timeline procedures

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  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    URI Timeline Procedures

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    Table of Contents

    Introduction 3

    Procedures for creating new authority files 4

    New person entry 7New building entry 8

    New location entry 9

    New department/School/College entry 10

    New organization entry 11

    New publication entry 12

    New program entry 13

    Add additional notes to existing entry 14

    Add a see reference to an entry 14

    Add a see also reference to an entry 15

    Procedures for entering information into the timeline 16

    Add a new year entry 17

    Add a new entry within a year 18

    Add a link to an authorty file 18

    Add a note to an entry 18

    Add a see also reference to an entry 19

    Create an HTML version of the timeline 19

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures



    The timeline.xml document consists of two major sections: an authority file section, and a timelinesection.

    The authority files group together facts about a particular person, building, location, department,

    school, college, organization, publication, or program. The authority files are grouped within one of the

    above categories, and all occur within the section of the document.The timeline section is a chronological listing of events in the history of the University, and is

    contained in the section of the document.

    To add either new authority files or entries in the timeline, it is necessary to have two clip libraries

    installed in NoteTab. Timeline.clb and Timeline_Authority_clips.clb should both be installed in

    C:/Program Files/NoteTabPro/Libraries. Use the Timeline clip library for timeline entries, andTimeline_Authority_clips for authority file entries.

    A more detailed explanation of the structure of the document is provided in the two major sectionsof the procedures.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    Procedures for creating authority files

    The authority file section of the document is structured as follows:

    - this is a wrapper element that encompasses the authority files and timeline sectionsof the document. There is only one element

    - this is the wrapper element for all authority files, there is only one element.There are five groups of authority file types: , , ,

    , and . Individual authority files must go in one of

    those sections.

    - the element is a wrapper for all the individual

    authority files; there is only one element. Any numberof elements can occur within .

    - each element contains authority information on a

    particular person. It can contain multiple or elements. There can only be a single element, which will

    act as a pointer to the correct authority file for the person. For

    example, if a variant of a name is commonly used, but is not theauthorized form of the name, add a entry which contains

    only a note. The content of the will contain the

    correct form of the name, with a link to the correct authority file.

    - contains a relevant piece of information about the

    person, and a source to locate the information. There canbe multiple s under each person.

    - contains a reference to the correct form of an authority

    record. Only one may occur in a element, and no

    other elements should be used.

    - contains a reference to another authority record that is

    related by subject matter.

    - the element is a wrapper for the (buildings) and

    (locations) elements; there is only one element,

    which contains a single and a single element.

    Within there can be multiple elements, andwithin there can be multiple elements.

    - the element is a wrapper for the individual elements.

    - each element contains authorityinformation on a particular building. It can contain

    multiple or elements. There

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    can only be a single element, which will act

    as a pointer to the correct authority file for the

    building; for example, if a building was renamed,

    the note will point to the correct name of thebuilding.

    - contains a relevant piece of informationabout the building, and a source to locate the

    information. There can be multiple

    s under each building.

    - see description above

    - see description above

    - the element is a wrapper for the individual elements.

    - each element contains authorityinformation on a particular location. It can contain

    multiple or elements. There

    can only be a single element, which will actas a pointer to the correct authority file for the

    location; for example, if an area has had name

    changes, the note will point to the correctname of the location.

    - contains a relevant piece of information about

    the location, and a source to locateinformation. There can be multiple

    s under each location.

    - see description above

    - see description above

    - the element is a wrapper for the (departments,schools, and colleges) and (organizations) elements; there

    is only one element, which contains a single and

    a single element. Within there can be multiple

    elements, and within there can bemultiple elements.

    - the element is a wrapper for the individual


    - each element contains

    authority information on a particulardepartment, School, or College in the

    University. It can contain multiple

    or elements. Therecan only be a single element, which

    will act as a pointer to the correct authority

    file for the department, school, or college;

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    for example, if a department was renamed

    or reorganized, the note will point to

    the correct name of the department.

    - contains a relevant piece of information

    about the department, school, or college,

    and a source to locate the information.There can be multiple s under

    each department, school, or college.

    - see description above

    - see description above

    - the element is a wrapper for the individual


    - each element contains authority

    information on a particular organization. Itcan contain multiple or

    elements. There can only be a

    single element, which will act as apointer to the correct authority file for the

    organization; for example, if an organization

    was renamed or merged with anotherorganization, the note will point to

    the correct name of the organization.

    - contains a relevant piece of information aboutthe organization, and a source to locate the

    information. There can be multiple

    s under each organization.

    - see description above

    - see description above

    - the element is a wrapper for all the individual

    authority files; there is only one

    element. Any number of elements can occur within


    - each element contains authority information on a

    particular publication. It can contain multiple or elements. There can only be a single

    element, which will act as a pointer to the correct authority

    file for the publication. For example, if a publicationchanged names, add a entry which contains only a

    note. The content of the will contain the

    correct form of the title, with a link to the correct authorityfile.

    - contains a relevant piece of information about the

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    publication, and a source to locate the information.

    There can be multiple s under each


    - see description above

    - see description above

    - the element is a wrapper for all the individual authority files; there is only one

    element. Any number of elements can occur

    within .

    - each element contains authority information on

    a particular program. It can contain multiple

    or elements. There can onlybe a single element, which will act as a

    pointer to the correct authority file for the program.

    For example, if a program changed names or wasreorganized, add a entry which contains

    only a note. The content of the will

    contain the correct form of the program, with a linkto the correct authority file.

    - contains a relevant piece of information about theprogram, and a source to locate the information.

    There can be multiple s under each


    - see description above

    - see description above

    To add a new entry

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    Check to see that the Timeline_Authority_clips clipbook is selected.

    Place the cursor on the line before the tag, and double click the Add new person entry.

    A window will open, begin filling out the fields.On the first line, enter the person's name in the authority format, last name first.

    Enter the ID number. The ID number is a sequential number beginning with p. When adding a new

    , check the authority file of the previous entry, and assign the next number. Ex.: p1,p2, p3... The p is unique to the authority files; each type of authority file has its own prefix.

    Enter the date of birth, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Enter the date of death, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.Choose the person's role from the list provided.

    Add a note with information about the person

    Add the note source, using the standard locator code.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the timeline document.Each new entry should be placed immediately before the tag.

    To add a new entry

    Check to see that the Timeline_Authority_clips clipbook is selected.

    Place the cursor on the line before the tag, and double click the Add new building entry.

    A window will open, begin filling out the fields.On the first line, enter the building name.

    Enter the ID number. The ID number is a sequential number beginning with b. When adding a new

    , check the authority file of the previous entry, and assign the next number. Ex.:b1, b2, b3... The b is unique to the authority files; each type of authority file has its own


    Enter the year built, if known.Enter the year the building was destroyed, if known.

    Choose how the building was acquired from the list provided.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    Add a note with information about the building.

    Add the note source, using the standard locator code.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the timeline document.

    Each new entry should be placed immediately before the tag.

    To add a new entry

    Check to see that the Timeline_Authority_clips clipbook is selected.Place the cursor on the line before the tag, and double click the Add new location entry.A window will open, begin filling out the fields.

    On the first line, enter the location name.Enter the ID number. The ID number is a sequential number beginning with l. When adding a new

    , check the authority file of the previous entry, and assign the next number. Ex.:

    l1, l2, l3... The l is unique to the authority files; each type of authority file has its ownprefix.

    Choose the type of location from the list provided.

    Add a note with information about the location.Add the note source, using the standard locator code.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the timeline document.

    Each new entry should be placed immediately before the tag.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    To add a new entry

    Check to see that the Timeline_Authority_clips clipbook is selected.

    Place the cursor on the line before the tag, and double click the Add new deptSchoolColl


    A window will open, begin filling out the fields.

    On the first line, enter the name of the department, School, or College.

    Enter the ID number. The ID number is a sequential number beginning with d. When adding a new, check the authority file of the previous entry, and assign the next

    number. Ex.: d1, d2, d3... The d is unique to the authority files; each type of

    authority file has its own prefix.Enter the date established, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Choose the entry type from the list provided.

    Add a note with information about the department, School, or College.Add the note source, using the standard locator code.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the timeline document.

    Each new entry should be placed immediately before the tag.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    To add a new entry

    Check to see that the Timeline_Authority_clips clipbook is selected.Place the cursor on the line before the tag, and double click the Add new organization entry.A window will open, begin filling out the fields.

    On the first line, enter the name of the organization.Enter the ID number. The ID number is a sequential number beginning with o. When adding a new

    , check the authority file of the previous entry, and assign the next

    number. Ex.: o1, o2, o3... The o is unique to the authority files; each type of authorityfile has its own prefix.

    Enter the date the organization was founded, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Enter the date the organization was disbanded, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Choose the type of organization from the list provided.Add a note with information about the organization.

    Add the note source, using the standard locator code.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the timeline document.Each new entry should be placed immediately before the tag.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    To add a new entry

    Check to see that the Timeline_Authority_clips clipbook is selected.

    Place the cursor on the line before the tag, and double click the Add new publication


    A window will open, begin filling out the fields.

    On the first line, enter the title of the publication.Enter the ID number. The ID number is a sequential number beginning with pub. When adding a new

    , check the authority file of the previous entry, and assign the next number. Ex.: pub1,

    pub2, pub3... The pub is unique to the authority files; each type of authority file has its ownprefix.

    Enter the date the publication began, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Enter the date the organization ended, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Choose the type of publication from the list provided.Add a note with information about the publication.

    Add the note source, using the standard locator code.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the timeline document.Each new entry should be placed immediately before the tag.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    To add a new entry

    Check to see that the Timeline_Authority_clips clipbook is selected.

    Place the cursor on the line before the tag, and double click the Add new program


    A window will open, begin filling out the fields.

    On the first line, enter the program name.Enter the ID number. The ID number is a sequential number beginning with pro. When adding a new

    , check the authority file of the previous entry, and assign the next number. Ex.:

    pro1, pro2, pro3... The pro is unique to the authority files; each type of authority file hasits own prefix.

    Enter the date the program was established, if known, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Choose the type of program from the list provided.

    Add a note with information about the program.Add the note source, using the standard locator code.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the timeline document.

    Each new entry should be placed immediately before the tag.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    To add additional notes to existing authority files

    Each type of authority file has it's own particular note. Each note type is listed under the new entry clip

    for the appropriate authority file type. Ex. /; /, etc.Find the authority file you wish to add a note to. Place the cursor immediately after the closing tag for

    the previous note (ex. , , ), and double-click the Add

    // , etc. clip.A box will appear. Enter the note on the first line, and the source of the note, using the standard locator

    format, on the second line.Click OK. The code will appear in the document.Each new should be added after the previous .

    To add a reference to an authority file

    See references direct the user to the appropriate form of the authority record. For example, an

    organization or department that has changed it's name would have a reference to direct the user

    from the old organization name to the authority record for the new name.Authority records that contain a reference should NOT contain any s orreferences.

    Place the cursor at the close of the opening tag for the specific authority file. Double-click the Add see

    reference clip. The window above will open.

    Enter the name of the authority file the reference will point to.

    On the second line, enter the ID number of the authority file.ClickOK. The code will appear in the document.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    To add a reference to an authority file

    See also references point to other authority files that are associated by subject or hierarchy.

    To add a , place the cursor after the close tag for the final note in the subject file (ex. after

    ). Double-click the Add see also reference clip in the clip library.

    The above window will open.In the first line, enter the name of the authority file the reference is pointing to.

    On the second line, enter the ID reference number of the authority file.

    ClickOK. The code will appear in the document.

  • 8/6/2019 Timeline Procedures


    Procedures for entering information into the Timeline section

    Open NoteTab Pro

    Select the Timeline clip library from the drop down menu.

    In the clip library, double-clickOpen Timeline. The Timeline will open.

    Within the timeline, the document is broken down into years, and within each year, there are several

    subelements. The document follows the format:

    - the wrapper element that encloses the whole document; there is only one


    - contains all the elements for each year; each year in the timeline has its own element

    - there can be multiple elements within a single year. There are

    several types that are denoted by the type attribute. You will be askedto choose from: event, person, program, organization, location,

    publication, building. contains no text, but encloses three otherelements: , , and .

    - this tag contains the description that is displayed in the timeline

    - this tag creates a link to an authority file in the first section of the


    - each needs at least one , although more than one can occur in an . The can contain text that

    further explains or elaborates on the entry, although that is optional.

    The does require a locator attribute, however. The locator codeshould follow the same format as the locator codes used in the photo

    scanning procedures.

    locator code locator in "source", also "date" attribute, use form mm-dd - this is an optional element that draws a reference to another

    element using a refyear attribute, and can contain text explaining the

    relation to the other entry.

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    To enter a new in the timeline

    Place the cursor after the tag for the previous year of the new entry. Double click the Add new

    year entry clip.

    The following prompt box will open:

    In the first line, enter the year the entry occurred.Select the Type of entry in the second box. The choices are event, person, program, organization,

    location, publication, and building.

    Enter the Date of entry, if known, in the format MM-YY. This is optional.UnderItem, enter the description of the entry. This is the text that will be displayed in the timeline.

    UnderNote, enter further explanatory text about the entry (optional).

    UnderSource of item, enter the locator code.ClickOK. The new year and entry will appear in the timeline.

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    To enter a new in the timeline

    Place the cursor after the in the appropriate year. Double-click the Add new entry clip in the

    clip library. The following prompt box will open.

    Select the Type of entry in the first box. The choices are event, person, program, organization,location, publication, and building.

    Enter the Date of entry, if known, in the format MM-YY. This is optional.UnderItem, enter the description of the entry. This is the text that will be displayed in the timeline.

    UnderNote, enter further explanatory text about the entry (optional).

    UnderSource of note, enter the locator code.ClickOK. The new year and entry will appear in the timeline.

    To add an to an entry

    Place the cursor before the words to be added as a link to an authority file.

    Double-click the Add authority file linkclip in the clip library. A box will open asking for a referenceid number. Enter the number of the authority file; the number will be contained between quotationmarks after the id attribute.

    ClickOK. The authority link will appear in the timeline. Highlight the tag and drag it to

    the end of the text to be linked.

    To add a to an entry

    Place the cursor after the , or after the if another note already exists. Double-click the

    Add note clip in the clip library. The following prompt box will open.

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    UnderNote, enter further explanatory text about the entry (optional).

    UnderSource of note, enter the locator code.

    UnderDate, enter the date in MM-DD format (optional).ClickOK. The will appear in the text of the timeline.

    To add a reference to an entry

    Place the cursor after the last in the appropriate entry. Double-click the Add see also referenceclip in the clip library. The following prompt box will open.

    In Reference year, enter the year of the entry you are drawing the reference to.

    UnderNote, write a brief description of how the referenced entry relates to the current entry.

    Click OK. The reference will appear in the timeline.

    To create HTML version of the timeline

    Double-click the Make HTML clip in the clip library. When the prompt box appears, clickOK. Thefile will be created as timeline.html in C:\timeline