ti - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1980/1980-06-12.pdf · ' available...

the state minimum foliJ!jlatlon scale. while administrators were granted ••• coml{lfesch:!Jea;icamlned (Photo COUNtY of Jon Mark FultlOD) the five year school goals Writes Book for Canvas ofPaintingPopflles , local to write a book on -- bandboo ... nl teacher" lII" book technique. I felt ', I(wa"a clianges over the previous forca,ll"aspalilteU,!O .p the king , lIindbookwas re.vertlng,back teclln.que ,paJntlng and felt I realIy dldD't have ' to'tlle semester system from POpple'. Her technique IW the time. After ' three years the quarter system whlchhas gained . recognition In my leSSOD plans hail accum- , been In effect for a number ibe ,South .Plaln5 area and ulated ' and I began to coo- 'lf yean. posslbllty of doing a. "fantasy norals" because Slnc;e last summer it aJlPC!lnted .. flsc&laudltors of the transparent quality of ha5 been a serious endeavor. fot,!he cument year. The the nowen and fala.. The basic technique was local board gave approval Village eran 10 the developec! with a book in to the Media Component of South Plains Mallin Lubbock mind. 1 wanted it to be a aF.dnduC&altlsoonvSoeterd- has been Instrumental In book .expliclt enougb to ,_ Ce tf pai'tlclpate In a roperl a ; :t , ...... :Ifu be T £AI tI A the technique has been classes. would have an the :n a ;:::'1 created by the display of her colors Ind composition the effects of no uri de In the work In tfie mall area. ' available in book form and prevention of tooth decay. Mrs. Bartlett also a review of !he technique the mobill's that are not used in ' Galleries shOWing her more rewrftlng took Place bullness will be dropped O Wdoe ' •. ,1 n clGualdleerlaE1eAguamteo', Kaye Lynne Dearing Wat of from the tax roll. The bciard _ ,1 great aulstance In suggestion voted to change the regular Alamo&ordol PeCOf Gallery, as to format, crarlty of July meeting Dack,to June Artesia; Hanging Tree. Mid- instruction and typing lily 30m In order DOt to IDterfere l,andl Garlalld'Lon Gallery. DOteS. Without her Willing'" with the July 4th weekend. " . ... nell'te; type an6. }itype was for a Amar111o:and The Frame it was r cou1cl pII!itrc of tile com- Gallery. Lubbock. not have completed the bOolF.' peteney tests ilia t were gl ven Slie WIS recently invited Sharon Kester did the final to the 5th and 9tb grade typing and the book went to srudents this spring. , "" snl the printers. A resolution WII pasSed Abern athy's Represen ' tatives At Syrnpos·1 urn and sale for the Buffaloe 1 was especially fortun- liking the Texas ASSOCiation . ' Springs Couneil of Boy ate In my choice of people of Scliool Boards to consider ae the..arcTehltaFsOUAndatomtlOICn,Ener8Y.of Scouts In Mldland.The show to print the colorillustradon sponsoring accident tosura- Abernathy High School representatl ves at the 20th the University of Texas It Austin were left and .. r ... was by Invitation onI}' and ,ana the book. Bill Dennis of nce for students. Including which Soutbwestern Public was held at the Midland Dennis Bros. In Lubbock did those participating in Service Comp.&Dy Is a mem- College Chaparral Center. a great job on the color athletics. ber. and the University. Many of the artists exhibiting illustration made from a Policy conslderation& Southwestern sponsored a were nationally known. ",Intlng I did especially for included examination of the delegation of S8 rude t Mrs. Bartlett' 5 70 page the b001<.He also IIelped me dress code and the residency and teacher. from book has detailed Instruction develop plans I had In mind JXlllcy for teachers and also PIIlns on the basic technique of for the cover. Paul Duncan the means ,of Identifying .... _ painting poppies plas 14 ()f Duncan Press. Lubbock. Title I students. palcnotlmng_ was of grelt assistance In Reg Is n at I 0 0 s were .' na planning the final pnnting accepted from: Joneen position on canvas. 'The and wor1led cloltly with Mr. Cummings. teonls coach: color IUustrltion Is already Dennis to coordinate the Cox. junior high being sold as framed PrInts work on the cover I bad girls coach; Kay SherwoOd. In gilt stores In Lubbock and designed. biology: Pamela Hinle and Midland but the book itself 1t WIS a thrilling mom- Claudia Helm. special will DOt be for sale In retail ent when I picked up my education teachers In !he stores until the fall. They voca- been made by mall to 275 tional agriculture teacher be on display at Abernathy students who had taken my from LazbuddIe and Emily Floral Ind Lon's Cleaners. cla_s In the three years I Ratcliff. an elementary frol ham sbobethenpaignretearts. had taught at Village Craft til C her who previously nCJ I "',.. and SUnoundlDg area. The tlught in Lubbock and Sel- It Is tile culmination of response has been very graves were employed for almost. year's eftbrt. When gratifying and my next ltel' ihe 1980-81 school year. I started teaching at Village j s to do demQnstrations of Reports presented wlth- Craft about S J.ears ago I the technique In as many out ,"ctlon included a bud§ft paldlnttlhnlgs wsoe getting the book Into retail pleted): a final enrollmeDt all we ild storesJt has been I wonder- report have to tahe DOtes and also ful experience and many Junior Hlgh-2S2:hlgh school 10 they could paint anodier opportunities have been -313) and a lunchroom canvas at home. Students opened since the pulllication report which showed the liked the Idea and asked me of the for lunch 651 for the just completed school year. Conespondence from the University Interscholas- tic League was (l!esented showing Abernathy's share of the state basketball tournarnent. Total " to !he local ' C!Il service. r'''' .... . .. '!.''! '!!. with the Schools. Mrs. Rachel. (tarted her teaching career in the ' Abernathy Scfiooh ' ID 1942. She taught two:yean SOlI. ber teaching career In the fall 1980. Mrs. Wtbb was a dedic- ated teacher. Her atudents loved her and exprested,thelr .' love and aPJlfecrl.tI , 011 WIIb_ , .- bouquet of on "" " lastday ': of aU ages. both-preaent:-' iIi!II' , JlASI, were relpontlbtefor, this tribute to a greatteacber. Louise Samsel bal!- '. , " third 8!ade through 1948. ' After an Interval of nine years. , Mrs.Samsel grade In Abernathy for IS retlrement In Mrs. Samsel's present and former students alllO honored her wid! a bouquet of nowers on her laSt day of 26th,the Aber- nathy Classroom Teachers Association presented Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Samsel a Brass School Bell with their years toward the educational missed in tlie classroom but their Infiuence wiD live 011 in the hearts of those wholt lives they have touched. ----_._ .. .,._--

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Page 1: tI - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1980/1980-06-12.pdf · ' available in book form and prevention of tooth decay. Mrs. Bartlett also a review of !he technique

certl~rla:~e:'eJo per~~. ~:~II~~::~n~rra~:~ abo';~ the state minimum foliJ!jlatlon scale. while administrators were granted

.ogm~~abl~o~d:reto~ ~ ••• coml{lfesch:!Jea;icamlned

(Photo COUNtY of Jon Mark FultlOD) the five year school goals

; ~alleacher Writes Book for Canvas ~:'·::~~Ii~h:~n:ro:'}r~ palnterso~techniq'ue ofPaintingPopflles ~;~,tI,~ ap~:'k~.~~.ae\otil~y'

, , ~eorR1~.::~~ett. local to write a book on .t~,po.ppY --bandboo ... nl teacher" lII" ;mt~n ~ book technique. I felt ',I(wa" a clianges over the previous forca,ll"aspalilteU,! O.p the ~tty, ambltiOUs~iicIerta, king, lIindbookwas re.vertlng,back teclln.que ~f ,paJntlng and felt I realIy dldD't have ' to' tlle semester system from POpple'. Her technique IW the time. After 'three years the quarter system whlchhas gained . wld~ recognition In my leSSOD plans hail accum- ,been In effect for a number ibe ,South .Plaln5 area and ulated ' and I began to coo- 'lf yean.

~:al~~~~·been 1Jt:s~~ ~d.:,~~e posslbllty of doing MOII~l1~,:·~~~~~Il~~. a. "fantasy norals" because Slnc;e last summer it aJlPC!lnted .. flsc&laudltors of the transparent quality of ha5 been a serious endeavor. fot ,!he cument year. The the nowen and fala.. The basic technique was local board gave approval

Village eran 10 the developec! with a book in to the Media Component of South Plains Mallin Lubbock mind. 1 wanted it to be a vitheC,I~gelnOtna1er aF.dnduC&altlsoonvSoeterd-has been Instrumental In book .expliclt enougb to ,_ Ce :;~~, ~I$s~:~~;:e :~~:; apeOcPla~sWliuOnhdadernemveer ctao~~ tf pai'tlclpate In a roperl


:t , ...... ~~ ~w.n~~,: j~~ :Ifu ~~~fu ~~ ~~~~~rere~~~ s~:;~':snd w~e ~chn~t~ be T £AI tI A the technique has been classes. would have an the :n a ;:::'1 ~e~:stu~~rn~ created by the display of her colors Ind composition the effects of no uri de In the work In tfie mall area. ' available in book form and prevention of tooth decay.

Mrs. Bartlett also a review of !he technique the n~tt~l:~ ~~a~~t1~~:: ~~~~e;~C::~~l~J~w~~er WOUl~~I~~P~~:t~~~Dd mobill's that are not used in

' Galleries shOWing her more rewrftlng took Place bullness will be dropped

OWdoe' r.~ •. ,1 n clGualdleerlaE1eAguamteo', Kaye Lynne Dearing Wat of from the tax roll. The bciard

_ ,1 great aulstance In suggestion voted to change the regular Alamo&ordol PeCOf Gallery, as to format, crarlty of July meeting Dack,to June Artesia; Hanging Tree. Mid- instruction and typing lily 30m In order DOt to IDterfere l,andl Garlalld'Lon Gallery. DOteS. Without her Willing'" with the July 4th weekend.

" .... f!l~f :Glft~. nell'te; type an6.}itype uDiJl; ~·,· 1'IIe "Qle ,d.t~ was ~t for a Amar111o:and The Frame it was sadsfa.~Ory. r cou1cl pII!itrc Il~rllfg of tile com-Gallery. Lubbock. not have completed the bOolF.' peteney tests ilia t were gl ven

Slie WIS recently invited Sharon Kester did the final to the 5th and 9tb grade tToreee~lublndtulpn.abetheneHfiatnR1oDwg typing and the book went to srudents this spring. ,

"" snl the printers. A resolution WII pasSed Abernathy's Represen' tatives At Syrnpos·1 urn and sale for the Buffaloe 1 was especially fortun- liking the Texas ASSOCiation

. ' Springs Couneil of Boy ate In my choice of people of Scliool Boards to consider

aethe..arcTehltaFsOUAndatomtlOICn,Ener8Y.of Scouts In Mldland.The show to print the colorillustradon sponsoring accident tosura-Abernathy High School

representatl ves at the 20th

~n~~J:~as ~~rJ~~~ ~rough6that the University of Texas It Austin were ~I:d,:oward left and

~l .. r

... was by Invitation onI}' and ,ana the book. Bill Dennis of nce for students. Including which Soutbwestern Public was held at the Midland Dennis Bros. In Lubbock did those participating in Service Comp.&Dy Is a mem- College Chaparral Center. a great job on the color athletics. ber. and the University. Many of the artists exhibiting illustration made from a Policy conslderation& Southwestern sponsored a were nationally known. ",Intlng I did especially for included examination of the delegation of S8 rude t Mrs. Bartlett' 5 70 page the b001<.He also IIelped me dress code and the residency and teacher. from th~ so~df book has detailed Instruction develop plans I had In mind JXlllcy for teachers and also PIIlns on the basic technique of for the cover. Paul Duncan the means ,of Identifying

~~~~_ .... _ painting poppies plas 14 ()f Duncan Press. Lubbock. Title I students.

dlelf'~enrenptt acnoslor~sora palcnotlmng_ was of grelt assistance In Reg Is n at I 0 0 s were .' na planning the final pnnting accepted from: Joneen position on canvas. 'The and wor1led cloltly with Mr. Cummings. teonls coach: color IUustrltion Is already Dennis to coordinate the Cor~le Cox. junior high being sold as framed PrInts work on the cover I bad girls coach; Kay SherwoOd. In gilt stores In Lubbock and designed. biology: Pamela Hinle and Midland but the book itself 1t WIS a thrilling mom- Claudia Helm. special will DOt be for sale In retail ent when I picked up my education teachers In !he

stores until the fall. They ~rt~0'lI~:~~~~~~I~a= HO~~t~~~:ham. voca-V::~ ~f~~= :::~1lt been made by mall to 275 tional agriculture teacher be on display at Abernathy students who had taken my from LazbuddIe and Emily Floral Ind Lon's Cleaners. cla_s In the three years I Ratcliff. an elementary

aReSPOI~~ frol ham sbobethenpaignretearts. had taught at Village Craft til C her who previously nCJ I "',.. and SUnoundlDg area. The tlught in Lubbock and Sel-

It Is tile culmination of response has been very graves were employed for almost. year's eftbrt. When gratifying and my next ltel' ihe 1980-81 school year. I started teaching at Village j s to do demQnstrations of Reports presented wlth-Craft about S J.ears ago I the technique In as many out ,"ctlon included a bud§ft

::~C::t!hf::~ p~n~fPorVl~ :11~:~cl~ ~~el':;l ~es~ ~'rns;:~~99~2; ~:m: paldlnttlhnlgs wsoe ~~ydwOolnug'D'tl getting the book Into retail pleted): a final enrollmeDt all we ild storesJt has been I wonder- report (element~-480. have to tahe DOtes and also ful experience and many Junior Hlgh-2S2:hlgh school 10 they could paint anodier opportunities have been -313) and a lunchroom canvas at home. Students opened since the pulllication report which showed the liked the Idea and asked me of the ~~::______ ~::r~:a~:~!y t:-:c;:~:l

for lunch 651 for the just completed school year.

Conespondence from the University Interscholas­tic League was (l!esented showing Abernathy's share of the state basketball tournarnent. Total

" to !he local

'C!Il ::~9, service. tMC~r, :a~=g r'''' ....... '!.''! '!!.

with the Schools.

Mrs. Rachel. (tarted her teaching career in the ' Abernathy Scfiooh 'ID 1942. She taught two:yean

=~~ ,:~nVe~~= SOlI. 'ir..~~::~~d ber teaching career In the fall

~~~~~:~r::~~~~~~:, 1980.

Mrs. Wtbb was a dedic­ated teacher. Her atudents loved her and exprested,thelr .' love and aPJlfecrl.tI, 011 WIIb_, .­bouquet of no~r" on "" " lastday ofteac\jlng.~ ': of aU ages. both-preaent:-'iIi!II' , JlASI, were relpontlbtefor, this tribute to a greatteacber.

Louise Samsel bal!-~~ t~tlnf :er:krf!:~~ '.

!~t9~Jn ~~: Mr:~a~ , :~~t::' ';e~~~~hl~UO:~: " third 8!ade through 1948. '

After an Interval of nine years. , Mrs.Samsel

::~~~~~ch~le a:.~~~r:J grade In Abernathy for IS t::~ ~::Ol.ber retlrement In

Mrs. Samsel's present and former students alllO honored her wid! a bouquet of nowers on her laSt day of

teac~~~ay 26th,the Aber­nathy Classroom Teachers Association presented Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Samsel a Brass School Bell with their

~:9 t~c::':r~i1~ i~~~!2k years toward the educational

:frl~~~~n~~~;iUa~ missed in tlie classroom but their Infiuence wiD live 011 in the hearts of those wholt lives they have touched. ----_._ .. .,._--

Page 2: tI - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1980/1980-06-12.pdf · ' available in book form and prevention of tooth decay. Mrs. Bartlett also a review of !he technique


t t t t t t

gH:t from . and he'll f8eI "special" all year

t t til t B-hp Rider t with Rear Bagger t The John Oeere sa Aider IS "human engmeered" for

comfort. satety. and QUiet performance. AdJustable

ro • he

to AC'.b:tf:ts~~ aDd WI' .. member of Fint ::~~hC=~ •• nd of Ibe

She married I. A .Gl yens on JUDe 17,1906 In Paradhe.

Survivors include tWO sons, Uoyd and !l'<:ell, both of Abemathy; three brothers, Luther Burress. of Oeclt1Iur.

;andl ~W:r ~es~~~~~[: three shters, LeUa Lokey of

t Lubbock. ome Clipper of Oklahoma City,Okla •• aDd Edna SteveD5 of Fort Worth: four grlndeh'ildren: fJve

t great-grandchildren:and two


t ::=~ F~: ~t~ .• S·~:nk Bartlett and Billy Skipper. ......... __ .. _-----

t t t t t t t t

Grandson is Accident

Victim May 2 LUBBOCK ........... - .. Tiof&10

Ramirez. Jr. ,2'1. of Chicaso. lU" grandson of Phillpa Ramo§ of Abe.rnathy, died June 2. In Chicago from injurie s su ffered 10 a car­pedestrian accident.

Funeral services were ·ondueted June 9. in Our Lad y of Grace Carholic Church.Burial .... as in Pelce­ful Gl rdens Memori.l Park, Lubbock. under the direction ("If Sanden Fu neral Home.

A 1973 graduate of

~~~:::~lrv:J~~~·bt!k· 19 yean. He had served in Ihe U. S.Air Force th ree years.

surviving ~1so are his parents. Mr. and Mrs. nof.lo Ramlru.Sr. of Lubbock. a brocher and three sisten.

t, Social Security

t Representati ve Due Here June 17 t seat. color-coded controls, and enc losed engine are

standard An optiona l grass bagging attachment mounts bel"hnd the ri der where It'S out of the way for

t c!ose-In tnmrrung The 30-men mower has a deep t tunnel for good 11ft and strong discharge of grass c"pp,ngs

I Joe Thompson I t ' OSA~. ~plement t

The Soc ial Securi ty

r5!~~I~nrf'r:,i~lethe Pl~:~~i::! Soda.! Secu ri t}' offi ce will be workiD.g to. the City Hall . 0 Abernathy from 9:30 to 11 <30 A. M.. Tuesday. June 1' , 1980.

, .AbeT"Dathy, Tua.s 2=~41 t '---


Father's Day

Te1e~r~- ice will save :.ou tlme.energy aDd money I To file a clai m for Social Security or Supplemental Securtt, Income Plymentl ~ the representative il me lime and place li sted or c&ll collect , a06-293-..S7 1. For a ~>.i ; t.aDce 'otith other SOCial ;ecuricy marters or Medicare can toU free 1-800-392"1603.

_11061 __

~., .... mll

Sale June 12th, 13th & 14th

ONE GROUP: Assortment of Suits & Sport Coats •••• m off

ONE GROUP: Dress Pants .... ," III off


Mn.G.tlID died &I I.m.frlday in Franch

i tllI'l Ht!~i:~ ~~bo~~sviU;'; Arknshe moved ro Abernathx, In 1948. • ~

Survlvors include t~J "'.,,/. B. Bendler of Mem~, • h\s,T.enn,olljl Mjlron RoheW.~ of S(lItlngfl~d, !d~. : t;.6, dauillr.", ,flora ,Jackson ,o\ Lub60ck arid Thora Jack'" of Glendale,Aria.," brother, Jim Roberd. of Lelch.iIIe. Ark.: a sister. Mattie Clark of Little Rock. Ark.; "six grandchildren; aDd eight

greatp'~:!~=~!dr;:~ Jerl)' Dobb.,BIII MilesJim Roberd ••

!:dnti:dy~:ete~bby Tlte

Dunn will follow Jim Laocl;ster as Commissioner of Precinct 3 (Nonbelst quadrant ofLubbockColinty). DURn .nd Solis defeated Lanc.ster in the M.y 3 Hut Democr.tic Prlm.ry.

of 10~~1 ;~~e~~~n~o~~,in~! were· able to'c",.,:-;·::·_·-; dons.

:r7p• ~r:n8' U.I.L, Te.as Solo ~J~,!!~:le Contest we.re

SECOND DIVISIONS Allie Bailey Dies Sunday

N~w Deal Clubhouse, Dunn received 155 vote5 to 5 for Soli s.

meet ·· .nd with Ubr.rlans from towns sim~lar ~t~ Ardd~~:e~:~;~tU~~f:IO

Graveside services for ~~g~~~s·t:r t¥:e Sil:t~:C: for me. "Hlckler Slid.

Jon Mlrk FultoD'B.r1tone Solo THIRD PIVISIONS

Dee .,. .. Attebury, Leah :~ie wa:~eb~~:' ~U:~~; Co~emancemetel)' It Cole· man, with burial under direction of Chambers Funeral Home of Abernathy.

Dinner Guests Mr. and Mn. M, M, Bell

weredtnner guests ofMr.and Mrs. Ben MeirUI of Plain' View, Thursday. June 5th. They have been the be.t' of friends since 1936 when both couples lived In the old Stoneback community, northeast of Abernathy. Mr. Me.rrtU was mayor of 'Edmo-

Abernathy Public

~:~~lpW~~Jd!}te to~~ f:~rr&w.n-J~:~~~d,

1: 30 ~:~~lileluD~l:: l:~~ PlaiDs Hospital in Hale Center of an tUuesr.

Mrs. Bailey, an DUs

Jiih! ~~~~t:Y,S!~r:S:l~ state. Ubrlry §ystems. --_._._ ...... _--BRIEFS,

Coydl Rlddell,C.rrleSmyers, . BeCky Pea""n. , Gilbert

BRIEF, Mr. and MIt. Wayman

Jones and Cody w.ere io Dallas the list weekeDd io M.y to atrend a cooveorlon.

County native, bad lived in Aberna.hy unce 1963, She was. Baptist.

nson for ma~c~~:t;· to 1~1r home 1309

Abernathy's Lonnie Howard showed in the St.te

In which he h.d in the

.nd ~~c;;.s·~tb~~t~~i~I~~l;. Mr.and Mrs. c.rroll Jones.

No survivors are listed.

ASSEMBL YO' §§P. ... .,.~, 298-21*1

Fteuay ~Ice SUNMY, Sundo,. Set-I 9:450 ..... . Moml", Wonhip 10:450 ..... . CA, )'OVrilCC 6:00p ,"'. £otefIlngWo"h1p 7:00p.m . lu..do,. WfIC. 1:3011."' ,

W ..... y Worthl,5.,.,.1c." 7:30 II."' .




SUNDAY, Sundo,. 5c:hool 9:450 ..... Momlrliwollhlp 11: 30 0."'. Too''''''11 UtII0r0' 6,OOp."'. E'OW\,,.. _rthip 7:30p ...... Mondo,..: , W_ .... " Mi.'00"1111'1 U"IOtI OI'Id Ioolh.mo.:.d 7:00 p.m. Wtdnftdo~,

Pray.,. Se,wic. ~ :OO p ..... . Frldo,. Choir ,eIIM1'OI 7,oop .....


Smi..ctltOl'lS97 tMn2 ... 1. -..ott. 00> 2902 "'6-6184

IiO : EAIltN£S T BlltwEi

SUNDAY: S ...... ,. School 10:000 .... . MomingWo"tllp 11100,.11>. £vlll'li ngWo"hlp .5I(1)P."' . Wtdnada y'

. Chi lchn"&A60.. " · Blbl. Study 7:30 p.m


10.., St. &.~~ . Ii 2911.211£1


5'JNOA "I": SUMOy 5chDa: 9:30" .... . Sulldo y ' SUNDAY , Sunda y School 9:30 (I 1ft.

M!)O"o"I''I9WI>-,hip 0:30 111 .... . y~tft ...... ling HI0It .... . E....,i"'W" .... lp \1::06, • ." . W~"y, lo:idi",' Ilbl. Study 9:30 111 .... . MiJ_"'_.I4O'I(. ... 7:3Op •• •


511 A '.! 2'i18·2Ill

lEV. 10 'iWEll aliUNNQ

S:JNDo!t.Y, S~ 5,,,-1 9:450..11'1 . Mornl", -W, 1Os4S0,M.

YwhS ..... c"'~ !::.~p '51·m; W~,..,.,ce 7:)0' ......

'I'bere ... ID IWfuI acci· dent. At the boopltaI a mother .oked her dying OOD, '.Why didn't you atop It • motel instettd 01 driv· iDg all night?"

"1 wonted to," he an· owered. ·'But motel after motel displayed the 'No Voeancy' olgn."

That wu • oad experi· ence. But the saddest of all wu the nlaht when th ... words abut out the SoD of God.

Centuries have pasaed, and the olgn is still out. Even to this day it hanga over heute, horneo and busin_. "No vac:ancy" for God', Son.

loCEY/BoOING A.C. "iaffil,Jt.

1201 AY4I. D

SANO~ AU10 l...cbaelo.l1wy .~ . 29f. ~ 2S78


-The .... ,... Own-.:! by o..W.s.rv.-I~W. s.:wl~.ld. """' . M~"'"

Many do not hate Him. They do not have onythiDg apinot Him, They aimpI,Y are 80 fi1Ied up with famiJ,Y and frionda, buaineos and pleasure that they have no room for Him.

Can you imqine the hungry having no room for the Bread of Life, the thirsty having no room for the Water of Life, the oIck having no room for the great PhyBiclan, tho sinnar having no room for the, Saviour?

But still Hla 0Mn:h S­OD, and now He _ to you. Vou will1et Him coaio! into your haut now, won't . you? .

Ply-N-sa .. SuPEiMAlKU

!'too. 298·2627 We ,i .... gr • ., ".111

WOlf lal lGA rlON Lubbock Hwy. f'tIo. 298-2114


of Abemalh.,. Pho. 298·2511

Sav ... A .. Lot Family Celllllr lEN FAANKUN \fAIIElY Faod ... p ....... otht oM 0 11,,_ of e-'I_I lIero;handil.


Solo' Plullne eruDtle .. F,enchlfom

S1>lo Sherrl Brl4~"TWlrUn~10 Bec~~o:mt;l'lllm~NS 0

BlaDe Nels, Gene McDonald, Mandtrl:homp.,nolfromhone

Weldon Patterson, Ricblrd Mitchell, Hecror Ramol. Ricky Ortiz-saxophone

Quartet Brian Evans-Trombone Solo

Spon.,n for the .rlp were Director aDd Mrs. George Riddell, MH. Ruth Adams, aocl Mr.and Mrs. Louis Patterson. jon Matk Fullon, Reporter -........ -.... ..

. FIRSTIJiMD ,!tOO ryr SI"ilFH ~ ..... D ~.2240


SUNDAY: Sundoy Khool Mo",lng worship £o...,i",_rJlip UMY

W.~"ftdo,: Chair proclice 7:30p."'.

U.}II.W •• 2nd Mondo, of..,h_th. ..1

lAI(£\'IlW M£lH9Q'SI CHURCH 3 m;. noo1h &6 "'.i. _I of city on fM54

REV . H I GOGCltot

~::aO;-~:hooi 10:~0.1ft . Mo",I"g Worthlp 11:00 0. 111 . EVlll'l ing _rJllp 7:00 p."'. WedJl ... y: PwI,.,,,,"'I"III 7:oop .....


It. t2 ..... 151.21)4

-«fV. w .1. HAMILTON

SUNDAYI ~ylChool Mamlng~.-.hip

EVInI"ll wo"""p WednnIa)': ~"III .. llng

10000 Cl."". II:OOCl.'II. 1:00p.'l'l.

8:OOp.8 .

, NORTHSIDE .. ItmisI CHIIRW Jttli"~t. '''ft,·..tJ:24.97. N~~NlTH !IOI\N. s......,'CMoI 'Mh.lII . MwIII",WoMi, 111000.". T!OJnlng ""Ion 6100 p ...... fwnlngWonhip 7100p.tn. W_,.

, MI, GA •• Mldw .. PrayerM_lng l IOOp.lII.

MIls. DANI!L NUNN ••• fotmedy Sandra Kay louelo

Sind .. Kay LouCk.··· edged In I wide bonding of l*came the bride or Danle! matching l'ce. Alan NUDn in a double ring Mrs. Jay Stolte of San cuemony on Saturday. June Antonio, sister of the brlde~-1 at 2 p. m. . In Believers served as matron of honor. Chaper in DI11&&. The Rev. Brldesm.ids were Mrs. Bart Dr. Gene Getl, pastor of Bean of R!chardKln.. Miss Fellowship BIble Church Mel.nie PooI .o! Pallas. and ~mcll"of. • Miss Julia Tipps of Wichita

The bride II • d.ughter Fall.. They wore Ice tlue of Mr.and Mil. John LOucks floor length dresses witb

,'11\" ,'I: ~'Dn p ••••. un of RichanhoD. Dan is a son pleated sli1r(~ and ·blouSOD

UftII ftftDI.. of Mr •• nII Mrs.GeID Num. bodice, :::..::.. •. n::::;e~ Thebrldewaslove1y in KeD Pa.enporr of .... .:......a.... ..... _ . • a formallengtb goyn, an Tuscola served as best mau. 1 __ .. original creatIon gown, Groomsmeo were Brad Teel

M~.""'. ~' . .,."!_ ... J~ fatllioned of diamond "hlte of Ir.lng, Clifton Smilb of ~.'I!III _........ o,ganzaaodVenlclaceuim, Memphis, and Jon Home of

~~, ~ ~: ~tt not'ilf::I'l:fc:s~~ Abe~.:rlelighters were , .... :::.*ue. ~ M"'~ I.yed wirh lace .nd seed Bob Loucks, brother of the ; l::.";l,. McGill. Mfl. Loon _nI. t><arh featured • de~ v- brlde,and Billy Nunn.brother

" ,......... ra":' :~w:.: ::::~a~~:~d~!licrea~ of 'h~.c~~ .. Jay Stolte,. '! OMItHae Fill., MI.. RhOndl iog the look of BnlsseU 's brother-in·llw of the bride. ~ _TIle ~I~~. IlIaIa lIiII ...... __ lace. Rasbellace edged Ibe Bob Loucks,.nd Billy Nunn. """"'_ ...... w.... AIlIIe Wiley, Mill Ltiti yoke .nd framed tlie high JImmy and Mary NUM, _ 01 oea1lot>td _ 'l1Ie __ ul lin. Paul Vicrorllll. neckline' Cty.tAI brother and si.ter-In-law of fIIlJ.lenllh I... .klrt GWNu., pleated organza ';'tde the the ~oom, sanl!;" Thll's the IealUnd ID iDIlII 01 • .,.... 'l1Ie __ an_ted e ride. maternal , elbow length cat>< o1...,.e. WlY .nd '·The if. of Lo.e'· • pIeollrW outIIiIod In.. '-' Parto RiCb~ ODd grandp ... n" .. e Mr.and Mrs. Wedding PlanS and fell ro the bock In. A reception followed in

~a":.~= = P.ria Junior ~i~~r:::'~~Pltf.~.=~ Announced II~sW~~'oroI.l'!.~~~,~; ~re~~~:!~nN= ~~IJ: tnln. The bride wore a ...wt~~t!d at ~.ndparer.ts were the late The matrimonial cere- cemer 10 create a mapifi"" background m'Jsic on the c,. ..... ltat II IGe ClllallIJy Her ............... I Paris r,.rid Mrs.H, O. Pertlr, who mony for Teresa Mayfield l:::le~haJ"I~:nC'sc::~;'c~ piano,;,. bride is • aduale

bow, =:. r. wI~..!...~ =l.~~-----:"'~ h.d r~~~e{~~S:;~~~~~·in :,~!t;I~n>tJ~~::~:~: .nd a large plea .... Qounce of J.l. Pearee H~-rSchOOI 4. ...,..--.o.y ....... ~ • ·hosp:h:al .t Paris. On 5:00 p. m.at the First United completely encircled tbe ID Rich.tdson. ~~ groom =~,. ~ =-=: .... ~ .... fnIIi Color... Tbur!day before the weddingy Methodist Church in Abeln- hemline aDd tllio. was graduated from A6ema ...

Tee ;,.e He~ 11. f.lI IIi1!~b kea hip. ,_, uhy. Her waltz length .011 .hy Ai~ School. Bo.h are ", . ... framed with V~n pi .~""D ttit . . 0· '· "1'~}r"n. n .ndd' w'eHnU.gbt.oRPa-"'rr·st , lj Teresa ii the dauahter-- _ .of .. . UlUP'tcd illuston feU .neodmg Texas Tech Univ-.~ I8ee. em ~ , ..... e I\~ of,Mr. and Mrs K Y &fav. - - ffbitf ·. c::aplet -of lace enity. {t.

... ~ lin. LIrr'y Hamby,"" ImpJecblll .. :- . to .ttend their niece's wed- field of Lubbock. She' ra~. accented with se~ peltls. The couple will live in '. ~~Iiio"=': ~!:i FoIIowIna •• ~:m ding. uared from Lubbock ~ h lbe .eU was completely LubbocklflOr a wedding .rlp ..... KIm CuIbel' 01 ParIs :~':i~Dit;',,:t.., ,.. _________ 1 School Ind is omploy~ C atl ,0New_~:~~~~ ____ ,_ .1. m.ld of hanD... V·IS·ltors In throu"" Home Intello" and re va IIiidOitmoIdi were lin. ApLlIS. Gifts,lnc.of Danl.. Srt h =,,=~\t:::.a:: w::' IlI:i.W~!NE Wages Home ~~.E~j~~Sk !~~~}'!r Ople~ ~~se '=:::.=n.1nd.... ..... at die F .. ·..,; cath~ra~~~~i.e~nY:;~~ fromAbemathYH~ghSchool You,re Invited to

'he- attendant. wore Rellaunnt FrkIIJ eY8IlnI we1Cend guests of Mr.and and Texas Tech Uoivenic:y, putlclpare In an openhouse followinl the weddinl Mrs.Tommie Wages.Mr.and Steve fann s nonhelsr Of for creative stitchery on

..... of •• befl;ine QUIa. rebMl'IIl. Mrs. York are ranchers in Abernathy. . 'I1Iunday, June 12. at the

• oi-....._~ ... W1~tb~" ... -~~iiiltal~t_!"!'!~'"l"!'!'!'''''!''!'!'' ____ 1 Borden Co. They were here F.mlly and fnends of Agriculture Center between

Mr •• nd Mrs . carroll

=t;rs.~~~::-;~J~ and MrsJ. B.Bradley receotly were In Amarillo to .ttend the wedding of their niece Ind granddaugh'er on FridlY MlY 3O'h.

Alrer the

to .ttend the 1960 Lubbock ~he bride .nd groom are tbe hours of 2:00 and 8:00 High School Reunion. nvited to attend the cere- p~ m.. stare, Mrs. WYOOD

Frid·ay night and Satur- mony. Mayel. Cooney Extension day Ifremoon Inc.luded • After • wedding iJlp, ~ ... t; -Hanging of the Get Reacquainted Pany .~ the couple will reslde It RI. QUlin· I, the name j(iveo to • Indoor. Tennis Tournament I, Abernathy. rhh ICtlV£!' whiCh will alTheRacquerClubcourtesy ~ ... ---------.. - • tucludedh lysofaUkinds ofGinaluand BumsHamllton • . :~' . ·1IuJwtA ",fhaadw.. iocluding

Everyone ·agreed the ' .: . . . ; tnacrame, 1mitting. oeedle"

~f.1I~! 0:erf~m==~Ico':,1 . . . . . . • . . :l~~,ClOC:,~~~:::~~~j~~, '11.. Ho:vts and tbe ~ A bridalsb,,,,erhOtiortng kiDds of homesewo clothing. Adli ley of 50 5 Miss Kim !lees. bride-elect , 1bere wtll ~ special

enthuslas~c, of Joey Dorman,is scheduled displaysofchlJdreo . entrle. , ;~ standing · for Saturday , June 14. from ~ sraresMrs.Mayel and anyone

Over 300 until 3' 30 p m in the bome to our reader audience is . . . . ' e.weekend of Mrs:Darr~llStepbens,1609 iovited (0 bring items to be s .1.~ludlnB the It. venue H Aberna(hy . displayed to t11e Ag Center

,a~ ~nte Saturday Co-h~stesses wltb Mrs. at 12:00. This wi~ give . Stephens will be Mmes.Bobby time to an.age the displays ThOr:nuon Otey Shldelea before tbe public viewiDg Harold Thomas, Jim Odorn: begins at 2:00 p,m. There Bobby CUnnl~ham, CUrti. \. no charge.

~~.l:~: PM.~ ~::~il':'~ 6 ---i-j----;iiiltl6 HOHfold. R.R. Struve. ClIff COOK I NG W I'TH Martin. WeDdell Tooker. Gean Nuno aDd · Tnlm.n Godwin.

"-::::::::-,;~~~~-~, . Jackie Horn •••• 1$1$"'161$1161616161$1$


2-1' ... jan IIlIcholco ' beartl.4r.l .....

'2 jus· wbo1e mathJoOms, .... 1 .....

I me.Jlum onion cboppod 1 can cheddar cbee. soup ,

OES Officers Are Installed The Order of Eastern

Star had an OpentnstaUatlon on June 7th, 1980. tnstaWng officers were Beulah Speer • Installing Offlcer: Robbie Pyoes. lDstalliog Marshall. Rosie Bigham, Installing ChIpl&in;Lucllle McKenaie.

~:J:gp~:n~lst;lnstatit= Secretary.

Office" for the insueiog

{:::':;~auofl'6usao Bigham

~:~la::~:-r!:6a~am Conn: Associ.te PatrOn-Buf­ord Coon Secretary-noise Barton TreasuterMary WiD Lambert ConducuesPBubara Teahell Associate Conductress-Rud­elle Hill Cha .... In-My .... ll •• \s '

~r~(:~itel:;~stocll A1.-Bewe ~aten RIltlt-M&riettl Bartlett Ester-Mildred Tannehill Martba·Paulioe Stone Decra-Gladys Cox Warden-Herman Lamben Sentinel-Rolph P.vI.

""senrationoftbot\1ik ""S made by Lanoe .pm, Presentation of the Square and Com,.ue. WIS made by FIIot BI ....... _ waten pre,ented SusaD Biaham with tbe Lovelace rewel.

~~~~T=-.!!! r.=~ Bessie WateD, VedIOD Bart­leU _.ed IIIIf~ C .....

" Aller rbe IlIitaIlItloo, • ..,0lIl was invired to (be

~:::I H:;I :':D ,;,r.m~ Worthy Mitton .nd Lany


Each attendant wore a

re~;t ::1:, ~ith ev:~ sleeves and empire wai sf line (UNreel with a pleated panel front.

The groom was attired 10 a Wbite tuxedo with a whit .. mtned shirt.Biff W.de of Abel1l[l.thy served as best man. Groomsmen were Bill Mac TeakeU, Dustin Pierce.

=~teru~;!·~t~~~Fero:' ~t;rusin a:the ~='~~l':!' land. They were dressed· io~ white ruudos with ruffled shl..rts and color of the atten':' daDts dresses.

James Brown, cousin of tlle l bride, of ft. Wortb aDd Tony Chri stopber of Lubbock.. ~rved as ushers.

me f:ri:~~~~~0~~~10We;: brides rable was coveted wUb a white lace tablecloth with silver appoinunentsand (wo silver c.ndel.br.. The four-tiered W.IE· fall wed­ding .... w'th s that matcbed the c ors In the bridesmaids dresse s.

Sertling .t tlle brides fable were Mendy Roberts ,

~~~E~t!!~t:~peJr:~ vine. Regi sterlnrthe guests . was Sberrie Cart f Gtape ... vine. Serving al grooms table were C y Brown.

~r~fa~ &~:e' chrls~ opber of Lubhock.

" Fo~ a w·eckHng trip the coUple wePI ttl PUeno v.nr

the tzide chose and a whlte yoke. .tUmalle

". _dy J ... I< Lyota s-. ••• Jlmie Lyno Scott and

Greggory Don Morgan were united lD marriage Friday May 30 In rbe ParamoIaIlt Baptl~ Church. la Amarillo • ThltRev.C.N.Rue WAS offiCiant ..

M,.and Mn,rrltik Scott of

Doa in

Page 3: tI - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1980/1980-06-12.pdf · ' available in book form and prevention of tooth decay. Mrs. Bartlett also a review of !he technique

• Safe De,.lt Boll .. • DrlYe - b • WlDdow

• Nl .... t~ • Buk • Br-MaD

• CIteeIdq Aetouta

• Tlae J)epNita

• I.-a 8erYIee

Yea ..tre ,...",. , • ..t ... y..,.." ., ..til • ., All , .... BerWe ..


. ru"2 (FHTNC)o Marine Pvt. Frank E. RoiIHque.. "'" 0" Mr~ aDd Mrs ~ FraochcO RDari~~' qf 308. SI "". t.&...amy. T .... hi. com-

C:~ ~::;!~~~~:~~:. Sa. Dle~.

During the ll-.... k

::ni:f :l~"f l::~:tT.1~ su.tvival. Hie WIS lnttoduced ' to the typical dilly routine that be ",inexperience dur- o inghisenlisunecnand studied

~~:£:s~~~::fi:~~ bi ted by Marines. . He pudclpated In I.

active physlcalCoodI[ionlng program Ind gil ned proficl­toey in. vltle!Y0fmllitary skU1s. includlDg first ald. rlOe marksmanship arid close order drill. Teamwork aDd ~U-discip1ine were empha­'tiled th~gbout the training cycle .

BObby Pettit Family From Saudi Arabia Visiting Here . Mr.and MU.Bobbl·~nit

:~ ~:ff~::.rs·8.KaYne~~~t~' Dalla! Monday from Saudi Arabia. · Mn. Pettit and

=~~te~ tb~~e:e~t ~t; Dallas 10 Oklahoma on bus­inesS before coming to Abernathy to visit his pareDts. "Mr. and Mrs. Hugfi Pe"it. Also here to meet them were Mrs. Bobby Pettit's mother,

~~eMt~1~rtr!~~1rc;m ~~ home in Carlsbad.N. M. Mrs. Bilbrey i~ a fonner Abema­thlaB.

Bobby Penh h a long­time employee,in the States and abroad; of HaU'b~ an oil field serviclng finn.

reud~ei:Ob~\!:~!~:m~; re c e I ve rhelr mail in DhAhtan,Saudi Arabia. Mr.

~r Att~~~t aH~ r~ch~IS. lbey arranged t~eir visit home so tfiey could Ittend the EIC-Srudents and Ex­Teachers Reunion here July 5.

Bobby will rerum to Saudi Arabia Jul)' 20. Mrs, Pertit and their daughtC'rs \WIll ,pend the ~.H:nmer here with the Htlgh Pemu and her motbt.r in C.arhbad.

15 & 16 Year Old Calendar

June 16-RoOsevelt at Aber-nathy

June J!:fbernathy at New

lune 13-Abernatby atldalou lune 26-Abemathy at Hale

Center lune JO-Peter5burg at Aber­

nathy July 3-Lockney,ar Abernathy July 10-AbetlllthyatRoose_ ., •• ,."

..... aetiloa with 0111' hail ClWtO ....... d woald

add YOU to that ... We work for yo. wida oar

... It-.......... eaII' ..... th .. we .... y help 10.

..... lay ..... ' 10 • ..eye" 70- .....

Abernathy ID4.peIideDt SChool District

(June 12 & 19 Publication Oates)


; s SOliciting comments from Interened per:sons,orgaDiza-

~~ODr. ~Pm~~ = to ~ (obowed in conjunction with the c;tly' S recetpt of a Step 1 lirant for Im~ve­ments. to the wistewa(er collection, treatment aDd dispo$l.l system. The various items of the workplaD will be discussed at • Public M •• "ng to be held Tu,odIY. July 29. 1980 It 6:00 p. M •• at the City Hallin Aberna­thy. A ract sheet f;oOCeming

~l1s~e~ x ~s t !~a .~re:=~~~ available alternatives and their possible eDvlronmeatal effects wiD ahobe di!CUned.

The public is invUed to review material pertaining iO the workplaD aDd fact Iheet beginning IUDC 29. 1980 at me Cit)' HaU • . 811 Aveuue D. and provide oral and lor wrUren commenls

~b:ce;:jtn; ~e t~~bll~ Meeting..

Anyone seeking infor­Illation 00 the pro~ COD-

~:~~~~OJ~~~1~~ ~::. ~;l;~O. o~~~~66t::~ 2546. Clune 12.1980)

.,., EDITORIAL ••• Summer Ishere and me

children are out of school (or the next three months. For some have jobs, summer camp5 and Vacation Sible Schools, visits to ~rand .. mothers and granddad. Ind vacatiolli. There is DO{ mu(:b break io me routioe of busy times. but different activi­ties. Of coune swim:nlng will be a bJg ~t of d~ rum-ner acuvfties for many. Before you know It. it will be rime for school to begio again.

grow~ereandil1c::~Id~n; vege[l~e$ and frult.summer is I bu sy time, bue are.ant-109 time. I have foolll out that the childreo are always ready for school to be. our.

~: ili~Yfi:s~ d~;a:,s=) and get back with Mench they naven't seen mudl of and (0 be back into the routine. The bc,)y,' are alwi~sready to 't!:;y football

::dY eri:t~ ~ur:s ,:~~ half rime performances. The cheerleaders w(JI'khud

f~~~g ar:,rtt:o :~to-:: gets back into. IOUdne for nine: more months. Have. happy summer.

Year " B.SChedule

10D' fOr .... g.1 . . C.QueIlIOD.of &. by

~·c~~r!~=,:{T .... teel

Board ~~,~~! __ ~~.

Girl Scouts Take Trip

(81 Laun ""lUlp" . Girl scou. uoop 306

recently took a trl~Cad-

r::!'~ ~:=iSl ~u~t~. FridIY. MIY ~o at 1:00 p. m.

.~:r~~~::~':O~J:=, Dort.llaJrh,Mona Ind Hoppy Ind Sbelly Toler. There were ~.ven gld ••

The blglsllghl of the Illp was the laIiterD IOUl of

~:~erwr:!~~!::eWte~r:';:~ but it wasn't OpeD ror toun un"1 1918.

the trOOp also vislted the original cave aodtook the three mne walk rrom the n&tural eDtraDCe, Other enjo~ble eveots were visit-

~~L tG':::!~!i:;:~~k aad 8010g Iwlmmlng e<very night.

The J:':Ul. =":~

1973 Chev'r'6Iet · ImPala 4dr. LoW Mileage . One ONnet.~ $1395.0(l . ~ . ".

•••••••••••• •••••••••••• 1979 Drivers Trafning and FFA Car and Pickup RED UCED Several More to Choose From ............ ......... ~ .

Phon. (80lIl 2118-2181 .

ENERGY SQUEEZER . . .... ':""1...(;.

The Electric Hfat~, , • ' . The heat pump; ' . . ail ·~tirig and keep you comtortatble

i ..



BoBar Co. - ChemiHOE Inc. 302 2n.1




600DYEARtlRES l·.IAtm -{_;.AII.IS

Spieker. Remod­found a of The Revlew he was Album

Aherna ... thy's servicemen (and I woman, Margaret Ca,rver, an

:A~g~c.r sl: I:~·fo~:;g teacher ID 'AHS"4TI!< Album was publlihecfby The Revl.w Augusr '1, 194a. and carried

e:rTl~!r W~se ~.Vlng in

N&C.Pllntlngs by Bl\ly B.Barrlck of Cedar Par~.near Austin. are hanging 10 the receptionists' office of u. S. Senator lohn Tower in' the Russen Senate Office Build-

m'bur! :~~t~l:~n~~, ArtIst Barrick is & graduate of "'HS.

N&C-W.D,C. doesn't practice what if preaches:

~b~~fijCh~~~~~~~~~ :~:ffic~~~ft :f~::!g v~rcl~~ we saw had only one person.

~:t~i,Dg ai~?D t ~:~;~ rush. most vehicles had only the driver, ,

N&C-Aho, lDothet in­coodstency itt WDC: stair-

;~?e;~rg:I~d~:is~ost ~~~~: there wcte entries that 1 dido', see, a person In a wheel cbalr would have

~r;;~~J~e ~3=t ~:~d~~' when most of me federal places were built.

N&C-A rare incident: On our ~top at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in

~:~l,d8t~:h;e~f~~~~ guaw~ ~peak a word,"Halt' . The guard made a slight motion to a security officer to right the wreath which had be'en blown down. A tourist

f:~~ht :\f::~o w~tm~~; wrea~ upright. The" Halt~ came from the guard when the toO(l st entered the roped-off area.

N&C-Also in Arlington Cemetery! 1 was imprcssed by the simplicity of the marldng of Roben Kennedy' s

ftr:;e ~~~ ~~~~~:~eo~rt~: ~~ah:r ~~~~f~~~t ~:Si;!~~ same area, bur a. distance from. President Kennedy's burial place,withthe Eternal Flame.

N&C-Our woe tour

~~:~: ';p~w,~:th6!~ man, a former resident tbeJe.DOW of n Pa!O. Also

~are'!: ~~:~sO~~? D:r~s tODA Beach.norida. a family friend.

.SmUb, Wanda MID.!rom WillOW--Smith. Beatr1ce Schoor, 2:30 p.m.--85 min,

:td:.RutietYw~edl ~~~~. !~iY{J.LY 4th Billy Preston. Wlnda Parker. FRIDAY.lULY 11th lay PAlker. Wlllllm Mayo. lUDgle Book--2:30 p. m.--Jesse Jo LUUe, LaVerne 80 min.

Nineand Ten VA'.~~II~ mllfflbers:<lJsa. " . . LI$a P~ttjt, H!lny . nlS, cJ~nmfer Tho­mas,Angela'Aldrldge, Donna Stalll[lgs, Tr~y Attebury, Tracy Pope, aml..Dina Cannon_ CoaChes-Phyllis Fleming and

Amo~~. ~~:::X:~- . :b~:~o!.,~!2~:othp.m. __

Arlington. He hu been with ~~!tlt~a~5w~ic!:morD~~~~~~~ FPJD~'yjWiY 25th . . thll llrm ID Cillfomil for Dathy.or c.n 298-2191. D.lg.'I?Y--_I:sop.m.-._8Bml~, most of tbe years that he -~::"~'-"ii-;t .. t4-iii":1-;;";;";;;;;;;;;';;;";;;;;;-~' relided tn that State. Haltn I '

Cindy Davis. . r;~'l!r s~::e~~ic~~nl~e'7~~ ~~~~r::Cii~l ~~a"f nd~:~f:t' property.

Dale's brothers, Elwood

LETTER finally we have cOOnrmed ~:d~·I~·g:l~~~~) Pricnw~ DUEBERUNlTED the ass1gnment of [We moved to Dallasaboutfour

METHODIST CHURCH ~~~~~d ~~uh:lsp w:SOi~~~:: f years ago from Oran~ ,Calif.

645c~~:'~,ro~~n.u,g6 W. AND THEY ARE fDTH ter,. Tht~~~~e~c(:u~~:fi~} Telephone:456-B35'1 NATIVE T£XANS.,.. We Heineman, and family also

Prlviate Christian School

wm.~.A~;r~~'l&stor ~~~t::n~t r~is~~rW c;:;: resld~~~t~:!i?~gDhlet of the

Mrs.Doro~ty D'a~enport, His PrAongramth.Mn!nwie'tryp"ln to' Prj M Ch !~E!!i;!i!i!!;;;;~!~~;;!!!!~ ~:'thY. Texas 79311 leave~! June 24 forl Zaire. ('on~)~WedberrSg.St~~{faa:l?;.l. ! •••••••••••••••••••• _ .............. a •••••

near Dor<l!hy: . Africi. Vlrglnl. will be ~~~~:~n/ro~I~!lk~·m~c.I~?. WE WAN T W HE A T

Anyone interested in your children attending a priviate Christian School in Abernathy contact Rev. Rice at ' 298-2060 or Earl Routh at 298-2373. Ages kindergarden thru 12th grade.

.. T~1C y.ou .. vt:,ry much going with me-on the request 'to Hounon, Swedberg is a for. ,· tlie ~DtJlJhunic.tlon If BiShop Wakad110 of llde research chemlst for the AN· DERSON GRAIN relatiye.o(tO\~\19aO Abem- who has requested me to Penzoil Co" and is being ath)" £x-stUdetftsA'ssOciltion come as the guest sp'caker ttansfened to Houston. Reunion,July 5. · at [he twoAnnualCooferen- Mr,and Mn.Dale Price's

Have delayed a response ces-North Shaba and South- son, Many. received hh law because of so many uncen- em Zaire. Therefore we will degree In Housron May 3, aioties here at Dueber be in Africa during m~t of Marty is changing careen Church.Wlth 1. 800 members 'he month of July. He received bh Malter'~

~:tt tl~lsl a~es;~~~~dp::r:~; greetl~~~J~:r~u~~~I~~ ~f~~~e~nf:~I~ ~ ~~mTmee~es. load often becomes over- [.ave to all ohhe classmates aDd remained there for a whelmlng .. but ~ rejOice in ;~i~1:;1~ E ofy ~RSone. ds"YAs f whUe as an Instructor. He the beautiful privU~ge of" I was ,teaching in a junior continuing ministry for our LDNG TIME-bur it's been college in FOrt Worth when Wonderfuf Lord I maryelou ~ r AND WE DO he decided to enter law

Tn recent weeks-we REJOICE I school. have been involved in JOYFULLY YOURS- The Dale Prices' other

Abernathy and Countyline is paying very competitive prices and has very resonable terms for your wheat

For further information come by 1109 Jerome or call 298-2661

Burt Montgomery, Manager restructuring staff-since we IN THE LOVELY NAME <an, Alan, resides in Buena

have lost some fh::" IWI'IAI?&iFI~ ESlirl~Sinll·IAlmi·i· r~in •• ~~i~I~I~~lioi·~i:~li·IHI·ilsl·.clllnIICI"11 i·i··i"i·i"i·i"i·i"i-i"i-i"i-i··ii·i"iiiiiiiiiF~



Tuesday, June 17th

40th Annual StOCkholders t

8:00 PM Abernathy City Hall Community Room

Fish and. Chicken Cat,red by Southern Sea Dinner Music by Marvin Stephens

* * * lIudi! Repo'l.t and lr?alIQ9"'A Repo'Lt

election of T IVa

~QwinQ.s ........ t ......................


Page 4: tI - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1980/1980-06-12.pdf · ' available in book form and prevention of tooth decay. Mrs. Bartlett also a review of !he technique

Need a l*bysltte~r.all Li\!,!ta Howard at 298-2355.

~ ~ia-ohBi~:;;;k-is- nOw 'ting piaDostUd~Dts for

sUmmer ~siOD.Be·,~will _ pe<:J ali Z'1,' !I'g t,n) 1ie t~1tirrg of gospel1mj!iOvi­"tion. Call 298-4063 after 4:00 p:.~~ ___ ~~::~:~_

See. Rinse-N-Vac. the :Incre dible new steam type carpet cleaning system. It does the job of professional

~trt~t ~~:t~n~~~:~~/~~~ STRUVE'S HARDWARE & DRY GOODS. 318 Main st. Phone 298-2531 .

Have a highly profitable and beautiful Jean Shop of

r:t~rst~njeans.F~~~~~ ~ Sportswear. $16.500.00

ir;tl~!~s a~f~~l~fi;.ven!f~ • :~rt:v:sY~;~!~s~c~~~~~ time for Mr. Loughlin 612-835-13Q4.

fi,iijijiiei Lamar and Gary McKenzie

Real Estate Sales

Phorr:2~g~~;:;oC~~~ ve. ,E

FciRSA-Li-P;~:~ Place Addi tion. 3- bedrooms. 2 baths. brick. like new. comer lot. flagstone floor. custom

~~~~St~ne ~~r:r:~~:U ~~~~. 4266 • (5 -29 tsre)

FOR RENT: Building for rent. Good downtown locato 'on . Call 298-2529.


HOUSE FOR SALE: Two bedroom corne r lot. with a

~~tr::eS(~~~e. stor~~o ~~:~ , cam per. '~ all 298-2190 or 298-4043. (6- 12-p)

.,., .. -."~""~ . .. .. ' oio-t, r .J. <i

FOR SJOLE! 1976' CUtlass' ,: Su~me ,Bro\lg1i,m .. e~cell­ent shlpe. "· ,Call Ra:ndy' Gregory,298-2628,: " (6-12.-c) " ...... ..; ........... .

-Si>ECIAI.:illne: only. You

, ~':t~:JI:r.:{~rclf,tl~ ': seat, ,~did ~t ,c!lver,.lure • tr~y ,12 lb. thrusl\'!hjOWf with foot control ' and 12 volt

~~'\~ :~~~~lnf5J!°~~ at C& P ~Ui1ders,1609 Ave. D.298-2086. '

Fo;;~i.~~--;i~40 two bedroom mobile home I*tly fumished.298-2'763.Harold·s Auto. (S-I9-tsrc). .

"' ............. .; FOR SALE: 1971,Ford

Torioo,new steel radial tires, AM-FM stereo,' 'S·;'trae1l\alr conditioned. power brakes, power steering. Can be seen at 1010 14111 St. after 3:30 p.m. (6"12~p) .

- W~:idro:--lik:- some-thing different (0 grow?Tben how about a !'tel-nantOnlon.

~:r2~1-~~~;~ th Street or

FOR-SALE~---!'--~Y-aiI:f fenillzer. 15-5~5 with Iron,

fonfb~~;.UIP~~~~ '~~arn& Farm S_U!!!~: ___ (~ll __

FOR SALE: 1980 Redman Mobile Home. two bedroom. 2 baths. 141165 take up pay­ments $225.00 plus equity. 308 S. Ave. F. or call 298-4037. (5-29-c) --------.---..

FOIt SALE: • . Four mattresses fonale. two are brand new. Will sell real reasonable. Can 298-2395. (S-12-pl


Office Bldg. South A ...... D ..... S-beclrooms with;t belbl OIl 2 1011, alet of ItonI&" _carpet. IOOf, cI.hwuber" cI'pOIal, storm cIIoIs. storm window., glganllc uUllty room, abo Nntal JIIOPe rty i 11 btl elL .....

LUBBOCK Brick Veneer 3 bedrooms two baths 2213 37th AlIlIDIable FHA Loan. 532, SOQ, _

Trailer Home 24 • S2 306 Ave. C Real Dice.

••• Roomy ~b. drooll'll, 2 baw, .tucco f.atare. uptain bedroom, DeW .central heat & lir. $32,000 ... "

RESItJUlTIAL LOTS ••• PRICEu TO SELL. NEAR SCHOOL-901 Ave. C; brick velie"" 2-beclroom., living _. caD .... , ".r _OOd floors, electric or ,gu hookuFo Appo:r. 12S0.q. ft.

PHONE Office 298-2536 Horne 298-2332


920 Ave" Abemathy~

••• ~ Residenrial L;ol ;.o:-.commerclll ~

12x60 Mabile Horne 0.. 45' Lot

••• Multiple Listing Servi§e

, ....

. t Tbe Revi~'IIfeC~I~~dthe following: !liJ\li-. announce. ment ana: no,te,: . .

"",D!J".n, c~n, . 804, • y Sl1op,;," as Add"';APl~er:> (:~ame! Mattl!e" <W~lliaru. Wnteree! Busirte!$ ; ,<May ,2&:. 19ao, Mded 6 ' pO, , ,!l.,iIdI 4oun<:es, ro the work {Orce, I'rllud Partners (paleDO): , Harold and Joy (HaU). Duncan." Dear Mr. Davenjlort,

Would you ,please help put this In the paper?

My husband', Harold. owns aDd operates Duncan Body Shop in HuntSVille, Texas. , I am presently employed as a SuperVising lnterviewer With die Texas £mployment Commission In HuntSville.

My parents (tbe grand­parents) are Mr.aiid Mn. R. L. HaU. former Abernathy residents. now of Huntsville. The other grandparents are Mr,and Mrs. Homer Duncan "f HuntSville. '

Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hall of Abernathy.

Thanks for your help. We are very proud of our "hometown" paper.

Joy Hall Duncan

EVAPORATIVIL AIR CONDITIONER: 'Service and Installation. To Put That Cooler In Shape FOrSummer. CalI298-2086. (4-3-tsr<:)

BRIEF: Jill and Lori Havens

visited friends in Spearman from Wednesday uritil Friday last week. -.. -.---.~.---

She makes for herself c'overlets. cu, shi, . Ons and ,rugS of tapestry. Her clothing 1s ofIinen.pure white arid hne.

~r~hfctu~~~e cl~i~f~g a~/~:: priest and the hOllowed doths of the temple are made). (Pro. 31:22)



1113 Austin Sl Phone 296-6353

See Don Evelyn Fondy

For All Your Real Estate Needs

Ave. H Abemathy Res. 806/298-2268








PARTIES By virtue of an Order of

~~::ct~~te! mA!1: 1~'rl&8:i the County of Hale, and issued by the 69th Judicial District Court of Moore County, TelllS.on a ludgment rendered in said COUrt on November 21. 1978,In favor of Texas Securities Corpor­ation. Plaintiff therein, and

:ra~dt J.eMI~~dr.~~c~~ ants therein. for the sum of $775.54 plus interest from

del!~~i real ~~r::::~r., be sold:

All of Lot Ten (10) and the East One-Half (E/2) of Lot Eleven (11). Block One Hundred Fifty-Seven (157),

~~I~~~u~~~~~~s~rnathy , that ~~1;1~ ~~ ~:~~ £~~g is the first Tueacla}' of the month, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m.and 4:00 o'clock p.m. at the court-

~~~~s~oor ~rw~::f~us'!%' property fonale and sell It at public auction for 'cllb.

~~~~ ~:t~t~rlfr Wale Counrv rlfellli (6-5 & 12 &1$1 ,

Three Miles North of AbemothyAt Intersection I-I .... ~iiii~~i~~ .. of Hi ghwoy 87 & 54

Napkins.4/$L 00 Brussel Sprouts 4'H , ,

Shurfine Hamb. Sliced Dills 79¢ Mllc:brtt 2/79'

__ 32 tl.1Il1


'= '11. ~ 38·

n'e Mini- On The Cob Corn 7'H

Shurfine Shurf·ine

F ~ozen ' ~Orange Ju ice 5tH! Frozen Lemonade 5/$1.00

Shurfine Frozen Strawberries 5'H

Shurfresh B'ologna 8'H Shurfresh Franks 79¢