this exercise provides you the practice on a full source-based case study. you should first try the...

This exercise provides you the practice on a full source-based case study. You should first try the 4 questions by yourself. Thereafter, take at the 10 answers for each of the questions and determine how will you grade the answer. You may then look at the actual grades and comments for better understanding of answering the questions. In the process, take note of the key mistakes and ensure you avoid making such mistakes. Pract ice SKILLS PRACTICE Let’s Try Response Cards Mark Q1 Mark Q2 Mark Q3 Mark Q4

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This exercise provides you the practice on a full source-based case study. You should first try the 4 questions by yourself. Thereafter, take at the 10 answers for each of the questions and determine how will you grade the answer. You may then look at the actual grades and comments for better understanding of answering the questions. In the process, take note of the key mistakes and ensure you avoid making such mistakes.



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Response CardsResponse CardsMark Q1Mark Q1

Mark Q2Mark Q2

Mark Q3Mark Q3

Mark Q4Mark Q4

Does Pakistan support terrorism?

Background Information

Since independence from the British in 1947, India and Pakistan could not agree on several issues. One point of disagreement is on the support provided by Pakistan to militant organisations. India feels that Pakistan has mooted and provided support for some militant organisations which are seen as terrorists by India. As such, Pakistan has also been described as a state which sponsors terrorism. Pakistan has strongly disputed this accusation. It stresses that it is against terrorism and would provide its full support in its fight against terrorism. In 13 Dec 2001, militants staged an attack on the Parliament House in New Delhi. In the ensuing gun-battle, 5 militants, 6 Delhi policemen and a Parliament employee were killed. India accused Pakistan-based militant organisations to be the mastermind of the attack. Pakistan, however, wanted proof before taking any further measures. Such frequent conflicts and failure at negotiations have brought the two neighbours close to war.


Source A A cartoon drawn by a Pakistani cartoonist published in a website in late December 2001


Source B A cartoon drawn by a Pakistani cartoonist and published in a Pakistani newspaper in late December 2001.


Source C A comment by an Indian national to suggestion by Pakistani President Musharraf about India-Pakistan relation in 2004

We are happy that Pakistan is trying to make peace with India after the Indian parliament building attack. This is not enough. Pakistan must look at what is happening in the country and help the people there. Pakistan should stop supporting terrorism . If Pakistan gets rid of terrorism, we will benefit as terrorism will also end in India.


Source D A Pakistani’s response in 2004 to international comments that Pakistan should help in the fight against terrorism

Many people mention that Pakistan supports terrorism. They say that we provide weapons and shelters to terrorists. This is an uncalled for accusation against a country which supports the international coalition in the campaign against terrorism. We are also working towards settling our differences with India so that terrorism could be addressed. Terrorism has no place in a civilized society. Having said that, we need to understand the root cause of any problem and resolve it. Terrorism will never end till we do so.


Source E Comment by an Indian national on the attack on the Indian parliament on 13 Dec 2001

This was the work of terrorists who are from Pakistan. Five armed gunmen attacked the Indian parliament building and killed seven people. Thankfully they were shot dead after that so that they did not cause more damages. It is important that Pakistan takes action and stop such terrorists from causing more harm to the world peace. As a country, Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years.


Source F An Indian citizen’s view on the role of Pakistan in terrorism

It’s true that many terrorist activities started in Pakistan. Pakistan should do something about it and stop supporting terrorism. However, this does not mean that every terrorist activity has its roots in Pakistan. Many of my friends and relations in Pakistan are against the accusation that Pakistan has a part to play in the attack on the Indian parliament. I agree with them and doubt Pakistan is involved. It is also unlikely that the terrorists who did this are from Pakistan.


Question 1 Study Source A. Why do you think the cartoonist drew this cartoon? Explain your answer.


Performance Guide

L1 Misinterprets source L2 Answers based on provenance.L3 Valid interpretation of what he thinks / context.L4 Valid interpretation of what he wants to show.L5 Detects purpose (all aspects of Purpose, Audience and Context accurately reflected)

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Question 2 Study Source B. How reliable is this source in showing Pakistan is against terrorism? Explain your answer.

Performance Guide

L1 Misinterpretation of source / Answer based on provenanceL2 Valid interpretation of source content to show reliability L3 Checks reliability through link of provenance to contentL4 Checks reliability through cross-referenceL5 Checks reliability through purpose (all aspects of Purpose, Audience and Context accurately reflected)


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Question 3 Study Sources C and D. How different are the sources? Explain your answer.

Performance Guide

L1 Similarity / Difference in provenanceL2 Similarity OR Difference in contentL3 Similarity AND Difference in contentL4 Similarity OR Difference in opinionL5 Similarity OR Difference in purpose (All aspects of Purpose, Audience and Context accurately reflected)


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Question 4 Study Source E. How useful is this source in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism? Explain your answer.

Performance Guide

L1 Answer based on provenance L2 Detects usefulness, based on source contentL3 Answer based on typicalityL4 Checks reliability to show usefulness through link of

provenance to contentL5 Checks reliability to show usefulness through cross-referenceL6 Checks reliability to show usefulness through purpose (all aspects of Purpose, Audience and Context accurately reflected)L7 L5/L6 + Show extent of usefulness despite lack of reliability.


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Answer 1A

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to show the international audience that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism. This is because the source shows the Pakistani president standing in front of a table full of weapons and refusing the money from the terrorists. He said “(j)ust because we have military capabilities, develop missiles and many other weapons, it does not mean we support terrorism”. This means that he is not willing to sell the weapons to the terrorists.



Answer 1B

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to convince the international audience that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism. This is because the source shows the Pakistani president standing in front of a table full of weapons and refusing the money from the terrorists. He said “(j)ust because we have military capabilities, develop missiles and many other weapons, it does not mean we support terrorism”. This means that he is not willing to sell the weapons to the terrorists.



Answer 1C

The cartoonist drew this cartoon as he thinks that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism. This is because the source shows the Pakistani president standing in front of a table full of weapons and refusing the money from the terrorists. He said “(j)ust because we have military capabilities, develop missiles and many other weapons, it does not mean we support terrorism”. This means that he is not willing to sell the weapons to the terrorists.



Answer 1D

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to convince the international audience that the Pakistani President supports terrorism. This is because the source shows the Pakistani president standing in front of a table full of weapons and in a talk with the terrorists who are offering him a bag of money. This means that he is supplying the terrorists with weapons. This cartoon was published in a Pakistani newspaper in late December 2001, after the militant attack on the Parliament House in New Delhi and India accused Pakistan-based militant organizations as the mastermind. Thus the cartoonist wanted to rally the support of the international audience to pressure the Pakistani President to stop funding the terrorists with weapons.



Answer 1E

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to convince the international audience that the Pakistani President supports terrorism. This is because the source shows the Pakistani president standing in front of a table full of weapons. This means that he is preparing the weapons for the terrorists. This cartoon was published in a Pakistani newspaper in late December 2001, after the militant attack on the Parliament House in New Delhi which was supposedly masterminded by Pakistan-based militant organizations. Thus the cartoonist wanted to rally the support of the international audience to pressure the Pakistani President to stop supplying the terrorists with weapons.



Answer 1F

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to publish it in a website in late December 2001.



Answer 1G

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to respond to India’s accusation of Pakistan as being the mastermind for the militant attack on the Parliament House in New Delhi on 13 Dec 2001.



Answer 1H

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to convince the international audience that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism. This is because the source shows the Pakistani president standing in front of a table full of weapons and refusing the money from the terrorists. He said “Just because we have military capabilities, develop missiles and many other weapons, it does not mean we support terrorism”. This means that he is not willing to sell the weapons to the terrorists. This cartoon was published in a Pakistani newspaper in late December 2001, after the militant attack on the Parliament House in New Delhi and India accused Pakistan-based militant organizations as the mastermind. Thus the cartoonist wanted to rally the support of the international audience to put pressure on the Indian government to retract its accusation about Pakistan.



Answer 1I

The cartoonist drew this cartoon as Pakistani and India have a tensed relationship and disagree on many issues. One reason for this point of disagreement is on the support provided by Pakistan to militant organisations.



Answer 1J

The cartoonist drew this cartoon to convince the international audience that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism. This is because the source shows the Pakistani president standing in front of a table full of weapons and refusing the money from the terrorists. He said “Just because we have military capabilities, develop missiles and many other weapons, it does not mean we support terrorism”. This means that he is not willing to sell the weapons to the terrorists. Thus the cartoonist wanted to rally the support of the international audience to put pressure on the Indian government to retract its accusation about Pakistan.



Answer 2A

This source is not reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. This is because it is showing Pakistan together with terrorists. The cartoonist has drawn Pakistan on one side and show Pakistan as talking to the terrorists. This shows that there is some connection between Pakistan and terrorism. As this information is true, the source is showing Pakistan as for and not against terrorism.



Answer 2B

The source is reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. This is because it shows Pakistan ad drawn away from the terrorism as reflected by the line drawn between them. Furthermore, on the side of Pakistan is the word ‘ terrorism’ together with a poison skull. Thus shows that Pakistan is against terrorism. As the information in the source is true, the source is reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism.



Answer 2C

This cartoon is not reliable in showing Pakistan as against terrorism. This is because it is drawn by a Pakistani cartoonist. The Pakistani cartoonist will obviously only want to support Pakistan and show Pakistan as against terrorism. As a Pakistani he will be biased and his cartoon cannot be used as evidence to show that Pakistan is against terrorism. The source is thus unreliable and not true. This means that it is not reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism.



Answer 2D

This source is reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. In the cartoon it shows that Pakistan places emphasis on defence. This is shown from the cartoon which shows the word ‘defence’ in a branch which is on the side of Pakistan. It is true that Pakistan focuses on defence as it is supported by Source A which shows the Pakistani President Musharraf preparing the missile and stating, ‘we have military capabilities’.



Answer 2E

The source is not reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. In the source, it shows that Pakistan is against terrorism. This is because it shows Pakistan on the side of the hut with the symbol which is anti-terrorist with a poison skull. However, this cannot be true as it is from a Pakistani. A Pakistani will be biased and only say good or positive things about Pakistan as in this source. The source is thus not true and unreliable.



Answer 2F

This source is not reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. The source states that Pakistan is against terrorism as reflected by it being drawn away from the terrorist. However, the source is not reliable as it is drawn by a Pakistani who would obviously show Pakistan as against terrorism as he would not want to place his country in bad light. As this source was published in the Pakistani press in late December 2001 just after India’s accusation of lack of Pakistani action on the terrorist act in India, it is meant to win over the support of the people of Pakistan that India’s accusation on Pakistan is wrong and that Pakistan is doing its best, and the people should believe and support the country. Thus, the Pakistani cartoonist has a clear motive and is biased in his drawing. The source is not true and thus not reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism.



Answer 2G

The source is not reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. The source shows Pakistan on the side of anti-terrorism as there is a poison skull on the Pakistan’s side. It also shows the Pakistani man saying, ‘We are peace loving and want nothing to do with you’ to the terrorists. This shows that Pakistan is against terrorism. Source E does not support this. It states that Pakistan should take action and stop terrorism from causing more harm to the world peace.



Answer 2H

The source is reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. The source shows Pakistan on the side of anti-terrorism as there is a poison skull on the Pakistan’s side. It also shows the Pakistani man saying, ‘We are peace loving and want nothing to do with you’ to the terrorists. This shows that Pakistan is against terrorism. This is true as it is supported by Source D which states that the mention of Pakistan as supporting terrorism ‘is an uncalled for accusation against a country which supports the international coalition in the campaign against terrorism’.



Answer 2I

The source is reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. The source shows Pakistan on the side of anti-terrorism as there is a poison skull on the Pakistan’s side. The terrorists are on the other side. On the side of the terrorists there are missiles. This shows that Pakistan is not on the side of the terrorists. The Pakistani man is saying, ‘We are peace loving and want nothing to do with you’ to the terrorists. This also shows that Pakistan is against terrorism. This is true as it is supported by Source D. In Source D, it states that many people mention that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is not true and the accusation is uncalled for. Pakistan supports international coalition against terrorism. The source also says that we need to understand the root cause of any problem and resolve it.



Answer 2J

This source is not reliable in showing that Pakistan is against terrorism. It is drawn by a Pakistani. He drew this cartoon in December 2001 in the Pakistani press when there was strong accusation from India that Pakistan was to be blamed for the terrorist attack on India. The cartoon is thus drawn to win over the support of the people of Pakistan for them to believe and support the country against the accusation. The source is thus biased, and not true.



Answer 3A


Both sources are different in their intent. Source C is by an Indian national, who as an Indian wants to win over the support of the international community to go against Pakistan. He is placing Pakistan in bad light by stating that Pakistan should stop terrorism and get rid of terrorist. He thus mentioned this in 2004 when there is concerns on Pakistan providing support for terrorism. Source D, however, is by a Pakistani who is responding to similar international concern in 2004 by stating that Pakistan does not support terrorism and one should understand the root cause of the problem. In doing so he is trying to convince and win over the international support for Pakistan’s stand that it does not support terrorism.


Answer 3B


Both sources are different on how terrorism could be ended. Source C is of the opinion that terrorism will end in India if Pakistan does something about it. It states, ‘if Pakistan gets rid of terrorism, we will benefit as terrorism will end in India’. The Source is thus of the opinion that terrorism can be stopped if a country supporting terrorism stops terrorism in its country. However, Source D mentions that terrorism will never end till ‘the root cause ‘ of the problem is identified and resolved. This implies that more needs to be done to stop terrorism from spreading than a country taking action against it.


Answer 3C

Source C is negative towards Pakistan whereas Source D is positive towards Pakistan. Source C states that “Pakistan should stop allowing terrorism to grow in the country”. On the other hand Source D states that Pakistan is against terrorism and “supports the international coalition in the campaign against terrorism”.



Answer 3D

Source C states “(w)e are happy that Pakistan is trying to make peace with India after the Indian parliament building attack.” Source D states “(w)e are also working towards settling our differences with India so that terrorism could be addressed.”



Answer 3E

Both sources are different. Source C states “We are happy that Pakistan is trying to make peace with India after the Indian parliament building attack. This is not enough. Pakistan must look at what is happening in the country and help the people there. Pakistan should stop allowing terrorism to grow in the country.” However Source D states “Many people mention that Pakistan supports terrorism. They say that we provide weapons and shelters to terrorists. This is an uncalled for accusation against a country which supports the international coalition in the campaign against terrorism. We are also working towards settling our differences with India so that terrorism could be addressed. Terrorism has no place in a civilised society.”



Answer 3F

Both sources are similar as it states that Pakistan is making peace with India. Source C states “(w)e are happy that Pakistan is trying to make peace with India after the Indian parliament building attack.” Similarly Source D states “(w)e are also working towards settling our differences with India so that terrorism could be addressed.”

Both sources differ on whether there will be peace in India. Source C states that there will be peace in India. It states, “(i)f Pakistan gets rid of terrorism, we (India) will benefit as terrorism will also end in India”. However, Source D states that there will not be peace in India. This is because Source D states that “Pakistan supports terrorism”. This means that India will suffer as a result of Pakistan supporting terrorism.



Answer 3G


Source C states “(w)e are happy that Pakistan is trying to make peace with India after the Indian parliament building attack.” However Source D states “(w)e are also working towards settling our differences with India so that terrorism could be addressed.”


Answer 3H

Both sources are similar as it states that Pakistan is making peace with India. Source C states “(w)e are happy that Pakistan is trying to make peace with India after the Indian parliament building attack.” Similarly Source D states “(w)e are also working towards settling our differences with India so that terrorism could be addressed.”

Both sources differ on whether Pakistan supports terrorism. In Source C it states that Pakistan supports terrorism as it states, “Pakistan should stop supporting terrorism.” However, Source D states that Pakistan does not support terrorism as it states, “(t)his (claim that Pakistan supports terrorism) is an uncalled for accusation against a country which supports the international coalition in the campaign against terrorism.”



Answer 3I

Both sources differ as Source C is stated by an Indian national whereas Source D is stated by a Pakistani.



Answer 3J

Both sources are similar as it states that Pakistan supports terrorism. In Source C it states that “Pakistan should stop allowing terrorism to grow in the country”. Similarly Source D states that “(m)any people mention that Pakistan supports terrorism”.



Answer 4A

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because it is a comment by an Indian national who seems to blame Pakistan for the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament. He states that ‘Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. So, he wants to convince the people in India that Pakistan is responsible for the growth of terrorists activities that harm India. Thus, this source is not useful because being an Indian national, he is not reliable in his statement. This is because India and Pakistan have a very tense relationship and being an Indian, he would be biased against Pakistan as he would see them as India’s enemy.



Answer 4B

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because this is only a comment a made by an Indian national and does not mean that Pakistan supports terrorism. He has stated in his comments that that ‘Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. We cannot conclude that Pakistan supports terrorism just based on the comment made one Indian individual.



Answer 4C

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because India and Pakistan have a very tense relationship and being an Indian, he would be biased against Pakistan as he would see them as India’s enemy. As such, he would surely blame Pakistan for the terrorist attacks in India.



Answer 4D

This source is reliable in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because Source E states that ‘Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. This is true as it is supported by Source C which states that ‘Pakistan should stop supporting terrorism’.



Answer 4E

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because it is a comment by an Indian national who seems to blame Pakistan for the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament. He states that ‘Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. So, he wants to convince the people in India that Pakistan is responsible for allowing terrorists activities that harms India. Thus, this source is not useful because being an Indian national, he is not reliable in his statement. This is because India and Pakistan have a very tense relationship and being an Indian, he would be biased against Pakistan as he would see them as India’s enemy.

However, this source is still useful in telling me that Indians have the opinion that Pakistan is supporting terrorism and blame Pakistan for the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament building.



Answer 4F

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because it is a comment by an Indian national who seems to blame Pakistan for the terrorists attack on the Indian Parliament. He states that ‘as a country, Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. Thus, this source is not useful because being an Indian national, he is not reliable in his statement. This is because India and Pakistan have a very tense relationship and being an Indian, he would be biased against Pakistan as he would see them as India’s enemy.



Answer 4G

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because it states ‘as a country, Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. This is not true as Source B shows that Pakistan does not support terrorism. This is because the source shows a hut on Pakistan’s side with a cross to indicate that they are against terrorism.



Answer 4H

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because it is a comment by an Indian national who is biased against Pakistan and seems to blame Pakistan for the terrorists attack on the Indian Parliament on 13 December 2001. He states that ‘as a country, Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. Based on just one view of Pakistan derived from one isolated incident, this source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism.



Answer 4I

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because it is a comment by an Indian national who seems to blame Pakistan for the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament. He states that ‘as a country, Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. Thus, this source is not useful because being an Indian national, he is not reliable in his statement.



Answer 4J

This source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. This is because it is a comment by an Indian national who seems to blame Pakistan for the terrorists attack on the Indian Parliament. He states that ‘as a country, Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’.



Comments for Answer 1A

This answer has well interpreted the source stating what the cartoonist wants to show the audience. It also uses information from the source to support the interpretation that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism.


L4 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 1B



This answer has well interpreted the source stating what the cartoonist wants to convince the audience about. It also uses information from the source to support the interpretation that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism.

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Comments for Answer 1C

This answer has well interpreted the source stating what the cartoonist wants to show. It also uses information from the source to support the interpretation that the Pakistani President does not support terrorism.


L3 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 1D

This answer has misinterpreted the source. This cartoon shows that Pakistan does not support terrorism. That is why the Pakistani President responded to the terrorists who are seen handing over the money by saying, “Just because we have military capabilities, develop missiles and many other weapons, it does not mean we support terrorism”. This means that he is not selling the weapons to the terrorists.


L1 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 1E

This answer has misinterpreted the source. This cartoon shows that Pakistan does not support terrorism. That is why the Pakistani President responded to the terrorists who are seen handing over the money by saying, “Just because we have military capabilities, develop missiles and many other weapons, it does not mean we support terrorism”. This means that he is not selling the weapons to the terrorists.


L1 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 1F

This is weak answer as there is no effort at interpreting the source. The answer just focuses on the purpose of the cartoonist based on the provenance which provides information on where and when the cartoon was published..


L2 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 1G

This answer only makes reference to the context, which is the aftermath of the militant attack on the Parliament House on 13 December 2011. There is no effort at interpreting the source.


L3 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 1H

This is a good answer which addresses the demand of the question – the purpose why the cartoon was published. To do so, the answer has looked at the creator of the source, the targeted audience, the context in which the source was created, where the source was published and the purpose of the source.

To do so, the answer has analyzed the creator of the source, the targeted audience, the context in which the source was created and where the source was published so as to deduce the purpose of the source.


L5 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 1I

This is a weak answer as there is no effort at analyzing the provenance or the source itself. Instead, it only describes the issue without addressing the question.


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Comments for Answer 1J

This answer attempts to address the demand of the question – the purpose why the cartoon was published. To do so, the answer has looked at the creator of the source, the targeted audience, where the source was published and the purpose of the source. However, the answer lacks the context in which the source was created which is important in framing the purpose of the source.


L4 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 2A

This answer has misinterpreted the source. This cartoon is showing Pakistan as being against the terrorists, and not supporting the terrorists. This explains why the hut on the Pakistan side has the poison label on the word ‘terrorism’.


L1 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 2B

This answer has well-interpreted the source information and used the information to show that the source is reliable in showing Pakistan is against terrorism.


L2 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 2C

This is a weak answer as there is no effort at interpreting the source. The answer just focus on doubting the source based on the provenance, which is the fact that it was drawn by a Pakistani cartoonist. This is a very low level answer.


L5 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 2D

This is a very good answer in terms of cross-reference. It took specific evidence from Source B and checked on is reliability by cross-referring to Source A. However, the answer failed to answer the question asked. The focus of the question is on whether Pakistan is against terrorism, and not on whether Pakistan is focusing on its defence.


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Comments for Answer 2E

This answer links provenance details to the content to check the reliability of the source. It shows why the source cannot be true as it will be biased towards Pakistan.


L3 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 2F

This is a good answer which uses purpose of the source to check on the reliability of the source. In doing so, the answer has looked that the creator of the source, the targeted audience, the context in which the source was created, where the source was published and the purpose of the source.


L5 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 2G

This answer is attempting to cross-refer to another source to show that Source B is not reliable. However, in doing so, there is no clear indication to show that the source is being used to check reliability. Use of phrases such as ‘this is not true as it is not supported by’ would have made the link clearer for the answer. Furthermore, the content is also not well matched between the two sources. Source E is implying that Pakistan is not taking any action against terrorism. This is not the same as Pakistan supporting terrorism.


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Comments for Answer 2H

This answer has made good cross-reference to check the reliability of Source B. Specific evidence is picked from Source B to show that it implies Pakistan is supporting terrorism. This is matched to another source with specific evidence from the source as well. The use of the phrase, ‘this is true as it is supported by’ clearly shows that there is attempt to check the reliability of one source through the use of another source.


L4 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 2I



While the answer attempts to cross-refer to another source and check the reliability of the given source, there is no clarity on what is being checked. Too much information from both sources is given without being more specific. For example, the mention of the need to look into the root cause in Source D has nothing to do with whether Pakistan supports terrorism.

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Comments for Answer 2J

This is a good attempt at purpose. There is clear purpose with audience and context clearly articulated. However, the answer does not have evidence from the source. There is thus no indication that there has been attempt to study the source in answering the question.


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Comments for Answer 3A



This is a very good answer for purpose. The purposes of both sources are clearly written with indication of the purpose, targeted audience and context in which the sources were written. There is also good alignment of the two purposes as they focus on whether Pakistan supports terrorism.

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Comments for Answer 3B



This is an answer which is based on content. However, it goes a step further to analyze the source deeper and look into the point of view or opinion of the two sources.

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Comments for Answer 3C

This answer attempts at identifying the tone of the source, which is not valid. The information given needs to be more specific in what it says, not merely positive or negative towards Pakistan.


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Comments for Answer 3D

This answer has a good attempt at finding the similarity of Sources C and D. However, it has no linking word, making the answer invalid.


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Comments for Answer 3E

This answer is merely lifting information from the sources and placing it next to one another in an attempt to compare. However, it does not explicitly state the aspects of the source which is different. As such, this answer is no valid.


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Comments for Answer 3F



This answer has a valid point of similarity, which is in identifying that Pakistan is making peace in India, and had given valid content support.

However, the difference is not valid. This is because the content taken from Source D is not a valid interpretation of the essence of Source D, which says that in fact Pakistan does not support terrorism.

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Comments for Answer 3G

This answer did not state the basis of comparison. It needs to be clearly stated that the sources are referring to the attempts at peace made by Pakistan with India.

Besides that, there is also an error in the conjunction used. The word ‘however’ suggests that it is a difference. The content from both sources are similar, thus an appropriate conjunction, such as “similarly” should be used.


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Comments for Answer 3H

This answer has clearly highlighted the similarity (Pakistan is making peace with India) and difference (whether Pakistan supports terrorism) in content as well as supported it from source details.


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Comments for Answer 3I

This answer picks up information only from the provenance and did not make reference to the content of the sources in reaching its conclusion.


L1 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 3J

This answer has misinterpreted Source D. It states that in Source D “(m)any people mention that Pakistan supports terrorism”. However, the essence of Source D is saying that Pakistan does not support terrorism and rejecting the claims made by “many people”.


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Comments for Answer 4A

This answer is well interpreted and the evidence highlight is relevant to the question. The answer also has interpreted the purpose of the source correctly after checking the maker of the source and context in which he made the statement. It clearly shows that the answer has looked into the background of India’s relationship with Pakistan and thus interprets the purpose correctly. However, it does check the extent of usefulness of the source.


L6 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 4B



Although the answer mentions about typicality, it is still vague and does not mention clearly the reason the source is not useful. This is because the answer only states that the person is only an Indian but does not explain clearly why an Indian’s comments cannot be trusted and thus not useful.

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Comments for Answer 4C

The answer makes no mention of any content from the source. Although, there is mention of the context of the source, the information given in the source is merely from the provenance and thus makes it a low level answer.


L1 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 4D

The answer is clearly written with importance given to prove if it reliable or not. The cross reference made was specific and only mentions about the issue highlighted in the question. The answer sets out to check only if Pakistan supports terrorism and does not mention any other irrelevant details. Important phrases such as ‘true as it is supported’ was used to prove that the base source was telling the truth and thus reliable. However, the question requires us to mention if the source is useful and the answer does not mention this at all.


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Comments for Answer 4E

The answer is very clear and considers important elements such the identity of the person making the comments and what is the purpose of the comments made. As such, the answer mentions the context and also elaborates on why it is not useful. This is done by mentioning the history of relationship between Pakistan and India. It also goes on to elaborate on the extent of usefulness which is a high level as all source does have its usefulness.


L7 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 4F

This is a good answer as it supports the usefulness of the source by linking the content and provenance well. It pointed out that the comment was by an Indian national and because the two countries have a tensed relationship, the Indian national will be biased towards Pakistan and accuse it of supporting terrorism. Thus, this renders the source useless.


L4 Back to AnswerBack to Answer

Comments for Answer 4G

This is a good answer as it cross refers the point about Pakistan’s support for terrorism. In Source E, it states that ‘as a country, Pakistan has been supporting terrorism for many years’. It then showed that the claim is not true because it is not supported by Source B. This is because Source B shows that Pakistan does not support terrorism.


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Comments for Answer 4H

This is a good answer which argues along the line that the source is the view of only one person. It also notes that this view is based on one isolated incident. As such, based on this source alone, it cannot be concluded that Pakistan supports terrorism.


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Comments for Answer 4I

This is a weak answer because it fails to link the content to provenance. It states the evidence that Pakistan supports terrorism and that the source is by an Indian national. However, it does not explain why as an Indian national, the claim about Pakistan is unreliable.


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Comments for Answer 4J

This source is a weak answer. This is because it states that the source is not useful in concluding that Pakistan supports terrorism. However, it cites the evidence that states Pakistan does indeed support terrorism.


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