tle report - fruits

Ordonez Borromeo Marzan Calupitan Alibudbud Mayo Allado Buena Gabutin FRUIT

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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• 1. Berries:– Small, juicy fruits with thin skins– Highly perishable– Some berries include: blackberries, cranberries,

blueberries, red and black raspberries, strawberries, and grapes.

Fruit Classification

• 2. Pits:– Outer skin covering a soft, fleshy fruit– The fruit surrounds a single, hard stone, or pit, which

contains the seed– Some pits include: cherries, apricots, nectarines,

peaches, and plums

Fruit Classification

• 3. Core:–Central, seed containing core surrounded by a

thick layer of flesh–Some cores include: apples and pears

Fruit Classification

• 4. Citrus Fruits:–Thick outer rind–A thin membrane separates the flesh into

segments–Some citrus fruits include: oranges, tangerines,

grapefruits, kumquats, lemons, and limes

Fruit Classification

• 5. Melons:–Large, juicy fruits with thick skins and many

seeds–Some melons include: cantaloupe,

casaba ,honeydew, and watermelon

Fruit Classification

• 6. Tropical Fruits:– Grown in warm climates and are considered to be

somewhat exotic– Available throughout the world– Some tropical fruits include: avocados, coconut,

bananas, figs, dates, guavas, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, pomegranates, and kiwi

Fruit Classification

• Fruits are generally rich sources of fiber and carbohydrates.

• They’re very healthy, whole foods to be enjoyed in moderation.

• An important nutritional value of fruit is its antioxidant content. In fact, some fruits have some of the highest antioxidant values of all foods!

• Antioxidants are found in food and supplements. They neutralize free radicals which are harmful molecules that damage our cells and cause inflammation. Like vitamins A, C, E, etc.

Nutritive Value

• Papaya–Low in calories–High in Vitamins A, B-complex and C which help

boost the immune system and play a vital role in metabolism

Nutritive Value

Nutritive Value

• Pineapple–Low in calories–Contains bromelain that digests food by

breaking down protein (Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties.)

–High in Vitamins A, B-complex and C which help boost the immune system and play a vital role in metabolism

• Guava–Low in calories–Very rich source of soluble dietary fiber which

makes it a good bulk laxative.–Very rich source of potassium that helps control

heart rate and blood pressure. 

Nutritive Value

• Banana–High in calories–Upon consumption instantly replenishes energy

and revitalizes the body. –Very rich source of soluble dietary fiber that

reduces constipation problems.–Very rich source of potassium that helps control

heart rate and blood pressure. 

Nutritive Value

• Mango–High in calories– It composes moderate amounts of copper which

are required for the production of red blood cells.

–Has been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.

Nutritive Value

Fruit Choose Avoid

Apple Firm texture, bright color Bruises, shriveled skin

Bananas Firm, bright color, free from defects

Fruit that is bruised or discolored, dull skin

WatermelonSmooth outer surface, rounded

ends, bright flesh that is firm and juicy

Pale colored flesh, dry or watery flesh


Pleasant aroma; slight separation of eyes; leaf easily removed from

top; yellowish-orange color; plump, firm, heavy for size

Dry, dull yellowish-green skin; bruises; soft spots;

unpleasant odor

Oranges Bright color, heavy for size Lightweight; dry, dull skin; soft spots

Strawberries Bright red, firm flesh; dry; clean; cap attached

Soft, moldy, large, seedy, uncolored spots

Market Forms

• Method 1: Canning Fruit

• 1. Choose ripe, flavorful fruit.

• 2. Process the fruit according to a recipe.

• 3. Prepare your canning equipment.

• 4. Sanitize the canning jars.

• 5. Prepare the water bath canner

Ways to Preserve

• 6. Fill the jars with prepared fruit. 

• 7. Place the jars in the canner or pot

• 8. Bring the water to a rolling boil and begin timing the processing.

• 9. Use the jar lifter to remove the jars from the canner or pot

• 10. Check the lids before storing. 

Ways to Preserve

•  Method: Drying Fruit

•  Choose ripe, flavorful fruit.

• Remove the peels, seeds, etc if necessary.

• Cut the fruit into chunks or slices.

• Preheat the oven to its lowest temperature. 

• Lay the fruit out on a baking sheet.

• Place the fruit in the oven until it's dry. 

• Store the dried fruit. 

Ways to Preserve

• 2. Method: Freezing Fruit

• Choose ripe, flavorful fruit. 

• Remove the peels, seeds, etc if necessary.

• Cut the fruit into chunks or slices.

• Lay out the fruit on a baking sheet.

• Freeze the tray of fruit for one hour.

• Place the fruit in freezer bags and store them in the freezer.

Ways to Preserve