to finance democracy is a hindrance

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  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    To finance democracy is a hindranceTo finance democracy is a hindran

    ce financial and economic crisis in the euro zone deepens, and anchored even more anti-democratic policies that Germany, France and other countries are desperately trying to apply to satisfy the "dictatorship of the markets." Therefore, toapply a "sound management" of public finances in the euro area countries has been necessary to go back almost a thousand years, the time when Frederick I, known

    as Barbarossa, King of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire , ruled over a partof what is now Italy.

    When to "restore order" in the management of the newly created "city states" Federico I introduced the "foreign podesta," or the designation from the dome of aquasi-dictator imported from abroad.

    To find a "solution" to the problem of debt in less developed countries in the euro zone, the "troika" formed by the European Commission (EC), European CentralBank (ECB) and IMF (1) ruled out the possibility offered by democracy as transparent negotiations where other voices are heard that the creditors of the financial sector, and subject to acceptance by referendum or early elections. For these

    serious things democracy is a hindrance, as once and frankly told me in a conversation "off-the-record" a major Canadian Minister to seek to justify the totalsecrecy surrounding the negotiations for free trade agreements and foreign investment protection.

    Not in vain in the past 15 years, and virtually all advanced capitalist countries, including those with a long tradition of parliamentary and public scrutiny, bilateral or multilateral negotiations on trade, investment and finance have beendrawn from the discussion and review in the public sphere, including the legislative, and concentrated in the hands of officials controlled the executive powers. The path to approval by decree, to avoid any scrutiny or public discussion isbeing used currently. Only after we have concluded agreements and when there isno possibility of reopening the negotiations, governments come to seek legislat

    ive approval or ratification, when it is needed.

    Mentoring in the eurozone

    And that journey of the troika for the time machine has, according to ProfessorStefan Collignon political economy (2), the support of the Italian Mario Monti,former EU Commissioner, and presented in circles as a candidate troika podest tosucceed the outgoing and Silvio Berlusconi.

    The difference with the time of Barbarossa who ruled the Holy Roman Empire is that this time will not be foreign podesta place of birth, but by their level of alienation to the realities of their peoples and of subordination to the financia

    l world, creditors who make up the global plutocracy, such as titles leftist forces in Greece. And in this country the Mayor to ensure the tutelage and apply severe austerity plan is undergoing a three-way negotiation (outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras, leader of the main opposition party, NewDemocracy, and the Troika EC-ECB-IMF), but what is clear is that it will be a man of the troika. Until a few hours talking about Lucas Papademos, former governor of the Bank (central) of Greece and former vice president of the ECB, and thenspoke of Philippos Petsalnikos, Minister of Public Order of the outgoing SocialDemocratic government of Papandreou. What is certain is that the new prime minister must come to power with "carte blanche" to the Greek Parliament, or a statement signed by Antonis Samaras, stating that without reluctance support full implementation of fiscal austerity plan imposed by the EU on 27 October.

    This is a "humiliating demands" of the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, according to a dispatch from Athens News, "designed to make Samaras in complete submission (which) resulted in a tumult

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    uous protest ND party's base, already furious at the decision of the party leader to vote for the bailout plan terms that has been claiming for over a year. "

    The statement required by Rehn also be signed by outgoing Prime Minister Papandreou, for the next prime minister (Podesta) and Minister of Finance and Governorof the Bank of Greece. That is a surrender of sovereignty in order to serve as Greek policy standards for Italy, where the same scenario will take place in Gree

    ce: Berlusconi leave office after Parliament adopts the fiscal austerity of theEU, and the Mayor that replace him as prime minister must sign the acceptance ofthe plan and ensure its implementation.

    Collignon, professor of political economy, defined as "postmodern colonialism as" these control requirements in the absence of a European federal government toact "with full democratic legitimacy."

    In terms of podest imposed by the IMF and Washington have long experience in Latin America because Latin America has been (and is) the land where imperialism experience then apply their policies in the world, as stated by the American historian Greg Grandin.

    The latest attempt to impose a tutelage in the service of global finance was in2002, when Argentina was in a debt crisis similar to that of Greece and to support the positions of the IMF and creditors German economist Rudiger Dornbusch ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology "advised Argentina intervene First World teams to manage the currency, government spending and taxes. The path chosenin the following years was the opposite, but it seems that ideas have their revenge Dornbusch died in Greece, "a timely reminder in Pgina/12 Fernando Krakowiak,edition of October 28. (If only a geographical coincidence, it is noted that Frederick I was crowned German king at Frankfurt, the financial capital of present-day Germany and the eurozone, where the respective headquarters of the Bundesbank (German Central Bank) and the ECB )

    And while the real economy is sinking ...

    It is almost certain that the departure of Berlusconi takes place in the midstof a crisis of the euro, since at the time of writing this article the interestrate on the bonds is to overcome Italian 7.0 percent annual growth level that ensures Accelerated Italian public debt even with a respectable rate of economic growth that helps increase tax revenues. But with the fiscal austerity required by the EU and the economic recession that inevitably accompany the Italian debt becomes a subject virtually insoluble. The Italian debt literally explode, and with it a part of the eurozone.

    Respected economists have said that these policies and redicho fiscal austerityand privatization of public goods and services do not have any grip from the point of view, because instead of fixing the debt problem worse by causing the recession or economic stagnation that will last a decade or two and will inevitablyresult in increased and decreased debt. Economist Nouriel Roubini has just reaffirmed in a long text (3).

    The euro zone crisis is entering a new and probably more serious phase with thecreditor banks sold (or settled by the implicit removes) the sovereign debt bonds they had in their hands, according to a Bloomberg office (Europe Selling BankBonds May Sovereign Debt Crisis Worse, November 8, 2011).

    Banks are selling because private investors - to which banks seek to maintain access - do not want to assume the risk involved in these bonds, and also sold by

    the demands of increased capital reserve to support any losses, issued by the European Banking Authority. In short, as told Bloomberg credit analyst Otto Dichtl, Knight Capital Europe Ltd., regulators and European leaders were shot in the f

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    oot because the big investors in sovereign bonds have exited the market. The downward spiral continues until policy makers find a backup solution for (bonds) sovereign., In short, while in the euro area and contributes IMF approves policy to applyindentation to revive anemic economies in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, with the likely result that fall into a coma very quickly and will decadesto recover, the Director of the IMF recommended in China, where the problem is

    the excessive growth of some sectors of the economy, to adopt fiscal stimulus. Contradictions? No, both the austerity policy in the euro area and otherwise in the emerging countries will strengthen the dominant financial capital and transnational corporations, their executives and major shareholders that make up the global oligarchy, the 1% that even losing gains, as we are witnessing since the financial crisis of 2008-2009.

    Democracy was born (and can be reborn) canceling debtsThe governing parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats, have closed over the discussion of any options off the troika adopted by the EC-ECB-IMF without any democratic process. And are these austerity and rigidity of the monetary system, with consequences of unemployment and impoverishment that are fueling

    populist demagogic speeches, anti-capitalist, anti-euro and anti-immigrant far-right, like the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France, that to attract the votes of the unemployed, workers who see their wages drop, the socially excludedand a middle class that lost social ladder, they are copying the script in the first decades of the 20th century allowed Benito Mussolini and fascism achieve power through elections.Papandreou's plan to a referendum, Costas Douzinas writes in the British newspaper The Guardian, it was a belated recognition, a Democratic attempt to correct the face of repeated humiliations that went the Greeks, or to assert sovereigntyagainst the IMF and Germany . Rather, it was a government attempt to regain theinitiative against their own people, who are clamoring to leave the government.

    But Douzinas also recalls that "referendum" is a "bad word in the corridors of B

    russels, because it evokes the fear that the elites feel when people enter the political scene momentarily." The dome of the euro area and major financial centers are against any referendum question or put into question - as happened in thepast - the euro, the rigid and limiting principles of the founding treaties ofthe EU, or as the economist Constantin Gurdgiev, the undemocratic system that governs the euro area (4) and that for the fiscal tutelage has revived national and ethnic conflicts that involved the creation of the EU had buried forever.But feeling the pulse of the population, the dome of the euro area and nationalgovernments can not ignore that a growing percentage of the population and the popular movement that is already mobilized in the debtor countries can be found or find attractive the idea of referenda unpayable debts and reject the brutal policies of fiscal adjustment and privatization mentoring and require a policy radically different from today.And in countries "donors", such as Germany or the Netherlands, the idea of referendums is also attractive to some politicians and conservative and right-wing movements, as they say without hiding the implicit racism, do not want to continue using public resources to "keep slackers "of the Mediterranean countries.The famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, known for his struggle against theNazi-Fascist occupation and the dictatorship of the colonels, recalled in Greektelevision (5) that "democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich ".Theodorakis said that "our struggle is not only Greece, but aspire to a free, independent and democratic," adding that "no other solution is to replace the current European economic model, designed to generate debts, and tempered at a policy of demand stimulation and development, protectionism equipped with a drastic c

    ontrol of finance. If States are not imposed on the markets, the latter are theswallow, while democracy and all the achievements of European civilization. Democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    . We must not now allow banks to destroy European democracy, to seize the huge sums that they generated in the form of debt. "He concluded by emphasizing that support the fight of the Greeks is of interestto all people, because "if you now allow the sacrifice of Greek societies, Irish, Portuguese and Spanish on the altar of debt and the banks will soon be your turn. You do not thrive in the ruins of European societies () Resist the market totalitarianism that threaten to dismantle transforming Europe into a Third World,

    which lifts the European peoples against each other, which destroys our continent to raise the return to fascism. "To finance democracy is a hindrance financial and economic crisis in the euro zone deepens, and anchored even more anti-democratic policies that Germany, France and other countries are desperately tryingto apply to satisfy the "dictatorship of the markets." Therefore, to apply a "sound management" of public finances in the euro area countries has been necessaryto go back almost a thousand years, the time when Frederick I, known as Barbarossa, King of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire , ruled over a part of what isnow Italy.

    When to "restore order" in the management of the newly created "city states" Federico I introduced the "foreign podesta," or the designation from the dome of a

    quasi-dictator imported from abroad.

    To find a "solution" to the problem of debt in less developed countries in the euro zone, the "troika" formed by the European Commission (EC), European CentralBank (ECB) and IMF (1) ruled out the possibility offered by democracy as transparent negotiations where other voices are heard that the creditors of the financial sector, and subject to acceptance by referendum or early elections. For theseserious things democracy is a hindrance, as once and frankly told me in a conversation "off-the-record" a major Canadian Minister to seek to justify the totalsecrecy surrounding the negotiations for free trade agreements and foreign investment protection.

    Not in vain in the past 15 years, and virtually all advanced capitalist countrie

    s, including those with a long tradition of parliamentary and public scrutiny, bilateral or multilateral negotiations on trade, investment and finance have beendrawn from the discussion and review in the public sphere, including the legislative, and concentrated in the hands of officials controlled the executive powers. The path to approval by decree, to avoid any scrutiny or public discussion isbeing used currently. Only after we have concluded agreements and when there isno possibility of reopening the negotiations, governments come to seek legislative approval or ratification, when it is needed.

    Mentoring in the eurozone

    And that journey of the troika for the time machine has, according to ProfessorStefan Collignon political economy (2), the support of the Italian Mario Monti,former EU Commissioner, and presented in circles as a candidate troika podest tosucceed the outgoing and Silvio Berlusconi.

    The difference with the time of Barbarossa who ruled the Holy Roman Empire is that this time will not be foreign podesta place of birth, but by their level of alienation to the realities of their peoples and of subordination to the financial world, creditors who make up the global plutocracy, such as titles leftist forces in Greece. And in this country the Mayor to ensure the tutelage and apply severe austerity plan is undergoing a three-way negotiation (outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras, leader of the main opposition party, NewDemocracy, and the Troika EC-ECB-IMF), but what is clear is that it will be a man of the troika. Until a few hours talking about Lucas Papademos, former governo

    r of the Bank (central) of Greece and former vice president of the ECB, and thenspoke of Philippos Petsalnikos, Minister of Public Order of the outgoing SocialDemocratic government of Papandreou. What is certain is that the new prime mini

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    ster must come to power with "carte blanche" to the Greek Parliament, or a statement signed by Antonis Samaras, stating that without reluctance support full implementation of fiscal austerity plan imposed by the EU on 27 October.

    This is a "humiliating demands" of the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, according to a dispatch from Athens News, "designed to make Samaras in complete submission (which) resulted in a tumult

    uous protest ND party's base, already furious at the decision of the party leader to vote for the bailout plan terms that has been claiming for over a year. "

    The statement required by Rehn also be signed by outgoing Prime Minister Papandreou, for the next prime minister (Podesta) and Minister of Finance and Governorof the Bank of Greece. That is a surrender of sovereignty in order to serve as Greek policy standards for Italy, where the same scenario will take place in Greece: Berlusconi leave office after Parliament adopts the fiscal austerity of theEU, and the Mayor that replace him as prime minister must sign the acceptance ofthe plan and ensure its implementation.

    Collignon, professor of political economy, defined as "postmodern colonialism as

    " these control requirements in the absence of a European federal government toact "with full democratic legitimacy."

    In terms of podest imposed by the IMF and Washington have long experience in Latin America because Latin America has been (and is) the land where imperialism experience then apply their policies in the world, as stated by the American historian Greg Grandin.

    The latest attempt to impose a tutelage in the service of global finance was in2002, when Argentina was in a debt crisis similar to that of Greece and to support the positions of the IMF and creditors German economist Rudiger Dornbusch ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology "advised Argentina intervene First World teams to manage the currency, government spending and taxes. The path chosen

    in the following years was the opposite, but it seems that ideas have their revenge Dornbusch died in Greece, "a timely reminder in Pgina/12 Fernando Krakowiak,edition of October 28. (If only a geographical coincidence, it is noted that Frederick I was crowned German king at Frankfurt, the financial capital of present-day Germany and the eurozone, where the respective headquarters of the Bundesbank (German Central Bank) and the ECB )

    And while the real economy is sinking ...

    It is almost certain that the departure of Berlusconi takes place in the midstof a crisis of the euro, since at the time of writing this article the interestrate on the bonds is to overcome Italian 7.0 percent annual growth level that ensures Accelerated Italian public debt even with a respectable rate of economic growth that helps increase tax revenues. But with the fiscal austerity required by the EU and the economic recession that inevitably accompany the Italian debt becomes a subject virtually insoluble. The Italian debt literally explode, and with it a part of the eurozone.

    Respected economists have said that these policies and redicho fiscal austerityand privatization of public goods and services do not have any grip from the point of view, because instead of fixing the debt problem worse by causing the recession or economic stagnation that will last a decade or two and will inevitablyresult in increased and decreased debt. Economist Nouriel Roubini has just reaffirmed in a long text (3).

    The euro zone crisis is entering a new and probably more serious phase with thecreditor banks sold (or settled by the implicit removes) the sovereign debt bonds they had in their hands, according to a Bloomberg office (Europe Selling Bank

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    Bonds May Sovereign Debt Crisis Worse, November 8, 2011).

    Banks are selling because private investors - to which banks seek to maintain access - do not want to assume the risk involved in these bonds, and also sold bythe demands of increased capital reserve to support any losses, issued by the European Banking Authority. In short, as told Bloomberg credit analyst Otto Dichtl, Knight Capital Europe Ltd., regulators and European leaders were shot in the f

    oot because the big investors in sovereign bonds have exited the market. The downward spiral continues until policy makers find a backup solution for (bonds) sovereign., In short, while in the euro area and contributes IMF approves policy to applyindentation to revive anemic economies in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, with the likely result that fall into a coma very quickly and will decadesto recover, the Director of the IMF recommended in China, where the problem isthe excessive growth of some sectors of the economy, to adopt fiscal stimulus. Contradictions? No, both the austerity policy in the euro area and otherwise in the emerging countries will strengthen the dominant financial capital and transnational corporations, their executives and major shareholders that make up the global oligarchy, the 1% that even losing gains, as we are witnessing since the fi

    nancial crisis of 2008-2009.

    Democracy was born (and can be reborn) canceling debtsThe governing parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats, have closed over the discussion of any options off the troika adopted by the EC-ECB-IMF without any democratic process. And are these austerity and rigidity of the monetary system, with consequences of unemployment and impoverishment that are fuelingpopulist demagogic speeches, anti-capitalist, anti-euro and anti-immigrant far-right, like the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France, that to attract the votes of the unemployed, workers who see their wages drop, the socially excludedand a middle class that lost social ladder, they are copying the script in the first decades of the 20th century allowed Benito Mussolini and fascism achieve power through elections.

    Papandreou's plan to a referendum, Costas Douzinas writes in the British newspaper The Guardian, it was a belated recognition, a Democratic attempt to correct the face of repeated humiliations that went the Greeks, or to assert sovereigntyagainst the IMF and Germany . Rather, it was a government attempt to regain theinitiative against their own people, who are clamoring to leave the government.

    But Douzinas also recalls that "referendum" is a "bad word in the corridors of Brussels, because it evokes the fear that the elites feel when people enter the political scene momentarily." The dome of the euro area and major financial centers are against any referendum question or put into question - as happened in thepast - the euro, the rigid and limiting principles of the founding treaties ofthe EU, or as the economist Constantin Gurdgiev, the undemocratic system that governs the euro area (4) and that for the fiscal tutelage has revived national and ethnic conflicts that involved the creation of the EU had buried forever.But feeling the pulse of the population, the dome of the euro area and nationalgovernments can not ignore that a growing percentage of the population and the popular movement that is already mobilized in the debtor countries can be found or find attractive the idea of referenda unpayable debts and reject the brutal policies of fiscal adjustment and privatization mentoring and require a policy radically different from today.And in countries "donors", such as Germany or the Netherlands, the idea of referendums is also attractive to some politicians and conservative and right-wing movements, as they say without hiding the implicit racism, do not want to continue using public resources to "keep slackers "of the Mediterranean countries.The famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, known for his struggle against the

    Nazi-Fascist occupation and the dictatorship of the colonels, recalled in Greektelevision (5) that "democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich ".

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    Theodorakis said that "our struggle is not only Greece, but aspire to a free, independent and democratic," adding that "no other solution is to replace the current European economic model, designed to generate debts, and tempered at a policy of demand stimulation and development, protectionism equipped with a drastic control of finance. If States are not imposed on the markets, the latter are theswallow, while democracy and all the achievements of European civilization. Democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich

    . We must not now allow banks to destroy European democracy, to seize the huge sums that they generated in the form of debt. "He concluded by emphasizing that support the fight of the Greeks is of interestto all people, because "if you now allow the sacrifice of Greek societies, Irish, Portuguese and Spanish on the altar of debt and the banks will soon be your turn. You do not thrive in the ruins of European societies () Resist the market totalitarianism that threaten to dismantle transforming Europe into a Third World,which lifts the European peoples against each other, which destroys our continent to raise the return to fascism. "To finance democracy is a hindrance financial and economic crisis in the euro zone deepens, and anchored even more anti-democratic policies that Germany, France and other countries are desperately tryingto apply to satisfy the "dictatorship of the markets." Therefore, to apply a "so

    und management" of public finances in the euro area countries has been necessaryto go back almost a thousand years, the time when Frederick I, known as Barbarossa, King of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire , ruled over a part of what isnow Italy.

    When to "restore order" in the management of the newly created "city states" Federico I introduced the "foreign podesta," or the designation from the dome of aquasi-dictator imported from abroad.

    To find a "solution" to the problem of debt in less developed countries in the euro zone, the "troika" formed by the European Commission (EC), European CentralBank (ECB) and IMF (1) ruled out the possibility offered by democracy as transparent negotiations where other voices are heard that the creditors of the financi

    al sector, and subject to acceptance by referendum or early elections. For theseserious things democracy is a hindrance, as once and frankly told me in a conversation "off-the-record" a major Canadian Minister to seek to justify the totalsecrecy surrounding the negotiations for free trade agreements and foreign investment protection.

    Not in vain in the past 15 years, and virtually all advanced capitalist countries, including those with a long tradition of parliamentary and public scrutiny, bilateral or multilateral negotiations on trade, investment and finance have beendrawn from the discussion and review in the public sphere, including the legislative, and concentrated in the hands of officials controlled the executive powers. The path to approval by decree, to avoid any scrutiny or public discussion isbeing used currently. Only after we have concluded agreements and when there isno possibility of reopening the negotiations, governments come to seek legislative approval or ratification, when it is needed.

    Mentoring in the eurozone

    And that journey of the troika for the time machine has, according to ProfessorStefan Collignon political economy (2), the support of the Italian Mario Monti,former EU Commissioner, and presented in circles as a candidate troika podest tosucceed the outgoing and Silvio Berlusconi.

    The difference with the time of Barbarossa who ruled the Holy Roman Empire is that this time will not be foreign podesta place of birth, but by their level of a

    lienation to the realities of their peoples and of subordination to the financial world, creditors who make up the global plutocracy, such as titles leftist forces in Greece. And in this country the Mayor to ensure the tutelage and apply se

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    vere austerity plan is undergoing a three-way negotiation (outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras, leader of the main opposition party, NewDemocracy, and the Troika EC-ECB-IMF), but what is clear is that it will be a man of the troika. Until a few hours talking about Lucas Papademos, former governor of the Bank (central) of Greece and former vice president of the ECB, and thenspoke of Philippos Petsalnikos, Minister of Public Order of the outgoing SocialDemocratic government of Papandreou. What is certain is that the new prime mini

    ster must come to power with "carte blanche" to the Greek Parliament, or a statement signed by Antonis Samaras, stating that without reluctance support full implementation of fiscal austerity plan imposed by the EU on 27 October.

    This is a "humiliating demands" of the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, according to a dispatch from Athens News, "designed to make Samaras in complete submission (which) resulted in a tumultuous protest ND party's base, already furious at the decision of the party leader to vote for the bailout plan terms that has been claiming for over a year. "

    The statement required by Rehn also be signed by outgoing Prime Minister Papandreou, for the next prime minister (Podesta) and Minister of Finance and Governor

    of the Bank of Greece. That is a surrender of sovereignty in order to serve as Greek policy standards for Italy, where the same scenario will take place in Greece: Berlusconi leave office after Parliament adopts the fiscal austerity of theEU, and the Mayor that replace him as prime minister must sign the acceptance ofthe plan and ensure its implementation.

    Collignon, professor of political economy, defined as "postmodern colonialism as" these control requirements in the absence of a European federal government toact "with full democratic legitimacy."

    In terms of podest imposed by the IMF and Washington have long experience in Latin America because Latin America has been (and is) the land where imperialism experience then apply their policies in the world, as stated by the American histor

    ian Greg Grandin.

    The latest attempt to impose a tutelage in the service of global finance was in2002, when Argentina was in a debt crisis similar to that of Greece and to support the positions of the IMF and creditors German economist Rudiger Dornbusch ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology "advised Argentina intervene First World teams to manage the currency, government spending and taxes. The path chosenin the following years was the opposite, but it seems that ideas have their revenge Dornbusch died in Greece, "a timely reminder in Pgina/12 Fernando Krakowiak,edition of October 28. (If only a geographical coincidence, it is noted that Frederick I was crowned German king at Frankfurt, the financial capital of present-day Germany and the eurozone, where the respective headquarters of the Bundesbank (German Central Bank) and the ECB )

    And while the real economy is sinking ...

    It is almost certain that the departure of Berlusconi takes place in the midstof a crisis of the euro, since at the time of writing this article the interestrate on the bonds is to overcome Italian 7.0 percent annual growth level that ensures Accelerated Italian public debt even with a respectable rate of economic growth that helps increase tax revenues. But with the fiscal austerity required by the EU and the economic recession that inevitably accompany the Italian debt becomes a subject virtually insoluble. The Italian debt literally explode, and with it a part of the eurozone.

    Respected economists have said that these policies and redicho fiscal austerityand privatization of public goods and services do not have any grip from the point of view, because instead of fixing the debt problem worse by causing the rece

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    ssion or economic stagnation that will last a decade or two and will inevitablyresult in increased and decreased debt. Economist Nouriel Roubini has just reaffirmed in a long text (3).

    The euro zone crisis is entering a new and probably more serious phase with thecreditor banks sold (or settled by the implicit removes) the sovereign debt bonds they had in their hands, according to a Bloomberg office (Europe Selling Bank

    Bonds May Sovereign Debt Crisis Worse, November 8, 2011).

    Banks are selling because private investors - to which banks seek to maintain access - do not want to assume the risk involved in these bonds, and also sold bythe demands of increased capital reserve to support any losses, issued by the European Banking Authority. In short, as told Bloomberg credit analyst Otto Dichtl, Knight Capital Europe Ltd., regulators and European leaders were shot in the foot because the big investors in sovereign bonds have exited the market. The downward spiral continues until policy makers find a backup solution for (bonds) sovereign., In short, while in the euro area and contributes IMF approves policy to applyindentation to revive anemic economies in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and S

    pain, with the likely result that fall into a coma very quickly and will decadesto recover, the Director of the IMF recommended in China, where the problem isthe excessive growth of some sectors of the economy, to adopt fiscal stimulus. Contradictions? No, both the austerity policy in the euro area and otherwise in the emerging countries will strengthen the dominant financial capital and transnational corporations, their executives and major shareholders that make up the global oligarchy, the 1% that even losing gains, as we are witnessing since the financial crisis of 2008-2009.

    Democracy was born (and can be reborn) canceling debtsThe governing parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats, have closed over the discussion of any options off the troika adopted by the EC-ECB-IMF without any democratic process. And are these austerity and rigidity of the moneta

    ry system, with consequences of unemployment and impoverishment that are fuelingpopulist demagogic speeches, anti-capitalist, anti-euro and anti-immigrant far-right, like the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France, that to attract the votes of the unemployed, workers who see their wages drop, the socially excludedand a middle class that lost social ladder, they are copying the script in the first decades of the 20th century allowed Benito Mussolini and fascism achieve power through elections.Papandreou's plan to a referendum, Costas Douzinas writes in the British newspaper The Guardian, it was a belated recognition, a Democratic attempt to correct the face of repeated humiliations that went the Greeks, or to assert sovereigntyagainst the IMF and Germany . Rather, it was a government attempt to regain theinitiative against their own people, who are clamoring to leave the government.

    But Douzinas also recalls that "referendum" is a "bad word in the corridors of Brussels, because it evokes the fear that the elites feel when people enter the political scene momentarily." The dome of the euro area and major financial centers are against any referendum question or put into question - as happened in thepast - the euro, the rigid and limiting principles of the founding treaties ofthe EU, or as the economist Constantin Gurdgiev, the undemocratic system that governs the euro area (4) and that for the fiscal tutelage has revived national and ethnic conflicts that involved the creation of the EU had buried forever.But feeling the pulse of the population, the dome of the euro area and nationalgovernments can not ignore that a growing percentage of the population and the popular movement that is already mobilized in the debtor countries can be found or find attractive the idea of referenda unpayable debts and reject the brutal poli

    cies of fiscal adjustment and privatization mentoring and require a policy radically different from today.And in countries "donors", such as Germany or the Netherlands, the idea of referen

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    dums is also attractive to some politicians and conservative and right-wing movements, as they say without hiding the implicit racism, do not want to continue using public resources to "keep slackers "of the Mediterranean countries.The famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, known for his struggle against theNazi-Fascist occupation and the dictatorship of the colonels, recalled in Greektelevision (5) that "democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich ".

    Theodorakis said that "our struggle is not only Greece, but aspire to a free, independent and democratic," adding that "no other solution is to replace the current European economic model, designed to generate debts, and tempered at a policy of demand stimulation and development, protectionism equipped with a drastic control of finance. If States are not imposed on the markets, the latter are theswallow, while democracy and all the achievements of European civilization. Democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich. We must not now allow banks to destroy European democracy, to seize the huge sums that they generated in the form of debt. "He concluded by emphasizing that support the fight of the Greeks is of interestto all people, because "if you now allow the sacrifice of Greek societies, Irish, Portuguese and Spanish on the altar of debt and the banks will soon be your tu

    rn. You do not thrive in the ruins of European societies () Resist the market totalitarianism that threaten to dismantle transforming Europe into a Third World,which lifts the European peoples against each other, which destroys our continent to raise the return to fascism. "To finance democracy is a hindrance financial and economic crisis in the euro zone deepens, and anchored even more anti-democratic policies that Germany, France and other countries are desperately tryingto apply to satisfy the "dictatorship of the markets." Therefore, to apply a "sound management" of public finances in the euro area countries has been necessaryto go back almost a thousand years, the time when Frederick I, known as Barbarossa, King of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire , ruled over a part of what isnow Italy.

    When to "restore order" in the management of the newly created "city states" Fed

    erico I introduced the "foreign podesta," or the designation from the dome of aquasi-dictator imported from abroad.

    To find a "solution" to the problem of debt in less developed countries in the euro zone, the "troika" formed by the European Commission (EC), European CentralBank (ECB) and IMF (1) ruled out the possibility offered by democracy as transparent negotiations where other voices are heard that the creditors of the financial sector, and subject to acceptance by referendum or early elections. For theseserious things democracy is a hindrance, as once and frankly told me in a conversation "off-the-record" a major Canadian Minister to seek to justify the totalsecrecy surrounding the negotiations for free trade agreements and foreign investment protection.

    Not in vain in the past 15 years, and virtually all advanced capitalist countries, including those with a long tradition of parliamentary and public scrutiny, bilateral or multilateral negotiations on trade, investment and finance have beendrawn from the discussion and review in the public sphere, including the legislative, and concentrated in the hands of officials controlled the executive powers. The path to approval by decree, to avoid any scrutiny or public discussion isbeing used currently. Only after we have concluded agreements and when there isno possibility of reopening the negotiations, governments come to seek legislative approval or ratification, when it is needed.

    Mentoring in the eurozone

    And that journey of the troika for the time machine has, according to ProfessorStefan Collignon political economy (2), the support of the Italian Mario Monti,former EU Commissioner, and presented in circles as a candidate troika podest to

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    succeed the outgoing and Silvio Berlusconi.

    The difference with the time of Barbarossa who ruled the Holy Roman Empire is that this time will not be foreign podesta place of birth, but by their level of alienation to the realities of their peoples and of subordination to the financial world, creditors who make up the global plutocracy, such as titles leftist forces in Greece. And in this country the Mayor to ensure the tutelage and apply se

    vere austerity plan is undergoing a three-way negotiation (outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras, leader of the main opposition party, NewDemocracy, and the Troika EC-ECB-IMF), but what is clear is that it will be a man of the troika. Until a few hours talking about Lucas Papademos, former governor of the Bank (central) of Greece and former vice president of the ECB, and thenspoke of Philippos Petsalnikos, Minister of Public Order of the outgoing SocialDemocratic government of Papandreou. What is certain is that the new prime minister must come to power with "carte blanche" to the Greek Parliament, or a statement signed by Antonis Samaras, stating that without reluctance support full implementation of fiscal austerity plan imposed by the EU on 27 October.

    This is a "humiliating demands" of the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) E

    conomic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, according to a dispatch from Athens News, "designed to make Samaras in complete submission (which) resulted in a tumultuous protest ND party's base, already furious at the decision of the party leader to vote for the bailout plan terms that has been claiming for over a year. "

    The statement required by Rehn also be signed by outgoing Prime Minister Papandreou, for the next prime minister (Podesta) and Minister of Finance and Governorof the Bank of Greece. That is a surrender of sovereignty in order to serve as Greek policy standards for Italy, where the same scenario will take place in Greece: Berlusconi leave office after Parliament adopts the fiscal austerity of theEU, and the Mayor that replace him as prime minister must sign the acceptance ofthe plan and ensure its implementation.

    Collignon, professor of political economy, defined as "postmodern colonialism as" these control requirements in the absence of a European federal government toact "with full democratic legitimacy."

    In terms of podest imposed by the IMF and Washington have long experience in Latin America because Latin America has been (and is) the land where imperialism experience then apply their policies in the world, as stated by the American historian Greg Grandin.

    The latest attempt to impose a tutelage in the service of global finance was in2002, when Argentina was in a debt crisis similar to that of Greece and to support the positions of the IMF and creditors German economist Rudiger Dornbusch ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology "advised Argentina intervene First World teams to manage the currency, government spending and taxes. The path chosenin the following years was the opposite, but it seems that ideas have their revenge Dornbusch died in Greece, "a timely reminder in Pgina/12 Fernando Krakowiak,edition of October 28. (If only a geographical coincidence, it is noted that Frederick I was crowned German king at Frankfurt, the financial capital of present-day Germany and the eurozone, where the respective headquarters of the Bundesbank (German Central Bank) and the ECB )

    And while the real economy is sinking ...

    It is almost certain that the departure of Berlusconi takes place in the midstof a crisis of the euro, since at the time of writing this article the interest

    rate on the bonds is to overcome Italian 7.0 percent annual growth level that ensures Accelerated Italian public debt even with a respectable rate of economic growth that helps increase tax revenues. But with the fiscal austerity required b

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    y the EU and the economic recession that inevitably accompany the Italian debt becomes a subject virtually insoluble. The Italian debt literally explode, and with it a part of the eurozone.

    Respected economists have said that these policies and redicho fiscal austerityand privatization of public goods and services do not have any grip from the point of view, because instead of fixing the debt problem worse by causing the rece

    ssion or economic stagnation that will last a decade or two and will inevitablyresult in increased and decreased debt. Economist Nouriel Roubini has just reaffirmed in a long text (3).

    The euro zone crisis is entering a new and probably more serious phase with thecreditor banks sold (or settled by the implicit removes) the sovereign debt bonds they had in their hands, according to a Bloomberg office (Europe Selling BankBonds May Sovereign Debt Crisis Worse, November 8, 2011).

    Banks are selling because private investors - to which banks seek to maintain access - do not want to assume the risk involved in these bonds, and also sold bythe demands of increased capital reserve to support any losses, issued by the Eu

    ropean Banking Authority. In short, as told Bloomberg credit analyst Otto Dichtl, Knight Capital Europe Ltd., regulators and European leaders were shot in the foot because the big investors in sovereign bonds have exited the market. The downward spiral continues until policy makers find a backup solution for (bonds) sovereign., In short, while in the euro area and contributes IMF approves policy to applyindentation to revive anemic economies in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, with the likely result that fall into a coma very quickly and will decadesto recover, the Director of the IMF recommended in China, where the problem isthe excessive growth of some sectors of the economy, to adopt fiscal stimulus. Contradictions? No, both the austerity policy in the euro area and otherwise in the emerging countries will strengthen the dominant financial capital and transnational corporations, their executives and major shareholders that make up the gl

    obal oligarchy, the 1% that even losing gains, as we are witnessing since the financial crisis of 2008-2009.

    Democracy was born (and can be reborn) canceling debtsThe governing parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats, have closed over the discussion of any options off the troika adopted by the EC-ECB-IMF without any democratic process. And are these austerity and rigidity of the monetary system, with consequences of unemployment and impoverishment that are fuelingpopulist demagogic speeches, anti-capitalist, anti-euro and anti-immigrant far-right, like the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France, that to attract the votes of the unemployed, workers who see their wages drop, the socially excludedand a middle class that lost social ladder, they are copying the script in the first decades of the 20th century allowed Benito Mussolini and fascism achieve power through elections.Papandreou's plan to a referendum, Costas Douzinas writes in the British newspaper The Guardian, it was a belated recognition, a Democratic attempt to correct the face of repeated humiliations that went the Greeks, or to assert sovereigntyagainst the IMF and Germany . Rather, it was a government attempt to regain theinitiative against their own people, who are clamoring to leave the government.

    But Douzinas also recalls that "referendum" is a "bad word in the corridors of Brussels, because it evokes the fear that the elites feel when people enter the political scene momentarily." The dome of the euro area and major financial centers are against any referendum question or put into question - as happened in thepast - the euro, the rigid and limiting principles of the founding treaties of

    the EU, or as the economist Constantin Gurdgiev, the undemocratic system that governs the euro area (4) and that for the fiscal tutelage has revived national and ethnic conflicts that involved the creation of the EU had buried forever.

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    But feeling the pulse of the population, the dome of the euro area and nationalgovernments can not ignore that a growing percentage of the population and the popular movement that is already mobilized in the debtor countries can be found or find attractive the idea of referenda unpayable debts and reject the brutal policies of fiscal adjustment and privatization mentoring and require a policy radically different from today.And in countries "donors", such as Germany or the Netherlands, the idea of referen

    dums is also attractive to some politicians and conservative and right-wing movements, as they say without hiding the implicit racism, do not want to continue using public resources to "keep slackers "of the Mediterranean countries.The famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, known for his struggle against theNazi-Fascist occupation and the dictatorship of the colonels, recalled in Greektelevision (5) that "democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich ".Theodorakis said that "our struggle is not only Greece, but aspire to a free, independent and democratic," adding that "no other solution is to replace the current European economic model, designed to generate debts, and tempered at a policy of demand stimulation and development, protectionism equipped with a drastic control of finance. If States are not imposed on the markets, the latter are the

    swallow, while democracy and all the achievements of European civilization. Democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich. We must not now allow banks to destroy European democracy, to seize the huge sums that they generated in the form of debt. "He concluded by emphasizing that support the fight of the Greeks is of interestto all people, because "if you now allow the sacrifice of Greek societies, Irish, Portuguese and Spanish on the altar of debt and the banks will soon be your turn. You do not thrive in the ruins of European societies () Resist the market totalitarianism that threaten to dismantle transforming Europe into a Third World,which lifts the European peoples against each other, which destroys our continent to raise the return to fascism. "To finance democracy is a hindrance financial and economic crisis in the euro zone deepens, and anchored even more anti-democratic policies that Germany, France and other countries are desperately trying

    to apply to satisfy the "dictatorship of the markets." Therefore, to apply a "sound management" of public finances in the euro area countries has been necessaryto go back almost a thousand years, the time when Frederick I, known as Barbarossa, King of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire , ruled over a part of what isnow Italy.

    When to "restore order" in the management of the newly created "city states" Federico I introduced the "foreign podesta," or the designation from the dome of aquasi-dictator imported from abroad.

    To find a "solution" to the problem of debt in less developed countries in the euro zone, the "troika" formed by the European Commission (EC), European CentralBank (ECB) and IMF (1) ruled out the possibility offered by democracy as transparent negotiations where other voices are heard that the creditors of the financial sector, and subject to acceptance by referendum or early elections. For theseserious things democracy is a hindrance, as once and frankly told me in a conversation "off-the-record" a major Canadian Minister to seek to justify the totalsecrecy surrounding the negotiations for free trade agreements and foreign investment protection.

    Not in vain in the past 15 years, and virtually all advanced capitalist countries, including those with a long tradition of parliamentary and public scrutiny, bilateral or multilateral negotiations on trade, investment and finance have beendrawn from the discussion and review in the public sphere, including the legislative, and concentrated in the hands of officials controlled the executive power

    s. The path to approval by decree, to avoid any scrutiny or public discussion isbeing used currently. Only after we have concluded agreements and when there isno possibility of reopening the negotiations, governments come to seek legislat

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    ive approval or ratification, when it is needed.

    Mentoring in the eurozone

    And that journey of the troika for the time machine has, according to ProfessorStefan Collignon political economy (2), the support of the Italian Mario Monti,former EU Commissioner, and presented in circles as a candidate troika podest to

    succeed the outgoing and Silvio Berlusconi.

    The difference with the time of Barbarossa who ruled the Holy Roman Empire is that this time will not be foreign podesta place of birth, but by their level of alienation to the realities of their peoples and of subordination to the financial world, creditors who make up the global plutocracy, such as titles leftist forces in Greece. And in this country the Mayor to ensure the tutelage and apply severe austerity plan is undergoing a three-way negotiation (outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras, leader of the main opposition party, NewDemocracy, and the Troika EC-ECB-IMF), but what is clear is that it will be a man of the troika. Until a few hours talking about Lucas Papademos, former governor of the Bank (central) of Greece and former vice president of the ECB, and then

    spoke of Philippos Petsalnikos, Minister of Public Order of the outgoing SocialDemocratic government of Papandreou. What is certain is that the new prime minister must come to power with "carte blanche" to the Greek Parliament, or a statement signed by Antonis Samaras, stating that without reluctance support full implementation of fiscal austerity plan imposed by the EU on 27 October.

    This is a "humiliating demands" of the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, according to a dispatch from Athens News, "designed to make Samaras in complete submission (which) resulted in a tumultuous protest ND party's base, already furious at the decision of the party leader to vote for the bailout plan terms that has been claiming for over a year. "

    The statement required by Rehn also be signed by outgoing Prime Minister Papandr

    eou, for the next prime minister (Podesta) and Minister of Finance and Governorof the Bank of Greece. That is a surrender of sovereignty in order to serve as Greek policy standards for Italy, where the same scenario will take place in Greece: Berlusconi leave office after Parliament adopts the fiscal austerity of theEU, and the Mayor that replace him as prime minister must sign the acceptance ofthe plan and ensure its implementation.

    Collignon, professor of political economy, defined as "postmodern colonialism as" these control requirements in the absence of a European federal government toact "with full democratic legitimacy."

    In terms of podest imposed by the IMF and Washington have long experience in Latin America because Latin America has been (and is) the land where imperialism experience then apply their policies in the world, as stated by the American historian Greg Grandin.

    The latest attempt to impose a tutelage in the service of global finance was in2002, when Argentina was in a debt crisis similar to that of Greece and to support the positions of the IMF and creditors German economist Rudiger Dornbusch ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology "advised Argentina intervene First World teams to manage the currency, government spending and taxes. The path chosenin the following years was the opposite, but it seems that ideas have their revenge Dornbusch died in Greece, "a timely reminder in Pgina/12 Fernando Krakowiak,edition of October 28. (If only a geographical coincidence, it is noted that Frederick I was crowned German king at Frankfurt, the financial capital of present-

    day Germany and the eurozone, where the respective headquarters of the Bundesbank (German Central Bank) and the ECB )

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    And while the real economy is sinking ...

    It is almost certain that the departure of Berlusconi takes place in the midstof a crisis of the euro, since at the time of writing this article the interestrate on the bonds is to overcome Italian 7.0 percent annual growth level that ensures Accelerated Italian public debt even with a respectable rate of economic growth that helps increase tax revenues. But with the fiscal austerity required b

    y the EU and the economic recession that inevitably accompany the Italian debt becomes a subject virtually insoluble. The Italian debt literally explode, and with it a part of the eurozone.

    Respected economists have said that these policies and redicho fiscal austerityand privatization of public goods and services do not have any grip from the point of view, because instead of fixing the debt problem worse by causing the recession or economic stagnation that will last a decade or two and will inevitablyresult in increased and decreased debt. Economist Nouriel Roubini has just reaffirmed in a long text (3).

    The euro zone crisis is entering a new and probably more serious phase with the

    creditor banks sold (or settled by the implicit removes) the sovereign debt bonds they had in their hands, according to a Bloomberg office (Europe Selling BankBonds May Sovereign Debt Crisis Worse, November 8, 2011).

    Banks are selling because private investors - to which banks seek to maintain access - do not want to assume the risk involved in these bonds, and also sold bythe demands of increased capital reserve to support any losses, issued by the European Banking Authority. In short, as told Bloomberg credit analyst Otto Dichtl, Knight Capital Europe Ltd., regulators and European leaders were shot in the foot because the big investors in sovereign bonds have exited the market. The downward spiral continues until policy makers find a backup solution for (bonds) sovereign., In short, while in the euro area and contributes IMF approves policy to apply

    indentation to revive anemic economies in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, with the likely result that fall into a coma very quickly and will decadesto recover, the Director of the IMF recommended in China, where the problem isthe excessive growth of some sectors of the economy, to adopt fiscal stimulus. Contradictions? No, both the austerity policy in the euro area and otherwise in the emerging countries will strengthen the dominant financial capital and transnational corporations, their executives and major shareholders that make up the global oligarchy, the 1% that even losing gains, as we are witnessing since the financial crisis of 2008-2009.

    Democracy was born (and can be reborn) canceling debtsThe governing parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats, have closed over the discussion of any options off the troika adopted by the EC-ECB-IMF without any democratic process. And are these austerity and rigidity of the monetary system, with consequences of unemployment and impoverishment that are fuelingpopulist demagogic speeches, anti-capitalist, anti-euro and anti-immigrant far-right, like the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France, that to attract the votes of the unemployed, workers who see their wages drop, the socially excludedand a middle class that lost social ladder, they are copying the script in the first decades of the 20th century allowed Benito Mussolini and fascism achieve power through elections.Papandreou's plan to a referendum, Costas Douzinas writes in the British newspaper The Guardian, it was a belated recognition, a Democratic attempt to correct the face of repeated humiliations that went the Greeks, or to assert sovereigntyagainst the IMF and Germany . Rather, it was a government attempt to regain the

    initiative against their own people, who are clamoring to leave the government.

    But Douzinas also recalls that "referendum" is a "bad word in the corridors of B

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    russels, because it evokes the fear that the elites feel when people enter the political scene momentarily." The dome of the euro area and major financial centers are against any referendum question or put into question - as happened in thepast - the euro, the rigid and limiting principles of the founding treaties ofthe EU, or as the economist Constantin Gurdgiev, the undemocratic system that governs the euro area (4) and that for the fiscal tutelage has revived national and ethnic conflicts that involved the creation of the EU had buried forever.

    But feeling the pulse of the population, the dome of the euro area and nationalgovernments can not ignore that a growing percentage of the population and the popular movement that is already mobilized in the debtor countries can be found or find attractive the idea of referenda unpayable debts and reject the brutal policies of fiscal adjustment and privatization mentoring and require a policy radically different from today.And in countries "donors", such as Germany or the Netherlands, the idea of referendums is also attractive to some politicians and conservative and right-wing movements, as they say without hiding the implicit racism, do not want to continue using public resources to "keep slackers "of the Mediterranean countries.The famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, known for his struggle against theNazi-Fascist occupation and the dictatorship of the colonels, recalled in Greek

    television (5) that "democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich ".Theodorakis said that "our struggle is not only Greece, but aspire to a free, independent and democratic," adding that "no other solution is to replace the current European economic model, designed to generate debts, and tempered at a policy of demand stimulation and development, protectionism equipped with a drastic control of finance. If States are not imposed on the markets, the latter are theswallow, while democracy and all the achievements of European civilization. Democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich. We must not now allow banks to destroy European democracy, to seize the huge sums that they generated in the form of debt. "He concluded by emphasizing that support the fight of the Greeks is of interestto all people, because "if you now allow the sacrifice of Greek societies, Irish

    , Portuguese and Spanish on the altar of debt and the banks will soon be your turn. You do not thrive in the ruins of European societies () Resist the market totalitarianism that threaten to dismantle transforming Europe into a Third World,which lifts the European peoples against each other, which destroys our continent to raise the return to fascism. "To finance democracy is a hindrance financial and economic crisis in the euro zone deepens, and anchored even more anti-democratic policies that Germany, France and other countries are desperately tryingto apply to satisfy the "dictatorship of the markets." Therefore, to apply a "sound management" of public finances in the euro area countries has been necessaryto go back almost a thousand years, the time when Frederick I, known as Barbarossa, King of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire , ruled over a part of what isnow Italy.

    When to "restore order" in the management of the newly created "city states" Federico I introduced the "foreign podesta," or the designation from the dome of aquasi-dictator imported from abroad.

    To find a "solution" to the problem of debt in less developed countries in the euro zone, the "troika" formed by the European Commission (EC), European CentralBank (ECB) and IMF (1) ruled out the possibility offered by democracy as transparent negotiations where other voices are heard that the creditors of the financial sector, and subject to acceptance by referendum or early elections. For theseserious things democracy is a hindrance, as once and frankly told me in a conversation "off-the-record" a major Canadian Minister to seek to justify the totalsecrecy surrounding the negotiations for free trade agreements and foreign inves

    tment protection.

    Not in vain in the past 15 years, and virtually all advanced capitalist countrie

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    s, including those with a long tradition of parliamentary and public scrutiny, bilateral or multilateral negotiations on trade, investment and finance have beendrawn from the discussion and review in the public sphere, including the legislative, and concentrated in the hands of officials controlled the executive powers. The path to approval by decree, to avoid any scrutiny or public discussion isbeing used currently. Only after we have concluded agreements and when there isno possibility of reopening the negotiations, governments come to seek legislat

    ive approval or ratification, when it is needed.

    Mentoring in the eurozone

    And that journey of the troika for the time machine has, according to ProfessorStefan Collignon political economy (2), the support of the Italian Mario Monti,former EU Commissioner, and presented in circles as a candidate troika podest tosucceed the outgoing and Silvio Berlusconi.

    The difference with the time of Barbarossa who ruled the Holy Roman Empire is that this time will not be foreign podesta place of birth, but by their level of alienation to the realities of their peoples and of subordination to the financia

    l world, creditors who make up the global plutocracy, such as titles leftist forces in Greece. And in this country the Mayor to ensure the tutelage and apply severe austerity plan is undergoing a three-way negotiation (outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras, leader of the main opposition party, NewDemocracy, and the Troika EC-ECB-IMF), but what is clear is that it will be a man of the troika. Until a few hours talking about Lucas Papademos, former governor of the Bank (central) of Greece and former vice president of the ECB, and thenspoke of Philippos Petsalnikos, Minister of Public Order of the outgoing SocialDemocratic government of Papandreou. What is certain is that the new prime minister must come to power with "carte blanche" to the Greek Parliament, or a statement signed by Antonis Samaras, stating that without reluctance support full implementation of fiscal austerity plan imposed by the EU on 27 October.

    This is a "humiliating demands" of the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, according to a dispatch from Athens News, "designed to make Samaras in complete submission (which) resulted in a tumultuous protest ND party's base, already furious at the decision of the party leader to vote for the bailout plan terms that has been claiming for over a year. "

    The statement required by Rehn also be signed by outgoing Prime Minister Papandreou, for the next prime minister (Podesta) and Minister of Finance and Governorof the Bank of Greece. That is a surrender of sovereignty in order to serve as Greek policy standards for Italy, where the same scenario will take place in Greece: Berlusconi leave office after Parliament adopts the fiscal austerity of theEU, and the Mayor that replace him as prime minister must sign the acceptance ofthe plan and ensure its implementation.

    Collignon, professor of political economy, defined as "postmodern colonialism as" these control requirements in the absence of a European federal government toact "with full democratic legitimacy."

    In terms of podest imposed by the IMF and Washington have long experience in Latin America because Latin America has been (and is) the land where imperialism experience then apply their policies in the world, as stated by the American historian Greg Grandin.

    The latest attempt to impose a tutelage in the service of global finance was in2002, when Argentina was in a debt crisis similar to that of Greece and to suppo

    rt the positions of the IMF and creditors German economist Rudiger Dornbusch ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology "advised Argentina intervene First World teams to manage the currency, government spending and taxes. The path chosen

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    in the following years was the opposite, but it seems that ideas have their revenge Dornbusch died in Greece, "a timely reminder in Pgina/12 Fernando Krakowiak,edition of October 28. (If only a geographical coincidence, it is noted that Frederick I was crowned German king at Frankfurt, the financial capital of present-day Germany and the eurozone, where the respective headquarters of the Bundesbank (German Central Bank) and the ECB )

    And while the real economy is sinking ...

    It is almost certain that the departure of Berlusconi takes place in the midstof a crisis of the euro, since at the time of writing this article the interestrate on the bonds is to overcome Italian 7.0 percent annual growth level that ensures Accelerated Italian public debt even with a respectable rate of economic growth that helps increase tax revenues. But with the fiscal austerity required by the EU and the economic recession that inevitably accompany the Italian debt becomes a subject virtually insoluble. The Italian debt literally explode, and with it a part of the eurozone.

    Respected economists have said that these policies and redicho fiscal austerity

    and privatization of public goods and services do not have any grip from the point of view, because instead of fixing the debt problem worse by causing the recession or economic stagnation that will last a decade or two and will inevitablyresult in increased and decreased debt. Economist Nouriel Roubini has just reaffirmed in a long text (3).

    The euro zone crisis is entering a new and probably more serious phase with thecreditor banks sold (or settled by the implicit removes) the sovereign debt bonds they had in their hands, according to a Bloomberg office (Europe Selling BankBonds May Sovereign Debt Crisis Worse, November 8, 2011).

    Banks are selling because private investors - to which banks seek to maintain access - do not want to assume the risk involved in these bonds, and also sold by

    the demands of increased capital reserve to support any losses, issued by the European Banking Authority. In short, as told Bloomberg credit analyst Otto Dichtl, Knight Capital Europe Ltd., regulators and European leaders were shot in the foot because the big investors in sovereign bonds have exited the market. The downward spiral continues until policy makers find a backup solution for (bonds) sovereign., In short, while in the euro area and contributes IMF approves policy to applyindentation to revive anemic economies in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, with the likely result that fall into a coma very quickly and will decadesto recover, the Director of the IMF recommended in China, where the problem isthe excessive growth of some sectors of the economy, to adopt fiscal stimulus. Contradictions? No, both the austerity policy in the euro area and otherwise in the emerging countries will strengthen the dominant financial capital and transnational corporations, their executives and major shareholders that make up the global oligarchy, the 1% that even losing gains, as we are witnessing since the financial crisis of 2008-2009.

    Democracy was born (and can be reborn) canceling debtsThe governing parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats, have closed over the discussion of any options off the troika adopted by the EC-ECB-IMF without any democratic process. And are these austerity and rigidity of the monetary system, with consequences of unemployment and impoverishment that are fuelingpopulist demagogic speeches, anti-capitalist, anti-euro and anti-immigrant far-right, like the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France, that to attract the votes of the unemployed, workers who see their wages drop, the socially excluded

    and a middle class that lost social ladder, they are copying the script in the first decades of the 20th century allowed Benito Mussolini and fascism achieve power through elections.

  • 8/3/2019 To finance democracy is a hindrance


    Papandreou's plan to a referendum, Costas Douzinas writes in the British newspaper The Guardian, it was a belated recognition, a Democratic attempt to correct the face of repeated humiliations that went the Greeks, or to assert sovereigntyagainst the IMF and Germany . Rather, it was a government attempt to regain theinitiative against their own people, who are clamoring to leave the government.

    But Douzinas also recalls that "referendum" is a "bad word in the corridors of B

    russels, because it evokes the fear that the elites feel when people enter the political scene momentarily." The dome of the euro area and major financial centers are against any referendum question or put into question - as happened in thepast - the euro, the rigid and limiting principles of the founding treaties ofthe EU, or as the economist Constantin Gurdgiev, the undemocratic system that governs the euro area (4) and that for the fiscal tutelage has revived national and ethnic conflicts that involved the creation of the EU had buried forever.But feeling the pulse of the population, the dome of the euro area and nationalgovernments can not ignore that a growing percentage of the population and the popular movement that is already mobilized in the debtor countries can be found or find attractive the idea of referenda unpayable debts and reject the brutal policies of fiscal adjustment and privatization mentoring and require a policy radic

    ally different from today.And in countries "donors", such as Germany or the Netherlands, the idea of referendums is also attractive to some politicians and conservative and right-wing movements, as they say without hiding the implicit racism, do not want to continue using public resources to "keep slackers "of the Mediterranean countries.The famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, known for his struggle against theNazi-Fascist occupation and the dictatorship of the colonels, recalled in Greektelevision (5) that "democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich ".Theodorakis said that "our struggle is not only Greece, but aspire to a free, independent and democratic," adding that "no other solution is to replace the current European economic model, designed to generate debts, and tempered at a policy of demand stimulation and development, protectionism equipped with a drastic c

    ontrol of finance. If States are not imposed on the markets, the latter are theswallow, while democracy and all the achievements of European civilization. Democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich. We must not now allow banks to destroy European democracy, to seize the huge sums that they generated in the form of debt. "He concluded by emphasizing that support the fight of the Greeks is of interestto all people, because "if you now allow the sacrifice of Greek societies, Irish, Portuguese and Spanish on the altar of debt and the banks will soon be your turn. You do not thrive in the ruins of European societies () Resist the market totalitarianism that threaten to dismantle transforming Europe into a Third World,which lifts the European peoples against each other, which destroys our continent to raise the return to fascism. "To finance democracy is a hindrance financial and economic crisis in the euro zone deepens, and anchored even more anti-democratic policies that Germany, France and other countries are desperately tryingto apply to satisfy the "dictatorship of the markets." Therefore, to apply a "sound management" of public finances in the euro area countries has been necessaryto go back almost a thousand years, the time when Frederick I, known as Barbarossa, King of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire , ruled over a part of what isnow Italy.

    When to "restore order" in the management of the newly created "city states" Federico I introduced the "foreign podesta," or the designation from the dome of aquasi-dictator imported from abroad.

    To find a "solution" to the problem of debt in less developed countries in the e

    uro zone, the "troika" formed by the European Commission (EC), European CentralBank (ECB) and IMF (1) ruled out the possibility offered by democracy as transparent negotiations where other voices are heard that the creditors of the financi

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    al sector, and subject to acceptance by referendum or early elections. For theseserious things democracy is a hindrance, as once and frankly told me in a conversation "off-the-record" a major Canadian Minister to seek to justify the totalsecrecy surrounding the negotiations for free trade agreements and foreign investment protection.

    Not in vain in the past 15 years, and virtually all advanced capitalist countrie

    s, including those with a long tradition of parliamentary and public scrutiny, bilateral or multilateral negotiations on trade, investment and finance have beendrawn from the discussion and review in the public sphere, including the legislative, and concentrated in the hands of officials controlled the executive powers. The path to approval by decree, to avoid any scrutiny or public discussion isbeing used currently. Only after we have concluded agreements and when there isno possibility of reopening the negotiations, governments come to seek legislative approval or ratification, when it is needed.

    Mentoring in the eurozone

    And that journey of the troika for the time machine has, according to Professor

    Stefan Collignon political economy (2), the support of the Italian Mario Monti,former EU Commissioner, and presented in circles as a candidate troika podest tosucceed the outgoing and Silvio Berlusconi.

    The difference with the time of Barbarossa who ruled the Holy Roman Empire is that this time will not be foreign podesta place of birth, but by their level of alienation to the realities of their peoples and of subordination to the financial world, creditors who make up the global plutocracy, such as titles leftist forces in Greece. And in this country the Mayor to ensure the tutelage and apply severe austerity plan is undergoing a three-way negotiation (outgoing Prime Minister George Papandreou, Antonis Samaras, leader of the main opposition party, NewDemocracy, and the Troika EC-ECB-IMF), but what is clear is that it will be a man of the troika. Until a few hours talking about Lucas Papademos, former governo

    r of the Bank (central) of Greece and former vice president of the ECB, and thenspoke of Philippos Petsalnikos, Minister of Public Order of the outgoing SocialDemocratic government of Papandreou. What is certain is that the new prime minister must come to power with "carte blanche" to the Greek Parliament, or a statement signed by Antonis Samaras, stating that without reluctance support full implementation of fiscal austerity plan imposed by the EU on 27 October.

    This is a "humiliating demands" of the Commissioner of the European Union (EU) Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, according to a dispatch from Athens News, "designed to make Samaras in complete submission (which) resulted in a tumultuous protest ND party's base, already furious at the decision of the party leader to vote for the bailout plan terms that has been claiming for over a year. "

    The statement required by Rehn also be signed by outgoing Prime Minister Papandreou, for the next prime minister (Podesta) and Minister of Finance and Governorof the Bank of Greece. That is a surrender of sovereignty in order to serve as Greek policy standards for Italy, where the same scenario will take place in Greece: Berlusconi leave office after Parliament adopts the fiscal austerity of theEU, and the Mayor that replace him as prime minister must sign the acceptance ofthe plan and ensure its implementation.

    Collignon, professor of political economy, defined as "postmodern colonialism as" these control requirements in the absence of a European federal government toact "with full democratic legitimacy."

    In terms of podest imposed by the IMF and Washington have long experience in Latin America because Latin America has been (and is) the land where imperialism experience then apply their policies in the world, as stated by the American histor

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    ian Greg Grandin.

    The latest attempt to impose a tutelage in the service of global finance was in2002, when Argentina was in a debt crisis similar to that of Greece and to support the positions of the IMF and creditors German economist Rudiger Dornbusch ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology "advised Argentina intervene First World teams to manage the currency, government spending and taxes. The path chosen

    in the following years was the opposite, but it seems that ideas have their revenge Dornbusch died in Greece, "a timely reminder in Pgina/12 Fernando Krakowiak,edition of October 28. (If only a geographical coincidence, it is noted that Frederick I was crowned German king at Frankfurt, the financial capital of present-day Germany and the eurozone, where the respective headquarters of the Bundesbank (German Central Bank) and the ECB )

    And while the real economy is sinking ...

    It is almost certain that the departure of Berlusconi takes place in the midstof a crisis of the euro, since at the time of writing this article the interestrate on the bonds is to overcome Italian 7.0 percent annual growth level that en

    sures Accelerated Italian public debt even with a respectable rate of economic growth that helps increase tax revenues. But with the fiscal austerity required by the EU and the economic recession that inevitably accompany the Italian debt becomes a subject virtually insoluble. The Italian debt literally explode, and with it a part of the eurozone.

    Respected economists have said that these policies and redicho fiscal austerityand privatization of public goods and services do not have any grip from the point of view, because instead of fixing the debt problem worse by causing the recession or economic stagnation that will last a decade or two and will inevitablyresult in increased and decreased debt. Economist Nouriel Roubini has just reaffirmed in a long text (3).

    The euro zone crisis is entering a new and probably more serious phase with thecreditor banks sold (or settled by the implicit removes) the sovereign debt bonds they had in their hands, according to a Bloomberg office (Europe Selling BankBonds May Sovereign Debt Crisis Worse, November 8, 2011).

    Banks are selling because private investors - to which banks seek to maintain access - do not want to assume the risk involved in these bonds, and also sold bythe demands of increased capital reserve to support any losses, issued by the European Banking Authority. In short, as told Bloomberg credit analyst Otto Dichtl, Knight Capital Europe Ltd., regulators and European leaders were shot in the foot because the big investors in sovereign bonds have exited the market. The downward spiral continues until policy makers find a backup solution for (bonds) sovereign., In short, while in the euro area and contributes IMF approves policy to applyindentation to revive anemic economies in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, with the likely result that fall into a coma very quickly and will decadesto recover, the Director of the IMF recommended in China, where the problem isthe excessive growth of some sectors of the economy, to adopt fiscal stimulus. Contradictions? No, both the austerity policy in the euro area and otherwise in the emerging countries will strengthen the dominant financial capital and transnational corporations, their executives and major shareholders that make up the global oligarchy, the 1% that even losing gains, as we are witnessing since the financial crisis of 2008-2009.

    Democracy was born (and can be reborn) canceling debts

    The governing parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Social Democrats, have closed over the discussion of any options off the troika adopted by the EC-ECB-IMF without any democratic process. And are these austerity and rigidity of the moneta

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    ry system, with consequences of unemployment and impoverishment that are fuelingpopulist demagogic speeches, anti-capitalist, anti-euro and anti-immigrant far-right, like the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France, that to attract the votes of the unemployed, workers who see their wages drop, the socially excludedand a middle class that lost social ladder, they are copying the script in the first decades of the 20th century allowed Benito Mussolini and fascism achieve power through elections.

    Papandreou's plan to a referendum, Costas Douzinas writes in the British newspaper The Guardian, it was a belated recognition, a Democratic attempt to correct the face of repeated humiliations that went the Greeks, or to assert sovereigntyagainst the IMF and Germany . Rather, it was a government attempt to regain theinitiative against their own people, who are clamoring to leave the government.

    But Douzinas also recalls that "referendum" is a "bad word in the corridors of Brussels, because it evokes the fear that the elites feel when people enter the political scene momentarily." The dome of the euro area and major financial centers are against any referendum question or put into question - as happened in thepast - the euro, the rigid and limiting principles of the founding treaties ofthe EU, or as the economist Constantin Gurdgiev, the undemocratic system that go

    verns the euro area (4) and that for the fiscal tutelage has revived national and ethnic conflicts that involved the creation of the EU had buried forever.But feeling the pulse of the population, the dome of the euro area and nationalgovernments can not ignore that a growing percentage of the population and the popular movement that is already mobilized in the debtor countries can be found or find attractive the idea of referenda unpayable debts and reject the brutal policies of fiscal adjustment and privatization mentoring and require a policy radically different from today.And in countries "donors", such as Germany or the Netherlands, the idea of referendums is also attractive to some politicians and conservative and right-wing movements, as they say without hiding the implicit racism, do not want to continue using public resources to "keep slackers "of the Mediterranean countries.The famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, known for his struggle against the

    Nazi-Fascist occupation and the dictatorship of the colonels, recalled in Greektelevision (5) that "democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich ".Theodorakis said that "our struggle is not only Greece, but aspire to a free, independent and democratic," adding that "no other solution is to replace the current European economic model, designed to generate debts, and tempered at a policy of demand stimulation and development, protectionism equipped with a drastic control of finance. If States are not imposed on the markets, the latter are theswallow, while democracy and all the achievements of European civilization. Democracy was born in Athens, where Solon canceled the debts of the poor to the rich. We must not now allow banks to destroy European democracy, to seize the huge sums that they generated in the form of debt. "He concluded by emphasizing that support the fight of the Greeks is of interestto all people, because "if you now allow the sacrifice of Greek societies, Irish, Portuguese and