thursday, september 20, 2012

Aruba, we can now do cardio- logy intervention realistically and responsibly. Thus far, we have been diagnosing, but now we can actually treat as well, like placing “stents” for exam- ple. This will definitely benefit our people and at the same time reduce the cost for AZV. Many patients will no longer need to go abroad for certain heart treatments. The participa- tion of the Hospital in this car- diology project is of vital importance, according to the government. of cardiology intervention. Our Cardiologists will pro- mote the optimal use of the care and will ensure the need for using cardiology interven- tion. They will work in con- formity with international rules and the accepted standards of quality. Cardiology interven- tion will be practiced only in the Intervention center. The protocol contains a long list of requirements, obli- gations and particulars related to the operation of such a Car- diology Intervention Center. With such a Center here on Last Tuesday, September 11th, the government of Aruba signed a protocol with AZV having to do with an cardiol- ogy intervention project. The primary goal of the protocol with AZV, according to the Minister of Public Health, is to unite all the stakeholders to the project along with all the Car- diologists, namely, Dr. C.F. Lacle, Dr. J.C.J. van Leeuwen, Dr. J.D. Cheng, and Dr. S.J.J. Fingal. Also, part of the team are: De Stichting Ziekenver- pleging Aruba, Dr. J.R. Fal- coni, Dr.T. De Kool, members of the Board of Directors, Mi - nister of Public Health, and Dr. A.R.O. Ringeling and R.I. Kan of the AZV. All parties will do their ut- most to form a center for car- diology intervention in Aruba as a new vision for the benefit and wellbeing of our people. The Dr. Horacio Oduber Hos- pital will be completely re- sponsible for the management of the center while guarantee- ing the contribution of our Car- diologists. The Hospital will be responsible for creating a rela- tionship of partnership with a renowned international center bomber in Afghanistan on Tuesday. The crudely made film -- which was produced by US- based extremist Christians and depicts the Prophet as a thug- gish womaniser -- has trig- gered protests in at least 20 countries since excerpts were posted online. Continued on page 6 PARIS (AFP) - As protests again erupted across the Muslim world yes- terday over an anti-Islam film, a French magazine poured fuel on the fire by publishing obscene cartoons depicting the Pro - phet Mohammed. France braced for a backlash over the caricatures, stepping up secu- rity at its emba- ssies and banning demonstrations on its own soil as se - nior officials and Muslim leaders ap- pealed for calm. Paris said that on Friday, the Muslim day of prayer, it would shutter its diplomatic missions, cultural centers and French schools in around 20 Muslim countries for fear of violent protests. More than 30 people have been killed in attacks and vio- lent protests linked to the film "Innocence of Muslims", in- cluding 12 people who died in an attack by a female suicide Thursday, September 20, 2012 Fresh protests as prophet cartoons fuel Muslim fury Cardiology Intervention to be reality on Aruba

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Page 1: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Aruba, we can now do cardio -logy intervention realisticallyand responsibly. Thus far, wehave been diagnosing, but nowwe can actually treat as well,like placing “stents” for exam-ple. This will definitely benefitour people and at the sametime reduce the cost for AZV.Many patients will no longerneed to go abroad for certainheart treatments. The participa-tion of the Hospital in this car-diology project is of vitalimportance, according to thegovernment.

of cardiology intervention. Our Cardiologists will pro-

mote the optimal use of thecare and will ensure the needfor using cardiology interven-tion. They will work in con-formity with international rulesand the accepted standards ofquality. Cardiology interven-tion will be practiced only inthe Intervention center.

The protocol contains along list of requirements, obli-gations and particulars relatedto the operation of such a Car-diology Intervention Center.

With such a Center here on

Last Tuesday, September 11th,the government of Arubasigned a protocol with AZVhaving to do with an cardiol-ogy intervention project. Theprimary goal of the protocolwith AZV, according to theMinister of Public Health, is tounite all the stakeholders to theproject along with all the Car-diologists, namely, Dr. C.F.Lacle, Dr. J.C.J. van Leeuwen,Dr. J.D. Cheng, and Dr. S.J.J.Fingal. Also, part of the teamare: De Stichting Ziekenver-pleging Aruba, Dr. J.R. Fal-coni, Dr.T. De Kool, membersof the Board of Directors, Mi -nister of Public Health, and Dr.A.R.O. Ringeling and R.I. Kanof the AZV.

All parties will do their ut-most to form a center for car-diology intervention in Arubaas a new vision for the benefitand wellbeing of our people.The Dr. Horacio Oduber Hos-pital will be completely re-sponsible for the managementof the center while guarantee-ing the contribution of our Car-diologists. The Hospital will beresponsible for creating a rela-tionship of partnership with arenowned international center

bomber in Afghanistan onTuesday.

The crudely made film --which was produced by US-based extremist Christians anddepicts the Prophet as a thug-gish womaniser -- has trig-gered protests in at least 20countries since excerpts wereposted online.

Continued on page 6

PARIS (AFP) - Asprotests againerupted across theMuslim world yes-terday over ananti-Islam film, aFrench magazinepoured fuel on thefire by publishingobscene cartoonsdepicting the Pro -phet Mohammed.

France bracedfor a backlash overthe caricatures,stepping up secu-rity at its emba -ssies and banningdemonstrations onits own soil as se -nior officials andMuslim leaders ap-pealed for calm.

Paris said thaton Friday, the Muslim day ofprayer, it would shutter itsdiplomatic missions, culturalcenters and French schools inaround 20 Muslim countriesfor fear of violent protests.

More than 30 people havebeen killed in attacks and vio-lent protests linked to the film"Innocence of Muslims", in-cluding 12 people who died inan attack by a female suicide

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fresh protests as prophet

cartoons fuel Muslim fury

Cardiology Intervention to be

reality on Aruba

Page 2: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sint Maarten. Aruba’s Minister of Public

Health is in attendance at thismeeting in Washington DC andupon receiving the positivevote for Aruba to become amember, he remarked... “To dayis a new beginning for Aruba.”He acknowledged the effortsmade by PAHO Director, Dr.Mirta Roses Periago and Dr.Socorro Gross Galiano.

Visser remarked, “Formany years we have beenworking on this platformwhich came about because ofnecessity: the necessity to havea working relationship with theCaribbean Universal Carewhich is something stable, butwith the imminent threat ofchronic diseases and obesity.

Continued on page 4

ORANJESTAD -- Currently,an important meeting is beingheld in Washington DC whichincludes the participation ofMinisters of Health of theAmerican continent and theCaribbean. The purpose of thismeeting is to analyze the poli-tics of the health of the regionwithin the context of the Sani-tary Pan-American Conferenceon Health convened by the PanAmerican Health Organization(PAHO), also known as the Or-ganisacion Pan-Americana deSalud.

During the first session ofthe meetings of PAHO theycast votes for new members.Members present at the 28thPan American Sanitary Con-ference of PAHO and at the64th Regional Session voted infavor of Aruba, Curacao and

Aruba is now officialmember of PAHO

by experts who advised insteadto make the traffic at the rotundain front of the airport go up tothe Pos Chiquito rotunda andfrom there to improve the threemain roads entering San Nico-las. This, they are convinced,will enable them to accomplishthe same goal but with an im-provement in the barrios in SanNicolas. It will also mean re-pairing the roads, placing side-walks, parks and a cycle trackfor bikers going to San Nicolas,the new bridge, etc.

Continued on page 3

fic is expected to become evenheavier. The government is sointent on getting this projectmoving, that they met withconstruction companies to dis-cuss the possibility for forminga national alliance and for evenconsidering not going on theirusual end of the year vacationin December.

Actually, the Green Corridoris a combination of two proj-ects, the other being the “Ring-weg 3.” Originally the plan wasto bring the traffic up to the PosChiquito rotunda, then to divertinto green zones near the Na-tional Park to reach San Nico-las. That plan was disapproved

Green Corridor promises to beautify

Aruba’s panorama

The Green Corridor project ap-pears to be a very importantproject for the government ofAruba, reason why they arepushing hard to get it going.The project entails a major ex-pansion of the main highwayfrom the Beatrix Airport to therotunda at Pos Chiquito, whereit will change from being a onelane road to double lanes for adistance of more or less 8 kilo-meters.

This expansion of road isintended to handle the in-creased flow of traffic in thearea mentioned, especiallyafter the move of the wharffrom Barcadera when the traf-

2 Thursday, September 20, 2012

Page 3: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Extra containers of fuel or largequantities of spare parts will besubject to import duties.

Yacht clubs, which allowtheir members or visitors tostore their boats or parts, mayapply to Customs for qualifica-tion as operating an open ware-house. If Customs deems theymeet the requirements, withboat and goods stored with thestipulation of them moving onto another destination, Customswill then issue the permits.

A temporary import docu-ment is a simplified customsdocument that relates to a pri-vate air-or pleasure vesselwhich serves as a guarantee ordeposit of import duty and anyother taxes. The necessary in-formation is available at theports Customs authority, call583-1286 for information andto obtain a form.

Permanent legal residentsof Aruba are not eligible forexception from import fees onaircraft or boats. Aircraft orboats brought to Aruba withthe intention to sell them mustpay import duties.

regulations of DIMAS, whichallows visitors to stay onAruba as a non-resident with“tourist” status, for 180 daysover a one year period.

By definition, a boat orplane registered as a “privatepleasure craft” is prohibitedfrom providing passage or tripsfor any sort of remuneration orprofit. This also prohibits therental of said craft to anotherindividual to be used for profitor commercial purposes. Pe-ripheral items and accoutre -ments, such as fuel, are exemptfrom duties, as long as they areintegrated into the system andnecessary for its operation.

ORANJESTAD -- Due to thelarge number of sailboats vi -siting Aruban shores, theDouane, or Customs, remindtheir owners of certain condi-tions and regulations govern-ing their stay on Aruba. OnOctober 1, 2012, a new regula-tion requiring the boat or planeto be declared to customs willbe enforced. This applies toboats of no less than 14 meters.If the yacht will stay in Arubanwaters no more than 180 days,then a temporary import per-mit must be acquired; this doesnot require a deposit. If it stayslonger, up to one year, a tem-porary import permit must beapplied for with payment of adeposit (or a bank guarantee)for the value of the duties onthe yacht. Any stay longer thana year will categorize the yachtas an import and duties mustbe paid. Once a temporary per-mit has expired, the yacht mustleave Aruban waters for no lessthan 15 days before anotherpermit can be obtained. Thesetime allotments are more inkeeping with the immigration

Thursday, September 20, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                         3                              

Customs officials announces changes

in import regulations for visiting

pleasure craft

This will connect with theGreen Corridor and hookup tothe “Ringweg 3” to take trafficto the hotel area.

The government has calcu-lated that the Green Corridorand the “Ringweg” will be es-sential for the more or less70% of all containers travel-ling to the hotels. Without the“Ringweg 3” this will becomea real problem to move thismuch traffic on the Boulevard.The “Ringweg 3” is destinedto pass behind Codemsa, SanBarbola, and Tanki Leenderttowards the hotels.

The roads to be repaired in theprocess will be: Jara, Savaneta,Sero Alejandro, Rooi Koochi,Mabon, Weg Seroe Blanco andWeg Fontein to San Nicolas.The other section is on the sea-side, running from Isla di Oro,south of Savaneta, Noord CuraCabaai and Zeewijk to reachSan Nicolas. This will be anexpansion of 5KM and a reno-vation of approximately 23Km of existing roads. At thesame time they will constructa road to connect with the newfree zone at Barcadera wherethe wharf will be moved to.

Green Corridor promises...Continued from page 2

installing the rails. The instal-lation and repair works willlast 4 days.

All traffic going to andcoming from the hotels willbe diverted via the Weststraat,Arendsstraat and Paarden-baaistraat. There will be traf-fic signs and barricades toindicate the traffic changes.Department of Public Worksapologizes for any inconven-ience this may cause

ORANJESTAD -- The De-partment of Public Works an-nounces that this Friday,September 21, part of theL.G. Smith Boulevard that isin front of the entrance of theharbor and next to the ex-DOW building will be tem-porarily closed. The road willbe closed completely for alltraffic in both directions dueto installation of the rails ofsaid section of the road. DOWwill also repair the road after

Part of L.G. Smith Blvd

temporarily closed

Page 4: Thursday, September 20, 2012

swer," he added calling for"political dialogue reflectingthe genuine aspirations andwill" of the Syrian people.

Ban said that UN-ArabLeague envoy LakhdarBrahimi may put a plan to theSyrian government after talksat the UN headquarters in NewYork next week.

months into the uprisingagainst Assad there was no so-lution in sight.

"Unfortunately both sides,government and oppositionforces seem to be determinedto see the end by militarymeans," the UN secretary gen-eral said. "I think militarymeans will not bring an an-

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) -UN leader Ban Ki-moon saidyesterday that PresidentBashar al-Assad and the Syr-ian opposition were deter-mined to fight to the end, butrenewed appeals for politicaldialogue.

Ban told a press conferenceit was "troubling" that 18

member.The Minister thanked the

director and representatives ofeach country present and ac-cepted Aruba’s membershipinto the prestigious organiza-tion.

During the same sessionthey will be electing a new di-rector to replace Dr. MirtaRoses Periago who has beenserving as director since 2003.The newly elected director willassume position on February1st, 2013 and will lead the or-ganization for a five year tenure.

of the Dutch Kingdom. TheMinister also indicated that thecountries forming part of theDutch Kingdom consi ders it anhonor to be part of PAHO andto be able to increase their par-ticipation in PAHO.

The Minister assured themembers that we will continueto participate as Dutch King-dom, yet every country will beautonomous. Aruba, Curacaoand St. Maarten will becomepartners with PAHO in accor-dance with the conditions andprocedures required of each

Public Health on Aruba wasput on high priority, with therebirth of PAHO playing a sig-nificant and crucial role.Aruba’s fight against childhoodobesity and chronic diseases,which is impacting our regionand continent, has caused us towork on a new structure.”

The document, “The ArubaCall to Action,” regarding obe-sity which came out of thePACO I Conference, openedthe way for us to get to theUnited Nations. There we hadthe honor of speaking on behalf

tificial fertilizers and withoutsulfides.

Many years ago Vicentemet a frequent visitor to Aruba,Mr. Greenberg, who actuallyintroduced him to the hobby ofwine making. From Greenberghe received a wine makingstarter kit and from there hebegan to expand his kno -wledge and become the profes-sional he is today.

Vicente is committed toprotecting the environmentand the Aruban nature. Hemaintains his trees totallychemical-free, his wine bottleshe collects from various per-sons, which are then recycled.The corks he uses are importedbecause he wants to be sure heuses a good product.

Everyone knows Vicente asa warm hospitable person, anatural Aruban. He has alwayshad a commitment to our peo-ple, our tourism and he conti -nues to promote that welcomespirit with his typical friendlysmile. Vicente mentioned thatmost recently he received avery nice compliment from atourist who visited his home.The tourist said to him...”Youare a great ambassador foryour island.”

Visitors to Aruba more andmore are looking for local ex-periences, hence the reason forbeing familiar with stories likethat of Vicente Kock’s so thatwe can share these with ourvisitors.

Just recently an Aruba TourismAuthority (ATA) team visitedthe home of Aruban VicenteKock, known as Aruba’s greatwine producer. During thisvisit they were able to sensesomething of the dedication ofVicente Kock to produce thebest quality wine, made withlove and lots of passion. Vi-cente also has a real passionfor creating friendships withour visitors to the island. It wasfor this reason that Vicente waschosen to form part of ATA’s“My Commitment” local tou -rism promotion campaign.

Walking amidst his grape -vine, Vicente Kock talkedabout the different grape vinesgrowing in his garden, whichover the past 30 years he con-verted into a real vineyard. Heproduces about 400 bottles oforganic wine every year withthe help of his friend Cobywho helps take care of thevines.

Vicente frequently invitesboth locals and tourists to hishome in Sombre to visit hisvineyard which he calls “VinoVince.”

Some of his visitors arepeople simply looking for localproducts or experiences and toexperience something differentand real Aruban. But, he alsogets owners of vineyards fromthe USA who come out of cu-riosity to see how he does it,how he cultivates his vines andhow he produces his organicwines without pesticides, or ar-

4 Thursday,September 20, 2012

Local wine maker

committed to

producing great wines

Aruba is now official member of PAHOContinued from page 2

Ban: Syrian rivals determined to fightto 'the end'

Page 5: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012 5

Yesterday, September 19th,Coca-Cola kicked off theirGreen Dream Campaign.They have partnered with 12respected vendors to offer thecommunity thousands of fab-ulous prizes and offers.

For the coming 14 weekslook for green caps on 20ozand 2 liter bottles of Coca-Cola, Coke Zero, Diet Coke,Sprite and Sprite. Inside eachcap is a great prize.

Coca-Cola is workingwith Garage Cordia ToyotaPrius C Hybrid, Setar NV,The Cinemas, CMB,Domino’s Pizza, Subway,Starbucks, Indulgence by

the Sea, Red Sail Sports,Aquarius Restaurant,Kooyman and RenaissanceMarket Place. Under thecaps is a logo of one of theparticipating companies, tobe redeemed at the respectivevendors.

The prizes are the follow-ing:

The Grand Prize: a Toy-ota Prius C Hybrid fromGarage Cordia. Under 20green caps is the Toyota logoThe 20 who find this cap canparticipate to win a ToyotaPruis C Hybrid. The drawingwill be on December 28,2012, the final night of theCoca-Cola Green Dreamscampaign.

Caps marked DominosPizza 1 win Parmesan BreadBites, Domino’s Pizza 2,prize is 1 Stuffed CheesyBread and the green capmarked Domino’s Pizza 3wins a Medium 1 toppingPizza.

For each green capmarked Red Sail Sports 1 wina snorkel trip for one personand for each green cap RedSail Sports 2, win a SunsetSail for one person.

Setar 1 caps win a PrePaidCard of Afl. 5,00; Setar 2: aPrePaid card of Afl. 10,00;Setar 3: a PrePaid card di Afl.15,00; Setar 4: the specialprize a Motorola SpiceXT316 smartphone.

CMB cap 1 awards aKompa Leon money card ofAfl. 500,00; CMB 2: Kompa

Leon worth Afl. 2500,00.From the Cinemas win a a

movie ticket; or one medium SoftDrink or one medium popcorn.

Indulgence by the Seacaps win their famous Citrus-C manicure.

Strabucks will havemonthly specials that can beredeemed for green caps.The specials will be in thenewspapers and on display atStarbucks.

Kooyman is giving awayan LED flashlight.

Subway offers their FreshFit sandwich for each greencap with their logo. TheFresh Fit sandwich consist ofdifferent choices, such asblack forest ham, turkeybreast, turkey breast & blackforest ham, roastbeef, veggiedelite, sweet onion chickenteriyaki, chicken breast, andthe subway club.

Aquarius Restaurant’sawards a dinner buffet.

- Renaissance MarketPlace has a variation ofprizes, such as: lunch for 2Hung Paradise, dinner for 2at Sushi Ya, dinner for 2 atCafé the Plaza, 2 gift certifi-cates worth Afl. 50,00 of CityFashion, different gift certifi-cates of Renaissance MarketPlace worth Afl. 50,00 andSun Specs are also offeringgift certificates with a specialgift certificate for the winnerof the Toyota Prius C Hybridin December.

Green caps will also awardprizes of FREE 20 OZ.

COKE and FREE 2L COKE. This means one can turn in

the “FREE 20 oz Coke” or“FREE 2L Coke” caps at anyestablishment selling Coke20 oz or 2L Coke, and get

these for FREE. The Coca-Cola Green

Campaign will be finish Fri-day, December 28, 2012. Thefinal night of the campaignwill include the drawing forthe Toyota Prius C Hybridcourtesy. Toyota logo capsshould be redeemed atGarage Cordia for a partici-pation form; posible winnermigh t want to try view the‘the grand prize’ or take a testdrive at that time.

In every establishment ofthe participating partners ofthe Coca-Cola Green Dreamscampaign there will beposters on display, explainingthe different prizes to be wonand which can be claimed atthe participating companies.

Every month Coca-Colawill also have a TV programon Tele Aruba giving infor-mation and updates on thecampaign. The “Coca-ColaGreen Dream Show” will beaired on Tele Aruba 7:30 p.m.on October 15, November 12and December 10.

The public is advised topick up their favorite newspa-pers to keep well- informedof the Coca-Cola GreenDreams prizes.

The Campaignhas begun

The Grand Prize of the “Coca - Cola Green Dreams” Campaign: a Toyota Prius C Hybrid

Page 6: Thursday, September 20, 2012

and Furious, or learnedabout the tactics em-ployed by ATF in the in-vestigation, prior toJanuary 31, 2011."

Still, Horowitz wasscathing with those whodid run the operation.

"Operation Fast andFurious received little orno supervision by ATFHeadquarters, despite its

connection to a dangerous nar-cotics cartel in Me xico, the se-rious risk it created to publicsafety in the United States andMexico, and its potential im-pact on the country's relation-ship with Mexico," the reportstated.

Authorities in the ATF andthe US attorney's office in Ari-zona who designed, imple-mented or supervised Fast andFurious will be reviewed andpossibly punished, Holder saidin a statement after the inspec-tor's report came out.

He also accepted the resig-nation of a deputy assistant at-torney general.

tion, but the Obama adminis-tration cited "executive privi -lege" in declaring thedocuments protected.

The report released yester-day by the Justice Depart-ment's inspector generalMichael Horowitz "details apattern of serious failures" bythe Bureau of Alcohol, To-bacco, Firearms and Explo-sives (ATF) and the USAttorney's office for the dis-trict of Arizona in their inves-tigation of what went wrong inFast and Furious.

But the inspector said hefound "no evidence that Attor-ney General Holder was in-formed about Operation Fast

WASHINGTON (AFP) -US authorities erredbadly in pro bing a disas-trous gun-running opera-tion into Mexico, ago vernment inspectorsaid yesterday in a reportthat nonetheless clearedAttorney General EricHolder.

The 2009-2010 opera-tion was named Fast andFurious, after the series of Hol-lywood action movies, and itsaim was to track weapons pur-chased by bogus buyers in Ari-zona and smuggled to drugcartels in Mexico.

But many of the guns wentmissing, and two were laterfound at the murder scene of aUS border patrol agent.

Back in June the Republi-can-controlled House of Rep-resentatives took the historicand controversial step of hold-ing Holder in contempt overthe gun-tracking operation andhis refusal to turn over re-quested documents.

It wanted to know if therewas a cover up of the opera-

the publication of cartoons,while the Vatican's officialdaily Osservatore Romano saidthat the satirical images couldthrow "fuel on the fire".

Charlie Hebdo's editor,Stephane Charbonnier, de-scribed those getting irate overthe cartoons as "ridiculousclowns" and accused the gov-ernment of pandering to themby criticising him for beingprovocative.

The left-wing publication'soffices were firebombed lastyear after it published an edi-tion "guest-edited by Mo-hammed" that it called ShariaHebdo.

French Prime MinisterJean-Marc Ayrault said anyoneoffended by the cartoons couldgo to court, but he also stressedthat in France "freedom of ex-pression is guaranteed, includ-ing the freedom to caricature".

Foreign Minister LaurentFabius said he feared a back-lash over the cartoons and an-nounced Friday's embassy andschool closures.

slogans and castigating thegovernment for not takingstrong action against the film.

The Pakistan govern-ment --declared Friday a na-tional ho liday in honour ofMohammed, in a sudden an-nouncement made after reli-gious parties had called for aday of protest.

In neighbouring Afghani -stan, about 1,000 protesterstook to the streetswhile In-donesia saw hundreds of pro-testers tear up the Americanflag and throw eggs at the USembassy in the capital Jakarta.

In reaction to the uproar, theFrench satirical magazineCharlie Hebdo published car-toons mocking the film andcaricaturing the Muslimprophet, including two draw-ings showing him naked.

The magazine's website wasput out of action by a cyber-at-tack Wednesday. Riot policewere deployed outside themagazine's Paris offices.

Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam'shighest authority, condemned

In Pakistan, around 1,000 stu-dents from the fundamentalistJamaat-e-Islami party took tothe streets in the eastern city ofLahore yesterday, chantinganti-US slogans and burningthe American flag.

A similar number demon-strated in Karachi, torching aneffigy of US President BarackObama, while in Islamabad,around 500 lawyers burst intothe capital's diplomatic en-clave, chanting anti-American

Fresh protests as prophet cartoons...Continued from page 1

that included everyday articleslike flip-flops, toys, sweets andclothes, said the KidsRightsFoundation, the prize's initia-tor.

In all, he has helped some10,000 children in his area onhealth, hygiene and children'srights, the foundation added.

Some 246,000 street chil-dren are, like Valdez was as ayoung child, subjected to abuse,violence and child labour in thePhilippines, it said.

Asked about the prizemoney, KidsRights Foundationchairman Marc Dullaert said acommittee was now to decide,together with Valdez, to whichprojects it would be donated.

same.The Swedish magazine Se

och Hoer splashed 11 pictures,taken during the couple's vaca-tion in southern France severalweeks ago, over three pages.

It was the fourth publica-tion to print the paparazzisnaps which have outraged theBritish royal family, whoselawyers obtained a civil in-junction and sought criminalcharges in Paris in a bid to curbtheir spread.

French authorities on Tues-day banned Closer from anyfurther distribution of the pic-tures and began a criminalprobe into how they were ob-tained.

As well as ordering themagazine to hand over allforms of the pictures, the in-junction also bans Closer fromreusing them in print or on itswebsite and re-selling them onpain of further 10,000-eurofines for each infringement.

PARIS (AFP) - The Frenchmagazine that published top-less photos of Prince William'swife Catherine handed overfiles with the images yesterdayto the couple's representatives,a source close to the mattersaid.

The files were handed overafter a French court on Tues-day ordered Closer magazineto present all forms of the pic-tures to the British royalswithin 24 hours or face a10,000-euro ($13,000) fine forevery day's delay.

Closer has said it does notown the images and simplybought them for exclusive firstuse, so it likely does not pos-sess all the original files. It hasrefused to say from whom itbought them and who the pho-tographer is.

A Swedish celebrity maga-zine meanwhile published thecontroversial pictures yester-day, a day before its Danishsister magazine was to do the

City, about 30 kilometers (18miles) south of the capitalManila.

"You are wonderful," NobelPeace laureate Desmond Tutu,who handed over this year'sprize, told Valdez at a pressconference shortly after theceremony, held in The Hague'shistoric Knight's Hall.

"My message to childrenaround the world is not to losehope" and to remember thingslike hygiene, said Valdez, whoadded that the prize would helphim get an education and per-haps realise his dream of be-coming a doctor.

Through his charity, Valdezhas handed out more than5,000 gifts to destitute children

THE HAGUE (AFP) - Ayoung Filipino who lived off arubbish dump and slept in anopen tomb has won a presti-gious children's award in theNetherlands for his work toimprove the rights of his fel-low street kids.

Cris "Kesz" Valdez, aged13, was handed this year's In-ternational Children's PeacePrize at a glittering ceremonyin The Hague yestersday,where he received a 100,000euro ($130,000) prize.

Valdez was chosen fromthree finalists for the work ofhis "Championing CommunityChildren" charity which raisesfunds to hand out gift parcelsto needy children in Cavite

6 Thursday, September 20, 2012


Filipino street kid, 13, wins $130,000peace prize

French mag hands over topless Kate pics after ruling

US authorities botched Mexico gun-running probe

Page 7: Thursday, September 20, 2012

the Colombian border after hewas wounded in a shootoutwith Venezuelan securityforces, Colombian police said.

"He received medical atten-tion but died hours later," saidColombian Defense MinisterJuan Carlos Pinzon, addingthat Colombian intelligenceservices had been pursuingRojas.

Venezuela did not immedi-ately report on the death,which came a day afterColombia's last major druglord, Daniel "El Loco" Barrera,was taken into custody inVenezuela.

The police said Rojas wasbelieved to be the "principalorganizer" of a foiled attemptto detonate a car bomb outsideof a police headquarters in theColombian capital on May 15.

The bomb was deactivatedbefore it exploded, but in an-other part of the city the sameday a second bombing also at-tributed to the FARC rippedthrough a vehicle carrying aformer interior minister, killingtwo bodyguards and woundingabout 40 other people.

Venezuela, Colombian offi-cials said.

Freddy Rojas Rincon,known by the alias "Boiteaux,"was captured in a hotel near

BOGOTA (AFP) - A FARCguerrilla linked to a foiled at-tempt to bomb a police head-quarters in Bogota in May waskilled in a shoot out in

into the accident, which hesaid could have turned into amajor catastrophe if not forthe quick thinking of emer-gency workers.

The president said the go -vernment will take measuresto ensure that homes, busi-nesses and factories in thenorth continue to receive gasafter the accident.

The damaged plant re-ceives natural gas from theBurgos basin and distributesthe pro duct to Pemex's gasand petrochemicals unit.

"We want to know exactlywhat happened, which is keyto prevent this type of tragedyfrom happening again, parti -cularly in such sensitive andstrategic facilities for thecountry," Calderon said.

Witnesses said they heardat least two explosions beforethe fire broke out.

It was the third incident ata Pemex facility in a littleover a month.

REYNOSA (AFP) - The Me -xican gas plant fire and explo-sion that left 26 people deadnear the US border was an"unusual accident," state-runenergy firm Pemex said yes terday, ruling out foulplay.

Another 28 workers wereinjured while seven remainedmissing following Tuesday'sfire at the Pemex gas recep-tion and distribution centernear the border city ofReynosa.

"We have no evidence thatit was a deliberate incident, orsome kind of attack," Pemexdirector Juan Jose Suarez toldreporters. "All the evidencepoints to an unusual acci-dent."

Pemex pipelines have beentargeted by fuel thieves in thepast, causing leaks and in onecase a deadly blast in 2010.

President Felipe Calderonordered the prosecutor's officeto join Pemex's investigation

Mexico deadly gas plant firecalled 'unusual accident'

talks in Cuba -- "even thoughwe thought at the beginning itwould be only a question ofweeks."

A one-time medical studentwho went underground in the1980s, Timoshenko assumedcontrol of the guerrilla grouplast November.

He said the rebels are com-ing to the negotiation tablewith "the idea that the processwill be successful."

Timoshenko also confirmedthat the rebels intend to reachan agreement "to lay downtheir weapons," and lamentedthe lack of a ceasefire, sayingit is a shame authorities "choseto lead talks in the middle of aconflict."

the talks -- the first in a decade-- conclude "within months."

"It's an expectation that hegenerated himself, contrary towhat was agreed to in the letterand spirit of the exploratorymeeting," Timoshenko said,referring to the discussions inHavana that paved the way forthe peace talks.

"It was agreed there wouldbe no deadline, or even the useof the word 'month'," he em-phasized.

The peace talks are sup-posed to open October 8 inOslo and then continue inCuba.

The FARC leader said theagreement to resume negotia-tions took two years of secret

BOGOTA (AFP) - The leaderof Colombia's FARC rebelgroup said yesterday peace ne-gotiations with the governmentwould not be bound by a dead-line despite President JuanManuel Santos insistence theybe concluded within months.

The rebel leader, whose realname is Rodrigo Londono butis better known as TimoleonJimenez or "Timoshenko," ex-pressed his "high hopes" ofending to the half-century-oldconflict and said the FARCwas ready to disarm at the endof the process.

However, in an interviewpublished on Colombia's com-munist party website, he criti-cized Santos for insisting that

Thursday, September 20, 2012 7

FARC leader rejects peace processdeadline

Venezuela arrests FARC guerrilla wantedby Bogota

Bouguenais : Patrick Bellanger (C), the father of JeremieBellanger, and his companion Cecile Blanloeil (3dL) chatwith relatives as they came back from Bolivia yesterdayat the Nantes' airport, western France. Jeremie Bel-langer, 25, disappeared with his companion Fannie Blan-cho, 23, in the northeastern Amazonian town ofGuayaramerin, on Bolivia's border with Brazil, on August29, 2010. Fannie's daughter Bounty, 3, who accompaniedthe couple on their trip, was left with a landlady whenher mother disappeared, in what many believe to be adouble homicide that potentially involved sexual assault.Patrick Bellanger and relatives of the couple offered a$10.000 reward for information on their fate. AFP PHOTO

MARIANO ROQUE ALONSO : A tree knocked down du -ring a storm blocks the way to people walking by, in Ma -riano Alonso Roque, on September 19, 2012. A fiercestorm packing winds up to 140 kilometers an hourblasted through the heart of South America early yester-day, killing five people in Paraguay and wreaking havocin Argentina and Uruguay. In Paraguay's Roque Alonsosuburb, devastated by the storm, four police cadets diedwhen the roof of their dormitory collapsed, while 15 oth-ers were hurt. And a 16-year-old boy died at a shoppingcenter in the town when a water tank collapsed on himoutside a pharmacy. (AFP PHOTO)

Page 8: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Further work would beneeded to scale up volume,but this should not be toomuch of a problem and con-ventional techniques could beused, they add.

Severe MPS I occurs inapproximately in one in100,000 newborns, accordingto the website GeneticsHome Reference, which issupported by the US healthauthorities.

A milder form, called at-tenuated MPS I, occurs inabout one in 500,000 births.

8 Thursday, September 20, 2012

West Nilevirus claimsfirst victimin Kosovo

PRISTINA (AFP) - A womanhad died of the mosquito-borne West Nile virus inKosovo as two more patientswere suspected of being in-fected with the disease, ahealth official said onWednesday.

The two suspected caseswere being treated in hospital,said Naser Ramadani, head ofKosovo's Public Health Insti-tute.

Earlier this month, threepeople died in the first everoutbreak of the West Nilevirus in neighbouring Serbia,in which 35 contracted the dis-ease.

First discovered in Ugandain 1937, the virus is carried bybirds and spread to humans bymosquitoes.

It can cause symptoms sim-ilar to flu, but in extreme casescan result in fever, coma and alethal swelling of the brain tis-sue, known as encephalitis. Itcan also cause meningitis.

There is no known cure forthe disease but 80 percent ofthose infected will not developany symptoms at all.

The existing drug forMPS 1, laronidase (marketedas Aldurazyme) costs around$300,000 annually for chil-dren and $1 million foradults.

The research, led by Alli-son Kermode at Simon FraserUniversity in Burnaby,British Columbia, is pub-lished in the journal NatureCommunications.

The results amount to"proof of concept" for mak-ing the enzyme in laboratoryconditions, the team say.

with mucopolysaccheridosisI (MPS 1).

This is a so-called lysoso-mal storage disorder, inwhich sugary debris buildsup in cells, damaging tissuein the heart, eyes, skeletonand brain.

Without replacement en-zymes, sufferers of MPS 1often die in childhood.

Until now, the therapy hasbeen produced by coaxingcultures of cells taken fromthe ovaries of Chinese ham-sters, and is hugely expen-sive.

PARIS (AFP) - Biologists inCanada have made a medicalenzyme using genetically-en-gineered corn, a feat thatcould one day slash the costof treating a life-threateninginherited disease, a journalreported.

Inserting a section of DNAcode into maize seed causedthem to make alpha-L-iduronidase in the en-dosperm, a nutritive tissue inthe corn kernel.

Alpha-L- iduron idasebreaks down sugar moleculesand is deficient in people

In lab, drug-on-the-cob fights rare disease

Health &Living

Page 9: Thursday, September 20, 2012

derivatives of normal pro-teins," said Huttley, from theAustralian National Univer-sity.

"By studying the molecularevents you get an idea aboutwhat it takes to make a proteinto target those specific physi-ological functions," he toldAFP.

Huttley described a snake'svenom gland as "like a smalldrug company, running hugenumbers of experiments onevolutionary timescales withnew molecules and seeingwhat works".

The scientists had essen-tially "piggybacked" on thesnake's internal research to tryand map the amino acidchanges involved in the evolu-tion of regular cells intovenom and back again, hesaid.

"This is proof-of-principlethat an otherwise toxic mole-cule can be modified to pro-vide benefit to an organism,supporting interest in explor-ing their pharmaceutical po-tential," said Huttley.

"It's just another tool in thearsenal to provide opportuni-ties to target human diseasesthat we really want to fix."

The research was publishedin the latest edition of the jour-nal Nature Communications.

Thursday, September 20, 2012 9

SYDNEY (AFP) - Snakes areable to convert their venomback into harmless moleculesaccording to new researchpublished Wednesday that sci-entists said could have impor-tant implications for diseaseslike cancer.

The joint British-Australianstudy of venom and tissuegene sequences in snakesshowed that venom not onlyevolved from regular cells butcould be turned back intoharmless proteins.

Gavin Huttley, from theAustralian team, said it wasthe first time snakes' venomhad been shown to evolveback into regular tissues andwas a significant finding forthe development of drugs for

conditions like cancer or dia-betes.

Snake venom typically tar-gets the same physiologicalpathways as many human dis-eases and Huttley said under-standing how the venommolecule changed form couldhelp scientists develop newdrug cures.

Some snake venoms, forexample, cause the cells thatline blood vessels to separateand die, including the kindsthat feed cancerous tumours,and Huttley said mapping howthat worked could lead tomore effective cancer treat-ments.

"It highlights that venommolecules, these things thatactually kill us, in fact are just

Snake venom could unlockdisease cures


Shoppers lining up at an Apple retail store in New YorkCity, the device's official release Friday could break evenmore records. The Cupertino, Calif., company said de-mand for the phone quickly exceeded the initial supply,so although the majority of pre-orders will be deliveredFriday, many will be delayed for shipment until October.The phone rolls out to 22 more countries Sept. 28.


Twitter yesterday unveiled a

series of design updates, a new

app for the iPad and new ver-

sions of the application for

other mobile devices."Starting today you can

make your presence on Twittermore meaningful with newTwitter profiles," the companyblog said.

"Upload an all-new headerphoto on mobile apps for iPad,iPhone and Android or, and the same imagewill appear whenever anyoneviews your profile on the webor these apps. You can uploadyour header photo, which ap-pears above your Tweets, toexpress yourself instantly, any-where."

Twitter's Jaikumar Ra-manathan said one of the fea-tures is improved photosharing.

"Photo streams for profilesdisplay the images peoplehave shared on Twitter," hewrote.

"Whenever you see a photostream, swipe left or rightthrough the thumbnails or tapto view photos in fullscreenmode. Android users can alsoget closer to photos withpinch-to-zoom."

Twitter, which allows itsmembers to post brief com-ments, links or pictures, claimsto have more than 140 millionactive users, with the largestnumber being in the UnitedStates.

A recent survey found onein seven Americans who goonline use Twitter and eightpercent do so every day.

Twitter unveils newdesign, apps

CAPE CANAVERAL (AFP) - US space shuttle Endeavourdeparted yesterday morning on its final voyage, headingcross-country from Florida to California, riding piggy-back on a specially fitted Boeing 747. Endeavour, whichflew more than 185 million kilometers (115 million miles)in its two-decade career, completed its final mission lastyear. The 747 transporting the shuttle made several fly-overs in the area before heading west. It was also sched-uled to fly over the Stennis Space Center in Mississippiand a factory in Louisiana where some of its parts weremade. It will then spend the night at the Johnson SpaceCenter in Houston before heading out to California today.The jet and the shuttle will conduct flyovers on Friday inCalifornia before landing in Los Angeles. After the spaceagency NASA brought an end to the 30-year shuttle pro-gram last year, major US cities battled for the right tohouse one of the craft. Enterprise, the prototype thatnever flew into space, is now on permanent display onthe runway of the aircraft carrier Intrepid in New York.The Kennedy Space Center will keep Atlantis, and Dis-covery is on display at a museum outside Washington.

Page 10: Thursday, September 20, 2012

10 Thursday, September 20, 2012

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Page 11: Thursday, September 20, 2012

agreed to push through inorder to unblock a 31.5 bil-lion euro loan slice the coun-try needs to stay afloat.

The Greek government ofconservative Prime MinisterAntonis Samaras is negotiat-ing public spending cuts withthe troika of internationallenders -- the EuropeanUnion, International Mone-tary Fund and European Cen-tral Bank.

ATHENS (AFP) - Marathonnegotiations between Greeceand its EU-IMF creditors hadnarrowed down to budgetcuts of two billion to threebillion euros, a senior min-istry official said yesterday.

According to the source,the troika has accepted Greekmeasures "worth 8.5 to 9.5billion" out of a 11.5 billioneuro ($15 billion) austeritypackage that Greece has

BERLIN (AFP) - German Fi-nance Minister WolfgangSchaeuble said yesterday thatthe results of Portugal's crisis-fighting economic reformswere "encouraging" after talkswith his Portuguese counter-part.

"The Portuguese economicadjustment is proving to be ademanding and painful pro -cess, calling for heavy sacri-fices from the people, but theresults are encouraging," ajoint statement said.

The reform program is alsotaking place "faster than ex-pected", it noted after Schaeu-ble's talks with PortugueseFinance Minister Vitor Gaspar.

"Competitiveness is im-proving, government expendi-tures are now under control

and the structural budgetdeficit has declined signifi-cantly," the statement said.

Germany reaffirmed itsconfidence in Portugal and"strongly encourages the Por-tuguese authorities to continueaddressing challenges and im-plementing policy conditiona -lity", it said.

Portugal, which is under anEU-IMF bailout program,passed a key test of investorconfidence yesterday with asuccessful bond auction, rais-ing 2.0 billion euros ($2.6 bil-lion) at sharply lower interestrates.

It was the first auction sincethe country won an extra yearfrom its lenders to bring itspublic deficit down to threepercent of output.

pital Markets."Great affordability, pent-

up demand and strong investorinterest in rental units are driv-ing the market, and QE3 canonly help by reducing mort-gage rates further."

A separate report from theCommerce Departmentshowed housing starts rose 2.3percent from July, and were up29.1 percent from the August2011 rate.

Starts on single-familyhomes, the largest segment ofthe market, jumped 5.5 per-cent.

New building permits, anindicator of future homebuil -ding, fell 1.0 but were 24.5percent higher than a year ago,the department said.

est pace since May 2010, andwere up 9.3 percent from ayear ago, and prices increasedthe most in more than sixyears, the National Associationof Realtors said.

The median price for allhousing types, including sin-gle-family homes, apartmentsand townhouses, rose to$187,400 in August, up 9.5percent from a year ago, theNAR said.

That was the strongest year-on-year price increase sinceJanuary 2006, just before themarket collapse that drove theworld's biggest economy intothe severe 2008-2009 reces-sion.

"The US housing recoveryis for real," said Sal Guatieri,senior economist at BMO Ca -

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Therecovery in the US housingmarket continues to gain trac-tion, data released yesterdayshowed, a key improvement inthe struggling economy justseven weeks before the presi-dential election.

With the economy domina -ting a tight race between Pres-ident Barack Obama andRepublican rival Mitt Romneyahead of the November 6 vote,signs of life are welcome in thehousing sector, where millionsof Americans have tied up theirsavings.

A pair of August housingdata releases yeserday furthercemented the rough road backfrom a 2006 price bubble, ana-lysts said.

Existing home sales jumped7.8 percent from July, the high-

thursday, September 20, 2012 11



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US housing market recovery gainstraction

Germany says Portugal's

economic reforms


Official: Greece bailout talksover 2-3 billion euros

Argentina, led by President Cristina Fernandez de Kirch-ner, reported 8.9pc GDP growth in 2011 but independentanalysts maintain the government overstated that num-ber. The International Monetary Fund has warned itcould take "additional steps" against Argentina for re-peatedly failing to provide accurate inflation and eco-nomic data. The IMF's executive board, includingmanaging-director Christine Lagarde, agreed that Ar-gentina had failed to "address the quality of the officialdata reported to the Fund" and warned that there couldbe repercussions.

Page 12: Thursday, September 20, 2012

they enter the job marketwhich happens earliest inBritain, and latest in Italywhere many live at home wellinto their 20s.

Where do they shop?Mostly in high street chains --Zara, H&M or Topshop --ahead of the Internet, depart-ment stores and independentretailers. Hardly at all in sec-ond-hand or vintage stores.

"These youths see fashionwas a way of expressingthemselves," said Patricia Ro-matet, co-author of the study.

"It's part of their social life,fashion is fun, something youdo with friends -- especiallyfor girls, and especially incities."

Yet while youths typicallypride themselves on theirsavvy style, 82 percent simplybuy the same brands as theirfriends.

marital status to support theirpositions," she added.

The reference to an earthlypartner for Christ is definitelynot in line with what manyChristians believe, but thosecommon beliefs are undocu-mented, King stressed.

The words, written in Cop-tic, a language of EgyptianChristians, are on a papyrusfragment of about one and ahalf inches by three inches (3.8centimeters to 7.6 centime-ters), it said.

While several experts agreethe yellowish brown papyrusis authentic, "final judgmenton the fragment depends onfurther examination by col-leagues and further testing, es-pecially of the chemicalcomposition of the ink," ac-cording to King.

wife.""Christian tradition has long

held that Jesus was not mar-ried, even though no reliablehistorical evidence exists tosupport that claim," she toldthe congress in Rome.

"From the very beginning,Christians disagreed aboutwhether it was better not tomarry, but it was over a cen-tury after Jesus' death beforethey began appealing to Jesus'

WASHINGTON (AFP) -Some early Christians be-lieved Jesus himself wed, aHarvard professor told the10th International Congress ofCoptic Studies, the HarvardGazette reported.

Professor Karen King, whoteaches at Harvard DivinitySchool, announced the exis-tence of an ancient Coptic texton papyrus including thewords: "Jesus said to them, my

12 Thursday, September 20, 2012

Early Christians believed Jesus wed:Harvard expert

The French Fashion Insti-tute this summer surveyed1,523 high school and univer-sity students aged 15-25 inFrance, Italy, Britain, Germanyand Spain, publishing theirfindings at the Premiere Visiontextile trade show.

Across Europe, it found theyouths -- half boys, half girls -- to spend more than any otherage group on fashion, withbudgets steady despite the eco-nomic downturn.

Young men spent as muchas their women counterparts,in sharp contrast to men over45, whose clothes budget rad-ically tailed off.

Fashion was considered abudget priority on a par withfood, socialising with friendsand mobile phones.

All said they received vary-ing degrees of help from theirparents to buy clothes, up until

PARIS (AFP) - They share apassion for clothes, are readyto spend big on their looks --both boys and girls -- and theyall dress the same, a study onEuropean youths and fashionrevealed.

Europe's youths hooked on fashion

“A smile is a curve that setseverything straight.’’

~Phyllis Diller

Page 13: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012 13

A few months ago, PalmBeach welcomed a cozy newplace that offers good food,great prices and a uniquelywarm, welcoming ambiancethat makes patrons feel as ifthey are visiting with friendsrather than just eating out.Even the name, “Barney’s”,which was inspired by Bar-ney Rubble of the Flint-stones, is an expression of thegood humor of its owners andyour hosts, Ron and Elina.

Ron and Elina have a verycongenial division of labor;he enjoys being bartenderand playing around with his“cocktail of the day” whileshe sees to it that everyone iswell satisfied with their meal.Chef Jan is in the kitchendoing his magic; patronspraise their spicy FirecrackerShrimp appetizer and mush-

rooms stuffed with escargot,priced at $9.50 and $8.50, orthe Smoked Trout Fillet for areal gourmet treat.

They are particularly pop-ular for their “Build Your

Own Barney Burger” usingspecially imported organicbeef from Holland, guaran-teed to have been raised with-out steroids or antibiotics,

only $9.50 withfries andcoleslaw. Pa-trons arehanded a spe-cial hamburgerc h e c k l i s t ,which featuresa full menu oft o p p i n g s ,

sauces and cheeses to cus-tomize your order to createthe ideal burger. One can alsoopt for a second or third ham-burger patty for a very nomi-nal cost.

High end items on themenu, such as the SeafoodPasta, are only$20.50. Theyalso have a kid’smenu with fa-vorites such as aKid’s Burger,chicken fingersand Mac &Cheese; mostitems are only$4. One regulardescribed theplace as particu-

larly “kid-friendly,” withElina, a mother herself, hav-ing devised a number ofmethods to keep young onesentertained. The menu has arange to please patrons whoare in the mood for some-thing simple while other canbe indulgent gourmands.

Tuesday through Saturdayevenings they have specialtynights at bargain rates. Tues-day is Schnitzel Night, with achoice of chicken or porkschnitzel prepared any of fiveways, a platter with salad andside dish is $17.50. Wednes-day is “All you can eatgrouper, prepared any of fiveways, with veggies and sidedish, $19.50. Thursday theydo it again with unlimitedribs done three ways for$17.50 with salad, slaw andfries, Saturday means endlessrib eye steak with salad andfries for $19.50. Fridayevening ends the work weekwith Karaoke Night, a con-vivial and fun evening whenislanders kick back and letloose their inner rock star.

Barney’s is located justnext to the huge supermarketon the Palm Beach/Noordroad, not far from the gas sta-tion. They are open from 5:00to 11:00 PM and closed onMondays. Check out theirfull menu at or call 586-5420 for reservations anddirections.

Spend a fun eveningwith friends at Barney’s

A place where you feel like you are with friends

Mojito anyone?

Tuna Steak a la Chef

Your hosts Ron & Elina

await you Thumbs up for Firecracker Shrimp

Budget’s head office is inCamacuri, not far from the air-port, but they maintain an out-let right at the airport andanother conveniently locatedin the Arawak Gardens inPalm Beach, an easy strollfrom all the Palm Beach re-sorts. Budget will provide freetransportation to their ArawakGardens outlet from any hotel,and return you to your doorwhen turning in your car.

A Toyota Yaris rents for$174 for the week; there is anadditional airport concessionfee to have a car available im-mediately on arrival, but thisis balanced out by the cost ofroundtrip fares to most resorts,and on weekly rentals is a de-cided savings.

Budget has become theworld’s third largest car rentalfranchise because of theircommitment to quality serviceand product at the best pricepossible, and the staff ofBudget Car Rental Aruba isequally dedicated to seeingtheir customers smile

The car rental name synony-mous with savings will nextmonth celebrate their goldenanniversary of operating onAruba! One of the first of itskind to establish a car rentalagency with highly competi-tive prices, it still maintainsthat standard of offering thebest service, a diverse fleet ofvehicles to meet each rentersneeds, at the best price possi-ble.

Budget has a fleet of 250autos on Aruba, ranging fromsubcompact to authentic JeepWrangler® hardtop 4X4 orthe stylish Toyota Rav 4, forexploring Aruba’s outback inair-conditioned comfort. Theirstandard Toyota Yaris, themost popular model, is knownfor quality and dependability.Each year, they refresh 25%of their fleet and retire theolder cars. Compared to theU.S., car rentals are quite af-fordable on Aruba, with thethird party liability insuranceincluded in the rental rates, asrequired by law.

Budget Car Rental

celebrating 50 years

budget-minded service!

Frederick, Lisette and Larry welcome you

Explore Aruba in a Jeep wrangler hard top

Page 14: Thursday, September 20, 2012

BERLIN (AFP) - Peru de-fender Carlos Zambrano onWednesday denied insultingArgentina's Lionel Messi dur-ing the two countries' WorldCup 2014 qualifier last week.

In an open letter on the web-site of his club, EintrachtFrankfurt, Zambrano said:"After my match with the Peru-vian national team against Ar-gentina, articles appeared in thepress saying that I had mocked

it mattered little while they ballwas at the other end, and Tellomade up for his earlier misswith a fine shot from the edgeof the area to give Barca thelead.

The youngster stepped in-side Kirill Kombarov beforeslotting past 'keeper AndriyDykan and into the far corner.

Tito Vilanova's men lookedcomfortable at that point, butSpartak drew level from a rarebreakaway, EmmanuelEmenike making a maraudingrun down the right before see-ing his harmless pass steeredinto his own goal by DaniAlves on the back foot.

Barca once again went onthe offensive and Spartak wereleft hanging on against wavesof attacks, with Sergio Bus-quets coming within a whiskerof scoring with a header whichhe glanced wide from a corner.

After the restart the intensitydropped out of Barca's play andthe game began to open up.

Messi forced a good save outof Dykan at one end and thenSpartak stole into the lead asAidan McGeady supplied theBrazilian Romulo, who fin-ished clinically into the corner.

Vilanova took off Alves andswitched to a three-man de-fence as they looked to get backin the game and Messi onceagain proved to be the differ-ence.

He first knocked in a Tellopass from close range on 71minutes and then headed homean Alexis Sanchez cross withten minutes to go.

majority of the play but Ro-mulo's second-half goal leftthem staring at potentially theirfirst loss at the Camp Nou sinceanother Russian club, RubinKazan, won here in 2009.

Messi, though, put their Eu-ropean ambitions back on trackwith two poacher's goals insidethe last 20 minutes.

Spartak's Spanish coachUnai Emery had never beatenBarcelona during his time incharge of Almeria or Valenciaand it was always likely to be asevere test as his new chargesarrived in the Catalan capital.

However, if they were look-ing for any weaknesses then theBarca backline has not lookedparticularly comfortable of lateand they were missing two in-tegral parts in Carles Puyol andJordi Alba.

Spartak's game plan, to de-fend deeply, was clear from thestart, but inviting Barca to at-tack can be a dangerous tacticat the Camp Nou as they invari-ably find a way through.

Tello should have given thehome side the lead after 10minutes but he scooped his shotround the post following a de-lightful through ball fromMessi.

While Barca were dominat-ing, their situation deterioratedat the back as Gerard Pique hadto go off a couple of minuteslater having injured his legwhile shooting and Alex Songwas forced to step into the de-fence.

A physical Spartak side hada distinct height advantage but

BARCELONA (AFP) - LionelMessi came to the rescue witha late double to earn Barcelonaa 3-2 victory over Group G op-ponents Spartak Moscow onWednesday as the Catalansstuttered in the opening matchof their Champions Leaguecampaign.

Barca are aiming for theirthird Champions League tro-phy in five years but could havehad their first home defeat inthe competition in nearly threeyears when Romulo gave thevisitors the lead on the hourmark.

The hosts have made a blis-tering start in La Liga with fourstraight wins and went aheadearly on through Cristian Tello,but an own-goal from DaniAlves after 29 minutes broughtSpartak back into the contest.

Barca were enjoying the vast

14 Thursday, September 20, 2012

Football: Messi saves Barcelonaagainst Spartak

and insulted Lionel Messi andGonzalo Higuain. Which isfalse."

"Those who know me knowthat I have always respected myopponents," added Zambrano,who said that players likeMessi and Higuain "deserve theutmost respect and recognition"for "all of the great things theyhave done in their careers".

After the match against Ar-gentina, several media outletsreported that Zambrano had ac-cused Messi and Higuain of"complaining about everything-- they are like a couple of littlegirls".

Zambrano scored Peru's goalin the 1-1 draw in Lima, withReal Madrid striker Higuainequalising for Argentina.

The 23-year-old Zambrano,who has been in Germany sincejoining Schalke in 2006, movedto Eintracht after their promotionto the Bundesliga last season.

Peru's Zambrano

denies Messi insults

Page 15: Thursday, September 20, 2012

SEATTLE: Nate McLouth #9 of the Baltimore Orioles iscongratulated by Matt Wieters #32 and Adam Jones #10after scoring in the eighteenth inning against the SeattleMariners, Baltimore Orioles defeated the Seattle Mariners4-2 in the eighteen innings.

Thursday, September 20, 2012 15

ASHBURN - Washington Redskins receiver Joshua Mor-gan yesterday talked about the death threats and othervenomous message on Twitter he received because ofhis fourth-quarter blunder in the loss to the St. LouisRams. The penalty cost the Redskins valuable field po-sition during the team’s final drive in Sunday’s 31-28 de-feat. With 1:19 left in the fourth quarter Sunday, Morgancaught a pass and was tackled by Rams defensive backCortland Finnegan. When he got up, Finnegan shovedMorgan in the face, and the Redskins receiver retaliatedby throwing the ball at Finnegan and was given the 15-yard penalty, ultimately pushing the Redskins out of fieldgoal range. Morgan brushed off the threats and the onlything he takes seriously “is football and my family andnothing really scares me. I’m from D.C.”

Redskins’ Joshua Morgan receiving death threats

bowled out Afghanistan for136 with three balls to spare atthe Premadasa stadium.

Defending champions Eng-land are the third team in thegroup, from where the top twowill advance to the SuperEights round.

COLOMBO (AFP) - India de-feated Afghanistan by 23 runsin their group A match at theWorld Twenty20 in Colomboon Wednesday.

India scored 159-5 afterbeing sent in to bat and then

Cricket: India beatAfghanistan in WorldTwenty20


M L B :

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16 Thursday, September 20, 2012