~rt-iy '1'/eekty ievie'''' -...

Dale 4-2 4-J 4·4 4-5 4-b 4-7 4-8 High 67 80 72 76 85 82 89 '-1 Low 47 JQ J2 33 40 56 53 RaIn Just Between Us by UncIa SaJltro8 WE ARE TIGHT on s pa ce thi s week. so I was unabl e 10 run pictures of th e Liltl e Dribbl er,. Plea se be ass ured Ih al Ihey will be run in the paper soon. IF l'O U MISSED Ihe C hamber Banquel Friday. you mi ssed a time. The ,peaker was especia Iy humorau. and "e all had a gr eal lime. II is hard to unders land whv Ihe place "3.n ·1 packed . ho"c.-cr . The food "a> good . Ihe c, 'mpa nv \\ e\ er so pl ca,anl. and we jU'1 had a fun e \cning . Cll vcar \\l' hop<.' 10 'ce ),ou Ih, ' r<' . PARENTS .. . ln Ihe ""i,,, on lorna · il i> ml'nllo ned thaI a .a!el y proilram IS "ell planned for Ihe .chool ,·h ,ld"·II . I obscr. ed Ihl ' drill Im1rnln g and il "'" well (·uordinal ed. The personnd fully realize Ihe responsibility Ihey bear for the of your children . Trying 10 r-emove your hildren from school durinl( ,e\ere weather is dangerous . Tru.1 Ih e >c l eachers . .. lh ey " on't di.appoinl \ ou THE SESQUICENTENNIAL celebra· li o n will bt' held in Abernalh y on April 21 . The ro mmillt'e h .. ) been "orking 0\ c nime 10 guaranlcl' a fun lime for Ihe e nlire famil y. April 21 was .clt-cted sin C II IS an JaCInto Oav. Ihe day Sanla Anna wa s dcfeall'd by Sam Hou,lon' s arm\ . It i, a )talc holid \. thi. vear . Don'l nll "-' th is elenl. · 1t an ' ,mporlanl for us as Tl ·u n, . as "ell as ci li zr ns of Abern.lhv . PICTURES ARt : IN al Ihe Review of Ihe Wago n Train. If you" i,h 10 gel a pict ure of vour child wilh Ihl' wagon Irain. ro me by durlOg bu,ine" hOUT> . "'Ioats and Entries Needed Thi, is a rl'mindl'r Ihal Ihe Se'q uicentennia l parade will be held on Mo nday. April 21. al 10 a.m. in Abl'math v. We need more entries. If you or yo ur organiz.ation plan to e nl er the parade . please advisl' Frank Rus se ll at Ci t y H a ll . 2'18 · 254 7. a, soo n as pos·sibl e. West Team Wins Tournament Congratulations 10 Li z Lope z. who pl aYl'd with the West All Slar team. The y won the Golden Spread All Star Championship game Saturday night at th e Wl' st Texa s Stat e University Fieldhouse . Lopez rontributed 10 points for the West team. as they beat the South 77·76 in overtime. On Friday night the West team defeated the East 72-70 in the last serond . Ramona Hei man of Nazaret h scored the winning two points. Good Luck Band at '1'/EEKtY Abernathy Celebrates Texas 1836 - 1986 IEVIE'''' WI" ,""aIM Of 'HI PlaINS- VOL. 64, NO. 22 THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1986 [SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIESI U.S.P.S. NO. 003 -34!) Tornado •• Take Cover Seeond In a Series Once the si rens have been sounded in the city. it is imperative that the ci tizens respond in a prudent manner . There are ce rtain s tep s that. if taken . can increase your chances of coming out of a t ornado alive . J. SIa)' Inllde and lake cover. Above all. do not get into yo ur ve hicl e . In the tornado that hit Wichita Fa ll s. the major il l' of those killed or seve rely injured were o ut s ide or in their cars. 2. Head for a cellar. If you do not have a storm ce llar . move to the small es t inside roo m in your home. Avoid r oo ms w ith wi nd ows. Cove r your hea d with a mattress . pillow or thick blankel s. 3. Don't open doon or windoWI. This old· lime rero mmendat ion is no lo nge r cons idered safe . 4. Gel OUI of a mobile home. Seek shelter in a d il ch if Ihal is all that is availab le. E ve n tied down. mo bile homes cannol withsla nd the winds of a tornado. S. If ),our children are at school, ieave Ihem there! Regular drills are held at th e schoo l for jusl such emergencie s and the school pe rso nnel are trained 10 respond appropriately. Yo u o nly e ndan ge r yourse lf and yo ur children Irying 10 drive 10 school and laking Ih em OUI inlo severe weal her. 6. Us ten to the radio. A baltery' opera led radio is besl in case power is los l. 7. If you are outside In a car, move 10 a dilch or oth er safe place. Cars can be picked up and carried a consider· able di'l3n rc a lornado . Abernathy Celebrates Abernathy Cl'lebra tes! And whal a celebralion 'it will be . There will be a dance on April 1'1 fr o m 7 p.m I a.m. The coun lr v " est ern will be held in COmmUn ll\' Ccnler with OOl'le Altcbu· aCling disc jockey. Then. in Ihe Fire Hall. Ihere will be a rock dance "ith Donnie Williamson as disc jocke\" . arc S3 per person or SS pCr rouplc. The aClivities on Mo nda y. April 21. are varied and will hopefully appeal to all agt' gro ups. The pa radt> will begin al 10 a.m. The l'Olor gua rd ""ill be led by the Marine Reserves . There wi ll also be n oalS an d riding c lub s. If your has not yet call ed Frank Ru ssell ,1 0 e nter a noat . plea.st' do so a, soo n as possible . He ca n be reac hed al City Hall. There '" ill be games ga lore! The ever popular egg t oss "' ill be one of ihe eve nlS . Also planned are sack <;Iccs. potato r aces. grapefruil relay races . wat l'r re lay races . and man y other games to be anno unced later . . Thl' Horseless Rodl'O. by Ihe Aberna th y FFA . will be held at the rodeo ground s at 2 p. m. Entry fcc is SI per evenl. You ca n e nt er Ihe eve nts by ca llin g Gerald Kelle\ or Srony Windh am al 298·2S6J . Evenls plann ed fo r Ihe rodeo III lude bull riding. calf riding. ca lf ,cramble. grea sed pig r3CC. gold rush. g031 milk i ng . ,leer sadd lin g. goa l Ivin/! and drc\slng . chule dogging. rowboys bath . wild cow milking. horse racing. "ild chicke n r hase and liltle buckaroo budoul. Some evcnls are o pen 10 only girls and some onlv for bovs . Also. some of Ihe events arc fur ' v<l un g chi ldren . More informall on will be provided lal er on Ihese evenls . A hi sto ri cal progra m will be presenled from '·8 :30 p,m. in the large audil o riu m. RUlh Naron is c hairman of Ihi s evcnl. School children. as \\ e ll as adults. \l ill be featured in Ihi . program. Aberna lh y "ill al so have a binhda\ cake 10 be 'shared b,· Ihe co mmunil \"' Mrs . O'Nei li is chairman . . Throughoul the da\' Ihere will be food boolh, in Ihe Cily Hal l area . Even'o ne is cc nain 10 ha\ e a lime as Abernalhv along wilh Ihe n ', t uf on her 150lh binhda y. AJDS Wins Track Meet Dlatrict iKaite 8th Glrtl Triple Jump· I st. Mard RYMn. 29 '2 112 "; 2nd. Dl'bra Wesle y. 2'1 '21/ 4"; 4th. Lori Moralez. 26'6" DI_I· lsI. Chari s Ater . 75'1"; 2nd. Chri sly Davalos . 74'S" ; 41h. Eva Aguirre . 63'5 112" Lona JUIllP ' 2nd. Marci Rya n. 13' 101 / 2": 5th . Debra Wl's ley. U 'S": blh Lori Moralez. 12'73/ 4" Shot· 1st. Chri sty Dava los. 27'S"; Jrd . Charise Ater . 23' 11 " ; 6th . Vickie Villanueva. 22' 10" 400 III relay. I st. Lori Morale z. Eva Ag uirre. Debra Wesley. Erma Cooper . 57 .2S 100 III hurdles· 1st. De bra Wesley. 17. 44; 2nd. Marci Ryan . IS.OS; 3rd. Ashley Kester . 18.42 SOO III dub· I st. Cassandra Morgan . 2:54.77 100 III dub· 4th . Ashley Kester. 14 .SI ; 5th. Eva Aguirre . 14.84 SOO III ..... y. 1st . Lori Moralez. Dl'bra Wl's ley. Erma Cooper. Vidtie Villanueva. 2;01.53 400 III dub· 1st . Yvonne George. 1:16.53; 3rd. Beth Windham. 1:IS.48; 6th. Shanni Waters . 1 :24 .52 lOG III dub· 1st. Mard Ryan. 29.09; 2nd. Vickie Villanueva. 29.46; 4th Cindy Pace. 32.62 1600 III ,.. lsi. Cassandra Morgan. 6:23.22; 2nd. Lori Moralez. 6:23.41 1600 • relay· 1st. Ashiey Kestet'. Erma Cooper. Vickie Villanueva. Mud Ryan •. 4:43.36 Totals: Abernathy. 235 pt •• ; Sprina' lalte. 86 piS.: Bovina. 60 pta.; Hale Center. 49 pts. ; Hart JS pIS.: Olton 2S pli . ............... .. GallI"" ..... ,.., • 5th. Abel 8anm. IS·I1W· . .. , ..... 2nd, Sammy SaIl .... 7'0": 3rd, Oabe Trevino, 7'0". .... ,.., 1,1. Steve .... , .... 5'1'1."; 2M, St.ve Ituty. S'2"j 3rd. JINd SIl .....,., 5'2". Shot · 2nd. SIeve Pee pl es. 42" 5"," : 5th. SIeve Haney. 36 '8" . Dllcal . I sl. St eve Pee pl es. 135'8' / ,"; 4th. J oe Hannel . 105'10' / ,": 5th. Lee J ohnson. 101 ' 2' / ," . 400 meier relay. I st. Victor Salazar . St eve Peepl es. Steve Haney and Abl'l Barrera . 49 .2 . 100 Intermediate hurdle 2n d. Mall Williamson. 19 .6'1: 6th . Tood Cag le. 2 1.1 7. SOO lIIeler run . 2nd . Cave tan o Rodriguez. 2: 19.8: Jrd . BUl c h ' Lam b . 2:21.4: 4th. Freddi e Tova r. 2:30.96. 100 meier duh . 3 rd . Vi ctor Salazar. 12 .S; 4th . Gabe Trevino. 12.'l9: 6th . Steve Haney. 13.05. 400 meier dub . 1st . Abel Barrera. 56.56; 4th. Sammy Salinas. 63 .69 . 300 meier low hllJ'dln . I st. Gabe Trevino. 47.86; 3rd. Matt Williamson . 54. 18 : 6th. Todd Cagl e. 54.4 . 1600 meier nan 2nd. Cayetano Rodrigue z. 5:26.10; 3rd. Butch Lamb. 5:35.J2 ; 6th. Gabe Garcia . 5:49.76. 1600 lIIeler relay . I Sl. Victor Salazar. Gabe Tr-e vino. Steve Haney and Abel Barre ra . 3:55.26. T_ Tolalal lSi . Abernath y. 190 pis.; 2nd. Springlake. 92 pts.; 3rd. Han. 78 pts.; 4th. Olton. 57 pts.; 5th. Hale Center. 53 pts .; 6th . Bovina. 2 pts. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 No Surprises In EleetloDs There were no surprises in the city councilor school board elections held in Abernathy this put weekend. since everyolle fin unoppOSed . In the city council election. Burl Hubbard (lot 73 vllte •• Doris Nelson 66 vote and Jimmy Grag 76 votes . There were numerous write -In with eac h I't'CClvlna from 1·3 vole . With volera cutlna 102 votes In the tlChool board e lection . Laurin Prllher received 92 vol aacI Tommy M Yl tt • oi 96. Ther wer I alto IOv.ra l wrile·1n for both poaitlOn A represe ntative from the Nalional Weal he r Service said Ihal people mu st usc some co mmon sense rega rding severe wea lher. "Don't wail for the TV or r adio to advise of a tornado." hc commente d. Whi le eve ryo ne sho uld "av luned 10 the media for wea ther by Ihe lime a wa rning is 10 the media and relayed ove r Ihe air. th e storm may already be U pOIi Ih e cilv. Usc yo ur own best judgement when to head for cover. Allolher good piece of equipme nt fo r e\cry home. acco rding to Ihe Weal her Service. is a weal her radi o. Weal her is "onsI3111I y bei ng monilored and up· dated on Ihese weal her channels and can be a lifesaver . 16 )J Lorf BrfahtbJIJ ' Banquet Huge Success 311nual Cha mber of Commerce ball4uel \\ as he ld la st Friday nighl in Ihl' Commun ilv Cente r with the Aberna lhy la d\ ' Lopes in atte ndance a, honorees, Ml er Ihe invoca lioll delivered Re \ . Dl 'nnis Tee lers. Mayor Pete Thumpson look Ihe podium 10 give the ,,·c k ome . He also read a proclamation honorin g the ladv lopes . Kcn More land gave Ihe response and David Pin son inlroduced guests . Dr. John Hale presented an award 10 Texas Tech Baskelba ll Coach Gerald The plaque was received by as,islan!. Mona Toler delivered a speec h as incoming Cha mber Pres id e nt. She urged Ihe peo ple of Abernathy to take an aClive pan in Ihe Chamber and parlicularly the improveme nt of Aber· nalhv. Jo Snodgrass present ed the award to the Bob Ril ey family. 1986 se leClion as Farm Family of the Year. Bob's ances lors ca me the area in 19 12. Hi s wife. Ihe former Gwen Si mpson. moved he re from Hi eo. They havc been farming here since they married. Bob has served as a sc hool board member. The Ril eys attend First Baplisl Church. whe re 'Gwen teaches Sunday School clas ses. She also visits nursing and re tirement homes to give piano programs. The Rileys have four children and seven gra ndchildren. The Cil izen of the Year award was present ed by Dian a Phillips to Elbert Harp. Harp 's gra ndfather ca me to the area in 1892 and was th e rounlry doclor wlio served man y people in and aro und the area . Harp himself became involved with th e National Grain Sorghum Produc ers Associa tion in 1955. He ha s been Executive Director si nce 1969. acti ve ly working in areas Business Opens Montez Rogers has opened a beaut y shop at 1001 Ave. D and invites everyone in to see her new business. She looks forward to seeing her reg ular clistomers. as well as new ones. Walk·ins are welcome. TAKING COVER ••• Some elementary st ude nts and their teachers are taking pa rt in the t ornado drill at the school last Monday. High school te achers were standing watch in the hall ways to assist. (Review Pho to) Riding Club 3rd' The Aberna lhy Ri ding Cl ub won the 3rd place trophy at the ABC Rodeo Parade in Lubbock on March 29. l ori Brightbill. 4-yea r·old daughl er of Mr . a nd Mrs. Darryl Brig ht bi ll . and he r broth er. Carl. rode as guesl s of Ihe club. Since Ihis was l ori's fir st time 10 ride wi th Ih e cl ub. members pres enl ed her with th e troph y. There could nOI have bee n a happi er little girl. l ori and Car l are gr andch ildren of cl ub me mbers. Mr. and Mrs. Bru ce Brightbill. At Ihe club 's regular meeling on AprilS. plans were finalized for ils pari in Abernathy's Sesquicentenllial Celebralion. The Chamber of Commerce and the club hav e in\' il ed Ih e Pr es id en l. Queen. Pri ncess of Region I. Qu ecn s of Distri cts I and 11. and riding group,; from Ihose dislric ls of Ihe American Associalion of Sheriff Posses and Riding Clubs 10 ride in th e celebralion parael e. The Abernalhy Ridin g Club will host Ihe ride rs and Iheir families for lunch al their arena at noon. FARM FAMILY OF THE YEAIl ••• The Bob Riley Family is pictured after receiving the award at the Chamber Ba nquet. (Review Phot o) of research a nd exponing for sor· ghum. He has been chosen as Man of th e Year in se rvic e to Texa s agriculture . The Harp s h ave thre e children and six gra ndchildren. His wife. Clara. is a former teacher and is now involved wi th the GSPA . The speaker for the eve ning. Judge J. Q. Warnick . delighted the banquet attendees with his humorous jokes and stories. He e nded with an inspiring reading on the fall of the Alamo. Band Concert April 13 The Antelope Band will be perform· ing for the public on Sunday at 3 p.m. in the large a uditorium. According to Paul Lindley. Band Director. the band will be givi ng a pre·ront est program. Concert cont esi will be held next Wednes day. -------------------------______ 1 Community Calendar rHUKSPAY,APIO.IO School Board meet ing at 7: 30 p.m. in the Administration Building. Odd Fellows meet at S p.m. FRIDAY, APIIL 11 District aolf meet in Olton. SATURPAY. APRIL 12 Hlah School track meet for boy. and airl It PoIt . . SUNDAY, A L 13 Iud concert if! the tarae audltoria MONDAY, APRD.. 14 City Council meeting at 7 p.m. in the City Hall meeting · room. EMS Mee ting at 7:30 p.m. in the Fire Hall. Games Night at the Depot. TVESDA Y. APIIIL 15 a. 3 p.m. __

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Page 1: ~rt-IY '1'/EEKtY IEVIE'''' - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-04-10.pdf · Aguirre. 63'5112" Lona JUIllP' 2nd. Marci Ryan. 13'101 / 2": 5th. Debra Wl'sley

Dale 4-2 4-J 4·4 4-5 4-b 4-7 4-8

High 67 80 72 76 85 82 89

.;:.~.i '-1

Low 47 JQ J2 33 40 56 53


Just Between Us by UncIa SaJltro8

WE ARE TIGHT on s pa ce thi s week . so I was unable 10 run pictures of th e Liltl e Dribbl e r , . Plea se be ass ured Ihal Ihey will be run in the paper soon.

IF l'O U MISSED Ih e C hamber Banquel Friday . yo u reall~ missed a 10v~ly time . The ,peaker was especia l· Iy humorau. and "e all had a greal lime . II is hard to unde rsland whv Ihe place "3.n ·1 packed . ho"c.-cr. The food "a> good . Ihe c,'mpanv \\ a~ e \ er so plca,anl. and we jU'1 had a fun e \cning . Cll vcar \\l' hop<.' 10 'ce ),ou Ih,' r<' .

PARENTS .. . ln Ihe ""i,,, on lorna · ~>. il i> ml'nlloned thaI a .a!ely proilram IS "ell planned for Ihe .chool ,·h ,ld"·II . I obscr. ed Ihl' drill Monda~

Im1rnln g and il "'" well (·uordinal ed. The ,~hool personnd fully realize Ihe lremcnduu~ responsibility Ihey bear for the sare l ~ of you r children . Trying 10 r-emove your hildren from school durinl( ,e\ e re weather is dangerous . Tru.1 Ih e >c leachers . .. lh ey " o n ' t di.appoinl \ ou

THE SESQUICENTENNIAL celebra· lion will bt' held in Abernalh y on April 21 . The rommill t'e h .. ) been "orking 0\ cnime 10 guaranlcl' a fun lime for Ihe e nlire famil y . April 2 1 was .clt-cted sin C II IS an JaCInto Oav . Ihe day Sanla Anna was dcfeall'd by Sam Hou,lon' s arm\ . It i, a ) ta lc holid \. thi. vear . Don ' l nll "-' th is elenl. · 1t i~ an ' ,mporlanl da~' for us as Tl·u n, . as "ell as ci li zr ns o f Abern.lhv .

PICTURES ARt: IN al Ihe Rev iew of Ihe Wagon Train . If you" i,h 10 gel a pict ure of vour child wi lh Ihl' wagon Irain . rome by durlOg bu,ine" hOUT> .

"'Ioats and Entries Needed

Thi, is a rl'mindl'r Ihal Ihe Se'quice nten nia l parade will be held on Monday. April 21. al 10 a .m. in Abl'math v.

We need more entries. If you or your organiz.ation plan to enler the parade . please advisl' Frank Russe ll at Ci t y Ha ll . 2'18 · 254 7. a, soon as pos·sible.

West Team Wins Tournament

Congratulations 10 Liz Lopez. who plaYl'd with the West All Slar team. They won the Golden Spread All Star Championship game Saturday night at the Wl' s t Texas Stat e University Fieldhouse.

Lopez rontributed 10 points for the West team. as they beat the South 77·76 in overtime.

On Friday night the West team defeated the East 72-70 in the las t serond . Ramona Heiman of Nazareth scored the winning two points.

Good Luck Band at Cont~st!!

)'\8ERl'I).\~rt-IY '1'/EEKtY Abernathy Celebrates Texas

1836 - 1986 ~ IEVIE'''' WI" ,""aIM Of 'HI PlaINS- VOL. 64, NO. 22 THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1986 [SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIESI U.S.P.S. NO. 003 -34!)

Tornado •• Take Cover Seeond In a Series Once the sirens have been sounded

in the city. it is imperative that the citizens respond in a prudent manner.

There a re ce rtain s teps that. if taken . can increase your chances of coming out of a tornado alive .

J. SIa)' Inllde and lake cover. Above all. do not get into your vehicl e . In the tornado that hit Wichita Fa ll s. the major il l' of those killed or severely injured were o uts ide or in the ir ca rs.

2. Head for a cellar. If you do not have a s torm ce llar. move to the small est ins ide roo m in your home. Avoid rooms w ith wi ndows. Cove r your head with a mattress . pillow or thick blankels.

3. Don't open doon or windoWI.

This old· lime rero mmendat ion is no longer considered safe .

4. Gel OUI of a mobile home. Seek she lter in a d il ch if Ihal is all that is availab le. Eve n tied do wn. mo bile homes cannol withsland the winds of a tornado.

S. If ),our children are at school, ieave Ihem there! Regular drills a re he ld a t th e schoo l for j us l s u c h emergencies and th e sc hool pe rso nne l are train ed 10 respond appropriately. You only e ndan ge r yourse lf and your child ren Irying 10 drive 10 school and laking Ihem OUI inlo seve re weal her.

6. Us ten to the radio. A baltery' opera led radio is besl in case power is los l.

7. If you are outside In a car, move 10 a dilch or other safe place . Ca rs can be picked up and carried a conside r· able di'l3n rc b~' a lornado.

Abernathy Celebrates Abernathy Cl'lebra tes! And whal a

celebralion 'it will be . There will be a dance on April 1'1

fr o m 7 p . m .· I a . m . The coun lr v " estern dan~ will be held in th~ COmmUn ll\' Ccnler with OOl'le Altcbu· ~ aCling ~s disc jockey . Then . in Ihe Fire Hall. Ihere will be a rock dance "ith Donnie Williamson as disc jocke\" . Tick~ l s arc S3 per person or SS pCr rouplc .

The aClivities on Monday. April 21. are varied and will hopefull y appeal to all agt' gro ups .

The paradt> will begin al 10 a .m. The l'Olor gua rd ""il l be led by the Marine Reserves. There will also be n oalS an d riding c lubs . If your organi~a tjon has no t yet called Frank Ru ssell ,1 0 enter a noat . plea.st' do so a, soo n as possible . He ca n be reached al Cit y Hall.

There '" ill be games galore! The ever popular egg toss " 'ill be one of ihe eve nlS . Also planned are sack <;Iccs. potato races. g rapefruil re lay races . watl'r re lay races . and man y other games to be announced later . .

Thl' Horseless Rodl'O. spon sor~d by Ihe Abernathy FFA . will be held at the rodeo grounds at 2 p . m. Entry fcc is

SI per evenl. You can ent e r Ihe events by ca lling Gerald Kelle\ or Srony Windham al 298·2S6J .

Evenls plann ed fo r Ihe rodeo III lude bull ridin g. calf riding . ca lf ,cramble. greased pig r3CC. gold rush. g031 milk ing . ,leer sadd lin g. goa l Ivin/! and drc\slng . chul e dogging. rowboys bath . wild cow milking. ~Iick horse racing . "ild chicke n r hase and liltle buckaroo budoul.

Some evcnls are open 10 only girls and some onlv for bovs . Also. some of Ihe eve nts arc fu r ' v<lun g chi ldren . More informallon will be provided laler on Ihese evenls .

A hi sto rical progra m will be presenled from '·8 :30 p,m. in the large audil o riu m . RUlh Naro n is c hairman of Ihi s evcnl. Sc hool children . as \\ e ll as adults. \l ill be featured in Ihi . program .

Aberna lh y "ill al so have a binhda\ cake 10 be 'shared b,· Ihe communil \"' Mrs . Ch a rl e~ O' Nei li is chairman . .

Throughou l the da\' Ihere will be food boolh , in Ihe C ily Hal l area .

Even'one is cc nain 10 ha\ e a fantasti~ lime as Abernalhv cclebra l c~ along wilh Ihe n ',t uf T~xas on her 150lh binhday.

AJDS Wins Track Meet

Dlatrict iKaite 8th Glrtl

Triple Jump· I st. Mard RYM n. 29 ' 2 112 " ; 2nd. Dl'bra Wesley. 2'1 '21/ 4"; 4th . Lori Moralez. 26'6" DI_I· lsI. Charis Ater. 75'1"; 2nd. Chri sly Davalos . 74'S" ; 41h. Eva Aguirre . 63'5 112"

Lona JUIllP ' 2nd. Marci Rya n . 13' 101 / 2": 5th . Debra Wl'sley . U 'S": blh Lori Moralez. 12'73/ 4"

Shot· 1st. Christy Davalos . 27'S"; Jrd . Charise Ater . 23' 11 " ; 6th . Vickie Villanueva. 22' 10"

400 III relay. I s t. Lori Moralez. Eva Ag uirre. Debra Wes ley . Erma Cooper. 57 .2S

100 III hurdles· 1st. Debra Wesley. 17. 44; 2nd. Marci Ryan . IS.OS; 3rd. Ashley Kester. 18.42

SOO III dub· I st. Cassandra Morgan. 2:54.77

100 III dub· 4th . Ashley Kester. 14 .SI ; 5th. Eva Aguirre . 14.84

SOO III ..... y. 1st. Lori Moralez. Dl'bra Wl'sley. Erma Cooper. Vidtie Villanueva. 2;01.53

400 III dub· 1st. Yvonne George. 1:16.53; 3rd. Beth Windham. 1:IS.48; 6th. Shanni Waters . 1 :24.52

lOG III dub· 1st. Mard Ryan. 29.09; 2nd. Vickie Villanueva. 29.46; 4th Cindy Pace. 32.62

1600 III ,.. lsi. Cassandra Morgan. 6:23.22; 2nd. Lori Moralez. 6:23.41

1600 • relay· 1st. Ashiey Kestet'. Erma Cooper. Vickie Villanueva. Mud Ryan •. 4 :43 .36

Totals: Abernathy. 235 pt •• ; Sprina' lalte. 86 piS.: Bovina. 60 pta.; Hale Center. 49 pts. ; Hart JS pIS.: Olton 2S pli .

............... .. GallI"" ..... ,.., • 5th. Abel 8anm.

IS·I1W· . .. , ..... 2nd, Sammy SaIl ....

7'0": 3rd, Oabe Trevino, 7'0". .... ,.., • 1,1. Steve ....,....

5'1'1."; 2M, St.ve Ituty. S'2"j 3rd. JINd SIl.....,., 5'2".

Shot · 2nd. SIeve Peeples. 42"5"," : 5th. SIeve Haney. 36 '8" .

Dllcal . I sl. St eve Pee pl es. 135'8'/ ,"; 4th . J oe Hannel . 105' 10'/ ,": 5th. Lee Johnson. 101 ' 2'/ ," .

400 meier relay. I st . Victor Salazar. Steve Peeples. Steve Haney and Abl'l Barrera . 49 .2 .

100 Intermediate hurdles· 2 nd. Mall Williamson. 19 .6'1: 6th . Tood Cagle. 21.1 7.

SOO lIIeler run . 2nd . Cavetan o Rodrig uez. 2: 19.8 : Jrd . BUlch ' Lam b . 2:2 1.4 : 4th. Freddie Tovar. 2:30.96.

100 meier duh . 3rd . Victor Salazar. 12 .S; 4th . Gabe Trevino. 12.'l9: 6th . Steve Haney. 13 .05 .

400 meier dub . 1st . Abel Barrera. 56.56; 4th . Sammy Sa linas. 63 .69.

300 meier low hllJ'dln . I st. Gabe Trevino. 47.86; 3rd. Matt Williamson . 54 . 18 : 6th. Todd Cagle. 54.4 .

1600 meier nan • 2nd. Cayetano Rodriguez. 5:26 .10; 3rd. Butch Lamb. 5:35.J2 ; 6th. Gabe Garcia . 5:49.76.

1600 lIIeler relay . I Sl. Victor Salazar. Gabe Tr-evino. Steve Haney and Abel Barre ra . 3 :55.26. T_ Tolalal lSi . Abernathy. 190

pis.; 2nd. Springlake. 92 pt s.; 3rd. Han. 78 pts. ; 4th. Olton. 57 pts.; 5th. Hale Center. 53 pts .; 6th . Bovina. 2 pts.


No Surprises In EleetloDs

There were no surprises in the city councilor school board elections held in Abernathy this put weekend. since everyolle fin unoppOSed .

In the city council election. Burl Hubbard (lot 73 vllte •• Doris Nelson 66 vote and Jimmy Grag 76 votes . There were numerous write-In with each I't'CClvlna from 1·3 vole .

With volera cutlna 102 votes In the tlChool board e lection. Laurin Prllher received 92 vol aacI Tommy MYltt • oi 96. Ther wer I alto IOv.ra l wrile·1n for both poaitlOn •

A representative from th e Nalional Weal he r Service said Ihal people must usc some common sense rega rding severe wealher. " Don't wail for the TV or radio to advise of a tornado." hc commented . While eve ryo ne should "av luned 10 the media for wea ther wa~nings . by Ihe lime a wa rning is pas~ed 10 the media and relayed over Ihe air. th e storm may already be UpOIi Ihe cilv. Usc your own best judge ment when to head for cover.

Allolhe r good piece of equipment fo r e\cry home. accordin g to Ihe Weal her Se rvice. is a weal he r rad io. Weal her is "onsI3111I y being monilored and up· dated on Ihese weal her channels and can be a lifesaver .

r~l~; 16 )J Lorf BrfahtbJIJ

' Banquet Huge Success

Th~ 311nual Cha mber of Commerce ball4uel \\ as he ld la st Friday nig hl in Ihl' Commun ilv Cente r with the Aberna lhy lad\ ' Lopes in attendance a, honorees,

Mle r Ihe invoca lioll delivered b~' Re \ . Dl'nnis Tee le rs. Ma yo r Pe t e Thumpson look Ihe podium 10 give the ,,·ck ome . He also read a proclamation honorin g the ladv lopes .

Kcn More land gave Ihe response and David Pinson in lroduced guests .

Dr. J ohn Ha le presented an award 10 Texas Tec h Baskelba ll Coach Gerald Myer~ . The plaque was received by hi~ as,islan!.

Mona Toler delivered a speech as inco min g Cha mber Pres ide nt. She urged Ihe people of Abernathy to take an aClive pan in Ihe Chamber and parlicularly the improvement of Aber· nalh v. M~r~' J o Snodgrass presented the

award to t he Bob Riley family. 1986 se leClion as Farm Family of the Year. Bob's anceslors came I ~ the a rea in 19 12. Hi s wife. Ihe former Gwen Simpson. moved he re from Hieo. They havc been farming he re since they married . Bob has served as a school boa rd member. The Rileys attend First Baplisl Church. where 'Gwen teaches Sunday School classes. She also visits nursing and re tire ment homes to give piano programs. The Rileys have four children an d seven grandchildren.

The Cil ize n of the Year award was presented by Diana Phillips to Elbert Harp. Harp 's grandfather came to the area in 1892 and was the rounlry doclor wlio served many people in and around the area . Harp himself became involved with th e National Grain Sorghum Produce r s Associa tion in 1955. He has been Executive Director since 1969. acti vely working in areas

Business Opens

Montez Rogers has opened a beauty shop at 1001 Ave. D and invites everyone in to see her new business.

She looks forward to seeing her regular clistomers. as well as new ones. Walk· ins are welcome.

TAKING COVER ••• Some elementary st udents and their teachers a re taking part in the tornado drill at the school last Monday. High school te achers were standing watch in the hall ways to assist. (Review Photo)

Riding Club 3rd' The Abernalh y Ridi ng Cl ub won the

3rd place trophy at the ABC Rodeo Parade in Lubbock on March 29.

l ori Brig htbill. 4-yea r·old daughle r of Mr . and Mrs. Darryl Brig htbi ll . and he r brothe r. Carl. rode as guesl s of Ihe club.

Since Ihis was l ori's fir st time 10 ride with Ihe cl ub. members presenl ed he r with th e troph y. There could nOI have been a happie r little girl.

l ori and Carl are grandch ildren of cl ub me mbe rs. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brightbill.

At Ihe club 's regular meeling on

AprilS. plans were finalized for ils pari in Abernathy's Sesquicentenlli al Celebralion.

The Chamber of Commerce and the club hav e in\' il ed Ih e Pres iden l . Queen. Pri ncess of Region I. Quecns of Districts I and 11. and riding group,; from Ihose dislricls of Ihe American Associalion of Sheriff Posses and Rid ing Clubs 10 ride in the celebralion paraele.

The Abernalhy Ridin g Club will host Ihe ride rs and Iheir families for lunch al the ir arena at noon .

FARM FAMILY OF THE YEAIl ••• The Bob Riley Family is pictured after receiving the award at the Chamber Banquet. (Review Photo)

of research and exponing for sor· ghum. He has been chosen as Man of th e Year in se rvice to Texas agriculture . The Harps have three children and s ix g randchildre n. His wife. Clara . is a former teache r and is now involved with the GSPA .

The speaker for the evening. Judge J. Q. Warnick . delighted the banquet attendees with his humorous jokes and stories. He ended with an inspiring reading on the fall of the Alamo.

Band Concert April 13

The Antelope Band will be perform· ing for the public on Sunday at 3 p.m. in the large auditorium.

According to Paul Lindley. Band Director. the band will be giving a pre·rontest program.

Concert contesi will be held next Wednesday.

-------------------------______ 1

Community Calendar


School Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building.

Odd Fellows meet at S p.m.


District aolf meet in Olton.


Hlah School track meet for boy. and airl It PoIt. .


Iud concert if! the tarae audltoria •


City Council meeting at 7 p .m . in the City Hall meeting ·room.

EMS Meeting at 7:30 p .m . in the Fire Hall.

~ Games Night at the Depot.


a. 3 p.m. __

Page 2: ~rt-IY '1'/EEKtY IEVIE'''' - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-04-10.pdf · Aguirre. 63'5112" Lona JUIllP' 2nd. Marci Ryan. 13'101 / 2": 5th. Debra Wl'sley



Q? Revival April 20-23 At

- First Baptist Church -"'lIP GodL<wes~

The First Baptist Church of Aberna· thy will host "the 'Good News America Revival on April 20·23 .

Guest speaker will be Dr. Fred Meeks Of Wayland Baptist Coll ege. Gary Lloyd will be in charge of choir and music.

There will be special activities every night of the revival.

Sunday night is: Spiritual Awaken· ing Night .

Monday night is: Sunday School Nighl.

Tuesday night is; Children's Night. Wednesday night is: Youth for High

School and Junior Hig h. Revival services will begin Sunday,

April 20. at 10:40 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday·Wednesday services will be at noon and 7:30 p. m.

Make plans now to come and hear Ihe Good News!

Abernathy Hobby Club Meets

The Abernath y Hobby Club met Thursday, April 3 in the City Hall Club Room al 2:30 p .m. Mrs. Glenn. Downs. preside nt ope ned the meeting with a prayer led by J oanne Kuh lers,

After the business session, Mrs, Wilma Pop e gave an in te res ting program and a demonstration of her beautiful handmade ite ms.

M rs, Vera Vaughn and Mrs.

Depot 0 ispatch by Betty Reynard

Wednesday April 2. was our singi ng day. and everyone was in good voice . We had our old fai thfu ls performi ng:

Library Displays Lone Star Quilt$

Clayton Enger leading Ihe group and Erma Mac Spruie ll at the piano; Floyd and Li lli e Ma c Sh ipm a n s in g ing together. Beny Reynard sang a solo, and . a qua rtet of Arno and Minnie St ru ve. Jewel Rogers and Clay ton closed our program ,

The Abernathy Public Library would like to extend an invitation to everyone in this area to visit the library during the 1986 Texas Sesquicentennial cele· bration .

W e previo usl y announced o ur UCountry Store" displays, This past month we incorporated a display of Lone Star quilts into our plans for this year_

The quilt displayed in March was on loan from Tommie Wages. The quilt was pieced by Dovie Peel Bateman. Tommie 's maternal grandmother, Be­fore her death. she contacted her sister. Ollie Peel Selke. and made arrangements with the Abernathy Quilting Club to quilt the tops she had pieced. These quilts were gifts to each

of her g randch ildren. The quill to be on display d uri ng

Abernathy's April Sesquicentennial celebration is being loaned by Mrs. R. C. Patterson. Jr, Mrs . Patterson's Lone Star quill was pieced in 1938 by he r grandmother. Mrs. W. L. Hall. She made a lone Star quilt top for each of he r grandchildren. Floreine wanted to enlarge her quilt before it s comple tion. She consulted with the Quilt Shop in Lubbock . Don't miss see ing the quilt Floreine completed in 1984.

If anyone has a l one Star quilt they would be willing to d is play thi s year. please contact : Mrs. Tommie Wages . 298-4287 or Mrs . Evaughn Hackler. 298·2241. Ask for the Library.

ororor~"-."-. or "-."-.

Also, the first Monday of the mon th is blood press ure da y whe n J ane Hubbard is with us, Come avail yo urself of this service.

Emma Brav won the free din ner drawi':lg, and 'Herma n Kuh ler and Hal Howard received li tt le surprise gifts,

El sie Kocich and F lorcine had pre pared anot her d e li c io us meal. There were 4b peop le served and t"'·o carry-ou ts.

J oy Parnell will havL' 1.\ demon· stration on Caju n and Louisiana coo king at the Ce nt e r Wedne sd a ~ April 16. at 2:30 p,lll. If you aren ' t fam iliar with th e Caj un style of cooking. you're in for a ta sty s urprise Come participa te. Everyo ne in and around Abernath\' is wc lnlllle .

M r. Elt,I,'i n Co llo m . pas tor of Northside Bapti st Chun-'h wi ll present the program April 16 .

orr' "-."-. or "-. oror Why? '-.'-.

orr' ~'-. ~ '-.--

Are we to understand, ever, why Scientific discoveries and new inven- of life . and gl)(ld ll eS~, and human some things happen as they do? Life hons now appear to ha~e no s topping suffering . Part of where thal book will seems to hold so much mystery , along place. To some observers. the whole lead us is to the thought "God kno" " with large meas ures of trouble and_physical universe resembles a Chinese _wh at He is doin g . No man. l'\('n :1

sorrow, puzzle or "boxes within boxes within right eous ma n. will C\' l' r full y un der· Yet, along with the unknown are boxes ." "Start anywhere you will, and stand the Div im: mind or all Gnd' s will

those things we have come to depend when you th ink you ha ve found the and pu rpose . upon. Day follows night. in an e ndless smallest thing that can possibly exist. In all our planning a nd living and pattern , This is so, even whe n we you will find yourself on the track of dying-- in good times , as we ll as bad or realize that some night s are darker some smaller 'building block..· Or get painful times··il appci"tr~ WL' rl'ul!y than others and tha t the length of some space·probing scientific contrap- have two dlOires underlying all l'hc: "dark times" and " light times " will tions out into the void, and your whole I. "Try to ignore God ... uvoi<l Him .. var y. The se asons co me and go, notion of the comets , a nd the planets. forge t Him. " or 2. "Try 10 klllm Gud, regardless of how different one year's and even the limits of the universe will l'ooperale wit h Hi m. and cvcn lo\c seasons may be from those of a nother be s hak en up ." Ea ch sC le n t ific and serve Hi m. " Thcsl' word~ . takl' n year in terms of moisture and question ask.ed appears to lead to from the verses of a hymn tlf trus t in te mperature. mo r e ques tion s--w he n and if th e God, suggest the better wa y: " In

For centuries this view of reality has original quest ion is answered . heav(.'n ly love abiding, no chan ge my been ,a round: "The only certain thing Spiritual values in the Holy Bible. heart shall fear ... His sig hl is nevcr is change." (Some would add " death religious ex periences, and intuitions dim . He knows th e way He taketh, and taxes·'!) That cou ld be understood may lead us more into the direction of and I will wa l ~ with Him ," to apply to everything we can know in strange. but wonderful certainties, In a way of created things. including the Old Testament . Book of Job. a re those t hat a re alive. as well as the ex pressed so many unanswered and vast unive r se, agonizing questions about the meaning

Hardin Atkins, Paslor Flnl United Melhodlst Church

66 Butane Assembly of God Bethel Baptist Church

~ 1404 Ave. B Eaat 1st SI ,

And 298·2060 298·2118 i ~'" Barry TIlley Rev. J. B. Lester


lot Cbarch of Nazarene Cbun:b of Christ

Abernathy 6th St . It Ave. E 10th 5c. & Ave. E Joe 298·2832 298·2718

Farmers Rev. Allen Schlegel Jerry Chism Thompson

Co-op Gin } St. 1. ldore Cbu",h Implement Co" IAbvlew Methodl.t Chtucl! South Ave. 0

3 mi. North, 6 mi. Eaat of city Rev. Mattbew D'Souza

Struve Pay-N-Save

Implement Cowtty IJae BapdN Chtucl! laI- del Nuareno

llaate 2 Ave_ A It 5th St. Supermarket 757-l134 298-4068

Rev_lay Samplea Letter Andenon

Brightbill NerdIaIcIe IIIIpIIat a. .... ~ M1uIoa Baadats

16111 51 • • A .... E 198-3613 Co-op Grain H •• tlng 198-U9? Rev. G. G. I'IoreI

Ehrlac..u- Company And Air FIraIu .............. a......, fInt ..... a..dI

- -,.. A ... D' 411 ,th St. ............... *.l587 Abarnath, Electrical

WH'''' c:.e. c--IIJ a.... ~ .... ou.. .. Sy.tem. ... I,.PM",. 11. E. 4dI 51.

Engineering ,.. .. ... 2 ... I.PMaa 291-3411 , ...................... .................... ."..,. -

Maurine Hamilton were hostesses to 13 members present for the meeting. They were: Mrs . Ada Howard. Mrs. Frances Howard. Mrs. Joanne Kuh lers. Mrs. J uanit a Bell. Mrs , Hazel Kran z. Mrs. Vera Vaughn, Mrs, An na Lee Jo hn son, M rs. On a Messerang. Mrs . Wynellc Pope. Mrs. Vida Ju dkins. Mrs, Wilma Pope. Mrs. Glenna Downs. M rs . Dyvena Davis, .lIld Mrs, M ,M. Be ll. reporter,

Young Homemakers To Meet April 14

The Abernathy Young Homemakers will meet Monday, April 14 . at 7 p ,m. in the Humemaking Departmenl at the hi g h school.

The program is "Plan ni ng a Will" by Ca lh", S Ul ton. , All m~mbcrs arc urged to att end . The chapter will sponsor a dug clin ic

,ometimc in April.

Benefit Bridge Tournament April 30

The Ameril'an Ca ncer Socict\, Bene· fit Bridge Tournament will be held Wednesda~· . April 30. at the Plainv iew Cou ntry Club,

Tick ets arc Sb pN player . Party bridge \\'ill be played. a nd I\\.'cn ty door pri7c", will ' he given aW3y.

Contact Cha rlollc Can'c r for tidc:I S .t 298·29%.

Attebury-Gentry Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Pa t Attebury of

Abernathy are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter. Angie Leigh to Vaughn Allen. son of

This And That B)' Helen Wade

--------------Mrs. M. M. Ben had. lovelv Easter

with he r child ren. grandchildren and great -grandchildren in the home of Marion and Riley Wooten . They also ce le brate d her ~ra nd son. Steve 's, birt hday wit h ice cream and cake. Delicious food and love ly Chri stian fe llowship was enjoYl'd by all. Juanita also enjoyed the Easter egg hun t with her g rea t·grandchild ren .

We visited last week in lamesa with several of my sistt'rs and nn' brother. As us ual. the y had a good ~leal flxed for us, and we cnjoYl'd getting lu ~ee all of thcm again .

In las t t,I,'eck' s paper . I lis t ed different visit o rs in thc ho me of Tomm\', Tamnw and Ka tlin Hav!. . · It should' have been Treasure Uc·nsm1. Th t, \'isitl1r~ ate lun ch on Ea~t( .. r Sunday wi th the m,

Mr . and Mrs . Char les Ge ntry of Slaton.

The couple is pla nning a May J i st wedding .

Quilting Contest At Plainview

Crt'ati\'!! Qu ilt ers . alung ",ith TG&Y . are sponsoring 3 quilting conte st 3 t

the Fir~t Nuarcnc Church in Plain · \'iew on April lb. from 9 a.nL-4 p.m.

The fhe ca tegorie s indudc pieced, appliqucd or em broide red . Te:a:.1s Scsquicct1l c nni al design, nove lty ', or antiqu(' (SO year!!. or older).

Thert.' will be ras h PrlU'S in the lOp Ihn..'c in b{'sl of I he !oho\\' and rib bons fo r th e 101' t hr ee q ui1ts in cadi ,'atc~or~ .

A ~I('('n.' )hould he lURched to the bad of th (.' qUilts for hanginK. Th e \\ inning quilts \\ ill be hung on displil ~ al the UII&I.'r Memorial tibrar~ in l'IalO\il' .....

For further mfurmatlon. ca ll J O\

DCllwn at 2%· '1'"5'" ur 8 1."11\ N.(l\'al a'l ~% - - .1()" . .

Those To Remember -Ann Hili b In 51. Mar)' s Ho~pi l lil

Ru b) Be nn i:r. in Halt' CC'ntc.r Ho'pital.

Montez Has Moved!! 1\1,... . Bob Adami I~ gOing in lhe hospital for ~urgcr~ .

For Perms, Haircuts, Shampoo & Sets Rudolph S(",,\'r i:r. in the ho~p lt&1.

1001 Ave. D New Location

298-2120 .. A m.n must m .... e hi' op· portunity ,.s oft •• find it ."

Frlnci. Bacon

FREE REC IPES AND SAMP LI NG -- Tips on Using Energy Eflicienlly


0~ 2:30 P.M. " .



. Everyone Invited!

Electricity is a product - use

it wisely and efficiently.

ABERNATHY '!£EKLY IEVIEW ·11IVUD:'Y. AfIIIL II. 1_ PAGE 3 ............................................................... JlI •• Scla.el JI.,.,.~., •••

by n-. c.IoerC

Boys Traek Tea. Co .. petes

.............. "" ............ "" ......... " ...•... " .. " .. " ... """",, The San Angelo Relays went

e~tremely well. The boys really put forth the effort . Robert May placed fourth In the shot; Bill DuBose aot third in the discus and Joseph Ruil got first in the 800 m run, He eamc very close to being under 2 minutes in the mile. Congratulations to everyone Ihat competed.

The girls competed in a ITick mee t

The Band will participate In the Band Contest in Frenship. The contest will be held next Wednesday. Good Luck! We all hope you bring home the Sweepstakes Trophyl

The boys and girls track teams will compete this Saturday in Post. Everyone should wish luck to all of those track members.

in Aspermont this weekend. They did "HOfJe Is. good ..... tt.st. a verv rone job. Good luck to you in butltls.b.chupper." your next meet. francA. Bacon

r--Jo-;;;;;r;;; Barber Stylist 1

The Antelope Track team journeyed to San Angelo Friday to participate in the 28th annual San Angelo Relays on April 4 and S. Thirteen individuals of the twenty-onc member team im ­proved their personal bcst"s in their event . The team scored 20 points placing in the top ten of the 2<4 team division IV, Several meet records were broken 35 the competition was stiff and the weather was beautiful.

Joseph Ru iz garnered a gold medal in the 800 meter run with a time of 2:00.91. only one second off the meet record . Bill DuBose captured a bronze medal in the discus with a toss of 144 fee t 3 inches. Robert May \\'a~ the third Lope to place. gaining a fourth in the shot put wit h a toss of 49 feet 9112 inchcs.

Other members competing ~ell fo r

the Antelopes were Miguel Guillen. Billy Cooper. Chuck Thompson. Pat· rick Ponce, Rowdy Powell , Terry Hood . Flin t Bigha m . Bret Parker. Tony Rodriguez. Ricky May. Jes .. Ruiz, Pete Garcia , Brandon Houston, Pete OlivlS. J eff Ha nnel . Johnny Pace. Jesse Garcia, and Fabian Avalos. Michael Cortez and Charles Boyce did a good job of managing and helping the coaches.

The next action for the thinclads will be Saturday. April 12 at the Post Relays. Action will begin with the field events at 9:00 a .m .• to be followed by running prelims at 9:30 a,m, and running finals at 2:30 p.m. This will be the last action before the district track meet which will be held. here, on Saturday. April 19.


rn LITTON PHONE 298~3~ ••

WhttOol --~~ nOli ~ v' We Have Weather Radios

... 1".f;~,iI~;;'~'tiilii·.' Trade In Abernathy ~ - Sales

! . At Bill's. He & She \\ I IIEGULAIl HAlRCUfS. MEN'S. WOMEN'S AND CHll.DREN'S 4.8 Team Competes In ClarendoD \ 198.uoo _ HAIR STYLES AND PERMS 1506 Ave 0 j

The H a le Cou nt \' 4- H Livestock Judg in g Teams p~r t icipa ted in a oraclice contest held in Clarendon on Marc h 29. 1986 . The junio r tea m consis te d of Ky le Be n son. Just.in Bo ntkc . Br\'an Buchanan, all o f Plain viC'w 'a nd Micha Ril ey of Abernathy. The junior tea m placed 5th overa ll in the conlcst and was high tea m in th e sheep divi sion . K yle Benson was 2nd high individual in the sheep division and 6th high individual in the contest. Justin Bonlke was 4th



Also Upholstery Shop Buatn ••• (101) 211-4078

NllIht (801) 291-4211 (Il0l) 291-2451 410-B South Ave. D

Thursday Thru Saturday

Chicken Fried Steak With french fries, gravy, salad & toast

Vecchio's Burger Hut OPF..!'!.MONDAY.SATURDAl' 298-2874



4'0.$1 FOOD



LlTTLfflflD 1802 HALL






THURSDAY Breakfast: Grapefruit ·orange juice,

oatmeal, milk. LIllICh: Fis.h . whale new potatoes.

English Peas. biscuits. brownies. milk.

FRIDAY Brealdu l : Grape juke. sausage &

biscuits. milk .

6 a .m.·9 p.m. Lunch: Cilee se burgers. lett ucc·

onions· pickles. tater lOIS . suga r rook· ies, milk .





3 80Z.S) CTNS.




~THV 1411 AVE, D




._-! )

PLAINVlfW 1200 _ DATE 1600 N. DATE 1301 QUINCY


high in sheep and 10th high in canle . The junior team also was Sth high team in the swine division ,

The senior team cons isted of Brent Hamilton , Soon Buchanan of Plainview and Flint Griffin of Halfway. Brenl Hamilton was the 5th high indivudual in the sheep d ivis ion and was 10th high individual in the overall contest.

Arlan Gentry , County Extension Agent. coaches Ihe livestock judging tcams.

MONDAY Break ••• tl Applesa uce. cinna mon

rolls. milk. ~. Burritos. tossed salad, Span·

ish Rice. fruit. millt.

TIJESDAY Bre.U •• t: Orange juice . peanut

buner bread . milk. 1AmcII: Spagheni with meat sauce,

tossed salad. mi~ed vegetables . French Bread, fruit gelatin . milk.

WEDNESDAY ........ " fruit juice, waffles &

syrup. milk. . t.di. Fried Chicken. potato salad,

pinto beans. com bread, chocolale fudge we. milk.

mURSDAY BreaU.at: Pi~eappl e j uice . little

Smokies, biscuits, milk . LaBell: Hamburgers. hamburger

salad , French Fries. peanut butler cookie-s, milk ,

FRIDAY BreaU •• t: Orange ju ice . peanut

buner bread. milk . ~: 8arbeque on a bun, polato

salad. pork '" beans . peaches. milk.

" Wul . heck. I 'm over·workea. over-arawn . over-taxea and now I 'm over- loaded!"

No Need To Get Over'AnIIoas Aboat Havlag AcIeq_ Recordo At lDeome Tu: r-! A CbeddDa .u.:-t Pto,icIH A Permaneat Record AIMI Reeelpt For Every Deductible ExpenditUre! Your CuceUed Cheeb Aft Perfeet R_lptal



Abernathy Farmer's

Co-op Gins

Annual Stockholder's


April 15, 1986 7:30 p.m.

Community Center At City Hall.


Election of Directors Annual Audit

Other Business

Prizes To Lucky Ticket Holders



Page 3: ~rt-IY '1'/EEKtY IEVIE'''' - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-04-10.pdf · Aguirre. 63'5112" Lona JUIllP' 2nd. Marci Ryan. 13'101 / 2": 5th. Debra Wl'sley


ENTOMOL GY '~'tJ. ~ts*J~

~BOX880 ' ''' PLAINVIEW. TX. 790~0880

TEL' 293-8481

...... WIIut ApIdoI

A new pest has been found attad:ing wheat fro.m the New Melico border to the Caproct. The pest is an aphid thlt loots very similar to a greenbug. It is Diuraphis nODa or commonly caUed the " Russian wheat aphid." This aphid has been found in the USSR, Northern Africa. Middle East. South Africa and Me.ico. This is Ibe fint year it has been found in the United States.

The Russian wheat aphid can be differential from a greenbug by the fact that it lacks the dark green stripe down its topside and its comicies or "tailpipes" on the back end are mud, shorter thin a greenbug. The Russian

wheat aphid also tends to be more parollel sided and not as oval shaped as the greenbug.

Tbe forst signs of Infestation are curling of leaves coming oul of the whorl. It has been noted that this damage looks very similar to hormone type herbicide damage on wheat . If leaves are unrolled, the aphids can be found toward the lower half of the leaf. The nert symptom which can be seen is the purpling of leaf tissue due to to.ins injected by the aphid . As more toxins are injected into the plant . white streaks run the length of the leaf and are confined by the veins. This may resemble zinc deficiency as seen in corn. Some wheat plants infested by this aphid have a prostate growth

John Deere row-crop tractor . savings countdown We have a good selection of John Deere 4050 through 4850 Row·Crop Tractors that you can buy at huge savings. The earlier you buy, the more you can save. See us for detailS. • Interest-free financing ' until January 1,

1987 on new models. (October 1, 1986 • on used models).

• Discount in lieu of finance waiver on new models.

• Very attractive factory discounts passed on to you.

·A'IaHability of John ONre IfnancJng subject to approval of crodlt.

See WI right away-the sooner the better

Joe Thompson Implement

298-2541 105 Ave. D Lubbock 762-1038

Electrical Systems


1605 Ave. F


667-3638 Ca II Collect

24 Hour Service

AII 'Work fOO% Gu.rantHd -

..... onabte Rate.

habit and ' look like someone stepped on their plants. As aphid populations increase, chlorotic circular areas can be seen in the field. Wheat which has been stressed. such as dryland wheat, seems to be more easily damased.

The following table may be used to calculate your economic threshold . based on research out of South Africa.

Growth Stage Yield Lou

6.S First node or stem visible 50 % 7 Second node visible 43 % 8 Last leaf just visible 37% 9 Ligule of last leaf just visible 28 %

Based on 52 wheat and 60 Bu. y ield potential , an · infestation of 11 0/'0 in growth stage 6.5, a 15'1, infestation in stage 7 or a 20% in stage 9 would justify an insecticide treatment .

General insect icide suggestions have been parathion plu s a systemic insecticide. but some systemics have also been used alone. The {ollowing pesticides arc currently being tri ed for control of this pest. '/1 pI. eth yl parathion + 1 pt. dimethoate: '/ 1 pI. ethyl parathion + 'l/J pI. dimethoate Cygon" ; 'I, pt. ethyl parathion + 6 oz. Di -Syslon®; ~ pt. dimethoate Cygon" ; 1·118 pI. dimethoate; or 8

Di-Syston® .

Leaf Ru.t on Wheal

Leaf rust spores are om:c aga in active in our Hale County wheat fields. These spores have survived the winte r because of unusually mild tempera· lUres.

We can also expect wind blown spores to in fl ict our fie ld later in th e sprin g becau se of th e high s pore pop ul at ion south of us. The im porta nt th ing to remem b er in co ntrolling wheat rust is the timing of your chemical app lication.

The key is to protect the flag leaf from any spore infesta tion. The first application should be made at the start of fl ag leaf deve lopme nt. It is important to protec t th e fla g lea f because it is the.' key ingredient for filling t he head wit h grain and achiev ing pn1pcr tesl weights.

Bayleton is a systemic fu ngicidt: and has a l·wed residue or conlro l period after il is appl ied. Manza tc . and Diathanc arc al so effectivc. bUI are not sys temic fungicides . Some varieti es have shown more resistance 10 leaf rust than others.

The only way to know for sure is to scout your fie lds for rust spores and to <.'IH.·ck these fields as often as possible. As we fou nd out in '85 , this problem can develop rapidly. One day it won't be in vou r field , and in a matter of hours, ·it will appea r.

If you have a ny questions, feel free to call thc offi ce. Another factor to consider is that these spores arc nOI act ive until they receive moisture. so be on the alert when you water your whea l.

Th is in forma tion was provided by Danny Nusse r. Co un ty Extension A gcnt-Agric~lturc in Hale County.

Use an old shaving brulh to cleln pleoted Ilmp.hldes.

Aren't there enough risks in farming

without the unnecessary ones? Protect your crop

from Hall Damage

Now - 15% Devllflon Off of

Crop Hall Rite. Ind a Crop HIli Note Plan

COIIAL. cox .... Hlie Counl, , .. '" •• , ...

' .... lSi ,\,AINVIIW

Lubbock arel residents and visitors not in some way affiliated with the multibillion dollar Te .. s cotton indus· try may feel out of place in the Hub City April 9-12.

And that's especially true if they venlure into the vicinity of the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center where some six or seven thousand ginners, producers. oil millers. compress operl­tors and others in the industry will congregate for the annual Texas Cotton Ginners Association (TCGA) Convention and Trade Show and for the annual meeting of Plains Cotton Growers. Inc. (PeG).

Out·of·towners will begin arriving on Tuesday, April 8, ror a one·day 8 a. m, to noon golf tournam en t at Lakeridge Country Club on Wednes· day andl or a full day of ginning technology conferences beginning at 10 a. m. in the Koko Palace.

TCGA dignitaries officially will open registration at 9 a. m. Thursday in time for the 9:30 start of tbe 29th PeG ann ual meeting in the Civic Center Banquci Hall . The PeG meeting will continue until noon, featuring speakers on the future of U.S. ootton as it is affected by bot h te .. ile impons and raw conon ex port s. Addressing the import issue will be Washington go .. 'crn ment re lations consultant Maron Edwards. Edwards is retained by the Fiber , ,fabric and Apparel Coalition for Trade in Ihe industrywide dri ve to secure enactment of the Tex tile and Appa rel Trade Enforce· ment Act.

On colton exports. Louisiana cotton producer J oh n S. " Dukc" Barr will review Ihe up~ming recommendations of th e National Commissio n on Agricultural Trade and Export Policy on which he has served for the past Iwd years.

PeG members also will hear reports from President Tommy D. Fondren of Lore nzo. Execu li ve Vi ce President Donald Johnson. Boll Weevil Steering Committee Chairman Frank Jones of Lamesa and Plains Cotton Improve­ment Com mitt ee Chairman Wayne Huffaker of Tahoka. Directors elected this year to the board of the 2S·county urganization will be ron firmed by Ihe me mbers hip and th e e lec tion of 1986·87 office.. will be held at a meeting of the ncw board beginning al 1:30 p.m.

Exhib its in the cotton trade sho",,", will be open from 9 a. m. -4 p. m . Thursday·Saturday. Additionally . al · tendants on Thursday will have the opportunily to parti cipate in a domino tournamen t beginning at 10 8. m .• an oil painting seminar from 1-4 p.m. and a "Taste of Lubbock " buffct fro m 4:30·7 p.m.

Friday 's activities will include a 9 a. m. to noon showing of proposed Smith -Doxey Cotton Standards changes. the final s of the domino lournament fro m 10 a. m.-4 p.m .• a "Touch of Crafts" exhibition at 10 a.m .. an 11 a. m. fashion show. a cotton nutrition discussion fro m 1-2


Establis hed in November of 1921 ... published on Thur s d ay of each week in Abernathy. Texas. Second Class Postag e pa id at Abernathy. Te .. s, 79311. located at

Ave. D. in th e City of thy. P . O. Drawer 160.

(806) 298-2033. erroneous reflection upon

of any firm. coipora­or individual which may appear

the columns of the Abernathy Weekly Review gladly will be corrected upon being broughl to the anention of the publisher.

POSTMASTER. Send address changes to Abernathy Weekly Review, P. O. Drawer 160. Aberna·

Telas , 79311. .



I~Ave.D AhenIadI,., Telll, 79311

Lubbcd 762·1038

p.m. Ind a demonstration of interior decorating from 2-3 p.m.

The ginnen annual business meet· ing and luncheon It noon on Saturday will have inspirational humorist Doc Blakely of Wharton as speaker, and the four·dlY affair will wind up with an 8:JO.midnight dance in the Banquet Hall .


OUTLOOK CONFERENCE SLATED, PhoeniJ: will be the site of this year's Nltional Cotton Outlook Conference sponsored by The Cotton Foundltion and the National Cotton

Council. The annual session will be held

June 10-11 at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel , with the theme of "Productivil y --the Competitive Edge."

Amon8 topics to be discussed are the farm program, cotton' s marke t outlook, crop financing . progress on establishing a cotton info rmation network. and new technolosies. Con­ference-goe .. rs also will lour Sun DafH."t: Farms to obsel'1(e no-till and drip irrigation sys te ms .

Frank B. Jones, Jr. lamesa. producer. is Foundation president and Tommy Funk. Harlingen. producer . is board chairman. The Foundation is made up of represel;1ta tives of farm equipment manufactu rers, Ilgricu ltu ral chemical companies. banks . and other corporate firms whi ch supp ly the cotton industry . It was organized in 1955 to s upport colton research and education.

The frond. of 10m. pllms are ow... 70 '"t long . Stood on itI.nd, 11.11 thlt IengtIt would equII the height 01 I _ ... ·.tory building.

If you need gas & supplies see Wes-T-Go


Abernathy Body Works

417 South Ave. D 298·20114

Case International

Farm Equipment Dealer

See Us For Repair,

Parts & Service


Struve Implement

A fresh team for today's farmer [~~I~ Iii, 298-2507

Lubbock 762-2133

New John Deere 21-inch deluxe mowers

The top of the line is still inside .... ~.,....,'-.. your budget

The 10hn Deere name has .a1ways stood for premium quality. Yet prices are competitive with other deluxe lawn mowers.

And you get a wide choice to suit your exact need: ten 21-in. deluxe models, exclusive tolohn Deere . Cast aluminum decks: 3'12- or 4-hp, 2- or 4-cycJe engines.

. Electric or recoil start. Push-type or self-propelled with variable-speed drive. Automatic blade or engme safety stops. Rear bauer and other attaclunents available.

Stop in. You don't have to settle for leBa than a John Deere ~ymore. '( J.t.-. J Nothin& Runs Uke a Deefe® __

Joe rhompson Implement

iiil;;L.jll :I.~~~~ .. .u~~~~ .. ~LUbboOk


DlatrIct R_II 7th Grad. Girl.

IfI&h J ... , • 1st, Tiffany Pope. 4'6"; 3rd. Susie Jarl, 4'4" . . "

Ill ..... 1st, Jlne Vecchio, 59' 11 " ; 6th, Anita Rodriguez, 53'11 ".


THURSDAY~ API1L 10, 1986· PAGE 5

IfI&h Jamp • 3rd, Chris Sims, 4'6"; 4th. Jeremy Struve, 4'4"; 6th. Vic Vecchio. 4'4".

100 _ low II ...... - lsi, Kristy Galloway, 19.59; 2nd, Holly Murray, 20.02; 3rd. Anita Rodriguez, 20.87.

800 DIeter run • I st. Vic Vecchio. 2:30.12; 6th. James Vanez. 2:42.8.

100 me ... r dub . Sth , Jody Mya lt . 13.56.

30 ,23. 1600 meter nan - 4th. James Yanez.

6:34. IS.

Shel • t st , Anita Rodriguez, 22'7'14"; 3rd. Jane Vecchio, 22 '7" .

1.., Ja .. p - 2nd, Mandy Mouser, 26~,~~ •. JIIDlP • 1st. Mandy Mouser, 13'6'14"; Tiffany Pope. 25.IY. .. .' 2nd. Kri sti Galloway, 480_ .... ,. • lsi. Shelly Downs,

8/10 ... eter raD • 1st . Christy Ramire z, 2 :50.29; 2nd, Alyson Aldridge. 3:00.83; 3rd , Kim Kemp, 3: 10.74.

• • 3,d. Alyson Aldndge. 22 '7". Tiffany Pope, Susie Jara and Mandy : ••• •• •••••• • •• f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :

100 _r daah - ist, Susie Jara, 14.03; 3rd. Jane Vecchio. 14.81; 6th. Christy Marez, 14.95.

: Starting This Friday, April 11 '. Craig's Rentals At

era ig 's Texaco

800 .. eler rela,. • I st, Christy Ramirez , Eva Dominguez, Shelly Downs and Mandy Mouser. 2:04.92.

480 _r daaIt • 2nd. Holly Murray, 73.93; 3rd, Christy Marez, 14.61; 4th. Regina Lopez. 77.99.

Now Renting

1600 .. eler raD • 1st , Alyson Aldridge. 6:33 .03 ; 5th . Kim Kemp, 7:50.71; 6th. Dolley Cooper, 7:50.75.

200 me"'r daah • 1st, Tiffany Pope, .30 .23; 2nd. Shelly Do"",s. 30.8; 3rd, Jane Vecchio. 31.49.

Lawn Equipment Tillers , Mowers. Etc.

Water Bed Pump

Automotive Pullers 1

1600 meier rolay • I s t, Chri sty Ramirez. Tiffany Pope. Mandy Mouser and Susie Jara. 4:44.92.

Engine HOists Ladders



Team TotaIa: 1st . Abernathy, 254 pis.; 2nd. Hale Center. 101 pts.; 3rd, Olton. 89 pt • . ; 4th. Hart. 29 pts,; 5th. Bovina. 14 pts.

DI.lrIct Reaulta 7th G'- BoY. Sewer Cleaning

Equipment U-Haul Trailers Pole V.ult . 2nd . Chad Shadden . 6'0".

. 298 -4060 312 S. Ave. D 1..11 JllIIIp . 1st. Lon Dale Cannon .

16'4'1, "; 4th . Jody Myatt. 15'3". .............................. ,. ......................... ..... : DIK1u - 4th , Lon Dale Cannon.

with worbhop.

La.flc brlc-k h OIll~ la C'OtIIIln • 2 acTH oa pen";""t. A buaola at onh $55.000 . RNIOCIeI ' to .uJt ) ..... .....,. IIridi ]·2· 1 oat) $39500

J ·I-f fo. 536.500.


J bedroom , 2 bath . l"lna "*" and elm· t.&rae ~ .... 1. Ow ... r ,,·ut pe, clo61Da "",t .

3.1-f • de., $30,000

J, I· ' ,,·lIh ~aut) Shop. $37 .«>00.

2 bed roo.... I bath . U"na room and den . $1500 cIow •.

MID. 900 3 bed ........ l 'h batho. I. Phlilipa Addltlo •. E."IU' . melenl wllh man,- el lr •• _ Low -iht, udHty bib.

nx ... ·U~r SftedaI· Call .. ahooI Ihla 3 bedroom, with IIrepIMe for oat,· $22 ,500.

]'~-f 0'· ... 2.000 aq . fl. Homt' or laveatlDeat _ny.

Ruldullll • COlli' _rriaJ lou. C·ute 2·1· 1 ONLY


~ FOR SALE , 3 bedroom, . I I: bath . J·c ar ~arag('

Large s iorm ce llar. Call AnlllS D'EII;). R~a l Estalc.-: "Q' ·1818 .

t9· rt .)

FOR SALE, Brick. 4 bed· f\.H1 m . J bath~ . fir c plac(', lbOO ~q . ft . . l'O\ l'rcd p#ti~) , \\\I rk ~h(lp. f c1hr . Cl lr a~ .

Mu,t wll 198·2t>OS. (2 1·4tp)

FOR SALE, Starle r h OnlC' . One bed room. 51. 000 do "'n . O"'ner l'arry papers. Ca ll 198·40'l3 after 5 p. m.

(22· lOtc)

FOR SALE: 'lO4 16th St. EnC'rg) dficienl built home. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. unique p.neling . 298·4249 aft .. 5 p. m.

(2 1·4tc)

'Business I 1 Opportunities I

RESPONSIBLE PERSON. Wanted 10 own and operate candy vending rou lr . Pteas­a ni bu si ness ¥d th hi8 h profit items. Can stan pin lime. Cash invt'stment of S3996 '0 512 .996. Call 1· 800 -32 8· 0723 . EAG LE INDUSTRIES. 26 xe.rs or

• A tool .... not the ume service. tr .. th.t.w ... m.n .... ,~

Bllk. (22. ltp)

[ Job I Opportunities


W(' necd a hard ·work ing pcr!tOn 10 sell our Goodyear roof produ (" (s . Wril e Ed Mahon , Consolidaled Com­pa nies. ISO I Ea" 9th SI .. Clc\'eland . Ohio. -14 114.


ExC't:i1cnt mC'Ome (or part lime home assem bly work. For info. c. 1I 312·74 1·8400 .. ext. 467 .

116-4t r

Make Money Working at Ho me! Be n ooded with offers! !! Offc-r·details rush sta mped add rt ss rd c-nve ­lope and 25 cents service fee . Cathv Williams. Dept. M. JS3 · N. Dwight St .. J ackson. Mi.. 49102.

J22 ·4 tp) .

Political Calendar. DemacraIk: PrIaoary

May 3, 1986

Shirley Groce ror

Re·ElenIoot 10

Jllltke or the Peace '-iDct ]

Hale Coualy

Pol. Adv. Paid For By Shirley Groce

Terry McEachern

For ElenIoot To

DJ.1rkt AIIe .... y Hale • Swllber


~****************************~ Pol. Adv . Paid For By * * Terry Meuch .. n ! Subscriptions Due In April :.--,-------1 * Mall YotU Sllhonlp ..... Fee P.O Drawer. 160 * 'a,orothy ! Abernathy Weeki,· R •• lew Abernathy, Te .. a. 79311 : S1nc la Ir * ".47 for Hale and Loobboclt Couadee * * ".99 for all ocher ..... 1Iea III Teua * Fer Re-EIHdoe T. ! 512.09 ror ..., u ...... I or .tate : DIaIItet Oert

! SENIOR Cf11ZEN RATES ::!We <A.ty * 18.33 lor Hale and LubbcIeIt CoutIee * Pol. Adv. Paid For By * l8.as for all adler ....... 1Iea bo Telll * Dorothy Sinclair ! .U9,or thoae IvlDa out or ..... -11*"----------1 ! Mn. Led! M. AduIa Delbert M_ * Mildred :: ~:.._c. ~_~ Da,.. My'" Tucker

_.' ....... - Fa,. Au NeIMe • ... .......... _ :: Mn. Gooy ....... w Call ..... r. -* ....... C-........... r ........ * ....... V. Davia G_ G....... efc-,a.. * I . N. Gnp HIIIoett __ ..... c..y * M-.I H.-It Mn. Fa,. __ Pol. Adv. Paid F ... By * W-y.......... a-.. ...... MUdred TlIIlter : _ G.ny H~ _I. .............:--------..... *, I. L......... ................ . Larry, : ::. .... ..!:........ c:.-...... MoE.chern : ................... =-:C,-C::: ... * ..... r. I, ~ v..., ...... .......,. ... "--- "'------'"-*...,~ ..... ".... --* Tell..... V. I . r- ,., a.... * ............ t ' N.~Ad~

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~j ...... M1 .. iiti· ...

We buy. sell or trade cars and trucks . South Plain s Motors .307 A,·e. Q. Lub· bock . 747·6S94. Jerrv Nichols and Gene Stephen;.

(l 7· rt.1

CLEAN RUGS like new. So eb)" 10 do wi th Blue LustTC ,

Rent electric sham pooer St. Sltun Dcpanmeal SIo...,.

SEE R1NSE·N.VAC. the in · credible new portable steam type carpet cleaning sys(em. It does Ihe job of prores· sional carpe l cleaners al a fraction of the cost . Rent one now at Stn"e'l Depart­DleDI Store. J I8 Main . Phone 298·2531.

CAU your loca l used CO""

deale r .for 7-day.a-week free dead s tock removal. Cal l rollcct 800·293·4431. or ca ll 1·800'092·44)5.

(40· rts)

For Sale

FOR SALE: Good Harmony electric gUllar . 535 . 995·4442.


FOR SALE. 16' Hale stock trai ler . New floor . 298·2826 or 198·2332.


Extra Lean Ground Beef. S2I lb . or buy 10 Ibs. or more fo r S1.80Il b . Frec delivery. Satisfaction guar­anteed. CaU Lee or Fran Jackson evenings. 328·531 7.


FOR SALE. Kimball spinet console piano. walnut fini sh, 51200; bi(ycle, 510; exercise cycle. S20; Call 198-2947.


F_ Freah Ego. Sl / doz. Also have cus tom raised beef and lamb Ivailable by the half or whole . Can 328-5] 17 evenings.


480 _ relay - 5th, Chris Sims. 1600 meter relay - Jrd. Vic Vecchio. Ramon Trevino, James Yanez and

. J eremy Struve. 57.31. 480 meier daah • 1st. Jody Myan .

64.8. .lOO ........ r 10" hurdl .. . 2nd. Lon

Dale Cannon . 49 .54; 4th. Chad Shadden. 53.58.

I..on Oale Cannon. Chad Shadden and Judy Myatt. 4:35. 15 .

Team Total.: 1st. Olton. 128 pts. ; 2nd . Aberna th y . 109 '1. pt s .; 3rd . Springlake. 99'1, pts.; 4th, Hart. 90 pts.; Sth. Hale Center. 40 pts .

110 meter _naedIaIe InudIeo -1st, Lon Dale Cannon, 20.22; 3rd. Chad Shadden, 21.55; 6th. Jeremy Struve. 23.15 . 2011 meter daah . 6t h, Vic Vecchio.

Automotive Repairs

Automotive Truck & Well Engine Service

We Have The Experience And The People

To Take Care Of Any Problem

Come By And Meet

Ron & The Boys

Roy's Automotive Lubbock Hwy.

- -- - ------

Public Notice

Notice of Sale



Whereas . on the 27th day of January 1984 and 5 July 1984. Bob Pettiet. Clarks· ville . TeIas. e.lecuted and delive re d to Paris Imple­ment Company, Paris. Tex­as, Seller, certain Variable Ral e Loan Contracts and Security Agreements which were subsequently assigned to John Deere Company. and thereon mongaged the following described proper· IY, to \'\'it :

I . JD 4440 Diesel Tractor. si n 624.30 I . JD 7100 8-Row Planter, si n 39429

The make. of the Variable Rale l oan Contracts and Securit y Agreements has defaulted in compliance wilh the terms of Slid Asree menl s. John Deere Compan)'. the owner and bolder of said Variable Rite Loan Contracts and Security Agreements on accoun t thereof. is offering said property for sale in accord· ance with the terms of said Varllble Rate Loan Con­tracts and Securi ly Agree· ments. John Deere Compa­ny reserves the right to bid.

Now, therefore. notice is hereby given that on the 21st day or April 1986 at 11:00 a.m. of said date, John Deere Company will offe r for sale at Joe thomp­son Implement Company. Abernathy. TellS. to the highest bidder the above described propeny.

c..dlIIoM .... T_ ef Sale. All items will be sold "as· is" and in their present condition. NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY OF ANY NATURE. EITHER EX· PRESSED OR IMPLIED. is made . Any s tatement of

is for identifiel'

tion only and not a warranty or representation. All goods are subject to redemption prior to sale . The terms of the sale are cash. The high bidder must submit certified funds (Bank money order or cashie r' s check) for the full purchase price at the time of sale. All bids must be submitt ed in person : all sales are for cash and are final. Individual buyers may be requ ired to pay any applicable sales tax on the sales (purchase) price. John Deere Company reserves Ibe right to bid.

To determine the highest bidder. the seller will take bids in bulk on all items of equipment. sell same condi­tionally as an asgregale unit, and shall then sell each piece of property as a single unil and then aggre· gate all unit prices to determine whether final sale shall be accepted on the indh.idual bids or on the unit (bulk) bid.

Additional information concerning th e securil y interest held by John Deere Company in t he above described collateral may be obtained from:

John Deere Company Financial Services

P. O. Box 20598 Dallas, Te .. s. 75220

Witness our hands Ihis 24th day of March 1986.


(22-2 tc)

Business Services

Farm Bureau Insurance 296-6351 Coralie Cox

808 S. Columbia Plainview

Beck's Brick Contractor

8rick*Block*Stone No Job Too Small

Mark Beck 2984235

We Specialize 111 Structuroi I< Perorallve


C&G BUILDERS Remodeling, Paneling,

Garage Conversions, Patios , Storm Doors and Wlndo" •• PalnUng. All Iype. or home repair. No job too

omalI. 1609 Ave. D Abernathy - 298-2086

-Education is ... hanging around until you·v. caught on.· Roben Froat

For All Your Ce m e nt Needs

Ca ll Cent.er Ready Mix



Flnish ~r & La bor Availa ble II D •• lred Hale Ce nte r 83 ' -2 t 02

FQr Rent

FOR RENT: 2 bedroom. 2 full balhs . mobi le hOme. furnis hed o r unfurnished. on pavement. Call 298·2351 after 6 p.m.


FOR RENT: Fu rnished apartment. 5 /1 Ave. D. Call 298·2455.


FREE Personal Classified Ads

Clean Out

Your Closets,

attic & garage

Page 4: ~rt-IY '1'/EEKtY IEVIE'''' - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-04-10.pdf · Aguirre. 63'5112" Lona JUIllP' 2nd. Marci Ryan. 13'101 / 2": 5th. Debra Wl'sley


.. \

Servlces for Eva Benn, 88, of Abernathy were at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the- ~ Ullitec;1 Methodist Church with the Rev. Hardin Atkins, pastor, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Tommie Beck of Seminole.

Burial was in the Abernathy

cemetery under direction of , Chambers Funeral Home.

She died at 6:30 a.m . . Sunday, ~pril 6, at Sherwood Care Center in Lubbock after a lengthy illness. ' . She was born in Johnson City and

had lived in Abernathy for more than SO years. She married Chris Benn on Dec. 2, 1934. He died in 1960. She was a member of the Methodist Church and the Rebekah Lod&.e.

Survivors include two sons, Owen and Clyde, both of Abernathy; ~ daughters , Margarette Benn Stueck of Littlefield and Martha Benn of Ossinning, N.Y. ; a sister, ·Alexa Beckman of Blanco; seven grand·



Hale County Democratic Chairman

Paid For By Larry McEachern


children; and live FCat-arandchlldren. • . :--t,'

L.ey £.tt ••

St;rvice5 for L~cy 'Jane Cotton, 88, of Abernathy were at 2:30 p.m. Wed­nesday at First United Methodist Church with Rev. Wayland Wonden~ pastor from Snyder, and James Hays officiating.

. Burial followed in Abernatlty _Cem­etery under direction of Chambers Funeral Home.

She died at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 6, at. Littlefield Medical Center after a lengthy illness.

She was born in Missouri and had lived in the Abernathy area since 1921. She ', married Walt Cotton on Dec. 11, 1914. He died in 1961. She was a member of the First Baptist Church.

Survivors include three daughters, Imogene Amerson of Abernathy, Janett Hays of Levelland and Joseph­ine McBride of Odessa; a son, Junior of Canton, Kan.; and several grand­children and great-grandchildren.


MeMaster Graveside services for Raymond A.

McMaster, 81, of Lubbock were at 10 a.m. Monday in Abernathy Cemetery with the Rev. Robert Moore of Lubbock officiating.

Burial was under the direction of Chambers Funeral Home.

He died Saturday, April 5, in Lubbock's Methodist Hospital after a lengthy illness.

He was born in Oklahoma. He was a retired carpenter. He had worked for ihe Denver Post in Colorado.

Survivors include his wife, Jewel; a son, Louis of Denver; a daughter, Wanda Lint of Oxnard, Calif.;a stepdaughter, Faydell Spoth of Lubbock; a brother. M.H. of Lubbock; 10 grandchildren; and a great­grandchild.

America II the country with the moat phono­grephl: about 75 million,

Up.:ro-Date With A


The heat pump is the modern w~ to heat and cool your home. With the heat pump, you get top effi­ciency, so you save on operating costs. And, it has an average life of 9ver twenty years! A heat pump offers you high-tech comfort ... no blasts of hot or cold air, just year·round gentle, quiet comfort. It's electric, so you know II's clean. The heat pump: the st~e of the art in home h~allng and cooling.

Let ",",' he.t pump de.le, bring you u~ •.

,Cops Talk by Sherry Martm

Sealer Patrol otIIcer

Some days it seems like everythinll you do is wrong. Your parents are yelling about your bad grades, or your spouse is mad about the overdrawn bank account. Tempers are rising and you're finding yourself in a comer. You think, "Gee, if I didn't have bad luck, I have none at alii"

We stan thinking everyone is against us. So, we get drunk or high. We start thinking, I can't make the grade so why try; just take the easy way out -- get drunk I These are some of the reasons -- not all. But, did you know someone out there cana!

Here come -the cope! Do you know, we do care and, hey, we're really people, tool We are always ready to listen to you, and help. There are many answers to any problem, and please remember. your Police Depart­ment has many agencies or people . who can helpl Our door is always open and we're just a telephone call away, Try it. You'll be glad you did , ....

Our merchants are finding various items in their parking areas. Please. let's help them by picking up after ourselves.

Is your home safe again st a break-in? Or even worse. burglary? We have had several break-ins and burglaries in our city. Please make sure you lock your doors · when you leave. Make sure your windows are secured. If you have any questions. we have several booklets which can help you make your home secure.


The whole point in making a home, business and yourself secure is ' to make the ~~son committing the crime take time! The more time they take, the less appealing th~ crime is.

some ideas to safeguard your home. If you comply with the specificltions of the Texas Board of Insurance, I can send in this information and you will receive a 5% discount on your homeowner insurance. As a Crime Prevention Officer, I can

come to your home . and lielp · give you

One 8 x 10 Color Portrait

$30.00 Value for only .99¢


Your choice of (amlly group or IndlUldual One special offer per family , one per persun

Abernathy City Hall Club Room

Saturday, April 19, 1986

10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Minors mu s t be uccompanied IF---- ,

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