three monkey

Three Monkeys "See evil, Hear evil, Speak evil."

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UClan Year two student feature writing about special children.


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Three Monkeys"See evil, Hear evil, Speak evil."

Page 2: Three Monkey

May Edition


The Bib le says “go forth and mult ip ly” ,

which means you had better to love every

children, beautiful or ugly, healthy or disabled.

Unfortunate ly , many peop le show the i r

indifference to the children who are different

from normal kids because they own “special” life

experience. The issue of Three Monkeys this time

will be around orphan and children with autism,

plus, there is a story about a girl who was raped

DW�WKH�DJH�RI�����<RX�PLJKW�ÀQG�LW�JUDYH�WR�UHDG��but this is what Three Monkeys actually do---see

evil, hear evil, and speak evil.

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Contents Three Monkeys Supervised by the State Counci l Information Office of the People's Republic of China

Publish by Tianyu Books publisher

Ad re s s : I n t e rna t i ona l Co l l ege , Guangdong University of Foreign Students

Editor-in-chelf: Will ShumSupervisor of Megazine Group: Cindy Liang

Follow usWill Shum Email: [email protected] Weibo: @Sardines_in_tinBox

Cindy LiangEmail: [email protected] Weibo:@Cindy-L-xy

Hera ZhuangEmail: [email protected] Weibo: @HERA-WEB

Olivia XuEmail: [email protected] Weibo: @ 哦里 via

Venny GuoEmail: [email protected] Weibo: @icevenny

We do not know whether the chicken can be born.Just like we do not know their world.Maybe it is merciless to break the eggshell.Just like they may be difficult to open heart or uncover scar.But, they can feel the sunshine.And the world can understand them.That is what we want to do.

0 1 S p e c i a l education—the future of mental ly retarded children03 Who should pay for abandoned baby?06 Children in the families08 They might not be without these: Art, S o c i a l i z a t i o n a n d Parental Care12 Hopes form your attituateNot the perfect past

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text by Venny Guo!!A young mother named Zheng Lixiang visits her son in Guangzhou Zhi l ing School every weekend described, the son has never called Zheng “mom” until he was five years old. Before this, he didn’t want to open up his mouth and always sit alone in a corner of the room. One day, there is the content of course about pronunciation of daddy and mommy in class. After practicing repeatedly, he didn’t say a word. But when her mom showed up, he y e l l e d “ m o m m y ” emphatically. “I was so touched. And I tore up and hugged tightly in his arm,” says Zheng. Because this is a school for special education, Zhiling school gives hope to many mentally retarded children and their parents. It was built by Mingai institution of Hong Kong in 1985. So far,

it has maintained 29 years. Plus, the school is also a model of special education in Guangzhou. “If society will treat special education as a career, people will respect and care about mentally retarded children, let them feel warm from the society and let more people concern their future,” says Xie Miaona, a 34-year-old t eacher o f Guangzhou Zhiling School, who has been working here for three years. It is easy for a teacher to have student all over the world. But for teachers who devote themselves to special educa t ion , t he a im i s impossible to achieve. Mentally retarded children are different from healthy children. They need to spend more effort on caring and educating. As a civilian-run school, Guangzhou Zhiling School is popular with parents of disabled children.


Special Education the Future of Mentally Retarded Children

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“ I w a s s o touched. And I tore up and h u g g e d tightly in his arm”!— — Z h e n g “mom”

Mentally retarded children in Guangzhou Zhiling school were eating cookies

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“Sometimes, many hours of effort only in return a little bit progress.” Xie says with sadness. One thousand RMB of a month is not enough for workers to have a well-off life in Guangzhou, but she chooses to stay in this school. Special education is a difficult and challenging job. The behavior of children which is the lost of focus, the weakness of language and unstable emotion will add difficulty of teaching. !Xie Miaona dresses very modestly and smiles, she stands among children and teaches them basic common sense. Every word and phrase shows kindness, t hough mos t men ta l l y retarded children always has bad feelings. She insists on it because of her social responsibility. “Who will take care of these children if we leave?” Her face pinches up when she mentions this question. According to the word from teachers, more than half numbers of parents really confused what future will be when their children leave school. They have problem of facing society alone. But it is understandable. Because i t is hard for kids to complete rehabilitation and the families with mentally retarded children are mostly enslaved by economy. Under such circumstances, there are many reasons to worry about the problem that they have not job, economic income and living security.

After all, they are vulnerable groups when they come back to society. Actually, society will never stop caring them. Sometime, many high-school students and social elite engage in compassion sometimes. Last mon th , t he marg in o f cookies of charity bazaar donated money and cookies to this school. “Their faces were full of happiness when they ate those cookies. And we really want to help them get out of difficult position” Song Jieqian who is a volunteer of Guangdong Teachers college of Foreign Language and Arts said. The a c t i v i t y a b o u t “ C a r e Delivery” gathers volunteers together in the afternoon. “To help them integrate into society is the biggest aim of special education. If they can get better rehabilitation from government, their f u t u r e w i l l b e m o r e promising,” says Xie. A special example suddenly crosses my mind. This year, Z h o u w e i , w h o i s a n intellectual l ightweight showed his amazing talent of rapid calculation in Super Brain which is the first large-scale reality TV show of science in China. People witness what is the miracle of life. Therefore, as long as we understand and concern them, their potential might b e d u g o u t a n d t h e i r situation would not go harder. 🙈


“To help them integrate into society is the biggest aim of special education.”!

—— Xie Miaona

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picture, by Olivia Xu “Dear dad and mom, do you really want

to ABANDON me? Welfare institution is good, but is not good to live with you. I bed you don’t leave me alone.”!

——It reads on above photo from baby island!

Guangzhou Baby Island "Address: Building Fukang, Ling Hu Road, Long Yan dong, Shahe, Tianhe District, Guangzhou.""Phone number of Baby Island Office:�86 (020)37305013"

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text by: Olivia Xu""“Abandoned Children is illegal” , the sign you will see immediately when you are in front of the main gate of Guangzhou Society We l f a r e I n s t i t u t i o n . Ironically, not far away, there is a mall room, which covered by hardboards, Guangzhou’s Baby Island, where you can abandon a baby. "Outside of the seven square meters room, has a postcard of a heart and a handwrite

wish from the orphans, they are begging that: “Dear dad and mom, do you really want to ABANDON me? Welfare institution is good, but is not good to live with you. I bed you don’t leave me alone.” "But it seems that this postcard did not work very well, Guagnzhou’s Baby Island closed because they cannot afford any more kids. "The baby island, which had opened just 47 days, was closed on March 16 because the numbers of the infants were too much to bear. According to the

""""""""statistics, up to this day, the island received 262 babies, 23 of them dead because the severe diseases. They accepted over 170 children since it putted into use on January 28 over 20 days. The island had once received a dead baby on February 23. Is that because of the baby island, the island discovers many abandoned babies? Or, is that because the statistics of the abandoned infants, the society creates a baby island? "Tangtang, a high school student who knows the situation around her schoolmate, said: “ A lot of children were born to unmarried parent by high school students. In my opinion, these kinds of women who abandon their own baby do not deserve to be a mother. Because they are irresponsible. The island increases the unhealthy atmosphere of the society.” "In Guangzhou, a lot of babies who are abandoned because of under age teenagers or unmarried couple, they are lack of the common sense of good birth and good care. These people do not do any protection; because they do not realize it or they cannot afford it. "Wang Zhenxing, 43-years-old, who works near the welfare institution said:

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Who should pay for abandoned baby?!

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“I do not see anyone coming to this room in daytime. Even though they come, I believe they will sneak around and checks whether have people in the wings.” It is worth to introduce that within one thousand square meters near the welfare institution which is completely deserted. How do those parent deal with their feelings when they walk through the long distance.

When the baby island is coming up in Guangzhou, the problem has been sold in a time, but fail in the end. According to the current situation, the island cannot afford any more children, but it must have more children will be abandon. The current data shows that the baby survival rate increases 70 percent because of the baby island. "Comparing with the different situation happened all over China, some provinces like Inner Mongolia, it only accepts four infants on February, but the cities like Guangzhou and Nanjing, but they accept much more children in a short time. In that case, if the baby island can be worked out, how to solve the welfare problem is the focus. "

According to Ye Fen Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, the head of the social welfare department said on the media: “ Guangzhou carrys out a lot of policies in helping severe disability children. We have major disease insurances, medical assistance and grubstake in rehabilitation of disable children.” "On the one hand, the government needs to improve the welfare policy of the handicapped children. Help poor family afford the medical treatment and help disable children grow up in their own family through reducing the medicine cost. On the other hand, they should raise the awareness of contraception measures to solve the problem form the original place. "As for Baby Island, the head the office, Yao said: “The island is temporary closed, we will reopen it in the appropriate time in the future. For now, we are focusing on taking care of the babies we already accepted during the past few month. We don’t want any media to disturb those kids.” ! "

It reads, it is illegal to abandon a baby. Outside view of the Baby Island. Photo by Olivia Xu

“The island is temporary closed, we will reopen it in the appropriate time in the future. For now, we are focusing on taking care of the babies we already accepted during the past few month.”——Yao, the head of Baby island office

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text by: Will Shum!!!What does a child need? It is a hard question. Because for different people have varied answers. Nowadays maybe a expensive flat which can get a degree in primary school are what parents are thinking about. But I think basically a child needs health and a family. For most of children, they were born healthily in a family. But many of children even have not those three basics. !!“Many of children really need to be helped.” Kaymen Gao who is a studio teacher and has devoted into children-care charity since she was in college, she gives concerns, “What I can do is only organising my studio to go to some villages and mountain areas of Qing Yuan and Zhao Qing. We focus on the poorest, disabled and orphan children. Those kinds of situations are very common in backward areas.”

!It’s even worse than what Kaymen says. According to the researches done by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and China Welfare Institute, it says there are 800 thousand to 1.2 million congenital disability children were given birth per year in China. There are around 100 thousand children were abandoned by parents. And also there are some of them are both disabled and abandoned. Disability gives parents a reason to abandon their children, but it is definitely not reasonable at all. It is so hard to help them all only by volunteers. !


!“We don’t have that much resources to help all,” Kaymen’s colleague, Sky Liang, also a volunteer who show their helplessness. “I hope the government can do more and there

will be more volunteers.” !Now there are 2100 orphans in Guangzhou c h i l d r e n ' s We l f a r e Institute, 89% of them are disabled. 800 of them are fostered

in moot fami ly and natural Family. 600 of them

are living in other welfare institute. It has already been very crowded in there. One of staffs, Miss Zhuang, in Guangzhou tells. !Children’s Welfare Institute tells those information. Since a special chance, I get to a nursing home in Guangzhou which has good reputation on adopting disabled orphans. It called Guangzhou nursing home for disabled. After knowing more about that place properly, it destroys all my negative imagines of nursing home. What comes out from my brain at first is the mental hospital in the book, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, which is clod, dull, monotonous, and mechanical. But actually it is not. Oppositely it is like May Lao nursing home in the book, Norwegian wood, which is so peaceful. !Actually it is the first time for me to get to know a nursing organisation properly. One of the reasons I feel Guangzhou nursing home is like May Lao nursing home is that it is really far away from the city. It took around two hours for me to get there. And also unfortunately I cannot go inside to have a look.

Children in the Families

I personally felt vulnerable, feeling sorry for those who were looked after.—— a British student, Hazel Whittall.

the gate of GZ nursing home, by Will Shum

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But I think it is reasonable, why I could get in there and break their peaceful atmosphere. !“I personally felt vulnerable,” after visiting Guangzhou nursing home for disabled, Hazel Whittall,who is a student from the UK says, “feeling sorry for those who were looked after.” Although this is a nursing home for disabled,

most of residents are children. They also live with senior residents, the oldest one is 77 years old. Most of children residents are abandoned, then found by government and sent to here. But about 100 children are sent to here by their due to all kinds of reasons. Their life here is really not dull at all. !“I were shown around for an hour around the orphanage,” Hazel says, “and how they run the place and how they look after the o r p h a n s I t h e n thought, it was good to know that there is such a place to look after the orphans properly and treated well by staff who knows what they are doing.” !As what Hazel says, they has a complicated education system in the nursing home. Every children under 18 years old need to go to middle school which is set by nursing home. They have P.E., computer, writing&reading, English and also which we all hate math class. Residents who are over 18 years old can learn

more particle course, such as dancing, ceramics and the most interesting mops-making class. Zhen Jian-mei and her colleges will sell these mops which students made in class. Miss Zhen who has already worked here nearly 10 years told me about the nursing home to me on the phone. !However, when will the while society

become a big family for all children? 🙊

!!!Guangzhou Children's Welfare

Institute: !Tel: +86 (020)87035171!

Address: Long-hu road No.233, Long Dong, Tian-he district, Guangzhou, Guangdong!!

Guangzhou Nursing Nome for disabled:!

Tel: +86 (020)87442105!Address: Zhifeng street No.626, Liang-sha

road, Liang-tian town, Bai-yun district, Guangzhou, Guangdong !!!!

Voluntary Activities for Children June, 1st

Rebuild school rooms in Chang-fu-dong premier school

email: [email protected]

!June, 15th

Donate platelets for Thalassaemia Children in Guangzhou

Call: 15820224404

We don’t have that much resources to help all, I hope the government can do more and there will be more volunteers. —— a volunteer, Sky Liang

inside of the GZ nursing home, from Baidu

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They might not be without these: Art, Socialization and !

Parental Care!"

Ironically, the education of autism is always considered as treatment rather than education.

all works from Four seasons Reflection exhibition by autistic children, photos from Cindy Leung

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text by: Cindy Leung ""He is talented, painting, baking and even farming are his thing. He is filial, learning baking is because his parents like. He is quiet and dedicated, because he knows nothing happen around him while he is working. His name is Zhao Chongbing, he is an autistic man. Lots of Chinese parents though boys may speak later because of Chinese custom, Zhao’s parents Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao did not doubt that until their four-year-old son was diagnosed as autistic children in 1997. From that on, Zhao’s life totally changed, the first step of alteration is his education. At the age of seven, Zhao went to school as common as normal children, but the difference is, he studied at a special school and learned something he can accept or get interested in. “Painting is his thing,” says Lisa Rong, Art teacher who teaches Zhao more than five years, witnessing Zhao’s advance on learning oil painting. “More confident” Rong evaluates Zhao.

There are approximately 34 autism centre or organizations in Guangzhou, the majority of them would prefer to advocate art education special painting studying, such as Youth Training Center of Huiling, where Zhao benefits. The emphasis of art education or painting studying is, teaching autistic children how to vent themselves by creative activity. As it is difficult for them to be on different social

"occasion, painting is the way to help them express emotion by associating their life experience. It is really helpful to improve autistic children communication skills, only can they become more confident and express their feeling in proper way, their inappropriate "behavior can be reduced. In the meanwhile, compared with special public schools limited resource and difficulties access of ordinary school, going to autism centre or organization to learn art might be more effective and feasible for families with autistic children. However, one-fold art studying actually cannot bring into play the best educational results. One of the biggest problems of children with autism is integrating into the society and being accepted by them, therefore, encouraging autistic children to meet different people will be effective. "In recent years, lots of autism organizations and centers in Guangzhou devote to establishing stage between the public and autistic group, which not only can achieve “socialization” result, but also help people know about autism increasingly. For example, exhibition of artwork charity sale at the gate of The Guangzhou Second Children's Palace is held every weekend, every product is created by autism children, which gain countless praise from the public, “I can know how they see the world by the works,” says Hu Juhong, a history teacher in high school, who is participated in interactive activities with autistic children family every half of month on regular in last

Teachers come and go, but parents are always here--- Colleen Jamison

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three months in Second Children's Palace. Hu found this project called “one-on-one” accidentally when she wanted to apply painting course for her son, “it is an amazing opportunity to know their life, both the children and their parents. And I find that parents are really the first teacher for their children.” “Teachers come and go, but parents are always here,” says Colleen Jamison, School Psychologist from California State University, Hawaii Department of Education, who shared her specialist experience at seminar on rehabilitation and development in autism which was held in Guangzhou, China, last two months. According to research Service Provision for

Autism in Mainland China, parental care is actually playing the most influential role during autistic children grow up. However, as a special group, the journey for autistic children to accept education always accompanied with ignorance and discrimination from their parents. “Numbers of parents find it really emergency that their children are with autism,” introduces Doctor Sun Xiang of Autism Research Centre at University of Cambridge, the author of above research. “Many of family has an only child because of one-child policy, therefore, those parents would think it lose the future of family.” In fact, parents with autism children actually need encourage as much as their children, not only the younger one suffer it, but also the elder as well. Quote from an international volunteer from China who is unwilling to tell her name, points out “no discrimination and no

pity, we should see them at the front horizontally”. Avoiding discrimination is impossible, but it is not an excuse to be self-abasement. Only dignified parents can bring up dignified children, educating them to face the reality. "Autistic children are generally seen as special one, but if you try to communicate with and know about them, I am sure most of you might be surprised to find that they are not as much different as so-called normal people when they keep accepting valid education. People often say education is essential for everyone, but ironically, the education of autism is always considered as treatment rather than education, autistic children are often thought without

future, please, they are also every one.!

work by Zhao Chongbing, photo from Cindy Leung "

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text by: Hera Zhuang ! !“I don’t need any special treatments, I am normal,” said Soya, the protagonist of this article. !She is a positive person --- that is what I thought when I first time met Soya. Until that day, when she told me all about her dark memories in the dark, I know she is not really as happy as seem from the outside. !This time is the second time I asked her about this part of her memory. I said I am going to write an article in our supplement, but it will touch your wound. I think she will refuse but she say yes with her always’ optimism. !She is now 20 years old. !Fourteen-years-old Soya was a strange girl, at least in others’ eyes. She didn’t like to read magazines or romantic fictions like normal girls. She likes masterpieces and interested in history, military news and documentaries. !“My parents have a very high expectation on me. My mother always want me to grow up healthily.” !When Soya was child, her parents trained her to study playing the piano Chinese calligraphy, swordplay, judo and dancing. All aspects of her are excellent, except one --- making friends. !When she was study in primary school, she !met a bad girl in the neighbor class. The girl always took her to play with some adults who

!!were working in the society. !“When I was young and ignorant, I was fresh to everything and poor in recognition ability,” Soya evaluated herself at that time. !The bad girl introduced her a boy who is 3 years older than her. Although he just a little older, but he went out into the “world” early. Of course the “world” means the gangsters’ world. !

He always called her to a dark in a park, bur y o u n g s i l l y S o y a thought i t just an innocent talk or chat. The consequence is, yes, she was been raped. !She said the boy was

considered strange and took drugs. All of his money came from his sister, who has been lied by him to be a hooker in the city. “God! What a scum!” When Soya talked to his sister, she was agitated. !“In that 5 years, he had always been my nightmare.” She used one year to put it down. Just one year, she picks up her smile and happy again. !But the saddest thing of her is not this rape. The saddest thing is she feels guilty for her mother. !“I was afraid to tell my mother till one day I was ill. When I told her, she was washing my clothes. She suddenly fall in a faint and shocked in front of me.”

Hopes from Your Attitude Not The Perfect Past

We still need to go on our l i fe , no mat ter what attitude we have. Why not just act ively to face everyday. —— Soya

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When she studied in junior high school, she is disgusted with boys so much as repulsion. “Afterwards, I have many close touch with some optimistic persons who have health lifestyles. Then I know, only if we have a good attitude, the life can be wonderful.” !Up to now, not many people know her experience about this. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t let it go. She just wants all people who at her side can see her positive traits. !In recent years, events of young girls been raped is common in China. The case of principals to rape female students happened more often. Likes the case of Yang, who is the principal of Qianshan primary school in Anhui Province raped 9 girls in his school been sentenced 18 years’ imprison in 2013. !These girls are scare to tell their parents or teachers when they be raped. On the other hand, they have their self-esteem, they afraid

others know they are not sinless at all, likes Soya. She is one of these kinds of girl when the rape happened. !In October 2nd, 2013, Korea released a movie. !It name is the heroine’s name, but the English name been translated as “Hope”. It told a story about this heroine’s experience about she been raped when she was 8-year-old. This movie was recomposed from a real event, and the rapist was been sentenced in 2008. !Although it is an incomparably heartache event, we still can feel warm and see the hopes from this movie, like we see Soya. !“We still need to go on our life, no matter what attitude we have. Why not just actively to face everyday?” --- Soya. !

Soya are doing Rock Climbing, from Soya

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The news of Abandoned island lead to a series of issue of children. This issue make us attach importance to their growth. As the saying goes, children are the future of the country. If we can not give protection to them, how can we expect better future of the country. So I think the topic about children is good for reader, because it would never outdated.

If you communicate with them, who often are seen as special group, you might be surprised to find they are actually not different from the majority of us, so-call normal people. Yes, they born with illness or born without parents, but they do not need pity but help. I can witness the society is making progress and it can be enough.

Instead of calling them special children, I will prefer to call them unlucky kids, who have to suffer more in their life. They are GLIIHUHQFH��EXW�WKH\�VWLOO�D�SHUVRQ��7KH�VRFLHW\�GHÀQHV�WKHVH�NLGV�DUH�special children is kind of a discrimination. Treating them with great care is needed and shows our concren, but do it really mean we respect them?

$V�DQ�DGXOW��P\� OLIH� LV�DOWHUQDWLYH�� ,·YH� ULJKW� WR�FKRRVH�P\� OLIH��$OWKRXJK� ,·OO� JHW�P\�SHQDOW\� LI� ,� VHOHFW� D�ZURQJ�RSWLRQ�� LW·V�P\�responsibility. For children, they may be abandoned, be hurt, be disabled by birth. They get their “penalty” without doing any wrong WKLQJV��%HFDXVH�WKH\�GRQ·W�HYHQ�KDYH�DQ\�RSWLRQV��6R�,·YH�VHOHFWHG�my option to concern them to let them get their opportunities.

The topics about special children are always heavy. Sometimes people choose to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil that is not our supplement’s original intention. Our intention is speak out and tell our audiences what we see and what we hear. We want to pass the positive energy to people from these children --all the bad past not only bring hurts also hopes.



