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Page 1: This project has received funding from the European Union, exerted force, which may enhance the WEC efficiency. This work is carried

This project has received funding from the European Union’s

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 764014

This document is the pre-print version of the document to be found in EWTEC proceedings portal:

Page 2: This project has received funding from the European Union, exerted force, which may enhance the WEC efficiency. This work is carried

Implementation of an energy extractioncontrol including PTO-losses in a complete

WEC model for PTO design procedureMarcos Blanco, Miguel Vicente, Jorge Torres, Gustavo Navarro, Luis Garcıa-Tabares, Marco Alves,

and Marcos Lafoz

Abstract—A wave to wire (W2W) wave energy converter(WEC) model is described. The W2W has been developedto be integrated in a methodology for the selection andoptimization of the power take-off (PTO) of a givenWEC. This methodology is used as an assessment toolfor determining an adequate set of PTO characteristicsfor a particular prime mover in a particular sea location(with a specific ocean wave climate), and a case studyis presented. The W2W has been modified to take intoaccount a power take-off (PTO) losses model and the PTOrated force limitation. These two main modifications allowto properly evaluate the electric power generated by theWEC. In this paper, the PTO model is particularized for anelectric linear generator. In addition, the modifications areconsidered in the definition of the WEC power extractioncontrol. Although the use of reactive mechanical powercan increase the extracted mechanical power, the controlalgorithm must take into account the losses of the PTO inorder to avoid an excessive penalization of the electricalpower generated by the WEC.

Index Terms—Losses model, Power take-off, Wave towire.


IN the context of pursuing a low-carbon productionof energy, ocean wave energy is a promising compo-

nent of the global solution, due to the huge resourceavailable around the world [1], [2]. However, it stillposes many challenges, which ultimately represent anobstacle to its economical feasibility. There is a widevariety of WECs, differing in several aspects such asthe primary conversion from the waves to the captor,and the PTO equipment [3], [4]. Direct-driven lineargenerators convert the motion of the captor directlyinto electricity, without any interface components [5].This avoids potential failures and energy losses in theintermediate conversion stages. Besides, electric lineargenerator dynamics present a high controllability of the

Paper ID: 1591, EWTEC2019, Grid integration, power take-off andcontrol.

This research, developed under the Proyect SETITAN (ID: 764014),has received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 researchand innovation programme under H2020-EU.3.3.2. - Low-cost, low-carbon energy supply (LCE-07-2016-2017). In addition, we thank ourcolleagues from WEDGE GLOBAL S.L (partners of the project) forsharing experimental and engineering data about previous develop-ments of point absorber devices and PTOs.

M. Vicente and M. Alves are with WavEC - Offshore Renewables,Rua Dom Jeronimo Osorio 11, 1400 – 119, Lisbon, Portugal (e-mails:[email protected], [email protected]).

M. Blanco, J. Torres, G. Navarro, L. Garcıa-Tabares,and M. Lafoz are with CIEMAT, Av. Complutense 22,28040 Madrid, Spain (e-mails: [email protected],[email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected]).

exerted force, which may enhance the WEC efficiency.This work is carried out in the scope of the SEA-TITANproject [6], with the main goal of designing and de-veloping a new linear generator suited for marine en-ergy. The definition and optimization of its main ratedcharacteristics (force, stroke, velocity) is an essentialstep in the design process. These main characteristicsare obtained by means of an assessment tool, whichis based on a W2W in time domain which takes intoaccount the energy production and cost estimation ofa PTO integrated in a given WEC.

The implementation of hydrodynamic time domainmodels goes some decades back with works from [7]and [8], together with other studies published by [9],[10] and [11], among others. As a starting point forthis study, the time domain model developed by [12]is selected, which presents a general numerical toolapplicable to different WECs. In this work, this modelwas adapted and extended to include a linear gener-ator PTO, as in [13] (including information about itsefficiency by means a losses model, and about its ratedcharacteristics as constraints). This new version of thenumerical tool enables the assessment of the generatedpower, and also to introduce and test some controlstrategies. The PTO efficiency should be taken intoaccount in the control algorithms in order to maximizeelectrical power, instead of mechanical power [14], [15].The optimization of the mechanical energy may leadthe system to operate far from the optimum electricalgeneration. Furthermore, the model also includes con-straints to the PTO system, in particular to the force itmay exert [16], [17]. This affects the amount of energyextracted by the generator, but also has an effect of thecost of the equipment. Hence, the W2W model maybe used to define the main characteristics of the lineargenerator for a given WEC [18], testing the PTO indifferent scenarios.

This work presents a study on the effect of the PTOequipment’s efficiency on the overall performance ofthe WEC, as well as the effect of some constraints asthe limit on the PTO force on a linear generator [15]–[17], [19], [20]. Although it may be implemented ina wide variety of WECs, the study here presented isapplied to a specific WEC: a two heaving bodies device(floater and spar), on which the power extraction isbased on the relative velocity between both bodies.Section 2 presents a description of the numerical modelin the frequency domain, with particular focus onthe identification of the power losses related with the

Page 3: This project has received funding from the European Union, exerted force, which may enhance the WEC efficiency. This work is carried

BLANCO et al.: Implementation of an energy extraction control including PTO-losses in a complete WEC model for PTO design procedure

PTO. A time domain numerical model is presented inSection 3, which is able to tackle some nonlinearities(e.g. constraints in the motion and on the PTO). Someresults for several cases are shown in Section 4. Finally,some conclusions are summarized and discussed inSection 5.


This work is framed in an R&D project where a lineargenerator is designed (the linear generator concepthas been presented as a patent and, since it is stillunder analysis of patentability, no further details can beshown). According to this, the PTO model presented inthis paper corresponds to an electrical linear generator.Specifically, it is a switched reluctance machine lineargenerator, but the PTO model is presented in a generalway, as a common type of electric linear generator.This kind of PTO is especially adequate for WECs,since the former takes advantage of linear movementsand forces of the prime mover and generates electricenergy from them [13]. This is the case of a heavingpoint absorber WEC such as the devices developedby WEDGE GLOBAL, COREPOWER, CENTIPOD, orHYDROFLOAT.

This PTO model is integrated in a previously devel-oped W2W model [21] in order to define the PTO maincharacteristics, as it is explained in Section IV. ThisPTO model is necessary both to calculate the extractedelectrical energy, and to define the power extractioncontrol in a WEC [22], as it is explained in Section III.

When integrating the PTO model into a mechanicalW2W model, the development of a detailed electricPTO model may be discarded due to the faster dy-namics of the electric variables with respect to themechanical variables [23]. Hence, a power losses modelis used instead. By way of example, the developed PTOmay establish its nominal current at nominal velocityin 10-20 ms, while the ocean wave periods are in therange of a few tens of seconds.

A PTO losses model should take into account me-chanical losses, magnetic losses and electric losses [24]:

1) Mechanical friction losses around 1-2% were cal-culated with a previous linear generator model[23], [25]. The main reason for these values isthe relative low velocity regimes at which thegenerator works. Therefore, this source of lossescan be neglected.

2) Magnetic losses encompass both hysteresis lossesand Eddie current losses [26]. The magnetic cir-cuit design of an electric generator should takeinto account the minimization of these losses.However, these sources of losses are stronglydependent on the relative velocity between statorand translator [27]. Therefore, theses losses can beneglected too due the low displacement velocitiesof the generator and the necessary air gap [23],[28].

3) Finally, electric losses are mainly represented byJoule effect losses [26] in cables and coils. Inthe aforementioned study, this source of lossesrepresents almost 95% of the losses [23]. This per-centage is highly representative in linear electric

generators, since high forces and low velocitieslead to low efficiencies, specially when comparedto conventional rotating generators. The impor-tance of this factor is justified as follows:• Low velocity regimes lead to high force

regimes.• In electric machines, the current is approxi-

mately proportional to the current in the coils[29].

• Joule effect losses are proportional to thesquare of the current. As a consequence, lowvelocity regimes lead to high Joule effectlosses [14].

The following equation shows a simple expressionfor the PTO losses model.

Pelec(t) = Pmech(t)− Ploss(t)

= Fpto(t) · vpto(t)− Pcu(t)

= Fpto(t) · vpto(t)−Rcu · I2pto(t)= Fpto(t) · vpto(t)− . . .

. . . Rcu ·(Fpto−rated



· F 2pto(t)

= Fpto(t) · (vpto(t)−R′cu · Fpto(t))


where Pelec is the PTO generated electric power, Ploss

is the total PTO power losses, Pcu refers to Joule effectlosses (winding losses), Fpto is the PTO force (Fpto−ratedis the PTO force rated value), vpto is the relative velocitybetween the two parts of the linear generator PTO,Rcu is the electric resistance of one phase of the PTO,Ipto is the electric current of one phase of the PTO(Ipto−rated is the PTO current rated value), and R′cu isthe coefficient to calculate the winding losses of thePTO.

This PTO losses model could be integrated in aWEC analogue electric circuit [30], [31], Fig. 1, in thefollowing way:

1) The heaving dynamics of a one-body point ab-sorber could be modeled as an analogue electricdipole, composed by a voltage source (represent-ing the wave excitation force) and an electricimpedance in series (representing the mechani-cal hydrodynamic impedance). In the case of atwo-body point absorber, its dynamics can besimplified to the same dipole circuit applyingThevenin’s Theroem [16], [26], [32]. The PTO forcecan be represented by another voltage sourceconnected to this dipole.

2) The electric power losses calculated with (1), canbe integrated in the analog electric circuit (Fig. 1)as a resistance in parallel with the PTO voltagesource. The value of this resistance is shown in(2).

R′pto =1






The optimal value of the Fpto force may be obtainapplying Boucherot’s theorem or Impedance MatchingCondition [26], [32] to the analogue circuit, but consid-ering the PTO losses equivalent resistance R′pto.

Page 4: This project has received funding from the European Union, exerted force, which may enhance the WEC efficiency. This work is carried

BLANCO et al.: Implementation of an energy extraction control including PTO-losses in a complete WEC model for PTO design procedure

Fig. 1. Analogue electric circuit of a WEC, including a PTO lossesmodel.

The expression of the optimal Zpto−opt in terms of theimpedances of the analogue circuit (Fig. 1) is shown in(3). This optimal condition may be expressed in termsof force or velocity (equations (4) and (5) respectively).

Zpto−opt =

(R′pto · ZWEC

R′pto + ZWEC


Fpto−opt =FWEC

R′pto · Z∗WEC

R′pto ·RWEC + |ZWEC |2(4)

vpto−opt = FWEC ·1 + 2 · Z∗WEC

2 ·R′pto ·RWEC + 2 · |ZWEC |2(5)

where •∗ stands for complex conjugate, | • | standsfor absolute value, FWEC is the wave excitation force(in the case of a two-body WEC, it is the equivalentforce resultant form the application of the Thevenin’sTheorem simplification), ZWEC is the total mechanicalimpedance, and Fpto−opt, vpto−opt, and Zpto−opt are thevalues of the respective quantities under optimallycontrolled conditions.R′pto may be modified to represent a PTO of a certain

efficiency according to (6) and (7).

η =Pelec

Pmech= 1− Ploss


= 1−R′cu · F 2


vpto · Fpto= 1− Fpto

R′pto · vpto


R′pto (ηrated) =1

1− ηrated· Fpto−rated


where η is the efficiency of the PTO in generator mode( ηrated is the efficiency at rated force and velocity).This expression is used in Section IV to define thedifferent scenarios of the PTO efficiency and its maincharacteristics. Besides, (7) is presented in a parametricform in order to modify the PTO rated force andvelocity values.

It is worth mentioning that if R′pto tends to an infinitevalue, the PTO has no losses, and the expressionscoincide with those already developed in the waveenergy control theory [31]. Then, (3), (4), and (5) takethe following optimum control expressions:

Zpto−opt = Z∗WEC

Fpto−opt = FWEC ·Z∗WEC


vpto−opt =FWEC



In addition, the PTO force should be limited to itsrated value, due to its great impact in the energyextraction results [17] [19]. Equation 4 may be modifiedto take into account this limitation by means of La-grange Multiplicators Theorem. The expressions of theFpto−opt with its amplitude constraints are presentedin [16], [20].


The dynamics of WEC devices may be studied bymeans of a time-domain numerical model, also calledwave-to-wire model, since it represents the wholechain of energy conversion from the waves-deviceinteraction to the final resultant electrical energy. Inthis section we present a brief description of the wave-to-wire model which is implemented to perform thecurrent work. The WEC under study consists of twobodies, the top floater and the spar below, as illustratedin Fig. 2. The conversion of energy relies on the verticalrelative motion between the two bodies. In this analysisonly the vertical mode of each body is taken intoaccount.

The model is based on linear wave theory andpotential flow, and it is adapted from [12]. In essence,it is the application of Newton’s 2nd law, taking intoaccount hydrodynamic and external forces. The hydro-dynamic forces include the buoyancy force, due to thevariation of the device’s submerged volume caused byits oscillatory motions, the excitation force, due to theaction of the waves upon the body’s surface, and theradiation force, related to the pressure on the device’swetted surface due to the fluid displaced by the motionof the device.

The ordinary differential equations which drive thetwo vertical degrees of freedom may be written in thefollowing matrix form:

Mz = FWEC (t) + Frad (t) + Fhs (t) + Fpto (t) (9)

where M is the 2-by-2 mass matrix of the two bodiessystem, and z is the vertical position of the system,a two-component vector; FWEC , Frad and Fhs are,respectively, the two-component vector of excitationforce, the radiation force and the hydrostatic restoringforce. Fpto is the two-component vector of the forceimposed by the power take-off equipment. Gravityis not mentioned in (9) since it is cancelled by thebuoyancy at equilibrium. Forces induced by a mooringsystem may be also included in the model, but theyhave not been taken into account for this work.

In order to compute the excitation and the radiationforces, frequency dependent complex coefficients areobtained using WAMIT [33], a 3-D boundary elementmethod code which solves the radiation-diffractionproblem. With regards to the excitation force, besidesthe frequency dependent coefficients, it is also neces-sary a profile of the free surface elevation. This profileresults from summing a large number of sinusoidalwaves, each with a specific frequency and a randomphase, and whose amplitude is determined by a pre-

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defined spectral model. Concerning the radiation force,it may be expressed as [34]:

Frad (t) = −∫ t


K (t− τ) z (τ) dτ. (10)

where, K is the radiation impulse response function.Amongst other authors, studies on hydrodynamicspublished by [9], [11] and [35] approximated the con-volution integral by a state-space representation, with aset of first order differential equations with constant co-efficients. In the present work, the constant coefficientsare obtained using Prony’s method, by approximatingthe impulse response function with a combination ofexponential functions in the time domain, taking intoaccount the frequency dependent coefficients of theradiation (added mass and hydrodynamic damping),as in [11].

The linearized form of the hydrostatic restoring forceis given by:

Fhs (t) = ρwgSzz(t), (11)

where ρw is the water density, g is the acceleration ofgravity and Sz is a vector with the horizontal cross-sectional areas of both bodies.

The PTO force term induced by the linear generatoris derived from the expression for the optimum PTOforce in the frequency domain shown in equation 4.The optimum PTO force is given by the product of theexcitation force with a transfer function, Kpto, whichdepends on the impedance, on the hydrodynamicdamping, and on the generator losses factor. Note thathere the equivalent single body quantities obtained bymeans of Thevenin Theorem are used, as defined in[16]. In the time domain, the optimum PTO force iswritten as the following convolution integral:

Fpto (t) =

∫ t


Kpto (t− τ)FWEC (τ) dτ, (12)

where Kpto is now the impulse response functioncorresponding to the frequency response (4). Moresophisticated controls can be implemented, such aspredictive controls that optimize the electric power(considering the PTO losses) [36], [37], but they havenot been considered in paper since the objectives areselecting and optimizing the PTO main characteristics.

The instantaneous mechanical power available at thegenerator is given by:

Pmech (t) = Fpto (t) vrel (t) (13)

Finally, and taking in consideration the losses in theconversion from mechanical to electrical power, thelatter may be written as:

Pelec (t) = Pmech (t)− Plosselec (t) (14)

where Plosselec represents those losses. It is defined by:

Plosselec (t) =1

R′ptoF 2pto (t) (15)

The model is now fully described. Results for somecases are presented in the following section.

Body 2

Body 1

Fe1 Fe2 Fpto









+ +


Thevenin Equivalent

Electric Analogue

Fig. 2. Two-body point absorber scheme and electric analoguecircuit.

Fig. 3. Scheme to define the PTO modular unit.


The W2W model, modified with a PTO losses model,can be used to determine the main characteristics of aPTO, according to the necessities of a specific WEC andparticular location. Hence, a single PTO module maybe defined for several WEC technologies In the R&Dproject, this analysis tool is used to define the maincharacteristics of the linear generator to be designed,manufactured, and tested, which are the main objec-tives of the project. By way of example, in this sectionwe present the results for a two-body generic pointabsorber, as shown in Fig. 2.

In SEATITAN project, the proposed procedure isbased on the analysis of different wave conditions foreach WEC device considered in the project (although,as aforementioned, just one case example is presentedin this section). With the information of each WECdevice, a PTO modular unit is defined based on thedifferent rated forces, velocities and dimensional con-strains, according with Fig. 3.

The methodology consists of defining a parameter ofthe system, namely the limit force (Fpto−lim or Frated),to be modified sequentially (including an analysiswithout force constraints). On the other hand, basedon the system force and velocity, the mechanical powerand energy are calculated. The criteria to select theforce required for each WEC is based on the com-parison between the obtained energy reduction andthe force and maximum stroke reduction. The latterparameters have the greatest impact in the PTO cost. Inaddition, several PTO efficiency scenarios are consid-ered in a parametric analysis, in order to evaluate theimpact of the deviations from the target PTO efficiencydesign.

In a first analysis, the W2W tool is used with regular

Page 6: This project has received funding from the European Union, exerted force, which may enhance the WEC efficiency. This work is carried

BLANCO et al.: Implementation of an energy extraction control including PTO-losses in a complete WEC model for PTO design procedure

4 6 8 10 12 14

T [s]










P [w


104 Pmech



ctrl Opt.with PTO


ctrl Opt. with PTO


ctrl Opt.


ctrl Opt.

Fig. 4. Electrical and mechanical power profiles for different inputwave periods, and with two energy extraction controls.

waves in order to obtain the WEC power output (me-chanical and electrical) profile for different input waveperiods, which is shown in Fig. 4. The power profilesfor 2 cases are shown (solid lines stand for mechanicalpower and brown lines stand for electrical power):

1) lines marked with squares correspond with thecase where the control does not take into accountthe PTO losses.

2) lines marked with circles correspond with thecase where the PTO energy extraction control hasbeen modified to take into account PTO losses.

The PTO efficiency considered is 75%. This figureshows that case 1) is capable of extracting more me-chanical power, but the use of excessive reactive me-chanical power reduces the electric power generated.In some frequencies, the electric power reaches nega-tive values.

In this section, the methodology is applied takinginto account 9 sea states scenarios (9 representativesea states of the target location of the WEC device). Inthe case example considered, the location is the WaveEnergy Devices test site PLOCAN [38]. Fig. 5 and Fig.6 show the 9 sea states considered over the scatterdiagram in PLOCAN location. The sea states of thelocation are selected from the polynomial expression16, which relates peak periods and significant height[16]. This expression is obtained applying a least-square approximation for the occurrence data of thesea-states. This approach reduces the number of seastates evaluated and simplifies the graphical represen-tation of the results.

Hs = KHs−Tp · T 2p = 0.0146 · T 2

p (16)

where Hs is the significant height and Tp is the peakperiod.

Fig. 5. PLOCAN location and scatter diagram.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14T

p [s]








Hs [

















PLOCAN Ocurrence Diagram

polynomial adjust




Fig. 6. 8 sea states selected for the PTO characterization methodol-ogy.

By way of example, the Fig. 7 shows the results for aspecific PTO rated case (140 kN) in the considered seastates. Fig. 7 (a) shows the maximum stroke of the PTO,while in Fig. 7 (b) the extracted average power is rep-resented (solid line represents the mechanical powerand dashed lines represents the electrical power). Fourefficiency scenarios are analyzed: 70%, 75%, 80%, and85%. Results show that the maximum stroke has not aclear dependency with the efficiency. The same effectcan be noticed in the mechanic power generated, anda light dependence on the electrical power generatedmay be seen. Hence, the efficiency seems to have moreimpact in the control strategy than in the PTO ratedcharacteristics selection.

Furthermore, the influence of the rated PTO forceand the PTO efficiency is analyzed, and results areshown in Fig. 8. The average power is calculated asan arithmetic average of the power extracted in eachsea state, weighted with the sea-state occurrence (Fig.

Page 7: This project has received funding from the European Union, exerted force, which may enhance the WEC efficiency. This work is carried

BLANCO et al.: Implementation of an energy extraction control including PTO-losses in a complete WEC model for PTO design procedure

Fig. 7. Example of the results for one PTO rated force case.

8 (a)), and the maximum PTO stroke takes into accountthe whole set of sea states (Fig. 8 (b)).

Fig. 8 (a) shows a light inverse dependence of themaximum stroke necessary in the PTO with the PTOrated force. In addition, a clear direct dependencybetween rated force and weighted averaged powerextracted is shown in Fig. 8 (b). However, in the range105 kN to 140 KN, a great change in the ratio powerextracted vs. PTO rated force is observed. The low ratioobserved for rated forces above 140 kN means that theincrease of the rated forces (and hence, in PTO cost),has a relative low impact in the total amount of energyharvested from the waves (and hence, the benefits ofthe WEC power plant). The efficiency has influencein the absolute value of the power generated, but inrelative terms, it has less influence in the selectionof the PTO rated value (the inflexion point seems toappear at the same value of the rated force, regardlessthe efficiency value).


The analysis tool presented in this paper helps todetermine the main characteristics of the PTO. Theinformation provided will be used in the SEATITANR & D project to determine the minimum PTO modulewith which the requirements of four technologies maybe met. For this purpose, the optimal requirements ofeach PTO for each technology is first determined.

This analysis tool takes into account the character-istics of a PTO, since they have a great impact inthe extracted energy. These characteristics have beenintegrated in a W2W model by means of a PTO lossesmodel and a modification in the energy extractionalgorithm.

On the one hand, the force limitation reduces theability to extract power from the waves. However, theapplication of an optimum control in each sea state

0 2 4 6 8














0 2 4 6 8


[N] 105






P [w

]Fig. 8. Summary of the results of the analysis: electric powerextracted by the PTO (a) and maximum necessary stroke (b) ispresented with respect to the PTO rated force and PTO efficiency.

target demands high values of the force, which leadsto low ratio of the extracted power to the rated powerof the PTO. The main reason for this is the use ofreactive mechanical power in the optimum control,since it leads to increasing the demanded PTO forcevalue in a higher percentage than the power extracted.

On the other hand, the efficiency of the PTO has agreat impact in a Direct-Drive Linear generator PTO,because the losses are proportional to the square of theexerted PTO force, and the use of mechanical reactivepower should be used taking into account the PTOefficiency.

Therefore, the main rated characteristics of the PTOare needed when defining a power extraction controlin a wave energy converter (WEC), and the energyextraction algorithms should be modified accordingly.

In addition, the limitation in the energy extractionintroduced by the maximum (rated) PTO force shouldbe analysed carefully, taking into account its directimpact in the PTO costs.


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