things of good report: april-june 2012

April – June, 2012 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. John 12:32 In This report: And a bit more … Baptism Ballarat Camp Georgia Camp Outreach Program Things of

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The April-June 2012 newsletter from the ministry of Nader Mansour and Imad Awde featuring the Maranatha Media and Ballarat Camp Meetings, the outreach program in Tennessee and more.


Page 1: Things of Good Report: April-June 2012

April – June, 2012

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. John 12:32

In This report:

And a bit more …

Baptism Ballarat Camp Georgia Camp Outreach Program

Things of

Page 2: Things of Good Report: April-June 2012

Early April was a very special time for two special people. Rosario Smith and Niv Bastian were baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua). It was a very special and joyful event attended by family and friends.

Once again, it is time to share a little report of the blessings of the Lord over this past quarter. We are so glad to be able to share with you some of the inspiring events that have been transpiring. There is so much to share so we will try to keep it brief.

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It was a very good reminder for all present of the assurance of eternal life found only in Christ Jesus. As we are buried with Him in baptism, we rise to a newness of life in Him. We live His life. If you have not yet made the decision to be buried with Christ in baptism, we encourage you to delay no longer. It is one of the most blessed decisions you will ever make!

Little Yahli was also dedicated to the Lord on that special day! May she grow in grace day by day.

Camp meeting in Ballarat this year was special in many ways. There was a good attendance from near and far, the messages preached were very inspiring, the spirit in the camp was refreshing, the fellowship sweet, and above all, the atmosphere of prayer and repentance was strongly present. We had a very powerful congregational prayer season on Sunday which drew us all closer to the Saviour and to each other. There was confession, repentance and reconciliation among those who had become estranged from each other.

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We were blessed to be able to share in that blessing and take part in the program. Testimony time was also a very powerful blessing as many testified of the Lord’s marvellous work in their lives. The camp itself was a testimony of God’s blessing as it very nearly got cancelled. Miraculously, the Lord intervened and removed all the obstacles so that the camp could still go ahead. It was a real joy to hear those testimonies.

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Being in QLD allows us to connect with some of the groups in the area. We had a good fellowship time as we visited the dear brethren in the Nanango area and spent two Sabbaths with them. We were able to assist with the worship program and many people were encouraged and inspired by the messages shared. We have noticed that in many places there is a real need for solid Bible preaching. It is what the Lord calls “meat in due season”.

In April we were able to connect with some of the believers overseas through the medium of phone. The Seventh-day Home Church Fellowship runs a virtual service every week. Many believers call in and join the conference call. It is a good way to stay in touch with others for those who are very remote. We were blessed with the opportunity to take two services and share the Word of God that way. Details on how to join the virtual fellowship can be found at this website:

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The first Sabbath in May was spent with the local group of believers in Toowoomba. They meet on the first Sabbath of every month. We studied to story of Jephthah together and examined some of the lessons that we can learn from his vow.

It is always with joy that we can partake of the Lord’s Supper service. We had the opportunity to do this with the believers down south, near Yass. Even though there were only a few of us, it was a very special day. Our study was a reminder of the life of Christ available to us now. The symbols of the bread and wine represent the life of the Son of God. We are “saved by his life” Romans 5:10.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

Our weekend activity there was to gather a stockpile of firewood for the coming winter months. The Granger family heartily appreciated the effort and work of all those who were able to come and help. Let us all remember that this is what our faith looks like in action.

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We had a few opportunities to fellowship with the group of believers in the Byron Bay area. We got to visit them in May as well as June. It is always refreshing to fellowship together. The subjects of study were also inspiring and interesting. The group in Byron are very vibrant and active. They run a very unique and effective ministry. We will share more about that next time when we get some pictures.

The believers in South Australia appreciated the visit we paid them in late May. It was a short but prosperous trip. We spent the weekend with them and had meetings on Sabbath as well as Sunday morning. There was lots of discussion afterwards and many questions were raised. We covered a variety of topics such as Righteousness by faith, commitment and Christ’s work as out intercessor.

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The Lord granted many rich blessings in the camp meeting held in Talking Rock, Georgia. We travelled there in early June and spent a wonderful two weeks there. The camp meeting was organised by Brother Gary Hullquist (in association with Maranatha Media) and many attended from near and far.

Some camp speakers

It was wonderful to catch up with friends and to meet new ones. There were a few people new to the Godhead message at the camp. One of them was a retired minister and Bible teacher. By the end of the camp he was getting convicted of the truth about the Father and Son.

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Sabbath was very special with a large turnout as well as a baptism in the afternoon.

Brother Darlin decided to go into the watery grave and be raised to a new life in Jesus.

There were many wonderful and inspiring testimonies shared.

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Brother Morgan Polsky organised an outreach program in his town of Linden, TN. This was a 4 night program aimed at the community. There are a number of Amish people in the community, and a few of them came to the meetings. There were also others from a variety of backgrounds and churches who came. We noticed that attendance gradually grew, with the most people present on the third night when the Sabbath truth was shared. The message of truth was shared using our testimonies, which was a friendly and non-threatening way to present some present truth.

The Hershberger family

Brother Morgan

Outreach Program – Tennessee, USA

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Some people had some questions about prophecy so

an extra session was organised where the

prophecies of Daniel and Revelation were shared. It

was very much appreciated. The next evening we had a very nice discussion on the

question of the Sabbath. We were very impressed with

the spirit in which the discussion was carried, even

though we differed in our conclusions. We believe that some good seeds were sown and pray the Lord that they will bring a harvest in time.

Sister Melba, our wonderful host

Sharing the prophecies of Daniel

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Brother Steve Day has a radio program – PULSE – which covers a variety of interesting and current topics. We had the opportunity to be interviewed on the program and were able to share the importance of understanding that God is a real being. Brother Steve runs a health retreat – Home for Health – in Kentucky.

Just as we were writing and preparing this report we got a very interesting call. Some dear friends called us to share that the pastor of a Seventh-day Adventist church they attend had been reading some material that they gave him. Apparently, he became convicted and accepted the Father and Son truth! It is indeed as the scripture has said: Acts 6:7 And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Please pray for this pastor, and we hope to share more about his story in the near future, God willing.

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Special prayer request: Please pray for Melissa (Imad’s wife) who is heavy with child and soon to deliver (end of July). This will be the third addition to the Awde tribe.

Prayer of dedication for Brother Scott

More pics

The Lord has placed a burden on Melissa’s heart to start a parenting study group in Toowoomba. A number of ladies from church have joined in to study the book Child Guidance (by Ellen White). Notes and study guides are available at this new site:

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January 2013 Youth & Family Bible camp. Please mark your calendar. This is always a special gathering with inspiring messages and activities. Details for the camp: January 3-6, 2013 (Thursday evening to Sunday lunch) Venue: Camp Somerset 1180 Stanley Pocket Road CROSSDALE QLD 4312

Contact Details: Trevor and Karolyn Walker 02-49305657 [email protected] Graeme and Lois-Joy Scheman 02-4930511 [email protected]

There are two camp meetings coming up in September (in the USA). We have been invited to assist with the programs. We hope all those who can attend will make plans to be there. We look forward to seeing you there. Here are the details:

July & August We plan to visit the different groups around QLD and NSW during the next two months. We look forward to sharing some fellowship and study time with you all.

September 11-16, 2012 - Roan Mountain TN Contact - Mac McCrillis - [email protected]

September 20-23 2012 - Wenatchee WA Contact - Steve Noyes – [email protected] (509)782-2439 - USA

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Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11

Your servants in Christ, Nader & Imad Contact information: Nader - Home: 07-4564-9619 Imad - Home: 07-4528-2500 Mobile: 04-03340706 Mobile: 04-00027370 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Note: new landline phone numbers.

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