tm abhaya abhaya news update.pdf5 j.k.somani,...

abhaya FOUNDATION an assurance for no fear .... HOME OF HAPPINESS T Th he e T TH HO OU UG GH HT TS S i is s t th he e S SE EE ED D T Th he e W WO OR RD DS S a ar re e W WA AT TE ER R T Th he e D DE EE ED DS S a ar re e T TR RE EE E a ab bh ha ay ya a H Ho om me e i is s t th he e F FL LO OW WE ER R! ! S So oo on n i it ts s o of ff fe er re ed d a at t T TH HY Y F Fe ee et t o of f G GO OD D B Be en ne ef fi it ti in ng g t th ho os se e w wh ho o a ar re e i in n n ne ee ed dP PR RA AY Y f fo or r t th he e S SU UP PP PO OR RT TL Le et t F Fl lo ow we er r s sp pr re ea ad d f fr ra ag gr ra an nc ce e o of f L LO OV VE E T TH HO OU UG GH HT TW WO OR RD DD DE EE ED D t to og ge et th he er r C Cr re ea at te e M Mi ir ra ac cl le es s f fo or r s su ur re e! !TM News Update July’2013

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Page 1: TM abhaya Abhaya News Update.pdf5 J.K.Somani, Hsil Limited, Secunderabad 26500 29 CA D Prasanna Kumar, Navayuga, Hyd. 4000 ... Hyderabad

abhaya FOUNDATIONan assurance for no fear....



TThhee DDEEEEDDSS aarree TTRREEEEaabbhhaayyaa HHoommee iiss tthhee FFLLOOWWEERR!!

SSoooonn iittss ooffffeerreedd aatt TTHHYY FFeeeett ooff GGOODD BBeenneeffiittiinngg tthhoossee wwhhoo aarree iinn nneeeedd……

PPRRAAYY ffoorr tthhee SSUUPPPPOORRTT……LLeett FFlloowweerr sspprreeaadd ffrraaggrraannccee ooff LLOOVVEETTHHOOUUGGHHTT……WWOORRDD……DDEEEEDD ttooggeetthheerr

CCrreeaattee MMiirraacclleess ffoorr ssuurree!!””


News UpdateJuly’2013

Page 2: TM abhaya Abhaya News Update.pdf5 J.K.Somani, Hsil Limited, Secunderabad 26500 29 CA D Prasanna Kumar, Navayuga, Hyd. 4000 ... Hyderabad

Meda NarasimhuluChairman

abhaya Home of Happiness

Dear abhayans!

completed entire project in less than 10 months

I felt immensely happy… the way abhaya without even asking for the payment from

FOUNDATION is doing good work. Especially I am abhaya. It is very difficult to see such people in

happy for the dedication and special care taken by the society.

the Founder and Board Trustees. When the abhaya

team shared thoughts about their dream project I had born in a remote village called

“abhaya Home of Happiness”, I told them it's a Thimmampalli in Anantapur District. I lost my

magnanimous project which involves committed mother at young age. My father took all the

effort to establish and run it and need people to take responsibility and brought me up with his love

ownership and responsibility. Soon after a few days, and affection. Ours is a middle class family and I

they have decided to take the Project forward and completed Diploma in Civil Engineering. Later I

requested me to lead from front. I felt that there is worked for several organizations and settled in

need of project like that of 'Home of Happiness' in Hyderabad. I got good name for my works as

society and instantly decided to do my part by all Special Class Contractor in Hyderabad. With

means. With God's grace, we laid foundation stone God's blessings and with the support of my Wife

on 12th Aug'13. Late Smt Sakuntalamma, we have participated

in various service activities. I prefer to be calm

With my experience in construction field, I took and simple always and doing my best in the

complete responsibility with the support of Architect society.

Sri T. Rawiindra, Structural Engineer Sri Ganesh

Babu, Water and Sanitary works expert: Sri With divine blessings of Sri Satya Sai Baba, I was

Hanumantha Chary provided their selfless service able to construct many buildings and dedicated

to this magnanimous project. Sacred thoughts for the community work. I believe that HIS

always get support from one or the other corner and blessings will always be there for “abhaya Home

this project is an example for that. So many noble of Happiness” project too. The same will of HIS

people joined their hands and given their generous made me to be instrumental in building admin

support. In no time we are seeing a beautiful block in fond memory of my parents. I firmly

campus with 16000 sq.ft built up area. believe the life line for my journey is “Love All

Serve All”. I APPEAL each one of you to be part of

I just wanted to talk about the great work done by GOOD WORK, wherever it may be to live after

Sri N Janardhan Rao, Contractor along with his death.

Team. He is very close to me and known for many

years. He took up the work with dedication and Yours affectionately

Page 3: TM abhaya Abhaya News Update.pdf5 J.K.Somani, Hsil Limited, Secunderabad 26500 29 CA D Prasanna Kumar, Navayuga, Hyd. 4000 ... Hyderabad

latest updapteabhaya Home of Happinessabhaya Home of Happiness


Page 4: TM abhaya Abhaya News Update.pdf5 J.K.Somani, Hsil Limited, Secunderabad 26500 29 CA D Prasanna Kumar, Navayuga, Hyd. 4000 ... Hyderabad

Power Mech Projectsdonated Rs.2,00,000/-

abhaya salute Sri Kishore

Babu, CMD & the TEAM Power

Mech for their kind hearted

donation of Rs.2,00,000/- for

abhaya Home of Happiness.

Thanks to CS PS Rao & CS DS

Rao for their kind hearted

propagation of abhaya and its cause...

Power Mech Projects Ltd. established in the

year 1999, is a leading construction company in

India with built in infrastructure, manpower,

expertise and credibility. While the company

has diversified activities, it mainly focuses on

providing specified services in Power Sector.

T h e C o m p a n y i s

associated with major

p o w e r U t i l i t y

companies in India and

abroad, in the area of

Erection, Testing and

C o m m i s s i o n i n g


– abhaya TEAM

CCL Products (India) Ltd donated Rs.5,00,000/-

abhaya Salutes CCL Products (India) Ltd,

Sri Challa Rajendra Prasad, Managing

Director and the Board Members for their

kind hearted donation of Rs.5,00,000/- to

“abhaya home of Happiness”. Also our

heartfelt gratitude's to CS PS Rao,

President for bringing this project to their


abhaya cordially invites you to taste one of the finest, richest,

instant coffee in the world. CCL manufacture Soluble Instant Spray

Dried Coffee Powder, Spray Dried Agglomerated / Granulated

Coffee, Freeze Dried Coffee, as well as Freeze Concentrated Liquid

Coffee. Their coffee is prepared from carefully chosen Arabica and

Robusta coffee beans, roasted and processed to perfection, for an

aroma and flavor that will bring you real

satisfaction instantly.

CCL Products is an Export Oriented Unit, with

the ability to import green coffee into India

from any part of the world, and export the

same to any part of the world, free of all

duties. CCL Products' state-of-the-art Coffee

Manufacturing Plant is located at Duggirala

Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh,

India. ( – abhaya TEAM.

abhaya Home of Happinessabhaya Home of HappinessLoving HEARTS & Helping HANDS

Page 5: TM abhaya Abhaya News Update.pdf5 J.K.Somani, Hsil Limited, Secunderabad 26500 29 CA D Prasanna Kumar, Navayuga, Hyd. 4000 ... Hyderabad

Volunteers took inventory atthe siteOn an eventful Sunday at abhaya Home of

Happiness, Abhayans visited site and took an

inventory of all the material lying at the site.

All the material that was scattered around

like kitchen ware, sanitary ware, furniture,

utensils etc., was accounted for and stacked

in order for easy use at a later date. All

volunteers had lunch together and

dispersed. We thank all abhayans for making

available their time and effort.

We are pleased to inform that progress at abhaya Home

has been very brisk lately and should be nearing

completion very soon. As if by Gods own guidance to the

work at the site and the approach road by the Authorities

both seem to be parallel reaching finishing stage. The day

doesn't seem far when this project would be handed over

to serve the Nation. May God be with us in making this

endeavor a grand success.

abhaya Home of Happinessabhaya Home of HappinessGOD & HIS Men working

GOD willed & Govt., laid road to the site

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Our Deepes t Respec ts and

admirat ion for Sr i Vuppa la

Radhakrishnan, Retd Chief Engineer,

Hyderabad who after listening to the

concept and progress of abhaya

decided to extend a monthly support.

We wish him grace of God in all his


abhaya feels extremely proud to have CS

Chagan & CS Srikanth as patrons for abhaya

and its cause. They connected to abhaya and

passionately spread the word amongst their

family members. It's inspiring to say the least

to see such souls working voluntarily for caus.

We express our heartfelt appreciations for CS

Divya and CS Vanitha for their support too.

abhaya Salutes Team R&A, Company Secretaries,Hyderabad for their kind participation in Mission1000. Generating donations @ Rs.1000/- per Sq.Ftfor abhaya Home. We express our gratitude's toAbhayan CS Khusboo, Company Secretary for herinitiation in this matter.

abhaya salutes CA B

Lokanadham, for his

generous donation of

Rs. 25000/- to abhaya

H o m e . I t ' s v e r y

heartening to realize

that people like him are

there around us with so

much love and care.

You inspire us and

multiply our passion for

doing good deeds

manifold with your


. Love & life for the

country, abhaya Team

abhaya Home of Happinessabhaya Home of HappinessLoving HEARTS & Helping HANDS

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abhaya salute CS Mohit Kambar for his initiation of

Mission 1000 amongst Company Secretary

fretarnity taking clue from the success of Mission

1000 by B Sushma, KSV Sivakrishna & CS

Kirankumar. He conceptualised a coupon book

containing 50 coupons with a slogan stating

Rs.1000/- Per Sq Ft... and spread it across many

friends. Following are the HEROS of Mission

1000...If every one succeed in motivating 50 friends who can

contribute Rs.1000/- each...then there would be a pool of Rs

5,00,000/-. If some one wish to be part of this Mission... they

may please be in touch with CS Mohit Kamdar (9885313292)

CS MohitKamdar CS Srikanth NNS CA BV PrasadCS Jinesh Kumar Jain CS K Sathish Gupta Sri G Srinivas Sri KSV SivakrishnaCS Vanita N Sri MedaNarasimhulu Sri K DastagiriCS Chaganlal CS DVM Gopal CS Ahalada Rao CS Khusboo

Sri N Janardhana Rao

Sri Sandeep

Your appeal had come long back. Today I have an occasion to do are staying out of country and also few corporates. Swami is

things that make me feel better. Today is my daughter's third with you – Ranga Rao, Sharekhan, Hyderabadbirthday and there can't be better way of celebrating than

giving whatever possible to ABHAYA. I have transferred Rs.

1000/- to abhaya Home Account. I know this is really small My wholehearted appreciation for your social service. I have

money for the task that ABHAYA has taken up. I only hope to do sent a cheque for an amount of Rs. 4,000/- Can you please send

better and more. - H. Bhogesh, Prestige Group, B'lore the Receipt to my address. - D.Prasanna Kumar, NavayugaGroup, Hyderabad

Please accept small Gurudakshina forthe God's work which

abhaya is doing. I have deposited Rs.10116 /- in Axis Bank Today I have transferred Rs.25,000/- to abhaya foundation in

today and please find the Cheque details. Kindly send the memory of my uncle Late Sri B.Hari Prasad on his birth

Presentation if any about abhaya Foundation and it's activity anniversary on 16th July'13 – CA Burle Lokanadham,which I want to send to my couple of friends and relatives who Chartered Accountant, Vijayawada.

abhaya Home of Happinessabhaya Home of HappinessMISSION 1000

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S.No. Name of the Donor Rs.1 CCL Products India Limited, Hyderabad 500000 25 Pooja Traders, Hyderabad 5000

2 Powermech Projects Ltd., Vijayawada 200000 26 A.Gowrinath, Navayuga, Hyderabad 5000

3 Maharshi Rice Mills Private Limited, MRD 100000 27 D.A.Renuka, Hyderabad 5000

4 Abhaya Foundation 50000 28 B.P.Satyanarayana Murthy, Kolar 5000

5 J.K.Somani, Hsil Limited, Secunderabad 26500 29 CA D Prasanna Kumar, Navayuga, Hyd. 4000

6 Ranga Lingaiah, Miryalaguda 25000 30 Y V Lakshmi, Hyderabad 3000

7 Sunil Kumar, Hyderabad 25000 31 P Venkateswarlu Badvel,Tadpatri 2500

8 K V Ramakrishna, Mumbai 25000 32 Cs Nithin Kumar Jain, Hyderabad 2001

9 Ca Lokanadham Burle, Vijayawada 25000 33 Mr.Prabhakar, Hyderabad 2000

10 Sri Meda Narasimhulu & Friends 16120 34 Sri Oblum Industries, Hyderabad 2000

11 Others in group 14000 35 Lakshmi Executive Womens Inn, Hyde 2000

12 R & A Associates Team, Hyderabad 13350 36 Sri Laksahmi Venkateswara Industries,TPT 1100

13 N.G.Prasanna Kumar , Hyderabad 12005 37 Sreelakshmi P 1000

14 K.Ranga Rao, Secunderabad 10116 38 Simson Devassy, Hyderabad 1000

15 Ramesh Chandolu, Anantapur 10000 39 H Bhogesh, Bangalore 1000

16 Syslex Law Firm, Hyderabad 10000 40 V Srinivas Goud,Hyderabad 1000

17 B Madhukar, Nagar Kurnool 10000 41 Ramanjaneya Reddy,Hyderabad 1000

18 C.Madhav, Coo, Navayuga, Hyderabad 7001 42 Sri Laksahmi Venkateswara Industries, TPT 975

19 Sushma Bhonagiri & Friends Hyderabad 5500 43 Gandhmaneni Thulasi, Hyderabad 501

20 Marella Vamsi Narasimhulu 5000 44 Kiran Kumar Gunda, Hyderabad 500

21 Chandra Bhanu Niyogi, Hyderabad 5000 45 Gundavarapu V S, Hyderabad 400

22 Roshan Kumar Agrawal, Hyderabad 5000 46 Srikanth C H S P, Hyderabad 300

23 Pabuji Electronics & Sanitary, Hyderabad 5000 47 B Roopendra Prasad,Hyderabad 100

24 Pabuji Plywood Glass Aluminum, Hyd. 5000 TOTAL 11,55, 969

S.No. Name of the Donor Rs.

abhaya Home of Happinessabhaya Home of HappinessDonations/Promises in July 2013

It is always a great feeling to know that there are people around very silently lending their hands of support fo

abhaya Home! Though, Many of them, knowing about the project for the first time... they donated like life time

companions of abhaya Foundation. Founder, President, Secretary along with the board trustees, bow before so

many kind hearted people who lend their hearty support. abhaya could pool close to Rs. 11,55,969/- in the

month of July’13. Following are the donors who provided resources in the month of July and please pardon us if

any names missed in the table and will be happy to have the details from you end.

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UTTRAKHAND FLOOD RELIEF: Rs. 10,00,000/- worthmaterial dispatched to Dehradun through SEWA.

We are humbled yet again by the warmth of abhayans and their divine circle of

compassionate souls who pooled in generously for Mission 500. We asked for 500

and they gave us 600. All together the value of things including garments touched

around an astonishing Rs 10 lakhs in 5 days. We very humbly dispatched the same in

the service of our countrymen reeling under floods in Uttarakhand. We send out our

earnest prayers for all the victims of the floods. May God bless them and give

strength to begin their lives afresh. We have started engaging with like minded

NGOs to deliver these items in an efficient and time bound manner.

abhaya salutes Laven Fashions, Hyderabad for having empathy for fellow citizens and donating such high quality garments

from their stock for Uttarakhand flood victims. Its gestures like these that humble us time and again. We wish them all the

success in their endeavors.

As you are awareAnand Singh is carrying the material for distribution to Uttarkashi. There wasavalanche on the road from Dehradun to Uttarkashi. It rained heavily for 2-3 days, which made

parts of the road muddy/un-commutable, and all the vehicles were stopped on both side ofthe patch that had caved in. Anand had to spend more than 24 hours at the spot with thetruckload without any amenities from 23rd evening to 24th July night. The truckload reachedUttarkashi last night after 10 PM and I received the text message from Anand Singh that hehas succeeded in crossing the spot and reached the town after the daylong struggle, thetransporter and the truck driver demanding as much as they could for this transportation.

Villages around Uttarkashi have been asked to come up with list of families and the materialwill be distributed in a day or two after verifying the records. It will not be possible to transportthe material to the villages with damaged roads. Local volunteers have been roped in for thedistribution. This is one of the toughest jobs. We are still feeding people from 50 villages dailyand would be distributing ration for coming 4 months as everything has been washed away. -.Shyam Parande, SEWAInternational, Delhi

Yashwanth is my batch mate in PGPMAX @ ISB. He is a first generation entrepreneur who is in the

business of Linen garments and setting up retail stores across India. He knows about abhaya and he

himself called me after seeing our post @ Facebook to help Uttarakhand Victims. I have also

suggested to him to make abhaya as CSR partner for his business, he has agreed for the same. We can

have small display in all his outlets, box for donations and instead of returning change, they can

contribute to abhaya. – CS G Raghubabu, Secretary, abhaya.

Facebook brought Rs. 6,00,000/- worth export garments!!!

Report from Ground ‘O’

Uttarakhand Flood Relief Materialsent by abhaya reached Dehradun

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Latest Report from Uttarakashi

material like clothes, Kitchen kit, given by abhayaFoundation have been distributed apart from making the Food materialUDAPSS.

On 23rd July, we started from Risikesh Kendra for reaching Gangori Kendra. Had to stay

at Chindwali Sound from 23rd July 7.15 PM to 24th July 6.30 PM due to severe damage

to the route and inability of the vehicle to move on. Reached Gangori Saraswathi Shishu

Mandir at 7.45 PM on 24th July, Unloaded the relief material safely. It was on 25th July

from 12.15 Pm to 4.30 Pm took up the work of packing the material for convenient

distribution to the victims with the help of local Volunteers. 5.15 Pm conducted Baithak

discussing the Distribution process. But, due to unexpected rains distribution delayed.

Amongst the identified 35 Families of 5 villages, only 21 Families of 3 villages only could

be distributed. Most of the families receiving the material either were daily wage earner

or those whose houses have been completely washed off in the floods. The villages

between Gangori and Maneri namely Hena, Garam Pani, Kwari, Naitala, Ungi, Didsari,

about 12 villages about 70 families out of the said villages, have been identified and

distribution is going on in the form of 2-4 families at a time.

Volunteers who are involved in the relief work whose own families are struck badly in

the floods or whose villages are disconnected due to heavy rains, are also being helped

in all possible ways.Due to heavy rains and cloudburst most of the villages beyond

Gangori are disconnected and roads are badly damaged, the D.M. of Uttarkashi also

issued orders stopping the distribution work, as it may result in casualties or injuries to

both volunteers and victims, in this circumstances plans are on to continue the relief

work without disobeying the orders of the D.M. In view of the said orders taking rescue

material to the victims has become difficult as there is a limit of 25 kg maximum weight

to be carried by a Pittu and 60 Kg for a Khachar. which would be expensive and

impractical. Between Gangori and Maneri about 13 Km the cost of One Khachar is

between 1000 to 1200 rupees and that of a Pithu for 1 to 1.5 Km is about 250 to 300


For few families who are dislocated from high altitude villages and have been staying at

Garam Pani, Kot Bangla, Laksheshwar, Gangori villages as refugees have been

identified and relief

Most of the families above are migrants from Orissa, Bihar and Nepal.

Preparation of further list of beneficiaries and Pradhans undertaking such distributions

is under process. Press release had been issued and the same was covered by Rashtra

Dev, Amar Ujala but no publication is reported till now.

–Anand Singh, SWEA International, from Uttarakashi (by email dt 28th July 2013)

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Mission Swathi

Dear Sir, the

treatment for

chemo side

effect and

fever is a

success and

received C-

phase-I, one

of the part of

4 t h c y c l e

chemo. The

b lood and

other reports

are normal.

Now she is taking rest to prepare C-

phase-II treatment on 22/07/2013. Out

of the Rs. 30, 000, only Rs. 14,366 was

used while balance kept for future

Chemos. Out of Rs 10,000(issued check

on 04/06/2013) Rs 8400 was used to

purchase Leunase injections and

remaining amount Rs 2600 was utilized

for transportation(DOT CABS). I will be

sending you the discharge summery

and bill details.

- M.Venkateshwarlu, TKRCET


Mission Vigneshwara

I would like to bring the latest update

of mission Vigneshwara, presently my

brother is continuing maintenance

phase (M3 I3), he is doing well and

following all guidelines from time to

time as suggested by the doctors.

Doing proper exercises & meditation,

maintaining proper diet.

-K Raghavendra, Capital IQ

Mission Nagarjuna

Hope you are doing good. Please find the

attached documents of my

medical tests and Second

immunization for the month

of July. I was not well from

the last two weeks so I could

not go to the college. I will

attend regular classes from

Monday. - Nagarjuna

Sirisha & Divya

abhaya special child Sirisha was admitted in hospital

with fits and her brain was affected by the disease.

She was admitted in oxygen hospitals but then

shifted to prime hospital in Ameerpet due to lack of

facilities was in hospital for 7days in Critical

condition. abhaya provided Rs.15,000/- in

emergency and the rest was borne by her parents.

She was discharged now and need to take

medication for 3 years. Her sister Divya missed

Physiotherapy sessions at Sweekar as there is no

one to take care, But from last week, Manga her

mother is taking her for Physiotherapy and Sirisha

will join them from 1st of August. After surgery, they

were so weak and could not even stand. They still

need physiotherapy for strengthening muscles. We

are all expecting good progress soon.

- Siva Krishna


“ EART”HHHealthcare UpdateHealthcare Update

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Mission MukeshMukesh has completed 1

month in the rehabilitation

c e n t e r a t B h a d r a k

undergoing mechanical

way of physiotherapy and

s h o w s a v i s i b l e

improvement. Both the

legs lying as log till now

have started moving. He is

able to stand for 2 to 3

minutes with the help of a

walker, which earlier used

to bend from waist

resulting in fall. I am in

regular touch with him and

his doctor and am positive

on his recovery. I have

asked one friend to send a

c lear photo of h is .

Necessary arrangement

may please be made to

deposit Rs.10000/- in

child's account - FCMAB . R a u l , M a n a g e r( F i n a n c e ) , H A L ,Bangalore

Mission Yesobe: lessons for abhayaI accepted this mission out of my compassion towards the child

who is suffering from cancer. In handling this long-term mission,I

did not forecast practical difficulties that are involved. This led me

to face all kinds of self-created problems. Right now 3 things

stopped me to involve in this mission. They are:

1) Work Culture in abhaya foundation: I know as a volunteer apart

from providing financial support I also have to direct the 'people in

need' in the right direction. I can do this through all the means

whatever available to me at that point of time. But abhaya's

instruction to me to be present in person every time or arrange

some other in place of me which is practically difficult as I don't

have such a human resources as of now. In my opinion to work in

abhaya as a volunteer we need a lot of infrastructure.

2) In active donors: All the donors,

who promised me to fund every

month are now becoming silent.

It's becoming difficult to remind

every time. Now, I feel whether

the so-called donors responded

looking at my way of appeal or fate

of the child? In my opinion in

handling such a long term

missions volunteer should have high social status and financial

status so that they can attract donors that I don't have right now.

3) Above all these, the response from Yesobe's father is very

disappointing as he is not at all asking for help, until I initiate the

proceedings. It is becoming difficult for me to interpret his

financial status.

My attachment towards abhaya is so high, which has not allowed

me to take any, decision against the foundation and in turn led me

to be silent. Anyway, owing to my failure in handling practical

issues involved, I would like to inform you"I am concluding the

Mission Yesobe with abhaya but not from doing service to people".

I will always be thankful to you for encouraging me to do service to

people. – DurgaNagalakshmi, CS Student.

Mission Sharvanee

Sharvanee continues to

regain her strength and is

looking forward eagerly to

the day she can remove the

ventilator pipes and throw

them away. With her father

being out of India, biggest

motivation for her is to be

able to breathe on her own

and walk into her father's

arms when we are together

again. She sure has taught

us what perseverance is and

how to fight and win against

the odds. She had great fun

posing for her passport

pictures and keeps asking

when will she get her book

wi th a p ic ture on i t

(passport). We need your

blessings and prayers.

Please keep us in your

thoughts. - Sandhya, Dell,Hyderabad

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““HH AARRTT””Eabhayaabhaya


Educare UpdateEducare Update

Abhaya Educare Review Meet held on 28thJuly 2013 at Abhaya, Hyderabad

this important aspect of life. It was followed by another video

clip showing the importance of respecting and acknowledging

the sacrifices of parents that they make for their children. On

this Founder spoke to children on how everyone should have

As has become the norm, gratitude for their parents and behave with the same patience

abhaya Educare Review Meet that they did when we were kids.

was a grand success. Where it

was heartwarming to see the The main activities of the event were put on roll with a

students attend with such Monthly Report writing session for all the students wherein

enthusiasm, it was more they wrote the reports for the month of July. Based on this

gratifying to see the progress report there was a one to one session of each student with the

they were making in terms of Volunteers/Mentors. These discussions are based on the

confidence each quarter. following lines.

Where they were shy and timid �What is happening with them

a few quarters back are now coming out of their shells. It was a �How are they progressing

proud moment for abhayans to see them take their first bold �What is the needsteps toward speaking English. A few of them had read books �The monthly report is ok/ notdistributed in the last review meet and could narrate stories out �Quality of reportingof it with ease. Thought they have still a long way to go but with �Anything they wanted to share with abhayatheir initial progress we are sure they are on the right path and it

is only a matter of “when” rather than “if”.

The mood of the event was set

with our expression of

gratitude to Almighty through

prayers. This was followed by

a short inspirational video

showing the importance of

Charity in Life. The founder

spoke briefly but passionately

to the gathered children on

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This was followed by a group knowing. She used innovative slides and ppt presentation to

session with all the kids. The drive home the points.

Volunteers/Mentors made notes

based on their interaction with Post lunch the penultimate

the kids about the common session was conducted by

issues faced by them. Following abhayan Sunil Shankar who

were the issues they found with took his sessions on usage of

them. MS Excel in continuation to

the one taken in last review

� Lack of English Speaking and writing Skills meeting. The students were

�Quality of Reporting to abhaya. shown some advanced

� Lack of clarity on how they can be helpful to abhaya features of Excel along with

� Lack of Time management skill. usage of database. They

�Extracurricular Activity, Charity Activities, were also shown how to make formats and usage of

� Lack of clarity on Goals in life. formatting. Students actively participated and created a

�Lack of challenging attitude. database of abhaya Educare members contact list and another

�Lack of discipline in life. sheet wherein they created a sales invoice.

Based on this feedback the Next session was taken by abhayan Finally the event came to a close with the Founder wishing

Siva Krishna wherein he commonly addressed all the above them the best for their future and individually seeing off

issues faced by the Children and showed them the way to break everybody. In a nutshell the event achieved all its objectives,

these barriers. He used videos to emphasize and inspire them which it aims for. The progress of the students was

onto achieving this. All the children were hooked on to this and ascertained, they were provided motivation, and their needs

were inspired and confident that they can do all this after were understood and provided. We at abhaya aim to create

listening to him. responsible and respectful citizens out of these children who

would eventually work towards Nation building. Lets come

abhayan Ankita Rajpal (Infosys) who very passionately together to help them fulfill this dream. – Reported by: Sunil

explained the importance and various aspects of health and Shankar, Coordinator – abhaya Educare TEAM.

hygiene and how it can affect our daily lives on health and

hygiene conducted the next

sess ion. Coming from

challenging backgrounds

children found it very

enlightening, wherein they

could understand a lot of

unknown things about the

topic which otherwise they

had very remote chance of

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Abhayan Sailatha is on her journey to

become Dr. Sailatha. As goes the adage

“If we believe in our merits, Success is

sure” so is the case with Sailatha who

started her journey with support from

abhaya Educare initiative since 3 years.

She has secured admission for MBBS at

Anantpur Medical College with the help

of local NGO's at Kurnool. We wish

Sailatha or rather Dr. Sailatha, an

Abhayan forever, the very best for her

future. God bless her. abhaya will be

providing Rs. 12000/- P.A.

-abhaya Teeam

abhaya congratulat K. Sailatha on her admission into MBBS

abhaya congratulat S. Leelavathi on her admission into M.Sc.,I am S. Leelavathi from Nalluru. I am doing fine. I got campus

seat in S V University but did not get organic chemistry,

instead got environmental chemistry. I also tried at S K

University but did not get campus seat. My admission is on

July 14 and hence will travel on 13th night from my village. I

participated in service activities at Satya

Sai Organization and Spiritual activities.

My long-term goal is to become a lecturer.

My short-term goal is to read well and try

to do part time job. Currently I am helping

my mother at home and reading good

books. Ankitha thank you very much.

Srinath brother clarifies my doubts and

explains me well about my subject .

- S. Leelavathi, Tirupati.

"Engineering Freshers...the Way forward"Every year many students especially engineers are associating

with abhaya. Though they are completing their degrees, they are

not able to get a good job at the end of their curriculam. Many of

them are not even aware of best way of presenting them in

resume. This is why abhaya thought of taking a session and invited

all those freshers to tell them the way forward.

There were about 12 graduates attended the session. abhayan

Siva Krishna shared various useful tips on how to write Resume,

How to forward it, importance of Covering Letter, Common

mistakes in sending, How to prepare for written test and personal

interview. It was about 3 hours session and all the attendees are

happy to note various known but commonly ignored things.

Believing that such kind of sessions are needed for all the freshers,

abhaya focusing to do the same wherever there is a possibility. The

less the number for the session the more is the impact we can

create. That was evident when we received feedback. abhaya appeal every single settled professional to spare their time

and support who are searching for job in similar way.

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My first visit to abhaya Vignan School,

Yerragunta, made me to realise who much work �Only one English speaking teacher.people like me can do during weekends.I want to �Difficult to retain teachers.

�Ground is small for 200 students.visit abhaya Vignan School where there were less�Non-teaching staff is also required.teachers. I would like to consistently visit to�Staff, rooms and ground limited.teach there. Please let me know if this is possible�Only 10 parents come to parent's meetingor is there any opportunity where I can teach and�Session on importance of education kids. Not to mention, I would always like to�People pursuing higher education is a volunteer for all the abhaya camps and�Very few doctos/engineers from the village.programs apart from my regular tasks to teach. I�Hardly 10 students are doing degrees.Will get in touch with Siva and complete that as�Villagers think, study will not help in living.well ASAP.

Issues that need our attention:

�Taking up service in schools/ hostels to teach Kids.

�Conduct classes for Career Guidance, Computers etc., .

�Be a Teacher and volunteer to work in Schools.

�Providing Stationary, educational materials, Sports Kits.

�Be a mentor for an abhaya sponsored child.

�Promoting mission among friends and family members.

�Sensitizing your colleagues and managers and making them

socially responsible.

�Supporting children and elders to nullify the social stigma

People like Shubh Raj Singh and Puneeth think differently. They

represent a new breed of young Indians who don't believe in

passing judgments on the nations inadequacies during canteen

chitchats. They would rather act towards changing that. abhaya

salutes them for their time with the teachers of abhaya Vignan

School. We had requested them to train the teachers and they

delivered more than what we expected. They are satisfied,This is the first email from Shubh Raj Singh working atTeachers are empowered, Nation moves forward. We wait forAIS, Hyderabad to abhaya:many more such youth to come forward that we firmly believe will

change the face of this country.I have gone through the abhaya site and figured out

following ways where I can contribute for Abhaya during

weekends. Let me know how I can start from here

Theirstrong…They immediately plunged into ACTION.. thebelow is his inspiring work for abhaya Vignan School

passion is so

The THOUGHT…WORD…DEED! If, work in unison… Miracles will surely happen!

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Suggestions for abhaya Vignan School

Mind mapping result from AVS teachers

Things going good at abhaya Vignan School

Things to improve at abhaya Vignan School

�Organize competitions and promote and appreciate talent.

�Appreciate kids for cleanliness.

�Play games/activities to explain subject.

�Convy stories to gain attention/concentration of kids.

�Convert waiting time to engagement time in class rooms. �School Beautification, gardening, coloring etc.�Give examples related to things around. �innovative pictures, playful emoticons�Impart moral values in free time. �Better play ground with better facilities required�Promote cleanliness. �English Speaking is almost nil in the school�Communicate in English as much as possible. �Cleanliness is below average

�Lack of English teaching skills

�Computers/laptops required

�Playing materials required

�Library required

�School has a good strength.

�Teachers are dedicated to teach.

�Decent infrastructure as compared to remote location.

�We are providing books and uniforms to all students.

�Approach in teaching.

�Change in mentality.

�Water and washroom problem.

�Colorful and attractive campus.

�Concentrate on English also apart from Telugu.

Kudos to Rajendra for taking time out and making a video for

abhaya Vignan School. The video conveyed the emotions and

ethos of abhaya very nicely. The video can be viewed and

downloaded from the following location. Request all Abhayans

to spread the same and create awareness for the cause.

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abhaya support to Tribal School:

As informed earlier, 2 well wishers of Walkers' Club International, viz., Sri.

Ramalingeswara Rao and Sri. Muralikrishna have been apprised of the school

during my morning walks. Both promised to help the school. Sri.

Bhavanarayana, Joint Sec, GVKS, Addateegala, got connected to

Ramalingeswara Rao and, medicines, clothes etc. are made ready by the latter

at Hyderabad. He also promised to make medicines available on regular basis

to the school through some common contacts stationed at Hyderabad and

Rajahmundry. Sri.Muralikrishna, who is the promoter of Ortin Labs, in

Hyderabad, promised to accumulate medicines required for children and

inform me. As and when done, I will inform GVKS for collection.

Sri.Muralikrishna further talked to the RM, SBI, and Vijayawada Region for

giving ceiling fans to the school. Today, SriBhavanarayana informed that

recently they have approached the concerned authorities of SBI, Branch

Office, Eleswaram, who promised to provide the same before the next quarter

ending September2013. The team, GVKS, also approached the Regional

Office, SBI, Vijayawada for the same purpose and they also promised help at

appropriate time. – EJP Prasad, Coordinator, abhaya RPL

DQ Smile support abhaya

abhaya Salutes DQ Entertainment

for their CSR initiative and joining

hands with abhaya for collecting

Toys/Books/Dresses for schools in

remote areas of our country. Our

sincere thanks to CS Anita Nair for

taking up the cause with their CSR

Wing and making it possible. We

believe every single working

professional is capable of doing

something similar. We wish that

many more will come forward and

give their hand in nation building.

I came back to work today and noticed that the cardboard

box I placed on our floor is full and the employees are

requesting for more time since they want to get the stuff

together as much as they can. Since your visit is scheduled

for Thursday and my teams have asked me to give them

time till this weekend, please suggest what can be done. If

there is another visit planned later in

the week or month, I can drop the

items off at abhaya next Tuesday. My

personal feeling is that, since we

have people interested in giving, we

should extend to ensure we get the

maximum possible for the children. –

SandyaRajan ikanth , De l l ,Hyderabad.

The twinkle in their eyes told their story of

how a small gesture had made them

delighted. This was possible with the support

of numerous Abhayans and their divine circle

of friends who pooled in Toys, books, Dresses.

We send out our deepest gratitude's and

prayers for their wellbeing and prosperity. To

con t r i bu t e

and generate

more such

d i v i n e

m o m e n t s

k ind ly act

and send any

unused kids

related items

to abhaya.

Mission Smiles @ Dell

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On the day ofG u r u p o o r n i m a ,F o u n d e ra d d r e s s e d aspecial gatheringof Sai Devotees atBangalore on “TheWay forward forSai Devotees”. Itwas his offering toSri Sathya SaiBaba. All devoteesbenefitted fromthis session.

“HEARRTT””Awareness UpdateAwareness Update abhayaabhaya


Founder addressed Future Teachers at Bukkapatnam,DEIT College on “EFFECTIVE TEACHING TECHNIQUES”as a fitting offering to Sri Sathya Sai Baba onGurupoornima.

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Felicitation Event hosted by Founder &President turned out to be facilitatingevent for doing GOOD WORK.Founder, CS Balachandra Sunku & President CS PS Rao,

hosted a GET TOGETHER at Hotel Millennium, Hyd 27th July

13 to honour Dr AS Durga Prasad (for his doctorial degree &

election as Vice President of ICAI), Sri Gampa Nageswara

Rao (for his election as President of HMA), CMA Sreshti DLS

(for his election as Member of Central Council, ICAI) and CS

M Adinarayana (for his election as Member of HMA) for their

wonderful accomplishments in life. The event was graced

by many professionals from CA/CS/CMA Institutes. As it

was hosted by abhaya office bearers, automatically the

event turned out to be plat forum to discuss about various

thoughts connected to community work. Founder thanked

CS Ahalad & CS Suman Bung and others for their support.

– abhaya TEAM.

Nageswara rao garu, Durga Prasad garu, Adinarayana garu,Greetings from Gampa, It was myShreshti garu, and Venkateswarlu garu to achieve more inpleasure to be with enlightenedtheir life.- Dr KV Achalapathi, Professor of Commerce,Professionals. Ipray god to give youOsmania University, and happiness. you are born for a

cause. Create history. You are BORN TOIt is my pleasure to meet a wonderful human

SUCCEED. Jai hind. - Gampabeing today and admire by the yeomen

Nageshwer Rao, Pres ident ,service to community and wish your selfless

H y d e r a b a d M a n a g e m e n t service be there for decades. Please let meAssociation have Bank Account details to express a bit of

my thanks giving. – CA PS Prabhakar,It was pleasure to spend time with the Director, Tiberwala Electromech Pvt Ltd.,friends at Get Together invited by you Hyderabad.yesterday. Your commitment and passion to

help the needy people is immeasurable and Really a nice program and thank you so muchworth emulating. We shall be with you. I for giving an opportunity to participate – CScongratulate all the people who are Rajesh B, Company Secretary, ICOMM,felicitated yesterday. I wish Sri. Gampa Hyderabad.

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It is my pleasure and privilege to attend the Thank you for having organized such a get

event. Truly the program is source of inspiration together yesterday. It gave an insight to everyone.

for the youngsters to achieve more better thins. It was nice meeting the many dignitaries over

Thanks for inviting me to the program. – CS there and more important for me is that the feeling

Sudhirkumar, Company Secretary, the warmth of the entire group. – KomalaHyderabad. Subhadra, VI B.Tech., D/o CS M Adinarayana,

Company Secretary, NATCO, HyderabadThanks a lot for making me a part of your noble

work. Hope to be a part of good work again and Kindly accept my sincere thanks for not only

again. Thank you- CS Suman Bung, Company visiting my office with Sri Meda Uncle, but also

Secretary, Hyderabad. for making me a member in yesterday's

excellent Get Together. Really abhaya

Thank you for your Invitation. I want to join hands Foundation is functioning for a good cause.

with abhaya with an initial contribution of Defiantly we are all with you. our GEMS

Rs.10,000/- and will assure you to bring as much as FOUNDATION will extend max support and

possible in days to come – CS G Ravikanth, cooperation to ABHAYA FOUNDATION. Let' s

Company Secretary, Hyderabad. work for a better and excellent COUNTRY. MERA BHARATH

MAHAN. – Madhu Mohan, Tax Consultant, HyderabadThank you sincerely. We had good time on

Saturday, the 27th July, evening. Nice to be Thanks to abhaya Team for arranging such a nice

there. May god give abhaya to you to maintain get together and sharing their thoughts and

good health, god speed to run abhaya experiences in serving the society, which are

FOUNDATION. Once again congrats to Durga, memorable. – CMA Ch. VenkateswarluGampa, Sresthi and Adinarayana. – CMA. K Ch (Secretary -SIRC-ICAI), Vice President,A V S N Murthy, Cost Accountant. Gayatri Projects Ltd, Hyderabad

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“HEART”Rural Development UpdateRural Development Update abhayaabhaya


abhaya Mission Venkatesh - a story ofReprogramming of LIFE!

It feels like yesterday when Venkatesh approached abhaya for help.

And seeing his condition we decided to help him reprogram his life. It

was one of the toughest challenges abhaya has ever undertaken.

The challenges ranged from finding a steady and reliable source of

income. Getting him financially independent and securing his future,

apart fromproviding him minimum practical mobility.

At last, today exactly 15 months after Venkatesh got connected to

abhaya, all our efforts of giving "A LIFE" to him, has born fruit.

abhaya provided an auto for his livelihood through which he saved

enough money for future exigencies apart from earning his daily

bread. With a referral to Endolite India, he is getting 3 limbs, which

would give him some mobility. abhaya efforts bore fruit when CM

Relief Fund sanctioned Rs. 2.30 lakhs for his artificial limbs. Through

Govt.of A.P. abhaya managed to get allotted a house for him under

Rajiv Nivas Yojana Scheme, at Chandanagar, which is close to where

he is living at present. He is expected to occupy the same shortly.

This proves beyond doubt that, if we do things with a pure and noble

intent to help the really needy ones in this world, there will always be


He, along with his parents, is EXTREMELY HAPPY ABOUT THE WHOLE


abhayafoundation and all those who supported him.

-EJP Prasad, Coordinator, abhaya RPL Program.

EExxaaccttllyy aafftteerr 1155 mmoonntthhss ooff VVeennkkaatteesshh ggoott ccoonnnneecctteedd ttoo aabbhhaayyaa...... iittss eeffffoorrttss ooff rree--pprrooggrraammmmiinngg hhiiss lliiffee bbeeccaammee rreeaalliittyy..

aabbhhaayyaa ssaalluutteess SSrrii EEJJPP PPrraassaadd ffoorr hhiiss ccoonnssiisstteenntt aanndd ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss ffooccuuss oonn

mmiissssiioonn VVeennkkaatteesshh.. aabbhhaayyaa ffeeeellss pprroouudd ttoo kknnooww hhiimm..

PPaarreennttss,, VVaanniittaa TTVV,, SSrrii NN.. KKiirraann KKuummaarr RReeddddyy ((CCMM--AAPP)),, SSrrii BBiikksshhaappaatthhii ((MMLLAA)),, SSrrii UUddaayyaasshhaannkkaarr,, EEnnddoolliittee,, IIsshhwwaarr

IInnddiiaa ((CCSSRR--EEnnddoolliittee)) ttooggeetthheerr wwiitthh aabbhhaayyaa aanndd EEJJPPPPrraassaadd...... bbrroouugghhtt LLIIFFEE ttoo VVeennkkaatteesshh

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“HEART”Transformation UpdateTransformation Update abhayaabhaya


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Every time I receive a mail, commendable progress is visualized. Indeed

I am thrilled for the strict adherence to the schedule. Also, overjoyed to

see so many fellow-citizens participating in the all-important motto of

“paying back the society for what the society has given to them”.

Congratulations once again for the perseverance in reaching the goal.

- Prakash Rao TVS, Executive Secretary to CEO

Your objectives are really good and impressive, I mean

abhaya. If u need any support for abhaya FOUNDATION

let us know. Our inputs for policies procedures for smooth

functioning of abhaya projects. I am in Oman not India.

You can be in touch with me through my mail

– Er.MNR Gupta, Renowned Strategist, Muscat, OmanIt is always Inspiring