the world of geography please pick up the handout at the front and begin

The World of Geography The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Page 1: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

The World of The World of GeographyGeography

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Page 2: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

What is Geography?

• Anything that can be mapped is geography!

• Geography “maps” two areas:

1. Physical2. Human

• The natural environment– Geosphere (land)– Hydrosphere (water)– Atmosphere (air)– Biosphere (life)

• The “built” environment– Communities– People– Culture– Religion

Study of the Earth

•Physical Geography

•Human Geography

Page 3: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

What is Geography?What is Geography?

**Geography shows the relationship Geography shows the relationship between people and the environment*between people and the environment*

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What is a Geographer?

• A person who analyzes the Earth from many points of view

• National Geographic


Early Geographers & Societies

John Snow (1854)

-English doctor-Mapped the dead-Discovered cholera was passed by water

Page 5: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

Physical and Human Physical and Human GeographyGeography

Find a partner and follow these directions:Find a partner and follow these directions:

•Draw a Venn diagramDraw a Venn diagram

•Label the sides “Physical” and “Human”Label the sides “Physical” and “Human”

•Work together and fill in the Venn using your Work together and fill in the Venn using your notesnotes

Page 6: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

Why Geography is Why Geography is Important!Important!

• Please don't be these people.......Please don't be these people.......

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Geographer’s Essential Questions

• Where are things located?

• Why are they there?

• To find these answers, geographers organize information into 5 themes

1. Movement2. Region3. Human-Environment Interaction4. Location5. Place

M.R. HE.L.P. (Movement, Region, Human-Environment Interaction, Location, Place)

Two questions guide the study of geography

5 Themes of Geography


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5 Themes of Geography

Page 9: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin


• There are two ways to think about location:

1. absolute location – describes the exact position on the Earth.

2. relative location – explains where a place is by describing places near it.

Page 10: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

LOCATIONLOCATIONWhere are we?Where are we?• Absolute Absolute

LocationLocation– A latitude and A latitude and

longitude (global longitude (global location) or a street location) or a street address (local address (local location).location).

– Paris France is 48Paris France is 48o o

North Latitude and 2North Latitude and 2oo East Longitude.East Longitude.

– The White House is The White House is located at 1600 located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Pennsylvania Ave.

• Relative Relative LocationLocation– Described by Described by

landmarks, time, landmarks, time, direction or direction or distance. From one distance. From one place to to another.

– Go two blocks Go two blocks south of General south of General Palmer and turn Palmer and turn right. right.





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5 Themes of Geography

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- This includes a location’s physical and human features.

- Answers the question: What is it like there?

Human features… what do people do? How have they impacted the area?

Physical features including climate or vegetation or land

Page 13: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

• Human Human EnvironmeEnvironment nt interactioninteraction

•How do people adjust to and change their environment?

•How does the environment adjust to and change the people?

•Geographers also use interaction to study the consequences of people’s actions.

Page 14: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

• MovemenMovementt

• How are people, goods, ideas How are people, goods, ideas moved from place to place?moved from place to place?

– Human/TransportationHuman/Transportation• Trucks, Trains, PlanesTrucks, Trains, Planes

– Information/CommunicationInformation/Communication• Phones, computer (email), Twitter! Phones, computer (email), Twitter!


• How do fads move from place to How do fads move from place to place? place?

TV, Radio, MagazinesTV, Radio, Magazines

– GoodsGoods• Products moving around the Products moving around the


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Reasons to move…Reasons to move…

• PushPush

• PullPull

• Factors that make Factors that make people leave and people leave and areaarea

• Factors that draw Factors that draw people to a given people to a given areaarea

Page 16: The World of Geography Please pick up the handout at the front and begin

• Region • Unifying characteristic, like climate, land, population, or history.

• On maps– use color and shape

or special symbols to show regions.

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REGIONSREGIONS – Formal Regions• Political boundaries

– Countries, States, Counties, Cities

• Similar characteristics– Front Range, Rocky Mountains,


– Functional Regions• Function

– newspaper service area, cell phone coverage area, subway service

– Vernacular Regions • Peoples perception

– middle east, the south

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5 Themes of Geography