tlie criterion appointed to ed. police...

W I K I Tlie Y t Criterion VOL. XXIX - No. ]• Vort iirtitn Mil PE LA HONS GOOD Sarah V*jghn, popular song and record ing star, above. Count Basie, Georg* Shearing, Stan Getz, The Errol Garner, Trio, Letter Yeung and oth er* were the featured attraction* in the BirdUnd Star* of '55 appearing at ? and 10 p. m. on the Par* amount Theatre stage. m iss usm osrtrt ENTERTAINS CLUB Th* puyutertty contort to 4* Uriuitic 'Mw ramtoaetu ot t*f>» la mr« opaa to acyoaa totewted. winner of Ut cxKiUmt wiil >•« tit* parson jm*I- luf the graatart number uf tan cent vxos. First prate wW be a cbotc* at MS cam ur a round Utp txkot to New Tor* Ctty. anti tiw ow-mui prize will he flu eaail 7t>* winner. Mu- pMtiluner- la wMl be « bu« wuk> at the 3rd ■anue* Iheliam dhow, apunauretl by U>« W m iy m Service Guild at Lhaotn K•mortal Church, MnatRi and Northland Avea. ISkU> April it at t ill p. m. 'IhuM mtereated in the con tent can get the drtaiU from Ukt contact chairman, Mra Pauline Imiln. V> Spruce Mt , Wa 0225. Mum Bunk:* Tyler M cWurtwin of die Kashai-mlt* Mra. Vulen* Gilliam, coordi nator ot ka cl rhuriii artlvll wa, Mra Jmui Itu hmond, p m rle il at the Waeiyan fhwvtca Guild; and Rev William H Horn**, church mtnlwvi A chkken 'Uniiri will lie glv- hy the Boriai Club on Pit -sMaMli llth at 3«4 tt. Par- Mra Ifauki Gault waa burt ons to the Hook-!» era Club at their regular meeting. Kri lay evening K*fc IPlh m her Irens ITS Gismrood Ave. She vra* assisted by Mra, John Harris and Mra. It.' C. W< eta. The meeting waa called to <Ndar by th* Vice President. Mra Joaeph Hhowell, who pre sented Key Kenneth A. Row an, director of th« H U n ry St. *hnattan Center, who spoke cut toe indllkxia rn ih# Hf howl s / l,tern A panel d l* unaion followed, which waa enjoyed t/y II I «•’. liOwoi. tn ,0 -. ' ogniium of Negro Himry w«Sh . The club aympMthiwc with the family of |hc late Mra J Y. ihirraon. Kb* hail i.*«„ a (n<-rnb« for marry years The gsieaia f,w tha evening were Mra. nbraiM> J.,hn on. end Mia lad Collier, Mra. 1 Walter Holland, Prea Mra Ma ui* Mrm'h, Own of pub. •y i Apt, 3, Hirth Dugtsa la president, Donation |l,j*i Mi* Jeftle W right relumed -Wturdty from Itoualon, Texan, NCI A I. 'f front” in the field of rsoe reba- Ifoni. JiinjAinln F M, Laijftfi. field org mixer '.f ih« IntcrnAtkeaal llrot.o i l , i of Sf. ‘• t,%. port* *, told tl,.- Catholic In- i'it ' ui I if.un t at "while Koine rrlijtMtkU ate still (k- outing their |Kw4lbatt»" op racial imegmton, Os fta* * 1 Ic un-.tiiuianw generally wre ’Kill tally at worh.’ The many r»th«iu- MhooU Wh|r*h 4.%V** llltr^r Hied j ti4rnl 14 Itile |»Y!j>t; I.r'. ere “ fiifttti-ig \ Into prutiK, tlH*ir Chrwfmn pfin lpln. 1 awl rl’iig j ful j>r* odefiUi fur public imh **U Ui ftiHoV* “ BANQUFT HELD AT HOLY TEMPLE IS' t.i.n.j), S .» .if f lull nf fl«f> Hinftb t l or It ,.f e.rni |» • fcral h* hi |U inoiial Uiihria t M luriij! 1 rhruaty Mth at K .UI p. n* al li . | I.,a, a, ,tn 4 ,|M i »n *trr+-t A t *iII •< oursr fnrk'y diiKw-r %%■%» h iro f f Ut 110 gofsts. A t^lk nm fhtu by thr Mr*. .awl f i th#* %»iw hk Ihtmt prr** nt %nrm K*». ,u. M. (rouch, Jr., of !.<*> Angebw. < aid , He*. O . U. Ml.ite »f New Vorh City. Rev, and Mr*. Irrity Andrrva. Mr* It Malker, Mr* k Page. Mr* H, Malker. Mr*. R. Page, *1rv It Mdirr; Mr. Itak-r. Mra. R Oiakvon. Mr* B Hoyle, Mr* »; I- M*< I*flail. Mr* A. N.ktoa, Mr*. ■s«ddl*r «nd Iturn* other* Mr* Irene "I fmni.i* a hm mn treua of carenionie* Mimic wa* reii'lend by lb* fenipbtue* A *<>b. wa*. wmg by Mr I, Hey. mmr of hi John RaptM * biirr-b, nnimpuiM hy Mr* f Henry tyfber* |i.irtkl|iatlng on the program were Mr*. R. Page, a abort talk on “Friend •hip” **do. Ml*. Iren, Ham * .; Mr*. B>-**|e Walker, giu-*t »|o aker. *ubjeei: “I rl.-nd.btp;" -do, Mr*, o r.pim; w,|„. Mr* N Ithliardvon; remark*. Key I I McClellan ||„ thanked I ho*e prevent for making Hie affilr a huge »uc<**« A chii ken and ihittarling dinner )*tM baan planned by the Miurdy |r„,„ fltt March Ik fiom 7 p. ni until at CiUj WO- li*»«i alteet, rear. where ali« attended the finer*! of her father. Jeff Jofatnun who pitrw.l away Jan 20. iD,Vj. I PRICE TEN CENTS C ol D SPR'NGLRS TO HOLD M l ETING lent: 'A tP r lre A io i Im . tticai o t'Y * kj. i t hpy ha' ^€1*51 it ti .i o f k ii Pf#'OAat*4 tr»y JbprUi^a Af- a oi Ajk or- e»ii of iht u non-po• JVC C i APPOINTED TO ED. Oil J.iiuiory I, 1 :^*.*, i/r . lv- rtt*i n. Mtliiilrp, M't-lblUKmit 4lrotb*t of 18, Jpfffrma , UHn rtllJJ'.-iHtl'tl II IWOtlHT <»( tlu* H m rd *»l n i m U*D» uf th e fc rb* ( cijnty Ik ntal S*M*b fy. Tlw- *o- fifty in compusrd t>l M h l*ir»»ituhout Erie Ounly. !>». MHinIre, ulhi luu h»fi ;i«ti\ e ci\ k and pdi. U all) for :% fi*»i»it>rr ot y'jirx, is a u ppifp r ot Ibr St. A|>|tiiloiiiaii ivtiilU Or<aiii/ iti< !i <»l I alholic lUh RACE MAN ADDFD TO POLICE FORCE h u t week 27 men wet •» ap pointed by W ior Comniuv r rver DrCillii, to the Buff do P.iikt Fi>rce. in an effort to r*mtut the rnme epidemic. Orve Negro Ofllter was included, brlnjjirg the Miller nnd Gibson, who r>erform a miqu* novelty act, will complete a week’* engagment at the Town Ca ino on Sunday night. You are invited, to come, have aiippr-r and enjoy an evening of pleasure. ing a *Wb Uo To Help Youth In E A g ain st I **lu*<jiifervy' foriim with a g:»* a t speake- »n*l r.prcieniatwea frtan j >ut;* group* ro teti ua tiow Wj» . i feel- M n ■ay, M*ri h 7 al t e Coid Spunks Cuiiai.uid'.y I j ter, 2H0 Hardy Si. at T he speaker wiil aeph atwiu h of U n o . At the January meeting Capt ' Schrankr A Krecmc No. 6 wee guart speaker « Whaf We Can Do To Preven Oi4ii*-Vl... i... i .UyiU,., of O' ei- stventy-five. DEMO. WOMEN INSTALL OFFICERS COMING EVENTS The \ W'VC will pre*»nt a diru - and Floor Show at Maxie's, 83 Ridg* Knud, on Sunday Mated 13th from 9 p. in untU Featuring Otia Banks and two ahuwK. 10 next 1 o'clock. / i-ocktall party will tie gi> - en by the Jo My O’f-ane. s Club on Sunday March 2<nh f m 4 to 8 p. m. a t 312 M*mroe St. iupper rear!. L. Pltu W t«*-.*H*rt. M Workman, v rr- tary. A flifh fry and auction will be given hy the Crewendo* at .39') Hl'kory afreet m Rtvlay March Itth from 12 noon un til . Three prizes will be given away. Hose Goddard la nrev klent • Isd* Jai-kson, secetvry and Kr-incea Alexander. Trear « The Military Policewomen of Binrr»a V Kselley Temp!* No. 700 will give away 15 artver dollai* at a party <m Saturday Marrh W h at 10 p m. * A tea will te gftew b, Jo ephlne Tldua and Vfary Teuetl at *»75 K igle 8 t. on Kundiiy Mairh 8th. Domtkm V* Cent!. lO OBSERVE DATE 09 , N®W YORK The 17tn of h*y, the day cm which the , I'm ted States Supreme Court i nar. ieri down its Wi -ork autl- ueg legation -Jecision in 1954, | will be obseivou u t ivuij . » ; n'AACP Freet-um Day oy e , N'AACP. The 1200b ranches thruugtiout ' the rii'Jon wiH be called upon • to ceiebiate the day with up- propnate u'remonxs such aa ' niaas iiieovinga. paraaen, ur din ner ir.eetlng*. The principal celebration U ■L'.-duled annually for the Sun- day w<rt»t the 17Ch. The rhur ches will be asked tUo join in the cjmmenwratkMi of the ue- claMci. ENGAGEMENT TOLD Mr and Mi i Davrl VVrlghl of Lyth Ave., announce the en- gjgenient of their daughter, Monette R~tww*i Co A 2 c Jim mie Jihnaun, eon of Mra. Mike J< irmon and Ui*- lite Mr. John- »on of Waahlngjai, D. C. Air man Juhnam m stationed at the Xuigur-i Munkif I Air il*»e ir. Niagara FaJki. Tl - wetknng Is (cantkrd for April 9th. Th* Fifth Ward Demxra'ac Women's Club held its regular meet on February 14 th, with the newly e!eeted officers. Mrs. Rosa Montgjtnery. past president, piesented Miss Mary 1-out" Nice vice chairman of the Erie County Committee who installed the officers, following whkh she gave an inspiring pep talk. Mrs Mirie Hayes Riley, presi dent of Jie Tonawanda Demo cratic Cluib, C Jimcitman Lee- land N, Jr., Supervisor King Peterson; Chairman E«J- vad Bennett and Charles Rush, also rpoke. A tovely repast was served. There wer 21 present. COUNCIL CANDIDATE The Critericn was informed this week, tfiat De ni .r M«t hell — popular young bustnexi an '1 .' man, will be a can didate fir Cotm fiman uf the Elicott District on the Ik-nio- crattc ticket. The a Democratic rcmmitteemen told the Cnteu- on: ”1 think Delmar wiD le | a rmch to win the primaries. , He s keen, competent and pro gressive suid is no dummy about politu». The (>arty needs a man like him. » » is a gj«l mixer, liberal and is destuied to go places).” ! Denlivt* that scrvjr h n >4 n- «*, -inter* «f Mrtfila* .oui Mer cy it*. ! lu IN S. Dr. M ctiulif u.w, ap- {e iut'd lite D.iUat inrmbr to the Board of Ileal: h of Buffalo by Mayor Beruard linuil. I'rmr 1 l<> Ihi*, be *eri<-d a* a VIhkW Ik uli *4 at School* 32 anil II, ami a* Lvaniuier in the D-parlnient of s,iViai Welfare ; ot Erie t oiuiiy. DAN HAIRSTON DIES i>.Lt*ici H haup'oii, .** 4 , ot’ 2 * Nash stieet, died Feb. 25, 1955, following several years illness. He served with the L'SMC during World War II until hon- orub.y discharged in 1946 until tu .. raily u,. in 194o. hetautS of illness. Mr. Hurston was born Febru ary lu. 1922 and was o. ,g.. here when an infant from Co lumbus. Ohio, by his the Iat* L. unu Don h„ Haii-ston. He attendee! dc.'oj No. 32 and Tc-hnual Hig,. School. Funeial services were held Monday afternoon »t Walkers Funeral Home conducted by Rev. M I . Littlepjhn Burial v.-ns In Mt. Hope Cemetery. Hela survived by three Ha tersand seven brothers, four of whom are veterans of Woiit ; War II. T.iey are: Mrs. Anna Cde, Mr*. Sara Grittin and Dorothy Hairston, I Charles E , Gilbert E.. T'e.> dor* aid W illiam, all vcilerans <f World tV.vr II, Sherwood. Isa- * ac R and Wallace. total number of rac* men in the department to 11 . The new fmt roiri.'in I* taiw- lence Williams. .32. of 19 Gm lU- ing, a former Ford Motor On. employee. Mr. VVlilmm* who 1 * m 1 -ried to the former Him Alice Taybtr, Is th* father of two son*. IjtwiMi e Jr. 5, and Paul 3. snd is a grad, ale <>f S' ool 47 and Buigard Wca- tlonsl High Sihii.l and attemls VB nigh* sr hool. li* wiil w« active d'tfy sfter eon dpete , 1 * weeks training at the P;<* Training SehoA. naacp aux . lunch The Women's Auxiliary of ' *e Buffalo Bran,'h NAACP 1 * muk mg plana for a 'Hairy L.jv b- eor' to he heM at the he>:nc of the president, Mrs Martha Mil lar. 212 F.igle street on Ttas- day Varrh Sth. at '}:S 0 p ra. A hotne baked jprnds sale will also be featured In cuajur>cts*N with the luncheon. Mrs. Milbir and her assistants will be very happy to serve yaw. ROYALITES MET The February meeting of the Koyalite* whi held Thursday evening. Ft'h. 17 at the beaut iful home of Mrs. Mattie Dis ney, who received her gue-ts attired in a toreador hoelms ensemble in black and oiaogc pi in t . After a brief business meeting cc«n<hicte<! by th* Pres ident, Mrs. Velma J. Williams, members and guests spent aR enjoyable evening cf bridge. Following a delicious n*pu»4, bridge prizes were awarded to tha following guests: 1st, Mrs. Juanita Meltord; 2nd, Mr*. lAUra Hdhuid. First and sec ond club f« ize* were aw.mled to Mrs. Ruth Malone ;md Mis. Clcola Rk-harriaon, r*speiti'ety. Club members include Mes- dames Vein,a J. Williams, Bil- lig Cooper, Ruth Malone, Mat tie Dl.-ney, Cleda Richard»<«t, Mildied Spatk* and Jerrie Hail, ho will b Hostess ft»r ’he March mt“eting In her' 10us home in Ebenezer, N. Y The Inter C?ub Council of W estern New York okferved Susan B. Anth ony Day on Fab. 12th ft Hotel Laf- ayetfe ar.d presented its first Susan B. Anthony award—a silver tray, to Mixs May S. Sickmon, prominent at torney and I*. S. District Court Cle k. Mr*. Cora Maloney, Ct tncil Chair man, r'ght, is making the presentatum as L»r. Maigaret Warwick Schley, Award Chairman looks on. MISS B. J. DIGGS WEDS 1 Miss Belty Je*r. Diggs. 21; year eld daughter of Mr*. Be 1 tha J. Digg* V/xrnei for merly of Buffalo, and it year ola Lutner LitOeton Do Jr. wer*. mair,ed Feta, 28 in St. Murk)* Church, New York Ctty. by fh« Rev Samuel Sweenny in the presence «d theli faml- lie* and s few lose frwndz. A tteiuiirg wetc her n.ti'h*-r and step father, M r. and Mr* : Iruto Warner ot F;r‘X»k!yn -u d Mr. and Mn. William Meek, •inter mu bruther-in Uim, of the gioum and Joan M; ioney, funn er ru m mate of the brute. The coujpig «l0 resale at 670 j River <Vle Drb e . ENTERS HOSPITAL M s'tft* J ftt-.kms of j W S t , er ^r^-1 B u j di H«Hv»f-lla| fw Ml «PYNS t\:xm >n VV#n!n«9(t*AV N*w Yc-k State Golden Gloves’ champions won four of six interna- tu-na! bouts from Ontario boxers on ihe Toronto Newsboys’ 32nd annual benefit hiving c«*d last week before mur* than 6,00 spectators at Maple Loaf Gardens. Photo shows P iffalo’t Stan Fitzgerald, is shown being pre tented the Glove and Mail Trophy bt G 5. Hawkins as t*ainer Johnny Gr*~n looks on. Fitzgerald beat Ed Beattie of Hamilton.

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Tlie Y t CriterionVOL. XXIX - No. ] • V o rt i ir t i tn Mil


S a ra h V * jg h n , p o p u la r song a n d r e c o rd ­in g s ta r , a b o v e . C o u n t B asie , G eo rg * S h e a rin g , S ta n G e tz , T h e E rro l G a rn e r , T r io , L e t te r Y eu n g a n d o th ­e r* w e re th e f e a tu re d a ttra c t io n * in th e B ird U n d S tar* o f '5 5 a p p e a r in g a t ? a n d 10 p . m . on th e Par* a m o u n t T h e a tre s tag e .

m i s s u s m o s r t r t E N T E R T A IN S CLUB

Th* puyutertty contort to 4 * Uriuitic 'M w ra m to a e tu ot t*f>» la mr« opaa to acyoaa to te w te d . \ « winner of U tcxKiUmt wiil >•« tit* parson jm*I- l u f the graatart number uf tan cent vxos. F irst prate wW be a cbotc* at MS cam ur a round Utp txkot to New Tor* Ctty. anti tiw ow-mui prize will he f lu eaail

7t>* winner. M u- pMtiluner- la wMl be «bu«wuk> a t the 3rd ■anue* Iheliam dhow, apunauretl by U>« W m iym Service Guild a t Lhaotn K•mortal Church,MnatRi and Northland Avea. ISkU> April i t a t t ill p . m.

'IhuM mtereated in the con­tent can get the drtaiU from Ukt contact chairman, Mra Pauline Im iln . V> Spruce Mt , W a 0225. Mum Bunk:* Tyler M cWurtwin of die Kashai-mlt* M ra. Vulen* Gilliam, coordi­nator o t ka cl rhuriii artlvll wa, Mra Jmui Itu hmond, p m r le i l at the Waeiyan fhwvtca Guild; and Rev William H Horn**, church mtnlwvi

A chkken 'Uniiri will lie glv- hy the Boriai Club on P it -sMaMli l l th at 3«4 tt. Par-

Mra Ifa u k i Gault waa bu rt­ons to the Hook-!» era Club attheir regular meeting. Kri layevening K*fc IPlh m her I r e n s ITS Gismrood Ave. She vra* assisted b y Mra, John Harris and Mra. It.' C . W< eta.

The meeting waa called to <Ndar by th* Vice President. Mra Joaeph Hhowell, who pre­sented Key Kenneth A. Row an, director of th« H U n ry S t.■ *hnattan Center, who spoke cut toe indllkxia rn ih# Hf howls / l,tern A panel d l* unaion followed, which waa enjoyed t/y• II I «•’. liOwoi. tn ,0-.' ogniium of Negro Himry w «Sh .

The club aympMthiwc with the family of |hc late Mra J Y. ihirraon. Kb* hail i.*«„ a (n<-rnb« for marry years

The gsieaia f,w tha evening were Mra. nbraiM> J.,hn on. end Mia l a d Collier, Mra. 1 Walter Holland, Prea Mra Ma ui* Mrm'h, Own of pub.

•y i A pt, 3, Hirth Dugtsa lapresident, Donation |l , j* i

Mi* Jeftle W right relum ed -W turdty from Itoualon, Texan,

NCI A I. 'f

f r o n t ” in th e f i e ld of rsoe reba- Ifoni.

JiinjAinln F M, Laijftfi. field org mixer '.f ih« IntcrnAtkeaal llrot.o i l , i of Sf. ‘• t,%. port* *, told tl,.- Catholic In- i ' i t ' ui I if.un t at "while Koine rrlijtM tkU ate still (k- outing their |Kw4lbatt»" op racial im egm ton, Os fta* * 1 Ic un-.tiiuianw generally wre ’Kill tally a t w o r h .’

The many r»th«iu- MhooU Wh|r*h 4.%V** llltr^r Hied jti4rnl 14 Itile |»Y!j>t;I.r'. ere “ fiifttti-ig \ Into prutiK, tlH*ir Chrwfmn pfin lp ln . 1 awl r l ’iig jful j>r* odefiUi fur public im h **U Ui ftiHoV* “


IS ' t . i .n . j ) , S .» .if f lull nf fl«f> Hinftb t l or It ,.f e.rni |»• fcral h* hi |U inoiial Uiihria t M lu r iij! 1 rhruaty M th at K .UIp. n* al li . | I.,a, a, , t n 4 ,|Mi »n *trr+-t

A t *i II •< oursr fn rk 'y diiKw-r %%■%» h iro f f Ut 110 gofsts. A

t^lk n m f h t u by th r Mr*.

.awl f i th#*%»iw hk Ihtmt prr** nt %nrm

K*». ,u. M. (rouch , Jr., of !.<*> Angebw. < aid , He*. O . U .Ml.ite » f New Vorh City. Rev,

and Mr*. Irr ity A n d rrv a . Mr* It Malker, Mr* k Page.Mr* H, M alker. Mr*. R. Page,*1rv It M d irr ; M r. Itak-r. Mra. R Oiakvon. Mr* B Hoyle, Mr* »; I- M*< I*flail. Mr* A. N.ktoa, Mr*. ■s«ddl*r «nd I turn* other*

Mr* Irene "I fmni.i* a hm m n treua of carenionie* Mimic wa* reii'lend by lb* fenipbtue* A *<>b. wa*. wmg by Mr I, Hey.m m r of hi John R ap tM* biirr-b, n n im p u iM hy Mr*f Henry tyfber* |i.irtk l|ia tlng on the program were Mr*. R. Page, a abort talk on “Friend •hip” **do. Ml*. Iren, Ham * . ; Mr*. B>-**|e Walker, giu-*t »|o aker. *ubjeei: “I rl.-nd.btp;" -do , Mr*, o r.pim; w,|„. Mr*N Ithliardvon; remark*. KeyI I McClellan | |„ thanked I ho*e prevent for making Hie a f f ilr a huge »uc<**«

A chii ken a n d ihittarling dinner )*tM baan planned by the Miurdy |r„ ,„ fltt March Ik fiom 7 p. ni until at CiUj WO- li*»«i alteet, rear.

where ali« attended the finer*! of her father. J e f f J o f a tn u n who p i t r w . l a w a y J a n 20. iD ,V j. I


C o l D S P R 'N G L R S T O H O L D M l E T IN G

le n t: ■ ' A t P r

lre A i o i Im.

tticai o t ' Y * k j . i

t h p y h a '€̂1*51it ti .io fk ii

Pf#'OAat*4 tr»y

JbprUi^a Af-a oi Ajk or-

e»ii of ih t u non-po•

JVC C i ‘

APPOINTED TO ED.Oil J.iiuiory I, 1 :̂ *.*, i/r . lv-

rtt*i n. M tliiilrp, M't-lblUKmit 4lrotb*t of 18, Jp fffrm a ,UHn rtllJJ'.-iHtl'tl II IWOtlHT <»( tlu* Hm rd *»l n im U*D» uf the fc rb* ( cijnty Ik ntal S*M*b fy. Tlw- *o- f if ty in compusrd t>l M h l*ir»»ituhout Erie O u n ly .

!>». MHinIre, ulhi luu h»fi ;i«ti\ e ci\ k and pd i. U all) f o r :% fi*»i»it>rr ot y 'jirx, is a u ppifp r ot Ib r St. A|>|tiiloiiiaii ivtiilU O r < a i i i / iti< !i <»l I a l h o l i c


h u t week 27 men wet •» ap­pointed by W io r Comniuv r rver DrCillii, to the Buff do P .iik t Fi>rce. in an effort to r* m tu t the rn m e epidemic. Orve Negro Ofllter was included, brlnjjirg the

M ille r n n d G ib so n , w h o r>erform a m iq u * n o v e lty a c t , w ill c o m p le te a w e e k ’* e n g a g m e n t a t th e T o w n Ca ino on S u n d a y n ig h t . Y ou a r e in v ite d , to co m e , h a v e aiippr-r a n d e n jo y a n e v e n in g o f p le a s u re .

ing a *Wb Uo To Help Youth In

E A gainst I **lu*<jiifervy' foriim with a g:»* at speake- »n*l r.p rc ien ia tw ea frtan j >ut;* group* ro teti ua tiow Wj» . i feel- M n ■ay, M*ri h 7 a l t e Coid Spunks Cuiiai.uid'.y I j ter, 2H0 Hardy S i. a t T he speaker wiil aeph atwiu h of U n o .At the January m eeting Capt ' S ch ran k r A Krecmc N o. 6 w ee guart speaker « Whaf We Can Do To PrevenO i4 ii* -V l... i... i .U y iU ,.,of O' ei- stventy-five.


COMING EVENTSThe \ W'VC will pre*»nt a d iru - and Floor Show a t Maxie's, 83 Ridg* Knud, on Sunday M ated 13th from 9 p. in untUFeaturing Otia Banks and two ahuwK. 10 next 1 o'clock.

• • •

/ i-ocktall party will tie gi> - en by the Jo My O’f-ane. s Club on Sunday March 2<nh f m 4 to 8 p. m. a t 312 M*mroe S t. iupper re a r! . L. P l tu W t«*-.*H*rt. M W orkman, v rr- t a r y .

• • •A flifh fry and auction will

be given hy the Crewendo* at .39') H l'ko ry afreet m Rtvlay March I t th from 12 noon un­til . Three prizes will be given aw ay. Hose Goddard la n rev klent • Isd* Jai-kson, se c e tv ry and Kr-incea Alexander. T rear

• « •The M ilitary Policewomen of

Binrr»a V Kselley Temp!* N o . 700 will give aw ay 15 artver dollai* at a p arty <m Saturday Marrh W h a t 10 p m.

• • *A tea will te gftew b, Jo

ephlne Tldua and Vfary T euetl a t *»75 K igle 8 t . on Kundiiy M airh 8th . Dom tkm V* C e n t! .

l O O B S E R V E D A T E 0 9, N®W YORK The 17tn of

h * y , the day cm which the , I 'm ted S tates Supreme Court i nar. ieri down its Wi -ork au tl-

ueg legation -Jecision in 1954, | will be obseivou u t ivuij . » ; n'AACP Freet-um Day oy e , N'AACP.

The 1200b ranches thruugtiout ' the rii'Jon wiH be called upon • to ceiebiate the day with up-

p ropnate u 'rem o n x s such aa ' niaas iiieovinga. paraaen, ur din

ner ir.eetlng*.The principal celebration U

■L'.-duled annually for the Sun- day w < rt» t the 17Ch. The rhur ches will be asked tUo join in the cjmmenwratkMi of the ue- claMci.

E N G A G E M E N T T O L DMr and Mi i D avrl VVrlghl

of Lyth Ave., announce the en- g jgen ien t of their daughter, Monette R~tww*i Co A 2 c Jim ­mie Jihnaun, eon of Mra. Mike J< irmon and Ui*- l i t e Mr. John- »on of W aahlngjai, D . C. Air­man Juhnam m stationed a t the Xuigur-i M unkif I Air il*»e ir. N iagara FaJki. Tl - wetknng Is (cantkrd for April 9th.

Th* F ifth W ard D em xra 'ac Women's Club held its regular meet on February 14 th, with the newly e!eeted officers.

M rs. Rosa M ontgjtnery. past president, piesented Miss Mary 1-out" Nice vice chairm an of the Erie County Committee who installed the officers, following w hkh she gave an inspiring pep ta lk .

Mrs M irie Hayes Riley, presi dent of Jie Tonawanda Demo­cra tic Cluib, C Jimcitman Lee- land N, J r . , Supervisor King Peterson; Chairman E«J- v a d Bennett and Charles Rush, also rpoke. A tovely repast was served. There wer 2 1 present.

C O U N C IL C A N D ID A T EThe Critericn was informed

this week, tfiat De ni .r M«t hell — popular young bustnexi an ' 1 .' man, will be a can­didate f i r Cotm fiman uf the E licott D istric t on the Ik-nio- cra ttc ticket.

The a Democratic rcm m itteem en told the C n teu - on: ”1 think Delmar wiD le

| a rm ch to win the prim aries., He s keen, competent and pro­

gressive suid is no dummy about po litu». The (>arty needs a man like him. » » is a g j« l mixer, liberal and is destuied to go places).”


Denlivt* tha t s c r v j r h n >4 n- «*, -inter* «f Mrtfila* .oui Mer­cy it*.

! l u I N S . D r . M c t i u l i f u.w, ap- {e i u t ' d l i t e D . i U a t i n r m b r to the B o a r d of Ileal: h of Buffalo by Mayor Beruard l i n u i l . I'rm r

1 l<> I hi*, be *eri<-d a* a VIhkW Ik uli*4 a t School* 32 anil I I , a m i a * lk x L v a n i u i e r in t h e D -parlnient of s,iViai Welfare

; ot E rie t o iu iiy .

D A N H A IR S T O N D IE Si>.Lt*ici H h au p 'o ii, .**4, ot’ 2 *

Nash s tiee t, died Feb. 25, 1955, following several years illness.

He served w ith the L'SMC during World W ar II until hon- orub.y discharged in 1946 until tu .. ra ily u,. n .u g .u in 194o. hetau tS of illness.

Mr. H u rs to n w as born Febru ary lu . 1922 and was o. ,g.. here when an infant from Co­lumbus. Ohio, by his paw .us the Iat* L. unu Don h„ Haii-ston. He attendee! dc .'o j No. 32 and T c-hnual Hig,.School.

Funeial services were held Monday afternoon »t W alkers Funeral Home conducted by Rev. M I . Littlepjhn Burialv.-ns In M t. Hope Cem etery.

He la s u r v i v e d by t h r e e H a ­t e r s a n d s e v e n brothers, fourof whom a r e v e t e r a n s of Woiit

; W ar I I . T.iey a r e :

M rs. Anna C de, Mr*. Sara Grittin and Dorothy Hairston,

I Charles E , Gilbert E .. T 'e .> dor* a id W illiam, all vcilerans < f World tV.vr II, Sherwood. Isa-

* ac R and W allace.

to ta l number of rac* men in the departm ent to 1 1 .

The new fmt roiri.'in I* taiw- lence Williams. .32. of 19 Gm lU- ing, a former Ford Motor On. employee. Mr. VVlilmm* who 1* m 1 -ried to the form er H im Alice Taybtr, Is th* father o f two son*. Ijtw iM i e J r . 5, and Paul 3. snd is a grad, a le <>f S' ool 47 and B uigard W ca- tlonsl High S ihii.l and attem ls VB nigh* sr hool. li* wiil w « active d'tfy s f te r eon dpete , 1* weeks training at the P ;< * Training SehoA.

n a a c p a u x . l u n c h

The Women's Auxiliary of ' *e Buffalo Bran,'h NAACP 1* muk mg plana for a 'H airy L .jv b- eo r ' to he heM at the he>:nc of the president, Mrs M artha Mil­lar. 212 F.igle street on T tas- day V arrh Sth. a t '} :S 0 p ra. A hotne baked jprnds sale will also be featured In cuajur>cts*N with the luncheon. Mrs. Milbir and her assistan ts will be very happy to serve yaw.


The February meeting of the Koyalite* w hi held Thursday evening. Ft'h. 17 a t the beaut­iful home of Mrs. M attie Dis­ney, who received her gue-ts a ttired in a toreador hoelms ensemble in black and oiaogc pi in t. A fter a brief business meeting cc«n<hicte<! by th* Pres­ident, M rs. Velma J . Williams, members and guests spent aR enjoyable evening c f bridge.

Following a delicious n*pu»4, bridge prizes were awarded to tha following guests: 1st, Mrs. Ju an ita Meltord; 2nd, Mr*. lAUra H dhuid . F irst and sec­ond club f« ize* were aw.mled to M rs. R uth Malone ;md Mis. Clcola Rk-harriaon, r* sp e it i 'e ty .

Club members include Mes- dames Vein,a J . Williams, Bil- lig Cooper, Ruth Malone, M at­tie Dl.-ney, C leda Richard»<«t, Mildied Spatk* and Jerrie Hail,■ ho will b Hostess ft»r ’he

March mt“eting In her' 10us home in Ebenezer, N . Y

T h e In te r C ?ub C o u n cil o f W e s te rn

N ew Y ork o k fe rv e d S u san B. A n th ­

ony D ay on F ab . 1 2 th f t H o te l L a f- a y e tfe a r.d p re s e n te d its f ir s t S u san B. A n th o n y a w a r d — a silv e r t r a y , to Mixs M ay S. S ickm on , p ro m in e n t a t ­

to rn e y a n d I*. S. D is tr ic t C o u rt C le k.

M r*. C o ra M a lo n e y , C t tncil C h a ir ­

m a n , r 'g h t , is m a k in g th e p re s e n ta tu m as L»r. M a ig a re t W a rw ic k S ch ley , A w a rd C h a irm a n lo o k s on .

M ISS B. J . D IG G S W E D S1

Miss Belty J e * r . Diggs. 21; year eld daughter of Mr*. Be 1 tha J . Digg* V/xrnei for­merly of Buffalo, and i t year ola Lutner LitOeton D o J r . wer*. m air,ed Feta, 28 in S t. M urk)* Church, New York Ctty. by fh« Rev Samuel Sweenny in the presence «d theli faml- lie* and s few lose frwndz.

A t t e i u i i r g w e t c h e r n .t i 'h * - ra n d step f a t h e r , M r . and Mr* : Iru to W arner ot F;r‘X»k!yn -ud Mr. a n d M n . William Meek, •inter m u bruther-in Uim, of the gioum and J o a n M; ioney, f u n n ­e r r u m m ate of the brute.

The coujpig « l0 resale a t 670 j River <Vle D rb e .


M s'tft* Jftt-.kms of j W S t , er ^r -̂1 B u j

di H«Hv»f-lla| fw Ml «PYNS ■t \:x m >n VV#n!n«9(t*AV

N *w Y c-k S ta te G o ld e n G lo v e s’ c h a m p io n s w on fo u r o f six in te rn a - tu -n a ! b o u ts f ro m O n ta r io b o x e rs on ih e T o ro n to N ew sb o y s’ 3 2 n d a n n u a l b e n e f i t h iv in g c« * d la s t w e e k b e fo re m u r* th a n 6 ,0 0 s p e c ta to r s a t M a p le

L oaf G a rd e n s . P h o to sh o w s P i f f a lo ’t S ta n F i tz g e ra ld , is sh o w n b e in g p re te n te d th e G lo v e a n d M ail T ro p h y b t G 5 . H a w k in s a s t* a in e r Jo h n n y G r*~ n lo o k s o n . F i tz g e ra ld b e a t Ed B e a ttie o f H a m ilto n .