3 0 0 4 0[iller. c 3 <1 6 3 (1frnith, p 3 0 0 1 0

Totals 31 5 27 13 0New York.

AB. II O. A EBurns, cf 1 ! 3 0 0-Young, rf 4 l 0 0 .0is pOyie, 2b 4 0 1 7 0Fletcher, ss 3 1 2 i <1

K#i®|mmermaii, 3b 3 2 1 ::Kyv Cornpton. If 3 0 0 <. <1

*>>"f:Klrke. lb 3 1 17 1 0narlden, c 3 tt a tt

i Ferrltt, p 3 0 tt 4 0

I Totals 30 C 27 isE Score by Innings: It.c V:- Brooklyn 00020000*. -._»

New York 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0. 1p' s Summary: Runs.Johnston. Olsen.

Burns. Double play Pollan. Olson amiDaubert. Left on base.New Y'.rk. 2

'^'Brooklyn, 2. "Struck cut--l»y PerrittX 8; Smith, 8.

Call Off Anhrvllle (iamri.A8HFJVILLE. N. C. August 31..Bainiterfored A*lth the finals in the ladies'ngles In the tournament at th»* Ashe-® Country Club this mnrnlhg. andj^ame was called before it was

ipleted. No other, play was al¬lied.

U. S. Ambulance Girl. Tells About GermansA'o Rule for 7 eulons-For MostPart Do Not Work Atrocities,

but Humane at Times.NEW YORK, August 31.-."Ono mln-

utc the Germans tire on Americanstretcher bearers and the next theydress the wounds of Americans lyingon the battlefield." salil Miss RosalieMoran, Bernardsville, N. J., yesterday.She has just returned from six months'service overseas as an ambulance driv-er for the American Committee for I)o-vastated France. She Is staying atthe Waldorf.

"There is no rule for the Germans."she continued. "For the most part theydo not work the atrocities you hearabout on this side. *1 know that theyfire on hospitals, for I have been withwomen and children refugees whowere tired on. and yet now and thenyou hear of some isolated instance ofhumanity.

"I will cite one case. During a shorttruce between the lines for the pur¬pose of picking up the wounded theGermans suddenly stopped bringing intheir own wounded and turned theirguns on our stretcher bearers. Yetwhen our line advanced that eveningthey found American wounded livingwith their wounded dressed in the pro¬tection of shell holes. They said theGermans had fed them and promisedto return for them."German food, however, is a doubt¬

ful blessing. 1 have seen a lot of theirwar bread, and it is all black anddamp and has a fearful smell. 1 don'tsee how human beings can eat it.

"The French crops between the Aisnoand the Marne have not all been de¬stroyed," Miss Morgan said. "Har¬vesters have been sent into the recap¬tured country ahead of the rest of thepopulation, and the American commit¬tee has opened canteens to furnishthem with one meal a day."Miss Morgan was slightly injured in

a collision between her motor truckand a war truck. She said that shedid not consider this a "wound," how¬ever.


Kn^l'iud, Franco nnd Italy Have l,o»t.Many, and America Is

Following.NEW YORK, August 31..The heavy

mailed fist of war has been keenly feltin athletic circles abroad.England, France and Italy have seen

some of their greatest athlets fall onthe battle fields of France and on otherfighting fronts, and their loss to tnoathletic world abroad cannot Liemeasured.And now the hungry tentacles of the

war god are reaching out towardAmerica, many of whoso hoiis of athleticfame are serving the colors in the lightfor democracy.The first great loss In the ranks of

American athletes came with the deathof Johnny Overton, who was killed inaction in the second great battle ofthe Marne, where American troopscovered themselves with glory.Overton was a lieutenant in the

United States marine corps, having en-listed within a few months after UncleSam officially tossed hi> hat into thebig ring. His death came on the morn-ing of July lft, when the marines wentover the top in the face of a storm of'spiteful "German steel, lio died glori-ously, and was buried on the field whereho fell.Overton's loss is keenly felt In ath¬

letic circles, for he was undoubtedlyone of the greatest collegiate trackstars- brought out in this country infifty years.Few runners who have worn the blue

of Yale have covered themselves wltnas much glory as did Johnny Overton.Ho was a wizard in long-distanceevents. He held titles in track eventsfrom the 1.Otto-yard sprint to the six-mile run. and in the latter event. HansKolehittaincn stands lorth as the onlyathlete who made faster time, and Hanst was then at his best, while Overtonwas chock full <>f possibilities as arecord crusher. His greatest collegiaterival during the past two years was.loie Ray, of Chicago, and these twothrilled great crowds on several occa¬sions by their wonderful running.Uverton's death came as a sad blow

to followers of athletics, hut hismemory will live on, for he was madeof the stuff that conquers,



Am Scn.inn Nenr* ICnil, Atlrnitiini'r Knll*Oil' Seriously at Hip: I.fustic

l'ark.N,NEW YORK, AU{rust 81..That base¬

ball funs ar»> fast losing: Interest in thenational game was proven recently bytlie estimated Attendance for one dayat the major league parks. It is esti¬mated that less than 10,000 fans wit¬nessed the panics played by the majorleague clubs on August 20. This num¬ber is much less than the attendanceat n single pame played at the PoloGrounds on the same dates Tor severalyears back. Tin: figures prove morethan anything else that interest in thegame is practically dead. True enough,there was only one game played in theAmerican l.tague, but that gumV wasbetween the two warmest contendersfor the American league pennant, andwas on of the "crucial" games of theseason. This gamo alone drew twiceas many spectators as the entire fourgames played in the National .Leaguecombined.Here are the estimated figures of the

attendance at the major league parkson August 20:

"-American I.rugur.Cleveland at Boston C.S00

\ntioniil League.New York at 1'lttshurgh 2.100ltmoklyn at Cincinnati 800Boston at Chicago 3f<0Philadelphia at St. Bouts 275Total attendance 9.S25

? .


lloth Annapolis and West Point Au¬thorities VnxioiiH /or

Contest.ANNAPOB1S, August 31..The mid¬

shipmen are anxious to stage a grid¬iron battle with their army rivals thisyear. There is every indication here..hat a strong team could be put onhe field. The army athletic authori¬ties would be glad to revive the con-teat, according to reports from WestPoint.As matters stand now, the game can¬

not be played unless Secretaries Bakerand Daniels let down the bars. Thereis no r.niclal order prohibiting the game,ut the rule that all athletic contestsn which either school engages must

played at home makerf it impos¬sible.It is not Impossible, however, thatthe authorities will make provision forthe one violation of the rule by one

r the other team.

MUST REMAIN HOMEAnton Sleelier'n Wile Snyn lie Must

Stay to llrlp Mintl theTv» Inn.

FftKMONT, NUB., August 31..AntonSteeher, brother and trainer of JoeSterher. the well-known wrestler, willnot go to war now.unless Mrs. Antonchanges her mind. Anton and .loesecured releases from their draftboard at Itodue and caine hero to com¬plete the formalities. All whs com¬pleted except Mrs. Anton slirnniL: I hopapers. At the last moment she de¬cided that her husband should stay athome and tuk<: eyre of their twin babiesuntil he was called in the course ofthe draft .loe left for the Great Bakesnaval training station and Anton re¬turned home with his wife.

International l,ei|Kiir.At Jersejj/ylty: Newark, 7: JerseyCity, 2.At Binghamton: Baltimore 0; Bing¬ham ton, ;t.At Toronto: Buffalo, S; Toronto, i.Hamilton at Rochester two gamespostponed rain.


Due to Arrive In Itlchmond on Septem¬ber U for InMpeetlon of l'c-

trniburR Itond.BIRMINGHAM. ALA., August 31..At

the recent meeting of the board of di¬rectors of the HunKhoad National llign-w ay Association, at Charlotte. N. C..the ollleial route was adopted fromWashington via Fredericksburg, ltleh-11 ond, Petersburg, Raleigh, Greensboro,Charlotte, Greenville to Atlanta. Theboard of directors decided to adopt asa feeder, or branch, a naval road fromPetersburg to Norfolk, and one fromRaleigh to Norfolk.A pnthlluding party will start Sep¬

tember 2 for the purpose of inspectingi»nd logging these two branch routes.This party will be headed by Colonel T.S. Plowman, of Talladega, Ala., presi¬dent. and J. A. Itountreee. secretary ofthe Hankhead National Highway. Theywill leave DirmIngham Sunday, Septein-bcr 1, and arrive in Haleigh Monday,September 2. In Kaleigli Messrs. Plow-n an and Routitree will 1>« joined byMorris Eldridge, United States govern-nient engineer from Washington; C. M.Vanstory, director at large HankheadNational* Highway, from Greensboro,and Colonel Hennehan Cameron, of Ha-leigh. All live will go by train toWilliamston, while Highway KngineerW. .<. Fa lias and Maintenance KngineerI). H. Winslow, of the North Carolinahighway department, will go by autotc Williamston.

,Monday niglit, September 2. therewill be a great good roads meeting.The following morning the mapping oftho route will benin, the pathfindersheading for Raleigh. Rocky Mountwill provide a luncheon for the path¬finders and there will be receptionsand speaking that day at Roberson-ville. Bethel. Tarboro, .Nashville, SpringHope an«l Zebulon. The same nightthe Chamber of Commerce of Raleighwill entertain the party.On the morning of September 4. ttie

start for Norfolk will bo made. Therewill l>e receptions at Franklinton,Warrenton and Dittletan. and luncheonat Henderson. The night will bespent at Roanoke or Weldon and nextday slops will he made at Jackson,Murfreeshoro (where lunch will beserved). Franklin, Holland and Suffolk,the party going to Norfolk for the.>iKht of the fifth, where the RotaryClub. Chamber of Commerce and Tide¬water Automobile Association will bohosts.September filh the route from Nor¬folk to Petersburg 'and Richmond willbe mapped out and the following daythat from Richmond to NewportNews.


Police of first District ShOTr Affectionand llespeet for Transferred

Captain.As a token of their affection nnd

respect for the man who has laboredwith them (or so many years as patrol¬man. sergeant and captain, tho police¬men of the First District Station lastnight presented to Captain .luck W.Slieppard a silver water pitcher andcup at the moment of his leaving thatstation for similar duties in the SecondDistrict.Sergeant Cliff M. Johnson, dean of

tho district, made the presentationspeech, and drew a touching responsefrom Captain Jack, who, perhaps,stands closer to his men than doesany other captain of the department.Captain Sheppard had had no intima¬tion that the tnen were thus to honorhim, and when Sergeant Johnson calledhim Into tho little, room, where thepitcher had been kept since early after¬noon. he was a much surprised captain.The pitcher is of solid silver, stand¬ing eighteen inches high, and Is pivotedon a base and handle which permitseasy tipping. The base also has aspace for the cup, which in itself isi thing of beauty. The cup, too, is ofsilver, lined with gold.Captain Sheppard left the First Dis¬

trict Station at midnight. To-day hewl|l take up his duties at the SecondDistrict Station, succeeding CaptainZimmer, who goes to the Third Dis¬trict. Captain McMahon. of the ThirdDistrict, will succeed Captain Sheppardat the First District Station.


Ardent Ilrvrrnjtc Cntisen I'tillccmrii toIII- Suspicious of All Kinds

of lliiKgUKe.Richmond c«j>s Had the ardent bev-

ft'ntii! ill mom any old place in tliosudays of threatened universal prohibi-tion. Tins perhaps is responsible fort)>e attitude most of them tuke towardall kinds of baggage, whether it be inthe hands of banker or boozer. Justto show how easy It Is 10 pick upliquor, Policeman C. A. wanderedinto Canal Street, near Seventh, yes¬terday afternoon and nonchalantlypicked up two grips some one hudearejessly left sitting near the curb,He found them to contain eight quartsof whisky when they were opened atthe First District Station.

M.-io, this attitude toward the inno¬cent grip was responsible for Police¬man Davis's landing a bag of loottaken from the Bachracii store in BroadStreot Saturday morninc;. lJa.vis sawa negro toting a hand hag. It arousedft is suspicion. He thought he smelledliquor. The negro grew uneasy. Whenthe cop approached, he dropped thegrip contained liquor and carried itgrip contained liquor an dearried itto the station. It really containedfifteen revolvers and a quantity ofJewelry belonging to Baehrach.


>oki-o Hoy Situs I'p for Miiltnry Ser¬vice on l)ny lie Im 'rnenty-

Ojic Yenrs Old.A little shrimp of a negro sidled into

the ofllce. of local Board No. 2. Justfifty-eight inches tail and weighinga bare fraction of a pound over the100 mark. Chairman Ellerson express¬ed doubt whether he could he twenty-one years old.

"Ynssjir, 1 had my birthday last Sat¬urday." said the negro. "I got a birth¬day present, too.a blue registrationcard." he continued. The boy had be¬come twenty-one on the very day setfor registration of those who had comeof age since June 5. Me was disquali-Ilied on physical grounds.There is said to have been but one

previous case with the local hoardswhere a registrant registered for ser¬vice on the very day he became of age.

DUE TCPDEFECTIVEBRAKESCoroner'* Jury IJlnme* Car Company

for Ilentli of John II.Fari-er.

"We. the Jury, say that John H.Farmer came to his death August 28as the result of injuries received in acollision between the street car and afreight train on the Chesapeake andf»hin railway. We believe that the ac¬cident was caused by defectivemechanism of the street car."That was the verdict of the Jury

called by Coroner Whitfield to deter¬mine the cause of the accident tn whichJohn 11. Farmer lost his life andseveral others were injured when atrolley car collided with a freighttrain of the Chesapeake and OntoKailway at Seventh and Byrd StreetsWednesday morning- Through theverdict Motorman W. II. Harris isexonerated from blame.

BEGIN SKIP-STOP:FtO DAYfunster Service In I'rom Ised an Result

of Fuel Conservation>love.

To-day the Virginia Railway andPower Company will inaugurate itssystem of skip-stops on the electriclines in the city in accordance withthe ordinance recently adopted by theCity Council.Some discomfiture will necessarily

greet the new system until patronsbecome ufced to the stops. Improvedand faster service Is the assurancegiven by the street-railway officialswhich Is calculated to tnako up forinconveniences thnt may bo caused.v

To nil a position or net n posltloiuto liny, rell or exelmnge, Tlmes-Dls-fintch Want Ad* lend In nctusl results.



Seemingly Irresistible Thrust of American and FrenchEastward of the Chavigny-Juvigny Front to

Be Continued on High Ground.

WASHINGTON. August 31..Ulti¬mately the Americans and their Euro¬pean allies arc to follow the Germanshome via the valleys of the Moselleayd the Meuse.The seemingly irresistible thrust ofthe Americans anil French eastward ofthe Chavigny-Juvlgny front is to bo

continued on the high ground theyhave won and probably will be thetlrst operation to turn the left of theGerman army. In this major operationthe Americans have lite predominatingmilitary power in men, Runs and muni¬tions.The German army is not able to con¬

centrate ut any point on the flfty-inllefront, on which they are incessantlyattacked, so that it is the whole Ger¬man army that is being driven backfollowed closely by several Held armies,which are urged on by the impetus andspirit of unchecked success.

OllieijU intimations came from Gen¬eral March to-day that there will basoon somewhere on the great battloline all American field armies andgroups of armies. JThese are the salient points of viewof the continuous battle which is rag¬ing from the north of the llindenburgline to the German troops, which are

lighting to-day rear-guard actionsagainst the advance of the Americansfrom Chavigny and Juvigny. With theexception of the tlrst proposition, whichIs from a strategic source, the state¬ments made to-day are Justified by anexamination of the military maps atthe War Department.General March, because of pressureof work, was not able to see the news¬

paper men to-day, but the lines andmasses of stickers on the charts ofaction show clearly the retrograde ofthe Germans from day\ to day, and theswift pursuit of the victorious alliesand Americans.MIHIAHV KXI*10UTS CKIITAIN

wixc;s will. uto ltot.i.Ki) urThe deliberate Judgment of statf of¬ficers to-day is* that nothing can now

prevent the rolling up 'if the German1wings. The point is made by theseauthorities, who talk from the dallyrecord of positions and purposes ofthoi enemy, that neither the crownprince nor Prince ltupprecht now hasthe ability to throw any great massof troops at any point against thegeneral advance toward the llinden¬burg line. That point, which seemsto throw a flood of light on the de¬pressing situation, from the Germanpoint of view, has not been made bo-fore because It is only within thepast few days that it has become ap¬parent even to the military observershere. The fact is, however, of tre¬mendous present and future conse¬quence and boars directly on tho prop¬osition that tho Germans will be fol-


("onvolition Oprn.i In Cotorndo nnd WillHe Attended liy Hundred* of .Mine

OineialM.[By Associated Prers.)

NEW YORK, August 31..To use sol-dler-cripiples in * preference to anyoneelse, wherever possible after the war,will be one of the plans discussed atthe war work meeting of the Arneri-can Institute of Mining Engineers,which opens in Colorado on September1 and continues for six days. The eon-vention will be attended by severalhundred prominent mining companiesof the country.Mining engineers are taking a spe-

j cial interest in the problem of the em-

plo.vment of cripples after the war, andeach of the fifteen sections of tho na-tional institute Is undertaking worktending to prevent the cripplrd soldierfrom being a charge on tho'least so far as the mining industry isconcerned. The work js being done indirect co-operation with the govern-ment through some of the hundredsof American Institute members con¬nected with war work departments atWashington.


Illntrlct of Norton, Vn., Alno Mndo(.reut Showing for the


WASHINGTON. August 31..The big-pest coal production this year, and con¬

sequently a coal production reocrd hasbeen made by the Central Pennsylvaniacoal fields, the fuel administration an¬nounced to-night.The output for the week ending Au¬

gust 24 was l,30fi.075 tons, which was

7.007 tons more than the highest pre\>ions week In the present coal year. TheClearfield Rituminous Coal Corporationshows the progress being made by theminers in that field by the followingfigures: (

In May the percentage of absenteeswns 20.OS; in Juno it was 12.5 and inJuly it was 9.3. Compared to this thetonnage a man per day, rose from 4.Sin May to 5.4 in June and 5.C in July.The district of Norton, Va.. also made

a fine showing for the week, the dis¬trict output being 202,035 tons not,which Is 1,100 not tons more than inany previous week of the coal year.The mines worked to 05.t! per centcapacity.

War Worker* Given Cornet*.LONDON. August 31..Corsets are

war essentials. During the hearings ofan appeal before a local tribunal onbehalf of three men by ;i firm makingsteels for corsets, it was stated thatthe "ministry of munitions had recog¬nized that to ~et efficiency In workfrom women munition workers it Isnecessary to see that they have cor¬sets, and despite great scarcity of steel,had released 1,500 tons for makingcorsets.

lowed to the Rhine at least overthe two great roads on which theyburst Into Belgium and moved towardVerdun.According to the experts who went

over the immediate present In the ab<sence of General March, the movomentthat is attracting most attention isthat of the Americans east of Chavlgnyand Juvigny. The conditions of aforward thrust have been radicallychanged here in favor of the . Ameri¬cans. They now are enabled to followthe Germans on the plateau runningapproximately east from tholr furthestsalient because of the brilliant, Hteadyadvance of other American units op¬erating in the region of Fisines andFlsmette. It is predicted that theGermans, having tailed to move theAmericans from the Fisines sector, nowwill be obliged to yield dally to theAmerican thrust along the plateau andvalley extending eastward from Cha-vlgny,FRENCH KOIK ES CONTINUE

STOIOllNti (iKIlJlAX CK.VTKHWith the French storming away at

the German center near Noyon and theBritish doggedly pushing on over theHindenburg line ind now detlectlngthoir main body southeast. It Is statedto-day that any important gain by theAmericans now northwest of Rhciins(and it is hourly expected), will en¬danger the German center. That cen¬ter, It is pointed out, has become athin line fighting rear-guard actions,which are intended for delny while thearmies that are left to the Germanstaff are digging In somewhere on theMouse or somewhere hack of thevaunted Hindenburg line.According to General March, who

had conferences to-d;iv with Senatorsat the Capitol, the time is near at handwhen all of the American forces willbo consolidated. The brigades andother units which have been operatingfor training with the British arc beingwithdrawn to till up the all-Amerlcaucorps, which are to form the futurefield armies and "groups of armies" tobe eventually under the imtnediule, butnot independent, command of GeneralPershing. General Foeh. it seems, willhe the leader and commander untilpeace has been won.Army officers took pains to point out

to-day that the advancing armies stillare a lonp way from the Rhine. Prog¬ress in that direction, however. Is de¬scribed as "eminently satisfactory." Forthe present they say the Interest mustbe concentrated on the battle frontwhich stretches in Its most acute formfrom the British wedge southeast ofArras to the American battle front ail;he way from the Flstnes section to theJuvigny-Chav' .iy salient, with theFrench plunging ahead against thecenter of the German retreat.


Went Is Drrnylnj;, He Siijh, While the iRant In the Hudrilnc

Future.LONDON, August 31.. Or. Hans K.

Henhrenburg. of Hoidelherg. has seti ut to prove that the prospects of Ger-many are really quite good at the!present time. Writing in the VossischcZeitung. he says:"The West is for us almost the prov¬

ince of the world. There we can onlylive In future on tolerance. Hut In theFast we a»e the pioneers of life, thechosen leaders of history."On the West, on the Atlantic, on

America, wo shall henceforth turn oprbacks. Our gaze shall henceforth hodirected toward the Kant."The West is decaying. The Fast

ir. rising. The West is the witheredpast. The Fast is the budding future.Our Western orientation was the. Amer¬ican Ideal of intense production andever-advancing technique. The idealof the East is education. Here lies themission of Germany."

ROBBERIES REPORTEDThree Resiliences Kntrrrd . Dctrey

Crawford Is Held naSuspect.

Three burglaries were yesterday !added to the long list of similar crimes;reported to the Police Department dur- \Ing the past fortnight. These reports]were from Harry M. Smith, BeverlyStreet and Boulevard: James T. Hiekey, I

Park Avenue, and Mrs. J. M. Lewis, J1713 First Avenue, Highland Park. IFor the last named crimes' Dewey I

Crawford, wanted also for his allegedrobberies at the home of Mrs. GeorgeW. Kemper, Barton Avenue, wherejewelry was stolen, and rt the South¬ern Express Company warehouse,where cigars and cigarettes werestolen, was arrested by officers Way-mack, Tiller, Macsin, Thuriimn andAtkinson.Mr. Smith reported the theft of a

paper cutter and a thermometer fromhis home, Mr. Hlckey the theft of atire, and Mrs. Lewis the theft of $7.75in cash.

P. W. Goodman also reported threeattempts to enter his home, 1507 FirstAvenue. Highland Park, durlryj thepast tw# weeks.

Doe llltes Itln^Kold Hoy.DANVILLE, VA. August 31..Harveyllerndon, the eleven-year-old son of

Mr. und Mrs. D. L. Herndon, of Iting-L'old, was attacked and bitten a fewdays ago by a dog. The animal waskilled and the head analysis in Wash¬ington gave positive indications ofrabies?

ItiiKsInns Are Drtren Ont,ZURICH, August 31..Large numbersof Russians have been expelled fromKiev, according to a dispatch re¬ceived here to-day and the hetmanspalaco and German staff quartersthere have been isolated.

"U-conserve" by buying the best!What excuse has any man for buying twocheap'suits when one good one, well made, will

long outwear those two?Material!

Labor!"U-conserve" by buying the best!.Rogers-Peet Suits, for example.


605 East Broad Street*


Alao Are Shotvu IIoot to Deliver ¦ KneeKick. That Will be Mure Knock-

x Out.CAMP MEADE, MD. August 31..

MaJor-GcnertU Jeaso Mcl. Carter, coin-niundcr of the Eleventh Division, a Vir¬ginian. hat> picked as bin aid a youngVirginian athlete, football pluyer, Itox-er, and wrestler, who will l>o able todeal with any Hun in a hand-to-handstruggle for lire. The aid if Liouton-ant C. S. Grant. Lieutenant Craut hasworked with Tom Gibboim. the boxerwho is going after Dempscy.

(ribbons and Lieutenant Grant haveways to break a Hun neck, even If theHun happens to be big, and the Amer¬ican adversary only half as big or asstrong.Gibbons and Grant aro teaching a

wjky aS v"Uug teot.V. *»» w*v!Aand of delivering a knee kick that willbe a sure knock-out. A little studyof anatomy goes along with the co(irseso that the soldier will know whereto Indict the most suffering and thusget the enemy where a death-blowcan be dealt. The Idea is lx> make itcertain that when one Gcrmavn and oneAmerican meet and one must die, theGerman must be th*t one.

SURRENDER CHARTERTwo Thousand Plumbers and Stfain-

llttera Will Upturn to WorkMonday.

Illy Associated Press. 1NEWPOUT XKW.S, VA. August 31..

The strike of approximately 2,0<10plumbers and steamlitters employed aitthe various military camps and otheu"government contracts in this section,which has been in effect two weeks,was declared oft to-day. The men will...turn to work Monday. It is statedthe" men decided to forfeit the charterof llieir union here and to allow eachof Us members to return to work a*a patriotic duty. The forfeiture wasnecessary as the pay the men will re¬ceive is less than that allowed by theunion regulations, it Is said. They willreceive 75 cents an hour, with doublepay for overtime. Instead of S7'/a centsand double pay for overtime, as de¬manded by the strikers.Government activities, which include

camp construction work and erection ofhouses for shipyard workers, has beenheld up pending settlement of thestrike. The resolution to return towork as a duty to the government wasnot adopted until after a stormy fight.In which several of those championingthe plan came to blows with those whoInsisted on continuing the strike.


Will Be Itrovldeil With l'nlform» nndItntloiiN nnd Will Itecrlve Pny

of Privates.WASHINGTON, August 31..Members

of the students' army training corps,onslsting of youths between the agesof eighteen and twenty-one, will hemobilized October 1 at more than 300colleges selected for that purpose nythe SVur Department, according to de-tatls of the plan announced to-nlglit.The members of the students' armytraining corps will be "soldiers on ac¬tive duty.' 'n statement Issued by theWar Department says, t.'pon their In¬duction Into service their subsistence,quarters, clothing anil tuition will beprovided by the. government, and thestudent-soldiers will receive the Hayor privates in the army.High school graduates will be eligi¬ble to the collegiate training «ll>* -'onof the corps anil Kiammar school I# 1 -uates may enter the vocational si .on.The War Department In its state¬

ment advises youths ready for collegeentrance or already enrolled in a col¬lege to adhere to their plaits and ob¬tain voluntary induction into the corps.

MACHINISTS STRIKESix Thousand .Mm Km ployed nt Bridge¬

port, Conn., Plant AreMill I,||e.

[By Associated Pre»n.lrminOEPOUT. CONN., August 31..With all union machinists and tool-makers in every plant in this city ex-

cept the Lake Torpedo-Moat. Company!out on strike, there was no change inthe situation at the munitions plants,here to-night. Union leaders said that6,000 men were on strike, while thbmanufacturers declared that no more ithan 4,000 had walked out.

Officers of sheet-metal trades unionheld a meeting to-day anil decided toleave the question of Joining the strike,with their national oflicera.No effort is expected to be made to

end the strike until after Labor Day. jAttempt to Kill (ienrrnl.

IjONDON, August 31..An attemptupon the life of a British general has Ibeen made at Murmnn. according to a jdispatch to the Exchange Telegraph,Copenhagen, quoting a Moscow tcie-gram. '


Senator Keuyoti, of Iowa. Proposes toStrike jtrm* From Hill Ag-

KrrKiitliiK WUO.IHH).(By Awoclalcd 1'rtn.]

WASHINGTON, August 31..Opposi¬tion to ©inergcncy agricultural prohi¬bition Items in tho bill carrying' theamendment for national prohibitionbeginning next July prevented tho Sen¬ate from disposing of the measure to¬day. anil postponed final notion untilnext week. ,Tho measure, according to arrange¬

ments-made lato to-day by Spnate lead¬ers, will not be called up again untilTuesday, as Monday is a holiday andthe only huttings proposed then is me¬morial services for tho lato SenatorNewlands, of Nevada.

Senator Kunyon, of Iowa, proposedto-day to strike out items In the hill

'\an SoQO.OOO. whichhe said aro totaiiy uuiwuLury instimulating food production. Senatorlohnson. of South Dakota, declared tho'Measure proposed an extravagant out-lay, and he could support It only be¬cause of the prohibition provision.. Failure of the food administration to.revent extortion was charged by Sen¬ator Sherman, of Illinois, who said theadministration's only real attemptswere In regulating flour and a fewother prices. *

(°4inninK r)riupnntratlon.The following schedule of classes in

food conservation given by the homodemonstration agents In the demon¬stration plant at tho Sixth Street Mar¬ket was announced yesterday for thisweek: Tuesday. Jellies, marmalades,preserves; Thursday, canning; Friday,home drying; all at 10 o'clock.

Itol.ibrvik Furred Start Drtl,PICKING, Thursday, August 29..

General Semen off. the antl-Bolnhevikleader, yesterd-iy captured Boersia Sta¬tion. The Bolshevik forces are re¬treating along the Oiioii Kivcr, burn¬ing villages and destroying bridges. *

Itrgiirdrd a» I'ro-Amrriran.BOGODA, i 'MiJ 'M HI A, August 31..

Dr. Marco Tie-del Squares, the presi¬ded of Colombia. Is regarded here asanti-German and pro-American, andin this respect is believed to enjoythe confidence of the greater part ofthe Colombian people.

Dr. Suarez is a member of the Na¬tionalist party, one of tho two par¬ties Into which the old conservativeparty lias split. The other wing of thoformer conservative party Is knownas tho Old IliRtoricas composed main¬ly of the olcrlcais. The Colombiaclergy arc believed to be almost en¬tirely pro-German.To till n pnnlMon or get o ponltloni

to buy. m e 11 or exrhnnge, Timri-Di*-Iftcli Want AiliiJ^ad to nrtual rroulta.

. K


CIhe finest,hatsmade,worn with afeeling <fprick&- confidence.

ExclusivelyHerejMm§®IwsQUALITY STOP- 705 EBBQAD*


SAM LIEBERT and CompanyIn tho Screamingly Fnnny Comedy Playlet






Countess Verona The Jordan GirlsTho Genins of the Czimbalom A Comedy Trio of Wire-istsNEW HEARST-PATIIE NEW COMEDY FEATURE

Special Labor Day Festival.Matlneo and Night, Holiday Prices


Coming. Thursday

Konny and Hollis, tho Sharrocks, the MissesChalfonto, Clifford and Wills, tho Great Rich¬ards, etc.


FOREST HILL PARKThis Park, With All Amusements Running, Will