the wn spring 2013 - council of international fellowship

C.I.F. World News Spring 2013 The Council of International Fellowship Magazine The Council of International Fellowship Magazine The 30TH CIF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE The 30TH CIF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ENCOUNTERS IN A GLOBAL WORLD: ENCOUNTERS IN A GLOBAL WORLD: Threats and Opportunities for Social Workers and Human Service Professionals Threats and Opportunities for Social Workers and Human Service Professionals JUNE 3-8 2013 ANKARA, TURKEY JUNE 3-8 2013 ANKARA, TURKEY

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C.I.F. World NewsSpring 2013

The Council of International Fellowship MagazineThe Council of International Fellowship Magazine






Threats and Opportunities

for Social Workers

and Human Service Professionals

Threats and Opportunities

for Social Workers

and Human Service Professionals

JUNE 3-8 2013



JUNE 3-8 2013



C.I.F.Page 2 W o r l d N e w s

��������������� ����������������������������� ��������������Maria Christopoulou, CIF Cyprus, CIF WN editor

Dear CIF Colleagues and Friends

This very minute I am addressing this message to you my country is undergoing

difficult moments. I thought that the economic crisis that started somewhere last

summer was the worst that could happen to us. But NO! It was only the beginning of a

long road with no endings. One thing after the other happens unexpectantly and

covers, spreads out in all areas, in all corners, in all households, in all neighborhoods, in

all cities, in the whole island of Cyprus but mainly in our hearts, our homes and our

pockets. The once rich, blooming, happy and prosperous island is now going to definite

catastrophe and abandonment. There are not enough words to express how we feel, how we have been

functioning these last few months and how things will turn out to be tomorrow. The questions that goes on is

“what will happen tomorrow?”

Perhaps now it is the time for truth, the time to sit back and rethink all we have done, the way we lived, the way

we did our business, the way we thought, and restructure

everything, make a new start and move on. Our Greek spirit

will never die regardless of all the rest. Greek people are

strong willed and they are fighters. Our small island has a long

history of conquerors invading, stealing, destroying and

bringing hunger, pain and fear. Fear not for ourselves but for

our families, for our children, for our country.

Now it is the time to people to ! Now

it is the time to unite our forces and together to fight this

injustice and bring the smile back on our face, rebuild our

economy, get our lives back.

CIF is one big Family. CIF is ONE and only. We all as members

of CIF serve the same purpose. Let us all

. Our commitment, our expertise, our dedication to the purpose of this international

organization give us the power to have a voice and help alleviate the pain, the hunger, the illiteracy, and bring

peace to this world. Because what we in Cyprus now, and later on other European countries, are going through

is a kind of war. It is a cold war with different weapons. It is a war of “power”, of “words”, of “leadership” and


CIF gives us Fellowship, Networking, Professional opportunities and development, makes friends and makes us

all feel good when we serve our community and see the good done to others in need. Service above self is a

moto we simply need to apply in all respect to help make a better world. This is the one thing no one can take

away from us. It is ours, it belongs to us!

In order to have world understanding, to pass the good will to the world and bring peace on earth we need to

be working as one big team with all of us the players who will work together to unify this world and bring peace

and happiness to our homes and lives.


Engage ourselves to

bring Change in the world

Now it is the time to

people to ! Now it

is the time to unite our forces and

together to fight this injustice

and bring the smile back on our

face, rebuild our economy, get our

lives back.



CIF President's MessageCIF President's MessageFrom Edna Bar-On,

CIF International President

t is my pleasure and honor to take this

opportunity and share my thoughts, concerns

and hopes with you. CIF Presidents in the past

had always felt the grave responsibility

required in leading the Organization but these

days, with new means of communication, the

challenge grows even more. Team work, committees'

functions and use of the latest communication means

(e.g. E-forum, Facebook, Skype and Websites) are

essential now more than ever.

Our organization celebrated

its 50 anniversary a few years

ago and we are now

implementing our Strategic

Program; growing, developing

and professionalizing, looking

forward to adjusting to the

new era. Many more

Professional Exchange

Programs are now working in


C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 3

I take this opportunity to

encourage you to lend a hand

in making this happen. I

believe it is a good idea to

open CIF to other

organizations and NGOs, and

to attract and involve young

people to take part in our


cooperation with universities and there are new

initiatives to promote programs for students in the

field of social work, behavioral sciences, education

and related disciplines. The Public Relations

Committee is now working towards the goal of

introducing CIF to the younger generation and re-

juvenating our Organization.

The concept of “thinking out of

the box” is manifested in the

“Peace Project” initiated by

Mimmo Merola, CIF Italy's

President and former CIF

International President. It started

at the CIF Conference in Cyprus

and continued with CIF Italy

Exchange Program last year by

inviting Palestinian and Israeli

participants to discuss the issue

and plan further steps.

Consequently, we will carry on

the “Peace Project” at the CIF

Conference in Turkey.

Here are Mimmo's words to CIF

members, “…CIF endorses the idea of

inviting two leaders from the Forum (The Parents

Circle Families Forum; Two Sided Story:

to present their admirable project in Turkey

to the general group with the possibility

of a workshop to follow. What could be more in line

with the theme of the Conference: ENCOUNTERS!

This, in our opinion, might also be a connection/link

that could help CIF to have a partner and continue in

a more realistic and functional way the Peace Project

initiated, and who knows, maybe generate even

more ideas and encourage other CIF Branches with

an Exchange Program to benefit from this

opportunity. Let alone the chance to let all CIF

conference attendees know more about what is

going on in this region, an insight to everyone,

especially those who may have to deal with similar


I take this opportunity to encourage you to lend a

hand in making this happen. I believe it is a good idea

to open CIF to other organizations and NGOs, and to

attract and involve young people to take part in our

activities. This will help keep an open mind and heart

to encourage, listen and discuss new perspectives

and methods to contribute to world peace.

The Tanzania issue is still a dark cloud on our

Organization's near past and present. I received

emails from members who feel that what happened

there affects us financially and morally. My letters to

the Tanzanian Authorities were returned unread or

left without response and CIF Tanzania members'




promises to return the money to CIF International are

still not met. This issue will also be discussed at our

coming Board of Directors meeting in Ankara.

Another important issue in regard to CIF's future is

the CIF Statute revision. This issue is constantly on my

mind and I'd like to share my thoughts and hopes

with you.

The other day I watched

Spielberg's movie, “ ”

which describes the last four

months of Lincoln's life, focusing

on the President's efforts in

January, 1865 to apply the

Thirteenth Amendment to the

United States Constitution.

Without going deep into the

historical fascinating story that the

movie presents and the

unforgettable actors, I realized

how important it is to apply

amendments to CIF's Statute at

the General Assembly in Ankara.

The Statute revision Committee:

, CIF Netherlands;

, CIF Finland; , CIF

Hellas; , CIF Netherlands Committee

Advisor; , CIF Germany; and

myself, the committee's convener worked together

to complete the needed amendments' final version.

These amendments were first introduced by our

former CIF International President, ,

to the Board of Directors (BD) in Hamburg and were

discussed again at the BD meeting in Cyprus and once

more at the BD meeting in Tanzania. The reasons for

the need of Statute revision are mainly the changes

that occurred in the last decade, the new

technologies and communication means and growing

globalization which call for new directions and

insights to be adjusted within our Guidelines and

Manuals. I believe that it is the future of our

Organization which calls us to vote for the Statute's

amendments and by that to contribute to an ongoing,

updated and progressive Organization.

Our 30 CIF International Conference in Ankara is

coming soon. We are sure it will be well-organized

and a professional conference thanks to CIF Turkey

organizing team and (CIF

Netherlands) great work by completing the


I am looking forward to seeing you all at the

Conference and enjoy togetherness, friendships, new

insights and knowledge.


Conference Guidelines

David Scheele Gunvor

Brettschneider Ninetta Lamprini-Zoi

Mieke Weeda

Maria Hierlinger-Gudat

Mimmo Merola

Mieke Weeda's



In the early eighties, after finishing

my compulsory service in the

Israeli army, I traveled the world. I

went to the United States and

together with a friend, traveled

the back roads from coast to coast.

One day we traveled north and

were about to cross the border

with Canada. Occasionally we saw signs announcing

the distance to the border and eventually we

stopped at a small cabin. A sleepy policeman checked

our passports and asks us to proceed. We asked him,

"How far are we from the border?" and he replied

that here is the border. We did not give up, "Where is

the border itself, the frontier?" He looked at us and

answered impatiently, "Here! United States is here

and Canada is there."

We both got out and looked around all we could see

is fields and open spaces. We were actually amazed,

"Where are the fences? Where are the minefields?"

I share this with you to describe a tiny bit of the

experience of growing up in Israel, surrounded by

enemies, in continuous conflict, when fear and

hatred are the main if not only emotions towards

your neighbors. If so, the border without fencing is

inconceivable and incomprehensible.

The life and experiences of my friend and colleague

from the “other side“ of the confict, Mr. Mazen Faraj

was far away from being 'normal.' Born and living in

Daheisha Refugee Camp in Bethlehem to a family of

refugees, made his life under the occupation

intolerable. He as well, most of his life knew the other

side as cruel enemies and as the one to blame for his

personal and national situation. Naturally he fought

for his freedom and dignity.

My encounter with the other side

happened after many years. Nine

years ago, in the summer of 2003, the

Parents Circle - Families Forum

organized a summer camp for

bereaved Israelis and Palestinians kids.

It was heroic and unique. The time

was of violence and casualties, in the

midst of the second intifada and the

Forum wished to say otherwise that

children should grow up in peace and

quiet, without fear or hostility. My

middle son attended the camp. Our

"entry ticket" to the Forum was my

mother's death. Her name was Zehava

= Goldilocks and all her friends called

her Golda. She got on a bus near her

home on the twenty-four of July 1995,

nearly 18 years ago. A Palestinian

suicide bomber blew himself up on

the bus and killed her and five other

Israeli citizens.

Mazen's Father was 62 years old when

Introducing the Parents Circle Family ForumIntroducing the Parents Circle Family Forum

he was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier in 2002. He

was on his way back to his home carrying groceries

for his family.

Years of pain and despair had not contributed to my

desire to recognize and accept the other side. Just

after my son returned from summer camp I first met

my Palestinian neighbors. And the meeting was

different from my expectations. I told my story and

the same people that five minutes earlier I considered

enemies, were attentive to my feelings and my pain,

dropping a tear. I could listen to their stories of pain

and suffering. The sense was of belonging not of

strangeness, and not animosity.

My encounter story is a common story in our Forum.

Mazen held similar ideas until he first met Israelis

who were not soldiers entering his house or camp.

Many members of the PCFF share that the first

significant point of their life is of course the loss of

their family member and the second is their first

encounter with the other side. Me and Mazen Faraj

are now together, but most of the Palestinian and the

Israeli people have never met the other side. They live

within a half hour or an hour away but never meet.

The only encounter is through media, through the

extremists who find their way to the red headlines in

the newspaper and the juicy television stories.

The encounter with the other side gave me back

something I have lost for many years hope and belief.

As an individual, it is a two-way sword: being

despaired and hopeless has the benefit of no

expectations and no disappointments. On the other

hand, hope is the best "fuel" to go and make a

change in our hectic and unsettled region.

Nir Oren and Mazen Faraj are the Co-General Managers

of the Parents Circle Families Forum, Israeli &

Palestinian Bereaved Families for Peace and


[email protected]

By Nir Oren, Israeli Co-General Manager

C.I.F.Page 4 W o r l d N e w s

As co-leaders of our organization, it is something we

must have to encourage others, to overcome violent

times and to go on this sisyphean path, to end the

conflict and stabilize a reconciliation process.

And obviously it is far from being an easy chore. To

my knowledge, we are the only organization of

bereaved families from both sides of the conflict. We

are struggling to create a framework for

reconciliation, while the conflict is "live and kicking."

In other places like Ireland and South Africa, such

process occurred only following a peace agreement

or cease fire.

You can imagine how hard it is to get into a dialog

meeting with high school students just after the Gaza

war or any other uni- or bi-lateral act of violence.

When the Palestinian and Israeli representatives

enter the classroom (and we are doing it hundreds of

times a year) they have to face not only hatred, fear

and demonization, but also harsh day-to-day reality.

By sharing our stories, learning and acknowledging

each other's narratives, changing opinions on the

social networks and more, we are trying to change

people's minds and confront them with the need and

the possibility of reconciliation. We are presenting the

idea that if we, who lost our loved ones, can do it

then everyone can.

Dearest Friends, everything is almost set...we are approximately € 800 away from covering the CIF

Peace Project related expenses for two leaders of the Parents Circle-Family Forum to present their

work at the CIF Conference in Turkey. I feel that this is a truly significant step if our project is to have a

concrete future, besides the extremely interesting experience that it is in itself for all those who will

have the opportunity to come to the Conference in June.

Mimmo Merola, CIF Peace Project

Aware of the critical financial moment many

of us are experiencing, any type of contribution, no matter how small, can help and would be much

appreciated. We are also continuing to pursue other sources, but it isn't easy.

Please contact Maria Hierlinger-Gudat, our CIF International Treasurer, on

where and how you can contribute:


Thank you again for any help you can

provide in the interest of our beloved

Organization and our commitment to

do our share, however small it may

seem, towards peace and human




[email protected]

Words from Mimmo about the CIF Peace Project

Through CIF Italia “Enemy”Becomes a Person

IsraelBy Ofra Leichtentritt,

CIF Israel

Through CIF Italia “Enemy”Becomes a PersonI sit at my computer, my mind flooded with wonderful

recollections of the exchange program I took last year to

Italy, the amazing experiences and the marvelous people

I met.

Italy, imbued with its scenes and characters from

antiquity, to the characters and places of today, was

painted in warm colors mixed with hopes and dreams. As

I strolled with Mohammed from Palestine and Aziza from

Turkey in Italy, the country of the ancient Romans, many

of whom conquered and enslaved my ancestors, I could

not help but feel filled with optimism.

From the very first meeting with the Italian delegation

in Rome, there was an immediate and open connection

between the hosts and their guests.

The first three days provided an excellent entrée for the

splendid moments that followed.

From our hostel we drove to Santa Maria, a place

where many families and

friends enriched our visit

further. And how can I not

speak of Mimmo and his

family, who did everything

possible to ensure that our stay was pleasant and

comfortable. I was privileged also to be with Pepe, Laura

and their lovely girls, who also did everything under the

sun to make our visit truly memorable. They actually

became my close family, and since meeting them on this

journey, I miss them and wait to see them in the future.

We were exposed to policies in the medical,

educational and social service fields. Mimmo was able to

recruit the community into contributing to and helping

with the meeting between all of us.

Also, during a social evening, we, the visitors,

introduced the culinary delights of Israel (Ofra), Palestine

C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 5

(Mohammed) and Turkish (Aziza) cuisine, combined with

explanations of activities in each of our respective


On another day, the Italian delegation celebrated a

birthday, where we all enjoyed Mimmo's son's talents

with Italian cuisine. Our host family also took us around

and showed us the wonders of Naples.

After our group had become quite close-knit, we then

had to split up, Mohammed and I to Rome, Aziza to the

north. We counted the days until we three could be

together again.

Maria, in her quiet and pleasant way, knew how to help

us connect to the different places, and enabled us to

combine the richness of Rome with the purpose of our


Together we went to meet a special needs population

at an immigration center, and also sat near the Pope in

the huge Vatican courtyard, where we experienced a

cultural and biblical mass.

While in Rome, I stayed with Frank and Mike, a

delightful couple who also made my time comfortable. I

was also exposed to the social services and their

methods. This helped me view our social services in

Israel in a different light. In one of our meetings with the

social service community, I explained our system to them,

and it was interesting to hear their professional input.

I enjoyed my stay with Mohammed in Rome very much,

especially due to the fact that our common issues did not

revolve around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but, rather,


Israel everything is so much heavier, mixed with

emotions, feelings and learned patterns of thinking.

My connection to Mohammed was simple, based on

our joint membership and participation in the forum of

we were both visitors who had come to explore, learn,

and, basically, take care of one another when needed.

families that had lost their loved ones. It was in that

forum that I learned, after six meetings, to listen to the

other, not automatically, but truly “hear.”

In general, the meetings between us caused us to feel

that we have missed out on something, and that, basically,

all we want is normalization between our two peoples,

not a continued lack of reason and senseless fighting

between both sides. This is what the CIF Center in Italy

enabled me to realize. My visit helped me to feel more

disconnected from the original feeling. Back in Israel I feel

the same as I felt in Italy, only the situation here at home

interferes and gets in the way.

I would like to thank the CIF community in Italy, very,

very much. Aziza, Mohammed and I were privileged to

have met all of you.

And in that way,

I turned the so-called “enemy” into a person, an individual.

Mimmo, Aziza, Mohammed, Ofra

CIF Italia Exchange Program

C.I.F.Page 6 W o r l d N e w s

uring the last years Sonia and I we attended

most of the CIF Conferences thought that it

would be nice for our group to meet again in

2012 in order to celebrate the Silver Jubilee

after participating in the 1987 CIF

India Exchange Program.

Therefore, we contacted the colleagues with

whom we are still in touch, and we could

locate Astrid via Facebook and also Tanja who

has a new address since 15 years. Finally, we

were nine of the former group out of thirteen

participants, willing to meet: Tanja Bryder

(Denmark), Sonia Panafieu (France), Astrid

Bellinga and Kees van de Klundert

(Netherlands), Gun Eldstahl, Ingegerd K.

Hansson and Sverker Ostberg (Sweden),

Wolfgang Schmidt-Rosengarten and myself


We stayed in Kuehlungsborn, Germany, at

the Baltic Sea. The area of Kuehlungsborn

belonged to the German Democratic Republic

(Eastern Germany) until the reunification in

1990. We spent a nice

time in two lovely holiday

apartments, one of them

owned by a German CIF

member. While starting the

first evening with preparing and enjoying an Indian

meal, already many memories of our time spent

CIF India Program Reunion GermanyBy Ingrid Grosshans,

CIF Germany

C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 7

together during the Exchange Program came up. We

hardly stopped talking about the typical and funny

events and challenges, which happened to us in India!

It did not matter whether we had returned to India or

not, we agreed on the opinion that this program had an

important impact on each of us and our professional

and personal life. Not only in India but also in

Kuehlungsborn we suddenly had to face a challenge:

late in the evening we noticed that the toilets of both

apartments did not work any more! We had to use our

fantasy how to deal with this unexpected

situation, and it reminded us that many

Indians do not have toilet facilities at all!

In the evenings accompanied by

champagne brought by Sonia and wine and

also Indian music we continued to share and

to resurrect our experiences and events in

India. A slide show, prepared by Wolfgang,

took us back to the orientation program in

the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in

Mumbai, agency visits, placements and host

family life. A significant experience for the

whole group was the train ride to Nagpur

rural area of the State of Maharashtra and

the visit of two interesting places: Anandwan,

inhabited by leprosy patients and Hemalkasa

by tribals. For each of us Sverker brought a

beautiful group photo which was taken in

Anandwan. And Kees showed us slides of an

innovative project he recently initiated in

Maharashtra. The project under his guidance

was about exchanging knowledge between

college students and teachers from The

Netherlands and a NGO in India, teaching skills for

special needs of orphans to make them self-supportive.

During the days we spent together in Kuehlungsborn

we explored some places of interest in the

surrounding areas as well as the beautiful coast area:

we walked along the sea-side and along the shore to

Heiligendamm, since 1793 the first bathing resort in

Germany. At this place the Heads of State resided in the

Grand Hotel during the G8 Summit in 2007. We also

visited Bad Doberan with its famous Cathedral in brick

Gothic style and Rostock-Warnemuende, a picturesque

village with old fisherman houses and a whiff of

harbour romanticism and a

cruise ship being anchored.

A boat trip from

Warnemuende to Rostock

and a guided city tour

through the historical centre

of the Hanseatic City

completed our excursions,

mostly accompanied by nice weather.

Thanks to Heidi Poerschke and Sylvia Koelpin, both

members of CIF Germany, for supporting me to prepare

and organize this nice week-end

All in all, we rather enjoyed our reunion. It was

amazing to feel so easy

in our group founded

so many years ago.

Picking up the slogan

of an Indian postcard,

“India, no, it´s not a

bed of roses… but

what a bouquet of an

experience!” Astrid

changed and put it in

the words, “I´ve to say

that Kuehlungsborn

was a big bouquet of

roses for me.” This way

we all are looking

forward to our next


A Bouquet of an ExperienceLasting 25 Years!

A Bouquet of an ExperienceLasting 25 Years!

CIF India Group Participants Anandwan, India in 1987

CIF India Group Reunion Kuehlungsborn

Germany 2012

CIF International General Assembly

THE Meeting for Conducting Important Businessccording to the CIF International Statutes (article 8) a meeting for all

CIF International members called the General Assembly is

organized during each CIF International Conference. Thus also in

Ankara there will be a General Assembly (GA) meeting.

Over the last years it has been noted that we don't seem to be clear

about the status and importance of this special meeting. Therefore it seems a good idea to just mention a

few things about the General Assembly. The GA is the most important meeting of CIF International as it gives

the individual CIF members the opportunity to interact with the Executive Committee and Board of

Directors about the activities of CIF. And, a very important point, all changes regarding the Statutes have to

be passed through and voted on by the members in the GA.

It is here that the Executive Committee (EC) presents their reports about the work accomplished in the last

two years. The financial report is presented as well as the report of the Audit Committee and the new

budget. In case there are changes in the Statutes, they will be voted upon. The EC will follow the procedures

as laid down in the Statutes (article 18) and make certain that there is a very clear voting procedure (for

paying members only).

The GA also gives the opportunity to present the newly elected EC and to thank the leaving EC members.

Furthermore, the President of CIF International will announce the place and time of the next CIF

International Conference and the newly selected Hosting National Branch will give a short presentation. It

also has been the good practice to give CIPUSA the opportunity to report about their work.

The meeting of the General Assembly is the full responsibility of the CIF Executive Committee and the

information and agenda have to be communicated in time to the members.

Thus, as you can see, this is meeting where all important CIF International business is conducted. Thus

a meeting all members need to prepare well for.


NetherlandsBy Mieke Weeda

CIF Netherlands/Member

of the Board of Directors

C.I.F.Page 8 W o r l d N e w s












Open with a moment of silence for the

members of CIF who have passed away since the

last Conference

Welcome by the President

Approval of the Minutes of General Assembly

meeting in Cyprus 2011

Approval of the Ankara Agenda

President, Edna Bar-On

Vice President, Maria Christopoulou: World

News (WN) Editor

Secretary, Lollie Bailey-Nilsson

Treasurer, Maria Hierlinger-Gudat

Member-at-large, Gabi Kronberger:

Professional Education Programs (PEP)

Member-at-large, Michael Cronin: Branch

Executive Committee Members' Reports


Development and Public Relations


General Assembly (GA) Agenda Ankara Conference

June 7, 2013

Provides professional human services´ development and training through intercultural exchange

11. Presentation for approval:

Approval of lifting CIF Cameroon's

suspension as a CIF NB

Discussion/approval of lifting CIF's Tanzania's

suspension as a CIF NB

Amendments to the Statutes

Ethical Issues Report CIP/USA Report

12. Next Conference Host in 2015

13. Election Results

14. Other Business

15. Adjournment

Lollie Bailey-Nilsson

Secretary CIF International

Dear Members of CIF International and Friends from

all over the World,

Keynote speeches, workshops and presentations will

discuss and emphasize the global “encounters” issue

in all dimensions and give us a sense of how we, as

social work professionals, might turn all challenges

we face into opportunities for a better world, where

we can live in peace and fellowship.

You are all invited to the 30th CIF International

Conference, which will be held in Ankara, Turkey, from

3rd-8th June, 2013! As CIF Turkey conference

organization committee, we are very excited to receive


We want to remind you that, as CIF Turkey was founded

in 1993, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of our

existence at the conference, as well! Since its' founding,

CIF Turkey has witnessed a number of encounters and

you are all warmly invited to share our experiences and

excitement with us, along with other celebrations!

The theme of the 30th CIF International Conference is


Opportunities for Social Workers and Human Service

Professionals.” The main subtopics of the conference

theme are: Diversity and Identity, Discrimination,

Conflicts and Violence, Hate Crimes, Reconciliation,

Internet Abuse, Human Trafficking and Refugees. You'll

get more detailed information on our webpage,

Your participation is

very welcome and you are invited to submit a

presentation or lead a workshop at the conference.

Submit abstracts to , but

please note that the deadline for abstract submission is

31st March, 2013!

The 30th CIF International Conference academic

programme has already started to acquire a concrete!

[email protected]

shape! The programme includes valuable

keynote speakers, workshops, paper

presentations, and various agency visits

addressing social issues of Turkey.

On 4th June, 2013, keynote speaker

Professor Dr Ayse Bugra from Bogaziçi

University, Social Policy Forum, will cover

the development of social welfare services

and social policy issues in Turkey. Just after

this first plenary session, the “Peace Project panel” will


The Peace Project started in 2011 in the 29th CIF

International Conference in Cyprus and following that,

CIF Italy 2012 Professional Exchange Programme

especially focused on the project by hosting one

participant from Israel and one participant from

Palestinian territories. As a consequence of the need of

the project to connect with someone who is working in

managing the internal/psychological conflict of Israeli

and Palestinian individuals, “The Parents Circle Families

Forum; Two Sided Story” was identified. Mr. Mazen

Faraj and Mr. Nir Oren from the “Parents Circle-Families

Forum (PCFF)” will have a presentation and a panel

discussion about their work in the midst of ongoing

conflict and violence to transform their members' (who

all have lost a close family member in the conflict)

incredible loss and pain into a catalyst for reconciliation,

tolerance and peace. After we watch their documentary

film titled “Two Sided Story,” we'll say together: “It


Threats and Opportunities for Social Workers and Human Service Professionals





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CIF Turkey Conference Organization Committee

members in Istanbul meeting

C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 9

won't stop until we talk!”

Bogaziçi University Peace Education, Application and

Research Center (BUPERC), will also contribute to the

Peace panel. This Center was established in 2007 as the

first Peace Education Center in a university setting in

Turkey. The mission of this Center is to reach and

educate all age groups in conflict resolution and peace

education, and to have a peaceful, respectful and

empathetic society where people from different ethnic,

cultural, religious and ideological backgrounds live in


BUPERC asserts that, we live in a world where war,

terror and violence are widespread in every part of life.

So, solving conflicts by non-violent methods and

spreading peace culture carry vital importance. Peace

Education involves trainings in effective communication,

empathy building, initiates awareness of prejudices,

human rights, conflict resolution methods and

motivate critical thinking. The consequence of these

trainings effect positively the emotional intelligence,

thus initiate a peace culture. In a way, peace education

can be regarded as preventive medicine. Peace starts

within and spreads as harmonious relations with the

family members, the wider environment and the whole

World; so peace education should start at a very early

age and continue for lifetime.

Workshops and presentations will follow the Peace

Panel on 4th June, 2013.

On 5th June, 2013, keynote speaker Associate

Professor Dr. Pinar Uyan Semerci, from Istanbul Bilgi

University, faculty of Economics and Administrative

Sciences, International Relations Department, will have

a speech titled: “Turkey, a Country of Migration: Social

Reflections and Related Social Policy Issues.”

Besides the progress in the academic programme,

we're working hard to organize an attractive social and

cultural programme aiming to have both fun and learn

about Turkish culture! We will organize not only

academic workshops, but also some cultural workshops

such as Ebru (marbling), Turkish cuisine, Turkish music,

etc. We would like to give you a sense of taste of the

CIF Turkey Conference Organization Committee

members in Ankara meeting,

together with the volunteer students

C.I.F.Page 10 W o r l d N e w s

social part with some descriptive words, but would like

to keep it as a surprise, as well!

Please stay tuned by visiting our website

regarding the

programme progress and updates.

CIF Executive Committee Meeting

CIF Board of Directors Meeting

CIF Conference

Büyük Anadolu Hotel is the place where our friends and

fellows meet to share their experiences, culture and

make memorable moments. The Hotel offers high

standard services, enjoyment and relaxation since it is a

thermal springs. See Büyük Anadolu Hotel Ankara,


Registration for the Conference can be completed

either through Internet or by downloading the

registration form and mailing it, or sending by fax. You

will find all the information at the website:

Market of Nations will be opened on the third day of

the conference, on the 5th June, 2013! We would like

to kindly ask you to bring items specific to your country

and get ready to exhibit it for sale to the guests

contributing this evening! People would love to hear

your country's music, taste food that is special in your

homeland and buy the stuff to take back to their

countries as souvenirs. This is a traditional fundraising

event, as well as a cultural exchange. You may also want

to bring your country flags, wear traditional clothing

and present us your culture. We leave the rest up to

your imagination!

We've tried to start something that might attract your

attention! University students, studying in the field of

social work will be with us as volunteers during the

whole conference!

The organization's volunteers committee members

visited various universities and organized meetings with

university students to inform them about CIF

International and the conference. We found some full

of CIF's spirit and excited to be a volunteer including

young social work students. Now, we're working on

how to keep their motivations constant, by regular

meetings and with an efficient division of labor.

We have an International airport in Ankara, called

Esenboga International Airport, which is only two km

from the Büyük Anadolu Hotel. There will be shuttle

services for CIF members from the airport to the hotel!

Please make sure, you inform the conference secretary

regarding your flight details at [email protected].

May 30-31, 2013

June 1-2, 2013

June 3-8, 2013





Traveling to Ankara



Weather Forecast





1- Splendid Istanbul (8th-12th June 2013) Price: 475 €

2- Magical Cappadocia (8th-11th June 2013)

Price: 360 €

Ankara has a continental climate with hot and dry

summers. Spring is the wettest season. Average air

temperature in Ankara is between 24-26°C. Because

the temperature difference between daytime and

nighttime is very variable, you should bring at least a

cardigan or warm clothes and an umbrella/raincoat.

We might have rain.

The currency is Turkish Lira ( ). You can find Exchange

Offices at the airport and also in the city center, as well

as at the hotel. Euros and Dollars are also acceptable in

many shops around touristic places.

Visa and MasterCard are mostly accepted in many

shops, museums and at the hotel.

Turkey operates on 220-240 volts, 50 Hz with round-

prong European-style plugs that fit into recessed wall


The telephone area code of Ankara is (312). The

Country code is (+ 90).

In the hotel, we will have a small room with computers

and Internet connection. So, the participants will be

able to check e-mails, etc. The hotel has Wi-Fi, but you

will need to pay for it.

We have collaborated with a local travel agency to

provide three post conference tours that will really take

you back to the history.

Post conference tours you will enjoy to join are:

Istanbul is one of the most romantic cities in the world,

with its stunning

location on the Bosphorus,

its exotic bazaars and its

wonderful architecture that

includes Roman ruins,

Byzantine churches and

Imperial Ottoman mosques.

You will discover Hagia

Sophia, Grand Bazaar,

Hippodrome, Blue Mosque,

Archeology Museum,

Dolmabahce Palace,

Bosphorus Tour, Spice

Market, Carpet Weaving

Demonstration, Chora

Museum, Istiklal Street,

Galata Tower and Topkapý

Palace where you feel yourself like one of the Ottoman


You don't want to miss the tour to Cappadocia which

takes you back to the 6th century BC. The Salt Lake,

Uchisar Town, Kaymakli Underground City, Goreme


Village, Goreme

Open Air

Museum, Dark

Church, Pigeon

Valley, Carpet


Demonstration, 3

Beauties, Art Of



Local Winery, Saruhan Caravanserai, Camel Stone, and

Monks Valley are the most important places that you

will visit. You will do hot-air ballooning, trekking, hiking

and will not help yourself taking lots of photos.

Over thousands of years, the action of water has

formatted a series of immense limestone terraces and

plateau, frozen in

time. The hot

running water in

this area has

been revered

since the time of

the Romans for

its medicinal

qualities. You will

be able to

witness this and

amazing shape of

its natural rock

formations, pools

and cascades. Ephesus Ancient City, One of the best

Roman cities of the world under the protection of

UNESCO will be welcoming you in this tour.

If you are interested in participating in a tour, please

visit the website and

follow the instructions. We

strongly encourage you to

make a contact as soon as

possible since there is limited

space. You will find the post

tours registration form so you

can specify your interest on it

and send it to the secretariat

of the conference at

[email protected] no

later than March 1st, 2013.

Please visit



g/index.htm to register and

have more information both about CIf Turkey and the

30th CIF International Conference.

3- A voyage to the ancient world: Pamukkale and

Ephesus (8th-12th June 2013) Price: 400 €

CIF Turkey Conference Organization Committee

P.S. Cover Photo by Alper Fidaner.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in

Ankara, Turkey, in June!

C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 11

n 1966, I participated in the Cleveland International Program (CIP). From that time

on, the words, friendship and hospitality have obtained a special meaning for me.

Later on “Cleveland International Fellowship”[now Council of International Fellowship (CIF)] became the

home of these ideas. Being a member of CIF means belonging to a big international family; and from time to

time you are happy to see some of your “family members.”

Last November, it was my time to see a special member of this big family: , the vice president of

CIF. My husband and I decided to spend our holidays in Cyprus. After a two week exploration of this wonderful island

with an almost infinite variety of mountains, beaches, historical and archaeological places of great importance, we

really thought that we were on the Island of the Gods. Cyprus is a living picture book of the world history because so

many peoples left their traces there: the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines and the


After having explored part of the island, we went to Nicosia to see Maria and to get some sightseeing tips first hand.

As soon as we met, the spirit of CIP/CIF was back. Memories of my stay in Cleveland 46 years before became “present”.

You meet someone, you converse for some minutes and you feel as if you have met already before.

CIP had formed our spirit and opened our mind to the people of the world and their wishes, dreams and problems.

We had had the chance to meet people from all over the world in this program and to make friends and the ideas of CIP

went on and survived and here we are, Maria and I in Nicosia.

Maria showed us round her hometown. We sat together in a typical Cypriot pub trying the wonderful sweets and in

the evening we had a get-together with some friends of Maria talking about the actual political and economic crisis in

Greece and Cyprus. Besides the interesting talks we had a big variety of “mezes,” the typical Cypriot food and Greek

wine, with traditional Cypriot music in the background.

The next day we went to the northern part of Cyprus occupied by the Turkish. The situation at the checkpoint in

Nicosia reminded us of the similar situation in Berlin 20 years ago. We had to pay for the personal permit and the

special permission and insurance for the car. It was a strange situation, like entering a foreign country in the middle of

the town. It was Maria's first visit to the north since she was a child and she was very touched to be in this part of her

divided country.

Together with her friends, we took part in a Maronite mass in a little village in the northwest where only one old

woman of 90 years still lives, taking care of the church and some houses. The whole place is a base of the Turkish army

and the Maronites are only allowed to come here on Sundays for two hours with a priest from Nicosia to celebrate the


After the mass, we went on north to Kyrenia, a wonderful seaside resort between mountains and water and later

visited the old Castle of Bellapais, a 12th century Augustinian monastery high up in the mountains.

After our return to Nicosia, with all the regulations and controls, we could understand Maria's feelings very well. For

us, to experience and learn more about the sad and difficult political andeconomic situation of Cyprus firsthand was

very special.

For all of you who read these lines, come and see Cyprus a place well worth a visit. Come and see the wealth of the

ancient fantastic treasures of mankind; come and see Maria and renew the spirit of CIP/CIF and their members who

share the same ideas and thoughts of liberty and justice and have dreams for a better life for all people.

whom I had the

pleasure of meeting several times in Germany. Through him, I had theopportunity to take part in this special program

and to open my mind and my heart to the world and become a member of this worldwide family called CIF.

Maria Christopoulou

This is also the right time and place for me to say thank you to , the founder of CIPHenry Ollendorff

GermanyBy Doris Koepfle,

CIF Germany

C.I.F.Page 12 W o r l d N e w s

1. The meeting was opened and everyone was

welcomed by President, Mimmo Merola.

2. Approval of the Cyprus General Assembly (GA)


3. Nepal: The President presented Nepal as a, newly

Board of Directors (BD) approved, National Branch

and welcomed Krishna Acharya, its president.

4. Election Committee Report was made by Jane

Ollendorff, CIF USA, as the committee's convener.

5. Executive Committee Members' Summary Reports:

6. The PR Plan of Action, passed by the BD, was

presented to the GA: The PR Committee members


The Agenda was approved by acclamation.

Approval of the GA, Kaljava, Finland Minutes from


Leo Heikkilä, CIF Finland moved and Maria

Christopoulou, CIF Cyprus, seconded the motion to

approve the Minutes as distributed.

(1) The Election Committee Report

Jane reported that, after being certified as being

eligible to vote, 23 National Branches (NBs)

participated in the election of the new Executive

Committee (EC).

Elected to office were:

Edna Bar-On, CIF Israel, President

Maria Christopoulou, CIF Cyprus, Vice President

Lollie Bailey-Nilsson, CIF Sweden, Secretary

Maria Hierlinger-Gudat, Treasurer

Gabi Kronberger, CIF Austria, Member-at-Large

Michael Cronin, CIF USA, Member-at-Large

(1) The President reported on the accomplishments of

the CIF between 2009/2011. (Full report available for

viewing on )

(2) The President also presented a revised list of

Standing Committees recommended by the BD for GA


Financial Advisory Committee

Fund Raising Committee

Communications Committee

Public Relations Committee

Legal/Ethical Matters Committee

Archive Committee

Statutes Review Committee

Lisa Purdy, CIP/USA, Convener

Leo Heikkilä

Ilse Hoffmann

Anne Robertson, CIF Scotland, newly appointed

Mireille Boucher, CIF France, newly appointed


The motion carried.

The PR's Committee will begin the implementation of

the PR plan.

The Archive: It is now clear that the HBO and the

CIP/Council Archives will be housed at the Western

Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio, the City in

which CIP was founded.

The BD approved the housing of the CIF Archive at the

“German Central Institute for Social Issues” (DZI) an

internationally known NGO in Berlin, German, the

country in which CIF was founded, and where the CIF

Germany Archive is already housed there.

The DZI will organize and host the Archive at no cost

to CIF International.

Beate Arlt, CIF Germany, who organized the CIF

Germany archive documents before they were sent to

DZI, has agreed to do this with the CIF International

documents while working with Archive Committee

member and CIF Germany President, Inge Bierbrauer, in


The GA approved the plans for the Archive as


Proceeds from the Cyprus Market

of Nations totaled 2291 EUR as opposed to 3723 EUR in


CIF Income for 2010 was:

CIF expenses for 2010 were: were:

Balance on hand as of the end of the fiscal year 2010:

Balance in the Stifel Nicolaus Fund:

Amount donated for Grants in support of Palestinian

conference participants:

The sum used to support CIF grants for the Cyprus

Conference was:

The Internal Auditors have checked the CIF financial

records for the year 2010 and found everything to be in

order and has released the Treasurer from all


Auditors will continue to be appointed at the

meetings and submit their reports, as usual, to the EC

and BD.

The proposed changes to Articles 9 and 13, the text of

which was distributed at this meeting, were subject to

an in-depth discussion which brought forth the

following points:

a) According to Article 18: “The Statutes can be

changed at any General Assembly, provided said

changes have been announced in writing to the

membership at least one month prior to the meeting

and these changes have been accepted by the Board of

7. The Secretary's Report:

8. Treasurer' Report:

9. Proposed Changes to the Statutes:

8992 EUR

7026 EUR

11.500 EUR

49.845.89 USD

2037,81 EUR

3780.00 EUR


Market of Nations:�

C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 13

Directors prior to the meeting of the General


Said changes were announced to the General

Membership one month prior to the GA but not in

specific detail, thus bringing about the procedural issue

In view of the above discussion, the GA

approved referring the changes to the Statutes as

presented by the BD to the GA, to the Statutes Review

Committee. The proposals as presented to the GA were

then withdrawn.

The Statutes Review Committee was advised to

circulate proposed changes to the membership as soon

as possible prior to the next conference.

Mustafa Dernek, President of CIF Turkey was

introduced by President Mimmo Merola. Mimmo

stated that CIF Turkey had submitted a proposal, to

host the 2013 CIF Conference. After studying Turkey's

proposal, the EC and BD recommends that Turkey be

approved as the site of the 2013 Conference.

Mustafa Dernek gave the following details:

The conference site would be in Ankara.

The proposed conference dates are the first two

weeks in June when the weather is not so hot.

The conference fee can hopefully be kept to around

400 EUR.

The GA approved CIF Turkey as the host for

the next CIF conference in 2013.

: (Full

remarks available for viewing on


There being no further business it was moved

and seconded that the General Assembly meeting be


10. CIF Conference 2013

11. Newly Elected President's Remarks to the GA

12. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Lollie Bailey-Nilsson

Secretary, CIF International




The motion carried.

Contact Persons for Countries

without a Branch OfficeAlgeria [email protected]

Barbados/West Indies:

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

Costa Rica:

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]



[email protected]


[email protected]



South Korea:

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

: Mr.Hocine Hamoudi , Algeria E-mail:

Ms. Anne Murrell, 57 Oxnards Heights, St. James

BB 23036, Barbados, West Indies Phone: +246-4244774 (home); +246-

4256950 (work); +246- 2404077 (mobile) E-mail:

for longer files:

Ms. Áurea C. Ferriera, RuaDionísio da Costa, 287 ap. 01, 04117-

110 Vila Mariana, São Paulo, BrazilPhone: Home: +55 11 36376378

Mobile: +55 11 71098467 E-mail:

Mr. Ye Lin, No 9 Lane 410 Hong Gu Road, Shanghai 200 335,

China Phone: +86-21-62422161, +86-13916356350


Mr. Lisímaco Valerio, Apdo. 177 - 3015, San Rafael - Heredia,

Costa Rica E-mail:

Ms. LemlemTekuye, P. O. Box 40646, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Mr. Trinity Yevoo, P.O. Box 778, Akatsi Volta, Ghana

Fax: +233-966-22256,& Mr.Alexander Oworae, P.O.BOX 144, Ejisu-Ashanti,

Ghana E-mail: Alexander Oworae:

Ms. ElísabetKarlsdóttir, Hjaltabakki 10, 109 Reykjavik, Iceland

Phone: +354-6927782 E-mail:

Ms. Anne Botzem; 33, rue Jean Bertels; L-1230 Luxemburg


Mr. Theodoric Rajaonary, Block 15, porte 5, 67ha North

West, 101 Antananarivo, Madagascar Phone: +261- 20-22 28799 (office);

+261- 20-24 525 86 (home); +261-3311-246 27 (mobile)


Mr. Abdel-Aziz El Boudiri, 390 Hay Kawtar, Route Taza, Oujda

60040, Morocco Email:

Dr. Mohammed Alami, P.O. Box 19762, East Jerusalem, Israel

Mobile: +972 52 72 555 20 Email: Skype:


- Ms. Nelly Galliani Chiok, Avda. Del Ejército 1774, San Isidro, Lima

27, Peru

Ms. Visminda E.Rabara, West City Central School, Carmen

Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines E-mail:

Ms. Klara Serbanoaica, Str. Victoriel, Bl:37, Scara:1, ap:5, Tg-

Jiu, Cod: 1400, Romania


Ms. Olivera M. Cirkovic, Vojvode Stepe 25, 11 000 Belgrade,


Mr. Tan Pong Meng, Family Welfare Services, Ministry of

Community Development, 512 Thomson Road, Singapore 1129, Singapore.

Mr. Sunwha Moon, Social Welfare Dept, Puson National

University, Pusan 609-735, South Korea E-mail:

Ms. Maria José Sánchez Tera, Spain


Mr. Matthew Kuo, 5, Lane 17, Pai-Jen Street, HsinTien

City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan Phone: +886-2-29118306 (work); +886

0953585882 (home); Fax: +886-2-29118306 E-mail:

Ms. Ajara Polparsi, 2246/2 SoiIam-anusorn, Chan Kao

road, Chongnonsri, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120, Thailand

Phone: +66-2285-4759 (home); +66-2678-2358 (home); +228-

1806-9599 (mobile) E-mail:

Status 15 October 2012/mc

C.I.F.Page 14 W o r l d N e w s


Dear CIF National Branch Presidents, Contact Persons

and Members:

Will you contact your branch or country

members in the to identify potential CIF

members who may be willing to serve now or in the

future on the EC?

The election will take place at the upcoming meeting of

the CIF Board of Directors during the June 2013 CIF

Conference in Ankara, Turkey. While nominations can

be accepted up to 48 hours before the election,

The Election Committee

completed an analysis of the

eligibility of present EC

members. Our statutes do not

allow more than eight (8)

consecutive years in any

position on the EC and allows

only four (4) consecutive years

in the same position.

Our current Treasurer,


Secretary for the past four

years, ,

has decided not to continue on

the EC for personal reasons

and a desire to focus more of

her time on the CIF Archive


in their present positions or in

a new position. is

willing to be nominated for

another two year term as

President, but requests

Who will step forward to lead CIF International into the


next few days

Nominations are welcome for all

positions, however we especially need your help to

identify nominations for


must identify qualified and willing nominees well before

we arrive at the Conference.

President, Secretary and


Send your nominations by

e-mail to any of the Election Committee Members

listed below (scan the required signatures) or mail

them by 15 April, 2013 (Nomination Forms available

from the Election Committee).

Good news, all the other

current members are eligible

to continue serving on the EC




Hierlinger-Gudat, must retire

from the EC, having graciously

served so effectively for eight

years by the end of 2013.

Lollie Bailey-Nilsson

Edna Bar-On


, if elected, is willing to continue as Vice


Nominees must, in addition to their commitment to the

organization, be members in good standing of CIF, must

have attended a CIF or CIP USA exchange program in

the past, and must have the technical ability to send

and receive e-mails as well as access the Internet in

order to facilitate worldwide communication.

Many thanks for your attention to this important

matter regarding our CIF leadership. We hope to hear

from you very soon regarding your nominees and will

be available to answer your questions.


, and


Mail can be addressed to: Jane Ollendorff at 8128

Cornell Court, University City, MO 63130 USA




Björklund Jane Ollendorff

Suzanne Schorro

Warm regards from your Election Committee:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 15

n February 20,2013 a meeting with CIF Estonia and Tallinn University representatives occurred, to discuss

possible cooperation in the future. CIF Estonia`s three members, Andrea Kink, Aet

Urbas and Margit Randaru, were welcomed in Tallinn University by Koi du Saia and

Margo Kikas, both lectors of the Institute of Social Work.

Below is an overview about our discussion and agreements:

CIF Estonia wants to offer the CIF Baltic programs foreign participants (next program will be in

2014)a possibility to have lectures about the social welfare system in Estonia; to have a chance to

get the overview first in theory and then see it all in practice when visiting different social

institutions and organizations. Also, they will get to know about social work studies in Tallinn


Lectors of Tallinn University Institute of Social Work are willing to include CIF Baltic programs foreign participants in

their lectures that they are giving in English about the social welfare system in Estonia and even to prepare a seminar

especially for them. The seminar could also have a special theme about some important social problem or topic, so

everybody can discuss it from their own point of view.

CIF Estonia proposed that the participants of CIF Baltic programs could introduce their home country, their

occupation and work experience and also a bit of social welfare system in their country. The listening audience could be

students of Tallinn University Institute of Social Work, also lectors and even members of CIF Estonia, when they are

interested.The Institute of Social Work was very interested in this idea to exchange knowledge and experience and to

hear what is happening in other countries. Again arranging a seminar in the Institute of Social Work would be great way

to implement it. Tallinn University Institute of Social Work has a possibility for arranging rooms to welcome our CIF

Baltic program participants in a seminar.

CIF Estonia would like to have students of Tallinn University Institute of Social Work helping out with CIF Baltic

programs. For example, introducing the City of Tallinn and Tallinn University to participants of CIF Baltic programs. Also

students could accompany CIF Baltic program participants when they visit different social organization. They could

even help in translating, if necessary.

Tallinn University has a subject in bachelor curriculum Voluntary Work Practice. Students who attend this subject,

can choose CIF Estonia and helping with CIF Baltic programs to have their grade in this subject.

Tallinn University Institute of Social Work thought that CIF Estonia members could also be useful to them by coming

to lectures of Voluntary Work (orsome other lectures) and talk as specialists of social field about their work or about

experiences in attending different countries CIF programs. CIF Estonia members are very pleased to do so.

Generally our cooperation meeting with Tallinn University Institute of Social Work went very well and we are hoping

to have further discussions about being useful to each other. We are happy that already in our CIF Estonia spring

meeting, which is held in Tallinn University on March 28th, the representatives of the Institute of Social Work are also


CIF Estonia Proposes Cooperation with Tallinn UniversityBy Andrea Kink, CIF Estonia

C.I.F.Page 16 W o r l d N e w s

National Branches and CIPUSANational Branches and CIPUSA March 2013March 2013






















President: Ms. Cindy Penny: Phone: 0064-9-

8467760 E-mail: : Secretary Glenys Roper.


President: Ms. Silvia Nutter: Address: Araoz 2091 5 A C.P.

1425; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Phone: +54-11-49833


President: Ms. Denise Grieshaber: Address: PO Box 6305, Halifax

Street, SA 5000, Australia; Phone: +61 8 8440 6774 (work); E-mail:

Fax: +61 8 8440 6840: Website:

President: Ms. Judith Lamatsch: Address: Bennogasse 8/17; A-1080,

Vienna, Phone: +43 1 408 39 98 E-mail:


President: Mr. Kalle Albert Masango: P.O Box 525, Kumba,

Cameroon Phone: +237-77-623217; E-mail:

President: Dr. Maria Christopoulou; 14 Megalou Alexandrou Street,

2121 Aglantzia, Nicosia, Cyprus tel: 0035722 879888 Mob: 0035799660809

fax: 0035722 871932 e-mail:

President: Ms. Marketa Skalicka: Address: Voskovcova

1130/34, 152 00 Praha 5.Czech Republic: Phone:+ 420 2 414 41364 (h-

Prague), +420 40 6262363 (h-Pardubice), +420 2 248 26860 (work); +420

603 354 796 (mobile) E-mail:

President: Mr. Raul Kivi Official e-mail: [email protected]:

President's e-mail addresses: or ;

Mobile phone: +372 56 62 8865: Official mailing address: Ilvese 34-4, 80037

Pärnu, ESTONIA: Website:

President: Mr. Leo Heikkilä: Address: CIF Finland, PB 152, 00531

Helsinki, Finland : E-mail: :

Phone-Mobile: +358 50 5748351: Website:

President: Ms. Mireille Boucher: Address: c/o Marie Thérèse Martin,

CIF France, 99, rue Germain Baujard, 18400 Saint Florent sur Cher, France:

Phone/Fax: + 33 248 55 66 45 E-mail:


President: Ms. Inge Bierbrauer: Address: Sommerbergstrasse 4A,

34123 Kassel, Germany;: Phone:+ 49 561 525 582 E-mail:


President: Ms. Elisavet Bakagianni, : 11522

Athens, Greece; Phone: +30-210-6461665 E-mail:


President: Ms. Veena Nandlal Goswami: 233/16, Satya Niketan; Rafi

Ahmed Kidwai Road, Wadala, Mumbai, INDIA: E-mail:

: Phone: +022-24150614 Mobile +98 20552271 :


President: Dr. Edna Bar-on; 4 Achimeir Str., Tel-Aviv 69126, Israel;

Phone/Fax: 972 3 642 1204 ; E-mail: ; and


President: Mr. Mimmo Merola Via Latina n° 63, 81055 S. Maria C. V.

(Ce), Italy Website: Phone and Fax: +39(0)823-798631; E-mail:


President: Mr. Osbert Neufville; 9 Gardenia Avenue, Kingston 6,

Jamaica West Indies Phone: +1-876-977-5927

E-Mail: ;

: President : Mr. Kazutoshi Takeuchi; Karashidane House, 75 Higashide-

cho ; Kanshuji ; Yamashina-ku ; Kyoto, Japan 607-8216 Phone : +81-075 574-

2800 ; Fax : =81-075-574-0025 E-mail : ;

Website : http:

President: Mr. Ronald Miller Mbehelo) ; Peruman House, 2nd Floor

Mburu Gichua Road: P.O. Box 10450-20100, Nakuru, Kenya Phone:+ 254 051

2212595 ; Mobile : 254 0721 357 168 E-mail:

: President: Ms. Gulasel Nogoibaeva ; 200 Ahunbaeva str., Apt.

30, Bishkek 720038, Kyrgyz Republic. Mobile Phone: +996 555 771 105 671 ;


President: Ms. Ieva Antonsone; Lâèplçða street 59-19, Riga LV -1011,

Latvia ; Phone: +371 6701 2269 (work) ; +371 2940 3885 (mobile); Fax :

+371 670 12341 ; E-mail:

: President: Ms.Diana Stankaitiene; Taikos pr. 76, LT-93200

Klaipeda, Lithuania. Phone: +370 6844 6127; E-Mail: :

Fax : +41 (0) 56 210 30 36

[email protected]

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: President: Mr. Krishna Acharya: Address: P.O.Box No 8975, EPC; 6004

Kathamandu, Nepal: E-mail : or;

; Phone: + 977-1-4783666 or + 977-1-4782111

President: Ms. Mieke Weeda; Emai l: [email protected] ;

Jagersdreef 142, 3972 XH Driebergen-Rijsenburg, The Netherlands : Phone: +31

343 520986 : E-mail:


President: Ms. Signe Skare; Address: P. B. 7015 St. Olavsplass, 0130

Oslo, Norway; Phone: +47 950-12874 ;E-mail: .

E-mail: website:

President: Ms. Galina Kurganova; 190008, Saint Petersburg, mailbox

177, Russia; Phone: +7 812 714 05 86; Mobile +7 911 919 99 70:

Phone/Fax +7 812 713 1425; E-mail:

President: Ms. Anne Robertson ; 3 Main Street Almondbank

Perth, PH1 3NJ, Scotland phone : +44 (0)1738 583073

E-mail :

President: Ms. Majda Knehtl; Linhartova ulica 4, 1233 DOB,

Slovenia; Phone: +386 17220847 Mobil :00386 31 652054E-mail:

: (President) Mr. Jan Igefjörd) c/o CIF-Sweden, Karlbergsvägen 80 nb

Ög, SE-113 35 Stockholm, Sweden Home adresse : Odensjö 20, 555 92

Jönköping, Sweden ; Home Phone : + 46 36 66474:

E-mail: Website:

President: Ms. Elisabeth Fischbacher Schrobiltgen: Kronengasse

11, 5400 Baden, Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)56 210 30 35 (home); E-mail:

President: Mr. Mustafa Dernek; Strazburg C. No. 43 Maltepe - Ankara,

Turkey: Phone: + 90 532 435 68 86; . Fax +90 312 229 63 14 E-mail:

: Website:

President; Ms. Carolyn Sutton; Address:1245 Sugar Creek

Lane, Paris IL, 61944, USA; Phone: + 217 251 1522;


President & CEO: Ms. Lisa Purdy Council of International Programs

USA; Address:


100 N. Main Street, Suite 309, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022

[email protected]

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[email protected]

[email protected]

Effective April 1

Please send all mailings, packages, and

correspondence to our new office:

100 N. Main Street, Suite 309

Chagrin Falls, OH 44022

Our phone and fax numbers will be changing as well, so please

excuse any delays in responding to voicemail or interruptions in

fax transmissions. Email will be the most effective way to contact

us during the transition.



Council of International Programs USA


C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 17




C.I.F. W o r l d N e w s Page 19

Our friend , a member of CIF for many years, died of a sudden illness on November 2012. Anja

travelled to the United States in 1962 as a CIP grant recipient. At the time, the four-month stay in America was a

major event for a young Finnish youth worker. When a Finnish chapter of former CIP grant recipients, CIF in

Finland, was founded two years later, Anja was a charter member and an active participant from then on. She

served as the association's treasurer and later as

its auditor, among other duties. Anja attended

International CIF conferences around the world

and participated enthusiastically in organizing

and staging two CIF conferences in Finland. Anja

was the “cultural ambassadress” of the Finnish

Exchange Programme. She was responsible each

year for the 'Finnish Culture day'in a general

program part of PEP and took part also in other

respects in implementing the Exchange

Programme. Anja had a large international

network of contacts, with which she was in

contact on her many trips abroad. CIF in Finland

and Anja's large international circle of friends

have lost a cheerful and active friend, who had

the apt nickname “Busy” in the Girl Guides.

Anja Rouhola

By G. Brettschneider,

Honorary CIF Finland Board member

Picture by Leo Heikkilä 'CIF Finland visit in Kyrgyzstan'

Aug 2008

meeting of the Public Relations (PR) Committee

“CIF is PEP, PEP needs PR, PR for PEP”

There will be a in cooperation with the EC in April in

Vienna. The general goal of this meeting is to work together on further steps concerning public relations

forthe CIF Professional Exchange Program (PEP). After the success of the booth at the Social Work and

Social Development conference in Sweden, along with the discussion at

the BD in Dar, it was clear that the future of CIF is strongly depending on

the on-going success concerning PEP. We “sell” a great product, people

love our PEP, are interested, but still too many do not know about it.

As we are more than 30 National Branches being organized in the great

and well working structure of CIF International with all the committees we

want to find a way we can learn from each other, how we can support

each other in promoting our PEPs and work on the material which is

needed for all of us. We want all CIF Branches to give input and participate

in online discussions about this topic using eforum.Branches that have any

problems with eforum ( ) or if

you forgot your password, just send an email to our webmaster Leo

( ) and I am sure he will help you!

The outcome of this meeting will be a strategy plan for PR to be presented at the International CIF

Conference in Ankara.

[email protected]

By , CIF Executive Committee, Member at LargeGabi Kronberger

Strategy for Public Relations to be Presented at Ankara!

In Memory Anja RouholaIn Memory Anja RouholaIn Memory Anja Rouhola

C.I.F.Page 20 W o r l d N e w s

We're on the Web!

In this Issue:In this Issue: read

This issue of CIF NEWS was designed and printed in Cyprus

by Gregory Hadjimichalakis, e-mail: [email protected]

Message from the Editor

Presidents Message

30th CIF Conference

Exchange Programs 2013

Countries «Talk»

National Branches


Edna Bar On President

Maria Christopoulou VicePresident

Lollie Bailey-Nilsson Secretary

Michael Cronin Member At Large

Maria Hierlinger-Gudat Treasurer

Gabi Kronberger Member At Large

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Lai WaiLun of Hong Kong, China sends us

happy news reported in the

about the fourth re-union

gathering that he organized of the alumni of

his mother school – Shek Kip Mei Government

Primary School. More than 600 former pupils

and staff of the school came together to renew

bonds formed decades ago in an area of abject


“We were all very poor, we had basically

nothing, but those were happy times,” said Lai

WaiLun, who grew up in the nearby tenements.

WaiLunrecalls, “Our school was closed down in

July 1980. However, our alumni did not

separate apart. We gathered together every

year. In 2002, the gathering of 1962 alumni

attracted the news attention. I connected the

alumnus and started to arrange grand re-union

among different graduation years. The first,

second and the third re-union were

respectively arranged in 2002, 2007 and


The posters arranged for the gathering wall

paper shows his "young outlook" with

tenement housing in the background.

South China

Morning Post

H from Happy news ong Kong, ChinaH from Happy news ong Kong, China


CIF Hellas Board has newly elected Board as follows:

President: ,

Vice resident: ,

Secret ry: ,

Treasure : ,

Member: ,

For correspondence with CIF Hellas,use the follow






Bakagianni Elisavet

Psarouli Catherine

Karamitsopoulou Maria

Papavasiliou Nota

Lagakou Eudokia

[email protected]

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[email protected]

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