the world's greatest fleet now in california waters

THE WORLD'S GREATEST FLEET NOW IN CALIFORNIA WATERS Fifty-Three War Ships and Auxiliary Naval Crafts Ready for Voyage Across Pacific. Tho greatest fleot of wnrshlps the world litis ever seen, flfty-threo ves- lels. wlll snluto tho rlng wlth blg guns it the revlew of tho Atlnnllo nnd Pncl¬ fic fleetK In San Franclsco Bay May 8th, Just liofore the slxteen bnttlo- si.lps rei»iiino thelr rocord-broiikltig Vnynge of 45,000 mlles nround tlie Wnrltl. When ihe slx thlrty-knot tnr- pedp-bont destroyers started on tlie viiynge around South America lt was thought 16 be an event. When thn slxteen batloshlps WOhdOd thelr wny through the Htralts of Magellnn oim) renched tho Golden Gnte. lt v,nn sald to he the llmlt. These fl"ots ,havo now met on Call torn la's censt nnd Joined by the elght blg armored crulse'rfc nnd other shlps ot tlie Paciflc fleet, make an aggregatlbn outiiumherlng any assembluKe under any flag on any sfas. The two milos of llghtlng shlps that eolled tho English Channel nt tlie Jublloo of Queen Vlctorla could not stand up againat them. The fleot thnt dotted Oyster Bay when Roosevelt rovlowcd hls strong rlght arm numbe,-- cd but thlrty-llvo shlps. Tho rendez- vous at Harnpton Roads. when the great nations of the earth sent rc- prosentatlvo shlps. numbered thlrty- elght American vessels and twelve foreign ships. The bnttleshlps and cruisers alone aggregate more tonnage than all the shlps of the Japanese navy. The fleet. according to tlie ofllclal list of the Bu¬ reau of Navigation, Washlngton, D. C. wlll be made of the following: Shlps of the Fleet. Flrst-class battleships . 18 Armored cruisers . 8 Protected cruisers . 4 Torpedo-boat destroyers . 8 Torpedo boats. 3 Gunboata . - Submarines ....... .'.. 2 Colllers .. w. .* Supply shlps ......««.... <. - Hospltal shlp. I Repalr shlp .....%..,*.*.'. 1 bi At the head of the fleet wlll bo tho slxteen battleshlps that salled 14.000 mlles around the South American con¬ tlnent, headed by the flagshlp Connec¬ tlcut with her crew'of 1,080 men, and the two battlpshlps Wlsconsin nnd Ne¬ braska. Just completed iri- Pnclfic shlp- yards. Wlth the big whlte fighters will be the elght armored cruisers, whlch are really hlgh-specd battle¬ shlps, maklng a total of twenty-slx swlft-flrlng, hard-hlttlng. armor- gcared flghtlng machines. These twenty-slx tloating fortresscs, r,00 feet long, are masses of honey- combed steel, giants tralned to the mlnuto, but wlth the agility of a yacht. They are belted wlth foot- thlck 'steel, and shoot 12 and lS-lncS shells to the horlzon and beyond, To these wlll be added elght of the thlrty- knot torpedo-boat destroyers. the swlft- est craft under the Stars and Stripei*, the scorplons of the navy, that fly at an enemy ln the dark, glve a death- deallng stlng wlth n torpedo and dls¬ nppear ln tho nlght wlth tho speed of ii tt express traln; and three of the tor¬ pedo boats, the wasps. bullt to wound the blg flghtlng shlps of an enemy. The submarines Grampus and Plke, reallzatlons of Jules Verne's dreams. and the two gunboats complete the 11st of those that go forth to battie. In the traln of the flghtlng shlps wlll be four capaclous-hulled coal colllers, tho refrigerator and fresh water sup¬ ply ships Glacler and Culgoa, the now famous hospltal shlp Rellef and tho tloating machine shop Panther. a total of flfty-threo shlps, aU under the Stars and Strlpes. The Unlted States navy now ranks second, and of the world's powers only Creat Brltaln has a greater aggrega- tlon. Of necessity, England's shlps must remaln scattercd among her do- inlnlons, on whlch the sun never sets. Can sho match the formldable display of thls, tho greatest natlon on earth? When the revlew ls over slxteen bat¬ tleshlps wlll head across the Paciflc, on a voyage across nll the seas. length- enlng the 14,000-mlle run around South Amorlca to a 45,000-mllo cruise around tho world. Two aillca of Flghtcra. Placed end to end. wlth bows and stern8 touchlng, the shlps would make a boulevard of steel along whlch one mlght walk four miles. Strung out at anchor ln single flle. tho fleet would stretch away for ten miles, which ls nearly as far as the eye can reach at' sea, and wlth the fartherest ship's hull RULER OF 30,000 SEAMEN AIJMII* U, "FIGHT IXti IIOII" EVANS, "»- Floyd counly, Va., who will rulluqu Ish oniiiiiimid <>C ti.e flcct when thc wnr niiiliM roacli -u u FritucUco, {down on the horlzon. Anchored four abreast for a revlew.such as Presl- dent Roosevelt steamed through at Oyster Bay aud Hapton Roads.the Ifour llnes would stretch for two and a half mlles each. In fact. the administratlon has sent Its entire flghtlng strength to the Paclflc. The elghteen battleshlps alone cost tl00,000.000. and are manned by over 15.000 men and 725 officcrs. Mannlng tho entire fleet are 30.000 offlcers and seamen. Were they form¬ ed into a parade the llne would ret-uirc four hours' time to pass a given polnt. As militia, they would make thirty reglments of soldlers. There are but 35.000 men In the entire navy, so near¬ ly the entlro navy wlll bo at the re¬ vlew. The flghtlng machines brlstle with guns. AVere they placed twenty feet apart in thc wall of a fort tho broad- :«ldo would extend ti length of nlght miles, or mako a square two miles long on oach of Its four sides. The blg guns that constltute the maln batterles ln the floet number as follows: Fonr-lnch rlfles . 96 Five-lnch rlfles . 450 Slx-lnch rlfles . 338 Sev.Mi-inch rlfles. 120 Itlight-liu-h rlfles. 168 Ten-inoh rlfles . 14 Twelve-lnch rlfles . 58 Thlrteen-incti rlfles . 20 Track Around tho World, Whon the battleshlp fleet flnlshed Its crutso of 14,000 mlles around the Soutli Amerlcan contlnent all the world won- clered, but it proves lo have been only thc boglnillng, for Ihere Is yet 31.000 mlles head of tlie shlpp, making a total of 45,000 mi'.es.somethlng nevor be* ) TORPEDO BOATS. ( l.ength. Horse. Shlp. Feet. Speed. Power. Cost. liftvls .154 211 1.750 $31,5-18 Farragut ...273 30 5,878 227.500 Fox .154 23 1,750 81,546 SUBMARINES. Dlsplace- Horse Shlp. Speod. ment. Power. Cost. Gramfus ..-. S 120 160 $170,000 I'lko . S 120 160 170,000 THE AUXIUARTES. Supply Shlps.Culgao, Glncler. Colllers.Alexander, Salurn, Are- thusa, .lustln. Hospltnl Shlp.Rellef. Repalr Bhtp.Panthor. r<*re ncjompllshed by anythlng lhat has carrled still of steam. After leavlng Kan Franclsco the ships will hend out to llonolulu. Hawall, a run of 3,100 miles, the strateglo key to the wholo J'uclllc. Then the shlps wlll head over for Apla, Snmoa, a more speck fnr down In the Southern Paciflc, and enlllng for a run of 2,263 mlles. Havlng shown themselves tn our possossioiis iu the Paciflc, tho llghters will steam 2,345 mlles iiver to Sydney, nnd thon 600 milos to Melbourno, Australla. After belng wlnod nml dluod, nnd havlng showed llie English what wo havo In the flghtlng llne, tho fleet wlll set out for a stretch of 5,750 mllt.s to tho Chlna Sea. Ihe highway through Whlcli passes nll the sali and stoaiu trafflc of tho many nations of tho sea with tlie Orlent and the wost. After cunsortlng wlth the flags ot' all na¬ tions and hearing tlio Jargons of ull racea that swarm through this nautical highway uf Ihe east, tlio shlps wlll drop anchor ln Manila, Then, aftet fall niiinoeuvivH und target practico, the flool wlll Ko'l.SOl) inllos up to Vokohoma, Japan, Next the slilpa will Flagnhlp Connectlcut leadlng 1he fleet. llnttlonhlp Fleet'* track arouud thc world. come south again and steam 1,050 mlles to Shanghal, China, and then 1,440 mlles to Slngapore. Headlng across the Indlan Ocean. and after a run of 1,770 mlles, tho ships wlll halt at Oolombo, Soylon, wlth Its wealth of color and odors of the east, for coal. Then thoy wlll eontlnue across the Indlan Ocean for 2.130 mlles. when the ships will bring up at Aden, the entrance to the Suez Canal. Tho Journey through tho llod Sea ls one of 1.310 mllos, after whicli the blg flghters wlll enter the Mediter- ranean for a run of 1,920 miles under blue skles to Glbraltar. Enterlng tlio broad Atlantlc they wlll square away for a homeward bound run of 3,501 mlles to Now A'ork. Crnlsc to Cost 810,000.000. The blll for fuel nnd food for the crulse wlll be enormous. Flour alone TO COMMAND 53 WAR SHIPS AUM1KAI. CHAlll. 138 11. THOMAS. who will ¦li-tcceil Admiral *_vtiu- lu co mmauil. Admiral Sperry wlll ¦u-ceeit Admiral Tliouma, aud -Ull couiiuauU the great Oeet lu the trip arouud tU-> liolid, Thirty Thousand Officers and Men Under Command of Admiral.Ships Reach ' More than 10 Miles. wlll cost $100,000. For fresh bee( there wlll bo expendefl $200,000. Th( 15,000 men need onough flour to flll \ scvonty-flvo rallroad cars, ahd suffl¬ clent fresh beef to load flfty refrlg- ** erator cars. Tho potatoes for th< ships wlll flll twenty cars. Otbe?- stores, ranging from cheese to turkeyr. aprlcots to sausages, sauor< kraut, vlnegar to macaronl, and peaches to salt pork, lncludlng foTty- slx blg Itoms, range from one to four carload lots, maklng about 225 rall¬ road cars full of supplles, or nearly ten blg tralns of foods. The blg^nst single Item Is coal. t\ fleet of thirty-odd colllers had moun- - talns of lt stored at Trinldad, Rlo Jo» neiro, Punta Arenas, Callao, Magdalen*. Bay and San Franclsco, and to got th4 slxteen battleshlps and the six tor« pedo-boat destroyors around the South- Amerlcan contlnent, over 100,000 tona.. of fuel wero plled up at the stopplng. places. At $5 a ton thls reprosents. $500,000. The battleshlps alono took aboard 24,000 tons at Rlo Janelro. 21,'- 000 tons at Punta Aronas, 21,000 at Callao and 35,000 tonsl nt Magdalena Bay. Elghty thousand tons were con- tracted for at San Franclsco, and now that it has been declded to send the ships around the world. mountains of fuel must bc deposlted along the Aslatic, Indlan and Medlterranean coast s. For every mlle of. the 14,000-mile crulse of the slxteen battleshlps from Hampton Roads to San Franclsco, tho vessels burned elghty tons of coal ari hour, whlch, at $5 a ton, ls $400 a mlle. Whon the slxteen battleships shall have ended thelr cruiso of 45.000 mlles they wlll have consumed $1,500,000 worth of foods and $1,500,000 of conl. Offlclal flgures of the Navy Depart- ment show that lt costs $625,000 to. maintain a battleshlp for one year. If. thls ls multlplled by slxteen lt will bo seen that the crulse around tho world wlll cost over $10,000,000. However,. ns the crulse Is produclng -the best men-behlnd-the-guns ln the world. it. is regnrded worth the prlce. Records Wlth Blg Guns. The publlcatlon of the fact that during target practlee ^on the British Channel fleet. in tlio presence of King. Edward, one gun mado nlncteen hlts in twenty-one shots. tliereby earning a decoratlon from the Klng, touched the prlde of American naval offlcers. They can beat this. Tlie record of th-j recent target practico nt Magdalena Bay shows tliat the Maryland made two world's records with the 3-lnch and 6-lnch guns. Out. of 18.65 shots a mlnute wlth the 3-Inoh guns tho Moryland's men made 1S.65 hlts a mlnute a record of 1.000 per'cent. In the contest Wlth tlie 6-lnch guns the Maryland Bunners easlly cnrrled nff tho hon- o-s wlth un average of S.43 hlts out of a rn falblo 10.72. The Maryland not only ear¬ ned off lndlvidual records. but also led the highest score made among all ships. Tlio range moasured about 1.600 yards. and tho mcn were obllKOrt tn traln thelr gun* D. canvas turgcts 12 by 20 feot In size. and rlieckered in black und whlte squares. Slt cruisers partlcipated In the shoot. In tha final score the following pcrcentages were attaincd: ...'., J* Maryland. 78.S0: Tennessee, 61.24; Colorado., S;'..6S: Pennsylvanla, 57.S0; West Virginia. 5" 70; Washtnston. 55.50. Ono gunner on the armored crulser Mary¬ land mado 11 shots and 11 hlts ln ono mln¬ ute with a S-lnch gun. A ft-lnch gnin on the battleshlp Malne has a record of perfect score at tho rat« of 10.41 a mlnute. and the battleshlp Missourl's best record was 10.30 shots a mlnute. ench lodglng In a. target. Tlie performance nt-Magdalena Bay shows that the Albany has broken nll records for rnpldlty and accuraey wlth her 5-lnch guns. Iini- average belng 10 hlts per mlnute, and thv St. Louis wlth lier 6-lnch guns, avcras- ln« S»i hlts per mlnute. A 3-pounder on the battleshlp Vlrginia. made 20 shotfl and 20 hlts In 75 seconds.. Another gun mnde 10 shots nnd 10 hlts il»' 22',i seconds. a ri-markable avcrngu of 26.C7 shots and Hlts a mlnute. Tho-battleshlp Illinols. thal holds* the ;tarf got record of tho navy at the present wrlt* ln;:. made a por cent. of 75.783 iii using all Gvnu- Tlie crew <>r the nfter-turiot on the Aln- l..i;ina has mado 11 stralght hlts wlth the 13- inch gun. , At her preliminary practlee 'he Tennessee used 13.743 ununds of powder and 36.24U l-ounds of shell. the cost belng $18.900.2.0, At. record practlee the Tennessee used 10.- &&2 pounds of powder and 61.9Q& pounds af shell, tlie cosl belng ?25,742.50. Tlio Ten- netsee's Inrrcst gunn nre of 10-lnch callbrl at- ngnlnst the 12 and 13-lneh pieces of tbe bnttleshlps. The snindai-d of occura'ric.v at target prar- tlo'e has been set thls year by the crulser Albany, whlch made a total score of 12S l.lts out of 130 shots. at a rate of flre never before dttained ln the navy.

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Ready for VoyageAcross Pacific.

Tho greatest fleot of wnrshlps theworld litis ever seen, flfty-threo ves-lels. wlll snluto tho rlng wlth blg gunsit the revlew of tho Atlnnllo nnd Pncl¬fic fleetK In San Franclsco Bay May8th, Just liofore the slxteen bnttlo-si.lps rei»iiino thelr rocord-broiikltigVnynge of 45,000 mlles nround tlieWnrltl. When ihe slx thlrty-knot tnr-pedp-bont destroyers started on tlieviiynge around South America lt was

thought 16 be an event. When thnslxteen batloshlps WOhdOd thelr wnythrough the Htralts of Magellnnoim) renched tho Golden Gnte. ltv,nn sald to he the llmlt. Thesefl"ots ,havo now met on Call torn la'scenst nnd Joined by the elght blgarmored crulse'rfc nnd other shlps ottlie Paciflc fleet, make an aggregatlbnoutiiumherlng any assembluKe underany flag on any sfas.The two milos of llghtlng shlps that

eolled tho English Channel nt tlieJublloo of Queen Vlctorla could notstand up againat them. The fleot thntdotted Oyster Bay when Rooseveltrovlowcd hls strong rlght arm numbe,--cd but thlrty-llvo shlps. Tho rendez-vous at Harnpton Roads. when thegreat nations of the earth sent rc-

prosentatlvo shlps. numbered thlrty-elght American vessels and twelveforeign ships.The bnttleshlps and cruisers alone

aggregate more tonnage than all theshlps of the Japanese navy. The fleet.according to tlie ofllclal list of the Bu¬reau of Navigation, Washlngton, D. C.wlll be made of the following:

Shlps of the Fleet.Flrst-class battleships . 18Armored cruisers . 8Protected cruisers . 4Torpedo-boat destroyers . 8Torpedo boats. 3Gunboata . -

Submarines ....... .'.. 2Colllers .. w. .*Supply shlps ......««.... <. -

Hospltal shlp. IRepalr shlp .....%..,*.*.'. 1

biAt the head of the fleet wlll bo tho

slxteen battleshlps that salled 14.000mlles around the South American con¬

tlnent, headed by the flagshlp Connec¬tlcut with her crew'of 1,080 men, andthe two battlpshlps Wlsconsin nnd Ne¬braska. Just completed iri- Pnclfic shlp-yards. Wlth the big whlte fighterswill be the elght armored cruisers,whlch are really hlgh-specd battle¬shlps, maklng a total of twenty-slxswlft-flrlng, hard-hlttlng. armor-

gcared flghtlng machines.These twenty-slx tloating fortresscs,

r,00 feet long, are masses of honey-combed steel, giants tralned to themlnuto, but wlth the agility of ayacht. They are belted wlth foot-thlck 'steel, and shoot 12 and lS-lncSshells to the horlzon and beyond, Tothese wlll be added elght of the thlrty-knot torpedo-boat destroyers. the swlft-est craft under the Stars and Stripei*,the scorplons of the navy, that fly atan enemy ln the dark, glve a death-deallng stlng wlth n torpedo and dls¬nppear ln tho nlght wlth tho speed ofii tt express traln; and three of the tor¬pedo boats, the wasps. bullt to woundthe blg flghtlng shlps of an enemy.The submarines Grampus and Plke,

reallzatlons of Jules Verne's dreams.and the two gunboats complete the11st of those that go forth to battie.In the traln of the flghtlng shlps wlllbe four capaclous-hulled coal colllers,tho refrigerator and fresh water sup¬ply ships Glacler and Culgoa, the nowfamous hospltal shlp Rellef and thotloating machine shop Panther. a totalof flfty-threo shlps, aU under the Starsand Strlpes.The Unlted States navy now ranks

second, and of the world's powers onlyCreat Brltaln has a greater aggrega-tlon. Of necessity, England's shlpsmust remaln scattercd among her do-inlnlons, on whlch the sun never sets.Can sho match the formldable displayof thls, tho greatest natlon on earth?When the revlew ls over slxteen bat¬tleshlps wlll head across the Paciflc,on a voyage across nll the seas. length-enlng the 14,000-mlle run around SouthAmorlca to a 45,000-mllo cruise aroundtho world.

Two aillca of Flghtcra.Placed end to end. wlth bows and

stern8 touchlng, the shlps would makea boulevard of steel along whlch onemlght walk four miles. Strung out atanchor ln single flle. tho fleet wouldstretch away for ten miles, which lsnearly as far as the eye can reach at'sea, and wlth the fartherest ship's hull


AIJMII* U, "FIGHT IXti IIOII" EVANS,"»- Floyd counly, Va., who will rulluqu Ish oniiiiiimid <>C ti.e flcct when thc wnr

niiiliM roacli -u u FritucUco,

{down on the horlzon. Anchored fourabreast for a revlew.such as Presl-dent Roosevelt steamed through atOyster Bay aud Hapton Roads.the

Ifour llnes would stretch for two and ahalf mlles each.

In fact. the administratlon has sentIts entire flghtlng strength to thePaclflc. The elghteen battleshlps alonecost tl00,000.000. and are manned byover 15.000 men and 725 officcrs.Mannlng tho entire fleet are 30.000

offlcers and seamen. Were they form¬ed into a parade the llne would ret-uircfour hours' time to pass a given polnt.As militia, they would make thirtyreglments of soldlers. There are but35.000 men In the entire navy, so near¬ly the entlro navy wlll bo at the re¬vlew.The flghtlng machines brlstle with

guns. AVere they placed twenty feetapart in thc wall of a fort tho broad-

:«ldo would extend ti length of nlghtmiles, or mako a square two mileslong on oach of Its four sides.The blg guns that constltute the

maln batterles ln the floet number asfollows:

Fonr-lnch rlfles . 96Five-lnch rlfles . 450Slx-lnch rlfles . 338Sev.Mi-inch rlfles. 120Itlight-liu-h rlfles. 168Ten-inoh rlfles . 14Twelve-lnch rlfles . 58Thlrteen-incti rlfles. 20

Track Around tho World,Whon the battleshlp fleet flnlshed Its

crutso of 14,000 mlles around the SoutliAmerlcan contlnent all the world won-

clered, but it proves lo have been onlythc boglnillng, for Ihere Is yet 31.000mlles head of tlie shlpp, making a totalof 45,000 mi'.es.somethlng nevor be*

) TORPEDO BOATS. (l.ength. Horse.

Shlp. Feet. Speed. Power. Cost.liftvls .154 211 1.750 $31,5-18Farragut ...273 30 5,878 227.500Fox .154 23 1,750 81,546

SUBMARINES.Dlsplace- Horse

Shlp. Speod. ment. Power. Cost.Gramfus ..-. S 120 160 $170,000I'lko . S 120 160 170,000

THE AUXIUARTES.Supply Shlps.Culgao, Glncler.Colllers.Alexander, Salurn, Are-

thusa, .lustln.Hospltnl Shlp.Rellef.Repalr Bhtp.Panthor.

r<*re ncjompllshed by anythlng lhat hascarrled still of steam. After leavlngKan Franclsco the ships will hend outto llonolulu. Hawall, a run of 3,100miles, the strateglo key to the wholoJ'uclllc. Then the shlps wlll head over

for Apla, Snmoa, a more speck fnr downIn the Southern Paciflc, and enlllng fora run of 2,263 mlles. Havlng shownthemselves tn our possossioiis iu thePaciflc, tho llghters will steam 2,345mlles iiver to Sydney, nnd thon 600milos to Melbourno, Australla.

After belng wlnod nml dluod, nndhavlng showed llie English what wo

havo In the flghtlng llne, tho fleetwlll set out for a stretch of 5,750 mllt.sto tho Chlna Sea. Ihe highway throughWhlcli passes nll the sali and stoaiutrafflc of tho many nations of tho seawith tlie Orlent and the wost. Aftercunsortlng wlth the flags ot' all na¬tions and hearing tlio Jargons of ullracea that swarm through this nauticalhighway uf Ihe east, tlio shlps wllldrop anchor ln Manila, Then, aftetfall niiinoeuvivH und target practico,the flool wlll Ko'l.SOl) inllos up toVokohoma, Japan, Next the slilpa will

Flagnhlp Connectlcutleadlng 1he fleet.

llnttlonhlp Fleet'* trackarouud thc world.

come south again and steam 1,050 mllesto Shanghal, China, and then 1,440mlles to Slngapore.Headlng across the Indlan Ocean.

and after a run of 1,770 mlles, thoships wlll halt at Oolombo, Soylon,wlth Its wealth of color and odors ofthe east, for coal. Then thoy wllleontlnue across the Indlan Ocean for2.130 mlles. when the ships will bringup at Aden, the entrance to the SuezCanal. Tho Journey through tho llodSea ls one of 1.310 mllos, after whiclithe blg flghters wlll enter the Mediter-ranean for a run of 1,920 miles underblue skles to Glbraltar. Enterlng tliobroad Atlantlc they wlll square awayfor a homeward bound run of 3,501mlles to Now A'ork.

Crnlsc to Cost 810,000.000.The blll for fuel nnd food for the

crulse wlll be enormous. Flour alone


AUM1KAI. CHAlll. 138 11. THOMAS.who will ¦li-tcceil Admiral *_vtiu- lu co mmauil. Admiral Sperry wlll ¦u-ceeitAdmiral Tliouma, aud -Ull couiiuauU the great Oeet lu the trip arouud tU->liolid,

Thirty Thousand Officers andMen Under Command ofAdmiral.Ships Reach

' More than 10 Miles.wlll cost $100,000. For fresh bee(there wlll bo expendefl $200,000. Th(15,000 men need onough flour to flll \scvonty-flvo rallroad cars, ahd suffl¬clent fresh beef to load flfty refrlg- **erator cars. Tho potatoes for th<ships wlll flll twenty cars. Otbe?-stores, ranging from cheese to turkeyr.aprlcots to sausages, sauor<kraut, vlnegar to macaronl, andpeaches to salt pork, lncludlng foTty-slx blg Itoms, range from one to fourcarload lots, maklng about 225 rall¬road cars full of supplles, or nearlyten blg tralns of foods.The blg^nst single Item Is coal. t\

fleet of thirty-odd colllers had moun- -

talns of lt stored at Trinldad, Rlo Jo»neiro, Punta Arenas, Callao, Magdalen*.Bay and San Franclsco, and to got th4slxteen battleshlps and the six tor«pedo-boat destroyors around the South-Amerlcan contlnent, over 100,000 tona..of fuel wero plled up at the stopplng.places. At $5 a ton thls reprosents.$500,000. The battleshlps alono tookaboard 24,000 tons at Rlo Janelro. 21,'-000 tons at Punta Aronas, 21,000 atCallao and 35,000 tonsl nt MagdalenaBay. Elghty thousand tons were con-

tracted for at San Franclsco, and now

that it has been declded to send theships around the world. mountains offuel must bc deposlted along theAslatic, Indlan and Medlterraneancoast s.

For every mlle of. the 14,000-milecrulse of the slxteen battleshlps fromHampton Roads to San Franclsco, thovessels burned elghty tons of coal arihour, whlch, at $5 a ton, ls $400 a

mlle.Whon the slxteen battleships shall

have ended thelr cruiso of 45.000 mllesthey wlll have consumed $1,500,000worth of foods and $1,500,000 of conl.Offlclal flgures of the Navy Depart-ment show that lt costs $625,000 to.

maintain a battleshlp for one year. If.thls ls multlplled by slxteen lt will boseen that the crulse around tho worldwlll cost over $10,000,000. However,.ns the crulse Is produclng -the bestmen-behlnd-the-guns ln the world. regnrded worth the prlce.

Records Wlth Blg Guns.The publlcatlon of the fact that

during target practlee ^on the BritishChannel fleet. in tlio presence of King.Edward, one gun mado nlncteen hltsin twenty-one shots. tliereby earninga decoratlon from the Klng, touchedthe prlde of American naval offlcers.They can beat this. Tlie record of th-jrecent target practico nt MagdalenaBay shows tliat the Maryland madetwo world's records with the 3-lnchand 6-lnch guns. Out. of 18.65 shotsa mlnute wlth the 3-Inoh guns thoMoryland's men made 1S.65 hlts a

mlnute a record of 1.000 per'cent.In the contest Wlth tlie 6-lnch guns the

Maryland Bunners easlly cnrrled nff tho hon-o-s wlth un average of S.43 hlts out of a

rn falblo 10.72. The Maryland not only ear¬

ned off lndlvidual records. but also led thehighest score made among all ships.

Tlio range moasured about 1.600 yards.and tho mcn were obllKOrt tn traln thelr gun*D. canvas turgcts 12 by 20 feot In size. andrlieckered in black und whlte squares. Sltcruisers partlcipated In the shoot. In thafinal score the following pcrcentages were

attaincd: ...'., J*Maryland. 78.S0: Tennessee, 61.24; Colorado.,

S;'..6S: Pennsylvanla, 57.S0; West Virginia.5" 70; Washtnston. 55.50.Ono gunner on the armored crulser Mary¬

land mado 11 shots and 11 hlts ln ono mln¬ute with a S-lnch gun. A ft-lnch gnin on thebattleshlp Malne has a record of perfectscore at tho rat« of 10.41 a mlnute. and thebattleshlp Missourl's best record was 10.30shots a mlnute. ench lodglng In a. target.

Tlie performance nt-Magdalena Bay showsthat the Albany has broken nll records forrnpldlty and accuraey wlth her 5-lnch guns.Iini- average belng 10 hlts per mlnute, andthv St. Louis wlth lier 6-lnch guns, avcras-ln« S»i hlts per mlnute.A 3-pounder on the battleshlp Vlrginia.

made 20 shotfl and 20 hlts In 75 seconds..Another gun mnde 10 shots nnd 10 hlts il»'22',i seconds. a ri-markable avcrngu of 26.C7shots and Hlts a mlnute.

Tho-battleshlp Illinols. thal holds* the ;tarfgot record of tho navy at the present wrlt*ln;:. made a por cent. of 75.783 iii using allGvnu-

Tlie crew <>r the nfter-turiot on the Aln-l..i;ina has mado 11 stralght hlts wlth the 13-inch gun. ,

At her preliminary practlee 'he Tennesseeused 13.743 ununds of powder and 36.24Ul-ounds of shell. the cost belng $18.900.2.0,At. record practlee the Tennessee used 10.-&&2 pounds of powder and 61.9Q& pounds afshell, tlie cosl belng ?25,742.50. Tlio Ten-netsee's Inrrcst gunn nre of 10-lnch callbrlat- ngnlnst the 12 and 13-lneh pieces of tbebnttleshlps.The snindai-d of occura'ric.v at target prar-

tlo'e has been set thls year by the crulserAlbany, whlch made a total score of 12Sl.lts out of 130 shots. at a rate of flre neverbefore dttained ln the navy.