the wesley aprovenfact schoolr«uw 1 days · -*f newsoft-cuff shirts percales, madrases, $1.05fine...

-*f New Soft-Cuff . SHIRTS PERCALES, MADRASES, FINE STRIPES $1.05 3 POd M.00 D. J. Kaufman 7 Pa- An. Ill lTt* St. I A Proven Fact -that 70% of the American public his defective vision. Many of those classed in this majority do not know that their most priceless possession . the eyes are not functioning properly. Are you one of them? «. Glasses, $2.00 «. Come in and see us to¬ day. No charge for ex¬ amination. . H. S. Fischer 438 9tk St N. W. r DR. LEHMAN DEJfTAL SU&OXO? PLATE SPECIALIST ¦t«s_ RspnJrsd W*U« gQ ©u Walt rPWII. anu s vrwia Work. Pifnlew Extractions. . - 307 7th St S22T"* i a jfrr^wn. Brldrn and Porcslals Worf 1ALS WAIERBUSTERS Over Arms, Body, Limbs. Itdwd and Burned. "I tad a braking oat of little wa- M bllsms on my wrist. Tbey kept yfcg until tbsy wen all over my arms, body and limbs. The I could hardly stand pain. My bands and arms 1 when I pot them In water, 4 at night I cooId not rsst. "I isad an adventeeoMnt foe Coti- ra Soap and Ointment and sent far a free sample I porehasad mora. after using three cakas of Soap one boa of Ointment I waa (Signed) Mrs. Theresa Elliott, Wast Virginia. Satfcara Soap. Ointment and the care at yoor akin. $3.50 Philadelphia $3.25 Chester . $3.00 Wilmington And Retara Sunday, February 5 SIMILAR EXCURSIONS February IS. April 2. 16 and SO SPECIAL. TRAIN Lv. Washington 7:05 a. m. Returning: I*v. Philadelphia 7:50 p. m. Lv. Chester 7:50 p. m. Lv. Wilmington 8:10 p. m. (Standard Time) Consult Ticket Agents Baltimore & Ohio R. R. DANCE NEWS Why not bay© a good time like your many friends who dance? There is nn reason why yon should not dance at well as they. Ereryone who wants to dame must learn, snd you can learn, too. if rem will go to the Rlghtway School of Dancing, 1218 New York are. nv. and take up their course. Their method is rery easy and It la only a matter of be¬ ginning. "Visit the Rlghtway, bring thia new* item with yoti and It will entltln yoo to one extra les*on on your course. Ton need not hare an appointment. Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. For 10 years America's Foremost Academy. J LADIES MENS siSsr HATS *_i *nC)an: a', coot a*. *r VIENNA HAT FACTORY Carnations $2 dozen r-ouRTttfmt v m mwTy A DELIGHTFUL SEASON TO VISIT Eastern Virginia Norfolk Virginia Beach (ALL TEAR RESORT) Dally Steam«ra from Washington BOSTOM A WD PROVIDEKCB BY SKA «ty Ttek.t a»lw. Till I St k at. an. NORFOLK & WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO. TWO SINGERS NEW TO CAPITAL WIN, WARM APPLAUSE Marguerite Namara and Nicola Zerola Appear « In Concert. T. Arthur ftmitfc. tea.. fraaaata* *»' rurite Samara. rrtsia Iwt aopraaa. 011- a|t Ovn Oa.. u4 V1»U hull, twc, M»tr.».liUi> Opar* Ct, « tti *.» *»- tirnl TWttir r»«t«rd»T riwmn U tk* faltowta pipu: ^ Ua 41 «il'USVTT« iP*li« mx. mou. n- Jaw.1 bit tram OwW III Illili. m. Africa., "0 Tmiim ' MajarWar KB. ZZmOLA. a. "la Eaaa" "Laa* LaniaW arr. Jb*ala> a. La CalamW. i. "Hatlaata" Ia.aa.vall. Kit. XU11A ?. a. TUlk Gad far a Oania." .... Dal My b. "Tidea" mUl1 e. Mamma aia eha iapo"........ KS. XEKOLA. a. "Vn bol di" fra. ButUrty'*. F-oel-1 b. "La Oirometta a. "At Wgkf Sir laadaa Iwll j "Tfca Wail" Hacaataa MZ IAU1A. Marcel Xadalla at tha tiasa. This waj the premier Appearance for both of these artists In Wash¬ ington. but if their enthusiastic re¬ ception is an indication, it will not be their last. Nicola Zerola opened the program with "Andrea Chenier," by Giordano, and was Insistently encored. He has a very high, typical grand opera tenor voice, and sings with the ex¬ plosive method characteristic of the Italian school, which ie popular with' the average audience. His voice Is sweet and carrying, and of good volume, and he sings artistically, though both he and Hiss Namara were handicapped by the accom¬ panist, wfibfailed in his tempos. Zerola responded to encores most generously. His only song in Eng¬ lish Del Rlego's "Thank God for a Garden." was perhaps the most popular. Marguerite Namara changed the order of her program and sang the number from "Madam Butterfly first. She has » limpid and pure soprano voice, of lovely timber, good range and even throughout; she sings with much expression and feeling, her high notes are clear and true, and her enunciation good. "Madam Butterfly" and the Jewel Song from "Eaust," proved her operatic ability, though every number was artistically sung and warmly received. Grieg's "Le Reve" was perhaps the greatest test of her technique, and one of the most artistic numbers of the recital. "La Colomba." really a mezzo-so¬ prano song, showed the beauty of her middle register: as an encore to Mat- tinata," she sang the Gavotte from "Mignon" to her own accompani¬ ment. most pleasingly and with ab¬ solute ease. Her songs were all well chosen both for her voice and for variety. Miss Namara gives the Impression of putting her best work into every number she sings, and this was true of her flnal charming little encore. "Ail for You." by Easthope Martin. F. H. Hyattsville Councilmen Oppose Overhead Wires HYATTSVILLE, Md.. Feb. J.. The city council has refused to per¬ mit the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company to replace poles and string a larger cable In Mary¬ land avenue. Chairman L. L Gray^ chairman of the committee on light¬ ing insisted that the company be re¬ quired to place the cable underground, declaring that the franchise granted the company several years ago gave the town authority to compel part of the wires to be placed underground each yea*. The council decided to advertise for bids for building a permanent road¬ way and sidewalks In CarToll avenue. The report of Town Treasurer W. A. Shepherd shows that the town has a cash balance on hand of $994.92. Rockville Library Association Elects ROCKVILLE. Md.. Feb. i..The annual report of Mrs. O. C. Barnes, treasury of the Library Association, shows that during last year J41J.7S was collected. The new officers are: President, Miss Isabel Klngdon; vice president, Mrs. O. M Llnthicum: secretary. Mrs. Theodore S. Mason; tres surer. Mrs. O. C. Barnes; librarian. Mfts. Robert N. Baylls: directors. Mrs. Lee Offutt, Mrs. Robert C. Warfleld and Mrs. Walter A. Williams. Funeral of Mrs. Susan Lewis. WARRENTON, Va.. Feb. S..The funeral of Mrs.' Susan Lewis, aged 77, was held yesterday at the home of her son. Richard Lewis, in Broad Run. Death was due to paralysis. Mrs. Lewis was a daughter of the late William Smith and widow of W. H Lewis, who once represented this county In the legislature. 8he leaves two sons." Richard and Aquila Lewis. The Plains, a number of grand¬ children. and two sisters. Mrs. Chan- nlng M. Smith and Mrs. Nannie Fletcher, both of this county. Ramey-Atkins Wedding. SPERRYVIfcLE. Va.. Feb. S.C. C. Ramev a retired farmer of this place, and Mrs. Mollie J. Atkins, for¬ merly of this place, but now of Balti¬ more. were married yesterday In Cul- peper. Rev. James L Finch of the Methodist church performing tjie ceremony. They will reside here. LOCAL MENTION. Tiait 0*r Mew Star*. 7" 111« » »t. aw.. «PP- Epipbaay Ohmb .CLAFLIN OPTICAL CO.,. vr«m«Tlj at »t» ¦>< F rta. far M raafa. W CREDIT KM TO FMT .fTFTTTEM h.«?a!!;sn LOANS UPKoMIM Diaaoedt, Watches, Jewelry Koaib KimI off Hlgkivay llrilit DEEDS AND DEEDS OF TRUST Pdbliibed Daily.' Except Sunday, in The Waahngtm Herald This record is a transcript of all deeds and deeds oi trust filed in the office of the District Recorder of Deeda yesterday. » DEEDS. Monro* street northeast between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth. sq Wl. let 4t. Villa Park.Rowland Lea et as Theodora H. to Frank X. Coward, lit. Near southeastern corner Thir¬ teenth and 8prlng Road northweet. sq 2*28. let 1*7, Holmead Manor. Herman R. Hewenateln (o Lewis A. Coleman et ux Helen B.. II*. 173* First street northwest, sq 1105, lot 1*1, Bloomlngdale.John Murphy et ax Helen T. to Minnie M. Galbralth and Helen O. Gal- braith, |l««. South of D atreet, west of Twen¬ ty-second street northweet. sq II. lot 37.Harry C. Rlrge et ux Jeanne E. to E. Baker Evans, 110. *1 Seaton Place northwest, sq 111*, lot 41. Bloomlngdale.Mary C. Weidman to Morris D. Murphy et ux Annie, tit. 21*1. 2203. 2203 and 2207 Cham- plain street northwest, sq 2512. all Interest In and to lots 44 and 17 to It. Meridian Hill.O. Prfston Ros- sell et al to W. D. Reed and J. W. Poling, |10. Griswold's addition to Anacost'a. lota 3 and 4.O. Percy McGlue. trustee, to Patrick O'Donnell et ux Eunice. |*.9««. 21* and 212 Second street, south¬ west, sq 617, part lot S4.Thomas D. Walsh et ux Annie M. to Vic¬ toria L. Garnet t, |I». South of Madison street, east or Ninth street northweet, sq 31*0. lot 24.Samuel S. Dai ton et ux Minnie B. to Josephine M. Tangora. J10 1411 New Jersey ave northwest, sq west of 113. lot 31.Willard J. Ferd- ner et ux Roberta T. to Henry M. Gaymon et ux Carrie E. II*. part. Prospec t Hill, lot 17.An¬ toinette Gardiner to Beatrice M. Broussard, 110. Beatrice M. Broussard conveys same property to Clarence I. Gard¬ ner et ux Ant6lnette as joint ten¬ ants, 110. 1243, *H Place northwest, sq 441, South *4 lot 4».Morris Wolowttz et ux Mary to Ida 8. Kessler, 110. Northwest corner of Trinidad ave¬ nue and Raum street northeast, sq 4052. lots 1. 3 and 4. Trinidad.Mary L. Gordon to William R. Gordon, |1. 3*08 Fourteenth street northwest, sq 268*. lot 2*. West Holmead Hi- nor.Nncken Owens et ux Irene P. to Samuel, Mike and Israel Free¬ man. lit. North of F St. W of 17th St. nw. 1®^. L«t *1.H. Clifford Baflings et ux Nancy C. to Washington In¬ vestment Tr Co. 11*. North of Garfleld St, E of 33rd PI. nw, Sq 2111, Lot 33, Massachusetts Ave Heights.George H. Lamar, trustee to John B. 8wem 110. 1**2 Euclid St nw. Sq 21*4, Lot 327 Mt Pleaaant and Pleaaant Plains. Harry F. Sauter et ux, Catherine G.. to Harry I. Chew |10. 1**2 Euclid St nw, Sq 28*4, Lot 327, Mt Pleasant and Pleaaant Plains.Harry I Chew, et ux, Lucy J. to James C. Johnson et ux, Annie E. II*. North of Porter St. W of 35th St nw. Sq 1*57. Lot 1*0. Richmond Park.Harry K. Boss and H. Glenn Phelps to Eaton C. Edwards et ux. Margaret H. |U. Jackson St ne between 2*th and 22nd. Sq 422*. Lot 43, Sherwood. Ethel Carlisle to Shelton H. Groves 110. South of Madison St. E of tth St nw, Sq 2*90, Lot 24.Josephine M. Tangora to William S. Phelps 110. Northwest#Cor of 32nd and Mc- Kinley Sts nw. Sq 2*22. Lots 1 and 30. Chevy Chase Grove.Frederick W. Ingram to Harvey L. Akers 110. 3811 7th St nw. Sq 3233, Lot 79. Petworth.Joseph Ofano et ux Sadie I to Burllle M. Odum 110. South of X>tla Place. E of 7th St nw. Sq 3135, Lot 15. Whitney Close. Alexander Podnos et ux, Anna to Bertha Linhsits 12,150. South of Harvard St, E of 18th St nw. Sq 3589, Lot 4*8.Wm. S. Phil¬ lips to Henry R. Llnfoot et ux, Bes¬ sie J. |1*. 140* 21st St nw. Square 68. Lot 86, Ella E Nash to Blanche Hale 110. North of Allison St. W of 13th St nw. Sq 2817, Lots 3* and 37.Chas. W. King Sr. to Thos. W. Stubble- fleld II*. Maryland Ave aw between 3rd and 4H Sts. Reservation C, part lots 9. 1* and 11.H. C. Kenney to Richard L. Houston 110. North of H St, E of 15th St nw. Sq 22*. part.The Guaranty Co to F. H. Smith Bldg Co *20.«00. ..P 200 and 2*2 Rhode Island ave nw, square 3098, lot 133.Max David¬ son to Isreal Burka, 110. B st se bet 6th and 7th, square 870, part lot 1.Mary E. L. Hanback to Geo. 8. George et ux, Bessie E., II*. South of Tennyson st. eaat of 31st st nw, sq 2315. lots 124 and 125. Harold C. Kenney to Giles P. Cory et ux, Elisabeth W.. tl*. North of K st. east of 15th st nw, square 21*, lot 23.Virginia W. L. Brunettl to Randall H. Hagner, 110. 1*02 D st se, square 1089, lot 28. Chas. H. Davidson to Gertrude E. Holmes, II*. 12th st ne. bet D and B sts, square 986. oris lot 1*.Anton C. Kern to Carrie R. Kern. 110. 207 Capital ave. ne. square 4045, lot 31.Ben]. Tillman to Clarence M. DeVeile. |10. 28th st se, south of R st, square 6*3*. lota 49 and 6«.Ralph P. Will- jam's to Frederick W. Ingram. \|10. 31st nw. bet K and L sts. square 7*. lot 82.Arthur W. Cathcart to Richard P. O'Neill, |10. North of Buchanan st, west of tth st nw. square 1015, lot 37.Winfleld Preston to Frank C. Gottsman and Bertha Gottsman. |10. South of Peabody st. north of Madi¬ son st. east of 5th st, west of 4th st nw, square 32*3. lots 53 to 72. 75 to 87, 92 to 102, 113 to 117 and 23; square 3214, lots *0 to 75; square 3215, lots 74 to tt.Henry S. Rich to Jacob Roberts, II*. 2230 Decatur pi nw, square 251*. 5*.Frank C. Gottsman to Lottie Horowitz. |1*. North of O st west of South Cap¬ itol St. square <51, lots 34, 35 and Part 3*.Wm. H. Allen to Jno. Bur- rell. It*. North of C st. west of 2d st s«. square 7ft, lot 75.Wm. W. Bride to Louts Bernhelmer et ux. Gertrude. II*. South of Rittenhouse st, east of Utah ave nw. aquare 131*. lots 74 and 75.Guaranty Trust Co. to Gllea P. Cory et ux, Elizabeth W.. |10. Davenport st nw. bet 47th and 41th ata. square 1538, lota 15 and 1*. Satis N. Colrtnan to Geo. H. Rutley et ux, Lillian S., 110. O st nw, bet 12th and 13th sts, oquare 21*. part lot 12.Georgia Red- way to Alfred and Charlotte J. Daniels. 110, 14** Buchanan st nw, square 27t4. lot 22.Ellas Weinateln to Mary Hahn. lit. 11 bet; tth and 7th sts. square 173, part lot ll.Peyton G. Nevltt te Geo. L. Clubb. |1«. J14® st nw. square 271, lot -33.Hilda Walten to Jesse J. Ellis et ux, Josephine, lit. 1221 O st se. square 1020, part lot * Henry H. Bergmann et al trs, to Mary A. WeMley. 11.950. Mary A. Wridlc.v conveys sanTe property to Ru.11 Oraett et ux Vtr- «lnl» F.. »l« ; South of Uaioita , at 2«th A £ ¦*. "1 4217. tot 44.Isidore Kfeun<j to Abraham L Roberta et ux Bemtrlc* M.. $10. South of Hamlin «t. west of 13th r. 7"' ¦<> lot II.Henry R. ,0 L|l"«n H. Beach. 111. *01 O at ¦«, », 847. lot 44.Mary L. Dunn to lfary E. Cooney, |10. DEEDS OF TRUST. ,.8?. lot 41.llary K. Wilder Rhnl .f °- ^al»on and Iaaac E. bnoemakrr to secure Maurlne Helt- P>»«i. 11.000, l year 7 par cent ¦. a. Bq 2$28. |ot lt7.Vtwlm A f.0|e. man et u*. Helen B to H. R. How. !!?!! lL?nd **¦«d w- *'«»».¦ to se- Charlotte C. . Straw. 11,700, monthly payments 7 per cent. Sq 3110, lot 42.Morris' D. Murphy to Arthur Carr and *111M Cuatla. to aecnr* p«rp. B. Sq 3110. lot 43.Morris D. Mur- P"V et ux. Annie, to Arthur 8. Bishop and Frf.d McKee. to aecura Mary C. Weldman. 11200. monthly payments < per cent. Sq weat of 653. lot 33.Henry M. Oaymon et u*. Carrie E.. to Re* i. Brown and St Julian McClellan. to secure Wlllard J. and Roberta T. Fendner. $2,000. 7 per cent Time of payment of note not stated. ti%?e to "lme to secure same, #1.750, monthly paymenta 7 percent. Square *02. lot 33; sq 26M. lot 29. Samuel. Mike and Israel Freeman to George M. Emmerich «nd Har- mann Jl. Bergman*, to secure £ ¦ S "*r c,nt P«rm. % A . 11,700. Grlswold's addn to AnKostla. lots 3 and 4.Patrick O'Donnell at ux. Lunlce. to George o. Walson und Simon Balee, to 3ecure the Anacos- tla Bank. $4,500. monthly payments . per cent. Sq 1012 lot 16.Albert R. Dyer et u*' Etta M. to Henry H. Iterfmann ana George M. Emmerich. to secure Metropolis B. A., 12.500. Sq 617. part lot 54.Victoria L Qarnett to Harry M. Packard and Chaa. Fahy. to secure Thomas D. Walsh. $250. monthly payments 7 per cent. Sq 1742. lot 37.Watta T. Esta- fcrook et ux.Annie O. to Arthur Carr *nd Marvin A. Cuatla. to secure Perp. B. A.. 15.600. Sq 2864, lot 327.James C. John- .on et ux. Annie E. to Chaa. F. Con. laul and Elmer C. Runyan, to ae¬ cure Ida M. Moycrs and Helen B. Welch. $3,500. 3 years 7 per cent i. a. Sq 2864. lot 327.James C. John¬ son et ux. Annie E. to Arthur Q. Bishop and Fred McKee. to secure Helen B. Welch. $2,300. monthly payments 7 per cent. Same to Harry I. Chew and Clar¬ ence F. Welch, to secure Helen B. Welch. $250, 1 year 6 per cent s. a. Sq 1957. lot 100.Eaton C. Ed¬ wards et ux. Margaret H.. to Ben T. Webster and .Tames E. ScKwhIi. to secure Harry K. Boss and Helen Phelps, 84,750, monthly payments 0 per cent. Sq 3322, lot 36.Otway A. Pratt et ux. Alice P.. to Arthur Carr A Mar- -vln A. Custls. to secure Perp B A. $2,600. Sq 3881. lot 23.Alpheus F. Price A Blanche A. Price, to Arthur Carr A Marvin A. Custls. to secure Pern B A. $3,000. Sq 2990. lot 24.Josephine M. Tan- gora to Wm S Phillips A James H. Holmes, to secure Samuel S. Dal- ton, $3,350, monthly payments, 7 per cent. Sq 3233, lot 71.Burllie M. Odum et UX. Anna M to Joseph D. Sulll- van * Jsmes A. Sullivan. Jr. to se¬ cure Joseph Ofans. $2,700. monthly payments, 6 per cent. Square 28. lot C.Louis Llchten- fels to Wm T. Finn A Ralph Mc¬ Kee. to secure Johanna Jurgelelt. $500. 2 years, 6 per cent, semi¬ annually. Square 2589. lot 468.Henry R. Linfoot et ux. Bessie J., to Theo¬ dore Michael * James H. Holmes, to secure Wm S. Phillips. $1,750. monthly payments. 6 per cent Square 76, lot 82 . Richard P. O'Xelll to F. W. Graham A Harry A. Kite, to secure Arthur W. Cath- cart, $2,750, 3 years. 7 per cent, semi-annually. Square 2817, lots 36-* 37.Thos W. Stubblefleld et ux. Emily M.. to Joseph R. A James 'S. King, to se¬ cure Chas W. King. $10,000. month- ly payments. 6 per cent. Square 3707. lots 33 A 34.Wm E. Reld to Wm S. Quinter A S. R. Norman, to secure'Guaranty Tr Co, $2,676, monthly payments. 6 per cent. Square 2399. lot 78 . Louis C. Slaughter to Wash Loan & Tr Co,to secure Eq C-Op B A. $2,500. Square 161. lot G.Chaa W. Sor- rell et al to R. E. Bradley & W. A. Brown, to secure Thornton Carusi. $12,500. 3 years, 7 per cent, semi¬ annually. Square 373. pt lot 16; also parcel of land adjg lot 16.Adelaide O. Talbott to James J. Becker A Wm J. Flather. Jr. to secure V. G. Marks. $10,000. 3 years. 6>4 per cent, semi¬ annually. Same to Wm W. Danenhowcr A Wm H. Holloway. to aecure Sallie M. Danenhower. $1,711. 3 years. 6 per cent, semi-annually. " Square 3098. lot 133.Israel Burka to Max Bttrka A Hyman Mink, to secure Fred S. Kosod, $3,500. 3 years, 7 per cent, semi-annually. Same t0 Leopold Hoddes A Alex Johnson, to secure Max Davidson. $1,000. monthly poyments. 7 per cent. Square 176. lot 62.Edwin S. La £?.t.ra." ux' Lucl* N. to Wm A. Mills & L. Walter Weed, to secure Halph G. Robey. $73,000. monthly payments. 7 per cent, quarterly &. maturity. Square 2333. lota 124 & 125. Giles P. Cory et ux. Elisabeth W. to Continental Tr Co. to secure In¬ ternational Bank. $9,000, 10 mos. 7 per cent, semi-annually Same to S. R. Norman A Wm S. Quinter, to secure Guaranty Tr Co. $5,000, 6 months. 6 per cent. Square 210, lot 23.Randall H. Hagner et ux. Marguerite C., to Natl Sav A Tr Co.. to secure Vir¬ ginia W. L. Brunetti. $6 400. 3 years*. 6 per cent, semi-annually. Square 870, pt orlg lot 1.George S. George et ux, Bessie E., to B Francis Saul A J. Wriiey Jacobs, to secure T. Earl Cox. $1,750, 3 years, 7 per cent, semi-annually. Same to Thos A. Jameson A Geo Jameson, to secure Elmer S. Han- back et ux. EH* L. $2,000, monthly payments. 7 per cent . Sq 361. lot 3$.Marie 8. Daven¬ port to Wharton E. Lester and Michael J. Colbert to secure Na¬ tional Perm. R A. $5,000. Sq 101, parts original lots 15 and 18.Peter P. Sintetos et al to Whar¬ ton E. Lester and Michael J. Col¬ bert to secure National Perm. B. A. |4.000. Sq 461. original ilot 16 and paVt original lot IS.Estelle Astrowltx to Saul Berman and Dave Green- berg to secure Jacob Frahk $4,000. Monthly payments 7 per cent. Sq 1089. lot 2S.-Gertrude E. Holmes to B. F. Saul and J. W. Jacobs to aecure T. Earl Cox $1.- 100. Three years 7 per cent sa. Sq 116, lot 64.De Etta Pugh "to Herman II. Howrnstein and Fred W. Beeves to secure Ilalph Howen- sJeln 2504. One year 7 pcr'cent an Sq 271, lot J. tills et ...I Convicted Slayer Lets The Time Limit Pass Without Action. TUE HERALD Bl'REAU. A. 8. Doalphaa. 727 Klag Btrwt ALEXANDRIA, Va.. Feb. J..Will¬ iam H. Oehlert. convicted In the Fairfax County Court Decem¬ ber 2 of the fatal shooting of Henry Briscoe, of Fairfax County, October 15. and sentenced to serve twenty years In the penitentiary, will serve ,hls term. The case will not he appealed, the time limit for appeal expiring yesterday. Judge 8. O. Brent, trial Judge, has received a letter from Oehlert ask¬ ing that he be transferred from the Henrico County jail in Richmond to the penltentlsry. The Committee fr6m tlie chamber of commerce and from Fairfax County, who went to Richmond yes¬ terday In the interest of the con¬ struction of n highway between this city snd Fairfax Court House, re¬ turned today and believe that the conference will result in arrange¬ ments for construction of the pro¬ posed highway. At a women's meeting yester¬ day in the rooms of the chamber of commerce pddrrsses- were made v Mrs. E0na P. Fox. State director of social hygiene, and Mrs. Olive Jones Whltmer, of the social hygiene bureau. The women prepared a ten¬ tative resolution urging the city council to provide for a Juvenile Judge, a curfew law and a probation officer. Mrs. W. J. Morton presided and Miss Virginia Burke was sec¬ retary. An entertainment was given to¬ night In the Young People's Build¬ ing by Grsce Episcopal Church Guild. Tartlclpstlng were Miss Mary Saunders. Miss Margaret Adams. Miss Roberta Chaney, Mer¬ rill Beagle, Miss May Johnson, Miss Agnes Fairfax. Miss Nancy King. Miss P. Strauss, Miss E. Pickett, Miss V. Fairfax. Miss Jane Deahl, Miss Virginia Wade, Miss Margaret Duncan. Miss Evelyn Pickett. Miss Anna Moore. Miss Catherine Power, Miss Pauline Strauss, Miss Margaret Griffith, Harold Beagle, Miss M. Davis. Miss Sue Rishelll. A. J. Rhodes. Stephen Fields, Miss V. Uuncan, Miss H. Wade and Miss M. Strauss. Funeral services for Norman W. Morton, who died In Des Moines. Iowa, last Saturday, will be held at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning at Christ Episcopal Church. Rev. W. J. Morton. D. D.. officiating, and burial will be in Bethel Cemetery. ux Josephine to Herman H. Berg- mann to secure Hilda Walten $7.- 500. Monthly payments 7 per cent. Sq 1020. part original lot 24- Ross Orsett et ux Virginia F. t_ Mllburn J. and James A. Donohoe to secure Mary A. Weidley $1,250. Five years 7 per cent sa. Same to same to secure same $700. Monthly payments 7 per cent. Sq 4287, lot 44.Abraham L. Rob¬ erts et ux Beatrice M. to Robert B. Warren and Robert E. Anderson to secure Isadore Freund $3,050. Monthly payments 7 per cent. Same to William S. Phillips and James H. Holmes to secure Isadore Freund $S50. Six months find monthly payments 7 per cent. Sq 280G. lot If.Lillian H. Beach to James H. Holmes and M. H. Schofleld to secure William S. Phillips $9,260. Monthly payments 6 per cent. Sq 847. lot 44.Mary E. Coonev to E. L. Schmidt and G. M. Emmerich to secure American B. A. $3,000. Same to George W. Dunn and M. T. Broome to secure Mary L. Dunn $2,500. Monthly payments 7 per cent. Sq 732. lot 75.Louis Bemhelmer et ux Gertrude to Malcolm K. Var- nell and Charles D. Drayton to se¬ cure William W. Bride $2,500. Three years 7 per cent sa. Same to same to secure same, $2,250. Monthly payments 6 per cent. Sq 231f, lot 74.Giles P. Cory et ux Elizabeth W. to Continental Trust Co. to secure International Bank $10,000. Ten months 6 per cent. Same to S. R. Norman and Will¬ iam S. Quinter to secure Guaranty Trust Co. $5,750. Six months 6 per cent. Sq 1538. lots 15 and 16.George R. Rutley et ux Lillian S. to Will¬ iam G. Johnson and Frederic E. Johnson to secure Satis N. Cole-, man $2.00l0. Three years 7 per cer t sa. Same to same to secure warn* $1,750. Monthly payments 6 per cent. Sq 280. part orl-ji.'Sl l°t 12. Georgia Redway -o .Vil!la~» H. Strr.ders and Vernor H. Whitman to secure Jos<,)h A. ' ''a '<* $1 000., 7hr.-c years 7 per cent ra. Sq 150. lots 274. 27« snd 277. Margaret S. Connolly to II. A. Gill and T. N. Gill, jr.. to secure Rich¬ ard E. Palro $2,000 on each lot. Three years 7 per cent sa. Sq 575. lot «.Virginia Guild to Arthur Carr and M. A. Custis to secure Perpetual B. A. $3,500. Sq 2516. lot 50.l^ottlo Horowit* to Clsud Livingston and Charles F. Morrison to secure Frank C. Gotts- man $1,810. Monthly payments < per cent. Sq *$5. part original lot bert Sugar et ux Edith to National Savings .and Trust Co. to secure Americsn Security and Trust Co. $2,200. Monthly payments 7 Pcr cent. Same to Hymen Goldman and Morris Shapiro to secure Isaac Schelnerman $1,000. Five years per cent sa. 4 Sa 2704. lot 22.Mary Hahn to B. Franc!. Saul and J. Wrlley Jacob, to secure T. Earl Co* $6,000. 3 years, 7 per cent ra Same to Milton Strasburser and J s. G. Gallagher to secure Ellas Welnsteln monthly payment., per cent. Sq 1741. lot 2«.John J. Sheehy ci ux Mary J., to B. Franois Saul and J. Wrlley Jacobs to secure T. Ear! Cox $1,750, 3 years, 7 per cent sa. Sq 301S, lot 37.Frank C. Gotts- man et ux Bertha H.. to Theodore Michael and Oscar C. Donahoo to secure Wlnfred Preston $3,000. monthly payments. 7 per cent. Sq 2S0, point orlKlnal lot 12.Al¬ fred! Daniels et ux Charlotte J., to Wm. H. Saunders and Vernon H Whitman to secure Qeorgla Rec- way $3,000. monthly payments. 7 per cent. Sq S2M. lots 23. S3 to 72, 7$ to 87. 92 to 102 and 113 to 117: sq 32S4. lot. 80 to 75; sq 32«5, lots 74 to $0. Jacob Roberts to Wm. M. Uelloway to secure rtenry S. RU h $12,$00- 1. 1 and 1 years, 6 p^r cent sa. > Vf ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS __ Cntinuet ftnm /*«?<. rtv. signed to duty at Crtiqr Kletd, C«L. effective upon the completion of hU present tour of foreign servlcd. Elr.t Lieut. Bob E. Nowl.nd will proceed to Fort Riley. Kan... and report In pel son t. the comandlng officer for duty. Each of the following-named of¬ ficers win uroeeeo at the proper time to Po,t field. Fort SIM. Oltla., and report .n peraon to the com¬ mandant fji temporary duty, and upon completion or this duty will rejoin hla proper »tatlon: Capta. Roland L. Davis a».i John J Da- £rey. Jr.: Plr.t Llruta Charl« «aUMeV\ H t>owm«. A- Hr'.. Charles H. How- S Or"wfort. ^ rr'""' 'nd Joh- *lTVL,b?"y Cor»«'«»s E. O-Coa". Ln», ^ir .TK OUrth :, f«n"-y. la d»- taller. In the Air Scrr'.co and -wll] proceed to Carl.trom Field. Arcadia, in* ts»» repor* ,n Person on Junt K D e con"m»ndant Air f" rvlce Pilot School f. r duty and instruction. First Lieut. Walter T. Meyer will the '>roI>«r time to Post rield. Fort Bin. okla.. and report . n person to ;h; assistant com- man<J*nt on temporary duty. Each of the foMowmg-named of¬ ficers will report in person at the proper time to the assistant com¬ mandant. Post Field. Fort 8111, Okla.. on temporary duty: Capt. John W. Signer. Flrat Lleuta Do«- «ld D. Fitzgerald and Solomon B Ebert. Each of the rollowins-named of¬ ficers will proceed to San Fran¬ cisco, Cat., and report In peraon to the commanding central Ninth Corps Area, for temporary duty pending departure of transport scheduled to sail on or about April 25. 1922. for Hawaiian Islands and Will Mil on that transport for Honolulu: First Lleuts. William B. Clarke and Frederick A. Johnson. First Lieut. Rupert Julian will proceed to San Francisco. Cal., and report In person to the command - ing ceneral Ninth Corpa Area for temporary duty pending departure of transport scheduled to sail on or about April 25. 1922. for Hawaii and will sail on that transport for Honolulu. First l.ieu^ Dean B. Belt will proceed to San Francisco. Cal., and report In person to the command¬ ing general Ninth Corps Area for temporary duty pending departure of transport scheduled to sail on or about April 25. 1»22. for Hawaii and will sail on that transport for Honolulu. ledleal t'erps. Meut. Col. William R Davis will proceed to Washington. D. C.. and report in person to the chief of Air Service for duty In his office. Maj. Kdgar J. Farrow will pro¬ ceed to Letterinan Ceneral Hospi¬ tal. Presidio of San Francisco. Cal.. and report in person to the com¬ manding Officer of that hospital for observation and treatment. Maj. E. Frederick Thode will pro¬ ceed to Walter Reed General Hos¬ pital. this city, and report in per¬ son to the commanding officer of that hospital for observation and treatment. fM»l Artillery. Each of the following-named of¬ ficers is detailed for djty with the Organized Reserves and will rc- rort bv letter to the c.>nniand:nn general Fifth Corps Area. Fort Benjamin Harrison. Tnd.. for as¬ signment to a unit thereof: Majtu Myron C. Crlssy. Walter Singles James H. Johnson, and Louis L. Fendelton Each of the following named of¬ ficers will report by letter to the rommandinsr Ninth Corpa Area. Presid'o of Sar Francisco. Cal.. for assignment to a unit of the Organized Reactves- L>ut Col Harry T Matthews. Maj* Stewart W. Stanley. Frank Drake and Charles K. King. Majs. Samuel H. McLeary and Cary R. Wilson will report in per¬ son to the commanding rc-neral Third Corps Area for assignment to duty. Corps of Engineers. Capt. Frederick F. Freeh Is as¬ signed to the 13th Engineers. He will proceed to Camp Bragg. N. C. The transfer of Capt. ftuss'el Mc- Kee Herri n arton. Cavalry, to the Corps of Engineers. Is announced, effective January 25, 1922. Quartermaster Corpa. First Lieut. Robert F. Jones will report in person to the commanding general Second Corps Area Train¬ ing Center, Camp Dix. New Jersey for assignment to duty. Ordnance Departant. The transfer of Capt. John Kav Christmas, Coast Artlllary Corps to the Ordnance Department on Janu¬ ary 25. 1922. is announced He will proceed Naval Torpedo Station. N-w port, n I and report in person to the commandant for assignment to duty as a student officer. >AVAI, mtOKft*. Comdi. Albert T Church, to aide on staff commander. Dest Souari Pacific Fleet. ' ia' IT KrUJ S,0mlr Rob*" E. Bell, to cer Cleveland as executive offi- Lieut. Comdr. Victor D. Herb ster. to general Inspector of na. aly.TWr"" D,Bt °*rd'n Lieut. Comdr. Harry B. Hird to assistant to engineer officer. Dest. Squad.. Pacific Fleet Lieut. Charles H. Hosung fo board ° V' a S Spic* "n<J °n missioned0" neCr °fflCrr Wh" Lieut. Julius M. Moss. to treat¬ ment Naval Hospital. Annapolis, submarine"chaser''*"/' COnft»«»«' jv.'svssy: *.-'">¦ .. tory and School for Flight v;ur Lieut Nils B. Olsen. S o to treatment Naval Hospital. Norfolk napa.s" Herm*B Ruhl«. to U. S 8. N AMUSEMENTS. ATIONAL l0.??*!** MJT'JwsESPil: XtX» * 2m" Pr»»«s" ELSIE FER6BS0M la the TARYTjfO SHOEE" g. Aktai ¦EXT MOIBAT .SEATS SELLING sr^T o5?T»TKAI z11oreld ETE» SElfT OOT or *rw 1*1 ZIECFELD FROLIC with WILL ROCERS M FAHODS or niBTntoTiTi msowuim *. Sat. Mat., &oc tS M Mat Wat. Uc taV capacity -mm Tbt (Muk-rmi Mtmr at -<>» mm* Oot l<r mm* ~D*m»g/ «4it WESLEY (..FRBCKLES") BARRY | In tka Mat *«'» He Bat Kvar S Had trn tka Wmrmer Bntharf S talMM flhi Varatau af Oma - Eiwarf r«uw ll«» hmm S SCHOOL ! DAYS 1 A Picture Theit Portent Wtth Z KverptMnp That Ton S ffar# Enjoyed on the Screen. S y#«'0 Sorer Forjet It. OVERTURE."THE FORTUNE TELLER" (Hrrbert) Alexander Podno* Conducting I WASHINGTON'S FINEST ORCHESTRA ! S PATHE SEWS.POLYCHROME SCENIC.TOPICS OP THE DAT e § Harry Pollard h "CALL TIE WITNESS" i flllllllllllHIIIllillilllllllllllllllilllilliillllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllliil IP LOEWS alaci ICootlaao«s !. M A. M.11 P. LAST TIMES TODAY Pinamt PrMiiti AGNES AYRES IV -THE I.AXE THAT HAD WO TlRM\t" Br Sir Gilbert Parker BrRiaalBK Tomorrow "BACK PAY" BV KANNIK HI RST A LOEW'S ¦ volumbiAI Coetlt'uoo*.10:10 a. ¦..11 p m LAST TIMES TODAY MAE MURRAY XV METRO S GORGEOUS FILM ROMANCE OF MIGHT LIFE IM OAT PARIS AMD MEW YORK! "PEACOCK ALLEY" WITH MOXTE BLI'E Beginning Tomorrow "SATURDAY NIGHT' C*cil B. P»MtU« . Clastic. I wt ^UYUopjfS«uorv»ur | L JOSie FLVNN'S A I "FASHION MINSTRELS" 9 Other AU-^tar Acts j( l*kata*lay T I -FIXE FEATHERS'* Featuring NJaae Khld(r A (Talre Wkitaeyi ^ NEXT WEEK ^ K MABEL ? I TALIAFERRO I (IN PERSON k The Idol of Stage and Screen ¦ ¦ m a Spectacular Production n , "ROSE OF ITALY" \ marjorie r a m b e au in daddy'* pone a-huntinc poli's theatre matinee today NEXTWEEK 150.STARS.ISO 75.BEAUTIES.75 The New York Wtater harden** or 1921 SHOW WillIE aid EU6ENE HOWARD SEATSNOW! For the Opening SUNDAY EVEAIN6 at 8 Slurp POLI'8, February 24, 4:30 Fokine »* Fokina Creators Russian Ballot ami WerU'a Fore moat Exponents of the Mow Ballot Art. Special BaUet and Basic Tickets. $1 to 93. Now oe Solo at Uoltoi rkoaofraph Store. 1812 O at. M.W CAPITOL WtfJS Harry Euticfi All Mow MARUM tCARUM Two Bkowi Daily. I U aad I lk. Most Week."Grown Up Babies. OAYETY^JSV^TJu BON TON CIRL8 Wltk BARRY aad DGUGI.AI Xo*t W*ek^SlCAR PLIMI" > MOORE'S RIALTO Obc of thf Boit <ab(ta>- /fl tiaOy constructed Ikttttn / in America. =J| .ii r.m g ^ XI A.«. LAST DAI.II P.* J / NPMM 1*90 PrMW» J A VIRGIN J $ PARADISE \ S A CUPPING DRAMA 1 C OF I.IFF. UNDKR S SURPRISING CONDITIONS > Frwi the Su»ry fcf K HIB All PEBCT K1XII r tffxr WEEK -mm Paramount Presents POLfl NEGRI | In Her Most Superb Picturiza- { Htm to Date "THE LAST PAYMENT" smxs\m\xvvv\v I 1 SHUBERT Vaudeville Belasco Theater ^ OppotiU Lefeyett* Park ui White 1mm ^ 9:19 4 I It BenAey S 4 9:19 >.«. 9 All-Star Acts 9 Frances White la a »w Cyrk s( Clark & Arcaro la a Rtew F4IYI** sf -A WA1H ARD CONCEIT" BOB NELSON in "Sailer JO VED1IAH DF. R \JAH, BERT MELROSE. KOVELU: BRO<».. TORINO. T II R F F ( II I « H, HARRIS A KAftTLEY. KKWI WEEKLY, CIRREVT TOPIC*. BAB.G ALK MATIKEES 25 ceits SO cents Best seats Is the kouM (eteept ss Rstur- dsy Rssdsr ft hehAays). H«bu. «Ae41. B. F. KEITH'S V DAILYiU SU«.tf! HOL'YSLT. u" "A RIOT".Post DOROTHY JARDON MR A LBEE T TH NOW CriM Wilfcar A Martha MauliaM Maryti Valia A Ota 6yr A Ce. Fraakia Htatti J Francis iMity A Con dim Sales Kortk ft Halliday Prank VsH sad Ru Dollies. Thaler . Circst. Others Ebbs*. The Corcoran Gallery of Art Has New Re-opcned to tke Public Hours: Mondays, from II M to i :3d P. II. Other week da> .. from » A. M to 4:M p. M. Sunday!, from 1:S0 to 4SO P. M Prraann MllretlM u>l> H view. as* Tattaw wreUI klMtlsu ta >m nkortl). MR1 MAR60T ASQIITN Wlf* mt the Rlrki M..orate). Herbert Aa«al<k In a lecture On People, Pokhci ud Eveiti Thursday 4:M e ekeek. Batieaal Tkastn. Tickets 98.M SS M $1M 9199 T. Arttar ftsilk. Bsc 1999 . et. SHUBERT -6ARR1CK£b£h LmAJ J ShtWt tHt«A* WHO CAMS BACK By Jl'l.ER rCKMT COODIAR A hPOKKN PLJkT. NOT A PICTl'B* WITH ARTHCB AFH1.KY AND ADDA OLSAS0K. ¦at. |LA»~TOW9W. 99t T% 991

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Page 1: The WESLEY AProvenFact SCHOOLr«uw 1 DAYS · -*f NewSoft-Cuff SHIRTS PERCALES, MADRASES, $1.05FINE STRIPES 3 POdM.00 D. J. Kaufman I 7 Pa-An. Ill lTt* St. AProvenFact-that 70% of

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A Proven Fact-that 70% of the Americanpublic his defective vision.Many of those classed inthis majority do not knowthat their most pricelesspossession. the eyes arenot functioning properly.Are you one of them? «.

Glasses, $2.00 «.

Come in and see us to¬day. No charge for ex¬amination. .

H. S. Fischer438 9tk St N. W.


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1ALSWAIERBUSTERSOver Arms, Body, Limbs.

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my arms, body and limbs. The

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far a free sample I porehasad mora.after using three cakas of Soapone boa of Ointment I waa

(Signed) Mrs. TheresaElliott, Wast Virginia.

Satfcara Soap. Ointment andthe care at yoor akin.

$3.50 Philadelphia$3.25 Chester .

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February IS. April 2. 16 and SOSPECIAL. TRAIN

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DANCE NEWSWhy not bay© a good time like your

many friends who dance? There is nnreason why yon should not dance at wellas they. Ereryone who wants to damemust learn, snd you can learn, too. ifrem will go to the Rlghtway School ofDancing, 1218 New York are. nv. andtake up their course. Their method isrery easy and It la only a matter of be¬ginning. "Visit the Rlghtway, bring thianew* item with yoti and It will entltlnyoo to one extra les*on on your course.Ton need not hare an appointment.Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. For 10 yearsAmerica's Foremost Academy.


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BY SKA«ty Ttek.t a»lw. Till I Stk at. an.



Marguerite Namara andNicola Zerola Appear

« In Concert.T. Arthur ftmitfc. tea.. fraaaata* *»'

rurite Samara. rrtsia Iwt aopraaa. 011-a|t Ovn Oa.. u4 V1»U hull, twc,M»tr.».liUi> Opar* Ct, « tti *.» *»-tirnl TWttir r»«t«rd»T riwmn U tk*faltowta pipu:


Ua 41 «il'USVTT« iP*li«mx. mou.

n-Jaw.1 bit tram OwW

III Illili.m.

Africa., "0 Tmiim ' MajarWarKB. ZZmOLA.

a. "la Eaaa""Laa* LaniaW arr. Jb*ala>

a. La CalamW.i. "Hatlaata" Ia.aa.vall.

Kit. XU11A?.

a. TUlk Gad far a Oania." .... Dal Myb. "Tidea" mUl1e. Mamma aia eha iapo"........


a. "Vn bol di" fra. ButUrty'*. F-oel-1b. "La Oiromettaa. "At Wgkf Sir laadaa Iwllj "Tfca Wail" Hacaataa

MZ IAU1A.Marcel Xadalla at tha tiasa.

This waj the premier Appearancefor both of these artists In Wash¬ington. but if their enthusiastic re¬

ception is an indication, it will notbe their last.

Nicola Zerola opened the programwith "Andrea Chenier," by Giordano,and was Insistently encored. He hasa very high, typical grand operatenor voice, and sings with the ex¬plosive method characteristic of theItalian school, which ie popular with'the average audience. His voice Issweet and carrying, and of goodvolume, and he sings artistically,though both he and Hiss Namarawere handicapped by the accom¬

panist, wfibfailed in his tempos.Zerola responded to encores mostgenerously. His only song in Eng¬lish Del Rlego's "Thank God for aGarden." was perhaps the mostpopular.

Marguerite Namara changed theorder of her program and sang thenumber from "Madam Butterflyfirst. She has » limpid and puresoprano voice, of lovely timber, goodrange and even throughout; she singswith much expression and feeling,her high notes are clear and true,and her enunciation good. "MadamButterfly" and the Jewel Song from"Eaust," proved her operatic ability,though every number was artisticallysung and warmly received. Grieg's"Le Reve" was perhaps the greatesttest of her technique, and one of themost artistic numbers of the recital."La Colomba." really a mezzo-so¬prano song, showed the beauty of hermiddle register: as an encore to Mat-tinata," she sang the Gavotte from"Mignon" to her own accompani¬ment. most pleasingly and with ab¬solute ease. Her songs were all wellchosen both for her voice and forvariety.Miss Namara gives the Impression

of putting her best work into everynumber she sings, and this was trueof her flnal charming little encore."Ail for You." by Easthope Martin.

F. H.

Hyattsville CouncilmenOppose Overhead WiresHYATTSVILLE, Md.. Feb. J..

The city council has refused to per¬mit the Chesapeake and PotomacTelephone Company to replace polesand string a larger cable In Mary¬land avenue. Chairman L. L Gray^chairman of the committee on light¬ing insisted that the company be re¬quired to place the cable underground,declaring that the franchise grantedthe company several years ago gavethe town authority to compel part ofthe wires to be placed undergroundeach yea*.The council decided to advertise for

bids for building a permanent road¬way and sidewalks In CarToll avenue.The report of Town Treasurer W.A. Shepherd shows that the town hasa cash balance on hand of $994.92.

Rockville LibraryAssociation Elects

ROCKVILLE. Md.. Feb. i..Theannual report of Mrs. O. C. Barnes,treasury of the Library Association,shows that during last year J41J.7Swas collected.The new officers are: President,

Miss Isabel Klngdon; vice president,Mrs. O. M Llnthicum: secretary. Mrs.Theodore S. Mason; tres surer. Mrs. O.C. Barnes; librarian. Mfts. Robert N.Baylls: directors. Mrs. Lee Offutt,Mrs. Robert C. Warfleld and Mrs.Walter A. Williams.

Funeral of Mrs. Susan Lewis.WARRENTON, Va.. Feb. S..The

funeral of Mrs.' Susan Lewis, aged77, was held yesterday at the homeof her son. Richard Lewis, in BroadRun. Death was due to paralysis.Mrs. Lewis was a daughter of the lateWilliam Smith and widow of W. HLewis, who once represented thiscounty In the legislature. 8he leavestwo sons." Richard and Aquila Lewis.The Plains, a number of grand¬children. and two sisters. Mrs. Chan-nlng M. Smith and Mrs. NannieFletcher, both of this county.

Ramey-Atkins Wedding.SPERRYVIfcLE. Va.. Feb. S.C.

C. Ramev a retired farmer of thisplace, and Mrs. Mollie J. Atkins, for¬merly of this place, but now of Balti¬more. were married yesterday In Cul-peper. Rev. James L Finch of theMethodist church performing tjieceremony. They will reside here.

LOCAL MENTION.Tiait 0*r Mew Star*. 7"111« » »t. aw.. «PP- Epipbaay Ohmb

.CLAFLIN OPTICAL CO.,.vr«m«Tlj at »t» ¦>< F rta. far M raafa.


LOANSUPKoMIMDiaaoedt, Watches, JewelryKoaib KimI off Hlgkivay llrilit

DEEDSAND DEEDS OF TRUSTPdbliibed Daily.' Except Sunday, in The Waahngtm Herald

This record is a transcript of all deeds and deeds oi trustfiled in the office of the District Recorder of Deeda yesterday.


DEEDS.Monro* street northeast between

Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth. sqWl. let 4t. Villa Park.RowlandLea et as Theodora H. to Frank X.Coward, lit.Near southeastern corner Thir¬

teenth and 8prlng Road northweet.sq 2*28. let 1*7, Holmead Manor.Herman R. Hewenateln (o Lewis A.Coleman et ux Helen B.. II*.

173* First street northwest, sq1105, lot 1*1, Bloomlngdale.JohnMurphy et ax Helen T. to MinnieM. Galbralth and Helen O. Gal-braith, |l««.South of D atreet, west of Twen¬

ty-second street northweet. sq II.lot 37.Harry C. Rlrge et ux JeanneE. to E. Baker Evans, 110.

*1 Seaton Place northwest, sq111*, lot 41. Bloomlngdale.Mary C.Weidman to Morris D. Murphy et uxAnnie, tit.

21*1. 2203. 2203 and 2207 Cham-plain street northwest, sq 2512. allInterest In and to lots 44 and 17 toIt. Meridian Hill.O. Prfston Ros-sell et al to W. D. Reed and J. W.Poling, |10.Griswold's addition to Anacost'a.

lota 3 and 4.O. Percy McGlue.trustee, to Patrick O'Donnell et uxEunice. |*.9««.

21* and 212 Second street, south¬west, sq 617, part lot S4.ThomasD. Walsh et ux Annie M. to Vic¬toria L. Garnet t, |I».South of Madison street, east or

Ninth street northweet, sq 31*0. lot24.Samuel S. Dai ton et ux MinnieB. to Josephine M. Tangora. J10

1411 New Jersey ave northwest, sqwest of 113. lot 31.Willard J. Ferd-ner et ux Roberta T. to Henry M.Gaymon et ux Carrie E. II*. part.Prospec t Hill, lot 17.An¬

toinette Gardiner to Beatrice M.Broussard, 110.

Beatrice M. Broussard conveyssame property to Clarence I. Gard¬ner et ux Ant6lnette as joint ten¬ants, 110.

1243, *H Place northwest, sq 441,South *4 lot 4».Morris Wolowttzet ux Mary to Ida 8. Kessler, 110.Northwest corner of Trinidad ave¬

nue and Raum street northeast, sq4052. lots 1. 3 and 4. Trinidad.MaryL. Gordon to William R. Gordon, |1.

3*08 Fourteenth street northwest,sq 268*. lot 2*. West Holmead Hi-nor.Nncken Owens et ux Irene Samuel, Mike and Israel Free¬man. lit.

North of F St. W of 17th St. nw.1®^. L«t *1.H. Clifford Baflings

et ux Nancy C. to Washington In¬vestment Tr Co. 11*.

North of Garfleld St, E of 33rd PI.nw, Sq 2111, Lot 33, MassachusettsAve Heights.George H. Lamar,trustee to John B. 8wem 110.

1**2 Euclid St nw. Sq 21*4, Lot 327Mt Pleaaant and Pleaaant Plains.Harry F. Sauter et ux, Catherine Harry I. Chew |10.

1**2 Euclid St nw, Sq 28*4, Lot327, Mt Pleasant and PleaaantPlains.Harry I Chew, et ux, LucyJ. to James C. Johnson et ux, AnnieE. II*.North of Porter St. W of 35th St

nw. Sq 1*57. Lot 1*0. RichmondPark.Harry K. Boss and H. GlennPhelps to Eaton C. Edwards et ux.Margaret H. |U.Jackson St ne between 2*th and

22nd. Sq 422*. Lot 43, Sherwood.Ethel Carlisle to Shelton H. Groves110.South of Madison St. E of tth St

nw, Sq 2*90, Lot 24.Josephine M.Tangora to William S. Phelps 110.Northwest#Cor of 32nd and Mc-

Kinley Sts nw. Sq 2*22. Lots 1 and30. Chevy Chase Grove.FrederickW. Ingram to Harvey L. Akers 110.

3811 7th St nw. Sq 3233, Lot 79.Petworth.Joseph Ofano et ux Sadie

I to Burllle M. Odum 110.South of X>tla Place. E of 7th St

nw. Sq 3135, Lot 15. Whitney Close.Alexander Podnos et ux, Anna toBertha Linhsits 12,150.South of Harvard St, E of 18th St

nw. Sq 3589, Lot 4*8.Wm. S. Phil¬lips to Henry R. Llnfoot et ux, Bes¬sie J. |1*.

140* 21st St nw. Square 68. Lot 86,Ella E Nash to Blanche Hale 110.North of Allison St. W of 13th St

nw. Sq 2817, Lots 3* and 37.Chas.W. King Sr. to Thos. W. Stubble-fleld II*.Maryland Ave aw between 3rd and

4H Sts. Reservation C, part lots 9.1* and 11.H. C. Kenney to RichardL. Houston 110.North of H St, E of 15th St nw.

Sq 22*. part.The Guaranty Co to F.H. Smith Bldg Co *20.«00...P

200 and 2*2 Rhode Island ave

nw, square 3098, lot 133.Max David¬son to Isreal Burka, 110.B st se bet 6th and 7th, square 870,

part lot 1.Mary E. L. Hanback to

Geo. 8. George et ux, Bessie E., II*.South of Tennyson st. eaat of 31st

st nw, sq 2315. lots 124 and 125.Harold C. Kenney to Giles P. Coryet ux, Elisabeth W.. tl*.

North of K st. east of 15th st nw,square 21*, lot 23.Virginia W. L.Brunettl to Randall H. Hagner, 110.1*02 D st se, square 1089, lot 28.

Chas. H. Davidson to Gertrude E.Holmes, II*.

12th st ne. bet D and B sts, square986. oris lot 1*.Anton C. Kern toCarrie R. Kern. 110.

207 Capital ave. ne. square 4045,lot 31.Ben]. Tillman to Clarence M.DeVeile. |10.

28th st se, south of R st, square6*3*. lota 49 and 6«.Ralph P. Will-jam's to Frederick W. Ingram. \|10.

31st nw. bet K and L sts. square7*. lot 82.Arthur W. Cathcart toRichard P. O'Neill, |10.North of Buchanan st, west of tth

st nw. square 1015, lot 37.WinfleldPreston to Frank C. Gottsman andBertha Gottsman. |10.

South of Peabody st. north of Madi¬son st. east of 5th st, west of 4thst nw, square 32*3. lots 53 to 72. 75to 87, 92 to 102, 113 to 117 and 23;square 3214, lots *0 to 75; square3215, lots 74 to tt.Henry S. Richto Jacob Roberts, II*.

2230 Decatur pi nw, square 251*.5*.Frank C. Gottsman to Lottie

Horowitz. |1*.North of O st west of South Cap¬

itol St. square <51, lots 34, 35 andPart 3*.Wm. H. Allen to Jno. Bur-rell. It*.

North of C st. west of 2d st s«.square 7ft, lot 75.Wm. W. Bride toLouts Bernhelmer et ux. Gertrude.II*.South of Rittenhouse st, east of

Utah ave nw. aquare 131*. lots 74 and75.Guaranty Trust Co. to Gllea P.Cory et ux, Elizabeth W.. |10.Davenport st nw. bet 47th and 41th

ata. square 1538, lota 15 and 1*.Satis N. Colrtnan to Geo. H. Rutleyet ux, Lillian S., 110.O st nw, bet 12th and 13th sts,

oquare 21*. part lot 12.Georgia Red-way to Alfred and Charlotte J.Daniels. 110,

14** Buchanan st nw, square 27t4.lot 22.Ellas Weinateln to MaryHahn. lit.

11 bet; tth and 7th sts. square173, part lot ll.Peyton G. Nevltt teGeo. L. Clubb. |1«.

J14® st nw. square 271, lot-33.Hilda Walten to Jesse J. Elliset ux, Josephine, lit.

1221 O st se. square 1020, part lot* Henry H. Bergmann et al trs, toMary A. WeMley. 11.950.Mary A. Wridlc.v conveys sanTe

property to Ru.11 Oraett et ux Vtr-«lnl» F.. »l« ;South of Uaioita , at 2«th


£ ¦*. "1 4217. tot 44.IsidoreKfeun<j to Abraham L Roberta etux Bemtrlc* M.. $10.South of Hamlin «t. west of 13th

r. 7"' ¦<> lot II.Henry R.,0 L|l"«n H. Beach. 111.

*01 O at ¦«, », 847. lot 44.MaryL. Dunn to lfary E. Cooney, |10.

DEEDS OF TRUST.,.8?. lot 41.llary K. WilderRhnl .f °- ^al»on and Iaaac E.bnoemakrr to secure Maurlne Helt-P>»«i. 11.000, l year 7 par cent ¦. a.

Bq 2$28. |ot lt7.Vtwlm A f.0| et u*. Helen B to H. R. How.!!?!! lL?nd **¦«d w- *'«»».¦ to se-

Charlotte C. . Straw. 11,700,monthly payments 7 per cent.Sq 3110, lot 42.Morris' D. Murphy

to Arthur Carr and

*111MCuatla. to aecnr* p«rp. B.

Sq 3110. lot 43.Morris D. Mur-P"V et ux. Annie, to Arthur 8.Bishop and Frf.d McKee. to aecuraMary C. Weldman. 11200. monthlypayments < per cent.Sq weat of 653. lot 33.Henry M.

Oaymon et u*. Carrie E.. to Re*i. Brown and St Julian secure Wlllard J. and RobertaT. Fendner. $2,000. 7 per cent Timeof payment of note not stated.

ti%?e to "lme to secure same,#1.750, monthly paymenta 7 percent.

Square *02. lot 33; sq 26M. lot 29.Samuel. Mike and Israel Freemanto George M. Emmerich «nd Har-mann Jl. Bergman*, to secure

£ ¦S "*r c,nt P«rm. %A . 11,700.

Grlswold's addn to AnKostla. lots3 and 4.Patrick O'Donnell at ux.Lunlce. to George o. Walson undSimon Balee, to 3ecure the Anacos-tla Bank. $4,500. monthly payments. per cent.Sq 1012 lot 16.Albert R. Dyer et

u*' Etta M. to Henry H. Iterfmannana George M. Emmerich. to secureMetropolis B. A., 12.500.Sq 617. part lot 54.Victoria L

Qarnett to Harry M. Packard andChaa. Fahy. to secure Thomas D.Walsh. $250. monthly payments 7per cent.Sq 1742. lot 37.Watta T. Esta-

fcrook et ux.Annie O. to Arthur Carr*nd Marvin A. Cuatla. to securePerp. B. A.. 15.600.Sq 2864, lot 327.James C. John-

.on et ux. Annie E. to Chaa. F. Con.laul and Elmer C. Runyan, to ae¬cure Ida M. Moycrs and Helen B.Welch. $3,500. 3 years 7 per centi. a.

Sq 2864. lot 327.James C. John¬son et ux. Annie E. to Arthur Q.Bishop and Fred McKee. to secureHelen B. Welch. $2,300. monthlypayments 7 per cent.Same to Harry I. Chew and Clar¬

ence F. Welch, to secure Helen B.Welch. $250, 1 year 6 per cent s. a.Sq 1957. lot 100.Eaton C. Ed¬

wards et ux. Margaret H.. to BenT. Webster and .Tames E. secure Harry K. Boss and HelenPhelps, 84,750, monthly payments0 per cent.

Sq 3322, lot 36.Otway A. Pratt etux. Alice P.. to Arthur Carr A Mar--vln A. Custls. to secure Perp B A.$2,600.Sq 3881. lot 23.Alpheus F. Price

A Blanche A. Price, to Arthur CarrA Marvin A. Custls. to secure PernB A. $3,000.Sq 2990. lot 24.Josephine M. Tan-

gora to Wm S Phillips A James H.Holmes, to secure Samuel S. Dal-ton, $3,350, monthly payments, 7per cent.Sq 3233, lot 71.Burllie M. Odum

et UX. Anna M to Joseph D. Sulll-van * Jsmes A. Sullivan. Jr. to se¬cure Joseph Ofans. $2,700. monthlypayments, 6 per cent.Square 28. lot C.Louis Llchten-

fels to Wm T. Finn A Ralph Mc¬Kee. to secure Johanna Jurgelelt.$500. 2 years, 6 per cent, semi¬annually.

Square 2589. lot 468.Henry R.Linfoot et ux. Bessie J., to Theo¬dore Michael * James H. Holmes,to secure Wm S. Phillips. $1,750.monthly payments. 6 per cent

Square 76, lot 82 . Richard P.O'Xelll to F. W. Graham A HarryA. Kite, to secure Arthur W. Cath-cart, $2,750, 3 years. 7 per cent,semi-annually.Square 2817, lots 36-* 37.Thos

W. Stubblefleld et ux. Emily M.. toJoseph R. A James 'S. King, to se¬cure Chas W. King. $10,000. month-ly payments. 6 per cent.Square 3707. lots 33 A 34.Wm

E. Reld to Wm S. Quinter A S. R.Norman, to secure'Guaranty Tr Co,$2,676, monthly payments. 6 percent.

Square 2399. lot 78 . Louis C.Slaughter to Wash Loan & Tr Co,tosecure Eq C-Op B A. $2,500.Square 161. lot G.Chaa W. Sor-

rell et al to R. E. Bradley & W. A.Brown, to secure Thornton Carusi.$12,500. 3 years, 7 per cent, semi¬annually.Square 373. pt lot 16; also parcel

of land adjg lot 16.Adelaide O.Talbott to James J. Becker A WmJ. Flather. Jr. to secure V. G. Marks.$10,000. 3 years. 6>4 per cent, semi¬annually.Same to Wm W. Danenhowcr A

Wm H. Holloway. to aecure SallieM. Danenhower. $1,711. 3 years. 6per cent, semi-annually. "

Square 3098. lot 133.Israel Burkato Max Bttrka A Hyman Mink, tosecure Fred S. Kosod, $3,500. 3years, 7 per cent, semi-annually.Same t0 Leopold Hoddes A Alex

Johnson, to secure Max Davidson.$1,000. monthly poyments. 7 percent.Square 176. lot 62.Edwin S. La

£?.t.ra." ux' Lucl* N. to Wm A.Mills & L. Walter Weed, to secureHalph G. Robey. $73,000. monthlypayments. 7 per cent, quarterly &.maturity.

Square 2333. lota 124 & 125.Giles P. Cory et ux. Elisabeth Continental Tr Co. to secure In¬ternational Bank. $9,000, 10 mos.7 per cent, semi-annuallySame to S. R. Norman A Wm S.

Quinter, to secure Guaranty Tr Co.$5,000, 6 months. 6 per cent.

Square 210, lot 23.Randall H.Hagner et ux. Marguerite C., toNatl Sav A Tr Co.. to secure Vir¬ginia W. L. Brunetti. $6 400. 3 years*.6 per cent, semi-annually.Square 870, pt orlg lot 1.GeorgeS. George et ux, Bessie E., to BFrancis Saul A J. Wriiey Jacobs, tosecure T. Earl Cox. $1,750, 3 years,7 per cent, semi-annually.Same to Thos A. Jameson A Geo

Jameson, to secure Elmer S. Han-back et ux. EH* L. $2,000, monthlypayments. 7 per cent. Sq 361. lot 3$.Marie 8. Daven¬port to Wharton E. Lester andMichael J. Colbert to secure Na¬tional Perm. R A. $5,000.Sq 101, parts original lots 15 and

18.Peter P. Sintetos et al to Whar¬ton E. Lester and Michael J. Col¬bert to secure National Perm. B. A.|4.000.Sq 461. original ilot 16 and paVt

original lot IS.Estelle Astrowltxto Saul Berman and Dave Green-berg to secure Jacob Frahk $4,000.Monthly payments 7 per cent.Sq 1089. lot 2S.-Gertrude E.

Holmes to B. F. Saul and J. W.Jacobs to aecure T. Earl Cox $1.-100. Three years 7 per cent sa.Sq 116, lot 64.De Etta Pugh "to

Herman II. Howrnstein and FredW. Beeves to secure Ilalph Howen-sJeln 2504. One year 7 pcr'cent an

Sq 271, lot J. tills et...I

Convicted Slayer LetsThe Time Limit Pass

Without Action.TUE HERALD Bl'REAU.

A. 8. Doalphaa.727 Klag Btrwt

ALEXANDRIA, Va.. Feb. J..Will¬iam H. Oehlert. convicted In theFairfax County Court Decem¬ber 2 of the fatal shooting ofHenry Briscoe, of Fairfax County,October 15. and sentenced to servetwenty years In the penitentiary,will serve ,hls term. The case willnot he appealed, the time limit forappeal expiring yesterday.Judge 8. O. Brent, trial Judge, has

received a letter from Oehlert ask¬ing that he be transferred from theHenrico County jail in Richmond tothe penltentlsry.

The Committee fr6m tlie chamberof commerce and from FairfaxCounty, who went to Richmond yes¬terday In the interest of the con¬struction of n highway between thiscity snd Fairfax Court House, re¬turned today and believe that theconference will result in arrange¬ments for construction of the pro¬posed highway.At a women's meeting yester¬

day in the rooms of the chamberof commerce pddrrsses- were madev Mrs. E0na P. Fox. State director

of social hygiene, and Mrs. OliveJones Whltmer, of the social hygienebureau. The women prepared a ten¬tative resolution urging the citycouncil to provide for a JuvenileJudge, a curfew law and a probationofficer. Mrs. W. J. Morton presidedand Miss Virginia Burke was sec¬retary.

An entertainment was given to¬night In the Young People's Build¬ing by Grsce Episcopal ChurchGuild. Tartlclpstlng were MissMary Saunders. Miss MargaretAdams. Miss Roberta Chaney, Mer¬rill Beagle, Miss May Johnson, MissAgnes Fairfax. Miss Nancy King.Miss P. Strauss, Miss E. Pickett,Miss V. Fairfax. Miss Jane Deahl,Miss Virginia Wade, Miss MargaretDuncan. Miss Evelyn Pickett. MissAnna Moore. Miss Catherine Power,Miss Pauline Strauss, Miss MargaretGriffith, Harold Beagle, Miss M.Davis. Miss Sue Rishelll. A. J.Rhodes. Stephen Fields, Miss V.Uuncan, Miss H. Wade and MissM. Strauss.

Funeral services for Norman W.Morton, who died In Des Moines.Iowa, last Saturday, will be heldat 11 o'clock tomorrow morning atChrist Episcopal Church. Rev. W. J.Morton. D. D.. officiating, andburial will be in Bethel Cemetery.

ux Josephine to Herman H. Berg-mann to secure Hilda Walten $7.-500. Monthly payments 7 per cent.Sq 1020. part original lot 24-

Ross Orsett et ux Virginia F. t_Mllburn J. and James A. Donohoeto secure Mary A. Weidley $1,250.Five years 7 per cent sa.Same to same to secure same

$700. Monthly payments 7 per cent.Sq 4287, lot 44.Abraham L. Rob¬

erts et ux Beatrice M. to Robert B.Warren and Robert E. Anderson tosecure Isadore Freund $3,050.Monthly payments 7 per cent.Same to William S. Phillips and

James H. Holmes to secure IsadoreFreund $S50. Six months findmonthly payments 7 per cent.Sq 280G. lot If.Lillian H. Beach

to James H. Holmes and M. H.Schofleld to secure William S.Phillips $9,260. Monthly payments6 per cent.Sq 847. lot 44.Mary E. Coonev to

E. L. Schmidt and G. M. Emmerichto secure American B. A. $3,000.Same to George W. Dunn and M.

T. Broome to secure Mary L. Dunn$2,500. Monthly payments 7 percent.Sq 732. lot 75.Louis Bemhelmer

et ux Gertrude to Malcolm K. Var-nell and Charles D. Drayton to se¬cure William W. Bride $2,500.Three years 7 per cent sa.Same to same to secure same,

$2,250. Monthly payments 6 percent.Sq 231f, lot 74.Giles P. Cory et

ux Elizabeth W. to ContinentalTrust Co. to secure InternationalBank $10,000. Ten months 6 percent.Same to S. R. Norman and Will¬

iam S. Quinter to secure GuarantyTrust Co. $5,750. Six months 6 percent.Sq 1538. lots 15 and 16.George

R. Rutley et ux Lillian S. to Will¬iam G. Johnson and Frederic E.Johnson to secure Satis N. Cole-,man $2.00l0. Three years 7 percer t sa.Same to same to secure warn*

$1,750. Monthly payments 6 percent.Sq 280. part orl-ji.'Sl l°t 12.

Georgia Redway -o .Vil!la~» H.Strr.ders and Vernor H. Whitmanto secure Jos<,)h A. ' ''a '<* $1 000.,7hr.-c years 7 per cent ra.Sq 150. lots 274. 27« snd 277.

Margaret S. Connolly to II. A. Gilland T. N. Gill, jr.. to secure Rich¬ard E. Palro $2,000 on each lot.Three years 7 per cent sa.Sq 575. lot «.Virginia Guild to

Arthur Carr and M. A. Custis tosecure Perpetual B. A. $3,500.Sq 2516. lot 50.l^ottlo Horowit*

to Clsud Livingston and Charles F.Morrison to secure Frank C. Gotts-man $1,810. Monthly payments <

per cent.Sq *$5. part original lot

bert Sugar et ux Edith to NationalSavings .and Trust Co. to secureAmericsn Security and Trust Co.$2,200. Monthly payments 7 Pcrcent.Same to Hymen Goldman and

Morris Shapiro to secure IsaacSchelnerman $1,000. Five yearsper cent sa.


Sa 2704. lot 22.Mary Hahn to B.

Franc!. Saul and J. Wrlley Jacob,to secure T. Earl Co* $6,000. 3 years,7 per cent raSame to Milton Strasburser and

J s. G. Gallagher to secure EllasWelnsteln monthly payment.,

per cent.Sq 1741. lot 2«.John J. Sheehy ci

ux Mary J., to B. Franois Saul andJ. Wrlley Jacobs to secure T. Ear!Cox $1,750, 3 years, 7 per cent sa.

Sq 301S, lot 37.Frank C. Gotts-man et ux Bertha H.. to TheodoreMichael and Oscar C. Donahoo tosecure Wlnfred Preston $3,000.monthly payments. 7 per cent.Sq 2S0, point orlKlnal lot 12.Al¬

fred! Daniels et ux Charlotte J., toWm. H. Saunders and Vernon HWhitman to secure Qeorgla Rec-way $3,000. monthly payments. 7 percent.

Sq S2M. lots 23. S3 to 72, 7$ to 87.92 to 102 and 113 to 117: sq 32S4.lot. 80 to 75; sq 32«5, lots 74 to $0.Jacob Roberts to Wm. M. Uellowayto secure rtenry S. RU h $12,$00-1. 1 and 1 years, 6 p^r cent sa.

> Vf


__Cntinuet ftnm /*«?<. rtv.

signed to duty at Crtiqr Kletd, C«L.effective upon the completion of hUpresent tour of foreign servlcd.

Elr.t Lieut. Bob E. Nowl.nd willproceed to Fort Riley. Kan... andreport In pel son t. the comandlngofficer for duty.Each of the following-named of¬

ficers win uroeeeo at the propertime to Po,t field. Fort SIM. Oltla.,and report .n peraon to the com¬mandant fji temporary duty, andupon completion or this duty willrejoin hla proper »tatlon: Capta.Roland L. Davis a».i John J Da-

£rey. Jr.: Plr.t Llruta Charl«

«aUMeV\ H t>owm«.A- Hr'.. Charles H. How-

S Or"wfort. ^ rr'""' 'nd Joh-

*lTVL,b?"y Cor»«'«»s E. O-Coa".Ln», ^ir .TK OUrth :, f«n"-y. la d»-taller. In the Air Scrr'.co and -wll]proceed to Carl.trom Field. Arcadia,

in* ts»»repor* ,n Person on Junt

K D J° e con"m»ndant Air

f" rvlce Pilot School f. r duty andinstruction.

First Lieut. Walter T. Meyer willthe '>roI>«r time to Post

rield. Fort Bin. okla.. and report.n person to ;h; assistant com-man<J*nt on temporary duty.Each of the foMowmg-named of¬

ficers will report in person at theproper time to the assistant com¬mandant. Post Field. Fort 8111,Okla.. on temporary duty: Capt.John W. Signer. Flrat Lleuta Do«-«ld D. Fitzgerald and Solomon BEbert.Each of the rollowins-named of¬

ficers will proceed to San Fran¬cisco, Cat., and report In peraon tothe commanding central NinthCorps Area, for temporary dutypending departure of transportscheduled to sail on or about April25. 1922. for Hawaiian Islands andWill Mil on that transport forHonolulu: First Lleuts. William B.Clarke and Frederick A. Johnson.

First Lieut. Rupert Julian willproceed to San Francisco. Cal., andreport In person to the command -

ing ceneral Ninth Corpa Area fortemporary duty pending departureof transport scheduled to sail onor about April 25. 1922. for Hawaiiand will sail on that transport forHonolulu.

First l.ieu^ Dean B. Belt willproceed to San Francisco. Cal., andreport In person to the command¬ing general Ninth Corps Area fortemporary duty pending departureof transport scheduled to sail on

or about April 25. 1»22. for Hawaiiand will sail on that transport forHonolulu.

ledleal t'erps.Meut. Col. William R Davis will

proceed to Washington. D. C.. andreport in person to the chief ofAir Service for duty In his office.Maj. Kdgar J. Farrow will pro¬

ceed to Letterinan Ceneral Hospi¬tal. Presidio of San Francisco. Cal..and report in person to the com¬manding Officer of that hospital forobservation and treatment.Maj. E. Frederick Thode will pro¬

ceed to Walter Reed General Hos¬pital. this city, and report in per¬son to the commanding officer ofthat hospital for observation andtreatment.

fM»l Artillery.Each of the following-named of¬

ficers is detailed for djty with theOrganized Reserves and will rc-

rort bv letter to the c.>nniand:nngeneral Fifth Corps Area. FortBenjamin Harrison. Tnd.. for as¬

signment to a unit thereof: MajtuMyron C. Crlssy. Walter SinglesJames H. Johnson, and Louis L.FendeltonEach of the following named of¬

ficers will report by letter to therommandinsr Ninth CorpaArea. Presid'o of Sar Francisco.Cal.. for assignment to a unit ofthe Organized Reactves- L>ut ColHarry T Matthews. Maj* StewartW. Stanley. Frank Drake andCharles K. King.

Majs. Samuel H. McLeary andCary R. Wilson will report in per¬son to the commanding rc-neralThird Corps Area for assignmentto duty.

Corps of Engineers.Capt. Frederick F. Freeh Is as¬

signed to the 13th Engineers. Hewill proceed to Camp Bragg. N. C.The transfer of Capt. ftuss'el Mc-

Kee Herrin arton. Cavalry, to theCorps of Engineers. Is announced,effective January 25, 1922.

Quartermaster Corpa.First Lieut. Robert F. Jones will

report in person to the commandinggeneral Second Corps Area Train¬ing Center, Camp Dix. New Jerseyfor assignment to duty.

Ordnance Departant.The transfer of Capt. John Kav

Christmas, Coast Artlllary Corps tothe Ordnance Department on Janu¬ary 25. 1922. is announced He willproceed Naval Torpedo Station.N-w port, n I and report in personto the commandant for assignmentto duty as a student officer.

>AVAI, mtOKft*.Comdi. Albert T Church, to aide

on staff commander. Dest SouariPacific Fleet.

' ia'

IT KrUJ S,0mlr Rob*" E. Bell, to

cerCleveland as executive offi-

Lieut. Comdr. Victor D. Herbster. to general Inspector of na.

aly.TWr"" D,Bt °*rd'n

Lieut. Comdr. Harry B. Hird toassistant to engineer officer. Dest.Squad.. Pacific Fleet

Lieut. Charles H. Hosung fo

board° V' a S Spic* "n<J °n

missioned0" neCr °fflCrr Wh"

Lieut. Julius M. Moss. to treat¬ment Naval Hospital. Annapolis,

submarine"chaser''*"/' '° COnft»«»«'

jv.'svssy: *.-'">¦ ..

tory and School for Flight v;ur

Lieut Nils B. Olsen. S o totreatment Naval Hospital. Norfolknapa.s" Herm*B Ruhl«. to U. S 8.


MJT'JwsESPil: XtX»* 2m" Pr»»«s"


g. Aktai



*. Sat. Mat., &oc t« tS MMat Wat. Uc taV

capacity -mm

Tbt (Muk-rmi Mtmr at -<>»mm* Oot l<r mm* ~D*m»g/ «4it


BARRY |In tka Mat *«'» He Bat Kvar SHad trn tka Wmrmer Bntharf StalMM flhi Varatau af Oma -

Eiwarf r«uw ll«» hmm S


A Picture Theit /« Portent Wtth ZKverptMnp That TonSffar# Enjoyed on the Screen. Sy#«'0 Sorer Forjet It.

OVERTURE."THE FORTUNE TELLER" (Hrrbert)Alexander Podno* Conducting

I WASHINGTON'S FINEST ORCHESTRA !S PATHE SEWS.POLYCHROME SCENIC.TOPICS OP THE DAT e§ Harry Pollard h "CALL TIE WITNESS" iflllllllllllHIIIllillilllllllllllllllilllilliillllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllliil


ICootlaao«s !. M A. M.11 P.


Pinamt PrMiiti



Br Sir Gilbert Parker

BrRiaalBK Tomorrow



volumbiAICoetlt'uoo*.10:10 a. ¦..11 p m




Beginning Tomorrow

"SATURDAY NIGHT'C*cil B. P»MtU« . Clastic.

I wt ^UYUopjfS«uorv»ur |


Other AU-^tar Acts

j( l*kata*lay TI -FIXE FEATHERS'*

FeaturingNJaae Khld(r A (Talre Wkitaeyi




k The Idol of Stage and Screen ¦¦ m a Spectacular Production n

, "ROSE OF ITALY" \marjorie

r a m b e a uin

daddy'* pone a-huntincpoli's theatrematinee today

NEXTWEEK150.STARS.ISO75.BEAUTIES.75The New York Wtater harden**


1921SHOWWillIE aid EU6ENE HOWARDSEATSNOW!For the OpeningSUNDAY EVEAIN6 at 8 SlurpPOLI'8, February 24, 4:30

Fokine »* FokinaCreators Russian Ballot ami WerU'aForemoat Exponents of the Mow BallotArt. Special BaUet and BasicTickets. $1 to 93. Now oe Solo at Uoltoi

rkoaofraph Store. 1812 O at. M.W

CAPITOL WtfJSHarry Euticfi All Mow

MARUM tCARUMTwo Bkowi Daily. I U aad I lk.Most Week."Grown Up Babies.



Xo*t W*ek^SlCAR PLIMI"


RIALTOObc of thf Boit <ab(ta>- /fltiaOy constructed Ikttttn /

in America.=J|.ii r.m g^ XI A.«. LAST DAI.II P.* J/ NPMM 1*90 PrMW»




r tffxr WEEK -mmParamount Presents

POLfl NEGRI| In Her Most Superb Picturiza-

{ Htm to Date

"THE LAST PAYMENT"smxs\m\xvvv\vI

1SHUBERT VaudevilleBelasco Theater ^OppotiU Lefeyett* Park ui White 1mm ^9:19 4 I It BenAey S 4 9:19 >.«.

9 All-Star Acts 9

Frances Whitela a »w Cyrk s(

Clark & Arcarola a Rtew F4IYI** sf




25 ceits SO centsBest seats Is the kouM (eteept ss Rstur-dsy Rssdsr ft hehAays). H«bu. «Ae41.




CriM Wilfcar A Martha MauliaMMaryti Valia A Ota 6yr A Ce.

Fraakia HtattiJ Francis iMity A Con dim SalesKortk ft Halliday Prank VsH sad RuDollies. Thaler . Circst. Others Ebbs*.

The CorcoranGallery of Art

Has New Re-opcned totke Public

Hours: Mondays, from II M toi :3d P. II. Other week da> .. from» A. M to 4:M p. M. Sunday!,from 1:S0 to 4SO P. MPrraann MllretlM u>l> H

view. as* Tattaw wreUIklMtlsu ta >m nkortl).

MR1 MAR60T ASQIITNWlf* mt the Rlrki M..orate).

Herbert Aa«al<kIn a lecture On

People, Pokhci ud EveitiThursday 4:M e ekeek. Batieaal Tkastn.

Tickets 98.M SS M $1M 9199T. Arttar ftsilk. Bsc 1999 . et.