thermal injury first 24h

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  • 8/12/2019 Thermal Injury First 24h



    Thermal injury The first 24 h

    C.A.T. Durrant*, A.R. Simpson, G. Williams

    Burns Service, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH, United Kingdom










    s u m m a r y

    Thermal burn injuries have devastating potential. In the United Kingdom alone, a quarter of a million

    people suffer burns each year. Flame and scald injuries are the most common aetiology. The vast majority

    of burns present to the primary care and emergency sectors, and only a small proportion of these arereferred on to a specialist burns service. Appropriate initial management can make the difference

    between a good outcome and a poor one. The mainstay of treatment remains the Advanced Trauma Life

    Support (ATLS) guidelines. As part of airway management it is essential to recognise the likelihood of

    inhalational injury, as this contributes to mortality. Circumferential burns to the chest area can restrict

    ventilation and this is an indication for emergency escharotomy. Circumferential burns to the limbs can

    often be treated conservatively until transferred to a specialist burns service. Formal fluid resuscitation

    should be started in adults with 15% Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) burns and children with 10% TBSA

    burns. The Parkland resuscitation formula is the formula of choice in the UK. The TBSA should be

    calculated objectively using a Lund and Browder chart and erythema is not included. The burned patient

    must be kept warm throughout their assessment. Burn depth can be assessed by appearance, sensation,

    and blanching, although this can be difficult. There should be a low threshold for discussing any burn

    with the local burns service. Accurate and clear documentation at all stages of the initial treatment is


    Crown Copyright 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Few injuries have the same devastating potential as burns. There

    is no social class that is unaffected; there is no age group that is

    exempt; there is no population from either developed or third-

    world countries that is without risk. The assault is not only

    a physical one, but also a psychological one.13 In the United

    Kingdom alone, approximately 250 000 people suffer burns each

    year, of which 13 000 are admitted to hospital. 1000 of these cases

    would be severe enough to warrant formal resuscitation and half of

    these would be children under 12 years of age. 4 Skin is not merely

    an envelope; it is part of a complex organ system and so injury to it

    can have widespread effects (Fig. 1).Most burns seen in the United Kingdom are due to flame

    injuries. Scalds from hot liquids are the next most common, with

    electrical burns and chemical burns being relatively infrequent

    events. Only thermal burns will be discussed in this review. Burns

    can occur in any age group. Children up to 4 years old comprise 20%

    of cases seen in the Accident and Emergency department, with the

    majority (70%) of injuries being related to scalds. A further 10% of

    burn patients are in the 514 age group and the more experimental

    nature of children in this group increases the incidence of petrol

    and accelerant-related flame burns. The majority (>60%) of burn

    injuries occur in adults of working age (1564 years old) and are

    mainly flame burns. Up to a third of these cases may be work-

    related in aetiology. The remaining 10% of cases arefrom the elderly

    population and this cohort of patients can introduce further issues

    that need to be considered as part of their care such as co-morbidity

    and social factors.5

    The vast majority of thermal injuries will first present to the

    primary care or emergency sectors. It is, therefore, essential that

    medical, nursing and support staff are adequately trained in the

    assessment and initial management of such insults. It is only a verysmall minority of acute burns that present to the Accident and

    Emergency department that are referred to a specialist burns

    service, and appropriate early care can make the differencebetween

    death, or debilitating long-term sequelae, and a good outcome.6

    The National Burn Care Review7 described the seven Rs

    relating to burn care:

    Rescue refers to the initial removal of the victim from the

    thermal insult itself. For example, this may be the patient them-

    selves reflexively withdrawing their hand from a hotplate or

    a bystander pulling a person from a burning building.

    Resuscitate refers to the immediate support that should be

    given to a burns patient on arrival at the accident and emergency

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 44 0208 237 2500, 07958 482284 (mobile);

    fax:44 0208 237 2510.

    E-mail address: [email protected](C.A.T. Durrant).

    Contents lists available atScienceDirect

    Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care

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    0953-7112/$ see front matter Crown Copyright 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.cacc.2008.09.014

    Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care 19 (2008) 256263

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  • 8/12/2019 Thermal Injury First 24h


    department or even while en route in an ambulance. Any failing

    organ system must be rigorously treated. This usually involves

    administering fluid to maintain the circulatory system but may also

    involve supporting the cardiac, renal, and respiratory systems.

    Retrieve refers to the transfer of appropriate patients to

    a specialist burns service. It is essential that there is good

    communication between the Primary Care service and the Burns

    service to ensure the safest handover possible. The indications for

    onward referral and important information that needs to be shared

    will be covered later in this review.

    The remaining four Rs (Resurface; Rehabilitate; Recon-

    struct; Review) are the remit of the receiving specialist service

    and beyond the scope of a discussion concerning the care of burnsin the first 24 h.

    It is tempting, when a burn arrives in the Accident and Emer-

    gency department, to attempt to prognosticate. Although predict-

    ing the mortality of a burn is important in terms of deciding the

    most appropriate level of care, it is not an easy exercise either

    practically or ethically. For example, it would be inappropriate to

    aggressively treat a patient with a burn that has no survival

    precedent. On the other hand, it would be equally unethical to

    forego treatment on a patient with a severe, but potentially

    survivable injury. Unfortunately, the complex burns attending the

    Accident and Emergency department will often not fall into an

    easily definable group (for example, a relatively small burn that has

    significant co-morbidity in an elderly patient may have a worse

    prognosis than a much bigger burn in a young patient). There areseveral formulas that have been published in an attempt to predict

    the mortality of a burn,811 but these have been limited by their

    small sample size and the fact that their formulae are derived from

    local data and tend not to have the same sensitivity and specificity

    when applied to other groups data.12 ITUprognostic indices such as

    APACHE II and the Injury Severity Score, are also unhelpful in the

    acute setting as burns patients can be quite well at first appearance,

    but deteriorate significantly as the systemic inflammatory response

    progresses. However, the more contemporary studies all agree that

    mortality increases with age and burn size, as well as the presence

    of inhalational injury. These formulae are most useful as an adjunct

    to clinical impression and also as an audit tool but, ultimately, there

    is no substitute for experience and there are few situations where

    the decision for palliative care is made prior to extensive discussionwith a burns specialist.

    2. Initial management of a thermal injury

    Although burns can be visually dramatic and present complex

    issues to the receiving hospital, the principles of treatment are

    much the same as for any trauma injury.

    The ABCs of the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) are as

    important in this setting as for the polytrauma patient.13 This

    treatment pathway is summarised inFig. 2.

    2.1. A is for airway with cervical spine control

    This is the first step and it is critical to identify inhalational

    injury in burns patients. Inhalation of hot gases can cause direct

    damage above the vocal cords and, particularly after commence-

    ment of fluid resuscitation, this can lead to oedema and obstruc-

    tion.14 At this stage it is wise to take a comprehensive history;

    patients with significant inhalational injury may still be able to

    communicate on presentation. This can change rapidly as oedema

    Fig. 2. The treatment pathway for a burn presenting to the emergency department.



    Fluid, protein and electrolyte homeostasis

    Physical Protection

    UV Protection (melanocytes)

    Immune Regulation (Langerhans cells)

    Vitamin D Synthesis

    Neurosensory Function

    Identity and Social Interaction

    Fig. 1. Functions of the skin.

    C.A.T. Durrant et al. / Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care 19 (2008) 256263 257

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    develops and intubation becomes necessary, and this may be the

    only chance the clinician gets to obtain vital information from the

    patient, such as past medical history, GP and next of kin contact

    numbers, and details about the accident. Fig. 3 summarises the

    main points that should be elucidated from the history. If there isany suggestion of inhalational injury, the patient should have an

    anaesthetic review.

    2.2. B is for breathing

    Even patients without an inhalational injury can have their

    ventilation compromised. Deep circumferential burns to the chest

    decrease the skins elastic properties and limit chest excursion

    causing a mechanical restriction of breathing; blast injuries related

    to the burn can cause lung contusions and alveolar trauma,

    potentially leading to adult respiratory distress syndrome. Flying

    shrapnel from the blast can also cause pneumothorax and direct

    lung damage.


    Inhalational components of thermal injury cancause damage through mechanisms other than heat; water soluble

    gases such as ammonia, sulphur dioxide and chlorine react with the

    water on the respiratory epithelium to produce acids and alkalis

    that cause direct damage; lipid soluble gases such as aldehydes and

    hydrogen chloride are carried into the lower airways on carbon

    particles, causing mucosal adherence and cell membrane damage;

    smoke particles themselves that are inhaled into the deeper part of

    the lung have lost most of their destructive thermal component, but

    they can act as a direct irritant, causing bronchospasm, inflamma-

    tion and bronchorrhoea. The pneumocytes become damaged,

    impairing their ciliary activity and exacerbating the situation.16 This

    can lead to atelectasis or pneumonia17 if the inflammatory exudate

    is not adequately cleared. The final insult caused by inhalational

    injury is the systemic effect of the gases inhaled, most importantly

    carbon monoxide. This colourless, odourless gas binds to deoxy-

    genated haemoglobin with approximately 240 times the affinity of

    oxygen. It also binds to intracellular proteins, particularly those of

    the cytochrome oxidase pathway, and these effects together cause

    both extracellular and intracellular hypoxia and a metabolic

    acidosis. Pulse oximetry cannot differentiate between normal

    oxyhaemoglobin and carboxyhaemoglobin and has limited use in

    this setting. Blood gas analysis should be used to identify and

    monitor the levels of carboxyhaemoglobin in the blood, and very

    high levels of carbon monoxide warrant ventilation in order toensure that a maximum concentration of inspired oxygen is given.

    Treatment is with 100% oxygen in order to displace the carbon

    monoxide from the haemoglobin in exchange for oxygen and this

    should be continued until the metabolic acidosis has resolved.18

    2.3. C is for circulation

    As per Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines,

    adequate intravenous access is essential, preferably through non-

    burned tissue. At the same time, blood can be sent for full blood

    count, urea and electrolytes, clotting, and blood group matching. It

    is important to also check the peripheral circulation. Circumfer-

    ential burns to the limbs and neck can jeopardise perfusion as the

    inelastic quality of the burned skin acts as a tourniquet. If there is

    any doubt at all as to the distal circulation, then escharotomies are

    indicated, but the timing of these should be discussed with the

    burns specialist. If a burned patient is hypotensive on admission,

    then othercauses for the hypotension must be excluded. This might

    be due to cardiogenic or neurogenic shock, or possibly occult blood

    loss (such as into the chest, abdomen, or pelvis).13 It is important to

    appreciate that a collapse may have precipitated the burn rather

    than vice versa.

    2.4. D is for disability

    Conditions such as hypoxia and hypovolaemia, as well as

    concurrent head trauma can cause the patient to be variably

    obtunded. Carbon monoxide poisoning, drug use, and alcohol

    intoxication can also present with a decreased conscious level. All

    patients should be assessed with a baseline Glasgow Coma Score,

    and this can often be done while the airway is being assessed and

    the history taken.

    2.5. E is for exposure with environmental control

    Burns patients rapidly become hypothermic due to the loss of

    their protective thermoregulatory skin and evaporation of fluid

    from the exposed tissue. These patients need to be warmed quickly

    and effectively by any means available (such as blankets, overhead

    heaters, warmed intravenous fluids, and air-heated covers). Inad-

    equate warming may lead to hypoperfusion and subsequentdeepening of the burn.19

    Fig. 3. Key points from a burns history.

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    2.6. F is for fluids

    The amount of fluid that the patient requires depends on the

    surface area of the burn and the size of the patient. This will be

    covered in more detail in the next section. Formal resuscitation is

    required for adults with greater than 15% total body surface area

    (TBSA) burns, and children with greater than 10% TBSA burns. All

    patients undergoing formal resuscitation should have urinary

    catheters placed in order to monitor urine output as a function of

    organ perfusion.13

    Fig. 4shows an algorithm to summarise the primary survey of

    a major burn.

    Burns can be extremely painful. Pain is an evolutionary feature

    that has a protective function; it warns of damage, and promotes

    careful treatment of the affected area. However, pain can also be

    destructive: by increasing the cellular stress response, the somatic,

    autonomic and endocrine reflexes are diminished. This results in

    a catabolic state, with platelet aggregation, nausea, ileus and

    a suppressed immune system.20,21 Restricted breathing due to pain

    can lead to low-grade hypoxia, and severe pain can cause vaso-

    constriction, both of which ultimately impair wound healing. It is

    important, therefore, that all burns patients get adequate analgesia;

    an intravenous opiate such as morphine would be appropriate(titrated to the patients weight). This is easily done in the Accident

    and Emergency setting and is often overlooked.22

    Following the primary survey, a secondary survey should be

    performed. The patient is thoroughly examined for any concomi-

    tant injury and the full extent of the burn can be assessed. Care

    should be taken when assessing the burn that the patient does not

    lose too much heat. This can be ensured by revealing areas of skin

    sequentially to minimise the time exposed to the open air. At this

    stage, any specialist investigations can be arranged.

    Once the patient has been stabilised, and the size and depth of

    the burn has been determined, the burns should be dressed. Prior

    to dressing, the area should be washed thoroughly and all loose

    skin should be gently removed. There are conflicting opinions as to

    whether blisters should be debrided or left intact. Evidence for each

    remains poor; however, the most recent guidelines suggest that

    small blisters less than 6 mm, and thicker blisters on the palms and

    soles of the feet, may be left intact while all others should be

    debrided.23 For acute burns that warrant referral to a specialist

    burns service, a simple dressing such as clingfilm is ideal. This

    protects the wound, reduces heat and evaporative losses, reduces

    pain (particularly in superficial burns), and also leaves the

    appearance of the burn unchanged.13 The burn can also be visual-

    ised through the dressing without the need to remove it. Flamazine

    should never be used prior to transfer as it can mask the true depth

    of the burn, making it difficult for the receiving service to assess.The National Burn Care Review7 has published guidelines for

    referral to a specialist burns unit (Fig. 5). Even the most simple of

    Fig. 4. Algorithm for the primary survey of a major burn.

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    burns at first assessment can turn out to be more complex than first

    imagined, so any burns that have taken longer than 2 weeks to heal

    should also be referred onwards. If there is any doubt as to whether

    a burn should be referred or not, that burn should be discussedwith the local burns service and appropriate advice can be given.

    3. Assessment of burn area

    There is great variability among clinicians when assessing the

    same burn and even area-plotting charts (such as the Lund

    Browder) are prone to variation between users.24 When assessing

    the area of a burn, it is important to understand that erythema

    without overlying epidermal loss is never counted as it is a tran-

    sient finding and usually settles within a matter of hours. There are

    3 commonly used methods for measuring a burn, and each has

    advantages and disadvantages.

    3.1. Palmar surface

    The palmar surface of the patients hand, with fingers very

    slightly spread, equates to approximately 1% of the patients TBSA.

    This is a quick and reliable methodof assessing burn area. However,

    it loses its accuracy beyond about 15%. In this way it can be used to

    measure relatively small burns up to 15% or extensive burns greater

    than 85% (by simply measuring the unburned areas), but it will not

    give an accurate measurement for the more intermediate sized


    3.2. Wallace rule of 9s25

    The body is divided into areas of 9%. It is a good method formeasuring medium to large burns, although it does tend to

    overestimate the area burned.24 Due to the different proportions in

    children, who have relatively larger heads and smaller limbs, the

    rule of 9s does not fit and is inaccurate. Therefore, this should only

    be used in adult burns patients.

    3.3. Lund and Browder chart26

    This is the most accurate methodcurrently and readily available.

    It allows for changing body proportion with age and so can be used

    with children (Fig. 6).

    4. Assessment of burn depth

    There are three major determinants as to the thickness of

    a thermal injury: the temperature of the insulting mechanism; the

    duration of contact; the thickness of the skin (for example, the

    thicker skin of the back will withstand more than the thin skin ofthe forearm. Also, the dermis is relatively thinner in the very old

    and very young population).

    Burns can be simply classified according to their depth of

    penetration. Partial thickness burns do not extend through all

    layers of the skin and can therefore heal from the adnexae present

    in the wound bed; full thickness burns extend through all layers of

    the skin and may involve subcutaneous tissues and so rely on

    healing from the edges of the wound only. Partial thickness burns

    can be further sub-divided into superficial partial thickness, mid-

    dermal and deep-dermal burns. Each category is important in

    terms of both management and prognosis. Superficial burns (or

    epidermal burns) are different to superficial partial thickness burns.

    Superficial burns involve the epidermis only and involve erythema

    with no epidermal loss (such as in sunburn). As previouslymentioned, these burns are clinically unimportant and are not

    Fig. 5. Indications for referral to a burns service.

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    counted as part of the TBSA measurement. Superficial partial

    thickness burns extend through the epidermis to the superficial

    part of the dermis. Mid-dermal and deep-dermal burns extend

    deeper through the dermis, but do not affect the full thickness of

    the dermis. Fig. 7 shows the levels of these burns diagrammatically.

    Correct assessment of the depth of mid-dermal and deep-

    dermal burns can be difficult, even for the specialists. Laser Doppler

    scanning of burns has recently increased diagnostic accuracy of

    burn depth and has decreased the likelihood of over-operating. 27

    Often, it is only at surgery that the true depth of a burn is revealed.

    The history is the first clue as to the depth of the burn. For example,

    one would naturally expect a flash burn to be less deep than

    a prolonged flame burn. There are also techniques available to allowfor easier assessment on direct examination:

    4.1. Appearance

    Superficial partial thickness burns tend to be uniformly pink and

    wet; mid-dermal burns are not uniform in colour and have

    a mottled cherry-red colour due to damaged capillaries in the

    deeper layer of the dermis; deep-dermal burns are pale and only

    very slightly moist; full thickness burns are dry and leathery, or


    4.2. Blanching

    This describes the whitening of the skin upon pressure and thesubsequent pattern of capillary refilling. Only superficial partial

    thickness burns and mid-dermal burns will blanch. The more

    superficial the burn, the quicker the capillary refill on release of the

    pressure. Deep dermal and full thickness burns do not blanch

    (when this is associated with red discolouration, it is called fixed


    4.3. Sensation

    The deeper the burn, the less sensate it will be. Differentiation of

    mid-dermal from deep-dermal injuries (where the surface

    appearance can be similar) can be aided by the use of gentle

    pressure with a hypodermic needle. With mid-dermal burns, it is

    still possible to appreciate a pinprick sensation; with deep-dermal

    burns, often only a sensation of pressure is felt. These findings are

    summarised inFig. 8.

    5. Resuscitation

    Burn injuries can involve dramatic fluid loss, and these losses

    must be replaced to maintain homoeostasis. There are many fluid

    resuscitation formulae in current use,28,29 with no clear evidence

    that one is better than the others. These formulae are only guide-

    lines, and their success relies on adjusting the volume and rate of

    resuscitation fluid against monitored physiological parameters. The

    main aim of resuscitation is to support the patients vital organs

    and also to maintain adequate tissue perfusion to the burn itselfand so prevent it from deepening.19 This can be a complex issue, as

    Fig. 6. Lund and Browder chart for estimating area of burn.

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    too little fluid will cause hypoperfusion and cellular hypoxia,

    whereas too much will lead to cellular and interstitial oedema.

    The greatest amount of fluid loss in burn patients is in the first

    24 h after injury.30 Over the first 812 h, fluid from the intravas-

    cular compartment tends to shift to the interstitial fluid compart-

    ment. Therefore, any fluid given during this time rapidly leaves the

    intravascular compartment. Colloids have not been shown to have

    any advantage over crystalloids in maintaining circulatory volume

    and fast fluid boluses are unlikely to be of benefit, as the resultant

    rapid rise in intravascular hydrostatic pressure will just drive more

    fluid into the interstitial space.

    Although systematic capillary leak tends to occur with burns

    greater than 2530% TBSA,31 all adult burns of 15% TBSA or more

    and all paediatric burns of 10% TBSA or more require formal

    resuscitation. The most commonly used formula in the United

    Kingdom is the Parkland formula.28 This is a crystalloid-based

    formula that calculates fluid requirements over the first 24 h

    following a burn and can be titrated according to urine output. The

    formula is as follows:

    Total fluid requirement in 24 h

    4 ml TBSA% Weightkg

    The 24 h resuscitation period starts from the time of the burn

    and not from the time the patient presents to the Accident and

    Emergency department. The first half of this calculated amountshould be given in the first 8 h, with the remainder being given over

    the following 16 h. The fluid to be given is Hartmanns solution.

    Children also require maintenance fluid at an hourly rate of:

    4 ml=kg for the 1st 10 kg 2 ml=kg for the 2nd10 kg

    1 ml=kg for every kg thereafter

    This can be given orally (preferably as a nutritious fluid such as

    milk), or intravenously using 5% dextrose and 0.45% normal saline

    solution, but not both together. The amountof fluid given should be

    constantly adjusted to maintain a urine output of 0.51 ml/kg/h in

    adults and 12 ml/kg/h in children.

    6. Escharotomy

    As previously mentioned, deep dermal and full thickness burns

    are inelastic. Therefore they will not stretch as the subcutaneous

    tissues become oedematous, as will happen over the course of

    resuscitation. This is of concern for burns that are circumferential.

    On a limb this can lead to constriction and hypoperfusion, placing

    the extremity in jeopardy. Around the chest, this can lead to

    impaired ventilation, hypoxia and death. In these situations, it is

    important to recognise the potential complications and act swiftly

    and decisively. Escharotomy involves incising through the burn to

    the fat beneath. This allows the burn eschar to move independently,

    relieving the underlying tissue pressure.

    Note that the fascia remains unbreached, differentiating this

    procedure from a fasciotomy, although in patients with large burns

    and massive tissue oedema, fasciotomy may also be necessary. 32For the limbs, incisions are made along the medial and lateral

    aspects, taking care to avoid damaging any important underlying

    structures. For the chest, longitudinal mid-axillary incisions are

    Fig. 8. Table illustrating the key features in the assessment of burn depth.

    Fig. 7. Diagram showing the penetration of different burns through the layers of the skin.

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    made and are connected by a chevron-style transverse incision

    running alongside the subcostal margin. A further transverse inci-

    sion is made below the level of the clavicles (inferior to the

    potential placement of subclavian central lines). This creates

    a mobile breastplate that moves with ventilation. For the most part,

    escharotomies are performed by the receiving burns unit and

    simple elevation of the affected limb is all that is required from the

    referring hospital. However, if transfer is likely to be delayed by

    several hours, then there is no choice but to perform the eschar-

    otomies on site. This should be done in the controlled environment

    of the operating theatre with the most experienced staff available.

    Since escharotomies bleed a great deal, they should ideally be

    performed with electrocautery. Following surgery, they can be

    packed with Kaltostat alginate dressing and dressed with the burn.

    7. Summary

    Thermal burn injuries have devastating potential. In the United

    Kingdom alone, a quarterof a million people suffer burns each year.

    Flame and scald injuries are the most common aetiology. The vast

    majority of burns present to the primary care sector, and only

    a small proportion of these are referred on to a specialist burns

    service. Appropriate initial management can make the differencebetween a good outcome and a poor one. The mainstay of treat-

    ment remains the ATLS guidelines. As part of airway management it

    is essential to recognise the likelihood of inhalational injury, as this

    contributes to mortality. Circumferential burns to the chest area

    can restrict ventilation and this is an indication for emergency

    escharotomy. Circumferential burns to the limbs can often be

    treated conservatively until transfer to a specialist burns service.

    Formal fluid resuscitation should be started in adults with 15%

    TBSA burns and children with 10% TBSA burns. The Parkland

    resuscitation formula is the formula of choice in the UK. The TBSA

    should be calculated objectively using a Lund and Browder chart

    and Erythema is not included. The burned patient must be kept

    warm throughout their assessment. Burn depth can be assessed by

    appearance, sensation, and blanching, although this can be difficult.There should be a low threshold for discussing any burn with the

    local burns service. Accurate and clear documentation at all stages

    of the management is essential.


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    Further reading

    1. Herndon DN, editor.Total burn care. 3rd ed. London: Saunders; 2007.2. Hettiaratchy S, Papini R, Dziewulski P, editors. ABC of burns. BMJ Books; 2002.

    3. Pape SA, Judkins K, Settle JAD. Burns: the first five days. 2nd ed. Smith andNephew; 2001.

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