
Timeline – Assignment 34 Charlie Muddyman – Group 5 (Second Verse) Charlie walks towards the coffee hut, walks by it, Lauren will be drinking coffee and reading a book. The chorus will be Charlie performing throughout. We will use a variety of shots. When editing we Over the shoulder shot of Charlie looking at his phone liking a photo of Lauren whilst Charlie will be performing by the arch, close ups and different angles will be used. Back to narrative …..Charlie gets up and starts walking ….. The he walks past Lauren and Establishing shot of the location to begin with. Then a panning Charlie walks down the path and over the bridge – He will be performing; we Long shot of Charlie and Lauren walking together…. They will walk off together… credits will come up “Saint Raymond “. Charlie and Lauren performing together by the arch... Long shot, mid shot and close ups (Chorus) Charlie performing by the arch. Charlie will look towards the camera when he performs. Charlie performing …. There will be a shot of Charlie holding is head in his hands whilst sitting down. Last Verse – Charlie walking towards Lauren who is sitting on the bench, Charlie starts talking to her ….. Close ups, POV Shot when Charlie is walking over to Lauren. Cut to some performance.

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Timeline – Assignment 34 Charlie Muddyman – Group 5

(Second Verse) Charlie walks towards the coffee hut, walks by it, Lauren will be drinking coffee and reading a book. Over the shoulder shot as he walks in and then close ups of both performers.

The chorus will be Charlie performing throughout. We will use a variety of shots. When editing we will have quick cuts. This will be filmed by the arch at terrace gardens.

Over the shoulder shot of Charlie looking at his phone liking a photo of Lauren whilst sitting down. Close ups and mid shots will be

Charlie will be performing by the arch, close ups and different angles will be used. Back to narrative …..Charlie gets up and starts walking ….. The he walks past Lauren and recognises her. Shot used will be… close ups and mid shots of both performers.

Establishing shot of the location to begin with. Then a panning shot of Charlie’s face as the music begins.

Charlie walks down the path and over the bridge – He will be performing; we will include close ups and mid shots.

Long shot of Charlie and Lauren walking together…. They will walk off together… credits will come up “Saint Raymond “.

Charlie and Lauren performing together by the arch... Long shot, mid shot and close ups

Charlie performing …. There will be a shot of Charlie holding is head in his hands whilst sitting down.

Last Verse – Charlie walking towards Lauren who is sitting on the bench, Charlie starts talking to her ….. Close ups, POV Shot when Charlie is walking over to Lauren. Cut to some performance.

(Chorus) Charlie performing by the arch. Charlie will look towards the camera when he performs.