times herald. (palatka, fl) 1914-05-22 [p...

CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA 4 a r < f SHAPE AND VIGOR OF FOWLS J 4 Vitality Should Be First Requisite In rc Every Domestic Bird Used for- Breeding Purposes V Dy D J LAMBERT Poultry Instructor Rhode latarid State College Uli- vv Careful selection of breeding stock eliminating nil those showing traces of weakness will Insure poultry ralaera against of the mortality of chlckenhood sft Abounding vitality should be the requisite In every domestic fowl j used for breeding purposes No cost or bow excellent the prize record v or tine the plumage If the bird Is lack- Ing In stamina It should never be used for reproduction These rules apply f v to all kinds and both sexes The most vigorous males of common i fowls are invariably loud crowert- v Btruttere and ready fighters and a vigorous male can be detected by the way he carries himself and by the way he stands upon his feet and throws out his chest when he crows Other unmistakable signs of vigor straight upright bright red comb etout beak broad back and smooth shanks set well apart Hens and pullets of strong vitality typo are generally prolific layers are off the roost at dawn and will keep at work until darkness compels them 40 stop They are always wide awake industrious bueybodles and In shape these hens are broad across the hips tall Is carried fairly well up and their size is the average for tho breed For breeding purposes hens are gen orally preferred to pullets because are fully matured and possess up vitality after their annual molt Furthermore their second lay ing year they will lay larger eggs which produce stronger chickens A wellmatured yearold cockerel Is often a stock getter than an Y r f T t r what rings or I i or thee near tr f M n wvw wvn Copy- right three fourths t mat- ter breedvarlety size t proud are- a stored surer < > > ¬ < > < rally more active and sprightly The number of hens to one mats depends upon how eggs aro for rangef It to breed only from the best than to include Inferior specimens to make up a larger pen Pour to eight hone with one cockerel is usually better than a large especially when space is limited vigorous male jrlli take care of forty or fifty hens on free farm range 0 long as both strong and hardy it Is possible to get good results In breeding from very closely related X stock which is frequently done by breeders of birds TO MAKE LIGHT NESTBOXES Material Suitable for the Purpose May j B Obtained From Grocer the Mere Asking handy nests which can easily out and cleaned aro made flrpjn grocery boxes which may often Vf Cat 0 in the side ot the box 12 or 16 inches square and bingo one end with strapleather hinges D so that It will open out and allow for gathering eggs and for clean adult cock because the former Is gen nc ba ton J8i- 1 I rll idl num- ber sexes are fo- rt Fight betaken t ad for the asking hole I s- at many deaf red f nod wjmethei the flock i orshalrl 1s better f and a show S r a > ° r BOX Nest Easily Made lng Two in the bacjj of the be quickly for hanging nhoi nails driven Into the side of the house Nests such as this can be made for a few cents each and ate convenient for egg and sanitary says Wisconsin Agriculturist Ten pt may be down cleaned sprayed and refilled straw fa fifteen tot the aiake a thonu liens llko the by the box j C ti B OJ t I iJ atherl I I U tak n se of i I n 8- I i 0 r 1 boles btSjc will made neat on the I boys seclusion gtven acdta rot typo l a flooding Cramping STELLAVITAE STOPPED Wl This has a world of meaning to every woman who suffers as Mrs J S Blair of Enter prise Okla suffered and there are many thousands such Mrs Blair tells the story of her and cur much better can tell it We quote her own word I hal been flooding cramping ant vomiting months and Ufcini medicine from u rood doctor i the country afford but b did sis no good I lot tired of medicine and tent to the drug store a woman medi- cine the druiiUt tent me STELLA VIT1B One bottle itojpsd everything felt like a different woman 1 have nied tlz bottle already will continue to Drake STELLA VITAE whentYM I a woman medicine What did for Mrs Blair It will do for We guar antee the first to benefit you Your money back if it dont You cannot afford to not try it whin you have all to gain and not a penny to lose Qo to dealer today and trying STELLAVITAE trying to become well We lose the price if you are not benefited In many years of guaranteeing STELLA less than one bottle out of every thousand has failed to benefit Your ohanceaofbalnglxinefltad fro a thouand to Thacher Medicine Co CHATTANOOGA TENN Why Scratch HuntsCureisgunr anteed to stop and permanently cure that terrible itching It is I compounded for that purpose and your I refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunts to cure Itch Tetter Ring Disease SOe at or by mail direct hetiaent Manufactured only by than w for a doctor for and and see lII STELLA VITAE you be Eczema Worm or aDZ r A B RICHARDS MEDICINE to suf- fering flue ant- I need VITAE ono oilier Shin ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ < SAVE YOUR MONEY box of Pats we Mtu In dec toes blHi for dlieatei of the sick headache dy wreU c n tleMi Mi Tuffs nils FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If yon OUT of ORT sex Down1 DOT Ui nun Ginomo vvixxtu DL M i ix iKumom HIM writ for FREE CIOTII MIDIUL thM WONDXIITDb runes ITKt 4 l AUoIutrljFREE fi llow np elrniUnMaDbllr w wini TO not luoirioM ton MEXICAN Actual photo of battle icenes 400 Descriptive circulars on request Anent on Caliry GILT EDGE CO Pub Highland Park QUIT COFFKB Homemade Cereal Sub illtule li pure and wholesome colt only 30 Ib Boon to weak itomacbi and ntrvout pea to all other Formula 25c II loll K iJiBalle oulh Dead Ind No Longer Secrets She says that she never has any secrets Thats right She tolls them INEXPENSIVE SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME vet e toa J stllrla trolll x1Dr3T IUDDef JlKIIYOve Dleaur IOU d REMEDY ChI tonoull ow No toOIIIIQ a ILL Cl1tll P W A R In prep told Orderllow 100 pie SuperIor I Are spec 7J1H W 3- aDddeetdg G 1 IttDCO Book > ± > People travel long distances and spend large sums of money to secure the benefits of sulphur and baths because for generations sulphur has been be one of natures most valuable curatives unequalled as a blood purifier Icy dissolving 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Hancocks Sulphur Compound in a hot bath you get the same effect and system absorbs the sulphur through the pores of skin For prickly heat and summer skin troubles of Infants and children use a teaspoonful of tho Sulphur Com- pound In a bowl of warm water This makes a refreshing bath and quickly alleviates the pain Sold by all deal era 60c a bottle Hancock Liquid Sul- phur Co Baltimore stedi a kiss from you f thought he did Puck leep Balsam in your eta Adv can always flatter a man by knownto your th MdAdv Not tol or MadgeDid a I Han tords l You his advice but You have on it i t to ar ing dofit taact ¬ Stick to Your Dont put off getting Hanforda of Myrrh until something pens Get It now and bo prepared for accidents You will find fcequent use for It in your home and in your stable for cuts burns bruises and any sore any lameness Adv Good Way to Deal With the Fool It is recorded by the Sabetha Her- ald that a man went to Dr Sam Mur dock and asked him for a prescrip- tion for poison ho said he was tired of bothering others and wanted to take his own life Thats the most sensible thing I ever heard you say said Doctor Murdock Youre a nui- sance and ought to get out of the world Now that you think that way It seems to bo unanimous The man was tremendously indignant and stormed out of the office He is still living and hearty Kansas City Star For wire cuts use Hanfords Balsam Adv Not Just What Minister Meant An English minister who guarded his morning study hour very careful- ly told tho new maid that under no circumstances were callers to be of course he added in case of life and death Half an hour later the maid knocked at his door A gentleman to see you sir Why I thought I told you Yes I told him she replied but he says It is a question of life and death So he went downstairs and found an insurance agent ARE YOU hare proved their worth for 75 years Test them now Send for sample to 873 Pearl St New York Adv New Rainproof Fabric X closely woven fabric has been Introduced to tho market in tho United States by an English manufa- cturers agent that Is designed for use in tho manufacturing of raincoats No rubber is used in the construction of the fabric and it is guaranteed rain- proof although smoke may bo blown through it at the very point on which the water Is falling The fabric be cause of this It Is said is ventilating andXvill not cockleup Intentions hap feat Bal- sam ad- mitted oxcept CONSTIPATED self ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Made since 1846 Hartfords Balsam Asp RealJJfe It was on jjifse humid vis- itor Chicago induced to two young to the beach for a plunge in the surf Tho bridge cars were Jammed but after a fierce struggle he managed to get seats tor his charges and as he stood swaying beside them in the aisle he mopped the fast trickling perspiration from his browLife would be tolerable he quoted grimly if it word not for its Get it to the bottom of the affected part Adv Alsatian Potash Salta Kali or potash salts in natural de posits was discovered In Alsace In 1904 when deep borings were being made in the hope of striking oil In 1909 the first kall mining shaft was completed In this district and the following year 37000 tons of kall salts were extracted Since then other mines havo been developed and the work has rapidly Twelve mines are now In operation die strict one of y y a18 h DOl me suffocate that es- cort women pleas- ures awe P almost a was t drown in this ¬ For thrush use Hanfords Balsam Adv A Century Ago One hundred years ago Napoleon took leave of his soldiers at Fontaine bleau preparatory to beginning his exile at Elba On tho same day Louis XVHI entered state and a fow days later sailed from Dover for Franco to ascend the throne vacated- by Napoleon In the midst of tho enthusiasm excited among certain classes of the French people by the fall of Napoleon and the restoration of the monarchy there was felt gen orally a sense of depression- As the celebrated historian Lamar linff remarked The king must have t courage or a thirst of pow buried under rutoft Worms expelled from the human Peeryt Vermifuge Dead Adr Good for Kindling Did his speech set the riudience tin No it was too dry London In alntul bad er to hrone and a nation I Shot fire 7 ne- c so many = This Coffee is Never Sold in BulkY- ou buy coffee for its aro matic is so largely due to its flavor The old secret genuine French Market Coffee- is p combination of many different coffees that are grown in different countries hence that peculiar delicious flavor cannot be imitated If genuine French Market Coffee ask for U byname see that are the ordinary kind of coffee The picture of the old French Market on the assures you of the Let French Market Coffee tell Its own story Serve it several days with your every tee if anyone family wants to go back to the ordinary of coffee Remember Madame that the fla- vor of coffee is everything French Market R Orlugi Crapiir U NEW ORLEANS Direction We recommend that you Coffee strength and Bavoi make of to the your bill r flavorits stimulationwhich blendthe the Marketnot Coffeeaccept no other mealthen Coil make Freoch Market in our WIO- II 011 Sad strong reduce quantity until Mark need coffee pound thp other brands I y E y would w v Market s4 r- K Mill C a L I It too S are s more thereby reduiag ¬ ° ° Flowing Theme- I thought the speaker fluent Yes What was his subject Water ways Baltimore Sun RESINOL WILL SURELY STOP THAT ITCHING- My what relief I Tho moment that reslnol ointment touches itching skin the itching stops and healing begins That is why doctors have prescrlbedlt successfully for nineteen years In even the severest cases of eczema tetter ringworm rashes and other torment- ing unsightly skineruptions With the help of warm baths with jeslnol soap reslnol ointment restores the skin or scalp to perfect health and comfort quickly easily and at little coat remedy wherever a soothing healing applicationis needed It contalainoth harsh or Injurious and can beugedc- aoBt Irritate her you woaldotdare use moat other kln rem edjes Every druggist idle reslnol ointment and 1 and soap 26c Try them today Adv Queer Cusses Stranger How pdd Why are all these men walking about with cuspi- dors hanging around their necks Citizen Well you see we have started the city beautiful movement and its against the law to expector- ate upon the streets RUBMYTISM Will ours your and ail kinds of aohes and pains Neuralgia Cramps Colic Sprains Bruises Cute Old Sores Bum etc Antiseptic Anodyne Price 25c Adr A fatalist thinks that what Is to be will that somebody else is to blame Use Boman Eye Balaam for lea gallon In inflammation of eyes of eyelids Adv Any insurance is good so long as it Is riot needed Putnam Fadeless Dyes color In cold water Adv Tho man who sets out to acquire money and experience at the same time always gets the experience Reslnol household Ingot It or restnol beand aldln el 1a also a perfect a nature surface ¬ ¬ H P STI formerly Imperial Hotel Cumberland New York Broadway at 54th Street Near 50th St Subway end 53rd St Elevated em from Greed Central Depot 7th lit Peas Sided Rates Reesoaa- WeS28 With Oath ON Broadway ro i Sutloa- liw ad- rlrHre1 III 1 lI iI f III IIE a 11 1 t i tl p Nt ti ill bI6 old lip R Sead- I 1 M S With < WLDUGLAS SHOES U1011 l Woman lJlJ U slao s 71SS2S215O3- Ig 1151 i i J i 1006279IN- CnrA81 i skw to mot onr sns reeton w lIve you Ib- une values tor 300 00 and IUO notwtuunndlU t en4moua the of er Our dI hive r not been towered d oJu o J U L Doulu I he fer I oo 1340 oolll- dUa You wW tIleD tba for aJe oolllfol1 AII4 makee eold t I11Iher eIo The dUhlnllee price NO aUTITUTIEs- wllII wr 14 S2 Poe rout order II aU Wrltt Ne UJOIInt4 r11 aJU W N U 221914 Meast so i Misses VoyeChlldren t r r noIII- Y I t- iesseoe4 i d450MI- n 1k d4- s 3S a ve 1- FDotjiu y- Tbma U the the bcteaee L cmt s the poles our the kind of W hoe Leulns be ooevmeod Tm- etOther f- yr ooty is a j r a Dtgaigem US al1m i ire col eurHIi Sited ttrmrtop ymmbI- er th prbspeue a b hew I L DOUGLAS i Sroktea Mesa ATLANTA NO fOervous Women troubled with the blues and pits are sent by the nerves like flying limbs Such or accompanied backache or headache or bearing down The local Inflammation if there B any treated with Dr Pierces Tablets Th n the nervoue lytUtt and the entire womanly makeup toefc flffect DR PIERCES Favorite P rave been In a rundown Of Pteron PtMttitt PaH Itowstto jNla et p on TkthII N u yca cmJ 110111 netYOUfne oi pals It certI1a PCtI ave talccn several but our vorlte PrescrI Ji alvea moat any lit lit lv iW HI J y r- Are q t6iabb fform a her o1 Ss Geneva 8f Y coa 1 diuon a deal F found as the tuna ve ever tried Am very mu than 1 In tome remedy 1t11r woman tans d of a t- i Ns RrIL Y r stop ° CMUMi f to Ucly Crlzzlrprny h k UM LA ORKSMNt MICI tlOO r U4U ON1OLE HAIR 11 r- 1 k

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Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1914-05-22 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00065/00109.pdf · 2009-07-14 · a blood purifier Icy dissolving 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Hancocks






4 Vitality Should Be First Requisite Inrc Every Domestic Bird Used for-

Breeding Purposes

V Dy D J LAMBERT Poultry InstructorRhode latarid State College

Uli-vv Careful selection of breeding stock

eliminating nil those showing traces ofweakness will Insure poultry ralaeraagainst of the mortalityof chlckenhood

sft Abounding vitality should be therequisite In every domestic fowl

j used for breeding purposes No

cost or bow excellent the prize recordv or tine the plumage If the bird Is lack-

Ing In stamina It should never be usedfor reproduction These rules apply

f v to all kinds and both sexesThe most vigorous males of common

i fowls are invariably loud crowert-v Btruttere and ready fighters and

a vigorous male can be detected bythe way he carries himself and bythe way he stands upon his feet andthrows out his chest when he crowsOther unmistakable signs of vigor

straight upright bright red combetout beak broad back and smoothshanks set well apart

Hens and pullets of strong vitalitytypo are generally prolific layers areoff the roost at dawn and will keepat work until darkness compels them40 stop They are always wide awakeindustrious bueybodles and In shapethese hens are broad across the hips

tall Is carried fairly well up andtheir size is the average for thobreed

For breeding purposes hens are genorally preferred to pullets because

are fully matured and possessup vitality after their annual

molt Furthermore their second laying year they will lay larger eggswhich produce stronger chickens

A wellmatured yearold cockerel Isoften a stock getter than an





what rings or


i or



trf M n wvw wvn


three fourths


ter breedvarlety size













rally more active and sprightly Thenumber of hens to one mats dependsupon how eggs aro for

rangef It to breed only fromthe best than to include Inferiorspecimens to make up a larger penPour to eight hone with one cockerelis usually better than a large

especially when space is limitedvigorous male jrlli take care of

forty or fifty hens on free farm range0 long as both strong and

hardy it Is possible to get good resultsIn breeding from very closely related

X stock which is frequently done bybreeders of birds


Material Suitable for the Purpose Mayj B Obtained From Grocer

the Mere Asking

handy nests which can easilyout and cleaned aro made

flrpjn grocery boxes which may often

Vf Cat 0 in the side ot thebox 12 or 16 inches square and bingoone end with strapleather hinges

D so that It will open out andallow for gathering eggs and for clean

adult cock because the former Is gen

nc ba ton J8i-

1 I rll idl


sexes are



ad for the askinghole

I s-


many deaf redf nod wjmethei the flocki orshalrl

1s better


and a



r a



r BOX Nest Easily Made

lng Two in the bacjj of thebe quickly for hanging

nhoi nails driven Into the sideof the house

Nests such as this can be made fora few cents each and ate convenientfor egg and sanitary says

Wisconsin Agriculturist Ten ptmay be down

cleaned sprayed and refilledstraw fa fifteen tot theaiake a thonu liens llko the

by the box





iJ atherl


IU tak n

se of




i 0


bolesbtSjc will made

neat on


I boys

seclusion gtven acdta rottypo

l a

flooding Cramping


This has a world of meaningto every woman who suffersas Mrs J S Blair of Enterprise Okla suffered and thereare many thousands suchMrs Blair tells the story of her

and cur much bettercan tell it We quote her own word

I hal been flooding cramping antvomiting months and Ufcinimedicine from u rood doctor i thecountry afford but b did sis no goodI lot tired of medicine and tentto the drug store a woman medi-cine the druiiUt tent me STELLAVIT1B

One bottle itojpsd everythingfelt like a different woman 1 have

nied tlz bottle already willcontinue to Drake STELLAVITAE whentYM I a womanmedicine

What did for MrsBlair It will do for We guarantee the first to benefit youYour money back if it dont Youcannot afford to not try it whinyou have all to gain and not a pennyto lose

Qo to dealer today andtrying STELLAVITAE trying tobecome well We lose the price ifyou are not benefited In manyyears of guaranteeing STELLA

less than one bottle out ofevery thousand has failed to benefit

Your ohanceaofbalnglxinefltadfro a thouand to


Why ScratchHuntsCureisgunr

anteed to stop andpermanently cure thatterrible itching It is

I compounded for thatpurpose and your

I refundedWITHOUT QUESTIONif Hunts to cureItch Tetter Ring

Disease SOe at or by maildirect hetiaent Manufactured only by

than w




andsee lII



EczemaWorm or aDZ









oilier Shin








box of Pats we Mtu In dectoes blHi for dlieatei of thesick headache dy wreU c n tleMi Mi

Tuffs nilsFREE TO ALL SUFFERERSIf yon OUT of ORT sex Down1 DOT Ui nunGinomo vvixxtu DL M i ix iKumom HIMwrit for FREE CIOTII MIDIULthM WONDXIITDb runes ITKt 4 l

AUoIutrljFREEfi llow np elrniUnMaDbllrw wini TO not luoirioM ton

MEXICANActual photo of battle icenes 400

Descriptivecirculars on request Anent on CaliryGILT EDGE CO Pub Highland Park

QUIT COFFKB Homemade Cereal Subilltule li pure and wholesome colt only 30Ib Boon to weak itomacbi and ntrvout pea

to all other Formula 25c IIloll K iJiBalle oulh Dead Ind

No Longer SecretsShe says that she never has any

secretsThats right She tolls them



vete toa J

stllrla trolll x1Dr3T IUDDef JlKIIYOve DleaurIOU


ChI tonoull owNo


W A R In preptold

Orderllow 100

pie SuperIor



spec7J1H W 3-aDddeetdg






People travel long distances andspend large sums of money to securethe benefits of sulphur andbaths because for generations sulphurhas been be one of naturesmost valuable curatives unequalled asa blood purifier Icy dissolving 2 to 4tablespoonfuls of Hancocks SulphurCompound in a hot bath you get thesame effect and system absorbsthe sulphur through the pores ofskin For prickly heat and summerskin troubles of Infants and childrenuse a teaspoonful of tho Sulphur Com-pound In a bowl of warm water Thismakes a refreshing bath and quicklyalleviates the pain Sold by all dealera 60c a bottle Hancock Liquid Sul-phur Co Baltimore

stedi a kiss fromyou f thought he did Puck

leep Balsam in your etaAdv

can always flatter a man by




Not tol or


a I

Han tords


his advice but You haveon it




ar ing dofittaact


Stick to YourDont put off getting Hanforda

of Myrrh until somethingpens Get It now and bo prepared foraccidents You will find fcequent usefor It in your home and in your stablefor cuts burns bruises and any soreany lameness Adv

Good Way to Deal With the FoolIt is recorded by the Sabetha Her-

ald that a man went to Dr Sam Murdock and asked him for a prescrip-tion for poison ho said he was tiredof bothering others and wanted to

take his own life Thats the mostsensible thing I ever heard you saysaid Doctor Murdock Youre a nui-

sance and ought to get out of theworld Now that you think that wayIt seems to bo unanimous The manwas tremendously indignant andstormed out of the office He is stillliving and hearty Kansas City Star

For wire cuts use Hanfords BalsamAdv

Not Just What Minister MeantAn English minister who guarded

his morning study hour very careful-ly told tho new maid that under nocircumstances were callers to be

of course he addedin case of life and death

Half an hour later the maidknocked at his door A gentleman tosee you sir

Why I thought I told youYes I told him she replied but

he says It is a question of life anddeath

So he went downstairs and found aninsurance agent


proved their worth for 75 years Test themnow Send for sample to 873 Pearl

St New York Adv

New Rainproof FabricX closely woven fabric has been

Introduced to tho market in thoUnited States by an English manufa-cturers agent that Is designed for usein tho manufacturing of raincoats Norubber is used in the construction ofthe fabric and it is guaranteed rain-proof although smoke may bo blownthrough it at the very point on whichthe water Is falling The fabric because of this It Is said isventilating andXvill not cockleup







mitted oxcept







Made since 1846 Hartfords BalsamAsp

RealJJfeIt was on jjifse humid


itor Chicago induced totwo young to the beach

for a plunge in the surf Tho bridgecars were Jammed but after a fiercestruggle he managed to get seats torhis charges and as he stood swayingbeside them in the aisle he moppedthe fast trickling perspiration from his

browLifewould be tolerable he quoted

grimly if it word not for its

Get it to the bottom of the affectedpart Adv

Alsatian Potash SaltaKali or potash salts in natural de

posits was discovered In Alsace In1904 when deep borings were beingmade in the hope of striking oil In1909 the first kall mining shaft wascompleted In this district and thefollowing year 37000 tons of kall saltswere extracted Since then othermines havo been developed and thework has rapidly Twelvemines are now In operation diestrict

one ofy y a18 h DOl mesuffocate that


cort women



almost awas


drownin this


For thrush use Hanfords BalsamAdv

A Century AgoOne hundred years ago Napoleon

took leave of his soldiers at Fontainebleau preparatory to beginning hisexile at Elba On tho same day LouisXVHI entered state and afow days later sailed from Dover forFranco to ascend the throne vacated-by Napoleon In the midst of thoenthusiasm excited among certainclasses of the French people by thefall of Napoleon and the restorationof the monarchy there was felt genorally a sense of depression-As the celebrated historian Lamarlinff remarked The king must have

t courage or a thirst of pow

buried under rutoft

Worms expelled from the humanPeeryt Vermifuge DeadAdr

Good for KindlingDid his speech set the riudience tin

No it was too dry

London In


bader to hrone and a nation



fire 7

ne-cso many


This Coffee isNever Sold in BulkY-

ou buy coffee for its aromatic is so largely due to its flavorThe old secret genuine French Market Coffee-

is p combination of many different coffees that are grownin different countries hence that peculiar delicious flavorcannot be imitated

If genuine French Market Coffee ask for U bynamesee that are the ordinary kind of coffeeThe picture of the old French Market on the assures you of the

Let French Market Coffee tell Its own story Serve it several dayswith your every tee if anyone family wants to go

back to the ordinary of coffeeRemember Madame that the fla-

vor of coffee is everything

French MarketR Orlugi Crapiir U


Direction We recommend that youCoffee

strength and Bavoimake of to the

your bill





Coffeeaccept no other



makeFreoch Market in our WIO-II 011 Sad strong reduce quantity until

Mark need coffeepound thp other brands








MillC a


IIt too

S ares more

thereby reduiag




Flowing Theme-I thought the speaker fluentYes What was his subjectWater ways Baltimore Sun


My what relief I Tho moment thatreslnol ointment touches itching skinthe itching stops and healing beginsThat is why doctors have prescrlbedltsuccessfully for nineteen years In eventhe severest cases of eczema tetterringworm rashes and other torment-ing unsightly skineruptions With thehelp of warm baths with jeslnol soapreslnol ointment restores the skin orscalp to perfect health and comfortquickly easily and at little coat

remedy wherever a soothing healingapplicationis needed It contalainoth

harsh or Injuriousand can beugedc-

aoBt Irritate her youwoaldotdare use moat other kln remedjes Every druggist idle reslnolointment and 1 andsoap 26c Try them today Adv

Queer CussesStranger How pdd Why are all

these men walking about with cuspi-dors hanging around their necks

Citizen Well you see we havestarted the city beautiful movementand its against the law to expector-ate upon the streets

RUBMYTISMWill ours your and ailkinds of aohes and pains NeuralgiaCramps Colic Sprains Bruises CuteOld Sores Bum etc AntisepticAnodyne Price 25c Adr

A fatalist thinks that what Is to bewill that somebody else is toblame

Use Boman Eye Balaam for leagallon In inflammation of eyes ofeyelids Adv

Any insurance is good so long as itIs riot needed

Putnam Fadeless Dyes color In coldwater Adv

Tho man who sets out to acquiremoney and experience at the sametime always gets the experience

Reslnol household

IngotIt or




1a also a perfect

a nature




H P STIformerly Imperial

Hotel CumberlandNew York

Broadway at 54th StreetNear 50th St Subway end 53rd St Elevated

emfrom Greed

Central Depot7th litPeas




With Oath



roi Sutloa-

liw ad-rlrHre1III 1 lI

iI f

III IIE a 111 t

itl p Nt ti

ill bI6

old lip


I 1

M SWith



U1011 l

Woman lJlJ U

slao s 71SS2S215O3-Ig




J i 1006279IN-CnrA81

iskw to mot onr sns

reeton w lIve you Ib-

une values tor 300 00and IUO notwtuunndlU

t en4moua the ofer Our dI hive

r not been towered doJu o J U

L Doulu I hefer I oo 1340 oolll-

dUa You wW tIleDtba for aJe oolllfol1 AII4

makee eold t I11Iher eIoThe dUhlnllee price


14 S2Poe rout order

II aUWrltt Ne UJOIInt4

r11 aJU

W N U 221914

Meast so i

Misses VoyeChlldren t rr


YI t-

iesseoe4i d450MI-n 1k d4-


3S a ve 1-

FDotjiu y-

Tbma U the

thebcteaee L cmt


thepolesourthe kind of W hoeLeulns

be ooevmeodTm-

etOther f-

yr ooty isa

j r a DtgaigemUS al1mi ire col eurHIi

Sited ttrmrtop ymmbI-er th prbspeue a b


Sroktea Mesa


fOervous Womentroubled with the blues and pits

are sent by the nerves like flyinglimbs Such or accompanied backache orheadache or bearing down The local Inflammation if thereB any treated with Dr Pierces Tablets Th n thenervoue lytUtt and the entire womanly makeup toefc flffect


rave been In a rundown

Of Pteron PtMttitt PaHItowstto

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