times herald. (palatka, fl) 1914-05-22 [p...

CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA 7 I TH T r 1 HOOD OLD LEMON PIE OTHER DI8HE WITH FRUIT AS INGREDIENT Makes Belt Kind of Sauce for All Manner of Puddings Souffle Light Refreshing Detiert Lemon to CUrt Cold The lemon plo ls ono of the prime favorites An often proved recipe calla for onehalt pound ot sugar a pound of butter six eggs the Juice ot two lemons with their grated rind a nutmeg and half a glass of brandy Cream the butter and sugar beat In the yolks the lemon the spice and brandy then add the whites Bake In piecrust with open top Pow dored sugar and lemon Juice should bo spread on the top of each pie There are a great many varieties of lemon pie with cocoanut and mer ingue mixtures An English tart calls for a cup of sugar two lemons the juice and some of the peel grated a teaspoonful of cornstarch smoothly bonded In water a dozen raisins par boiled cut In two and seeded Beat these ingredients well together and bake between two crusts in small pies A lemon sauce wjilch is very tine for rice bread or boiled puddings espe cially for the oldfashioned cottage pud ding is made from a cup of sugar half a cup of butter an egg the juice of a lemon and half tho grated peel a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg and three tablespoonfuls of boiling water Cream the butter sugar beat In the egg very well whipped then the lemon and nutmeg beat well for en minutes then add by degrees the boll Ing water Put in the Inner pan of a double boiler with boiling water in the outer pan and stir well until the sauce becomes very hot Lemon souffle Is a light refreshing dessert Put In a bowl four yolks of eggs and four ounces of powdered sugar add the grated rind of two and stir well for 20 minutes until quite thick Then add by degrees a tablespoonful of lemon juice and fin- ally beat in lightly and quickly the whites of six eggs beaten to a stiff froth Pour Into a pie dish and bake moderate oven for about 25 to a golden brown Serve on lace paper dolly within a silver dish A lemon Ice strongly flavored with the fruit and easy to make I of six lenjojjj with the grated pool of three large sweet orange the jjulco and grated rind a pint of water and large cup of sugar The acidity of the Iran be regulated by the amount- of sugar used A large cup is the medium allowance i Squeeze all the juice and In It the gratedrlnd of the fruits leaving them an hour standing Then strain well and mix in the sugar and the wa ter stirring until dissolved Then turn Into the freezer and stir several times while it hardens to keep it entirely 4 smooth A modification of the lemon cure which of course is not permitted in the lemon club Is the consumption during the day of one or two lemons- in this way Cut off the top and make an Incision downward in the core without losing any of the juice Edge In by degrees a lump of white sugar which the juice can be taken Surprise Cake 81ft two even cupfuls of sifted flour with two even teaspoonfuls 6f cream tartar and ono of soda Into mixing dish Place the white of one egg in a large bowl beat to a stiff froth add cupful melted not hot ono cupful of milk Beat smooth then flavor with your favorite extract add contents ofbowl to those In dish and beat vigorously A hot oven Is needed 350 degrees if you have an oven To thermometerT- o Prevent Iron Rusting Irons treated in the following man- ner can be kept In excellent condition Tie a lump of beeswax In a thin white rag When tho Irons are hot rub them with the rag and then scour with a cloth sprinkled with salt After the Ironing finished and the Irons aro cUll warm rub the wax over them and it will keep them smooth and free from rust If a brick which has been heated in the oven is used for an ironing stand the irons will be found to keep hot much longer than if an or dinar Iron stand la used For Plefnakers A saltapoonful of baking powdertiul in the meringue for plea just before tho meringue Is placed on the jjlflwrtl keep Jt from falling j s ccc ifs the removed from the hot oven as so often happens To improve Pie Crust To improve the top crust of pie 1 have found the following very good Brush It over with water and then sprinkle with sugar This Improves the and makes h brown and a J I alight J lem- ons i A Ina a i mpose4 i pt the r thQ a Ice place Is I l ted r JJ HEALTH- FUL old fashtoned I a d p min- utes z very jdlco ono trough one half but- ter pie- s appearance e r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ° + + Are Your Kidneys WeakY- ou may have kidney trouble know it The only signs may be pcca gional twinges In the small of the back constant laments dizzy spells or some action But no sign of kidney trouble can be safely ignored disease moves rapidly It leads to dropsy gravel Bright disease sluggish use Pills which relieved thousands- A Georgia Case tltr MM Sabra Bur Toccoa Qa- i rapt My back Will weak and painful and my system wai ailed with urIc acid Pains ran from my heed down through my shoulder Into my right aide and limb Doctors failed In fact nothing help- ed me Kidney Pllli and ilx boxe- iv cured m Dutlnr N haven had a den of kidney trouble Get Dots tiny Store SOc Bent CO BUFFALO N Y UNABLE TO SEE THE JOKE Probably Druggist Was of the Same Opinion as HlsSmall Colored Errand Boy A druggist who had a little colored errand boy fell into the habit of play ing practical jokes on him Ono day tho druggist was mixing some com- bustible oils Suddenly there was a terrific explosion which hurled the chemist in one direction and the little darky in another while the whole place burst forth Into flames After a time a black figure emerged from under a counter whlmperlng and rubbing a rapidly growing bump on his head lie limped over to where the druggist sat with a deep cut across his forehead You hadnt orter play wld me doctor he said reproach fully Dat shore aint no way to play RATHER DEAD THAN ALIVE Deplorable Condition of Lady Whose Multiplied Unbearable Lumpkin Mrs 0 W Booth- of this place says I suffered with dumb chills and fever and was Irregular Was also nervous and weak short of breath couldnt do my housework without it being a burden and then I began suffering untold In my left side and back I got to where I would rather have been dead than alive- I tried many remedies but they failed to help me Finally I purchased of Cardul the womans tonlo and began taking it according to directions Cardul helped me right away I be lieve It saved my life I cannot praise Cardui enough to my lady ft lends It is certainly the medicine for suffering women and girls If you have any of the ailments so common to women or if you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic we urge you to give Cardui a trial It has helped thousands of women in Its past 60 years of success as is proven numerous enthusiastic letters of gratitude similar to tho above which come to us day Dont delay This letter from Mrs Booth should convince you that Cardui- Is worth a trial Get a bottle from your druggist today Youll never re- gret Using Up MltUkei A mother was showing her small daughter how to do something Later the child made a mistake but the mother advised her not to worry about it but to remember never to make that same error again and explained that if we profited by our mistakes they were useful after all Oh I know why answered the lit tle one Because if you keep on making and making by there wont be If only this would Dr pf rtTenalraBa Shot Too Soon Did Jack impress you much No It was the first time he had called 1 and ot Dnnolug Irregularity of the rheumatism- If OU suspect that are ire I- ud the eAr 1 at DO very two bottles by the every ItAdv mistakes nd nay fm stakes loft 1 bet yn faq a 1 Doan 1 a C19sS PILLS FOSTER MRBURN half dazed data way Troub Gas mis- ery tr n tie Dead kill sad I orma a veer few henrs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < IN HAPPY LAND OF MEXICO Picture May Be SUghtly Overdrawn Though There Is Much of the Real Thing About It Across the aromatic coffee fields the tremulous note of the rubythroat- ed hacienda came throbbing- Far In the distance the snowcapped peaks of the Sierra Madras rose against tho cerulean Nqne genuine without the cerulean Lounging on the chaparrlsta In the shade of a concarne bush the questioned his native guide Jose who Is the man they are tak- ing out to shoot y- IHe Is our president senor And who was the man they shot Just ahead of him Ho was our president yesterday Where are all those soldiers going scattered over tho buenavlsta They are looking for Miguel For malda Miguel will bo presi- dent tomorrow and ho has gone Into hiding A strange people you are said the traveler Tell mo about the fel low who Is kicking a mule In the ribs yonder by the corral There Is little to tell about him senor He Is only Pedro Tornado He will be president day after tomorrow- On the evening breeze came the faint tinkle of the upas bell as the mesquite herds wound slowly oer the plzarro Life Sign of the Times When a man like A J Drexel Did- dle of Philadelphia society leader and millionaire preaches in the city streets from a gospel wagon on the Inasmuch Mission and when we see other young millionaires In various parts of the country joining the Sal- vation Army of uplift and human bet terment it is calculated to make the world think a bit to mako It stop look and listen There Is something which comes home to everybody in such a spectacle and which Is not to be dismissed as an emotional crusad ing outburst In many ways tho re- ligious Impulse of the age shares the democratic spirit that Is dominant in political and economic spheres and Is coming out from high places into the highways and hedges in order to get face to face with the masses Cabbage as Real Estate Wonders never cease in American law Here comes a judge In our stato trying the of a entered his neighbors garden and decided not larceny of at all and hence not- a basis of criminal but the cabbage heads real estate and that the neighbors remedy Js to bring- a civil action contesting title We have eaten garden truck spinach and lettuce for Instance which tasted like real estate But we never knew be fore that to steal It was not theft And after a cabbage head Is eaten what good is the title Now if it had been- a franchise or an election that was stolen It would have been less surpris- ing In the law to let the culprit go free but who would ever have thought that the science of judicial hairsplit- ting would finally be successfully In- voked to protect a plain everyday cab- bage thief Pittsburgh Press Eye Granulated Eyelids and Sties promptly healed with Bye Bl tarn Noblesse Oblige The Duke do Richelieu one slay vis- ited his son who was a student in the University of Paris Do you need any money he asked In the course of the conversation- No said his son I still have 20 louts from last months allowance- On hearing this the duke took the boys purse and handing it to his servant said There John are 20 louts My son the Count de Fonsac presents them to you Go and drink his health But to his son he said Young man remember that you arethe son ot the Duke de Richelieu Be more generous with your How many youths in college today Would liketo have so thoughtful a Alarm Farmers Wife That yellow hen has cackled three times and hasnt laid an egg yet Farmer Maybe shes entitled to a Anybody can dye successful Fadeless Dyes Adv Castoff secondhand uniforms of all nations find a ready market in Afghanistan Many a man puts his foot In It when o asks yeoman for her hand trav- eler + own man who property Sore moneyl fatherlYouths Companion- Ise Putnam t senor that it wee per- sonal are clothing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Much the Best for This ClimateT- he French Market Roast and Blend Make It Essentially a Southern Coffee Great Travelers and Explorers quaint old stalls were crowded with brilliant society of the to the country where it It South drawn together to the French Coffee h the coffee else In America- of the countries Now the establishment of the where climate most nearly correspond French Market Uijjs with the special that of our Southern States necessary It is therefore much better suited old blend is preserved for their de scendants food value etc than coffees roasted The Invention of perfectlysealed forother climates tins allows over This accounts for the marvelous United States without loss of fresh success of French Market Coffee ness and flavor Drink of the South see If anyone family Formerly it could bo had at would bo willing to uso again Market where the ordinary kinds of coffee Market Coffee is Now The National Drirfk French Market Mills NowOfletm Coffee Co LtdProprietor NEW ORLEANS DIRECTIONS We recommend that you male French Market Codes in usual way It you find It too strong reduce until and flavor aro satis- factory French Market makes more ot coffee to the pound than other brands thereby reducing your coffee bill alwevt be adopted In that country match est nowhet1 arket to for Southern consum as I and It Is called the Try It once upon your own table the Frt 2L cups coffee fhe south e de L r b ¬ + KAVWT fer yf After you have the plants well started insure a crop by feeding it For provide enough I to make more bolls good fibre and to keep the bolls from falling and for corn help the make the starch that fills the ears Try 200 Ibs per acre of mixture of equal parts of Ktlnit Add Phosphate and Nitrate of Soda or goods Insure cotton rust side of 200 Ibs Kalnlt acre Right side dressing prolongs the activity of the plants and produces a full crop of boll that stay on It sound heavy corn fine fodder Potash Ways Wt sell Potash ta any ontiOOlb np Writ ftrfrictt Troll BtJlli Dont Forget to Side Dress POTASH 5 from woRKs lne Ja alas A Sgt t cotton- Y t e v 7 r r 4 lIy amoaet 4h11arCas f- 1r11tageeak pool edleLr Lapin laraensa weak > A La France Jones Hello heres another blood less duel and they fought for over an hour Brown With or swords They used safety No SIXSIXTYSIX This is a prescription prepared es- pecially for Malaria or Chilli and Fever Five or six doses will break any case and if taken then as a tonlo the fever will notreturn 25c Adv Like Rear Brakeman Is said practically all the railway employes of Prussia have served in the army Greene I suppose where theres trouble ahead they all put for the rear Be sure that you atk for Wrljjhta Indian Vegetable Pills and look for the signs ture of on wrapper and box For Constipation and We Wish That Were Enough What Js the best thing anyone can get for his dinner Hungry Indianapolis Star There are times when we must all choose between telling the truth and being popular JonesNeIther razors ReddIt IndIges- tion ¬ ¬ METAL ROOFING Shingles Spanish Tile CVCRVTHINO OUILOINO trlATCRIALM- ANUPACTUBCHI BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUV rue w saWArjos cpRfcyaATjNC pa Rich Insures Health Keep th Uver end and you will keep well f way ba traced to the derange want of these organs DRDEWITTS Liver Blood and Kidney Remedy stimulate and other Skin GOOD BLOOD TONIC Bottt Hundrtdt TnHmmltlt tf K trMl Cunt W J MWtCT CO Mttawi Kt HJJ- UPeflitt Eve Salve RELIEVES SORE EYES W N U ATLANTA NO 211914 1CQOTO 1 pod order their action drivel out of the system ss Uric ate and produce ell Health Female Weakness Chronic and Sick Constipation In Back Shoulders and Scrofula Taint Remote Pimple 00 p Q IIGNtlIIUI Drv r I Nearly all C poison OUR secretion such Blood I and Price a 1 U dow act Me this as r t PIMPLES BOILS ACHES CHILLS PAINS Danger Signals the human method of the become impoverished and circulation poor condition the human more illness Dont delay You need PIERCES ff a to the food Tone the stomach BOOB normal conditions Food properly assimilated ad ad every tiam Made from root taken from oar gmt foreU Try tklii- nEaedTBOw Sold by Medicine Dealer or tablet fona f to Dr Vtntft Hotel Buffalo NY trial box Jam cam torg the eatiytaa JMtcti A HUet 1MB tt lie lee I tam II warn- Ing DR Golden I ork Immediately Beat of Your tr iibl dot Is tamed Into rich nil blood Every rHitaU d lee for WIaftIItIc MIl I s ii C UNCLES y- Are C serious over thtf helping orgy ¬ > < << Death Lurks In A Weak Heart II U fluttering Week utt RENOVIME by Van VlMtManifMd Drug Co Memphle T nn lo 1 It Yours er Made Price A

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Post on 21-Sep-2019




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Makes Belt Kind of Sauce for All

Manner of Puddings SouffleLight Refreshing Detiert

Lemon to CUrt Cold

The lemon plo ls onoof the prime favorites An oftenproved recipe calla for onehalt poundot sugar a pound of butter six eggsthe Juice ot two lemons with theirgrated rind a nutmeg and half a glassof brandy

Cream the butter and sugar beat Inthe yolks the lemon the spice andbrandy then add the whites Bake In

piecrust with open top Powdored sugar and lemon Juice should bospread on the top of each pie

There are a great many varieties oflemon pie with cocoanut and meringue mixtures An English tart callsfor a cup of sugar two lemons thejuice and some of the peel grated ateaspoonful of cornstarch smoothlybonded In water a dozen raisins parboiled cut In two and seeded Beatthese ingredients well together andbake between two crusts in small pies

A lemon sauce wjilch is very tine forrice bread or boiled puddings especially for the oldfashioned cottage pudding is made from a cup of sugarhalf a cup of butter an egg the juiceof a lemon and half tho grated peel ateaspoonful of grated nutmeg andthree tablespoonfuls of boiling water

Cream the butter sugar beat In

the egg very well whipped then thelemon and nutmeg beat well for enminutes then add by degrees the bollIng water Put in the Inner pan of adouble boiler with boiling water inthe outer pan and stir well until thesauce becomes very hot

Lemon souffle Is a light refreshingdessert Put In a bowl four yolks ofeggs and four ounces of powderedsugar add the grated rind of two

and stir well for 20 minutes untilquite thick Then add by degrees atablespoonful of lemon juice and fin-

ally beat in lightly and quickly thewhites of six eggs beaten to a stifffroth Pour Into a pie dish and bake

moderate oven for about 25

to a golden brown Serve onlace paper dolly within a silver dish

A lemon Ice strongly flavored with

the fruit and easy to make I

of six lenjojjj

with the grated pool of threelarge sweet orange the jjulco andgrated rind a pint of water andlarge cup of sugar The acidity of the

Iran be regulated by the amount-

of sugar used A large cup is themedium allowance

i Squeeze all the juice and In Itthe gratedrlnd of the fruits leavingthem an hour standing Then strainwell and mix in the sugar and the water stirring until dissolved Then turnInto the freezer and stir several timeswhile it hardens to keep it entirely

4 smoothA modification of the lemon cure

which of course is not permitted inthe lemon club Is the consumptionduring the day of one or two lemons-

in this way Cut off the top and makean Incision downward in the corewithout losing any of the juice EdgeIn by degrees a lump of white sugar

which the juice can be taken

Surprise Cake

81ft two even cupfuls of sifted flourwith two even teaspoonfuls 6f creamtartar and ono of soda Into mixingdish Place the white of one egg ina large bowl beat to a stiff froth add

cupful melted not hotono cupful of milk Beat smooth

then flavor with your favorite extractadd contents ofbowl to those In dishand beat vigorously A hot oven Is

needed 350 degrees if you have anoven



Prevent Iron RustingIrons treated in the following man-

ner can be kept In excellent conditionTie a lump of beeswax In a thin whiterag When tho Irons are hot rubthem with the rag and then scourwith a cloth sprinkled with salt Afterthe Ironing finished and the Ironsaro cUll warm rub the wax over themand it will keep them smooth and freefrom rust If a brick which has beenheated in the oven is used for anironing stand the irons will be foundto keep hot much longer than if an ordinar Iron stand la used

For PlefnakersA saltapoonful of baking powdertiul

in the meringue for plea just beforetho meringue Is placed on the jjlflwrtlkeep Jt from falling j s ccc ifs the

removed from the hot oven as sooften happens

To improve Pie CrustTo improve the top crust of pie 1

have found the following very goodBrush It over with water and thensprinkle with sugar ThisImproves the and makes hbrown and











i mpose4 i pt ther thQ






l ted

r JJ



old fashtoned


a d







one half but-


















Are Your Kidneys WeakY-

ou may have kidney troubleknow it The only signs may be pccagional twinges In the small of the backconstant laments dizzy spells or some

actionBut no sign of kidney trouble can be

safely ignored disease movesrapidly It leads to dropsy gravelBright disease

sluggish use Pillswhich relieved thousands-

A Georgia Case

tltr MM Sabra BurToccoa Qa-

i rapt My back Willweak and painfuland my system waiailed with urIc acidPains ran from myheed down throughmy shoulder Intomy right aide andlimb Doctors failedIn fact nothing help-ed me

KidneyPllli and ilx boxe-

iv cured m DutlnrN

haven had a denof kidney trouble

Get Dots tiny Store SOc Bent



Probably Druggist Was of the SameOpinion as HlsSmall Colored

Errand Boy

A druggist who had a little colorederrand boy fell into the habit of playing practical jokes on him Ono daytho druggist was mixing some com-

bustible oils Suddenly there was aterrific explosion which hurled thechemist in one direction and the littledarky in another while the wholeplace burst forth Into flames

After a time a black figure emergedfrom under a counter whlmperlng andrubbing a rapidly growing bump onhis head lie limped over to wherethe druggist sat with adeep cut across his forehead

You hadnt orter play wld medoctor he said reproach

fully Dat shore aint no way to




Deplorable Condition ofLady Whose Multiplied


Lumpkin Mrs 0 W Booth-of this place says I suffered withdumb chills and fever and wasIrregular Was also nervous andweak short of breath couldnt do myhousework without it being a burdenand then I began suffering untold

In my left side and back I got towhere I would rather have been deadthan alive-

I tried many remedies but theyfailed to help me

Finally I purchased ofCardul the womans tonlo and begantaking it according to directionsCardul helped me right away I believe It saved my life

I cannot praise Cardui enough tomy lady ft lends It is certainly themedicine for suffering women andgirls

If you have any of the ailments socommon to women or if you feel theneed of a good strengthening tonicwe urge you to give Cardui a trial Ithas helped thousands of women in Itspast 60 years of success as is proven

numerous enthusiastic lettersof gratitude similar to tho abovewhich come to us day

Dont delay This letter from MrsBooth should convince you that Cardui-Is worth a trial Get a bottle fromyour druggist today Youll never re-


Using Up MltUkeiA mother was showing her small

daughter how to do something Laterthe child made a mistake but themother advised her not to worry aboutit but to remember never to makethat same error again and explained

that if we profited by our mistakesthey were useful after all

Oh I know why answered the little one Because if you keep onmaking and makingby there wont be

If only this would

Dr pf rtTenalraBa Shot

Too SoonDid Jack impress you muchNo It was the first time he had



and ot

Dnnolug Irregularity of the

rheumatism-If OU suspect that are



udthe eAr 1




two bottles

by the



mistakes ndnay fm stakes





a1 Doan1



half dazed

data way





tr n tie

Dead killsad I orma a veer few henrs









Picture May Be SUghtly OverdrawnThough There Is Much of the Real

Thing About It

Across the aromatic coffee fieldsthe tremulous note of the rubythroat-ed hacienda came throbbing-

Far In the distance the snowcappedpeaks of the Sierra Madras roseagainst tho cerulean Nqne genuinewithout the cerulean

Lounging on the chaparrlsta In theshade of a concarne bush the

questioned his native guideJose who Is the man they are tak-

ing out to shoot y-

IHe Is our president senorAnd who was the man they shot

Just ahead of himHo was our president yesterdayWhere are all those soldiers going

scattered over tho buenavlstaThey are looking for Miguel For

malda Miguel will bo presi-

dent tomorrow and ho has gone Intohiding

A strange people you are saidthe traveler Tell mo about the fellow who Is kicking a mule In the ribsyonder by the corral

There Is little to tell about himsenor He Is only Pedro Tornado Hewill be president day after tomorrow-

On the evening breeze came thefaint tinkle of the upas bell as themesquite herds wound slowly oer theplzarro Life

Sign of the TimesWhen a man like A J Drexel Did-

dle of Philadelphia society leader andmillionaire preaches in the citystreets from a gospel wagon on theInasmuch Mission and when we see

other young millionaires In variousparts of the country joining the Sal-

vation Army of uplift and human betterment it is calculated to make theworld think a bit to mako It stoplook and listen There Is somethingwhich comes home to everybody insuch a spectacle and which Is not to

be dismissed as an emotional crusading outburst In many ways tho re-

ligious Impulse of the age shares thedemocratic spirit that Is dominant inpolitical and economic spheres and Is

coming out from high places into thehighways and hedges in order to getface to face with the masses

Cabbage as Real EstateWonders never cease in American

law Here comes a judge In ourstato trying the of aentered his neighbors garden and

decided not larceny ofat all and hence not-

a basis of criminal but thecabbage heads real estate andthat the neighbors remedy Js to bring-a civil action contesting title Wehave eaten garden truck spinach andlettuce for Instance which tasted likereal estate But we never knew before that to steal It was not theft Andafter a cabbage head Is eaten whatgood is the title Now if it had been-a franchise or an election that wasstolen It would have been less surpris-ing In the law to let the culprit gofree but who would ever have thoughtthat the science of judicial hairsplit-ting would finally be successfully In-

voked to protect a plain everyday cab-bage thief Pittsburgh Press

Eye Granulated Eyelids and Stiespromptly healed with Bye Bltarn

Noblesse ObligeThe Duke do Richelieu one slay vis-

ited his son who was a student in theUniversity of Paris Do you need anymoney he asked In the course of theconversation-

No said his son I still have 20louts from last months allowance-

On hearing this the duke took theboys purse and handing it to hisservant said There John are 20

louts My son the Count de Fonsacpresents them to you Go and drinkhis health

But to his son he said Young manremember that you arethe son ot theDuke de Richelieu Be more generouswith your

How many youths in college todayWould liketo have so thoughtful a

AlarmFarmers Wife That yellow hen

has cackled three times and hasntlaid an egg yet

Farmer Maybe shes entitled to a

Anybody can dye successfulFadeless Dyes Adv

Castoff secondhanduniforms of all nations find a readymarket in Afghanistan

Many a man puts his foot In It wheno asks yeoman for her hand




ownman who




fatherlYouths Companion-





that it wee per-sonal











Much the Bestfor This ClimateT-

he French Market Roast and Blend Make ItEssentially a Southern Coffee

Great Travelers and Explorers quaint old stalls were crowded withbrilliant society of the

to the country where it It South drawn together to the

French Coffee h the coffee else In America-

of the countries Now the establishment of thewhere climate most nearly correspond French Market Uijjs with the special

that of our Southern States necessaryIt is therefore much better suited old blend is preserved for their de

scendantsfood value etc than coffees roasted The Invention of perfectlysealedforother climates tins allows over

This accounts for the marvelous United States without loss of freshsuccess of French Market Coffee ness and flavor

Drink of the South see If anyone familyFormerly it could bo had at would bo willing to uso again

Market where the ordinary kinds of coffee

Market Coffee isNow The National Drirfk

French Market MillsNowOfletm Coffee Co LtdProprietor

NEW ORLEANSDIRECTIONS We recommend that youmale French Market Codes in usualway It you find It too strong reduce

until and flavor aro satis-factory French Market makes moreot coffee to the pound than otherbrands thereby reducing your coffee bill

alwevt be adopted In that country match est nowhet1arket


for Southern consum asI

and It Is called the Try It once upon your own table






fhe southe

de L




feryf After you have the plants well started

insure a crop by feeding it Forprovide enough

I to make more bolls good fibre and to keep the bolls from fallingand for corn help the make the starch that fills the ears

Try 200 Ibs per acre of mixture of equal parts of Ktlnit AddPhosphate and Nitrate of Soda or goods

Insure cotton rust side of 200 Ibs Kalnltacre Right side dressing prolongs the activity of the plants

and produces a full crop of boll that stay on Itsound heavy corn fine fodder Potash Ways

Wt sell Potash ta any ontiOOlb np Writ ftrfrictt

Troll BtJlli

Dont Forget to Side Dress


fromwoRKs lne

Ja alas A




Y te

v 7




4h11arCas f-

1r11tageeak pool edleLr Lapinlaraensa weak


A La FranceJones Hello heres another blood

less duel and they fought for overan hour

Brown With or swordsThey used safety

No SIXSIXTYSIXThis is a prescription prepared es-

pecially for Malaria or Chilli andFever Five or six doses will breakany case and if taken then as a tonlothe fever will notreturn 25c Adv

Like Rear BrakemanIs said practically all the

railway employes of Prussia haveserved in the army

Greene I suppose where therestrouble ahead they all put for therear

Be sure that you atk for Wrljjhta IndianVegetable Pills and look for the signsture of on wrapper and boxFor Constipation and

We Wish That Were EnoughWhat Js the best thing anyone can

get for his dinnerHungry Indianapolis Star

There are times when we must allchoose between telling the truth andbeing popular






METAL ROOFINGShingles Spanish Tile



rue w saWArjos cpRfcyaATjNC pa

RichInsures Health

Keep th Uver endand you will keep well

f way ba traced to the derangewant of these organs

DRDEWITTSLiver Blood andKidney Remedy


and other SkinGOOD BLOOD TONIC

BotttHundrtdt TnHmmltlt tf K trMl Cunt

W J MWtCT CO Mttawi Kt HJJ-





pod order

their action drivel out of the systemss Uric ateand produce ell Health

Female Weakness Chronic andSick Constipation In BackShoulders andScrofula Taint Remote Pimple

00 pQ




Nearly all


poisonOUR secretion such


I and


1U dow act Me this as r




Danger Signals the human method ofthe become impoverished and circulation poor

condition the humanmore illness Dont delay You need


a to the food Tone the stomachBOOB normal conditions Food properly assimilated ad

ad every tiamMade from root taken from oar gmt foreU Try tklii-

nEaedTBOw Sold by Medicine Dealer or tablet fona fto Dr Vtntft Hotel Buffalo N Y trial box

Jam cam torg the eatiytaa JMtcti A HUet 1MBtt lie lee


tam II warn-Ing


I ork Immediately Beat of Your tr iibldot

Istamed Into rich nil blood EveryrHitaU d


WIaftIItIc MIl











Death Lurks In A Weak HeartII U fluttering Week utt RENOVIME by Van VlMtManifMd Drug Co Memphle T nn lo


Yours er Made Price